general contractor ca lic.1986915
Good & Roberts, LLC
2455 Impala Drive,
Carlsbad, California 92010
Phone: 760 598 7614
C-~ z,.:,(1 -oo ,.3
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RFI #35
Project: 20-06-0008 -The Beacon Phase IIA -Site
7750 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, California 92009
Asphalt Paving Design
Tiffannie Shively (Architecture Design
Yes (Unknown)
Sean Rodkey (Good & Roberts, LLC)
Craig Chinn (Architecture Design Collaborative), Sam Jacoby (R.A. Smith, Inc.). Welch Liles (Asana Partners), Ashley McDonald (Asana Partners)
. Kemery McGarry (Good & Roberts, LLC), Ryan Perez (Dasher & Tabata, Inc.), Jeff Scott (Good & Roberts, LLC), Jamey Tabata (Dasher &
Tabata, Inc.)
Question from Sean Rodkey (Good & Roberts, LLC) at 06:32 PM on 04/20/2020
As part of the pavement rehabilitation noted on sheet 9 & 10, note 54 refers to min. 4" AC on 8" base per geotech report. This same note also refers to
note 5 on sheet 20, that calls out geotech min. 4" AC, 12" base in commercial drives and 4" AC, 8" base in parking areas. Referring to the geotech
report, pavement sections are called out as 4" AC over 15" class II base for fire lanes. 4" AC over 11" class II base for drive isles and 4" AC over 7"
class II base for parking stalls. Also on sheet 9 & 10 note 51 refers to construct asphalt per geotech report. The Inspector for the City of Carlsbad has
indicated they are to follow the most stringent design as noted in the geotech report. Any deviation will need to be corrected by the engineer of record.
Please provide the correct design to follow. We will update costs per the updated design.
Awaiting an Official Response
All Replies:
04-30-2020 ADC Response:
Per client direction, please follow the recommendations listed in the geotechnical report for the area between buildings 7720 and 7740.
Once Koury's testing is complete in the area in front of 7750, we will revisit this issue and attempt to mitigate costs if possible.
05-11-2020 RASmith:
Per coordiantion with Owner, Contractor, its the understanding of raSmith that the area between 7720 and 7740 was reconstructed
per the more-restrictive 2017 Ninyo & Moore report. Per further coordination with Contractor and Ninyo and Moore, the on-site
testing firm. Koury Engineering, is becoming the Geotechnical Engineer of record. Per their preliminary results (subject to change,
and note that the final report has not been issued as of 5/11 midday), raSmith has prepared the attached guidance memo.
Please note that final changes to the approved report should be incorporated/follwed, and all construction should adhere to
recomendations of Koury Engineering.
05-11 -2020 ADC Response:
Please follow the above and attached RASmith response.
05-19-2020 ADC Response:
Please see above and attached for RASmith response, Koury report, and city approval.
Sam Jacoby, R.A.Smitht
BY Tiffannie Shively
architecture design collaborative
Good & Roberts, LLC
Page 1 of 1
Welch Liles (Asana Partners),
Ashley McDonald (Asana Partners),
Sean Rodkey (Good & Roberts, LLC).
Kemery McGarry (Good & Roberts, LLC),
Jeff Scott (Good & Roberts, LLC).
Craig Chinn (Architecture Design Collaborative)
Printed On: 04/20/2020 06:32 PM
DATE: May 11, 2020
TO: Ashley McDonald, Asana Partners
FR: Samuel Jacoby, P.E., raSmith
CC: file/distribution
RE: "Beacon" Project, Carlsbad, CA
F.K.A. Phase II of the La Costa Towne Center
Pavement Section Analysis
RAS Project: 3160389
Ref. Docs: Preliminary Update By Koury Engineering (as distributed by Good & Roberts)
Geotechnical Evaluation, The Beacon Project, Project Number 108375001, dated 9/1/17 by Ninyo &
Moore (approved via City project No. CD2017-0013, Drawing No. 510-4A, ref: grading plans
dated 6/30/2019)
Geotechnical Evaluation, La Costa Towne Center, Project Number 107302005, dated 4/17/2015 by
Ninyo & Moore (approved via City project No. PD15-06, Drawing No. 488-3A, ref: grading plans
dated 12/4/2015)
Based on conversation with the Site General Contractor, the pavement sections are being altered by Koury
Engineering (report to be prepared by Koury) as initially distributed by Good & Roberts, as Koury has taken over
as Geotechnical Engineer of Record and has re-tested for R-value. Proposed sections are depicted on page 2 as
received -these sections are subject to change By Koury Engineering.
Clarification Statements:
✓ Note 54 (Sheet 9 &10) of the grading plans should be clarified (this sheet only): Areas of pavement maintenance
within fire lane East of Building 7720, pavement shall be 4# A.G. on 13" base in fire lanes. (
j Note 54 (Sheet 9 &10) of the grading plans should be clarified (this sheet only): Areas of pavement maintenance
between Buildings 7740 and 7720, pavement shall be 4" A.G. on 4" base in parking areas, 4" A.G. on 6.5"
base in commercial drives, and 4" A.G. on 9. 5" base in fire lanes per approved geotechnical report (Koury
,/Sheet 20, Detail 5, Note 5 & 6 shou tate Project shall conform to approved geotechnical reports.
Paveme intenance Areas etall sheet 20) should be amended to state: Pavement reconstruction (full
depth) sha con orm o Approve Geotechnical Reports. Between Buildings 7750 pavement shall be 4"
A. C. on 4" base in parking areas, 4" A. C. on 6. 5" base in commercial drives, a(" A.G. on 9. 5" base in fire
lanes per approved geotechnical report (Koury Engineering).
? f'r,-,O tJJ lr...0.,.1, __.:.-
Brookfield, WI I Milwaukee, WI I Appleton, WI I Madison, WI I Cedarburg, WI I Mount Pleasant, W I
Naperville, IL I Irvine, CA
Page 2 / 5/11/2020
Beacon, Carlsbad, CA
For Reference Only:
By Koury Engineering (as distributed by Good & Roberts)
(subject to revision by Koury Engineering)
Table 1 -AspbaJt Pavement Sections-Fire Lane P t7 -( \,le:, Lf L-
Traffic Fi.re Lane Asphalt Tbiekness Bae Coune Thieknns
l■da R-Value (Inches) (I■cll~)
s 17 4.0 6.0
6 17 4.0 9.5
7 17 4.0 13.0
Table 2 -Asphalt Pavement Sections-*Pot Hole
Tnfllc J!lreLaae Asphalt Tblcbaa Base Course Tbfcbas
Index R.-VaJue (Inches) (Inches)
5 32 4.0 4.0
6 32 4.0 6.5
7 32 4.0 9.5
•Pot Hole 2 is in the driveway north of BuildinF,'l 7750 mfr
f1~ KOURY \ j ..bJ' i#i&Pll-l•iieFH3-liiM•l!tJMiii
Mr. Sean Rodkey
Good & Roberts, LLC
2455 Impala Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Subject: Additional Pavement Recommendations
The Beacon Shopping Center
7720, 7740, 7750 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Dear Mr. Rodkey:
May 11, 2020
Project No. 19-0738
Per your request, we have obtained two soil samples of the subject site for R-value testing.
Presented herein are the results of the additional R-value testing and pavement structural analysis
for pavement located in the parking lot associated with Building 7750 and the adjacent fire lane to
the east. This report also includes our geotechnical recommendations for asphalt and aggregate
base compaction.
The recommendations provided within this submittal are based on t he results of our field
exploration, laboratory testing and engineering analysis. Our services were performed in general
accordance with our Proposal No. 19-0738, dated April 23, 2020.
Our professional services have been performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily
exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in this or
similar localities. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice
included in this report. This report has been prepared exclusively for Good & Roberts, LLC for
pavement design. The report has not been prepared for use by other parties and may not contain
sufficient information for the purposes of other parties or other uses.
Koury Engineering & Testing, Inc. • (909) 606-6111 • www.kouryengineering.com Chino • Gardena • San Diego
May 11, 2020
Project No. 19-0738
Koury understands Good & Roberts, LLC have recently removed the existing asphaltic concrete
from the parking lot located east of Building 7750. The parking lot and fire lane are to be graded
based on the updated pavement sections determined from the additional R-value tests derived from
this study.
The field exploration program consisted of observation of site conditions and of soil sampling.
Two hand auger soil test borings (pot holes) were advanced on April 24, 2020. The potholes were
augered to depths of about 18 inches below the exposed subgrade surface. The locations of the
potholes are shown on the Pot Hole Location Map, Figure A-1, presented in Appendix A. During
the field exploration, we noted that the existing pavement exhibited signs of alligator cracking,
raveling, and potholing.
Bulk samples were obtained for laboratory testing from the excavation performed. The depths,
test results, and the Unified Soil Classification Systems (USCS) description of the samples are
presented in Table 1 of this report.
Laboratory tests, including moisture contents, #200 sieve wash and R-value were performed to aid
in the classification of the soils encountered and to evaluate their engineering properties. The
laboratory test results are discussed in the following paragraphs.
The subsurface soil profile consists of fill underlain by formational material. The fill depth was
found to be greater than 18 inches at the pothole locations. Deeper fill may be encountered at
utility locations, or at other locations between and beyond the pot holes. The data for the two
pothole borings are summarized in Table l below
.Page 2 of 5
Pot Hole
(Prkg Lot)
(Fire Lane)
Table l: Summary of Laboratory -:rest Results
Sample Subgrade Moisture Fine
Depth (ft) Soil Type (%) Content(%)
0.5-1.5 Clayey 12.6 20 Sand (SC)
0.5-1.5 Clayey 13.6 34 Sand (SC)
May 11, 2020
Project No. 19-0738
The required pavement structural sections depend on the expected wheel loads, volume of traffic,
and subgrade soils. The characteristics of subgrade soils are determined by R-value testing. The
following pavement sections were calculated based on assumed traffic indices of 5, 6 and 7. The
project Civil Engineer should determine the traffic index to be used for different areas of the site.
Table 2 -Asphalt Pavement Sections-Pot Hole 2 -Fire Lane
Traffic Fire Lane Asphalt Thickness Base Course Thickness
Index R-Value • (Inches) (Inches)
5 17 4.0 6.0
6 17 4.0 9.5
7 17 4.0 13.0
Table 3 -Asphalt Pavement Sections-*Pot Hole 1 (Parking Lot E. of 7750)
Traffic Parking Asphalt Thickness Base Course Thickness
Index Lot (Inches) (Inches)
5 32 4.0 4.0
6 32 4.0 6.5
7 32 4.0 9.5
*Pot Hole 1 is in the driveway east of Buildings 7750 and 7720
Page 3 of5
May 11, 2020
Project No. 19-0738
Base course material should consist of Crushed Aggregate Base (CAB) as defined by Section 200-
2.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction ("Greenbook"). Base course
should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density of that material. Crushed
Miscellaneous Base (CMB) may be used as an alternative if the supplier can demonstrate that the
aggregate does not contain contaminated material or as detennined by the project specifications.
The upper 12 inches of the subgrade and base materials should be compacted to at least 95 percent
relative compaction as determined by ASTM D1557. We recommend that asphalt concrete be
compacted to 95 percent relative compaction as compared to the material 's Hveem density.
Based on our findings from the field investigation and laboratory test results, it is our opinion that
the fire lane design needs to be adjusted to accommodate the revised pavement sections based on
the latest R-value tests. A traffic index of 6 or greater should be considered where 70,000-lbs fire
trucks are anticipated.
For the parking lot and driveways providing access to the parking lot, the new R-value is similar
to what was used for design recommendations in the project geotechnical report. The pavement
section should be selected based on the traffic index determined by the project civil engineer or
the minimum pavement sections required by the City, whichever are greater. For parking lots we
understand the traffic index required by the City is at least 5. For the main driveway leading to
the parking lot we suggest a traffic index greater than the minimum traffic index for the parking
This report has been prepared assuming that Koury Engineering & Testing, lnc. will perform all
geotechnical-related field observations and testing. If the recommendations presented in this
report are utilized, and observation of the geotechnical work is performed by others, the party
performing the observations must review this report and assume responsibility for the
recommendations contained herein. That party would then assume the title of "Geotechnical
Consultant of Record". A representative of the Geotechnical Consultant should be present to
observe all grading and pavement operations.
Page 4 of5
May 11, 2020
Project No. 19-0738
The findings and recommendations presented in this report were based on the results of our field
and laboratory investigations, combined with professional engineering experience and judgment.
The report was prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and
practice. We make no other warranty, either expressed or implied. Subsurface variations between
pot hole borings should be anticipated. Koury should be notified if subsurface conditions are
encountered, which differ from those described in this report since updated recommendations may
be required. Samples obtained during this investigation will be retained in our laboratory for a
period of 45 days from the date of this report and will be disposed after this period.
Should you have any questions concerning this submittal, or the recommendations contained
herewith, please do not hesitate to call our office.
Respectfully submitted,
Jae ues . Roy P.E. L~
Principal Engineer
Page 5 of 5
• PH-2 Appro>timalc Pot Hole Location and Number
Project Name:
Project No.:
The Beacon -Pavement Section Date:
--;;_-~--::. ...:.... :=
Drawing Tille: Figure:
Pot Hole Location Map A-1
Tiffannie Shively
Jacoby, Sam <Sam.Jacoby@raSmith.com>
Monday, May 18, 2020 2:13 PM
To: Sean Rodkey; Ashley McDonald
Cc: Tiffannie Shively; Craig Chinn
Subject: RE: Beacon -Borings and Outcome with City Engineer
I spoke to David Rick, they will accept the Koury report.
Sam J. Jacoby, _P.E.
Senior Project Engineer
direct: (949) 242-8041
mobile: 262-573-2415
Toa, Wo rllplaoe
From: Sean Rodkey <srodkey@gnrgc.com>
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 7:30 AM
To: Jacoby, Sam <Sam.Jacoby@raSmith.com>; Ashley McDonald <amcdonald@asanapartners.com>
Subject: RE: Beacon -Borings and Outcome with City Engineer
Please let us know if you hear back today. Hopefully you can contact David today.
Good & Roberts, LLC.
Sean Rodkey I Project Manager
2455 Impala Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92010
T: 760.598.7614 I M: 760.419.2502
E: srodkev@gnrgc.com I www.gnrgc.com
From: Jacoby, Sam <Sam.Jacoby@raSmith.com>
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 1:42 PM
To: Sean Rodkey <srodkey@gnrgc.com>; Ashley McDonald <amcdonald@asanapartners.com>
Subject: RE: Beacon -Borings and Outcome with City Engineer
I tried again about 10 minutes ago -stilf no answer.
FYI, below is the correspondence from David related to this issue from 4/28 -
I also understand the soils engineer is researching the pavement section recommendations and will either stick
with the original recommendations of the 2017 report or provide an update letter providing justification for any
recommendations different than the 2017 report. We will wait to hear from you on the results.
Sam J. Jacoby, P.E.
Senior Project Engineer
direct: (949) 242-8041
mobile: 262-573-2415
Recoan lied a• a
Tap Wo rkplao•
From: Sean Rodkey <srodkey@gnrgc.com>
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 1:37 PM
To: Jacoby, Sam <Sam.Jacoby@raSmith.com>; Ashley McDonald <amcdonald@asanapartners.com>
Subject: RE: Beacon · Borings and Outcome with City Engineer
Any update?
Good & Roberts, LLC.
Sean Rodkey I Project Manager
2455 Impala Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92010
T: 760.598.7614 I M: 760.419.2502
E: srodkey@gnrgc.com I www.gnrgc.com
From: Jacoby, Sam <Sam.Jacoby@raSmith.com>
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 10:32 AM
To: Ashley McDonald <amcdonald@asanapartners.com>
Cc: Sean Rodkey <srodkey@gnrgc.com>
Subject: RE: Beacon -Borings and Outcome with City Engineer
I did, left a message, and called again this morning. I haven't heard back, but I did relay the urgency.
Sam J. Jacoby, P.E.
Senior Project Engineer
ra Smith
Reco1n lied • • •
Tap Workpl•o•
direct: (949) 242-8041
mobile: 262-573-2415
From: Ashley McDonald <amcdonald@asanapartners.com>
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 10:29 AM
To: Jacoby, Sam <Sam.Jacoby@raSmith.com>
Cc: Sean Rodkey <srodkey@gnrgc.com>
Subject: Beacon -Borings and Outcome with City Engineer
Did you call David Rick yesterday? Any feedback on that front? The team is imminently moving forward in the 7750
area so just want to make sure we don't end up stopping and starting related to this item.
Ashley McDonald
10000 Washington Blvd. Suite 07-105
Culver City. CA 90232
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