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Page 1 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION MATERIALS TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE LOCATIONS ORANGE COUNTY CORPORATE BRANCH 2992 E. La Palma Avenue Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 SAN DIEGO IMPERIAL COUNTY 6295 Ferris Square Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 INLAND EMPIRE 14467 Meridian Parkway Building 2A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 OC/LA/INLAND EMPIRE DISPATCH 800.491.2990 SAN DIEGO DISPATCH 888.844.5060 www.mtglinc.com August 23, 2023 MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 Cliff Powell MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R AutoNation MTGL Branch: San Diego 200 SW 1st Street Grading Permit No.: GR2021-0005 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Subject: FINAL SOILS REPORT AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad, California References: 1. GMU (2019), Geotechnical Investigation Report, AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad, 150 & 1060 Auto Center Court, Carlsbad, California, GMU Project No. 18-101-00, dated December 13. 2.Commercial Development Resources (2020), BMW of Carlsbad Grading Plan, 1060 Auto Center Ct, Project No. CDP 2019-0013, approved March 21, 2022. 3.MTGL, Inc. (2022), Soil Compaction Report – Rough Graded Building Pad, 1060 Auto Center Court, Carlsbad, California, MTGL Project No. 3280A02, Log No. 22-0154, dated February 15. 4.MTGL, Inc. (2023), Pavement Subgrade Evaluation, 1060 Auto Center Court, Carlsbad, California, MTGL Project No. 3280A02, Log No. 23- 0250, dated July 28. Dear Mr. Powell: This final soils report presents the results of earthwork observation and compaction testing performed by MTGL Inc. (MTGL) for the subject project. This report supplements the previously issued rough graded building pad compaction report referenced above (MTGL, 2022) and attached to this report. For a detailed description of earthwork operations within the building pad footprint, please refer to the above referenced report. Since the completion of rough grading of the building pad on February 3, 2022, field density testing was subsequently performed during shallow earthwork activities throughout the remainder of the AutoNation MTGL Project No. 3280A02 AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No. 23-0267R Carlsbad, California August 23, 2023 Page 2 site on a periodic basis, as directed by your field representative, between February 7, 2022, through July 22, 2023. A field daily report was prepared by our soil technicians for each day of testing and a copy was provided to the jobsite superintendent. This report presents the methods and results of field and laboratory testing of soils during the project’s earthwork activities. Field density testing was performed by the direct transmission nuclear method, ASTM D6938/D2950 and sand cone method, ASTM D1556. The maximum density–optimum moisture relationship for the soil was established in the laboratory by the ASTM D1557 test method. The Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Asphalt was tested in the laboratory by ASTM D2726. Areas with failed tests were either re-worked and retested, or later investigated and retested. A summary of all field and laboratory tests performed is attached to this report. It should be noted that the asphalt pavement subgrade at the northwestern corner of the site was observed to be pumping during a proof-roll test, and therefore the pumping subgrade materials were considered unacceptable. Subsequently, the contractor elected to pave over the area of pumping subgrade materials with aggregate base (AB) and asphalt concrete (AC). The pumping subgrade area was later investigated by removing the previously placed asphalt pavement and performing density testing of the subgrade materials with a nuclear gauge and a sand cone to evaluate the in-situ moisture and density. At the time of investigating the pumping subgrade area, the minimum relative compaction requirement for the pavement subgrade was thought to be 95% relative compaction. However, as recommended in the project geotechnical investigation report and as indicated on the project plans, the recommended minimum relative compaction for subgrade materials in the subject area is 90%. Therefore, the previously performed subgrade density tests in the area of observed pumping met the minimum relative compaction requirement of 90%. Lastly, we recommend an evaluation of the pavement surface be performed in 9 to 12 months, and again in 3 to 5 years, from the date of the subgrade evaluation letter report (MTGL, 2023) to ensure that the pavement subgrade materials are performing as intended. We have performed earthwork observations and field and laboratory testing as previously described and in accordance with the project specific recommendations outlined in the project geotechnical investigation report (GMU, 2019) and requirements of applicable plans, codes, ordinances, grading plans, and the approved grading permit GR2021-0005. All field and laboratory tests were performed in accordance with and met the project requirements. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. AutoNation MTGL Project No. 3280A02 AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No. 23-0267R Carlsbad, California August 23, 2023 Page 3 We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service to you on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Daniel Richardson, P.E. Greg Wilson, C.E.G. Senior Engineer | Engineering Manager Senior Geologist Attachments: Figure 1 – Site Location Map Figure 2 – Key Map In-Place Density Tests Figures 2A & 2B – In-Place Density Test Maps Appendix A – Laboratory Test Results Appendix B – Field Density Test Results Appendix C – Soil Compaction Report – Rough Graded Building Pad Appendix D – Pavement Subgrade Evaluation Letter Report FIGURES AutoNation MTGL Project No. 3280A02 AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No. 23-0267 Carlsbad, California August 23, 2023 Figure 1 SITE LOCATION MAP Not to Scale Base Map: Google Earth LOCATION MAP 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad CA 92008 G 'fir i&nri Rd Th@ Fl ,,.,,..,. Fi las Cos co w-~sale .,. T Cron nqs at C d (# Po lfflie F'mt ... .. 90 100 x 107 108 106 88 100 93 91 90 89 100 98 90 89 110 101 89 103 90 103 103 90 87 102 99 91 10491 101 92 106 108 101 92 96 104 98 93 87 94 99 105 10 2 RW RW RW CANNON ROAD RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 95 97 99 100 110111 WWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW W 96 96 99 109 97 101 95 99 100 106 107 107 1 0 0 1 1 0 W W W W W 100 1 0 1 94 101 101 107 101 101 105 102 100 101 10 2 10 3 10 3 W W 93 102 102 W 10 2 1 0 2 103 1 0 5 W 1 0 3 103 10 3 10 4 W 10 3 W 92 104 108 106 W 10 4 31 . 5 ' 40 . 8 ' LO T L I N E 105 106 109 PROPOSED PROPOSEDSERVICE GARAGE103.00FF102.17PAD SERVICE GARAGE104.00FF103.17PAD COVEREDSERVICE EXIT PROPOSEDSERVICE CANOPY 108107 SS SS SS SEWER SS AUTO CENTER CTSSSS 112 SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W 96 W W W W SS W STA 37+08.07CL CANNONPER CITYDWG 285-2 EXISTING 18" RCPSTORM DRAINPER CITY DWG NO.285-2 EX. FIREHYDRANT EX. 10" PROPOSEDBMP PLANTER.SEE DETAIL 1SHEET 11. EXISTING 18" ACPWATER MAIN PERDWG 285-2. STA: 0+00AUTO CENTER CT. EXISTING 8" VCPSEWER MAIN PERDWG 285-2.STA: 1+96.70CL DRIVEWAYAUTO CENTER CT. PROPOSEDBMP-2 PLANTERSEE DETAIL 1SHEET 11. STA: 3+22.01CL DRIVEWAYCAR COUNTRY DRIVE PROPOSEDSHOWROOM104.00FF103.17PAD ACP WATERLINE TO BEABANDONED 100.52TGOVERFLOW PROPOSEDBMP PLANTERSEE DETAIL 2SHEET 11. EXISTING 18" RCPSTORM DRAINPER CITY DWG NO.285-2 REMOVE EXISTING RAMPAND INSTALL NEW ADAACCESSIBLE CURBRAMP PER SDRSD G-27. 100.47TGOVERFLOW PROPOSEDBMP PLANTERSEE DETAIL 1SHEET 11. EXISTING 18" RCPSTORM DRAINPER CITY DWG NO.285-2 Reference: SPARC+ (2021) BMW of Carlsbad1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad, CA 92008,dated April 20. Note: All locations are approximate. LEGEND Approximate Figure Boundary- 50'100'0' Figure No.2KEY MAP IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California MTGL Project No.:3280A02 TC/JCRDate:August, 2023 Author: Geotechnical Engineering Construction Inspection Materials Testing Environmental Figure 2A Figure 2B --- I I I ~ -, I 4 - - - -!~ -~-------------:Z~;..-..:------------- 90 100 x 100 93 91 89 10 1 89 90 103 90 10 2 104 92 96 98 93 94 9 5 10 2 RW RW CANNON ROAD RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 95 97 99 100 96 96 99 9 7 101 99 100 1 0 0 W 100 1 0 1 10 1 101 101 101 10 3 10 3 W W 102 102 W 10 2 1 0 2 1 0 5 103 10 3 W 10 3 W W 31 . 5 ' 40 . 8 ' LO T L I N E PROPOSED PROPOSEDSERVICE GARAGE103.00FF102.17PAD SERVICE GARAGE104.00FF103.17PAD W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W EXISTING 18" RCPSTORM DRAINPER CITY DWG NO. 285-2 EX. 10" PROPOSEDSHOWROOM104.00FF103.17PAD ACP WATERLINE TO BEABANDONED 100.52TGOVERFLOW PROPOSEDBMP PLANTERSEE DETAIL 2SHEET 11. EXISTING 18" RCPSTORM DRAINPER CITY DWG NO.285-2 REMOVE EXISTING RAMPAND INSTALL NEW ADAACCESSIBLE CURBRAMP PER SDRSD G-27. 100.47TGOVERFLOW PROPOSEDBMP PLANTERSEE DETAIL 1SHEET 11. Note: All locations are approximate. Figure No.2AIN-PLACE DENSITY TEST MAP AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California MTGL Project No.:3280A02 TC/JCRDate:August, 2023 Author: Geotechnical Engineering Construction Inspection Materials Testing Environmental 56 6266 70 7379 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 93 94 9591 92 99 100 101 102 103 104 96 97 98 105 106 107 111 112 113 108 109 110 115 116 118 119121 122 125127 128 117 114138 139 195 196 197 198 199 200 45 815 18 1928 37 3839 43 129 130 131 132 120 123 124 126 133 134 135 136 137 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 193 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 LEGEND 1 Density Test Location- 30'60'0' 210 Reference: SPARC+ (2021) BMW of Carlsbad 1060 Auto Center CourtCarlsbad, CA 92008, dated April 20. 261 262 263 264 265 266 270 271 272 277 278 279 280 281 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296297 298 299 300 302 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 321 322 330 331 334 332 333 335 336 337 338 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 353 354 355 356 357 358 360 361 362 366372 373 383 396 397 401 410 411 412 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426427 MATCHLINE (SEE FIGURE 2B) ----,-- --r,: 7 7,?r,77'7 _7'.7/ ~ / I I I • .__ -------------------------------------- ---------------- / " ,--I ---I 107 108 106 100 110 10 3 103 103 10 2 104 101 106 108 104 99 105 110111 WWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W 109 106 107 107 1 1 0 W W W W W 107 101 105 102 100 10 2 10 3 10 3 102 W 1 0 2 103 1 0 5 W 1 0 3 103 10 3 10 4 W 10 4 10 8 10 6 W 10 4 LO T L I N E 105 106 10 9 PROPOSED PROPOSEDSERVICE GARAGE103.00FF102.17PAD SERVICE GARAGE104.00FF103.17PAD COVEREDSERVICE EXIT PROPOSEDSERVICE CANOPY 108107 SSSS SEWER SS AUTO CENTER CTSSSS 112 SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS W SS W EXISTING 18" ACPWATER MAIN PERDWG 285-2. STA: 0+00AUTO CENTER CT. EXISTING 8" VCP SEWER MAIN PERDWG 285-2.STA: 1+96.70CL DRIVEWAYAUTO CENTER CT. PROPOSEDBMP-2 PLANTER SEE DETAIL 1 SHEET 11. STA: 3+22.01CL DRIVEWAYCAR COUNTRY DRIVE PROPOSEDSHOWROOM104.00FF103.17PAD Note: All locations are approximate. Figure No.2BIN-PLACE DENSITY TEST MAP AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California MTGL Project No.:3280A02 TC/JCRDate:August, 2023 Author: Geotechnical Engineering Construction Inspection Materials Testing Environmental LEGEND 1 Density Test Location- Reference: SPARC+ (2021) BMW of Carlsbad 1060 Auto Center CourtCarlsbad, CA 92008, dated April 20. 30'60'0' 48 49 53 54 5546 47 57 58 5960 61 63 64 65 67 68 75 76 77 69 71 72 74 78 80 81 82 83 191 192 1 2 3 6 7 9 10 11 12 1314 16 17 20 21 2223 24 27 29 30 25 26 35 36 31 32 40 33 34 41 42 44 45 50 51 52 194 205 211 212213 214 215 216217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 267 268 269 273 274 275 276 282 283 284 285 286 287 301 303 317 318 319 320 323 324325 326 327 328329 339 340 341 350 351 352 359 363364 365 367 368 369 370 371 374 375 376 377378 379 380 381 382 384 385386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 398 399 400 402 403 406 404403407408 409 413 414 415 416 417 MATCHLINE (SEE FIGURE 2A) • I I I I I I I L I ?: ,, [ I I I __ _,_ l I -I D D I [ I- I I I I _ ______,/ I APPENDIX A LABORATORY TEST RESULTS AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Lab No. Sample Date Sample Location Material Description Maximum Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture Content (%) 7 1/4/22 Building OX Silty Sand (SM), reddish-brown 126.1 10.8 9 1/5/22 Building OX Silty Sand (SM), light brown 122.3 11.2 13 1/6/22 South & SE Building OX Silty Sand (SM), brown 109.3 13.2 46 1/13/22 Building OX Silty Sand (SM), brown 126.0 10.6 81 1/26/22 Building OX Silty Sand with trace gravel (SM), brown 127.8 10.5 119 2/9/22 On-SIte Silty Sand (SM), light brown 119.8 11.8 23-2755 3/8/23 On-Site Aggregate Base 116.0 12.2 23-6285 5/23/23 Southwest Driveway Class II Aggregate Base 115.0 14.3 23-9305 7/21/23 North Side Access Road Silty Sand (SM), brown 125.5 9.2 Test Method:ASTM D1557 - Maximum Density Optimum Moisture Relationships Lab No. Sample Date Sample Location Material Description Bulk Specific Gravity (pcf) Stability Value 23-3713 3/31/23 Superior Escondido AC mix #10-232-EEM 147.7 100 Test Method:CTM 308 - Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Hot Mix Asphalt Appendix A - LABORATORY TEST RESULTS MAXIMUM DENSITY - OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND DENSITY OF BITUMINOUS MIXTURES -------- APPENDIX B FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R1 August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 1 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I) See Drawing on File 96.17'9.8 115.5 7 92 90 NU 2 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)96.17'9.8 115.6 7 92 90 NU 3 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)96.17'10.0 116.1 7 92 90 NU 4 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)96.17'9.0 116.4 7 92 90 NU 5 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)96.17'10.0 116.1 7 92 90 NU 6 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)98.17'10.2 117.6 7 93 90 NU 7 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)98.17'10.3 114.6 7 91 90 NU 8 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)98.17'10.3 118.0 7 94 90 NU 9 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)98.17'9.5 119.1 7 94 90 NU 10 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)98.17'10.5 118.1 7 94 90 NU 11 1/5/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)100.17'9.7 120.0 7 95 90 NU 12 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-I)100.17'10.2 117.3 7 93 90 NU 13 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-I)100.17'9.8 117.0 7 93 90 NU 14 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-I)100.17'10.2 116.3 7 92 90 NU 15 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-I)100.17'9.5 115.8 7 92 90 NU 16 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-II) 96.17'10.4 119.4 7 95 90 NU 17 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-II) 96.17'10.0 117.2 7 93 90 NU 18 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-II) 96.17'11.0 118.7 7 94 90 NU 19 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-II) 96.17'9.8 116.7 7 93 90 NU 20 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-II) 96.17'9.7 119.0 7 94 90 NU 21 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 98.17'11.8 116.1 7 92 90 NU 22 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 98.17'11.3 115.6 7 92 90 NU 23 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 98.17'9.2 120.5 7 96 90 NU 24 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 98.17'10.7 120.2 7 95 90 NU 25 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'11.6 117.8 7 93 90 NU 26 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'12.0 116.4 7 92 90 NU 27 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 100.17'10.6 116.8 7 93 90 NU 28 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 100.17'11.0 119.3 7 95 90 NU 29 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 100.17'11.8 119.2 7 95 90 NU 30 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 100.17'12.2 117.5 7 93 90 NU 31 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) 98.17'12.0 115.9 7 92 90 NU 32 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) 98.17'11.2 116.8 7 93 90 NU 33 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) South 100.17'11.0 116.1 7 92 90 NU 34 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) South 100.17'11.8 118.4 7 94 90 NU 35 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'11.3 113.7 7 90 90 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 36 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'10.4 115.8 7 92 90 NU 37 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'11.5 115.6 7 92 90 NU 38 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'9.8 113.9 7 90 90 NU 39 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 98.17'10.5 118.9 7 94 90 NU 40 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 98.17'11.3 116.8 7 93 90 NU 41 1/10/22 Building Pad (B-III) 99'10.8 117.5 7 93 90 NU 42 1/10/22 Building Pad (B-III) 99'11.0 115.1 7 91 90 NU 43 1/10/22 Building Pad (B-III) 100'13.1 118.6 7 94 90 NU 44 1/10/22 Building Pad (B-III) 100'11.2 115.6 7 92 90 NU 45 1/10/22 Building Pad (B-III) 100'12.8 117.9 7 93 90 NU 46 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)96.17'11.0 112.5 9 90 90 NU 47 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)96.17'11.8 115.7 9 95 90 NU 48 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)96.17'12.7 114.6 9 94 90 NU 49 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)96.17'12.5 114.6 9 94 90 NU 50 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-III) 101.17'10.0 120.1 7 95 90 NU 51 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-III) 101.17'10.6 118.6 7 94 90 NU 52 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-III) 101.17'9.3 119.4 7 95 90 NU 53 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)98'114.1 9 93 90 NU 54 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)98'115.6 9 95 90 NU 55 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)98'116.4 7 92 90 NU 56 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)98'119.7 7 95 90 NU 57 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-IV)100.8'14.5 116.0 7 92 90 NU 58 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-IV)100.8'12.0 116.4 7 92 90 NU 59 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-IV)100.8'11.2 117.6 7 93 90 NU 60 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-IV)100.8'12.6 121.1 7 96 90 NU 61 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)96'12.6 114.6 9 94 90 NU 62 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)96'13.4 114.4 9 94 90 NU 63 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)96'13.1 115.8 9 95 90 NU 64 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)96'13.6 113.7 9 93 90 NU 65 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)98'12.7 115.5 9 94 90 NU 66 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)98'12.5 115.9 9 95 90 NU 67 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)98'13.0 112.7 9 90 90 NU 68 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)98'14.0 113.5 9 93 90 NU 69 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-VI)96'11.4 113.5 9 93 90 NU 70 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-VI)96'12.0 114.4 9 94 90 NU 13.1 12.3 11.711.5 AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 71 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-VI)96'11.0 117.8 7 93 90 NU 72 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)98'11.2 113.4 9 93 90 NU 73 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)98'12.0 114.3 9 93 90 NU 74 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)98'12.0 114.1 9 93 90 NU 75 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-V)100.5'10.9 117.3 7 93 90 NU 76 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-V)100.5'11.0 117.9 7 93 90 NU 77 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-V)100.5'10.9 117.1 7 93 90 NU 78 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)100.5'11.0 118.3 7 94 90 NU 79 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)100.5'12.1 120.6 7 96 90 NU 80 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)100.5'10.7 116.6 7 92 90 NU 81 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)102'9.7 119.9 7 95 90 NU 82 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)102'10.9 120.7 7 96 90 NU 83 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)102'11.0 120.5 7 96 90 NU 84 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 96.7'11.1 118.7 7 94 90 NU 85 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 96.7'10.6 119.7 7 95 90 NU 86 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 96.7'9.8 119.7 7 95 90 NU 87 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 96.7'10.9 120.5 7 96 90 NU 88 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 99'11.6 116.5 7 92 90 NU 89 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 99'10.2 122.9 7 97 90 NU 90 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 99'10.8 122.9 7 97 90 NU 91 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-II 96'11.0 118.0 7 94 90 NU 92 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-II 96'10.8 120.1 7 95 90 NU 93 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 101'11.1 120.9 7 96 90 NU 94 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 101'11.2 121.2 7 96 90 NU 95 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 101'10.8 120.4 7 95 90 NU 96 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-III 96'9.7 117.6 46 93 90 NU 97 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-III 96'11.8 118.2 46 94 90 NU 98 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-III 96'10.6 117.0 46 93 90 NU 99 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 98.5'10.7 116.8 46 93 90 NU 100 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 98.5'10.2 119.7 46 95 90 NU 101 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 98.5'9.2 117.2 46 93 90 NU 102 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 101'10.6 118.1 46 94 90 NU 103 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 101'11.2 119.2 46 95 90 NU 104 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 101'11.2 116.6 46 93 90 NU 105 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 98'10.1 118.7 46 94 90 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 106 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 98'9.9 119.0 46 94 90 NU 107 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 98'9.8 117.3 46 93 90 NU 108 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-IV 96'11.0 116.4 46 92 90 NU 109 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-IV 96'11.1 119.9 46 95 90 NU 110 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-IV 96'9.6 117.0 46 93 90 NU 111 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 101'11.9 114.6 9 94 90 NU 112 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 101'11.3 113.9 9 93 90 NU 113 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 101'11.0 118.0 46 94 90 NU 114 1/19/22 North Footing 88'10.5 114.5 9 94 90 NU 115 1/19/22 North Footing 88'11.3 115.0 46 91 90 NU 116 1/19/22 North Footing 88'10.8 115.5 46 92 90 NU 117 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 90'11.8 112.2 9 90 90 NU 118 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 90'12.6 111.7 9 90 90 NU 119 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 90'12.1 112.8 9 90 90 NU 120 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 92'9.5 119.6 46 95 90 NU 121 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 92'11.2 116.2 46 92 90 NU 122 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 92'10.7 117.5 46 93 90 NU 123 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 94'10.5 117.4 46 93 90 NU 124 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 94'11.0 119.1 46 95 90 NU 125 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 94'11.0 115.8 46 92 90 NU 126 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 96'10.9 119.9 46 95 90 NU 127 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 96'11.8 121.2 46 96 90 NU 128 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 96'11.2 119.6 46 95 90 NU 129 1/21/22 Footing Trench @ Line 9 93'10.8 116.3 46 92 90 NU 130 1/21/22 Footing Trench @ Line 9 93'10.3 119.2 46 95 90 NU 131 1/21/22 Footing Trench @ Line 9 95'10.2 117.6 46 93 90 NU 132 1/21/22 Footing Trench @ Line 9 95'11.0 117.2 46 93 90 NU 133 1/21/22 North B-IV with Trench 98'10.8 118.0 46 94 90 NU 134 1/21/22 North B-IV with Trench 98'10.2 119.3 46 95 90 NU 135 1/21/22 North B-IV with North Footing Trench 98'10.0 119.6 46 95 90 NU 136 1/21/22 North B-IV with North Footing Trench 98'11.8 120.6 46 96 90 NU 137 1/21/22 North B-IV with North Footing Trench 98'10.7 116.9 46 93 90 NU 138 1/21/22 North B-IV with North Footing Trench 98'11.0 121.9 46 97 90 NU 139 1/21/22 North B-IV with North Footing Trench 98'10.9 122.0 46 97 90 NU 140 1/22/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X 101'11.1 118.2 46 94 90 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 141 1/22/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X 101'11.5 120.7 46 96 90 NU 142 1/22/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X 101'10.8 119.0 46 94 90 NU 143 1/22/22 Building Pad North B-IV 100.5'10.7 116.1 46 92 90 NU 144 1/22/22 Building Pad North B-IV 100.5'10.1 118.8 46 94 90 NU 145 1/22/22 Building Pad North B-IV 100.5'11.3 118.1 46 94 90 NU 146 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 96'11.8 117.1 46 93 90 NU 147 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 96'10.5 118.7 46 94 90 NU 148 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 96'10.8 118.9 46 94 90 NU 149 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 98'10.4 118.2 46 94 90 NU 150 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 98'10.8 118.1 46 94 90 NU 151 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 98'11.0 118.4 46 94 90 NU 152 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 93'12.2 111.3 9 91 90 NU 153 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 93'10.7 111.7 9 91 90 NU 154 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 93'11.0 121.2 46 96 90 NU 155 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 95.8'10.8 117.2 46 93 90 NU 156 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 95.8'12.0 119.3 46 95 90 NU 157 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 95.8'11.6 118.0 46 94 90 NU 158 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 98'11.0 113.7 9 93 90 NU 159 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 98'11.2 113.1 9 92 90 NU 160 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 98'10.1 116.4 46 92 90 NU 161 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 100'10.8 120.6 46 96 90 NU 162 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 100'11.2 118.9 46 94 90 NU 163 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 100'10.5 117.6 46 93 90 NU 164 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 96'12.2 118.1 46 94 90 NU 165 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 96'10.1 119.6 46 95 90 NU 166 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 96'11.7 120.3 46 95 90 NU 167 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 98'9.8 119.0 46 94 90 NU 168 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 98'10.0 119.4 46 95 90 NU 169 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 98'10.9 121.4 46 96 90 NU 170 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VIII 96'9.8 119.8 46 95 90 NU 171 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VIII 96'11.2 120.2 46 95 90 NU 172 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VIII 96'10.8 121.0 46 96 90 NU 173 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VIII 98'11.0 119.3 81 93 90 NU 174 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VIII 98'10.6 121.6 81 95 90 NU 175 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VIII 98'9.8 121.5 81 95 90 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 176 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VII 100'10.9 120.8 81 95 90 NU 177 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VII 100'11.0 119.4 81 93 90 NU 178 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VII 100'9.9 120.0 81 94 90 NU 179 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VIII 96'10.7 121.1 81 95 90 NU 180 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VIII 96'11.1 118.8 81 93 90 NU 181 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VIII 98'11.2 118.9 81 93 90 NU 182 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VIII 98'10.8 121.7 81 95 90 NU 183 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VII 100'11.0 120.1 81 94 90 NU 184 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VII 100'10.5 120.4 81 94 90 NU 185 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII 100'9.8 118.9 81 93 90 NU 186 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII 100'10.0 123.2 81 96 90 NU 187 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII SG 9.7 120.3 46 95 90 NU 188 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII SG 8.5 122.2 46 97 90 NU 189 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII SG 8.2 121.8 46 97 90 NU 190 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII SG 9.2 121.7 46 97 90 NU 191 2/1/22 Building Pad SB IV SG 10.6 120.5 46 96 90 NU 192 2/1/22 Building Pad SB IV SG 10.0 120.4 46 96 90 NU 193 2/1/22 Building Pad SB III SG 9.3 120.2 46 95 90 NU 194 2/1/22 Building Pad SB III SG 9.1 122.3 46 97 90 NU 195 2/1/22 Building Pad NB I SG 10.3 122.7 81 96 90 NU 196 2/1/22 Building Pad NB I SG 9.3 120.3 81 94 90 NU 197 2/1/22 Building Pad NB II SG 9.7 119.2 46 95 90 NU 198 2/1/22 Building Pad NB II SG 10.2 119.7 46 95 90 NU 199 2/2/22 Building Pad NB III SG 10.7 120.8 46 96 90 NU 200 2/2/22 Building Pad NB III SG 10.1 119.9 46 95 90 NU 201 2/2/22 Building Pad NB IV SG 9.6 119.2 46 95 90 NU 202 2/2/22 Building Pad NB IV SG 10.6 119.0 46 94 90 NU 203 2/2/22 Building Pad NB V SG 10.1 123.1 46 98 90 NU 204 2/2/22 Building Pad NB V SG 9.7 120.4 46 96 90 NU 205 2/3/22 Building Pad SB I 102.2'10.1 119.5 46 95 90 NU 206 2/3/22 Building Pad SB II 102.2'10.5 119.3 46 95 90 NU 207 2/3/22 Building Pad SB II 102.2'10.4 118.6 46 94 90 NU 208 2/3/22 Building Pad NB VI 102.2'9.7 120.9 81 95 90 NU 209 2/3/22 Building Pad NB VII 102.2'10.3 121.2 81 95 90 NU 210 2/3/22 Building Pad NB VIII 102.2'10.4 122.2 81 96 90 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 211 2/7/22 Line II Trench North to South 92'10.6 117.0 46 93 90 NU 212 2/7/22 Line II Trench North to South 92'9.5 116.3 46 92 90 NU 213 2/8/22 Line II Trench North to South 94'10.7 119.8 46 95 90 NU 214 2/8/22 Line II Trench North to South 94'11.2 121.4 46 96 90 NU 215 2/8/22 Line II Trench North to South 96'10.6 116.9 46 93 90 NU 216 2/8/22 Line II Trench North to South 96'11.0 118.1 46 94 90 NU 217 2/8/22 Line II Trench North to South 98'12.0 117.6 46 93 90 NU 218 2/8/22 Line II Trench North to South 98'10.0 118.1 46 94 90 NU 219 2/9/22 Line II Trench North to South (South Section)92'10.7 117.2 46 93 90 NU 220 2/9/22 Line II Trench North to South (South Section)94'10.9 118.1 46 94 90 NU 221 2/10/22 Shear Wall 2 Trench (East to West)87'11.0 116.9 46 93 90 NU 222 2/10/22 Shear Wall 2 Trench (East to West)87'11.4 116.5 46 92 90 NU 223 2/10/22 Shear Wall 2 Trench (East to West)89'10.6 116.5 46 92 90 NU 224 2/10/22 Shear Wall 2 Trench (East to West)89'11.0 116.7 46 93 90 NU 225 2/10/22 Shear Wall 2 Trench (East to West)91'11.7 112.8 9 92 90 NU 226 2/10/22 Shear Wall 2 Trench (East to West)91'12.0 113.9 9 93 90 NU 227 2/15/22 Shear Wall Footing 2 Grid B (West to East)87'11.0 117.3 46 93 90 NU 228 2/15/22 Shear Wall Footing 2 Grid B (West to East)87'10.7 117.2 46 93 90 NU 229 2/15/22 Shear Wall Footing 2 Grid B (West to East)89'12.0 120.1 46 95 90 NU 230 2/15/22 Shear Wall Footing 2 Grid B (West to East)91'11.8 117.8 46 93 90 NU 231 2/16/22 Shear Wall Footing 2 Grid B (West to East)93'11.3 119.1 46 95 90 NU 232 2/16/22 Shear Wall Footing 2 Grid B (West to East)93'10.6 118.7 46 94 90 NU 233 2/16/22 Shear Wall Footing 2 Grid B (West to East)95'10.9 120.5 46 96 90 NU 234 2/16/22 Shear Wall Footing 2 Grid B (West to East)95'10.9 117.0 46 93 90 NU 235 2/16/22 Shear Wall Footing 2 Grid B (West to East)97'11.5 114.6 9 94 90 NU 236 2/16/22 Shear Wall Footing 2 Grid B (West to East)100'11.8 115.2 9 94 90 NU 237 2/17/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench (West to East)99'13.3 111.2 119 93 90 NU 238 2/17/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench (West to East)96'12.9 110.2 119 92 90 NU 239 2/17/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench (West to East)96'12.5 114.0 9 93 90 NU 240 2/17/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench (West to East)101'10.4 116.0 9 95 90 NU 241 2/18/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench Towards Line 9 (Big Trench)SG 14.0 112.6 119 94 90 NU 242 2/18/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench Towards Line 9 (Big Trench)SG 13.4 112.1 119 94 90 NU 243 2/18/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench Towards Line 9 (Big Trench)SG 11.8 112.7 119 94 90 NU 244 2/18/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench Towards Line 9 (Big Trench)SG 12.0 110.7 119 92 90 NU 245 2/18/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench Towards Line 9 (Big Trench)SG 11.5 117.0 9 96 90 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 246 2/18/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench Towards Line 9 (Big Trench)SG 11.3 112.3 119 94 90 NU 247 2/18/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench Towards Line 9 (Big Trench)SG 13.0 116.0 9 95 90 NU 248 2/18/22 Shear Wall Footing Trench Towards Line 9 (Big Trench)SG 12.8 116.4 9 95 90 NU 249 2/22/22 Footing Trenches @ Line B9-4 97'15.8 113.1 119 94 90 NU 250 2/22/22 Footing Trenches @ Line B9-4 97'13.8 113.6 119 95 90 NU 251 2/22/22 Footing Trenches @ Line B9-4 97'13.8 111.6 119 93 90 NU 252 2/22/22 Footing Trenches @ Line B9-4 99'14.1 112.3 119 94 90 NU 253 2/22/22 Footing Trenches @ Line B9-4 99'13.7 112.3 119 94 90 NU 254 2/22/22 Footing Trenches @ Line B9-4 99'11.7 113.3 119 95 90 NU 255 2/23/22 Footing Trenches Line 10 to Line 4 101'11.9 116.4 9 95 90 NU 256 2/23/22 Footing Trenches Line 10 to Line 4 101'12.6 118.9 9 97 90 NU 257 2/23/22 Footing Trenches Line 10 to Line 4 101'11.7 115.3 9 94 90 NU 258 2/23/22 Footing Trenches Line 10 to Line 4 102'11.8 115.2 9 94 90 NU 259 2/23/22 Footing Trenches Line 10 to Line 4 103'10.8 117.5 9 96 90 NU 260 2/23/22 Footing Trenches Line 10 to Line 4 103'10.9 117.4 9 96 90 NU 261 3/30/22 Shear Wall 5 -6.0 10.8 119.1 46 95 90 NU 262 3/30/22 Shear Wall 5 -6.0 9.7 118.3 46 94 90 NU 263 3/30/22 Shear Wall 5 -6.0 10.0 117.2 46 93 90 NU 264 3/30/22 Shear Wall 5 -4.0 10.0 118.1 46 94 90 NU 265 3/30/22 Shear Wall 5 -4.0 10.8 116.2 46 92 90 NU 266 3/30/22 Shear Wall 5 -4.0 10.7 115.6 46 92 90 NU 267 3/31/22 Shear Wall 2 -5.0 9.9 116.7 46 93 90 NU 268 3/31/22 Shear Wall 2 -5.0 9.6 117.4 46 93 90 NU 269 3/31/22 Shear Wall 2 -5.0 10.2 115.3 46 92 90 NU 270 3/31/22 Shear Wall 5 -2.0 10.7 118.6 46 94 90 NU 271 3/31/22 Shear Wall 5 -2.0 10.5 117.0 46 93 90 NU 272 3/31/22 Shear Wall 5 -2.0 11.2 119.7 46 95 90 NU 273 4/1/22 Shear Wall 2 -4.0 11.5 111.9 46 90 90 NU 274 4/1/22 Shear Wall 2 -4.0 12.0 113.4 46 90 90 NU 275 4/1/22 Shear Wall 2 -3.0 11.6 113.7 46 90 90 NU 276 4/1/22 Shear Wall 2 -3.0 12.7 112.7 46 90 90 NU 277 4/1/22 Shear Wall 6 -6.0 10.7 116.7 46 93 90 NU 278 4/1/22 Shear Wall 6 -6.0 11.0 117.8 46 93 90 NU 279 4/1/22 Shear Wall 6 -6.0 9.8 120.3 46 95 90 NU 280 4/1/22 Shear Wall 6 -4.0 10.5 115.3 46 92 90 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 281 4/1/22 Shear Wall 6 -4.0 11.1 118.2 46 94 90 NU 282 4/4/22 Shear Wall 2 -2.0 13.5 116.8 46 93 90 NU 283 4/4/22 Shear Wall 2 -2.0 11.0 115.3 46 92 90 NU 284 4/4/22 Shear Wall 2 -2.0 10.8 117.7 46 93 90 NU 285 4/4/22 Shear Wall 2 SG 11.5 118.6 46 94 90 NU 286 4/4/22 Shear Wall 2 SG 10.8 117.2 46 93 90 NU 287 4/4/22 Shear Wall 2 SG 11.2 116.8 46 93 90 NU 288 4/4/22 Shear Wall 5 SG 10.2 117.9 46 94 90 NU 289 4/4/22 Shear Wall 5 SG 9.7 116.6 46 93 90 NU 290 4/4/22 Shear Wall 5 SG 10.0 115.7 46 92 90 NU 291 4/4/22 Shear Wall 6 -3.0 10.7 114.9 46 91 90 NU 292 4/4/22 Shear Wall 6 -3.0 11.2 118.2 46 94 90 NU 293 4/4/22 Shear Wall 6 -3.0 11.0 116.1 46 92 90 NU 294 4/5/22 Shear Wall 6 -1.0 11.1 116.9 46 93 90 NU 295 4/5/22 Shear Wall 6 -1.0 10.7 118.4 46 94 90 NU 296 4/5/22 Shear Wall 6 -1.0 10.6 118.3 46 94 90 NU 297 4/5/22 Shear Wall 6 SG 11.2 116.9 46 93 90 NU 298 4/5/22 Shear Wall 6 SG 10.8 115.5 46 92 90 NU 299 4/5/22 Shear Wall 6 SG 11.0 117.4 46 93 90 NU 300 4/6/22 Line 11 - P SG 10.5 117.8 46 93 90 NU 301 4/6/22 Line 11 - L SG 9.8 119.0 46 94 90 NU 302 4/6/22 Line 11 - N SG 10.7 117.9 46 94 90 NU 303 4/6/22 Line 6 - I SG 10.8 117.3 46 93 90 NU 304 4/6/22 Line 6 - Q SG 11.6 118.9 46 94 90 NU 305 4/6/22 Line 6 - R SG 12.0 120.6 46 96 90 NU 306 4/6/22 Line 6 - N SG 11.5 118.5 46 94 90 NU 307 4/7/22 Line 9 - P/Q SG 9.0 118.0 46 94 90 NU 308 4/7/22 Line 9 - N SG 10.0 121.0 46 96 90 NU 309 4/7/22 Line 9 - U SG 10.7 119.5 46 95 90 NU 310 4/7/22 Line 9 - R SG 10.5 120.0 46 95 90 NU 311 4/7/22 Line 9 - P/Q SG 11.0 118.1 46 94 90 NU 312 4/7/22 Line 9 - N SG 11.2 116.7 46 93 90 NU 313 4/7/22 Line 7 - R SG 10.8 116.3 46 92 90 NU 314 4/7/22 Line 7 - Q SG 11.0 117.7 46 93 90 NU 315 4/7/22 Line 7 - P SG 10.3 118.7 46 94 90 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 316 4/7/22 Line 7 -N SG 11.5 119.0 46 94 90 NU 317 4/8/22 Line 8 - F SG 12.0 114.1 9 93 90 NU 318 4/8/22 Line 8 - J SG 10.7 119.1 46 95 90 NU 319 4/8/22 Line 7 - F SG 11.5 113.7 9 93 90 NU 320 4/8/22 Line 9 - I SG 11.7 111.3 9 91 90 NU 321 4/8/22 Trench South of Elevator Pit SG 10.6 115.8 46 92 90 NU 322 4/13/22 Line 6 - M SG 10.8 116.8 46 93 90 NU 323 4/13/22 Line 6 - J SG 11.2 117.3 46 93 90 NU 324 4/13/22 Line 6 - F SG 11.0 115.7 46 92 90 NU 325 4/13/22 Line 9 - F SG 10.9 116.4 46 92 90 NU 326 4/18/22 Arround Pier Footing -2.0 11.0 115.2 46 91 90 NU 327 4/18/22 Arround Pier Footing -2.0 10.6 120.3 46 95 90 NU 328 4/18/22 Arround Pier Footing SG 10.8 114.2 46 91 90 NU 329 4/18/22 Arround Pier Footing SG 10.5 115.7 46 92 90 NU 330 5/23/22 N.W. Corner -1.5 9.8 121.9 7 97 90 NU 331 5/23/22 N.W. Corner -2.5 10.9 123.5 7 98 90 NU 332 5/24/22 BMP-6B West Side 100'9.0 116.6 81 91 90 NU 333 5/24/22 BMP-6B West Side 102'11.8 119.1 81 93 90 NU 334 5/24/22 BMP-6B East Side 102'10.2 117.9 81 92 90 NU 335 9/2/22 12" Stormdrain Trench @ NE Corner of Bldg -4.5 11.1 121.6 46 97 90 NU 336 9/2/22 12" Stormdrain Trench @ NE Corner of Bldg -2.5 11.0 120.8 46 96 90 NU 337 9/6/22 12" Stormdrain Trench @ NE Corner of Bldg -3.5 9.3 123.2 46 98 90 NU 338 9/6/22 12" Stormdrain Trench @ NE Corner of Bldg -2.0 9.9 116.3 46 92 90 NU 339 9/16/22 10" Stormdrain Trench along South Side of Bldg GL 3-10 / E-W -4.0 10.4 115.4 46 92 90 NU 340 9/16/22 10" Stormdrain Trench along South Side of Bldg GL 3-10 / E-W -2.0 11.4 114.3 46 91 90 NU 341 9/16/22 10" Stormdrain Trench along South Side of Bldg GL 3-10 / E-W SG 10.9 114.7 46 91 90 NU 342 11/30/22 Stormdrain Trench West of Bldg - North to South -0.5 10.0 115.5 46 92 90 NU 343 11/30/22 Stormdrain Trench West of Bldg - North to South -0.5 9.8 117.3 46 93 90 NU 344 11/30/22 Stormdrain Trench West of Bldg - North to South -0.5 11.2 119.9 46 95 90 NU 345 11/30/22 Stormdrain Trench West of Bldg - North to South -0.5 10.7 114.9 46 91 90 NU 346 1/18/23 Pavement Section SW Corner FSG 13.1 119.6 46 95 90 NU 347 1/18/23 Pavement Section West Side of Bldg Trash Enclosure FSG 9.7 119.9 46 95 90 NU 348 1/18/23 Pavement Section West Side of Bldg Trash Enclosure FSG 12.7 120.6 46 96 90 NU 349 1/18/23 Pavement Section West Side of Bldg Outside Building FSG 12.8 121.0 46 96 90 NU 350 1/18/23 Pavement Section West Side of Bldg Outside Building FSG 13.0 117.4 46 93 90 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 351 1/18/23 Pavement Section South Side of Bldg Outside Building FSG 13.3 117.7 46 93 90 NU 352 1/18/23 Pavement Section South Side of Bldg Outside Building FSG 12.7 119.2 46 95 90 NU 353 1/19/23 Trash Enclosure FSG 12.6 114.7 46 91 90 NU 354 1/19/23 Pavement West Side of Building FSG 13.3 113.7 46 90 90 NU 355 1/19/23 Pavement West Side of Building FSG 12.6 121.2 46 96 90 NU 356 1/19/23 Pavement West Side of Building FSG 12.8 116.8 46 93 90 NU 357 3/8/23 Bottom of Drive Approach Along Car Country Dr AB 15.3 112.3 23-2755 97 95 NU 358 3/8/23 Bottom of Drive Approach Along Car Country Dr FSG 14.2 116.2 119 97 90 NU 359 3/8/23 Bottom of Drive Approach Along Car Country Dr FSG 14.8 110.7 119 92 90 NU 360 3/8/23 Bottom of Drive Approach Along Car Country Dr FSG 13.9 111.9 119 93 90 NU 361 3/8/23 Bottom of Curb & Gutter Along Car Country Dr AB 15.0 114.4 23-2755 99 95 NU 362 3/8/23 Bottom of Curb & Gutter Along Car Country Dr AB 15.3 114.1 23-2755 98 95 NU 363 3/8/23 Bottom of Curb & Gutter at SE Corner Car Country & Auto Center FSG 12.8 113.8 119 95 90 NU 364 3/8/23 Bottom of Curb & Gutter at SE Corner Car Country & Auto Center AB 16.3 111.5 23-2755 96 95 NU 365 3/8/23 Bottom of Curb & Gutter at SE Corner Car Country & Auto Center AB 16.0 111.9 23-2755 96 95 NU 366 3/9/23 Ramp/Sidewalk Car Country Dr FSG 11.8 120.1 81 94 90 NU 367 3/9/23 Ramp Driveway Sidewalk Car Country Dr FSG 11.9 120.8 81 95 90 NU 368 3/9/23 Ramp/Sidewalk Car Country Dr FSG 12.3 121.2 81 95 90 NU 369 3/13/23 Sidewalk Ramp NW Corner Auto Center & Car Country AB 11.6 111.1 23-2755 96 95 NU 370 3/13/23 Sidewalk Appraoch Car Country Dr AB 17.5 112.4 23-2755 97 95 NU 371 3/13/23 Sidewalk Appraoch Car Country Dr AB 14.8 110.9 23-2755 96 95 NU 372 3/13/23 Sidewalk Ramp Cannon Rd & Car Country Dr AB 10.3 114.6 23-2755 99 95 NU 373 3/13/23 Sidewalk Ramp Cannon Rd & Car Country Dr AB 12.4 114.8 23-2755 99 95 NU 374 3/13/23 BMP#1 SW Corner -2.0 14.5 110.3 119 92 90 NU 375 3/13/23 BMP#2 NE Corner -2.0 12.3 111.0 119 93 90 NU 376 3/13/23 Curb & Gutter Auto Center Ct FSG 12.1 119.5 7 95 90 NU 377 3/13/23 Curb & Gutter Auto Center Ct FSG 12.4 120.4 7 95 90 NU 378 3/13/23 Curb & Gutter Auto Center Ct FSG 11.4 119.7 7 95 90 NU 379 3/13/23 Curb & Gutter Auto Center Ct AB 14.0 114.1 23-2755 98 95 NU 380 3/13/23 Curb & Gutter Auto Center Ct AB 12.3 118.0 23-2755 102 95 NU 381 3/13/23 BMP#2 -0.7 15.4 113.5 119 95 90 NU 382 3/13/23 BMP#2 -0.7 15.6 110.6 119 92 90 NU 383 3/31/23 Slot Patch Cannon Rd & Car Country Dr AC ---142.4 23-3713 96 95 NU 384 3/31/23 Slot Patch Car Country Dr AC ---141.9 23-3713 96 95 NU 385 3/31/23 Slot Patch Car Country Dr & Auto Center Dr AC ---142.6 23-3713 97 95 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 386 3/31/23 Slot Patch Auto Center Dr AC ---143.1 23-3713 97 95 NU 387 3/31/23 Slot Patch Auto Center Dr AC ---144.1 23-3713 98 95 NU 388 4/6/23 Curb & Gutter South Side Bldg #3 @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 12.8 113.5 46 90 90 NU 389 4/6/23 Curb & Gutter South Side Bldg #3 @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 13.2 114.8 46 91 90 NU 390 4/6/23 Curb & Gutter South Side Bldg #3 @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 12.1 113.4 46 90 90 NU 391 4/6/23 Curb & Gutter South Side Bldg #3 @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 12.3 114.2 46 91 90 NU 392 4/6/23 Curb & Gutter South Side Bldg #3 @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 6.8 115.6 46 92 90 NU 393 4/6/23 Curb & Gutter South Side Bldg #3 @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 7.5 126.7 46 101 90 NU 394 4/6/23 Curb & Gutter East Side Bldg @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 12.9 119.5 46 95 90 NU 395 4/6/23 Curb & Gutter East Side Bldg @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 9.0 100.9 46 80 90 NU FAIL 396 4/6/23 Curb & Gutter East Side Bldg @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 8.4 108.3 13 99 90 NU 397 4/6/23 Curb & Gutter East Side Bldg @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 7.8 116.5 46 92 90 NU 398 4/7/23 Curb & Gutter South Side Bldg #3 @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 8.9 119.2 46 95 90 NU 399 4/7/23 Curb & Gutter South Side Bldg #3 @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 9.6 125.1 46 99 90 NU 400 4/7/23 Curb & Gutter East Side Bldg @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 10.1 125.1 46 99 90 NU RT #395 401 4/7/23 Curb & Gutter East Side Bldg @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 10.6 123.1 46 98 90 NU 402 4/7/23 Curb & Gutter East Side Bldg @ Roadway & Stalls FSG 9.6 117.5 46 93 90 NU 403 4/7/23 Curb & Gutter SE Corner FSG 12.4 120.9 46 96 90 NU 404 4/11/23 Retaining Wall Bottom of Footings @ SE of Bldg Along Auto Center Ct SG 11.4 103.9 13 95 90 NU 405 4/11/23 Retaining Wall Bottom of Footings @ SE of Bldg Along Auto Center Ct SG 11.0 99.7 13 91 90 NU 406 4/11/23 Retaining Wall Bottom of Footings @ SE of Bldg Along Auto Center Ct SG 10.1 123.4 81 97 90 NU 407 4/12/23 Bottom of Ret Wall Footing SG 15.4 107.9 13 99 90 NU 408 4/12/23 Bottom of Ret Wall Footing SG 16.3 107.6 13 98 90 NU 409 4/12/23 Bottom of Curb Along East Side to NE SG 10.7 123.3 81 96 90 NU 410 4/12/23 Bottom of Curb Along East Side to NE SG 12.1 109.6 119 91 90 NU 411 4/12/23 Bottom of Curb Along East Side to NE SG 10.6 119.6 81 94 90 NU 412 4/12/23 Bottom of Curb Along East Side to NE SG 10.8 122.5 81 96 90 NU 413 5/10/23 Ribbon Gutter at SE and South Side of Building FSG 10.1 120.5 46 96 90 NU 414 5/10/23 Ribbon Gutter at SE and South Side of Building FSG 8.6 119.7 46 95 90 NU 415 5/10/23 Ribbon Gutter at SE and South Side of Building FSG 10.4 121.2 46 96 90 NU 416 5/10/23 Ribbon Gutter at SE and South Side of Building FSG 11.9 124.2 46 99 90 NU 417 5/18/23 Curb and Gutter along west side of bldg FSG 8.5 121.7 46 97 90 NU 418 5/18/23 Curb and Gutter along west side of bldg FSG 8.8 120.7 46 96 90 NU 419 5/18/23 Curb and Gutter along north side at NW corner FSG 8.6 120.2 46 95 90 NU 420 5/18/23 Curb and Gutter along north side at NW corner FSG 8.6 121.5 46 96 90 NU AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0267R August 23, 2023 Appendix B - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No.Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf)Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 421 7/21/23 Core Area #2 FSG 11.4 116.3 23-9305 93 90 NU 422 7/21/23 Core Area #3 FSG 11.1 118.4 23-9305 94 90 NU 423 7/21/23 Core Area #1 FSG 18.1 116.6 23-9305 93 90 NU 424 7/21/23 Core Area #3 FSG 12.5 118.0 23-9305 94 90 SC 425 7/21/23 Core Area #1 FSG 10.0 117.4 23-9305 94 90 SC 426 7/22/23 Core Area #4 FSG 12.3 123.0 23-9305 98 90 NU 427 7/22/23 Core Area #4 FSG 11.0 124.2 23-9305 99 90 SC NU - Nuclear Gauge Test (ASTM D6938 / D2950)SG - Subgrade AB - Aggregate Base Grade SC - Sand Cone Test (ASTM 1556)FG - Finished Grade AC - Asphalt APPENDIX C SOIL COMPACTION REPORT – ROUGH GRADED BUILDING PAD Page 1 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERINGCONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONMATERIALS TESTINGENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE LOCATIONS ORANGE COUNTY CORPORATE BRANCH 2992 E. La Palma Avenue Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 SAN DIEGO IMPERIAL COUNTY 6295 Ferris Square Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 INLAND EMPIRE 14467 Meridian Parkway Building 2A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 OC/LA/INLAND EMPIRE DISPATCH 800.491.2990 SAN DIEGO DISPATCH 888.844.5060 www.mtglinc.com February 15, 2022 MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 Cliff Powell MTGL Log No.: 22-0154 Auto Nation MTGL Branch: San Diego 200 SW 1st Street Grading Permit No.: GR2021-0005 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Subject: SOILS COMPACTION REPORT ROUGH GRADED BUILDING PAD AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad, California References: 1. GMU (2019), Geotechnical Investigation Report, AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad, 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Court, Carlsbad, California, GMU Project No. 18-101-00, dated December 13. 2. Commercial Development Resources (2020), BMW of Carlsbad Grading Plan, 1060 Auto Center Ct, Project No. CRP 2019-0013. 1. INTRODUCTION a. The purpose of this report is to present the results of geotechnical observation and testing services provided by MTGL, Inc. during rough grading of the building pad for proposed AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad facility located at 1060 Auto Center Court in Carlsbad, California. b. This report covers our observation and testing services conducted during the period of January 3, 2022 through February 3, 2022. 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. The project consisted of preparing the rough graded building pad for a new approximate 65,350 square feet two-story building with roof level parking. The structure will be constructed with a slab-on-grade floor. AutoNation MTGL Project No. 3280A02 AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No. 22-0154 Carlsbad, California February 15, 2022 Page 2 b. MTGL, Inc. provided geotechnical observation and testing services during the current site grading operation for the proposed building pad. Reports detailing grading operations for project pavement areas and infrastructure construction operations will be provided under separate cover. 3. GRADING AND EARTHWORK a. Prior to the start of site grading, existing improvements, pavements, slabs, utility lines, vegetation, and other debris were removed from the proposed building site. b. The building pad was overexcavated and brought to rough subgrade elevation with onsite soil materials under the observation and testing of our field representative. The building pad was overexcavated to a minimum depth of 8 feet below existing ground elevation and into competent native materials in accordance with referenced geotechnical report and project specifications. Overexcavation was done using a PC 490 excavator. The surface exposed by the overexcavation was scarified to a minimum depth of 8 inches, moisture conditioned with a firehose attached to a fire hydrant and compacted to a minimum 90% relative compaction utilizing a WA 480 front end loader. c. Fill materials consisted of native onsite soils classified as silty sand by the Unified Soils Classification System. These materials are coarse grained, non-plastic, and non-expansive in nature and are essentially the same materials as those encountered in the referenced geotechnical engineering report. d. The over excavation limits extended a minimum 5 feet outside the building footprints and the engineered backfill was moisture conditioned and compacted to the minimum requirement of 90 percent of the maximum dry density. e. The laboratory maximum density and optimum moisture content of the soils utilized in the project grading and construction operations were determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557 (Method A) test procedure. Test results are reported in attached Appendix A in Table 1. AutoNation MTGL Project No. 3280A02 AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No. 22-0154 Carlsbad, California February 15, 2022 Page 3 4. TESTING 4.1 Field Procedures a. The subgrade soils were tested by our soil technicians. Results of the field density testing are presented in Appendix B on Table 2. b. Samples considered representative of field conditions were obtained for laboratory testing consisting of Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content. 4.2 Methods of Tests Field density testing was performed by the direct transmission nuclear method, ASTM D 6938. The maximum density optimum moisture relationship for the soil was established in the laboratory by the ASTM D 1557 test method. 4.3 Records A Field Daily Report was prepared by our soil technician for each day of observation and testing. The reports were reviewed by our Engineer and are complementary to this report. 5. CONCLUSIONS Based on our observations and tests, it is considered that the geotechnical engineering aspects of the grading was performed in conformance with the approved geotechnical report, the project s construction documents, and the requirements of the City of Carlsbad. The building pad is deemed suitable for the support of the proposed structure. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS The soils encountered during grading are essentially the same materials as those described in the referenced geotechnical report (Reference 1). The structure should be constructed in accordance with the soil bearing values and recommended geotechnical design parameters contained within the referenced geotechnical report. AutoNation MTGL Project No. 3280A02 AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No. 22-0154 Carlsbad, California February 15, 2022 Page 4 7. LIMITATIONS This report contains a statement of professional opinion based on our field observations during rough grading, the results of tests performed during rough grading, a review of the referenced soils engineering reports, and a geotechnical evaluation of the compiled data. Our tests and observations were made in accordance with commonly accepted procedures consistent with applicable standards of practice. This report does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of any type and none should be inferred. MTGL, Inc. appreciates this opportunity to be of continued service to you on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Daniel Richardson, P.E. Senior Engineer Attachments:Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure Compaction Test Location Appendix A Laboratory Test Results Appendix B Field Density Test Results Figure 2 -Site Plan 3A-3B -Maps FIGURES AutoNation MTGL Project No. 3280A02 AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No. 22-0154 Carlsbad, California February 15, 2022 Figure 1 SITE LOCATION MAP Not to Scale Base Map: LOCATION MAP 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad CA 92008 Q Google Maps Thi'-tressing• ;st CaJl;;bad fl \ \ . > .. -- REFERENCE: SPARC+ BMW OF CARLSBAD OVERALL FOUNDATION PLAN SHT S101 LEGEND: r 7 APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF L ...J BUILDING PAD GRADING APPROXIMATE MATCH-LINE NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION REVISIONS 0- @- 0- @- r I I I I -----,-11 I' 1 I I' I ==JC I Ii @=i=c-====1~'~~ff==l=l'=rf===''=EI'~ ~ 0-->t====--.~---=i, .. --... ~1£ll=il 0------ AUTHOR DATE DRAWN ON: CHECKED BY: CLIENT: February 9, 2022 D. RICHARDSON AUTO NATION - ------@ r-7 r----7 r----, r-----, I r.J L ____ .J L ____ .J L ____ _j I I I I I I I I LJ I -------FIGURE 2 -WEST I 1 ------E) I I a ----@ I JI I - ------0 -- - ------0 -------0 ---- PROJECT: AUTO NATION BMW OF CARLSBAD NO. DRAWING: SITE PLAN 3280A02 FIGURE: 2 1060 AUTO CENTER COURT, 1---------+---------1 SCALE: 1" = 40, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ;)N 9--... 14---- 10---- 1 -........__ &=----205 ------- 6----- 2 --------13 ~"!iiiii,;,:~~~~~~="=r=~~=~~~~~~~=~~ 16 ~ 28 ®-----------~ 31------+-++--""""""""----.....,...~-H-~• 5 3 _WJ_~.1..---+-~~-,i;, 3 1~4!f ~t=~f:t-::=::=~f t frr.f..,..--.i, i5i:1 _:_J;~:f:~=:.:::_::::.15~~ ©------:.:=-~~~~~~~~~~Fh~~ ~-~T I I REFERENCE: SPARC+ BMW OF CARLSBAD OVERALL FOUNDATION PLAN SHT S101 LEGEND: • APPROXIMATE COMPACTION TEST LOCATION NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION AUTHOR DATE REVISIONS DRAWN ON: CHECKED BY: CLIENT: I r'1 169 4i I I I I I I I I I 145 February 9, 2022 D. RICHARDSON AUTO NATION -;..;;;..-----140 =t =-=-~-~~-~~-~~-132 ~----141 _,_..,___ 124 ------142 PROJECT: AUTO NATION BMW OF CARLSBAD NO. 3280A02 ,---- L ___ _ ;)N DRAWING: COMPACTION TEST LOCATION MAP -WEST >-F_I_G_U_R_E_: ___ 3A _ ___,1060 AUTO CENTER COURT, SCALE: 1" = 1 O' CARLSBAD, CA 92008 192 ---""""l""'"'I+-,+,~ 0--~----sr-~-~-~-~:~~=--~ w---------(2)--------- 'I' "' I I I I 62'-311/4" Gt©®® REFERENCE: SPARC+ BMW OF CARLSBAD OVERALL FOUNDATION PLAN SHT S101 LEGEND: • APPROXIMATE COMPACTION TEST LOCATION NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION REVISIONS 66 AUTHOR DATE DRAWN ON: CHECKED BY: CLIENT: 199 246'-10" February 9, 2022 D. RICHARDSON AUTO NATION 27'-7" V 39 3 5 ~-138 ---117 t:±=-~~-::-~:;-2:~a;:;-_-_-_-~:~ t---,,-------118 ~--128 ~.;....-------125 ~----~--119 ;)N PROJECT: AUTO NATION BMW OF CARLSBAD NO. 3280A02 DRAWING: COMPACTION TEST LOCATION MAP -EAST FIGURE: 38 1060 AUTO CENTER COURT, >------+--------I SCALE: 1" = 1 O' CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APPENDIX A LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Auto Nation MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No.: 22-0154 Carlsbad, CA February 15, 2022 TABLE 1 - LABORATORY TEST RESULTS MAXIMUM DENSITY - OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT Lab No. Sample Date Sample Location Material Description Max Density (pcf) Opt Moist (%) 7 1/4/22 Building OX Silty Sand (SM), reddish-brown 126.1 10.8 9 1/5/22 Building OX Silty Sand (SM), light brown 122.3 11.2 46 1/13/22 Building OX Silty Sand (SM), brown 126.0 10.6 81 1/26/22 Building OX Silty Sand with trace gravel (SM), brown 127.8 10.5 Test Method:ASTM D1557 - Maximum Density Optimum Moisture Relationships APPENDIX B FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Auto Nation MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No.: 22-0154 Carlsbad, CA February 15, 2022 TABLE 2 - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 1 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I) See Drawing on File 96.17'9.8 115.5 7 92 90 NU 2 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)96.17'9.8 115.6 7 92 90 NU 3 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)96.17'10.0 116.1 7 92 90 NU 4 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)96.17'9.0 116.4 7 92 90 NU 5 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)96.17'10.0 116.1 7 92 90 NU 6 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)98.17'10.2 117.6 7 93 90 NU 7 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)98.17'10.3 114.6 7 91 90 NU 8 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)98.17'10.3 118.0 7 94 90 NU 9 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)98.17'9.5 119.1 7 94 90 NU 10 1/4/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)98.17'10.5 118.1 7 94 90 NU 11 1/5/22 Building Pad (West Area B-I)100.17'9.7 120.0 7 95 90 NU 12 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-I)100.17'10.2 117.3 7 93 90 NU 13 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-I)100.17'9.8 117.0 7 93 90 NU 14 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-I)100.17'10.2 116.3 7 92 90 NU 15 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-I)100.17'9.5 115.8 7 92 90 NU 16 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-II) 96.17'10.4 119.4 7 95 90 NU 17 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-II) 96.17'10.0 117.2 7 93 90 NU 18 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-II) 96.17'11.0 118.7 7 94 90 NU 19 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-II) 96.17'9.8 116.7 7 93 90 NU 20 1/5/22 Building Pad (Southwest Area B-II) 96.17'9.7 119.0 7 94 90 NU 21 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 98.17'11.8 116.1 7 92 90 NU 22 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 98.17'11.3 115.6 7 92 90 NU 23 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 98.17'9.2 120.5 7 96 90 NU 24 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 98.17'10.7 120.2 7 95 90 NU 25 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'11.6 117.8 7 93 90 NU 26 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'12.0 116.4 7 92 90 NU 27 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 100.17'10.6 116.8 7 93 90 NU 28 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 100.17'11.0 119.3 7 95 90 NU 29 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 100.17'11.8 119.2 7 95 90 NU 30 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-II) 100.17'12.2 117.5 7 93 90 NU 31 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) 98.17'12.0 115.9 7 92 90 NU 32 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) 98.17'11.2 116.8 7 93 90 NU 33 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) South 100.17'11.0 116.1 7 92 90 NU 34 1/6/22 Building Pad (B-III) South 100.17'11.8 118.4 7 94 90 NU Auto Nation MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No.: 22-0154 Carlsbad, CA February 15, 2022 TABLE 2 - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 35 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'11.3 113.7 7 90 90 NU 36 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'10.4 115.8 7 92 90 NU 37 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'11.5 115.6 7 92 90 NU 38 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 96.17'9.8 113.9 7 90 90 NU 39 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 98.17'10.5 118.9 7 94 90 NU 40 1/7/22 Building Pad (B-III) 98.17'11.3 116.8 7 93 90 NU 41 1/10/22 Building Pad (B-III) 99'10.8 117.5 7 93 90 NU 42 1/10/22 Building Pad (B-III) 99'11.0 115.1 7 91 90 NU 43 1/10/22 Building Pad (B-III) 100'13.1 118.6 7 94 90 NU 44 1/10/22 Building Pad (B-III) 100'11.2 115.6 7 92 90 NU 45 1/10/22 Building Pad (B-III) 100'12.8 117.9 7 93 90 NU 46 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)96.17'11.0 112.5 9 90 90 NU 47 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)96.17'11.8 115.7 9 95 90 NU 48 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)96.17'12.7 114.6 9 94 90 NU 49 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)96.17'12.5 114.6 9 94 90 NU 50 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-III) 101.17'10.0 120.1 7 95 90 NU 51 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-III) 101.17'10.6 118.6 7 94 90 NU 52 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-III) 101.17'9.3 119.4 7 95 90 NU 53 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)98'114.1 9 93 90 NU 54 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)98'115.6 9 95 90 NU 55 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)98'116.4 7 92 90 NU 56 1/11/22 Building Pad (B-IV)98'119.7 7 95 90 NU 57 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-IV)100.8'14.5 116.0 7 92 90 NU 58 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-IV)100.8'12.0 116.4 7 92 90 NU 59 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-IV)100.8'11.2 117.6 7 93 90 NU 60 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-IV)100.8'12.6 121.1 7 96 90 NU 61 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)96'12.6 114.6 9 94 90 NU 62 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)96'13.4 114.4 9 94 90 NU 63 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)96'13.1 115.8 9 95 90 NU 64 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)96'13.6 113.7 9 93 90 NU 65 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)98'12.7 115.5 9 94 90 NU 66 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)98'12.5 115.9 9 95 90 NU 67 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)98'13.0 112.7 9 90 90 NU 68 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-V)98'14.0 113.5 9 93 90 NU Auto Nation MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No.: 22-0154 Carlsbad, CA February 15, 2022 TABLE 2 - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 69 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-VI)96'11.4 113.5 9 93 90 NU 70 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-VI)96'12.0 114.4 9 94 90 NU 71 1/12/22 Building Pad (B-VI)96'11.0 117.8 7 93 90 NU 72 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)98'11.2 113.4 9 93 90 NU 73 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)98'12.0 114.3 9 93 90 NU 74 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)98'12.0 114.1 9 93 90 NU 75 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-V)100.5'10.9 117.3 7 93 90 NU 76 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-V)100.5'11.0 117.9 7 93 90 NU 77 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-V)100.5'10.9 117.1 7 93 90 NU 78 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)100.5'11.0 118.3 7 94 90 NU 79 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)100.5'12.1 120.6 7 96 90 NU 80 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)100.5'10.7 116.6 7 92 90 NU 81 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)102'9.7 119.9 7 95 90 NU 82 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)102'10.9 120.7 7 96 90 NU 83 1/13/22 Building Pad (B-VI)102'11.0 120.5 7 96 90 NU 84 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 96.7'11.1 118.7 7 94 90 NU 85 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 96.7'10.6 119.7 7 95 90 NU 86 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 96.7'9.8 119.7 7 95 90 NU 87 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 96.7'10.9 120.5 7 96 90 NU 88 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 99'11.6 116.5 7 92 90 NU 89 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 99'10.2 122.9 7 97 90 NU 90 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 99'10.8 122.9 7 97 90 NU 91 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-II 96'11.0 118.0 7 94 90 NU 92 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-II 96'10.8 120.1 7 95 90 NU 93 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 101'11.1 120.9 7 96 90 NU 94 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 101'11.2 121.2 7 96 90 NU 95 1/14/22 Building Pad Northeast Area B-I 101'10.8 120.4 7 95 90 NU 96 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-III 96'9.7 117.6 46 93 90 NU 97 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-III 96'11.8 118.2 46 94 90 NU 98 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-III 96'10.6 117.0 46 93 90 NU 99 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 98.5'10.7 116.8 46 93 90 NU 100 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 98.5'10.2 119.7 46 95 90 NU 101 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 98.5'9.2 117.2 46 93 90 NU 102 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 101'10.6 118.1 46 94 90 NU Auto Nation MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No.: 22-0154 Carlsbad, CA February 15, 2022 TABLE 2 - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 103 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 101'11.2 119.2 46 95 90 NU 104 1/18/22 Building Pad North B-II 101'11.2 116.6 46 93 90 NU 105 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 98'10.1 118.7 46 94 90 NU 106 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 98'9.9 119.0 46 94 90 NU 107 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 98'9.8 117.3 46 93 90 NU 108 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-IV 96'11.0 116.4 46 92 90 NU 109 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-IV 96'11.1 119.9 46 95 90 NU 110 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-IV 96'9.6 117.0 46 93 90 NU 111 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 101'11.9 114.6 9 94 90 NU 112 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 101'11.3 113.9 9 93 90 NU 113 1/19/22 Building Pad North B-III 101'11.0 118.0 46 94 90 NU 114 1/19/22 North Footing 88'10.5 114.5 9 94 90 NU 115 1/19/22 North Footing 88'11.3 115.0 46 91 90 NU 116 1/19/22 North Footing 88'10.8 115.5 46 92 90 NU 117 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 90'11.8 112.2 9 90 90 NU 118 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 90'12.6 111.7 9 90 90 NU 119 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 90'12.1 112.8 9 90 90 NU 120 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 92'9.5 119.6 46 95 90 NU 121 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 92'11.2 116.2 46 92 90 NU 122 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 92'10.7 117.5 46 93 90 NU 123 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 94'10.5 117.4 46 93 90 NU 124 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 94'11.0 119.1 46 95 90 NU 125 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 94'11.0 115.8 46 92 90 NU 126 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 96'10.9 119.9 46 95 90 NU 127 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 96'11.8 121.2 46 96 90 NU 128 1/20/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X, Line 7/9 96'11.2 119.6 46 95 90 NU 129 1/21/22 Footing Trench @ Line 9 93'10.8 116.3 46 92 90 NU 130 1/21/22 Footing Trench @ Line 9 93'10.3 119.2 46 95 90 NU 131 1/21/22 Footing Trench @ Line 9 95'10.2 117.6 46 93 90 NU 132 1/21/22 Footing Trench @ Line 9 95'11.0 117.2 46 93 90 NU 133 1/21/22 North B-IV with Trench 98'10.8 118.0 46 94 90 NU 134 1/21/22 North B-IV with Trench 98'10.2 119.3 46 95 90 NU 135 1/21/22 North B-IV with North Footing Trench 98'10.0 119.6 46 95 90 NU 136 1/21/22 North B-IV with North Footing Trench 98'11.8 120.6 46 96 90 NU Auto Nation MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No.: 22-0154 Carlsbad, CA February 15, 2022 TABLE 2 - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 137 1/21/22 North B-IV with North Footing Trench 98'10.7 116.9 46 93 90 NU 138 1/21/22 North B-IV with North Footing Trench 98'11.0 121.9 46 97 90 NU 139 1/21/22 North B-IV with North Footing Trench 98'10.9 122.0 46 97 90 NU 140 1/22/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X 101'11.1 118.2 46 94 90 NU 141 1/22/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X 101'11.5 120.7 46 96 90 NU 142 1/22/22 North Footing @ Grid W/X 101'10.8 119.0 46 94 90 NU 143 1/22/22 Building Pad North B-IV 100.5'10.7 116.1 46 92 90 NU 144 1/22/22 Building Pad North B-IV 100.5'10.1 118.8 46 94 90 NU 145 1/22/22 Building Pad North B-IV 100.5'11.3 118.1 46 94 90 NU 146 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 96'11.8 117.1 46 93 90 NU 147 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 96'10.5 118.7 46 94 90 NU 148 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 96'10.8 118.9 46 94 90 NU 149 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 98'10.4 118.2 46 94 90 NU 150 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 98'10.8 118.1 46 94 90 NU 151 1/24/22 Building Pad NB V 98'11.0 118.4 46 94 90 NU 152 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 93'12.2 111.3 9 91 90 NU 153 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 93'10.7 111.7 9 91 90 NU 154 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 93'11.0 121.2 46 96 90 NU 155 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 95.8'10.8 117.2 46 93 90 NU 156 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 95.8'12.0 119.3 46 95 90 NU 157 1/25/22 Building Pad NB VI 95.8'11.6 118.0 46 94 90 NU 158 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 98'11.0 113.7 9 93 90 NU 159 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 98'11.2 113.1 9 92 90 NU 160 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 98'10.1 116.4 46 92 90 NU 161 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 100'10.8 120.6 46 96 90 NU 162 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 100'11.2 118.9 46 94 90 NU 163 1/26/22 Building Pad NB VI 100'10.5 117.6 46 93 90 NU 164 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 96'12.2 118.1 46 94 90 NU 165 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 96'10.1 119.6 46 95 90 NU 166 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 96'11.7 120.3 46 95 90 NU 167 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 98'9.8 119.0 46 94 90 NU 168 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 98'10.0 119.4 46 95 90 NU 169 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VII 98'10.9 121.4 46 96 90 NU 170 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VIII 96'9.8 119.8 46 95 90 NU Auto Nation MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No.: 22-0154 Carlsbad, CA February 15, 2022 TABLE 2 - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 171 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VIII 96'11.2 120.2 46 95 90 NU 172 1/27/22 Building Pad NB VIII 96'10.8 121.0 46 96 90 NU 173 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VIII 98'11.0 119.3 81 93 90 NU 174 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VIII 98'10.6 121.6 81 95 90 NU 175 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VIII 98'9.8 121.5 81 95 90 NU 176 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VII 100'10.9 120.8 81 95 90 NU 177 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VII 100'11.0 119.4 81 93 90 NU 178 1/28/22 Building Pad NB VII 100'9.9 120.0 81 94 90 NU 179 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VIII 96'10.7 121.1 81 95 90 NU 180 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VIII 96'11.1 118.8 81 93 90 NU 181 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VIII 98'11.2 118.9 81 93 90 NU 182 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VIII 98'10.8 121.7 81 95 90 NU 183 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VII 100'11.0 120.1 81 94 90 NU 184 1/31/22 Building Pad NB VII 100'10.5 120.4 81 94 90 NU 185 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII 100'9.8 118.9 81 93 90 NU 186 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII 100'10.0 123.2 81 96 90 NU 187 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII SG 9.7 120.3 46 95 90 NU 188 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII SG 8.5 122.2 46 97 90 NU 189 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII SG 8.2 121.8 46 97 90 NU 190 2/1/22 Building Pad NB VIII SG 9.2 121.7 46 97 90 NU 191 2/1/22 Building Pad SB IV SG 10.6 120.5 46 96 90 NU 192 2/1/22 Building Pad SB IV SG 10.0 120.4 46 96 90 NU 193 2/1/22 Building Pad SB III SG 9.3 120.2 46 95 90 NU 194 2/1/22 Building Pad SB III SG 9.1 122.3 46 97 90 NU 195 2/1/22 Building Pad NB I SG 10.3 122.7 81 96 90 NU 196 2/1/22 Building Pad NB I SG 9.3 120.3 81 94 90 NU 197 2/1/22 Building Pad NB II SG 9.7 119.2 46 95 90 NU 198 2/1/22 Building Pad NB II SG 10.2 119.7 46 95 90 NU 199 2/2/22 Building Pad NB III SG 10.7 120.8 46 96 90 NU 200 2/2/22 Building Pad NB III SG 10.1 119.9 46 95 90 NU 201 2/2/22 Building Pad NB IV SG 9.6 119.2 46 95 90 NU 202 2/2/22 Building Pad NB IV SG 10.6 119.0 46 94 90 NU 203 2/2/22 Building Pad NB V SG 10.1 123.1 46 98 90 NU 204 2/2/22 Building Pad NB V SG 9.7 120.4 46 96 90 NU Auto Nation MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad MTGL Log No.: 22-0154 Carlsbad, CA February 15, 2022 TABLE 2 - FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Test Elev or Depth (ft) Moist Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Max No. Rel Comp (%) Req'd Comp (%) Test Type Remarks 205 2/3/22 Building Pad SB I 102.2'10.1 119.5 46 95 90 NU 206 2/3/22 Building Pad SB II 102.2'10.5 119.3 46 95 90 NU 207 2/3/22 Building Pad SB II 102.2'10.4 118.6 46 94 90 NU 208 2/3/22 Building Pad NB VI 102.2'9.7 120.9 81 95 90 NU 209 2/3/22 Building Pad NB VII 102.2'10.3 121.2 81 95 90 NU 210 2/3/22 Building Pad NB VIII 102.2'10.4 122.2 81 96 90 NU NU - Nuclear Gauge Test (ASTM D6938 / D2950)SG - Subgrade AB - Aggregate Base Grade SC - Sand Cone Test (ASTM 1556)FG - Finished Grade AC - Asphalt APPENDIX D PAVEMENT SUBGRADE EVALUATION LETTER REPORT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION MATERIALS TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE LOCATIONS ORANGE COUNTY CORPORATE BRANCH 2992 E. La Palma Avenue Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 SAN DIEGO IMPERIAL COUNTY 6295 Ferris Square Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 INLAND EMPIRE 14467 Meridian Parkway Building 2A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 OC/LA/INLAND EMPIRE DISPATCH 800.491.2990 SAN DIEGO DISPATCH 888.844.5060 www.mtglinc.com MTGL Project No.: 3280A02 MTGL Log No.: 23-0250 MTGL Branch: San Diego July 28, 2023 Cliff Powell Auto Nation 200 SW 1st Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Subject: PAVEMENT SUBGRADE EVALUATION AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Powell, In accordance with your request, this letter has been prepared to document our recent findings and provide an evaluation of the pavement subgrade at areas that had been pumping prior to being paved at the subject project. On July 11, 2023, an MTGL soil inspector cored the pavement, removed the aggregate base, and observed and probed the finished subgrade, which was found to be firm an unyielding and not excessively moist. On July 19, 2023, an MTGL licensed civil engineer observed the pavement in the area in question. There were no cracks observed in the pavement. A minor, low-severity local depression was observed, which can be explained by the paving over pumping subgrade. On July 21 and 22, 2023, an MTGL soil inspector performed nuclear gauge density tests in small areas where the pavement had been removed. Additionally, sand cone tests were performed for more reliable in-situ density and moisture contents. Finally, subgrade material was taken in one location and a maximum density-optimum moisture test was performed per ASTM D1557. One location met the specified relative compaction, two locations were deficient by 1% of the specified relative compaction, and one location was deficient by 2% of the specified relative compaction. Moisture contents at the cored locations were not excessive. The daily field reports for each of the day’s activities documented above are attached to this letter, as well as the ASTM D1557 laboratory test report. Page 1 of 2 AutoNation AutoNation BMW of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California MTGL Project No. 3280A02 MTGL Log No. 23-0250 July 28, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Based on our evaluation, the pavement subgrade appears to be suitable for pavement support as evidenced by the pavement observed was performing satisfactorily. No remedial measures are recommended at this time. To ensure the pavement subgrade is performing as intended, an evaluation of the pavement should be performed in 9 to 12 months, and again in 3 to 5 years to check if medium or high severity distresses materialize. If so, remedial measures will be warranted and recommended at that time. We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service to you on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Daniel Richardson, P.E. Senior Engineer cc: Addressee – Cliff Powell at powellc1@autonation.com Attachments: Daily Field Report – Derek Tipps 7/11/23 Daily Field Report – Daniel Richardson 7/19/23 Daily Field Report – Derek Tipps 7/21/23 Daily Field Report – Derek Tipps 7/22/23 ASTM D1557 Laboratory Test Report Page 1 of 2 Clear 7:00am 0 1.0 3:30 PM Morris Core rig equipment On site per client request for subgrade verification below asphalt and base course section 4”ac over 6” base fire lane stalls 3” ac over 6”base . Upon arrival met with Chad superintendent for area to be cored and inspected.4 core locations thru asphalt were completed and removal of base to top of Fsg and was probed with super present and Fsg was found to be firm and non-yielding and moist no pumping or over saturation was evident mtgl engineer Daniel Richardson was informed of findings with cores then patched will continue at later time Same 48 Soils Chad superintendent Daily Inspection Report Client: AutoNation Project: C -Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad Project No.: 3280A02 DSA File # DSA Appl. #: Inspector: Derek Tipps Time Arrived: Time Departed: Architect: Spare+, LLC. Contractor: Type of Inspection Special Inspector: Derek Tipps CC: Chad T, Mitchell Trotsky, MTGL 1099 Email, Trevor Carter Lunch (min): 7742 Arjons Drive San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: 858.537.3999 / Fax: 858.537.3990 www.mtglinc.com Report ID: DIR:23-8670-01 Issue No.: 1 This report replaces all previous issues of this report. Inspection Date: 7/11/23 Project Address: 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad CA Inspection Address: Permit#: Weather: Travel Time (min): Miles (roundtrip): Engineer: Fred Dally, PE Subcontractor: Equipment .... Referenced Documents Inspection Activity Remarks Verified By: Name: The Work [E) Was THE WORK INSPECTED [E) Met □ Did Not Meet inspected in accordance with the requirements of the project approved documents the requirements of the project approved documents performed in accordance with the requirements of the project approved documents. N/A Page 2 of 2 7:00am 0 1.0 3:30 PM Morris 48 Core#1 nw corner bldg Core #2 n side bldg @ramp Core#3 n side bldg @ west bay door Core#4 n side bldg between bay1&bay2 Clear Same Daily Inspection Report Client: AutoNation Project: C -Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad Project No.: 3280A02 DSA File # DSA Appl. #: Inspector: Derek Tipps Time Arrived: Time Departed: Architect: Spare+, LLC. Contractor: CC: Chad T, Mitchell Trotsky, MTGL 1099 Email, Trevor Carter Lunch (min): 7742 Arjons Drive San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: 858.537.3999 / Fax: 858.537.3990 www.mtglinc.com Report ID: DIR:23-8670-01 Issue No.: 1 This report replaces all previous issues of this report. Inspection Date: 7/11/23 Project Address: 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad CA Inspection Address: Permit#: Weather: Travel Time (min): Miles (roundtrip): Engineer: Fred Dally, PE Subcontractor: 1-LJJ lJJ I (f) 1-(f) w I- � (f) z lJJ 0 0 _J w LL (f) lJJ I-lJJ z 0 () I 0z <( (f) lJJ (!) :::, <( (!) <( lJJ ....J () :::> z I-z lJJ I-z 0 () w 0:: :::> (f) 0 � PROJECT NAME: V 0 . 1,(),1 *TEST NO. *DATE *TEST DEPTH BELOW FG OR ELEV (ft) *FINISH GRADE ELEVATION (ft) *TEST LOCATION WT. OF SOIL SAMPLE AND TARE (lbs) WT. OF TARE (lbs) WT. OF SOIL (lbs) WT. OF SAND BEFORE (lbs) WT, OF SAND RETURNED (lbs) WT. OF SAND USED (lbs) WT. OF SAND IN CONE & PLATE (lbs) WT. OF SAND IN HOLE (lbs) SILICA SAND DENSITY (PCF) WET DENSITY (PCF) GAUGE DEPTH (INCHES) _, I. t DENSITY STANDARD COUNT (DS)n,Jj1 MOISTURE STANDARD COUNT (MS) DENSITY COUNT (DC) MOISTURE COUNT (MC) WET DENSITY (PCF) WT. OF TARE & WET SOIL (g) WT. OF TARE & DRY SOIL (g) WT, OF MOISTURE (g) TARE WT. (g) WT. OF SOIL-DRY (g) MOISTURE CONTENT-% DRY WT. SOIL TYPE (LAB NO.) MAXIMUM DENSITY (PCF) *OPTIMUM MOISTURE(%) *DRY DENSITY (PCF) *%COMPACTION *REQUIRED% COMPACTION *PASS/FAIL/RETEST NO. PROJECT NO.: � TECHNICIAN: V o-;f,/,PJ/, I A"--,. 3 Lf 7.r// r;, � r ? 5� 13,e,,/1, -,(/ ?' lo� ft -c:l/bl/ 1 '/ .Pit-r:?tfJ� �,_. /� (l) ( 0 rt) r I (!) , I � -,L�l L IJ I I f-Di'-/ n,L / I o�e1n .. I A -11/ I ]Jl v � I A 1l I 17\ 3 Cf I :1J <tt,5'!7, 1<11 �,J I/ t,�f ::;::> /. flr,t/lJ ,r � ;r. _,.. AA� lf!IJI� I ru A; ~)~ -,. ,,, I ---~ • - I I -, - ' -· -r -- ' - I I - ' 1 I r I - - - r- I T--I - ~r :_- 11 - ..._ --I - I . I l .. --I I 1 .L I I - / I ,_J ll -- I I ' -I I I I - I ' ' I t - 0:: . -- - - - -__ I., -. I - - L - ' -~ '---- ---~~ ---- I---- -I -I I I - 1 I - r l - ~ '--- e------ I---- f------l I - ' - I I I I I I I I Report ID: Issue No.: cc: Project: Project No.: DSA File #DSA Appl. #: Inspector: Time Arrived: Architect: Contractor: Special Inspector:Verified By: The Work Was Was Not Met Did Not Meet Material Sampling Was N/A Miles (roundtrip): Equipment THE WORK INSPECTED Was Not inspected in accordance with the requirements of the project approved documents the requirements of the project approved documents performed in accordance with the requirements of the project approved documents. Lunch (min): Engineer: Subcontractor: Name: Remarks Type of Inspection This report replaces all previous issues of this report. Referenced Documents Inspection Activity Daily Inspection Report Client: Time Departed: Certification(s): Inspection Date: Project Address: Inspection Address: Permit #: Weather: Travel Time (min): Page 1 of 2 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad CA 3280A02 Clear Derek Tipps 12:00pm 0 1.0 Sparc+, LLC. 6:45 PM Morisson O/s native soil,sand cone kit,,cpn nuke#3 On site per client request for density tests n side bldg @core area’s 1-4,upon arrival met with chad morrison superintendent was in proccess of removals of core area’s 1-4,after removals to fsg. Density tests were taken with 1sample from fsg core#2,@core #1&sand cones were done @fsg with results pending lab max and engineers review will return saturday for core area#4 overtime was approved by client 1 soil sample taken for max density @core #2 location 7742 Arjons Drive San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: 858.537.3999 / Fax: 858.537.3990 www.mtglinc.com 7/21/23 Same 48 Fred Dally, PE Same Soils Nuclear Density Gauge 2 DIR:23-9305-01 AutoNation Chad T, Daniel Richardson, Dario’s, Mitchell Trotsky, MTGL 1099 Email, Trevor Carter Chad morrison superintendent ICC 5087394 Derek Tipps □ [&I □ □ cc: Project: Project No.: DSA File #DSA Appl. #: Inspector: Time Arrived: Architect: Contractor: Miles (roundtrip):Lunch (min): Engineer: Subcontractor: Daily Inspection Report Client: Time Departed: Report ID: Issue No.: This report replaces all previous issues of this report. Inspection Date: Project Address: Inspection Address: Permit #: Weather: Travel Time (min): Page 2 of 2 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad 3280A02 Derek Tipps 12:00pm 0 1.0 Sparc+, LLC. 6:45 PM Morisson 7742 Arjons Drive San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: 858.537.3999 / Fax: 858.537.3990 www.mtglinc.com 48 Fred Dally, PE Same AutoNation Chad T, Daniel Richardson, Dario’s, Mitchell Trotsky, MTGL 1099 Email, Trevor Carter 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad CA Clear 7/21/23 Same 2 DIR:23-9305-01 PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO.:FIELD TECHNICIAN *TEST NO. *DATE *TEST DEPTH BELOW FG OR ELEV *TEST LOCATION FI E L D D E N S I T Y T E S T S H E E T SA N D - C O N E T E S T WT. OF SOIL SAMPLE AND TARE (lbs) WT. OF TARE (lbs) WT. OF SOIL (lbs) WT. OF SAND BEFORE (lbs) WT. OF SAND RETURNED (lbs) WT. OF SAND USED (lbs) WT. OF SAND IN CONE & PLATE (lbs) WT. OF SAND IN HOLE (lbs) SILICA SAND DENSITY (PCF) WET DENSITY (PCF) NU C L E A R G A U G E GAUGE DEPTH (INCHES) DENSITY STANDARD COUNT (DS) MOISTURE STANDARD COUNT (MS) DENSITY COUNT (DC) MOISTURE COUNT (MC) WET DENSITY (PCF) MO I S T U R E C O N T E N T WT. OF TARE & WET SOIL (g) WT. OF TARE & DRY SOIL (g) WT. OF MOISTURE (g) TARE WT. (g) WT. OF SOIL-DRY (g) MOISTURE CONTENT-% DRY WT. SOIL TYPE (LAB NO.) MAXIMUM DENSITY (PCF) *OPTIMUM MOISTURE (%) *DRY DENSITY (PCF) * % COMPACTION *REQUIRED % COMPACTION *PASS/FAIL/RETEST Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad /hi11 ••~, 3280A02 Derek Tipps 1 2 3 4 5 7/21/2023 7/21/2023 7/21/2023 7/21/2023 7/21/2023 Subgrade Subgrade Subgrade Subgrade Subgrade 6.389 7.026 0.670 0.670 5.719 6.356 11.010 10.922 3.931 3.344 7.079 7.577 3.512 3.499 3.567 4.079 83.09 83.09 132.7 129.4 129.6 131.5 137.7 270 280 240 254 30 26 11.4 11.1 18.1 12.5 10.0 23-9305 23-9305 23-9305 23-9305 23-9305 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 116.3 118.4 116.6 118.0 117.4 93 94 93 94 94 95 95 95 95 95 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Report ID: Issue No.: cc: Project: Project No.: DSA File #DSA Appl. #: Inspector: Time Arrived: Architect: Contractor: Special Inspector:Verified By: The Work Was Was Not Met Did Not Meet Material Sampling Was N/A Miles (roundtrip): Equipment THE WORK INSPECTED Was Not inspected in accordance with the requirements of the project approved documents the requirements of the project approved documents performed in accordance with the requirements of the project approved documents. Lunch (min): Engineer: Subcontractor: Name: Remarks Type of Inspection This report replaces all previous issues of this report. Referenced Documents Inspection Activity Daily Inspection Report Client: Time Departed: Certification(s): Inspection Date: Project Address: Inspection Address: Permit #: Weather: Travel Time (min): Page 1 of 2 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad CA 3280A02 Clear Derek Tipps 7:00am 0 1.0 Sparc+, LLC. 9:00 AM Morrison Os native soils lab#23-9305-s01,density guage#3,sand cone kit On site to finish density testing and sand cone @core area #4 n side bldg upon arrival continued removals to fsg with 1 density test taken and 1 sand cone density taken core area#4 with results pending lab max and engineer review of results saturday overtime was approved by client will continue at later time 95%rc required per soils report 7742 Arjons Drive San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: 858.537.3999 / Fax: 858.537.3990 www.mtglinc.com 7/22/23 Same 48 Fred Dally, PE Same Soils Sand Cone Kit 1 DIR:23-9375-01 AutoNation Chad T, Daniel Richardson, Dario’s, Mitchell Trotsky, MTGL 1099 Email, Trevor Carter Chad Morrison superintendent ICC 5087394 Derek Tipps □ □ □ □ □ □ I&] cc: Project: Project No.: DSA File #DSA Appl. #: Inspector: Time Arrived: Architect: Contractor: Miles (roundtrip):Lunch (min): Engineer: Subcontractor: Daily Inspection Report Client: Time Departed: Report ID: Issue No.: This report replaces all previous issues of this report. Inspection Date: Project Address: Inspection Address: Permit #: Weather: Travel Time (min): Page 2 of 2 Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad 3280A02 Derek Tipps 7:00am 0 1.0 Sparc+, LLC. 9:00 AM Morrison 7742 Arjons Drive San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: 858.537.3999 / Fax: 858.537.3990 www.mtglinc.com 48 Fred Dally, PE Same AutoNation Chad T, Daniel Richardson, Dario’s, Mitchell Trotsky, MTGL 1099 Email, Trevor Carter 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad CA Clear 7/22/23 Same 1 DIR:23-9375-01 PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO.:FIELD TECHNICIAN *TEST NO. *DATE *TEST DEPTH BELOW FG OR ELEV *TEST LOCATION FI E L D D E N S I T Y T E S T S H E E T SA N D - C O N E T E S T WT. OF SOIL SAMPLE AND TARE (lbs) WT. OF TARE (lbs) WT. OF SOIL (lbs) WT. OF SAND BEFORE (lbs) WT. OF SAND RETURNED (lbs) WT. OF SAND USED (lbs) WT. OF SAND IN CONE & PLATE (lbs) WT. OF SAND IN HOLE (lbs) SILICA SAND DENSITY (PCF) WET DENSITY (PCF) NU C L E A R G A U G E GAUGE DEPTH (INCHES) DENSITY STANDARD COUNT (DS) MOISTURE STANDARD COUNT (MS) DENSITY COUNT (DC) MOISTURE COUNT (MC) WET DENSITY (PCF) MO I S T U R E C O N T E N T WT. OF TARE & WET SOIL (g) WT. OF TARE & DRY SOIL (g) WT. OF MOISTURE (g) TARE WT. (g) WT. OF SOIL-DRY (g) MOISTURE CONTENT-% DRY WT. SOIL TYPE (LAB NO.) MAXIMUM DENSITY (PCF) *OPTIMUM MOISTURE (%) *DRY DENSITY (PCF) * % COMPACTION *REQUIRED % COMPACTION *PASS/FAIL/RETEST Auto Nation BMW of Carlsbad /111'1 ••~-3280A02 Derek Tipps 1 2 7/22/2023 7/22/2023 Subgrade Subgrade 7.560 0.670 6.889 10.904 3.254 7.650 3.499 4.151 83.09 137.9 138.1 314 283 31 12.3 11.0 23-9305 23-9305 125.5 125.5 9.2 9.2 123.0 124.2 95 95 98 99 Pass Pass COMPACTION TEST REPORT Dr y d e n s i t y , p c f 122 123 124 125 126 127 Water content, % 5 6.5 8 9.5 11 12.5 14 ZAV SpG 2.65 1 2 3 4 5 6 Curve No. 23-9305 Test Specification: TESTING DATA TEST RESULTS Material Description Remarks: Project No.Client: Project: Loc.: N. SIDE OF BLDG. ACCESS RD.Sample No.: 23-9305 Checked by: MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Title: ASTM D 1557-12 Method C Modified MOIST 10 lb. 18 in. five 56 0.075 cu. ft. 3/4 in. 2.65 3.4 SM 07-21-2023 07-25-2023 JAG Silty SAND (SM) - Brown 3280A02 AUTO NATION SAMPLED BY DEREK TIPPS I. CHUN PE,GE Preparation Method Hammer Wt. Hammer Drop Number of Layers Blows per Layer Mold Size Test Performed on Material Passing Sieve NM LL PI Sp.G. (ASTM D 854) %>3/4 in.%<No.200 USCS AASHTO Date Sampled Date Tested Tested By WM + WS WM WW + T #1 WD + T #1 TARE #1 WW + T #2 WD + T #2 TARE #2 MOISTURE DRY DENSITY 10159.0 10327.0 10395.0 10376.0 5710.0 5710.0 5710.0 5710.0 456.6 470.3 412.8 439.7 427.8 433.8 374.7 392.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.7 8.4 10.2 12.1 122.5 125.2 125.0 122.4 Maximum dry density = 125.5 pcf Optimum moisture = 9.2 % C - AUTO NATION BMW OF CARLSBAD ---\ ,../, '"" \ ~ "...,_ I ' ' \ I ' \ I\ I 1 I I \ j ' I I \ \ \ J \ I \ L \_ \ V \ 0