In the matter of the improvement of Chestnut Avenue from its Intersection of Pio Pico Drive to the intersection of
Monroe Street
in the City o:r __ ___,C:.,a,_,r"'l"'s"'b_,,a,,_d _________ , County o:r ___ ..:S::..:a::..:n::.....::D:..:i..:ec,;gc::o _______ , State o:r California, as
I ftnd Resolution No. 701 a:mendiQg ReijQlution of Intention No. 660 provided for in Resolution of ntention No. 66D{ , passect by 'tne __ _..c..._1 .... r,,.y ... c..,o..,, .. m .. c ... 1uJ ______ , o:r said
and on the 1st day of November 1960
__ c ...... Jt..,y,_ ____ on the ___ ,:.5t""h,.,___ day of Jul , 19 60 : Pursuant to and in accordance with
the statute, "Improvement Act o:r 1911", being Division 7 of' the Streets and Highways Code of the
State of California,
Engineer of Work and
__ C~L~Y~D~E:....,L~•:...::J~EN=KE=N ________ , Superintendent of Streets of the said Cit
do hereby certify that that certain contract, entered into by and between Lowe and Watson Engineering Contr;ac;tors of Streets
San Beroard1nA Ce] tforola , as contractor, and the· Engineer of Work and Superintendenwf said
___ c ....... a-.ll',----on the -""3.,.0.,,.t:h,._ __ day of _ _..A_,,u,.8,.u,.st.._ _____ , 19 60 , tor construction of street
__ ..,Jm1,1ap""r'-'o,.,yc.,em=e .. o.t.,.5 ______________________ in said ___ c,_,_1t~----above set forth, has been of !;:treets
Eorinecr of Work and Suoertntendeot of said fulfilled and per:rormed to the satisfaction of the Clyde L, Jenkeu,
of Streets
City • that the Engineer of Work and Superintendent of said __ ..:C:..:lc:t_.y _____ has accepted the work
contracted for, and that I.have estimated upon all lots, portions of lots and parcels of .land within
the assessment district described in said Resolution of' Intention and shown upon the diagram,
Superintendent of Streets
prepared by theEngtneer of Work and and hereto attached, the benefits arising from the work performed
under said contract and to be received by each of said lots, portions of lots and parcels of land
within the said assessment district, and as such Engloeer of work and sun<>rluteodeat of street.a I do now hereby ,, . q;
assess upon the lands in said assessment district the sum of forty-tbree tbm1saod, s jJc bundreci aod o 1 oety
--""'eili.t,.g .. h..,t._.d .. o .. 1,.J..,a ... c .. s_na.olljd ...... o.,o,.,t..,,e.,.e"'o"'t..,s_________________ Dollars ( $ 41, 698, 00 ). the said sum being
the total amount due for the work performed and specified in said contract, together with incidental
expenses, reduced by the sum of$ __________ , to be paid by the _______________ _
-----------------• as tollowss
t'loo.-l'no .. nd Grubb!--I ,. __ c.-" R Q n n ~ n
1 1 ' ~ n n r'u~ y·,1 "-~"VotiO"' ~" ,.~ , " I, , l ~·
1 2 5 611 ' 1 • -1-"t--'1"'1'1"'" ~ ••c .. ]n r .. ...-h ,.,.,..t ~ -•· 1: ,c 0 n 7 ? ' q
6 7 , ,. h l 1 •n-,:;'t~ Tu ... e· "G'' r •. -1.. ...... ..:i ,-. .... r ..-..-, <0 11 n ' r " ' 1
3 2 2 0 Lin. Ft. Con.,rete Curb onlv L "" 1 I? ' n
3 8 l .. 4 2 2 So, Ft. 4" P.C.C. Sidewdk o. 10 1 ' t. n 0 7
l 4 2 5 0 0 Lin. Ft. of 4" v.C.l' Lateral<> 1 ' f\ ,. ,. l 17. 5 0
4 0 0 0 Lin. Ft. of 6" v.C.P. Laterals 3. 30 1 3 I? C n
2 0 0 0 Ea. Reconstruct and Relocate Mailbo~es 6. 00 l ? o. 0 0
Total Contract Cost " 3 8 9 6 5 2 2
Engineering$ 1,558.61 and Inspection $ 779.30 I<: ? 11 3 7. 9 1
Preparing Resolutions, Notices, Contract, etc. 7 7 9. 3 0
Printing and Advertising 2 3 4. 7 7
Expense of' making Assessment 7 7 9. 3 0
Estimated Cost of Printing, Servicing and Collecting Bonds 6 0 J . 5 0
Total Incidental Expensec $ 4 7 3 2. 7 8
Total Cost 4 3 6 9 8. 0 0
Less Amount to be paid by
Total Assessment $ 4 3 6 9 s. 0 0
And I do hereby assess such total sum ot $ . .,,..4~3~-~6~9~8~1~00,._ ______ upon the several lots, portions
of lots and parcels of land in said assessment district benefited thereby, to-wit: upon each respec-
tively, in proportion to the e'stimated benefits to be received by each of' said lots, portions of lots
and parcels of land, as followss
.Jafl'iltlllD 9,._NKNOTK CO., L08 ANGU.Ell--fl'IIONT ■M-lff, CONTRACTOU ASSllla.NJQ,IIT
i I' f
.. ··-............... ···~--~---