HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-22; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; Options for the Construction of New Pickleball Courts at Existing ParksMeeting Date: Jan. 22, 2024 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Todd Reese, Parks Services Manager todd.reese@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-3968 Subject: Options for the Construction of New Pickleball Courts at Existing Parks Recommended Action Recommend that the City Council approve a Capital Improvement Program Project Charter for the construction of four new outdoor pickleball courts at Calavera Hills Community Park and four new pickleball courts at Stagecoach Community Park. Executive Summary The City Council approved the 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update at its regular meeting on Sept. 26, 2023. At the conclusion of the presentation of that agenda item, the City Council acknowledged the public’s expressed interest for more outdoor pickleball courts in the city’s parks inventory. By a minute motion, which carried unanimously, the City Council directed staff to prioritize the construction of new pickleball courts without the conversion or removal of tennis courts (Exhibit 1, page 5). Staff explored numerous existing park sites throughout the city in all four park districts. Staff then narrowed the assessment to 10 options, ranging from four courts to eight courts each, at five different community parks. These larger and widely accessible community parks were considered viable sites for new pickleball courts, as they contained similar active amenities, and included significant supporting infrastructure, such as restroom facilities and parking lots. Staff recommends constructing four new pickleball courts at Calavera Hills Community Park (Exhibit 3, page 3) and four new pickleball courts at Stagecoach Community Park (Exhibit 3, page 4). The addition of these eight new pickleball courts would be responsive to the public’s current demand for this amenity and would substantially broaden the service area coverage. Explanation & Analysis The 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update identified the need for at least eight additional outdoor pickleball courts to be constructed to meet the recommended service levels for the current demand for this amenity (Exhibit 2, page 2). Public input received during the master plan update process also provided support of a high priority ranking for additional outdoor pickleball courts (Exhibit 2, page 3). Chapter 9, Strategic Recommendations, Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 1 of 37 of the 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update includes the following Parks Strategy, for the Short Term [0-3 Years], specific to pickleball courts (Exhibit 2, page 4): •Seek City Council direction on whether to pursue the construction of outdoor pickleball courts at an existing park to address the current demand. On Sept. 26, 2023, the City Council directed staff to prioritize the construction of new pickleball courts without the conversion or removal of tennis courts. In response to that direction, staff has completed an assessment of multiple park sites and prepared a recommendation for consideration by the Parks & Recreation Commission, Senior Commission and City Council. Staff first identified multiple existing park sites that could accommodate a footprint for a minimum of four and a maximum of eight new pickleball courts without displacing other significant uses. Staff then narrowed the focus of the assessment to 10 options, at five different community parks: Calavera Hills, Stagecoach, Aviara, Alga Norte and Poinsettia (Exhibit 3, page 1). The options were assessed using the following criteria (Exhibit 3, page 2): •Park location and amenity service area •Scope of construction tasks •Proximity to residents •Proximity to habitat •Impacts on other uses and amenities •Raquet sport complex opportunities •Availability of supporting infrastructure •Rough order of magnitude project costs Based on the results of those assessments, staff recommends coupling two of the options into a single Capital Improvement Program Project Charter – i.e., for the construction of four new pickleball courts at Calavera Hills Community Park (Exhibit 3, page 3) and the construction of four new pickleball courts at Stagecoach Community Park (Exhibit 3, page 4). These eight new pickleball courts, sited in two additional park districts apart from the existing six pickleball courts at Poinsettia Community Park, would address the current service level need and provide an enhanced service area citywide (Exhibit 4). The cost for such a project is estimated at 2 to 2.4 million dollars and the schedule for such a project is anticipated to be 24 to 28 months. The inclusion of pickleball courts in the Robertson Ranch Park refined conceptual design could additionally address the projected service level need and further enhance the service area coverage. The Robertson Ranch Park project is presently in the Community Engagement Phase. The park’s final design, estimated costs, and anticipated schedule have not yet been realized. Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 2 of 37 Next Steps Staff will next present this item to the Senior Commission for a recommendation on Feb. 1, 2024, and to the City Council for direction on Feb. 13, 2024. Staff will then proceed in implementing the direction received from the City Council. Exhibits 1.City Council Meeting Minutes, Sept. 26, 2023 2.2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update, Sept. 26, 2023 3.Outdoor Pickleball Courts Existing Park Construction Opportunities, January 2024 4.Outdoor Pickleball Courts Construction Opportunities - Service Area Maps, January 2024 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 3 of 37 Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 CALL TO ORDER: 5 p.m. ROLL CALL: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONCURRENT MEETINGS: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Assistant City Manager Geoff Patnoe led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Meeting held Aug. 22, 2023 Minutes of the Special Meeting held Aug. 29, 2023 Minutes of the Special Meeting held Sept. 12, 2023 Minutes of the Special Meeting held Sept. 14, 20238 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. PRESENTATIONS: Proclamation in recognition of Public Safety Month Mayor Blackburn read the proclamation. Assistant Fire Marshal Darcy Davidson, Police Chief Mickey Williams, and Public Works Facility Attendant Jose Estrada said a few words. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mary Lucid spoke regarding the operational hours of the library. Paige DeCino spoke regarding building electrification. Lynda Daniels spoke regarding building electrification. Raul Villamar voiced his concerns regarding low income housing and roundabout in his neighborhood. PUBLIC REPORT OF ANY ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: None. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 through 4. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. 1.LOAN AGREEMENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR FUNDING FOR THE WASTEWATER SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION PROJECT Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-241 approving a loan agreement with the California State Water Resources Control Board for funding the Wastewater Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Project. (Staff contact: Vicki Quiram and Shoshana Aguilar, Public Works Department) Sept. 26, 2023, 5 p.m. CITY COUNCIL Minutes Exhibi t 1 Exhibit 1 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 4 of 37 Sept. 26, 2023 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 2.AGREEMENT WITH SCHNEIDER CM TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES FOR THE VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK PROJECT (CIP PROJECT NO. 4609) – Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-242 approving a professional service agreement with Schneider CM for construction management and inspection services for the Veterans Memorial Park Project, in an amount not to exceed $1,390,164. (Staff contact: Steven Didier, Public Works Department) 3.ACCEPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 ALCOHOL POLICING PARTNERSHIP GRANT – Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-243 authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to accept $40,520 in Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Alcohol Policing Partnership grant funds and authorizing the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services or designee to appropriate funds to the Public Safety Grants Special Revenue Fund. (Staff contact: Amanda Baker, Police Department) 4.ACQUISITION AND RESALE OF 2631 HANCOCK CIRCLE AS PART OF THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESALE PROGRAM – Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-244 authorizing the City Manager to execute all required documents to complete the purchase and resale of 2631 Hancock Circle as part of the City’s Affordable Housing Resale Program. (Staff contact: Mandy Mills, Community Services Department) ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: None. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 5.ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. CS-459 AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 1.20 MEETINGS – Adoption of Ordinance No. CS-459 amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.20 Meetings. (Staff contact: Faviola Medina, City Clerk Department) City Manager’s Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance No. CS-459. City Attorney Cindie McMahon titled the ordinance. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to adopt Ordinance No. CS-459. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. PUBLIC HEARING: 6.APPROVE A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, SPECIAL USE PERMIT - FLOODPLAIN, SPECIAL USE PERMIT - EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND WAIVER OF GENERAL PLAN OPEN SPACE POLICY 4-P.6 FOR THE WIDENING OF EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN SUNNY CREEK ROAD AND JACKSPAR DRIVE (CDP2022-0044, HDP2021-0003, SUP2022-0002, SUP2021-0002) – Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-245 approving a coastal development permit, hillside development permit, special use permit (floodplain, special use permit – El Camino Real corridor development standards) and a waiver of General Plan Open Space Policy 4-P.6 to allow for a road improvement project along El Camino Real generally located within the public right-of-way on El Camino Real from Sunny Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 5 of 37 Sept. 26, 2023 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Creek Road to Jackspar Drive within the Mello II segment of the city’s Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 15. (Staff contact: Eric Lardy, Community Services Department) City Manager’s Recommendation: Take public input, close the public hearing and adopt the resolution. City Planner Eric Lardy and Transportation Director Tom Frank reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Mayor Blackburn opened the duly noticed public hearing at 5:33 p.m. Eric Gilmore spoke regarding his concern with the upcoming changes on El Camino Real. Mayor Blackburn closed the duly noticed public hearing at 5:36 p.m. In response to Council Member Luna’s inquiry, Transportation Director Tom Frank explained that resident signage concerns have been accommodated by adding additional signage and striping. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to adopt Resolution No. 2023-245. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 7. MAYORAL APPOINTMENT OF ONE MEMBER TO THE AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE CITIZENS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-246 appointing one member to the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Citizens’ Advisory Committee. (Staff contact: Tammy McMinn, City Clerk Department) City Manager’s Recommendation: Adopt the resolution. Motion by Mayor Blackburn to adopt Resolution No. 2023-246 appointing Spencer Burrows to the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Citizens’ Advisory Committee. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. 8. MAYORAL APPOINTMENT OF TWO MEMBERS TO THE SENIOR COMMISSION – 1) Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-247 appointing one member to the Senior Commission; and 2) Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-248 appointing one member to the Senior Commission. (Staff contact: Tammy McMinn, City Clerk Department) City Manager’s Recommendation: Adopt the resolutions. Motion by Mayor Blackburn to adopt Resolution No. 2023-247 appointing Kathryn Rangus and Resolution No. 2023-248 appointing Nelson Ross to the Senior Commission. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. 9. MAYORAL APPOINTMENT OF ONE MEMBER TO THE HOUSING COMMISSION – Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-249 appointing one member to the Housing Commission – At-Large Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 6 of 37 Sept. 26, 2023 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 Member. (Staff contact: Tammy McMinn, City Clerk Department) City Manager’s Recommendation: Adopt the resolution. Motion by Mayor Blackburn to adopt Resolution No. 2023-249 appointing Chi-Wu-Chang to the Housing Commission. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. 10. 2023-2030 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT MASTER PLAN UPDATE – Adoption of a resolution approving a 2023-250 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update. (Staff contact: Kyle Lancaster, Community Services Department) City Manager’s Recommendation: Adopt the resolution. Parks & Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster, Recreation Services Manager Mick Calarco and Next Practice Partners Founder and CEO Neelay Bhatt reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Mary Lucid spoke regarding the services at the Senior Center. Ed Gorelick spoke regarding the need for more pickleball courts. Tom Hirschberger spoke regarding the need for more pickleball courts and less tennis courts. Parks & Recreation Commission Chair Bob Winston expressed his approval of the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. Dale Ordas spoke regarding the need for a park in the Southwest Quadrant of Carlsbad. Zakk Sharp spoke regarding how pickleball saved his life and asked for more courts. Preserve Calavera representative Diane Nygaard spoke regarding the need for neighborhood parks that are walkable and accessible within 10 minutes. Shirley Keating-Hudson spoke regarding the need for a park and open space in southwest Carlsbad. Hanover Beach HOA Representative Mark O’Donnell spoke regarding the need for a park in southwest Carlsbad. Jodi Jones spoke regarding the need for a park in the southwest coastal area. In response to Council Member Acosta’s inquiry, Parks & Recreation Director Lancaster gave an overview of the 10 minute walkability to the parks map. In response to Council Member Acosta’s inquiry, Parks & Recreation Director Lancaster explained that Agua Hedionda Lagoon south shore is included in the Trails Master Plan and referenced as Hub Park. Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 7 of 37 Sept. 26, 2023 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 5 In response to Council Member Acosta’s inquiry, Parks & Recreation Director Lancaster explained that a separate item will be brought back for the City Council’s consideration regarding pickleball. In response to Council Member Acosta’s inquiry, Next Practice Partners Founder and CEO Bhatt explained how the survey was utilized and how many participants came from each zip code. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Bhat-Patel’s inquiry, Parks & Recreation Director Lancaster explained that converting a tennis court to a pickleball court can be done but would be highly expensive. Motion by Council Member Acosta, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bhat-Patel, to request staff to return with options for a park in the Southwest Quadrant in the Planning Area F. Council Member Burkholder explained that the motion seemed to be moving forward while ignoring a transportation project along with the state and other entities. Mayor Blackburn explained that he would not be supporting the motion. Motion by Council Member Acosta, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bhat-Patel, to request staff to return with options for a park in the Southwest Quadrant. Motion failed, 2/3 (Blackburn, Burkholder, Luna – No). City Attorney McMahon explained that the item already states that there is a bring-back item regarding pickleball courts. Motion by Mayor Blackburn, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bhat-Patel, directing staff to prioritize the construction of new pickleball courts without the conversion or removal of tennis courts as part of the returning item for City Council’s consideration. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to adopt Resolution No. 2023-250. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. 11. GENERAL FUND SURPLUS POLICY: APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 BUDGET CARRYFORWARD REQUESTS AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS TO FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 – 1) Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-251 approving the fiscal year 2022-23 budget carryforward requests and appropriation of funds to fiscal year 2023-24 and authorizing capital outlay purchases; and 2) Adoption of Resolution 2023-252 approving the restriction of General Fund reserves in fiscal year 2023-24 to fund the initial contribution to a Section 115 Trust; and 3) Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-253 approving the use of the fiscal year 2022-23 General Fund surplus for appropriation and transfer to the city’s Workers’ Compensation Fund in fiscal year 2023-24; and 4) Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-254 approving the use of the fiscal year 2022-23 General Fund surplus for appropriation and transfer to the city’s Risk Management Fund in fiscal year 2023-24. (Staff contact: Zach Korach, Administrative Services Department) Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 8 of 37 Sept. 26, 2023 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 6 City Manager's Recommendation: Adopt the resolutions. Finance Director Zach Korach rand Senior Management Analyst Jeremy Bates reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to adopt Resolution No. 2023-251, Resolution No. 2023-252, Resolution No. 2023-253 and Resolution No. 2023-254. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Blackburn and the City Council Members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and subcommittees of which they are members. ANNOUNCEMENTS: This section of the Agenda is designated for announcements to advise the community regarding events that Members of the City Council have been invited to, and may participate in. Friday, Oct. 6, 2023 3-7 p.m. MiraCosta College Technology Career Institute Community Open House 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Assistant City Manager Patnoe commended t he Parks & Recreation Department and the Finance Department for their work on the presentations. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: City Attorney McMahon echoed Assistant City Manager Patnoe's sentiments. CITY CLERK COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Blackburn adjourned the duly noticed meeting at 7:44 p.m. Tamara R. McMinn, CPMC, CMC Senior Deputy City Clerk Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 9 of 37 DRAFT 1 Exhibit 2 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 10 of 37 City of Carlsbad parks & Recreation Department 102 5.3.8 OUTDOOR PICKLEBALL COURTS Figure 88: Outdoor pickleball courts service area map Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 11 of 37 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update 139 Based on the PIR, six park facilities were rated as high priorities for investment (Figure 125): • Outdoor pickleball courts (PIR=149) • Neighborhood parks (PIR=147) • Community parks (PIR=142) • Off-leash dog parks (PIR=142) • Community gardens (PIR=120) • Outdoor swimming pools (PIR=112) Figure 124: High priority for investment park facilities Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 12 of 37 City of Carlsbad parks & Recreation Department 146 9.2 STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN Consistent with the 2015 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan, this update provides recommendations for the department to implement over the short-term, 0-3 years, long-term, 4-7 years, and on an ongoing basis. The strategies are based on several factors, including the Carlsbad Community Vision, the Carlsbad Strategic Plan (2023-2028), the annual Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program, a wide array of community and stakeholder input, Parks & Recreation Department staff input (throughout the process, including a visioning workshop), and the consulting team’s expertise. Plan categories: 1. Parks 2. Maintenance and operations 3. Programs, events and facilities 4. Funding and marketing 9.2.1 COMMUNITY INPUT AND VISIONING OUTCOMES Community input and staff visioning outcomes were identified: 1. Address aging infrastructure – update and maintain existing infrastructure 2. Optimize staffing – ensure staffing levels and structure match service levels 3. Ensure financial sustainability – plan for earned income opportunities 4. Increase awareness – continue to communicate the benefits of parks & recreation 5. Expand programming – grow and diversify programming to meet community needs The strategies for each category, separated by an implementation timeline are shown in Figures 132-135. 9.2.2 PARKS STRATEGIES PARKS STRATEGIES Short Term (0-3 Years) Seek City Council direction on whether to pursue the construction of outdoor pickleball courts at an existing park to address the current demand Educate park visitors about sustainable practices and encourage them to participate in environmental initiatives Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 13 of 37 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update 147 Complete a Parks in Lieu Fee and Parks Impact Fee Study and present its findings to the City Council for review and direction Evaluate the potential for revising protocols at the skate parks to allow other wheeled devices, which may enhance accessibility Add additional trash and recycling cans, and seating at school field sites Complete conceptual design and permitting for Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park Phase 3B Improvements Complete construction plans, bidding and construction implementation for Stagecoach Park Community Garden Complete construction plans, bidding and construction implementation for Veterans Memorial Park Complete community engagement, conceptual design and permitting for Robertson Ranch Community Park Complete conceptual design and permitting for Hosp Grove Park Improvements Contribute to completing construction plans, bidding and construction implementation for Monroe Street Pool Renovation/Replacement (in support of project’s lead department: Fleet & Facilities) Contribute to completing construction plans, bidding and construction implementation for Beach Access Repairs and Upgrades (in support of project’s lead department: Transportation) Contribute to completing construction plans, bidding and construction implementation for Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements (in support of project’s lead department: Transportation) Contribute to completing construction plans, bidding and construction implementation for Terramar Coastal Area Improvements (in support of project’s lead department: Transportation) Contribute to completing conceptual design and permitting for ADA Beach Access Ramps (in support of project’s lead department: Transportation) Contribute to completing the conceptual design, permitting, construction plans, bidding and construction implementation for Citywide Facilities Security Enhancements (in support of project’s lead department: Information Technology) Contribute to completing the conceptual design, permitting, construction plans, bidding and construction implementation for for Citywide Facilities WiFi Enhancements (in support of project’s lead department: Information Technology) Long Term (4-7 Years) Enhance parks amenities, such as shade structures and seating, to improve visitor experience Complete construction plans, bidding and construction implementation for Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park Phase 3B Improvements Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 14 of 37 Exhibit 3 1Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 15 of 37 2Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 16 of 37 3Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 17 of 37 4Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 18 of 37 5Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 19 of 37 6Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 20 of 37 7Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 21 of 37 8Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 22 of 37 9Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 23 of 37 10Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 24 of 37 11Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 25 of 37 12Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 26 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 27 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 28 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 29 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 30 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 31 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 32 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 33 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 34 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 35 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 36 of 37 Exhibit 4 Jan. 22, 2024 Item #2 37 of 37 Options for Construction of New Pickleball Courts at Existing Parks Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Nick Stupin, Parks Planning Manager Parks & Recreation Department January 22, 2024 1 TODAY’S PRESENTATION •2023-30 Master Plan Update actions •Park locations explored •Amenity service area coverage •Options assessment criteria •Options review and recommendation •Robertson Ranch Park opportunity ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION Recommend City Council approve a Capital Improvement Program Project Charter for the construction of 4 new outdoor pickleball courts at Calavera Hills Community Park and 4 new pickleball courts at Stagecoach Community Park 3 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS 2023-30 MASTER PLAN UPDATE •Sept. 26, 2023 - Council approved 2023-2030 Parks & Rec Department Master Plan Update ➢Identified need for at least 8 added outdoor pickleball courts to be constructed to meet the recommended service level for demand 4 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS •Priority Investment Ratings ➢Outdoor pickleball courts were rated as a high priority for investment for park facilities 5 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS 2023-30 MASTER PLAN UPDATE •Strategic Action Plan ➢Short-term (0-3 year) Park Strategies ❑Seek City Council direction on whether to pursue construction of outdoor pickleball courts at an existing park to address demand 6 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS 2023-30 MASTER PLAN UPDATE •City Council acknowledged public’s interest for more outdoor pickleball courts in parks ➢Minute motion was made to prioritize the construction of new pickleball courts without the conversion or removal of tennis courts 7 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS 2023-30 MASTER PLAN UPDATE 8 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS PARK LOCATIONS EXPLORED •Staff explored numerous existing park sites throughout the city in all four park districts ➢Narrowed the assessment to 10 options, from 4 to 8 courts each, at 5 community parks 9 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS PARK LOCATIONS EXPLORED •Large, widely accessible community parks were considered viable sites for pickleball courts ➢They contain similar active amenities, and included significant supporting infrastructure, such as restroom facilities and parking lots 10 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS PARK LOCATIONS EXPLORED •Locations were to accommodate a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 new pickleball courts without displacing other significant park uses ➢To include bleachers, shade structures, water bottle filling station, acoustic mat enclosure 11 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS AMENITY SERVICE AREA METHODOLOGY •Developed using population data from the U.S. Census and ESRI • Accounts for location/number of amenities and population density •Documents gaps or overlaps in service area of parks amenities 38 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS 12 •Poinsettia Community Park -6 pickleball courts existing 40 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS CURRENT SERVICE AREA 13 •Park location and amenity service area •Scope of construction tasks •Proximity to residents •Proximity to habitat •Impacts on other uses and amenities •Racquet sport complex opportunities •Availability of supporting infrastructure •Rough order of magnitude project costs 14 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS OPTIONS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 15 Calavera Hills Community Park16 Calavera Hills Community Park •4 pickleball courts added 17 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Stagecoach Community Park - Option 118 19 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Stagecoach Community Park •4 pickleball courts added 20 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Staff recommendation: Calavera Hills Community Park •4 pickleball courts added & Stagecoach Community Park •4 pickleball courts added SYNOPSIS OF RECOMMENDATION •8 new pickleball courts in 2 added park districts ➢With 6 existing pickleball courts, would address current need and provide enhanced service area ➢Project cost estimated at 2 to 2.4 million dollars ➢Project duration anticipated at 24 to 28 months 21 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS Stagecoach Community Park - Option 222 23 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Stagecoach Community Park •6 pickleball courts added Stagecoach Community Park - Option 324 25 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Stagecoach Community Park •8 pickleball courts added Alga Norte Community Park - Option 126 27 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Alga Norte Community Park •4 pickleball courts added Alga Norte Community Park - Option 228 29 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Alga Norte Community Park •6 pickleball courts added Alga Norte Community Park - Option 330 31 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Alga Norte Community Park •8 pickleball courts added Aviara Community Park32 33 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Aviara Community Park •4 pickleball courts added Poinsettia Community Park - Option 134 35 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Poinsettia Community Park •4 pickleball courts added Poinsettia Community Park - Option 236 37 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS POTENTIAL SERVICE AREA Poinsettia Community Park •6 pickleball courts added NEXT STEPS •Options presented to Senior Commission •Options presented to City Council ➢Direction from City Council implemented 38 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS ROBERTSON RANCH PARK •Inclusion of pickleball courts in refined conceptual design could additionally address projected need and further enhance the service area coverage ➢Project is in the Community Engagement Phase 39 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS RECOMMENDED ACTION Recommend City Council approve a Capital Improvement Program Project Charter for the construction of 4 new outdoor pickleball courts at Calavera Hills Community Park and 4 new pickleball courts at Stagecoach Community Park 40 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS 41 ITEM 2: OPTIONS FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS Thank you Zone 5 Park - Option 142 Zone 5 Park - Option 243 Zone 5 Park - Option 344 Pine Avenue Community Park45 From:andy vick To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Re: (#2) New pickleball court locations to be discussed Date:Saturday, January 20, 2024 8:10:25 AM I am so happy to hear this. We are in desperate need of courts! On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 6:16 PM City of Carlsbad <parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Carlsbad residents who enjoy the nation’s fastest growing sport can weigh in on locationsfor new pickleball courts at two upcoming public meetings. Parks & Recreation CommissionMonday, Jan. 22, 5:30 p.m. Senior CommissionThursday, Feb. 1, 3 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the City Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive.Residents can provide comments in person or via email to parksandrec@carlsbadca.govand watch online. BackgroundA 2023 study by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association showed that pickleball was thefastest growing sport in the country for the fifth year in a row, with nearly one in fiveAmericans playing at least once in the past 12 months. Carlsbad built its first six courts in2019 after pickleball emerged as a top priority during the creation of the city’s previousParks & Recreation Department master plan. Most recently, community members requested more pickleball courts as part of the publicinput process for an updated Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan. Whenapproving the plan last September, the City Council asked staff to prioritize movingforward with finding locations for the construction of new pickleball courts. The possibilityof converting or sharing tennis courts was discussed at the September meeting, but theCity Council decided to focus on new courts dedicated to pickleball so nothing would betaken away from tennis players. The same Sports & Fitness Industry Association studyfound that participation in all racquet sports had increased over the previous year for thefirst time since 2015. Recommended locationsStaff are recommending four new courts atCalavera Hills Community Park and fournew courts at Stagecoach Community Park. Added to the six existing courts atPoinsettia Community Park, this proposalwould make 14 courts total, spread among north, central and south Carlsbad. The Cityof Oceanside has 11 outdoor courtsdedicated to pickleball, Vista has eight, andSan Marcos has two. Pickleball is alsoavailable at private facilities, such asracquet sports clubs and churches. Other city locations that could work foroutdoor pickleball courts include AviaraCommunity Park and Alga NorteCommunity Park. Additional outdoor courtscould also be built at Poinsettia CommunityPark. Outdoor pickleball courts will also be one of the amenities proposed in the RobertsonRanch Park design concepts, which will be shared with the public next week. The city willseek feedback on the park’s design at community meetings in February. CriteriaThe Calavera Hills and Stagecoach options rose to the top of the list because they werethe best fit with the selection criteria, which included: Geographic diversity (spreading courts out in different locations of the city)Distance from nearby residents and habitat areas (pickleball can be noisy)Locations that would not significantly affect existing park uses or programsLocations adjacent to existing tennis courts to create a racquet sports complex (likePoinsettia)Availability of parking, restrooms and other infrastructureConstruction requirements and estimated project costs Next steps The two commissions will review the options, listen to public feedback and make arecommendation to the City Council. Staff will then present this information to the City Council for consideration.The estimated cost for the proposed new courts is between $2 million and $2.4million.The anticipated project timeline is 24 to 28 months, which includes all phases of theproject to open the new courts for public use. Indoor pickleball and classesIn the meantime, in addition to the six courts at Poinsettia Community Park, the City ofCarlsbad offers indoor pickleball at three community centers: Calavera Hills Community Center Monday & Wednesday: 1 to 3 p.m.Friday: 9 a.m. to noonSunday: 2 to 5 p.m. Pine Avenue Community Center Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8 a.m. to noonFriday & Sunday: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Saturday: 1 to 5 p.m. Stagecoach Community Center Tuesday & Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The city also offers pickleball lessons for adults. Residents can sign up online. About pickleballAccording to the U.S. Pickleball Association, pickleball was invented in 1965 onBainbridge Island, a short ferry ride from Seattle, Washington. Three dads – JoelPritchard, Bill Bell and Barney McCallum — whose kids were bored with their usualsummertime activities — are credited for creating the game. The simple rules, accessibilityfor all fitness levels and highly social pickleball community are credited with the sport’sfast growth. More informationParks & Recreation Commission agenda and staff report2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan UpdateParks & Recreation Department, parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov Visit the website   City of Carlsbad | 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Unsubscribe andrewjvick@gmail.com Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Shaun Alger To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Re: Reminder: New outdoor pickleball court locations to be discussed Date:Monday, January 22, 2024 10:36:39 AM More than 8 courts are needed And WHY not take some of the unused tennis courts at Poinsettia $2m is a joke. It can be done MUCH cheaper SA From: City of Carlsbad <parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov> Date: Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 6:01 PM To: Shaun Alger <shaun@volohaus.com> Subject: Reminder: New outdoor pickleball court locations to be discussed Parks & Recreation Commission meeting on Monday, Jan. 22 Carlsbad residents who enjoy the nation’s fastest growing sport can weigh in on locations for new pickleball courts at two upcoming public meetings. Parks & Recreation Commission Monday, Jan. 22, 5:30 p.m. Senior CommissionThursday, Feb. 1, 3 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the City Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. Residents can provide comments in person or via email to parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov and watch online. Background A 2023 study by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association showed that pickleball was the fastest growing sport in the country for the fifth year in a row, with nearly one in five Americans playing at least once in the past 12 months. Carlsbad built its first six courts in 2019 after pickleball emerged as a top priority during the creation of the city’s previousParks & Recreation Department master plan. Most recently, community members requested more pickleball courts as part of the public input process for an updated Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan. When approving the plan last September, the City Council asked staff to prioritize moving forwardwith finding locations for the construction of new pickleball courts. The possibility ofconverting or sharing tennis courts was discussed at the September meeting, but the CityCouncil decided to focus on new courts dedicated to pickleball so nothing would be taken away from tennis players. The same Sports & Fitness Industry Association study found that participation in all racquet sports had increased over the previous year for the first time since 2015. Recommended locationsStaff are recommending four new courts atCalavera Hills Community Park and four new courts at Stagecoach Community Park. Added to the six existing courts at Poinsettia Community Park, this proposal would make 14 courts total, spread among north, central and south Carlsbad. The City of Oceanside has 11 outdoor courts dedicated to pickleball, Vista has eight, and San Marcos has two. Pickleball is also available at private facilities, such asracquet sports clubs and churches. Other city locations that could work for outdoor pickleball courts include Aviara Community Park and Alga Norte Community Park. Additional outdoor courts could also be built at Poinsettia Community Park. Outdoor pickleball courts will also be one of the amenities proposed in the Robertson Ranch Park design concepts, which will be shared with the public next week. The city will seek feedback on the park’s design at community meetings in February. Criteria The Calavera Hills and Stagecoach options rose to the top of the list because they were the best fit with the selection criteria, which included: Geographic diversity (spreading courts out in different locations of the city) Distance from nearby residents and habitat areas (pickleball can be noisy) Locations that would not significantly affect existing park uses or programs Locations adjacent to existing tennis courts to create a racquet sports complex (like Poinsettia) Availability of parking, restrooms and other infrastructure Construction requirements and estimated project costs Next steps The two commissions will review the options, listen to public feedback and make a recommendation to the City Council. Staff will then present this information to the City Council for consideration. The estimated cost for the proposed new courts is between $2 million and $2.4 million. The anticipated project timeline is 24 to 28 months, which includes all phases of the project to open the new courts for public use. Indoor pickleball and classes In the meantime, in addition to the six courts at Poinsettia Community Park, the City ofCarlsbad offers indoor pickleball at three community centers: Calavera Hills Community Center Monday & Wednesday: 1 to 3 p.m. Friday: 9 a.m. to noon Sunday: 2 to 5 p.m. Pine Avenue Community Center Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8 a.m. to noon Friday & Sunday: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday: 1 to 5 p.m. Stagecoach Community Center Tuesday & Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The city also offers pickleball lessons for adults. Residents can sign up online. About pickleball According to the U.S. Pickleball Association, pickleball was invented in 1965 on Bainbridge Island, a short ferry ride from Seattle, Washington. Three dads – Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell and Barney McCallum — whose kids were bored with their usual summertime activities —are credited for creating the game. The simple rules, accessibility for all fitness levels andhighly social pickleball community are credited with the sport’s fast growth. More information Parks & Recreation Commission agenda and staff report 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update Parks & Recreation Department, parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov Visit the website   City of Carlsbad | 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Unsubscribe shaun@volohaus.com Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report thisemail as spam. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:AR To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Re: New outdoor pickleball court locations to be discussed Date:Saturday, January 20, 2024 1:33:16 PM Hi, I think it's important for Carlsbad leadership to understand the difference between Pickleball andother park amenities such as tennis. There's no doubt that the city needs more pickleball courts butit's critical to prioritize adding courts to Poinsettia Park rather than constructing new courts at otherparks. The reason is that Pickleball thrives from "open play". This is the main reason the sport isgrowing faster than any other in the history of sports. It truly is an awesome and unique feature tocome to a public park, put your paddle in line and play your game with complete strangers.Strangers quickly become frequent visitors, make friends and get hooked on Pickleball. PoinsettiaPark already attracts players of all levels but there are simply not enough courts for players to playwith others of similar level. An additional 4 courts would solve all the problems and create apremier pickleball venue for Carlsbad. With 10 courts total we could dedicate 6 courts to "socialplay" and 4 courts for "competitive play". On the social side we could dedicate one of the 6 courts tobeginners or families that are new to the game and don't need to struggle against experienced socialplayers who currently dominate the social court play at Poinsettia Park. On the "competitive" side ofthe venue with 4 courts we could dedicate one court to be the top court or true "king of the hill"court and the other 3 can be lower level competitive challenge courts. We are blessed with manygreat players in this area and unfortunately many are choosing to setup private games elsewherebecause the level of play on the current 2 "challenge courts" at Poinsettia Park is just too wide.Additional "challenge courts" or "competitive courts" will attract more quality players at higherlevels because it will be much easier to divide players by level of play. If Carlsbad decides to only build new courts at other parks it will divide the pool of players into"private" or "semi-private" groups who arrange to meet at different parks similar to how tennisplayers arrange games today. This of course is counter to the (in my opinion) the best aspect ofpickleball which is the social aspect. I, like many others, have met many, many people of all agesand abilities playing Pickleball at Poinsettia Park. Creating a venue that attracts even more peoplewho love to play is great for the community. Diving this pool of players by spreading the courtsaround town works against the social aspect of the game. My wife and I have travelled around the country playing pickleball and I can tell you that in mostplaces where people have quite a few parks to choose from the experience is very different than atPoinsettia Park. People at these other parks arrive with their own groups and have absolutely nointerest in playing with others, meeting others, competing with others. Regardless of what the rulesstate at the various venues people don't follow them because everyone is doing the same thing. Onlynew players or tourists to those parks even notice that there is a problem. In conclusion, we are definitely very lucky to have Poinsettia Park and all the people that participateon a regular basis. This is an opportunity to make Poinsettia Park even better and create one of thebest pickleball venues anywhere in the country. Best regards,Anatole Raif On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 6:16 PM City of Carlsbad <parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Carlsbad residents who enjoy the nation’s fastest growing sport can weigh in on locationsfor new pickleball courts at two upcoming public meetings. Parks & Recreation CommissionMonday, Jan. 22, 5:30 p.m. Senior CommissionThursday, Feb. 1, 3 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the City Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive.Residents can provide comments in person or via email to parksandrec@carlsbadca.govand watch online. BackgroundA 2023 study by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association showed that pickleball was thefastest growing sport in the country for the fifth year in a row, with nearly one in fiveAmericans playing at least once in the past 12 months. Carlsbad built its first six courts in2019 after pickleball emerged as a top priority during the creation of the city’s previousParks & Recreation Department master plan. Most recently, community members requested more pickleball courts as part of the publicinput process for an updated Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan. When approving the plan last September, the City Council asked staff to prioritize movingforward with finding locations for the construction of new pickleball courts. The possibilityof converting or sharing tennis courts was discussed at the September meeting, but theCity Council decided to focus on new courts dedicated to pickleball so nothing would betaken away from tennis players. The same Sports & Fitness Industry Association studyfound that participation in all racquet sports had increased over the previous year for thefirst time since 2015. Recommended locationsStaff are recommending four new courts atCalavera Hills Community Park and fournew courts at Stagecoach CommunityPark. Added to the six existing courts atPoinsettia Community Park, this proposalwould make 14 courts total, spread amongnorth, central and south Carlsbad. The Cityof Oceanside has 11 outdoor courtsdedicated to pickleball, Vista has eight, andSan Marcos has two. Pickleball is alsoavailable at private facilities, such asracquet sports clubs and churches. Other city locations that could work foroutdoor pickleball courts include AviaraCommunity Park and Alga Norte Community Park. Additional outdoor courtscould also be built at Poinsettia CommunityPark. Outdoor pickleball courts will also be one of the amenities proposed in the RobertsonRanch Park design concepts, which will be shared with the public next week. The city willseek feedback on the park’s design at community meetings in February. CriteriaThe Calavera Hills and Stagecoach options rose to the top of the list because they werethe best fit with the selection criteria, which included: Geographic diversity (spreading courts out in different locations of the city)Distance from nearby residents and habitat areas (pickleball can be noisy) Locations that would not significantly affect existing park uses or programsLocations adjacent to existing tennis courts to create a racquet sports complex (likePoinsettia)Availability of parking, restrooms and other infrastructureConstruction requirements and estimated project costs Next steps The two commissions will review the options, listen to public feedback and make arecommendation to the City Council.Staff will then present this information to the City Council for consideration.The estimated cost for the proposed new courts is between $2 million and $2.4million.The anticipated project timeline is 24 to 28 months, which includes all phases of theproject to open the new courts for public use. Indoor pickleball and classesIn the meantime, in addition to the six courts at Poinsettia Community Park, the City ofCarlsbad offers indoor pickleball at three community centers: Calavera Hills Community Center Monday & Wednesday: 1 to 3 p.m.Friday: 9 a.m. to noonSunday: 2 to 5 p.m. Pine Avenue Community Center Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8 a.m. to noonFriday & Sunday: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Saturday: 1 to 5 p.m. Stagecoach Community Center Tuesday & Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The city also offers pickleball lessons for adults. Residents can sign up online. About pickleballAccording to the U.S. Pickleball Association, pickleball was invented in 1965 onBainbridge Island, a short ferry ride from Seattle, Washington. Three dads – JoelPritchard, Bill Bell and Barney McCallum — whose kids were bored with their usualsummertime activities — are credited for creating the game. The simple rules, accessibilityfor all fitness levels and highly social pickleball community are credited with the sport’sfast growth. More informationParks & Recreation Commission agenda and staff report2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan UpdateParks & Recreation Department, parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov Visit the website   City of Carlsbad | 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Unsubscribe raifster@gmail.com Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Susan"S Gmail To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Pickleball Date:Friday, January 19, 2024 6:21:23 PM This game is for everyone! I play competitive matches with teenagers and 70-year-olds. We especially need more courts at poinsettia. Thank you very much.Susan Scanlan CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Linda F To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Pickleball courts Date:Friday, January 19, 2024 6:53:54 PM Park and Rec Board, I am hoping you will give consideration to adding pickleball courts at Alga Norte and/or Aviara parks or any other park in Carlsbad. As you know it has become a very popular sport and it is almost impossible to find a court where you are able to play more than waiting for an open court. Thank you for your help! Linda Fox 807 Spindrift Ln Carlsbad 92011 Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Dina Heidger To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Pickleball Courts Meeting Agenda 1/22/24 Comment Date:Sunday, January 21, 2024 10:01:08 PM Hello, Thank You City of Carlsbad planners for considering more public pickleball courts! The Stagecoach location is perfect to help serve Carlsbad residents in the entire southern portion of the city. Currently my husband and I go to Pointsettia Park, which is much further north for us, and often very crowded now. Or, we go to Bobby Riggs, which is pay to play. Stagecoach has a lovely park, plenty of space, and is very accessible with good parking, so it’s an excellent location to help serve our more southern area of Carlsbad. We could just bike there, which would be convenient and fun. Thanks very much again, Dina and Rob Heidger 8128 Calle Catalonia Carlsbad, CA 92009 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Shawn Baumann To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Pickleball courts at Stagecoach Park Date:Saturday, January 20, 2024 4:36:29 PM Yes! Please add pickleball outside courts at StageCoach. We would like to learn & play close to where we live. Thank you, Shawn Baumann Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Susan Skinner To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Pickleball courts at Aviara Date:Sunday, January 21, 2024 6:22:28 AM Hi, I have been a local resident of Carlsbad for over 20 years and I wanted to weigh in on how much it would benefit the community to have pickleball courts at aviara park. This would provide some diversity of where the courts are. Poinsettia has a real reputation ofbeing for the best players. We need somewhere for beginners to enjoy the sport as well I appreciate your consideration Susan CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Fran Trifiletti To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Pickleball Courts 2 Date:Monday, January 22, 2024 10:36:14 AM We have nothing in South Carlsbad for outdoor pickleball. Stagecoach Park would be a perfect location. Please consider building courts here. Open play gets really crazy, A reservation system is badly needed. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Tricia Mes To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Pickleball court location Date:Saturday, January 20, 2024 9:38:10 AM Dear City of Carlsbad, I think Alga Norte would make an ideal central location for new courts. Please consider adding also to Calaverra. There is an extreme need for pickleball courts in Carlsbad. More would be best! Thank you, Tricia Mes 5072 Lynch Ct. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:PAULA NISWANDER To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Pickle ball courts Date:Friday, January 19, 2024 6:22:26 PM I would like to see pickle ball courts at Aviara Park and Alga Norte. The Poinsettia Park courts are very crowded and long wait times. South Carlsbad needs more courts. Also it would be nice if you instituted a system where people could sign up for courts online. Thank you PAULA Niswander 7025 Marsh Wren Street CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Laura Cooper To:Parks and Recreation Subject:New Pickleball Courts-Calavera Park Date:Saturday, January 20, 2024 9:37:55 AM Hello, I would love to utilize the pickleball courts at Calavera Hills Park! Ive been a Calavera Hills homeowner for 4 years and love it here. Im sorry I cant make the upcoming meetings because of work. Please take my vote as a big YES. When is the soonest we can have them set up? Thank you, Laura Cooper Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Linda Shafer To:Parks and Recreation Subject:New Pickleball Court Options - January 22nd Parks & Rec Meeting Date:Monday, January 22, 2024 10:59:38 AM As a 40+ year resident of Carlsbad and part of an avid pickleball family, I would like to encourage Carlsbad Parks and Recreation to recommend the addition of outdoor pickleball courts at all the locations being considered. At a very minimum, I hope Carlsbad Parks and Recreation will recommend and pursue at least 4 new outdoor pickleball courts at Calvera Hills and Stagecoach Community Parks. I have been watching the sport of pickleball grow all over the United States for thepast several years. One of Pickleball's great appeals is the social aspect. Unlike tennis, the sport is quick and easy to learn and folks at all levels enjoy watching, playing, discussing and having fun with it. I know lots of avid tennis players that have switched to pickleball and love it. I see tennis courts all over Carlsbad sitting emptyand people waiting 45 minutes to get a 15-minute game of pickleball. Please bring more courts to Carlsbad!!! Sincerely, Linda & Russ Shafer 4747 Marina Dr, Unit 26Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: 858-336-5562 email: las0510@yahoo.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Robin Sunkees To:Parks and Recreation Subject:New outdoor pickleball courts Date:Monday, January 22, 2024 12:54:54 PM I am very much in favor of adding outdoor pickleball courts to the Calavera Hills Community Park. I started playing pickleball in November of 2022. I took lessons for months through the Pine Community Center, and I also played there in two pickleball leagues during 2023. I play several times a week at both Pine and Calavera Hills during their open play times, but those locations have limited courts and times. Carlsbadneeds more pickleball courts, especially outdoor locations. Thank you. --Robin K. Sunkees, FAPR, RDR, CRR Court Reporter - CSR #8824858.395.6305 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:worthpm@gmail.com To:Parks and Recreation Cc:worthpm@gmail.com Subject:New outdoor pickleball court locations to be discussed Date:Monday, January 22, 2024 12:49:16 AM Attachments:image003.png Right on!! However Your plan will take more than 2 years which may be optimistic! I see the City Council doesn’t want to “taken away from tennis players.“ Gymnasiums share between Basketball, Volleyball, badminton and now pickleball. How does the tennis elite get away with not sharing?!?!? Many tennis plays like me have converted solely to pickleball lowering the demand for tennis courts. While the net tennis growth may still be increasing, it’s noting to the exponential growth of pickleball!!! You must have a study that shows when tennis courts have high use and low use. I can tell you right now at 8:00 AM weekdays tennis use is 10% if at all and us retired pickleball players are out there at 7:00 AM with full courts! Tennis will need to share with pickleball in off hours!!! Take our High Schools? Sage would be a perfect location to do hybrid courts. I have seen a real expansion for school age kids wanting to play pickleball. Is it fair there are no on campus courts for them? Then afterhours could be use by the public? Suggestion: 1. I know the Council studied ways to share tennis courts for pickleball and tennis. a. Convert at locations with more than 2 tennis courts, like Carlsbad High, Sage High, Stagecoach Park, Poinsettia Community Park etc. b. Set times when Pickleball can be played or when tennis has priority. I saw this hybrid setup at the Holua Racquet & Paddle located in Kailua-Kona. It converts 2 tennis courts into 4 pickleball courts using portable nets. However can be converted back to tennis in 10 seconds and the lines are not too disruptive for either game. The pickleball community can’t wait over 2 years, tennis player need to share NOW! AND at minimal time and cost!!! Cheers, Thomas A. Worth CCIM, CPMCommercial Real Estate Consultant 619-993-8562 Cell worthpm@gmail.com DRE #00698281 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Lauren Brimmer To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Fwd: New outdoor pickleball court locations to be discussed 4 Date:Monday, January 22, 2024 2:13:32 PM Hi,I’d like to add my strong support to the staff recommendation for eight new pickleball courts. The sooner thebetter! It’s gotten very difficult to find courts lately! Calavera Hills Community Park and four new courts at Stagecoach Community Park. I started playing pickleball in September 2022 and now play 6-10 hours per week At age 60, I’m probably inthe best aerobic health of my life, and it’s been like a snowball: I’m volunteering more and participating more,getting to know dozens of people in the community I would never have met. Please create more courts! The plan below sounds great. By the way, the eight friends I forwarded the emailbelow to were VERY enthusiastic, except for the two skeptics who simply doubted we would see new courtsin the proposed two years. Feel free to prove them wrong! Kind regards,Lauren Brimmer2772 Roosevelt St #2590Carlsbad, CA858.674.5749 Begin forwarded message: From: Lauren Brimmer <lrbrimmer@gmail.com>Date: January 19, 2024 at 7:51:05 PM PSTTo:Subject: Fwd: New outdoor pickleball court locations to be discussed Pickleball…maybe you’re already on this City of Carlsbad list? Cheers, and fingers crossed! Lauren Brimmer Begin forwarded message: From: City of Carlsbad <parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov>Date: January 19, 2024 at 6:16:39 PM PSTTo: lrbrimmer@gmail.comSubject: New outdoor pickleball court locations to be discussedReply-To: parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov  Carlsbad residents who enjoy the nation’s fastest growing sport can weigh in on locationsfor new pickleball courts at two upcoming public meetings. Parks & Recreation CommissionMonday, Jan. 22, 5:30 p.m. Senior CommissionThursday, Feb. 1, 3 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the City Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive.Residents can provide comments in person or via email to parksandrec@carlsbadca.govand watch online. BackgroundA 2023 study by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association showed that pickleball was thefastest growing sport in the country for the fifth year in a row, with nearly one in fiveAmericans playing at least once in the past 12 months. Carlsbad built its first six courts in2019 after pickleball emerged as a top priority during the creation of the city’s previousParks & Recreation Department master plan. Most recently, community members requested more pickleball courts as part of the publicinput process for an updated Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan. Whenapproving the plan last September, the City Council asked staff to prioritize movingforward with finding locations for the construction of new pickleball courts. The possibilityof converting or sharing tennis courts was discussed at the September meeting, but theCity Council decided to focus on new courts dedicated to pickleball so nothing would betaken away from tennis players. The same Sports & Fitness Industry Association studyfound that participation in all racquet sports had increased over the previous year for the first time since 2015. Recommended locationsStaff are recommending four new courts ath Added to the six existing courts atPoinsettia Community Park, this proposalwould make 14 courts total, spread amongnorth, central and south Carlsbad. The Cityof Oceanside has 11 outdoor courtsdedicated to pickleball, Vista has eight, andSan Marcos has two. Pickleball is alsoavailable at private facilities, such asracquet sports clubs and churches. Other city locations that could work foroutdoor pickleball courts include AviaraCommunity Park and Alga NorteCommunity Park. Additional outdoor courtscould also be built at Poinsettia CommunityPark. Outdoor pickleball courts will also be one of the amenities proposed in the RobertsonRanch Park design concepts, which will be shared with the public next week. The city willseek feedback on the park’s design at community meetings in February. CriteriaThe Calavera Hills and Stagecoach options rose to the top of the list because they werethe best fit with the selection criteria, which included: Geographic diversity (spreading courts out in different locations of the city)Distance from nearby residents and habitat areas (pickleball can be noisy)Locations that would not significantly affect existing park uses or programsLocations adjacent to existing tennis courts to create a racquet sports complex (likePoinsettia)Availability of parking, restrooms and other infrastructureConstruction requirements and estimated project costs Next steps The two commissions will review the options, listen to public feedback and make arecommendation to the City Council.Staff will then present this information to the City Council for consideration.The estimated cost for the proposed new courts is between $2 million and $2.4million.The anticipated project timeline is 24 to 28 months, which includes all phases of theproject to open the new courts for public use. Indoor pickleball and classesIn the meantime, in addition to the six courts at Poinsettia Community Park, the City ofCarlsbad offers indoor pickleball at three community centers: Calavera Hills Community Center Monday & Wednesday: 1 to 3 p.m.Friday: 9 a.m. to noonSunday: 2 to 5 p.m. Pine Avenue Community Center Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8 a.m. to noonFriday & Sunday: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Saturday: 1 to 5 p.m. Stagecoach Community Center Tuesday & Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The city also offers pickleball lessons for adults. Residents can sign up online. About pickleballAccording to the U.S. Pickleball Association, pickleball was invented in 1965 onBainbridge Island, a short ferry ride from Seattle, Washington. Three dads – JoelPritchard, Bill Bell and Barney McCallum — whose kids were bored with their usualsummertime activities — are credited for creating the game. The simple rules, accessibilityfor all fitness levels and highly social pickleball community are credited with the sport’sfast growth. More informationParks & Recreation Commission agenda and staff report2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan UpdateParks & Recreation Department, parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov Visit the website   City of Carlsbad | 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Unsubscribe lrbrimmer@gmail.com Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:aweaver4613 To:Parks and Recreation Subject:FW: New outdoor pickleball court locations to be discussed Date:Friday, January 19, 2024 8:54:50 PM After reviewing the email below an options, so many folks I know locally feel we need manymore pickleball options. Currently if you work a traditional 9-5 job weekdays, Poinsettia is theonly evening option in Carlsbad. From 530 well into the evening the wait between games isroutinely 20-30 mins. Bobby Riggs in Encinitas is hard to get reservations (and costs $) andcottonwood isn't lighted (plus it's messy). I'm also noticing open tennis courts all the time... Poinsettia and elsewhere. So many HOAs line tennis courts for 2 pickleball courts ans have quality pickleball nets onwheels. While the plans are being figured out and before the 2 years and $2+ million is spent, why notspend a few $thousand (at the most) and line the Poinsettia courts for pball and buy some nets? Andy Weaver 2411 la plancha laneCarlsbad 92009 Dictated hands-free Pardon any typos -------- Original message --------From: City of Carlsbad <parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov>Date: 1/19/24 6:16 PM (GMT-08:00)To: aweaver4613@gmail.comSubject: New outdoor pickleball court locations to be discussed Carlsbad residents who enjoy the nation’s fastest growing sport can weigh in on locations for new pickleball courts at two upcoming public meetings. Parks & Recreation CommissionMonday, Jan. 22, 5:30 p.m. Senior CommissionThursday, Feb. 1, 3 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the City Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive.Residents can provide comments in person or via email to parksandrec@carlsbadca.govand watch online. BackgroundA 2023 study by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association showed that pickleball was thefastest growing sport in the country for the fifth year in a row, with nearly one in fiveAmericans playing at least once in the past 12 months. Carlsbad built its first six courts in2019 after pickleball emerged as a top priority during the creation of the city’s previousParks & Recreation Department master plan. Most recently, community members requested more pickleball courts as part of the public input process for an updated Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan. Whenapproving the plan last September, the City Council asked staff to prioritize movingforward with finding locations for the construction of new pickleball courts. The possibilityof converting or sharing tennis courts was discussed at the September meeting, but theCity Council decided to focus on new courts dedicated to pickleball so nothing would betaken away from tennis players. The same Sports & Fitness Industry Association studyfound that participation in all racquet sports had increased over the previous year for thefirst time since 2015. Recommended locationsStaff are recommending four new courts atCalavera Hills Community Park and fournew courts at Stagecoach CommunityPark. Added to the six existing courts atPoinsettia Community Park, this proposalwould make 14 courts total, spread amongnorth, central and south Carlsbad. The Cityof Oceanside has 11 outdoor courtsdedicated to pickleball, Vista has eight, andSan Marcos has two. Pickleball is alsoavailable at private facilities, such asracquet sports clubs and churches. Other city locations that could work foroutdoor pickleball courts include Aviara Community Park and Alga NorteCommunity Park. Additional outdoor courtscould also be built at Poinsettia CommunityPark. Outdoor pickleball courts will also be one of the amenities proposed in the RobertsonRanch Park design concepts, which will be shared with the public next week. The city willseek feedback on the park’s design at community meetings in February. CriteriaThe Calavera Hills and Stagecoach options rose to the top of the list because they werethe best fit with the selection criteria, which included: Geographic diversity (spreading courts out in different locations of the city)Distance from nearby residents and habitat areas (pickleball can be noisy)Locations that would not significantly affect existing park uses or programsLocations adjacent to existing tennis courts to create a racquet sports complex (likePoinsettia)Availability of parking, restrooms and other infrastructureConstruction requirements and estimated project costs Next steps The two commissions will review the options, listen to public feedback and make arecommendation to the City Council.Staff will then present this information to the City Council for consideration.The estimated cost for the proposed new courts is between $2 million and $2.4million.The anticipated project timeline is 24 to 28 months, which includes all phases of theproject to open the new courts for public use. Indoor pickleball and classes In the meantime, in addition to the six courts at Poinsettia Community Park, the City ofCarlsbad offers indoor pickleball at three community centers: Calavera Hills Community Center Monday & Wednesday: 1 to 3 p.m.Friday: 9 a.m. to noonSunday: 2 to 5 p.m. Pine Avenue Community Center Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8 a.m. to noonFriday & Sunday: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Saturday: 1 to 5 p.m. Stagecoach Community Center Tuesday & Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The city also offers pickleball lessons for adults. Residents can sign up online. About pickleballAccording to the U.S. Pickleball Association, pickleball was invented in 1965 onBainbridge Island, a short ferry ride from Seattle, Washington. Three dads – JoelPritchard, Bill Bell and Barney McCallum — whose kids were bored with their usualsummertime activities — are credited for creating the game. The simple rules, accessibilityfor all fitness levels and highly social pickleball community are credited with the sport’sfast growth. More informationParks & Recreation Commission agenda and staff report2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan UpdateParks & Recreation Department, parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov Visit the website   City of Carlsbad | 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Unsubscribe aweaver4613@gmail.com Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Gary Schneir To:Parks and Recreation Subject:Comments regarding Pickleball courts in Carlsbad Date:Sunday, January 21, 2024 9:41:13 AM Hi Parks & Rec department. I really appreciate all the work the city is doing to add pickleball courts in Carlsbad. I first moved to Carlsbad in 1989 and my wife and I have frequently used the facilities at variousCarlsbad parks for both Adult sports leagues and for various classes for our kids while they were growing up. Like many, Pickleball was a sport that my family started playing during the beginning part ofthe Covid pandemic. It started with a net in our Cul De Sac until we were confident enough to play at Poinsettia Park. Due to crowds and wait times, my wife and I tried to find ideal timeswhere we didn't have to wait too long. When the wait was going to be over 20 minutes, we started exploring other locations, including every public court we could find in Oceanside,Vista, Encinitas, and San Marcos. We obviously prefer playing closer to home but the wait times at Poinsettia can be brutally long and very frustrating if we get paired with a beginner orare playing against someone who is a beginner themselves. While we all started somewhere, waiting for 20 minutes to play only to have someone who is unable to hit the ball back overthe net is disappointing. I see that the map suggests 4 - 8 courts at Stagecoach park. I really hope that the city seriously considers more than 4 courts at Stagecoach park since there is a serious lack of courtavailability for residents in the south part of the city. I would also hope that the city considers not making all courts "Open Play" like Poinsettia. I know the "Open Play" is easy since they run themselves but there are very few locationswhere a family or a foursome can go and play in a non competitive environment. It would be great if a Carlsbad resident could reserve a court for 90 minutes or even 2 hours. To preventabuse, the resident should have to check in at the front desk or some other way to prove it is them playing at the court rather than sharing their login credentials and allowing a nonCarlsbad resident to reserve the court or even worse, not showing up and preventing others from using the court. In the future, if enough courts are available in the area, maybe thereservation system wouldn't be needed and it could simply be first come first serve with a 90 minute max or something similar like the tennis courts. Thanks again, Gary Schneir7893 Sitio Mirto Carlsbad, CA 92009760-845-4358 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.