HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-12; City Council; ; Conduit and Fiber License Agreement with Netly Fiber Holdings, LLC., to Grant a License for the Use of City-Owned Conduit in Exchange for Fiber-optic CableCA Review GH Meeting Date: Dec. 12, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Maria Callander, Director of Information Technology maria.callander@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2454 Subject: Conduit and Fiber License Agreement with Netly Fiber Holdings, LLC., to Grant a License for the Use of City-Owned Conduit in Exchange for Fiber- optic Cable Districts: All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a conduit and fiber license agreement with Netly Fiber Holdings, LLC. Executive Summary The City Council approved the creation of the Carlsbad Digital Information Network in 2019 to modernize the city’s data and computer systems infrastructure. The second phase of that project involves providing upgraded network capacity for the city’s traffic management system. The City Council is now being asked to approve a license agreement that establishes the foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship between the city and Netly Fiber Holdings, LLC, or Netly. This agreement will give Netly access to portions of the city’s underground conduit lines in exchange for the city having dedicated access to Netly’s fiber-optic cable lines. While this agreement initially applies to only one stretch of Rancho Santa Fe Road, the agreement could be amended to add additional area and allow the city to use Netly’s fiber- optic cabling in other locations around Carlsbad. The access to city-dedicated fiber-optic cable increases the capabilities of the city’s digital network and will help to meet the city’s anticipated future traffic signal management needs. Government Code Section 37380 provides the authority for the city to lease or license property that it holds or controls, including conduit, however the City Council must approve the license agreement. Explanation & Analysis Background The City Council approved a pilot project to install a new traffic management system in the Capital Improvement Program budget for fiscal year 2010-11. This system required data Dec. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 1 of 22 network connectivity between traffic signals and a centralized control system at the Faraday Administration Center to allow staff to centrally manage and monitor the system. The network initially used a series of wireless communication devices and later copper wiring, similar to the landline phone wiring one would find in a residential property. This copper cable was installed in underground conduits. Using copper wiring was not the leading practice then, and the wiring falls far short of meeting the needs of today’s all-digital environment. The current practice is to deploy fiber-optic cabling for data networks. The fiber-optic cable can carry much larger amounts of data more quickly along with a far greater ability to be expanded as data needs increase over time. The city chose to deploy wireless communication devices and copper cable because of cost concerns at the time. However, this decision created long-term deficiencies, such as: • The inability to provide the data capacity needed for modern traffic systems • Incompatibility with robust and modern network device technology • Inability to utilize the traffic management network for other technological applications Unfortunately, the costs to install fiber-optic cabling are now far more than they would have been in 2010-2014, when most of this network was being implemented. However, the existing underground conduit running under streets around the city can still be used to deploy fiber- optic cabling. The City Council approved the development of the Carlsbad Digital Information Network on Dec. 17, 2019, along with the purchase of equipment and services necessary to support the network. The initial phase of the project was completed in March 2022, and has proved to be very beneficial, as staff reported to the City Council in an update on Sept. 22, 2020. The second phase of the project is intended to expand the network used for the traffic management system. Several improvements have already been completed, but one remaining issue is the replacement of the obsolete copper wiring. Proposed agreement The City Council is being asked to approve a new license agreement for conduit and fiber-optic cable with Netly,1 a company that installs fiber-optic cables to then lease access to those cables to internet service providers. These providers typically serve residential customers. Netly has recently begun to expand into various parts of the city to install conduit and fiber-optic cable for its customers. The proposed license agreement would allow Netly to use already installed conduit owned by the city in exchange for use of city-dedicated fiber-optic cable at no cost to the city. By allowing Netly to use the existing city-owned conduit, there would be less need to perform construction activities on city streets, which can degrade their integrity and impact on the 1 Netly is managed by a company known as Ubiquity Management, LLC, but the agreement is with its public utility and asset-owning subsidiary, Netly. Ubiquity was the managing company behind Netly at its inception. Netly received a certificate of public convenience and necessity, from the California Public Utilities Commission that allows Netly to act as a utility and install infrastructure in the public right-of-way. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 2 of 22 public. The installation of the fiber-optic cable into a pre-existing conduit will also enable Netly to deliver services to residents more quickly and with less disruption on major streets. If it is determined that a license agreement with Netly is not in the best interest of the city, Netly has indicated it will proceed with construction to install its own conduit, which would involve digging trenches in the right of way to lay conduit. If the license agreement is approved by the City Council, Netly would install fiber-optic cable that the city can use to interconnect traffic signals with the latest network technology, which will provide more robust communication speeds and capabilities. This agreement will help to meet the goals of the City Council’s Five-Year Strategic Plan relating to Quality of Life & Safety and Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health. The initial scope of the license agreement would cover only a section of Rancho Santa Fe Road between San Elijo Road and Olivenhain Road. There is a small segment between the intersections of Camino de Los Coches and Calle Barcelona where no existing underground conduit is in place. Netly will have to secure the necessary permitting and then perform construction activities in this location to complete the underground conduit network and, while this section of conduit is not subject to the license agreement, Netly would still provide access to fiber-optic cabling for the city. Over the next three to five years, Netly is looking to expand its services to the entire city. As it does so, if there are other areas where city-owned conduit is available and can be used to expand Netly’s network, the City Manager would have the delegated authority to execute an amendment to the agreement that would provide for the same arrangement in that part of the city again at no cost. It is proposed that the City Manager will have the authority to approve these amendments if Netly moves forward with expansion. The agreement covers an initial 10-year term and automatically renews for up to two additional 10-year periods, for a total term not to exceed 40 years, if extended. If Netly ceases operations in the city or decides to abandon its fiber-optic cable infrastructure, Netly will be required to either remove the cable lines at no cost to the city or transfer ownership of the lines to the city. After fiber-optic cabling has been installed in city-owned conduit, staff can procure updated networking technology and complete the process of interconnecting the traffic signal systems. Fiscal Analysis The proposed license agreement would have no cost to the city for the term of the agreement. The initial scope of the license agreement applies to approximately 2.76 miles of conduit. If the city did not take advantage of Netly’s existing fiber optic cabling, staff estimate that the costs to upgrade the existing copper cabling to fiber in this area could range between $60,000 and $150,000. There is additional potential value in this license agreement because it may be amended for expansion into other areas of the city where the city has conduit and Netly wishes to install fiber. Staff estimate that changing all of the copper wiring used to connect the city’s traffic signals for fiber-optic cable citywide could range in cost from $3 million to as much as $9 million. There are numerous factors that could lead to cost variability, which is why the estimate has such a broad range. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 3 of 22 The city’s Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program includes current and future funding in support of the city’s digital information network. Additional costs, if necessary, related to the buying and implementing of necessary network equipment and contractor costs to complete connectivity inside the traffic management infrastructure would be funded through this program. Additionally, staff may request funds for the installation of fiber-optic cable through the annual budget process to cover parts of the city where there is no overlap between city-owned conduit and the areas where Netly wishes to install its cabling. Options 1. Adopt the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a conduit and fiber license agreement with Netly Fiber Holdings, LLC Pros • No cost access to city-dedicated fiber-optic cable • Provides additional network capacity for new technology • Improved traffic signal communication • Quicker access to high-speed internet services for residents • Requires much less trenching on local roads, reducing disruption and road maintenance costs Cons • None identified 2. Don’t adopt the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a conduit and fiber license agreement with Netly Fiber Holdings, LLC Pros • None identified Cons • The city will need to install its own fiber-optic cabling, potentially costing up to a $9 million • Netly will conduct more road construction activities on city streets Staff recommend Option 1. Next Steps With the City Council’s approval, the City Manager will execute the Conduit and Fiber License Agreement for with Netly Fiber Holdings, LLC. Environmental Evaluation The City Planner finds that adoption of the resolution authorizing a license agreement with Netly for construction of fiber optic cables within city right-of-way is exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines section 15303 (d) New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures and 15304 (f) Minor or Temporary Use of Land, because it can be seen with certainty that the project will have no significant negative impact on the environment. Furthermore, the City Planner, through the process outlined in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 19.04.060, posted a notice with this Dec. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 4 of 22 determination on November 29, 2023. As of the docket date of this staff report, no appeals of this determination were received in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.54.140. If an appeal is not filed end of business on December 11, 2023; this determination is final. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution Dec. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 5 of 22 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-289 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONDUIT AND FIBER LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH NETLY FIBER HOLDINGS, LLC WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that it is in the best interests of the city to enter into a Conduit and Fiber License Agreement, or Agreement, with Netly Fiber Holdings, LLC; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has received a presentation on December 12, 2023, concerning the recommendation to execute the Agreement with Netly Fiber Holdings, LLC, hereinafter referred to as "Netly"; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has established and maintains an underground conduit network primarily dedicated to the traffic signal system within the city; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 37380 provides the authority for the city to lease or license property that it holds or controls, including conduit, subject to City Council approval; and WHEREAS, Netly is a provider of conduit and fiber networks within the city limits; and WHEREAS, Netly seeks to license the city's existing underground conduit network for the purpose of installing and maintaining fiber optic cables; and WHEREAS, in exchange for the licensed conduit, Netly will install and provide city-dedicated fiber optic cable for the city's use; and WHEREAS, the ability to use the city-dedicated fiber will allow the city to expand its network infrastructure and avoid the construction costs of the city having to install fiber in locations the city is in need of connectivity: and WHEREAS the initial scope of the Agreement includes a section of Rancho Santa Fe Road between the intersections of San Elijo Road and Olivenhain Road, as depicted in Exhibit 'A' to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, The City Planner finds that the adoption this resolution authorizing the Agreement with Netly for construction of fiber optic cables within city right-of-way is exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines section 15303{d) New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures and 15304{f) Minor or Temporary Use of Land, because it can be seen with certainty that the project will have no significant negative impact on the Exhibit 1 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 6 of 22 environment. Furthermore, the City Planner, through the process outlined in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 19.04.060, posted a notice with this determination on November 29, 2023; and WHEREAS, if there are areas where city-owned conduit is available and it is mutually beneficial to both parties to allow Netly to install fiber that the city can use to improve our network, the parties would execute amendments to the Agreement to include the additional licensed conduit and fiber sections; and WHEREAS, the City Manager will have the authority to execute amendments to the Agreement to expand the reach of the licensed conduit and city-dedicated fiber locations, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the Conduit and Fiber License Agreement (Attachment A) with Netly Fiber Holdings, LLC is hereby approved. 3.That the City Manager or designee is authorized to execute amendments to the agreement on behalf of the city, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney. 4.That the City Manager or designee is authorized to sign all other documents necessary to finalize, implement and comply with the implementation and execution of Conduit and Fiber License Agreement, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 15th day of December, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor Dec. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 7 of 22 Legend New Vault New NFH Conduit Existing City Conduit Exhibit A - Rancho Santa Fe Rd. NFH to build conduit to complete segment. City fiber to continue through new NFH conduit. NFH to place new 2' x 3' underground vaults adjacent to existing City vaults at each signaled intersection (9 total). NFH will install splice cases for demarcation for splicing of city fiber. NFH and City to coordinate splicing at demarcation upon completion of fiber installation. DocuSign Envelope ID: B79D6B36-07BD-4E3A-AA8C-6B63AE17D334 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 22 of 22