HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-12; City Council; ; Review of 2023 TGIF Concerts in the Park and Options for 2024 TGIF Concerts in the ParkMeeting Date: Dec. 12, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Morgen Fry, Management Analyst Morgen.fry@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2819 Subject: Review of 2023 TGIF Concerts in the Park and Options for 2024 TGIF Concerts in the Park Districts: All Recommended Actions 1.Receive a report of the 2023 TGIF Concerts in the Parks series 2.Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to direct the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services, to appropriate an additional $150,000 to the Library & Cultural Arts Department’s FY 2023-24 operating budget to provide the additional funds needed to host nine concerts for the 2024 TGIF Concerts in the Parks series 3.Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to direct the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services, to appropriate an additional $50,000 to the Police Department’s FY 2023-24 operating budget for enhanced safety measures at nine concerts for the 2024 TGIF Concerts in the Parks series 4.Direct the City Manager to include in the Library & Cultural Arts Department’s and Police Department’s FY 2024-25 Preliminary Operating Budget funding for hosting and providing security enhancements for nine concerts for the 2024 TGIF Concerts in the Parks season 5.Direct the City Manager to issue a request for proposals to seek interest in corporate sponsorship of the TGIF Concerts in the Parks Series consistent with City Council Policy 79 - Corporate Marketing Sponsorships 6.Provide any additional feedback or direction as desired, including direction on concert locations Executive Summary TGIF Concerts in the Parks began in the 1980s and is the City of Carlsbad’s largest community event. This report provides an overview of the 2023 season and seeks the City Council’s direction as planning begins for the 2024 TGIF Concerts in the Parks season. Explanation & Analysis TGIF Concerts in the Parks is the City of Carlsbad’s largest community event. The 2023 TGIF season continued the city’s long-standing tradition of providing free summer concerts where families, friends and neighbors gather to enjoy music in Carlsbad’s parks. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 1 of 106 The concert series was originally known as TGIF Jazz in the Park and began in the late 1980s. Since that time, the number of concerts held each season has fluctuated, as shown in the table below. Year Concerts 1986 4 1987-1989 6 1990 9 1991-1992 12 1993 8 1994-1996 9 1997-2001 10 2002-2005 11 2006-2007 10 2008 9 2009 10 2010-2019 9 2020-2021 0 (pandemic) 2022 9 2023 6 The Library & Cultural Arts Department is responsible for coordinating the TGIF concerts and receives assistance from all city departments. In early 2023, Cultural Arts staff became aware that cost increases would require reducing the number of concerts to stay within the existing budget and recommended reducing the number of concerts for the 2023 TGIF Concerts in the Parks season from nine to six concerts. The City Manager supported staff’s recommendation with the caveat that there would be a report back to the City Council at the end of the year on the 2023 TGIF Concerts in the Parks season. City staff presented a successful TGIF Concerts in the Park season in 2023, with attendance surpassing that of any previous concert season on record. 2023 TGIF concert schedule and attendance Park District Date Attendance Stagecoach Community Park 4 July 7 4,100 Stagecoach Community Park 4 July 14 5,100 Poinsettia Community Park 3 July 21 4,900 Calavera Hills Community Park 2 July 28 4,200 Alga Norte Community Park 2 Aug. 4 7,200 Alga Norte Community Park 2 Aug. 11 8,170 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 2 of 106 Although there were three fewer concerts, attendance figures for the 2023 TGIF concerts were 19% higher than the 2022 season and were 11% higher than the five-year average annual attendance, as shown in the table below. Last five years’ TGIF concerts and attendance Year Concerts Attendance 2023 6 33,670 2022 9 27,500 2021 0 (pandemic) 2020 0 (pandemic) 2019 9 30,084 2018 9 28,940 2017 9 31,648 Five-year average annual attendance 30,268 The city provided shuttles for the concerts held at the Poinsettia, Calavera Hills and Alga Norte parks. Shuttle ridership totaled 1,823. Shuttles are not used for concerts at Stagecoach Park. For those concerts, the city has agreements in place to use parking lots at La Costa Canyon High School and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, both within easy walking distance of Stagecoach Park. New in 2023 was the addition of e-bike valet service, hosted by the San Diego Bike Coalition. This service was used by 493 concert attendees. In support of the Safer Streets Together campaign, parking in bike lanes was not allowed. Carlsbad Police issued about 80 citations to drivers who parked in the bike lanes even though No Parking signage was in place. Community feedback In late summer, city staff sought input from the community on TGIF Concerts in the Park. The 2023 TGIF Concerts in the Parks Community Feedback Report is provided as Exhibit 2. Key points from the non-scientific survey include: • Many comments expressed appreciation that the concerts are free. • Many comments were related to overcrowding at the concerts, particularly parking. • Aside from the music, the only part of the concert-going experience that was rated as important was the ability to bring alcoholic beverages. • The availability of food trucks was rated the next most important, but only rated moderately important. All other elements (kids’ activities, a DJ, a printed program, opportunity drawings) were rated slightly important or unimportant. • When it comes to funding options, corporate sponsorships had the strongest support. • Reducing the total number of concerts had the least amount of support. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 3 of 106 Safety considerations The Police Department in collaboration with the Fire Department conducted a public safety review of the current TGIF Concerts in the Parks operating conditions. This evaluation identified several aspects of concert operations that should be considered for modification to better align them with the best practices in policing. The Police Department identified five specific objectives it recommends be implemented for the TGIF concerts. 1. Provide a controlled event location. This would be accomplished by using fencing and/or other barriers to provide for a controlled venue for the concert. 2. Limit attendance based on a review of venue. This could be accomplished by requiring a reservation or ticket for admittance, acquired by the concert attendee in advance. 3. Screen attendees for weapons. A weapon screening consistent with sporting events and/or concerts would be conducted. These screenings would be conducted by security personnel at the event. 4. Robust security presence inside concert venue and at access points. This would be accomplished by contracting with security personnel to provide security services at the concerts. 5. Enhance situational awareness and incident control to include enhanced quick response capabilities in the event of an emergency. This would be accomplished by utilizing the Police/Fire Command Post at TGIF concerts. It would be staffed by both a police lieutenant and fire battalion chief. Additionally, trained and equipped police officers would be assigned to the events to be available to quickly respond to an emergency situation. The expenses for Police and Fire services were approximately $6,500 per concert for the 2023 TGIF season. Should the City Council direct staff to implement additional safety measures, the estimated cost for these updated operating conditions would be approximately $23,500 more per concert, totaling $30,000 per concert. These safety enhancements will align the city’s concerts with the current best practices for policing public events. A robust community communication effort would be necessary to inform concert attendees about the new operational procedures. The evaluation also included a review of concert venues to determine which parks are most conducive to holding concerts, from a public safety perspective. Stagecoach and Calavera Community Parks are the preferred locations. If an additional park is needed, Alga Norte would be acceptable. Added benefits would be derived from limiting crowd size, such as lessening neighborhood impacts due to traffic congestion and making the most of limited onsite parking for individuals who require disabled-access parking. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 4 of 106 Budget considerations Expenses for the six-concert 2023 season totaled $214,065, or $35,677.50 per concert, which was 15% higher than was budgeted. The total for the nine concerts in 2022 totaled $217,806. Staff anticipate increases of as much as 10-15% for the 2024 TGIF concert season. An additional $150,000 will be needed in the Library & Cultural Arts Department’s budget for the current fiscal year for the city to begin initiating contracts for nine concerts in the 2024 concert season. The 2024 estimate above does not include any additional funds to support the enhanced security measures recommended by the Police Department. Season Cost per concert Total 2024 TGIF (nine concerts) $40,250 $362,250 Additional safety measures Up to $23,500 Up to $211,500 Total Up to $63,750 Up to $573,750 Friends of the Arts fundraising and financial support The Carlsbad Friends of the Arts, founded in 1987, is a nonprofit group dedicated to making the arts an integral part of the Carlsbad community experience through its mission of promoting and supporting the programs and activities of the City of Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office. Friends of the Arts utilize the TGIF concerts to raise money two ways: Activity Description Raised in 2023 TGIF program Friends of the Arts sells ads in a city-produced printed program distributed at concerts and community locations. Friends of the Arts pays for the printing. $6,000 Opportunity drawings Friends of the Arts solicits donations from local businesses and others for prizes, and concert goers can buy tickets to be entered into a drawing. $24,000 Total $30,000 Money raised by the Friends of the Arts is donated to the city and used for Cultural Arts programs, including the TGIF concerts. Annual donations from the Friends of the Arts range from about $25,000 to a 2019 high of $43,875. Anticipated contributions from the Friends are not included in the estimated cost for 2024 because these contributions vary from year to year. Revenue-generation measures If directed by the City Council, Cultural Arts staff could issue a request for proposals to seek interest in corporate sponsorship of the TGIF Concerts in the Parks series consistent with City Council Policy 79 - Corporate Marketing Sponsorships (included as Exhibit 3). However, a contract with a sponsor may not be fully implemented until the 2025 season. Many comments in the feedback report indicate that corporate sponsorships would be generally accepted, although some felt the sponsorships should be offered only to local companies. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 5 of 106 Should the city move forward with corporate sponsorships, consideration will be given to ensure that the long-time support of the Carlsbad Friends of the Arts is not overlooked. In addition, in advance of the 2024 season, Cultural Arts staff will review measures they can take to reduce expenses that are not essential to the concerts. This could include no longer offering pop-up art activities or providing a DJ to play recorded music before the concerts start. These options could reduce total costs by approximately $8,500. Fiscal Analysis If the City Council approves an expansion to the 2024 concert series and public safety enhancements, additional funds for Fiscal Year 2023-24 of $150,000 for the Library & Cultural Arts Department and $50,000 for the Police Department operating budgets would be appropriated from the city’s General Fund reserves. Based on City Council direction on the number of concerts and security enhancements, budget increases necessary for Fiscal Year 2024-25 will be incorporated for City Council’s consideration into the preliminary operating budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Exploring cost savings and/or pursuing possible corporate sponsorships as described in the previous section above could help reduce the impact of any approved budget increases. Next Steps City staff will begin planning for the 2024 TGIF season in early January 2024, based on direction provided by the City Council. Environmental Evaluation The City Planner finds that adoption of the resolution authorizing funding for three additional TGIF Concerts in the Parks is exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines Section 15304(e), which applies to the minor or temporary use of land. Furthermore, the City Planner, through the process outlined in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 19.04.060, posted a notice with this determination on Nov. 29, 2023. As of the date of this meeting, no appeals of this determination were received in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.54.140. If an appeal is not filed by the end of business on Dec. 11, 2023, this determination is final. Exhibits 1.City Council resolution for funding for nine concerts 2.City Council resolution for enhanced safety measures at the concerts 3.TGIF Concerts in the Parks Community Feedback Report 4.City Council Policy 79 - Corporate Marketing Partnerships Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 6 of 106 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-290 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DIRECT THE DEPUTY CITY MANAGER, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, TO APPROPRIATE AN ADDITIONAL $150,000 TO THE LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS DEPARTMENT'S FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 OPERATING BUDGET TO PROVIDE THE ADDITIONAL FUNDS NEEDED TO HOST NINE CONCERTS FOR THE 2024 TGIF CONCERTS IN THE PARKS SERIES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, desires to host nine concerts for the 2024 TGIF Concerts in the Park series; and WHEREAS, the Library & Cultural Arts Department's 2023-24 operating budget requires additional funds to host nine concerts due to anticipated cost increases; and WHEREAS, on November 29, 2023, the City Planner determined that the proposed project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines Section 15304{e), which applies to the minor or temporary use of land. No appeal to this determination under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.54.140 was received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the City Manager is authorized to direct the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services, to appropriate an additional $150,000 from the General Fund's fund balance reserves to the Library & Cultural Arts Department's fiscal year 2023-24 operating budget. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 7 of 106 Exhibit 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of December, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 8 of 106 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-291 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DIRECT THE DEPUTY CITY MANAGER, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, TO APPROPRIATE AN ADDITIONAL $50,000 TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT'S FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 OPERATING BUDGET FOR ENHANCED SAFETY MEASURES AT NINE CONCERTS FOR THE 2024 TGIF CONCERTS IN THE PARKS SERIES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, desires to host nine concerts for the 2024 TGIF Concerts in the Park series; and WHEREAS, Police Department's Fiscal Year 2023-24 operating budget requires additional funds for enhanced safety measures at TGIF concerts; and WHEREAS, on November 29, 2023, the City Planner determined that the proposed project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines Section 15304(e), which applies to the minor or temporary use of land. No appeal to this determination under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.54.140 was received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the City Manager is authorized to direct the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services, to appropriate $50,000 from the General Fund's fund balance reserves to the Police Department's fiscal year 2023-24 operating budget. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 9 of 106 Exhibit 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of December, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 10 of 106 CONCERTS IN THE PARKS Community Feedback September 2023 TGIF Exhibit 3 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 11 of 106 2023 TGIF Concerts in the Parks Community Feedback Report Table of Contents Introduction 1 Engagement overview 1 Summary of feedback 3 Online survey responses 4 Intercept survey responses 10 Appendices Online survey verbatim responses A Intercept survey detailed responses B Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 12 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 1 Introduction For more than 30 years, the City of Carlsbad has hosted a free summer concert series. In 2022, facing significant cost increases, the city decided to reduce the number of concerts from nine to six. This allowed city staff to provide the same high-quality experience the community had come to expect. Because the planning cycle for the summer concerts begins months in advance, the city did not have time to gather input on this decision from the community or the City Council. City staff will present options for the 2024 season to the City Council in late 2023. To help inform those options, the city sought input from the community. Public engagement goal Gather input from the Carlsbad community to help inform the future direction of this program. Public engagement objectives  •Community members are aware of opportunities to provide input •Community members have an opportunity to provide input in a way that is convenient and comfortable, based on their preferences and levels of interest •This public engagement process helps further build relationships between the city and those it serves •The process seeks out and involves a broad cross section of community members •Participants have a clear understanding of how their input will be used to make decisions About the input The International Association of Public Participation’s spectrum of public participation outlines several to involving the public in decision making. The TGIF concert input process falls in the consult category. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 13 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 2 Qualitative input The input in this report is qualitative in nature. This means the city focused on gaining an in-depth understanding of community member perspectives, but the data cannot be generalized to the entire Carlsbad population with a defined margin of error. That’s why the input in this report should be considered with a similar weight as other forms of feedback that have always been part of the city’s decision-making process, such as comments made at City Council meetings or emails sent to the city expressing an opinion. How we engaged City staff used a two-pronged approach to gathering feedback: Dates Tool Participants July 28, 2023 Intercept surveys (In person interviews) 44 Aug. 11, 2023 Intercept surveys (In person interviews) 36 Aug. 21 – Sept. 25, 2023 Online survey 1,525 June 4 – Sept. 25, 2023 Comments on social media 43 June 4 – Sept. 25, 2023 Emailed comments 3 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 14 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 3 Summary of feedback Following is a high-level summary of the feedback. When summarizing, important comments may not be represented. Please read the verbatim responses to gain a full understanding of the feedback. • A little more than half the respondents attended at least one TIGF concert in 2023. • Of those who attended, over half went to fewer concerts than in previous years. The main reasons were they were too busy, and the city held fewer concerts. • Only 6% cited large crowds as a reason they attended fewer concerts this year. • Factors most influencing which concerts respondents attended include the type of music, a location convenient to home or work, and the date that works best for friends and family. • Only 3% said the main deciding factor was to discover new music and cultural experiences. • Aside from the music, the only part of the concert-going experience that was rated as important was the ability to bring alcoholic beverages. • The availability of food trucks was the next most important, but only rated moderately important. All other elements (kids activities, a DJ, a printed program, opportunity drawings) were slightly important or unimportant. • When it comes to funding options, corporate sponsorships had the strongest support, followed by an option to pay for a better parking experience and hiring less expensive bands. Reducing the total number of concerts had the least amount of support. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 15 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 4 Online survey responses Which concerts did you attend? I didn't go to any this year 44.41% 664 July 8 Band Overboard, Stagecoach Park 15.72% 235 July 14 B.I.G., Stagecoach Park 15.38% 230 July 21 Young Guns, Poinsettia Park 16.79% 251 July 28 Jungle Fire, Calavera Park 18.53% 277 August 4 Betamaxx, Alga Norte Park 21.00% 314 August 11 The Fabba Show, Alga Norte Park 23.55% 352 Answered 1495 Skipped 20 Is that more, less or about the same as normal for you? Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 16 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 5 Why did you go to fewer concerts this year? Those who said they attended fewer this year were asked why in an open-ended question. The most common responses were: Responses Theme 463 Too busy, traveling, doing other things 200 Fewer concerts were held 181 Didn’t like the music choices 121 Didn’t know about them 102 Parking/shuttle access too much of a hassle 68 Concerts are too crowded Verbatim responses are included in Appendix A What is the most important factor when deciding to go to a TGIF concert? What is the second most important factor when deciding to go? Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 17 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 6 Aside from the main event, how important are these other parts of the evening to you? Because the costs of hosting the TGIF Concerts in the Parks has increased, the city is exploring new ways to continue to provide the same level of quality. Please tell us what you think of these ideas: Average response 1 = strongly oppose 5 = strongly support Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 18 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 7 Support for funding ideas (detailed responses) Strongly oppose Somewhat oppose Neutral Support somewhat Strongly support Seek corporate sponsorships to offset the cost 2.35% 1.41% 12.67% 25.27% 58.31% Charge small (e.g., $5) admission fee 38.22% 15.95% 16.69% 18.10% 11.04% Reduce the total number of concerts 37.83% 22.25% 22.86% 12.20% 4.86% Feature lesser known bands with lower booking fees 17.84% 20.14% 28.24% 19.93% 13.85% Offer option to pay for preferred parking pass 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% Offer option to pay for a reserved spot in the field 35.74% 14.77% 18.81% 19.42% 11.26% % who “strongly oppose” these funding ideas Who typically comes with you to TGIF concerts? Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 19 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 8 Where do you live? What is your current age? Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 20 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 9 Open-ended responses The survey had several opportunities for open ended responses. These are included in Appendix A, sorted by question and then theme. A general summary of open-ended responses is below: Sponsorships • When considering sponsorships, the city should pay attention to keeping the “local” character of the concerts; don’t make them feel “corporate.” • Sponsorships are better than charging fees. • Consider focusing sponsorship opportunities on local companies. • Find a way to generate revenue from food and other vendors to help offset the cost of the concerts. Food and other vendors • Bring back food vendors. • Include local companies. Comments about bands • A significant number of comments related to the bands and type of music. Input included: o Don’t worry about the bands, that’s not why people come. o Don’t compromise the quality of the bands, that’s why people come. o Create opportunities for local and youth bands to perform. o Don’t rebook bands that were not popular just to have variety. Charging fees • Although some said they did not mind paying a small fee for the concerts, most felt it would ruin the community feel of the event and there are other better ways to pay for the concerts. • Some liked the idea of charging nonresidents fees, but others thought everyone should be treated the same. Parking, shuttles, etc. • Several comments about exploring paid parking, including valet, or paid shuttle. Cut spending in other areas • Consider making cuts to other services that are not as important to the community. • Increase efficiency and reduce staffing to save money overall. Find out how other cities run their concerts. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 21 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 10 Intercept surveys Prior to the online survey, city staff gathered input from concert goers. This input helped inform the survey questions. Dates/locations Calavera Hills Community Park | July 28, 2023 | Jungle Fire Alga Norte Community Park | Aug. 11, 2023 | The FABBA Show Method The city team was identified by city polo shirts and approached concert goers between 4:30 and the start of the concerts at 6 p.m. Staff asked the same questions of each interviewee but had latitude to ask follow up questions as needed. • How long have you been coming to TGIF concerts? • How many TGIF concerts do you typically attend in the summer? • What makes you decide to come to one concert over another? • What do you like about it? • What would make it better? • Music preferences • Carlsbad resident (Y/N) • City of residence (if known) • Age • Gender To avoid bias, staff were assigned to different sections of the concert venue and approached concertgoers at a consistent interval, such as approaching every fifth group and asking if they would like to participate. A Spanish speaking interviewer was available at the July 28 concert. Interview notes are included in Appendix B. A summary of feedback is below: What people said they liked most • Everything, overwhelmingly positive reviews • The date and time are perfect – Friday evenings • Gathering with friends/family, socialization • Community feeling • Restroom availability • Police presence, safety, security • Well-staffed • Clean and well-maintained parks • Great ambiance and overall feel • Kid-friendly, a great time for the kids to run around and play • All ages event • Being outdoors • Music - a variety of bands or, overall, just live music • Free Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 22 of 106 2023 TGIF Community Input Report 11 What would make it better? • “Nothing” was a common answer. • Options to purchase food/beverage: Food trucks, ice cream, vendors, alcohol, etc. o It’s difficult to get off work and prepare a picnic before coming to the concert; an option to buy something on-site would be helpful. • Spread portable restroom access to other locations so they’re easier to get to • People referenced parking/access, but it didn’t come across as a chief complaint or concern – many acknowledged that there isn’t much that could be done to solve or address this. • More marketing and advertising to residents • Activities for kids • More concerts: Many were upset that they lowered it to 6 this season and requested to go back to 9 or more. • Lower volume on pre-concert DJ music. There was feedback from a few that they could not socialize because it was difficult to hear others. • Enforce the umbrella rule. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 23 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 1 Verbatim comments Why did you go to fewer concerts this year? Why did you attend fewer: Didn’t like the music We used to be regular concert goers to all the concerts at all the venues. It has gotten too congested - too many people and fewer concerts - there used to be 4 at Calavera and now there are only two. The season doesn't last as long as before. Also, when we first started going to concerts you had bands like Bill Magee, Zydeco, and real jazz bands. The type of music the current bands play usually does not appeal to us but that is not what keeps us from attending concerts - it's the crowds and the long walk from where we park and then finding a space to put our chairs. Last concert we attended (last year) there are too many high back chairs that are interfering with those who comply and bring the low back chairs. You should have someone policing and making those with high backs move to the back. It's not fair to the rest. Too many people/terrible parking and the music was not that good. Did not like many of the acts booked this year and parking. Type of music, parking, need to take own chairs etc. Parking concerns was a significant consideration; schedule of music was the second. A lot of the music seems outdated Less interesting music genres, and parking at some venues is troublesome. Location of some venues Music offerings and parking Parking and not interested in type of music I am semi-crippled. Walking through crowds is even more difficult, and I would need to park close. Not real keen on loud music, either. Didn’t feel like dealing with parking madness and the nights I could have attended didn’t pair with music preferences There were fewer concerts overall and we traveled a bit this Summer. One of the only concerts we could attend was the Poinsettia one (which is walkable from our house) but we really don’t like country music. Some of the bands were not my interest or I had a conflict. dates didn't work for me, and/or bands were cover bands. I really hate cover bands. I didnt see any music that we would enjoy on a day we could go. Schedule conflict. Not interested in certain style of music. Deciding if I want to deal with parking traffic or not. Logistics and less bands that our kids would also be interested in (that play well-known/pop music) Scheduling mostly and there weren't as many to choose from. To be honest, this year's selection of bands was just not exciting. Conflicts on Friday evenings and less interested in the music options this year Schedule and unknown bands. Out of town for one of them and the other two did not interest me (genre) I usually had to work most of the TGIF evenings, but I was also only interested in two of the bands (music interest related) Out of town, or bands didn’t interest me. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 24 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 2 Why did you attend fewer: Didn’t like the music Scheduling conflicts with the ones we wanted to go to and not super interested in the music genres Busy and the bands were less to our taste Conflicts or the band did not seem interesting Busy summer, not my music Dates didn’t work in our schedule. We weren’t interested in the one we could have made Didn’t like performers and had other plans Type of music and availability on dates. We were busy and didn’t particularly want to hear the other music. The reduction of the season to fewer concerts meant larger crowds, and the crowd is already too large for my comfort. The choice of bands was disappointing. We wish you would bring back more of the jazz and big band sound. Because there were fewer concerts!!! I never go to the country one because I don’t care for that genre. 1. because we didn't know any of the bands 2 you only had one at Poinsettia Park I REALLY Only like the poinsettia park ones - but NOT country Less concert near my residence-Calavera and genre selections. There was only one concert close to where I live (Poinsettia) and I do not like country music, so I didn't go. City lack of concert venue posted and cut back of events. Many of posted bands were lack luster. Do more research on performance of bands before booking. Poor quality. Faba, to cartoon act. Not many near me and some boring acts. Because it’s to spread out , I live close to Calavera ,you use to have multiple concerts there ? And the music has been a very poor choice at Calavera .always the same let’s get something more revalant Like rock or 80s Only 1 concert at the closest park (Poinsettia), unfortunately, and it was my least favorite music style: Country music. There was only one concert at Poinsettia park, and it was country music. I don’t like country. There was only one good band, and there was only one at Calaveras Forgot to add them to my calendar. There weren't as many offered. Didn't have as many bands that I like didn’t like the band music genres and only one was near me at poinsettia park Only one at Poinsettia and it was country. Fewer were offered and there was not a great variety Less concerts, less music genre to choose from. I didn't know about them until after they happened, after I saw parking and cars, friends mentioned them. It looked like a hassle and bands didn't really interest me that much. These are not bands that were alluring to me. I would be interested in mostly 80's New Wave style bands, and 80's alternative music like cover bands for Elvis Costello, Devo, B 52's, the Cars, Oingo Boingo, the Go Go's, Tom Petty. Not so much R&B, Jazz, soft rock. Also, I do not get notifications of the lineup so, need to look into getting them. Frankly, I wasn't aware of them and we've lived in Carlsbad 3 years. 2nd: Not aware of those bands you mentioned... Unfortunately, the TGIF information was not publicized very well this year. In addition, a lot of the bands that were selected were not dance fans, therefore making it not a very fun environment. Crowds music wasn’t interesting Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 25 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 3 Why did you attend fewer: Didn’t like the music Covid plus large groups of people. In the early days, the bands were more for music lovers who wanted to listen. Jazz, Blues, Latin. It was more low key. Now it just seems like "party music" so the vibe has changed. some of the bands were not of interest and they are getting too big. Too many non Carlsbad residents. People camping out way before show time limits those who work, ability to get a decent spot. Crowds, not good music The lack of local musicians playing tgif concerts Band at nearby park was not of interest. I prefer rock, blues, top 40, some you can book, The Ultimate Stones, Pine mountain logs group, 90s Rockshow, BigRigDollhouseBand, The Long Run Experience The Eagles, or Eagles Tribute Band - Hotel California, Bill Magee, Back to the garden, 4 Alarm Band, The Suffragettes Didn't like most of the bands Would like to see more Classic Rock, 70's and 80's music. Only 2 bands I liked Nothing interested me Some of the selections we weren’t interested in Wanted better bands. Never attend even though I could walk to the event. Waste of resources. Create noise. Create parking problems. Generally loud BAD music. Didn’t like the music offered. No interest in those kinds of music Miss the old talent. Bill Magee especially. Wasn't as excited about the bands this year. Wasn’t attracted to the lineup which excluded past favorites The talent selection has gone down hill. Betamax sounded like a screaching garage band practice. Never have I complained but they were horrible. The brick oven pizza is no longer there. Nothing I was interested in Wasn’t interest in the other groups Didn’t like the bands. Didn’t like that we had to buy $20 of raffle tix instead of increments of $5 There wasn't as good of a line up this year not interested in performers not interested in the groups playing Poor choice of music I like world music. Did not care for the music We need more dance music I was only interested in this one concert day I would attend classical music events that are free or minimal cost. Love Beta Max and I heard that Jungle Fire was good. The bands did not sound good to me Was not interested in as many of the music options The line ups weren’t that appealing to me this year . Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 26 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 4 Why did you attend fewer: Didn’t like the music no traditional jazz music unappealing style of music Disliked band selection at the parks closest to our house. Our friends enjoy old time rock and roll like the 50's-60's. The Johnny Cash group years back was one of the best. We like dance music. Just one would delight us. Haven't cared for the music this last couple of years, prefer big ban music, music of the 50's and before!!! None of this "rock and roll junk" where all they do is scream the words when they sing!! Did not like the music selections Style of music Didn't care for the groups chosen. I go if i like the band/genre The talent isn’t there anymore. I used to see national acts. Blues bands. didnt like music Music artists did not appeal to me Attended lots of other Summer concerts, just not in this area (Coronado, La Jolla, etc...) because the bands I like were there. I did not think the bands were that good. Big., And jungle fever were good. Yacht rock, and Betamax weren’t that good to me, and faba as the last band totally lost my interest. Not interested in bands and locations. Not interested in the selection this year Very disappointed in choices, been going for 20 years Prefer concerts at Poinsettia park. The band at Calavera, while very talented, played music that wasn’t as easy to dance to for the kids. I love Latin music and was looking forward to dancing all night but that didn’t end up being the case and we left early. I didn’t. I went to one, which is more than usual. That’s because of the band. I LOVE BIG - please get them again next year! Not as interesting groups as past. Would prefer something other than jazz Not interested The choice of music styles wasn’t to my liking. Only one band (Jungle Fire) seemed interesting but didn’t make it to their performance at Calavera Park. Not great bands and bad locations Type of bands I haven’t liked the artists and it’s not fun like it used to be. And the amount of kids screaming and running unsupervised was not good. Not ready for prime time music Didn’t care for the bands. Didn’t want to go to country music Never heard of the musicians Depends on the concert lineup for the artists. I've seen some really sweet bands at TGIF over the years, unfortunately I can't remember all the names. Sierra Leone's Refugee All stars and Pancho Sanchez were some standouts for me. You should try and get The Greyboy Allstars -that would be a fantastic show!! They are from San Diego and play at Bellyup sold out for a two night stint every December. Carlsbad would be Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 27 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 5 Why did you attend fewer: Didn’t like the music Very Cool if you can score them. And they'd appeal to a wide age group, even if people don't know their music. I think bands arent as good or diverse music as a decade ago- and too much money is spent on the giant stage and sound sytems, actually too loud for size of venue, and since we also want to picnic and visit Nothing that peeked our interests musical acts not as appealing Music not as good as prior years Need to have more disco 70s bands I prefer latin music Im a latin dancer Music choice is not worthy Bands were not as interesting this year. Not interested in the types of music selected Music offering was not much of what we liked. We didn't like any of the bands or music this year. The music was very good to dance to. Bands played their original songs. Hard to dance to songs you don’t know. Better cover dance songs that everyone knows. Bored of the same music concerts. How about doing Movie at the park instead with food vendors along the side. In Oahu, Waikiki has movie on the beach with food vendors present. Carlsbad should try something different next year. The appeal to kids. Without food trucks or music that really appeals to kids. New-ish music or considering a more tween oriented band would be so fun! We have fun when the kids have fun. Even a few DJ/dance party nights would be fun (and potentially cheaper). Not really great music fans I wasn't too interested in some of the types of groups. The group I enjoy most are the variety cover bands they cover motown,60's-70's and latest hits. You need a good salsa/latin band.Sombrosas local all female group was great.I didn't care for the latin group you had this year...more jazzy not enough authentic cuban music.I enjoy seeing some local groups that will play for free before the concert. Some of the high school bands are great. Local ukelele group The New Sunset Strummers plays rock and pop music would love to play for free . The events could be fun but the bands are not very good. You should hire Robert Hardaway III, The Guitar- Czar Not crazy about the choice of music. Would like more diversity in the groups and music. I've been attending for years and participated as a Raffle ticket seller for 4 years. Didn't like that type of music. I didn't see any acts that got my motor running.... I was not interested in some of the bands or type of music Waiting for a reggae band to see I didn’t go this year because I’m tired of pop and classic rock music everywhere we go. I hope somebody can step out of the box and offer some traditional jazz, not smooth jazz , traditional old school jazz !!! Put on by the city = Amateur hour and too much virtue-signalling "Look, we put on a show!" Meh. Choice of music . More 80’s rock please Did not think the bands were appealing. No interesting bands. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 28 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 6 Why did you attend fewer: Didn’t like the music Kind and quality of music. Type of music. The music is not our preference. Selection of bands was not always to my liking Prefers classical music. Not good bands- need to be more relevant and reputable (queenation, led zeppagin, jumping jack flash, etc) It was missing, Latino music this year Prefer classic rock There were no jazz or gospel singers that caught my attention. Just forgot about some or didn't like the program. Wasn't dance music. For starters, Mighty Untouchables was not booked, so we had to see them on the beach in Del Mar where they just rocked, did not talk between sets, but just kept going. Wasn’t excited about the bands Not interested in the band/music I prefer global music. Music from India, American Indigenous, Japanese, Australian didgeridoo, etc. Music from other countries, either traditional but also global contemporary music from these countries. Have you considered expanding for more ethnic/multi-cultural experiences? The concerts at Calavera Park continue to be bad year over year compared to the other parks. Why do we always get the ethnic or non-English bands? Please give us a 70s or 80s tribute band like the other parks. Not interested in groups Lazy? Looking for older groups (60s, 70s, 80s) Didn’t like the bands No food trucks Didn’t like the music choice by my house I live close to Calavera Hills and didn't care for the concert selection. Last year I had the same feeling. I haven't been interested in any of the groups playing at this year's concerts. I would have gone to Poinsettia Park but it was country music. Not my cup of tea. Only interested in the music I like i.e. Abba Because our favorite band, Mighty Untouchables was not on the list. So we went to see Mighty Untouchables in Del Mar and it was off the charts incredible! On the beach. The band did not stop between songs, but just kept going! Thousands of people dancing everywhere! BRING THEM BACK next years. Unhappy with same locations year after year and music that caters to the “south Carlsbad” taste like country and typical tribute bands. This year's band selection. Did not like selection of bands, except for Betamaxx The cover band’s scheduled didn’t motivate me enough to undertake the effort. Bands were not of interest The ones that I wanted to see were at Alta Norte and I don’t like going to concerts there. Not enough good bands Types of bands playing Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 29 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 7 Why did you attend fewer: Didn’t like the music Didn’t prefer the type of music Music selection and locations. Didn’t like the music selection at my nearest park Less variety of bands I was interested in Why did you attend fewer: Parking/shuttle/access We used to be regular concert goers to all the concerts at all the venues. It has gotten too congested - too many people and fewer concerts - there used to be 4 at Calavera and now there are only two. The season doesn't last as long as before. Also, when we first started going to concerts you had bands like Bill Magee, Zydeco, and real jazz bands. The type of music the current bands play usually does not appeal to us but that is not what keeps us from attending concerts - it's the crowds and the long walk from where we park and then finding a space to put our chairs. Last concert we attended (last year) there are too many high back chairs that are interfering with those who comply and bring the low back chairs. You should have someone policing and making those with high backs move to the back. It's not fair to the rest. Too many people/terrible parking and the music was not that good. Did not like many of the acts booked this year and parking. Type of music, parking, need to take own chairs etc. Parking concerns was a significant consideration; schedule of music was the second. A lot of the music seems outdated Less interesting music genres, and parking at some venues is troublesome. Location of some venues Music offerings and parking Parking and not interested in type of music I am semi-crippled. Walking through crowds is even more difficult, and I would need to park close. Not real keen on loud music, either. Didn’t feel like dealing with parking madness and the nights I could have attended didn’t pair with music preferences Busy, weather, and some are too big......that you need to attend early find parking and taking a shuttle is a big ordeal. Too much traffic/parking challenge and hot weather Hard that people get there so early on Fridays. Makes parking with the kids hard. Also, just really hot this year Schedule conflicts, and I really didn’t want to deal with the crowd and clogged streets at Alga. I love the Calavera Hills location and wish more than one concert was performed there. Parking Out of town. Also parking is such a pain unless you get there super early, which I can’t do because I am at work I was traveling and parking sounds so bad some parks are just not convenient with the parking and/or just other things going on. Scheduling and change of food/activities/parking availability We usually go in June and august but there were no shows this year and June and then we couldn’t find any parking for the last show in august We honestly live in the border of Carlsbad and oside so calavera is super close and only one concert there this year and alga parking sucks soooo bad. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 30 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 8 Why did you attend fewer: Parking/shuttle/access Prefer more at poinsettia and Calavera Shuttle for alga Norte seemed ridiculous There was only one near my house, didn’t want to deal with parking anywhere else. I kind of forgot about them... parking can be a nightmare, there aren't a lot near my home Traffic, lack of parking, crowds, too many people, etc. Too many people, parking problems and I am not able to walk long distances. Too crowded, parking problems The parking and crowds Concerts are very crowded and parking is difficult. crowds and worried about finding parking spaces Was worried about the hassle of parking/crowds with kids. Crowded, parking, and distance walking to event The crowds of people, difficult parking (or need to shuttle and haul chairs, coolers, etc.) The crowds and parking Way too crowded. Couldn’t even get a parking spot for young guns at poinsettia park Too crowded. Parking is difficult. Poor quality of diners, way too crowded and difficulty parking The parking and the crowds just got too much for us in the past. too crowded hard to park and long lines for the shuttle The congestion and parking make it not worth it for our family with smaller children. Being confined within baseball diamonds is not fun because the kids have no where to run around because the fence blocks them in. We would love to see two or three smaller concerts where it’s not so crowded. This year we chose to visit concerts put on by other cities. Too difficult and crowded Parking and large crowds are huge deterrent for me Too difficult to get there - too crowded I attend the ones that I can park easily or walk to. Only one concert at Poinsettia Park which is close to where I live and a preferred venue because of a little better parking. More handicapped parking which was better than last year. Haven’t gone to Calavera for many years because of the lack of parking. I don't like the parking and shuttle situations. We attend concerts in surrounding areas instead because they don't force you to shuttle. I prefer Poinsettia Park so we can bike to the concert. We don't go to the other parks. Parking Parking..lack of, not enough restroom facilities, no shade, not centrally Located. not enough parking; law enforcement citing tickets for illegal parking where there is not enough signage way too hot. there is no shade at any of the concerts and the parking is insane Has become a hassle Covid concerns; parking concerns. I see parking as a big issue. Plus, with my age, I can't sit in those low back chairs. Maybe a section for the older crowd with taller chairs? Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 31 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 9 Why did you attend fewer: Parking/shuttle/access It's difficult using a wheelchair to park and then get to the concert up close where I can hear. I can't push my own wheelchair on bumpy grass. Traffic is terrible, too. Parking stress We're concerned about the logistics of getting there. there was no available handicap parking, to long of a distance to walk Difficulty with parking Got out of the habit since COVID and also parking can sometimes be a put off. Handicap parking occupied. parking is a hassle Too far from home. I am now over 70 and it is a chore to attend The handicap parking spaces were not enforced after the Stagecoach Park site. We could not find parking and noticed as we drove around that fully abled and Young people were taking the parking spaces that were advertised in the brochure for handicap spaces. The people in uniforms refused to address this situation saying the parking spaces were on a first come, first serve basis. This contradicted the TGIF brochures info...SHAME on you for dissemination of FALSE info & wasting money on useless law enforcement Location. Parking. Parking None of them are close to the Village where I can bike. All these places are remote, far from public transportation can be reached only by car. Too much of a hassle getting there with parking Parking is terrible. I haven’t gone since you moved them from Magee Park. I have no desire to travel so far from home. parking Parking hassle Parking Not interested. Too hard to get there. Not for all of Carlsbad… just those nearby. you have to get there too early to the parks Traffic and parking. I would definitely go if there was a shuttle service. I miss the music Afraid of no parking or having to take shuttle. Parking is a major pain in the ass Handicapped Because my husband now uses a wheelchair. He is 81 and I'm close to it. Too many of the sites require me to push the chair through grass, down slopes and across streets. Staff should try pushing a 200 pound person up and down slopes, across streets between park and parking lot where there is no crosswalk and long grass that twists the wheels. There should be at least one site that would allow handicapped people to park nearby and travel on level ground to the site. We miss the Friday entertainment. The parking can be a hassle Didn’t feel like dealing with parking and lugging our chairs and food and drinks while chasing our young children around. Not able any more physically Convenien , live in La Costa , Parking is a hassle in other areas Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 32 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 10 Why did you attend fewer: Parking/shuttle/access Didn’t want to deal with parking Parking is too crazy - I cannot be there hours before the event just to secure a parking spot traffic Have to go too early so you can park Parking is a hassle Unable to drive Transportation and parking. Parking Poor Shuttle service Parking Closer to my place. And parking I am now disabled. Inadequate handicapped parking. We cannot use shuttles. Lack of parking. Parking gets harder every year and I can’t leave as early as needed. No parking Tried to attend FABBA at alga north and couldn’t park within 2 miles of the location or within a mile of the shuttle. Shuttle line was insane, buses too small and a huge let down. Wait to get on the shuttle was 50+ people and this was one hour prior to show time. Sad to have missed out due to the location not being accommodating for such a huge crowd. Too far away (i live in the village) and dont want to take the shuttle from the designated parking with my toddler and all our gear. Why did you attend fewer: Weather Busy, weather, and some are too big......that you need to attend early find parking and taking a shuttle is a big ordeal. Too much traffic/parking challenge and hot weather Hard that people get there so early on Fridays. Makes parking with the kids hard. Also, just really hot this year Family emergency for the first one and the second was due to weather/heat. weather, illnesses Warm weather Weather was a factor. It was much milder this summer than usual Weather It was too hot inland to go to too many shows. Would be better if the shows were more coastal due to hot weather and no shade at most venues. Weather Why did you attend fewer: Busy Family emergency for the first one and the second was due to weather/heat. Schedule conflicts, and I really didn’t want to deal with the crowd and clogged streets at Alga. I love the Calavera Hills location and wish more than one concert was performed there. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 33 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 11 Why did you attend fewer: Busy Parking Out of town. Also parking is such a pain unless you get there super early, which I can’t do because I am at work I was traveling and parking sounds so bad some parks are just not convenient with the parking and/or just other things going on. Scheduling and change of food/activities/parking availability There were fewer concerts overall and we traveled a bit this Summer. One of the only concerts we could attend was the Poinsettia one (which is walkable from our house) but we really don’t like country music. Some of the bands were not my interest or I had a conflict. dates didn't work for me, and/or bands were cover bands. I really hate cover bands. I didnt see any music that we would enjoy on a day we could go. Schedule conflict. Not interested in certain style of music. Deciding if I want to deal with parking traffic or not. Logistics and less bands that our kids would also be interested in (that play well-known/pop music) Scheduling mostly and there weren't as many to choose from. To be honest, this year's selection of bands was just not exciting. Conflicts on Friday evenings and less interested in the music options this year Schedule and unknown bands. Out of town for one of them and the other two did not interest me (genre) I usually had to work most of the TGIF evenings, but I was also only interested in two of the bands (music interest related) Out of town, or bands didn’t interest me. Scheduling conflicts with the ones we wanted to go to and not super interested in the music genres Busy and the bands were less to our taste Conflicts or the band did not seem interesting Busy summer, not my music Dates didn’t work in our schedule. We weren’t interested in the one we could have made Didn’t like performers and had other plans Type of music and availability on dates. We were busy and didn’t particularly want to hear the other music. Less dates and family travel. Traveled more, conflicts. I've been coming since the late 1980's. LOVE them. I know u had fewer this year. Try to go to most, except not Calevara much since we live in SEH. Overall just busier this year. Love the concerts and would like to have more at Calavera Since there was only 1 at poinsettia park, this year and the timing did not work out, we weren’t able to attend. On vacation and fewer concerts at our preferred venues. I was out of town during most of them and there were fewer this year than in past years. Heavy travel schedule, also fewer concerts Busy schedule, but would have come to more if they were at Poinsettia park Timing for the ones close to me was not good. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 34 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 12 Why did you attend fewer: Busy There was only one concert at our community park and we were out of town. We normally get multiple concerts each year. Shorter concert series, traveled a few times during the summer and came to concerts when we were home. Fewer options to attend and some conflicted with trips we had. They were over before I realized they had started. Combination of too few concerts and a busy summer Because there were only 6 this year. And unfortunately we missed the last one due to vacation. Family illness and they live out of town. I did hear the ONE (yes - ONE this year - ridiculous and unacceptable) Calavera Park concert from my deck, so I guess I did attend one. Schedule conflicts, fewer concerts this year Biggest reason is there were less concerts this year. Missed 2 concerts due to Work schedule Not as many near my home, and we also were sick. I like Poinsettia park and wasn't available that day. There weren’t as many and I couldn’t attend on the weekends you had them. Usually limited by kids’ sports schedule or not being aware of the event Forgot about them or out of town Did not see any news about them; already had plans I got less reminders this year - and we traveled more than usual. I could not find the schedule and lack of time. I didn't know that the city put it on! I went a few times when I first moved here about 10 years ago and I loved it. Traveling and didn’t know about it earlier. Didn’t get notifications they were happening and busy. Partly due to other summer travel but also a dislike for too many adults drinking too much at the concerts. It doesn't have the same family fun feel. It’s getting too crowded with people coming from all over and I can’t get off work early enough to save a spot Just a busy summer and that one was so crowded. No time and don’t enjoy huge crowds. Recovering from injury….couldn’t do long walk and avoiding big crowds. Traveling out of state Out of town Busy summer Personal changes in my life. Other Friday activities Was not able this year, but have in the past and they are a massive asset to the community; often drive to the Del Mar Power Plant concerts. Schedule conflicts Scheduling conflicts Travel Plans prevented from attending. I have had many injuries and part of my home flooded. Schedule did not work with concert dates or locations Not enough time but wanted to go to more! Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 35 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 13 Why did you attend fewer: Busy Was in a serious accident, but would usually attend all concerts and plan to in the future. Please please keep them going on. I think it's a great way to bring the community together! too busy. Travelling when the concert was in my neighborhood Busy Illnesses I now work Friday nights :( Other plans Work schedule or out of town when concerts I like came up Other commitments. Schedule conflicts Schedule. Family obligations and that darn COVID again. Out of town with summer travel and or something else going on. Work Schedule and Mid Summer Vacation Timing didn't work I was out of town. traveling and company in town Traveling Just busy this summer Out of town Vacation trip Conflicts in schedule Timing and travel Conflicting schedule I was traveling this summer Just got busy scheduling didn't align well this year Increased travel and event conflicts. Awkward time, i was working I think I've only ever attended one of these concerts (years ago). Would love to next year, though -- I'm spending more time outdoors and getting to know the local parks & entertainment scene now that I have more free time. didn't work with schedule I get so busy that I forget to check in with what entertainment is going on in the area. I've just recently become aware of Carlsbad music in the park, and hope to attend soon, unless they are finished for the summer. Busy moving, traveling Timing for Poinsettia The dates that I could go, I didn't like the music. Personal schedule Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 36 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 14 Why did you attend fewer: Busy I was out of town. No friends to go with Was out of town, otherwise we would have attended more. So fun!! Other activities now that our kids are older. Time, busy schedule I live closest to calavera hills park but missed the date for that one! Out of town Traveling Out of town Busy Schedule conflicts Scheduling conflicts I was out of town for much of concert season we were out of town for the rest of them Just busy with other things Schedule Vacation and conflicts in July Life schedule and time. Other commitments Lack of time Travel Travelled a lot- Was out of town quite a bit Schedule, family, distance to drive to concerts at Stagecoach. ( 20+ min.) too much travel / busy schedule Out of town Was on vacation in July Didn't have time. We had a new baby on July 25th, so the weeks surrounding made it difficult to go to the concerts Summer vacations Traveling for work Time. Time restraints this year. Travel Family vacation. Timing and locations did not work. I usually only attend the one closest walking distance to my house. This year, the schedule conflicted with plans we had. Busy with summer schedule and travel Out of town or not interested in fighting the battle to go more. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 37 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 15 Why did you attend fewer: Busy Scheduled shows conflicting with other commitments Out of town Schedule conflicts Busy Out of town Out of town. Other activities Health issues prevented me from traveling and being in large groups. timing, other commitments Too busy with work this year Travel Schedule Was busy but intended to go Family commitments Timing scheduling issues I was traveling on three different trips. Other commitments Out of town a lot this year Conflict with work schedule. Busy schedules on Friday. Pregnant Conflicting schedule. Traveling I got busy but otherwise would have. We we’re out of town. Because of own busy schedule Physical ailments Scheduling conflict Out of country I used to live in Carlsbad but moved to Del Mar. Too much work, would have if could have. Time conflict other committments Out of town too busy playing in my own band - Fleetwood MAX! I live in Carlsbad and we would LOVE to play an event next summer for Carlsbad! Was not in town, vacationing all summer. Travel Timing, just busy Time Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 38 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 16 Why did you attend fewer: Busy too busy Had unexpected family events. Personal schedule Dates didn’t work with travel busy schedule was out of the country traveling Timing was not good, no time off during the events Schedule Taking care of my mom on hospice Conflicting dates on my calendar. Travel Conflicts I live near poinsettia park (walking distance) and was out of town the friday of the concert. I love when there are 2 on consecutive Fridays, but if I know there will only be one per park, I will try to plan my travel around the concert. Conflict with other events Just busy Unavailable. Would have been great to have them in June or later into August. Busy Schedule conflict. Conflicts… Friday evening comes quick. Saturday would be better. Traveling Travel Recently moved to this area and were too busy to attend. Our schedule didn’t allow us to attend. Just schedule was busy Didn’t get around to it: I attended all the time prior to the pandemic. Family travel commitments Busy schedule I would actually like to attend the concerts in park but we have had a year of personal situations that kept us from attending. Hope you will continue! I had to work in another location so I was out of town for 4 months. Other things to do. Too busy looking for a new house. Busy summer with kids Other plans Other commitments. Scheduling conflict out of town I was busy Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 39 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 17 Why did you attend fewer: Busy I was out of town and couldn't attend. Didn't work with our kids' activity schedules. busy schedule Travel out of town. Busy travel schedule I have a small infant whose bedtime overlaps with the concert start time. Schedule conflicts Work travel New baby, and the concerts starting too late in the evening after their bedtime. Travel conflicts Conflicting vacation travels. Busy Had other commitments Schedule conflicts with other activities and travel Work Busy New baby I usually make it to only 2 or 3 due to other summer commitments. Vacation plans Out of town. Conflicting activities Could not make more Conflicting schedules. Went to Oceanside concert on night since I preferred their band. Travel and conflicting events - unusual schedule for us. We had prior commitments. We usually go to everyone. New baby They start too early. Would be better as a summer evening event Other plans Was at OC concerts in the park. They have really good bands. Schedule Travel plans interfered with attending. Out of town Out of town More trips out of town this year. V Acations and lications of concerts I wanted to attend more but it just didn't work out Busy I was living in the UK for work and was only home for a third of the summer Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 40 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 18 Why did you attend fewer: Busy Family obligations Summer travel schedule Busy summer/ time constraints Busy Just busy I was traveling. A busier summer than normal Traveled more with the family Conflicts Was out of town last few dates Wanted to go to a couple more but life got in the way. 😎 Was out of town most of summer Medical issues had to work Very busy schedule we were out of town Availability Travel Busy Felt like I didn't have enough time to get from work to the concert Work schedule this year. Busy with house projects Busy family calendar Out of town Busy and work late Just how our calendar worked out Busy summer plans Busy schedules 2 young kids Work prior commitments Vacation travels. Also I usually just go to poinsettia park since I can walk there I was studying up learning about my constitutional rights. I also was studying about the corporate structure of the city, and jurisdiction along with civics I've got a very busy life and a business to run. Other plans. Family issues and events Vacations Circumstantial I was in the hospital for medical issues Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 41 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 19 Why did you attend fewer: Busy Too many family members died. Personal travel schedule Schedule conflicts Busy It was a busy summer. Other commitments conflicted with concert dates. Out of town Busy travel out of town Schedule conflicts Schedule didn’t align this year. More vacations I was out of town Traveled frequently Was not available during other concerts. Had a baby, it was difficult to come. I have children 2 and under so it is not age appropriate for them. We plan to attend when they are older. Travelling Many distractions needing my attention, and frankly slipped my mind on busy Fridays I have a 1 year old now and it’s a little late for her traveling with family Too busy Busy No time Never got around to attending more My husband doesn’t like busy events. I used to go many years ago but not since. I know many citizens love it! We live in Escondido. Although I just retired, my wife still works (Hospice Nurse). Since she doesn’t get home on Fridays, many times until after 6:00 pm it’s difficult to make burnout to Carlsbad at that time. Time Son had all star baseball during summer weekends. Dates didn’t work this year with our schedule Personal issues missed one because we had a plumbing emergency to attend to. Personal schedule conflicts Just got too busy and forgot honestly. Work and home life got busy. Too busy Out of town I had a baby in the middle of summer. Was sad to miss this year. Busy with other stuff. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 42 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 20 Why did you attend fewer: Busy Out of town My schedule was busy Didn't have time. Unfortunately we weren’t available on these dates Travelling Other vacation time Conflicts Been sick. Schedule Conflicts so couldn’t attend poinsettia park concert. Busy with other activities Due to our work & personal schedule Other engagements Schedule conflicts Busy Just couldn’t make it Sick Other scheduling challenges Just busy On vacation for half the time and couldn’t get across town to the other parks in time. Busy bee is me Work schedule. On vacation. We were traveling and not present for the later concerts. Other plans Conflicts Other commitments Out of town. Other commitments & sometimes with end of workday couldn't make it in time Grandchildren had sporting events. Busy on vacation Traveling and work Timing Busy schedule. No fault of the events Schedule didn't line up Same was the music, also hah other plans Busy schedule Weren’t able to attend others ( out of town or other commitments It just didn’t work out timing wise Out of town. Didn’t work with schedule Traveled more than usual this past summer Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 43 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 21 Why did you attend fewer: Busy New puppy Too busy Travelling outside California Schedule issues (mine) Busy Timing is hard with young kids (too late) I had other events planned (schedule conflicts) Just worked out that way this summer We were out of town most of the summer. No time and didn’t feel safe Lots of travel both business and personal. Had young children who sleep early. Family vacation Conflicts with other activities. Would love to attend more and keep them coming!!! Couldn't get back to Carlsbad on Friday nights due to workschedule. timing Family Illness Bad chemo tummy on the shows I was interested in Was travelling a lot this year I've been living in San Francisco for my husband's job. Busy moving this year We were unavailable. Scheduling conflicts mostly. Also, a later start time would make it easier for me to attend. More vacations this summer Busier on the weekends busy Travelling Young infant goes to sleep early We were out of town. Too many other obligations on Friday evenings Out of town at soccer events and vacation. Busy with summer vacations Out of town Kids’ sports schedule traveled a lot this summer Out of town Working no time off I had other commitments Medical illness kept me away this year unfortunately :( Grandchild care responsibilities. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 44 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 22 Why did you attend fewer: Busy Work :( Didn't have enough time Busy I typically love to attend, but this year had several conflicts that precluded it. We vacation in the middle of the summer. Was out of town for one Out of town Out of town, had guests etc. Other commitments. But the city had fewer concerts this year, so of course it was less. I would have gone to Calavera as I can walk there, but we had a previous commitment Other comments l Had a lot of travel this summer Because there were none in June and only 2 in August. We travel around sports schedules and are often away in July. my schedule Travel Young children Busy schedule with travel Wanted to go to more. Just didn’t work out. just had other plans Health Traveling We were out of town unfortunately - we love the concerts! Was out of town Either out of town or not able Scheduling conflicts We were out of town for the two at the park near our house. We actually traveled to the Stagecoach events, which we don’t normally do. Marital issues too busy other nights Not always in town I had other events that conflicted with TGIF :( Schedule conflicts Not available Surgery Was out of town. Usually try to go to all of them. I had surgery and needed to recover Traveled more Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 45 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 23 Why did you attend fewer: City offered fewer concerts this year Schedule conflicts, and I really didn’t want to deal with the crowd and clogged streets at Alga. I love the Calavera Hills location and wish more than one concert was performed there. There were fewer concerts overall and we traveled a bit this Summer. One of the only concerts we could attend was the Poinsettia one (which is walkable from our house) but we really don’t like country music. Less dates and family travel. Traveled more, conflicts. I've been coming since the late 1980's. LOVE them. I know u had fewer this year. Try to go to most, except not Calevara much since we live in SEH. Overall just busier this year. Love the concerts and would like to have more at Calavera Since there was only 1 at poinsettia park, this year and the timing did not work out, we weren’t able to attend. On vacation and fewer concerts at our preferred venues. I was out of town during most of them and there were fewer this year than in past years. Heavy travel schedule, also fewer concerts Busy schedule, but would have come to more if they were at Poinsettia park Timing for the ones close to me was not good. There was only one concert at our community park and we were out of town. We normally get multiple concerts each year. Shorter concert series, traveled a few times during the summer and came to concerts when we were home. Fewer options to attend and some conflicted with trips we had. They were over before I realized they had started. Combination of too few concerts and a busy summer Because there were only 6 this year. And unfortunately we missed the last one due to vacation. Family illness and they live out of town. I did hear the ONE (yes - ONE this year - ridiculous and unacceptable) Calavera Park concert from my deck, so I guess I did attend one. Schedule conflicts, fewer concerts this year Biggest reason is there were less concerts this year. Missed 2 concerts due to Work schedule Not as many near my home, and we also were sick. I like Poinsettia park and wasn't available that day. There weren’t as many and I couldn’t attend on the weekends you had them. We used to be regular concert goers to all the concerts at all the venues. It has gotten too congested - too many people and fewer concerts - there used to be 4 at Calavera and now there are only two. The season doesn't last as long as before. Also, when we first started going to concerts you had bands like Bill Magee, Zydeco, and real jazz bands. The type of music the current bands play usually does not appeal to us but that is not what keeps us from attending concerts - it's the crowds and the long walk from where we park and then finding a space to put our chairs. Last concert we attended (last year) there are too many high back chairs that are interfering with those who comply and bring the low back chairs. You should have someone policing and making those with high backs move to the back. It's not fair to the rest. We usually go in June and august but there were no shows this year and June and then we couldn’t find any parking for the last show in august We honestly live in the border of Carlsbad and oside so calavera is super close and only one concert there this year and alga parking sucks soooo bad. Prefer more at poinsettia and Calavera Shuttle for alga Norte seemed ridiculous There was only one near my house, didn’t want to deal with parking anywhere else. The reduction of the season to fewer concerts meant larger crowds, and the crowd is already too large for my comfort. The choice of bands was disappointing. We wish you would bring back more of the jazz and big band sound. Because there were fewer concerts!!! I never go to the country one because I don’t care for that genre. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 46 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 24 Why did you attend fewer: City offered fewer concerts this year 1. because we didn't know any of the bands 2 you only had one at Poinsettia Park I REALLY Only like the poinsettia park ones - but NOT country Less concert near my residence-Calavera and genre selections. There was only one concert close to where I live (Poinsettia) and I do not like country music, so I didn't go. City lack of concert venue posted and cut back of events. Many of posted bands were lack luster. Do more research on performance of bands before booking. Poor quality. Faba, to cartoon act. Not many near me and some boring acts. Because it’s to spread out , I live close to Calavera ,you use to have multiple concerts there ? And the music has been a very poor choice at Calavera .always the same let’s get something more revalant Like rock or 80s Only 1 concert at the closest park (Poinsettia), unfortunately, and it was my least favorite music style: Country music. There was only one concert at Poinsettia park, and it was country music. I don’t like country. There was only one good band, and there was only one at Calaveras Forgot to add them to my calendar. There weren't as many offered. Didn't have as many bands that I like didn’t like the band music genres and only one was near me at poinsettia park Only one at Poinsettia and it was country. Fewer were offered and there was not a great variety Less concerts, less music genre to choose from. Since there were fewer concerts, I thought they would be very crowded. I don’t live in Carlsbad, and I think residents could have priority to attend. there were less concerts scheduled I live next to Poinsettia Park, in previous years there were more concerts here. I prefer the Poinsettia and Calavera venues and this year there was only one concert at each of those venues I want more at Calavera Would prefer much bigger Poinsettia Park. Fewer concerts were offered this year Less bands Need to have more at Calavera park. Location - went to parks near me. Location-would like to have one or two more at Calavera Hills Not as many Only 6, not 9 They are mostly at Stagecoach Park. Also, should have a 'Senior' or Adult-older or Concert like I thought there were usually more concerts at Poinsettia; also, the lack of food vendors is a bummer. Because there were fewer concerts to attend We only went to one concert this year because only one concert was held at Poinsettia Park. We and our neighbors were very disappointed that only one concert was held at Poinsettia Park. Also, very concerned that the number of TGIF concerts were cut by 1/3, that really is a warning of a upcoming financial issues for Carlsbad - poor management of the city finances. Interesting, this is the first time in a very long time that finances are heading in the wrong direction for Carlsbad. I live near Calavara Park and preferred the every Friday night concerts Feeder at Poinsettia Park Stagecoach was the closest venue for me There was only 1 at Calavera hills, which is closest to me Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 47 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 25 Why did you attend fewer: City offered fewer concerts this year not as many at Poinsettia park near me Location of concerts 3 Less to choose from this year We would normally attend both at the park near our house (Calavera Hills) You cut the number of concerts from 9 to 6! Only one at Poinsettia Park Poinsettia parks are my favorite! Please have more at this park next year! A ton of my friends said the same thing! There was only one at Poinsettia Park - that's the closest park to me and the one where I prefer to attend the concerts. Fewer concerts near me There was only one at Poinsettia Park and we were out of town. Only one concert at Poinsettia Park Fewer available near me. I usually just go to the ones in my neighborhood Live close to Calavera Hills Park and last year 2 were there. We try to go at least once per year. It's easiest for us when the concerts are at Calavera, which is closer to where we live. Because there were fewer concerts this year :( Only one at Calavera Hills Most concerts are in south Carlsbad Because the schedule/season seemed shorter than in past years, not allowing for as many chances to attend. We can walk to Calavera and there was only one concert there. not as many at Poinsettia Park There were less offered at Poinsettia the park closest to my house :( Fewer held at Calaveras Location because there was only one at Poinsettia Park there are usually three there Less in Calavera which is closest Only one was at Poinsettia Park, which is where I always attend. I would of attended more if calavera had more than just one concert Because we only had one at our park, we usually have two or three. Hopefully we have three next year. Less options at Calavera We like going to the ones at Poinsettia & Calaveras. In the previous years there have been multiple at each of those locations so we’ve gone more. There were less at Poinsettia park. Fewer at my preferred location Calavera Too many at Alga Norte Fewer concerts in the parks close to my home and other friends who attend. Poinsettia Park is closer to my house and easier parking situation. I only go to the one at Calavera Because you offered fewer concerts than previous years. Live near poinsettia park so super disappointed you only had one concert at the park Only one concert was offered at Calavera or would have attended more. Not enough concerts near me Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 48 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 26 Why did you attend fewer: City offered fewer concerts this year We are only in carlsbad in June No June concerts, less to attend than years past. Only had one convert at poinsettia park; our preferred location for these concerts. Only one at Calavera Because there were fewer We usually attend the calavera hills concerts, and there was only 1 this year Because you pot on far less concerts this year than in the past. Not enough shows Fewer at poinsettia park There was only one at Poinsettia this year, unlike before There was only 1 concert at my local park Only one at Calavera Only one concert at Cslabera I only attend stagecoach because I live across the street Only one concert at the park closest to us. Less at poinsettia park There weren’t as many, started late, Only go to poinsettia park because it’s walking distance from my house Because they were over a shorter span Only one at Calavera I like to walk to the concert. I live in Calevera Hills I always go to the calvera one. It’s the best one but they only did 1 show this year!!! There were so many people that were not happy about it. Only one at poinsettia on. Why Because there was only one at calavera There was only one at calavera Fewer at poinsettia Normally Poinsettia had more concert dates, but it only had 1 this year only 1 at poinsettia We only go to Calavera Park, there was only one this year. Because there were fewer concerts this year Fewer concerts at Calavera Park Less at Poinsettia Park, which is closest to where we live As only one was at poinsettia, which is close to my house Only one in calavaras We love the June concert! Please bring back the June concert!!!! Kids go back to school in august, so June is more summery feeling! Fewer concerts at poinsettia Park which is the best venue for ease of access and size of field Caught COVID the week of the Calavera Hills concert, which is walking distance from us. Wish there had been another one there this year! I only go to the on closest to my house (Poinsettia) and there was only one this year, unfortunately. because you cheapskates shortened the seasons. Fewer were held We like to go to Calavera Hills since it's closer to us, but there was only one concert there this year. Only one at poinsettia Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 49 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 27 Why did you attend fewer: City offered fewer concerts this year Because there were fewer concerts this year! Why did Carlsbad drop 3 concerts from the summer series? Very disappointed the series was only 6 shows. You only offered one concert in my area. Only one show at calavera Because there were fewer concerts provided. I would attend more if there were the typical concert series amount. Poinsettia is the best park for them and only one was held there this year. :( Only one concert at calavera Only go to close to home park. Only 1 concert in north part of city- others not worth driving to Fewer concerts at Poinsettia Park There were less concerts to be had You had fewer. I live next to Poinsettia Park and the 2 canceled concerts there impacted my ability to attend. Fewer were offered Because fewer concerts were offered :( There were fewer concerts offered. Location. No venues close to the Village and less concerts dates at each park offered this year. Looking for new cultural experiences. There were fewer to attend than in years past. I attended all that there were. I wished there had been more concerts! There were only six! Bring back nine concerts. Less dates than the years before There used to be more concerts at Calavera park before, this year you offered only one. In the past we had marked our calendars those days to go and enjoy the music with family and friends. There were fewer offered That is all that that were. We attended more concerts in the past because more were held at Poinsettia and Calavera. There was only 1 at Poinsettia park Only 1 at Calavera park Only one concert at calavera. They only had one at calavera park which is across the street. Because you held fewer concerts I was out of town on the only date for the concert at Calavera Hills. It would be appreciated if there could be a few more concerts and have 2 dates available for each park. It is wonderful that the City of Carlsbad even offers these concerts for free, so I do know it would be more money - but so appreciated by all of the residents! I usually go in June for my birthday every year but this year the concerts started later. Because the city offered fewer concerts. Prefer concerts in Poinsettia Park Because there were less concerts offered - duh. You only had one concert at Calaveras. Less near me Because there were no more at Poinsettia oark Only one concert at Poinsettia Park :) You offered fewer We only go to Poinsettia Park. Super sad there was only 1 this year. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 50 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 28 Why did you attend fewer: City offered fewer concerts this year Poinsettia park only had 1 concert this year. Because there were FEWER!! This year only one concert was offered at Poinsettia Park, which is most convenient for me. There were less this year. Hopefully we will go back to 9 concerts next year. There was only one at poinsettia which is our neighborhood. Less opportunities with fewer shows. No food vendors! Only one concert at Calavera Park this year 2 fewer concerts in Poinsettia Park. You offered less - so we attended less. Seems like the public would like you to return the quantity of these events to 8. There was only one concert at Calavera. Please bring back more concerts to this location! Only one at Poinsettia this year Prefer more nights at stagecoach Why did you attend fewer: Not aware they were happening Usually limited by kids’ sports schedule or not being aware of the event Forgot about them or out of town Did not see any news about them; already had plans I got less reminders this year - and we traveled more than usual. I could not find the schedule and lack of time. I didn't know that the city put it on! I went a few times when I first moved here about 10 years ago and I loved it. Traveling and didn’t know about it earlier. Didn’t get notifications they were happening and busy. I kindof forgot about them... parking can be a nightmare, there aren't a lot near my home I didn't know about them until after they happened, after I saw parking and cars, friends mentioned them. It looked like a hassle and bands didn't really interest me that much. These are not bands that were alluring to me. I would be interested in mostly 80's New Wave style bands, and 80's alternative music like cover bands for Elvis Costello, Devo, B 52's, the Cars, Oingo Boingo, the Go Go's, Tom Petty. Not so much R&B, Jazz, soft rock. Also, I do not get notifications of the lineup so, need to look into getting them. Frankly, I wasn't aware of them and we've lived in Carlsbad 3 years. 2nd: Not aware of those bands you mentioned... Unfortunately, the TGIF information was not publicized very well this year. In addition, a lot of the bands that were selected were not dance fans, therefore making it not a very fun environment. Not knowing schedule. Post flyers around the village for more awareness. Were not aware of concert schedule and location I heard too late about them i didn't hear about them until after they happened. new to this area of Carlsbad. Didn’t know concert dates I was out of the loop on the dates/locations! Did not find about them to attend. I wasn't aware of them. Was not aware. The awareness could have been made via an email just like the survey email I did NOT even know about these concerts. Was Not notified, I guess. Did not get any notifications. Forgot concerts were scheduled and had mad other plans. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 51 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 29 Why did you attend fewer: Not aware they were happening Didn't know about them. Did not know about them, where they are and if being single would be uncomfortable for me. I did not know about them. unaware of concerts Did not know about them. We would like to attend. Wasn't aware of them Have not attended before. Just found out about it. I simply hadn’t seen the schedule and it went to the back of my mind. In the past I have enjoyed several of the concerts. Wonderful idea and event. Didn’t know any concerts were going on in carlsbad! So why do I get a survey if I don’t receive announcements of the concerts? Recent relocation to Carlsbad from Encinitas. Wasn't aware of the concerts until late in the summer. Didn't know about them. No schedule I did't attend less. Just learned about them this year after moving here 3 year ago! Didn’t know they were running. covid, did not really see any advertisements for the concerts. Didn’t know about them New to area Did not know about it I didn’t know about them. Lack of awareness I didn’t know about any of them I forgot they were happening. Maybe because we didn't hear about the concerts, and when we did, we didn't have enough motivation (like going with a friend who gets us excited). I wasnt aware of the TGIF concerts I never received any info regarding concerts Did not know about them did not know about them Wasn't aware of them before this summer. I forgot about them and was out of the loop on the schedule. I forgot about them and didn't see any advertising Didn't know I didn't know about them. Did not know about them until too late. I never hear bout them. Didn’t know about them Was not aware of them didn’t see them advertised. We never realize they’re happening but would love to go in the future did not know about them I didn't know about them We never heard about them starting back up. We would have gone if we knew about them. Not sure. Perhaps weekly reminder on Wednesday would help. Didn’t know about them. Suggest putting flyers in the village. I didn't know when they were I didn’t know anything about them! I didn’t know about them. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 52 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 30 Why did you attend fewer: Not aware they were happening This is the first I heard of them. I didn’t get any notifications. Don't know that these concerts exist. Didn’t hear about them Not aware of them until it’s too late Didn’t see them advertised & therefore forgot about them. NO ADVERTISING! I did not know about them and just found out! not aware of others Just moved here and didn’t even know about it. I didn’t know about them! Hadn’t heard of any concerts at the parks. I didn’t know about them. I didn’t know about them Could not find the venue/park. Didn’t know about them Due to advertising of events I didn't know about these. Didn’t get the info I never knew Carlsbad had these. Didn't know enough about the artists. I did not know there were any concerts. This is the first time I'm hearing about it. Really wasn’t aware of them will make an effort in the future Forgot about it. Didn’t see any advertising. I didn't get the communication !!!!! Didn’t know about them far enough in advance Didn't know about the first few concerts did not know where , when etc... had no information on concerts. why is all info only electronically passed on? I did not know about them. I didn't know about the concerts 1. Communication was not clear this year- need reminders weeks before the concerts, by way of signs,emails,etc Didn’t know about the concert series Was not aware of them. I didn’t know about them Don't really know much about them. Didn’t know about the concerts Didn't know about them ahead of time. Had no knowledge Of them Need concert details sent early and week before, communication is a bit lacking from the city. I’ve been in Carlsbad for two years and haven’t heard about this concert series. I would be interested in attending in the future! I’m new in the city I had no idea. In the future I would love to attend. Didn't know about them. Less publicity. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 53 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 31 Why did you attend fewer: Not aware they were happening I wasn’t aware of them nor where they were - never received notification… Not aware of when or where Didn’t know about them I didnt know of these concerts, and surely would have gone to them had I known.... I am still somewhat new to the area and didn’t realize until recently that Carlsbad offered this. I’m very excited about attending more of these next year. I wasn’t aware about them I just moved here a year ago and did not know about this Didn’t know anything about the concerts. Wasn’t aware of the concerns taking place We were reminded by our friends about the concerts and went to the last three as a group that ranged from 7-12 people. I didn't know about TGIF concerts Why did you attend fewer: Too crowded We used to be regular concert goers to all the concerts at all the venues. It has gotten too congested - too many people and fewer concerts - there used to be 4 at Calavera and now there are only two. The season doesn't last as long as before. Also, when we first started going to concerts you had bands like Bill Magee, Zydeco, and real jazz bands. The type of music the current bands play usually does not appeal to us but that is not what keeps us from attending concerts - it's the crowds and the long walk from where we park and then finding a space to put our chairs. Last concert we attended (last year) there are too many high back chairs that are interfering with those who comply and bring the low back chairs. You should have someone policing and making those with high backs move to the back. It's not fair to the rest. The reduction of the season to fewer concerts meant larger crowds, and the crowd is already too large for my comfort. The choice of bands was disappointing. We wish you would bring back more of the jazz and big band sound. Since there were fewer concerts, I thought they would be very crowded. I don’t live in Carlsbad, and I think residents could have priority to attend. Partly due to other summer travel but also a dislike for too many adults drinking too much at the concerts. It doesn't have the same family fun feel. It’s getting too crowded with people coming from all over and I can’t get off work early enough to save a spot Just a busy summer and that one was so crowded. No time and don’t enjoy huge crowds. Recovering from injury….couldn’t do long walk and avoiding big crowds. Too many people/terrible parking and the music was not that good. Traffic, lack of parking, crowds, too many people, etc. Too many people, parking problems and I am not able to walk long distances. Too crowded, parking problems The parking and crowds Concerts are very crowded and parking is difficult. crowds and worried about finding parking spaces Was worried about the hassle of parking/crowds with kids. Crowded, parking, and distance walking to event The crowds of people, difficult parking (or need to shuttle and haul chairs, coolers, etc.) The crowds and parking Way too crowded. Couldn’t even get a parking spot for young guns at poinsettia park Too crowded. Parking is difficult. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 54 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 32 Why did you attend fewer: Too crowded Poor quality of diners, way too crowded and difficulty parking The parking and the crowds just got too much for us in the past. too crowded hard to park and long lines for the shuttle The congestion and parking make it not worth it for our family with smaller children. Being confined within baseball diamonds is not fun because the kids have no where to run around because the fence blocks them in. We would love to see two or three smaller concerts where it’s not so crowded. This year we chose to visit concerts put on by other cities. Too difficult and crowded Parking and large crowds are huge deterrent for me Too difficult to get there - too crowded Crowds music wasn’t interesting Covid plus large groups of people. In the early days, the bands were more for music lovers who wanted to listen. Jazz, Blues, Latin. It was more low key. Now it just seems like "party music" so the vibe has changed. some of the bands were not of interest and they are getting too big. Too many non Carlsbad residents. People camping out way before show time limits those who work, ability to get a decent spot. Crowds, not good music Too crowded and too many drunks we hardly missed a concert from 1987 to 2007. It was a major part of our summer. Then it just got too crowded. The park system limits guests at Leo Carillo movie nights. The City limits the numbers who can attend Taste of Carlsbad. There needs to be a limit for THIG concerts. Too many people…a good problem to have. Some concerns about crowds and Covid. Still not comfortable being in close proximity to a lot of people. Way too crowded, lack of organization when it comes to seating/crowds makes it uncomfortable Not going to any crowded places, even outdoors, due to Covid and RSV risk. Too crowded. People are too unruly on the dance floor, spilling drinks on people. Not interested in the crowds and live near Calavera Park so hearing it us enough. I have no choice. I'm glad there was only 1 at Calavera. It's too loud. My husband doesn't like crowds. I've never been to one because I've heard that they are packed with people. Too far. Too crowded. The crowds are too much, no longer enjoy the concerts. Sorry to say, but my wife and I stopped attending several years ago because the venues were too crowded. Too many people. Unfortunately these have gotten too big. Getting too crowded Too crowded. Too crowded too many kids Crowds do not interest me. I think drivers can be crazy. I live near Stagecoach. Too crowded Far too many out-of-control children, apparently enjoying a parent-free excuse to go nuts. An ever increasing atmosphere of parenting taking a vacation. Good luck, I’ll stick to my stereo. Crowd to much for enjoyable concert. I’m a seniors.💖 Too crowded. Crowds. Little kids Not over What Covid did to us. No longer comfortable among large crowds. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 55 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 33 Why did you attend fewer: Too crowded crowds Too crowded Too crowded & chaotic lately I used to attend many years ago when the event was very small, at Magee Park. The musicians were not drowned out by chattering crowds. The event has grown too large for my particular taste, but think it's great how many people enjoy it. I tend not to go anymore due to the crowds Too crowded for us. not happy with the mismanagement of the large crowds and absence of food vendors. Too crowded, concern for safety Too crowded So crowded Because the costs of hosting the TGIF Concerts in the Parks has increased, the city is exploring new ways to continue to provide the same level of quality. Please tell us what you think of these ideas: “Other” Other comments about funding: Sponsorships featuring lesser known bands will not reduce attendance and there is no excuse to not have decent bands!! Get sponsors and figure out what many other cities are able to do - cities that have less money than we do. These concerts are such a gem and any way to keep the entrance cost free or low is appreciated. Sponsorships are a great idea. small admission for adults but kids should be free 2) sell tiered corporate sponsorship packages 3) revenue share with food trucks and alcohol 4) sell booths for local I don't know these bands anyways only the genre. No problem with corporate sponsors especially Carlsbad companies. I don't like how people come early and reserve a HUGE spot that is not fair but paying for spot seems elitist and I don't like that either. Do everything possible to KEEP the community feel and KEEP corporations OUT. We've had ENOUGH corporatism in our lives. Get sponsors. Get corp sponsorships and allow them to have a pop up tent at the event to promote their goods and services. Look for advertising sponsors to put in program from community businesses Maybe one or two concerts per year with sponsors. Make sure the sponsors won't be related to alcohol or pharmaceutical companies. Maybe it would be great to have some local sponsors with healthy related business. Would rather see corporate sponsors Other comments about funding: Cut spending in other areas Reduce the golf course subsidy. Implement a dog registration tax to cover operating costs at dog parks. Reduce the police budget for military toys and surveillance equipment. Please consider using more city funds to keep the TGIF experience as-is. Carlsbad has plenty of funding in reserves and these concerts are what make our summers special. The costs have increased, but city revenues (taxes) will also increase, so spending on these cultural programs should too increase. Taxes paid are part of the park venue. Lack luster bands has been reached. Less spending inside other less attend events. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 56 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 34 Other comments about funding: Cut spending in other areas Nonsense. Carlsbad can easily afford more concerts and better bands. I believe we pay enough taxes to get this done There is reason why the city cut back at all. They need to prioritize these cultural events rather than provide a $2 million gift to Catholic Charities for La Posada. The concerts should be free so all can attend. Maybe hire fewer City staff so the taxpayers can all attend. We have been attending TGIF concerts for over 25 years because of the excellent presentations. Carlsbad has the tax revenue to continue this benefit from the business's we utilize here. And the business's who attract their employees to our beautiful community. Other comments about funding: Charging fees Is there a way to let Carlsbad residents in for free while others pay a fee? Charge non carlsbad attendees Free for Carlsbad residents- $5 for others admission fee for non-Carlsbad residents charging for the concert 100% defeats the point of community and adhoc joining the crowd - if i have to book and pay, i'll just go to a venue w the exact band i want to hear? also creates a odd culture of haves and have nots... Charge adults only Something needs to be free for families to be able to enjoy. Higher price for non-Carlsbad residents AND charge for offspring Change non residents a fee The beauty of these concerts are that they are FREE family events, accessible to all. Charging any kind of fee would destroy that, many families would no longer be able to attend. Reducing the number of concerts is preferred over charging a fee! Music in the parks should always be free!! It would be fine but the best thing is they’re free Keep it accessible Consider connecting admission fee with non profit fundraising donations I think a small fee for everyone would be better than a tiered system. Charging any sort of fees, takes away equal accessibility. If you start charging no one will come Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 57 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 35 Other comments about funding: Parking, shuttles, etc. On-site parking fees (with no fees for taking the bus). If space is available, the ability to purchase preferred parking may be an option and would be able to generate funds. Also, are there vendors who would be willing to rent "booth spaces" for access before the concert, or is this not worth the extra effort to support it? Do the food trucks pay a fee to the City to be part of the venue? What about T-Shirt sales, similar to professional concerts, that could be generic to say something as simple as "Carlsbad Concerts in the Park: 2024" for example, with a fun design? All just thoughts for consideration... Charge parking Fee for cars -support somewhat or city sell food/drinks Charge to park. Allow food trucks with some profit going to pay for the band. Instead of a raffle would you may more money having an auction? At my age, having to lug around your own seating, etc. and walk some distance to get a spot is just not practical. offer valet for a cost perhaps charge for parking or for preferred parking? Make parking in local neighborhood RESTRICTED to RESIDENTS only during events offer prepaid parking spot Sell support tickets for parking in reserved areas for a price. No Shuttle Service.... Walk or Ebike. bus or parking fee? Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 58 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 36 Other comments about funding: Reserved areas VIP or event spaces Have 'bring your own chair' SECTION + fee. The beauty of these concerts is community. If you offer “pay for the best spot” option you have a decided “have/have not” separation. That would differentiate between those that can reserve & those that can’t allow people to put out their blanket ahead of time Other comments about funding: Food and other vendors Have food or other vendors pay for spot/location. Perhaps a small # of vendors, with revenue sharing to help toward the overall cost of TGIF Include vendors and have them pay small fee to participate Vendor Fees to sell at shows include vendors to sell. Vendors pay a fee. Use raffles to fundraise. Sell water & soda. Bring in a small number of food trucks, farmer's market and craft vendors and charge them a small percentage of sales to help offset cost. Also consider having a farmer's market / craft fair at these venues (non-concert days), also keeping a percentage of sales, and use revenue from that to help fund concerts & other free community events. Offer fun pay-to-play carnival games (skee ball, disc-drop, etc.) with cheap but fun prizes from Oriental Trading Co.. Have volunteers run booths, or bring in carnival vendors & charge a percentage of profits. possibly food trucks/vendors pay a SMALL fee to participate Food trucks and liquor vendors can pay to sell their products. Make deals with the food and alcohol vendors to collect a percentage of the profits. charge food trucks to be there and make sure there's a good variety and at least 4-6 trucks, ask the chamber of commerce and/or the rotary club to staff a booth serving alcohol and give 100% of proceeds to concerts in the park Have food vendors that pay a commission to have the truck there. Have stands letting people sell items and pay a small fee to be there. Sell food, alcohol, other stuff with an event tax included Sell alcohol, paid kids activities (like jumpies) Have venders sell food and drink items. 75% goes to them and 25% goes to TGIF. Make sure they sell healthy options. Other comments about funding: Donation and volunteers Ask local non-profit service clubs to help volunteer to cut cost. Also have more vendors for ice cream and deserts. Maybe a donation bucket? More unique raffle prizes and year round fund raisers plus maybe small fee from locals. I work love to help out on this committee! If you are going to do a raffle then have it support the damn concerts not the art department. If the concerts really do need money then why have the raffle supper something else? Donation station Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 59 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 37 Other comments about funding: Reduce or eliminate Stop wasting city money on frivolous non essentials like these concerts. Completely eliminate. Why are you in the concert business? Stop the concerts and save the money. Lots of other things to do. Stop this altogether. This event only serves a handful of people who are not necessarily contributing to Carlsbad tax revenue. There are better ways to use tax - like keep streets safe, eliminate drugs and homeless free One concert per one park If scaling back just a few shows helps the City break even, this would cause the least damage. Other comments about funding: Misc. Better wheelchair and cane accessibility/level field & streets Carlsbad residents should get prioritized entry More parking and bring back food trucks! Build a dedicated venue for concerts and other ourdoor events which will cost more at the outset but reduce costs over time for weekly setup and management and can be rented for other uses to create revenue stream Any good event promoter knows how to make it profitable. Outsource it to local promoters if you can’t figure out how to make it pay for itself. Provide close in area for handicapped that doesn't block view We likely would not attend no matter..... we're in our mid 80s and we've kinda outgrown this kinda program More concerts in smaller areas so the police presence doesn’t have to be so large/dramatic. I am a North Carolina School of the Arts Alumni, I have worked the Arts for 50 years. San Diego County is truly blessed with incredible local talent. I dare say the concerts in front of Lola's Central Market outdraw TGIF because it is not contrived and run by art bureaucrats which are the lowest form of life on the planet (smile). There has to be a better way. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 60 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 38 What else would you like the city to consider? What else would you like the city to consider: Fees/costs Please keep this going for next year and look for corporate sponsors. If you charge you will get a big back lash!!! Corporate sponsorship is a great idea and I would strongly recommend that you pursue it.... Offer some shade areas on hot days. Thanks! Quality all around. Programs could be a possible cost savings unless you raise money by ads in the Programs I think the opportunity to buy food is a good option. A free concert in the park is a great community event. I don't think we'd attend if there was a charge. It's something fun to do with friends and family on a Friday night Need to keep it a free event. Sponsorship and/or donations at entry rather then a fee. Could mix well known and new to balance cost. Get better known groups and charge. I thinking charging $5 per person or $10 per family is a great idea! Keep the cost free for participants. Keep the quality of bands and music. You don't have to hit up the citizens for more money either, you have plenty of do-ray-me, No $15 beer either! Quality of the bands is very important. Don't mind paying a small fee to attend. If you offer paid parking spots, you'll run out very quickly and might upset some people if they can't get one. Maybe you could charge 1 or 2 dollars instead of 5 which might be less desirable for the attenders. Do not charge residents for concerts; maybe charge nominal fee for non-residents. Please increase quality of bands - country band was terrible. We play tons of Restate taxes, dont charge us to go see these TGIF concerts, simple. I’ve always thought you could charge a small fee- $5/family/couple to offset the event. I don’t think that would be a problem. Cutting the concerts this year was a big bummer for our family because we are educators and have the summer off and look forward to those. But above all, thanks for doing it! We have so many memories with our kids and friends every summer and love seeing them pop up on our Facebook memories. And the art people- the best! Sooooo sweet and creative every single year! For the past 8 yrs! Charging an entry fee will significantly reduce the number of people attending, and will also draw an older crowd with less energy. Corporate sponsorships is a really good way to help fund the concerts, and having them every other week would make them both more desirable and more affordable for the city. Love these concerts!! Please bring back concerts for a summer slate of at least 8, 2 at each of the parks. Get rid of opportunity drawings & either make attendees pay, have a suggested donation of $5-$10 per person OR get corporate sponsorship. Too many of them. People can afford to pay $5 & reserved seating will sell out. We don’t go anymore because kids are older and we went with our kids. Have a 2 or 3 day music festival and that’s enough charge $5 and up and call it. One location, that’s enough. Make good decisions, we’re Carlsbad. Let’s be leaders. We’re a tourist town part of year. Draw em in. See ya Don't charge folks just have less events and choose quality and relevance. E sure accessibility for the community. Minimize cost by having fewer concerts or less expensive bands If you reserve seats you diminish the”community “ spirit Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 61 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 39 What else would you like the city to consider: Fees/costs We’d consider paying a small fee for adults only ($5) but we think kids should be free to encourage a family friendly outing. However, what about families that can’t afford to pay the $5 times however many people are in their family? What about selling alcohol - that would raise a lot of money! Keeping them free would maintain a longstanding tradition of the quality programming that the City offers It is completely unacceptable to reduce the number of concerts. You really pulled a fast one this year, trying to sneak that through. While hiring more C suite staff at well over six figures. Charging money is also an insane idea. Reducing the number of concerts was the worst idea. If people were actually doing their jobs and not counting their riches in the city management position, they would have thought of corporate sponsorship long ago. Look at the numerous other cities that have these concerts in the summer. These cities aren’t rich. look at cities of Duarte, Monrovia, El Monte, Whittier, etc. all have summer concerts. We have big corporations (Viasat, Legoland etc.) and small businesses galore who could sponsor at different levels. It can be done. Stop trying to “stick it to us” for not wanting your sake tax increase! We see the graft and will continue to point out these ridiculous cutbacks that are unnecessary. I think it’s important these concerts are freely available to all but if they city needs to generate revenue to support the events then reserved seating for a price and lesser bands as well as a corporate so rooms or- what about viasat? - are good options Kickback from food trucks/ local vendors providing services to attendees. It succeeds as a family event,satisfying young kids through elderly. Let's find ways to confine the great work without charging for those that live in carlsbad and are proud to support local events, vendors, etc. If paying is going to be an option maybe allow people a discount to pre pay or have a multi concert package or a season pass at a cheaper rate. This means the day of tickets will cost full price. Charging for adults a fee of $3 would be good. How many people attend that don’t live in Carlsbad? A small fee can help offset costs. Fun community event. Should remain free.concessions would offset costs Please keep events free! If you need financial support consider hosting food vendors for a fee but do not charge the people Food trucks were great, keep it free and fun If raising funds to help support the concerts im all for adding corporate sponsorships. We’ve been doing TGIF’s for almost 30 years. We were disappointed that there were fewer concerts this year than last. Even if we had to pay a small entrance fee we would consider that as an option. We make donations every concert we attend. Keep’em coming! I love the variety of music and that it’s free!! I just want to thank you for providing these concerts. Even though I only go to the ones at Stagecoach because they are closest to my house, they are SO well done and we always have a fantastic time. This is why I’d have no problem paying an admission. I’d easily pay $10 per person to attend this and would consider this money well spent. We are so grateful that you offer these concerts to us even though we live just over the Carlsbad line. We support financial support to continue availability. We love Carlsbad and TGIF concerts is one reason. If costs are becoming an issue, corporate sponsors I think could help and if a fee is needed it should be kept low. It's amazing the good impact that these concerts bring to our community. Families, friends, neighbors get together reinforcing our ties to our beautiful city. I think you should look for sponsors and vendors that might help to offset the cost, and keep the concerts free for everyone. Please don't do the VIP area, it will break the feeling of the city as one. Love them! Charge a small fee, keep them small community feel. How about a fee to park close. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 62 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 40 What else would you like the city to consider: Fees/costs No charge What about paying for prime parking spots? I think you could make a lot of money that way! It means a lot to the community to provide these events free of charge. Because it opens it up to everyone This event is special to Carlsbad and is a great summer family activity that’s been around for years. This is what this city is all about. If other Cities can do it for their community, I’m sure Carlsbad can make it a priority and make it happen without charging. Ticket participation is off the chart you're asking too much money. Past years I bought more tickets from single rolls with a pick of colors at each event. A range of chance. Sell at the service tent. Give people opportunity to donate to support event or charge small fee per family raffles where the funds go to the cost of the bands. sell parking passes for premier oarking. No charge for Carlsbad residents, charge visitors who live outside the city, verify with drivers license. I would support the opportunity drawings if more money from them went to these concerts. A concert staff member told us that the amount that goes to the concerts is extremely insignificant. Perhaps off set costs by charging a small fee for parking when parking lots are offered. I like that these events are mostly free. It restores my hope in humanity when I attend these events. The amount of families, friends, groups and couples who attend and are having fun free screen free time together brings so much joy. Adding too many restrictions or costs could possibly change this joyful scene and I think it’s a summertime tradition that should continue and be available to as many as possible despite economic status or any other limiting factors. San Marcos charges $8/concert in the park. Last year great bands. This year horrible bands. Wouldn't mind paying for quality entertainment. Keep it going free of cost We would not attend if fees were charged to attend or reserve “premium” spots in the field. Do not charge admission. Crowds, maybe it would be better to charge a bit. Haven’t been in awhile but how are kids at the concerts rowdy? If you charge admission it should be for nonresidents and if you allow reservations it should be for residents only Offer discount rates to Carlsbad residents. Corporate sponsors sounds like the worst idea I’ve ever heard. Easiest way to ruin a family friendly community event Love these events and nice they are free. Maybe rent chairs and umbrellas. Makes lugging all that easier and you can control. chair height. Sell more merchant. Tshirts, blankets, collapsible tables, etc. There are sooo many people seems like admission would create added lines and chaos 1. We pay 15k RE tax a year in carlsbad. It would be preposterous for the city to charge residents to go to these concerts. 2.Carlsbad Roads are bad, Carlsbad services are super expensive and below average (for example new Republic trash- they suck 1/10 service) Carlsbad cops are useless, at least let us have these free concerts. Thanks The City of Carlsbad is one of the most affluent cities in California. With groups like Mighty Untouchables with a booking fee of $9500, I don’t think that is unreasonable considering that the venues are packed with happy Carlsbad residents. Heck all the police have to do is stand around and enjoy the moment! Keep it free and keep it fun. Valet parking as a revenue source Local vendors for non-food gift items No cost for families. Or at least no cost for Carlsbad residents Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 63 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 41 What else would you like the city to consider: Fees/costs Do not charge for this event and continue to allow guests to bring their own provisions. Do what you need to do but keep the concerts free and fun. Summer in Carlsbad isn’t the same without TGIF! It’s a fun local community event that has grown over the years. Charging fees may decrease the turnout for those that just want something to do last minute. Prioritize these events in your budget process. These events need to remain free. Alcohol can be enjoyed responsibly. JuneShine, Belching Beaver, Pizza Port and other local alcohol companies would jump at the chance to support a community event like this. ViaSat would love to be a corporate sponsor. Please keep them free! TGIF is such a great Carlsbad community offering, free is best! Do not charge for good seating then only the "rich" will get to sit close. It should always be kept first come first served. If you need to charge a nominal fee make it the same for everyone What else would you like the city to consider: Suggestions for families, children A designated area around playground or features for families with small children to separate from the empty nest adults. Keep the family friendly atmosphere. Earlier start time for kids, family drop off option, area for kids to run around near music Kids activities. We love the concerts and wish there more! The kids tents are always great. Access to a playground, access to food. A children play area Kids space ? Family friendly is key! Having a playground near by has been great. More kid activities Would be nice to have an adult only area or family zone so little kids not running around while I am trying to enjoy music Proximity to playgrounds for kids who will inevitably get tired on the concert.😂 DANCE FLOOR IS FOR DANCERS LITTLE KIDS ARE A LIABILITY IF THEY GET HURT, PEOPLE STANDING NOT DANCING IS A HINDURANCE HAVE GROUND RULES PLEASE Other activities for little kids No circus activity for younger kids...kids under 7 relegated to back of park. Keep kids from running around unattended The kids running wild Has to Stop. It’s dangerous and the venues are so crowded. What else would you like the city to consider: Times, dates, locations I prefer earlier, late afternoon or just and afternoon event or scatter have some daytime and others evening. Earlier start time for kids, family drop off option, area for kids to run around near music More at poinsettia! We love the concerts and wish there more! More at Calavera, better music rock Increase number of dates. Please consider smaller intimate concerts at pine park that Barrio residents would enjoy and appreciate. Consider expanding access for low-income families in the Barrio and curating more smaller alternative music. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 64 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 42 What else would you like the city to consider: Times, dates, locations Resume the 9 concert series More concerts at Calavera and Poinsettia Did not attend Alga Norte as shuttle to library was too far from venue 1 concert at each park. More concerts at stagecoach please. This is an extremely popular event in the city, and one idea would be to use some of the money the city has in reserve to fund the usual amount of concerts next year. Cutting the concerts this year was a big bummer for our family because we are educators and have the summer off and look forward to those. Please bring back concerts for a summer slate of at least 8, 2 at each of the parks. Too many of them. Have a 2 or 3 day music festival and that’s enough charge $5 and up and call it. One location, that’s enough. Make good decisions, we’re Carlsbad. Let’s be leaders. We’re a tourist town part of year. Draw em in. See ya Not two at Stagecoach. One concert with admission. Give us a break here. We have high school loud noise and traffic all year long with car alarms, games and screaming. The concerts were marvelous Minimize cost by having fewer concerts or less expensive bands I really enjoy the concerts as to my friends. We were disappointed that there weren't as many dates offered this year. When I did attend the venues were jam-packed. Clearly the community loves this event and wants to see it continue. I appreciate all of your efforts to put these together and hope to see them continue. It is completely unacceptable to reduce the number of concerts. You really pulled a fast one this year, trying to sneak that through. While hiring more C suite staff at well over six figures. Reducing the number of concerts was the worst idea. We love them and we’re disappointed that Calavera Park only had one this season. Other areas had multiple. We have a disabled family member and parking is impossible, so Calavera is the only show we typically attend. The more dates the better, an option to pull close to the venue to drop off picnic gear Consider college campus where there is ample parking and lighted parking for safety. More concerts. Such a fantastic way to bring the community together. Everyone has a great time. There should be more concerts and not less. There are no more food vendors, and maybe I'm wrong, but it feels like there are fewer concerts. Bring TGIF back in full force with a couple of sponsors. Have artist and farmers market, food vendors “a day of organics” park rangers education for kids start at :5 pm for families Look, this is the ONE thing Carlsbad offers that affects the most of it's citizens. You only have to look at the number of attendees to see that. It's bern VERY disappointing to see the number of concerts drop to six. Talking amongst our friends - we simply do not buy the argument regarding costs. Yes, everything is increasing but it only takes political will and apparently our City Council lacks that when it comes to TGIF. Get. A. Spine. After all, you are the deciders. Stand up to the City Manager and bring the number of concerts back up. One area you can save money is on police (few are necessary). Chase Field would be great! Or somewhere on the beach. Lots of people live in the village and like to walk or ride bikes to events. Hard to drive so far/parking/shuttle with little kids bedtimes. Food trucks would be great too! Maybe a beach concert? This is a great community gathering where adults can connect on a Friday night. Please do not reduce these event opportunities. They are well attended and our community looks forward to the gatherings. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 65 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 43 What else would you like the city to consider: Times, dates, locations These are such treasured Carlsbad experiences…to see so many happy people, from all walks of life in one place, dancing and exuberantly joyful is so special. I would say less, high quality events would be more special than many events with the quality watered down. So, so grateful for this wonderful city we live in! Thank you!! I love TGIF concerts!!! Wish there were more!!! You had fewer concerts this year, I want more concerts!! Give us more at poinsettia park as in the past These events all over Carlsbad are great fun & community building. Always look forward to these I think they are a wonderful community event! It’s social hour for parents, kids, grandparents and young adults. I think it is very well done but we need MORE! More weeks would be great too, they come and go so fast. I think these events would be equally popular in the spring and the fall. Heck if you spread them out, you might get more attendees at each individual event, compared to the summer with back-to-back Friday concerts — its easier to pick the one or two that you can fit into you schedule and skip the others. Have them more often, like every weekend, Sat or Sundays OK also, like El Cajon, Coronado, Carlsbad is big and it seems like there should be more concerts, But we drove all the way to Dana Point and Laguna Niguel to try to see good shows this year. Add more Calavera concerts The Poinsettia park venue is the best More concerts I have heard negative community grumblings about the recent changes (reductions in number of concerts) and the TGIF Concerts in the Parks team should re-invest in these concerts to turn the negative tide of public opinion. It's what makes Carlsbad special in the summer, please don't reduce the number of concerts! Hold a concert at Pine Avenue Park Have events at Pine Ave park Don’t eliminate concerts at certain parks because of parking problems. Create solutions instead. More concerts in north Carlsbad What about two concerts on the same night in different parts of Carlsbad to spread out the crowd. We miss having more concerts at Calavera! Indoors Poinsettia conflicts with Opening Day You have a great blueprint - go back to pre-covid You already cut the number of concerts from 9 to 6. We sure hope you are not considering cutting it it even more. Would love to have more than one at calavera hills! I wonder if these were smaller if they could run concurrently at more than one park on any given Friday? Maybe it would encourage people to attend the closest to their home which may be better for managing parking More concerts at Calavera Hills Park Please add more to Calavera hills. I think choosing less expensive bands and possibly offering paid parking for some or valet could help Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 66 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 44 What else would you like the city to consider: Concert promotion I like to have reminders. Better communication to the community. It’s a great perk. I’m not sure how you promote it but my awareness of it is low. Communicate better and more often before these concerts Plenty of advance notice so we can arrange our schedule. It looks like you might have shuttle to some events. Better communication on where and when would be great. I will look for it next year I would love more details about how the concert and seating will be laid out. For example, we got dropped off at Poinsettia Park and realized we were really far away from all the entrances to the actual seating area, so we ended up having to sit up far away in the hills without a view. Would love to see a map of each location with where the band will be and where entrances and seating and bathrooms are. Get the word out! Not sure where to find this information. By the size of the attendance at this event, it should tell marketing not to change much. Send info on concerts to Encinitas residents. I only knew about them when I drove by on my way home. Would’ve more likely gone. A description of the bands, type of music etc. More publicity to attract people from further reaching areas. Everyone loves outdoor concerts especially budget friendly. Thank you. Email venue info. Never heard about them Is there a Carlsbad e-newsletter? We have no idea what’s going on in town. But we would absolutely come if we knew. Better communication before the events I'd like to get more emails telling about who, what, when, where.... Once we get used to the first concert, then we go to more. More advertising when the concert season is going to start...thank you! Advertise!!! I did not know about them this year! Better Promotion of these events, because I have never heard anything about them! Better publicity in advance about these TGIF nights. Better communication of the concert schedule PUBLICIZE IT BETTER! Email/online marketing Advertise in the libraries and senior & community centers. We usually find out too late to attend and then we don't know where the park is so don't end up going. Advertise in Coast News as well. More publicity. I never got an email about these. Would be nice to receive this. Please promote concerts more. I live in 92008 and I only found out about concerts at the very last minute. I would love to attend more concerts if I knew about them a bit earlier. Thank you for all your efforts and ways to support public concerts. More communication and advertisement to get the word out. I didn't know about the concerts until the last one of the season Sending out emails or text alerts I would like find an website to be able to look for events in Carlsbad and surrounding areas. It’s good for community’s to get together. I’m welling to help if needed. Find better ways to get the word out. Promotion of these events and the artists’ backgrounds Advertise them more publicity of them Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 67 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 45 What else would you like the city to consider: Accessibility for people with disabilities I like 80's cover bands, popular 80's dance music, getting high school students (doing community service) to push wheelchairs and help those who are mobility impaired. We have a disabled family member and parking is impossible, so Calavera is the only show we typically attend. Parking, accessibility, crowd control Parking is very much an issue as well as accessibility More close Handicap parking ... maybe ? Porta potties in more than one location. Additional handicap parking spaces. It would help to have more handicap parking available. With the Boomers turning into senior citizens, it is difficult to walk a long way, especially toting chairs, food, etc. We are group of 12 Carlsbad seniors, who attend every concert, as we have done since the very first concert. We thank you for providing this great activity for our community. The handicap accessibility at Poinsettia Park is horrific. Parking needs to be on stage level for access to bathroom facilities, or availability to portapotties on upper level. If this is not doable Poinsettia Park should be eliminated from concert locations. More handicapped parking Parking and clearly labeled no parking areas. I have a disabled parking placard, but on arrival lot was full. I had my family member drop me off and they went to park. They parked were others were also park no, no know parking or bike lane signs visible. The bike lane street markers on road were covered by other cars already parked so it looked like a parking lane. No red or colored marks were on the curb. We left early so it would be easy for him to pick me back up. There was a bike lane parking ticket for $50 on our car as well as 30 to 50 other cars. We looked and the only staked sign was at the area were the lane began at the beginning of the street. I was going to go in to city and let them know but my heart health got worse for awhile. When I went in to pay they said it was late and was charged $100. I think you should look at the age if attendees not only for future sponsors anitytic benefit, but as to the need for adequate parking fo people with mobility issues as well as pregnant women with family's. The disability parking in shuttle areas is limited as well. While this is not a senior event and I'm not a senior quite yet. We do live in an area were a lot of 40 plus year Olds disabled or veterans live. Most in higher income demographics attend cultural and community events such as this. Although I am a 25 plus year former Carlsbad resident I drive from my new city of Vista to attend these events because of the pleasant memories, old friends and multigenerational spirt of music and community. I'm not a senior yet but my health issue and need for closer parking gave me a rude awaking to how quickly those with this need could be discouraged from attending. Sorry for the long message but if not here where? Hope it helps to look at this from all angles more closely. Thank you Carlsbad though for making events like this possible it was great to raise a family in a arts loving community! Think about accessibility. Many areas are slopes, no shade, no bathrooms. These are huge issues for seniors. Handicapped or elderly seating Easy access for handicap people. Disabled accessibility Provide as much handicapped parking as possible What else would you like the city to consider: Getting to the concerts Parking, accessibility, crowd control Not giving parking tickets Parking is very much an issue as well as accessibility My only “complaint” is that the parking at Alga Norte is really tough. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 68 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 46 What else would you like the city to consider: Getting to the concerts It's funny for me to share this -- a bit like remembering our parents talk about how it was too dark in restaurants to be able to see. I would like to share that there is a point when adults who are not disabled, and therefor do not need or qualify for disabled parking, cannot, nevertheless, walk the same distances as younger adults. That was once an issue with my own Dad and is now becoming an issue with my husband. As time goes on, it will become difficult to attend community events when the expectation is that everyone has access to walk and/or ride bikes significant distances. I am not sure how you plan for that, but thought I would put it on the table for consideration. Perhaps being able to have more shuttles, similar to those used at the County Fair, for example, which transport people from far ends of the parking lots, may be helpful. While we did have conflicts with most of the dates this past summer, thinking about the "hassle" of finding a nearby parking spot or other easy shuttle access was another factor in not attending. Thank you for your consideration. Shuttle availability, potentially covering longer routes (like planned pickups and stops at certain times) for folks who taking the bus, driving, or carpooling is not an option. Parking for Alga Norte- can you offer spaces at Poinsettia elementary to reduce parking in the residential neighborhood where I live? The shuttle from a parking location was very helpful for us in the dark. It looks like you might have shuttle to some events. Better communication on where and when would be great. I will look for it next year The more dates the better, an option to pull close to the venue to drop off picnic gear consider college campus where there is ample parking and lighted parking for safety. In dense neighborhoods, there is not enough parking and enough signage and enforcement is more worried about their quota of tickets than the safety of attendees Love the offsite parking and shuttles to concert venue. Anything to do to ease parking LaCosta Canyon HS great parking option. Have loved catching a shuttle from North Coast Calvary. Professional and quick. Arranging rides for seniors that live in San Marcos Silvergate AL Thanks for continuing to host. Consider a separate targeted parking location with a dedicated transport Please regulate parking in neighborhoods more. People park so owners cannot get out of their driveways. They are loud and linger and leave trash. This is in regard to the concerts at Alga Norte. This needs to be handled better. We did not sign up to host concert parking. Thank you. Allow neighbors to park on different side streets without having issues with CPD Parking and access are the biggest issues. Parking is always the biggest issue. I think you do a pretty good job. We're just a bit older now and not as willing to go out with long walks to get to the events. Please prevent concert goers from parking on our street and walking to the venue. Quebrada Circle. Have a better option for parking at poinsettia park? maybe coordinate with lego land for just the one or two days ? would be a FAST easy hop on a tram... adding more shuttles Great concerts, and more street parking very important. Maybe run shuttles from neighboring streets so ppl can hop on shittke from home and not have to drive at all The parking is so hard for those of us who can’t come early. The idea of paid spots at the front also would put us at a disadvantage, unless we were forced to pay. Is there some way to have parking at different times? There were not enough shuttle buses this year. There were lines with 120 to 150 people waiting for long periods Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 69 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 47 What else would you like the city to consider: Getting to the concerts If possible, more buses for the shuttle service. We parked at Canyon Creek High School, and there were two buses running, so there was a long waiting period in between drop-off and pick-up. The shuttle from the library was so convenient and made it possible to attend. Everything was very organized. The only confusing thing was the shuttle location. The website said Stage Coach HS and the actual shuttle location was Dove Library. Enough Parking Parking. It’s great when the police temporarily allow street parking even along bike lanes. It’s too dark to safely ride bikes by the concert end Shuttles/ parking is important More shuttle buses (although I know that costs), but the lines are often too long. I'd pay $1 for the shuttle bus. Bussing into poinsettia park seems expensive and unnecessary. I go to the local concert to see friends and neighbors who live locally. Providing busses for those that live outside of the area doesn’t make too much sense to me. hard to park. hard to find space on the lawn easier parking Parking Parking continues to be a big issue, and shuttles do not het traffic priority. Next year for Alga Norte, please have a Traffic Tech prioritizing the exit left turn light at Dove onto El Camino for buses, this light can have a 3-minute-plus cycle during rush hour and the shuttle delay does not help with trip times or perception of Carlsbad prioritizing the concert for attendees. Allow ebike parking close by the event. If you continue you must regulate parking in housing tract Mystic Point across from stagecoach park we hav3 had many problems with I’ll behaved participants parking in no parking zones, the last couple years they did not set up no event parking signs in our neighborhood Allow/ open more street parking have more locations to pick up the shuttle instead of one spot allow more street parking.....you block off too many curbed parking spots Partner with local churches and schools to add more convenient parking. Easy parking within easy walk. No shuttle. i like having golf shuttles to take you to offsite parking (Alga Norte park) - as we were walking up Alicante Rd a man driving a shuttle offered a ride We just love being outdoors and it was bikable from our home. Easier access to parking close to park. It is hard for senior to walk long distances. Better self parking. We got a $50 parking ticket because the bike lane cones looked like it extended past the traffic light... very very unhappy w that because the city of Carlsbad did not make it clear or anticipate the # of attendees. Appeal was not accepted... not happy about this. May not attend future events. Senior parking spaces closer to park. Parking is a problem, let's improve that Parking!!!!! Make parking as easy as possible Parking. Always consider parking. Parking help for little kids More shuttle buses. The Alga Norte shuttle was helpful, but my friend noted that people using with babies and all their gear was troublesome. Plus long lines when leaving. We left early to avoid the mass exit. Parking must be available. It is unreasonable to expect people to take a shuttle. Suspend ticketing for the hours of the concert. We will not go if we cannot conveniently park. Continue the shuttle bus. Worked out great for us. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 70 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 48 What else would you like the city to consider: Getting to the concerts The bike valet was a great idea, except…riding home we would be in the dark, and with that many cars on the road leaving, I did not think it would be a good idea. What else would you like the city to consider: Food Food trucks! And definitely a variety of foods, including at least some options for allergies and vegetarian choices. When bringing back food vendors, there should still be an option to be able to bring your own food. Food trucks, alcohol and anything to do to ease parking Available food/trucks, before concerts local vendors ( local services , community info table, sign up to vote , mini farmers market ...) I think the opportunity to buy food is a good option. Kickback from food trucks/ local vendors providing services to attendees. Let's find ways to confine the great work without charging for those that live in carlsbad and are proud to support local events, vendors, etc. I also think having food to purchase is a good option on-site because not everyone has time to stop after work for food On-site food trucks is ideal as we always buy food outside of town and bring it to the concert. Fun community event. Should remain free.concessions would offset costs If you need financial support consider hosting food vendors for a fee but do not charge the people Food trucks were great, keep it free and fun Better communication to the community. Maybe open on up to church band on a sunday too. Get a percentage of food and drinks to offset cost. Bring back brick fired pizza/ smoothie truck. Food vendors need to come back!! We do not follow the band name/reputation, but planned on attending a few and then was turned off by them being culturally specific, as well as no food. It is a hard time for families with kids to get to without providing food/drink and New Age music. Sell food and/or treats/candy to help supplement cost. More at poinsettia! Food vendors, and kids activities. Food trucks were nice. Congrats to Carlsbad for offering such great concert events to the community and surrounding areas There are no more food vendors, and maybe I'm wrong, but it feels like there are fewer concerts. Bring TGIF back in full force with a couple of sponsors. More coastal locations, food trucks would be a huge plus! Have artist and farmers market, food vendors “a day of organics” And for God Sakes - bring back the food trucks. At lot of us find it disappointing that we can't even support our own Scouts selling burgers and hot dogs. Food trucks would be great too! Access to a playground, access to food. One hour longer with food trucks or courts and sell alcohol. Bring back food trucks. As a volunteer at these events, people have expressed interest in having food trucks. No food trucks was very disappointing More Food Vendors Please bring food trucks back (maybe take a % of their nightly profit to cover your costs). Provide vegetarian options, and adult beverages vendors. Pass donation jar to help cover costs. volunteers could walk around selling snacks like at ball parks and they can also sell raffle tickets along with the snacks - popcorn, cookies, candy, nuts, etc. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 71 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 49 What else would you like the city to consider: Food At least sell water desert food trucks Quick food options to buy - not items that are made there but things you can quickly purchase like hot dogs or pizza by the slice Please offer food trucks / tents! Some of our favorites: Up in Smoke BBQ, The Brat Shack, Two for the Road, GoGo Truck, Organic Truck Sell food, liquor, games, activities and services yourself. Have carlsbad based food/ drink businesses sell. So many great small businesses I'd love to buy from at these events- local breweries, bakeries, etc. Please have some options for food for those with allergies - celiac, gluten-free especially. Maybe some dairy free or peanut free. It makes a big difference. Thank you! Ban or at least discourage the sale of drinks in plastic cups or bottles. More food vendors Being able to purchase food and drinks onsite would be great. Having food options would be nice - even prepackaged grab and go sandwiches or picnic items. No need for a food truck that way. More food Cookies and cupcakes We loved the food trucks in the past and would love to have them come back! Bring back food vendors Movie in the park. Food vendor events from local restaurants like a sample dish but a VIP price can sample all dishes. Food trucks, with vegan food available also We missed the food/beverage vendors. Make more money selling food/beverages, Sell permits to have food trucks to offset costs A few tables for picnic or takeout dining Would love food and snacks options for purchase Please bring food trucks!!!!!! More food offers Bring back food trucks and food vendors What else would you like the city to consider: Spend city money on other priorities I like lower taxes and city spending to be reasonable and to beatify and improve our city. I would like to see improvements to beaches, as in SAND replenishment and beach grooming to make Carlsbad beaches better (ie Solana Beach). Also traffic lanes can be improved for better traffic flow (not just green bike lanes everywhere). Police should enforce more ebike saftey (tickets to riders) as kids are unsafe daily and LED signs don't do any good in my opinion. Parents getting tickets from kids riding badly would make a difference in my view. Yes off topic but related to City spending. Put the money used on TGIF to get rid of the homeless in our city. City planners need to look at all previous correspondence from prior years. Why do we need to tell you about parking issues. And a sign saying a shuttle is at Dove Library does nothing to encourage people to use it. If the city cannot take care of tax paying residents who get inundated with parking that blocks our drive ways during the events, then stop doing the concerts, save the money, and time to reduce the parks and rec staff Music is widely available in so many devices and places, cancelling TGIF concert should be an option. Most residents don't attend, this is a nice to have event for small % of city residents. Stop it all together. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 72 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 50 What else would you like the city to consider: Spend city money on other priorities Cancel TGIF concerts altogether. Due to the drug problem with unhoused population , have more police and Cert help present. Also, due to the undocumented immigrant influx flooding our county, bring in immigration help to offset beggars/would be thieves. It’s out of control! please cancel these events is a nightmare for residents Spend more money on Carlsbad schools instead of concerts. The kids need better facilities and equipment. Fund the future rather than entertaining the elderly. These are a waste of money. Why are you doing this anyway? What else would you like the city to consider: AV/sound/volume Sound was a problem at the concert I attended; I don’t know that the singers could hear themselves well because they were off key quite a bit! The only band we saw this year that had a good sound was BIG. The last two bands had a very poor sound: out of tune vocals and the instruments lacked balance (some instruments not loud enough and others too loud). We did not care for the DJ, specifically his talking. We were very disappointed by the reduction in concerts this year. This is an extremely popular event in the city, and one idea would be to use some of the money the city has in reserve to fund the usual amount of concerts next year. The speakers need to better! Ugh- could not hear the announcer of the lottery. Side speakers for the guest in the back. Louder sound. Not so loud to hear in the entire community There were disruptive sound issues with the concert I attended. I volunteered at one of the concerts, and the DJ pre show was uncomfortably loud. Good sound does not mean loud. A social event with loud music blocks conversations. I am a former music industry professional. My bands made much more money by controlling the volume. BECAUSE PEOPLE SOCIALIZING is a money-booster. Better acoustics Consider reducing the audio volume at concerts - louder does not make it better, just more painful to attend. What else would you like the city to consider: Volunteers I’m SO proud of being a Carlsbad resident! Can high schoolers help out and earn volunteer hours…? If you are looking for Volunteers to Help Plan, Coordinate, Organize, I would absolutely love to be involved/help. I am connected to local Scouts in the Carlsbad area. I know in other areas, Scouts are used at functions such as Octoberfests, etc., to pass out programs or help direct traffic or even help pick up trash. Scouts would, preferable, have access to a form that could be filled out to acknowledge their community service hours, but, otherwise, this would have no cost to the City of Carlsbad. We have, in the past, provided similar service to the Art Walk festivities in Carlsbad. It may be something that would be worth consideration. The key is to get it promoted early enough to allow for sign-ups far enough in advance. Solicit possible volunteer support to offset costs. I would volunteer to play a vinyl DJ set and I can provide the sound system and I would consider it a community service. Restrooms Porta potties in more than one location. On occasion, the bathrooms have run out of toilet paper. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 73 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 51 Restrooms Parking needs to be on stage level for access to bathroom facilities, or availability to portapotties on upper level. If this is not doable Poinsettia Park should be eliminated from concert locations. Please make sure there is always a bathroom. Make sure it’s safe/parks have drinking fountains/clean working restrooms What else would you like the city to consider: Music/bands Maybe open on up to church band on a sunday too. For me it’s about the overall experience so the notoriety of the band is less important. Better music rock Increase number of dates. More 70s, 80s, Rock, Buffett and Yacht groups Please consider smaller intimate concerts at pine park that Barrio residents would enjoy and appreciate. There are many Latin x households that would love to attend concerts within this music genre. consider expanding access for low-income families in the Barrio and curating more smaller alternative music. Smaller concert venues would be greatly appreciated. to avoid excessively large crowds. Many great local bands that are less costly and want the exposure. People like rock and danceable music. Jungle fire was not a hit and only played for half the time. It was all instrumental and their own music, so no words and no tunes we knew. Im a big music fan of any kind so for me to complain is rare! I like the idea of lesser known bands to give them a shot! I think we don’t need as many concerts. The DJ idea is great, and the bike valet! B.I.G. was awesome, would love to see them again! Nostalgic music is always on point. 👍🏻 I don’t know that the singers could hear themselves well because they were off key quite a bit! It would be really great if ALL the bands chosen were Dance bands and Upbeat and Peppy. :) In addition, lively background music/dj is very helpful to keep the atmosphere fun and enjoyable. I think choosing less expensive bands would be an option. The music is somewhat of an afterthought. Most are busy visiting and socializing with their friends/family in the park. The music is a secondary. Could mix well known and new to balance cost. Get better known groups and charge. Hire Ginger Roots for concert at Pointsetta Park! I thinking charging $5 per person or $10 per family is a great idea! Keep the quality of bands and music.. Include some alternative world musicians such as Jimmy and Enrique. Consider pairing lesser known local groups such as John Bowman with bands you have had before. Have venues that promote the local arts. My uncle created "Opera in the Park" in Golden Gate Park (SF) to mark the opening of the SF Opera Season, now that is a concert in the park! Also more Surf Music and Mariachi/Flamenco which I can help you with. You should also get the Belly-up involved. Please have Abba return. They were fantastic. I would be willing to pay to see them. Quality of the bands is very important. Jungle Fire was not well received by people I spoke to. Not having singing in the songs and it just being instrumental songs were not good. I think betamax is worth the money, but a local country band in another concert like Whiskey Ridge could balance it out. Please increase quality of bands - country band was terrible. I like 80's cover bands, popular 80's dance music, Featuring small/new/lesser known bands for at least a couple TGIF would be a great way to promote the small local bands who need the exposure. Better bands are the key to good attendance. Bring back Betamaxx- they had a great, wide variety of styles in their repertoire and lots of energy. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 74 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 52 What else would you like the city to consider: Music/bands Make sure who ever does the selection of bands actually has knowledge of good music. No screeching bands. Louder is not better. I think the crowds that showed up to the 80’s night and Abba at Alga is telling. Better music is huge and people like those genres more. We do not follow the band name/reputation, but planned on attending a few and then was turned off by them being culturally specific, as well as no food. It is a hard time for families with kids to get to without providing food/drink and New Age music. Invite the band DR/DR Band. They are local and an amazing band and would be less expensive. I greatly appreciate these concerts, so thank you! Lessor known bands to reduce cost is a good idea, places like the Landings, My Yard Live, Cruzin Grand, etc. always have talented bands you could review. Look forward to next year ! My favorite band of all time was B-Side players :) i love local bands and though cover bands are fun, I value local bands that play their own music. thank you for letting me come back to Carlsbad :) One of the best concert series ever! Keep up the good work. Would like to see Jazz music come back as part of the series. Did not like the Fabba show. Thanks for providing the opportunity to give feedback. Love the concerts and the great job you do with keep up the venues. Alway feel safe and relaxed there. Although we live in Vista now, we were residents of Carlsbad for 25+ years and attended multiple TGIF concerts with friends every year with our kids' toddler through adult years. We always rave about how much we enjoy them. My only comment this year is that we were surprised and disappointed in the quality of the first concert band. We had newcomers to TGIF with us and we were frankly embarrassed. I wish we could have attended more concerts so we would know if it was a one off. Keep up the great work getting diverse artists. I always enjoy seeing who is on tap each summer and then attend the shows I want to see. The City provides a lot of fun, enjoyment and memories for us Carlsbadonians. The FABBA Show was the one of the best concerts I have ever been to, free or otherwise. Bring them back!! Suggestions for lower fee bands: boxelderstation.com and risingstarbandsd.com A Talent nite for one of the Fridays There are so many great local artists that it's surprising you don't book them. E.g. blind miles blues, ginger roots, Whitney Shea, kogee soul reprise, boostive.. Bands that are instrumental only don’t vibe so well with the crowd. Good to have vocalists and play songs that the crowd is familiar with. Pick music lots of people will enjoy. More jazz and R&B I like bluegrass and cajun 7 zydeco music and would like to see on the schedule ... thanks for all the work you do to put on the concerts. I appreciate it very much. How about a band that play retro music - 50s, 60s, 70s, etc. Better walkways to get to the dance floor regardless of where one is sitting. Bands: Milk Money, ItsNever2L8 More easy listening music. Involving local radio station involvement to seek music options and support Seek input on actual bands Clarify what genre the band falls under. I, personally, will not attend any country music shows. Prefer rock. More ska/ hip hop Some alternative bands Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 75 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 53 What else would you like the city to consider: Music/bands I don't know. I do know I'd love to be sitting outdoors in nature ( I assume I would need to bring my own folding chair) and listening to lovely live music (especially from the 60's & 70's and maybe standing up and dancing to the rhythms that compel me to do so. Better bands senior preferences: 50s/60s music, country, rock n'roll, etc. Having a neighborhood concert in the park is what matters, have lesser known bands, there are many tribute bands and charge a fee for upfront spaces family friendly opening comedian MC. Incendiary band. More jazz in the park!!!! We ues to attend almost every concert. Last year only one. More world music/cultural experiences. Variety of music Danceable music, some were not. Where did the best bands of previous years go? The mighty untouchables, 80"s all starz, The Detroit underground, Liquid Blue, etc. Consider booking Pine Mountain Logs who sell out Belly Up every time. Charge fee. Pt Loma has had them and it’s a huge draw! Get some steel drum music options. At least one symphony performance Young Local bands or musical performers looking for opportunity to perform. Have open mike concerts once a month. Pay them nominal and gas and tips. The BIG was amazing and had such a fun energy. Fun band that are easy to dance to would be great! The raffle stuff and announcements are blah How about a 60's or 70's concert? Now that would be fun! Good Bands Less country. More dancing and less bands that are entertainers like Fabba - didn’t like. Bands that appeal to multiple generations and get people up and dancing are the best. Keep the existing number of concerts and add classical in other venues Open Mic maybe as warm up, because the stage is usually setup many hours in advance. Let a DJ play in between the Open Mic performers. Band names: Gone Blonde or Atomic Groove. Bring back the band B.I.G or similar music Salsa music, maybe with some option for dancing Get better bands - especially roots, rock & reggae. Enough with the weak pop cover bands. all different genres. 80s and country bands. Country music and todays hits Beachie music Instead of dj prior, we have so much talent in San Diego, I know plenty of young musicians who would love to open the show... feature traditional jazz music Have a battle of the bands contest with local bands entered. Consider including progressive music that requires some listening ability, crowd pleasers don't expose crowds to anything new, which in the end is not pleasing since everyone in the crowd had to aquire thier tastes at some point when they heard something new! More guitar music Some music from the 60's and 70's. Hawaiian Musicians Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 76 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 54 What else would you like the city to consider: Music/bands Consider working with belly up for booking bands. Maybe feature two local bands at once. Also, no karaoke bands. please consider us! www.fleetwoodmaxband.com We play The Belly Up, SD Music Box, Solana Beach Concerts at the Cove, Yuma AZ Medjool Date Festival, Humphreys Backstage, SD Waterfront Park 5 Year Anniversary Event...and many more Please book some punk rock bands. less country and rock more jazz, r and b R&B, blues, Cajun. Better music! There were 5 men for every 1 woman appearing on the lineup this year, and half of the bands booked were all-male bands. I know it's hard to book female talent, but it would be nice to see more women on stage for next year's lineup. Good variety of music I prefer bands that have a vocalist. Carlsbad has a wide range of ages but I'd say a good portion of them are older and you'd draw out bands that played a rock version band as well as smooth jazz type of music you'd get a larger following... When choosing the Latin band which there is definitely a market for select a popular band that wl play Latin favorites. Sadly this year's band was horrible playing only instrument and unknown songs. The DJ picks before the concert were better than the band. Have Damage Inc next year! Great Metallica tribute band based in Orange County. They do age appropriate songs and can do other songs that aren't Metallica too. https://www.damageinc.us/ Jazz, classical. Get more local bands for less cost. There are plenty of local bands. Live music is preferred, but a DJ set would be fun too. Ensure the act starts at 6 pm and plays a full set to 8 pm. Intermission should be short 15 minutes, not 30 minutes. Different concerts for different age groups would help make crowds smaller and events easier to attend. More country and yacht rock Music easy to dance to and bands who really connect with the audience. 60s, 70s, 80s music Other types of music. Rock, Swing, Country, Post Modern Jukebox Make sure the band and performers have talent. Have local bands open Old time Rock and Roll. 50s and 60s classics. Oldies but Goodies. At least one show for the Boomers. Better music Get good bands. Atomic Groove, Wild Shot, Queen Nation, tribute bands like AC/DC or Guns n Roses. Bands were better/more varied when carlsbad staff chose them- i understand now its a booking agency? There are many so cal bands that are great Bluegrass! Reggae! The quality in music went down this year. Many acts could not sing in tune. That needs to improve . The DJ was terrible. Get rid of him. Hire bands with less “fluff” and gimmicks like the 5 wardrobe changes and contests on stage by the Fabba/Abba band. So much wasted time chatting into the microphone instead of signing/playing music. Old school R&B bands Good dance bands. Pick bands with a wide range of “good” music(preferably with horn sections) More Latin cultural music like Banda, Mariachi, Cumbia or Rock en Espanol. Also reggae roots music. We loved when you had B-side Players. classic 60s music No instrumental bands Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 77 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 55 What else would you like the city to consider: Music/bands Get bands who play dance music everyone knows. Not original songs no one knows Music you can dance to! Hire Robert Hardaway III, The Guitar-Czar. Great act for all ages and reasonably priced. More Americana music. Use the Coastal Communities Concert Band, They are fabulous! Many communities use concert bands. try to include, Rock, Jazz, Soul, Salsa, some Country Blues music Jazz, folk music It would be great to get some better well known bands Please. No more country music. This is not El Cajon. Patriotic music, Christian music, and country western. Better music! No cover bands. Electric jazz. Funk. Indie rock. Bring more reggae or world music acts please Jazz please stop the repetitive pop and rock and bring in some jazz 80’s and 90’s music More tribute bands. I am a member of a musical duo known as Relic Ruckus. We have been performing together for over 10 years, and have performed at various venues in and around the Greater San Diego area. Please consider us maybe as an opening act for one of the main performers: More salsa/Latin music. Keep the vibe local and music centric. Don't push the "party" aspect because it creates a more rowdy vibe that is less family friendly. The louder the music, the louder everyone has to yell to hear each other. Jazz please. Multi Cultural programs. Swing Jjazz big bands like Th American Flyboys and MSO Music from the 90's and early 2000's Do a Kidzbop type concert More jazz as in the past. Don't forget the great local talent we have in our area! I feel the bands in the last few years cater too much to the younger age group. Too much head banger music and screeching and not singing. Having said that the music is secondary to getting together with long time friends sharing food. The only program we would possibly attend would be classical chamber music Love the rock & roll oldies music, more of that please. Classical music or jazz. Jazz music If there were lesser known bands perhaps there would be less “groupies” that attend and make it more crowded. Select bands with high energy dance music Chamber music, strings, woodwind instruments DJ instead of live band Motown The band Hyndsight is a great cover band. Mostly 80s-90s rock. We watch them play at local breweries. The first band this year (Band overboard) wasn’t very good. I’ve never noticed a band not being good until this year. I wouldn’t recommend getting that band again. Music that is danceable . enjoy being able to get in early to get a desired spot . Music last few years has been subpar for us . Glad you are asking , we really enjoy attending , but leave early if the music is not to our liking . open it up to comedy or other variations of entertainment. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 78 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 56 What else would you like the city to consider: Music/bands Classical and opera Having music to dance to is primary - nothing like families dancing together - from toddlers to grandparents. Bring in the best band and your rating will stay high. Convince the bands the large number in attendance will benefit their popularity. Bands get future job from big events like TGIF. Why did the African band have only white musicians It’s all about the music quality. Get good artists and corporate sponsors to bring in the best artists. The bands/musicians Better bands. We like reggae, rock, hip hop. Maybe a local band night. Might draw a younger crowd. We recommend The Way Brothers! Check them out on Insta! More multi-cultural music offerings--for this day and age, we need to put forth that image to the world, our tourists, our neighboring cities, and our community members. Maybe have some local bands open for the main performers More concerts. Also music we can dance to. Music we recognize. More funk and maybe if more “jammy” bands Consider some local bands, including high schoolers..maybe a competition …for an evening. Band overboard was horrible Consider bands from the area and also consider blue grass or country. Dance music seems to be the most popular at these events. Consider Magee Park with lesser cost music Jason Mraz since he is localish - Oceanside. Quality of bands. Really found bands of lower quality this year I believe 80s bands and cover/tribute bands would have the highest appeal Conservative music Tasteful Classical culture Book more local artists. Pay them well. Bossa nova and latin music is my preferred genre. Loved the ABBA show Bring better talent and more diverse bands...less or no country! i was upset with the country band young guns referenced some uncomfortable things for ppl to feel like this was an inclusive event so that was upsetting to see carlsbad supporting that Please advertise how local bands can apply for a slot! Bring back Mighty Untouchables. Preferred the bands with music you can dance to. Did not care for Jungle Fire at all. Concert / chamber music Allow community input on band/music style selections Local bands with lesser costs would be great I’ve been coming since the beginning and feel the quality of the bands have decreased. I remember international bands mixed with local talent making the season truly memorable and enriching. I guess the budget won’t allow it but bring back Rob Hagey! Thanks for caring and allowing feedback. Calypso A more casual local feel, use local bands, bring back the small town vibe of seeing your friends, relaxing and music as the background not thr be quiet and listen concert atmosphere Rick and roll yes Country no FABBA was fun, but I have to believe they were super expensive. Surely there’s another cover band locally who would have been more affordable. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 79 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 57 What else would you like the city to consider: Music/bands Less talking and more music please! It is hard to hear/understand what is being said anyways and it ruins the mood & fun vibe. We all show up for a concert, not a chamber of commerce meeting. Quality of the band. The music was a category we liked, but the band sounded terrible. Signing was off key. This is the first year the band has been so bad. Do not rebook the Jungle fire band. They were terrible! Bands that play music we can dance and sing too. Limit the size of blankets just like you limit the height of chairs. It's unfair for one person to lay down a 20' square. Also, please don't have trash bins in aisles... essentially blocking people's views. Finally, check out "Flashback Heart-Attack" up in Orange County. Amazing 80's band!!! Don’t have a dj beforehand 70's music. Loved Fabba. I missed Mighty Untouchables What else would you like the city to consider: Misc topics Seasonal gathering: fall gathering, holidays gathering, community fun Allow lawn chair height chairs Provide seating or space available for bringing seats. The concerts are great fun. They’re just a bit too crowded for the 75+ set! nothing else COVID STATUS It is very family oriented and kid friendly which is great! It would be nice to have something that also plays more into adult singles- maybe a beer garden or wine tasting tents before or after shade. Crowd having the sun behind them. Not in your face. Possibly more wellness vendors. Please find a way to organize the crowds and the seating, otherwise no matter what changes you make, many of us will not attend even though we would like to. make umbrellas allowed so people can be comfortable. view of the stage isnt incredibly important Please keep art booth open during the entire intermission for kids to do! nothing else Limit or ban alcohol. Live-streaming concert with a stationary camera No dogs allowed We’ve always appreciated the city putting these on so I hope there is a way that works to continue them for years. It was very annoying at Poinsettia that the dog park was CLOSED during the concert - what was the point of that exactly? The result of that was people bringing dogs TO the concert, instead of dog owners being safely contained within the dog park where they could enjoy the concert and not bother anyone with their dogs playing or barking or worry about their dogs having to toilet or smell food items or want to play with children. I don’t understand that decision at all. You should post a sign at the dog park “reserved for people with dogs only”- but it definitely should NOT have been closed (and several hours before the concert??). If it’s noise you’re worried about the volume of the concerts FAR exceeds any dog barking that could possibly be heard by concert goers. shade from heat nothing son went but liked it security I notice that half way through the show, some people who come early and sitting close to the front. Pack up and leave. Disrupting everyone else around them. They should be more considerate of others. Police enforcement More security at entry (bag checks, metal detector, etc.) similar to larger concert venues. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 80 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 58 What else would you like the city to consider: Misc topics The banners on the side of the stage cut off viewing unless you are straight on (which the majority of viewers are to one side or the other). People hog up way too much space for friends who are coming or not (enough room for 8-10 when there are only 4. Or, people squeeze 12 people in at the last few minutes when we got there before the gate opened to stand in line and get a spot and the larger groups encroach on our blankets. I don't mind people fitting into spots, but it got a bit much and took the fun out of it due to awkward situations where they were talking loud during the music and were right on top of us. Surf movies in the park Better swag for member signup. Good. Luck! More defined pathways around the field. I appreciate seeing that over the last few years. Please consider allowing us to bring our dogs to the park (ON LEASH) for the concerts. Keep them !! I have none Planning at least one event that is 18 yrs or older The weather. Please bring back less humidity and gloom. more walkability to get into middle of fields none What's the seating..blankets?? I was born last year, actually. Can't you tell? The city is not. booking agnate. Stop it Move at the park & multi-cultural vendors Shaded areas would be nice Whatever you think works Parking Good crowd control & no drugs allowed. Keep the police and security in place. remind people to bring low chairs otherwise, most people are respectful. I don't know yet because we're new to the area, but these sound awesome! Some song for just the kids That's all Went to the one at Oceanside Senior Center off Rancho Del Oro. Don't know why it wasn't listed, but that venue was great!!!!! Activities before Playing pickleball while hearing the concert Local tshirts and tgif t shirts for sale. Giveaways Up to date movies better Accessible Security Maybe 1 or 2 adults only events Allow small businesses to rent tents to sell wares No comments You don't need to block the lot so far in advance, maybe consider the people who use the park regularly Please bring back the enforcement of low chairs so everyone can enjoy the band from anywhere on the field. Move the tents to where they were so we can see the concert at stagecoach Continue them. We pay high property taxes here abd these concerts are a draw when buying here. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 81 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 59 What else would you like the city to consider: Misc topics It’s the “Community Feel” that’s most important. Seeing neighbors and others peacefully enjoying themselves. Did I say too Crowded Other comments i attended my first two ever and they were great! Not the great time with small kids I did nothing Unfriendly to dogs. Because my first experience was not good. Also my health limited attendance. Mosquito 🦟 s This was our first time, it was closest to where we live. NA Did not I never attend the concerts I attended more concerts this year Personal reason N/A N/A N/A First year attending and it was so fun Just moved here. About the same as normal. No food trucks Don't care about them. N/A [not relevant] Elderly and not interested N/A I wanted food trucks to be there instead of having to bring our own food They are fun to attend, good way to socialize and meet with friends and they are FREE n/a moved to Carlsbad this year Obtrusive police presence - The portable observation tower is completely unacceptable! We will not return until it's gone. NA We just moved here, would love to attend N/a Not organized. Hmmm. I actually attended more than last yr as noted in answer to Q2 above: 1 concert this yr vs zero last yr CORVID They are no longer enjoyable. my son went and he loved it asked why we didn't go to these, good idea for young adults Not sure why do not like the venues Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 82 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 60 Other comments For fun w/ neighbors not sure People saving spots!! Drinking and then driving away!! two drinks and you are DUI. No police enforcement. Accidents waiting to happen> This is the first time we've gone, but we had fun and we plan to go again Small children No one to go with The most we've done is one, this year we did 3. Location Because of travel. If in town next year, we will attend all of them! N/a N/A I went to several because the locations were good for me and the schedule worked out NA Friends invited me I only attended one last year. I didn't have anyone to go with Attended more - what worked with our summer schedule. Not applicable U am older and need to sit in a chair more than a low beach chair and certainly not the ground. I would love to go and be able to bring a higher chair and sit in the back. Not interested. My home is adjacent to Poinsettia park. On concert night, Our neighborhood streets are full of parked cars and walkers which is annoying. Personal I didn’t. One each year we just moved here! Didn't Wasn’t able to make it but hope to in the future. We haven’t attended the concerts for a few years and we just attended one this year, but we really enjoyed it and invited our neighbors and I think we will attend more next year. My response to question #2 was "about the same". Why in BLAZES does question #3 then ask, "Why did you attend fewer concerts this year?" No food trucks or treats for kiddos. Because there were none in Pine Park. Never been no Same amount I wish I could have been at more of them Location In question 2 I answered that I attended more. I didn't attend fewer. I attended more. it's complicated In the previous question I answered that I attended about the same. Just moved here Unknown creating conflict and attendance FAQ to help foster our attendance Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 83 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 61 Other comments I attended more We loved the concerts when they were at Magee Park. We understand that the park is smaller than the others and that the parking is more difficult, but many other communities have concerts such as this near the center of town and that makes them more fun . You can go places after the concert. So, someone has overthought this and as a result the concerts have become less fun. It was my first one We just moved to California. Have not attended yet. N/A Older and don't stray too far fr home Na Covid I never missed a concert until they moved in Stage Coach concert from the nice grassy hill to the flat ground to the east. What a bad call. We love all the concerts in the park Obvious, Covid risk N/A Live in OC. Same Didn’t make it Na N/A Not interested in any of the music venues. Na NA It was our first concert I just moved here Let us face the inconvenient truth, our city has been overrun by tourists and characters. They are not the family venues they once were because our demographic has changed so dramatically. N/a Just getting back into going out among a crowd of people Location New to Carlsbad I live behind Stagecoach - I enjoyed the music, just from my patio :) I just moved to the area from NorCal. We just moved here. N/A It was close to my house. It was the first one I have attended and I loved it. This is the most I've ever attended. Parking & crowds kept me away before, but I heard how great the concerts are. Na It’s fun I liked the band selection Still getting back into habit after the pandemic Fun family friendly community event N/a Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 84 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 62 Other comments I didn’t attend fewer. I did not. Use of low chairs was not being enforced so there were so many people with high chairs blocking the view and hindering the enjoyment of others. N/A lack of interest after going for 25+ years Not convenient All shows should be in the Village. I attended the same number as I usually do. The tents were moved making it impossible to see the band. They are near the community center, it is an area where a lot of older people sit because you can use higher chairs which are easier for older people with mobility issues to use. Plus it is close to the handicapped parking. Still fearful of Covid I didn't, I attended more. It's strange that this question assumes I went to less. I attended more because I was more interested in the bands than usual. Locations Locations Concerts start too late. It would be much better if started earlier. Also would go if closer to home. Would definitely go if at one of the parks close to the village. In the past I would go, 2-3 times depending on the choice of music... but covid lockdowns sort of made me a loner, and crime is making me a bit more afraid. Though, I felt safe at both concerts. Hoping to join some meetups to get me out of my shell. Wonderful community experience Other comments: Appreciation Congrats to Carlsbad for offering such great concert events to the community and surrounding areas TGIF summer concerts are fun!! Please keep having them. You're doing great! I have been attending these concerts for over 25 years and they remain the highlight of my summer. It’s a great way to kick off the weekend and gather with friends/neighbors. Honestly it’s one of the top 3 reasons I love Carlsbad. I have never had a bad experience at one. Thanks for the hard work and explaining why there were less concerts this year. Providing transparency and seeking feedback is Carlsbad’s secret sauce. We thank you for providing this great activity for our community. On another note, we love the concerts. Love them so much! I’ve been trying to get someone from Oside concert planning to conctact me for years to be on the committee because you all do such a good job for Carlsbad. But above all, thanks for doing it! We have so many memories with our kids and friends every summer and love seeing them pop up on our Facebook memories. And the art people- the best! Sooooo sweet and creative every single year! For the past 8 yrs! Love these concerts!! We’ve been doing TGIF’s for almost 30 years. We were disappointed that there were fewer concerts this year than last. Keep’em coming! I love the variety of music and that it’s free!! I just want to thank you for providing these concerts. Even though I only go to the ones at Stagecoach because they are closest to my house, they are SO well done and we always have a fantastic time. We are so grateful that you offer these concerts to us even though we live just over the Carlsbad line. We support financial support to continue availability. We love Carlsbad and TGIF concerts is one reason. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 85 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 63 Other comments: Appreciation It's amazing the good impact that these concerts bring to our community. Families, friends, neighbors get together reinforcing our ties to our beautiful city. Love them! I greatly appreciate these concerts, so thank you! Look forward to next year ! I used to live in La Costa and have moved to San Elijo. the concerts were always a highlight and such a unique opportunity to be outside, live music, and have a picnic. love the vibe and the happiness. Thank you for letting me come back to Carlsbad :) One of the best concert series ever! Keep up the good work. Thanks for providing the opportunity to give feedback. Love the concerts and the great job you do with keep up the venues. Alway sfeel safe and relaxed there. Although we live in Vista now, we were residents of Carlsbad for 25+ years and attended multiple TGIF concerts with friends every year with our kids' toddler through adult years. We always rave about how much we enjoy them. Keep up the great work getting diverse artists. I always enjoy seeing who is on tap each summer and then attend the shows I want to see. The City provides a lot of fun, enjoyment and memories for us Carlsbadonians. Otherwise, it was a ton of fun, I couldn't believe how many people were there. Just moved to Carlsbad before the summer and this was a super fun event to join for our first time. Thank you! Kudos! Job well done. It is amazing day at our life This is a great community gathering where adults can connect on a Friday night. They are well attended and our community looks forward to the gatherings. These are such treasured Carlsbad experiences…to see so many happy people, from all walks of life in one place, dancing and exuberantly joyful is so special. I would say less, high quality events would be more special than many events with the quality watered down. So, so grateful for this wonderful city we live in! Thank you!! I love TGIF concerts!!! Wish there were more!!! You are all doing a Great Job Keep up the great work, we all have soo much fun!! These events all over Carlsbad are great fun & community building. Always look forward to these I think they are a wonderful community event! It’s social hour for parents, kids, grandparents and young adults. I think it is very well done but we need MORE! its all great you do a wonderful job thank you! These have been a staple in Carlsbad since I was born. Please don't make them less accessible for the community to come together. Find a way to keep the TGIF concerts as similar to how they have been forever. Thank you! Music is great thing to share in community! Greatly appreciated. Nothing these are great! This are so important, and why I love the community. Keep it up. The concerts are great, I love them and wanted to come to more of them this year. Thank you! Thank you for doing this We appreciate it all! i think they’re great and sorry we missed this year. Previous Carlsbad resident for almost 20 years. Have enjoyed TGIF for years! They are great - thank you for hosting them! Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 86 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 64 Other comments: Appreciation Concerts in the park are great for creating community and positive community culture. At the concert I attended, 3 of my neighbors were there, plus 7+ friends from around town. So great to have fun local activities like this. Keep them very high quality. I love that you accommodate services for ebikes parking. Every event is perfect Please keep the concerts!!! It’s the only time I see the community gathered together. Keep up the great work! These are amazing! Nothing else; keep-up the god work! We were sorry to miss the concerts this year. Thank you for hosting these events for our community. We appreciate that it is a lot of work. You've thought of everything. Thanks for all you do You guys are doing a great job, we all love these concerts, and it always makes me proud to pride to live in Carlsbad. Nothing, we really appreciate this program and all of the effort it takes to pull off. Thank you keep it up! Thank you for having these outdoor music events! It's free family fun for everyone! We live the concerts Keep it up ! My favorite events of the summer. Happy to.spend my taxes this way Please keep this program going and don't reduce it! So important for the culture and lifestyle of Carlsbad keep offering them! Everyone was happy and friendly and safe. It was perfect for all ages in Carlsbad to come together ! Had a great time It's one of the best things that Carlsbad offers as a way to gather the community. Keep it going 👍 It has been run very smoothly and the coordinators are helpful and the bands are relevant. Safety. Overall thank you for the great summer concerts anyway. You have done amazing job. Thank you!!! Nothing - so appreciative the City puts these on - we went to two at Alga Norte and and FABBA were awesome! Loved the shuttle service offered! The tradition of free outdoor summer concerts is one I hope the community can continue. It's important that it is a family friendly atmosphere. We hadn't been to a concert in many years, and were able to go to the Fabba concert this summer and enjoyed the venue and concert very much. Thank you Love them Keep doing every summer, we appreciate the events and hard working everyone putting in. Keep it going. It's a great tradition we have enjoyed since inception. CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE!! CARLSBAD IS THE BESTEST!!!!!!!! I think the entire program is just great and people that run it and work on the field do an outstanding job. I would not change anything from the parking to the venue itself. #4 rated concert series in the Nation and you’re changing it? Why? Thanks for doing these! Lots of fun!! When I went before these were well planned and enjoyable and brought the community together. I don’t have strong opinions because I am not familiar with the budget constraints. Thanks for your work on the tgif conceets LOVE the Concerts in the Parks (TGIF.) Have only attended the concerts performed within walking distance from my home ... VERY hassle free and love Poinsettia Park. LOVE that it's relaxing for everyone, plenty of play space/opportunities for the kids w/o everything having to be organized activities AND at the same Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 87 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 65 Other comments: Appreciation time easy for adults to relax and enjoy their friends, family, and the show. Such a great perk living in Carlsbad! I love these concerts! Not much. You guys run a great operation! You all are doing a great job, and we appreciate all the hard work you do. Thank you You’re doing great; thank you! I like the variety of music and venues you had this year. Keep it up! These are great events and so valuable for the community. Thank you! These are fantastic community events. Much appreciated! Very much enjoy the concerts. We live right behind Poinsettia Park and enjoy them. I’ve been very impressed with them!! Always fun! Nothing. I think the Coty of Carlsbad does a great job. Love the free summer concerts. FABBA Show was the best! It’s a wonderful community event, please keep them going! I think the events are fun. Love the neighborhood feel of it, being able to picnic with neighbors and friends and listen to music Keep it up!!! I love attending the concerts! The family friendly atmosphere and everyone bringing food to share. Please offer your expertise in neighborhood consideration to the “Friday night lights” organization. Their clientele shows little to no respect for the neighborhoods surrounding poinsettia park. You guys do an awesome job! Thanks for doing these. They are fun! You do great job. I really enjoy the concerts in the park series and am grateful that we have them. You are doing a great job. Everybody loves it. Don’t need to change a thing! 👍🏻 Kudos - you do a very nice job when it comes to safety and police presence. You guys do a great job. I think the audience just wants a vibrant venue where they can responsibly party at the end of the week with family and friends. I love everything the city does. Continue doing this right, cost-effectively, and for the people and you will do amazing! The concerts in the park give us a very positive feeling and connection toward the city. Out here in La Costa Oaks, we are as far from downtown as you can be and still be in the city limits, so we have limited connection/loyalty to city hall. The concerts at Stagecoach Park improve that connection and appreciation considerably. Thank you so much for providing them. Nothing else, thanks for putting them on We just found these concerts as new Carlsbad residents and look forward to attending more with our kids in the future! Our choice was simply on one closest to our house - Poinsettia Park. Had a great time, and hopeful to attend more! The coverts were great and well run! Keep it going. Keep up the good work All good! It’s a great idea to bring the community together. We need more events like it and there is absolutely no reason why corporations couldn’t help unwrite them. Continuing a City tradition that has brought community together. We love Carlsbad activities and concerts! Please keep them Coming. Overall it is a wonderful program! And Carlsbad does a fine job with most everything, would like to see more support for other arts programs. Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 88 of 106 2023 TGIF Survey Comments Appendix A 66 Other comments: Appreciation We love going and have been going for years… it really creates community Great program! Carlsbad Parks does an amazing job! I think you do a great job overall! TGIF is a wildly popular, free, and successful community music event that the City provides its citizens. It's a major PR boost for the City, and it brings large numbers of the community together for a fun social gathering. Please don't fix what works. All is great. Thank you and I hope to attend next year. We love visiting Carlsbad. Thank you for all you do! This program is a huge draw for living here and it just makes me fall in love with Carlsbad every year! Keep it going Even if not attending the concerts, just seeing that they are happening fills me with joy. It makes me proud to live in a city that does these things. Very well run This is an asset to the citizens of Carlsbad Please don’t stop the concerts! 100% keep doing them. It is an awesome idea. Shuttle service is a great addition that we truly appreciate. Love these concerts and have been attending for years. Now that we have kids, it's a great family activity as well. Love the concert series. thank you! we love this tradition and look forward to it every year! Thank you for planning these events for our community!! Keep up the great work! So far you’ve done a great job You all have done a Fantastic job so far:) There is still so many things that can be done to keep it fresh and lower costs. Don’t give up:) Thank you for all that goes into putting these on! I think you are going in the right direction. These concerts are the highlight of the summer. I hope they can continue as they have in the past. Thank you. Nothing, it is a very well done program! Keep on keeping on!!!! Thanks Keep the good work! TGIF fridays are our favorite gatherings during summer Concerts are a summer staple in our city. Cutting back or getting rid of them is a poor choice. Money is spent on the wrong things in my opinion. We don’t only need houses built here and open space filled in. We need community gatherings like TGIF and more honestly. Watching the fields filled with people. Running into people you don’t see regularly. These moments are all worth the cost. The city does a nice job planning, communicating, and executing these events! Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 89 of 106 2023 TGIF Intercept Survey Responses Appendix B 1 Intercept survey responses What makes you decide to come to one concert over another? Music; we live close Schedule Type of music; regardless of location music selection Latin music preferred/music selection Band and location Music Location - will attend the CH because it's in their neighborhood Music selection; location The band; location; close to home Near residence; music selection Scheduling; availability Scheduling; availability No reasons Not available; not like type of music Availability; type of music Music selection; being outside Central location; Sage Creek is the nicest Availability; location Location Will only attend CH Schedule Band selection; location Music and band selection Personal conflicts; vacation conflicts Music selection Availability Location - close to home Schedule; band selection; location Music selection Location and distance from residence; Music Location Location; difficulty in getting to some parks Music; parking convenience Location; genre of music Location Band/Music Music selection; Time with friends and family If there was food Band selection Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 90 of 106 2023 TGIF Intercept Survey Responses Appendix B 2 What makes you decide to come to one concert over another? Location None What makes you decide to come to one concert over another? Because it's happening & like the music No donation requests; love all music Music selection; enjoys concert at Alga Meet new people; opportunity to be with others Music; locations Music selection Bands Availability None - we just come Family; location; availability; community Music Won't go to country bands Music artists Availability; music Availability; go when in town Personal availability / NA Music selections Location - proximity to home Availability; music selection Proximity to home; location; would attend more if at Poinsettia Camaraderie first, music second ABBA cover band Availability and friends; then music Convenience; bands Music Personal schedule Friends that were attending Availability Music/bands Word of mouth; ABBA Friends Band (ABBA) Music; schedule; kid's classes; location Availability; location Bands; availability of larger parks; parking Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 91 of 106 2023 TGIF Intercept Survey Responses Appendix B 3 What do you like about coming to TGIF concerts? Community; love the music; Latin music touch; ambiance; type of music; fun; it's very organized Easy going; family friendly; good musicians; enjoy them Ambiance; size of event; people enjoying themselves; outdoors Family-friendly Comfortability; good crowd; small location Relaxed; free; know people there; all generations; small town / Coming together; meeting people; food; memories; meet people Free; open; safe; beautiful; great quality Community; Friends Variety of music; accessibility; HS is better (parking); R&B; swing dancing; cheap date; gather with friends Bands; Central park / Free; bring your own stuff; families; fun to do Outdoors; enjoy listening to music Open; relaxing; atmosphere; easy; free; gather together outside; picnic; family; meet up with friends Free; No animals allowed; bathrooms are clean; venues Social; getting out; community; venues are great; great for kids Kid friendly Like the venues; socializing; kid friendly; people watching Fun; relaxing; staff is friendly and polite; kids have a good time Music; outside Food/drink allowed; walking distance People; atmosphere; being out and about; everyone is nice Friends; hanging out; safe; kid friendly; summertime Safe; fun environment; family friendly; music is good Free; community aspect; like they are on Fridays; band variety; alcohol allowed Venues; atmosphere; family oriented Outdoors; alcohol allowed; relaxing; kid friendly; good start to the weekend Openness; bring your own food; kid friendly; social aspect; location Music selection; crowd; outdoors; alcohol and food allowed; friendly environment Community; music lovers; kid friendly Good vibe; family friendly BYOB; family aspect; multi-culturalism; supporting the Arts in Carlsbad Fun; all age friendly Social aspect; BYOB and food Community Atmosphere; picnic; good music; free Outdoor and fun with friends BYOB; getting together with friends; Adult and kid friendly Community is there Music; Fun for all ages No drama; people are friendly Free; space; shuttles Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 92 of 106 2023 TGIF Intercept Survey Responses Appendix B 4 What do you like about coming to TGIF concerts? Parks are maintained; nice and clean Neighborhood friendly; BYOB and food; good music; people are friendly Free; BYOB; Outside; likes different venues; everything / Bathrooms; security Dancing; city staff Seeing people ages 2-99; dancing; being outside; bands have been great Free; Shuttles; Security; Music; out with community Energy; community Community; Fun outside with neighbors Prefers to see B.I.G. Being outside; free; quality; variety of bands; exposed to music we may not know Music; friends; community Enjoy life outside Dancing, music genres Free; good artists Free; dancing; all ages welcome; safe environment; different locations; shuttles; prizes Variety; quality of music Bike valet; music; hanging out with friends; vibe, families; kids can dance / outside; music; beautiful area Live close by; convenient; facilities; well-ran; aisles, bathrooms; fun Everything; meeting up with friends; getting kids out of the house Great venue; beautiful; nice to be outdoors; ability to picnic; great for all ages Community; getting to see people; bands are great; neighbors Friendly people; BYOB; ADA access, good locations Picnic; BYOB; have your own space; music and artists; free; don't have to buy beverages Variety of music; Outdoors; BYOB and food; be with friends Dance BYOB and food; outside; sunshine; bands are great Family friendly; Easy access; fun summer event; free; safe; kids can play; well structured Great set up Community getting together; music Outdoors; picnic; live music; dance floor; walkways and aisles Nice atmosphere; good weather; people enjoying themselves; music; dancing; close by Friends gathering; community; bands; dancing; having fun Family atmosphere; people sitting and talking; kids running around Vibe; family atmosphere; organized event Family friendly; something for everyone Certain music genres Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 93 of 106 2023 TGIF Intercept Survey Responses Appendix B 5 What would make it better? 2 at this location (Calavera Hills); want more concerts; food trucks, have a sign for people who are selling raffles to ID with People selling churros; food vendors More Latin music Variety of music; dancing Host concerts at larger parks; DJ is a bit loud Turn down the DJ volume; QR code 1-2 Food trucks; Raffles Nothing - great job Food on site Food trucks; better parking Pre-concert is too loud; keep awnings and umbrellas down; more socialization time More events Better signage for handicap parking; art stations; sell alcohol; kids entertainment More concerts; enforce the rules on higher chairs and umbrellas Cones get knocked off; barriers are annoying Better parking Food trucks; more concerts at CH location; 4th of July concert; host concerts at other times of the year not just summer More concerts; donations are not as nice; more variety 3 concerts at CH; bring in newer bands More concerts at CH; feel like bands are being decided based on social economic status Earlier entrance times allowed Food vendors More concerts; food trucks/vendors Food vendors to include ice cream/desserts Better music selections Other genres of music Better parking Food vendors; pizza oven; Full bar More bathrooms and more spread out, multiple locations for bathrooms make it easier with children Better parking Better parking Food vendors Food trucks/vendors Better parking, but it is what it is Food vendors charge a small fee for event Get Led Zeppelin! / Get U2; Food trucks; double check ADA parking permits and lot to see if people really are ADA; provide little tables for food and drinks Offer umbrellas that automatically come down; free food; more art; activities for adults Would pay to reserve a spot; DJ volume needs to be lowered; tax deduction; Food vendors Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 94 of 106 2023 TGIF Intercept Survey Responses Appendix B 6 What would make it better? Upkeep of bathrooms; More appealing bands; bands that target more people Food vendors; Sell candy instead of tickets Stop Raffle More ADA parking; Food trucks Food trucks; low chairs up front; more ADA parking More concerts, no cut backs Likes it More parking More dancing; music appropriate with demographics; bigger areas Food vendors; Water; drinks; More advertising (fliers, communication, more promoting of artists); better parking More concerts; food trucks Parking - more shuttle locations; maybe offer paid parking lot for each concert; used to be able to buy stuff Dogs allowed; Vendors; Not having to bring your own stuff -rentals for setup / Food vendors; offers chairs; buffet bar Food trucks; on field concessions; bar service; adult beverages and sodas/water Food trucks Better parking; more shuttle options/locations; Designated ride share and drop off area; would pay for a parking pass More women's restrooms; food/vendors No high back chairs; Trash locations - if staff separates trash make sure to do it elsewhere or after concert Food trucks; options for food are good, but do enjoy bringing own food; better parking or paid parking Better parking; Would pay for parking pass or seasonal parking pass ($10) Make sure people are throwing food away, no littering; park opening too early or not early enough Outside temp is too hot Easy way to get quick concessions like water More parking; would pay for parking Nothing More information about shuttles and future events; Ice cream truck/food trucks; lower cost of raffle tickets; Food vendors Go back to 9 concerts; spread out every other weekend More booths; volunteer opportunities; getting the word out better; groups advertising products Keep it the way it is More things to do for kids; food trucks Food trucks; more concerts; accessibility into facility Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 95 of 106 2023 TGIF Intercept Survey Responses Appendix B 7 Other comments Doesn't like Alga Norte Location, too small; Parking is better; event is smooth; signs/police are good Shuttles are great; like to invite friends; Great job handling the traffic Good job Good line - ups; add Bruno Mars cover band; B.I.G Shuttle is very convenient Really great event Enjoy bike valet TGIF is cool Target new families to community by making sure they get info on concerts or invite Great the way it is Shuttle is good Should double check ADA plates More cultural music selections; less country Less interesting line-up of bands/music this year Love concerts do not get rid of them New amount of 6 concerts is not enough Doesn't like Alga Norte; Love Magee Likes bands with multiple singers No sad music; Bathrooms are clean; lots of staff and security; timeframe of concert is good Think from the viewpoint of a first time goer Enforce umbrella rule Highlight of summer Bands with no vocals are not as good Interested in knowing when the 2024 schedule will be released Disappointed amount of concerts have been reduced Walkways are great Don't need food trucks Offer VIP service; Ok with fewer concerts Simple is better; Great as-is Alga Norte is preferred location; doesn't like CH Family-friendly No more local tribute bands; higher echelon of music All locations are good Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 96 of 106 ^ Policy No. 79 CITV OF Date Issued: 2/11/14 V PARI <^RAn Effective Date: 2/11/14 V^Mr\LODML/ Resolution No. 2014-025 Cancellation Date: Supersedes No. Council Policy Statement Category: CORPORATE MARKETING PARTNERSHIPS Specific Subject: Policy for Corporate Marketing Partnerships Utilizing City-Owned Assets PURPOSE: The City of Carlsbad has developed a Policy for Corporate Marketing Partnerships ("Policy") utilizing city-owned assets to generate revenue that can be used to enhance city services and facilities to benefit residents, visitors and businesses. BACKGROUND: "Corporate marketing partnerships" is an umbrella term to descnbe a variety of programs that enable corporate entities to support city programs, events and services while generating exposure for their brands among city audiences. Staff presented a proposed corporate marketing partnerships program to City Council for its consideration on July 16, 2013. The presentation and staff report, which include program descriptions, photos and examples, are available public records and can be obtained from the Office ofthe City Clerk or on the city website through the online document management system. City Council directed staff to develop the corporate marketing partnership policy. POUCY: I. Corporate Marketing Partnership General Policy Provisions A. The Policy contained herein will provide guidelines for allowing certain marketing opportunities (e.g. sponsorship recognition and/or commercial advertising) provided under Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreements that will enable the City to generate revenue to enhance services and facilities. B. This Policy is not applicable to gifts, grants, or unsolicited donations for which no benefits are requested by the donor and where no business relationship exists pursuant to a Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement as defined herein. D. This Policy is not applicable to the naming of City facilities outside of a Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement as defined herein. E. This Policy is not applicable to events authorized by a Special Events Permit issued by the City of Carlsbad to Individuals or entities not otherwise involved in the Corporate Marketing Partnership Program. Page 1 of 10 lo Exhibit 4 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 97 of 106 Policy No. 79 F. Conditions upon which assets have been endowed or bequeathed to the City must be adhered to at all times. G. No external LED signs are permitted as part of the Corporate Marketing Partnership Program. H. No Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement shall impair or diminish the authority of the City and its responsibilities with respect to any municipal facility or event that is the subject of said agreement. I. This Policy shall be incorporated into any new Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement entered into between the City and an interested party, including a party selected pursuant to a Request for Proposals ("RFP") as defined herein. J. Not all City events, facilities, or programs will be included in the Corporate Marketing Partnership Program. It will be left to the discretion of the City Manager and applicable Department Director or Directors as to whether a specific City event, facility, or program will be included in the Corporate Marketing Partnership Program. K. Notwithstanding the establishment of this Corporate Marketing Partnership Policy, the City will continue to permit community partners to establish independent Sponsorship recognition programs in City parks and facilities. Such programs shall remain subject to City approval (including any applicable Commission approval(s)) on a project-by- project basis and shall be documented in conjunction with the execution of an applicable project license, lease, or cooperation agreement. The City's approval of such a program in connection with one or more projects in a park or facility does not preclude the inclusion of other Assets in the same park In a particular RFP pursuant to this Corporate Marketing Partnership Policy. L This Policy shall be effective immediately, but It shall not be enforced so as to impair the obligations of any agreement in effect at the time of its approval. II. Definitions. For the purpose of this Corporate Marketing Partnership Policy, the following definitions shall apply: "Advertising" means visual communication from an identified source that directs the public's attention to a particular product, service, program, or idea, which may include the City's own messages. For purposes ofthe Corporate Marketing Partnership Policy, all third-party (i.e. Non- City) advertising on or for City Assets is limited to Commercial Advertising as defined herein. "City Assets" are items of tangible and intangible value owned by the City, including, but not limited to, facilities, vehicles, programs, activities, events, contracts, purchases, and proposed capital improvements. City Assets, currently identified by the City, acting as a proprietor, for potential Sponsorship or Commercial Advertising opportunities associated with the Corporate Marketing Partnership Program are enumerated in this Policy. Additional details regarding available City Assets will be listed in an applicable RFP. Page 2 of 10 1 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 98 of 106 Policy No. 79 "Commercial Advertising" is visual communication that directs the public's attention to a particular business, product or service or other commercial activity and/or proposes a commercial transaction. The Commercial Advertising must contain only expressions or identification of a product or service related to the economic interests of the advertiser and Its audience. "Corporate Marketing Partnership" means a mutually beneficial business arrangement between the City and a Person, wherein the Person provides cash, in-kind goods or services and/or other resources to the City in exchange for an agreed upon set of rights and entitlements regarding use of specified City Assets for Commercial Advertising and/or Sponsorship arrangement. "Design Criteria Standards" are a set of design guidelines relating to the appearance of Advertising and/or Sponsorship opportunities available for City Assets designated in this Policy and/or an applicable RFP. Design Criteria Standards will specify size, placement/location, and aesthetic limitations for Corporate Marketing Partnership opportunities in accordance with this Policy and applicable law. Some Design Criteria Standards are described in this Policy; others may be included in a specific RFP. Design Criteria Standards will be described in each Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement and subject to the approval ofthe City Council. "In-kind Contribution" means a gift other than cash or real property that would serve a useful purpose in the provision of City services. Examples of in-kind contributions include equipment, materials, products, or services. "Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement" is a written contractual relationship with a Person for a specified term, which clearly indicates the contribution, the contribution value, and the obligations of the Person in consideration for Partnership or Sponsorship recognition as determined by the City and/or for Commercial Advertising access and/or use of clearly identified City Assets and any resulting obligations of the City. All Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreements shall be for a defined period of time having regard to the value of the Advertising/Sponsorship and, where applicable, the life of the affected Asset. All Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreements are subject to the provisions of this Policy and will be subject to approval of the City Council. A Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement may address one or more City Assets. "Corporate Marketing Partnership Program" or "Program" refers to the implementation of this Policy. "Person" means any individual, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, or company. "Sponsorship" means a mutually beneficial business arrangement and/or Partnership between the City and a Person wherein the Person provides financial support and/or in-kind contributions or other accepted resources to underwrite or benefit a specific City Asset or to assist the City in raising revenue for operating and capital needs in return for a benefit, which can include sponsorship recognition as further defined in this Policy. Sponsorship may also Page 3 of 10 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 99 of 106 Policy No. 79 grant a sponsor with a limited right to associate the sponsor's name, products, or services with the City or a City asset subject to the guidelines and requirements of this Policy. III. Sponsorships A. Purpose Pursuant to this Corporate Marketing Partnership Policy, the City may decide to seek sponsorships for designated city assets, including programs, projects, events, facilities, and activities. The City retains sole discretion to choose those sponsors with whom it will associate itself. The City does not intend to permit and will not permit this Policy or any sponsor recognition provided for herein to become a public forum. By adopting this Policy, the City is acting as a proprietor and not as a regulator. The City is engaged in government speech when it accepts Sponsorships and when it chooses to provide sponsor recognition. The purpose of this Policy is NOT to communicate views of sponsors; rather it is to: 1) generate revenue to enhance City's programs, activities, events, services, facilities and capital improvements for City property; 2) to acknowledge such funding; and 3) to provide identification of its sponsors to the public. B. Sponsorship Guidelines 1. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all potential Sponsorship offers made in response to an RFP issued pursuant to this Policy. 2. Decisions to accept or reject proposed Sponsorships will not be made on the basis of the sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation of the proposed Sponsor. 3. By accepting a Sponsorship or by entering into a Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement, the City does not limit its ability to accept any other Sponsorship or to enter into Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreements with similar sponsors. 4.. Persons entering into Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreements with the City pursuant to this Policy shall not be given preferential treatment outside of the acknowledgements otherwise permitted pursuant to this Policy and the relevant Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement. Sponsors will not receive extra consideration with respect to any City procurement, any regulatory activities of the City, or other City business by providing a Sponsorship. No City employee or City official is authorized to offer any such extra consideration to a sponsor. 5. Pursuant to any applicable Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement, the City reserves the right to terminate any Sponsorship should conditions arise during the life of that Sponsorship that result in the Sponsorship conflicting with this Policy or the Sponsorship no longer being in the best interests of the City. Final approval of decisions to terminate a Sponsorship shall be made by the Communications Manager. 6. Sponsorship recognition shall not interfere with the city operations, operation of equipment, the provision of services or worker safety. Page 4 of 10 1 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 100 of 106 Policy No. 79 7. This Policy seeks to provide a benefit to all city residents, businesses and visitors without diminishing the image of City services, facilities and programs. 8. The City reserves the right to decline to offer particular City Assets for Sponsorship opportunities and to revise this Policy as deemed necessary to add or remove City Assets from the available Corporate Marketing Partnership pool. 9. If the proposed Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement includes naming rights to or in a park or facility, the Communications Manager shall inform and consult with the Director with jurisdiction over the subject park or facility on the appropriateness of the proposal. If necessary, the Communications Manager may consult a qualified third party to assist with determining the value of such naming rights. C. Sponsor Recognition 1. The City's recognition of any sponsor is provided to convey its appreciation for the sponsor's support of City services and facilities. 2. Any accepted Sponsorships will be acknowledged in a manner commensurate with the value of the Sponsorship to the City. The City will determine on a case-by-case basis what Sponsorship recognition Is appropriate for a particular opportunity. 3. The City retains all editorial control of details regarding sponsor recognition, including the placement and/or display of the sponsor's name and/or other identifying symbol (such as the sponsor's logo) on promotional materials or other City Assets if permitted by applicable law and consistent with the Design Criteria Standards. A sponsor will have no design/content approval rights, other than to approve the use of its logo/intellectual property if deemed permissible by the City and applicable law. 4. Sponsorship recognition shall only be placed on City Assets after final execution of a Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement, which shall set forth any agreed- upon Sponsorship recognition, 5. Potential Sponsorship opportunities may include recognition of the sponsor in City news releases, promotional/printed materials, onsite promotion and recognition on one or more City Assets, booth space at a City special event, and/or naming rights. All such Sponsorship recognition shall be consistent with this Policy and any applicable Design Criteria Standards developed in conjunction with this Policy. 6. Sponsorship recognition messages do not constitute an endorsement by the city of any product or service of its sponsors. 7. The form of any on-site sponsor recognition shall be of appropriate size and color, shall not detract from surroundings or any interpretive messages, and shall be subject to review by city Boards and Commission where applicable and must conform to the Design Criteria Standards developed in conjunction with this Policy. Page 5 of 10 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 101 of 106 Policy No. 79 8. All Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreements shall be subject to legislative approval of City Council. IV. Commercial Advertising A. Purpose This Section ofthe Corporate Marketing Partnership Policy provides the framework for Commercial Advertising. This Policy is intended to Include objective standards (as described In this policy), which are to be Incorporated Into any applicable RFP by the City without respect to viewpoint. It is the City's further declared intent that the Commercial Advertising portion of the Corporate Marketing Partnership Program and designated City Assets defined in this Policy are nonpublic forums that are not intended or open for dissemination, debate, or discussion of public issues whatsoever. Limiting Advertising in accordance with this Policy among other things, allows the City to: 1. Avoid non-commercial advocating to a "captive audience" ofthe public in attendance at a City facility or program; 2. Maintain a position of neutrality on political, religious and other debatable noncommercial subjects and issues; 3. Limit the likelihood of potential vandalism and destruction on City property; 4. Prevent potential violations of the Establishment Clause (part of the First Amendment of the Constitution prohibiting the "establishment of religion"); 5. Prevent potential election campaign law violations; 6. Acknowledge the constitutional prohibition on viewpoint-related discrimination regarding Commercial Advertising in nonpublic forums; 7. Maximize income potential from commercial advertisers who prefer not to use the same forum as persons wishing to communicate non-commercial messages. B. Guidelines for Commercial Advertising: 1. Only Commercial Advertising (as defined herein) will be allowed on City Assets designated in this Policy except the Advertising of City-sponsored or co-sponsored events or City services. The only City Assets available for Commercial Advertising are the non-public forums designated herein and/or in an applicable RFP. Page 6 of 10 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 102 of 106 Policy No. 79 2. Non-commercial advertisements that add an offer to purchase some item to the otherwise non-commercial message are not permitted pursuant to this Policy and will not be deemed to convert the advertisement to commercial speech. 3. No moving or animated parts will be permitted in Advertising. 4. Commercial Advertising shall only be placed on designated City Assets after final execution of a Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement. 5. The City reserves the right to require that Commercial Advertising include a disclaimer stating that the Advertising is not sponsored by the City and/or does not necessarily reflect the views of the City and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the City. 6. All Commercial Advertising must clearly identify a "Person" paying for the Advertising or causing the Advertising to be placed on a City Asset. Website addresses and/or phone numbers by themselves are insufficient to satisfy this requirement. C. Prohibited Advertising In order to increase its ability to earn revenue from certain categories of advertisers, and to ensure that its assets and resources do not promote the use of certain adult and/or regulated items to juveniles and others, the City will further prohibit Advertising on City Assets relating to the following categories of products and/or companies. 1. Advertising for illegal products, services or activities will not be permitted. 2. No political speech will be permitted, including but not limited to Advertising by political candidates for public office, by political organizations or concerning ballot issues. No Advertising regarding religious, philosophical, or other beliefs will be permitted. 3. Advertising that violates any federal, state or local law will not be accepted. 4. Advertising that is false, misleading, defamatory, or deceptive will not be permitted. 5. No obscenity will be permitted. For purposes of this Commercial Advertising Policy, "obscenity" shall include "obscene materials" as defined in state law. Penal Code 311 ("obscene matter"). 6. Advertising that Is profane, vulgar, abusive, and/or otherwise presents a clear- and-present danger of causing a riot or other imminent threat to public safety will not be permitted. 7. Advertising that infringes on any copyright, trade or service mark, slogan, title, publicity right, or Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 (VARA), 17 U.S.C.§106A will not be permitted. Page 7 of 10 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 103 of 106 Policy No. 79 8. Advertising that duplicates or mimics the identity of programs of the City (without City involvement) will not be permitted. 9. Advertising on City Assets relating to the following categories of products and/or companies whose business is substantially derived from the sale or manufacture of: alcohol, tobacco, firearms, weapons, and/or sexually oriented businesses will not be permitted. For purposes of this Policy, a "Sexually Oriented Business" shall be defined as a business having a business establishment or concern that as a regular and substantial course of conduct offers, sells or distributes "adult oriented material" or "sexually oriented merchandise," or that offers to Its patrons materials, products, merchandise, services or entertainment characterized by an emphasis on matters depicting, describing, or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" but not including those uses or activities which are preempted by state law. Examples of Sexually Oriented Businesses include: adult retail stores; adult live entertainment; adult cabarets; adult motel or adult hotels; adult motion picture theaters; or nude model studios. 10. Advertising that contains websites or telephone numbers that direct viewers to websites or access to materials that otherwise violates this Policy or applicable law will not be permitted. 11. Advertising that includes words such as "STOP," "DANGER" or "WARNING" in bold letters or otherwise in a way that it may cause distractions to drivers along the public right of way will not be permitted. 12. Any Advertising that, if posted by itself or in combination with other Advertising, would cause the affected City Asset or Corporate Marketing Partnership Program to become a public or designated public forum will not be permitted. Additional limitations are set forth in Section V below discussing specific City Assets and/or may be included in any Design Criteria Standards that are implemented in conjunction with this Policy. V. City Assets Available for Corporate Marketing Partnership Opportunities and Additional Specified Limitations A. City Owned Vehicles 1. Where Sponsorship or Commercial Advertising is permitted for City-owned vehicles, the vehicle must still be Identifiable as a City of Carlsbad vehicle. B. City Mailings 1. Use of Commercial Advertising or Sponsorship recognition in mailings or other City distributions must comply with federal, state, and local law and the standards for Sponsorship under the Corporate Marketing Partnership. C. City Buildings and Parks Page 8 of 10 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 104 of 106 Policy No. 79 1. Sponsorship recognition js permitted only for specified City-owned buildings and parks as determined in the applicable RFP. 2. No Sponsorship or Commercial Advertising is permitted on the exterior of City Hall or other City buildings accommodating City Departments, Police, Fire or EMS Stations and/or Facilities, or Historic Landmarks as defined in CMC Chapter 22.02. 3. The City will have final discretion over the ratio of the sponsor's name in comparison to the City's name, with the City's name/existing reference to the City Asset being prominent and proportionate to the size ofthe building or structure. 4. Static Commercial Advertising and/or Sponsorship recognition is permitted inside City-owned buildings only in those non-public forum areas specified by an applicable RFP. a. No Commercial Advertising or Sponsorship recognition shall be permitted Inside the City Council Offices, or in any room. City Council chambers, and/or quasi-judicial chambers in which hearings are heard. b. No Commercial Advertising or Sponsorship recognition will be permitted on windows or in window wells. 5. Permitted locations for vending machines or other distribution of food/beverages will be included in an applicable RFP. 6. Temporary Sponsorships and/or temporary Commercial Advertising Is permitted on waste or recycle receptacles or on banners. Booths dispensing products or literature will also be permitted. D. Street Furniture The City has a vested interest in the traffic safety and aesthetics relating to its streetscape, including those City Assets and/or public street furniture over which the City has contractual supervision. Sponsorship recognition and/or Commercial Advertising are permitted on the City owned and/or City contractually supervised street furniture in conformance with any applicable Corporate Marketing Partnership Design Criteria Standards and/or other criteria as specified in an applicable RFP. E. City Programs/Events Department Directors shall have the discretion to determine whether a specific City program or event will be Included in the Corporate Marketing Partnership. VI. Responsibilities of Communications Manager for Corporate Marketing Partnership All Corporate Marketing Partnership Program activities will be coordinated by the Communications Manager. The Communications Manager will be responsible for all of the following: Page 9 of 10 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 105 of 106 Policy No. 79 1. Conducting a citywide effort to publicize this Policy and the Corporate Marketing Partnership Program. 2. Recommending appropriate marketing opportunities. 3. Assisting in the creation and implementation of specific Design Criteria Standards beyond what is included in this Policy. City Council will review and approve any additional Design Criteria Standards as part of the approval of each Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreement. 4. Reviewing and assisting in the development of Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreements. 5. Working with a consultant, as applicable, to enter Into Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreements. 6. Providing assistance and guidance to City departments regarding the application and implementation of this Policy. 7. Assisting appropriate departments with administration and monitoring of agreements developed through the Program. 8. Maintaining a list of all Corporate Marketing Partnership Agreements. 9. Providing an annual report to the City Council on all Corporate Marketing Partnership agreements. Page 10 of 10 Dec. 12, 2023 Item #10 Page 106 of 106