HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; Parks & Recreation Department Report Oct. 16, 2023 Item 1 Page 1 of 6 Meeting Date: Oct. 16, 2023 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager mick.calarco@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2859 Subject: Parks & Recreation Department Report Recommended Action Receive a report on recently completed and upcoming Parks & Recreation Department activities, donations and grants, as well as other topics of interest. Executive Summary Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager and Todd Reese, Parks Services Manager will report on recently completed and upcoming parks and recreation activities, and other topics of local interest. Exhibits 1. Department report PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Staff Report Exhibit 1 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT Oct. 16, 2023 GENERAL & RECREATION Recent Recreation Services Promotions Brian Buchholtz’ promotion to Recreation Specialist at Harding Community Center Brian has worked for the City of Carlsbad since 2019, including periods at Parks & Recreation Administration, Parks Maintenance, Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park, Cole Library, and more recently Harding Community Center. In his new position, Brian will assist in the Harding Center’s oversight and the coordination of centralized reservations. Brian has lived in coastal north county since 1974, and Carlsbad specifically, since 1987. He attended San Dieguito High School in Encinitas and Mira Costa College in Oceanside. After his semi-pro soccer career ended, he began coaching in 1991 and is still coaching high level youth club teams as well as the Boys Varsity Team at Pacific Ridge High School in Carlsbad. Brian enjoys spending time at Carlsbad beaches and on the field with family and friends. Seth Ketterer’s promotion to Recreation Specialist at Pine Avenue Community Center Seth has been working for the Parks & Recrea�on Department part �me since 2018. He’s lived Carlsbad area since the age of six and has been an avid soccer player his en�re life. Seth studied at Point Loma Nazarene University, where he earned a degree in business administra�on management and entrepreneurship. Seth will be assigned to the Pine Avenue Community Center to oversee center opera�ons and part �me staff. During his �me working for the city, Seth facilitated Leadership in Training and Educa�on (LITE) teen programs., summer camps, meal deliveries to seniors, intergenera�onal programming, as well as special events at the Pine Avenue Community Center. He also worked for the City of Coronado planning and implemen�ng summer camp programming. During his free �me, Seth enjoys camping, hiking, and cycling. Curtis Dodd’s promotion to Recreation Assistant/Sr. Lifeguard at Alga Norte Aquatic Center & Monroe Street Pool Cur�s Dodd joined the Parks & Recrea�on Department as a part �me lifeguard in 2021. He quickly earned a promo�on to part �me senior instructor/lifeguard and has been serving in that role ever since. Cur�s will be working at both Alga Norte Aqua�c Center and Monroe Street Pool. Originally from Boston, England, Cur�s moved to the United States in December 2020 to be with his family and reside in Carlsbad. Prior to that, he served 7 years as a Royal Marine Commando, specializing in mari�me security and later became a military police officer. While away from the pool, Cur�s enjoys tending to a variety of hot peppers in his garden, cycling, climbing, hiking, and spending �me with his wife and 11-year-old stepdaughter. Automated External Defibrillators in Parks Automated External Defibrillators in Parks (All) – AED placement, installation, and public availability has previously been challenging, especially in unsecured or unstaffed outdoor park locations. Recently, public works, parks & recreation and risk management staff united to research a solution to limited or restricted AED availability in these locations. The team identified a manufacturer that sells locked and secure AED storage for outdoor use. If someone needs an AED, the instructions on the box direct individuals to call 911 for the keypad code to unlock the door and access the AED. Risk management staff met with PD/Dispatch and North Comm regarding placing AED boxes with codes in select parks. North Comm asked that staff provide them with a map of the parks and where the AEDs are located, a training bulletin (which PD agreed to draft), pictures of the actual AED for upload to the CAD system, the codes and requested we register these AEDs in the National AED database. Installations, have been completed (or are pending) at the following sites: ( City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation • Chase Field baseball field concession building • Alga Norte Community Park multiuse field concession building • Stagecoach Community Park multiuse field concession building • Aviara Community Park overlook concessions building • Poinsettia Community Park playground restroom building • Alga Norte Community Park skate park/playground restroom building (installation pending) Monarch Butterfly Day On July 22, 2023, Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park staff and volunteers hosted Monarch Butterfly Day. Approximately 150-200 people attended the workshop to learn about the monarch’s life cycle, migration patterns and the importance of preserving their habitats. Families had an opportunity to view caterpillars and chrysalises and the importance of milkweed. Children and adults of all ages enjoyed butterfly- themed crafts, helped support the population by purchasing milkweed and enjoyed refreshing Italian ices to help stay all cool while celebrating these amazing insects. Aloha Plunge On July 22, 2023, Parks & Recreation staff and volunteers hosted Aloha Plunge at Alga Norte Aquatics Center. The sold-out event was attended by more than 500 people who splashed around in the pool playing on giant inflatables and participating in Hawaiian and tiki themed games in the water and on the land. The giant pool party ended with a Polynesian show featuring different styles of tropical island dance, and even included a fun hula lesson for event attendees. Safety and Advisory Signs Installed Thanks to a combined, multi-departmental effort, “no trespassing after operating hours” signs were installed recently on the exterior pool fence of the Monroe Street Pool, to discourage access. The signs were one part of a combined approach of improved lighting, added patrol/enforcement, and removed or relocated attractive climbing devices – all to deter trespassing and ensure good communication and public safety. Similar signs are being designed and fabricated for Alga Norte Aquatic Center, as well. Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park Film Festival On Sept. 1, 2023, the annual Film Festival at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park concluded its 17th season. Under the evening sky at Leo’s historic rancho, audiences enjoyed a curated screening of an episode from the legendary 1950s Cisco Kid TV series, followed by a classic Hollywood film featuring Leo Carrillo, and a more recent movie that Leo would have loved. Dinner cooked on Leo’s historic BBQ was enjoyed by all. The three week movie lineup included “In Caliente,” “Before Morning” and “The Man from Snowy River.” Older & Bolder Expo On Sept. 9, 2023, the City of Carlsbad partnered with the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce in sponsoring the free Older & Bolder Expo at the Carlsbad Senior Center (formerly held at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church). This was the first time the two organizations collaborated on this event, which showcased over 45 exhibitors and a range of workshops covering topics like successful aging, estate planning, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease treatments and services, and maintaining a healthy immune system. The event featured health-related businesses, non-profits, and senior related organizations all geared towards services and programs benefiting seniors and their families. The event also provided the city a chance to showcase the Senior Center and some of its programs and services, like the nutrition program, courtyard concerts, senior gardening club, and a full line-up of paid and free class offerings. As usual, Carlsbad had perfect weather and the event was well attended and enjoyed by all. The City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department looks forward to working with the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce to make this annual event at the Carlsbad Senior Center bigger and better in 2024. Family Movie Night On Sept. 9, 2023, more than 600 people came out to Stagecoach Community Park for Family Movie Night under the stars. The event was a great success, featuring a showing of Night at the Museum, and movie- themed activities, games, crafts and a photo booth. Shortly after sunset, families and friends settled in to enjoy the feature presentation on the big screen – complete with popcorn/snacks. Staff was supported by over 35 dedicated community volunteers that helped with the event setup, activities, and breakdown. Leadership in Training and Education (LITE) Program The Leadership in Training and Education (LITE) program is off to a fantastic start! The LITE afterschool program is for Carlsbad 6th to 9th graders who wish to develop skills in leadership, teamwork, communication, and community service. Since the program began on Aug. 23, 2023, 27 participants got a jumpstart on their schoolwork and are getting physically active through various sports and activities. So far this semester, participants have: • Made cards for children diagnosed with long-term, potentially terminal illnesses. The cards were mailed out and will be distributed to children in various Children’s Hospitals and Ronald McDonald Houses throughout the country. • Solicited donations from local small businesses and restaurants for a 9/11 fundraiser aimed at supporting the Carlsbad Fire Department. They wrote letters to local businesses of their choice with the goal of soliciting gift cards, products, goods, and services to donate to firefighters as a show of support for everything our first responders do for our community. Through these letters we were able to garner over $300 in donated gift cards to local restaurants. • A Carlsbad fire engine and firefighters visited the Pine Avenue Community Center on 9/11 and give the kids a tour of the fire engine and conducted a Q&A session. During this visit participants presented the firefighters with their gift cards and homemade baked goods that they baked on Friday. • Made a field trip to the Carlsbad Farmer’s Market. Prior to the visit, they assembled recipes they found online with materials we could purchase at the Farmer’s Market. The purchased ingredients were used in a hands-on cooking project the following day where the kids made their very own grilled cheese sandwich in a supervised setting. LITE program attendance this year is the highest it has been since pre-pandemic participation numbers, and everyone is looking forward to a semester full of fun, learning and leadership! Superhero Obstacle Race On Oct. 1, 2023, the Bat Signal was up, the Spidey senses were tingling, and over 550 superheroes heeded the call to protect the residents of Carlsbad at the Superhero Obstacle Race. Challengers took on 20 superhero themed obstacles on a 2K race throughout Alga Norte Community Park. The course included leaping over tall buildings, crawling through toxic tunnels, capturing crooks, flying as Superman, escaping in bank bags, climbing a 35’ colossal slide, and more. The race was a successful, in part, thanks to the support of more than 80 community volunteers. Monroe Street Pool Temporary Closure A pool pump failure on Oct. 2, 2023, at the Monroe Street Pool, resulted in the need to keep the pool closed until a replacement can be installed – approximately mid to late November if another alternative solution can’t be found. Several weeks ago, aquatic staff noticed signs that the pool circulation pump would not likely last until the planned renovation project could be initiated. To be prepared, staff ordered a new pump. Because this specific pump must fit the existing filtration system, it is only provided by a small number of commercial pool suppliers, and the soonest it could be delivered was mid-November. Coming Soon: Dia de los Muertos Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023; 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. – free open house/5 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – ticketed event – presale only. Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023; 9:30 a.m. – 4 :30 p.m. – free open house Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park invites you to celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). Día de los Muertos is a traditional Mexican holiday celebrated by honoring deceased friends and family. The holiday is observed by building private altars, or ofrendas, using marigolds, personal items and favorite foods of the departed. In honor of Día de los Muertos, the historic adobe hacienda at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park will be dressed up with colorful decorations and a customary ofrenda table dedicated to the Carrillo family. On Saturday, Oct. 28, the park will open after hours for a family-friendly celebration that includes dinner, a no-host bar, crafts for kids and the movie “Coco,” all set in the beautiful historic home and gardens of a Hollywood legend. PARKS Monroe Street Pool Renovation/Replacement Project Prime consultant LPA and its subconsultants returned to the project team in early June with the refined schematic design, preliminary total project costs and tentative schedule. The next steps are to develop the construction documents, i.e., plans and specifications, over the next several months (Spring 2024). Veterans Memorial Park Project The City Council adopted the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan on July 26, 2022. The construction documents, i.e., plans and specifications) and standard public works contract are anticipated to be ready for review/plan-check by applicable departments and agencies later this month. Stagecoach Park Community Garden Project Staff has received the construction documents, i.e., plans and specifications, from the prime consultant and is in the process of submitting them for interdepartmental review. The final construction documents are anticipated to be bid in by Spring 2024. Construction completion is targeted for Summer 2024. Robertson Ranch Community Park Project - On April 28, 2023, staff held a design kickoff meeting with Schmidt Design Group and its subconsultants to establish the roles and responsibilities for the project team. Community engagement is anticipated to commence this summer. The first in-person community workshop was held at the project site on August 8, 2023 with approximately 200 people in attendance. The first virtual community workshop was conducted via zoom on August 9, 2023 with approximately 80 people in attendance. A stakeholder workshop was held on August 10, 2023 for the Rancho Carlsbad HOA, with approximately 40 people in attendance. Staff and consultants heard a wide variety of comments and interests that will help shape the design and development of this park. An online survey and virtual ideas wall were also introduced to the public. These platforms were open for public comment through Sept. 7, 2023. On Oct. 12, 2023, the Communications & Engagement team forwarded a draft public engagement summary to the internal team for review. This summary will play a pivotal role in helping the design team to make sound decisions for the park design. National Public Lands Day – Trail Volunteer Event On Saturday Sept. 30, 2023, in recognition of National Trails Day, staff invited the community to roll-up their sleeves for the betterment of the city’s public resources. Over 45 volunteers accompanied Park Maintenance staff at Lake Calavera for a 3-hour trail clean-up. This year, volunteers split into three groups and worked tirelessly to clear vegetation along a half mile of paved trail, constructed a new foot bridge, and filled in several large ruts and other eroded areas along a nature trail. Despite a little rain, volunteers pushed through the weather to complete all three projects. Poinsettia Dog Park Turf Restoration – Scope of work includes the contracted removal of the remaining, worn-out Bermuda turf, soil amending and re-grading, and installation of St Augustine turf. The large dog area closure began on Aug. 28, 2023, with the small dog area remaining open for all sized dogs. The St. Augustine sod for the large dog park was installed in mid-September. The large dog area reopened on Oct. 13, 2023; the contractor will now begin a like process for turf restoration of the small dog area.