HomeMy WebLinkAbout1322 SHOREBIRD LN; ; CBR2022-1950; Recycle( City of Carlsbad CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN B-59 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 442-339-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov APPLICABLE TO NEW CONSTRUCTION, ALL RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS AND COMMERCIAL ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS OVER $200K. If you have questions about the recycling requirement or completing this form, please contact Republic Services at (760) 332-6464 a certified C&D recycler, or the Carlsbad Building Division at (442) 339-2700. Please note: Unlessyou areself-hauling, Republic S_ervices or appr_ovE!d_haulers must be used for allconstruction projects within the City of Carlsbad. I PART 1 Complete and submit this form when applying for a Building Permit. Note: Permits will not be issued , without a completed Construction Waste Management Plan. c________ _______ "------------~-----------~-------- Applicant Information PermitNo.CBR2022-1950 ProjectTitle 1322 SHOREBIRD LANE Project Address 13~0 ~hor~bir<:l La_ne, ~ar!sba_d, <:;A g20! 1 APN 215-791-08-00 Applicant Name _M_o_o_r_e _____ M_ik_e ______ □ Contractor ~ Last First ApplicantAddress 1320 Shorebird Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Phone 1760 ) 259-2476 E-mail Address permits@snapadu.com Applicant Mailing Address PO Box 2065, Carlsbad, CA 92018 (1/ different than project address) Project Type (check all that apply): Residential 0 Commercial □ Brief Description Addition of new 484 square foot ADU Public Building □ Project Size 484 Estimated Cost of Project$ 250,000 (square footage) Please check the appropriate box: I plan on using REPUBLIC SERVICES roll-off bin(s) for all materials and will provide all receipts after construction. I plan on using a City Approved Hauler and will provide all receipts after construction. This is a proposed LEED certified project and I plan on separating materials on site in conjunction with Republic Acknowledgement: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information provided in and with this form pertains to construction and demolition debris generated only from the project listed in PART 1, that I have reviewed the accuracy of the information, and that the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Print Name Mike Moore _Signature M@/VIQOre, ___ Date 3/27/23 Page 1 of 3 Rev. 05122 PART 1 Complete, obtain signature, and submit this form when applying for a Building Permit. Note: Permits will {cont'd) o_9J be issued without a completed Construction Waste Management Plan. DEBRIS RECYCLING ESTIMATE: I . Permit No. CBR2022-1950 Project Title 1322 Shorebird Lane Project Address 1322 Shorebird Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92018 APN 215-791-08-00 Applicant Name Moore Mike Phone ( 760 ) 259-2476 Last First I ' Complete the following table with estimated waste tonnage to be generated by your project. This is your plan for construction waste management. Changes can be made on the final recycle report. Goal: the diversion rate shall be 65% by weights of debris. A B C Materia I Type Estimated Place a (0) check Place a (0) check next Place a (0) check next Waste Quantity next to items to be to items to be to items to be (tons) reused or salvaged recycled disposed at landfill Complete this line of the table only if I only using WASTE MANAGEMENT roll-off bins. □ Mixed C&O Debris □ □ Asphalt & Concrete U.1 [21 D i D Brick/ Masonry/ Tile □ D • ' D Mixed Inert Debris 0 !, [21 D D Cabinets, Doors, Fixtures, □ D D Windows (circle all that apply) Carpet □ n ' D Carpet Padding/ Foam □ n n Cardboard □ n n Ceiling Tile (acoustic) □ n D 0.1 [21 n • D Drywall (used, new, scrap} Landscape Debris (brush, trees, □ D D stumps, etc.) No dirt. Unpainted Wood & Pallets 0.1 El D n 0.1 □ ' Roofing Materials D D Scrap Metal 1.U IZI D D Stucco U.1 D D EZI Other: D D D TOTAL = I To meet 65% Diversion Requirement (estimate) j j X 0.65 = 0.715 tons Total Estimated Waste from above Minimum Required Diversion Contractor/Owner Signature fv1 Uu,-fv1o-o-ye,, Date 3/27/2023 Page 2 of 4 Rev. 05122 Complete before final inspection, obtain City Approved hauler receipts and return prior to final building approval. DEBRIS RECYCLING REPORT (ACTUAL): Acknowledgement I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information provided in and with this form pertains to construction and demolition debris generated only from the project listed in PART 1, that I have reviewed the accuracy of the information, and that the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Permit No. Address CBR2022-1950 1322 Shorebird Ln Print Name Danielle Boulila Date 11/01/23 Use this Final Log below to track loads of materials as they leave the job site. @@SAVE RECEIPTS@@ Indicate FINAL quantities in tons for each material and save receipts and documents from facilities where material is taken. Additional Project Log pages are available if necessary. Use City Conversion Table to convert volume to tons. A B C Date Example: 01/01/2020 07/02/23 07/28/23 08/10/23 09/03/23 10/03/23 11/07/23 Material Type Concrete {broken) Mixed Debris Mixed Debris Mixed Debris Mixed Debris Mixed Debris Mixed Debris Actual Amt Reused or Salvaged Actual Amt Recycled 5 tons Actual Amt Disposed in Landfill 1.16 tons .89 tons 1.38 tons 5.71 tons .77 tons .76 tons Destination Facility (Name, Address, Phone) Palomar Transfer Station, 5960 El Camino Real --__ ~60) 603-0153 _ Palomar Transfer, 5960 El C_amino Real (760)603-0153 _ Palomar Transfer, 5960 El _Camino Real (760)603c0.153 Palomar Transfer, 5960 El _ Gamino.Beal (Zfil1)603cill5.3_ Palomar Transfer, 5960 Et _Camino R.eaill6Q)fill3c0.153 _ Palomar Transfer, 5960 El Gamino.ReaL(lfillJ6Q3c()153_ __ Palomar Transfer , 5960 El ----t---------j -----__Damioo.ReaL(76Q)fill3dl153 __ Diversion Rate Achieved 0 Contractor/Owner Signature_ 10.67 tons 10.67 Total of columns A + B + C Date % DIVERSION 11/07/23 Attach the following documentation to this Report: Return completed form and documentation to: Original recycling weight tickets, landfill weight tickets Original donation receipts with photos and/or itemized descriptions Any other relevant information to support Recycling Report City of Carlsbad Building Division (1st Floor) 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 3 of 4 Rev. 04/22 PALOMAR'I'IDrnSFER 5960 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 603-0153 f2-ev l<~ 5°h.Jlt'. r, '~ - Ouu~ 000999 -CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER•/~ ADDRESS carlsbad, CA 92008 Contract: RESIDENTIAL-Yr . GROSS 2 20 ,400 18,080 TARE NET Tracking QLy : 2 ,320 o.oo Qty Unit Description 1.16 TN MSW Origin: VISTA Signature: Scale In Tare Out 100% 54 Ticket#: 2568000 Welghmaster: venegem In: July 02, 2023 Out: Vehicle: Ref: BOL: July 02, 2023 Al04498 INBOUND CASH Rate $96.28 Extension SllL 68 Tax so.oo Total Paid Change EDIT CARD-SCALE 1:38 pm 1 :38 pm Total $111 .68 $111. 68 $111 .68 $0 .00 V b,j ----PALOMAR TRANSFER 5960 EL CA.MINO REAL CARLSBAD , CA 92008 <760) 603-0153 000999 -CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER ADDRESS carlsbact, CA 92008 Contract : RESIDENTIAL-Yr . GROSS 2 19,860 TARE NET Tracking Qty: l8,08o 1,780 o .oo Qty Onit Description 0. 89 TN MSW Origin: SAN DIEGO Scale In Tare Out g: 2578743 ,, l Ticket . gomezda Weighmaster. July 28, 2023 In: Out: Vehicle: Ref : SOL : July 28 , 2023 Al04498 INBOUND CASH Rate $96 .28 Extension S85 .69 Tax S0.00 100% Total Pa id Change EDIT CARD-SCALE Signature : 7 : 49 am 7 :49 am Total S85 .69 $85.69 $85 .69 $0 .00 V I ft PALOMAR TRANSFER 5960 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 603-0153 l \ ~ 6"' ()H/'ill.~ . 2584567 /VO C -(J Ticket It. 5 1 I l Weighmaster: macaral "'-DC~., \Y t:J,. 2023 S-..p J\C,U In: 000999 -CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER ADDRESS carlsbad, CA 92008 Out: August 10, 10, 2023 August Contract : RESIDENTIAL-Yr. 2 GROSS TARE NET Tracking Qty: 20,840 18,080 2,760 o.oo Qty Unit Description 1. 38 TN MSW Origin: CARLSBAD Signature: Scale In Tare Out 100% Vehicle: Ref : BOL : INBOUND CAS H A104498 Rate S96.28 Extension S132.87 Tax $0.00 Total Paid Change EDIT CARD-SCALE I 1 :35 pm 1 :35 pm Total $132. 87 $132 .87 $1 32.87 $0 .00 V , PALOMAR~FER 5960 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1760)603-0153 it-1--,blj .ShB('C. hi ( J. 000999 -CASH AND CHECK ADDRESS carlsbact, CA 92008 C"'" CUSTOMER "-f,-=t-{ Contract: RESIDENTIAL-Yr. 2 GROSS 29 ,500 TARE 18,080 NET 11 ,420 Tracking Qty: o.oo Qty Unit Description 5.71 TN MSW Origin: OCEANSIDE Scale In Tare Out It: 2594692 51 Ticket Weighrnaster: venegem 2023 September 03, In: Out: Vehicle: Ref: BOL : 2023 September 03 , A104498 INBOUND CASH Rate $96.28 Extension $549.76 Tax so.oo 100% Signature: Total Paid Change EDIT CARD-SCALE 2 :56 pm 2 :56 pm Total S549.?G $549 .76 $549.76 $0 .00 V mOMA.R TRANSFER 60 EL CAMINO REAL ARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 603-0153 000999 -CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER ADDREss carlsbad, CA 92008 Contract: RESIDENTIAL-Yr . 2 GROSS 19,620 TARE 18,080 NET Tracking Qty: 1,540 o.oo Qty Unit Description 0.77 TN MSW Scale In Tare Out 607465 • k t #. 2 4 T1c .e · Weighmaster: martios3 In: Out: Vehicle: Ref : BOL: 3 2023 October 0 , October 03, 2023 Al04498 INBOUND CASH Rate S96.28 Extension $74.14 Tax S0.00 Origin : CARLSBAD 100% Signature: Total Pa id Cha nge EDI T CARD-SCALE 1:44 pm 1:44 pm Total S74.14 $74 .14 $74.14 $0.0Q V J .,OMAR TRANSFER 60 EL CAMINO REAL ARL SBAD, CA 92008 ~760)603-0153 000999 -CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER ADDRESS carlsbad, CA 92008 contract : RESIDENTIAL-Yr . 2 GROSS 19 ,600 TARE 18 ,080 NET 1 ,520 Tracking Qty : 0 . 00 scale In Tare out S4 Ticket #: 262229~ Weighroaster: martios3 In : November 07, 2023 out: November 07 , 2023 Vehicle : Al04498 Ref: BOL: INBOUND CASH Rate Extension $96 .28 $73.17 TaX so.co Qty 0 . 7 6 o rigin : Unit Descripti on TN MSW CARLSBAD 100% ;-! -I 10 :41 am 10 :41 am Total $73 .17