HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 96-13; PALMER PROPERTY; Site PlanJ. I ' • • EXISTING ONE STORY OFFICE BUILDING i~At.~ N~ >GIO;;w4.-L<: ALoNG-A4Lt.A'4-ly tl£, GH::7\VN ""i::"'-~,c,:--,At. 7["~. • G 1 SITE PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT NOTES' liJ 2. 3. P.A. -Planting Area -See Landscape Plan for plant typeij and sizes .. Parking Lot Striping -Color1 ~ype, manufacturer pe~ City of Carl3bad Standards. Remove existing concrete driveway. Install new 611 concrete curb and gutt~r per City of Carlsbad Standards. 4. Remove existing concrete curb. 5. New 6" concl."ete curb. 6. New drainage inlet to existing storm drain. Install per City Standards. 7.. New A.C. paving per City of Car 1 sb,ad Standarde,. 211 Ca 1 T'i'trns type B Asphalt ic Concret:e over 10" Ca 1 Trans Class 2, 3/ 4'' Aggregate Basie with 12" Subgrade A --r ,A ~!\y);:E ,e:C'~""'.A:'..:-ION' a~ A'r ~~ -,o % "Sri: A"3""!'1 o i ~,, 1 ~e-o vi A r'!o~r JI?,': Co;-..r;"l;sN,'f'~ ,A lS-1!:L '1% o,./el{ (1."""'l~Jrl. 8. Scarify existing asphalt drive.. Berm landscap@ over per Landscape Plan. 9~ ~ew 6 1-0 high plaster finish~ masonry screen wall surrourd at e~isting elec. panel. BErm landscape up wall p~r Landscape•Ptan. Color to match building. 10. New 4 1-0 high pl~$ter finish, masonry wall 1 color to match building. Landscaping to ber~ against wall per LaoOscap~ Plan. 11. 12. Trash Enclosure -6 1 high plaster finish maso~ry wall with metal gate. All dimen~ions and details per City of Carlobad Scandards. \'6'\l-L "'l'i;:_,;;f-1 10 ~ ee W-."fSF<Pl",001"' f',4!"-rr'. f'i'tt1Yir.:>E$'. 4• ~.:;. -:;LA;;;; 0 ~H l:!i.Nc~~\.114!'.. New awning at entrie$. Color to be s.elec!.ed by D-wner and 5ubmir:ted to City for approval. 1·: 36" . ·------•• (\\ ' . i ; I i I / / L.E:~'5 D::::l-1 t3 L..r L. l? ' HG; ? :: pi 'T. 1. (_O H5f'/"i'"<::.n Or-j '7"Yf'?! Z. O~cJ.!",ll,H<:.'( A -j ,. f:.oof', 7!"\il.:IH.5 "!"o 1-'WE. kLl 10 • f'p,; I 1"1 ;!t • @@@@ d ~ real ~···· ··--------·/ ----, MONUMENT SIG~ -+ (,,-0 '5."': • '?· '2. \/ ' ± ;4'·0 l:· H I I t- t"tlUJC\., I SITE SITE AREA BUii.DiNG COVERAGE PAVED AREA KIOSK COVERAGE WALKWAY AREA LANDSCAPE AREA BUILDING USE ~UIVIMAMT 64,419 S.F. • 14,241 S.F. 35,464 S.F. 60 S.f. 2,550 S.F. 12,1005.F. EXISTING OFFICE 5,040 S.F. UNIMPROVED SPACE 7,477 S.F. DELI 1,724 S.F. TOTAL BUILDING AREA 14,241 S.F. PARKING REQUIRl!D EXISTING OFFICE UNIMPROVED SPACE DELI TOTAL CARS REQUIRED PROVIDED COMPACT STANDARD TOTAL CARS PROVIDED OWNER· 5040 S.F.(l 1 /250 7477S.F.01/250 1724 $.F.31/100 TRUSTeE: CAU=ORNIA FIRST 131\NK, RALPH J. PALMER TRUST C/0 El CAMINO REAL PARTNERS . 1083 N.CUYAMACA ST. EL CAJON, CA. 92020 LEGAL DESCRIPTION MAP 823 PARCEL C OF MAP 1703, PORTION LOT B, RANCHO HEOIONOA, CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO APN 209-041-04 PROJEC'T ADDRESS 5810 El C,'\Ml~JO REi\l SUITE lJ CARLSBAD, CA. 9_2008 VICINITY MAP 20 30 17 67 CARS 13 {16%) 66 79 CARS SITE MAVVI\IN:'!lo Al!ll!IULIAll:l!I AKCHI I tl,,..,I:'> 1 5810 J. David Haw~iN. AJA Pre-siOOOt 6333 Greenwich Orivo S'-'1tc 150 Sar. Diego. CaMOfNa 92122 (619) 455-0481 EL CAMINO REAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 27 MAY 1987 6 JUNE 1987 20 JUNE 1987 ~:o~, e-. r;. r-,.;~l'!"t;" 1