HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-13; Housing Commission; ; UPDATE ON STATE HOME PROGRAM APPLICATION REQUESTING $1 MILLION IN ADDITIONAL RENTAL ASSISTANCE FUNDINGOB-ITEM 5 * STAFF PERSON: REGGIE HARlUSON STAFF REPORT January 13, 1994 TO: HOUSING COMMISSION FROM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT UPDATE ON STATE HOME PROGRAM APPLICATION REQUESTING $1 MILLION IN ADDITIONAL RENTAL ASSISTANCE F"DING The Housing and Redevelopment Department recently received verbal notice that the City of Carlsbad was selected to receive 1993-94 HOME funds from the State of California, as requested in the City's application submitted to the State on September 29, 1993. It is staff's understanding that the City of Carlsbad received a total of 87.51 points on its funding application. The State decided to fund all projects/activities which received at least 92.76 points. The City was only 5.25 points short from receiving the requested funding for rental assistance. Needless to say, staff was quite disappointed and has expressed that feeling to the State in a telephone conversation. At this time, it is staff's intent to forward a letter to the State further expressing the City's disappointment in not being funded through the HOME program and requesting additional information on how the City might improve its application in the future. January 10, 1994 TO: HOUSING COMMISSIONERS AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES FROM: LEILANI HINES , MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT RE: AGREEMENT FOR THE RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM As you know, on January 13, 1994 you will be considering the establishment of a residential rehabilitation program and an agreement with the County of San Diego to administer this program. The agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego has since been amended to allow all lower-income property owners of single family homes or mobile homes within Carlsbad to participate in the residential rehabilitation program, with specific emphasis on locations within Census Tract 179.00 (inclusive of the Barrio area). Currently, the Agreement limits participation to single family homes in Census Tract 179.00 and mobile homes throughout Carlsbad. Staff feels that it would preferable to allow participation by all eligible Carlsbad property owners rather than limiting participation. However, city efforts in terms of marketing of the Residential Rehabilitation Program would be concentrated on Census Tract 179.00, which has the highest concentration of lower-income households in Carlsbad. Section 3 - Target Areas has been amended to reflect participation in the program by all eligible property owners in Carlsbad rather than limiting the program to those in Census Tract 179.00. I have attached a copy of the amended Section. Please replace Page 2 of the Agreement with the attached amended Page 2. If you need any additional information or would like to discuss this change to the Agreement for a Residential Rehabilitation Program, please contact me at 434-2818. LEILANI A. HINES Management Assistant _- I B. Implement and .administer a Residential Rehabilitation Deferred Loan Program: Within the target areas specified in Provision 3, the Authority shall provide a program to make non-interest bearing deferred loans to eligible participants unable to qualify for the Interest Subsidy Loan Program. The principal amount of the deferred loans shall be repaid upon sale, transfer or change in the title to the property. All deferred loans will be secured by a Trust Deed and Promissory Note for a single family dwelling or a junior lien for a mobile home taken by the Authority on behalf of the City. All proceeds from the repayment of these loans will be made to the Authority and deposited into a reserve account for continued operation of the program by the Authority. The maximum loan amount for any single deferred loan shall be $20,000 for a single family dwelling or $5,000 for a mobile home. Eligible participants shall be limited to those owner occupants whose gross household income is less than 80 percent of the San Diego County median income adjusted for larger or smaller household size. Such income limits shall be based on data published or revised by HUD. C. Implement and administer an Elderly/Disabled Grant Program and Weatherization Grant Program: (1) Within the target areas specified in Provision 3, the Authority shall provide a program to make non-repayable grants to eligible participants. The maximum amount for this type of grant shall be $1,000. Eligible participants for this type of grant shall be limited to owner occupants of single family dwellings or mobile homes, who are elderly (62 or over) or handicapped (as defined by Social Security) and whose gross household income does not exceed 80 percent of the San Diego County median income, adjusted for larger or smaller household size. All grants awarded shall be used on rehabilitation activities related to the maintenance or promotion of the health and safety of the occupants, particularly the elimination of architectural barriers to the access and use of the dwelling unit by elderly or disabled occupants. (2) Within the target areas specified in Provision 3, the Authority shall provide Weatherization Grants to eligible participants. The maximum amount for any single weatherization grant is $1,000. Eligible participants for this Grant shall be limited to owner occupants of single family dwellings or mobile homes whose gross income does not exceed 80% of the San Diego County median income, adjusted for larger or smaller household size. 3. Tarqet Areas: For the purpose of this Agreement, the term "target area" shall refer to any location within the City limits of Carlsbad (for all utilized funds), with specific emphasis within Census Tract 179.00. 4. Contract Amount: In consideration for services provided for by this Agreements, the City shall make available a total of $90,000 in funding for fiscal year 1993-1994. Upon written request from the Authority, payment shall be disbursed by the City for individual applicant contracts. The first payment will be made no sooner than February 1, 1994. -2- ? t HOUSING PROGRAM MGR FP REGGIE HARRISON January 10, 1994 TO: FROM: LEILANI HINES, MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT RE: HOUSING COMMISSIONERS AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES AGREEMENT FOR THE RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM As you know, on January 13, 1994 you will be considering the establishment of a residential rehabilitation program and an agreement with the County of San Diego to administer this program. The agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego has since been amended to allow all lower-income property owners of single family homes or mobile homes within Carlsbad to participate in the residential rehabilitation program, with specific emphasis on locations within Census Tract 179.00 (inclusive of the Barrio area). Currently, the Agreement limits participation to single family homes in Census Tract 179.00 and mobile homes throughout Carlsbad. Staff feels that it would preferable to allow participation by all eligible Carlsbad property owners rather than limiting participation. However, city efforts in terms of marketing of the Residential Rehabilitation Program would be concentrated on Census Tract 179.00, which has the highest concentration of lower-income households in Carlsbad. Section 3 - Target Areas has been amended to reflect participation in the program by all eligible property owners in Carlsbad rather than limiting the program to those in Census Tract 179.00. I have attached a copy of the amended Section. Please replace Page 2 of the Agreement with the attached amended Page 2. If you need any additional information or would like to discuss this change to the Agreement for a Residential Rehabilitation Program, please contact me at 434-2818. LEILANI A. HINES Management Assistant . I B. Implement and administer a Residential Rehabilitation Deferred Loan Program: Within the target areas specified in Provision 3, the Authority shall provide a program to make non-interest bearing deferred loans to eligible participants unable to qualify for the Interest Subsidy Loan Program. The principal amount of the deferred loans shall be repaid upon sale, transfer or change in the title to the property. All deferred loans will be secured by a Trust Deed and Promissory Note for a single family dwelling or a junior lien for a mobile home taken by the Authority on behalf of the City. All proceeds from the repayment of these loans will be made to the Authority and deposited into a reserve account for continued operation of the program by the Authority. The maximum loan amount for any single deferred loan shall be $20,000 for a single family dwelling or , $5,000 for a mobile home. Eligible participants shall be limited to those owner occupants whose gross household income is less than 80 percent of the San Diego County median income adjusted for larger or smaller household size. Such income limits shall be based on data published or revised by HUD. C. Implement and administer an Elderly/Disabled Grant Program and Weatherization Grant Program: (1) Within the target areas specified in Provision 3, the Authority shall provide a program to make non-repayable grants to eligible participants. The maximum amount for this type of grant shall be S 1,000. Eligible participants for this type of grant shall be limited to owner occupants of single family dwellings or mobile homes, who are elderly (62 or over) or handicapped (as defined by Social Security) and whose gross household income does not exceed 80 percent of the San Diego County median income, adjusted for larger or smaller household size. All grants awarded shall be used on rehabilitation activities related to the maintenance or promotion of the health and safety of the occupants, particularly the elimination of architectural barriers to the access and use of the dwelling unit by elderly or disabled occupants. (2) Within the target areas specified in Provision 3, the Authority shall provide Weatherization Grants to eligible participants. The maximum amount for any single weatherization grant is $1,000. Eligible participants for this Grant shall be limited to owner occupants of single family dwellings or mobile homes whose gross income does not exceed 80% of the San Diego County median income, adjusted for larger or smaller household size. 3. Target Areas: For the purpose of this Agreement, the term "target area" shall refer to any location within the City limits of Carlsbad (for all utilized funds), with specific emphasis within Census Tract 179.00. 4. Contract Amount: In consideration for services provided for by this Agreements, the City shall make available a total of $90,000 in funding for fiscal year 1993-1994. Upon written request from the Authority, payment shall be disbursed by the City for individual applicant contracts. The first payment will be made no sooner than February 1, 1994. . - 2-