HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-22; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; Parks & Recreation Department ReportMeeting Date: Jan. 22, 2024 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager mick.calarco@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2859 Subject: Parks & Recreation Department Report Recommended Action Receive a report on recently completed and upcoming Parks & Recreation Department activities, donations and grants, as well as other topics of interest. Executive Summary Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager and Todd Reese, Parks Services Manager will report on recently completed and upcoming parks and recreation activities, and other topics of local interest. Exhibits 1.Department report Jan. 22.2024 Item #3 1 of 4 Exhibit 1 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT Jan. 22, 2024 GENERAL & RECREATION Holiday at the Rancho On Dec. 2, 2023, Holiday at the Rancho was celebrated at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park. More than 850 people attended the annual event, bringing families and friends together for a special holiday celebration. Live entertainment, face painting, train rides, a holiday tree forest, a plush snowball fight and cookie decorating were some of the many activities that the guests enjoyed through the night. Mayor Keith Blackburn, Council Members Priya Bhat-Patel and Teresa Acosta, and City Manager Scott Chadwick helped Santa with the official holiday tree lighting. A debt of gratitude goes out to more than 80 community volunteers that partnered with city staff to host such a fun and festive event. Carlsbad Unified School District and City of Carlsbad JUA On Dec. 5, 2023, the City Council adopted a resolution approving a joint use and community recreation agreement between the Carlsbad Unified School District and the City of Carlsbad, specific to the use and maintenance of designated athletic fields, sport courts and grounds at eight schools for a 10-year term. A joint use and community recreation agreement between the Carlsbad Unified School District and the City of Carlsbad has been in place since 1989. The agreement has allowed the city the use of designated athletic fields, sport courts and grounds at specific school facilities except when they were reserved for use by the district, in exchange for the city performing the ongoing routine maintenance of the designated amenities. Opening Reception – Leo & Deedie’s Bedroom Suite Exhibit On Dec. 6, 2023, approximately 60 guests attended the grand opening of a new exhibit featuring restored bedroom furniture belonging to Leo & Deedie Carrillo. The hacienda and stable were open to guests, and staff and volunteers were present to give tours of the historic structures. Refreshments were served. The exhibit is the result of a partnership between the City of Carlsbad and the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc. Omni La Costa Resort – NCAA Golf Championships Event Proposal The Omni La Costa Resort & Spa has been chosen as the official venue for the NCAA Golf Championships for the upcoming three years (2024-2026) with the potential for becoming the event’s permanent venue. The first upcoming event is scheduled for May 16-29, 2024. The citywide special event permit applicant is proposing a traffic control plan that includes a lane closure on the south side of Poinsettia Lane, between El Camino Real and Alicante Road, to create a shuttle stop for players/spectators to access the 10th tee of the golf course. Pine Avenue Park Community Center Teen Night Out Teen Night Out (formerly Friday Nights @ Pine) returned to the Pine Avenue Community Center on Jan. 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2024, from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Kids aged 11–15 are provided the opportunity to participate in fun, safe, supervised and organized games, Esports competitions, basketball activities. Refreshments are served, and registration is just $10 per person. Jan. 22.2024 Item #3 2 of 4 Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park Hacienda Project The Hacienda area of the park will be closed to the public for a scheduled maintenance and preservation project, addressing reroofing of several historic structures, from Jan. 22 – Feb. 19, 2024. The Hacienda area includes the Hacienda main and bedroom wings, courtyard, upper and lower patios, walkways, lawn area, reflecting pool, Cabana, and Wash House. Self-guided walking and monthly botanical tours will be modified to avoid the worksite. All other visitor services and programs will remain unimpacted. PARKS Monroe Street Pool Renovation/Replacement Project The project team completed review of the 50% construction plans and returned comments to the design consultant (LPA) on Dec. 6, 2023. Staff met with LPA staff on Dec. 12, 2023 and Jan. 12, 2024, to review the comments and address questions. LPA will complete the construction plans and specifications by early Spring 2024. Staff anticipates returning to the City Council with the 100% construction plans and specifications, and an updated cost estimate, by late Spring 2024 for further direction. Veterans Memorial Park Project The 100% construction plans and specifications were received from the design consultant (RJM) in December 2023 and were submitted for various agency permits and interdepartmental reviews. The construction plans, specifications and draft standard public works contract are anticipated to be initially reviewed by all applicable departments by the end of the first quarter of 2024. Stagecoach Park Community Garden Project The 100% construction plans and specifications were received from the prime consultant (Rick Engineering) in December 2023 and submitted for interdepartmental review. The final construction documents are anticipated to be bid in Spring of 2024. Construction commencement is targeted for Summer of 2024. Robertson Ranch Park Project The first in-person community workshop for planning Robertson Ranch Park was held at the project site on August 8, 2023, with approximately 200 people in attendance. The first virtual community workshop was conducted via zoom on August 9, 2023, with approximately 80 people in attendance. A stakeholder workshop was held on August 10, 2023, for the Rancho Carlsbad HOA, with approximately 40 people in attendance. Staff and the prime consultant heard a wide variety of comments and interests that will help shape the design and development of this park. An online survey and virtual ideas wall were also introduced to the public. These platforms were open for public comment through Sept. 7, 2023. On Oct. 12, 2023, the Communications & Engagement team forwarded a draft public engagement summary for review. This summary played a pivotal role in helping the design team make sound decisions for the park’s conceptual designs. The design consultant (Schmidt Design Group) completed the exploratory phase for conceptual designs in January 2024. The Parks & Recreation team and the Communications & Engagement team have been working collaboratively to formulate a detailed layout for the upcoming second public workshops. The in-person workshop is scheduled for Feb. 10, 2024, and the virtual workshop is scheduled for Feb. 15, 2024. Recent Trails Volunteers Event The 2023 Trails Volunteers Appreciation Dinner was held at the Leo Carillo Ranch Historic Park on December 14, 2023. Thia event is hosted annually to give recognition and show appreciation to our 25 Jan. 22.2024 Item #3 3 of 4 passionate and dedicated Trail Captains for their efforts and accomplishments. More than 100 volunteers (66 new volunteers) contributed over 800 hours of service in 2023 - saving the city more than $20,000 in labor savings - clearing brush, repairing fences, addressing erosion and other tasks, at six trails events. Upcoming Trails Volunteers Event Staff is working on details for two upcoming trail volunteer events. The first event is planned for the Kelly Drive Trail on Feb. 24, 2024, and the second event is planned for the Village H North Trail on March 20, 2024. All trails events, held either on the weekends or midweek, are open to the public. The midweek events are generally supported by Trail Captains and a core group of registered trails volunteers. They are traditionally smaller events that provide direct staff support to areas targeted by the Trail Captains. Jan. 22.2024 Item #3 4 of 4 Department Report Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager Todd Reese, Parks Services Manager Parks & Recreation Department Jan. 22, 2024 1 HOLIDAY AT THE RANCHO, DEC. 2 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 2 JOINT USE & COMMUNITY REC AGREEMENT •Current agreement CUSD was set to expire in December 2023 •JUA allows city’s recreational use of amenities on eight CUSD sites •In exchange, city provides routine maintenance of those amenities •Draft JUA approved by CUSD Board of Directors on Nov. 15, 2023 •On Dec. 5, 2023, the City Council approved the joint use agreement ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 3 OPENING RECEPTION, DEC. 6 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 4 OMNI LA COSTA RESORT –NCAA GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS EVENT PROPOSAL •OMNI chosen as official venue (2024-2026) •May become permanent location •First event May 16-19, 2024 •Proposed traffic control plan, including a lane closure on the south side of Poinsettia Lane, between El Camino Real and Alicante Road •Facilitate shuttle stop for 10th tee access ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 5 OMNI’S PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 6 TEEN NIGHT OUT ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 7 LEO CARRILLO RANCH HACIENDA PROJECT •Hacienda area closed Jan. 22 – Feb. 19, 2024 ➢Scheduled maintenance and preservation work ➢Self-guided walking and monthly botanical tours will be modified ➢All other visitor services and programs will remain unimpacted ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 8 LEO CARRILLO RANCH HACIENDA PROJECT ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 9 MONROE STREET POOL RENOVATION •LPA team provided the schematic design options, preliminary costs and schedule in June 2023 •The project team developed consensus on priority facility needs and refined the schematic design ➢50% plan comments returned in December 2023 ➢Next step is for LPA to develop full construction plans and specifications by end of Spring 2024 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT Concept 3 10 VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 11 STAGECOACH COMMUNITY GARDEN ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT •Location is former maintenance yard, which is being repurposed due to services being contracted •35 new garden plots will be created to help address waiting list and growing demand 12 STAGECOACH COMMUNITY GARDEN ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT •Refinement of garden details and construction documents 13 STAGECOACH COMMUNITY GARDEN •Fall 2023: 100% construction documents finished •Fall 2023: Received early assessment finding and now in the process of a consistency determination •Spring 2024: Project to be advertised for bids •Summer 2024: Target for completion of project ITEM NO.3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 14 ROBERTSON RANCH PARK ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Engagement Approach •Phase 1: Community Needs, Values and Priorities, August - September 2023 •Phase 2: Feedback on the Conceptual Designs, January - March 2024 15 ROBERTSON RANCH PARK ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT •Project team reviewed Public Input Report, the Department Master Plan Update, and other public input to use in developing three conceptual designs •Concepts to be reviewed in Public Workshop on Feb. 10, 2024, and a virtual workshop on Feb. 15, 2024 16 UPCOMING TRAILS VOLUNTEER EVENTS •February 24, 2024 -Kelly Drive Trail •March 20, 2024 – Village H North Trail ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 17 ➢8:30 – 10:30 a.m. for both locations ➢Work on areas targeted by the Captain QUESTIONS/COMMENTS Thank you ITEM NO.3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 18 ROBERTSON RANCH PARK How we’ve engaged community to date •In-person Community workshop held Aug. 8, 2023 •Virtual community workshop held Aug. 9, 2023 •On-line survey available Aug. 17 thru Sept. 7, 2023 •On-line ideas wall available Aug. 17 thru Sept. 7, 2023 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 19 ROBERTSON RANCH PARK ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 20