HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 08-03; LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE; FINAL AS-GRADED GEOTECHNICAL REPORT; 2013-09-05------------------
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San Diego 1280 Rlvwdale street
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Indio IS-740 Citrus Avenue
780.771 .. U Sule 0
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Riverside 1130 P■lmyrila Awnue
951.IH.8711 Suite 330-A
Riverside, CA 12507 Toll Free
877.2111.4321 www.scst.com
Providing Professional Engineering Services Since 1959
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1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SUMMARY ......................................................................... 1
1.1. PRIMARY EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................. 2
1.2. CLEARING AND GRUBBING ......................................................................................... 2
1.3. SITE GRADING .............................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1. Cut/Fill Transition ............................................................................................................ 2
1.3.2. Fill Slopes ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.3. Subdrains ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. ROADWAYS ................................................................................................................... 3
2. AS-BUILT GEOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 4
3. SITE IMPROVEMENTS ......................................................................................................... 4
3.1. ANCHOR® WALL BACKFILL. ......................................................................................... 4
4. FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTS ......................................................... 5
5. REMAINING WORK .............................................................................................................. 5
6. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 6
7. LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 1 ................................................................................ In Place Density Test Location Map
Figures 2 through 14 .............................. Field Density and Laboratory Compaction Test Results
Figure 15 ................................................................................. Maximum Density Determinations
September 5, 2013
Mr. Juan Arriaga
Construction Manager
Property Development Centers, LLC
5918 Stoneridge Mall Road
Pleasanton, California 94588
San Diego 6280 Riverdale Street
619.280.4321 San Diego, CA 92120
Indio 83-740 Citrus Avenue
760.775.5983 Suite G
lndlo, CA 92201-3438
Riverside 1130 Palmyrlta Avenue
951.985.8711 Suite 330-A
Riverside, CA 92607
Toff Free
877.216.4321 www.scst.com
SCS&T No. 1211179
Report No. 37
PROJECT NO. C.T. 08-03
Reference: "Geotechnical Investigation, La Costa Towne Square Residential East Development,
Carlsbad, California"; prepared by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc.; dated
August 10, 2012 (SCS&T 1111196-1R).
Dear Mr. Arriaga:
In accordance with your request, Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. (SCS&T) prepared this
report to present the results of field observations and tests performed during the grading for the
planned subdivision.
The project is located north of the intersection of La Costa Avenue and Camino De Las Caches in the
city of Carlsbad, California. Mass grading for the project includes the construction of a residential
subdivision, open space area, commercial retail space and office space. This report presents the
earthwork observations and compaction tests performed for the partial grading of the residential
subdivision. In general, the grading operations consisted of the over-excavation of undocumented fill,
alluvium and weathered rock beneath and the replacement of this material to reach the planned final
pad grade elevations. SCS&T performed our services between December 1, 2012 and August 30,
2013. Mass grading at the site is essentially complete. TNT Grading of San Marcos, California
performed the grading. TNT Grading provided SCS& T with spot elevations, as requested, using their
in-field GPS mapping system to assist in determining the locations and elevations of our field density
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Property Development Centers, LLC
La Costa Towne Square -Residential Development
Carlsbad, California
September 5, 2013
SCS&T No. 1211179-37
The primary equipment used for the site mass grading operations included:
• John Deere 824 Loader
• Caterpillar D6 Dozer
• Caterpillar D8 Dozer
• Caterpillar D9 Dozer
• John Deere 800 Excavator
Water truck
Caterpillar 350 Excavator
Caterpillar 651 Scraper
Terex 24 Scraper
Site preparation began with the demolition of the existing improvements and the clearing and
grubbing of the existing vegetation and organic matter at the proposed development area. The
material generated from these operations was exported from the residential site.
In general, the grading operations consisted of the over-excavation of undocumented fill, alluvium and
weathered rock beneath and the replacement of this material to reach the planned final pad grade
elevations. The bottoms of the excavated areas typically exposed Tertiary-age Del Mar Formation or
metavolcanic rock. The grading contractor scarified, moisture conditioned, and compacted the
surface exposed at the bottom of the excavations.
Fill was placed in 6 to 8-inch lifts, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content and
compacted until field density tests indicated a minimum of 90% relative compaction. Figure 1
presents the approximate locations of these tests. All references to optimum moisture and relative
compaction in this report are based on the ASTM D 1557 laboratory test method. Compaction was
achieved by means of a John Deere 824 rubber tire loader and other heavy construction equipment.
This process continued until planned elevations were reached.
1.3.1. Cut/Fill Transition
Cut/fill transition differentials at the site ranged between about 5 and 20 feet. Where a cut/fill
differential was less than 10 feet, the cut portion of the lot was over-excavated to a minimum
depth of five feet below finished pad grade. Where a cut/fill differential exceeded 10 feet, the cut
portion of the lot was over-excavated to a minimum depth of 1 0 feet below finished pad grade.
The over-excavation was performed to create a uniform condition beneath the planned structures.
When possible, the bottoms of the excavations were sloped away from the middles of the pads
and toward the deeper fill areas. The excavation surfaces were prepared and fill material was
generally placed and compacted as previously described until planned elevations were reached.
-' ----
Property Development Centers, LLC
La Costa Towne Square -Residential Development
Carlsbad, California
1.3.2. Fill Slopes
September 5, 2013
SCS&T No. 1211179-37
Fill slopes were constructed along the southern perimeter of the site and north of Pads 19 through
23. To provide adequate support for the proposed fill slope, a keyway was cut into formational
soils along the toe of the slope. The keyways were generally 15 feet wide and sloped back into
the existing sloping terrain at an approximate gradient of two percent. The keyway bottoms were
scarified to a depth of 12 inches; moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 90% relative
compaction before additional fill was placed.
Typically, the fill slopes were over-filled and wheel rolled with a rubber-tire dozer and other heavy
equipment. After planned elevations were reached, the slopes were cut back to expose the
compacted surface. The faces of the slopes were track-walked with a crawler dozer to form a
uniform surface.
1.3.3. Subdrains
Canyon subdrains were installed at the bottom of canyon removals wherever fill depths exceed 1 O
feet and where groundwater seepage was observed during grading. Canyon subdrains were
constructed using perforated pipe (SOR 35 or equivalent), surrounded by at least 6 cubic feet per
lineal foot of crushed rock wrapped in filter fabric (Mirafi 140N or equivalent). Figure 1 presents
the locations of the installed canyon subdrains. The locations of the canyon subdrains were
surveyed by others.
A subdrain was placed at the heel of the fill slope keyway south of Pads 1, 9, and 10. SCS& T
recommended that this subdrain be installed due to seepage observed in the keyway excavation.
A chimney drain and a blanket drain were installed along the backcut behind Wall Number 5
between stations 2+40 and 3+00. SCS& T recommended these drains be installed due to
seepage observed along the backcut. The chimney drain consisted of a 1 foot wide column of¾-
inch crushed rock wrapped in filter fabric placed between the back cut and wall backfill. The
blanket drain consisted of a 6-inch thick layer of ¾-inch crushed rock placed on native soil prior to
wall backfill being placed.
The construction work included rough grading for the streets. Site preparation essentially consisted of
the same operations that were employed for the project lots. Fill material was placed in thin moisture
conditioned lifts and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction until desired rough subgrade
elevations were reached.
Property Development Centers, LLC
La Costa Towne Square -Residential Development
Carlsbad, California
September 5, 2013
SCS& T No. 1211179-37
An SCS&T geologist observed the geologic conditions exposed during grading. The geologic
conditions encountered during grading generally were as anticipated and as presented in the
referenced project geotechnical report. In our professional opinion and to the best of our knowledge,
no significantly adverse geologic conditions were observed and the site appears to be geologically
suitable for the proposed construction.
The approximate locations for the Anchor® wall backfill tests are listed on Figures 7 through 9. The
Anchor® wall backfill in-place density tests have been labeled "WB". The contractor placed
manufactured material produced by screening and crushing operations on-site for the wall backfill.
The backfill material was compacted in thin lifts until field density tests indicated a minimum of 90%
relative compaction. Compaction was achieved primarily by means of a four to six ton riding vibratory
roller or hand tamper. The reinforcing grid placement was also observed.
Backdrains were placed behind each Anchor® wall. The backdrains consisted of 4-inch diameter
perforated pipe (SDR 35) surrounded by a minimum of one cubic feet per lineal foot of crushed rock,
which was then wrapped in filter fabric material. As of the date of this report, the subdrains have
been connected to an approved outlet. It is recommended that the outlets for the subdrains be kept
free of debris and be allowed to freely flow at all times.
Special inspection requirements verified in accordance with ESR-2113 or Section 4.3 of the California
Building Code include:
1) Soil conditions were substantially in conformance with those described in the referenced
project geotechnical investigation report.
2) The base of the Anchor® walls was founded in a layer of crushed rock that, in turn, was
founded in compacted fill or formational materials. In our opinion, these soils are suitable for
the support of the proposed wall.
3) The Anchor® wall, including geogrid type, length and placement, was constructed
substantially in accordance with the plans .
4) The angle of the face of the wall was in substantial conformance with the wall section on the
applicable plans.
5) All Anchor® walls were constructed with a backdrain at the base of the wall, immediately
behind the block. The backdrains were surrounded by a minimum of one cubic foot of ¾-inch
crushed rock per linear foot. The rock was wrapped with filter fabric. The backdrain outlets
should be connected to storm drains or outlets onto paved areas, in a timely manner. These
,1~ ~-;,:\ outlets should be kept free of debris and be allowed to freely flow at all times. ,,.
-' -------------------------------------
Property Development Centers, LLC
La Costa Towne Square -Residential Development
Carlsbad, California
September 5, 2013
SCS&T No. 1211179-37
Page 5
We observed the construction of the Anchor® walls under our purview, and performed laboratory and
field in-situ density /moisture content testing. The results of our tests and observations are the basis
for our opinion that the wall was constructed in substantial conformance with geotechnical
recommendations, the City of Carlsbad Special Inspection Ordinances concerning Anchor® walls and
the California Building Code.
A representative of SCS& T performed periodic field observations and density tests during the grading
operations at the locations shown on Figure 1. The density tests were performed according to ASTM
D 6938 (nuclear gauge) procedures. The results of these tests are shown on Figures 2 through 14.
The accuracy of the in-situ density test locations and elevations is a function of the accuracy of the
survey control provided by others than SCS&T representatives. Unless otherwise noted, their
locations and elevations were determined by pacing and hand level methods and should be
considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used.
As used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we observed the progress of work we were
involved with, and performed field density tests which, in conjunction with our observations, were the
base for our opinion as to whether the work was performed in substantial conformance with the
geotechnical recommendations and the requirements of the applicable agencies.
Maximum dry density determinations were performed on representative samples of the soils used in
the compacted fills according to ASTM D 1557. The results of these tests, presented on Figure 11,
were used in conjunction with the field density tests to determine the degree of relative compaction of
the compacted fill.
Rock corrections were applied to the soil samples having not more than 40 percent by weight
retained on the #4 sieve or not more than 30 percent by weight retained on the 3/4-inch sieve
according to ASTM D 4718. The results of these tests, as presented on Figure 13, were used in
conjunction with the field density tests to determine the degree of relative compaction of the
compacted fill.
The following operations remain to be completed. It is recommended that field observations and
relative compaction tests be performed during these operations to verify that these operations are
being performed in accordance with job requirements and local grading ordinances.
• Surficial slope compaction Lot 57 and Lot 33;
• Completion of all underground utilities;
• Construction of and backfill behind site walls;
• Connection of all wall subdrains to approved outlets.
-• ---• --------------------------------
Property Development Centers, LLC
La Costa Towne Square -Residential Development
Carlsbad, California
September 5, 2013
SCS&TNo. 1211179-37
Based on our field observations and the in-place density test results, it is the opinion of SCS&T that
the geotechnical engineering and engineering geology aspects of the grading are in compliance with
the approved referenced geotechnical report, the City of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance, the
Grading/Improvement Plan Drawing for Project Number C.T. 08-03, and the California Building Code.
Minimum recommendations for the design of the foundations, as presented in the referenced
report(s), remain applicable.
This report covers only the services performed between December 1, 2012 and August 30, 2013. Our
opinions are based on our observations and the relative compaction test results and are limited by the
scope of the work that we agreed to perform. Our work was performed in accordance with the
currently accepted standard of practice and in such a manner as to provide a reasonable measure of
the compliance of the grading and backfill operations with the project requirements. No warranty,
express or implied, is made or intended with respect to the work that we have performed, and neither
the performance of this work nor the submittal of this report should be construed as relieving the
contractor of its responsibility to conform with the project requirements.
Our work was generally performed on an "on-call" basis. Therefore, the in-place density tests
performed by our field representative can only be construed as representative of the areas tested as
shown on the attached figures.
If you have any questions regarding this document, please contact us at 619-280-4321.
Respectfully Submitted,
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA S::.;;;O!:::!!I ==s...
(2) Addressee
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Douglas A, Skinner, CEG 2472
Senior Engineering Geologist
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-· -JOB NAME: La Costa Square JOB NUMBER: 1211179 -: _ _;:::::::· -IN-PLAC --TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. • NO. DATE LOCATION {feet,MSLI {eercentl {e.c.f.l TYPE {eercentl
30 1/14/13 Residential via Tamarindo 284.0 18.0 108.2 3 90.8 -31 1/14/13 Residential via Tamarindo 286.0 19.8 108.0 3 90.6 -46 1/17/13 RETEST OF 45 263.0 13.9 108.0 3 90.6
47 1/17/13 Res. Paseo Tamarindo 288.0 18.0 108.7 3 91.2 -48 1/17/13 Res. Paseo Tamarindo 291.5 20.1 108.3 3 90.9
52 1/18/13 Off-Site South Lot #2 260.0 19.7 109.7 3 92.0 -53 1/18/13 Off-Site South Lot #2 261.5 18.0 108.9 3 91.4
56 1/18/13 Res. Site South Retention Basin 257.5 14.2 110.4 3 92.6 -57 1/18/13 Res. Site South Retention Basin 262.5 13.8 109.4 3 91.8 -58 1/18/13 Res. Site Paseo Tamarindo 293.5 11.7 107.9 3 90.5
59 1/18/13 Res. Site East Retention Basin 278.0 19.3 109.4 3 91.8 -60 1/18/13 Res. Site East Retention Basin 283.0 18.0 108.1 3 90.7
61 1/22/13 Community Building 14 315.5 10.0 116.6 3 97.8 -62 1/22/13 Residential South Building 274.5 19.3 97.2 2 91.4 -63 1/22/13 Residential South Building Lot 1 277.0 18.2 97.8 2 92.0
64 1/22/13 Residential South Building Lot 1 O 263.5 12.9 111.2 3 93.3 -65 1/22/13 Residential South Building Lot 9 270.5 11.9 113.0 3 94.8
66 1/22/13 Residential South Building Lot 9 274.0 13.4 113.9 3 95.6 -67 1/22/13 Residential South Building 295.0 15.0 109.1 3 91.5 -68 1/22/13 Residential Paseo Tamarindo 297.0 17.0 110.4 3 92.6
72 1/23/13 Residential Paseo Tamarindo 310.0 14.8 104.3 92.1 -73 1/23/13 Residential Paseo Tamarindo 315.0 15.3 105.3 92.9
74 1/23/13 Residential Paseo Tamarindo 324.5 13.0 110.7 97.7 -77 1/23/13 Residential Paseo Tamarindo 336.0 17.0 107.3 94.7
80 1/23/13 Residential South Lot 1 275.0 16.7 110.8 1 97.8 -81 1/24/13 Residential South Lot 9 278.0 15.2 112.4 3 94.3 -82 1/24/13 Residential South Lot 9 281.0 14.0 111.6 3 93.6
84 1/24/13 Residential South Lot #1 284.0 17.8 105.3 1 92.9 -85 1/24/13 Residential South Lot #1 287.0 19.1 107.0 1 94.4
86 1/24/13 Residential South Lot #1 290.0 18.8 107.1 1 94.5 -87 1/24/13 Residential South Lot 9 284.0 18.0 103.4 1 91.3
88 1/24/13 Residential South Lot 1 O 267.0 17.2 105.0 92.7 -89 1/24/13 Residential Street B 313.5 11.4 114.5 7 93.9 -90 1/24/13 Residential Lot #4 303.0 12.8 112.1 7 92.0
91 1/25/13 Residential Lot 10 270.0 17.8 105.5 6 92.8 -93 1/28/13 Residential Lot 3 300.0 14.2 111.5 7 91.5
94 1/28/13 -Residential Lot 4 308.0 13.8 102.3 7 83.9
95 1/28/13 RETESTOF94 308.0 14.9 113.5 7 93.1 -96 1/28/13 Residential Lot 2 290.0 18.2 105.7 6 93.0
97 1/28/13 Residential Lot 3 302.0 19.1 107.0 6 94.1 -98 1/28/13 Residential Lot 4 311.0 12.6 109.1 6 96.0
99 1/29/13 Residential Lot 24 350.0 10.8 110.6 3 92.8 -100 1/29/13 Residential Lot 25 352.0 11.8 111.8 3 93.8 -101 1/29/13 Residential Lot 26 354.0 7.7 122.5 58 92.0
102 1/29/13 Residential Lot 25 357.0 10.0 118.3 5 91.1 -103 1/29/13 Residential Lot 27 356.0 8.2 123.2 58 92.6
106 1/29/13 Residential Lot 26 357.5 6.9 133.9 SE 96.8 -107 1/30/13 Residential Lot 27 360.0 7.0 121.3 SC 90.0
108 1/30/13 Residential Lot 29 340.5 -20.0 105.5 6 92.8
113 1/30/13 Residential Lot 30 342.5 18.0 97.8 2 92.0 -114 1/30/13 Residential Lot 29 344.5 11.6 111.9 3 93.9 -FIGURE 2 -
116 1/31/13 Lots 30 Res 346.0 10.8 120.4 58 90.5 • 117 1/31/13 Lots 29 Res 348.0 12.6 121.3 58 91.1
• 118 1/31/13 Lots 28 Res 350.0 15.2 118.7 5 91.4
119 1/31/13 Lots 31 Res 352.0 10.4 124.6 5C 92.4 -120 1/31/13 Lots 29 Res 354.0 13.9 118.9 5 91.6
121 1/31/13 Lots 29 Res 356.0 9.7 123.4 5C 91.5 -122 1/31/13 Lots 31 Res 358.0 8.9 129.2 5F 92.2
123 1/31/13 Lots 29 Res 360.0 10.6 121.7 5C 90.3 -128 2/1/13 Residential lot #64 312.0 7.2 124.8 5d 91.4 -129 2/1/13 Residential lot #64 315.0 8.0 125.6 5d 92.0
130 2/1/13 Residential lot #64 317.5 8.5 125.3 5d 91.8 -131 2/1/13 Residential lot #5 313.0 8.2 120.0 5b 90.2
132 2/1/13 Residential lot #6 306.0 14.3 107.5 6 94.5 -133 2/1/13 Residential lot #63 321.0 7.7 118.4 5a 90.1 -134 2/1/13 Residential lot #5 320.0 9.7 127.8 5e 92.4
135 2/1/13 Residential lot #63 325.0 7.8 121.0 5a 92.1 -136 2/4/13 Residential Lot#63 328.0 8.3 127.3 5d 93.3
137 2/4/13 Residential Lot#62 330.0 7.8 125.5 5d 91.9 -145 2/5/13 Residential lot#31 365.5 12.6 111.7 7 91.6 -146 2/5/13 Residential lot#29 368.0 10.2 134.2 5e 97.0
147 2/5/13 Residential lot#30 368.0 10.0 122.5 5b 92.0 -148 2/5/13 Residential lot#28 369.5 11.0 120.4 5b 90.5
149 2/5/13 Residential lot#26 372.0 10.5 118.5 9 92.6 -150 2/6/13 South of Residential lot#10 265.5 16.2 104.7 92.4
160 2/7/13 South of Lot #9 Residential site 276.5 15.0 100.1 2 94.2 -161 2/7/13 South of lot #10 Residential site 268.5 13.8 98.9 2 93.0 -174 2/12/13 S. of lot #1 0 Residential 276.5 13.0 100.8 12 92.2
179 2/12/13 S. of lot #9 Residential 269.5 14.8 107.2 12 98.1 -182 2/13/13 S. of lot #9 Residential 280.0 12.5 104.0 12 95.2
183 2/13/13 S. of lot #10 Residential 284.0 14.0 101.4 12 92.8 -184 2/13/13 S. of lot #10 Residential 286.0 13.8 102.4 12 93.7
185 2/13/13 S. of retention basin Residential 281.0 12.0 103.0 12 94.2 -188 2/14/13 S of bio ret basin Res 283.0 15.9 106.1 6 93.3 -189 2/14/13 West of lot 10 RES 278.0 6.5 124.8 5d 91.4
190 2/14/13 West of lot 10 RES 281.0 7.0 123.9 5d 90.8 -191 2/14/13 South lot 10 RES 283.0 14.4 105.5 12 96.5 -202 2/15/13 S. of Lot 9 Res 289.5 17.0 98.2 2 92.4
203 2/15/13 S. of Lot 10 Res 284.5 16.9 97.9 2 92.1 -207 2/15/13 S. of Ret Basin Res 284.5 16.0 104.3 6 91.7
215 2/19/13 Lot 21 Res 326.0 12.8 111.9 7 91.8 -216 2/19/13 S. of Lot 10 Res 285.0 14.0 97.9 2 92.1
218 2/19/13 Lot 21 Res 327.0 13.1 114.7 8 92.6 -219 2/19/13 Lot 20 Res 327.5 13.6 112.4 8 90.8 -220 2/19/13 Lot 22 Res 325.0 14.5 104.2 6 91.6
221 2/20/13 Lot 6 Res 323.0 10.9 130.3 5d 95.5 -222 2/20/13 Lot 5 Res 325.5 9.0 127.2 5d 93.2
225 2/20/13 Lot 7 Res 311.5 9.0 126.7 5d 92.8 -226 2/20/13 Lot 7 Res 313.5 10.6 125.8 5d 92.2 -227 2/20/13 Lot 3 Res 308.0 11.9 118.9 5d 87.1
228 2/20/13 RETEST#227 308.0 11.4 127.8 5d 93.6 -233 2/21/13 Lot 23 Res 342.0 9.8 125.8 5d 92.2 -FIGURE 3 -
, ___ , __ .. _ .. ,.
234 2/21/13 Lot 61 Res 340.5 9.0 123.9 5d 90.8 .. 235 2/21/13 Lot 61 Res 343.0 5.0 118.7 5d 87.0 -238 2/21/13 Lot 29 Res 371.5 9.6 124.6 Sc 92.4
239 2/21/13 Lot 31 Res 372.0 9.1 123.7 Sc 91.8 -240 2/22/13 RETEST#235 343.0 9.6 124.7 5d 91.4
243 2/22/13 Lot22 Res 331.5 8.2 123.9 5d 90.8 -244 2/22/13 Lot 63 Res 330.5 11.4 116.0 11 91.2
245 2/22/13 Lot62 Res 339.5 10.8 118.0 11 92.8 -248 2/23/13 Lot22 Res 246.5 9.5 117.2 11 92.1 -253 2/23/13 Lot22 Res 245.5 13.3 119.3 11 93.8
260 2/25/13 Lot4 Res 315.0 10.8 118.3 11 93.0 -261 2/25/13 Lot4 Res 316.5 11.5 113.6 7 93.2
262 2/25/13 Lot 3 Res 309.5 13.0 111.6 7 91.6 -271 2/26/13 Lot2 Res 292.5 12.0 114.6 7 94.0
272 2/26/13 Lot2 Res 295.5 -11.7 113.7 7 93.3
277 2/26/13 Lot63 Res 313.5 9.4 108.3 11 85.1 -278 2/26/13 RETEST#277 313.5 8.1 122.2 11 96.1
279 2/26/13 Lot64 Res 307.0 8.7 124.2 11 97.6 -280 2/26/13 Lot 14 Comm 306.0 10.6 132.8 5d 97.3 -281 2/26/13 Street at Lot 59 Res 350.0 9.7 117.5 11 92.4
282 2/27/13 Lot 61 Res 345.0 10.8 126.5 5d 92.7 -284 2/27/13 Street at Lot 60 Res 345.5 10.0 115.5 10 92.1
286 2/27/13 Lot60 Res 346.5 9.0 126.6 5d 92.7 -289 2/27/13 Lot 61 Res 348.0 11.6 109.8 7 90.1
290 2/28/13 Slope N. of lot 21 Res 333.0 12.2 100.5 12 91.9 -293 2/28/13 Slope N. of lot 22 Res 336.5 13.5 102.1 12 93.4 -294 2/28/13 Slope W. of Lot 4 Res 321.0 99.1 13.4 12 12.3
295 2/28/13 Slope W. of Lot 3 Res 315.0 100.1 14.8 12 13.5 -206 2/28/13 Slope N. of Lot 20 Res 339.0 100.1 12.6 12 11.5
297 2/28/13 Slope N. of Lot 22 Res 342.0 13.0 102.4 12 93.7 -298 2/28/13 Lot 60 Res 349.0 7.5 113.4 10 90.4
299 2/28/13 Slope W. of Lot 4 Res 321.0 14.9 102.0 12 93.3 -300 2/28/13 Slope W. of Lot 2 Res 318.0 15.0 101.6 12 93.0 -NOTE GRADING PLANS CHANGE AS OF 3-1-13 Lots numbers have moved. #N/A
304 3/1 /13 Slope N. Lot 21 Res 358.0 14.9 99.2 12 90.8 -305 3/1/13 Slope N. Lot 23 Res 349.0 13.6 103.4 12 94.6
306 3/1/13 Slope W. Lot 5 Res 328.0 15.4 101.4 12 92.8 -307 3/1/13 Slope W. Lot 7 Res 310.5 14.8 103.1 12 94.3 -308 3/1/13 Slope N. Lot 22 Res 352.0 11.5 103.7 12 94.9
316 3/4/13 Lot 59 Res 360.0 9.0 117.0 10 93.3 -317 3/4/13 Lot 59 Res 362.0 8.2 115.1 10 91.8
318 3/4/13 Lot 58 Res 362.0 7.9 115.5 10 92.1 -319 3/4/13 Lot 58 Res 366.0 8.8 116.6 10 93.0 -321 3/4/13 Lot 58 Res FG 371.0 12.3 103.7 12 94.9
322 3/4/13 Lot 59 Res FG 364.0 13.9 98.9 12 90.5 -323 3/5/13 Lot 20 Res 328.5 8.2 120.1 9 93.8
324 3/5/13 Slope N of Lot 23 Res 357.0 13.8 98.9 12 90.5 -325 3/5/13 Slope N of Lot 23 Res 359.0 14.6 101.6 12 93.0
326 3/5/13 Slope N of Lot 23 Res 361.0 16.3 104.3 12 95.4 -327 3/5/13 Lot 14 Comm 315.0 13.3 105.2 6 92.5 -328 3/5/13 Slope N of Lot 23 Res 365.0 18.7 104.8 12 95.9 -FIGURE 4 -
--JOB NAME: La Costa Square JOB NUMBER: 1211179 ..
329 3/5/13 Slope N of Lot 23 Res 369.0 17.4 103.6 12 94.8 -330 3/5/13 Slope above wall 4 Res 296.0 15.0 101.7 12 93.0
• 331 3/6/13 Lot 6 Res 326.0 8.7 118.5 9 92.6
332 3/6/13 Lot 7 Res 317.0 9.0 117.5 9 91.8 -333 3/6/13 Lot22 Res 333.5 13.1 124.2 9 97.0
334 3/6/13 Slope N of Lot 21 Res 372.5 16.7 106.1 12 97.1 -335 3/6/13 Slope N of Lot 20 Res 350.0 13.8 103.2 12 94.4
336 3/6/13 Lot26 Res 374.0 8.6 132.7 5d 97.2 -337 3/6/13 Lot28 Res 373.5 8.2 132.1 5d 96.8 -338 3/6/13 Lot25 Res 374.5 8.9 133.4 5d 97.7
339 3/6/13 Lot 2 Res 299.5 12.7 99.7 12 91.2 -343 3/7/13 West of lot 10 RES 288.5 11.3 96.3 2 90.6
• 371 3/14/13 w of Lot 10 Res 292.0 19.8 92.0 16 83.9
375 3/14/13 Lot 9 Res 289.0 19.0 101.8 16 92.8 -376 3/14/13 Lot 10 Res 292.0 18.8 100.1 16 91.2
380 3/15/13 RETEST 371 292.0 18.8 99.5 16 90.7 -384 3/15/13 Lot 9 Res 294.0 21.5 100.4 16 91.5
385 3/15/13 Lot 10 Res 296.0 20.4 101.6 16 92.6 -392 3/18/13 Street at Lot 17 Res 324.0 12.4 106.5 1 94.0 -393 3/18/13 Slope W of Lot 16 Res 330.0 14.8 102.3 12 93.6
394 3/19/13 Slope W of Lot 17 Res 334.0 15.0 100.3 12 91.8 -395 3/19/13 Slope W of Lot 16 Res 338.0 15.5 98.6 12 90.2
396 3/19/13 lot 16 Res 330.0 12.7 97.0 12 88.7 -397 3/19/13 RETEST 396 330.0 14.2 99.2 12 90.8
398 3/19/13 Lot 15 Res 327.0 16.1 101.4 12 92.8 -399 3/19/13 Lot 17 Res 331.5 15.3 100.3 12 91.8 -400 3/19/13 Lot 14 Res 323.0 15.7 105.8 12 96.8
401 3/19/13 Lot 13 Res 318.0 16.3 102.1 12 93.4 -402 3/19/13 Lot 12 Res 314.0 16.1 100.2 12 91.7
403 3/20/13 Slope N of Lot 17 Res 340.0 15.3 101.0 12 92.4 -404 3/20/13 Slope N of Lot 17 Res 342.0 13.8 101.7 12 93.0
405 3/20/13 -street at lot 15 Res 327.0 19.8 99.2 2 93.3
406 3/20/13 street at lot 13 Res 312.0 20.4 97.1 2 91.3 -410 3/21/13 Lot 9 Res 298.5 13.1 96.9 12 88.7
411 3/21/13 RETSET#410 298.5 14.9 98.8 12 90.4 -412 3/21/13 Lot 8 Res 300.0 17.5 100.0 12 91.5 -413 3/21/13 Lot 10 Res 300.0 15.5 98.9 12 90.5
414 3/21/13 Lot 11 Res 303.0 15.0 102.3 12 93.6 -415 3/21/13 S of lot 2 office 293.0 18.8 103.7 4 91.8
416 3/21/13 Lot 9 Res 304.0 15.6 100.9 12 92.3 -417 3/21/13 Lot 8 Res 306.0 17.4 103.3 12 94.5
418 3/22/13 Lot 8 Res 308.0 15.2 101.2 12 92.6 -419 3/22/13 Lot 8 Res 310.0 14.0 99.2 12 90.8 -420 3/22/13 Lot 10 Res 304.0 15.1 102.1 12 93.4
421 3/22/13 Lot 11 Res 306.0 15.1 102.5 12 93.8 -422 3/22/13 Lot 10 Res 308.0 14.9 103.1 12 94.3
423 3/22/13 Lot 9 Res 306.5 15.3 101.4 12 92.8 -436 3/26/13 Lot 11 Res 309.0 11.4 101.2 12 92.6 -437 3/26/13 Lot 8 Res 313.0 12.2 99.9 12 91.4
475 4/3/13 Lot 4 Slope Res 310.5 12.6 102.3 12 93.6 -478 4/3/13 lot 58 Res 365.0 12.8 99.3 12 90.9 -FIGURE 5 -
479 4/3/13 Lot 7 Res 315.0 15.2 101.1 12 92.5 -480 4/3/13 Lot 5 Res 324.5 13.1 104.5 12 95.6
• 481 4/3/13 Lot 17 Slope Res 352.0 14.8 105.6 12 96.6
486 4/4/13 Slope west of Lot 17 Res 355.0 15.0 102.1 12 93.4 -490 4/4/13 slope Between Wall 5 and 6 Res 305.0 15.2 98.8 12 90.4
491 4/4/13 Lot 64 Res 322.0 14.9 101.6 12 93.0 -492 4/4/13 Lot62 Res 338.0 17.8 103.6 12 94.8
493 4/4/13 Lot60 Res 348.0 16.3 103.1 12 94.3 -494 4/4/13 Lot 58 Res 359.0 15.8 101.3 12 92.7 -496 4/5/13 Lot 26 Slope test Res 367.0 10.7 104.4 12 95.5
498 4/5/13 Slope W of Lot 18 Res 358.0 13.2 101.3 12 92.7 -501 4/8/13 Lot 29 Slope Res 365.0 13.6 106.4 12 97.3
502 4/8/13 Lot 30 Slope Res 370.0 13.2 105.2 12 96.2 -506 4/8/13 West of Lot 17 Res 363.0 15.2 101.2 12 92.6 .. 516 4/10/13 Lot 32 Res 365.0 8.6 129.6 5d 94.9
523 4/11/13 Lot 33 Res 364.0 9.0 125.7 5d 92.1 -524 4/11/13 Lot 23 Res 347.0 15.2 101.4 12 92.8
531 4/12/13 Lot 9 Res FG 308.5 7.9 106.6 21 91.7 -532 4/12/13 Lot 8 Res FG 315.0 8.1 108.5 21 93.4 -533 4/12/13 Lot 7 Res FG 321.5 11.5 106.2 21 91.4
534 4/12/13 Lot 6 Res FG 328.2 8.6 106.5 21 91.7 -535 4/12/13 Lot 5 Res FG 331.0 11.9 106.7 21 91.8
536 4/15/13 Lot 57 Res 375.0 8.4 123.1 10 98.2 -537 4/15/13 Lot 55 Res 377.0 8.7 118.9 10 94.8
538 4/15/13 Lot 19 Res 331.5 13.6 98.4 12 90.0 -539 4/15/13 Lot 17 Res 332.0 9.4 95.5 12 87.4 -540 4/15/13 RETEST#539 332.0 12.5 98.4 12 90.0
541 4/15/13 Lot 21 Res 327.0 13.4 99.3 12 90.9 -542 4/15/13 Lot22 Res 333.0 12.8 100.7 12 92.1
543 4/15/13 Lot 54 Res 380.0 8.1 117.0 10 93.3 -544 4/15/13 Lot 53 Res 375.0 8.3 116.5 10 92.9
545 4/15/13 Lot 18 Res 333.0 15.0 101.6 12 93.0 -546 4/16/13 Lot 56 Res 376.0 8.7 115.6 10 92.2 -547 4/16/13 Lot 53 Res 378.0 9.0 113.5 10 90.5
553 4/17/13 Lot 56 Res 378.5 8.3 115.5 10 92.1 -554 4/17/13 Lot 54 Res 380.0 8.7 115.1 10 91.8 -556 4/17/13 RETEST#555 301.0 8.7 124.8 5d 91.4
557 4/18/13 Lot64 Res 321.0 12.5 98.8 12 90.4 -558 4/18/13 Lot63 Res 310.5 11.8 98.8 12 90.4
559 4/18/13 Lot 61 Res 347.0 14.0 103.5 12 94.7 -560 4/18/13 Lot 59 Res 361.0 12.7 101.6 12 93.0
561 4/18/13 Lot 64 Res 323.0 14.2 101.9 12 93.2 -562 4/18/13 Lot 64 Res 326.0 13.9 103.6 12 94.8 -564 4/19/13 Lot 58 Res 370.0 13.2 101.0 12 92.4
565 4/19/13 Lot 29 Slope test Res 340.0 9.9 111.5 21 96.0 -566 4/19/13 Lot 32 Slope test Res 350.0 9.0 110.6 21 95.2
567 4/19/13 Lot 57 Res 378.0 8.9 115.5 10 92.1 -568 4/19/13 Lot 55 Res 380.0 8.5 116.6 10 93.0
570 4/22/13 -Street Lot 2 Res 297.0 12.9 106.6 12 97.5
573 4/23/13 Lot 23 slope test Res 341.0 16.0 107.1 16 97.6 -577 4/24/13 Lot 37 Res 370.0 7.2 131.9 5e 95.4 -FIGURES -
587 4/26/13 Lot 37 Res 372.5 4.4 100.7 22 75.7 -604 5/1/13 Lot 58 Slope test 367.0 12.8 99.9 12 91.4 -605 5/1/13 Lot 60 Slope test 354.0 12.0 98.7 12 90.3
606 5/1/13 Lot 62 Slope test 339.0 13.2 102.4 12 93.7 .. 607 5/1/13 Lot 64 Slope test 326.0 9.3 99.8 12 91.3
612 5/2/13 Lot 33 Res 367.0 8.1 126.7 5d 92.8 -613 5/2/13 Lot 32 Res 369.0 9.2 116.7 9 91.2
614 5/2/13 Lot 33 Res 371.0 10.7 121.8 9 95.2 -617 5/2/13 Lot 23 Res FG 349.0 8.8 107.8 12 98.6 -618 5/2/13 Lot 22 Res FG 335.0 7.8 107.3 12 98.2
619 5/3/13 Lot 21 Res FG 329.0 11.0 114.6 21 98.6 -620 5/3/13 Lot 20 Res FG 331.5 10.0 105.9 12 96.9
621 5/3/13 Lot 19 Res FG 334.0 9.8 103.0 12 94.2 -Lot 18 Res FG 335.0 8.9 106.5 12 97.4 622 5/3/13 -623 5/3/13 Lot 17 Res FG 334.0 8.8 104.7 12 95.8
624 5/3/13 Lot 16 Res FG 332.3 9.3 106.2 12 97.2 -625 5/3/13 Lot 15 Res FG 330.0 7.9 105.4 12 96.4
626 5/3/13 Lot 14 Res FG 324.9 9.6 107.7 12 98.5 -627 5/3/13 Lot 13 Res FG 320.5 9.5 101.8 12 93.1 -628 5/3/13 Lot 2 Res FG 303.0 10.0 107.8 12 98.6
629 5/3/13 Lot 3 Res FG 312.0 10.1 103.9 12 95.1 -630 5/3/13 Lot4 Res FG 318.0 8.7 107.1 12 98.0
631 5/8/13 Lot64 Res FG 327.0 9.2 114.4 21 98.5 -632 5/8/13 Lot 63 Res FG 335.0 8.7 112.9 21 97.2
633 5/8/13 Lot62 Res FG 343.0 13.0 106.8 12 97.7 -634 5/8/13 Lot 61 Res FG 350.0 12.5 105.8 12 96.8 -635 5/8/13 Lot 60 Res FG 357.0 13.2 104.6 12 95.7
636 5/8/13 Lot 58 Res FG 371.0 12.6 107.2 12 98.1 -651 5/14/13 RETEST#650 302.0 7.4 123.0 5d 90.1
652 5/14/13 Lot 59 Res FG 364.0 9.8 113.6 21 97.8 -653 5/15/13 Lot40 Res 272.5 9.3 124.0 17e 92.6
654 5/15/13 Lot42 Res 374.5 9.0 122.9 17e 91.8 -655 5/15/13 Lot27 Res 374.0 8.9 137.0 5e 99.1 -656 5/15/13 Lot25 Res 376.0 8.2 137.2 5e 99.2
657 5/15/13 Lot 29 Res 373.0 8.5 138.0 5e 99.8 -658 5/15/13 Lot 31 Res 371.5 8.0 135.5 5e 98.0 -659 5/15/13 RETEST#587 372.5 9.4 124.2 17e 92.8
660 5/16/13 Lot 38 Res 372.5 10.0 109.3 13c 90.0 -661 5/16/13 Lot 41 Res 374.0 8.0 128.1 17e 95.7
662 5/16/13 Lot43 Res 376.0 9.5 122.1 17e 91.2 -664 5/17/13 Lot 36 Res 373.0 7.8 126.9 17e 94.8
665 5/17/13 Lot 39 Res 374.0 9.8 129.1 17e 96.4 -666 5/17/13 Lot 21 Res 327.0 10.3 99.2 12 90.8 -667 5/20/13 Lot 9 Res 284.0 15.2 104.9 92.6
672 5/20/13 N of Lot 4 Parkway Res 321.0 14.8 104.7 92.4 -673 5/20/13 PL Lot 5 and 6 Parkway Res 330.0 18.7 102.3 90.3
674 5/20/13 PL Lot 7 and 8 Parkway Res 315.0 16.4 103.8 1 91.6 -675 5/20/13 E of Lot 23 parkway Res 357.5 14.6 102.5 1 90.5
676 5/21/13 -Lot 58 slope test Res 365.0 13.8 101.3 12 92.7
677 5/21/13 Lot 37 back slope test Res 377.0 8.5 116.1 10 92.6 -678 5/21/13 Lot 38 back slope test Res 379.0 7.4 116.9 10 93.2 -FIGURE 7 -
679 5/21/13 Lot 60 slope test Res 352.0 13.5 101.5 12 92.9 -680 5/21/13 Lot 62 slope test Res 337.0 13.3 99.7 12 91.2
• 681 5/21/13 Lot 64 slope test Res 321.0 12.0 98.6 12 90.2
684 5/21/13 Lot 36 back slope Res 381.0 10.7 120.9 10 96.4 -685 5/22/13 Lot 37 backslope Res 383.0 10.5 116.7 10 93.1
686 5/22/13 S of Lot 10 Res 297.0 14.5 103.8 12 95.0 -687 5/22/13 S of Lot 9 Res 290.0 11.2 99.0 12 90.6
688 5/22/13 S of Lot 10 Res 294.0 15.3 104.2 12 95.3 -699 5/28/13 S of Lot 10 Res 299.0 15.4 100.4 12 91.9 -700 5/28/13 S of Lot 9 Res 294.0 12.2 96.4 12 88.2
701 5/28/13 RETEST#700 294.0 12.9 99.7 12 91.2 -709 5/29/13 Lot 10 Res 306.5 14.3 103.2 2 97.1
710 5/29/13 Lot 9 Res 305.0 16.0 99.5 2 93.6 -711 5/29/13 1 to 1 slope RET Basin S of Lot 1 Res 290.0 16.1 99.6 2 93.7 -712 5/29/13 1 to 1 slope RET Basin S of Lot 1 Res 291.0 15.9 100.1 2 94.2
713 5/29/13 1 to 1 slope RET Basin S of Lot 1 Res 291.5 17.2 101.1 2 95.1 -714 5/30/13 Lot 10 Res 308.5 14.6 102.0 12 93.3
715 5/30/13 Lot 9 Res 307.5 14.1 101.1 12 92.5 -716 5/30/13 Street at Lot 52 Res 376.0 10.3 113.5 10 90.5 -717 5/30/13 Basin Lot 1 Res 292.0 8.9 116.9 5 90.1
718 5/30/13 Basin Lot 1 Res 292.0 9.1 118.0 5 90.9 -719 5/31/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 388.0 7.7 114.4 10 91.2
720 5/31/13 Street at Lot 52 Res 373.5 8.7 121.4 10 96.8 -721 5/31/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 391.0 10.1 114.7 10 91.5
722 5/31/13 Street at Lot 52 Res 364.0 7.7 119.2 10 95.1 -723 5/31/13 Lot 11 Res FG 312.5 13.1 103.3 12 94.5 -724 5/31/13 Lot 10 Res FG 310.1 16.2 103.1 12 94.3
725 5/31/13 Lot 12 Res FG 315.9 9.3 100.4 12 91.9 -726 5/31/13 Lot 9 Res FG 308.5 9.9 106.3 12 97.3
727 5/31/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 393.0 9.7 126.2 9 98.6 -728 5/31/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 395.0 9.5 123.0 9 96.1
729 5/31/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 397.0 7.7 124.5 9 97.3 -730 6/3/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 399.0 10.4 115.3 9 90.1 -731 6/3/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 400.0 7.9 125.2 9 97.8
733 6/3/13 Street east of Lot 52 Res 358.0 9.6 120.1 9 93.8 -734 6/3/13 Street east of Lot 52 Res 366.0 9.5 115.5 9 90.2 -735 6/4/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 403.0 7.8 121.3 9 94.8
736 6/4/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 406.0 7.2 123.2 9 96.3 -737 6/4/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 408.0 8.7 119.8 9 93.6
738 6/4/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 410.5 8.4 120.6 9 94.2 -739 6/4/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 412.5 8.9 124.7 9 97.4
740 6/5/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 414.5 9.0 123.9 9 96.8 -741 6/5/13 Lot 52 Slope Res 416.5 8.9 125.8 9 98.3 -742 6/5/13 Street at Lot 40 Res 361.0 8.3 114.9 9 89.8
743 6/5/13 RETEST#742 361.0 8.5 116.9 9 91.3 -744 6/5/13 Lot 37 slope test Res 383.0 5.7 121.7 9 95.1
745 6/5/13 Street at Lot 41 Res 363.0 10.4 117.8 9 92.0 -750 6/6/13 Lot 25 Res 363.0 9.4 120.8 9 94.4
751 6/7/13 Lot 27 Res 373.5 9.5 119.8 9 93.6 -752 6/7/13 Lot 58 Res 367.5 12.8 121.2 9 94.7 -753 6/7/13 Street at Lot 53 Res 370.0 7.8 116.7 9 91.2
.-FIGURE 8 -
754 6/7/13 Lot 58 Res 371.0 12.2 100.2 12 91.7 -762 6/10/13 Street at Lot 50 Res 374.5 12.0 120.4 12 110.2 -763 6/10/13 Street at Lot 39 Res 363.0 11.8 124.5 12 113.9
764 6/11/13 Street at Lot 27 Res 365.0 7.6 129.2 22 97.1 -765 6/11/13 Street at Lot 27 Res 366.0 8.2 126.1 22 94.8
766 6/11/13 Street at Lot 28 Res 367.0 9.9 117.5 9 88.3 -767 6/12/13 slope east of Lot 53 Res 374.5 10.0 128.6 22 93.7
768 6/12/13 Street at Lot 27 Res 369.0 9.0 123.7 22c 90.2 -769 6/12/13 Street at Lot 53 Res 366.5 8.9 130.2 22c 94.9 -770 6/12/13 Street at Lot 55 Res 366.0 9.2 128.7 22c 93.8
771 6/13/13 Street at Lot 56 Res 368.5 8.7 131.7 22d 95.0 -772 6/13/13 Street at Lot 55 Res 370.5 8.5 130.8 22d 94.4 -776 6/14/13 Street at Lot 54 Res 372.5 9.0 130.4 22d 94.1
777 6/14/13 Street at Lot 55 Res 374.0 10.7 133.7 22d 96.5 -778 6/17/13 S of Lot 10 slope test Res 285.0 12.3 105.3 92.9
779 6/17/13 S of Lot 9 slope test Res 298.0 13.6 100.0 12 91.5 .. 780 6/17/13 Street at Lot 57 Res 373.0 8.7 132.4 22d 95.5
783 6/17/13 Street at Lot 56 Res 374.0 9.0 130.3 22d 94.0 -785 6/18/13 Street at Lot 55 Res 375.5 8.9 129.7 22d 93.6 -788 6/19/13 Lot 52 Slope test Res 400.0 8.3 125.2 9 97.8
789 6/19/13 Street at Lot 57 Res 359.0 8.9 128.6 22c 93.7 -791 6/19/13 Street at Lot 44 Res 361.0 9.6 115.3 10 91.9
792 6/20/13 Street at Lot 43 Res 363.0 9.5 120.1 9 93.8 -793 6/20/13 Street at Lot 44 Res 365.0 10.6 122.5 9 95.7
800 6/21/13 Street at Lot 53 Res 378.0 8.0 131.4 22d 94.8 -802 6/24/13 Street at Lot 42 Res 358.5 8.5 130.4 22d 94.1 -803 6/24/13 Street at Lot 58 Res 350.0 8.7 130.0 22d 93.8
804 6/25/13 Street at Lot 58 Res 352.0 6.8+ 125.9 22d 90.8 -805 6/25/13 Street at Lot 58 Res 354.0 9.3 119.3 17b 91.8
806 6/25/13 Street at Lot 58 Res 356.0 8.4 120.5 17b 92.7 -811 6/26/13 Street at lot 57 Res 358.0 8.2 120.1 17b 92.4
812 6/26/13 -Street at lot 43 Res 364.0 7.2 126.1 17b 97.0
813 6/27/13 Street at lot 45 Res 363.5 9.0 122.5 17b 94.2 -TURN OVER DATE BETWEEN TPC AND WHITING TURNER #NIA
821 7/1/13 Lot 34 Res 369.5 9.4 119.7 17b 92.1 -824 7/2/13 W of Lot 25 Res 295.5 8.3 120.6 17b 92.8 -825 7/2/13 Lot 35 Res 369.0 6.1 115.1 17b 88.5
826 7/2/13 RETEST#825 369.0 8.7 118.0 17b 90.8 -827 7/2/13 Lot 34 Res 370.0 8.0 118.6 17b 91.2
828 7/3/13 Lot 34 Res 371.5 8.3 119.8 17b 92.2 -854 7/16/13 Street at Lot 25 Res 366.0 7.8 130.5 5d 95.6
855 7/16/13 Street at Lot 44 Res 367.5 7.7 130.2 5d 95.4 -856 7/16/13 Street at Lot 24 Res 369.0 9.9 126.8 5d 92.9 -857 7/16/13 Street at Lot 24 Res 368.0 8.9 127.2 5d 93.2
858 7/17/13 Street at Lot 58 Res 336.0 9.2 125.7 5d 92.1 -859 7/17/13 Street at Lot 26 Res 368.0 7.6 129.6 5d 94.9
861 7/17/13 Street at Lot 46 Res 369.5 8.0 128.0 5d 93.8 -862 7/18/13 Street at Lot 58 Res 365.0 6.6 124.3 5d 91.1 -863 7/18/13 Street at Lot 24 Res 368.5 7.0 123.5 5d 90.5
867 7/18/13 Slope at Lot 34 Res 372.0 8.9 126.3 5d 92.5 -868 7/18/13 Slope at Lot 34 Res 365.5 8.2 127.5 5d 93.4 -FIGURE 9 -
--JOB NAME: La Costa Square JOB NUMBER: 1211179 -:.::,,::-.:=;:::;:;:::. -IN .. P'-4'.CIIi • -TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. -NO. DATE LOCATION {feet,MSLl {eercentl {e.c.t.l TYPE {eercentl
869 7/18/13 Slope at Lot 34 Res 375.0 7.9 125.7 5d 92.1 -870 7/19/13 Slope at Lot 34 Res 370.0 8.5 127.3 5d 93.3
• 872 7/19/13 Slope at Lot 34 Res 374.0 7.8 126.8 5d 92.9
873 7/19/13 Slope at Lot 34 Res 375.0 9.1 127.4 5d 93.3 .. 875 7/22/13 Street at Lot 34 Res 366.0 8.7 135.0 5d 98.9
876 7/23/13 Street at Lot 44 Res 368.5 7.8 115.8 9 90.5 -877 7/23/13 Street at Lot 24 Res 366.8 8.9 119.5 9 93.4
881 7/24/13 Street at Lot 41 Res 370.0 5.7 126.8 5d 92.9 -882 7/24/13 Street at Lot 25 Res 369.5 6.8 127.3 5d 93.3
• 887 7/25/13 Street at Lot 25 Res 370.5 7.4 130.2 5d 95.4
888 7/25/13 Street at Lot 43 Res 371.0 7.2 128.7 5d 94.3 -890 7/26/13 Street at Lot 42 Res 371.0 7.0 122.4 Sc 90.8 -891 7/26/13 Street at Lot 37 Res 361.0 7.2 123.6 Sc 91.7
892 7/29/13 Sitio Lima by Lot 38 Res 362.5 9.7 129.4 5c 96.0 .. 893 7/29/13 Sitio Lima by Lot 36 Res 362.0 7.1 124.1 5c 92.1
898 7/30/13 Sitio Lima S of Lot 43 Res 372.0 6.6 117.9 5c 87.5 -899 7/30/13 RETEST#898 372.0 6.8 123.7 Sc 91.8
901 7/30/13 Sitio Lima S of Lot 28 Res 363.5 11.3 122.7 Sc 91.0 -902 7/30/13 Sitio Lima S of Lot 30 Res 364.0 6.8 122.9 Sc 91.2 -910 8/1/13 Sitio Lima Near Lor 26 Res 373.5 12.2 124.7 19a 93.1
911 8/1/13 Sitio Lima Near Lor 28 Res 369.5 9.3 126.2 19a 94.2 -913 8/1/13 Lots 51/52 Res 378.5 9.5 126.8 17f 93.8
914 8/1/13 Sitio Lima Near Lor 26 Res 374.5 11.6 127.7 17f 94.5 -915 8/1/13 Sitio Lima Near Lor 28 Res 370.0 10.7 125.3 17f 92.7
920 8/2/13 lot 52 res 381,0 8.7 127.9 22d 92.3 -921 8/2/13 lot 51 RES. 381.5 9.7 126.0 22d 90.9 -922 8/5/13 S side Sitio Lima Near Lot 30 Res 366.0 8.8 125.6 22b 92.5
923 8/5/13 S side Sitio Lima Near Lot 28 Res 366.5 7.6 125.2 22b 92.2 -924 8/5/13 S side Sitio Lima Near Lot 31 Res 368.5 9.2 123.0 22b 90.6
925 8/5/13 S side Sitio Lima Near Lot 27 Res 369.0 8.1 123.4 22b 90.9 -926 8/6/13 Lot50 Res 380.0 5.7 125.9 22b 92.7
927 8/6/13 Lot 50 Res 381.5 -6.8 124.5 22b 91.7
928 8/6/13 lot 51 RES. 382.0 4.3 120.1 22b 88.4 -929 8/6/13 RETEST#928 382.0 7.9 124.9 22b 92.0
930 8/7/13 Parkway near Lot 31/30 Res 369.0 9.1 129.5 22d 93.4 -931 8/7/13 Parkway near Lot 29/28 Res 369.0 8.5 127.4 22d 91.9 -932 817/13 Parkway near Lot 27/26 Res 373.5 11.3 128.4 22d 92.6
933 817/13 Parkway near Lot 31/30 Res 371.5 8.9 128.7 22d 92.9 -934 817/13 Lot49 Res 379.5 10.6 126.5 22d 91.3
935 8/8/13 Parkway near Lot 38 Res 360.0 9.2 128.2 22d 92.5 -936 8/8/13 Parkway near Lot 35 Res 361.0 10.0 130.7 22d 94.3
937 8/8/13 Lot49 Res 370.0 10.9 129.1 22d 93.1 -938 8/9/13 Lot48 Res 379.5 8.2 123.1 22d 88.8 -939 8/9/13 RETEST#938 379.5 10.5 129.8 22d 93.7
940 8/9/13 Lot47 Res 377.0 11.3 130.1 22d 93.9 -941 8/12/13 Sitio Lima Parkway Lot 36 Res 366.0 8.1 128.4 22d 92.6
942 8/12/13 Sitio Lima Parkway Lot 39 Res 368.5 9.8 130.7 22d 94.3 -943 8/12/13 Sitio Lima Parkway Lot 41 Res 371.0 7.3 127.3 22d 91.8
944 8/12/13 -Lot24 Res 374.5 12.1 107.8 3 90.4
945 8/12/13 Lot24 Res 376.5 11.3 108.2 3 90.8 -946 8/12/13 Lot47 Res 379.0 8.6 127.3 22d 91.8 -FIGURE 10 -
, ,,,,. . ·" -.... ,.~~ ., .......... ,_..,,,__
947 8/14/13 Lot 41 Res 376.0 13.6 102.9 1 90.8 -948 8/14/13 Lots 42/43 Res 376.0 9.0 126.5 22d 91.3 -949 8/14/13 Lots 39/40 Res 375.5 8.2 129.8 22d 93.7
950 8/14/13 Lots 37/38 Res 374.0 8.6 131.1 22d 94.6 -951 8/14/13 Lots 47/48 Res 381.0 16.1 104.6 92.3
952 8/15/13 Lot 57 Res 370.5 14.8 99.3 87.6 -953 8/15/13 RETEST#952 370.5 15.3 102.5 90.5
954 8/15/13 Lot 57 Res 373.0 14.2 103.1 91.0 -955 8/15/13 Lot 57 Res 376.0 15.9 104.4 92.1 -956 8/15/13 Lot47 Res 380.0 4.0 120.5 22d 86.9
957 8/15/13 RETEST#956 380.0 8.5 125.7 22d 90.7 -958 8/15/13 Lot 33 Res 366.5 15.1 105.2 1 92.9
959 8/15/13 Lot 33 Res 368.0 14.3 103.9 91.7 -964 8/19/13 Slope test west of Lot 57 Res 376.0 13.7 103.6 1 91.4 -965 8/19/13 Lot 57 Res FG 379.8 13.7 103.6 91.4
966 8/19/13 Lot 56 Res FG 380.7 14.3 105.3 92.9 -967 8/19/13 Lot 55 Res FG 381.5 14.0 105.6 93.2
968 8/19/13 Lot 54 Res FG 382.0 12.1 102.2 90.2 -969 8/19/13 Lot 53 Res FG 383.0 12.3 109.5 1 96.6 -970 8/19/13 Lot48 Res FG 382.0 12.9 102.1 1 90.1
971 8/19/13 Lot49 Res FG 382.5 13.9 103.0 1 90.9 -972 8/19/13 Lot 50 Res FG 383.0 12.8 105.4 1 93.0
973 8/19/13 Lot 51 Res FG 377.8 12.5 106.3 1 93.8 -974 8/19/13 Lot42 Res FG 377.8 11.3 109.8 1 96.9
975 8/19/13 Lot41 Res FG 377.1 11.5 103.4 91.3 -976 8/19/13 Lot40 Res FG 376.5 10.6 116.6 17a 90.6 -977 8/20/13 Lots 44/45 Res 376.5 4.1 120.3 22d 86.8
978 8/20/13 RETEST#977 376.5 9.6 126.4 22d 91.2 -979 8/20/13 Lot 52 Wall Backfill RES 380.0 8.6 121.9 22d 88.0
980 8/20/13 RETEST#979 380.0 9.1 125.7 22d 90.7 -981 8/20/13 Lot 52 Wall Backfill RES 382.0 14.0 104.7 92.4
982 8/20/13 Lot46 Res 377.0 11.8 129.6 22d 93.5 -985 8/21/13 Lot45 Res 377.5 10.6 127.3 22d 91.8 -986 8/21/13 Lot47 Res 379.5 9.4 128.7 22d 92.9
987 8/22/13 Lot 31 Res FG 373.5 11.8 107.6 1 95.0 -988 8/22/13 Lot 30 Res FG 374.5 12.4 108.7 1 95.9
989 8/22/13 -Lot 29 Res FG 375.0 11.9 106.2 1 93.7
990 8/22/13 Lot 28 Res FG 375.6 12.3 102.3 90.3 -991 8/22/13 Lot 27 Res FG 376.4 11.6 103.4 91.3
992 8/22/13 Lot 26 Res FG 377.0 12.1 107.2 94.6 -993 8/22/13 Lot 25 Res FG 377.6 10.8 102.4 1 90.4
994 8/22/13 Lot 24 Res FG 378.1 10.4 107.6 1 95.0 -996 8/23/13 Lot45 Res 378.5 8.5 120.6 18 95.0 -997 8/26/13 Lot 39 Res 375.0 12.4 110.3 1 97.4
998 8/26/13 Lots 37/36 Res 374.0 12.0 102.8 90.7 -999 8/26/13 Lots 34/33/Res 372.0 9.0 118.6 5 91.4
1000 8/27/13 Lot 38 Res FG 375.4 9.6 123.9 22a 92.2 -1001 8/27/13 Lot 39 Res FG 375.9 10.1 103.5 1 91.4
1002 8/27/13 Lot43 Res FG -378.5 9.7 118.8 104.9
1003 8/27/13 Lot44 Res FG 379.1 7.9 127.2 22b 93.7 -1004 8/27/13 Lot45 Res FG 379.7 7.8 121.3 20 92.0 -FIGURE 11 -
1005 8/27/13 Lot46 Res FG 380.5 11.5 124.6 20 94.5 -1006 8/27/13 Lot47 Res FG 381.2 7.2 136.0 22e 97.1 -1007 8/27/13 Lot 52 Res FG 383.2 12.3 105.1 1 92.8
1008 8/28/13 Lot 32 Res FG 373.0 14.6 102.0 90.0 -1009 8/28/13 Lot 34 Res 373.5 8.6 131.5 22d 94.9
1010 8/28/13 Lot 36 Res 374.0 68.0 122.3 22b 90.1 -1011 8/30/13 Lot 33 Res 370.0 6.6 126.4 22c 92.1
1012 8/30/13 Lot 33 Res 372.0 7.5 128.3 22c 93.5 -1014 8/30/13 Lot 37 Res FG 374.8 10.7 126.1 22c 91.9 -1015 8/30/13 Lot 36 Res FG 374.5 9.5 129.5 22c 94.4
1016 8/30/13 Lot 35 Res FG 373.6 11.9 127.8 22c 93.1 -1017 8/30/13 Lot 34 Res FG 373.6 11.6 131.4 22c 95.8
1018 8/30/13 Lot 33 Res FG 373.0 8.8 126.5 22c 92.2 -#N/A
WB24 3/1/13 wall 4 Sta 1+10 288.0 -8.5 121.6 15 91.6
WB25 3/1/13 Wall 4 Sta 1+35 288.0 9.1 123.0 15 92.7 -WB26 3/1/13 Wall 4 Sta 1 +66 288.0 9.0 120.6 15 90.9
WB27 3/1 /13 Wall 4 Sta 1+15 290.0 8.7 119.9 15 90.4 -WB28 3/1/13 Wall 4 Sta 1 +57 290.0 9.4 120.2 15 90.6 -WB29 3/4/13 Wall 4 Res Sta 1 +60 219.3 10.4 121.3 15 91.4
WB30 3/4/13 Wall 4 Res Sta 1 +25 293.3 9.9 125.3 15 94.4 -WB31 3/4/13 Wall 4 Res Sta 1 +50 293.3 9.4 119.5 15 90.1
WB32 3/4/13 Wall 3 Res Sta 1+10 290.3 10.0 122.1 15 92.0 -WB33 3/4/13 Wall 3 Res Sta 1+25 292.3 10.3 120.8 15 91.0
WB34 3/4/13 Wall 3 Res Sta 1 +50 294.0 9.7 120.0 15 90.4 -WB41 3/13/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 1 +40 294.0 10.1 122 15 91.9 -WB42 3/13/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 1 +90 294.0 11.0 114.5 15 86.3
WB43 3/13/13 RETESTWB42 294.0 10.9 119.6 15 90.1 -WB44 3/13/13 Anchor wall i; Res Sta 2+40 294.0 9.4 122.1 15 92.0
WB45 3/13/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+ 75 295.3 8.9 120.9 15 91.1 -WB46 3/13/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+35 295.3 10.4 119.8 15 90.3
WB47 3/14/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 1+30 296.7 11.8 121.4 15 91.5 -WB48 3/14/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 1 +80 296.7 12.3 119.9 15 90.4 -WB49 3/14/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+25 296.7 10.9 119.5 15 90.1
WB50 3/14/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+80 296.7 8.7 123.2 15 92.8 -WB51 3/15/13 Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 1 +90 373.0 12.5 124.2 15 93.6
WB52 3/15/13 -Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 2+30 375.0 9.9 121.0 15 91.2
WB53 3/15/13 Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 2+80 375.7 9.6 122.6 15 92.4 -WB54 3/18/13 Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 2+40 377.3 7.2 131.4 19f 92.2
WB55 3/18/13 Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 2+90 378.0 8.3 130.2 19f 91.4 -WB56 3/18/13 Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 3+05 380.0 8.8 129.9 19f 91.2
WB57 3/18/13 Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 3+55 380.0 9.4 129.1 19f 90.6 -WB58 3/19/13 Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 2+ 75 381.7 6.4 133.7 19f 93.8 -WB57a 3/19/13 Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 3+20 381.7 7.4 129.6 19f 90.9
WB58a 3/19/13 Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 2+55 383.0 7.3 130.2 19f 91.4 -WB59 3/19/13 Anchor wall 8 Res Sta 3+25 383.0 8.4 132.0 19f 92.6
WB60 3/20/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+80 298.0 12.3 123.3 15 92.9 -WB61 3/20/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+30 298.0 12.5 119.8 15 90.3
WB62 3/20/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 1 +80 298.0 11.6 124.1 15 93.5 -WB63 3/20/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 1 +30 298.0 11.9 120.7 15 91.0 -WB64 3/20/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 1 + 75 299.3 10.4 122.9 15 92.6
--FIGURE 12 -
--··· --,,,,,., ..
WB65 3/22/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+25 299.3 9.7 124.3 15 93.7 -WB66 3/22/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+ 75 299.3 8.6 122.2 15 92.1 -WB67 3/25/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 1 +50 300.7 8.6 119.9 15 90.4
WB68 3/25/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+00 300.7 9.0 123.5 15 93.1 -WB69 3/25/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+50 300.7 9.6 121.6 15 91.6
WB70 3/25/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 1 +65 302.0 8.1 122.1 15 92.0 -WB71 3/25/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+15 302.0 7.9 124.4 15 93.7
WB72 3/25/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 2+65 302.0 10.3 119.8 15 90.3 -WB77 3/26/13 Anchor wall 7 Res Sta 1 +08 364.7 7.2 114.8 15 86.5 -WB78 3/26/13 RETEST # WB77 364.7 8.6 122.4 15 92.2
WB79 3/26/13 Anchor wall 7 Res Sta 1 +15 366.7 8.2 121.6 15 91.6 -WB80 3/26/13 Anchor wall 7 Res Sta 1 +25 368.7 8.0 120.4 15 90.7
WB81 3/26/13 Anchor wall 7 Res Sta 1 +42 372.7 7.0 122.7 15 92.5 -WB82 3/26/13 Fill Above wall 5 Res below wall 6 Res 304.5 10.3 119.5 15 90.1 -WB83 3/26/13 Fill Above wall 5 Res below wall 6 Res 306.0 8.5 121.0 15 91.2
WB84 3/26/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 3+10 306.0 7.9 120.2 15 90.6 -WB85 3/26/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 3+25 308.0 9.6 124.7 15 94.0
WB86 3/26/13 Anchor wall 5 Res Sta 3+35 310.0 10.1 123.1 15 92.8 -WB88 3/27/13 Anchor Wall 7 Res Sta 1 +60 371.3 7.6 122.7 15 92.5 -WB89 3/27/13 Anchor Wall 7 Res Sta 1 +52 373.3 9.3 125.2 15 94.3
WB90 3/27/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 3+50 313.0 7.7 123.1 15 92.8 -WB91 3/27/13 Anchor Wall 7 Res Sta 1 +60 374.3 8.5 119.8 15 90.3
WB92 3/27/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 3+ 70 314.0 8.9 126.3 15 95.2 -WB93 3/27/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 3+90 316.0 9.4 122.7 15 92.5
WB94 3/27/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 4+05 318.0 10.3 120.4 15 90.7 -WB95 3/28/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 4+30 320.0 11.0 118.7 20 90.0 -WB96 3/28/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 4+55 322.0 9.7 119.2 20 90.4
WB97 3/28/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 4+60 324.0 9.9 120.4 20 91.3 -WB98 3/28/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 4+ 75 326.0 10.4 118.9 20 90.1
WB99 3/28/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 5+00 328.0 8.8 120.0 20 91.0 -WB100 3/28/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 5+25 330.0 8.5 119.5 20 90.6
WB101 3/29/13 -Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 5+30 332.0 8.7 121.6 20 92.2
WB102 3/29/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 5+55 334.0 9.9 120.7 20 91.5 -WB103 3/29/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 5+ 75 336.0 9.4 124.3 20 94.2
WB104 3/29/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 3+10 306.0 9.6 119.2 20 90.4 -WB105 3/29/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 3+15 307.3 8.2 119.4 20 90.5 -WB106 3/29/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 5+95 338.0 8.0 125.3 20 95.0
WB107 4/1/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 6+30 340.0 9.4 120.3 20 91.2 -WB108 4/1/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 6+50 342.0 9.7 119.0 20 90.2
WB109 4/1/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 6+ 75 344.0 11.1 123.6 20 93.7 .. WB110 4/1/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 7+00 346.0 10.8 122.8 20 93.1
WB111 4/2/13 Anchor Wall 5 Res Sta 7+05 348.0 10.3 123.8 20 93.9 -WB112 4/2/13 Anchor Wall 6 Res Sta 1 +20 303.3 9.7 120.4 20 91.3 -WB113 4/2/13 Anchor Wall 6 Res Sta 1 +35 305.3 9.0 119.5 20 90.6
WB114 4/2/13 Anchor Wall 6 Res Sta 1 +30 306.7 11.4 122.9 20 93.2 -WB115 4/2/13 Anchor Wall 6 Res Sta 2+05 308.0 10.5 122.3 20 92.7
WB116 4/2/13 Anchor Wall 6 Res Sta 1 + 75 309.3 8.9 120.7 20 91.5 -WB117 4/3/13 Anchor Wall 6 Res Sta 1 +25 307.8 12.2 123.8 20 93.9 -WB118 4/3/13 Anchor Wall 6 Res Sta 1 + 70 311.3 10.7 120.5 20 91.4
WB119 4/3/13 Anchor Wall 6 Res Sta 2+25 311.3 11.8 122.6 20 92.9 -WB120 4/4/13 Anchor Wall 6 Res Sta 1 +80 313.3 11.5 119.4 20 90.5 -FIGURE 13 -
" ~'' ···~· -·""
WB121 4/4/13 Anchor Wall 6 Res Sta 2+30 313.3 10.6 122.8 20 93.1 -WB295 5/16/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 3+ 15 279.7 13.2 115.7 18 91.1 -WB296 5/16/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 2+85 280.3 11.6 114.3 18 90.0
WB297 5/17/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 2+ 70 282.0 11.4 115.8 18 91.2 -WB298 5/17/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 2+35 283.7 10.6 116.4 18 91.7
WB299 5/17/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 2+60 283.7 11.2 114.9 18 90.5 -WB300 5/17/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 2+15 285.7 12.6 116.3 18 91.6
WB301 5/17/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 2+45 285.7 11.0 115.6 18 91.0 -WB302 5/20/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 2+00 287.7 12.7 115.7 18 91.1 -WB303 5/20/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 2+30 287.7 11.0 114.9 18 90.5
WB304 5/20/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 1 +80 289.7 11.4 117.4 18 92.4 -WB305 5/20/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 2+20 289.7 10.5 115.6 18 91.0
WB306 5/21/13 Anchor Wall 8 Comm Sta 1 +15 291.7 9.7 116.4 18 91.7 -WB307 5/21/13 Anchor Wall 8 Comm Sta 1 +30 293.7 9.9 114.8 18 90.4
WB308 5/21/13 Anchor Wall 8 Comm Sta 1 +35 295.7 10.3 117.9 18 92.8 -WB309 5/21/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 1 + 15 291.7 10.0 117.4 18 92.4 -WB310 5/21/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 1 +65 291.7 11.5 115.2 18 90.7
WB311 5/21/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 2+00 291.7 9.8 116.1 18 91.4 -WB312 5/21/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 1 +50 293.7 9.3 119.5 18 94.1
WB313 5/21/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 1 +90 293.7 11.4 120.4 18 94.8 -WB314 5/21/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 1 +25 295.7 12.6 117.7 18 92.7
WB315 5/21/13 Anchor Wall 2 Res Sta 1 + 70 295.7 11.3 119.3 18 93.9 -------------------FIGURE 14
--JOB NAME: La Costa Town Square-Residential JOB NUMBER: 1211179-37 -MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY DETERMINATIONS -MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE SUMMARY (ASTM D1557) -Soil Maximum Optimum -.hi!! Soil Description Density. pcf Moisture, 06
1 Tan Fine clayey Sand 113.3 14.5 -2 Tan Very Fine Clayey Sand 106.3 14.7
3 Brown Clayey Sand 119.2 9.7 -4 Greenish/ White Silty Clay 113.0 13.9
5 Brown Clayey Sand with Rock 129.8 9.1 -5A Rock Correction-5% 131.4 8.7 -5B Rock Correction-10% 133.1 8.3
5C Rock Correction-15% 134.8 7.9 -5D Rock Correction-20% 136.5 7.5
5E Rock Correction-25% 138.3 7.1 • 5F Rock Correction-30% 140.1 6.7
6 Light Brown Clayey Sand 113.7 15.8 -7 Brown Silty Sand with Trace Clay 121.9 12.4
• 8 Yellow Clayey Sand with Rock 123.8 12.5
9 Tan/Brown Clayey Sand with Rock 128.0 9.1 -10 Red/Tan Silty Sand with Gravel 125.4 8.1
• 11 White Silty Sand (Import) 127.2 10.4
12 White Silty Sand 109.3 15.5 -13 3" Screen Select Cut 117.0 15.0
13A Rock Correction-5% 118.4 14.3 -13B Rock Correction-10% 119.9 13.6
13C Rock Correction-15% 121.4 12.9 -13D Rock Correction-20% 122.9 12.3 -13E Rock Correction-25% 124.5 11.6
13F Rock Correction-30% 126.1 10.9 -14 Red/Brown Silty Sand with Rock 119.8 14.0
14A Rock Correction-5% 121.1 13.4 -14B Rock Correction-10% 122.5 12.7
14C Rock Correction-15% 123.8 12.1 -14D Rock Correction-20% 125.3 11.5 -14E Rock Correction-25% 126.7 10.8
14F Rock Correction-27% 127.3 10.6 -15 Brown 1" Screen 132.7 8.7
16 Green Clayey Sand 109.7 20.2 -17 3" Screen Select 127.5 10.2
17A Rock Correction-5% 128.7 9.8 -Rock Correction-10% 9.3 17B 130.0 -17C Rock Correction-15% 131.2 8.9
17D Rock Correction-20% 132.5 8.4 -17E Rock Correction-25% 133.9 8.0 -17F Rock Correction-30% 135.2 7.5
18 1" Screen Select 127.0 10.0 -19 Crush Misc 1"-3/8" 132.8 8.0
19A Rock Correction-5% 134.0 7.7 • 19B Rock Correction-10% 135.3 7.3
19C Rock Correction-15% 136.6 7.0 -19D Rock Correction-20% 137.9 6.7 -19E Rock Correction-25% 139.2 6.3
19F Rock Correction-37% 142.5 5.5 .. 20 1" Screen Select Wall 131.9 8.4
21 Brown Clayey Sand 116.2 8.5 -22 3" Manufactured Capping Material 133.0 10.5 -FIGURE 15
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