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6144 INNOVATION WAY; ; AS090101; Permit
9/14/22, 11:18AM AS090101 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit 6144 INNOVATION Job Address: WY Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2132621401 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: PC #: Permit No: AS090I0I Status: ISSUED Applied 8/28/2009 Approved: 8/28/2009 Issued: 8/28/2009 Inspector: Project Title: PROFLIGHT T.I. FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: Owner: WESTERN FIRE PROTECTION PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 13630 DANIELSON 9171 TOWNE CENTRE DR #460 P0 WAY CA SAN DIEGO CA 858-513-4949 Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 130 0 130 0 about:blank 1/1 prI-7 IH,drau'jc Overview I k ASo °IOO Job Number: C-2678 Reoort Descriotion: 1st FIr Office Area Job Job Number Design Engineer C-2678 Ron Aday Job Name: PROFLIGHT T.I. Phone 858-513-4949 FAX 858-513-1322 Address I State Certification/License Number 6144-6146 Innovation Way C16-588039 Address 2 AHJ Carlsbad Fire Department City State Z,p Cods Job Site Carlsbad Ca 92009 System Density Area of Application 0.l00gpm/ft2 922.50ft2 (Actual 947.55ft2) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data Hose Streams 11.2 K-Factor 40.10 at 12.819 0.00 Coverage Per Sprinkler Number Of Sprinklers Calculated 225.00ft2 9 System Pressure Demand System Flow Demand 53.059 386.41 Total Demand 386.41 @ 53.059 Pressure Result +21.882 (29.2%) Supplies Check Point Gauges Node Flow(am Hose Flow(gpm) Static(osfl Residual(Dsi'l Identifier Pressure(si) K-Factor(K) Flow(crnm) 500 1780.00 75.000 74.000 C-2678_ProFlight-Tl-EC.cad Supply at Node 500 (1780.00, 0.00, 75.000, 74.000) 100- 90- 80 Static Pressure 7000 70 60 06 86.41 @ 53,059 I 50- 40 30- S stem demand curvtm 20 10 - . "'1411111- 11111111111111in I 111111111 jj litmill111ff ff11 I 1200 1600 2000 1000 1400 1800 Water flow, gpm (k,. © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK® VR7 v7.1.7 08/27/2009 7:53:56AM Page 1 IHydrau1 ic Summary Job Number: C-2678 Report Description: 1st Fir Office Area Job Job Number Cosign Engineer C-2678 Ron Aday Job Name: State C.rAfoation/Lioense Number PROFLIGHT T.I. C16-588039 Address I 6144-6146 Innovation Way AHJ Carlsbad Fire Department Address 2 Job Site City State Zip Code Drawing Name Carlsbad Ca 92009 C-2678_ProFlight-TI-EC.cad System Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data Occupancy Job Suffix 11.2 K-Factor 40.10 at 12.819 Light Hazard Hose Allowance At Source Density Area of Application 0.00 0.l00gpm/ft2 922.50ff2 (Actual 947.55ff2) Additional Hose Supplies Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Coverage Per Sprinkler Node Flow(opm) 9 225.00ft2 Hydrant At Node 404 100.00 Total Hose Streams 100.00 System Flow Demand Total Water Required (including Hose Allowance) 386.41 386.41 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 20.00 between nodes 14 and 109 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 1.84 between nodes 403 and 402 Volume oapaoityof Wet Pipes Volume capacity of Dry Pipes 22100.28ga1 Supplies Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node (gpm) (psi) (psi) (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (psi) (psi) 500 75.000 74.000 1780.00 74.941 386.41 53.059 21.882 Contractor Contractor Number 21 Contact Name Ron Aday Contest TO, Designer Name of Contractor: Phone Extension Western Fire Protection 858-513-4949 307 Address 1 FAX 13630 Danielson Street 858-513-1322 Address 2 E-mail RAdayWesternFireProtection.com City State Zip Code Web-Site Poway Ca 92064 Western FireProtection.com (kA © M.E.P.CADr Inc.j.'.jj AutoSPRINK® VR7 v7.1.7 08/27/2009 7:54:10AM Page 2 summary _Of Outfiowing_Devices II Job Number: C-2678 Report Description: 1st FIr Office Area Device Actual Flow (gpm) Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Coverage Hydrant 404 100.00 100.00 0 50.687 Sprinkler 107 25.82 22.50 5.6 21.257 225.00ft2 Sprinkler 106 25.00 22.50 5.6 19.933 225.00ft2 Sprinkler 105 25.03 22.50 5.6 19.980 225.00ff2 Sprinkler 103 22.64 22.50 5.6 16.340 225.00ft2 Sprinkler 109 53.89 33.00 11.2 23.150 225.00ft2 Sprinkler 104 22.72 22.50 5.6 16.457 225.00ft2 c Sprinkler 101 40.10 40.10 11.2 12.819 225.00ft2 Sprinkler 108 31.38 22.50 5.6 31.402 225.00ft2 Sprinkler 102 39.83 33.00 11.2 12.649 225.00ft2 c> Most Demanding Sprinkler Data (. © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK® VR7 v7.1.7 08/27/2009 7:54:22AM Page 3 A jHydraulic Analysis I Job Number: C-2678 Report Description: 1st Fir Office Area Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary =. ..... Route I ..... DR 1.0490 0=40.10 14.89 C=120 0.471296 6'-1 O% Pf 6.058 101 1 9-2% 12-0 q=40.10 K=11.2 12.819 17.657 Spr(-12.819) 3E(2'-O) 6-0 12-10% Pe -1.219 Pv BL 1.3800 0=40.10 8.60 C=120 0.123954 12-0 Pf 1.487 1 3 12-0 12'-0 17.657 19.145 12'-0 Pe Pv BL 1.3800 Q=79.93 17.15 C=120 0.444109 2-1 Pf 3.590 3 4 12'-0 12-0 19.145 22.735 PO(6'-O) 6-0 8-1 Pe Pv CM 2.1570 0=79.93 7.02 C=120 0.050449 9-2% Pt 0.465 4 6 12'-0 12-0 22.735 23.200 9'-21/4 Pe Pv CM 2.1570 0=125.29 11.00 C=120 0.115861 10-31/4 Pf 1.191 6 10 12-0 12'-0 23.200 24.391 10'-3% Pe Pv CM 2.1570 0=201.14 17.66 C=120 0.278150 3-33'2 Pt 5.365 10 11 12-0 12-0 24.391 29.756 T(12-33/4), LtE(3-81/4) 16-0 19-3% Pe Pv RN 2.1570 0=201.14 17.66 C=120 0.278150 12'-0 Pt 11.211 11 19 12-0 24-0 29.756 35.765 T(12-3%), LtE(3'-8%) P0(12-3%) 28'-3% 40-3Y4 Pe Pv -5.202 CM 4.2600 0=201.14 4.53 C=120 0.010114 10-21/2 Pf 0.103 19 20 24-0 24'-0 35.765 35.868 10'-2% Pe Pv CM 6.3570 0=201.14 2.03 C=120 0.001440 14'-7 Pf 0.075 20 21 24-0 24-0 35.868 35.944 T(37'-8Y4) 37'-8% 52-31/2 Pe Pv CM 6.3570 0=286.41 2.90 C=120 0.002768 21-91/4 Pt 0.092 21 22 24'-0 24'-0 35.944 36.035 LtE(11'-3%) 11-3% 33'-1V4 Pe Pv FR 8.2490 0=286.41 1.72 C=120 0.000778 29'-9% Pt 0.059 22 23 24'-0 0-0 36.035 46.499 3LtE(15'-3%) 45-9% 75-6% Pe Pv 10.405 UG 8.3900 0=286.41 1.66 C=140 0.000539 8-0 Pf 0.021 23 400 0-0 -3-0 46.499 47.820 E(30'-61/2) 30-61/2 38-61/2 Pe Pv 1.301 UG 7.9800 0=286.41 1.84 C=150 0.000605 56-2% Pf 0.062 400 401 -3'-0 -3'-0 47.820 47.882 2EE(13'-7), LtE(19'-7Y2) 4691,4 103-0 Pe Pv 0.000 UG 8.3900 0=286.41 1.66 C=140 0.000539 10-0 Pt 4.913 401 402 -3-0 -3-0 47.882 52.795 3LtE(22'-O%), BFP(-4.872) 66'-2 76-2 Pe Pv UG 7.9800 0=286.41 1.84 C=150 0.000605 86-8% Pt 0.088 402 403 -3'-0 -3-0 52.795 52.884 GV(6'-01/2), T(52'-9%) 58-10% 146- Pe Pv UG 7.9800 0=94.52 0.61 C=150 0.000078 10-2 Pt 0.001 403 406 -3-0 -3'-0 52.884 52.884 10'-2 Pe Pv UG 7.9800 0=194.52 1.25 C=150 0.000296 242-0% Pt 0.089 406 407 -3'-0 -3'-0 52.884 52.973 GV(6-0Y2), T(52'-9%) 58-10% 300'-11 Pe Pv UG 7.9800 0=110.32 0.71 C=150 0.000104 390-61/2 Pt 0.042 407 409 -3-0 -3-0 52.973 53.015 2GV(6'-01A) 12'-0% 402'-7Y2 Pe Pv UG 7.9800 0=12.38 0.08 C=150 0.000002 757-21/2 Pf 0.002 409 412 -3-0 -3'-0 53.015 53.017 T(52'-9%) 2GV(6'-01/2), Ee1(13'-7), 2EE(13'-7), T(52-9%) 158-51/2 915-8 Pe Pv UG 7.9800 0=165.99 1.06 C=150 0.000221 126-4% Pt 0.042 412 500 -3-0 -3-0 53.017 53.059 2GV(6'-01A), S, T(52'-9%) 64-10% 191'-3 Pe Pv =. ..... Route 2 ..... BL 1.0490 0=22.64 8.40 C=120 0.163640 7-1 Pt 2.632 103 5 9-21/4 12-6 q=22.64 K=5.6 16.340 17.536 Spr(-16.340) 2E(2'-O), T(5'-O) 9'-0 16-1 Pe Pv -1.436 BL 1.0490 0=45.35 16.84 C=120 0.591870 2'-2Y2 Pf 5.447 5 6 12-6 12-0 17.536 23.200 E(2'-O), mecT(5'-O) 7-0 9'-2% Pe Pv 0.217 __ Route 3 ..... BL 1.0490 0=22.72 8.43 C=120 0.164721 6-11% Pt 2.298 104 5 9'-8% 12-6 q=22.72 K=5.6 16.457 17.536 Spr(-16.457) E(2'-O), T(5'-O) 7-0 13'-1134 Pe -1.219 Pv , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. . AutoSPRINK® VR7 v7.1.7 08/27/2009 7:54:35AM Page 4 jIHYdrauIic Analysis I Job Number: C-2678 Report Description: 1st FIr Office Area Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary Route ..... DR 1.0490 0=25.00 9.28 C=120 0.196670 473/4 Pt 2.684 106 8 9'-2 12-0 q=25.00 K=5.6 19.933 21.389 Spr(-19.933) 2E(2'-O), mecT(5'-O) 9-0 13'-7Y4 Pe -1.228 Pv BL 1.3800 0=50.03 10.73 C=120 0.186673 10,-1 Pf 3.002 8 10 12'-0 12'-0 21.389 24.391 P0(6-0) 6'-0 16-1 Pe Pv Route ..... DR 1.0490 0=25.03 9.29 Cr120 0.197099 541,4 Pf 2.239 105 7 9'-21/4 12-0 q=25.03 K=5.6 19.980 21.000 Spr(-19.980) 3E(2'-O) 6'-0 11-4% Pe -1.219 Pv BL 1.3800 0=25.03 5.37 C=1 20 0.051838 7'-6 Pf 0.389 7 8 12'-0 12-0 21.000 21.389 7-6 Pe Pv Route 6••••• DR 1.0490 0=39.83 14.79 C=120 0.465517 5-7% Pt 5.400 102 2 9-0% 12'-0 q=39.83 K=11.2 12.649 16.757 Spr(-12.649) 3E(2'-O) 6'-0 11-7% Pe -1.292 Pv BL 1.3800 0=39.83 8.54 Cr120 0.122434 7-6 Pf 2.388 2 3 12'-0 12'-0 16.757 19.145 2T(6'-O) 12-0 19'-6 Pe Pv Route ..... DR 1.0490 0=25.82 9.58 Cr120 0.208719 7-0% Pf 3.761 107 9 9-2% 12'-0 q=25.82 K=5.6 21.257 23.799 Spr(-21.257) 3E(2'-O), T(5'-O) 11-0 18'-0% Pe -1.219 Pv BL 1.3800 0=25.82 5.54 C=120 0.054894 4'-9V Pt 0.592 9 10 12-0 12-0 23.799 24.391 PO(6'-O) 6'-0 10'-9% Pe Pv Route 8 ..... DR 1.0490 0=53.89 20.00 Cr120 0.814209 8-83/4 Pf 11.993 109 14 9-8% 101-0 q=53.89 K=11.2 23.150 35.006 Spr(-23.150) 3E(2'-O) 6'-0 14-8% Pe -0.137 Pv BL 1.3800 0=53.89 11.56 Cr120 0.214142 16'-7 Pf 4.845 14 15 101-0 10-0 35.006 39.851 P0(6-0) 6'-0 22-7% Pe 0.000 Pv CM 2.1570 Q=85.27 7.49 Cr120 0.056855 6'-9Y2 Pt 0.386 15 16 10-0 101-0 39.851 40.237 6-9% Pe Pv RN 2.1570 0=85.27 7.49 Cr120 0.056855 14-0 Pt 1.706 16 17 10-0 24-0 40.237 35.874 LtE(3'-8%) P0(12-3%) 16-0 30-0 Pe -6.069 Pv CM 4.2600 0=85.27 1.92 C=120 0.002067 1 0'-2Y2 Pt 0.021 17 18 24'-0 24'-0 35.874 35.895 10-2% Pe Pv CM 6.3570 0=85.27 0.86 Cr120 0.000294 52-11 Pt 0.049 18 21 24-0 24-0 35.895 35.944 3T(37'-8%) 113'-2 166'-03/4 Pe Pv -Route 9 ..... DR 1.0490 0=31.38 11.65 C=120 0.299439 9'-9% Pf 6.816 108 12 9'-2% 10-0 q=31.38 K=5.6 31.402 37.883 Spr(-31.402) 4E(2'-O), T(5'-O) 13-0 22'-9% Pe -0.334 Pv BL 1.3800 0=31.38 6.73 C=120 0.078754 17'-7Y Pt 1.861 12 13 10-0 10-0 37.883 39.744 P0(6-0) 6-0 23-7% Pe 0.000 Pv CM 2.1570 0=31.38 2.76 Cr120 0.008946 12'-0 Pt 0.107 13 15 10-0 10-0 39.744 39.851 12'-0 Pe Pv .Route lO ..... FR 6.0650 0=100.00 1.11 Cr120 0.000497 3'-0 Pt 0.008 404 405 2-0 -3-0 q=100.00 50.687 52.863 E(1 4'-O) 14-0 17'-0 Pe 2.168 Pv UG 5.8800 0=100.00 1.18 Cr150 0.000382 11'-111% Pf 0.021 405 406 -3-0 -3-0 52.863 52.884 GV(3'-103/.), T(38'-11%) 42-10% 54-9% Pe Pv -Route 11 ..... UG 7.9800 0=84.20 0.54 Cr150 0.000063 211-8% Pt 0.014 407 408 -3-0 -3-0 52.973 52.987 2GV(6'-O%) 12'-0% 223-9% Pe Pv UG 7.9800 0=122.48 0.79 Cr150 0.000126 287-2% Pf 0.048 408 413 -3-0 4-0 52.987 53.035 2GV(6'-O%), 2EE(13'-7), T(52'- 92-0% %) 379-23/4 Pe Pv I i M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK®VR7 v7.1.7 08/27/2009 7:54:35AM Page jIHydrauIic Analysis I Ili Job Number: C-2678 Report Description: 1st FIr Office Area Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary UG 11.6500 0=122.48 0.37 C=150 0.000020 1051-4% Pt 0.024 413 500 -3'-0 -3'-0 53.035 53.059 8GV(8'-0V2), T(80'-5%), S 144-9% 1196-2% Pe Pv ea ..... Route 12 ..... UG 11.6500 Q=97.94 0.29 C=150 0.000013 1090-6% Pf 0.016 410 500 4-0 -3-0 53.043 53.059 1OGV(8'-0Y2), T(80'-5%) 160'-10V 1251-5 Pe Pv -.Route 13 ..... UG 7.9800 Q=38.27 0.25 C=150 0.000015 89101/2 Pt 0.015 411 408 4-0 -3-0 52.972 52.987 2GV(6'-O%), 2Ee2(13'-7), 4EE(13'-7), T(52'-9Y4) 146-4% 1037-5 Pe Pv =. ..... Route 14 ..... UG 7.9800 0=153.62 0.99 C=150 0.000191 f 140'-6Y41 Pt 0.044 411 412 -3'-0 -3'-0 52.972 53.017 2GV(6'-01/2), 2EE(13'-7), T(52'-%) 92-03/4 232'-71A Pe Pv =. ..... Route 15 ..... UG 7.9800 Q=191.89 1.23 C=150 0.000289 248'-8 Pt 0.089 403 411 -3-0 -3-0 52.884 52.972 GV(6'-0Y2), T(52'-9%) 58'-lO% 307-6% Pe Pv =. ..... Route 16 ..... UG 7.9800 0=97.94 0.63 C=150 0.000083 172-4% Pt 0.027 409 410 4-0 4-0 53.015 53.043 4GV(6'-01A), Ee2(13'-7), EE(13' 2T(52'-9%) 156-11% 7), 329'-3% Pe Pv Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) I Actual Inside Diameter 487 Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter ) = • Factor IC Value Multiplier Value Of C 100 130 140 Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 150 1.51 . © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK® VR7 v7.1.7 08/27/2009 7:54:35AM Page 6 IHydrau1ic Analysis I Job Number: C-2678 Report Description: 1st FIr Office Area Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length Pipe Type Legend Units Legend Fittings Legend AO Arm-Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BalV Ball Valve DR Drop Velocity fps BFP Backflow Preventer DY Dynamic Pressure psi BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Length Foot C Cross Flow Turn 90° FR Feed Riser Friction Loss psi/Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous HWC Hazen-Williams Constant Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe DelV Deluge Valve SP Sprig Pt Pressure loss due to friction between points DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points E 90° Elbow UG Underground Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe EE 450 Elbow Eel 111/4 Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 450 FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PlV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve PrV Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap (;A,@ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK® VR7 v7.1 .7 08/27/2009 7:54:35AM Page 7 A A0001 ____ I - FIRE SPRINKLER COWOAflON A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS GL SERIES UPRIGHT • PENDENT VERTICAL SIDEWALL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL CONVENTIONAL (OLD STYLE) DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION The Globe GL Series Sprinkler is a low profile yet durable design which utilizes a frangible glass ampule as the thermo- sensitive element. While the sprinkler provides an aestheti- cally pleasing appearance, it can be installed wherever stan- dard spray sprinklers are specified. This sprinkler series is - available in various styles, orifices, temperature ratings and finishes to meet varying design requirements. The heart of Globe's GL Series sprinkler proven actuating UPRIGHT CONVENTIONAL assembly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the - internal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge I which is distributed in an approved pattern depending upon the deflector style used. -- - The sprinkler and escutcheon are not factory assembled. Assembly is done in the field. PENDENT VERTICAL TECHNICAL DATA SIDEWALL See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. Temperature Ratings - 135°F (570C), 155°F (680C), 175°F (79°C), 200°F (93°C), 286°F (141°C), 360°F (182°C). 500°F (260°C) Available Upon Request Without Approvals. --- ' Water Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi (12 Bars). HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34 Bars). Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67°F (-55°C). Frame - bronze e Deflector - brass • Screw - brass Bulb seat - copper • Spring - nickel alloy o Seal - teflon Bulb - glass with glycerin solution, 5mm size. SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATING/CLASSIFICATION and COLOR CODING AVAILABLE N.F.P.A. MAXIMUM CEILING CLASSIFICATION SPRINKLER TEMPERATURES I BULB COLOR TEMPERATURE ORDINARY 135T/155 F 57 C uS C ORANGE/RED 100-F 381C INTERMEDIATE 175'F/200'F 79`C/93"C YELLOW/GREEN 150T 661C HIGH 286"T 141 C BLUE 225T 107 C EXTRA HIGH 380 F 162'C MAUVE 0-00T 149'C ULTRA HIGH 500 F 260 C BLACK 475 F 246"C 4077AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 989-846-4583 ' FAX 989-846-9231 DECEMBER 2006 A-65 BULLETIN GL5661, REV. #3 A U TOMA TI C SPRINKLERS GL SERIES SPECIFICATIONS NOMINAL "K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE LENGTH ' FINISHES 2.8 (39 metric) 1/2" NPT 2 1/4 (5.7 cm) Factory Bronze Satin Chrome 2 4.2 (59 metric) 1/2" NPT 2 1/4" (5.7 cm) Bright Chrome White Polyester 5.6 (80 metric) 1/2" NPT 2 1/4" (5.7 cm) Black Polyester 7.8 (111 metric) 1/2' NPT 2 1/4" (5.7 cm) Wax Coated 3,4 Lead Coated 2,4 8.1 (116 metric) 3/4' NPT 27/16" (6.2 cm) Wax over Lead NOTE: METRIC CONVERSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 'HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL IS 2 9/16. 2 FINISHES AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER. WAX COATING UL LISTED UP TO 200°F ONLY. UL AND C-UL LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT- POLYESTER MUST BE SPECIFIED ON ORDER. APPROVALS STYLE SIN ORIFICE 135°F 155°F 175°F 200°F 286°F 360°F * 500°F U C Lus FM L PC CE NYC - DOB MODEL SIZE 57°C 68°C 79°C 93°C 141°C 182°C 260CC MEAIOI-92-E GL2861 2.8 X X X X X X X X - - - X GL4261 4.2 X X X X X X X X - - - x UPRIGHT GL5661 5.6 X X X X X X X X X X X X GL8161 7.8° X X X X X X X X X -- - X GL8164 8.1 X I X X I X I X X X X X X I X X GL2851 2.8 X X X X X X X X - - - X GL4251 4.2 X X X X X X X X -- - - X PENDENT GL5651 5.6 X X X X X X X X X X X X GL8151 7.8° X X X X X X X X X - - X GL8156 8.1 X X X X X X X X - X X X VERTICAL GL5675 5.6 X X X X X X X X X - - SIDEWALL GL8176 8.1 X X X X X X X x - - - - GL2870 2.8 X X X X X X X X - - X HORIZONTAL GL4270 4.2 X X X X X X X X - -- - X SIDEWALL G!5670 5.6 X X X X x x X X X - - GL8171 8.1 X X X X X X X X - - - - CONVENTIONAL GL5668 I GL8169 5.6 X X X X X X X - - X X (OLD STYLE) 8.1 X X X X X X X - - X X - 500°F AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST WITH NO APPROVALS HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL UL LISTED FOR DEFLECTOR 4' TO 12" BELOW THE CEILING, FM APPROVED 4" TO 6". t VERTICAL SIDEWALL UL LISTED FOR LIGHT HAZARD ONLY. PENDENT VERTICAL SIDEWALL UL LISTED FOR 6' MIN. SPACING. UPRIGHT VERTICAL SIDEWALL UL LISTED FOR 9' MIN. SPACING. 1/2" NPT. ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFY Quantity • Model Number • Style Orifice • Thread Sizes • Temperature Finishes desired Quantity - Wrenches - P/N 325390 (1/2"); PIN 312366 (L.O.) GLOBES PRODUCT WARRANTY Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own manufactured products found to be defective in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 FIRESPRINKLER CORPORATION 989-846-4583 FAX 989-846-9231 1-800-248-0278 www.gIobesprinkler.com DECEMBER 2006 PRINTED U.S.A. BULLETIN GL5661, REV. #3 J April 4, 2008 Sprinkler 85a STANDARD/QUICK RESPONSE EXTENDED COVERAGE \H KI iii LIGHT HAZARD ELO PENDENT SPRINKLER VK608 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com DESCRIPTION Viking Standard/Quick Response Extended Coverage Light Hazard Extra-Large Orifice (ECLH-ELO/QRECLH-ELO) Pendent Sprinkler VK608 is a thermosensitive spray sprinkler available in several different finishes and temperature ratings to meet varying design requirements. The sprinkler has both quick response and standard response listings as indicated in the Approval Chart on page 85d. The special Polyester coating can be used in decorative applications where colors are desired. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS cULus Listed: Category VNIV FM Approved: Class 2020 NYC Approved: MEA 89-92-E, Volume 9 Refer to the Approval Chart on page 85d and Design Criteria on page 85e for cULus Listing and FM Approval requirements that must be followed. For Light Hazard Occupancies Only TECHNICAL DATA Specifications: Available since 1993. Viking Technical Data may be found on Minimum Operating Pressure: Refer to the Approval Chart. The Viking Corporation's Web site at Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 Bar). Factory tested hydrostatically http:!/www.vikinggroupinc.com. to 500 psi (34.5 bar). The Web site may include a more recent Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34.5 bar). edition of this Technical Data Page. Thread size: 3/4" (20 mm) NPT Nominal K-Factor: 11.2 U.S. (161.3 metrict) tMetric K-factor measurement shown is when pressure is measured in Bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 °F (-55 °C) Overall Length: 2-5/16" (59 mm) Material Standards: Sprinkler Frame: Brass UNS-C84400 Deflector: Brass UNS-051000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Teflon Tape Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel UNS-S30400 For Teflon Coated Sprinklers: Belleville Spring-Exposed, Screw-Nickel Plated, Pip Cap-Teflon Coated For Polyester Coated Sprinklers: Belleville Spring-Exposed Ordering Information: (Also refer to the current Viking price list.) Order Standard/Quick Response Extended Coverage Light Hazard Extra-Large Orifice (ECLH-ELO) Pendent Sprinkler VK608 by first adding the appropriate suffix for the sprinkler finish and then the appropriate suffix for the temperature rating to the sprin- kler base part number. Finish Suffix: Brass = A, Chrome-Enloy' = F, White Polyester = M-/W, Black Polyester = M-/B, and Black TeflonP = N Temperature Suffix (°F/°C): 135°/57° = A, 155°/68° = B, 175°/79° = D For example, sprinkler VK608 with a Brass finish and a 155 °F/68 °C temperature rating = Part No. 08339AB Available Finishes And Temperature Ratings: Refer to Table 1 Form No. F_052793 Replaces page 85a-f, dated April 6, 2007. Sprinkler 85b April 4, 2008 r EXTENDED COVERAGE PENDENT SPRINKLER VK608 LIGHT HAZARD ELO The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-945-4495 Email: techsvcsvikingcorp.com Accessories: (Also refer to the Sprinkler Accessories" section of the Viking data book.) Sprinkler Wrenches: Standard Wrench: Part No. 05118CW/B (available since 1981) Wrench for recessed pendent sprinkler: Part No. 11663W/B** (available since 2001) **A %" ratchet is required (not available from Viking). Sprinkler Cabinets: Six-head capacity: Part No. 01724A (available since 1971) Twelve-head capacity: Part No. 01725A (available since 1971) INSTALLATION Refer to appropriate NFPA Installation Standards. OPERATION During fire conditions, the heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the glass to shatter, releasing the pip cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. INSPECTIONS, TESTS AND MAINTENANCE Refer to NFPA 25 for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements. AVAILABILITY Viking Sprinkler VK608 is available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact Viking directly. Wrench Fl o. t Protective Sprinkler Shield Figure 1: Standard Sprinkler Wrench 05118CW/13 Sprinkler Wrench 1663V/B®* must be used for installing essed Sprinkler VK608 *A 1/20 ratchet is equired (not avail- able from Viking). April 4, 2008 Sprinker 85c 0 ' 0 - V - - • ' - IV dIT CH 81=19 0 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-945-4495 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 7Sp7r(inkler Tern pe prinkler Nom inal Maxim u!h lent BLJlb ssification Thrnperature Rating' Ceiling Temperature' Color Ordinary 135 °F (57 00) 100 °F (38 °C) Orange Ordinary 155 °F (68 00) 100 °F (38 °C) Red Intermediate 175 °F (79 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) Yellow Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Polyester 3, Black Polyester', and Black Teflon®3 Footnotes The sprinkler temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. 2 Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. For automatic sprinklers, the coatings indicated are applied to the exposed exterior surfaces only. Note that the spring is exposed on sprinklers with Polyester and Teflon® coatings. For Teflon® coated open sprinklers only, the waterway is coated. / Step 1: Care the wrench around the and protect (Note the orientation of the shield in the wrench.) 2: Carefully press the L------- wrench upward and turn slightly to ensure engagement with the sprinkler wrench flats. Figure 2: Wrench 11663W/B for Recessed Pendent Sprinkler VK608 (54 mm) 2" (51 mm) Maximum 1-1/8k (28.6 mm) Minimum 1-1/8" (28.6 mm) 1-3/4" Minimum (44.5 mm) Maximum 4 Sprinkler 85f April 4, 2008 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-945-4495 Email: techsvcsvikingcorpcom Ceiling Opening Size: 2-5/16" (58,7 mm) minimum 2-1/2" (63.5 mm) maximum (54 mm) Installed with a Model E-2 Installed with the Micromatic Model Thread-on Recessed Escutcheon E-1 Recessed Escutcheon Figure 4: Sprinkler VK608 Dimensions with the Model E-1 and E-2 Recessed Escutcheons Form No. F_052793 Replaces page 85a-f, dated April 6, 2007. April 4, 2008 Sprinkler 85e EXTENDED COVERAGE TECHNICAL DATA X LIGHT HAZARD ELO The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-945-4495 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com DESIGN CRITERIA (A efer to the ApprovF C hart on page 8bd.) cULus Listing Requirements: Standard/Quick Response Extended Coverage Light Hazard ELO Pendent Sprinkler VK608 is cULus Listed as indicated in the Approval Chart for instal- lation in accordance with the latest edition of NFPA 13 for extended coverage pendent spray sprinklers: Limited to Light Hazard occupancies, where allowed by the installation standards being applied, with smooth, flat, horizontal ceilings only. Minimum spacing allowed is 8 ft. (2.4 m) unless baffles are installed in accordance with NFPA 13. Minimum distance from walls is 4 in. (102 mm). Maximum distance from walls shall be no more than one-hair of the allowable distance between sprinklers. The distance shall be measured per- pendicular to the wall. The sprinkler installation and obstruction rules contained in NFPA 13 for extended coverage pendent spray sprinklers must be followed. Also. Viking ECLH-ELO Pendent Sprinkler VK608 is specifically cULus Listed for: For non-combustible obstructed construction within trusses or bar joists having non-combustible web members greater than 1" (25.4 mm) when applying the 4 times obstruction criteria rule as defined in NFPA 13 under "Obstructions to Sprinkler Discharge Pattern Development". For installation under concrete tees when installed as follows: The stems of the concrete tee construction must be spaced between 3 ft (0.9 m) and 7 ft-6 in (2.3 m) on center. The depth of the concrete tees must not exceed 30 in (762 mm). The maximum permitted concrete tee length is 32 ft (9.8 m). However, where the concrete tee length exceeds 32 ft (9.8 m), non-combustible baffles, equal in height to the depth of the tees, can be installed so that the space between the tees does not exceed 32 ft (9.8 m). The sprinkler deflector is to be located in a horizontal plane at or above 1" (25.4 mm) below the bottom of the concrete tee stems. When the sprinkler deflector is located higher than a horizontal plane 1" (25.4 mm) beneath the bottom of the concrete tee stems, the obstruction to sprinkler discharge criteria requirements of NFPA 13 for extended coverage upright sprinklers applies. FM Aooroval Requirements: QRECLH-ELO Pendent Sprinkler VK608 is FM Approved as Quick Response for installation in accordance with the latest applicable FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets and Technical Advisory Bulletins. FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets and Technical Advisory Bulletins contain guidelines relat- ing to, but not limited to: minimum water supply requirements, hydraulic design, ceiling slope and obstructions, minimum and maximum allowable spacing, and deflector distance below the ceiling. NOTE: The FM installation guidelines may differ from cULus and/or NFPA criteria. IMPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Also refer to pages ECI-3 for gen- eral care, installation, and maintenance information. Viking sprinklers are to be installed in accordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA, FM Global, LPCB, APSAD, VdS or other similar organizations, and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Ceiling Opening Size: 2-5/16' (56.7 mm) minimum 21/8" 3/4k 2-1/2' (63.5 mm) maximum (54 mm) NPT ::::::::::.:.:::J 2-5/16" 1-5/8' \Il III!! (58.7 mm) JJ 1-3/4" I \iI IHI 1-1/2' (41.3 mm) .41! JJ/ (44.5mm) 2" (38,1 mm) Minimum Maximum - Installed with a standard 1/8 (3.1 mm) (35 mm) surface-mounted escutcheon Pendent Sprinkler Installed with the Microf'ost Model 08339 (VK608) F-i Adjustable Escutcheon Figure 3: Sprinkler VK608 Dimensions with a Standard Escutcheon and the Model F-I Adjustable Escutcheon Sprinkler 85d April 4, 2008 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-945-4495 Email: techsvcsvikingcorp.com Sprinkler Base SIN NPT Thread Size I Nominal K-Factor Maximum Water I Overall Length Inches I mm I U.S. I metric2 I Inches mm Part Number' I I Working Pressure 08339 VK608 3/4 20 11.2 161.3 175 psi (12 Bar) 2-5/16 59 Approval Chart I TemperatureKEY' Finish Standard Response/Quick Response Extended Coverage ELO Pendent Sprinkler A1X'4 Escutcheon (if sppticable)I For Light Hazard Occupancies Only Maximum Sprinkler Spacing I Maximum Area I Minimum Water Supply Requirements4 Listings and Approvals3 I cULus8 FM7 NYC8 (Lx W4) per Sprinkler Standard Responses 20 ft. x 20 ft. (6.1 m 6.1 m) 400 ft2 (37.2 m2) 40 gpm @ 12.8 psi (151.4 Umin @ .88 Bar) Dlv J -- D1Y Quick Response 16 ft. x 16 ft. (4.9 m x 4.9 m) 256 ft2 (23.8 m2) I 30 gpm @ 7.2 psi (113.6 L/min @ .50 Bar) A1Y I C2Y, E2X -- 18 ft. x 18 ft. (5.5 m 5.5 m) 324 ft2 (30.1 m2) 33 gpm @ 8.7 psi (124.9 L/min © .60 Bar) I A1Y C2Y, E2X I -- 20 ft. x 20 ft. (6.1 m 6.1 m) 400 ft2 (37.2 m2) 40 gpm © 12.8 psi (151.4 L/rnin @ .88 Bar) B1Y C2Y, E2X -- Approved Temperature Ratings Approved Finishes Approved Escutcheons CC), °F A - 135 F (57 155 (68 °C), and 175 °F (79 °C) 1 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Poly- X - Standard surface-mounted escutcheons or the Micro- B - 135 ¶ (57 'C) and 175 'F (79 'C) ester, Black Polyester, and Black fast® Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon9 C - 135 'F (57 'C) and 155 'F (68 °C) Teflon® V - Standard surface-mounted escutcheons or the Micro- D - 155 'F (68 'C) 2 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, White Poly- fast® Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon9, or recessed with E - 175 'F (79 'C) ester, and Black Polyester the Micromati® Model E-1 or E-2 Recessed Escutcheon Footnotes Part number shown is the base part number. For complete part number, refer to current Viking price list schedule. 2 Metric K-factor measurement shown is when pressure is measured in Bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. This chart shows listings and approvals available at time of printing.0th0r approvals may be in process. Check with the manufacturer for any ad- ditional approvals. For areas of coverage smaller than shown, use the "Minimum Water Supply Requirement" for the next larger area listed. Flows and pressures listed are per sprinkler. cULus Listed for use in the U.S. and Canada for Light Hazard occupancies only. Listings are limited to Light Hazard Occupancies where allowed by the installation standards being applied. FM Approval is limited to ceiling configurations and heights allowed by appropriate FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets (including 2-8N). 8Accepted for use, City of New York Department of Buildings, MEA 89-92 Vol. 9. 0 The Microfast® Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon is considered a surface-mounted escutcheon because it does not allow the fusible element of the sprinkler to be recessed behind the face of the wall or ceiling. cc , ~ L~ FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION QUICK RESPONSE A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS GL SERIES UPRIGHT* PENDENT VERTICAL SIDEWALL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL CONVENTIONAL (OLD STYLE) The Globe Quick Response GL Series Sprinklers are a low profile yet durable design which utilizes a 3mm frangible glass ampule as the thermosensitive element. This provides sprinkler operation approxi- mately six times faster than ordinary sprinklers. While the Quick Response Sprinkler provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance, it can be installed wherever standard spray sprinklers are specified when allowed by the applicable standards. It offers the additional feature of greatly increased safety to life and is available in various styles, orifices, temperature ratings and finishes to meet many varying design require- ments. Quick Response Sprinklers should be used advisedly and under the direction of approving authorities having jurisdiction. The heart of Globe's GL Series sprinkler proven actuating assembly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the internal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in an approved pattern depending upon the deflector style used. The sprinkler and escutcheon are not factory assembled. As- sembly is done in the field. TECHNICAL DATA . See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. Temperature Ratings - 135°F (57°C), 155°F (680C), 175°F (790C), 200°F (93°C), 286°F (141°C). oWater Working Pressure Rating -175 psi (12 Bars). Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34 Bars). Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67°F (-550C). Frame - bronze • Deflector - brass e Screw - brass QUICK RESPONSE UPRIGHT CONVENTIONAL /ç ) J 4.; QUICK RESPONSE VERTICAL SIDEWALL PENDENT o Bulb seat - copper e Spring - nickel alloy • Seal - teflon Bulb - glass with alcohol based solution, 3mm size. QUICK RESPONSE HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATING/CLASSIFICATION and COLOR CODING CLASSIFICATION I AVAILABLE SPRINKLER I BULB N.F.P.A. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES I COLOR CEILING TEMPERATURE ORDINARY 135'F/1 55'F 57°C!68°C ORANGE/RED 100°F 38°C INTERMEDIATE 175°F/200°F 79°C/93°C YELLOW/GREEN 150°F 66°C HIGH 286°F 141°C BLUE 225°F 107°C 401 1AIKI-'AFK L)FIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 989-846-4583 • FAX 989-846-9231 DECEMBER 2006 A-20 BULLETIN GL5615, REV. #6 QUICK RESPONSE A UTOMA TIC SPRINKLERS GL SERIES UPRIGHT PENDENT 0 VERTICAL SIDEWALL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL • CONVENTIONAL (OLD STYLE) SPECIFICATIONS NOMINAL K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE LENGTH ' FINISHES 2.8 (39 metric) 1/2 NPT 2 1/4 (5.7 cm) Factory Bronze 4.2 (59 metric) 1/2' NPT 2 1/4" (5.7 cm) Satin Chrome 2 Bright Chrome 5.6 (80 metric) 1/2" NPT 2 1/4" (5.7 cm) White Polyester 7.8 (111 metric) 1/2" NPT 2 1/4" (5.7 cm) Black Polyester 8.1 (1 metric) 3/4" NPT 2 7/16' (6.2 cm) Lead Coated 216 NOTE: METRIC CONVERSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL IS 2 9/16'. 'FINISHES AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER. I AVAILABLE AS cULus LISTED CORROSION APPROVALS RESISTANT WHEN SPECIFIED ON ORDER. STYLE SIN K 135°F 155°F 175°F 200°F 286°F cULus F. M. LPC CE NYC -DOB MODEL FACTOR 57°C 68°C 79°C 93°C 141°C MEAIOI-92-E GL2815 2.8 X X X X X X - - --- X GL4215 4.2 X X X X X X - -- X UPRIGHT GL5615 5.6 X X X X X X X X X X GL8115 7.8* X X X X X X X - - X GL8118 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X GL2801 2.8 X X X X X X - - x GL4201 4.2 X X X X X X - - X PENDENT GL5601 5.6 X X X X X X X X X X GL8101 7.8° X X X X X X X - - X GL8106 8.1 X X X X X X X X X X VERTICAL GL5632 5.6 X X X X X X X - - - SIDEWALL GL8133 8.1 X X X X X X - - - - dL2826 2.8 X X X X X X - - X HORIZONTAL GL4226 4.2 X X X X X X - - -- X SIDEWALL § GL5626 5.6 X X X X X X X - - X GL8127 8.1 X X X X X X - - - CONVENTIONAL GL5624 5.6 X X X X X - - X X - (OLD STYLE) GL8125 8.1 X X X X X - - X x - § HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL cULus LISTED FOR DEFLECTOR 4" TO 12" BELOW THE CEILING, FM APPROVED 4" TO 6". t VERTICAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLER cULus LISTED FOR LIGHT HAZARD ONLY. PENDENT VERTICAL SIDEWALL cULus LISTED FOR 6' MIN. SPACING. UPRIGHT VERTICAL SIDEWALL cULus LISTED FOR 9' MIN. SPACING. ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFY *Quantity Model Number ° Style ° Orifice • Thread Sizes ° Temperature Finishes desired Quantity - Wrenches - P/N 325390 (1/2'); P/N 312366 (L.O.) 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 FIRE SPRINKLER CORPORATION DECEMBER 2006 989-846-4583 1-800-248-0278 PRINTED U.S.A. FAX 989-846-9231 www.globesprinkler.com BULLETIN GL5615, REV. #6 GLOBE® PRODUCT WARRANTY Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own manufactured products found to be defective in mate- rial or workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). ES-A-3000SS Series 3000SS AMES Double Check Detector Assemblies Sizes: 21/2 - 12 (65— 300mm) -it:-• 3000SS Series 3000SS Double Check Detector Assemblies are designed for use in accordance with water utility non-health hazard containment requirements. It is mandatory to prevent the reverse flow of fire protection system substances, i.e., glycerin wetting agents, stagnant water and water of non-potable quality from being pumped or siphoned into the potable water supply. Specifications A Double Check Detector Assembly shall be installed on fire protection systems when connected to a potable water supply. Degree of hazard present is determined by the local authority having jurisdiction. The main valve body shall be manufactured from 300 Series stainless steel to provide corrosion resistance, 100% lead free through the waterway. The double check detector assembly consists of two independently operating, spring loaded check valves, two UL, FM, OSY resilient seated gate valves, and bypass assembly. The bypass assembly consists of a meter (cubic ft. or gallons), a double check including shutoff valves and required test cocks. Each cam-check shall be internally loaded and provide a positive drip tight closure against reverse flow. Cam-check includes a stainless steel cam arm and spring, rubber faced disc and a replaceable seat. There shall be no brass or bronze parts used within the cam-check valve assembly. The check valve seats shall be of molded thermoplastic construction. The use of seat screws as a retention method is prohibited. Al internal parts shall be accessible through a single cover on the valve assembly. The valve cover shall be held in place through the use of a single grooved style two-bolt coupling. The bypass line shall be hydraulically sized to accurately measure low flow. The bypass line shall con- sist of a meter, a small diameter double check assembly with test cocks and isolation valves. The bypass line double check valve shall have a single access cover, two independently operating modular poppet check valves, and top mounted test cocks. The assembly shall be an Ames 3000SS. Features Patented Cam-Check Assembly valve provides low head loss Short lay length is ideally suited for retrofit installations Stainless Steel body is half the weight of competitive designs reducing installation and shipping cost Stainless steel construction provides long term corrosion protection and maximum strength Single top access cover with two-bolt grooved style coupling for ease of maintenance No special tools required for servicing Compact construction allows for smaller vaults and enclosures Furnished with % x 3/4"bronze meter (gpm or cfm) Detects underground leaks and unauthorized water use Maybe installed horizontal or vertical "flow up" position Available Models Suffix: LG -less shutoff valves OSY - UL/FM outside stem and yoke resilient seated gate valves Qy FxG - flanged inlet gate connection and grooved outlet gate connection Qy GxF - grooved inlet gate connection and flanged outlet gate connec- tion *Q5y GxG - grooved inlet gate connection and grooved outlet gate connection GEM - cubic feet per minute GPM - gallons per minute meter 1 Available with grooved NRS gate valves - Materials consult factory* Al internal metal parts: 300 Series stainless steel, Main valve body: 300 Series stainless Post indicator plate and operating nut steel, Check assembly: Noryl°' Flange dimension in accordance with AWWA Class D. available - consult factory* Noryl® is a registered trademark of General Electric Company. *Consult factory for dimensions Job Name Contractor Job Location Approval Engineer Contractors P.O. No. Approval Representative Ames product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact Ames Technical Service. Ames reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Ames products previously or subsequently sold. www.amesftrewater.com Pressure - Temperature Temperature Range: 33°F - 110°F (5°C - 43°C) Maximum Working Pressure: 175p5i (12.06 bar) Capacity Flow curves as tested by Underwriters Laboratory per UL 1469, 1996. ° Rated flow **UL Tested kPa 83 69 55 41 28 14 kPa 83 69 55 41 28 14 Standards A\NWA C510-92, UL 1469 Approvals For 12' approvals consult factory. <S~ G Appro~d c®us 1048 (sizes 21/2 -10", (OSY Only) OSY Only) kPa psi 6" (150mm) * ** MMMENNEMEMENOWN MWOMMMMMMEMEMMW kPa 83 62 41 21 kPa psi 4 " (100mm) * ** kPa 103 15 I I I I I I I 103 83 62 41 21 tl.......... .... 83 12 .......... •r4 62 9 ----- •••• 21 3 0 50 100 ISO 200111250 353 350 450 450 550 550 650 650 750 750 gpm 171 380 570 760t1950 1140 1330 1520 1170 1900 2090 2280 2470 26602850 1pm 5 A\ 10 96 fps 1,5l\t 3 4.6 mps - kPa 110 97 83 69 55 [01 0 41 28 000. 14 A o p o SIZE (ON)I']I0I0tI$[I]1I. NET WEIGHT NET WEIGHT in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm lb, kg. lb. kg. A C (0S 9 G L P w/Gates w/o Gates 21/2 65 37 965 16/8 416 31/2 89 10 250 22 559 121/2 318 155 70 68 31 3 80 38 965 18/o 479 33/4 95 10 250 22 559 13 330 230 104 70 32 "-4 100 40 1016 22I4 578 4½ 114 10 250 22 559 141/2 368 240 109 73 33 _6 150 481/2 1232 1 30½ 765 1 51/2 140 1 15 381 1 271/2 699 1 15V2 394 390 177 120 54 _8 200 521/2 1334 373/4 959 6/4 171 15 381 29V2 749 181/2 464 572 259 180 82 10 250 55½ 1410 453/4 1162 1 8 200 1 15 381 1 291/2 749 1 191/2 495 774 351 190 86 12 300 57½ 1461 1 53I/ 1349 1 9'/2 241 1 15 381 1 291/2 749 1 21 533 1044 474 220 100 A A M E S FIRE&WATERWORKB IMPORTANT- Inquire with governing authorities for local installation requirements. - - - Ii]9OO1 I www.amesfirewater.com CERTIFIED I A Division of Watts Regulator Company 1427 North Market Blvd. • Suite #9 • Sacramento, CA 95834 • Phone: 916-928-0123 • Fax: 916-928-9333 --- ES-A-3000SS 0513 ©Ames Co. 2005 Series 2000SS/3000SS RP/IS-A-2000SS/3000SS I T P 2000SS 12 -j tj 9 Double Check Valve Assemblies & Double Check Detector Assemblies Sizes: 8' - 12" (200-300mm) Installation Service Repair Kits Maintenance 1LII vtitifl i For other repair kits and service parts, send for Ames Repair Parts Price List, PL-A-RP-BPD. For technical assistance, contact your local Ames representative. IMPORTANT: Inquire with governing authorities for local installation requirements. NOTE: For Australia and New Zealand, line strainers should be installed between the upstream shutoff valve and the inlet of the backflow preventer. Its important that this device be tested periodically in compliance with local codes, but at least once per year or more as service conditions warrant. If installed on a fire sprinkler system, all mechanical checks, such as alarm checks and backflow preventers, should be flow tested and inspected internally in accordance with NFPA 13 and NFPA25. Limited Warranty: Ames Company warrants each product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal usage for a period of one year from the date of original shipment. In the event of such defects within the warranty period, the Company will, at its option, replace or recondition the product without charge. This shall constitute the sole and exclusive remedy for breach of warranty, and the Company shall not be responsible for any incidental, special or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost profits or the cost of repairing or replacing other property which is damaged if this product does not work properly, other costs resulting from labor charges, delays, vandalism, negligence, fouling caused by foreign material, damage from adverse water conditions, chemical, or any other circumstances over which the Company has no control This warranty shall be invalidated by any abuse, misuse, misapplication or improper installation of the product THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Any implied warranties that are imposed by law are limited in duration to one year. Some States do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, and some States do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. Therefore the above limitations may not apply to you. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights that vary from State to State. You should consult applicable state laws to determine your rights. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. (California law requires this warning to be given to customers in the State of California.) For more Information: www.watts.com/prop65 A Division of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. www.amesfirewater.com AM ES 1. 1427 North Market Blvd. • Suite #9 • Sacramento, CA 95834 • Phone: 916-928-0123 • Fax: 916-928-9333 FIRE &WATERWORKS Ames product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contactAmes Technical Service. Ames reserves the right to change or mcdvii product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Ames products previous(y or subsequently sold. Installation Instructions Please Read Prior to Installation: Before installing any Ames assembly, Flush the Line thor- oughly to remove all debris, chips and other foreign objects. Failure to do so may make the assembly inoperable. The Ames 2000SS and 3000SS Backflow Preventers are approved by ASSE (American Society of Sanitation Engineers) to be installed in horizontal or vertical positions. Local water authorities must approve all installation con- figurations. Allow sufficient clearance around the installed assembly to conduct testing, servicing, and inspection. Allow a mini- mum of 12" from the flood level to the bottom of the assembly. Be sure to contact local code authorities for proper installations. If installing on fire protection system, be sure to purge air from fire system. Fill system slowly with all inspectors test valves open. Installation note: The flange gasket bolts for the gate valves should be mtightened during installation as the bolts may have loosened due to storage and shipping. Attention Installer After installation, please leave this Instruction Sheet for occupant's information. Vertical Installation ASSE Indoor Installation Outdoor Installation Flow Detailed Parts Listing Parts Table #1 Ames Part No. Item # Part Description Qty 8" 10' 12" 1. #1 Cam-Check 1 7015569 7015569 7015569 2. #2 Cam-Check 1 7015569 7015569 7015569 3. #1 Cam-Check 0-ring 1 7011610 7011610 7011610 4. #2 Cam-Check 0-ring 1 7011610 7011610 7011610 5. Ball Valve 4 A000449 A000449 A000449 6. Cover Plate 1 7013495 7013495 7013495 7. Groove Coupler 1 7018150 7018150 7018150 8. Washer, shutoff disk 1 7013499 7013499 7013499 9. Groove Coupler Gasket 1 7014806 7014806 7014806 #1 Cam-Check #2 Cam-Check DC of Maintenance Instructions NOTE: Ames assemblies require minimum maintenance. All assemblies must be retested once maintenance has been performed. Before servicing be certain shutoff valves are closed. #1 CHECK (Fig. 2) Using a 9l1e" socket wrench or nut driver, remove the four nuts from the #1 check studs (See fig.1). Using two hands, place them at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock, wiggle the check assembly free. Remove through access port with back of clapper first with spring end down. Pull check assembly out of main body. #2 CHECK (Fig. 3) After loosening bolts with a /16" socket, remove bolts com- pletely. Using the centerline access bar, spin the cam assembly from the 9 o'clock position to the 12 o'clock posi- tion, then (without letting go of the access bar) push the cam assembly slightly downstream so that the clapper is now parallel to the valve body. Now bring the cam assembly through the check retaining wall. Leave the cam assembly clapper parallel to the valve body. Pull the cam assembly through the access port. Using a Ie' nut driver or a piece of small diameter pipe, place on the cam arm torsion spring and move away from and around the torsion spring retaining bracket so as to relieve the torsion spring tension. (See Figure 4.) This will allow the cam arm to move freely, enabling you to inspect the clapper face and cam seat. Thoroughly clean the seat area and clapper sealing surfaces, cam arms, and 0-rings for damage, nicks, and debris. If damaged, install a new check assembly 0-ring, or washer, shutoff disk. 4. Before reinstallation of check assembly, thoroughly clean 0-ring groove and lubricate 0-ring with F.D.A. approved lubricant. Removing Cam-Checks 1. Shut down water system and lock out system if possible. Slowly open all ball valves to relieve air and water pressure. Loosen bolts on groove coupler and remove groove coupler 3. and cover plate from valve body. Vent Hose (Blue) High Hose (Yellow) Low Hose (White or Red) 11 11 Test Cock No. 1 Testing — Double check Valve Assembly Test Check Valve No. 1 Step 1: Ensure shutoff #1 is open, shutoff #2 is closed. Step 2: Connect high side hose to test cock #3, low side to test cock #2 and open both test cock #2 and test cock U. Step 3: Open valve C, then open A to bleed air from the high side. Close valve A, then open B to bleed low side. Close valve B. Step 4: Connect vent hose loosely to test cock #1. Open valve A to vent air from vent hose. Tighten vent hose at test cock #1, open test cock #1. Step 5: Close shutoff #1. Slowly loosen hose at test cock #2 until differ- ential gauge rises to 2psi and retighten hose. If the differential reading does not decrease, record check valves as "tight". Test Check Valve No. 2 Step 1: Move the high side hose to test cock #4, low side to test cock #3 and open both test cock #3 and test cock #4. Remove vent hose from test cock #1, open shutoff #1. Step 2: Open valve C, then open valve A to bleed air from the high side. Close valve A, then open valve B to bleed low side. Close valve B. Step 3: Connect vent hose loosely to test cock #1. Open valve A to vent air from the vent hose. Tighten vent hose at test cock #1, open test cock #1. Step 4: Close shutoff #1, then slowly loosen hose at test cock #3 until differential gauge rises to 2psi and retighten hose. If the differential reading does not decrease, record check as tight. Remove all hoses and restore valve to original working condition. Note: The assembly will fail both the first and second check valve tests above, if shutoff #2 leaks excessively. To test for a leaky #2 shutoff, use the following procedure. Test for Leaky No. 2 Shutoff Step 1: Connect the high side to test cock #1, low side to test cock #4. Open test cock #1 and test cock #4. Close shutoffs #1 and #2. Step 2: Close valve C. Open valve A, then open valve B ½ turn, loosen hose at test cock #4 to remove air. Retighten hose. Step 3: If the differential gauge rises above 0, there is excessive leakage at shutoff #2 and it must be replaced to test the assembly. Note: Product information is subject to change without notice and supersedes all previous publications. Ball Type Test Valves (A) (C) A A M E S FiRE &WA1ERWORKS A Division of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. Is]9OO1 www.amesfirewater.com I CERTIFIED 1427 North Market Blvd. • Suite #9. Sacramento, CA 95834 • Phone: 916-928-0123 • Fax: 916-928-9333 RP/lS-A-2000SS/3000SS 0313 EDP# 7016812 ©Ames Fire &Waterworks 2007