HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-11-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; Acceptance of Heritage Tree NominationsMeeting Date: Nov. 20, 2023 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Todd Reese, Park Services Manager todd.reese@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-3968 Subject: Acceptance of Heritage Tree Nominations Recommended Action Review and take action on recent nominations of trees to be added to the Heritage Tree inventory. Explanation & Analysis In September 2019, the City Council approved the updated Community Forest Management Plan. The Community Forest Management Plan lists goals and strategies that are consistent with promoting city-wide tree preservation, community education, sustainability and showcasing specimen trees or heritage trees to generate interest in the diversity of trees. With the approval of the plan, the City Council designated 137 previously identified tree candidates, on public property and on private property, as Heritage Trees. Those Heritage Trees were determined to be important facets of the community’s history. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 11.12.02.A.4, Definitions, states “Heritage Tree means any tree existing within the city limits which has been so designated by resolution by the City Council. Heritage Trees shall be trees with notable historic interest or trees of an unusual species or size. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section11.12.140.A, Heritage Trees, further states “The City Council recognizes the important role trees have played in the history and development of Carlsbad and recognizes that a wide variety of trees can grow in its unique and temperate climate. The city may officially designate as Heritage Trees those trees in the community which have significant historical or arboricultural interest…” Two Commissions (the Historic Preservation Commission and the Parks & Recreation Commission) and the City Council have been tasked with the responsibility of making decisions related to the designation of additional Heritage Trees within the city Community Forest Management Plan Chapter 6, Heritage Tree Program, details management recommendations for existing Heritage Trees, and outlines the process for consideration of adding new trees to the Heritage Tree inventory. That process includes the completion of a nomination form, staff’s review of the nomination, and submission of the nomination to the Historic Preservation Commission, the Parks & Recreation Commission, and City Council for action. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 1 of 18 Staff Report Since 2019, staff has received eight nominations for Heritage Tree candidacy. Two more recent nominations are currently under review by staff. The other six nominations were accepted by the Historic Preservation on March 8, 2021, but had not yet been advanced by staff to the Parks & Recreation Commission or the City Council for consideration. The locations of the six trees being presented for Heritage Tree considerations are: • One at the City Hall courtyard • Two at the Village H South open space property • One at the Lake Calavera Preserve property • Two at Arland Road (on private property) The nomination forms and corresponding photographs of each Heritage Tree candidate are provided to the Parks & Recreation Commission for consideration (Exhibit 1). Staff is recommending that the Parks & Recreation Commission accept each of these nominations and recommend the City Council’s approval of the Heritage Tree designations. Next Steps Consistent with the Community Forest Management Plan, nominations of Heritage Tree candidates accepted by the Historic Preservation Commission and the Parks & Recreation Commission will be advanced to the City Council for review and action. If the Heritage Tree designations are approved by the City Council, the trees will be added to the Heritage Tree Inventory. The Heritage Tree Management Recommendations will be mandatory for the city owned Heritage Trees and will be advisory only for the privately owned Heritage Trees. Exhibits 1. Heritage Tree nominations forms, including photographs Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 2 of 18 Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 3 of 18 Carlsbad Parks & Recreation 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 434-2824 (city of Carlsbad HERITAGE TREE NOMINATION FORM Applicant Tree nominated by: Pro perty owner: __ _ Name: (o \\'iC-JS S o m l'.-t /"''~(\l(,\ L. City: Ot her: Pr-ese.,ve G~ve.ra Phone: {p Jt! -l( 2.o -C[( ~ '-f Email: sa~'I) ,c.Osdcc{ ivy O rv l C( rvJ.s ,'U 'j' (Last, First, Middle Initial) Address: I:\ 2}--\ '1 V\S\{,\ ~\iih fr-: City: Loh c.s' cl·( State: CA • Zip Code: _q~t<J_y_o ___ _ 7-5-2.02.0 Signature of Applicant Date Tree Information Tree Species: D1d (\\ e:Jw 41 )\f'd(b(J e.!\l ecvi (l (Common or l:iotanical name) Address: 1200 0 K\5bc{d \[,\\ve· ~c (Qc\;s\?oL>-,.c A _ :"2Q)~ Tree location is on: Private Property:-----City Property: Cn,\sbod • r-... ... ,d 17 1 · 1111 11 Approximate Height: GJ Canopy Width:-~-Trunk Circumference: __.-+-'J--· __ (Diameter of tree should be measured 4.5 feet above ground.~ . / Approximate Age:--------Condition: bw.\tb~ r tx;;tfP'-1 . Describe any other qualifying characteristics : Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 4 of 18 History and Notes Heritage Trees shall be trees wit h notable historic interest or trees of an unusua l species or size. Provide background or historical facts and reasons for nominating the tree. Include any photos of the nominated tree with t he nomination form . . --c~\s 1:eee was v~r ba)\'-l . ide ~Jit S-d a~ a Please submit the completed form by email to parksmaintenance@carlsbadca.gov with subject line "Heritage Tree Nomination" or in person to Parks Maintenance at 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive. Nominations will be reviewed quarterly by the Historic Preservation Commission. -For Official Use Only- Date: ____ _ Accepted by: _____ _ Declined by: ______ _ Justification: __________________________ _ Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 5 of 18 Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 6 of 18 ---- Carlsbad Parks & Recreation 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 434-2824 ( City of Carlsbad HERITAGE TREE NOMINATION FORM Applicant Tree nominated by: Property owner: ---City: ____ Other: Pres-<rvt'. wia,vt'..rc{ Name: Co\\1(\}S, Ei;:\rna.N~\ria, L. Phone: {t,1,1-c;20 -q12>:.{ (Last, First, Middle Initial) Email: Sc\ rt\\-o-JS:'.::J {l\ Ny O rJ I c;u\L:::;ls-.-o rs Address: _{_1-\L.:::.2 ........ '.::\__,,Ci______,:V_,_\S:.....:.:.'t4'-'----4Llli..!.:..'\\:.:::.~-..!-P_r ·----------- City: _._La.--=-~-'-· e_~_;d_e ______ State: CA Zip Code: q...L._W_4...c...0 ____ _ Signature of Applicant Date Tree Information Tree Species: ___,[=---_U-'-'(LA"-"--\ ~+1fl\J~ ........ >'----==C=q..:....:r(Q..=..:..\....,,j=v..!.l.\f_,_N='5=t-~---------- (Common or botanical name) Address: V\\\c~c \-\ Sc,Jt\, Vic\o r ic1 ,fr!L t C(AchJx::d Vi\\dg c Or. Tree location is on: Private Property:_____ City Property: (o r\ ')bgc.\ Approximate Height: L.\ 5 1 Canopy Width: S 2... S' Trunk Circumference: // S " (Diameter of tree should be measured 4.5 feet above ground.) Approximate Age: lo O Condition: h W \ 1/h~ k I ri\<. E'. b ( l\ ,-,,Y)c:; Cf PS'>> 6 ly Describe any other qualifying characteristics: dG\ bectte ~ o \ t'-S); I iVi Nq ca IIJDfV I 1o pr7 cJ . J b(ct rJCY'ej Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 7 of 18 History and Notes Heritage Trees shall be trees with notable historic interest or trees of an unusual species or size. Provide background or historical facts and reasons for nominating the tree. Include any photos of the nominated tree with the nomination form. 0 t E,LJLQ_ t--lt V ·" r'. E.$..Sc c -e., . ((. ~ \ f\J . T\. is 'tree 1 s, fhc,/r 103G eA/o@h Please submit the completed form by email to parksmaintenance@carlsbadca.gov with subject line "Heritage Tree Nomination" or in person to Parks Maintenance at 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive. Nominations will be reviewed quarterly by the Historic Preservation Commission. -For Offi~ial Use Only- Date: ____ _ Accepted by: _____ _ Declined by: ______ _ Justification: _________________________ _ Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 8 of 18 Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 9 of 18 ..---, Ca rl sbad Parks & Recreation 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760} 434-2824 ( City of Carlsbad HERITAGE TREE NOMINATION FORM Applicant Tree nominated by: Property owner: __ _ City: ____ Other: Pces-crvc C.ct(C(ve <q Name: Col\; ('15 &,ma rvthv1 I (Last, First, Middle Initial) Address: /~ ·2 i'.0 VISta (r\\\ls • Phone: U fq .-q2,o -q ) 3L{ Email: .:srJ fY) ,· iO .sdcd t'ILP r1 lctrwds _'J r tJ L . Dr City: l.ttk £'.cSid,(_ State: CA Zip Code: q....;__70_lf-'--t:.J----- ,· Signature of Applicant Date Tree Information Tree Species: E u cq \1 phis • C,Q roq\ du IP NSi ~ (Common or botanical name) Address: Vi\\c:5-e t\ So~\\') V\c b cia Ne r (?\~d Villag e Vr. Tree location is on: Private Property: _____ City Property: (o.r\~a (~ Approximate Height: 5D I Canopy Width: .5 1-5 ' Trunk Circumference: J t;L/ 11 (Diameter of tree should be measured 4.5 feet above ground.) Approximate Age: I b-0 Condition: ~!.....:\r.:..:.h...:....'_' \(,~u"~":....l..t-!::::,,i....::...:::.e_b=fo.::...N:J~1:::..h.!... Describe any other qu.alifying characteristics:· ~\ b\i Co <'f'i()<O'"n i$ \ j;,~ b -tdl ~ \ iV( r:JJ . lout\-t'd 4± ~ ;$~. ilz9Jo Z ,, -1(7 3oS Ul • ca rJofl Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 10 of 18 History and Notes Heritage Trees shall be trees with notable historic interest or trees of an unusual species or size. Provide background or historical facts and reasons for nominating the tree. Include any photos of the nominated tree with the nomination form. (' av-J O t &¼ JS +he 9 C'.-O12) ~d(t °' f\✓e.cJu.. ( Fi -rie b0,\o, NCK ore. B°~e i bv~ Jhe o/'c91rt,,·d '.\x:C:(S r Please submit the completed form by email to parksmaintenance@carlsbadca.gov with subject line "Heritage Tree Nomination" or in person to Parks Maintenance at 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive. Nominations will be reviewed quarterly by the Historic Preservation Commission. -For Official Use Only- Date: ____ _ Accepted by: _____ _ Declined by: ______ _ Justification: _________________________ _ Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 11 of 18 Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 12 of 18 Carlsbad Parks & Recreation 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 434-2824 City of Carlsbad HERITAGE TREE NOMINATION FORM Applicant Tree nominated by: Property owner: ---City: ____ Other: .PcG:secve Calaverz Name: Cn\\, l S SqmaNtl'la L. Phone: G lq-121:2 -q 12>~ I (Last, First, Middle Initial) Email: _______ _ Address: \l\ 2jq \Jis>r-C{ Th~\s Qr. City: w¼e.s\d e State: G8__ Zip Code: _g..J....z._o.c..__Y:_O ____ _ Signature of Applicant Date Tree Information Tree Species: ------------------------ (Common or botanical name) Tree location is on: Private Property: ____ _ Address: _O;:__a._~--'-~~i ~ ...... a.:....,.c_,__,,,a"'-'-'--=--'-=fu:..:..Cr_~ _____________ _ City Property: Let rh bC\O. I Approximate Height: 2 7 Trunk Circumference: /Y t../ 11 Canopy Width: (Diameter of tree should be measured 4.5 feet above ground.) Approximate Age: --zoo Condition: rnoS'\~ \1ui..\\nt S-0ml e11d li'mb5 Describe any other qualifying characteristics: .:¥ t:<:)eQ,Sv riJ. ~ ·• ,P,,o\Yl bo doc to law ka1r-1(h i ry herb iT %VK Oa\<. \ra1\ ,10 w\<f Ca\avfra f\::-e~crve ,acce~,bk viut Oc, \'Z, fei n'a 0 f oJL Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 13 of 18 History and Notes Heritage Trees shall be trees with notable historic interest or trees of an unusual species or size. Provide background or historical facts and reasons for nominating the tree. Include any photos of the nominated tree with the nomination form. -n oo}; t.N N OG\ ripa(ia hab1-b+s \ ,✓ Ny( Cov rvty , Al~'° easf I~ ~-(-l..N from t\r)e ir-q, I Please submit the completed form by email to parksmaintenance@carlsbadca.gov with subject line "Heritage Tree Nomination" or in person to Parks Maintenance at 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive. Nominations will be reviewed quarterly by the Historic Preservation Commission. -For Official Use Only- Date: _____ _ Accepted by: ______ _ Declined by: _______ _ Justification: ___________________________ _ Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 14 of 18 Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 15 of 18 Carlsbad Parks & Recreation 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 434-2824 \_ City of Carlsbad HERITAGE TREE NOMINATION FORM Applicant Tree nominated by: Prop erty owner: __ _ Name: k(!)a J (', l:e / lt-1 {) ego. LI'-- Cit y:-+-><---Other: ---- Phone: 1 (s,O -434 -2. ~ Zs (Last, First, Middle Initial) Email: yY1D1"5f-"". fo/4.';),.(., ~ C')(i--k,dc~ .~o J Add ress: ] 1 l,(p Cotr ls {.ac.. ~ '1 ~ \ ~ a. &,.e. O ~ \\!:f. City: C q C ls Y>9 d State: ..c.& Zip Code : q :205 £ Signature of Applicant Date Tree Information· Tree Species: __ []_· ·~0_-(...c......c....{"......_f ....... -=-J_S-, _____ S-=--u""---Cak.t=......,r'-----'L....___C_o_r_)L._'u_. _c,,-=-l.£.._:) __ _ {Common or botanical name) Addre·ss: _7_7_7~~~--~d'-+---'-r ~/0,~&.,(_-u __ f;~J~, -------- Tree location is on: Private Property: _ __,_f-:, __ _ City Property: _____ _ Approximate Height: -Zo r-Z S Canopy Width: -Z.fJ ' Trunk Circumference: (Z.-)L-{ / I (Diameter of tree should be measured 4.5 feet above ground.) Approximate Age: =z D '(t':1 r4> Condition : --~C)_o_· _t)_':) _____ _ Describe any other qualifying characteristics: Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 16 of 18 History and Notes Heritage Trees shall be trees with notable historic interest or trees of an unusual species or size. Provide backgrou nd or historical facts and reasons for nominating the tree. Include any photos of the nominated tree with the nomination form. ' Csr :e I ti\ Please submit the completed form by email to parksmaintenance@carlsbadca .gov with subject line "Heritage Tree Nomination" or in person to Parks Maintenance at 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive. Nominations will be reviewed quarterly by the Historic Preservation Commission. -For Official Use Only- Date: ____ _ Accepted by: _____ _ Declined by:---,------ Justification: _________________________ _ Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 17 of 18 Nov. 20, 2023 Item #1 18 of 18 Heritage Tree Nominations Todd Reese, Parks Services Manager Parks & Recreation Department November 20, 2023 1 {city of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION Accept the nominations of trees and recommend the City Council’s approval of the Heritage Tree designations ITEM 10: RENNOVATION PROJECT 2 {city of Carlsbad EXPLANATION AND ANALYSIS •2019 Community Forest Management Plan Update •Goals and Strategies that are “consistent with promoting city- wide tree preservation, community education, sustainability and showcasing specimen trees or heritage trees to generate interest in the diversity of trees” •City Council designates 137 previously identified tree candidates on public and private property as Heritage Trees ITEM 1: HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 3 {city of Carlsbad EXPLANATION AND ANALYSIS •Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 11.12.02.A.4 •Heritage Tree means any tree existing within the city limits which has been so designated by resolution by the City Council •Heritage Trees shall be trees with notable historic interest or trees of unusual species or size ITEM 1: HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 4 {city of Carlsbad EXPLANATION AND ANALYSIS •Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 11.12.140.A •The City Council recognizes the important role trees have played in the history and development of Carlsbad and recognizes that a wide variety of trees can grow in its unique and temperate climate •“The City may officially designate as Heritage Trees those trees in the community which have significant historical or arboricultural interest …..” ITEM 1: HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 5 {city of Carlsbad EXPLANATION AND ANALYSIS •Decision Making Responsibilities for Heritage Tree Designations •Historic Preservation Commission •Parks & Recreation Commission •City Council ITEM 1: HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 6 {city of Carlsbad EXPLANATION AND ANALYSIS •Heritage Tree Nomination Process •For consideration for additional Heritage Trees •Citizen completion of the Heritage Tree nomination form •Staff review of nomination, on-site evaluation and comments •Consideration of tree nomination by the Historic Preservation Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission and City Council ITEM 1: HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 7 {city of Carlsbad PRESENT HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS •City Hall – Melaleuca quinquinerva •Village H South (2 trees)- Eucalyptus camadulensis •Lake Calavera Preserve – Quercus agrifolia •2778 Arland Road (2 trees) – Quercus suber ITEM 1: HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 8 {city of Carlsbad MELALEUCA QUINQUINERVA •City Hall ➢Aerial imagery verified that the tree was installed between 1970-1986 ➢Agenda Bill #622 Civic Center Landscape Plan approved by City Council in 1971 supports historical images ➢Site Landscape Plan includes low water plant material and trees from Australia ITEM NO. 1 – HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 9 {city of Carlsbad EUCALYPTUS CAMADULENSIS •Village H South (2 trees) ➢Planted by members of the Kelly Family around 1910 during the “Eucalyptus Fever” ➢Supported by an interview of Irwin Kelly in 1971 ➢Historical aerial imagery verified that several trees including nominees, were planted prior to 1938 ITEM NO. 1 – HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 10 {city of Carlsbad QUERCUS AGRIFOLIA •Lake Calavera Preserve ➢Aerial imagery taken in1938 appears to include the nominated tree ➢Iconic Live Oak is frequently visited by trail users ➢Specimen has unique structure / beautiful form ITEM NO. 1 – HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 11 {city of Carlsbad QUERCUS SUBER •2778 Arland Road (2 trees) ➢Historical aerial imagery verified two nominated trees were planted between 1938-1946 ➢2778 Arland Road property was once owned by former City Council Member Claude Helton - 1990 ➢Quercus suber specimens of this age range are relatively rare in Carlsbad ITEM NO. 1 – HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 12 NEXT STEPS Per 2019 Community Forest Management Plan: •Nominations of Heritage Tree candidates will be advanced to the City Council for review and action •If approved by the City Council, the nominated trees will be added to the Heritage Tree Inventory •Heritage Tree Management Recommendations will be mandatory for city owned Heritage Trees and will be advisory for privately owned Heritage Trees ITEM 1: HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 13 RECOMMENDED ACTION Accept the nominations of trees and recommend the City Council’s approval of the Heritage Tree designations ITEM 1: HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 14 {city of Carlsbad COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Thank you ITEM NO.1 – HERITAGE TREE NOMINATIONS 15 {city of Carlsbad