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2001-05-16; Planning Commission; ; CUP 00-46B - PACIFIC BELL HARDING STREET BUILDING ADDITION
P.C. AGENDA OF: May 16, 2001 Item.No.@ Application complete date: February 8, 2001 Project Planner: Anne Hysong Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT: CUP 46(B) -PACIFIC BELL HARDING STREET BUILDING ADDITION -Request for adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a two-story building addition to an existing one story Pacific Bell telecommunications equipment facility located at 3368 Harding Street in the R-3 Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4951 ADOPTING the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4952 APPROVING CUP 46(B) based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION This application is a request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow Pacific Bell to construct a two-story, 34.5 foot high, 14,608 square foot building addition to an existing one story telecommunications equipment facility. Public utility buildings are permitted in the R-3 Multiple Family Residential zone subject to approval of a CUP as provided for in Section 21.42.010(2)(J) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The proposed Conditional Use Permit Amendment is requested to expand the existing Pacific Bell Harding Street telecommunications equipment facility (switching station). The building expansion is being requested by Pacific Bell to support the growing exponential demand of communications equipment (telephones, fax machines, computers, etc.) in the City of Carlsbad. The .89 acre site is located in the R-3 zone between Harding Street and I-5 just north of Chestnut Avenue in the northwest quadrant. The project site is surrounded by one, two and three-story multiple family apartment buildings to the north and south, the Pine School ball field to the west, and 1-5 to the east. According to the City's records, a conditional use permit was originally approved by the Planning Commission on August 29, 1956 prior to construction of the original telephone equipment facility. On August 26, 1969, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 46) to allow an expansion of the existing telephone equipment facility. The CUP was approved permitting the existing single story facility to expand to 6,715 square feet. In 1977, an additional expansion was approved administratively under the CUP 46(B) -PACIFIC BELL HARDING STREET BUILDING ADDITION May 16, 2001 Pa e2 provisions of CUP 46 resulting in an additional 3,617 square feet of floor area and the extension of an underground cable vault. These facilities were completed in 1980. Currently, approximately two-thirds of the .89 acre site is developed with buildings, fencing, landscaping and paved parking areas. The proposed expansion consists of a 14,608 square foot addition located to the rear (east) of the existing 11,263 square foot single-story facility. The expansion includes a 12,692 square foot two-story, 34.5 foot high, building addition, a 418 square foot extension of an underground cable vault, and an attached 1,428 square foot, 14 foot high outdoor equipment enclosure which houses an on grade chiller and radiator. The proposed 34.5 foot building height for the two-story structure is necessary due to the telecommunications industry standard requiring each floor to be 16 feet above finished floor. This is required to provide a clearance space for telephone equipment, telephone equipment cabling, overhead unistrut structure, water sprinkler system and air conditioning ductwork. The two-story building addition extends 63 feet to the east of the existing facility on the south side and 72 feet to the east on the north side. The proposed addition, which results in 47% lot coverage, represents a ten year plan and leaves Pacific Bell with additional area, up to 60% lot coverage, to expand to meet future telecommunications demand. The 14 foot high equipment enclosure would be attached to the building to the east of the proposed addition. Other site improvements include: 1) the addition of a back-up and turn around area at the Harding Street driveway entrance; 2) the relocation of the electronic gate approximately 25 feet to the east; 3) a new 13 space parking lot to accommodate the expansion and replace the existing 11 space parking lot; 4) an underground fuel storage tank covered by an at grade concrete slab; and 5) landscaping within the side yard setback, parking lot, and the undeveloped rear portion of the site. Pacific Bell has indicated that the 13 space parking lot is adequate because a maximum of ten employees would be employed at the site and regular visitors to the equipment switching facility are not anticipated. The proposed 34.5 foot high, flat roof building addition would be concrete block painted to match the existing building. Metal louvers with decorative awnings located on the north, east and west building elevations will be painted a contrasting color. The 14 foot high equipment enclosure would also match the existing building. As mentioned above, revisions to the existing gated entry drive include relocation of the gate farther to the east and the addition of a vehicle back up and tum-around in front of the gate so that vehicles are not forced to back out on Harding Street if they are unable to obtain access through the gated driveway. A noise study prepared for the project revealed that noise levels generated by the proposed indoor and outdoor mechanical equipment would exceed existing noise levels. Sound attenuation measures described in the environmental impact assessment attached to this report and incorporated into the project avoid an increase in the site's existing 69 -72 dBA CNEL noise levels. Additionally, to avoid light. spillage onto adjacent properties from parking lot lighting, the proposed 24 foot light standards will be replaced by low (4 -6 foot) bollard lighting. - CUP 46(B) -PACIFIC BELL HARDING STREET BUILDING ADDITION May 16, 2001 Pae 3 This project is subject to the following regulations: A. Conditional Use Permit Regulations (Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); B. R-3 Multiple Family Residential Zone (Chapter 21.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code), and; C. Growth Management. IV. ANALYSIS A/B. Conditional Use Permit Regulations/R-3 Multiple Family Zone Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that four findings be made in order to approve a Conditional Use Permit. These findings can be made for this project as discussed below. The proposed use is in harmony with the General Plan, which recognizes that these types of facilities are essential to the infrastructural support of urban uses. The telephone electronic switching facility is necessary and desirable for the benefit of the community, in that it makes telephone service available to businesses and residents of the City of Carlsbad. The proposed expansion will service new growth in the City. To ensure that the telephone facility does not impose significant detrimental impacts to other uses in the same vicinity, the proposed project has been designed with: 1) the second story addition beginning 102 feet behind the front of the existing structure to reduce building mass along the street frontage; 2) noise attenuation measures to reduce noise levels generated by the project to below the existing noise levels at the property boundaries; and 3) landscaping in the setbacks, parking lot, and undeveloped area of the site. Approximately 20 feet of building separation would be provided between the proposed building addition and the rear of an existing apartment project to the north and approximately 15 feet would be provided between the building addition and the existing two-story apartment project to the south. Although the proposed 34.5 foot building height exceeds the building height of the adjacent structures, the maximum building height permitted in the R-3 zone is 35 feet The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the expanded telephone facility. The project meets or exceeds the development standards of the R-3 zone and has been designed with the required setbacks except that the existing and proposed southern side yard setback is reduced to 5 feet. Section 21.48.100, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses, exempts public utilities from restrictions on the expansion of public utility buildings due to nonconforming setbacks. As identified in the table below, the development meets all of the standards of the R-3 Zone. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS CO'MPtlANCE REQUIRED PROPOSED Front Yard Setback 20 feet 20 feet Side Yard Setbacks 10 feet 12 feet (north) 5 feet (south)* Rear Yard Setback 20 feet 92 feet CUP 46(B)-PACIFIC BELL HARDING STREET BUILDING ADDITION May 16, 2001 Page4 Building Height 35 feet 34.5 feet Parking NIA 13 Lot Coverage 60% 47% *Section 21.48.100 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses, exempts public utilities from restrictions on the expansion of public utility buildings due to nonconforming setbacks. Features necessary to adjust the use to existing uses include parking lot and setback landscaping including the undeveloped rear portion of the site. The project has been conditioned to require either a landscape screen of columnar Podocarpus trees at three feet on center along the southern two-story building elevation or to install a trellis across the entire building elevation to be fully landscaped with vines to obscure and soften the blank wall. Additionally, project conditions include a requirement to replace the existing chain link fence surrounding the property with an open iron rail fence or vinyl coated chain link fence and to obtain a landscape easement from the adjacent property owner to the north for installation and maintenance of vines with drip irrigation to screen the driveway from the adjacent apartments. Low bollard lighting in the parking lot would be installed to prevent light spillage onto adjacent residential developments, and sound attenuation measures for indoor and outdoor equipment will ensure that the telecommunications facility operation does not negatively impact the neighborhood. The traffic impacts of the telephone equipment switching facility amount to approximately 44 trips per day, which is insignificant. The number of additional vehicle trips generated by this expansion will not increase significantly over the existing approved project as the number of employees will not exceed 10 with this expansion. The expanded building will be completely occupied by new equipment. The street system is adequate to handle this minor traffic generation. D. Growth Management The project site is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the City. The impacts created by this use on public facilities and compliance with the adopted performance standards are summarized below: GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration NIA Yes Librarv NIA Yes Waste Water Treatment 2.9EDU Yes Parks NIA Yes Drainage NIA Yes Circulation 44ADT Yes Fire Station 1 Yes Open Space NIA Yes CUP 46(B)-PACIFIC BELL HARDING STREET BUILDING ADDITION May 16, 2001 Page5 GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE Schools NIA Yes Sewer Collection System 2.9.EDU Yes Water NIA Yes V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is within the scope of the City's Master Environmental Impact Report, which is utilized to address cumulative air quality and circulation impacts. The initial study (EIA Part II) prepared in conjunction with the project revealed that the project, which consists of the expansion of an existing telecommunications equipment facility on a previously disturbed infill site and includes indoor and enclosed outdoor mechanical equipment, would result in significant noise impacts and potentially significant lighting impacts without mitigation. The developer has agreed to add mitigation measures to the project to reduce noise and lighting levels to below a level of significance in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In consideration of the foregoing, the Planning Director issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project on March 13, 2001. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4951 (Neg. Dec.) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4952 (CUP) 3. Location Map 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Disclosure Statement 6. Local Facilities Assessment 7. Planning Commission Resolution No. 633 (CUP 46) 8. Reduced Exhibits 9. Exhibits "A" -"K", dated May 16, 2001 AH:cs:mb SITE PACIFIC BELL -HARDING STREET CUP 46(8) BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CUP46(B) CASE NAME: Pacific Bell Harding Street Building Addition APPLICANT: Allied Design Group -Pacific Bell REQUEST AND LOCATION: Conditional Use Permit (CUP46(B)) to allow Pacific Bell to construct a two-story, 34.5 foot high, 14,608 square foot building addition to an existing one story telecommunications equipment facility located at 3368 Harding Street in the northwest quadrant. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portion of Tract 113 of Carlsbad Lands, Map No. 1661. in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. APN: 204-110-10 Acres: .89 ~--Proposed No. ofLots/Units:N "'"'"-"/A=---------- GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: RMH===----------------------- Density Allowed: 11.5 DU/AC Density Proposed: N ........... /A-=----------- Existing Zone: R-3 Proposed Zone: -S=am-e _________ _ Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning Site R-3 North R-3 South R-3 East 1-5 West OS General Plan RMH RMH RMH TC E PUBLIC FACILITIES Current Land Use PacBell Telecommunications facility Apartments Apartments 1-5 Ball field School District: CUSD Water District: CMWD Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): =2."""9 _______________ _ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT C8:I Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued ~M=ar=c=h"-'1=-=3,.._, =20=0=1,___ _________ _ D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated _____________ _ D Other - City of Carlsbad IAFi,i,ii,1·■·14·E•3i,,t4,ii DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board. Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defmed as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate,. trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit" Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 2. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (N/ A) IN THE SPACE BELOW If a publicly-owned comoration, include the names, titles, and addresses of corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if :::::~• ~iPJ,...~ orp/Part ~/?!ft~ } Title......!~~:a.,..CJ!!:!:~'j!;fi~~~~!tt.,:-~ Title Address 7.J~ ~ /~~Address ________ _ ~ p~ ~ M fzlZf OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a cornoration or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF nm SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN nm SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- o d ration include the names ·ties, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be che ;___.~::::..::::::+-~~!:::!:::l::::l..t:.tt:..1----~ .... dress. ____________ _ 7 ? Z-1 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600. FAX (760) 602-8559 (i} -- 3. NON-PROFIT ORL .1~ZA TION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to ( 1) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust. list the names and addresses of ANY on serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee o eneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust._.....,....______ Non Profitrrrust _________ _ Title ___________ _ Title --------------Address._.,..... ________ _ Address. ____________ _ 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve ( 12) months? D Yes ~ No If yes, please indicate person(s): ____________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. Signatur id,~ Print or type name of applicant b:fo!:: 2:uM,'jA -.A.u...aec:;, ·De.$1"""'1 6,p.eur Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent H:ADMIN\COUNTER\DISCLOSI.JRE STATEMENT 5/98 RECEIVED MAY 03 2Q CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNtN9 DEPT. Paga 2 of 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: CUP 46(B)-PAC BELL HARDING STREET BUILDING ADDITION LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 1 GENERAL PLAN: RMH --------- ZONING: R-3 --------------------------- DEVELOPER'S NAME: PACIFIC BELL :::c.c:...c...;:___;_---'---='..=.,;;;=;;...._---------------- ADDRESS: 3368 HARDING STREET PHONE NO.: 858-492-5525 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 204-110-10 ------------ QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): _.8_9 _A_C_RE ____ _ ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: UNKNOWN ..;;;....c..~...;...;;;_-'-'--'----------------- A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= NIA B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = NIA C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 2.9EDU D. Park: Demand in Acreage = NIA E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = 1 Identify Drainage Basin = B (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = 44 (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = No. l H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = NIA I. Schools: CUSD (Demands to be determined by staff) J. Sewer: Demands in EDU 2.9 K. Water: Demand in GPD = 638 2 3 4 5 6 e PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION No.· 633 A RESOLUTION 0~ ~HE CARLSBAD CITY PLAN~INt .COMMISSION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT .FOR EXPANSION OF EX I.STING TE(EPHON~ COMPANY FAClL1TlES "LOCATED AT 3361 HARDING STREET WHEREAS, pursuant tq the provfslons of Ordinance No. 9060,. the Planning Commission.did on August 26, 1969 hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the ~ppllcation of PACJFlC TELEPHONE COMPA~V for A Conditional Use Permit for.the ·p~rpose of allowing 7: the expansion of existing telephone company facilities located at 8 9 10 ll l2 13: l 14 1 isl 16 17 18 19 20 336& Harding Street, on the following d~s~ribed property: A portion of Tract 113 of C~rlsbad La~ds, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, being Parcel 10, Book 204, Page 110 of the Assessor 1s Map of San D(~go County; • WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consider~ t~g the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission dtd find the following facts and reasons to exist which make the_ granting of a Con_dltlonal Use Permit necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 1; There is adequate space available at the building site for such expansion; 2. lt will not be detrimental to the surrounding properties, 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of 22 the City of Carlsbad that It does hereby grant a Condit tonal Use 23 Permit on said property br the purpose of allowing the expansion 24 to existing te)~phone company facilities, subject to the followi~g 25 conditions and )imitations: 26 27 28 29 30 31 xx 1. That future expansion of the existing use be within the required setback lines and ultfmate lot coverage does not exceed s r xty (60) percent, as requ t red l n the R-3 Zone; 2. That the City of Carlsbad parking requirements be comp] led with; 3, That no outside storage be permitted; 32 xx xx xx ... ·- 3 4 5 -2- 4. That suttable landscaping be planted and irrigated in conformance with a plan approved by the Clty's Planning Department, and said landscaping shall be a combination of shrubs and trees; • • 5. That arrangements be made with the City Engineer for future installation of a standard street )ight In the public right-of-way. • "§ PASSED, APPROVED AMO ADOPTED at a r~9ular m~~tln9 of the 7 Carlsbad City fi1anning Comm\ssion; held on the 26th day of August, 8 \969, by the following vote, to wlt; 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 • 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 32 AYES; Commissioners Little, ~ewhurst, Gullett and Palmateer. NOES: None ABSTAINED: Commissioner Forman ABSENT: Commissioners Jose and Hermsen. ~Y~. W. I. GUU.ITTVlce-Cha l rinan ATTEST: D.K.DEWHURST, Secretary PACIFIC t!t BELL An SBC Communications Inc., Company lRlEAf., lESTATlE .MANAGIEMEN1l' -sourn AJD]J)IDON TO JEXI[§TING IB3lJJil]J)IING 3368 JHfAJPIDJING §TIIBIE1f CARJL§IB3AJD9 CAILJDFOJRNTIA 92008 PROJECT SUMMARY EXISTING FACILITY DATA .., ..... ""'"'" --PARCELNO.: PACIFICIB.I.. M:,&C~.lnc CQIYl,-y r.137TMDESTREET ROOlll1522 SNf DIEGO, C'-LIH)NNl,t, t2121 TEL~:(IIBJ-""40 FAX: (IM) ....... COHTACT: MIC..,_..l I~ --l.lllllHAAOINGSTfl:EET CIIRLSMO,C,.,.il"ORNIA ll200I R -l (QIENERAL Pl.AN: RMH) PORT10N OI' TRACT 113 OI' CAAt.a11AD LANDS w.PN0.1M1. INTI-ECITYOFCARLSIWJ, COUNTYOl'IIANDEGO, STATEOFCALFORNIA. AOOITIONINCI..UDfS: TWO-aTORVIIULDHOADDmON ANDVAULTE<TDIIIDN WITH 14 ... S.F. ~=~~-:r:.=y EXTERIOflOFTHEBl)L()l'IGAOOITlON WIU.W.TCHEXl&TINGCONOITTON&. BUILDING ADDITION INFORMATION CODE OF 1W1 l.lNIFOHM BUILOINO CODE OCS1GH: TTTll!' 24, f'AllT J. CALFDRNIA =~ ...,.,.. ---AMl:'.RICANCNSAIIIUTIESN:T UNIFORM liECHANICAL CODE UNIFOl'IMl"L.IMal«ICODE NATIOtW.EI.ECTRICALCOOE. l!IJ l!QU-,« JfACILITY (SWfTCHINO STATION) H-~RROOM GENERAL NOTES A.. A-M.TID0FONlaPAAIONOSPI\C£1'ERtnAFF~IIS ~~,:=~~~AN) n£ FN::l.lTY IS llECURED AKI DOe$ NOT ALL0W ACCl!SS TO n£ --· I n&IMIHO!Xl6TINOORPROPOl!EDEMll!M!NTS PROJECT TEAM """"""' ARCtttTECT: -""'El'HWllNB~(]MAlUl<JC:.,N: Zll'.oll FOURTH AVEl!M:: SUITE 300 MNDll!'OO,f"""1ll'OIINIA ll:l101-t- Tl:W'tt0Nt;: (1119)~1TT F,f,X· (ltlil)233JMII CONTACT l~TOOZUN~ IAWCIIJ\Nll,,lll 1177 SKY PARK COURT SUITE 'A' SAN DEOO, CALFCWM. UiZl TB..EPHONE; (111)27WICID FAX:(85$}28&-1352 CONTACT: BRII\N CRYSTAL FLM -CONSlA. TINO ENOtNEEM 7220TftADE'lffltEET SUIT'l!12!1 SAN DIEOO, CAI..FORNIA 82121-2325 TEI.D'ttOtE:{llll)YI-OUI ~~s::IJIMAN PROJECT DillON CONS\A.TN,TI 'XJ1'tl'STRFfT 8Ul'T'Ell00 :v.N0£00,CIIJ.FORNIA 112101 TEL.EPliOHC:(1119)Ml-n5:/ FAX:[111I)ZH-0348 CONTACT: REY HERNotHE SHEET INDEX & CALCULATIONS ARCHITECTURAL: TS Tlll..ESHE..ET A-1 BITEPU.M flRSTf\.OOl'l."'-AN IK:CONOFlOORf"I.AN A◄ EltlERIOft El.EVA:no,. 4.(1 !:X'TE~l'UCV.t,l'ICWS ,._. IMJIWINGSECTIONS A-7 ROOFF'tAN AND CA8l£VN..UPINI CIVIL: C-1 TOf'OORAPHICA&.SURVEY C-2 ORAOING & DIWNAOI" PUN LANDSCAPE: AREAOFIIITT'· .n~ (311,t,oU.) ·--SECT10N564.1 lll,900$.f" 9ECTION564.2 ~. ACTU'ILMEA. PROPQSEDIIUII.DINQAODl110N 7UOOS.F VAil.TEXTENSION 4115.F. 1STA.OOR !.5378.F. 2ND R.OOR I. 1.li!i S.F Ct«..L..ERENCl.OSUAE 1411!.F. Sia-TOTAL• 14,DS.f". ~l!J~ CAIILICVMA-T l17SF lSTA.OOR 10,4418.F. Sl&TOTAL • 11. a1 S.F. w,_ """""" TOTAL•~- "' 47% • 11,4011!1.F .• TOTALOROl..:iR.OORAREA 38.910!.F. TOTAI.SITEAREA PARKINGISPACEll"flOVIDED: """""" ' " TOTAL •11 AVERAGE DM.Y TRIP GOEIATION PERSAMWl CALCULATO. 2ADTPER1111111S.F. • 2X20 • 40 ZUADTPER1111111S.F. • :!IIX2 • 4 ~ LOCATION MAP-~- 1 I PINE AVE. I-w w 0:: I- CJ) At.LIED DESIGN GROUP ADDRESS: 235CI FOURTH AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CA 112101-11101!1 PHONE· (819) 233-11777 {1119)233-3&11.11 PROJECT AODRES.S: 338ll Hl'.RDINO 8TRl!!l!!T CAl'l:LS9AD. CAUi". 92008 PROJECT NAME: p~!!,~~ 8UIL.DINO ADDITION SHEETTITI..E: TITI.E SHEET ANO PROJECT OENEIU.L INf'OR:MATION .,_ " "' ~ "' REVISION 00: ======-=-= REVISION 08; ___ _ REVISION 07: ------·--__ _ :::::: :'. ======== REVISION CM; ----REVISION 03. DEC. 04. 2000 REVISION 02; SEPT. 27, 2000 REVISION 01: JUNE 21. 2001!_ ORIGINAL.DATE: MAY3,200Q_ SHEET_o_, _o,_,_,_ PLANNING No. CUP -M(A) z 0 ..J i=I-~ -wo ..J DwN w Oll:'.C) m <( I-. • (/) u. E3 C) C)::::i g z (.)<( u (I)-.-□□-ii: .... a'. <( ~ 0 <( (I) <(ICI) (I) co ...J Cl) (0 a'. ...J C') <( c:: C') (.) <( (.) ~ :i! e., I ~ I TITLE SHEET AND PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION DEC. 04, 2000 TS I I 4 I t:, ;:;1 :!j 3:11 !l' ::ii ;;: zl I'--- 1: I: II 1 i' ,. --j I ; :.,~ ~-J_. I I . , -I '· I tJJjj-! ID] 60'-8" PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION @ FIRST & SECOND FLOORS s ITE PLAN (EXISTING AND PROPOSED ADDITION) SITE NOTES: [j] EXISTING DRIVEWAY WITH ASPHALT [j] NEW 6" HIGH CONCRETE CURB AT ~ EXISTING CHAIN LINK GATE TO BE RELOCATED CONCRETE PAVING (TO REMAIN) PARKING ANO PLANTING AREAS (TYP.) [?] ~~~NfoP~:~~t11ir~N~ [;l NEW a• HIGH CONCRETE CURB WITH 42" HIGH METAL GUARDRAIL ABOVE @ EXISTING TELEPHONE POLE (TO REMAIN) [3] EXISTING CONCRElE CURB TO REMAIN [j] EXISTING SETBACK mi NEW CHILLER YARD WITH 14' HIGH SOUND ATTENUATION WALLS Ci] EXISTING 38' HIGH WROUGHT IRON FENCE IGI NEW ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING [1 NEW EMPLOYEE SEATING/ LUNCH AREA OVER CONCRETE BLOCK WALL (TO REMAIN) @ DRIVEWAY EXTENSION ~ NEW H.C. PARKING SPACE Ii] NEW f)LANTING AREA, REFER TO CONCEPTUAL II] NEW UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE (VAN ACCESSIBLE) LANDSCAPE PLAN TANK WI CONCRETE SLAB AT GRADE w EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK Ii] NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE. 6'--0• HIGH [:'l NEW EQUIPMENT PUMP ENCLOSURE (TO REMAJN) CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS WITH CHAIN LINK GATES w EXISTING EXTERIOR CONCRETE BLOCK [§ REMOVABLE BOLL.ARDS WALLS (TO REMAIN) [j] NEW 24'-0" HIGH METAL LIGHT POLES OVER CONCRETE BASE PEDESTALS-[ID =~~~'f>T~~Ff~~~~~L~STING) DOWN LIGHTS W/ MINIMAL LIGHT POLLUTION ~ NEW "NO PARKING" SIGN ~ NEW PREFABRICATED EXTERIOR METAL [j}j NEW DRIVEWAY RAMP PROVIDED WITH 1/ll GATE RESTRICTED FOR EMERGENCY USE STAIRS FOR SECOND FLOOR ACCESS VEHICLE BACK-IN AND TIJRN-AROUND AREA ONLY, AND TO BE SECURED WITH "KNOX" KEY OPERATED OVERIDE SWITCH, AS SPECIFIED fill NEW PREFABRICATED EXTERIOR METAL ITil EXISTING STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT STAIRS FOR CABLE VAULT ACCESS SIDEWALK TO REMAIN ~ l£l ITil ~ lil 1B ~ EXISTING BUILDING @ FIRSTFLOOR !.'___.:• .. w SCALE:1"•10'.o' lilOATM NEW ASPHAL TIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT NEW BACKFLOW PREVENTER EXISTING WATER METER NOT USED EXISTING SOG&E POLE PROVIDE A.C. PAVING ROAD BASE TO CONNECT TO EXISTING IMPROVED ALLEY. MATCH GRADES FOR SMOOTH TRANSITION RELOCATED CHAIN LINK GA.TE 36'-o" PREPARED BY NAME: ALLIED OES!Of! OR.OU__!' ADDRESS: 23M FOURTH AVENUE SNI DIEOO, CA 92101-ill<Je PHONE: (819) 23:Ml777 FAX; (&19J233-3t'16e ____ _ PROJECT ADDRESS: 3,388 HAROINQ STREET CARL.SBAO, CALIF. 92008 PROJECT NAME: PACIFICl!l■ELL CARLSBAD 11 BUILDING ADDITION SHEETTITI.E: :::: ::: ======== REVISION OS· ~~=~ REVISION 04: FEB. 12. 2001 REVISION 03: DEC. 04, 2000 REVISION 02: SEPT. 27, 2000 SITE PLAN REVISION 01 JUN~21 ~ DATE: DEC. <M, 2000 OFllOINAL DATE: MAY 3. 2000 SHEET -~-OF_,_,_ Pl.ANNING No. CUP 48(A) A-1 -~--+----++-------,E-----+---"'"'-----+--------_j'------A i-----------~ .... ~---.,--------~ .------+-------l--""''-------+------1------ =.. (TYP. OF2) I --I iL J__="'• ., ~J NEW1EOUIPMENT RpOM :_Ji·•• (9 BAYS) FIN. FL~. ELEV ...... ,, ~ 11 AREA 'f 3.8~58.F. USE: ~LECOMMUNICATION EautPMENT (5r-"1"CHING STATION) ; ----,--------,----' 1 I ,._,.. __ n-" i ~·------~-------------' K Q) FIRST FLOOR PLAN (EXISTINGANDPROPOSEDADDITION) 'v'f_ALL LEGE~: c::::===:::J EXISTING EXTERIOR/ INTERIOR WALLS (TO REMAIN) -~ □ ■ NEW EXTERIOR CONCRETE BLOCK WAL.LS (TO MATCH EXISTING) NEW INTERIOR WALLS WITH METAL STUDS ANO DRYWALL EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED OR DEMOLISHED EXISTING CONCRETE COLUMNS (TO REMAIN) NEW CONCRETE COLUMNS (TO MATCH EXISTING) FIRST FLOOR AR~~NALYSIS: PROPOSED BUlLDING AOOITION: 8453 S.F. EXISTING BUILDING: 11,283 S.F. TOTAL "' 19, 716S.F. I __ _j ; --ct,. -- EXISTING EQUIPME~T ROOM (20 BAYS) ?i:~~r:n~=~OR11N JtSEA _. ,890 S.F. i USE: MUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT (S ING STATION) , [~1 PREPAREDBV NAME ALLIED 0ESK3N QROUP ADDRESS: 23511 FOURTI-1 AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CA 82101-1IIDII ((l:1!il)233-e777 (81UJ233-3MI PROJECT ADORES&: 3368 HARC»NO STREET CARLSBAD, CALIF. 11:1008 PROJECT NAME: PACll'ICl:IBELL CARLSBAD 11 BUILDING ADDITION FIRST FLOOR Pt.AN \ INTERSTATE 5 \ =::: ::; ======== REVISION 12: ___ _ REVISION 111: ----- REVISION09:~---REVISION 08: ___ _ ::::: ======== REVISION (W: FEB. J.2, 2001 REVISK:JN OS: ~ REVIIIION 02: SEPT • .27, 2IXIO REVISION 01: JUNE 21, 2000 OfllOINA.L DATE: MAY 3, 2000 SMEET_M_o,_,_,_ PL.ANNINO No. CUP 48(A) ..J ..J w ID E3 (J ii: i FIRST FLOOR PLAN ADG 1739 DEC. 04, 2000 A-2 0 I ® ~1 ® ~; © DD ~; ® ~1 ® ~ ,,11 ~1 CD cp NEW,EQUIPMENT ;..toM,-• COL~ATION (9 ~S) FIN. F~. ELEV. = 80.95' I AREA 3,965 S.F. USE: COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT (SWITCHING STATION) 1 -+---+. NEWMETAL I LClM!RS{TYl".J I , I _l_ EXISTING ROOF DECK TO REMAIN (81!1!.SHHTJ...7) ~SE=.=C~O~N~D~FL=.::O~O~R.!....!P~LA~N!....__ _____________ -=w,,,!:=~~., ... ~,:W ~ALL~G_END: c::===i -~ EXISTING EXTERIOR/ INTERIOR WALLS (TO REMAIN) NEW EXTERIOR CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS (TO MATCH EXISTING) NEW INTERIOR WALLS WITH METAL STUDS ANO DRYWALL EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED OR DEMOLISHED 0 EXISTING CONCRETE COLUMNS (TO REMAIN) • NEW CONCRETE COLUMNS (TO MATCH EXISTING) SEGOND FLO()~ AREA ANALYSIS: PROPOSED BUILDING ADOmON: 6,155 S.F. __ _J I APARTMENTS I ~ OOL PREPARED 8V NAME· Al.LIED DESIGN GROUP ADDRESS: 2358 FOURTH AVENU!a,. SANDIEOO,CA a:no1-1eoe (819)233-4777 (1118)233-38611 PROJECT ADCRESS: 3388 HARDINQ STREET CARL.Se.AD, CALIF. 82008 PROJECT NAME: PAaFICEl•ELL CARLSBAD 11 &UIL.DINO ADDITION SECOIID FLOOR PLAN I •Nti':RSTATIC 8 I REVISION 1◄: ___ _ REVISION 13: _ REVISION 12: ___ _ REVISION 10' ======== REVISION 09: ___ _ ~:::~ :; ======== REVISION 05: REVISION 04· ~ REVISION 03; DEC. cw, 2000 REVISION 02; BE.PT. 27, 2000 REVISION 01: JUNE 21, 2000 ORIGINAL DATE: _MAY 3, 2000 SHEET_ .. _~ " PL.ANNINO No. CUP 4'!1(A) z 0 -1--<0 ..I t::w8 ..I OWN w 0 0:: Ol m <( 1--. • Cl) IL E3 C!> Cl ::::i ~b<( (.) ai-0 0-ii: .... a:: 0 ~ .... <( <( Oiai <(0()(1) a. al<D..J (/) ('I) a:: ..J ('I)<( a:: (.) <( (.) ~ i 0 . ; Q • ! . ;,, SECOND FLOOR PLAN A-3 ...t,._ TOPOFP~T -,,ELEV.•83.20' r NORTH ELEVATION (i) I (2) l r ' I ~-~l(j~FIN-!L'!:___ ------- 7 r r •W WEST ELEVATION@HARDING STREET) 0 ◄' I' ---- ELEVATION NOTES: [iJ EXISTING LIGHTING FIXTURE TO REMAIN 11'] NEW CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCK [2J NEW LIGHTING FIXTURE Ii] EXISTING CONCRETE BLOCK TO MATCH EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN [3J NEW 14'x10' METAL LOWER WITI-i IIil EXISTING CHAIN LINK GATE DECORATIVE METAL AWNING TO BE RELOCATED [4_] NEW METAL CAP FLASHING ~ NEW 6'x8' METAL LOWER WITH TO MATCH EXISTING DECORATIVE METAL AWNING [[] NEW CONCRETE BLOCK WALL (TEXTURE, [j] NEW 6" HIGH CONCRETE CURB COLOR AND FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING) [6J NEW PAIR OF 3'x8' EXTERIOR METAL DOORS [j] NEW DRIVEWAY RAMP PROVIDED WITH VEHICLE BACK-IN ANO TURN-AROUND AREA lzJ NEW EXPANSION JOINT BETWEEN ~~6~8:,.~~NFi~~6ee~~il~X'#6> EXISTING & PROPOSED BUILDINGS llil EXISTING LOWER TO REMAIN [7] EXISTING 35• HIGH WROUGHT IRON FENCE OVER CONCRETE BLOCK WALL (TO REMAIN) w EXISTING METAL DOOR TO REMAIN Ii]] PACIFIC BELL LOGO SIGN [QI NEW SHEET METAL SCUPPER AND DOWNSPOUT CONDUCTOR r [ill EXISTING SCUPPER & DOWNSPOUT TO REMAIN Iii] NOT USED [i] NOT USED ~ NOT USED Ii] NOT USED ~ NEW PLANTING AREA, REFER TO CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPING PLAN ~ NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE, 8'-0" HIGH CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS WITH CHAIN LINK GATES 0l OUTLINE OF UNDERGROUND CABLE VAULT lil NEW SERVICE ACCESS DOOR WITH DECORATIVE METAL AWNING ~ NEW 24• X 24• METAL LOUVER r ' . . ---- [Af>ARTM("NT6j PREPARED BY N,,U,,E• ALLIED DeSlON QRot.JP ADDRESS: 23511 FOURTI-1 AVENUE SAN 01£00, CA 112101-1801 {019) 233-11777 (1119)233-38811 3388 HARDING STREl!rr CARLSBAD, CALIF. 112008 PROJECT NAME: p~!!~~ BUILDING ADOITION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FIRSTI.E\ll:'lFIN FIR El..EV.•IM.45' [ INTERSTATC 5 j REVISION 14 ___ _ ::::~::---- a:;:~======== REVISION (M., FEB. 12, 2001 REVISION 03 ~EC. I>', 2000 REVISION 02. SEPT. 2J,_~_ REVISION 01: JUNE 21, 2000 ORIGINAL DAT£: MAY 3, 2000 SHCCT_O_O _OF_,_,_ PLANNING No. CUP '8(A) ..J ..J w m £3 (.) ii: ~ 11:L EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS DEC. 04, 2000 A-4 $ l'"ANP\IAIJLTH,LRJI (A) (D) er (FXG) H~I.I (t=i) I f Cf) Cf I -~...oomoN(FllaT•SECONOfl~} _J_-r---c>aI!-,,..M--------, I I I a.ev.■Dll.116' ', ,--,::-·· __ ......,I. I 111Jw ~ ---_s::-1~ I SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION ELEVATION NOTES: OJ NOTUSED Ll] ~gw~~~T:?s~~URE III NOTUSED m fgw~Tr~~~l~HING [[] ~~oi~1>\l1~s~L~~~ ~~Ni· II] NEW PAIR OF J'x8' EXTERIOR METAL DOORS III NEW EXPANSION JOINT BETWEEN EXISTING & PROPOSED BUILDINGS lli) EXISTING LOUVER TO REMAIN Ii] EXISTING METAL DOOR TO REMAIN [ill [1_,j r] [ii Ii] [j] [j] [1_i] ' < • ---- NEW SHEET METAL SCUPPER AND DOWNSPOUT CONDUCTOR NEW CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCK EXISTING CONCRETE BLOCK WALL TO REMAIN EXISTING OWN LINK GATE TO BE RELOCATED NEW 6'x8' METAL LOUVER WITH DECORATIVE METAL AWNING NEW 6" HIGH CONCRETE CURB NEW DRIVEWAY RAMP PROVIDED WITH VEHICLE BACK-IN ANO TURN-AROUND AREA (EXISTING PLANTING AREA PERIMETER WALL & WROUGHT IRON FENCE TO BE RELOCATED) EXISTING 36" HIGH WROUGHT IRON FENCE OVER CONCRETE BLOCK WALL (TO REMAIN) Ii]] PACIFIC BELL LOGO SIGN ~ EXISTING SCUPPER & DOWNSPOUT TO REMAIN ~ NEW EXTERIOR ROOF ACCESS LADDER WITH SECURITY PANEL [21] EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE TO REMAIN r,;j NEW 6" HIGH CONCRETE CURB WITH 36" HIGH METAL GUARDRAIL ABOVE [,j NEW PREFABRICATED EXTERIOR METAL STAIRS FOR SECOND FLOOR ACCESS !El NOT USED lzil NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE, e•-0• HIGH CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS WITH CHAIN LINK GATES ~ OUTLINE OF UNDERGROUND CABLE VAULT lnl NEW CHILLER ENCLOSURE ~ NEW LOADING DOOR 0--: . I APARTMENTS] l"'~~I PREPARED BY NAME: ALLIED DESIGN OROUP ADDRESS: 2358 FOURTI-1 AVENUE SN,! DIEGO, CA IEZ101·1110e (919)233-tl777 (ll19)233-+3W :13611 HARDING STRl!'ET CARUIBAO, CALIF. lllOOA PRD.JECTNAME: p~~~ BUILOING ADDITION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS .. j INTERSTATE 5 I :::::: ~:; ======== REVIGION 12: __ _ REVISION 11: __ ~:::: :; ======== ~:::~ :: ======== ::::: ~I =,:;;.;;: •. ::;,;;:,_:;;,..;;:,= REVISION 03· DEC. 04, 2000 ~IGION 02: SEPT. 27, 2000 JUNE 21, 2000 ORIGINAL.DATE: MAY3,_2000 SHEET_.,._o,_,_, _ Pl.ANNINO No. CUP 48(A) z 0 -1--c:o ..J t::w8 ...I OwN w Oa:m m ~ I-. cj(/)~ E3 0 CJ ...J ...JZ~ (.) cn-U 0 . ii: ..--a: 0 ..--~~ ~ OiaJ ~ c:o Cl) [JJ (0 ...J A. Cl)(l')Q'. ...J(I')~ a::: (.) ~ (..) !:5 i C) ~ ,: . @ 0 ! . • EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS DEC 0...2000 A-5 ~:!°llll~l'WJIUl -------------- 0 cp @® w·· ~;.,;,,;,;;;;;:;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;,;;;,;,;.;.;.~: ·-COLOCATION EQUIPMENT ROOM PROPOSED BULOI_NG ADDITION (FIRST & SEC()t,I) FLOORS) BUILDING SECTION 'A' ® I _ __j_____ - ® PROPOSED BUILD! GAOOITION (FIRST J ~COO<N""D"FL_c-OORS=-,___e-----------i ·-COi.OCATION I I Nl!W GUPMIINTROQM I I ~ I ~~~~.~-___L-'i:--,.-~-4..,iaffl!l~':,rl~~~~----..,_ ____ ..... ____ ..u,_"ilnor--t. ..... +- ,;., IIA~!.~1'~1'1.11. __ _ ~ELEY.• MAI' BUILDING SECTION 'B' ICALE:\,T•1\0' © EXISTING EQUPMENT ROOM EXISTING BUILDING (FIRST FlOOR) @ ~ ~ KEY MAP PRE:PARE:D8V ALLll!!C) 01!!810N QIIQUP, ADDRESS: 2:SH FOURTH AVENUE &Nil Dll!GO, CA '2101-111108 PROJECT A00R&85: UM HAADINO STRl!l!T CARLSBAD, CALIF. NOOI PROJl!CT NAMI!: PACIPICl3IELL CAAUIBA011 &UILDINO ADDITION !'::!!tDINO l!IECTIONa I INTERSTATE. e; I NOTTOm ::::::: :::::::: .-v-1a10Noe: N!VIBICNOl!I: ___ _ R&VIIIION 04: FEB, 12, 2001 REVl810N 03· DEC. 04, 2000 N!Vll!HON 02: SEPT. 27, 2000 JUNl!21,2000 ORIGINAL DATli.; MAY 3 2000 SHEET ~--OF_,_,_ Pl.ANNINO No. CUP 49(A) ...I ...I w m E3 u ii: ! BUILDING SECTIONS DEC. CW, 2000 SCALE: A-6 ® ........ HC,0 ABQWAV C0 HEWVAU..T """""'" ® @® ® EXIST1NCJlll&DWGIIOOl'ING ffS"IDI TO 8f A£f>t.ACEO ------c ---n---- [i @ l~.~~~~~~-·~"'"·~~ FN.FL.R.EL£V.~54.4S' ~C~A~B~L~E~V'.!..A~U~L~T~P~L=:A~N~(~EX~IS::.'.T~IN'.'.:G~AN:'.:D'....'.:P~RO~P~O~SE~D~AD~D:'.'..:IT~IO'.:N!....) _________ _.::"-==~·· -;t.·:;,,.::;:;_,.: w ROQF PL.Ali NOTE§ [I] NEW SHEET META(.. OVERFLOW SClA'ER m NE'W3"0Wi1.ROOfDRi\lN 11) NEWROOFCFUCK!"T 0 EXISTINGcot.LMNCAPSTQREWJN []] NeW ROOF CANT STRIP [fil MEW EllTUUOR ROOF ACCESS LADDER [I] ~=-DINOROOl'HAft:H [I) ===AIR SHAFT~ CABLE VAULT AREA AN/\1.)'SI§ ElOSTNOVAlA_T• HEW VAU. T EXTD«ifON: STNRS/NUiAWAY, WALL LEGE:_ND: ml S.F. "15 $.F. ,,~ 11.i'. ~ c:::===:J -EXISTlMG [)CtERIOR CONCRETE BI..OCl(WALl.fl(TOREM,IJN) ~EXTERIORCOhCflET1::l!N.OCIC W!,ll..!l(TQ"'"'-Tai£>Cl.fflHCJJ PRE:PAREDBY NAME Al.LIED DE,SION OROUP ADDRESS: .2359 FOURTli AVENUE SA#! OIEQO, CA Q2101-1IIOCI PHONE: {819) 233-tl777 (11119) 233-HM. PROJECT ADORERS· 3308 HARDING 8TREET CARLSBAD, CALIF. 92008 PROJECT NAME· p~!!l.L BUILDING ADDITION ROOF Pl.AN A"ID CABLE\IAUI..TPLAN REVISION 14: ~---- REVISKJN 13: ----REVISION 12: ___ _ REVISION 11; ____ _ REVISION 09: =::::: ======== REVISION OIi ___ _ REVISION 08· ----REVISION 04: FEB. 12. 2001 RE\nm0403: DEC. (),1,2000_ REVJSJCIN02: &EPT.27,2000 REYISfON 01: JUNE 21, 2000 OAfOINALDAT.E: ~ SHEET_ .. _OF_,_<_ PL.ANNINO No. CUP "8(A) ...I ...I w m £3 CJ ii: i SHEET TITLE; ROOF PLAN AND CABLE VAULT PLAN DATE: DEC l'.lo4.2000 SHEET NO. A-7