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2000-04-05; Planning Commission; ; CT 99-17|PUD 99-07|SUP 99-06 - CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER - LOT 12
P.C. AGENDA OF: April 5, 2000 ltemNo.@ Application complete date: September 13, 1999 Project Planner: Van Lynch Project Engineer: Jeremy Riddle SUBJECT: CT 99-17 /PUD 99-07 /SUP 99-06 -CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER - LOT 12 -Request for approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, Tentative Map, Nonresidential Planned Unit Development, and Special Use Permit for five one-story and four two-story office buildings totaling 102,000 square feet on an 8.24 acre parcel located on the west side of El Camino Real between Faraday Avenue and Palomar Airport Road within Local Facilities Management Zone 5. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4743 APPROVING a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4744, 4745, and 4746 APPROVING CT 99-17, PUD 99-07, and SUP 99-06, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposed project consists of nine office buildings in a campus style development on lot 12 within the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan. Five of the buildings are one-story and four are two-story with a combined total floor area of 102,000 square feet. The project site is a vacant pre-graded pad. Adjacent to the north is the Farmers Insurance office building and to the south is the La Place Court office complex. The proposed land use is permitted by the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan. The Tentative Map and Nonresidential Planned Unit Development Permit are required for the subdivision of the property. The Special Use Permit is required for development along the El Camino Real Scenic Corridor. The project as proposed 1s m compliance with all City Standards and staffis recommending approval of the project. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting approval of a Tentative Map, Nonresidential Planned Unit Development, and Special Use Permit for five one-story and four two-story office buildings on Lot 12 of the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan. The 8.24 acre site is located west of El Camino Real, south of Faraday Avenue, north of Palomar Airport Road, and east of Priestly Drive at Rutherford Road. The site is being subdivided such that each building will be on a separate individual parcel with the parking and landscape areas held in common by an association of owners. The single story buildings have 6,360 square feet, except for one with 8,336 square feet, and the two-story buildings have 17,056 square feet. The overall total square footage is 102,000 square feet. A total of 409 at-grade parking spaces are provided. The it' "'•+;' CT 99-17 /PUD 99-07 /S~9-06 -CARLSBAD RESEARCH CE~ER -LOT 12 April5,2000 Pa e2 buildings are arranged around a central landscaped courtyard and parking area. Access to the site is via driveways on the northwesterly and southwesterly comers of the site off Priestly Drive. The driveways serve both the central parking area as well as a perimeter drive with parking. Eight carports are provided along the perimeter parking areas which will cover 48 parking spaces. No access to the site is proposed, or allowed, off El Camino Real. The pre-graded site only requires remedial earth work with a balanced grading quantity of 9,000 cubic yards of material. The building heights of the single-story building are 20 feet. The two-story buildings are 30 feet tall. The single-story buildings each have the same foot print, but may be reversed, or a mirror image, depending on the placement in relation to the other buildings. The buildings will have a Terra Cotta sandstone veneer. Windows will be a reflective bronze glass with mullions painted statuary bronze. Window and door surrounds, wainscot, and building cornice will be pre-cast concrete components in an ivory color with exposed aggregate. The proposed project is subject to the following land use plans, ordinances and standards: A. Planned Industrial (PI) General Plan Land Use Designation; B. Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); C. Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan (SP 180) and Commercial-Manufacturing (C-M) Zone; D. Non-Residential Planned Development (Chapter 21.47 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); E. El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards for Area 4; F. McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP); and G. Growth Management Regulations (Local Facilities Management Zone 5). The recommendation of approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. The following analysis section discusses compliance with each of these regulations/policies in tables and project specific discussions. IV. ANALYSIS A. General Plan The General Plan designation of the site is Planned Industrial (Pl). The P-1 land uses include manufacturing, warehousing, storage, research and development, and utility uses. The project complies with all the elements of the General Plan as shown in Table A below. CT 99-17 /PUD 99-07 /S~9-06 -CARLSBAD RESEARCH CE~ER -LOT 12 April5,2000 Pae 3 TABLE A -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT USE, PROPOSED USES & COMPLY? CLASSIFICATION, IMPROVEMENTS GOAL, OBJECTIVE ORPROGRAM Land Use Site is designated for Professional office Yes industrial uses buildings Housing Provision of Conditioned to provide Yes affordable housing if Carlsbad adopts a non-residential linkage fee Open Space & Minimize environ-No impacts Yes Conservation mental impacts to sensitive resources within the City Noise Healthy and Project as designed Yes productive work with closed windows environment in and air conditioning workplace with noise will attenuate exterior levels not to exceed n01se 65 CNEL interior Circulation Require new Existing streets are Yes development to fully improved and construct roadway adequate and no further improvements needed improvements are to serve proposed required development B. Subdivision Ordinance The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed tentative map and has concluded that the subdivision as conditioned complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. The project is required to: dedicate an additional 13 feet along the El Camino Real frontage for future street purposes, vacate a proposed future street which runs along the southern boundary of the property; and dedicate a 10 foot wide pedestrian easement along the southerly property line from La Place Court to El Camino Real. The other infrastructure improvements (sewer, water, drainage, etc.) are currently in place to serve the project and no off-site improvements are required. The project is served by Priestly Drive, and has direct access to public streets. The streets adjacent to the project site, Priestly Drive and Faraday Avenue, are adequate to serve the 1,224 average daily trips (ADT) generated by this project. A traffic report was not warranted since the original Carlsbad Research Center development determined the circulation and street improvements required. This project conforms to the intended use and the infrastructure have already been sized accordingly. The proposed building setbacks and structure separation will allow for adequate air circulation and the opportunity for passive heating and cooling. CT 99-17 /PUD 99-07 /S~9-06 -CARLSBAD RESEARCH C:E~ER -LOT 12 April5,2000 Pa e4 C. Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan (SP 180) and Commercial-Manufacturing zone The purpose of the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan is to provide for the design, development, and operation of a high-quality industrial park. The Specific Plan is the tool to implement the goals and policies of the General Plan and determines land uses within the plan area. The plan also serves to implement the Commercial-Manufacturing (C-M) zoning classification and the provisions of the plan take precedence over the existing zoning. The provisions of the C-M zone apply only to subjects not covered by the plan or if the underlying zoning is more stringent. The proposed project meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan and C-M zone as shown in the Table B below. TABLE B -DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS COMPLIANCE STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED Land use -Area one Research, Manufacturing, Administrative and Service Industries, Professional Office Warehousing, and Administrative and Professional Office Lot size minimum No standard, reasonable as to Each building on separate lot intended use (21.47.080) Building setback from El 30 feet minimum from 43 feet from existing right-of Camino Real ultimate right-of-way way. 30 feet from ultimate right-of way (to parking lot) ( 115 feet to first building) Setback from collector street 30 feet minimum 30 foot setback minimum (Priestly Drive) Interior Yard setback 10 feet 10 feet to parking (63.5 feet minimum for buildings) Parking requirement 408 spaces (1/250) 409 spaces Site coverage 50% of gross lot area 19% of gross lot area Building height 35 feet 30 feet maximum Employee eating area Required to provide if not Adjacent mini-park and area within 1,000 ft. of a mini-on-site available for eating park areas CT 99-17 /PUD 99-07 /S~9-06 -CARLSBAD RESEARCH CEgER-LOT 12 April5,2000 Pae 5 D. Nonresidential Planned Development The Nonresidential planned development regulations are to: 1. Ensure projects develop in accordance with the General Plan and applicable specific plans; 2. Provide for nonresidential projects which are compatible with surrounding development; and 3. Provide a method to approve separate ownership of planned unit development lots. The proposal to create individual ownership lots which do not have direct access from a publicly dedicated street necessitates that a Nonresidential Planned Development permit be processed to supplement the proposed Tentative Map (CT 99-17). The proposed lots would share common driveway access and landscaping. The project complies with the General Plan and Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan development standards as addressed in the discussion above. The proposed development at the proposed location will provide office space within the plan area and will provide an aesthetically pleasing work environment and add to the aesthetics of the industrial park. The office buildings, by the nature of the use, will not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the surrounding occupants of the area and the office use is similar to the adjacent uses. No modifications to the development standards are required to protect the public's health, safety, and general welfare. There are no size nor configuration standards for non-residential planned development lots beyond those imposed as a part of the permit, but shall be reasonable as to the intended use and relation to the project. Individual lots are being created to accommodate individual buildings and are related to the size of the buildings. E. El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards The project is in conformance with the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards for Area Four. The project complies with the standards by proposing a "campus type" development, building heights below the 35 foot height limit, a minimum building setback from El Camino Real of 115 feet where the standard requires only 30 feet. Parking is required to be setback a minimum of 25 feet whereas 30 feet is provided. No grading is proposed which would exceed the 15 feet of cut or fill allowance. The buildings have a greater than required setback and vary in building height which will reduce a tunnel effect along El Camino Real. A view analysis of the buildings from El Camino Real shows that future roof equipment would not be visible from that roadway. F. McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) The proposed office buildings are a compatible use within the CLUP. The project site is located outside of the runway protection zone and the flight Activity Area. The project site is outside, or below, the 65 CNEL noise level from the airport thus being a compatible use. As no intrusions exist, there is no significant risk to this development due to the presence of the airport. CT 99-17 /PUD 99-07 /S~9-06 -CARLSBAD RESEARCH CE~ER-LOT 12 AprilS,2000 Pae 6 Growth Management Regulations The project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 5. The Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form, below and attached, indicates that all impacts to the public facilities and services are adequately mitigated. The Zone 5 Plan requires a $.40/square foot park impact fee to be paid prior to building permit issuance. Facilitv Imoact Comoliance with Standard City Administrative NIA Yes Library NIA Yes Wastewater Treatment Capacity 4,620 GPD Yes Parks $.40 impact fee Yes Drainage 27 CFS (100 yr. Storm) Yes Circulation 1,224 ADT Yes Fire Sta. 5 Yes Schools NIA Yes Sewer Collection System 26EDU Yes Water Distribution System 5,720GPD Yes Open Space No additional O.S. Req. NIA V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The initial study (BIA-Part II) prepared in conjunction with this project determined that the project would not have a significant impact on the environment. The project falls within the scope of the City's MEIR for the City of Carlsbad General Plan Update (EIR 93-01) certified in September, 1994, in which a Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for cumulative impacts to air quality and traffic. An Average Daily Trip (ADT) of 1,224 would be generated by the proposed project. This ADT is consistent with the generation rate analyzed for the site in the MEIR. The City has received its annual Growth Management Traffic Monitoring Report. The Report has recorded an unanticipated intersection "level of service" (LOS) failure at Palomar Airport Road (PAR) and El Camino Real (ECR) during both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. A mitigation measure has been identified which, if implemented, will bring the peak hours LOS into the acceptable range. The mitigation measure involves construction of two dual right tum lanes-northbound to eastbound and westbound to northbound. This project has been conditioned to pay its fair share of the intersection "short-term improvements," thereby guaranteeing mitigation to a level of insignificance. In consideration of the foregoing, on February 11, 2000, the Planning Director issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed project. Note: The City Council, on Tuesday, April 4, 2000, declared an end to the moratorium because there were sufficient resources to fund the mitigation measure identified above, therefore, the Planning Commission deleted the condition in the Negative Declaration. CT 99-17 /PUD 99-07 /S~9-06 -CARLSBAD RESEARCH CEgER -LOT 12 April5,2000 Pae 7 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4743 (Mit. Neg. Dec.) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4744 (CT) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4745 (PUD) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4746 (SUP) 5. Location Map 6. Background Data Sheet 7. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 8. Disclosure Statement 9. Reduced Exhibits 10. Full Size Exhibits "A" -"K", dated April 5, 2000 VL:cs:mh PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT12 CT 99-17/PUD 99-07/SUP 99-06 r _,,,,, -BACKGROUND DATA SHEET .._I CASE NO: CT 99-17 /PUD 99-07 /SUP 99-06 CASE NAME: CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 12 APPLICANT: DSK CARLSBAD PARTNERS, LLC REQUEST AND LOCATION: Subdivide 8.24 acres into ten lots and develop nine one-and two-story office buildings located on the west side of El Camino Real between Faraday A venue and Palomar Airport Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 12 of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-10 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map No. 10330, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February, 18, 1982. APN: 212-062-04-00 Acres: 8.24 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: -=-10=/~9 ________ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: =-P=la=nn=e=d=-I=n=d=u=st=ri=al...,(-=-P-=-1),...__ _______________ _ Density Allowed: NI A Density Proposed: N .......... / A ........ _________ _ Existing Zone: Commercial-Manufacturing (CM) Proposed Zone: _(C-M.....,._) _______ _ Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site (CM) (Pl) Vacant North (CM) (PI) Office South (CM) (PI) Office East (M-Q) (PI) Vacant ( approved Office building) West (CM) (PI) Office PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): =26=-=E=DC-"U"---------------- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ~ Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued =-Fe=b=ru=ary=,,,..-=1=1"'"", 2=-0"-'0'""0'------------- 0 Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _ D Other, ___________________________ _ C CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMP ACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER-LOT 12-CT 99-17 /PUD 99-07 /SUP 99-06 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 2 GENERAL PLAN: Planned Industrial (PI) ZONING: Commercial Manufacturing (C-M) DEVELOPER'S NAME: DSK CARLSBAD PARTNERS, LLC. Frank Sciacca ADDRESS: 3838 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92108 PHONE NO.: (619) 756-3051 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: =21=2'---'-0"""'6=2--=0....:....4--=00"'------- QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): ~8-~24_A_C-·----- ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: "'-"A=.S=.A-=-:•.:..;P.,..___ _____________ _ A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = NIA B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = NIA C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 4,620 GPD D. Park: Demand in Acreage = $.40 impact fee E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = 27 Identify Drainage Basin = Agua Hedionda F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = 1 224 (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 5 H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = NIA I. Schools: NIA J. Sewer: Demands in EDU 26 K. Water: Demand in GPD = 5 720 6ity of ccirtsbad . • 1£16iel,h,t•l•l4•Hi4ie ■i4,il DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of cenain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board. Commission or Comminee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-parmership, joint venb.U'e, assoc1at1on. social club. fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county. city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. I. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) ,., Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or pannership. include the names. title. addresses of all individuals owning more than I 0% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN I 0% OF THE SHARES. PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation. include the names. titles. and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Applicant: OSK CARLSBAD PARTNERS, A California Limited Liability Company 3838 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92108 Frank J. Sciacca, Managing Member OWNER (Not the-owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also. provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership. tenants in common. non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or pannership. include the names. title. addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned corporation. include the names. titles. and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Owner: SAME AS ABOVE 2075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1"161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 3. NON-PROFIT OR~"'l!ZATION OR TRUST If any person identi~ursuant to (I) or (2) above is a nonpro~rganization or a trust. list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust NA Non Profit/Trust ------------ Title ____________ _ Title. ______________ _ Address. ___________ _ Address. _____________ _ 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff. Boards. Commissions. Committees and/or Council within the past twelve ( 12) months? O Yes ·. ~No Jfyes,pleaseindicateperson(s):_--_____________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. DSK CARLSBAD PARTNERS, LLC Frank J. Sciacca, Managing Member Print or type name of owner Signature of owner/applicant" s agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant"s agent H:ADMINICOUNTER\DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 LSBAD PARTNERS, LLC Frank J. Sciacca, Managing Member Print or type name of applicant Page 2 of 2 ......., OSK CARLSBAD PARTNERS, LLC Members Frank J. Sciacca 3838 Camino de! Rio North Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92108 Richard C. Dentt 3838 Camino de! Rio North Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92108 Jon R. Kurtin 12672 Caminito Radiante San Diego, CA 92130-2874 MDDG,LLC 17532 Los Eucalipton P. 0. Box 2562 Rancho Santa, Fe, CA 92108 I 0 C~J c~ G )I 8 81 1~7 ,__I \ uC~J8/ \ / \ // ~- EL CAMINO REAL n ;i ~~· ~ ·~>~. ····~·~·~· ~·~~.~~~·~·~~~· • cl~,,~~~.oej~ ~;cf!i.i!g ~-~;;_l~.t ~--. rt'-6' 4 ---~E~~f~~-E:=:t ~fM ~-ft-':/:'-~-t, --©-.,,._,,,,_...,,,,._--@---+_:;.~~c~-i-~~ii-,~,,,~~F"~lit~,~",iitTC:-'i~i::=i~Fi.i-.:~~tF-~~IF=~~¢:~~~ ;tr ~. ® 'i· ":!;j® @ ':!,, «·· f{, q; ·@ €/,• «J ® ® ® ® ® ® ,,,,. ® ® « ~1;~ : ~t -~ ~i:~L~J_ -~+--',-'~~~-, -~~~-±-~.,--,r-', I I I I \ I I PROPERTY LINE DIAGRAM n ,. E.ARJSING STANDAROS ~ l&'-"' .. =,s-•-<Z''UJll:'.JEw,1'CQVEqjsANI'., SITE LEG.END NOTE 11-Ef!JIL.Dl~-IEG,i-l'"SWIT!s:tsi-lsS~A!CTC:ct-1"'"~l wrrnc.i,lob.lo~1+.c,-c<111o""°:1.<N~ PUBLIC SERVICE AGENCIES flEIIER, CAR1...$6AD MUNICIPAL lUA""ER D'':Tf<ICi 111,\'f!llll, CA!i!J..56AD M'JNICIPAl.. lUA'l:RD"STi;:'CT GM•l!L!!l;l1li!!IC MNCIEGCG4SfEl..ECTR:C ~OPIIM ~ err,-Cf' CARLSBAD eo-kXler CA~se,..:.p LlNll'Er: SC,..CCL !:>ISTOS:IC PROJECT DATA ,ilflR_'(:A1'0661EHTIED, E~teAOl'Jlif& -l;Xlflttizr:N:, txlflWaLNClll!, --... _.,._ "ta.T.:.rl,EH,\P 5~CIAJAJ!'f:'FEs]1T 1.Jet,...fat:S'PtNTl.:.l""._ANNEC-u'Nl1CEA:l.Of"1E\T !-S')t, F'Ril:STL'Y D"''VE CA~513AP C-'-lll'~IA ~001?, CCRFCR<l.TEd=l='Cl= 3:>f-<:l345f',e.;.....cREs' 1otAl.l!I.LDtlao:M!JWi& t,"l:'ftl61-11.be>AOi!:8' r~O'~W61Tf 10T/I.CC>+OINl!Aa91.PAC:l!, D~,E't?;st/:J.J',:1~51 (~Clt$l::l56&1E 1ot4 Ufll8C,ft, ... ,,.,,.,,.,, Jo.\;i319',3A"1,::,a;E~1 , ... , ... ~c:;~S>$&rtE C.-!11".L&i,AD~II'<!: DEPARTMENT AREA SUMMARY BJllOING A BJJlDINGB -..me -.. ... o E!UllO"""'E BJllO .... . BJllO .... ~ ElJlLD~+-1 aJlLDIN::t.J TOTAL PARKING ll!Q.lll!O, a.,,a; -,o:pcc SF , c;,~ .. -1ea ~Pt.CS:& Plil0.-10l!D, e,~ANPARD r;1.1 COl"'f',.l,CT 103 °2¾' .:.CCS%18!.E I.'.' LEGAL DESCRIPTION VICINITY MAP "-.~PROJECT SITE SITE PLAN nr ..c: ·E() Cl) """' '""'~ c.a1u1t101 ~""""' cj .J .J ,:;; ; 0 e ., • ., a. "' '1:11 ., a: 11 -!! • CJ :.I: II) C N ,.. -0 ..J ~Data ~~~( --,------" , __ -°""'""'-"'"°""' "'"' Permit Set Construct:io!'iSet: °""""""' B/6/99 °""'lly M.W. O..W,,lly AR.T. SaJ, l•-490 JobNum"" 98316.S """""""" 1 t---,•~ rT "" (a}-------lc========::::+=Y- 1 .. ·-io T.C."'. l 'f', KEYNOTES ~~~5~~l~lf: ~lf[.!Q".L~!P i' ""1E-CA5T=lC1"E1ECO'<NCE \!> l>.JPl:U,15.'I-IP9TCfl!e ,,Pffla'r:l'.l,Ofa '""FF"<>~,::.on,, <1' ~-CAST C~CI-ElE B..\flE B,:,l'<JCC-Te> •f!'C"C.C IT=. - ROOFPJAN wP e'SO-IANIC-"1-E.:i!J~s.lAI.Let e('~;JlolAl..lD:i-tlPAl".tflc""" :-A~--- ,1_, + Bldg.A, D building square footage : 6,380 a.I. + -... 1''.-----iB 2 . <.:' y " ,_s_ FLOOR PLAN EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS Cl) +-' 0 a> ~ ...c e <x:: .c 0 ., ., "' ., a: N ... .. 0 ..I lbiliol"JDe:l:es L -/-, -- ""'"' job Number Shee:Ni,mber ti .J .J ; f II D. 'a II .a -! II u :ii:: en C ~.w. A.:\.T. 1•128(?5) 9836.S 2 -1 \ (2 T r ~ t~r '--' I rz) ~ . 4. v l I 1-~~--------,--------~----+---~ I I I + ---------< e, Bldg. B, C, E, F ~ building square footage: 17,058 a.I. (c )--- 1---->~) I J '2.1 j I e':1 •5! 15.4: l •8 ROOF PLAN FLOOR PLAN EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS (J) t5 Cl) :t= ..c 0 ~ ..c a) Cl) .c ::: ., a, "' ., a: -·· N ,.. .. 0 ...I ...,_ 0 ...i .J f • e al II. ,:i al .a .!! B :-= rn 0 PllnnJ'W """'~ PlanO,ed,: .... """'"" °""""""""' Salo )obNw,0.- Shee!:Num1'er B/6119 M.W. AR.T. 98316,S 3 '1, I 2 ' I 3 I 1 T \4...! ,~· ~ rj ,----------r;;:::::===!::::===:;±::=====::;;1----if,., (a;--- KEYNOTES '-I r--------; " --------,:Ci B_OOFeJ.AN I 'CF~ : =~;~==Pf,~ ,, 7 (j) _,,,_" ____ .,,._ _ _,,_ _ __,,_ ________ -""" ~ 'i': V :,i ~ + Bldg. G (J opp.) building square footage : 8,380 e.f. + 3 i _EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS ..c Ef) Cl) 0 .J .J •.,/ I!! .c • 0 e ., • ., a. ., 'ti ., a: 11 -! • t) ~ en Q N ... -0 .J , __ Pllnni'l_g Ds~Dft.oelopment ""'°""' "'"' CcnstrucfunSl!I: °""""°"' B/6199 °""'" M.W. °"""" A.R.T. -l-12B(PS) jccNumbar 9836.S S'JedNumbcr 4 1, T \4'-<>" ~ ----------z;;::::=====1 ROOF PLAN KEYNOTES (1/ • "'RE~CASTC~-~',IWQJc'~ ,_, TO,<!. UQI Hf;:Cl-l,,Wlc.Ltai,-1,t1t1,tt~L6F ~Bllll..l.Ol~P"~ ' j ' . (e-,~I -,_. r- ,-,➔ 11, + FLOOR PLAN EXTERIOR BUILDING EL~ATIONS (j) t5 Q) :!::= .c: 0 lo.... <i:: .c: E( (f) .c 0 "' Q) "' Q) a: N .. 0 ..J Pllnnill: 0-.,"""""""' PlanOlld: "'"" """'"" °""""""""' °"""'°"" °""" °'"""" Salo '""' 1'1.W. AltT. ___ l_-128(?5) jobNi,;!Tiber --"" 9S316,S 5 SIDE ELEVATION "TYPICAL CARPORT ELEVATIONS P1'1E-::..:.51CC!\~= M'.;u,N;.ATT~CUR£' (..'...~~1-fl-f1./,C~::.C.l.t.~rt m ENTRY MONUMENT SIGN (PRIESTLY DR.) 15 KEYNOTES fl<!-CA5"c:ctJCR!cTt5~-05 ," 1 PA"-C..5"c:c!¥....Rtn:coR'111 \~/ Nt,14'l5.wt)!l'TQ\.!'\~,CD.OR, 'tl:WAcatt.l' 4 P1"$':C.:..l'!"CCNcErl!~ ENTRY ARCH ELEVATIONS ------"--------- KEYNOTES /, / 4,A ~Jae !>TEEL CCi.iliH-PANTEl J 1"'ET,:.J._Df:Cl(l<'(XIFIN6lll/l2'!4' pj:!,:;;::,ti,A.,.l,tii,,.;,eclA-l"AINTEP ~ll)~ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION (:"EIJ i - FRONT ELEVATION 2 en t5 Q) :!::::! ..c ~ <x:: ..c :!::::! E (f) .c 0 <O a, (IJ a, a: N .... -0 ...I --l'Bnni'lg O.i,,0-IDpment ""'°""' """" '"""'"' °""""""""" °"""'""' """'" ""'""" -Job/Wm"'" Sheet Number ""'' MW" AR.T. l•-'\B 98316.S 6 LOT 12 SITE ELEVATION FROM EL CAMINO REAL (FACING WEST) ---~IT'ELl>ll::>,Fll<0"''3'L..INE~°' =H ~roe ci, a e,,J-jNc i.eAL, LOT 12 SITE PARTIAL SITE SECTION (THOUGH BUILDING D & EL CAMINO REAL) 2 en t5 Q) ~ .r. () i...... <( .r. ~ E Cf) f Clll" hll~ C•"'"'°I A"i~o<t> 0 .J .J .c: I! • 0 e ., Ill 0) l1. "' '0 Q) a: 11 .!! lii 0 ~ rn C CII .,... -0 .J R.wisiorTDlles --f'l.Afl>llN::><iE~lf(' cs ~~N'.SI r;:£5'.nMI_ -" --'""""' ,,,..,_ .. ""°"'" "'"' ,,_,., Q:inm.ictionSet Di'IWTllDaie 9111199 °"''" M.W . .,,_,,.,, A.R.T. -1•360 JcbNumber 983/6.S SheetN1Jmber 7 ' ,, i ,,.. .,. JO' ,o·•i· <1' m,;« SfC1IIJII -a C44IIP M -/ADE lltJll1II """"" mr,cc SfC11DII -l1l§1llC IIJllfSTlY 4M -JADE f.AST .,,,,., fflT Ml Wf8PP lllU!KET Pi/QJIMW1r ~ AMI Vlllf'f PUNS lOTJ;WTA ©1999 O'Day Consultants, Inc. PM /708 ~-.m;=::;::::::;e=::.=~=;:=:::;,,,;===,.,±==+=:;;::::::;:::::;e=::==c;:=-;:, =::;1,..=-:-::-+;:-,:-::---:u,- C.T. !J!J-17 PUD !J!J-07 SUP 99-06 CENKRALNOTES; =-= """""'"""'"' ,,_.,_ --9JS1M:~PlMIJESKJNUXIN fflCR1SfJIIDElM[PWIIJ£SKlMlOI ,,_,...,.,, ,,.,,,.,,,.,_.,, -K;R!:; IUIIEROF!tJIS -= ~ ,amasmD ..,,,t,STRCT SOfRasrRCT SECAIKHIEr:IIIIM.SITEPlMFOltR'.ll.~ I.IJtUINfi~ 2. IJUUJINGSQUfRCFrJOllltiE ,_,_ ,,..,......., i ~IDM[~ Ii OftO'rEEEAfNi,Mfjf CA/1/NO INDUIW' si::ce-r-,w Pfi/ESllY~ Qft.SliMU ,,,_,,,,_,,, CM/OltS!kOli£SEMCHCEHlERsmR'PlNI) QI {C4t/LSBII) liE!itMCt,/ amER SFB7C PYN) """' -.~1/C.~ JO M7iM( ~ 5llMr IIY SNHO A9M.stli'J£f,FlOINr:w~ G«S9tOIMfEl)sa.Q:lOIS1RJCT C4«.S9IO ~ ll4ICR OISlRCf ~ AIM:»'JII'. •117i' DISTRICT TENTATIVE MAP FOR LOT 12 OF CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER A.P.N. 212-062-04 rf ,. 1111' ;.: .,, satf:,1"•100' Pll(}lEC1'. TRIP CKNERA11QN -""'' ,.,.,,. omt:C lltl)(;,-8 omt:C ,ur;,-c omt:C ,.,,._,, omt:C lllDC,-.£ omt:C ""'" omt:C ---""" ,.,,._,, omt:C I/ti)(;,-./ omt:C ,.,. 8AR'J'JmJRK: ESTIMll1) EAKIJ«l'il{ IJI.Wlllf6· cur ,u BENCHMARK; .,,.SJ: ll,0545.F: 17,«J#S.I'. .,,.., 11.0S#Sf. ll,O!i4SF. .,,.., .,,, "' ..,,, /02,PQOSF llll'R<R:· 121RJPS/l(Jl}()s.F. 15 1211ifPS/l(}()l)SJ. 205 12lfllS/l(}(J(}SF. 20$ l21RIPS/_f()()(}SF. JI" 1211111$/lfXJOS.F. 20.f l21RPS/_J()()(}SJ. 20S 121RJl'S/lfJO(}SF. llS 1211ifPS/IIJO()Sf. 1(1() 1211/Jl'S/IIJOOS.F. 1f ---------~~~---(S.O. CO. CONTROL PT. R1800-345+00 f>OT) LOCATION: ON EL CAM~ REAL, 0.45 Ml. NLY. f'ROM PALCUIR AIRPORT RQlrO WTJ.li£S .. OQ'JEJfTlMS ... FNSHILOO? .. CQNSl'RQCT[ON NOTE; ct:NS11ICf1CN 1D llt'.U« TJtEFtJti.a.,t;: 1.0NSJTCIRIJ1ESACIPMKJNCLOl , """"" .I aJNSllM:!Di0FilfiJJIIIGSA-.INIIJ~1Wllll'liOtEII0'1 JfJm!S; I.VTI.JIESNifPfiOPOSEIIIJMISSWE10JatS11/G. Z M~t1111TESNIEIUl£1.1USSIAJElEDAS"Jfflll1£ Q) FF 322.0 --J20-- --SD -- --s-- --W-----::_y_~27'Mx= "" .S. STlSI DIM 1$ /fMJE UIUSS (JflERWS£ NOIEIJ. .-;MJ.~STDfillOIIMIMDS,,,,.,~M£C.tlJJliJliCmll'.:S;ANO MJ'(ll1ElffJ£11CUAR~SHl1Nllf"RlSStFl.1Bi~JD SA11:SFYN.P..D.LS.R£JitliQIENTS. IIQAL Q8SC8IPTION; £01120F~"/lll/CTNfJ. 81-IOll 1J£CITYOF~ coutfYOFSMtam stAICOFOfU'?MMI. ~ ,0 IMPIO JO.IJlin£DIIT1CcmccOF11EC()U(fYRIJ:OIIQtR OFS4Nl.BO a:ulfY. IURJllfY 14 IS/tl2. CIVIL KNCJNEER/JJNP S1/RV8YQR; MMraJNSIA.fl#TS,11/C:. 590DFMS/EllitaMT,STFIOO """""'"-(lfll}W-J'lW Sl/B/JlW8R/o,NER: fJSl(OM..S81D~ UC Amtf'IMM(5QICOI P.a flOX 2156 RilJICH()$MtfC,Ol12()1{7 (619}75&-J051 ~l(}---11-!l!I DA~(Tl'RtlWIAIIIM 1-rlf SHEET I OF .J SHEETS DE'SIGNEDff1·Me.....£J... DA.tt:...AI..lllll._ Dftl'.'#N a-r:..IU.....IU.___ SCAlL: ~ ~·---·--·--------------------------c---~~--,.·--- ELEVATION· t,"'-Cll:$W'l19311'.?T.l0"1.ll'o'G 10-12-'I\I 11J,114,t3 ""' EST ~-.-.-.-- ( J TENTATIVE MAP /lrJR C.T. 99-17 PUD 99-07 SUP 99-06 LOT 12 OF CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER A.P.N. 212-062-04 ., .,,,.. 1. SlES>£ETJFORUJTLH~fA 2. SOITIISTll/a(:alla)IIIDIES: (#)!»lrlJ/Sl.WZ~IIEIXIIIIDllJtlOl$TOIIVJT1(J NJJN(;/f/ESTl.Y~ASSHtJ#tfll"'5SIEH (),/IIK)S7Jl'.CJlll!;ma:,"'1.IRl'!;3MIC«.SG'(ON 01'0aMr:TotOIJr.«lf"11ESTJil£Tl.£1tEJ.iMIE l'l.MZJJtRPllilll1f1JlDDICIIQIQl.,,,_T1£NFA ~ASASl'.illT/MSWICCaieat'Dl'lt~ .rHMr $JillOtl) AaK: SllitD~ ~ SB:tDi&JU TW:IICElJ11G'l'lta'OllY(MNERSMU. ---.IIW)Ullfl1Dl6IMSEI)OIIAZilB}SEDDIOF5'awt:IIE1C 5t441,t•swi .J.irCIRIFKEATHlll«l,PSWLS. ~lfr-11-99 IMIE IT fl'i!9'Mlof1Ut B-5--91 SHEET 2 OF .J SHEETS Go\nl$\9111930V'930TOl!.!NG IIHi!-99 I-~ a,, EST ---.--"""'5111l;--- ( LOT 4 MAP 10880 ©1999 O'Day Consultants, Inc. LOT 15 MAP 10880 ., SCU; 1· -- Df:SCRJPTIOH: LOCA110N· TENTATIVE MAP J'OR C.T. 99-17 PUD 99-07 SUP 99-06 LOT 12 OF CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER A.P.N. 212-062-04 SHEET S OF' S SHEETS 6'-IIJIS'\-IP0'\"30l03.lNG 10-12-991 'J>:ie.!2 "" EST -----~ • () ( j MAINTENANCE RESPONSBILITIES MANTENllrH'.:e OP Tl-e F'liC'P62TY'S LANJ6CAPE WU BE F'l20VDEDB'Yl\-Eowt,E12. ~OFn-E~ Wl.1.Et:F'li.'OVOB)Br """"""'"""'-OP& LANDSCAPE T ABLLA TIONS t-eN P~ STAU.S • 396 ~TI2BSATITl2f'!E'Pel4StAl.l.5•99meES t,EII P,6Rl,:;NG LOT lJ;a:S F'li'OVDEO • 99 na:e5 f..et'IPN.1Ql,GLOTA12EA· 17.588SF. PAllKNS LOT~ LAN>5C,AP'f: AREA ~ l • 3,526 SF. ~ P~ LOT l.Al'DSCAPE NlEA flRO\ID:D • 5.782 SF. C 5 S ) TOTAL.1',EW UKlSCAF'e AREA •63,903~. TOTAL~ 11..RF ASlEA • 8,390 SF. OOJ O" TOTAi.. L.Al't06CAPf: .AREAl PLANTING ZOI\E PERCENT AGES IOFSITo lP'E AQFA lAN'.)SCAffi ........,_~AL WATB2lff: lu»< 2""'5) 3TI>"'8na<AL 4 NATIVE 6,6166F. IOI 7'5,2876F. 90 l OSF. 01 OSF. OS WATER CONSERVATION NOTES n-E FCllO'M'G WATE!R QOrtflBNATION TEO-NCI..ES 9-IAl..l. BE: ~cmD N Tl-E F'l20.ECT• WATER CON36lVtG F'I..ANra. NO~ NA.TNE TO I-IOT, ORY SLM,B!S IJTUZB) N 75SOFTl-E:TOTAL.PL.ANtl:DAREA U:E CF i-lYCIROZCN=S 'M'Tl-1 PL.ANTS GR0Lf>B) BASa:> l.PON AMO.NT OF WATBi! fcEDED TOSUSTANn-EM. "'"-0-131-4" -r 50:uruzt::ON TI-EL.AN:>E:CN'E. 3"tleP'TI-I~ SOL~ UTl.lze'.) TO M"ROVE WATS 1-Q..ON; CAPACITY CF SOL AlJTCMATC Rl.'BATION 8YS1EM AD-LSTID seASC:INAI..L'r NOW™ WATa2NG l-0.RS ~ 000 PM Ai'O 600 AM l..'QGA.110NSYSTeM[E51QB)T0WATER'~/lRE/>SOl"TI-El..AtOSCAPf:BASED ~~ ONWATS!f\Gre:D. RRG4TPI IE9GNS:l'STJYE TO S.Cf'E FACTOQS. ~ RAN S::N60llS U3fD N ca-u.NC1l()',I v«Tl-1 n-E AUTOMATIC RRGA110N 5YS1cM ---~ ___. fl\ ~TION5Grl/E:NFORAl'N..IALR!aaAilONSO-E]l..l.E. _....---'l, """""""'WAffl''-"'""'1"CATIONIMm....,,.,.,,,. DATA N"""""""' ....m ~ STATEOFCALFaal&AWATBc'~Ofi!DNIIJCE.FCRN'PrlOVN.S.w.LBe~ ~ l.MOSCAPE." ~ DOCt.M:NT 51..EMTTAL. TO 11-E OT'!'. AN AUTOMATIC ~TI0,1 SYSTEM WU EE PROVDeD wm-+ AU.~ SUTAB..E Fa.> Tl-l: LB: OF l2EO..AM:D WA"l'ER NO 1-t!'AL"Jl.l DePA!nM:NT ~ m.A11111!. TO ~ LB= 'M.L AFf'LY TO 11-E PRO.ECT. LANDSCAPE CONCEPT ST A TEMENT ~ LAl'03CAPE DES1QN WU co.A.B,ENT 11-E 0-ASSIC AQO-ITECT\.RAL ~TM'3'JT OF TI-I: a.a..or>GS. PLANT MATERIAL.S WU. ALSO ee L£EO TO SCRl!f'N LNESIMa.e VE!WS, PllOVOE SHADE NO~ PeOe5T1:aAN Ai'O ~ CROJ.AllON PATTB2t,s. ll-E LAN>SC.OPE N2EA$ NIE c:esa.'EED ~ow, ~ F'QO..ECT a,m:rr C1t!1YE!S />RE OE:NTff:D v.ffi.l LOW SGNAQ!: ELe.ENTS Al'I) A ~O"rfAl..lAHCYl"l',1!SS. TJ.-1!.'eM'llYORIVl$NZE.u-e>~OLM::Tia:5 v«TI-IVEWSTOP~sc::i:a:ee:>'MTI-IQ.PP6l~H!!D6ei. 11-ESCALECK" TJ.eENTRYOla\lel8BllOla:N~WITI-IA~OF'R.QW:!laG$-QI.SSNO ~ P.4fi!L1'fi 00 RI/ RPS: GARQEN TI,E R.SJC ~Aas N)..LDE A PARl<:NQ co.RT Wffi,I A CAN0PT CF R<'I.JTlESS a.NI':: Tlo.'E'!!'S. ll-E ~ SAl.!OeN IS EN15!E'O ~ A PCRTAI.. Af't,CI GRASS PA"TI-N'IAYS 'M..J... PSiOVDE FCQ 5ECCN>ARl' CRCl.LATION TI-RQ..JQI-I Tl-E Q.Al20EN. A~~ l'E'A~ SU0-I AS A a.KllAL ~ BRO EIATI-1 'M..J.. EE l'ROVllOD. 811-PHi fflIRES / PERM=JB2 aA..DNQeNll.'E:SV\1..1.~llRELOW~F'ERBINAI... ca..c:RN,cJ ~AVEL PAT106. ITAI.J,AN~QRCll.Nel2!!$8Re.AJc:0CMNTI-eEl..t.ONGMASS. c:ma.s BOSO.ES OCCl.R ALOI\G Tl-£~ aa:::t.LATKlN llOJTE$ Al'fJ CtJlDOCRSl':ATNGAREAS. PRB.JMNARY PLANT PALETTE = FIQIMICAJ / CQ.NON NA>.e t,N,INSZJ; APPROX Q!ANJIO C\"MrCNJS T""'5 0 ~-, 24·aox ., __,,.._.........., ITAI..IANC'Yf'la:5$ ACX>'NTTI>EE 0 CLEA B.ROPAEA 'SWJ>N 1-1.l. I 24" BOX "' -= "'-ffi.E5SCUVE -0 an..u;;S"P./ "'""" "'-"""'ACCENT csu,1-¥:!EELEMCNTRa'S -0 11l!!STANA CO!fBlTA / OOAL " e-.-P_,.., -El())( COT- 0 F'l.ATAN..SACERFOI...JA/ EXISTNS611i!E'ET"TI:.'!"E '°""""""""""" ATB-CAt,.C,,IOREAI... 0 1..1.M..SPAR\IFCl.JA/ 28 EXISlN>STREET....,,, -ISM ATPR£5l1.YDRIVE 20\E 1-1..1..JS-1 lMDSCAPE -B..J..DNG a.maES. B-ITRY DQl\l'E E Cl:NTRAL. ~ PATI-,WAYS -IW'U'J.CO..OO 4" POTS 226 SF. Ll.&-1 ACC6'IT CJ TlW -r:NrlNI!" T,11,,LL FESClE SEED 8,390 SF. TtRF ~ Zo-E l! -~ PI..ANTNG-a...a.a-,; ~ NC P.A0:NQ Aoi!EA$ -54.608 SF. EI.JXL5M.JAf'O',ICA/ 0GAI.. 4'0 ie•~J-EDSE .J.AP.oH:Se 80XWOOD -a,-~ co.M..NS 'CCWPACTA' I rNll>RF""'"-" -00-"""'-'"'""""'"'11A' FALSEl-f:All--f:R USU5lRI..N .JAPONCLM "TEXAf',l.M / ''-"'--30""""""""''""""" rex.AS_,,,. CTI PAO NlEA ~ E Si-f2LS6o AQIIPAN"ll-U3 •a...ea,,i />H£ I IGAI.. 495 """""""-ACCENT LLY-CF-n.e-M.E CAQ56A Q 'BOXWOODaEAlJT"T" / '""-"" """"'-K>R.ANm. CJNAR.f'NA.TALPLLM I-HlERA~1-IA>-NSI'/ Fl.ATS IWNS""'-'SHW, 6.4~SF. """""""' ~........,., ,.,._ OAYLLY .. , "°""""""=:err L.llNTANA ~ / '""-"-'"""LANTANA ""' CO.OO ACCENT MASS LA\I.AIIO...LA oe,(l"AT A / '""'-RZNCl<LA'll!NJER ,.. FOOE""°-"' AccasT :::: !.!06ASPP./ , ..... 304 Acx:::ENTAT~ """" ..... "°"' GAl!CEN ROSMARN.ISO."Pl20STQATU'il R.ATS 5.Q90SF. """-"""" °"""""~ ~_.......,.,.., IGAL. STAI>.,,,,,..,_ ,., 6"CI..N)COVEI> """"_,,,, RATS __. 4.345SF. ~ D PI--IOQMLMTENAXtRONZe:BAB"Y"/ .,,.,_ '""""'-ACCENT CW,/J,RFERQl,IZE~ . ...,. PB..ARGCN...M PB.ATATLM 'W-.fTe" I 4"POTS "'""· co.or, ACCENT ,,,,...,,_,. 4.444 TOTAl..$-.QLBCCJ..NT UI03 TOTAL!iQAL. 152 s CFTOTAU ZOl>E: 3 -'2Ef'N9'.) PL.ANTNG-STE~ NlfJ>S-'iOJ:>79 SF. a?2[] =J.~~e~s Ja250SF. ~ -· ~ Prn"OEi'OaM T. 'V/JREGATA' I \IAREQA.Tm TOBRA RAPI-I0...!5"6 N:JICA 'CLAQA' I NllA ""wn-o>N -PhOTNA ~ / ,.,.,,.,.,,.,_ -00-'6A<aJCA~, PN<MS.A<a.CA P~Tl20...8"0ATA/ 906TON eT 02040 BO '""'- IGAC '""- IGAL 120 167 ~>.f:DGE lJ77 TOT AL $-.QLB COL.NT ~ TOTAL5QAL !?SOf.OFTOTAI..) 6 """""""'"" ATNAS-le..ct.OS..RES ■~ ARCHITECTS lU. Ut241-tt11 fAX UlfflU1S Cl) t5 Q) .:t= .r::. (.) ..... <( 0) C ::I::= :::, Cl) C 0 u .r::. :t= • ~ (' li ( ~ ----J --zs,:-- "'"' "'"'""' eo..,,.-5,t "'-°"' °""'"' °""""' Jd>- 10l1ll99 Jl IS 1'•«Y-o"' ,.,,.., L-1