HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-11-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; Parks & Recreation Department ReportMeeting Date: Nov. 20, 2023 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager mick.calarco@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2859 Subject: Parks & Recreation Department Report Recommended Action Receive a report on recently completed and upcoming Parks & Recreation Department activities, donations and grants, as well as other topics of interest. Executive Summary Recreation Services Manager Mick Calarco and Parks Services Manager Todd Reese will report on recently completed and upcoming parks and recreation activities, and other topics of local interest. Exhibits 1.Department report Nov. 20, 2023 Item #3 1 of 5 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Staff Report PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT Nov. 20, 2023 GENERAL & RECREATION Marisa Smith’s promotion to Recreation Specialist at Harding Community Center Marisa has been working for the Parks & Recreation Department since 2022, gaining experience at both Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park and Alga Norte Aquatic Center. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts and a professional certificate in Informal Learning in Museums. Marisa’s work experience encompasses aquarium educational programming, attractions operations, hospitality, and recreational programming. She is a San Diego North County native and San Dieguito High School Academy alumni. Marisa enjoys a variety of activities, including hiking, bird watching, and reading. Marisa works Sunday to Thursday and specializes in all things centralized reservations. Carlsbad Unified School District Joint Use Agreement Renewal The current ten-year joint use agreement (JUA) between the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) and the City of Carlsbad is due to expire in December 2023, and an updated JUA is being processed for approval. This JUA allows for the city’s use of eight CUSD sites for parks purposes in exchange for the routine maintenance of those sites. CUSD staff placed an item regarding the updated JUA on the CUSD Board Meeting Agenda for Nov. 15, 2023. City staff placed a corresponding item on the City Council Meeting Agenda for Dec. 5, 2023. Dia de los Muertos at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park On Oct. 28, 2023, over 150 people attended the Día de los Muertos festivities at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park. Guests toured the beautifully decorated historic Hacienda, enjoyed a delicious picnic style dinner of traditional Mexican cuisine, engaged in crafts on the upper patio and the concluded the evening under the stars with a movie presentation of “Coco,” highlighting and honoring the significance of family, tradition and remembrance during this special occasion. Halloween Spooktacular Dance Party On Oct. 27, 2023, the Carlsbad Senior Center hosted a Halloween Spooktacular Dance Party. This exceptional free event included refreshments, snacks, a costume contest, raffle, and a live musical performance by the renowned Blue Suede Crew, featuring "Elvis" from Las Vegas. Nearly 70 enthusiastic participants enjoyed an afternoon of dancing, fun and social interaction. Guests departed from the event content and pleasantly fatigued, aligning perfectly with our commitment to creating unique opportunities for social interaction and building a sense of community. Pine Avenue Community Center Halloween Bash On Oct. 27, 2023, Pine Avenue Community Center hosted a Haunted Halloween Bash for the local community. Staff and volunteers from our LITE (Leadership in Training & Education) after-school program put together the ultimate spooktacular delight! They created a haunted house, ran thrilling carnival games and participants enjoyed eerie decorations and spooky treats. It was the perfect way to get into the Halloween spirit. Exhibit 1 Nov. 20, 2023 Item #3 2 of 5 {city of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Community Friendship Builders The new and highly popular Community Friendship Builders meetings at the Carlsbad Senior Center are off to a positive start. The free, once weekly classes offer adults 50+ an opportunity to make new friends, or to have mentally stimulating conversations on a regular basis. Community Friendship Builders participants can expect to make real social connections, meet new people, talk and laugh. During a recent meeting, the group expressed their desire to have valuable conversation with one another, icebreaker activities, and confidentiality within the group to protect their privacy outside of the meeting room. Community Friendship Builders addresses the department’s goal of providing opportunities that promote health and wellness, identified in the 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update. Monroe Street Pool Temporary Closure A pool pump failure on Oct. 2, 2023, at the Monroe Street Pool, resulted in the need to keep the pool closed until a replacement can be installed – approximately mid to late November if another alternative solution can’t be found. Several weeks ago, aquatic staff noticed signs that the pool circulation pump would not likely last until the planned renovation project could be initiated. To be prepared, staff ordered a new pump. Because this specific pump must fit the existing filtration system, it is only provided by a small number of commercial pool suppliers, and the soonest it could be delivered was mid-December. Alga Norte Aquatic Center Temporary Instructional Pool Closure Aquatic staff and a contractor were performing the installation of a replacement pump for the instructional pool on Nov. 10, 2023, when during the process, the seal plate was determined to be in need of replacement and not readily available. Staff had scheduled the pump replacement work during the Veterans Day holiday closure to minimize impact to programs and the public. Expedited shipment of a new seal plate has been requested by our contractor for completion of this work, and quick resumption of aquatic operations. Staff was informed the lead time for delivery of the special ordered seal plate is 7 to 10 days. All programs scheduled for the instructional pool are temporarily canceled. Program participants are being contacted and will receive prorated refunds for classes affected by this closure. Membership holders may request a pause on their membership or prorated refunds. Pine Avenue Community Center Temporary Closure The Fleet & Facilities Department has requested a temporary, two-day closure of the Pine Avenue Community Center to facilitate stripping and sealing of the downstairs flooring. The work has been scheduled for Dec. 26 to 27, 2023. Staff will coordinate the temporary closure of the center with communications to ensure the public is informed of this planned maintenance work. Coming Soon: Holiday at the Rancho Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023 5 to 8 p.m. Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park Admission is $10 per person; children ages 3 and younger are free. Explore Leo Carrillo Ranch lit up with holiday lights, decorations, and a backdrop of classic holiday musical performance. Watch the holiday tree lighting at 5:45 p.m. on the sand near the pool. Decorate holiday cookies, create crafts, participate in the ‘plush’ snowball fight, and enjoy festive entertainment. Face painting, train rides, an outdoor movie and a special visit by Santa are also included. A holiday film will be Nov. 20, 2023 Item #3 3 of 5 featured on the outdoor movie screen starting at 6 p.m. Coming Soon: Opening Reception – Leo & Deedie’s Bedroom Suite Exhibit Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023 3 to 5 p.m. Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park – Hacienda Courtyard Parks & Recreation Commissioners are cordially invited to attend the opening reception of Leo & Deedie Carrillo’s bedroom suite interpretive exhibit at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park. Restored original furnishings serve as a centerpiece of the new display. The exhibit is made possible by a partnership between the City of Carlsbad and the Friends of Leo Carrillo Ranch, Inc. Desserts and non-alcoholic beverages will be served. Please RSVP to carrilloranch@carlsbadca.gov, or call 442-339-5042 no later than Nov. 29, 2023. PARKS Monroe Street Pool Renovation/Replacement Project Prime consultant LPA and its subconsultants returned to the project team in early June with the refined schematic design, preliminary total project costs and tentative schedule. The next steps are to develop the construction documents, i.e., plans and specifications, over the next several months (Spring 2024). Veterans Memorial Park Project The City Council adopted the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan on July 26, 2022. The 100% construction documents, i.e., plans and specifications, were received from the prime consultant earlier this month and are being submitted for various agency permits and interdepartmental reviews. The submittals, reviews, document revisions and resubmittal processes are anticipated to continue through the first quarter of 2024. The final construction documents are anticipated to be bid in Spring 2024. Stagecoach Park Community Garden Project Staff has received the 100% construction documents, i.e., plans and specifications, from the prime consultant and has submitted them for interdepartmental review. The final construction documents are anticipated to be bid in Spring 2024. Construction completion is targeted for Summer 2024. Robertson Ranch Park Project The first in-person community workshop for planning Robertson Ranch Park was held at the project site on August 8, 2023, with approximately 200 people in attendance. The first virtual community workshop was conducted via zoom on August 9, 2023, with approximately 80 people in attendance. A stakeholder workshop was held on August 10, 2023, for the Rancho Carlsbad HOA, with approximately 40 people in attendance. Staff and the prime consultant heard a wide variety of comments and interests that will help shape the design and development of this park. An online survey and virtual ideas wall were also introduced to the public. These platforms were open for public comment through Sept. 7, 2023. On Oct. 12, 2023, the Communications & Engagement team forwarded a draft public engagement summary for review. This summary will play a pivotal role in helping the design team make sound decisions for the park’s design. The project team has initiated the exploratory phase for conceptual design alternatives and anticipates completing this phase in January 2024. Poinsettia Dog Park Turf Restoration – The large dog area’s contracted removal of remaining Bermuda Nov. 20, 2023 Item #3 4 of 5 turf, soil amending, re-grading, and installation of St Augustine turf was completed on Sept. 11, 2023, and the area reopened to the public in mid-October. The small dog area renovation began in mid-October, was completed approximately 10 days thereafter, and the area will reopen in late November. Recent Trail Volunteers Event – La Costa Valley Oct. 28, 2023 was a beautiful Saturday morning for trails volunteers to gather and provide maintenance assistance at the La Costa Valley Trail. The volunteers and Parks & Recreation staff met at 8:30 a.m. and worked until 11:30 a.m. Todd Nordess from the Center Natural Land Management first provided an educational talk about rattlesnakes in San Diego County. Then, over 15 volunteers filled ruts along the trail with eight yards of stabilized decomposed granite. A water bar was also created at the base of the trail to prevent future erosion. Staff used a power tamper to compact the decompose granite material into the trail surface, and volunteers removed debris from the adjacent drainage swale. The volunteers and staff received numerous compliments from trail users and homeowners about how much better the trail looked, confirming the event was a huge success. Upcoming Trail Volunteers Event – Hidden Canyon Staff is working on details for a mid-week volunteer event for Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023. These mid-week events are traditionally smaller events that provide direct staff support to areas targeted by trail captains. All trail events are open to the public; however, the weekday events are generally supported by the trail captains and core group of registered trail volunteers. The tentative location is the Hidden Canyon Trail. Nov. 20, 2023 Item #3 5 of 5 Department Report Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager Todd Reese, Parks Services Manager Parks & Recreation Department November 20, 2023 1 {city of Carlsbad RECENT RECREATION SERVICES PROMOTIONS •Marisa Smith – Recreation Specialist - Has worked for the city since 2022 in various p/t positions - Now assigned to the Harding Community Center - Assists in oversight and coordination of centralized reservations ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 2 JOINT USE & COMMUNITY REC AGREEMENT •Current agreement between city/CUSD expires in December 2023 •JUA allows city’s recreational use of amenities on eight CUSD sites •In exchange, city provides routine maintenance of those amenities •Draft JUA approved by CUSD Board of Directors on Nov. 15, 2023 •Draft JUA to be agenized for City Council meeting on Dec. 5, 2023 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 3 DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS, OCT. 28 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 4 HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR DANCE PARTY, OCT. 27 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 5 HALLOWEEN BASH, OCT. 27 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 6 COMMUNITY FRIENDSHIP BUILDERS •New program for adults 50+ •Free, once weekly classes •Make new friends and social connections •Authentic conversation, icebreaker activities, group confidentiality •Promotes overall health and health & wellness ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 7 MONROE STREET POOL TEMP CLOSURE •On Oct. 2, the failure of a pump resulted in the need to close the pool until a replacement can be delivered and installed •Staff noticed signs the pump may not last until the planned renovation project, and had already ordered a replacement •Because the pump must fit existing filtration system, availability is limited, and it will likely will not arrive until mid-December ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 8 {city of Carlsbad ALGA INSTRUCTIONAL POOL TEMP CLOSURE •Nov. 10, 2023, replacement pump installed •During work, staff discovered a corroded seal plate •New seal plate ordered from manufacturer •Expected reopening by the end of November ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 9 {city of Carlsbad PINE AVE COMMUNITY CTR TEMP CLOSURE •Temporary two-day closure •Dec. 27 and 27, 2023 •Downstairs floor stripping and resealing ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 10 {city of Carlsbad COMING SOON: HOLIDAY AT THE RANCHO, DEC. 2 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 11 COMING SOON: OPENING RECEPTION, DEC. 6 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 12 • itedtothe t•on Yo"""o,d;,11,,:, Recep I 0 pen I n g Suite Exhibit • , Bedroom d & Deed le S -11 be serve of Leo h holic beverages WI d non-ale o Dessert an C 6 2023 Wednesday, De . , 3 to 5 p.m. d Courtyard k Hacien a h Historic Par Leo Carrillo Rane 6200 Flying LC L~~e Carsbad, CA 920 I badca.gov or h@car s carrilloRanc 29 Please RSVP to 42 no later than Nov. call 442-339-50 , {city of Carlsbad MONROE STREET POOL RENOVATION •LPA team returned in early June with schematic design options, preliminary costs and schedule •The project team developed consensus on priority facility needs and refined the schematic design •Next step is for LPA to develop construction plans and specifications by end of Spring 2024 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT Concept 3 13 Option 3 Constructioncost S1S.8M-S16.SM Net annual operating cost SSSS,989 12-lSyrspool Expected life 1S-20 yrs building 1S-20 parldng lot Construction lime 12 -18 months {city of Carlsbad Veterans Memorial PARK MASTER PLAN •Adopted by City Council ➢July 26, 2022 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 14 ----7 I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L_ flARK ARI AS I rnr\'D 0~Mi,,10111,1AL'"L.AZ,t> ® ""'""TY .... 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'1 . e==:3 ROBERTSON RANCH PARK ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 21 Who pa r1Jicipated 10,053 00 Tim es someone came to t he project page 3,421 Un'iq ue people who looked at tile page 1,974 How many uniq ue stakeholders partiicipated online 1,914 Took the survey 298 Ideas wall comments 185+ Community 1.-.,orkshop participants (virtual and in person) ROBERTSON RANCH PARK ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT Next Steps •Project team to review Public Input Report, the department master plan, and other public input to use in developing three conceptual designs •Concepts presented in Public Workshop #2 in January 2024 22 POINSETTIA DOG PARK RESTORATION Large dog area restoration •Worn Bermuda grass removed – Aug. 28, 2023 •Soil amended, regraded and irrigation adjusted •St. Augustine grass installed - Sept. 11, 2023 •Park reopened for patron use – Oct. 13, 2023 Small dog area restoration •Above work initiated – Oct. 16, 2023 •Above work completed – Oct. 26, 2023 •Park reopened for patron use – Late November ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 23 RECENT TRAIL VOLUNTEERS EVENT, OCT. 28 •La Costa Valley Trail •Filled in large ruts •Repaired other erosion •Constructed new water bar •Debris removal from swales ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 24 {city of Carlsbad UPCOMING TRAILS VOLUNTEER EVENT, DEC. 6 Hidden Canyon Trail •8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. •Staff and volunteers to work on areas targeted by Trail Captain ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 25 {city of Carlsbad COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Thank you ITEM NO.3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 26 {city of Carlsbad