HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 1-1961; EUREKA PLACE - ASSESSMENT PLAT 1961; CERTIFICATE - ASSESSMENT NUMBER 1-1961; 1961-12-31•
In the matter of the improvement of Eureka Place between Chestnut Avenue and Basswood Avenue
in the City of --"C"'a""r'"'l'""sccb_,,ac=d __________ • County of __ s_an_. _D_i_e~g~o _________ • State of California, as
provided for in Resolution of Intention No. , passed by the City Council , of said --------------------752
-~C~it~Y~-----on the __ 6~t~h~--day o:f --"-J"""u~ne~------• 19 61 : Pursuant to and in accordance with
the statute, "Improvement Act of 1911", being Division 7 o:f the Streets and Highways Code of the
State o:f Cali:fornia,
Ehglirtet~tof •WO'i'k arid
I, LOWELL A, RATHBUN , Superintendent of Streets of the said Cit
do hereby certify that that certain contract, entered into by and between Don Hubbard Contracting
lmgrnee-r of Work
Company, Encinitas, California , as contractor, and the arid Superintendent of Streets of said
City on the 18th day of August , 19 61 , :for Construct-Ing Sanitary Sewers 1 // ~-"--"-~--------'------~~------J ,_..
in said Cit above set forth, has beeri:), manholes and appurtenances
fulfilled and performed to the satis:faction of the Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets o:f said ,
'•E"Itgi neer O'f
City , that the Wor1: and Superintendent of Streets o:f said CHy has accepted the work
contracted :for, and that I have estimated upon all lots, portions of lots and parcels of land within
the assessment district described in said Resolution o:f Intention and shown upon the diagram,
-• Ehgtneer of Work
prepared by the and Superintendent of Street:and hereto attached, the benefits arising :from the work per:formed
under said contract and to be received by each o:f said lots, portions o:f lots and parcels of land
within the said assessment district, and as such Engineer of Work and Superintendent of StreeJ:,s I do now hereby
assess upon the lands in said assessment district the sum o:f Six thousand, three hundred and fifty two dollars
Dollars ( $ 6,352 .oo ), the said sum being
the total amount due for the work per:formed and specified in said contract, together with incidental
expenses, reduced by the sum o:f $ ___________ , to be paid by the ________________ _
--~~~·•~··-------------• as follows;
9 9 1 8 0 Lin. Ft. 3u,,E.S.V.C.P.., Sewer complete with 4" V.C.P, Wyes in place $4 ,.40 $ 4 3 6 3 9 2
3;0' 0 Each Standard concrete manholes in place 228 .oo 6 8 4 0 0
1.0 0 Each Standard dead.end structure in place 70 .oo 7 0 0 0
2 0. 0 0 Cu. yds. crushed roc.k bedding· in place 7 .oo 1 4 0 0 0
Total Contract Cost ii-$ 5 2 5 7 9 2
Engineering $ 210.32 and Inspection $ 105 .16 $ 3 l 5 4 8
Preparing Resolutions, Notices, Contract, etc. 1 0 5 l 6
Printing and Advertising 26 5 7 8
Expense of making Assessment
1 0 5 1 6
Estimated Cost o:f Printing, Servicing and Collecting Bonds $ 3 0 2 5 0
Total Incidental Expenses 1$ 1 0 9 4 0 8
Total Cost
Less Amount to be paid by
Total Assessment $ 6 3 5 2! 0 0
And I do hereby assess such total sum o:f $ 6,3~2.00 -------------upon the several lots, portions
of lots and parcels of land in said assessment district benefited thereby, to-wit: upon each respec-
tively, in proportion to the estimated bene:fits to b.e received by each.,of, .. .;laid
1,,;.,1_:,;. : ·: .,_
and parcels o:f land, as follows: •• ~\:·
lots, portions o:f lots