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1633 OAK AVE; ; CBR2022-3245; Permit
Building Permit Finaled Residential Permit Print Date: 10/05/2023 Job Address: 1633 OAK AVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1900 Permit No: Status: {city of Carlsbad CBR2022-3245 Closed -Fina led Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Parcel#: 1562123600 Track#: Valuation: $96,783.15 Lot#: Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: 1 Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Occupant Load: Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Applied: Issued: Fina\ed Close Out: 09/07/2022 09/08/2022 10/05/2023 Final Inspection: 08/01/2023 INSPECTOR: Renfro, Chris Description: BYER: NEW 2ND (FLOOR ADU) ADDITION (551 SF) TO EXISTING GARAGE (REPLACES CBR2022-2179) Applicant: Property Owner: STEVEN NOEL 1620 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7313 (760) 535-7847 BYER HAL AND MARIHELENE REVOCABLE TRU 1631 OAK AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FEE BUILDING PLAN REVIEW-MINOR PROJECTS (LOE) BUILDING PLAN REVIEW -MINOR PROJECTS (PLN) CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION SB1473 -GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE SFD & DUPLEXES STRONG MOTION -RESIDENTIAL (SMIP) SWPPP INSPECTION FEE TIER 1-Low BLDG SWPPP PLAN REVIEW FEE TIER 1-Low Total Fees: $2,111.58 Total Payments To Date: $2,111.58 Contractor: TRUELi NE CONTRACTING INC 1605 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-2614 (760) 707-9235 Balance Due: AMOUNT $194.00 $98.00 $16.00 $175.00 $4.00 $1,251.00 $12.58 $292.00 $69.00 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must fo\\ow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020{a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annu! their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov {cicyof Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Plan CheckCe,12-2<>"2.'ZA ik.-119 Est. Value _p1 9 ~-3j"t .sf? PC Deposit 15/ 7.f 5-, -3 o Date C. • zt -20-z.Z... _______ __,.,.,.j!,..•\~')._1 __ '.\_,a..'l:1_1_: ______ Suite: ____ ,..PN: 156-212-36-00 CT/Project#: '1 ,'il Lot#: 4 Year Built: 2016 i"'.1 \ \ '-1 --,• ,·.,_-:1··,_1 ---------- Fire Sprinklers: ¢YES O ri\0: J :.Aif',tdnditioriing:_¢ YES O NO Electrical Panel Upgrade: 0 YES¢ NO BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Addition of 551 SF ADU atop Existing single story garage. Ii] Addition/New: 551 SF Liv\ng SF,_~--Deck SF, ____ Patio SF,.r-___ Garage SF __ _ Is th\s to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? ¢Y ON New Fireplace? OY ¢N, if yes how many? __ 0Remodel:, _____ SF of affected area Is the area a conversion or change of use? ¢Y ON ADU 0 Pool/Spa:, ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ____________ _ 0Solar:, ___ KW, ___ ,Modules, Mounted: ORoof OGround, Tilt: 0 YON, RMA:OYON, Batterv:OY ON, Panel Upgrade: OY ON RECEIVE[) D Reroof: ________________________________ _ iUN 2 • 20··1 D Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical Only: ______ •_. __ • _1_· _(_,. _____________ _ D Other: CITY OF C/\RLSB/\D 13UiLDil\J(; u:v:s:O,·I This permit is to be issued in the name of the Property Owner as Owner-Builder, licensed contractor or Authorized Agent of the owner or contractor. The person listed as the Applicant below will be the main point of contact throughout the permit process. PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT O PROPERTY OWNERS AUTHORIZED AGENT APPLICANT D Name: __ H_a_l _a_n_d_M_a_r_B..;.y_e_r _________ ,Name: __________________ _ Address: 1631 Oak Ave Address: --------------------City: Carlsbad State:_c_A __ .Zip: 92008 City: _________ ~State: ___ .Zip: ____ _ Phone: 805-558-4209 Phone: ___________________ _ ' Email: hbyer57@vahoo.com Email: hbver57@yahoo.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: Steven Noel Address: 2715 Greenock Ct City: Carlsbad Phone: 760-535-7847 APPLICANT liJ State:_c_A __ .Zip: 92010 mail: STEVEN.NOELARCHITECT@GMAILCOM rchitect State License: c29553 ------------ CONTRACTOR OF RECORD APPLICANT 0 Name: Nathan Joseph • Trueline Contracting, Inc. Address: 1605 Chestnut Ava City: CarlSbad Phone: 160-101-9235 Email: NAJOSEPH4@gmail.com State:_c_A _ _,Zip: 92008 State License/class:_8_·94_1_72_7 ___ .Bus. License: 27•1111640 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Email: Building@carlsbadca.ggv REV. 08/20 IDENTIFY WHO WILL PERFORM THE WORK BY COMPLETING (OPTION A) OR (OPTION B) BELOW: (OPTION A): LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 {commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. I also affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: D1 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permit is issued. Policy No. ________________________________________ _ Iii I have and wilt maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Name: _~_•_=_•_~_._=_=_,_00_=_"_"_'=-~_"'------------- Policy No. 100161221 Expiration Date: _0_1ro_1_12_02_, __________ _ [11 Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000.00, In addition the to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). '!ifiF; Lender's Address: Lender's Name:_'-"------------------------------ CONTRACTOR PRINT/SIGN: (OPTION B): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the fol/awing reason: O I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's license Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such Improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Ucense Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) llcensed pursuant to the Contractor's Ucense Law). DI am exempt under Business and Professions Code Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 3 for this reason: 0 "Owner Builder acknowledgement and verification form" has been filled out, signed and attached to this application. Proof of identification attached. 0 Owners "Authorized Agent Form" has been filled out, signed and attached to this application giving the agent authority to obtain the permit on the owner's behalf. Proof of identification attached. By my signature below I acknowledge that, except for my personal residence in which 1 must have resided for at least one year prior to completion of the improvements covered by this permit, I cannot legally sell a structure that I have built as an owner-builder if it has not been constructed in its entirety by licensed contractors. I understand that a copy of the applicable law, Section 7044 of the Business and Professions Code, is available upon request when this application is submitted or at the following Web site: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html. OWNER PRINT/SIGN: ___________________ DATE: _____ _ APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: SIGNATURE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF SUBMITTAL By my signature below, I certify that: I am the property owner or State of California Licensed Contractor or authorized to act on the property owner or contractor's behalf. I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plons is accurate. I agree to comply with all Oty ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SA VE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COS1S AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF HIS PERM/ . OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction of structures ,,,.,.,.,.,..,,,.,1 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 ax: 760-602-8558 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov 2 REV. 08120 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-3245) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 09/07/2022 Owner: TRUST BYER HAL AND MARIHELENE REVOCABLE TRUST Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Issue Date: 09/08/2022 Subdivision: Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 10/10/2023 Address: 1633 OAK AVE IVR Number: 43141 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1900 Scheduled Date Actual Inspection Type Start Date Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection NOTES Created By Angie Teanio Status TEXT 760-707-9235 Nate 07/13/2023 07/12/2023 BLDG-Final Inspection 217272-2023 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Checklist Item COMMENTS BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLOG-Electrical Final Need Stairwell railing 08/01/2023 08/01/2023 BLDG-Final Inspection 219262-2023 COMMENTS Thursday, October 5, 2023 Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final Passed Chris Renfro Created Date 04/11/2023 Reinspection Incomplete Passed No Yes Yes Yes Yes Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Complete Page 2 of 2 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled (cityof Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-3245) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 09/07/2022 Owner: TRUST BYER HAL AND MARI HELENE REVOCABLE TRUST Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Issue Date: 09/08/2022 Subdivision: Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 10/10/2023 Address: 1633 OAK AVE IVR Number: 43141 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1900 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status 11/0712022 11/07/2022 BLDG-SW-Pre-Con 195933-2022 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 12/0512022 1210512022 BLDG-11 198030-2022 Passed Chris Renfro Complete F ou n dation/Ftg/P ie rs (Rebar) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 02/02/2023 02/02/2023 BLDG-15 Roof/ReRoof 202133-2023 Passed Chris Renfro Complete (Patio) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 02/1412023 02/1412023 BLDG-13 Shear 203222-2023 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Panels/HD (ok to wrap) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes NOTES Created By TEXT Created Date Angie Teanio 760-707-9235 Nate 02/13/2023 03/29/2023 03129/2023 BLDG-84 Rough 206559-2023 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-14 Yes Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLOG-24 Rough-Topout Yes BLOG-34 Rough Electrical Yes BLDG-44 Yes Rough-Ducts-Dampers NOTES Created By TEXT Created Date Angie Teanio 760-707-9235 Nate 03/2812023 04/12/2023 04/1212023 BLDG-17 Interior 207810-2023 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Lath/Drywall Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLOG-Building Deficiency Yes Thursday, October 5, 2023 Page 1 of 2 GHOSTRIDER INSPECTION INC. Taylor White 760-473-6062 Email, twghostrider01@yahoo.com CLIENT DATE ARCHITECT Sean Mosch 868-212-6660 Email, sdmosch@gmail.com Garage Top ADU: Byer Residence 1631 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 2715 Greenock Court, San Diego, CA 92010 Joe# Ghostrider Inspection Inc. ENGINEER Junker Engineering Group PERMIT/DSA/OSHPo# CBR2022-3245 8950 Jefferson Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91941 PlAN FILE# Not Applicable coNTRACTOR Trueline w. o. # Not Applicable Concrete, PSI: # Unknown/Existing Epoxy Type: # Simpson SET-3G (ESR 4057) Batch Number: # 1000167350, Exp. 05/2023 IO~bar: Gr/Type: # A615/Grade 60 Approved Plans Available Compressed Air Blow,Brush,Blow Bottle Brush Nylon 3/4" Dia. Edge Distance Approved Weather Overcast Safety Gear: Hardhats,Glasses REMARKS: Inspected contractor's epoxy doweling of existing footings for underpinning as shown on Detail 1/S5.11 of approved drawings. Contractor drilled 5/8" Dia. X 4" deep holes and used #4 rebar. Contractor used clean, dry compressed air and a nylon bottle brush to clean holes. Holes were filled and bars were installed. Work on project is ongoing. aRTIFICATION OF COMPUANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the rrpo,ttd wort, unless otherwise nottd, substantially complies with approved plans, spedfkatlons and applkable sections of the building codes. Far this report to ~ valid It must have a final report, signed by the sp«ia/ Inspector, stating "Fina/ Report of lnspectlan and matrrlal testing". Without a final lt!pOl't this docwMnt Is Invalid. This report cm,,ers the lacat#ans of the worlr rrpo,ttd only and doesn't constitute ,mglnttrlng opinion ar proJ«t control. Time in: Time out: A.uthorization: LOCAL JURISDICTION Ian Logue I.C.C. & San Diego # 1332: TIiis 11 not a aov,mmrat fonn, Tltr f,st,col Stat,, counry and Cltv s,als only slanlft that Inspections are conducted under Fed,col. State, Counrv and City coctn tz010 c.s.c.J. TIiis do(ument Is not used for advertising. marlcetlna or promotions. 1"/s documfflt Is used to convg camp/lance with the codes. engineering group GARAGE TOP ADU ADDITION FOR: BYER RESIDENCE 1631 OAK AVE. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 'R Revision 1 JEG Document: 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Submitted: 7/15/2022 >-1-- Prepared for: Steven Noel Architect Steve Noel Steven. noei. arch itect(ij"lg ma I I. coffi 2715 Grcenock Ct, Carlsbad, Ct, 92010 760.535.7847 Prepared by: Junker Engineering Group Dan Junker, SE dan(Ci'ljunkereng .com 8950 Jefferson Ave, La Mesa, CA 91941 619 606.5058 0 .• :i{j\'/ ,/\./ • ·~---··~-~ / :::• S 6178 * EXP. 09-30-23 CBR2022-2179 1631 OAKAVE 1631 OAK: NEW 2ND (FLOOR ADU) ADDITION (551 SF) TO EXISTING GARAGE 1562123600 7/27/2022 CBR2022-2179 Byer Residence JEG Doc: 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document History Document/Revision # Revision Date 2022-108-CALC-O 1-00 06/15/2022 2022-108-CALC-O 1-01 07/15/2022 Table of Contents Document History ...... . Table of Contents ........ . Introduction & Objectives .......... . Introduction .... Scope of Work .. Gravity Load Resisting System .. . Lateral Load Resisting System ............. . Limitations ......... . Inputs and References Applicable Codes, Standards, & References Inputs ...... . Gravity loads. Lateral loads Foundations ......... . Material Properties Detailed Calculations. Reason for Revision Initial Issue Revise per City Comment Page 12 Approved by DJ DJ ·········2 ········2 ···········3 . .. 3 ············3 ················3 . ..... 3 ·············3 ...... .4 ·················.4 . ......... .4 . .. .4 ················4 . ...... 5 .. 6 . ....... 7 www.junkereng.com Byer Residence JEG Doc: 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Introduction & Objectives Introduction Scope of Work Page 13 This project consists of the structural design for proposed addition and ADU located at 1631 Oak Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008. Gravity Load Resisting System Roof Framing System: The roof framing system for consists of structural plywood roof spanning between trusses. The trusses are supported by wood beams and exterior light framed bearing walls. Floor Framing System: The 2"' ftoor faming consists of structural plywood floor spanning between 2x joists. At the second-ftoor levels, the joists are supported by wood beams and exterior light framed bearing walls. Foundation System: The foundation system consists of conventional reinforced concrete footings. Continuous footings support the interior and exterior bearing wall. Interior columns are supported by pad footings. Walls: All the Interior and exterior bearing walls are light framed wood walls. Lateral Load Resisting System The lateral loads caused by seismic and wind forces are resisted by light framed structural sheathed shear walls. Diaphragm action is provided by the roof and floor decks acting as a flexible diaphragm to distribute the lateral loads to the resisting shear walls. Limitations The limitations of this engineering report are as follows: • This report is only valid for the site described in this report and does not include wind and seismic loading valid for other locations. • The re-use of this report, other than outline in this project scope, is through the consent of JEG. • This calculation report is intended to be used in conjunction with structural drawings provided by JEG as a part of this project. Calculations presented herein are invalid for other means of construction, unless approval is expressly given by JEG. www .j unkereng. com Byer Residence JEG Doc: 2022-1 08-CALC-01-01 Page 14 Inputs and References Applicable Codes, Standards, & References 1. Codes and Standards: 1.1. CBC 2019: "California Building Code" 1.2. ASCE 7-16: "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures" 1.3. NOS 2018: "ASD/LRFD Manual, National Design Specification for Wood Construction" 2. Geotechnical Report 2.1. AL TA CALIFORNIA GEOTECHNICAL INC, Project No. 2-0068 Inputs The following are inputs to the engineering report. Gravity loads Roof design dead load Roof design live load Floor design dead load Floor design live load Lateral loads Seismic Risk Category: Method: Redundancy Factor, p Latitude: Longitude: Ss S1 Wind Risk Category: Method: Basic Wind Speed Exposure See the following pages See the following pages See the following pages See the following pages II Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure 1.3 33.166168 degrees -117.334602 degrees 1.265 g 0.477 g II Envelope Procedure 96 mph Exp C www .junkereng.com Byer Residence JEG Doc: 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Page 15 Foundations 7.1.1 Foundations I Foundations may be t:irelimlnary designed based on the values presented in Table 7-1 below. Table 7-1 fo ndatlon Design Parameters• Allowable BearlnJ! 2 rn lbs/rr - Lat era I Bearing 210 lbs/ft· at a depth. of 12 lnehes plus 250 lbs/ft' for each a dltional 12 Inches of embedment to a maximum of 2000 11));/ft' Sliding Coefficient 0 30 Differential Settlement C 1•namlc Differential = 1/2 Inch in 40 feet S 11tic Differential = 3/4 Inch In 40 feet ' ' •These values may be increased af allowed by Code to resist transient loads such as wind or seismic. Building code and structural design considerations may govern depth and reinforcement requirements and should be evalu~ted. I I ALTA CALIFOtlA GEOTI!CMNICAL, INC. www.junkereng.com Byer Residence Material Properties Concrete JEG Doc: 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Design compressive strength at 28 days shall be as follows: Slab on grade: Footings: Reinforcing Steel (ASTM A615 Grade 60) Structural Lumber 2x Joists & Blocking (Repetitive member use) 4x Blocking 6x & 4x Beams (Beams and Stringers) 6x Beams (Posts and Timbers) Ledgers and Nailers (2x, 3x and 4x) 2x4 & 2x6 Studs (Repetitive member use) 4x Posts 6x Posts Top Plates Sill and Sole Plates Parallel Strand Lumber (PSL) 'l JflC 1 Page 16 fc' = 2,500 psi fc' = 2,500 psi t, = 60 ksi Douglas Fir Larch No.2 Douglas Fir Larch No.2 Douglas Fir Larch No.1 Douglas Fir Larch No.1 Douglas Fir Larch No.2 Douglas Fir Larch No.2 Douglas Fir Larch No.1 Douglas Fir Larch No.1 Douglas Fir Larch No.2 Douglas Fir Larch No.2 2.0 E Grade www.junkereng.com Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 2022-108-CALC-O 1-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 7 of 64 Page Detailed Calculations Roof Load Roof Loads Gravity Lateral ROOFING 10.0 psf 10.0 psi SflTG 1.8 psf 1.8 psf FRAMING 2.5 psi 2.5 psi INSUL. 1.5 psf 1.5 psf CEILING 3.0 psf 3.0 psf SOLAR PANEL 4 a psf 4.0 psi MEP 1.5 psf 1.5 psf MISC 1.2 psi 1.2 psi WOOD BEAM 1.0psf SLOPE ADJUSTMENT 1.5 psf 1.5 psi Total DL 27.0psf 28.0 psf Total LL 20.0 psf Floor Load Floor Loads Gravity Lateral FLOORING 8.0 psf 8.0 psf • SHTG 2.5 psf 2.5 psf FRAMING 3.0 psf • 3.0 psf INSUL. l.0psf • 1.0 psf CEILING 2.8 psf • 2.3 psf WOOD BEAM 1.0 psf MEP 2.0 psf • 2.0 psf MISC. 1.2 psf • 1.2 psf OTHER Total DL 20.5 psi 21.5 psf Total LL 40.0 psf ·unke engineering group Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date Floor Live Load 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 8 of64 Page Shall be in accordance with ASCE?-16 with the following as minimum requirements: I. All area except stairs = 40 psf. II. Stairs and exit way= 100 psf. Deck Load Deck/Balcony Load PLYWOOD SHEATHING 2x JOISTS & FRAMING CEIL & MISC. WOOD BEAM DEXOTEX WEATHER WEAR MEMBRANE MISC OTHER Total DL Total LL Wall Dead Load Exterior Wall load STUCCO(7/3") GYP BOARD (ONE FACE) SHEATHING (1/2") FRAMING INSULATION/MEP MISC 20.0 psf 60.0 psf Total DL Gravity 9.0 psf 2.5 psf 1.7 psf 1.3 psf 3.0 psf l.Opsf 18.5 psf Gravity 5.0 psf 4.0 psf 4.0 psf 2.5 psf 4.5 psf Lateral 5.0 psf , 4.0 psf , 4.0 psf LO psf , 2.5 psf , 4.5 psf 21.0 psf Interior Wall Load GYP BOARD (EA FACE) FRAMING INSULATION MISC. Total DL ' ·unke engineering group Gravity 5.6 psf 1.0psf 3.0 psf 1.4 psf 11.0 psf Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date Seismic Parameter Seismic Design I 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 9 of 64 Page The following seismic design parameters are presented to be code compliant to the California Building Code (~010). The site has been Identified as "D" site class in accordance with CBC, 201q, Table 1613.5.3 (1). Utilizing this Information, the computer program USGS Eatjhaoake:Ground Motion Parameters Version 5.1.0 and ASCE 7 criterion, the spe~al response accelerations are as follows. ' ' able 7-3 Seismic esign Parameters Latitude 33.\6f N nd Longitude -117,335" W Ss rlod 0.2 sec l.265 SMs {period 0.2 sec 1,265 SDs (perll;id 0.2 sec) 0.!l43 S1 e;[od 1.0 se<:) 0,477 SMl (period 1.0 sec) 0.727 SDl pe;lod 1.0 SIi<') 0.485 f These parameters should be verified by the structural engineer. Additional I parameters should be deternjlned by the structural engineer based on the ' occupancy Category of the p~oposed structures. I ·unke engineering group Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date Wind parameter l\TC Hazards by Location Search Information 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 10 of 64 Page Address: Valey St & Oak Ave. Carlsbad. CA 92008. USA ina Island senttd Hoblt1t Coordinates: ElevaUon: Timestamp: Huard Type: ASCE7-16 MRI 10-Year MRI 25-Year MRI SO-Year MRI 100-Year Risk Category I Risk Category II Risk Category Ill Risk Catego,y IV 33.166168, -117.334602 168 fl 2022-06-04T08:48: 12.2522 Wind 67 mph 72 mph TT mph 82 mph 89 mph 96 mph 102 mph 107 mph Go gle ASCE7-10 MRI 10-Year 72 mpo MRI 25-Year 79 mpo MRI SO-Year 85 mph MRI 100-Year 91 mph Risk Category I 100 mph R,sk Category II 110 mph Risk Category Ill-IV 115 mph Tem«ula 0 Bom Spnr ~lt-•V1•l,1ut AtUJ National Forest o, Stat San n lonn Q ~•P dota C,2022 GOOl)le. lNCGI ASCE7.05 ASCE 7--05 Wind Speed 85 mph The results md1catcd horo DO NOT rollot,"'t any slaltJ or loco/ nmtmdmtmls to the valuvs or any dt.,hmu,t,011 Imes ma.do dunng tho blJ,ld,ng code adop/,on procoss Users should confilm any output oblamod from this loo/ v.,rh the local .Authonty Hav,r,g Junsd,ct,on before proceeding wtlh des,gr, Disclaimer Hazard loads are interpolated from data provided ,n ASCE 7 and rounded up to the nearest whole integer. Per ASCE 7, ,stands and coa$1~1 areas outside the• last conl'our should use the last wind speed contour or the coaatal area -in somei casaa. this webs,t• w~I extrapolate past the last wind speed contour and therefore, provide a wind speed that ,s sfightly higher, NOTE: For quenes near wino- borne debns region boundaries, the resulung determ,nauon Is s,,nsitive to rounding wtuch may affect whether or not I! Is considered to be within a wind-borne debris region, Mountainous temun. gorges, ocean promontories. and special wind regions shal be exarnined for unusual wind conditions. Whfe the inrormat,on presented on th,s website ,s belleved to be correct, ATC and ,ts sponsors and contnbutors assume no responsibl ty or Eobility for b ocwracy, The matenal presented in the report should not be used or relied upon for any specrfic appr,cation without competent examination and verfficatton of its accuracy, suitabt•ty and applicabilrty by englnNrs or other licensed professlonals, ATC does not intend that the use of this Information replace the sound judgment of such competent protesSK>nals. having experience and knowledge in the field of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required or su<:h professionals ,n interpreting and applying the resutts of the repon provided by this website. Users of the information from this website assume al b bility arising from such use. Use of the output of this website does not imply approval by the governing buld,ng code bodies responStble for b\Hlding code approval and interpretation for the bu~ding srte described by latJ1\Jde~ongitude location in the repon. engineering group Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 11 of 64 Page LATERAL DESIGN engineering group Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date BUILDING SEISMIC MASS B1212! Le~el Area Roof: 638.0 sf Deck: 0 0 sf Total: 638.0 sf first Floor Area Roof: 2859.0 sf Deck: 24 o sf Floor: 551.0 sf Total: 3434.0 sf 2022-1 08-CALC-O 1-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 12 of 64 Page Ext.wall Int.wall Weight; Ext.wall Int. wall Weight: l&!l&1h 95.0 ft 30.0 ft 26.2 Kips Length 268.0 ft 200.0 ft 133.3 Kips engineering group Height 8.0 ft 8.0 ft Height 9.1 ft 9.1 ft Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 13 of 64 Page WINO LOADING ANALYSIS-Main Wind-force Resisting System Per ASCE 7-16 Code for Enclosed or Partially Enclosed Buildings Usin Method 2: Anal ical Procedure Section 27 & 28 for Low-Rise Bulldin s Input Data: Wind Speed, V = Bldg. Classification = Exposure Category = Ridge Height, hr = Eave Height, he = Building Width = Building Length "' Roof Type= 96 mph II C (Wind Map, Figure 26.5-1A-C) (Table 1.5-1 Risk Ca1egory) (Sect 26.7) (hr>= he} (he<= hr) (Normal to Building Ridge) (Parallel to Building Ridge) (Gable or Monoslope) Wind , I· L B Topo. Factor, Kzt = Direct. Factor, Kd = Enclosed? (YIN) Hurricane Region? 24 ft 18 ft 74 ft 52 ft Gable 1.00 0.85 y N (Sect 26.8 & Figure 26.8-1) (Table 26.6) (Sect. 26.2 & Table 26.11-1) Resulting Parameters and Coefficients; {~1 deg. ~ Roof Angle, 0 = Mean Roof Ht., h = 26.56 21 .00 ft. (h = (hr+he)/2, for angle >10 deg.) Elevation Check Criteria for a Low-Rise Building: 1. Is h <= 60'? Yes, O.K. External Pressure Coeffs .. GCpf (Fig. 28.4-1 ): (For values, see following wind load tabulations.) 2. Is h <= Lesser of L or B? Positive & Negative Internal Pressure Coefficients, GCpl (Table 26.11-1 ): +GCpl Coef. = 0.18 (positive internal pressure) -GCpi Coef. = -0.18 (negative internal pressure) If h < 15 then: Kh = 2.01'(15/zg)"(2/u.) (Table 28.3-1) If h >= 15 then: Kh = 2.01•(ztzg)~(2/a) (Table 28.3-1) a= 9.50 (Table26.9-1) zg = 900 (Table 26.9-1) Kh = 0.91 (Kh = Kz evaluated at z = h) Velocity Pressure: qz = 0.00256'Kz•Kzt•Kd'V"2 (Sect. 28.3.2, Eq. 28.3-1) Yes, OK qh = 18.27 psf qh = 0.00256'Kh"Kzt'Kd'V"2 (qz evaluated at z = h) Design Net External Wind Pressures (Sect. 28.4.1 ): p = qh'[(GCpf) • (+/-GCpi)] (psf, Eq. 28.4-1) Wall and Roof End Zone Widths 'a' and ·2•a· (Fig. 28.4-1): a = 5.20 ft. 2'a = 10.40 ft. engineering group Byer Residence Project 2022-108-CALC-O 1-01 Document Number DJ Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 14 of 64 engineering group Date Page MWFRS Wind Load for Load Case A MWFRS Wind Load for Load Case B Surface GCpf p = Net Pressures (psf) Surface 'GCpr p = Net Pressures rosl\ (w/+GCoi) (w/ -GCoil (w/ +GCoil (w/-GCoi) Zone 1 0.55 6.76 13.33 Zone 1 -0.45 -11.51 -4.93 Zone 2 -0.10 -5.11 1.47 Zone 2 -0.69 -15.90 -9.32 Zone 3 -0.45 -11.46 -4.88 Zone 3 -037 -10.05 -3.47 Zone4 -0.39 -10.43 -3.85 Zone4 -0.45 -11 51 -4.93 Zone 5 --..... ,.. -Zone 5 0.40 4.02 10.60 Zone 6 -· ·-· ... Zone 6 -0.29 -8.59 -2.01 Zone 1E 0.73 10 01 16.59 Zone 1E -0.48 -12.06 -5 48 Zone 2E -0.19 -6.78 -0.20 Zone 2E -1.07 -22.84 -16.26 Zone 3E -0.59 -13.98 -7.40 Zone 3E -0.53 -12.97 -6.40 Zone 4E -0.54 -13 07 -6.49 Zone 4E -0.48 -12.06 -5.48 Zone SE -·· -· ··-Zone SE 0.61 7.86 14.44 Zone 6E ... ---· Zone SE -0.43 -11.15 -4.57 'Note: Use roof angle O = 0 degrees for Longitudinal Direction. For Case A when GCpr is neg. in Zones 2/2E: For Case 8 when GCpf is neg. in Zones 2/2E: Zones 2/2E dist. = 37.00 ft. Zones 2I2E dist. = 26.00 ft. Remainder of roof Zones 2/2E extending to ridge line shall use roof Zones 3/3E pressure coefficients. MWFRS Wind Load for Load CaH A. Torsional c ... :-::-~ ... ., Wind Load for Case B. Torsional CaH Surface GCpf o = Net Pressure (osfl Surface GCpf o = Net Pressure Cost) (w/ +GCpi) (wt-GCoil (w/ +GCoil (wl -GColl Zone 1T --1.69 3.33 Zone 1T ---2.88 -1.23 Zone 2T ... --1.28 0.37 Zone 2T ---3.97 -2.33 1-~~ --Zone 3T ... -2.87 -1.22 Zone 3T ... -2.51 -0.87 Zone 4T ... -2.61 -0.96 Zone4T . .. -2.88 -1.23 Zone ST ... ... -· Zone ST -1.01 2.65 Zone ST ------Zone ST ---2.15 -0.50 Noles: 1. For Load Case A (Transverse), Load Case 8 (Longitudinal), and Torsional Cases: Zone 1 is windward wall for interior zone. Zone 1 E is windward wall for end zone. Zone 2 is windward roof for interior zone. Zone 2E is windward roof for end zone. Zone 3 is leeward roof for interior zone. Zone 3E is leeward roof for end zone. Zone 4 is leeward wall for interior zone. Zone 4E is leeward wall for end zone. Zones 5 and 6 are sidewalls. Zone SE & 6E is sidewalls for end zone. Zone 1 T is windward wall for torsional case Zone 2T is windward roof for torsional case. Zone 3T is leeward roof for torsional case Zone 4T is leeward wall for torsional case. Zones ST and ST are sidewalls for torsional case. 2. (+)and(·) signs signify wind pressures acting toward & away from respective surfaces. 3. Building must be designed for all wind directions using the 8 load cases shown below. The load cases are applied to each building comer in turn as the reference comer. 4. Wind loads for torsional cases are 25% of respective transverse or longitudinal zone load values. Torsional loading shall apply to all 8 basic load cases applied at each reference corner. Exception: One-story buildings with "h" <= 30'. buildings <= 2 stories framed with light frame construction, and buildings <=2 stories designed with flexible diaphragms need not be designed for torsional load cases. 5. Per Code Section 28.4 4, the minimum wmd load for MWFRS shall not be less than 16 psf. Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date Low-Riie euudtnas h <= 60' Case A Torsioo 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 15 of 64 Page Load Case A Load Case 8 Basic Load Cases Ca.le ll r or.ion <: :~-""" Transverse DlrectJon Longitudinal Direction Torsional Load Cases engineering group Byer Residence Project 2022-108-CALC-O 1-01 Document Number DJ Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 16 of 64 Date Page BUILDING WINO LOADS 1. Load Case A (Along building length) P,: {P., x 2a • P, x L·2a)/ L = -4.38 psf P ... • P1•P4 • 18 36 psf or 16 psi as per code (In wall direction) P,• (P,, x2a • P,xl 2a)/l = 1.14pst P1= (P • x 2a + P, x L•2a)/ L = -5.39 psi P,.., = P,-P1 = 6 52 psf or 8 psi as per code (In wall direction) Root Level: ROOF. o st • 8.0 psf 0 0 Kips WALL: 156 sf • 18.4 psf 2.9 Kips 2 9 Kies Floor Level: ROOF. 203 st • 8.0 psi 1.6 Kips WALL: 310 sf X 18.4 pst = 5.7 Kies 7 3 Kips 2. Load Case A (Along building width) P,= (Pu x 2a + P, x l •2a)/ L = 13.79 psi P,.., "P1-P, = 18 01 psf or 16 psf as per code (In wall direction) Pf• (P,. • 2a + P, x l·2a)/ l = 1 23 psf P-: P,·P, = 6 4 7 psi or 8 psf as per code (In wall direction) Roof Level ROOF· WALL: Floor Level: ROOF· WALL: 173 sf 107 sf 262 sf 465 sf X X X X 8.0 psi 1.4 Kips 18.0 psf = 1.9 Kies 3.3 Kips 8.0 psi 2 1 Kips 18.0 psi ., 8.4 Kies 10 5 Kies engineering group 1.7 Kips (ASO) 4.4 Kips (ASO) 2.0 Kips (ASO) 6.3 Kips (ASO) Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 17 of 64 Page engineering group Seismic Design per IBC Section 1613 and ASCE(7-16) Oeslng Approach: Equivalent lateral Force Procedure General Data: Response Modification Coefficient(R): 6.5 (Table 12.2-1,ASCE 7-16) 11 (Table 1.5·1,ASCE 7-16) Risk Category: Importance Factor(I.): Structural Height(hnl: C, = 0.02 X:: 0.75 1 {Table 1.5-2,ASCE 7-16} 21.0 ft (Table 12.8-2,ASCE 7-16} Approximate Fundamental Period (T.): r _ c 1, (Equation 12.8•7} = 0.1962 s Long Period Transition Period (Td : Deflection Amplification Factor(C0): Allowable story drift coefficient: Seismic Parameters: s, S1 Sos Soi Site Class Seismic Design Category Equations Used: Seismic Base shear : 1.265 s 0.477 s 0.843 s 0.485 s D D 12 s {Sec.11.4.5,ASCE 7-16} 4 (Table 12.2-1,ASCE 7-16} 0.02 (IBC Sec. 16133.1} {IBC Sec. 1613.3.1} {IBC Eq. 16-39) {IBC Eq. 16-40} (* See Section 11.4.8} (Chapter 20,ASCE 7-16) {IBC Sec. 1613} I ( II {Eq 12.8-1,ASCE 7-16} Seismic Responce Coefficient: ,.,, T ..; T, Redundancy factor: ASD reduction Factor: K: {Eq 12.8•2,ASCE 7-16} {Eq 12.8·3,ASCE 7-16} (Eq 12.8-4,ASCE 7-16} {Eq 12.8-5,ASCE 7-16} {Eq 12.8-6,ASCE 7-16} 1.3 {Sec 12.3.4,ASCE 7-16) 0.7 1 C • the ~,,m,.., rc-,pou,c: c.c-<lh\.tcnt J, .. tcunmcJ m .,,w1J~11<c 1>,llh Sc:,.h.on 1214 l I "' tht· <IIC'f. u,i• -.c,..,nur ~c-1i,:t11 pet ',.cd1ou I! 1.? S11 1h~ (k-,1,n "J'(°tr.tr.al ~'J'H"'hC' .tt. ... dcr ... 11011 r.11 .unch:r rn lhc: ,hott pcrhK.l tun,gr ,..,., Jctcr- mmc ... l from "'it',u,,n I t i i or l I l 7 R the ''""'rt'n-.C' mn"hh"-.&.tu,'11 t.a....tor m I .ahk I 2 2 I I 1hc 1mf"''rt ... n\t: f,"-r.,, .._tc1rrmtneJ m .1--.\-(►r1lm1...c "'uh ',,-.,11,•n 11 , I Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 18 of 64 Page Seismic Responce Coefficient: ASD C,= C, (upper limit)= C, (lower limit)= C, (alt low limit)= Base shear (V)= 0.169 (Eq 12.8·2,ASCE 7-16) 0.494 {Eq 12.8·3,ASCE 7-16) 0.048 {Eq 12.8 S,ASCE 7-16} 0.048 {Eq 12.8·6,ASCE 7-16} 26.9 Kips {Eq 12.8·1,ASCE 7-16} 0.118 0 346 0.034 0.033 18.8 Kips Vertical distribution of seismic forces: Equations Used: I ~ C ~ {Eq 12.8·11,ASCE 7 16} C {Eq 12.8-12,ASCE 7-16} Level Story ht. h~ W, (Kips) Roof level 12.00 ft 21.0 ft 26.2 First Floor 9.00 ft 9.0 ft 133.3 1S9.5 D1aph a ,n ro,c ~ Equations used: 1:,-{Eq 12.10-l,ASCE 7-16) -J.....L-.,i L " . = 0 2\r.1 /1, {Eq 12.10-2,ASCE 7-16} I' :c O . .JS, J, {Eq 12.10-3,ASCE 7-16} level F,Kips I Fi W, (Kips) Roof level S.921 5.92 26.2 First Floor 12.900 18.82 133.3 159.5 C ~ ,.:1th.JI tlh1rthutton f.u:.u\r \' .. h>IJI d,·"IJ" tJt.•r.il Ion.cc ..r ,hc..ir ,11 the hJ,c ot the ,tru.iur..-1l.1r "' I. 'I l •1 ,IOJ 11 ~ thc p,1rtu,n or Ilk· 111!-<1 cf tech\'<' ,ci-m" w,·1t1ht vi th,· ,trod tut I W) luc;itcJ or ... ,,1,.:ncd to l..c,cl , ,•r , /1 ;nJ h, -th,· hcr;;ht Ill or m) h-um th.: t,,", ru I r:'<:I, ur 1 W?h/ 550.494 1199.35 1749.84 "'h.:rc- ( , .,n c,r-incnl rclJlc,I I<• th.:-,1ru, tur..-Jl('nt><l ,t, (olk'"' c.. for ,tru, 1un:-hJ\IOjl a fl<"to,><I ,11 O 5 , ,,r le", t I lor ,tru,turc, h-111ni;.; p,:rwt.l <>I 2 ~ , m 11ll'fC !: 2 F • (klpsl(,t.SO) 0.315 5.92 0.685 12.90 18.8 Kl s I , • !h<.' ,haphr,h!ll'I ,1<!',1gn h>H'e f' ,.. th,• .t""i-"" lor«· .,pphcJ 111 l....-,cl , .. = th\!' \\.c1gh1 tuhufJ,ry 10 L c,el, 11 • th~ \\.t"J~lu ttthut.trv h., ah .. ~ {t.aphr.to.!m Jt I e\·el , IWi Fpx (Kips) IFp../W, 26.214 5.92 0.226 159.475 15.73 0.118 engineering group lateral Calculation and Analysis :- wan toqtion; level: Roof k!,t'I Direction· L~lt to Rtghr Location: Rear Wall Ht. SOit Area: 638.0sf Fx: 5921.1 lbs S,:ismic loadin1, a::=·---"';,; a;:i:;--···•; Locaiion Area To Rear 0.0 sf To Front 319.0 sf fx/Area 93 9.3 Geomeuy: location Tributary Area : Diaphragm Depth : To Rear 00,1 0.0ft Add. Load Total Seismic O.Olb O.Olb O.Olb 2960.S lb To Front 119 0 sf 20 7 ft Direct load: 0.0 lb ~• 2961 lb Wind I ft~din•· locat,on Tributary Leng,h Lo.ad Add.load Tota!Wtnd To Rear 0 0 ft 750plf O.Olb O.Olb To Front 13 3 ft JS.Oplt O.Olb 1000.l lb Direct Load: O.Olb I= 1000 lb Diaphragm Calculation: LINE B • Roof level; Rear; Left to Right AddiJlonal toadjne; # LINE 1 Direct Olb 0 lb To Rear Olb Olb To Front Olb 0 lb Sheathing Grade Used : 5heati,;r,g a:--d <;, ngle· Floor Diaphragm Type : ,a:ocled Location Diaphragm Depth Addrtlonal Load Total Load Diaphragm Type Used Wind Seismic Wind SeJSmic To Rear 0.0ft Olb Olb O.Oplf O.Oplf 1' ,2• Ur-h1.--~~:~d ~~le ... _,r s,htj,._. wlt-d r, .. 1~..., u . 6"' ..... To Front 20.7 ft Olb Olb 48.4 plf 179.0 plf ... ,n,,fp F.t>br <ht•. w/U n.lils I'll f," 6" ... • Calculat1on 1s done per Case 3 (Refer SDPWS 2018 Table 4.2A & 4.2C) (Material OSB) % of toad 100% 01:::::! 0 C/l "0 CD Q)....Ji.n,~O ro ;-~~ §--·-, tv -,,_CI>.,., 0 -•C O ,,,.., tv'tl -, -(1) rv :!: ~ !!!. 0 () a. :::s Q) (1) -::J () () C (1) ~ o· ::J CJ) "01 ..... co m o c 01 :::s <-o IC o lC 0 Cl)--· s:: mi 3 ""Cl) Cl) ct) :::, (0 :::, ('[) ('[) ~-:::, (0 (0 -, 0 C: "C ... :::s -z s:: 3 C" Cl) ... Iv 0 Iv ':-.l ..... 0 Cf' () )> r () 6 ..... I 0 Shear Wall Calculation: No. of Shear Walls : Total Length of Shear Walls : 8.7 ft II Net Length He, ht RoofTrib. 2(b/h FloorTrib SWIil 4 75 It 8.0ft 3,0ft 1.00 0.0 ft SW/12 3.92 ft 8.0ft 3,0ft 0.98 00ft Shearwan erw10n; I ...... I 6,,,... I 6-"" I 6, SW# 1 0.0238 tn 0.113 m 0.04567 in SW# 2 0,0282 1n 0.110 in 0.04275 ,n Collector Calculatlon: Diaphragm length= 20.7 ft Location Olaph. Oes,anSW Start End shear 0.0ft 4.0 ft To Front D.Oplf 4.0 ft 8,7 ft To Front 430.7 plf 8.8ft 11.8 ft To Front 0.0plf 11.8 ft 15.7 ft To Front 422.1 plf 15.7 ft 20.7 ft To Front O.Oplf 0.0 ft 0.0 ft To Front 0.0ptf 0.0 ft 0.0ft None O.Oplf 0.0 ft 0.0ft None OOplf 0,0ft 0.0 ft None O,Oplf 0,0ft 0,0 ft None 0.0 plf Wind Oe~1gn shear(ASD) = 1000.1 lb Sds• 0.843s Shearwall Type ; 2 Seismic Design Shear (ASD) = 2960.5 lb Wall Thickness: • Adjusted Ca ac,tv Additional U hit Total Upl,ft SW Type Holdown Selsml( Wind Wind 510,0plf 715.0ptf O.Otb O.Olb 499.8 pl( 700.7plf O.Olb 0.0lb 6~so,, I 6,_ I 6x 0.202 in 0.384 in 1.S36 in 0.24S in 0.426 in 1.705 in Diaphragm shear = 0 plf Net She,r Orag load Strap 179.0 plf 7161b CS20 ·2S1.7 plf 467 lb CS20 179.0 plf 701b CS20 ·243.l plf 883 lb CS20 179.0 plf 131b 179.0 plf 131b O.Oplf 13 1b O,Oplf 13 lb O.Optf 131b O.Oplf 131b Se1sm1c Wind Seismic O.Olb 604.9 lb ,494.6lb 2 HOU4 w/ 4x POST O.Olb 604.9 lb 2494.6 lb HOU4 w/ 4x POST 0.0 l.b 643.3 lb 2485.2 lb 2 HDU4 w/ 4x POST OOlb 643.3 lb 2485,2 lb HOU4 w/ 4x POST I Allowable Drift I 1.91n 1,91n To Rear Diaphragm shear = 179 pit To Front A El. 0 g I 1000 SOI. u soo 1000 COLLECTOR !SOI: ~AltO!< (ftl __ _ Ma"1mum dra& force: m 16 CoUector plate splice= 12-16d Nails 0 1:::::! 0 en -0 CD Q,) ~C'D ~ ~ ct ~ ill ~ .2. ~ f\J ... -(D ;:o o -• C 0 I\J ~iil -ill f\J -· --· 0 () a. ::, Q) (D -::, () () C (D §: 6' ::, (/) -0101\J m o o QI ::, c... 0 CC o cc 0 (D --· C: 0); 3 I IA ~ ; Cl) ~ (0 ~ Cl) ([) ~-~ (0 (0 -, 0 C -0 C" (D ... f\J 0 f\J f\J I .... 0 co () )> r () I 0 .... 6 .... lateral Calculation and Analysis :- wan focation: Level. Roof ~-~I Oorect1on: lei: to Right Location: front Wall Ht.; 8.0 ft Area: 638.0sf Fx: 5921.1 lbs Seismic Loadlnr Locatoon Area To Rear 319.0 sf To Front o.o sf Fx/Area 9.3 9.3 Geometry: location Tributary Area : Diaphragm Depth : To Rear H90sf 20 7 ft Add.Load Tolill Seismic O.Oib 29605 lb OOlb O.Olb To front 00,f OOlt Direct Load: o.o lb 1:• 2961 lb Wind Lnadin : Location Tnbulilry Length Load Add.load Total Wind To Rear n.31· 75 0 pll 0.0 lb 1000.l lb To Front OOh 7!,0 pit 0.0 lb O.Olb Direct Load: O.Olb f• 10001b Diaphragm calculation: LINE C • Roof level; front; Left to Right Additional toadfn1: II UNEl Direct Olb Olb To Rear 0lb 0lb To Front Olb Olb Sheathing Grade Used : Cif'lLJ.:.~~h r"ff :-,,-,,i S,r,, Diaphragm Type : !l)(,k Additional load Total Load Diaphragm Type Used Locauon Diaphragm Depth Wind Seismic Wind Setsmic To Rear 20.7 ft Olb Olb 48.4 pit 179.0 ~If •"-,a ~ .... ,_.. •• .._,r:,. 1.J U 6', tr To Front 0.0 ft Olb 0 lb 0.0 pl! O.Oolf <; l} 1U!v<ic1 r ~ ll ,r, ,r ,hf, wiErl ra11~ f}) 6"". f;: } • Calculation 1s done per Case 3 (Refer SOPWS 2018 Table 4.2A & 4.2C) (Matenal 0S8) "of load lOO'm c l---.i c C) ~ (D -en en ff) --(') l'v .. o -· l'v 'S. l'v -· C/) "'O ra -.. -, 0 CD C --.. -, ~ (1) ::0 £; ~ CD Ill Cl> o I() ::J Ill () £ ~ 6' ::, (/1 -ol rv mo c Dl -"::JC...O <0 0 10 (') ff> --· C 0) ii: 3 ""'(1) ff) (I) ::J ~ 3 · (I) (I) ., s· ~ ~ ., 0 C "O .. ::J -z C 3 C" ff) .. a.: CD ::, (') CD l'v 0 l'v l'v I ... 0 0) I (') )> r (') I 0 ... I 0 ... Shear Wall calculation: No. of Shear Walls : Total length of Shear Walls: 10.3 ft # Net length He' ht Rooflrib. 2(b/h) Floor Trib SW#l 600 ft 8.0ft 3.0 ft 1.00 0.0 ft SW#l 4.33 ft 8.0ft 3.0 ft 100 0 Oft ShearwaU ,flection: I 6.._ I 6111,., I 6...,.so,, I SW# 1 0.0157 in 0.094 in 0.02497 in SWII 2 0.0217 in 0.094 in O 02497 in Collector Calculation: Diaphragm length= 20 7 ft LocatJon Olaph. Otttlgn SW Start End S.hHr 0.0 ft 4.0 ft To Front 0.0 pl! 4.0 ft 8.7 ft To Front 358.2 pl! 8.8ft 11.8ft To Front O.Oplf 11.8 ft 15.7 ft To Front 358.2 plf 15. 7 ft 20.7 ft To Front O.Opll 0.0 ft 0.0 ft To Front O.Oplf 0.0 ft 0.0ft None O.Oplf 0.0ft 0.0 ft None OOplf 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None O.Oplf 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None O.Oplf Wind Design shear(ASD) • 1000.1 lb Sds= 0.843 s Shearwall Type : 2 Seismic Design Shear (ASD) = 2960.5 lb Wall Thickness: 1 AdJUrtedCa c,ty Additional U hft Total U ltft SWType Holdown Seismic 510.0plf 510.0 plf 6.,._so,, 0.160in 0 222 in Wind 715.0plf 715.0plf 6,..., 0.294 in 0.362 in Diaphragm shear = Net Shear Oragload O.Oplf Olb ·358.2 plf 1684 lb O.Oplf 1684 lb -358.2 plf 3088lb 0.0 plf 3088 lb 0.0 plf 3088 lb 0.0 plf 3088 lb 0.0plf 3088 lb O.Oplf 3088 lb O.Oplf 3088 lb Wind O.Olb O.Olb O.Olb 0.0lb 6, 1.177 in 1.448 in 179 plf Strap CS16 CS16 CMST14 CMST14 CMST14 CMST14 CMST14 CMST14 CMST14 Seismic Wind O.Olb 362.3 lb O.Olb 362.3 lb O.Olb 477.l lb O.Olb 477.1 lb Allowable Drift l .9in 1.9,n Seismic 1961.7 lb 1961.7 lb 2053.8 lb 2053.8 lb To Rear Diaphragm shear= 2 HOU2 w/ 4ll POST HDU2 w/ 4x POST 2 HOU2 w/ 4x POST HDU2 w/ 4x POST Oplf To Front .. ~ oo ~ COLLECTOR 1000 ""10 0 II 1S O•t ~. ~ 200'1 H Oit ~ 1000 "' ' 0 4000 __, _ l_()(Af!ON_lft!_ "'Maxfmum drag force: 3088lb Collector plate splice= 24-16d Nails c l~ c en "'O OJ !!l,..a.m2 0 ro ff) ~ (") (") '-•-, N .., -(I) "Tl 0 -· C (') ;v N 'O -, -ct> N ~ ~ !:Q. 0 () 0.. :, ni ro -:::, m N :, "'D I"' m IC o IC (I) ....... -· (J) ::, ~(I) (I) .., ct> ::J (0 ::J ('t) ('t) :::!. ::J (0 (0 i:3 C 'Cl (') (') C ct> ~ i3' :::, (J) O C "-' c:...o 0 C'> N C: ~ 3 ..a. (I) 0 :, If -() z )> c: r 3 () C" ' (I) ~ .., ' 0 ..a. Lateral Calculation and Anatysis :• wa111oqtioo; level; Roof level Direction: front to Back Location: left Wall Ht. ; 8.0 ft Area: 638.0 sf Fx: 5921.1 lbs Seismic Loadinr, locaiion Area Fx/Area To Left 0.0 sf 9.3 To Right 319 0 sf 9.3 Geometry: location Tributary Area : Diaphragm Depth : To left O.Osf OOh Add Load Tot.ii Se1S111te 0.0 lb O.Olb OOlb 2960.5 lb To Right 319.0 sf 26 7 ft Direct load: 0.0 lb !1 2961 lb Wind 1 "-'31din : Location Tributary Length Load Add.load Total Wind To left 00 ft 822 p1f O.Olb O.Olb To Right 103ft 822plf 0.0 lb 850.0 lb Direct load: O.Olb 1•850 lb Oiaphraam Cjlcu!atlon: LINE 1 • Roof level; left; Front to Back Additional loading; II LINE J Direct 0 Ii:, 0 lb To Left 0 lb Olb To Right Olb 0 lb Sheathing Grade Used : Sheathing ard S1ngi!, Floor Diaphragm Type : 10cled location Addlt)onal I.Dad Total Load Diaphragm Type Used Diaphragm Depth Wtnd SetsrnlC Wir>d Setsrnic To left 0.0 ft Olb 0 lb 0,0Dlf 0.0 plf 1. it r~;_-jnbJ~ ·1, S:.~,~ .-lo0r. :;hlr... wiSu r...u'i t:t, t,· t, .. To Right 26.7 ft 0 lb 0 lb 31.9 plf 138.8 plf '.d « ' ;.,nQ:ff'-Flanr ,...,,£, ""'~~. 0-31'-' (fl 6' ,. • Cakulauon 1s done per Case 3 (Refer SOPWS 2018 Table 4.2A & 4.2C) (Material 0S8) "of load 100'~ Cl:::! 0 cn "'D OJ ~-"m20 CD Cl>~o o ._ • .., N -,-Cl>::0 0 -· C: 0 N ""C -, -CD N ::!. ~ ~- 0 () a. :::, Ql CD -::J () () c: CD [ o· ::J Cl> "'OluJN m O 0 Q) :::,c..o ID Q ID 0 Cl>-.-· C 0); 3 ~Cl) Cl) ('[) ::, <O ::, ('[) (l) ::!. ::, <O <O -, 0 C 'O -, :::, -z C 3 C" Cl) -, N 0 N N I _. 0 O> () )> r () 6 _. 6 ..... Shear Wall calculation: No. of Shear Walls : Total Length of Shear Walls : 11.3 ft Wind Des,gn shear(ASD) ~ Seismic Des,gn Shear (ASD) = 850.0lb 2960.S lb SdS" 0.843s Shearwall Type · Wall Thickness: 1 # Net Len th He, ht Roof Tnb. Adjusted Ca ac,ty Additional U hft Total U hft SW T g 2j_b/h) FloorTnb Seismk Wind Wind Selsm,c Wind Seismic ype Holdown SW#l 11 25 fl 8.0 ft 3 0 ft 340_0 If 475_0 If 0.0 lb 0.0 lb 0.0 lb 1484.4 lb p p 0.0 lb 0.0 lb 0.0 lb 1484.4 lb 1.00 0.0ft HDU2 w/ 4~ POST HDU2 w/ 4x POST Shsarwtll O,flS51ipn: I 6......_ I 6,.,.,., I 6-1te 6..,..,.2,.., 6,..,. 6-Allowable Orlft SW# 1 0.0077 on 0.086 on 0.07128111 0.085 in 0.2501n 1.001,n 1.9,n Collector Calculatlon: Diaphragm le,igth= 26.7 ft Diaphragm shear :c 0 plf To left Diaphragm shear = 139plf To Right Locauoo Diaph. OesignSW Net st,ear O<ag load Strap Stan End shear 0.0 ft 11.3 ft To Right 328.9 plf ·190.2 plf 2140 lb CS14 113 ft 26.7 fl To Right O.Oplf 138.8 plf Olb 0.0ft 0.0ft None 0.0plf O.Oplf Olb 0oo'i;,.. COLLECTOR 5 Ott 10011 15 Oft -;;-500 g -:ooo C g \500 300tt 0.0ft 0.0 ft None O.Oplf O.Oplf Olb 0.0ft 0.0 ft None O.Oplf OOplf Olb " ~ 2000 C; 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None 0.0plf O.Oplf Olb )~ 0.0ft 0.0ft None O.Oplf OOplf Olb LOCAl iON (ftl ----0.0ft 0.0ft None OOplf 0.0 plf Olb MailTmum di.lg force= ·2140 r 0.0 ft 0.0ft None O.Oplf O.Oplf Olb Collector plate splice= 16-16d Nails 0.0 ft 0.0ft None O.Oplf O.Oplf Olb Cl:::! c en "ti ro ~_..m 2 o ro II> ~ n n -· ... "' ... ..... (I) ..., 0 -· C: () .,,.., "'i:, ... -ro "' :!: ~ !!?. 0 () c.. ::::J 0.l (l) -:::, "ti QI (C (I) "'m ~::::J o ce. -::::i O> (I) ~(I) (l) :::, co :::, (l) (l) ::!. :::, co co -, 0 C: "'O ... () () C: (l) §I o· :::, (/) oc "' C-0 0 n "' C I'.) 3 ..'... (I) 0 ::::J '? -() z )> Cr 3 () C" ' (I) ~ ""I I 0 Lateral Calculation and Analysis :• wan fogtion: level. Roof ic,el Oorect1on: Front to Sack location: R,ght Wall HI.. ao tt Area: 638,0 sf Fx: 5921.1 lbs Seismic loidir11:: ::;:·-'"',II 11,;s;;;::-•.e·• Location Area Fx/Area To left 319.0 sf 9.3 To Right 0.0 sf 9.3 Geometry: Location Tributary Area : Diaphragm Depth : To left 319 O sf 26.7 ft Add. load Total Seism,c O.Olb 29605Ib O.Olb O.Olb To Right 0 Osf 0011 01rect load: 0.0 lb !• 2961 lb Wind Lnadin•; loca11on Tributary length Load Add.load Total Wind To Left 10.3 j• 811 p!l 0.0lb 850.0lb To Right 00ft 82.2 pit O.Olb O.Olb Direct load: O.Olb 5"•850 lb Diaphragm Calcuiatlon: LINE 4 -Roof level; Right; Front to Back Additjonal loading; # Direct LINE I O lb Olb To Left Olb Olb Sheathing Grade Used : Sh:--.:i:tb1r-0 ~"'\1 "1-in~lP·~ t""Or Diaphragm Type : iocled AddIt1onal Load Total Load location Diaphragm Oepth Oiaphrarm Type used Wind Seismic Wind Seismic To L.eft 26.7 ft 0 lb Olb 31.9plf 138.8 plf 1· .,,;n. ••(. ,c, "" ,,, > To Right 0.0ft Olb Olb 0.0 plf O.Oplf ~-' u11 1\m,. iceu ~,fl :1, f ''-'vi ,hl1, ,.;1<, :1 ' 1 • Calculat1on is done per Case 3 (Refer SOPWS 2018 Table 4.2A & 4.2C) (Material 0S8) t To Right 0 lb 0 lb ' ,. r,t, b' ] "of load 100% Cl" C (/) "'O Q) ~ ff) -.., -u, (I) 2 0 Ill .._ n (1 ..... N -, -Ill o-· C 0 N~ -, -~ N -· 0 () :, ~ (1 C [ i5" :::J Cl> -ol rvu, mo c QI :, c.... 0 CC o CC 0 Ill ..., -• C: 0); 3 .i,.. Ill 111 (1) ::J tO :J ([) ([) -, s· tO tO -, 0 C: "O .., :, -z C 3 C" Ill .., OJ CD -, ::0 CD Cl> a: CD :::J (1 CD N 0 N N I .... 0 CD I () )> r () 6 .... 6 Shear Wall Calculation: No. of Shear Walls : Total Length of Shear Walls : 10.3 ft Wind Des,gn shear(ASD) = Seismic Design Shear (ASD)" 850.0lb 2960.5 lb Sds• 0.843 s Shearwall Type : • Wall Thickness: 4· II I Net lengthr eigJ,t l"nnfTnh 2(b/h) Floor Trib _ _ ,,_. , .. _ Adjusted Ca acity Additional U lift ToiafUp~ SW T Seismic Wind Wind Seismic Wind Seismic ype Holdown SW#l 10.25 ft 8.0 ft 3.0 ft 1.00 0.0 ft Shearwall Of ection: j 6:::. I 6_, 1 6,...111p SW# 1 0.0092 in 0.094 in 0.09670 in Coll«tor Calculation: Diaphragm length= 26 7 ft Local.km Olaph. Oesl8f15W Start End shear 0.0ft 10.3 ft To Left 361.0 pit 10.3 ft 26.7ft To left O.Oplf O.Ott 0.0ft None 0.0plf 0.0ft 0.0 It None 0.0 plf 0.0ft 0.0 ft None 0.0 plf 0.0ft 0.0ft None 0.0 plf 0.0ft 0.0 ft None 0.0 plf 0.0ft 0.0ft None O.Oplf 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None O.Oplf 0.0 ft O.Ofl None 0.0plf 340.0plf 475.0plf 6_..._s., 6....,. 0.094,n 0.294 in Diaphragm shear" Net Shear Oragload -222.3 pit 2278 lb 138.8 plf O!b O.O plf O!b O.Opll Olb O.Oplf Olb 0.0 plf Olb 0.0 plf Olb 0.0 plf Olb 0.0 plf O!b 0.0 elf Olb 0.0 lb 0.0 lb 0.0 lb 1745.0 Jb 0.0 lb 0.0 lb 0.0 lb 1745.0 lb 6x Allowable Drift 1.176 In 1.9 in 139 plf To Left Diaphragm shear = 0 ptf Str.tp C$14 00~ COLLECTOR SOit 100ft !~Oft 500 ~ l!lCO 0 9 •tSOO <:) ~ 2000 0 .,,oo 1 HDU2 w/ 4~ POST HDU2 w/ 4x POST To Right 300ft Collector plate splice= 16-16d Nails C,~ C (I) "ti OJ ~--m2a (I) C'D ~c,0 '-•-, N-, -<I> :::0 0 -· C: C, N "C ..., .,. (I) N ::!: ~ ~-0 () C. ::, Ql (I) -::, (') (') C: (I) [ 6' ::, (J) "tllo,N m O C I» ::, c.... 0 co o co c, <I>_,-· C 0)::, 3 .j:>. :R (I) -, ::, ('() :J (0 :J ('() ('() ..., ::i' (0 (Cl ..., 0 C: "O ... z C 3 er CD -, N 0 N N I --0 CfJ () )> r () 6 --I 0 Lat eral Calculation and Analysis :- wa111muoo; level. f.-,1 Fioor D,rection: Leh to Right Location: R~ur Wall Ht 9 1 ft Area: 3434.0 sf Fx: 12900.1 lbs Seismic Loadinr: 11:::t IC z ~a:i a: Location Area To Rear 850.0 sf To Front 392.0 sf Fx/Area 3.8 3.8 Geometry: loution Tributary Area : Diaphragm Depth : To Rear 850 0 sf 49.7 ft Add load Tot.ll Seismic 0.0lb 3193,1 lb 0.0lb 1472.6 lb To Front 392.0 sf 27 3 ft Direct Load: 2960.S lb I= 7626 lb Wind Lnarlin •: location Tnbuta,y length ~ Add.load Total Wind To Rear 16.81 85 l p1f 0.0lb 1433.2 lb To Front 133ft 8~ 1 plt 0.0lb 1135.2 lb Direct load: 1000. lib r• 3568 lb Diaphragm calcujatlon: LINE 8 -first Floor; Rear ; left to Right Additionaf loading; II LINE B Direct 1000 lb 2961 lb To Rear 0lb 0lb Sheathing Grade Used : ;tr,J(tural I Diaphragm Type : !O'l Add,tlonal load Total Load Diaphragm Type Used Location Diaphragm Depth Wind Seismic Wind Seismic To Rear 49.7 ft 0lb 0lb 28.9 plf 80.4 plf ,no ,tr,,.,_ , ~n:c t'. 1· 11 ..t':.11."IL To Front 27.3 ft 0lb 0 lb 41.S plf 67.4 plf ' 4'' L ,1 k, .f '>h )I r 1 ill!?., w/lr\_, ,,>,ii l'[i) f, • Calculauon 1s done per Case 3 (Refer SDPWS 2018 Table 4.2A & 4.2C) (Material 058) To Front 0lb 0lb " ' %of load 100% Cl~ C (I) ""0 CD ~--"m 2 0 CD (D ~ 0 () -· ~ l'v ... -(1) -n O -· C n ;v l'v"C -. -CD l'v =: ~ !!?. 0 () C. :, Ql CD -::i (") (") C CD [ i:5' ::i (/) ""0 1"->-...J m O C DI :, C... 0 <C o <0 n (1) --· r:: O> ~ 3 ~(1) (1) Cl) ::, co ::, ([) (t) :::!. ::, co co -, 0 C -0 ... :, -z r:: 3 er (1) ... l'v 0 l'v l'v I __., 0 Cf () )> r () b __., I 0 __., Shear Wall calculation: No. of Shear Walls : l Total length of Shear Walls : 13.9 ft # Net length Hei ht RoofTrrb. 2(b/h Floor Trib SW#l 13.92ft 9.1 ft 3.0ft 1.00 0.0ft ~ I I 5,,,._., I .s,...ll,, SW#l 0.0162 in 0.203 in 0.092291n Collector calculation: Diaphragm length= 49.7 ft lQCalioll Olaph. OesjgnSW Sta.rt End shear 0.0ft 13.9 ft Both 684.8 plf 13.9 ft 27.3 ft Both O.Opll 27.3 ft 49.7 ft To Rear 0.0plf 0.0ft 0.0 ft None 0.0 plf 0.0ft 0,0 ft None O.Oplf 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None O.Oplf 0.0ft 0.0ft None 0.0 plf 0.0 ft 0.0ft None 0.0 plf 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None O.Oplf 0.0 ft 0.0ft None 0.0plf Wind Oes,gn shear(ASD} • 3568.5 lb Sds= 0.843s Shearwall Type : 3 Seismic Design Shear IASD) " 7626.2 lb Wall Thickness: 4" Adjusted Ca acity Additional U lift Total Upltft SWType Holdown Seismic Wind Wind Seismic Wind Seismk 665.0 pit 930.0plf O.Olb M lb 1288.Slb 4140.Slb 3 1-!0US w/ 4x POST O.Olb O.Olb 1288.5 lb 4140.8 lb HDUS w/ 4x POST I &...,,,, ... s.p I I I I .s,..,. 6:. . Allowable Drift 0.078in 0.390in 1.S60 In 2.2in Diaphragm shear = 80plf i o Rear Diaphragm shear = 67plf To Front Net Sllear Drag load Strap 1000 COLLECTOR -271.3 plf 3776 lb CMSil4 147.7 plf 1795 lb CS14 -;;-0 ~ ___ O~'\ ,OO't 2'10tt 30.0 tt 00~ SOO't 60.0't 0 80.4plf O!b g 200<: 0.0 plf Olb 0.0 plf Olb "' ~ 3000 0.0 plf Olb ,400(; 0.0 plf Olb lOCATION 1ft) OO plf Olb ra:iilmum drag'force:"l7/61S- 0.0plf Olb Coll&tor plate s.plice= MST60 O.Oplf Olb I I C -...J C :::. CD Ill -01 Ill CD ---n I\.) ... o -· I\.) "S. I\.)-· 0 :::s I "tJ "'m co :::s Ill (Q 0 (Q CD ;; 5· .p. CD (1) :::> co :::> ([) ([) -. 5' co <.O -. 0 C: .:, CD ... (/) "'Cl~ -... ., 0 CD ?5 '-• -, -CD :::0 !:; !l, CD [l) (/) () [l) n C ?I 6' ::::, (/) a: CD ::::, n CD 0 C "' c.... 0 0 n "' C: 1:--' 3 _. CD 0 :::s CfJ -() z )> c: r 3 () CT I CD ~ ... I 0 _. l...l!eral Calculation and Analysis :- WalltoqtioQi Level; Fim FlOor Direction: left to R,ght location: F,ont Wall Ht,; 9.0 ft Area; 3434.0 sf Fx; 12900.1 lbs Seismic toadlnc· x::11·;:a:•";s axz:i:···•: l.oQtion Area To Rear 311.0 sf To Front 0.0 sf Fx/Area 3.8 3.8 Geomet,y: location Tributary Area : Diaphragm Depth : To Rear To Front 3ll0st 00sf 20.7 ft O Oft Add .. load Total Se1smic 0.0 lb 1168.3 lb 0.0lb 0.0lb Direct Load: 2960.5 lb ~= 4129 lb Wind tnadin : Location Tributary Length Load Add.load Total Wind To Rear 13.3ft 851 p!I 0.0lb 1135.2 lb To Front 00lt 85.l pit 0.0lb 0.0lb Direct toad: 1000.l lb }'.-2135 lb Diaphragm Calculation: LINE C • First Floor; Front; Left to Right ~sl!lili9Di11101di!ll' q Direct To Rear To front UNEC 10001b 0lb 0lb 2961 lb 0lb 0lb Sheathing Grade Used : ~tructurai t Diaphragm Type : ,J~olod.ed Diaphragm Depth Additional load Totll Load D1aphragm Type Uw:l location Wind Seismic Wind Seismic To Rear 20.7 ft Olb 0 lb 54.9 plf 70.7 plf 3/4 Unblock•►'? ~,~ructur ai ntr. w/lC>d ,,,~ :~ ~ b , 6" 1:r To front 0.0ft 0 tb 0 lb 0.0plf 0.0plf !/4" Unetc~,i-f),! )ft•J<.tu, 3' 1-ht~. •.v/1()(1 <"i1.Lt1 Pl) f' t>-•~ 1?." • Calculation is done per Case 3 (Refer SDPWS 2018 Table 4.2A & 4-2() (Material 0S8) %of load 100% cl~ c (/) "ti co ~ ..... :Jl20CD co ~ n o -·, N-. ,... CD ;:o O -•CC') N"C..,-CD N::!: !!!_ ~-0 () a. :::I Ql CD -:::J (") (") C CD §I 6' :::J en "IJI Nc.o mo c II) :::I c.... 0 10 0 10 C'> CD ...., -• C O> ~ 3 +>-CD CD CD :::) (0 :::) ([) ([) ::?. :::) (0 (0 -, 0 C: "O .. :::I -z C: 3 C" CD .. N 0 N N I ..... 0 CX> () )> r () 6 ..... 6 ..... ---~ ... .......... __,. ---........ : __. ..,,,,..T, ___, Nil« ~--Q,.11 ='it 1-::::r .......... -..................... ~• l i == ~ ... 'iv -Z.-A ·-=, ~ _, I 1,.000: n.SW½lYl 1te ;r.: .;_,;a; 1:f;]!:,. : _&V,; i2S~ G ~t 7 ·;oo lV •; ;, ...: u,:,, ,.:,, 25.:s, V (ASD)=4129 LB V (ASD)•2064. 5 LB (EACH) ALLOWABLE SHEAR LOAD FOR WSWH 18X9 = 2575 LB V / V(ALLOWABLE)" 0.80 H=9 FT Tens,on Ar.cho(ago Solutions -2.500 psi Concro1e·" M= v•H=23.17 kips S... 141N T= M/S = 19.80 K/FT T(ALLOWABLE)·e 21.68 K OCR= T/T(ALLOWABLE) =0.91 TACTUAL= T/0.7= 28.28 K USE (2) 1• DIA BOLT WITH MIN 13• EMBEDMENT = r......,1£ == ....... ., -- .:-: ~! ,.,,,,}~ ~~,j ,llt-tt"~ ,..,....,... ),t_,,.,: ,,., !1.tOO >1,,00 -:~7:.< -----.. l1 JO ., .. ~-t I " .. C> "' ·; 1i' cl-..i c (/) .,, Q) ~ (D -.. -CJ1 (I) ... 0 C: ..... <D .._ n (") (D N -. ~a o -· N "C rv ::!'. Q) 0 () :I ~ (") C: ~ 5' ::, en -C l'-"0 mo c II) :I c... 0 <0 0 <0 n <D --• C 0) ~ 3 .i,. <D CD I (1) ::, (0 ::, ([) (D ~-::, (0 (0 -, 0 C "Cl .. :I -z C 3 I r:1' CD .. CD (1) ... ::0 (1) en a: (1) ::, (") (1) N 0 N N I .... 0 (X) I () )> r () 6 .... 6 .... Lateral Calculation and Analysis :- Wall loqtion: Level: first f;oor Direction: from lo Sack Location: left Wall Ht.; 9 lh Area: 3434.0 sf Fx: 12900.1 lbs Seismic Loadln2: x-•::;•--z :=:::::·:--·•· Location Area To l eft O.Osf To Right 302.0 sf Fx/Area 3.8 3.8 Geomeuy: location Tributary Area : Oiaphragm Depth : To left OOsf 26.7 ft Add. load Total Seismic 0.0 lb 0.0lb 0.0 lb 1134.5 lb To Right 302 0 sf 26 7fl Direct load: 2960.S lb ~• 4095 lb WindLMdin • l.ocatton Tributary length load Add .. load Total Wind To left 0.0ft 85.4 pit O.Olb O.Olb To Right 10.HI 8S.4plf O.Olb 882.4 lb Direct load: 850.0 lb r• 1732 lb Diaphragm calculation: LINE 1 • First Floor; Left; Front to Back AdditJonat toadioci jf UNEl Direct SSOlb 2961 lb To Left Olb Olb To Right 0 lb 0 lb Sheathing Grade Used : Svurt\.iral 1 Diaphragm Type : ,wblccl•.'d Addltio11<1I Load Total load Diaphragm Type Used locatiQn Diaphragm Depth Wind Se~mic Wind Seismic To Left 26.7 ft 0 lb Olb O,Oplf O.Oplf )/4" Unblocked <tructu a: ,ntl" .v/ l•lC '"''" /fl) o , ., ir To Ri•ht 26.7 ft Olb Olb 33.1 plf 53.2 elf 3/4 .. ~,i,:,.e:. k.,.11 '-htJ<h: , ',Nt_ wJ,,}o 'hHf '~ f ... 6 . l?" • Calculation is done per Case 3 (Refer SDPWS 2018 Table 4.2A & 4.2C) (Material 058) %of load 100% Cl:::! C (/),, 21-_,_:&20 (D ~ 0 (') '-• N -,,....<D 0 -• C 0 N"C -, ,. N :~ 0 (') :I Ill (') C ~ 6' :J Ul -ol w m O C t»_.::::ic....o C.0 0 C.0 0 (D ..., -• C 0) :I 3 .:,. g: (D (I) ::J co ::J (!) (I) :J. ::J co co -, 0 C -0 ., :I -z C 3 O" (D ., OJ Cl) -, ;o Cl) Ul a: Cl) :J (') Cl) N 0 N ~ _,_ 0 'r' (') )> r (') I 0 _,_ b Shear Wall C..lculatlon: No. of Shear Walls : Total Length of Shear Walls : 12.0 ft Wind Design shear(ASD) a Seismic Design Shear (ASD) = 1732.4 lb 4095 Olb Sds= 0.843 s Shearwall Type : ' Wall Thickness: ·• # N gth Height RoolTnb. Adjusted C.. ac,ty Additional U loft Total Upl,ft SW T et ten 2:!_b/h) Floor Trib Seismic Wind Wind Seismic Wind Seism,c ype Holdown SW#l 12.00 ft 9.1 ft 3.0 ft SlO.O If 715_0 If 0.0 lb 1484.4 lb 414.7 lb 3863.8 lb 1.00 0.0 ft p p 0.0 lb 1484.4 lb 414.7 lb 3863.8 lb 2 HDU5 w/ 4x POST HDU5 w/ 4><. POST §"stcw,u j-WiRP' I ......... 1 6.....,, 6,.,.s.,, I Ii, 6.,,....,..,s,,,, 6,..., lix Allowable Drift SW# 1 0.0136 ,n 0.127 In 0.05023 ,n 0.091,n 0.281 In 1.125 ,n 2.2 ,n Collector C..lculatlon: Diaphragm length= 26.7 ft Diaphragm shear = 0 plf To Left Diaphragm shear= S3 plf To Right locatlOl'I Dlaph. Dl-sigl'I SW Net Shear Oragload Sir.Ip Start End shear 0.0 ft 12.0 ft To Right 426.6 plf -65.0plf 7801b CS20 12.0 ft 26.7 ft To Right 0.0 plf 53.2 plf Olb 0.0ft 0.0 ft None OOplf O.Oplf Olb 0 00)..,_ so<t COLLECTOR !OOH IS.Oh !00 @. •oo 0 < g ~ JOO't 0.0ft 0.0 ft None O.Oplf O.Oplf O lb 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None 0.0 plf OOplf Olb Ii) ~ SOD 0 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None 0.0plf OOplf 0 lb lOOC 0.0ft 0.0ft None O.Oplf 0.0plf Olb LOCATION 1ft ----0.0ft 0.0ft None O.Oplf 0.0 plf Olb ""Maxlmum cf rag force: 7iftrni 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None 0.0plf O.Oplf Olb Collector plate splice: 12-16cl Nails 0.0ft a.a ft None O.Opll 0,0 pit Olb 0 1:::::c Ill _., (I) -CJ1 (II (I) --n N ., o -· N 'S, en -0 ra .... ., "" 0 (l) C -• ~ g, (I) ;:o ~ n. (l) OJ C/) N -· 010 ::::, OJ a: (l) :::, (") (l) -0 Ill cc (I) w m N ::::, 0 ie. -::::i O> (I) +>-(I) (I) ::::, (0 ::::, (t) (I) :::!, ::::, (0 (0 0 C 'O ., 0 C ~ 6' :::, C/) OC N c... 0 0 n N C ~ 3 ..... (I) 0 ::::, cp -() z )> Cr 3 0 C' 0 (I) ..... ., ' 0 ..... Lateral Calculation and Analysis :- Wall loqtion; Level: First floor Oirect,on: horit to Bad Location: int~uor Wall Ht.: 9.1 ft Area: 3434 o sf F~: 12900.1 lbs Seismic loadlnr, loc.t10n Area To Left 272.0 sf To Right 79.0 sf Fx/Area 3.8 3.8 Geometry: location Tributary Area : Diaphragm Depth : To Left 2720 sl 26.7ft Add. Load Total Seismic O.Olb 1021.Slb 0.0lb 296.81b To Right 79.0 sf 26 7 ft Direct load: 2960.5 lb }:= 4279 lb Wind l oadin : Location Tributary Length load Add.load Total Wind To l eft 10.3 f: 85 4 plf O.Olb 882.4 lb To Right 3.0 It 8S.4 pit 0.0lb 256.1 lb Direct Load: 850.0 lb '.1"=1988 lb Diaphragm Cflculatlon: LINE 4 -First Floor; Interior; Front to Back Additional loadlnRi # LINE 4 Direct 8501b To Left 0 lb 2%llb Olb Sheathing Grade Used : .1,u(t..:,al I Diaphragm Type : Additional Load Total Load Diaphragm Type Used Location Diaphragm Depth Wind Seismic Wind Seismic To left 26.7 ft Olb Olb 33.1 plf 47.9 plf ,, ~-,b'~. ci ,tr .icti.~ ... w ..... itJ,.. w, 1...,_ .. ,:11, ... L, 'O ToRiRht 26.7 ft 0 lb Olb 9.6 plf 13 9 plf 4• lr,.1-lj ;{.ti .v • Calculation 1s done per Case 3 (Refer SOPWS 2018 Table 4.2A & 4.2C) (Material 058) To Right Olb Olb ti' Joi.. % of load 100% C l::::!_C I» .... ti) -01 (I) l'D .._ n N-, o -· N "5?, N -· (/) ,,ra -., ., 0 (1) ~ '-•-, -Cl) ;:o ~ ~ (1) Ill IJl 010 ::, Q) () s. ~ o· :::, (JJ -,,l ww mo c I» ::I '-0 cc o cc n Cl) --· C: O') ~ 3 "'"ti) ti) ro ::::, (Q ::::, ro ro ::i. ::::, ca (Q -, 0 C "'O ., ::, -z C: 3 CT ti) ., a: (1) :::, C') (1) N 0 N N I .... 0 Cf () ► r () 6 ..... 6 ..... Shear Wall calculation: No. of Shear Walls : I Total Length of Shear Walls : 20.0 ft # Net length Hei t RoofTnb. 2(b/h Floor Trib SW#l 2000ft 9.1 ft 3 0 ft 1.00 0.0 ft ,n· 6_, l 6,_~ SW#l 0.0051 on 0.079 on 0.01088 on Collector Calculation: Diaphragm length= 26.7 ft loc.abon Olaph. OesognSW Stan End shear 0.0ft 12.0 ft To Right 267.4 plf 12.0 ft 26.7 ft To Right O.Oplf 0.0ft 0.0ft None 0.0 plf 0.0 ft 0.0ft None 00 plf 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None 00 plf 0.0 ft 0.0ft None 0.0 plf 0.0ft 0.0 ft None 0.0 plf 0.0ft 0.0ft None 0.0 plf 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None O.Oplf 0.0 ft 0.0 ft None O.Oplf Wind Design $hear(ASD) • 1988.Slb Seismk ~gn Shear (ASD) = 4279.1 lb Sdsz 0.843 s Shearwall Type : l Wall Thickne.ss: • Adjust;i Ca ac,tv Additional U loft TotalUploft SW Type Holdown Seismic Wind Wind 510.0plf 715.0plf O.Olb O.Olb o""""",..si,,, 6,"!-11 6, 0.054 in 0.150 in 0.599 in Ooaphragm shear = 48 plf Net Shear O(ag load Str.ip -U.5 pll 822 lb CS20 13.9 pit 618 lb CS20 O.Oplf 618 lb CS20 O.Oplf 618 lb CS20 OOplf 618 lb CS20 0.0 plf 618 lb CS20 O.Oplf 618 lb CS20 0.0 plr 618 lb CS20 O.Oplf 618 lb CS20 O.Oplf 618 lb CS20 Seismic Wind 1484.4 lb O.Olb 1484.4 lb O.Olb Allowable Onft 2.2 on ~ism,c 2227.5 lb 2227.5 lb 2 HDU2 w/ 4x POST HDU2 w/ 4X POST To Left Diaphragm shear = 14 plf To Right 7 .0 400 : 0 g -t:00 '-' .. ~ &00 l000 COLLECTOR LOCATION (Ill -------------"l.ilaxrmum drag'lorce£ .. 8211b~ Collector plate splice= 12-16<1 Nails 300ft 0 1:::::! 0 (/) "ti OJ ~_..m20 CD (l)S:/:!0 0 .... ·-, N -.-(l);o 0 -· C: 0 N 'O -, -CD I\.)::!: 9!. ~-0 () Cl. ::I Ql CD -:::, C') (l ,,lw m QI -l:>-::I (C O (C ct) ~ -· 0) ::I -l:>-(I) (D -, (0 :::::, <O :::::, (t) (t) ::::!. :::::, <O <O -, 0 C: -c C: CD §I 5· :::, Vl 00 ~ '-0 I\.) 0 I\.) C: I 3 ~ (D 0) :::J I -() z )> c: r 3 0 C" 0 (D _.. ., b _.. Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 35 of 64 Page VERTICAL DESIGN engineering group Byer Residence 2022-108-CALC-O 1-01 Project Document Number DJ Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 36 of 64 Date !Wood Beam l!tl a;@•ld•lflft DESCRIPTION: H1 (SPAN=<4) CODE REFERENCES Page Calculations per NOS 2018. IBC 2018. CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set : IBC 2018 Material Properties Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design Fb • load Combination IBC 2018 Fb • Fe ,Pnl WOOd Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Fe· Pe,p Wood Grade No. 1 Fv Ft Beam Bracing . Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling 0\0 30375) Lr(? 225) W(0 18) Span" 4 250 n engineering group 1350 PSI E : Modulus of Elasticity 1350psi Ebend·XX 1600kSI 925 PSI Emmbend · xx 580kSI 625pSI 170pS1 675psi Density 31 .21 pct lied Loads Service loads entered Lo;,d Factors w,11 bo apphod for Cl11culahons Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load O = 0 0270 Lr= 0 020. W = 0 0160 ksf, Tributary Width = 11 250 fl (ROOF LOAD) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Load Combina!JOl1 Location of maxi1111Jm on span Span # v.tiere mamum occurs Maximum Deflection Ma• Downward Tmns,et1t Deflection Max Upward T ranSJent Deflection Max Downward Total Defte<:tlon Max Upward Total Deftoction Overall Maximum Deflections loall CornbinaliOn Span +O+O 750lr•O 450W Vertical Reactions load ComblnallOII <Mrai W.X,mum <>,era, MIN,n,um 0Onty +O+l1 •O+O 750!.1 •0>060W •O•O. 7 5-0lr+O 450W +0•0 450W +O 600+0.60W +0.600 0.371 1 4x6 818.26psl 2.193 75psi •D•Lr 2125ft Span# 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span tv: Actual 0.021 in Ratio = 0.000 in Reuo " 0.053 in RatJo,. 0.000 in Ratio = Max ••• Del Locam 111 Span 0.0530 2141 Fv: Allowable Load Combmallon Location or maximum on span Span # 'Mlt!re maximum occurs 2383>=360 0<360 961 >=240 0<240 load Combrla110n Support notallOn fllf left i, #1 Suppot11 Stlppo,12 1.185 1185 0.383 0.383 065'4 0.65-4 1132 1 132 1013 1 013 0.8a4 08~ 1185 1185 0.826 0 826 0.622 0622 0.393 0393 Design OK 0.327 • 1 4x6 69 56 psi 2 12.50 ps, +O+L1 0000ft Span# 1 Max. • • • Del Loealian in Span 0 0000 0 000 Vaa,os l'I KIPS Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date J Wood Beam l!tl 83j'C·N1IHEt DESCRIPTION: H1 (SPAN=<4') Vertical Reactions Load Combilal,on 2022-108-CALC-O 1-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 37 of 64 Page 0383 0.383 engineering group Vakm tn KIPS Byer Residence Project 2022-108-CAL C-01-01 Document Number DJ Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 38 of 64 Date I Wood Beam lltl lMC·t11lf1Et DESCRIPTION: H2 (SPAN=<4') CODE REFERENCES Page Calculations per NOS 2018, IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load CombinaUon Set: IBC 2018 Material Properties Analys,s Melhod : Allowable Stress Design Fb ~ Load Combination !BC 2018 Fb • Fe· Prtl Wood Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Fe · Perp Wood Grade No. 1 Fv Ft Beam 8r11C1ng Beam is Fully Braced againsl lateral-torsional buckling $p,a1' • 4 250 ft 1,350.0psi 1.350.0pSI 925 Opsi 625.0pSI 170.0psi 675 0 PSI engineering group E . Modulus of Elast,c,ty Ebend· xx 1.600.0ks, Em1rtbend • xx 580.0ksi DenS!ly 31.210pcf lied Loads ScMce loads entered Load Factors _.,,11 be apphcd for ca•culuhons Beam self wetght calculated and added to loads Undorm Load D: 0.0270, Lr= 0.020. W: 00160 ksf, Tributary Wldlh: 11 250 n, (ROOF LOAD) Uniform load D: 0 02050. L • 0.040 ksf. Tnbutary Width= 10 50 fi. (FLOOR LOAD) Umform Load : D: 0 01850 ks(. Tributary Width= 8.0 n. (WALL LOAD) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb: Actual = Fb: Allowable = Load Combonabon Location of ma.ximum on span = Span # when, maximum occurs Ma.x1mum Deflection Max DownWllrd Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Oefle<:tlon Max Upward Total Oenec~on Overall Maximum Deflections Loao Combrlabon Span •O•0 750lr•0 750L•0 450W Vertical Reactions load CombNtion CMiatMAXlmum Ove<al MIN,mum OOnly •O.l +Otlr •O+0.750l1•0 750l •0•0 7501. •O;()60W 0.550 1 4x8 965.38psi 1.755.00psi +O+L 2.125ft Span# 1 Maximum Shear Stress RaUo Section used for this span Iv. Actual Max.•.· Oea 0 0514 0.017 In Rollo = 0000 in Ral.JO = 0.051 in Ratto = 0 000 in Ral.JO = localion tn Span 2141 Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location or maximum on span Span # where maunum occurs :>924 >=360 0<360 992>=240 0<240 load CombinallOfl Support no1alion F atleft IS #\ Sllppo,t I Support2 2.629 2.629 0.383 0.383 1429 1.429 2322 2.322 1.907 1.907 2.457 2.4S7 2098 2,098 1659 1.659 Ma ·••0e• 00000 ValuestoKIPS Design OK 0.583 : 1 4x8 99.17 ps, 170.00 psi •O+L 000011 Span# 1 l.ocaliolllll~O 0000 Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date !Wood Beam lltldil'?l'l DESCRIPTION: H2 (SPAN=<4') Vertical Reactions Load CombO\ation +D4l.750Gt0.7s0C •O lSoW •0•0.750L•O•SOW •0600•060W •0600 Lt Only LOniy WOnly 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 39 of 64 Page Support notallOfl Farleft ,s ,, Support I Suppon 2 2.629 2.629 2 271 2.271 I 087 I 087 0857 08S7 o.,1s o ,1a 0 893 0.893 0383 0383 engineering group Valves in KIPS Byer Residence 2022-108-CALC-O 1-01 Project Document Number DJ Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 40 of 64 Date !Wood Beam l!0013¥1l1' lfC ft DESCRIPTION: DB-01 CODE REFERENCES Page Calculations per NOS 2018. IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set ; IBC 2018 Material Properties Analysls Melhod Allowable Stress Design Fb , Load Combination IBC 2018 Fb • Fe· Prll Wooo Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Fe· Perp Wooo Grade No.1 fv Ft Beam Braang . Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling D\O~j D[O 0-l)JlO 12) 4'10 Span " 7 580 ft 1,350.0psi 1 .350.0 PSI 925 Opsi 625.0pSI 170.0 psi 675 Ops, engineering group E . Modulus of EJast/Clty Ebend· xx 1.600.0ksi Em10bend -xx 580.0ksl DenStty 31.210pcf lied Loads Sorvic<> loads entered load factors will oo apphod tor catcolat,ons Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load O = 0.020, L = 0.060 ksf, Tnbulary Wldlh = 2 0 It. {DECK LOAD) Unrform Load · 0 • 0 0180 ksf Tnt>utary Wldlh = 3 50 fl, !WALL LOAO) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Se<:11on used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Load Comt»nauon Location of maximum on span Span # where maX11111Jm OCCIJI'$ MaXJmum Oenecllon Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient oenectlon Max Downward TOOII Oeftection Max Upward Total Oeft4Ktl0n Overall Maximum Deflections load Comooabon Span •041. Vertical Reactions load Comblnabon oieial MAX,mum O..etal MINimum OOnly •O+L •O+O 750L +0.600 LOnly " 0.24!i 1 4x10 397.18psi 1,620.00osi ~O•L 3,790ft Span# 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv Actual 0.024 1n Ratio = 0.000 in Rat,o = 0.04 7 1n Rat.) • 0.000 1n Rabo = Max.•.· Deft LocallOO 10 Span 00465 3 818 Fv: Allowable Load Comblnalion Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 3747 >"360 0 <360 1954 >=240 0 <240 load CombiMbon Support notation Far left ,sit Suppcn 1 Suppon 2 0872 0.872 0455 0.455 0417 0.417 0872 0.872 0 758 0.758 0 250 0.250 04~ 0.455 Design OK 0.191 : 1 4x10 32.43 psi 170.00 psi +O•L 6.833ft Span# I Max. • • • 0ea Location di Span 00000 0000 Valun Ill K1PS Byer Residence Project 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 41 of 64 Date !Wood Beam l!tl IWiZ·B•lflFt DESCRIPTION: 08-02 CODE REFERENCES Page Calculations per NOS 2018. IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set : IBC 2018 Material Properties Analysis Method • Allowable Stress Design fb , Load Combination IBC 2018 Fb - Fc • Prll Wood Speoes : I Level Truss Joist Fe • Perp Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2 2E fv Fl Beam Bracing . Beam Is F uily Braced against lateral-torsional buckling D\O 1~) L(O 9) , • D(O 0266~ L(O 0798) • 525,925 Span• 3 250 n + 2,900.0psi 2,900.0 PS! 2.900.0psi 750.0pS! 290.0pS! 2,025,0psi D\O 027265) l\O 0$J2j D\O ()!ll)Ltl0,06) W(0_ 0-8) D\0 135) LIO 91 0(0 '.i••> Span•60ft engineering group E Modulus of Elasticity Ebend-xx 2.200.0ksl Em11bend-XlC 1,118.19ksa DenS!ty 45.070pd lled Loads SoMCe loads ontcrod lo.-.d I-~clot$ w,11 bO apphod for calculations Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load · D = 0020. L = 0.060 ksf, TnbulalyWldth: 1 330 fl, (DECK LOAD) Urnform Load : D: 0 0150, L = 0 10 ksf. Tnbuta,y Width,, 9 0 ft, (STAIR LOAD) Point Load : D = 0.420. L = 0.450 k@00 It, (DB--01) Load for Span Number 2 Uniform Load . D: 0 01850 ksf, TribularyWidlh = 8 0 fl. (WALL LOAD) Uniform Load O = 0 0150, L = 0 to ksf, Tnbulaly Width= 9 0 II. (STAIR LOAD) Unifoml Load : D" 0 0270, Lr: 0 020, W = 0.0160 ksf. Trib\Jlary Width= 3.0 n, (ROOF LOAD) Uniform load D = 0.02050. L = 0 040 ksf, Tnbulaly Width= 1.330 ft, (FLOOR LOAD) DESIGN SUMMARY 'Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Load Combtnabon Location or maXlmum on span Span rt where maxllll\Jm occurs 0.49. 1 5.25x9.25 1.432.26osi 2.900.00osi •D•L +H, LL Comb Run (L ') = 3 250ft Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv: Actual Fv: Allowable Load Combination Maximum Deffeclion Mn Downward Transient Oefloctlon Max Upward Tron$ient oenoction Max Downward Total Oefloction Max Upward Total Oeffectlon Overall Maximum Deflections LO.cf Combollabon Span •D•L •H, LL Comb Run (L 1 •D•L •H. LL Comb Run ('L) Vertical Reactions load CombtnallOn o-ieral MAx'unum ~ Span# 1 Location or maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Max:-· Deft 01642 0.0407 0.141 in Ral,o = •0,063 ,n Ratio = 0.164 in Ratio"' -0.040 in Ratio = t.oc.luon in Span 0000 3.117 554 >=360 1232>=360 474>=240 1960>=240 Load Combinabon L Only, LL Comb Run (l ') Support nota1'0n F.v left 11#1 Supp(lft 1 Support 2 Support 3 10197 3696 Design OK 0.486 • 1 5.25x9.25 = 141.02 psi 290.00ps, •D•L +H, LL Comb Run (LL) = 3250ft Max. ••• Oeff 00000 -0.0339 Values III KIPS Span#1 0000 2011 Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date !Wood Beam lltl 83','CfMHU DESCRIPTION: DB-02 Vertical Reactions load Combflation Oveial M1N,mum •D•H +O+l •H. LL Comb Run ('L) •D+l•H, LL Comb Run (L') +O<l +H, LL Comb Run (LL) •O•lt+H, LL Comb Run ('Ll +O+lt+H. LL Comb Run (L ') •O+lt•H, LL Comb Run (LL) •O•S•H •O+O 760lr<O 750L •H, LL Comb Run I' •D+O 750lr<0.750L•H. LL Comb Run (L +0+0.750lt+O 75(l.tH, LL Comb Run {L +0+0.750L<0.750S•H. LL Comb Run (•L tO+O 750!. +O 750S•H LL Comb Run (L' +O+O 750L +0.750S•H. LL Comb Run (LL •D•0.60W•H +0+0.70E•H •0+0.7501.r+O 750L +O 450W•H U Comb +0+0.750lr+O 750L+O 450W•H. ll Comb +D+0.750Lt+O 750L+O 450\V+H, U Comb +0+0.750l +O 750S+O 450W•H. LL Comb •0-0.750L-O 750S+0 450W+H. LL Comb •0+0.750l •O 750S+O 450W+H, LL Comb +O+O 7501. •0 750S•O 52SOE •H. U Comb •0+0.750l •O 750S•O 5250E•H LL Comb •O+O 750l •4l750S+0 5250E+H, U Comb •0 600•0.60W•O 60H >-0.600+0.70E +O 60H OOnly Lr Only, LL Comb Run I'll Lr Only. U Comb Run (LL) L Only. LL Comb Run ("L) l Only, LL Comb RuntL") l Only. LL Comb Run (LL) WOttf HQrtf 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 42 of 64 Page 51,pport ootallOn SuWort I Support 2 Support 3 0.144 0.144 2.597 0.836 5457 3696 7338 ·0270 10197 2 590 2 777 1016 2 597 0836 2.777 1.016 2 597 0836 4877 3.116 6153 0007 8.432 2 286 4.742 2981 6153 0007 8297 2 151 2.W 0.923 2.597 0836 4.942 3.181 6 217 0071 8.497 2.351 4 807 3046 6211 0071 8362 2 216 4.742 2.981 6153 0.007 8297 2151 1.645 0.588 1 558 0.502 2.597 0.836 0.180 0 180 0.180 0.180 2.860 2.860 4.741 -1106 7600 1.753 0144 0144 engineering group Far 1en IS ,ii Values Ill KIPS Byer Residence Project 2022-108-CALC-O 1-01 Document Number DJ Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 43 of 64 Date !Wood Beam ,,,, ea:,ic,m•1t1tt DESCRIPTION: 08-03 CODE REFERENCES Page Calculations per NOS 2018, IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set : IBC 2018 Material Properties Analysis Melhod : Allowable Stress Design Fb • Load Combin.ltion !BC 2018 Fb- Fc • Prll Wood Species : ilevel Truss Joist Fe· Perp Wood Grade : Paratlam PSL 2 2E Fv Ft Beam Bracing : Beam Is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling 2,900.0psi 2,900.0ps, 2,900.0psi 750.0ps, 290.0ps, 2,025.0psi D(0 4~~02ffi}J L(0.0798) f --• ' Dl0 02726~) L(0 0532) 5.25x9.25,. 5.25x9.25 Span• 3 250 ft ~ .!. Span • 20 250 ft engineering .group E. Modulus ol E/8$t/Clty Ebend-xx 2,200.0ksi Emmbend-xx 1, 118.19ksi Dens11y 45.070 pc( lied Loads SoMct' ioads ome1od Load Factors -,,,11 I)(! i>ppl,od for c,1 cula~ons Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load fO< Span Number 1 Untfoon load: D "0 020 l: 0,060 ksf, Tnbulary Width: 1 330 fl (DECK LOAD) Point Load • D : 0 420. L = 0 450 k @ 0 0 ft, (DB--01) Load 10< Span Number 2 Uniform Load. D: 0.02050, L • 0.040 ksf. Tnbutary Width• 1.330 ft, (FLOOR LOAD) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Sec1ion used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable 0.22!1 1 5.25x9.25 = 664.00osi : 2.900.00osi Maximum Shear Stress Ralto Section used for this span fv· Actual •~L •H. LL Comb Run ('L) = 10 973ft Load Combination Fv: Allowable Load Combination LocatJcn of maxunum on span Span # where maJCJmum occurs Maximum DeRectlon Max Downward Transient Deflecbon Max Upward Trans,enl Oeflecllon Max Downward Total Doftoction Malt Upward T Olal Deflection Overall Maximum Deflections Load ComMahon $!);111 +0+L •H. LL Comb Run r L) Vertical Reactions load COl!lb,nabon OveralMAximum o.e..,1 MIN!l'llum +O+H +O't.•H, LL Comb Run ("l) •O•L•H. LL Comb Run [l') = Span 112 Location of maximum on span Span # wher& maximum occurs Max. •,•Deft 00000 0.3863 0.108 in Ravo• •0.136 in Rallo = 0.386 tn Ratoo = -0.153 m Ra110" Locailon tn Span 0000 10 521 722>=$0 574 >=360 629>=240 510 >:240 Load ComooallOn •O+L •H. LL Cooit> Run I'll 5',ppo(t fl0la1IOO Far left Is 11 SUIJl)O<l 1 Suppon 2 Support 3 2 405 0.890 1341 0446 106<1 0.352 1603 0.890 1 866 0 259 Design OK = 0.125 .1 5.25x9.25 = 36.22 psi " 290.00 psi •D•L tH, LL Comb Run (l ') = 2481ft = Span# 1 Max ••· Deft location In Span -0 1528 0000 00000 0000 V&kles III KIPS Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date !Wood Beam lltll3a't1I DESCRIPTION: DB-03 Vertical Reactions load CombNbon •O+L +A, LL Comb Run (ll) •O•IJ>H. LL Cooi> Run ('L) •O•Lt•H. lL Comb Rlrl (L ') • O•Lf♦H, LL Comb Run (LL) •O+S•H •0•0750lr♦O 75«. •H, LL Comb Run(' •0•0.750Lr•O 750l.•H, LL Comb Run {L +0♦0.750lr•O 750l•H, LL Comb Run (L •0+0.7SOL-<l.750S•H. LL Cooi> Run ('L •O•O 750!.♦0 750S•H LL Comb Run (L' •O+O 750L +0.750S+H LL Comb Run (LL +0+0.60W+H •O•O 70E+H •0>0 750lr+O 7SOI. +-0 ASOW•H LL Comb +O+O 750ls+0,7SOl.+G.4S0W•H, LL Comb +O+O 750lr+0.75a. +o 450W+H, LL Comb •O•O 7SOI. +O 750S•O 450W+H, LL Comb •O+O 7SOL •O 750S•O 450W•H. LL Comb +0+-0 750l •O 750S+O 450W+H, LL Comb •O+O 750l •O 750S.O 5250E +H. LL Comb •D+0.750L+O 750S•O 5250E•H, LL Comb •0+0.7SOL •O 750S•O 5250E•H. LL Comb +0.600+-0 60W•O 60H ,o eoo♦0. roe ♦0.eoH OOnly LOnly LlCombRun('L) l Only, LL Comb Run (L ') L Only LL Comb R\Jtl (LL) HOnly 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 44 of 64 Page Support nola110n Fat left IS~ I Support I Suppon2 S\Jpport3 2405 0797 I 06,4 0.352 1 064 0.352 1 064 0.352 I 06,I 0 352 1~ 0 756 1 666 0282 2070 0.686 1468 0756 1666 0282 2070 0686 1.064 0.352 1 06,4 0352 1468 0 756 1666 0282 2.070 0.686 1468 0756 1.666 0.282 2070 0686 1.468 0.756 1.666 0.282 2070 0686 0638 0211 0.638 0.211 I 064 0352 0 S39 0S39 0.802 ·0093 1 341 0.446 engineering group Values ill KIPS Byer Residence Project 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 45 of 64 Date !Wood Beam l'tl U&C•l3•1f5Ef DESCRIPTION: (E)H3 VIF CODE REFERENCES Page Calculations per NOS 2018. IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set: IBC 2018 Material Properties Analysis MelhOd : Allowable Stress Design Fb t load Combination JBC 2018 Fb, Fc-Prll Wood Species : DF/OF Fe • Perp Wood Grade : 24F-V4 Fv Ft Beam Braeing • Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling 0(0 f37) 2400psi 1850ps, 1650psi 650ps, 265psi 1100psi Qt9 02126~H.<!? o5_~?l __ __ __ Spar,: 16 50 ti E. Modulus of Elastiaty Ebend· XX Eminbend -xx Ebend-yy Emmbend -yy Density engineering group 1800ksi 950ksi 1600ksl 850ksi 31.21pcl lied Loads Serw:c k>acts ontercd Load ~acton; w,11 be applied for calculat,ons Seam self weight calculated and added to loads Unifo,m load O = 0.02050 l = 0.040 ksf. Tnbutary Width= 1.330 ft, (FLOOR LOAD) Unitorm load: 0" 0.01850 ksf, Tributary Wid!ll" 2.0 It. (WALL LOAD) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable load Combioalloo Location of maximum on span 1 Span II w!K!re maximum occurs Maximum Deffecllon Max Downward Trans lent Deflection Max Upwar<I Transient Deflection Max Downwar<I T olaf Oeftection Max Upward Total Oenec:oon Overall Maximum Deflections load Combiflation Span •0•l'H Vertical Reactions load Combl1aboo 6.eralMAXil1>lll!l 0,-eral MINrmum •0•H •D•L•H +-Ott.r<H •O•StH •0>0.750\.rt0.750L •H •D•0.750\. •O 750S•H t0t0.60W•H 0.403: 1 3.5x9.5 967.0Sosi 2,400.00osi +D+l•H 8.250ft Span# 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used lor this span fv: Actual 0.198 in Raho " 0.000 in Ratio " 0.465 in Ratio • 0.000 in Ratio = MaX. • -· Deft Loca:ioo in Span 0.4646 8310 Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # wbere ma~mum occurs 9$8> .. 360 0<360 426>=240 0<240 Load Combinaboo Sl>pport notllt>on Far lefl ,s '1 Support 1 Support 2 1029 1.(129 0.439 0.439 0.590 0.590 I 029 1.029 om o.soo 0.590 0.590 0,919 0.919 0919 0919 0 590 0.590 Oesl n OK " 0.158 : 1 3.5x9.5 . 42.00 psi = 265.00psi -+D•ltH "' 0.000ft = Span# I Max.·•· Deft Location in Span 0.0000 0000 Values ITT KlPS Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date !Wood Beam ,.,, ewr,~rn,,art DESCRIPTION: (E)H3 VIF Vertical Reactions Load Cotnbmtion •D+b.70E•A +D+O. 750lt+O. TSOI. •OASOW•H +D•0.750L•0.750S•OA50W•H +0♦0.750L •0750S+05250t •H ♦Q.600+0.60W+0.60H •0.600+0.70E•O 60H 0 Only L Only H()nly 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 46 of 64 Page SuppM I b:590 0.919 0.919 0.919 0.354 0 354 0.590 0.439 SuppQt1 notation. Far left 1$ /1'1 Support 2 o 590 0.919 0919 0.919 0.354 0.354 0590 0.439 engineering group VakJMlllKIPS Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 2022-108-CALC-O 1-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 47 of 64 Page Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: 41 , ui • Junker ngmeenng roup DESCRIPTION: H4 CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NOS 2018, IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set : IBC 2018 Material Properties engineering group Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design Load Combination IBC 2018 Fb + Fb • 2,900.0psi 2,900.0psl 2,900.0psl E : Modulus of Elasticity Ebend• xx 2.200.0 ksi Fe· PrU Fe • Perp Fv Emlnbend • xx 1,118.19k$I Wood Species Wood Grade Beam Bracing \ \ A iLevel Truss Joist Parallam PSL 2.2E Ft Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling £itL7). .... . ... t)(p_~1Jl!,(O, IJ6.) W\0 0481 ~8L oto oines; I.JO osw $(>an= 16.50 n 750.0psi 290.0psi 2,025.0psi Density 45.070pcf .. , --. Applied Loads Sarvice loads cnlered Load Factors will bo applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load: D = 0.02050, L = 0.040 ksf, Tributary Width = 1.330 fl, (FLOOR LOAD) Uniform Load: D : 0.01850 ksf, Tributary Width= 8.0 fl, (WALL LOAD) Uniform Load : D = 0.0270, Lr= 0.020, W = 0.0160 ksf, Tributary Width = 3.0 ft, (ROOF LOAD) Point Load : E = 14.70 k@ 5.420 ft, (SWUPLIFT) Point Load : E = -14. 70 k @ 11.083 ft, (SWUPLIFT) Point Load : E = 15.357 k@ 14.420 ft, (SWUPLIFT) DESIGN SUMMARY !Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward T ranslent Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Denection Max Upward Total Deflection 0.621: 1 3.5x16.0 2,788.86psi 4.494.17psi +D+0.70E•H 5.420ft Span# 1 0.380 in Ratio = O in Ratio= 0.434 in Ratio = O in Ratio= Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Rat,os Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span rv: Actual Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location or maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 520>=360 0<360 456 >=240 0<240 Span: 1 : E Only n/a Span: 1 : +D+0.70E+H n/a Moment Values Segment Length Span # M V Cd C FN Ci Cr Cm C t CL M fb F'b +D+H 0.00 Length = 16.50 fl 0.296 0.195 0.90 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.32 748.73 2527.97 +D+L+H 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Length = 16.50 II 0.318 0.209 1.00 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11.13 894.21 2808.86 +D+Lr+H 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 000 Length = ·16.50 ft 0.260 0.171 1.25 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11.36 912.81 3511.07 +D+S+H 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Length = 16 50 II 1 0 232 0.152 1.15 0.969 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.32 748.73 3230.19 Design OK 0.448 : 1 3.5x16.0 207.83 psi 464.00 psi +D+0.70E+H 15.175ft Span# 1 Shear Values V fv F'v 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,90 50.79 261.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.26 60.66 290.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.31 61.92 362.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.90 50.79 333.50 Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 41 DESCRIPTION: H4 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 48 of 64 Page Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Junker ngineenng roup Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Comblnalion lvlax Stress Rahos lvlomen! \lalues Segment Length Span# M V +O+O. 7S0Lr+0.7SOL+H Length = 16.50 ft 1 0.279 0.184 +O+O. 7SOL +O. 750S+H Length = 16.50 ft 1 0.266 0.174 +0+0.60W+H Length = 16.50 ft 0.184 0.121 +0+0.70E+H Length = 16.50 ft 1 0.621 0.448 +0+0.750Lr+O. 750L +0.450W· Length= 16 50 ft 1 0.231 0.152 +O+O. 750L +O. 750S+0.450W• Length = 16.50 ft 1 0.204 0.134 +O+O. 750L +O. 750S+0.5250E· Length = 16.50 ft 1 0.524 0.379 +0.600+0.60W+0.60H Length = 16.50 ft 1 0.117 0.077 +0.600+0. 70E+0.60H Length = 16.50 fl 1 0.562 0.404 Overall Maximum Deflections Load Combination Span +0+0.70E+H Vertical Reactions Load Combination Overall MAx,mum Overall MINimum +D+H +O+L•H +O+Lr•H +O+S+H +D+O. 750Lr+O. 750L +H +0+0. 750L +O. 750S+H •0+0.60W•H +D+0.70E+H +O+O. 750Lr+O. 750L •0.450W+H +0+0.750L +0.750S+0.450W•H +O+O. 750L +O. 750S+0.5250E+H +0.600+0.60W+0.60H +0.600+0. 70E+0.60H DOnly Lr Only LOnly WOnly EOnly H Only Cd CFN Ci Cr Cm Ct CL M lb 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.21 980.90 0969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.15 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.68 857.84 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.30 827.49 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 34.71 2.788.86 0.969 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 160 0.969 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.94 1,039.97 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11.41 916.91 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 29.28 2,353.07 0.969 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.57 527.99 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 31.42 2,524.62 Max. "·" Oefl Location in Span Load Combination 0.4340 7.046 Support notation : Far left is #1 Support 1 Support 2 7.146 8.376 6.981 8.376 2.259 2.259 2.698 2.698 2.754 2.754 2.259 2.259 2.959 2.959 2.588 2.588 2.496 2.496 7.146 8.122 3.137 3.137 2.766 2.766 6.253 6.985 1.593 1.593 6.242 7.218 2.259 2.259 0.495 0.495 0.439 0.439 0.396 0.396 6.981 8.376 I I ·unke engineering group Sfiear \laluos F'b V Iv F'v 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3511.07 2.48 66.54 362.50 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 3230.19 2.17 58.19 333.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4494.17 2.10 56.13 464.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4494.17 7.76 207.83 464.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4494.17 2.63 70.54 464.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4494.17 2.32 62.20 464.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4494.17 6.57 175.97 464.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 4494.17 1.34 35.81 464.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4494.17 7.00 187.52 464.00 Max "+" DeP Location in Span 0.0000 Values In KIPS 0.000 Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 2022-1 08-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 49 of 64 Page Project nue: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Junk-er ng neenng roup DESCRIPTION: H4(UPLI FT CHECK) CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NDS 2018, IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set: IBC 2018 Material Properties engineering grou p Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design Load Combination IBC 2018 Fb + Fb· 2,900.0psl 2,900.0psl 2,900.0psi E : Modulus of Elasticity Wood Species Wood Grade Beam Bracing ,-- \ 1 • ,,,,_,,,_ ___ t llevel Truss Joist Parallam PSL 2.2E Fe• Prtl Fe• Perp Fv Ft Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling _ Oj9 061f-10 06) R!Q.).W- OjO 02728~ UO 0532J 3 5•16 0 si,en • 16,50 n 750.0psi 290.0psi 2,025.0psi ,, E'.!-5.lla) Ebend-xx 2,200.0ksi Eminbend • xx 1,118.19ksl Density 45,070pcf 1 Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculmlons. Beam self weight calculated and added lo loads Uniform Load : D "'0.02050, L = 0.040 ksf, Tributary Width = 1.330 ft, (FLOOR LOAD) Uniform Load : D = 0.01850 ksf, Tributary Width= 8.0 ft, (WALL LOAD} Uniform Load : D = 0.0270, Lr= 0.020 ksf, Tributary Width = 3.0 ft, (ROOF LOAD) Point Load : E = 5.880 k @ 5.420 ft, (SWUPLIFT) Point Load : E = -5.880 k @ 11.083 fl. (SWUPUFT) Point Load : E = 6.150 k @ 14.420 ft, (SWUPLIFT) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio : Section used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span It where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection 0.338 1 3.5x16.0 1,512. 19psi 4,494.17psi +D+0.70E+H 5.420ft Span# 1 0.152 in Rallo = O in Ratio = 0.277 in Ratio = O in Ratio• Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination ~ax Slress Ral,os Segment Length Span It M V Cd CFN Ci Cr +O+H Length = 16.50 ft 0.296 0.195 0.90 0,969 1.00 1.00 +D+L+H 0.969 1.00 1.00 Length = 16.50 ft 0 318 0.209 1.00 0.969 t.00 1.00 +D+Lr+H 0.969 1.00 1.00 Length"' 16.50 fl 0.260 0.171 1.25 0.969 1.00 1.00 +D+S+H 0.969 1.00 1.00 Length= 16 50 fl 0 232 0.152 1.15 0,969 1.00 1 00 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv:Actual Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location or maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 1300>=360 0<360 715 >=240 0<240 Cm Ct 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Span: 1 : E Only nfa Span: 1 : +D+0.70E+H nla Momeni llalues CL M fb 1.00 9.32 748.73 1,00 1,00 11.13 894.21 1.00 1.00 11.36 912,81 1.00 1.00 9,32 748.73 F'b 0.00 2527.97 0.00 2808.86 0.00 3511.07 0.00 3230.19 Design OK 0.245 : 1 3.5x16.0 113.72 psi 464.00 psi •0+0 70E+H 15.175ft Span It 1 Sfiear 17alues V fv F'v 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.90 50.79 261.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 2.26 60.66 290.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.31 61,92 362.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.90 50.79 333.50 Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 50 of 64 Page Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: I 1 .Bud· Junker nginecring roup DESCRIPTION: H4(UPLIFT CHECK) Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations engineering group Load Comblna!lon Max S!i'ess Ralios Momeni 17alues Sliear 17alues Segment Length Span # M V +D+O. 750Lr+0.750L•H Lengtll = 16.50 ft 1 0.279 0.184 +O+O. 750L +O. 750S+H Length= 16.50 ft 1 0.266 0.174 +D+0.60W+H Lengtll = 16.50 ft 0.167 0.109 +D+0.70E+H Length= 16.50 ft 1 0.336 0.245 +D+O. 750Lr+O. 750L +0.450W· Length= 16.50 ft 1 0 218 0.143 +D+O. 750L+O. 750S+0.450W+ Length = 16.50 ft 1 0.191 0.125 +D+O. 750L +O. 7S0S+0.5250E· Length " 16.50 ft 1 0.311 0.227 +0.600+0.60W+0.60H Length = 16.50 ft 1 0.100 0.066 +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H Length " 16.50 fl 1 0.278 0.201 Overall Ma.xlmum Deflections Load Combination Span +0+0.70E+H Vertical Reactions Load Combination Overall MAx,mum Overall MINimum +O+H +O+L+H •D•Lr+H +D+S+H +O+O. 750Lr+O. 750L +H +D+O 750L +O. 750S+H •0•0.60W•H +0+0.70E+H +O+O. 750Lr+O. 750L +0.450W +H +0•0.750L+0.750S+0.4S0W+H •0+0. 750L +0. 750S+0.5250E+H •0.6DD+0.60W+0.60H +0.600+0. 70E +0.60H DOnly Lr Only LOnly E Only H Only Cd CFN Ci c, Cm Ct CL M 0.969 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.25 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.21 0.969 1.00 I 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.15 0.969 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.68 0.969 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 9.32 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 18.82 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 12.21 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.68 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.37 0.969 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.59 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 0.969 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.53 Max.•.• Oen Location in Span Load Combination 0.2768 7.467 Support notation : Far left is #1 Support 1 Support 2 4.214 4.608 2.793 3.357 2.259 2.259 2.698 2.698 2.754 2.754 2.259 2.259 2.959 2.959 2.588 2.588 2.259 2.259 4.214 4.608 2.959 2.959 2.588 2.588 4.054 4.350 1.355 1.355 3.311 3.705 2.259 2.259 0.495 0.495 0.439 0.439 2,793 3.357 lb F'b V fv F'v 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 980.90 3511.07 2.48 66.54 362.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 857.84 3230.19 2.17 58.19 333.50 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 748.73 4494.17 1.90 50.79 464.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,512.19 4494.17 4.25 113.72 464.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 980.90 4494.17 2.48 66.54 464.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 857.84 4494.17 2.17 58.19 464.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,395.56 4494.17 3.93 105.39 464.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 449.24 4494.17 1.14 30.47 464.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,247.94 4494.17 3.49 93.41 464.00 Max. ·•· Defl Loeation in Span 0.0000 Values in KIPS 0.000 Byer Residence 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Project Document Number DJ Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 51 of 64 engineering group Date I Wood Column ,,,. wa2c·t1•1► ,et DESCRIPTION: TYP. 4X4 POST (H4) Code References Page Calculations per NOS 2018, IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations Used : tBC 2018 General Information Analy,,s Method Allowable Stress Des,gn End Fix,~es Top & Bottom Pinned Overal Column Height 9.083 ft Wood Species Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade No.1 Fb + 1,000.0 psi Fb-1,000.0psi Fe -Pru 1,500.0 psi Fe· Perp 625.0 psi Fv Fl Dens,ty 1800psi 675.0 psi 31.210 pd Wood Section Name Wood Gtading/Manuf. Wood Member Type 4x4 Graded Lumber Sawn Exact \Vlollt 3.50 ., Allow Stress Mod1ficaboo Facto,s Exad[leplti 3.50 10 CforCvforBelldr>g 1 50 Area 12.250 111"2 Cf or Cv for Compruwn 1. 150 Ix 12.505 .,•4 CforCvlorTtnSlon 1.50 ly 12.505 .,.,4 Cm· Wei Use Factor 1.0 Ct Tempetature Factor 1 0 E : Modulus ol Elasticity x-x Bending y,yBendlng 1,700.0 620.0 Cfu: Flat Use Factor 1.0 Axial Kt &.,iij,up colUlnns 1 O 1,700.0 k$1 Use Cr : RepetitNe ? No BaStC 1,700.0 Minimum 620.0 Brace condrtion for deflection (buckling) along colUIMs . X,X (Width) axis. Unb(aced length for bucl;kn9 ABOUT y.y "'"' • 9 033 fl. K • y. Y (depth) axis Fully b<aced 119')sns! budding ABOUT X·X AY s Applied Loads SeMce 1oods entered Load r ,1ctol'll will be applt&d for caiculelloos Column sell welqht included · 24 116 lbs • Dead Load Factor AXIAL LOADS .. Axial Load at 9.083 ft, D = 2.260, Lr = 0.050, L = 0.440, W = 0.40, E = 2 330 k DESIGN SUMMARY Bending & Shear Check Results PASS Max. AXlal+Bending Stress RallO = load Comtmabon Gowning NOS Forurnla localiorl of max above baM At miuumum IOcabon vaiu.s .ire AppltedA>.ial Appl,edMx AWiiedt'Y Fe Alowable PASS Maximum Shear Stress RallO = Load Comb,nalioll Loca?Jon ot max above base l,ppl..,,IDes,gnSheat Allc1Nable Shear Load Combination Results 0.6353 : 1 •D+0.70E Comp Only, re/Fe' 0.0ft 3.915k 0 Ok·ft o.ox-ft 503.08 psi 0.0 : 1 •O 600+0.70E 9.083ff O.Qps, 2880 1)$1 Maximum SERVICE Lateral Load Reactions .. Top along Y-Y O O k Bottom along Y-Y Top along X-X O O It 8oCom along X-X Maximum SERVICE Load Lattral D1flection1 ... Along y.y 0.0 11 ,1 0.0 ~ above base tor load comb4netlon n/a Along X-X 0.0 in at 0.0 ft aoo.e base for load oombonation n/a Oth11 Factors used to calculai. 1llow1bl1 slrtutt , .. Btm Comprl'SSIQ() 0.0 • 0.0 k .a!lll!l!l Co Cp Ma&mum &iill • lklllliog Stres§ Batios Maximum Sh!:ill Ballos Load Combination Stress Raho Status Location StressRatJO Status Location OOnly 0 900 0.311 0 3868 PASS o on 0 0 PASS 9 083 n •D+L 1.000 0.282 0 4565 PASS 0.0ft 0,0 PASS 9.083ft +D+Lr 1.250 0.230 0.3842 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 9.083ft +O+O 750Lr•0.750l 1.250 0.230 04365 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 9.08311 •D•0.750L 1.150 0.248 0.4329 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 9.083ft +D+0.60W 1.600 0.182 0.4096 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 9 08311 •D•O 70E 1 600 0.182 0 6353 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 9.08311 •D•O 750Lt.O. 750L +O 450W 1.600 0.182 0 4595 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 9.083lt +0+0.750L +0.450W 1.600 0.182 04534 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 9083ft •D•O 750l •0.5250E 1.600 0.182 0.6227 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 9.083ft +0600+06<1N 1600 0.182 0 2613 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 9083ft •0.60D+O 70E 1 600 0.182 0 4870 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 9 083ft Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date I Wood Column '"' ea?Cd1'1Hfl DESCRIPTION: TYP. 4X4 POST (H4) Maximum Reactions Load Combination Only •O+l •!>+Lt +O+O 750lt•O 7SOL •0+0.7SOL •0•060W +O♦o.70E •D+O 750lr+O 7SOL +O 450W •0+0.750L •O 450W •O•O 750L•O 5250E +0.600+0 60W +0.600+0 70E LrOnly LOnly WOnly EOnly 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 52 of 64 Page Y-YA>usReacbon AxialReadlo/1 @Base @Top @Base 228.4 2.724 2.334 2652 2.614 2S24 3.915 2832 2.794 3 837 1.&10 3 001 0050 0440 o,oo 2.330 Maximum Oefle<:tlons for Load Combinations engineering group Note Only non.ze,o reac110ns are listed My· End Moments k-11 1,b • End Moments @Base @Top @Base @Top Load Comb.nation Max. X-X Oe!lecllOII OistanCle Mu Y-Y Oel!ecuon Distance OOnly 00000 n 0000 ft 0.0000 n 0000 n •O•L 00000 ,n 0.000 ft 0.0000 Ill 0000 n •D•Lr 00000 n 0.000 a 00000 In 0000 n •O♦o750Lr+O 750l 00000 n 0.000 n 0.0000 n 0000 ~ +0+0.750L 0.0000 Ill 0.000 fl 0.0000 Ill 0000 A +0+060W 00000 Ill 0000 a 00000 n 0000 n •D+0.70E 00000 n 0,000 ft 0.0000 Ill 0000 n •O+O 750lr+O 750!. •O 450W 00000 .. 0.000 n 00000 In 0000 n ,0+0,750!. ♦o 450W 00000 n 0.000 fi 0.0000 Ill 0.000 ft •D+O 750L +O 52SOE 00000 Ill 0000 ft 0.0000 Ill 0000 n ♦o600+060W 00000 n 0.000 ft 00000 n 0000 ft +0.600•0 70E 00000 In 0.000 ft 00000 n 0000 ft lJOnly 0 0000 ,n 0.000 " 00000 n 0000 ft L Only 00000 in 0.000 h 0.0000 Ill 0000 ft W()rdy 00000 In 0.000 ft 00000 n 0000 n EOnly 00000 n 0.000 ft 0.0000 n 0000 n Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date Wood Column DESCRIPTION: TYP. 4X4 POST (H-4) Sketches 2022-108-CALC-01 -01 Document Number DJ Engineer 53 of 64 Page Load 1 ... ~ 4x4 3.50 in +X I I I ·unke engineering group Byer Residence Project 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 54 of 64 Date !Wood Beam l!tl M~YO·til•I Hf t DESCRIPTION: 1 3/4" X 14" TYP STGR CODE REFERENCES Page Calculations per NOS 2018. IBC 2018. CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set ; IBC 2018 Material Properties Analysis Melhod : Allowable Stress Design Fb , Load Combin.ltion IBC 2018 Fb • Fc-Prll Wood Species : llevel Truss Joist Fe· Perp Wood Grade M1crolam LVL 2.0 E Fv Ft Seam Broong : Beam Is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling 1 75x14 Span = 17 250 n 2600psi 2600psa 2510psi 750p$1 285psi 1555psi I I E. Modulus of Elasticity ·unke engineering group Ebend-XX 2000 Ii.SI Eminbend • xx 1016.535ksi DenS1ty 42.01 pc{ lied Loads SNVICl' loads omcre<l L<><,d Factors v.,11 be apphod for t a•culatIons Beam self weight caletllat&d and added to loads Unlfolm Load O: 0 0150 L = 0 10 ksf Tnbulaly Width= 1 50 ft. (STAIR LOAD) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Load Comblnabon Location of maximum 011 span Span # vmere maJC!lllUm 0((:Urs Maximum Deflection Max Downward Trnnslent Deflection Max Upwa!d Transient Defleciion Max Downward Total Oeneetlon Max Upw;,rd Total Deftoction Overall Maximum Deflections load Combin.'lbOII Span +O+l+H Vertical Reactions load Comooal>On Oiieral WiXlmum Ovefal f.llN,mum •O•H •O•L•H +O+lr+H •O+S•H +D+O 750lr+O 750L•H •0•0 750l •O 750S•H •D•0.60W+H +0+0.70E•H " 0.549 1 1.75x14 1,402.65psl 2.555 89psi Ma~1mum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span tv· Actual +O•l•H 8625ft Span# 1 0.376 111 Ratio= 0.000 in Rauo " 0.450 111 Ratio= 0.000 in Ralio = Max •.• Del locallOn 11'1 Span 04498 8638 Fv: Allowable Load Combtnabon location or maximum 011 span Span # where maximum 0((:Urs 551 >=360 0<360 460>=240 0<240 load Comblnatx>n Suppon notallon Fo11 left IS # I SUppon I 1.549 1294 0256 1.549 0256 0.256 t 226 1226 0.256 0256 Support 2 1549 129' 0256 I 5,19 0 256 0 256 I 226 1226 0 256 0 256 0aslgn OK 0.289 • 1 1.75x14 = 82.40 psi s 285.00 ps, •D•L•H 16 117 fl : Span# 1 Max. • • • Del Locailon III Span 0 0000 0 000 Vakle$ ., KIPS Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date !Wood Beam l!tl 83j'C•M•tfJft DESCRIPTION: 1 3/4" X 14" TYP STGR Vertical Reactions Load Combtlation •D+01sol.i+0150C +0.4SOW•A •O•0.750l•O 750S•0 450W+H +0•0.750!. •O 750S•0 5250E•H •O 60D•0.60W•0.60H •0.600+0.70E +0.60H OOn!y L On!'y H~ 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 55 of 64 Page 1226 1.226 1 226 0 153 0.153 0256 1294 Suppo,1 notalloll Far left IS ~I 1.226 1.226 1226 0 153 0.153 0256 1294 engineering group Valuc,s Ill KIPS Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date Pesuzn crne,1a R••· PoSt ma, IP.Kina Ho<11onl1I load Al Top of R••hng Pos1 ttoight (mu ) Concrntrat~ load an'I d,rrrilon Matcrtal Used u,. 8ond1n11 Stttn11h fDF•Llfl) Sect,on Modulus IS•) Pou Member Pcsi10 !>Opsf,4fl 2001bs • l Sh 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 56 of 64 Page GUARD RAIL CALCULATION 4X4 Wood Post ti' 4'-0" 0 C 411 SO lbs/It 3.S h 200 lb 1100 psi 7 145833333 1n•3 V • M • lb 700 ft-lbs• 17 /7 IS ,nl 700 lb> 700 ft•lbs 1 I 7S S 10204 psi Post ConnnsJIQO I • 700 h•lbs • 12 / l ,n R,quirtd ug Bolt C•p•c,ty /I" R,q • 2•00 2 Bolt x3" Thte•d .0 85 Env from T abl• 11 2A NOS 2018 for lagSu...,Sllt Wood Grode Of L G Capacity Ust •·1/1" • 4• L•& Bolts w/ 1/8" Thtd< W>thtrs Ytlld Strength (Fy) Send,ng Slroncth (fb • O 6fy) Arm • (S s· · l 25") /2 M • 2400lbu 2.13 ,n Pfote lhkkness Requlrtd (t) b • Plate Width t • sqrt{6 M /b fb} Ust 2400 lbs 470 S882353 lbs > 410 59 OK 0 Sin OS 67S lbs 36000 psi 21600 psi 2.12S In 5100 in-lbs 8 •II 000812706"' 0.375,n <FbOK ·, Wood Po!lt engineeri ng group j . , .. 1.2;,•~ <.O" ~ •~·2S" ~ ff 1 ~-2~" ..1 .5 1 . 25 .. l.1 J"x~. C-,"x.,. 0" B~ .. f' PlHf' Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date 2022-108-CALC-O 1-0 1 Document Number DJ Engineer 57 of 64 Page FOUNDATION DESIGN engineering group Byer Residence Project 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Structural Calculations Document Number DJ Description 7/15/2022 Date Concrete Beam DESCRIPTION: GB-01 CODE REFERENCES Engineer 58 of 64 Page Calculations per ACI 318-14. IBC 2018, CBC 2019. ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set : IBC 2018 Material Properties re = tr= rc112 • 7.50 ljl Density ). l!Wt Factor Elastic Modulus ty • Main Rebar = E • Ma,n Rebar = t 3.0 ksi = 410.792 psi 150.0 pct 1,0 3,122.02 ks1 60.0 ks/ 29,000.0 ksl d> Phi Values Fy • Stirrups E • Stirrups Stlrrup Ba, S12e # Number of Res1st1ng Legs Per Shrrup = Cross Section & Relnforcln Details Rectangular Seciion, Width= 18.0 In, Height= 24.0111 Span #1 Reinrorciog .... Flexure . 0.90 Shea, : 0. 750 0850 40.0~ 29,000.0 ksi 4 2 engineering group ((26 251'.( 26 :.>5) 3-#5 at 3 0 in from Top. from O Oto 20 250 fl 1n lhis span 3-45 at 3.0 in from Bottom, from O O to 20 250 ft m this span Beam self wtlght ealculattd and added to loads Point load : E • 28.250 k @ 0.0 fl, (SW UPLIFT) Point Load • E = -28 250 k@ 1.50 ft. (SW UPLIFT} Point Load: E = 28.250 k@ 18.750 ft. (SW UPLIFT) Point Load , E = -28 250 k@ 20.250 fl, (SW UPLIFT} DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span Mu· Applied Mn • Pt,1 • Allowable 0.495 : 1 Typical Section 43.879 k-fl 88.601 k-fl Locauon of maximum on span Span # ....tlen! maximum occurs Vertical Reactions l.oedCom~ 6veiai klAxiirum Ow<a• MIN,tn1Jm •O•H +O•l•H +O+l,..H +O•S•H tO•0 750lt<0 750L •H +O•0 750l--0,750S•H +O+060W•H •O•0 70E•H Suppo,t I 748A 2.734 4556 4.556 4 556 4.556 4 556 4 556 4.556 7 484 17.889 ft Span# 1 Support 2 4 556 -0,194 4 556 4 556 4 556 4556 4 556 4 556 4 556 1.628 Max,mum Deflection Max Downward Transient Oefleclion Max Upward Transient De flee hon Ma• Downward Total oenec1ion Max Upward Total Deflection Support t10tallon Far left ,s #1 Design OK 0.007 in Ratio = 33862 >=360 -0.007 111 Ratio= 33862 >=360 0.028 In Ra11o • 8812 >=240 0.000 in Rabo = 0 <240 C • Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date I Concrete Beam ,,a eavc•trtiH&B DESCRIPTION: GB-01 Vertical Reactions Load Combination t0+0.150G•o.1So0o 4SoW•R +0+-0 750l •0.760S•O 460\Y•H +O+{J 750L +-0.750S•O 52SOE•H +O 600+0 60W•0.60H •O 600•0 70E♦o 60H OOnly E()n!y H Only Detailed Shear Information Span Load Combination Number •I 200+050l41.70S+E•1 GoR +O 900•E ♦o 90H •O 90D+E•O 90H •O 90D+E -0.90H t0.90D+E-0.90H +{J 900+E--O 90H +O 90D+E+-0.90H •1200+0 50l+O 70S•E•160H +1200+0 50t+0.70S•E+l 60H +I 200+0 50l+0.70S•E•l 60H •1200•050l•0.70S•E•l 60H •I 200+0 50l•0.70S•E+l 60H •1200•0.50l+0.70S•E•1 60H +1200+0501.+0 70S•E •I 60H •1200+0 50l+0.70S+E+l 60H +1200•0 SOl•0.70S•E•160H +1200+050lt0.70S+E+160H +1200+050l•070S•E+l 60H +1200•0 SOl.+0.70S•E•160H •I 200♦0 50l+O 70S•E+I 60H •I 200+0 50t +0.70S+E+I 60H • 1 200+0 50l +O 705 +E • 1 60H +1 200+0 50t •0.70S+E+ 1 60H ,1 200+0 SOI. +<1.70S•E•t 60H •I 200+0 50l+0.70S+E+160H ti 200•0 50l+0.70S•E•l 60H •I 200+0.50l+0.70S•E•160H •1 200+0 SOl•O 70S-E+l 60H •I 200+050l+0.70S•E•160H +1200+050l+0.70S•E•1 60H • I 200+0 50t tO 70S+ Et I 60H •1200.0 50l+0.70S•E•l 60H +I 200•0.50t+0.70S•Etl 60H •I 200t050l+070S•E•160H +I 200+0 SOl+-0.70S+E+I 60H •1200+050l+0.70S•E•160H +I 200•0.50l+0.70S•E+1 60H •1200+050l+0.70S•E+160H ♦I 200+0 50l+0.70S•E•1 60H ♦I 200+050l•070S•E+l 60H +1200•050t+0.70S•E+l 60H •1200•050l+O 70S•E•1 60H •l 200+0 50lt0.70S+l:+160H • 1 200+0 SOI. tO 70S•E• I 60H 2022-108-CALC-O 1-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 59 of 64 Page $uppot1 '101.a!IO<l Far left IS ,1 Support 1 SlJllll()rt2 4.556 4 556 4 556 4 556 6752 2360 273' 2 734 5662 -01!14 4.556 4 556 4183 -4 183 Dmanc:e ·er Vu (k) Mu d'V111Mu Phl'Vc (ft) f11) Actual Design lk•ft) IKl 000 2100 965 965 000 100 3125 022 21.00 -2006 2008 HI 1 00 3125 o« 21.00 ·20 15 2015 885 1.00 31 25 066 21.(ltl ·2024 2024 13 32 100 3125 089 2100 ·2033 2033 17 81 100 31 25 111 2100 ·2041 2041 22 32 100 3125 I 33 21.00 ·20 SO 2050 26 85 1.00 31 25 155 2Ultl 981 881 2805 o.ss 30.46 I 77 2100 869 869 26 ti 058 30 52 199 21.00 8 57 657 24 20 0.62 3058 221 21.00 8.46 8 46 22 32 066 3066 243 2100 8.34 8 34 2046 071 3075 2 66 21.00 8 22 822 1863 0.77 3085 288 2100 810 810 16 82 084 3097 310 21.tltl 7 98 7 98 1504 093 3112 332 2100 7 86 786 13 29 I 00 31 25 354 21.00 774 714 11 57 I 00 3125 3 76 21.00 762 762 9 87 1.00 3125 398 2100 7 SO 7 SO 819 tOO 31 25 4 20 21.00 7 38 738 6.55 1.00 31.25 443 21.00 7 26 7 26 4!13 1 00 3125 4 65 2100 7 14 7 14 3.33 100 3125 ◄87 2100 7.02 7 02 I 77 I 00 3125 509 21 00 690 690 023 1 00 3125 5.31 21 00 8.78 678 l 29 1.00 31 25 553 2100 666 666 2 78 1.00 3125 575 21.00 6 54 654 4 24 100 3125 598 2100 642 642 567 l 00 3125 620 21.00 6 30 6)0 708 100 3125 642 21.00 618 618 846 100 3125 664 21.00 6 0/ 607 982 100 31 25 686 2100 5.95 595 1115 093 3113 1 oa 21.00 583 5.83 12 45 082 3093 7 30 2100 5 71 5 71 13 73 0.73 30.77 7 52 21.00 5.59 559 14 98 065 3064 7 75 21.00 547 547 16 20 0.59 30.53 7 97 21.00 535 5 35 17 40 054 3044 8 19 2100 523 523 18 57 049 3036 841 2100 S 11 5 If 19 71 045 3029 8 63 2100 499 4.99 2083 042 3023 885 2100 07 4 87 2192 039 30 18 907 2100 475 4 75 2298 036 3013 9 30 2100 4 63 4 6J 2402 034 3009 9 52 2100 451 H I 2503 032 3005 engineering group ~m:rJ.i;t,,iiiiHJ Comment Phi'Vs Phl'Vn ~(111) (k) (',) Req'd Suggest Vu<PlllVc/2 10tRoqd96 31 2 00 00 Ph.VCl2 < Vu <= Ml<19631 564 10 5 100 Ph.Vc/2 <Vu<" Mln9631 564 10 5 100 Ph.VCl2<Vu<-Mltl963.I 56.4 10 5 100 l't,iVc/2 < Vu <= Mn9631 564 105 100 PhtVc/2 < Vu <: M1119.63.1 564 10.5 100 Pl-dVC/2 < Vu <s Mt! 9631 564 10.5 100 Vu <PhtVc/2 lot Reqd 9.6 30.5 0.0 00 Vu< P"1Vtl2 10tRoqd96 305 00 00 VU< PhtVc/2 lot Reqd 9.6. 30.6 00 00 Vu< PhtVc/2 lolRoqd96 307 00 00 Vu<Ph.Vc/2 lot Reqd9.6 307 00 00 Vu< Ph.Vt/2 lolRoqd96 308 00 00 Vu<PIIIVt/2 lotRtQd96 31 0 00 00 Vu< PhlVc:/2 io1Roqd96 311 00 00 Vu< PhiVc/2 lol RIIQd 9 6 31 2 00 00 Vu< PhtVc/2 lot Roqd 96 312 00 00 Vu< Phl'Vt/2 lol Reqd 96 31 2 00 00 Vu<Ph.Vt/2 lol Reqd 96 31 2 00 00 Vu< PtlNc/2 lot Roqd 9.6 31 2 0,0 00 Vu <Pt11Vtl2 lotRoqd96. 312 00 00 Vu<PhtVc/2 lo! Reqd 9 6. 31 2 00 00 Vu• Ph.Vt/2 lolReqd96 31 2 00 00 VU< PhiVc/2 io1Reqd9.6 312 00 00 Vu<PNVc/2 lotReQd96. 31 2 00 00 Vu < PhoVc/2 lol Reqd 96 31 2 00 00 vu < Pht'Vc/2 10tRoqd96 312 00 00 Vu< PhoVt/2 lotRtQd 9 6 31 2 00 00 Vu< PhtVc/2 lotReqd 96, 31 2 0.0 00 Vu< PhtVc/2 lotReqd96. 312 00 00 Vu<Ph.Vc/2 io1Roqd96 312 00 00 VU< PhiVc/2 lot Roqd 96 31 1 00 00 Vu< PhiVc1'2 lolReqd 96 309 00 00 Vo< PhtVc/2 lo1Reqd 9.6 30.8 0.0 00 Vu <Ph.Vt/2 lotRoqd9 6 306 00 00 Vu< PluVc:/2 lot Reqd 9.6. 305 00 00 VU< PhoVc/2 lotRoqd96 304 00 00 Vu < PtuVc/2 I01Reqd96 304 00 00 VU< Ph!Vc/2 10tReqd96 303 00 00 Vu<Ph.Vt/2 lotReqd96 302 00 00 Vu< Ph!VC/2 lolReqd96 302 00 00 Vu <PhtVc/2 lotReqd96 30 I 00 00 Vu< PlllVc/2 lotReQd96 30 I 00 00 Vu< PhtVc/2 lotReQd 9 6 30 I 0.0 00 Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date Concrete Beam DESCRIPTION: GB-01 Detailed Shear Information Span Load Combination Numbet +1 200•0 50l•0.70S+E+ I 60H t1 200+0 SOl.>O 70S•E•160H +O 900+E +0.90H •0 900+£ •0.90H •0 900+€ +O OOH +O 900+E t-0. 90H •0.900+E •O 90H +O 900+E +O 90H •O 900+E+O 90H +O 900+E +0.90H •0 900•E +O 90H +O 900+E •O 90H •O 900•E +O. 90H -0 900+E •0 90H •O 900+E +0.90H +O 900+E-0.90H •O 900+E+0.90H •O 900+E -0. OOH •O 900+E•O 90H +O 900+E ,0 90H •O 90()-t E·•O 90H •1400+160H +1400+160H + 1 400+ 1 60H t l.400•160H ., 400•1.60H +1 400•160H •1 400+160H +1 400+1.60H t 1 400• 1 60H •1 400+1.60H +1 400•1 60H •1400+160H ♦1 400+160H +IA00+160H +1 400•1 60H +1 400+160H •1400+160H +1.400•1 60H •I 400•160H •1 400+160H t l 200+0 SOl.+O 70S+E+1 60H •1200-+050l+0.70S•E•l.60H t1 200•0.501.>0.70S•E•1 60H •1200•0 SOt.•0.70S•E•l 60H ♦I 200+050l•070S•E•160H t1 200+0.50l+0.70S•E•I 60H +1 200+050l+070S•E+160H 1 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 60 of 64 Page Distance 'd' Vu (k) (ftl \II) Actual Oes,gn 9 74 2100 4 39 4 39 996 21.00 4 27 4 27 1018 21.00 416 416 1040 21.00 4,07 4 07 1062 21.00 3 98 398 10.84 21.00 3 89 3.69 II 07 21.00 380 380 II 29 2100 3.71 3 71 fl 51 21.00 362 362 1173 2100 3.53 3 53 1195 2100 344 344 1217 2100 3 35 335 12 39 21 00 326 326 1261 2100 3 17 317 12 84 21.00 308 308 1306 21.00 3.00 300 13 28 2100 291 291 13 50 21.00 282 2.82 13 72 21.00 2 73 273 1394 21.00 2.64 264 1416 21.00 255 2 55 14 39 21.00 -268 268 14 61 2100 ·2 82 282 14 83 2100 ·296 296 1505 2100 .3 10 310 1527 2100 .3 24 3 24 1549 2100 .338 3 38 15 71 2100 .3 52 3.52 1593 2100 -366 366 1616 2100 -380 380 16 38 2100 .J 9,1 39-1 1660 21.00 -'08 4.08 16 82 2100 ... 22 4 22 1704 2100 -'36 4 36 17 26 21.00 ... 50 4 50 17 48 2100 ... 64 4 64 1770 21.00 -478 4 78 17 93 2100 -' 91 4 91 18 15 2100 .505 5 05 1837 21.00 -5 19 519 1859 21.00 .533 5 33 1881 2100 ·28 76 28 76 1903 21.00 ·2888 2888 1925 21.00 -2900 2900 19.48 21.00 ·29 12 2912 1970 21.00 -2924 2924 19.92 21.00 -2936 29 36 2014 21.00 .29 47 2947 Mu (k•ft) 2602 2698 2099 2190 22.79 2366 2HI 25 35 2616 26 95 27 72 28 47 29 21 29 92 3061 31.28 3194 32 57 3318 33 78 3'35 26 58 2597 25 33 24 65 2395 23 22 2246 2166 2084 1998 1909 18 17 17 23 16 25 15 24 14 19 1312 1202 1088 9 72 4190 3553 2912 22.69 1623 9 75 3 24 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combtnatlotl Loc;auon (ft) 5e!lment $pan# along Beam MAX>tnum BENDING E11vetope S~n#1 20150 +1400+160H engineering group Sclwar♦ Et,ERC.-1.C. l'IC. 1963-2020, 9uld 1220 U A o·vuJMu Plv-Vc Commellt Phi-Vs Phl-Vn Spaalg(WI) (k) (k) (k) Req'd Suggest 030 3002 Vu< PhoVc/2 lotReqd96 300 00 00 0.23 2999 Vu< PhiVc/2 lotReqd 96 300 00 00 035 30 11 Vu <Pn.Vc/2 lotReqd96 30.1 00 00 0.33 3007 Vu< PlwVc/2 lot Reqd 9.6. 30.1 00 0.0 031 3004 VU< PhiVc/2 IOIReqd96 300 00 00 029 30.00 Vu< PhoVc/2 lotRcqd 9 6. 300 00 00 027 2998 Vu< PlvVcJ2 lolReqd9.6 300 00 00 026 2995 Vu< Ph,Vc/2 lot Rcqd 96 300 00 00 024 2993 Vu<Ph.Vc/2 lolReqd96 299 00 00 023 2990 Vu< PtuVc/2 IOI Reqd 96 299 0.0 00 022 2988 Vu <PI.Vc/2 lot Reqd 9 6 299 00 00 021 29~ Vu< PluVc/2 lotReqd 9 6 299 00 00 020 298'1 Vu <PI.VcJ2 lotReqd96 298 00 00 0.19 2983 Vu < Ph.Vc/2 lo!Reqd 9.6 298 0.0 00 018 2981 Vu <PIWc/2 lotReqd96 298 00 00 0.17 2980 Vu < PlliVc/2 lo! Reqd 9.6. 298 00 00 016 29 78 Vu< PhNc/2 lotReqd 96 298 00 00 0.15 2977 Vu< PhoVc/2 lotReqd9.6 298 00 00 O.t4 29 75 Vu< PhoVc/2 lot Reqd 9 6 298 00 00 014 2974 Vu< PhoVc/2 lolROQd96 297 0.0 00 013 2973 Vu< Ph.Vc/2 lot Reqd96 297 00 00 0.18 29,81 Vu< PluVc/2 IOIReqd96 298 00 0.0 0 19 2983 Vu< PhoVcJ2 IOIReQd9.6 298 00 00 020 29~ Vu <Ph.Vc.12 lot Reqd 96 299 00 00 022 2989 Vu < Ph,Vc/2 lo!Reqd 9 6 299 00 00 024 2992 Vu< PtuVc/2 lot Reqd9 6 299 00 00 025 2995 Vu< PtoVc/2 io1Reqd96 299 00 00 027 2998 Vu< Plo.Vc/2 lot Reqd 9 6 300 00 00 030 3002 Vu< PiuVc/2 IOI Reqd 9 6 30 0 00 00 0.32 3006 Vu< Ph.Vc/2 lo! Reqd 9 6 301 00 00 034 3010 Vu< Pt..Vc/2 lotReqd96 301 00 00 037 3015 Vu< PhtVc/2 lol Reqd 9 6 302 00 00 041 3021 VU< Pl11Vc:l1 IOIReqd96 302 00 00 044 3027 Vu< Pllt'Vc/2 lot Reqd96. 303 00 00 048 3035 Vu< PloNc/2 lotRCQd96 303 00 00 0.53 30 43 Vu< Plv'Vc/2 IOI Reqd 96 30.4 0.0 00 059 3053 VU< PhiVc/2 lotReqd 9 6 305 00 00 066 3065 Vu< PlvVc/2 lotReqd96 306 00 00 074 3079 Vu< PhoVc/2 lotReQd96 308 00 00 084 3096 Vu<Ph.Vc/2 lotReqd9 6. 31 0 0.0 00 096 3118 Vu <Ph.Vc/2 lotReqd96 312 00 00 I 00 3125 Ph.Vc/2 <Vu c M,n963 I 564 10 5 100 I 00 31 25 Ph,Vo'2 < Vu <: Mon963 1 56.( 10 5 100 100 3125 Ph.Vcr2 <Vu o Min9831 56.( 10 5 10.0 1.00 3125 Ph.Vo'2<Vuo M,n963.1 56 4 10.5 100 I 00 31 25 Pho'\ld2 < Vu <: Min 9.6 3.1 564 10.5 10.0 1.00 3125 PhlVc/2 < Vu <: M.n9631 564 105 100 I 00 31.25 PlwVo'2 < Vu <> M.n9.63.1 SU 10.5 10.0 Bending Stress Resuts ( k.ft ) Mu Ma~ Pho1w Sb'ess Ra!lo 4388 8860 0.50 Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date I Concrete Beam lltl MW?C·@•lfSF' DESCRIPTION: GB-01 loae!CombNllon Segment Span#! • 1.200•0,50l.l•1.60l • 1.60H Span# I +1200•160l•OSOS+160H Span, 1 • 1 200• 1 60Lt•O SOL• 1 60H Span# I •1200•160lr♦O 50W•l 60H Span# 1 • 1 200+0 SOI.• 1.60S•l 60H Span# 1 +1200•1.60S+0 50W•1.60H Span I I +1200•050lrt0 50l•W• 160H Span# 1 •1200+050l+-050S•W•I 60H Span# 1 •1200+050t.•070S•E•160H Span, 1 •O 900•W•O 90H Span#! •0.900•Et0.90H Span# 1 Overall Maximum Deflections Loa<l Combrtation Span tO•O 70E•H 2022-108-CALC-01 -01 Document Number DJ Engineer 61 of 64 Page I.lax ·-· 0tn fin) 0-0276 Locallon {h) Span# along~rn 20250 20250 20250 20250 20250 20250 20250 20250 20.250 20.250 20250 20250 locabon in Span !ft) 12 117 engineering group -n:wm,,;~,&i;;iwJ Bend~ Stress Rew~ { k..fl) Mu I.till< Pho'Mnx SnssRabo 3229 88.60 036 27 68 8860 0 31 27 68 88,60 0.31 27 68 8860 031 27 68 8860 0 31 2768 8860 OJI 27 68 8860 031 27 68 8860 031 2768 8860 031 43.88 8860 050 2076 88.60 0.23 4176 8860 047 Loa4 Comb,nalion Max ••. Deft (in) Loaollon ,n Span {ft) 00000 000() Byer Residence 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Project Structural Calculations Document Number DJ Description 7/15/2022 Engineer 62 of 64 Date General Footing DESCRIPTION: F-3.5 Code References Page Calculations per ACI 318-14, IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations Used IBC 2018 General Information Material Properties re Collaete 28 day strength = fy : Rebar Yield l:c • Concrete Elasbc Modulus : Conc:tete Density = (j) Values Flexure = Shear Analysis Settings Min Steel '4 Bend,ng Reinl. Min Allow % Temp Reinf 2.50 ksi 60.0 ksi 2,850.0 ksi 150.0 pd 0.90 0.750 = 0.00180 = 1 0 1 Mill Overturning Safety Factor Min Sliding Safety F actOI = 1 0 • 1 Add Ftg Wt IOI Sotl Pressure ~ fig wt IOI stability. moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt fOt' Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stabtlily, mom & shear Dimensions Width parallel to X•X Axis Length parallel to 2-2 Axis Footing Thickness Pedestal dimensions . px . parallel IO X-X Axis pz : parallel to z.z Axis Height Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete .. al Bottom of foobng = Reinforcing Bars paraltet lo X-X Axis Number of Bars R&1nfO<cing Bar S,ze Bars paraneno Z-2 Axis Number of Bars s ReinfOlting Bar Scze = Bandwldtll Distribution Ch&ek (ACI 15.U .2) Direction Requiring Closer Separation 3.5 n 2.1so n 24.0 in II in in in 3.0 In 6 5 6 5 # Bars requ,ed within zone Bars along z.z Axis 88.0 % # Bars required on each side of zone A tied Loads P . Column Load OB : Ovetbulden . M-xx = M-22 V-x V-z = 12.0 % D 4.560 Yes Yes No No Lr Soll Design Values Allowable Sotl Bean~ = Increase Bearing By ooting Weight Sotl Passive ReStstance (for Sliding) = Sot'J/Coocrete Friction Coeff. = Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below SOIi surface Allow press. increase pe! foot of depth when footing base is below Increases based on footing plan dimension AIIOwable preSSU/e lnctease pe1 foot of depth when max length or width Is greater than = L s w E 4.180 engineering group 2 0 ksf No 250.0 pcf 0.30 H n ksf fl ksf ft k ksf k-ft k-ft k k Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date General Footing DESCRIPTION: F-3.5 DESIGN SUMMARY Min.Ratio PASS 05390 PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS 0.02497 PASS 0 02497 PASS 0 01946 PASS 0.01946 PASS n/a PASS 00 PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a Detailed Resull$ SollBearln Rotation Axis & Load Combination ... X-X. OOnlv X-X. •D+0.70E X•X. +D•0.5250E X·X, •0.600 X-X. +0.600+0.70E z.z. D Onlv z.z. +D+O 70E z.z. t0•0.5250E z.z. •0.600 Z-Z. +-0.60D+0.70E Overturning Stablllty Rotation Axis & Load Combination ... Footing Has NO Overturning Sliding Stability Force Applfcatlon Axis Load Combination ... Footing Has NO Slld•ng 2022-108-CALC-01 -01 Document Number DJ lttm SOIi Beanng Engineer 63 of 64 Page Overtumlng • X•X Overturning • Z •Z Sliding •X•X Sliding • z .z Upldl Z Flexure ( • X) Z Flexure (·X) X Flexure ( • Z) X Flexure ( ·Zl I-way Shear(+ X) 1-way Shear (·X) I-way Shear (•Z) 1-way Shear (-Z) 2-way Punching Applied 1 078 ksf 00 k·fl 00 k-fl 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 1 536 k-ft/ft 1 536 k•ft/ft 0.9480 k-MI 0.9480 k•MI 0 0 psi 0.0 psi 0.0 psi 0.0 psi 3 721 psi engineering group ~ ENERCAI.C. INC. 19$3,mG, 8.-112 20 I~ •I:Mt·i11•1' Capacity Governing Load Combination 2.0 ksl +D+0.70E about z.z axls 0.0 k•ft No Overturrung 00 k•fl No Overtum,ng 0.0 k NoSlid,ng 0.0 k No Sliding 00k No Upbft 61494 k•ftlft +1.20D+E 61.494 k•ft/ft +1 20D+E 48.725 k•ftift •1.200+E 48.725 k-ft/11 +1.20D•E 750 PSI n/a 0 0 PSI n/a 75.0 psi n/a 75.0 psi nla 75.0 psi +1 20D•E e« ecc ctual tress Locat on Actual / Allow Gross Allowable (in) Bottom,-Z Le .x Righ~ •X Ratio 20 n/a 0.0 07738 07738 n/a n/a 0387 2.0 n/a 0.0 1.078 1.078 n/a n/a 0539 20 n/a 0.0 1.002 1.002 n/a nla 0.501 2.0 n/a 00 04643 0.4643 nla nla 0232 20 n/a 0.0 0.7683 0.7683 n!a n/a 0384 2.0 o_o nla nla nla 07738 0.7738 0 387 2.0 0.0 nta n/a n/a 1078 1.078 0539 2.0 0.0 nla n/a n/a 1 002 1.002 0501 20 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.4643 0.4643 0232 2.0 0.0 n!a rJa nla 0.7683 0.7683 038A Overturning Moment Resisting Momeni Stability Ratio Status All units k Sliding Force Resisting Force Stability Ratio Status Byer Residence Project Structural Calculations Description 7/15/2022 Date Typ_ Continuou~ Footing: Roof trib ::: Floor trib = Wall ht abv = Self Weight• 1L0 ft 10,0ft 17. l ft 2:8L{ µ!f 2022-108-CALC-01-01 Document Number DJ Engineer 64 of 64 Page Foundation Design Roof DL = 27.0 psf Floor DL = 18,0 psf Wall Wt = 18.5 psf ASD load Combinations Used {ASCE 7-16, Section 2.4): 1 DL + Roof LL 2 DL + Floor LL 3 0L + 75(Roof LL+ Floor LL) Total weight = 1539.3 plf Allowable bearing pressure = 2000 psf Req'd width= Totalweight/Allowable bearing pressure " 0.8 ft Therefore Use: 1'·6" wide footing ' ·unke engineering group Roof LL = 20.0 psf Floor LL= 40,0 psf C Engineering Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. ©) A Universal ~~~~c:~y Inspection I Testing I Geotechnical I Environmental & Construction Engineering I Civil Engineering I Surveying July 2 I, 2022 Hal Byer 1631 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone: (805) 558-4209 CTE Job No. 4830.2200055.0000 Via Email: hbyer57Qi1yahoo.com Subject: Update Geotechnical Recommendations Garage Top ADU Addition Attachments: Mr. Byer: I 631 Oak Avenue Tract 12-07, Valley Street and Oak Avenue Carlsbad, California Appendix A (References) As requested, Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc. (CTE) provides the following updated geotechnical recommendations for the proposed garage top ADU improvements at the subject site. CTE has reviewed the geologic conditions at the location of the proposed improvements. Recommendations are based on the referenced previous documentation, new and/or updated regulatory requirements, review of site conditions, and the scope of work we agreed to perform at this time. The referenced and attached investigation report (Alta California Geotechnical 2013) presented subsurface information including representative exploratory borings that are located in the vicinity of the currently proposed addition. CTE should observe all new foundation excavations during proposed construction to ensure that actual exposed conditions are as anticipated. Based on document review it appears that the referenced report was prepared in general accordance with standard geotechnical engineering practice, and that site conditions have remained generally consistent to those described in the referenced report, following previous construction. Therefore, the referenced reports are considered to be suitable for the design and construction of the proposed improvements from a geotechnical standpoint, with the exception of the updated information provided herein. CTE understands that the proposed improvements are to consist of a garage top additional dwelling unit supported on the existing foundation and slab on grade using Strong-Wall Wood Shearwalls secured by anchor bolts. As indicater --------_J ---'" -" •·· • • observed and confirmed in the field during construe CBR2022-2179 1631 OAK AVE 1--0 1631 OAK: NEW 2ND (FLOOR ADU) ADDITION (551 SF) TO EXISTING GARAGE 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 Escondido, CA 92026 I Ph(" 1562123600 7/27/2022 CBR2022-2179 Update Geotechnical Recommendations-Garage Top ADU Page 2 1631 Oak Avenue Tract 12-07, Valley Street and Oak Avenue Carlsbad, California July 2 I. 2022 CTE Job No. 4830.2200055.0000 1.0 SLAB-ON-GRADE CAPACITIES As CTE understands, the proposed tenant improvements include a garage top additional dwelling unit installation. It is anticipated that the Strong-Wall Wood Shearwalls will be directly anchored to, and supported by, existing foundation and slab-on-grade improvements. Allowable bearing capacity for properly embedded foundations beneath the slab-on-grade is anticipated to be 2,000psf, with a 1/3 increase for temporary loading. Structural engineer to determine bearing area based on existing slab-on-grade conditions. 2.0 SEISMIC GROUND MOTION VALUES The seismic ground motion values listed in the table below were derived in accordance with the ASCE 7-16 Standard. This was accomplished by establishing the Site Class based on the soil properties at the site. Site coefficients and parameters were calculated using the SEAOC- OSHPD U.S. Seismic Design Maps application. These values are intended for the design of structures to resist the effects of earthquake ground motions for the site coordinates 33.165637° latitude and -117.3349519° longitude, as underlain by soils corresponding to site Class D. SEISMIC GROUND MOTION VALVES (CODE-BASED) 2019 CBC AND ASCE 7-16 PARAMETER VALUE 2019 CBC/ASCE 7-16 REFERENCE Site Class D -Stiff Soil ASCE I 6, Chapter 20 Mapped Spectral Response 1.037g Figure 1613.2.1 (I) Acceleration Parameter, Ss Mapped Spectral Response 0.377g Figure 1613.2.1 (2) Acceleration Parameter, S1 Seismic Coefficient, F0 1.085 Table 1613.2.3 (I) Seismic Coefficient, fv null Table 1613.2.3 (2) MCE Spectral Response 1.125g Section 1613.2.3 Acceleration Parameter, SMs MCE Spectral Response null Section 1613.2.3 Acceleration Parameter, SMi Design Spectral Response 0.75g Section 1613.2.5(1) Acceleration, Parameter Sos Design Spectral Response null Section 1613.2.5 (2) Acceleration, Parameter SDI Peak Ground Acceleration PGAM 0.521g ASCE 16, Section 11.8.3 *null -See section 11.4.8 \\fileOI\CTE Share\Projects\4830 (GEO)\4830.2200055.0000 (Byers Residence ADU)\Ltr_Update Geo Report, Byers Residence ADU.doc Update Geotechnical Recommendations-Garage Top ADU Page 3 1631 Oak A venue Tract 12-07, Valley Street and Oak A venue Carlsbad, California July 21, 2022 CTE Job No. 4830.2200055.0000 3.0 LATERAL RESISTANCE AND EARTH PRESSURES Lateral loads acting against structures may be resisted by friction between the footings and the supporting compacted fill soil or passive pressure acting against structures. If frictional resistance is used, an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.30 (total frictional resistance equals the coefficient of friction multiplied by the dead load) is recommended for concrete cast directly against compacted fill. A design passive resistance value of 250 pounds per square foot per foot of depth (with a maximum value of 2,000 pounds per square foot) may be used. The allowable lateral resistance can be taken as the sum of the frictional resistance and the passive resistance, provided the passive resistance does not exceed two-thirds of the total allowable resistance. Retaining walls up to approximately eight feet high and backfilled using select granular soils possessing an internal friction angle of at least 30 degrees may be designed using the equivalent fluid weights given below. EQUN ALENT FLUID UNIT WEIGHTS (Gh) (pounds per cubic foot) SLOPE BACKFILL WALL TYPE LEVEL BACKFILL 2:1 (HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL) CANTILEVER WALL 45 65 (YIELDING) RESTRAINED WALL 65 85 Lateral pressures on cantilever retaining walls (yielding walls) over six feet high due to earthquake motions may be calculated based on work by Seed and Whitman (1970). The total lateral earth pressure against a properly drained and backfilled cantilever retaining wall above the groundwater level can be expressed as: For non-yielding (or "restrained") walls, the total lateral earth pressure may be similarly calculated based on work by Wood (1973): \\file0I\CTE Share\Projects\4830 (GEO)\4830.2200055.0000 (Byers Residence ADU)\Ltr_Update Geo Report, Byers Residence ADU.doc Update Geotechnical Recommendations-Garage Top ADU Page 4 1631 Oak A venue Tract 12-07, Valley Street and Oak A venue Carlsbad, California July 21. 2022 CTE Job No. 4830.2200055.0000 Where: PAlb = Static Active Earth Pressure= GhH2/2 PKlb = Static Restrained Wall Earth Pressure = GhH2/2 ilPAEib = Dynamic Active Earth Pressure Increment= (3/8) kh yH2 ilPKEib = Dynamic Restrained Earth Pressure Increment= kh yH2 b = unit length of wall (usually I foot) kh = 1/2* PGAm (PGAm given previously) Gh = Equivalent Fluid Unit Weight (given previously) H = Total Height of the retained soil y = Total Unit Weight of Soil"' 135 pounds per cubic foot *It is anticipated that the 1/2 reduction factor will be appropriate for proposed walls that are not substantially sensitive to movement during the design seismic event. Proposed walls that are more sensitive to such movement could utilize a 2/3 reduction factor. If any proposed waBs require minimal to no movement during the design seismic event, no reduction factor to the peak ground acceleration should be used. The project structural engineer of record should determine the appropriate reduction factor to use (if any) based on the specific proposed wall characteristics. The static and increment of dynamic earth pressure in both cases may be applied with a line of action located at H/3 above the bottom of the wall (SEAOC, 2013). These values assume non-expansive backfill and free-draining conditions. Measures should be taken to prevent moisture buildup behind all retaining walls. Drainage measures should include free-draining backfill materials and sloped, perforated drains. These drains should discharge to an appropriate off-site location. Waterproofing should be as specified by the project architect. 4.0 LIMITATIONS The recommendations provided in this report are based on preliminary design information for the proposed improvement foundations and the subsurface conditions observed in the site explorations. The extrapolated subsurface conditions should be checked in the field during construction to document that the conditions are as anticipated. Recommendations provided in this update report are based on the understanding and assumption that CTE will provide the observation and testing services for the project. Earthwork should be observed and tested to document that grading and excavations have been performed according to the recommendations contained within the geotechnical reports. A CTE geotechnical representative should evaluate all foundation excavations before reinforcing steel placement. \\file0I\CTE Share\Projects\4830 (GEO)\4830.2200055.0000 (Byers Residence ADU)\Ltr_Update Geo Report, Byers Residence ADU.doc Update Geotechnical Recommendations-Garage Top ADU Page 5 1631 Oak Avenue Tract 12-07, Valley Street and Oak Avenue Carlsbad, California July 2 I. 2022 CTE Job No. 4830.2200055.0000 The recommendations presented herein have been developed to help reduce the potential adverse effects of soil settlement and expansion. However, even with the design and construction precautions provided, some post-construction movement may occur. The field evaluation, laboratory testing, and geotechnical analysis presented herein have been conducted according to current engineering practice and the standard of care exercised by reputable geotechnical consultants performing similar tasks in this area. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the conclusions, recommendations, and opinions expressed in this report. Variations may exist and conditions not observed or described in this report may be encountered during construction. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they are due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have any questions or need further information please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. ~;-7 Dan T. Math, GE #2665 Principal Engineer Rodney J. Jon s, GE #3205 Senior Engineer RJJ/ JFL/DTM:ach No.2665 EXP.12/31/ eo, 9 ~y: :,I::: SW Principal Engineering Geologist \\file0l\CTE Share\Projects\4830 (GEO)\4830.2200055.0000 (Byers Residence ADU)\Ltr_Update Geo Report, Byers Residence ADU.doc APPENDIX A REFERENCES REFERENCES I. Project Plans -Garage Top ADU Addition For: Byer Residence, 1631 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California, Steven Noel Architect, dated April 27, 2022 2. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Tentative Tract CT 12-07, Valley Street and Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California, Alta California Geotechnical Inc., Project No. 2-0068, dated October 24, 20 I 3 S.pletnhr 07, 2022 4;09 pm {city of Carlsbad CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID This farm must be completed b',' the City, the apphcant, and the appropnate school districts and returned to the Cit',' prior to issuing a building permit. The City wdl not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project# & Name: Permit#: Project Address: Assessor's Parcel #: CBR2012-3245 16330AK AVE 1562123600 Project Applicant: (Owner Name) TRUST BYER HAL AND MARIHELENE REVOCABLE TRUST Reaklentlal Square FNt: New/Addilions: __________________ _ Second DweHmo Unit: ~55~1~----------------- Com..-clal Square FNI: New/Addilions: Citv Certification:Citv of Carlsbad Building Division Date: Q9/07/2022 Cer11t1eat1on ot Apphcant'OM1ers. The person executing tnrs Ge<:laraboo ('Owner' .1 certifies under penalty at p@f')Ufy 1J\a1 ( 1) the information provided above IB corree1 and true to the bes1 of the Owner's knowledge, and tha1 !he CMrner w1H file an amended cerbflcatlon of pavment and pay 1he adchbof\81 tee 1r CMrner requests an lncrea'Je in the number of dwelling units « s,qua,e foo1age after lhe building penmt is l!i'JU&d « If the lnltlal detemunabon of urnts or square foo1age IS found 10 be Incorrect, and !hat 12) the Owner rB the owner~eloper of the above described proJect(!IJ. at that the person @ Carlsbad UnHled School District 6225 El Gamioo Real Ca~sbad CA 92009 Phone: 1760) 331-5000 D Encinitas Union School District 101 Sooth Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas. CA 92024 Phone: (760) 944~300 x1166 D Sm, Dieguito Union H.S. District 684 Requeza Dr. Encinitas. CA 92024 Phone: (760) 753-6491 Ed 5514 (By Appl. Only) D San M•co• Unified Sch. District 255 Pico Ave Sle. 100 San Marcos. CA 92069 Phone: (760) 290-2649 Contact: Kathenne Marcelja (By Appl.only) D Vi•t• Unified School Dl•trict 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 Phone: 1760) 726-2170 x2222 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the devefoper, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page l has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School Distrk:t. The City may issue building permits for this project. Siqnature of Authorized School District Official: :'V,"., \~_ Y¥ ,~/\(\,._ ( ;_ Y--<c_ .. J,.J.: ,U{) ( J: , (r-. ,-. ,--, ~\~XI f'\.~ COMMUNITY DEVELOP pdf FORM E-29 ... P_11x17.pdf 322 KB Ion STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES 1. ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. 2. THE OVINER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTOO:E ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY INSPECTOR AFTER EACH RUN-Off PRODUCING RAINFALL 3. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR DUE TO INCOMPLETE GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARJSE, 4. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE ENO OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PECENT (40%). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL 5. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL CONTAIN 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE. 6. ADEQUATE EROSION ANO SEDIMENT CONTROL ANO PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE !NSTALLEO AND MAINTAINED. 7. THE CITY INSPECTOR SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ALTER WIS PLAN DURING OR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION AS NEEDED TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH CITY STORM WATER QUALITY REGULATIONS. O\\'NER'S CERTIFfCATE: I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNO'M..EDGE THAT I MUST: (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BYPS) DURING C~STRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO AVOID TH:: MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS S(DIMENT AND TO A VOID THE EXPOSURE Of ST();!M WATER TO C~STRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS; ANO (2) ADHERE TO, ANO AT ALL TIMES, cmJPLY WITH THIS CITY APPROV[D TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION S'M'PP THROUGHOUT Tl1E DURATION Of THE CONSTRUCTION AC TM TIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE ANO APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. l~t-,,-l, ...I~,\ ~ ~?JS AG~iluNAME (PR1NT) Nc~ -1 t1-2. O'MIIER(S)/O'M'-lER S AGEN NAME (SIGNATURE) DATE E-29 ' I STORM WATER COMPLIANCE FORM TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP E-29 CB ___ _ SW BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) SELECTION TABLE Erosion Contrd Sediment Control BMPs Tracl<ing Non-StllfTTI Watar Waste Ma,agement and Matooals 8MPs Control 8MPs Mam;g1!fflBl1t BMPs Pollutloo Control BMPs :§ .2 .Q [ 1 6 m I ~ ~ 1 " I .s 6 § ~-e m " . ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ m co ~ II> .!. .~ s ~~ ~ '-t g .2 Best Management Practice* ~ .: 0 ci i : '"' i l] o. 8 I~ • (BMP) Description ➔ m il *~ j j E '8 u .. ~:!! 1 " ~ ~ ~ j ,!!ij ) j B &. i 8 ~ ~·i ~"c ]~ Oo :g .e • •E ~ ~z: U8 I! j o• " ~ ~:g i g, I £.~ . I ] 'g § ~ ~:;:; ~·g i[ I i ~ o ~ B :g ~ ~g b~ ~o "0 ~ " . ~ J8 cg § .!35 c3 ii5 ~ Jl ii5 cl: vi C ~~ 3~ >u ~ii, ~~ CASQA Oasignabon ➔ ~ ~ m ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 N ' ~ ~ ~ ' N ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " l.l w w I:! t:, t:, t:, t:, t:, I" I" ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ii' l! ii Cm1struction Acti',ity ~ ~ z z z z Grodin ii Disturbance Trenchln~ lrxcovotion Stac~nninn Dr~lin • "'orin" I Concrete/Asoho1t Sowcwttina Concrete Flotwork Pa'>'ina Conduit/Pine lnstallotlon Stucco/Marlor Work I Waste Di""OSal I .~ Staoino/Lav Down Area ' Eooioment Maintenance and Fuelinn ' Hazardous S!Jbstonce Use/Starone Dewoterinn Site Access Across Dirt other list): Instructions; t. Check the box to the left of all applicable construction activity (first coiumn) expected to DCCI.Ir during construction 2. Located olcng the tcp of the BMP Tobie ls o list of BMP's with it's corresponding California Stormwoler Ouolity Assockition (CASQA) designot1on number. Choose one or more BMPs you irilend to use during construction from the list. Check \he box where the Cflosen activity row intersects V11ith the BMP column. 3. Refer to the CASQA construction handbook for informotion and detoils of the chosen BMPs ond how to apply them to the project. SHOW THE LOCATIONS OF ALL CHOSEN BMPs ABOVE ON THE PROJECTS SITE PLAN/EROSION CONTROL PLAN. SEE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET FOR A SAMPLE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. PROJECT Il\'FORMA TION Site Address; {&/zi OM-ffl\;, Assessor's Parcel Number. _______ _ Emergency Contact: Nome: NAf(/ Jct£fli . i~ BE e g, ~§ I2 ~ ' i 24 Hooe Ph~•0¼D -J?7 -'j (. > <; Construction Threat to Storm Water Quality (Check Box) □ MEDIUM ~ow " ii ~ ij ~ g' § § U2 ~ ' l Page 1 of 1 REV 02/16 (ciiyof. Carlsbad PURPOSE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST B-50 Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov This checklist is intended to help building permit applicants identify which Climate Action Plan (CAP) ordinance requirements apply to their project This completed checklist (B-50) and summary (B-55) must be included with the building permit application. The Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) can be referenced during completion of this document by clicking on the provided links to each municipal code section. NOTE: The following type of permits are not required to fill out this form ❖ Patio I ❖ Decks I ❖ PME (w/o panel upgrade) I ❖ Pool Consultation with a certified Energy Consultant is encouraged to assist in filling out this document Appropriate certification includes, but is not limited to: Licensed, practicing Architect, Engineer, or Contractor familiar with Energy compliance, IECC/HERS Compliance Specialist, ICC GB Energy Code Specialist, RESNET HERS rater certified, certified ICC Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner, ICC Commercial Energy Inspector and/or Plans Examiner, ICC CALgreen Inspector/Plans Examiner, or Green Building Residential Plan Examiner. If an item in the checklist is deemed to be not applicable to a project, or is less than the minimum required by ordinance, check NIA and provide an explanation or code section describing the exception. Details on CAP ordinance requirements are available at each section by clicking on the municipal code link provid~The project plans must show all details as stated in the applicable Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMG) and/or Energy Co Green Code sections. Project Name/Building Penmit No.: Property Address/APN: 1631 Oak Ave/ 156-212-36-00 Applicant Name/Co.: Steven Noel (Architect) Applicant Address: 2715 Greenock Ct, Carlsbad, CA 92010 Contact Phone: 760-535-7847 Contact Email: steven.noel,architect@gmail.com Contact information of person completing this checklist (if different than above): Name: Company name/address: B-50 SAME Contact Phone: 760-535-7847 Contact Email: Page 1 of 7 Revised 04/21 Use the table below to determine which sections of the Ordinance checklist are applicable to your project. For alterations and additions to existing buildings, attach a Permit Valuation breakdown on a separate sheet. Building Permit Valuation (BPV) $ breakdown~1~7~5~0~0~0 ____ _ -llfitlii-ttl'tii~f:t-1w~· A high-rise residential building Is 4 or more stories, including a I!] Resldentlal Low-rise High-rise mixed-use building in which at least 20% of its conditioned floor area is residential use D New cons1ruction 2A*, 3A', 18,28, 'Includes detached, newly constructed ADU 4A', 38,4A D Additions and alterations: □ BPV < $60,000 N/A N/A All residential additions and alterations !!!I BPV ;, $60,000 1A,4A 4A 1-2 family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages □ Electrical service panel upgrade only only. 'Multi-family dwellings only where interior finishes are removed □ BPV ;,, $200,000 1A, 4A' 18,4A' and significant site work and upgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed 0 Non!IISidanlfal D New construction 18, 28, 38, 48 and 5 / □ Alterations: □ BPV;,, $200,000 or additions;, 1,000 18,5 square feel □ BPV;,, $1,000,000 18,28,5 Building alterations of;, 75% existing gross floor area □ ;,, 2,000 sq. ft. new roof addition 28,5 1 B also applies if BPV ;, $200,000 1. Energy Efficiency Please refer to Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) 18.21.155 and 18.30.190,and the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) for more information. Appropriate details and notes must be placed on the plans according to selections chosen in the design. A. Iii Residentialadditionoralteralionl!:$60,000buildingpennitvaluation. □ NIA _________ _ De1ails ofselectionchosenbelowmustbeplacedontheplans referencingCMC □ Exception: Home energy score;,, 7 18.30.190. (attach certification) Year Built Single-family Requirements Multi-family Requirements O Before 1978 Select one option: D Ductsealing □ Attic insulation □Coolroof □ Attic insulation o 1978 andlater Select one option: .0 Lightingpackage □ Water heating Package □ Between1978and1991 Select one option: □ Ductsealing OA!ticinsulation □Coolroof I!! 1992 and later Select one option: I!! Lightingpackage □ Water heating package Updated 4/16/2021 3 B. 0 Nonresidential' new construction or alterations ~ $200,000 building permit valuation, or additions;!: 1,000square feet See CMC 18.21.155and CAL Green Appendix AS D N/A AS.203.1.1 Choose one: D .1 Outdoorlighting D .2 Restaurant service water heating (CEC 140.5) D .3 Warehouse dock seal doors. D .4 Daylight design PAFs D .5 Exhaustairheat recovery □ NIA AS. Choose one:□ .95 Energy budget (Projects with indoor lighting OR mechanical) □ .90 Energybudget (ProjectswithindoorlightingANDmechanical) □ NIA AS.211.1'· □ On-site renewable energy: D NIA AS.211.3" □Green power. (If offered by local utility provider, 50% minimum renewable sources) □ NIA AS.212.1 D Elevators and escalators: (Projectwithmorethan oneelevatorortwoescalators) □ NIA AS.213.1 □ Steel!i'aming: (Provide details on plans for options 1-4 chosen) □ NIA • Includes hotels/motels and high-rise residential buildings ---------- ' • Foralterations~$1,000, OOOBPVandaffecting> 75%existinggrossfloorarea, 0Ralterationsthatadd2,000squarefeetofnewroofaddition: comply with CMC 18.30.130 (section 28 below) instead. 2. Photovoltaic Systems A. Ill Residential new construction (for low-rise residential building permit applicallons submitted after 1/1/20). Refer to 2019 CalWomia Energy Code section 150.1(c)14 for requirements. If project Includes installation of an electric heat pump water heater pursuant to CAP section 3B below pow-rise residential Water Heating), increase system size by .3kWdc if PV offset option is selecled. Floor Plan ID (use addilional CFA #d.u. Calculated kWdc' sheets if necessary) EXISITING Total System Size: kWdc = (CFAx.572) 11,000 + (1.15 x #d.u.) 'Formula calculation where CFA = condttional floor area, #du = number of dwellings per plan type If proposed system size is less than calculated size, please explain. kWdc Exception □ □ D □ B. D Nonresidential new construction or alterations ~1,000,000 BPV AND affecting ~75% existin_g floor area, OR addition that increases roof area by ~,000 square feet. Please refer to CMC 18.30.130 when completing this section. 'Nole: This section also applies to high-rise residential and holeUmolel buildings. Choose one of the following methods: □ Gross Floor Area (GFA)Method GFA: D If< 10,000s.f. Enter: 5 kWdc Min. System Size: D If~ 10,000s.f. calculate: 15 kWdcx (GFA/10,000)" kWdc **Round building size factor to nearest tenth, and round system size to nearest whole number. Updated 4/16/202! 4 D Time-Dependent Valuation Method AnnualTDVEnergyuse:-______ .x.80= Min. system size: ______ kWdc -Attach calculation documentation using modeling software approved by the California Energy Commission. 3. Water Heating A D Residential and hotel/motel new construction. Refer to CMC 18.30.170 when completing this section. Provide complete details on the plans. D For systems serving individual dwelling units choose one system: D Heat pump water heater AND Compact hot water distribution AND Drain water heat recovery (low-rise residential only) D Heat pump water heater AND PV system .3 kWdc larger than required in CMC 18.30.130 (high rise residential hotel/motel) or CA Energy Code section 150.1 (c) 14 (low-rise residential) D Heat pump water heater meeting NEEA Advanced Water Heating Specification Tier 3 or higher D Solar water heating system that is either .60 solar savings fraction or 40 s.f. solar collectors D Exception: D For systems serving multiple dwelling units, install a central water-heating system with ALL of the following: D Gas or propane water heating system D Recirculation system per CMC 18.30.150(8) (high-rise residential, hotel/motel) or CMC 18.30.170(8) (low- rise residential) D Solar water heating system that is either: D .20 solar savings fraction D .15 solar savings fraction, plus drain water heat recovery D Exception: B. D Nonresidential new construction. Refer to CMC 18.30.150 when completing this section. Provide complete details on the plans. D Water heating system derives at least 40% of its energy from one of the following (attach documentation): D Solar-thermal D Photovoltaics D Recovered energy D Water heating system is (choose one): D Heat pump water heater D Electric resistance water heater(s) □Solar water heating system with .40 solar savings fraction D Exception: It may be necessary to supplement the completed checklist with supporting materials, calculations or certifications, to demonstrate full compliance with CAP ordinance requirements. For example, projects that propose or require a performance approach to comply with energy-related measures will need to attach to this checklist separate calculations and documentation as specified by the ordinances. Updated 4/16/21 5 4. Electric Vehicle Charging A Iii Residential New construction and major alterations• Please refer to CMC 18.21.140 when completing this section. I!! One and two-family residential dwelling or townhouse with attached garage: I!! One EVSE Ready parking space required □ Exception : □ Multi-family residential· □ Exception • Total Parking Spaces EVSE Spaces Proposed EVSE (10% of total) Installed (50% of EVSE) Other "Ready" Other "Capable" Calculations: Total EVSE spaces= .1 Ox Total parking spaces proposed(rounded upto nearestwholenumber) EVSE Installed= Total EVSE Spaces x .50 (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE other may be "Ready'' or "Capable" *Major alterations are: (1) for one and two-family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages, alterations have a building pemnit valuation~$60,000 or include an electrical service panel upgrade; (2) for multifamiy dwellings (three units or more without attached garages), alterations have a building pennit valuation~ $200,000, interiorfinishesare removedandsignificantsiteworkand upgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed. 'ADU exceptions for EV Ready space (no EV ready space required when): (1) The accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile of public transit (2) The accessory dwelling unit is located within an architecturally and historically significant historic district. (3) The accessory dwelling unit is part of the proposed or existing primary residence or an accessory structure. (4) When on-street parking permits are required but not offered to the occupant of the accessory dwelling unit. (5) When there is a car share vehicle located within one block of the accessory dwelling unit. B. D Nonresidential new construction(includes hotels/motels) □ Exception: ____________ _ Please refer to CMC 18.21.150 when completing this section Total Parking Spaces Proposed EVSE (10% of total) \ Installed (50% of EVSE) \ Other" Ready" I Other "Capable" I I I Calculation· Refer to the table below· Total Number of Parking Spaces provided Number of required EV Spaces Number of required EVSE Installed Spaces D 0-9 1 1 D 10-25 2 1 D 26-50 4 2 D 51-75 6 3 D 76-100 9 5 D 101-150 12 6 D 151-200 17 9 D 201 andover 10 percent of total 50 percent of Required EV Spaces Calculations: Total EVSEspaces = .10xTotal parking spaces proposed (rounded up to nearestwholenumber) EVSE Installed= Total EVSE Spaces x .50 (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE other may be "Ready' or "Capable" Updated 4/16/2021 6 5. □Transportation Demand Management (TOM): Nonresidential ONLY An approved Transportatioo Demand Management (1DM) Plan is required for all nonresidential projects that meet a threshold of employee-generated ADT. City staff will usethetablebelowbasedonyoursubmitted planstodeterminewhetherornoryourpermit requires a TDMplan. lfTDMisapplicabletoyour permit, staff will contact the applicantto develop a site-specific TDM plan based on the permit details. Acknowledgment: Employee ADT Estimation for Various Commercial Uses Office (all)2 20 Restaurant 11 Retails 8 Industrial 4 Manufacturing 4 Warehousing 4 , Unless otherwise noted, rates estimated from /TE Trip Generation Manual, 1 O"'Edilion 13 11 4.5 3.5 3 1 2 For all office uses, use SAN DAG rate of 20 ADT/1,000 sf to calculate employee ADT 3 Retail uses include shopping center, variety store, supermarket, gyms, pharmacy, etc. Other commercial uses may be subject to special consideration SamPle calculations· Office: 20,450 sf 1. 20,450 sf/ 1000 x 20 = 409 Employee ADT Retail: 9,334 sf 1. First 1,000 sf= 8 ADT 2. 9,334 sf -1,000 sf= 8,334 sf 3. (8,334 sf/ 1,000 x 4.5) + 8 = 46 Employee ADT I acknowledge that the plans submitted may be su ect to the ity of Carlsbad's Transportation Demand Management Ordinance. I agree to be contacted should my permit require a TDM plan and nderstan that an a roved TDM plan is a condition of permit issuance. Date: 07.27.22 Person other than Applicant to be contacted for TOM compliance (if applicable): Name(Plinted): Steven Noel P 760-535-7~47 hone Number: _____ _ E "!Add steven.noel.architect@gmail.com ma1 ress: __________________ _ Updated 4/16/2021 7 Ccityof Carlsbad HOUSING DEVELOPMENT TRACKING P-20 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov The following information is required by to the State of California to track new housing development for all income levels. Please complete this form to the best of your knowledge and submit prior to building permit issuance. Project Name: Garage conversion to ADU (above existing garage) Tract/Permit No.: Project Address: 1631 Oak Ave. Carlsbad 92008 APN: 156-212-36 ------------ Structure Description: ij] Single-Family r,::;, ij] 2nd Dwelling Unit 0 Single-Family+ 2DU · ''N •-;; 1 0 Mobile Home (new spaces added) 0 Two -Four Unit 0 5 + Unit Structure vV• r. .,, _ r c :"i~S'o,ij]', Remodel/Reconstruction (new dwelling units added) -..:--:"'\( c·:-v,:" !\C.\i '.\'-l 10• ·, n.-;-.:G •__, '·-0 Commercial/Residential (mixed-use) --:J,_j\\_'._., Project's planned initial occupancy is for: 0 Rental occupant Do you intend to use this property as your personal residence? ij] Owner occupant family membr r,;; will reside rn ~ 0 Yes ij] No ADU Z -If yes, please provide the estimated market value: ----------<"► Will an affordable housing deed restriction be recorded on the property? 0 Yes 0No Z Which units in the project will be deed restricted? -;;( Please indicate the number of units for each bedroom type that will be provided and a price ra-.J Individual responses will not be shared with outside parties. ·o,_ Number of units for sale Bedrooms per unit Price range (low and high) Studios $ 1 bd $ 2 bd $ 3 bd $ 4+ bd $ Number of units for rent Bedrooms per unit Rent range (low and high) Studios $ 1 bd $ 2bd $ 3bd $ 4+ bd $ OWNER(S): Hal and Mar Byer DEVELOPER(S): (Last, First, Middle Initial or Finn Name) (Last, First, Middle Initial or Firm Name) ADDRESS: 1631 Oak Ave ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Carlsbad, CA 92008 CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: TELEPHONE: SIGNATURE: DATE: P-20 Page 1 of 1 Revised 10/10