AB# 1112-2 DEPT/DIV.
Appoint a Senior Commissioner to serve on the Community Development Block Grant Advisory
Committee for FY 2012/2013.
Each year, the Housing & Neighborhood Services Department is tasked with facilitating the
distribution of Community Development Block Grant Funds for qualifying programs.
Part of that process involves the selection of members to an advisory committee that will
evaluate grant applications and make recommendations to the City Council.
Similar to previous review committees, a representative from the Senior Commission has been
requested to serve in this capacity. Therefore, the Commission is requested to provide a
member of the commission to serve on the Community Development Block Grant Advisory
Committee to evaluate and make recommendations regarding applications.
1. CDBG/HOME Funding Advisory Committee Roles and Responsibilities.
Staff Roles And Responsibilities
The staff of the Housing and Redevelopment Department will annually prepare and distribute
the "Requests for Proposals" for the City of Carlsbad's Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Program. The role of the Housing and Redevelopment Department staff will be to
complete the initial review of all proposals submitted for funding under the City's CDBG Program
for basic eligibility purposes. Housing and Redevelopment Department staff shall also
participate in evaluating all eligible proposals and provide support to the CDBG Funding
Advisory Committee.
• The staff of the Housing and Redevelopment Department shall be responsible for the following
tasks as part of the CDBG/HOME funding recommendation process:
Step 1: Housing and Redevelopment Department staff shall review and determine each
applicant's eligibility for funding consideration. Requests for funds shall not be considered
unless the application is complete and demonstrates that all of the following conditions have
been met:
a. The governing board formally authorized the organization's request for CDBG/HOME funds
from the City of Carlsbad;
b. The proposed use of funds is an eligible activity, per the Federal regulations for the
CDBG/HOME program;
c. The proposed use of funds meets at least one national objective for the CDBG/HOME
program, as established by the Federal regulations;
d. The proposed use of funds meets at least one local objective for the program, as established
by the City of Carlsbad's CDBG/HOME Funding Plan; and,
e. The organization and the proposed activity must not have any outstanding or unresolved
findings of violation of the federal regulations governing the CDBG program.
Step 2: Housing and Redevelopment Department staff shall coordinate and schedule the
necessary meetings with the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee and Committee interviews
with all organizations/agencies submitting an eligible funding proposal.
Step 3: Staff will evaluate and score all eligible proposals, obtain evaluation scores from all
Committee Members, and calculate the average score for each eligible proposal.
Step 4: Housing and Redevelopment Department staff will categorize the eligible public service
activities into the following three (3) classifications: 1) affordable housing; 2) general social
services; and 3) specialized social services. Staff will categorize non-public service proposals
into the following two (2) classifications: 1) those that would create new affordable housing
opportunities; and 2) other eligible proposals such as public facility improvements. Staff will then
rank in order, within each classification, the eligible proposals according to their evaluation score
average. This information will be presented to the Advisory Committee for review and
consideration for funding recommendations. Staff will assist the CDBG Funding Advisory
Committee in determining the funding recommendations for City Council consideration.
Step 5: Staff will present the Advisory Committee's recommendations to the City Council for
consideration during a public meeting. After giving the public an opportunity to comment, the
City Council will take final action to adopt the selected proposals and their funding levels for the
CDBG Program.
Funding Advisory Committee Roles and Responsibilities
The CDBG/HOME Funding Advisory Committee shall include seven (7) members total to be
appointed by the Mayor with City Council concurrence. The membership shall consist of the
following representatives of the community:
1. Planning Commission
2. Senior Commission
3. Housing Commission
4. Northeast Quadrant resident
5. Northwest Quadrant resident
6. Southeast Quadrant resident
7. Southwest Quadrant resident
Each of the above noted representatives shall have full voting power as related to preparation of
the funding recommendations to the City Council and shall serve for a two-year term.
The Funding Advisory Committee shall review all of the eligible proposals submitted for
CDBG/HOME funding from the City of Carlsbad. The role of the Advisory Committee is to
consider the needs of the low/moderate income households of Carlsbad and make
recommendations to the City Council to fund activities which are "the most qualified" to meet
those needs.
The Funding Advisory Committee shall be responsible for the following tasks as part of the
process of developing funding recommendations:
Step 1: The Advisory Committee shall meet with the Housing and Redevelopment Department
staff for an initial briefing on the CDBG/HOME program, roles and responsibilities of the
Committee, and the process to be used in developing funding recommendations for the City
Council. This meeting will also provide an opportunity for the members to become acquainted
with each other prior to meeting with the applicants for funding. It is anticipated that the
Committee will need to commit at least one (1) evening hour for this initial briefing by City staff.
Step 2: The Advisory Committee shall conduct ten (10) minute interviews with each organization
submitting an eligible proposal for funding during a public meeting. It is anticipated that the
Committee will need to commit at least two (2) evenings (3 hours per night; 6 hours total) to
conduct these interviews.
Step 3: Advisory Committee Members shall each evaluate and score all eligible proposals
according to the criteria described in the Application Review Process as approved by the City
Council. Committee Members shall submit the scores to staff, who will calculate an average
score for each proposal and rank them in their appropriate categories.
Step 4: The Advisory Committee shall develop funding recommendations according to the order
they were ranked by staff within the various categories described previously under Step 4 of
staff responsibilities/process. The Committee shall work from the top of the list to the bottom,
taking one activity at a time, and recommend a funding level until all available funds have been
allocated to eligible activities. This process will be used to determine funding recommendations
for all categories. It is anticipated that the Committee will need to commit at least one (1)
evening (approximately 2 hours total) to complete development of the funding recommendation.
The challenge to the Funding Advisory Committee is to recommend qualified activities for
funding by the City Council that have the greatest potential for meeting the needs of lower
income persons within Carlsbad. In most cases, all of the proposals submitted for consideration
under the City's CDBG program are worthy of funding. However, adequate funding is not
available for all proposed activities. Therefore, the Advisory Committee and City staff is tasked
with the responsibility of evaluating the qualifications of each applicant and determining the level
in which each project meets the goals and objectives of the City of Carlsbad's CDBG/HOME