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2012-01-18; Planning Commission; ; CDP 11-17 - ESPOSITO RESIDENCE
The City of CARLSBAD Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Single Family Coastal Development Pennit Item No. 2 Application complete date: September 28, 2011 P.C. AGENDA OF: January 18,2012 Project Planner: Chris Garcia Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham SUBJECT: CDP 11-17 - ESPOSITO RESIDENCE - Request for the approval of a Coastal Development Permit to allow for the construction of a new 5,379 square foot, two-story, single-family residence with attached 651 square foot three-car garage on an undeveloped 0.19 acre lot located on the south side of Triton Street west of Black Rail Road, within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and within Local Facilities Management Zone 20. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6856 APPROVING Coastal Development Permit CDP 11-17 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. IL INTRODUCTION Pursuant to Section 21.201.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the construction of a single- family dwelling unit within the city's Coastal Zone requires the processing and approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP). The CDP application was reviewed for consistency with Local Coastal Program (LCP) policies and implementation plan standards. The project is not located within the Appeals Jurisdiction of the coastal zone; therefore, the Planning Commission's decision on the CDP cannot be appealed to the Califomia Coastal Commission. There are no unresolved issues. The staff recommendation for approval with conditions is supported by the analysis as follows. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The proposed project consists of a request for a Coastal Development Permit to construct a new 5,379 square foot, two-story, single-family dwelling unit with an attached 651 square foot three- car garage on an undeveloped 8,350 square foot lot (0.19 net acres) located on the south side of Triton Street west of Black Rail Road. Proiect Site/Setting: The site consists of a previously disturbed vacant infill lot located as shown on the attached location map. The lot was created by the Rhodes Minor Subdivision, MS 08- 02/CDP 08-06, and has an approved grading permit consistent with that approval. However, the lot has yet to be graded. The lot area is .19 acres (8,350 square feet), does not support any native vegetation, and is located outside the appeals jurisdiction of the Califomia Coastal Commission. CDP 11-17 - ESPOSITO RESIDENCE January 18,2012 Page 2 The property is bordered by single-family residences to the north, east and west, and an undeveloped lot to the south. Proposed Constmction: The applicant is proposing to constmct a new 5,379 square foot, two- story, single-family dwelling unit, with an attached 651 square-foot three-car garage and another 600 square feet of decks. The two-story dwelling has a basement level fully exposed on the west side and a proposed maximum height of 30 feet. There is however a tower element on the southwest comer of the house that has a maximum height of 34/2 feet. The tower does not include any additional floor space and therefore is allowed as an over-height architectural feature pursuant to Section 21.46.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC). The project's architectural style will represent a Califomia Craftsman with Cape Cod detailing and features multiple planes provided by decks and balconies on each floor. The architectural materials include slate grey fiber cement siding with coastal beach rock on the bottom third of the first story and cement grey tile roof shingles on a pitched roof with projective eaves. Proposed Grading: It has been determined that only minimal grading is required to prepare the site for the home, therefore, the City Engineer has determined that a minor grading permit will be required. A minor grading plan will be submitted with the building plan check. Impact on Coastal Resources: The proposal comprises the development of a two-story, single- family residence on a previously disturbed vacant infill lot in an area that is currentiy developed with a single-family homes; no agricultural activities, sensitive resources, geological instability, flood hazard or coastal access opportunities exists onsite; and the development does not obstmct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public rights-of-way or otherwise damage the visual beauty of the coastal zone. IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following ordinances, standards, and policies: A. Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) General Plan Land Use designation; B. One-Family Residential, Qualified Development Overlay Zone (R-l-Q, CMC Chapter 21.06 and 21.10); C. Coastal Development Regulations for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201) and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203) D. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85); and E. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90) and Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. CDP 11-17 - ESPOSITO RESIDENCE January 18,2012 Page 3 A. Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) General Plan Land Use The project site has a Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) General Plan Land Use designation. The RLM Land Use designation allows the development of one-family dwellings at a density of 0-4 dwelling units per acre with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 3.2 dwelling units per acre. The project's density was previously evaluated at the subdivision level (Rhodes Minor Subdivision - MS 08-02/CDP 08-06) to have a density of 4.67 dwelling units per acre which is above the maximum range of the General Plan Land Use designation. However, there is a provision within the Land Use Element of the Carlsbad General Plan which specifies, "There are exceptional cases where the base zone is consistent with the land use designation but would permit a slightly higher yield than that recommended in the low and low- medium density residential classifications. In those exceptional cases, the City may find that the project is consistent with this element if: a) the project is compatible with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs expressed herein, b) all of the necessary infrastmcture is in place to support the project, and c) the proposed density does not exceed the maximum density allowed at the top of the range by more than an additional 25%." B. One-Family Residential, Qualified Development Overlay Zone (R-1, CMC Chapters 21.06 and 21.10) The project is required to comply with all applicable regulations and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) including the One-Family Residential (R-1) zone and the Qualified Development Overlay Zone (Q). The proposed project meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of the R-1 -Q zone as demonstrated in Table A below. TAB ^LE A - R-l-Q ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED COMPLY Front Yard Setback 20' minimum 20' Yes Side Yard Setback 9.3' minimum 9.3' Yes Rear Yard Setback 18.6' minimum 18.6' Yes Lot Coverage 40% maximum 32.2% Yes Max Building Height 30' maximum with > 3:12 roof pitch or 24' maximum with < 3:12 roof pitch 29.66' with 3:12 roof pitch Yes Parking Two-car garage Three-car garage Yes Per CMC Chapter 21.06.040, one single-family residential stmcture may be constmcted on any residentially zoned lot and is not subject to the Site Development Plan requirement of the Qualified Development Overlay Zone. C. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201) and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203) The project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) and is not in the appeal jurisdiction. The site is also located within the Coastal Resource Protection CDP 11-17 - ESPOSITO RESIDENCE January 18,2012 Page 4 Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203). The project's compliance with each of these programs and ordinances is discussed below. 1. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program The project consists of the constmction of a new 5,379 square-foot, single-family residence on a lot designated as Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM), by the Mello II Land Use Plan. The proposed project is consistent with the RLM Land Use designation as discussed in Section "A" above. The proposed two-story residence will be compatible with surrounding one and two-story single-family residences and will not obstmct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or the public right-of-way, nor otherwise damage the visual beauty of the coastal zone. No agricultural uses currently exist on the site, nor are there any sensitive resources located on the property. In addition, the proposed single-family residence is not located in an area of known geologic instability or flood hazards. Since the site does not have frontage along the coastline, no public opportunities for coastal shoreline access are available from the subject site. Furthermore, the residentially-designated site is not suited for water-oriented recreation activities. 2. Coastal Resource Protection Overlav Zone The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203) in that the project will adhere to the City's Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) and Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) to avoid increased urban mn-off, pollutants and soil erosion. No natural steep slopes (> 25% gradient) or native vegetation is located on the subject property. In addition, the site is not located in an area prone to landslides, or susceptible to accelerated erosion, floods or liquefaction. D. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance With this residential development of less than seven (7) units, the inclusionary housing requirement may be satisfied through the payment of an inclusionary housing in-lieu fee. The project has been conditioned to pay this fee prior to the issuance of a building permit. E. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 20 in the southwest quadrant of the City and is subject to the provisions of the Growth Management Ordinance, as contained in Chapter 21.90 of the Zoning Ordinance. There are no special conditions or requirements within the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan that apply to this single- family residential project. However, the project is conditioned to pay the appropriate public facility fees, water, and sewer connection fees, traffic impact fees, and school fees. All facility improvements necessary to accommodate the development will be in place prior to, or concurrent with development. Therefore, the project is consistent with the Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan. The constmction of a new single-family residence will not have any adverse impacts on public facilities. The project's conformance with the requirements of the Growth Management regulations is detailed in Table B below. CDP 11-17 - ESPOSITO RESIDENCE January 18,2012 Page 5 TABLE B - GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS/STANDARDS COMPLY City Administration 3.4767 sq. ft. Yes Library 1.854 sq. ft. Yes Waste Water Treatment 1 EDU Yes Park .006953 acre Yes Drainage 1 CFS/Drainage Basin "D" Yes Circulation 10 ADT Yes Open Space N/A Yes Fire Station No. 2 Yes School Districts (Carlsbad Unified) Elementary = 0.3400 Middle School = 0.1184 High School = 0.1032 Yes Sewer (Carlsbad) 1 EDU Yes Water (Carlsbad) 220 GPD Yes The two lot subdivision processed under MS 08-02/SDP 08-06 was found to be .66 units above the Growth Management unit yield for this RLM designated property. Consistent with the General Plan and Policy No. 43, .66 DUs have already been withdrawn from the City's excess dwelling unit bank for this site. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment. Therefore, the project is categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the following Section of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines: Section 15303(a) "New Constmction or Conversion of Small Stmctures" of CEQA exemptions (Class 3) exempts the constmction of a single-family residence in a residential zone from environmental review. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon project approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6856 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Form 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 6. Reduced Exhibits 7. Exhibits "A" - "L" dated January 18, 2012 SITE MAP NOT TO SCALE Esposito Residence CDP 11-17 4^ DISCLOSURE Development Services %.^)^^ STATEMENT Planning Division ^ CITY OF p *1/A\ 1635 Faraday Avenue r^ARI SRAD (760)602-4610 V-./^l\l_jDr\L/ www.carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note;:^- ' • ,;|||^ • :- ja^^:0l^g.. ' III Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, corpartnership, joint vehture. fassociation, social dub, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, tmst, receiver.lsyndicate, in this and any other county, cityliand'county, city municipality, district or other political sutKlivision or any other grouper combination actirigiias a'uhit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity i;6f the applicant and property owner must be provided below 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person JOSEPH ESPOSITO Corp/Part Title Title 1666 HARRIER CT Address CARLSBAD. CA 92 011 Address 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% ofthe shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) SAN DIEGODESIGN Person Corp/Part DEVELOPMrnNT SERVICE LLC Title Title Address Address 53 8 E*EtONT ST EL CAJON CA 92020 P-1 (A) Page 1 of 2 Revised 07/10 C: C NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director ofthe non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary ofthe. Non Profit/Trust Non Profit/Trust Title Title Address Address 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? I I Yes _X_ No If yes, please indicate person(s):_ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. certify/Jl3t all the above infomnation is true and con^ect to theiiest of my knowledge. Sidrtature of owner/date Print or type name fcf owner Signature of owner/applicanf s agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CDP 11-17 CASE NAME: ESPOSITO RESIDENCE APPLICANT: Joseph Esposito REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for the approval of a Coastal Development Permit to allow for the construction of a new 5.379 square foot, two-story, single-family residence with attached 651 square foot three-car garage on an undeveloped 0.19 acre lot located on the south side of Triton Street west of Black Rail Road, within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and within Local Facilities Management Zone 20. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 20880. in the City of Carlsbad. Countv of San Diego. State of Califomia. according to Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, April 26, 2011 APN: 215-070-51-00 Acres: T9 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: 1 GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: Residential Low-Medium (RLM) Proposed Land Use Designation: N/A Density Allowed: 0-4 du/ac Density Proposed: 4.67 du/ac Existing Zone: R-l-Q Proposed Zone: N/A Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site R-l-Q RLM Vacant North R-1 RLM Single-Family Residential South R-l-Q RLM Vacant, Single-Family Residential East R-l-Q RLM Single-Family Residential West L-C RLM Single-Family Residential LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: Yes D No Local Coastal Program Segment: Mello II Within Appeal Jurisdiction: Q Yes ^ No Coastal Development Permit: ^ Yes Q No Local Coastal Program Amendment: Q Yes No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: RLM Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: N/A Existing LCP Zone: R-1-0 Proposed LCP Zone: N/A Revised 01/06 PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 3 Categorical Exemption, 15303(a) New construction of a single-family residence in a residential zone. I I Negative Declaration, issued I I Certified Enviroimiental Impact Report, dated_ • Other, Revised 01/06 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Esposito Residence - CDP 11-17 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 20 GENERAL PLAN: RLM ZONING: R-l-O DEVELOPER'S NAME: Joseph Esposito ADDRESS: 538 Front Sheet, El Cajon. CA 92020 PHONE NO.: 858-688-1219 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 215-070-51-00 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC, SQ. FT., DU): .19 Acres ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: Late 2012/Early 2013 A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = 3.4767 B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = 1.8542 C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 1 EDU D. Park: Demand in Acreage .006953 E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = 1.0 Identify Drainage Basin = D_ (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = 10_ (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 2_ H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = N/A I. Schools: Elementary School = 0.3400 Middle School = 0.1184 High School = 0.1032 (Demands to be determined by staff) Sewer: Demands in EDU 1 Identify Sub Basin = N/A (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) K. Water: Demand in GPD = 220 L. The project is .66 units above the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. Units were withdrawn from the excess dwelling unit bank with the subdivision. ESPOSITO RESIDENCE CDP 11 - 17 JO* w at nosr OMB t eurnn '^laSJ. SKXtaur t tasi cum t euTWR' Eisj. a' smi TYPICAL SmETSECTlON-EXBr.THTON ROAD « -MKAOWM HC BF -aWDtTFlMI n mtSCRStCOHB or -KHOmiK ar -aonat cr MU m am -coNorm / turn ca -H MCRIH CR MRTHHC a -cawnx norm soul CO -CUAHaiT ± cr -caac mos p 0 PCC FOIMAM) OMJITCaiC c -asrarcAsiHB /r pmnsacm otma a -m PCSTMKAm ttUlf a -fdSHWOMOf PHOP. fnPOSED a OFmiKH nc parmm atom B> -axE cr PAtoofT It luaus EL /oesT - BBsme fS) mcratut 0 -rmcmmtms K/W aofTOFMy mc -fKSXPMMHTOm SD siamo/bv/ FF -FMSheDFUKR Sf FC FMatcKtac ssoRsm - Fl -Fierue sm FS Fts sBmt/sufnr It nr OF ofB CM IF arcrmwie fir -IC icFcrajPB ar -np HKH CeiSTYPaiETHJtlX rv m nrcFmuL VICINITY MAP NOT 70 SCAil BnUHDW ¥ALL aPlIM*"^' mUS HOT lOCAKD >MV X FOOrfmi CT W£ MM JOTAL mUBT CFITTAMK mUS 4 lOTAL loiem CF mame mtus m FT lUMUl IBOIT CF KlAtmC mUS 5 FT mSIDUXT: ACOFES& isas Btm smn cmsana c* timi Atxjo: nm »c ^jso SF) oasjMi'HKFaaB iOE n-r-o eOtRAL FtM LM) UST BCSKHAJat KM ExsiHVtmposB) UM) use- sma£FAm.rmm OMMG COiBUe£ tut SOFT Jt22» PEPcar OFSiE lOBE lAMsamt jsx Ma CF PAMHC mas mxMBt / M CF piviate sPMts PKOtuea J /scams fpot CCWTT or SUM acea OFPl. OF PVBUC HMtS REPORT SMIOS-Ot, PBfflHB TOPOCTAPHT'i Topoaumtai THCS F\MS SMtta tm MBBESBOBS PABCKL WO. LBQAL IMPCIUPBOIIi fwxa I Cf PARCEL lupxaao fUtniC UnLTOKS AHD eASMcaavK FKPRomUKN mvauiw SHom lacH eofcna TO arr OF OUiSSAO cMiSBM ami SCHOOL oenKT CM^AD mmavi. mia OSVKT atr OF CARLSBAD ®H1ICAWS EASOOT CRAlim m PAROL 4 OF PARCa HAP It4ll FORUAKTAtmK ifW fWOSES PER MSmMBIT RECOOV STUMER U MffASftEm xxff-miisH ax. REcana MiuARr n leot AS Msnugtn looA-ocBtm ©(KXAirS AR fjWtRT FOR HOSS AH> CtXS ma JHAJ poRrm OF PAROL s OF RAtKEi MAfi m mn n KorroF CAnSRAD , OOMTt OF SMi BtSO, STATE CF CAITOIHA. AccoRcne ns IAAP THOEOF FUD m THE OFTKE cr THE coofrr REcaoR OF SAH OEOO caunr. j/murrtx toot sum Am OEiMAlcJi OH SAt) HAP AS mtxEss-caess EAsaetr TO ite arr CF CARLSRAO AM AS CRARTEB er BEEB RECCRBEB APRI MTK XXH. AS HSBXMNT 1004-aJ77aK flX eoDM mam rwmoM SUMMAXT URST FLOOR - m7SF SECaO flOOR - LUI SF aASCMEMT - f,B7* J TOTAL umC -UTtSF CUT (10 FMSH SURFACQ: iOO Cf Fli (10 FMSH SURFACE): !00 Cf EJPORIf 0 FIX SPFtKBS ARE REOUfB JWlNfflffiNS ConaULlAHTB 9Sn GROSSMOST SUMMIT DRIVE LA MESA, CALIFORNIA 919-11 PH:(619} 7*l-94Sa FAX:/6I9I 664-4201 X MNN ^R.t£. 90M0 FKAL . Il-t-n mow» if-or-ii «ic9w* ii-tr-ti 1: W-H-tl ISSUE DAIL- S-H-ll SHEET VTIE: imJE SHEET C-1 SHEET VTIE: imJE SHEET SHEET 1 Of 3 ! i slip ! I ^ BfSINOe rAWLY RESIDENCE Fr.375.5± APN 218-070-40 PARCEL 2 PU 19411 ESPOSITO RESlbENCE CDP 11 - 17 a SNCLE FAUIL Y RESIDENCE L APN 218-070-42 PARCEL 4 PU mil /ML It-l-tl RTHsmi a~3~ii RFHsm * it-ir-ii REyem i: io-j§-ir tsstr OAJE- a-M-tr SHEET VJl£: CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN C-2 SHEET VJl£: CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN SHEET 2 or 3 ESPOSITO RESIDENCE CDP 11 - 17 375 360 355 -JM: I wfj ar ^vTjf lur jut 1 tir >»• t as 1 iw i t sit +-+- i jjO , 1, • • 5 J 1 5 3B5 -_~Z \ CUmmi CF HAIF HElOa (rmwr MU - Ja« - * BASEMEm" JZ5 370 J65 360 355 BJRE3 DEPTH SUUtURY EX PAD aiVAIWN = J65.50 PffOPOSED BASEMNTflOOR ElIVAWN = XI.OO OHM - BASEUENT FlOOR = 8.83 FT 1/2 mmK mi mnr = 4.42 FT t/2 IHTEJSQR mi HEKHr ELEVAIKN 442 + JBt.OO = X5.42 365.42 < 365.50 IHEFEHXE OIGf HAlf M UTOm mi IS BELOW Tie EX PAD DIVAmiN AHD aOOR a/AlfflES AS A BASaeNT SECTION A-A INnRHM amaULTAHTB 9517 UH(>.S!Mom-SL!M.\iIT IJ, Ijt MESA. CAUFORNIA 0IV4I PH:tai9) 741-9416 FA.\: (6I9) ',64-4291 FMAL- ll-f-H RElASKXi 1t-a~U fPtOCH I: IO-Ef~n ssx OAO} B-m-n SHEET TITLE; CONCEPTUAL GRACMNQ PLAN C-3 SHEET 3 OE 3 CDP 11-17 TRITON WAY HOUSE NEW RESIDENCE DRAWING SYMBOLS PROJECT DATA GENERAL NOTES SHEET INDEX [uwiKM stwa mceQ DOOR MMK O ICHLSnaWlL lOCaES UUHS aECTDN CGMCKIE ftltmuir tCCATES CCML Q nOMUM WIUIKM ^^^^H OHD UK MOCKRH Q HKMQ MXM RMH MWt • DHEHSNM TO RCE OF HUD )^ MDOffa cwMa EmMNH O BMWw T6 ctMEB ue 1 •OCOES W«W WW • IDOMiS tOtm UK %_ •ocMis raoPERrr uc —t owot JOE Evoano saa Roir sr. STE MOMS 00000 IMION WtT CNUWDt «. noil IBM. DOOVIDL: MCa - 1 PM 1MII KEOOD MUWT 34^004 n FU wwaER lODt-ooBBiixnr or cwuexa M nc COUKIY OF SUN OGOOl SDOE OF CIWMW. uSAtm TO IW OFFEM. RAT. w MSEsacR HOJ ns-OTO-ai-oo EWMB MO UK: SMU FMM.V K8DDII1N. noKflED um UK: SMSUmwrKML Exsme zoMMBc snt PROPaaBi aMn VR SRB> ME not .11 A0S3 - UM SF. m FLOOR HStt IJS7 W. ITOL -» 5««E 01- »10 SF •m Fum Mb (.aaa IF. TOIN. f'OMMt NCK - Ml V - SF KSSM DEKMPnM SMOU FMKT «EinOIM 6 BOH cgwnumcM nre w OOOVMBMENCn OIT DF CNUM aUUWS HEHHT: 3tf NUUCR OF STONES: 1W) 1^ mCNr DCCUMNCr TWE: R3 ML OF occunwft a PEOPIE t. IHEX OKHMOi MO COnEI 1HEHEDF MC l£OM. MSmJKNTS CF SERKX FDR TW USE OF THE OWMEII MO WIHOalED MEKIS. OH IHE DEMNOED PIOKRrr ()M.Y. 2. Nl IRNO Smi « MVDinf RM KMOMCnSE OF KIAINE WUMWBM GONHMED H TICSE DDCUCNIS MO IME OOMOnnHS UOR MCH IHET ML K E»1EIED ID KSFOML 3. WEHHM. SMOa NO OONU Smi K VDVa PMR TO awMDCEioff OF GonnucnDN. npoi. DEDKS wm. mv MBE SKOFB OEDU ^ SDIMq ME NOT SKH. 4. DEMMOtS FROH 1ICSE DODUMMn NECESSmOED n FEIO CCMmaM SHML BE BROUMT TO THE aiBHUI OF UC MCMTECT 3. Ml CONSnicHON 9IM1 CCMFMM NTH IHE CUHCNr BUUMB raDOMOMl UWS MO tllUIHKU OF 1HE MEHCKS HMNO t. 00 MOT SPUE OWIICS. KfOPE CWROICWO CttWRUCnOM. CCNnWCTOR SWa «BFr AU DHEH9DS. HOTFT THE PROJECT MKHIECT RKDWBy F THERE B A GOMFUCT MIH MEmcnNB nc FUNS. 7. TIC Oiomi. HECHMKM, SmUCIUML MO PUMBM ORMMDS MC SUPPlBChwr TO TW wnM ORMMOS. MOUU TWK SE Mff OaOCBMCT KIWaTHE VWWIUS OHMWOl IT SWU BE WBUBHngJIC MTEMIM OF TIC PROJBT MMIGCI FOR a. THE ODEML DOHTMCnR SIWll OODRDMVE WIH THE OMERS REFKSDmmE FOR IPECW. MWUFHCniM EOUneiT HOT MMH M THESE BHmm. THE OONIMCIDR »W1 WIVT EOUPkENT LOCmnS inH THE OHCn ICrKBEmnK MO/OR BWFWNT nWM TO POMIB TW BUI FDR PROPER SOE MO LOQOION OF FaUWMHM BEHmiJIII. ORNML MO WRPS. THE OOMniKmR JHU. OMSUr ne afCTRHl. <IW fUWM DMMNOi FOI UOnOM OF Ml SIBICS THKUDH WU. MO FLOOR auB. 10. IBCBIMCOUS SUUMBS MC HOT FMT OF THB FROME (KiCj. A-1 - TITLE SHEET A-2 - 9TE PIAN A-3 - GENBWL NOTES A-4 - GENEIWL NOTES A-5 - BASEUENT PLAN A-6 - 1ST FUJOR PLAN A-7 - 2ND FLOOR PUN A-8 - ROOT PIAN A-9 - ELEVATION A-10 - ELEVATION A-11- SECTION - A ABBREVIATIONS owot JOE Evoano saa Roir sr. STE MOMS 00000 IMION WtT CNUWDt «. noil IBM. DOOVIDL: MCa - 1 PM 1MII KEOOD MUWT 34^004 n FU wwaER lODt-ooBBiixnr or cwuexa M nc COUKIY OF SUN OGOOl SDOE OF CIWMW. uSAtm TO IW OFFEM. RAT. w MSEsacR HOJ ns-OTO-ai-oo EWMB MO UK: SMU FMM.V K8DDII1N. noKflED um UK: SMSUmwrKML Exsme zoMMBc snt PROPaaBi aMn VR SRB> ME not .11 A0S3 - UM SF. m FLOOR HStt IJS7 W. ITOL -» 5««E 01- »10 SF •m Fum Mb (.aaa IF. TOIN. f'OMMt NCK - Ml V - SF KSSM DEKMPnM SMOU FMKT «EinOIM 6 BOH cgwnumcM nre w OOOVMBMENCn OIT DF CNUM aUUWS HEHHT: 3tf NUUCR OF STONES: 1W) 1^ mCNr DCCUMNCr TWE: R3 ML OF occunwft a PEOPIE t. IHEX OKHMOi MO COnEI 1HEHEDF MC l£OM. MSmJKNTS CF SERKX FDR TW USE OF THE OWMEII MO WIHOalED MEKIS. OH IHE DEMNOED PIOKRrr ()M.Y. 2. Nl IRNO Smi « MVDinf RM KMOMCnSE OF KIAINE WUMWBM GONHMED H TICSE DDCUCNIS MO IME OOMOnnHS UOR MCH IHET ML K E»1EIED ID KSFOML 3. WEHHM. SMOa NO OONU Smi K VDVa PMR TO awMDCEioff OF GonnucnDN. npoi. DEDKS wm. mv MBE SKOFB OEDU ^ SDIMq ME NOT SKH. 4. DEMMOtS FROH 1ICSE DODUMMn NECESSmOED n FEIO CCMmaM SHML BE BROUMT TO THE aiBHUI OF UC MCMTECT 3. Ml CONSnicHON 9IM1 CCMFMM NTH IHE CUHCNr BUUMB raDOMOMl UWS MO tllUIHKU OF 1HE MEHCKS HMNO t. 00 MOT SPUE OWIICS. KfOPE CWROICWO CttWRUCnOM. CCNnWCTOR SWa «BFr AU DHEH9DS. HOTFT THE PROJECT MKHIECT RKDWBy F THERE B A GOMFUCT MIH MEmcnNB nc FUNS. 7. TIC Oiomi. HECHMKM, SmUCIUML MO PUMBM ORMMDS MC SUPPlBChwr TO TW wnM ORMMOS. MOUU TWK SE Mff OaOCBMCT KIWaTHE VWWIUS OHMWOl IT SWU BE WBUBHngJIC MTEMIM OF TIC PROJBT MMIGCI FOR a. THE ODEML DOHTMCnR SIWll OODRDMVE WIH THE OMERS REFKSDmmE FOR IPECW. MWUFHCniM EOUneiT HOT MMH M THESE BHmm. THE OONIMCIDR »W1 WIVT EOUPkENT LOCmnS inH THE OHCn ICrKBEmnK MO/OR BWFWNT nWM TO POMIB TW BUI FDR PROPER SOE MO LOQOION OF FaUWMHM BEHmiJIII. ORNML MO WRPS. THE OOMniKmR JHU. OMSUr ne afCTRHl. <IW fUWM DMMNOi FOI UOnOM OF Ml SIBICS THKUDH WU. MO FLOOR auB. 10. IBCBIMCOUS SUUMBS MC HOT FMT OF THB FROME (KiCj. A-1 - TITLE SHEET A-2 - 9TE PIAN A-3 - GENBWL NOTES A-4 - GENEIWL NOTES A-5 - BASEUENT PLAN A-6 - 1ST FUJOR PLAN A-7 - 2ND FLOOR PUN A-8 - ROOT PIAN A-9 - ELEVATION A-10 - ELEVATION A-11- SECTION - A t If 1 ^ r f 1 & ; = 2- ST— \r \ If IP 1 g[ If"" i life F mtx 1 1 1. » 1 EL- owot JOE Evoano saa Roir sr. STE MOMS 00000 IMION WtT CNUWDt «. noil IBM. DOOVIDL: MCa - 1 PM 1MII KEOOD MUWT 34^004 n FU wwaER lODt-ooBBiixnr or cwuexa M nc COUKIY OF SUN OGOOl SDOE OF CIWMW. uSAtm TO IW OFFEM. RAT. w MSEsacR HOJ ns-OTO-ai-oo EWMB MO UK: SMU FMM.V K8DDII1N. noKflED um UK: SMSUmwrKML Exsme zoMMBc snt PROPaaBi aMn VR SRB> ME not .11 A0S3 - UM SF. m FLOOR HStt IJS7 W. ITOL -» 5««E 01- »10 SF •m Fum Mb (.aaa IF. TOIN. f'OMMt NCK - Ml V - SF KSSM DEKMPnM SMOU FMKT «EinOIM 6 BOH cgwnumcM nre w OOOVMBMENCn OIT DF CNUM aUUWS HEHHT: 3tf NUUCR OF STONES: 1W) 1^ mCNr DCCUMNCr TWE: R3 ML OF occunwft a PEOPIE t. IHEX OKHMOi MO COnEI 1HEHEDF MC l£OM. MSmJKNTS CF SERKX FDR TW USE OF THE OWMEII MO WIHOalED MEKIS. OH IHE DEMNOED PIOKRrr ()M.Y. 2. Nl IRNO Smi « MVDinf RM KMOMCnSE OF KIAINE WUMWBM GONHMED H TICSE DDCUCNIS MO IME OOMOnnHS UOR MCH IHET ML K E»1EIED ID KSFOML 3. WEHHM. SMOa NO OONU Smi K VDVa PMR TO awMDCEioff OF GonnucnDN. npoi. DEDKS wm. mv MBE SKOFB OEDU ^ SDIMq ME NOT SKH. 4. DEMMOtS FROH 1ICSE DODUMMn NECESSmOED n FEIO CCMmaM SHML BE BROUMT TO THE aiBHUI OF UC MCMTECT 3. Ml CONSnicHON 9IM1 CCMFMM NTH IHE CUHCNr BUUMB raDOMOMl UWS MO tllUIHKU OF 1HE MEHCKS HMNO t. 00 MOT SPUE OWIICS. KfOPE CWROICWO CttWRUCnOM. CCNnWCTOR SWa «BFr AU DHEH9DS. HOTFT THE PROJECT MKHIECT RKDWBy F THERE B A GOMFUCT MIH MEmcnNB nc FUNS. 7. TIC Oiomi. HECHMKM, SmUCIUML MO PUMBM ORMMDS MC SUPPlBChwr TO TW wnM ORMMOS. MOUU TWK SE Mff OaOCBMCT KIWaTHE VWWIUS OHMWOl IT SWU BE WBUBHngJIC MTEMIM OF TIC PROJBT MMIGCI FOR a. THE ODEML DOHTMCnR SIWll OODRDMVE WIH THE OMERS REFKSDmmE FOR IPECW. MWUFHCniM EOUneiT HOT MMH M THESE BHmm. THE OONIMCIDR »W1 WIVT EOUPkENT LOCmnS inH THE OHCn ICrKBEmnK MO/OR BWFWNT nWM TO POMIB TW BUI FDR PROPER SOE MO LOQOION OF FaUWMHM BEHmiJIII. ORNML MO WRPS. THE OOMniKmR JHU. OMSUr ne afCTRHl. <IW fUWM DMMNOi FOI UOnOM OF Ml SIBICS THKUDH WU. MO FLOOR auB. 10. IBCBIMCOUS SUUMBS MC HOT FMT OF THB FROME (KiCj. A-1 - TITLE SHEET A-2 - 9TE PIAN A-3 - GENBWL NOTES A-4 - GENEIWL NOTES A-5 - BASEUENT PLAN A-6 - 1ST FUJOR PLAN A-7 - 2ND FLOOR PUN A-8 - ROOT PIAN A-9 - ELEVATION A-10 - ELEVATION A-11- SECTION - A t If 1 ^ r f 1 & ; = 2- ST— \r \ If IP 1 g[ If"" i life F mtx 1 1 1. » 1 EL- owot JOE Evoano saa Roir sr. STE MOMS 00000 IMION WtT CNUWDt «. noil IBM. DOOVIDL: MCa - 1 PM 1MII KEOOD MUWT 34^004 n FU wwaER lODt-ooBBiixnr or cwuexa M nc COUKIY OF SUN OGOOl SDOE OF CIWMW. uSAtm TO IW OFFEM. RAT. w MSEsacR HOJ ns-OTO-ai-oo EWMB MO UK: SMU FMM.V K8DDII1N. noKflED um UK: SMSUmwrKML Exsme zoMMBc snt PROPaaBi aMn VR SRB> ME not .11 A0S3 - UM SF. m FLOOR HStt IJS7 W. ITOL -» 5««E 01- »10 SF •m Fum Mb (.aaa IF. TOIN. f'OMMt NCK - Ml V - SF KSSM DEKMPnM SMOU FMKT «EinOIM 6 BOH cgwnumcM nre w OOOVMBMENCn OIT DF CNUM aUUWS HEHHT: 3tf NUUCR OF STONES: 1W) 1^ mCNr DCCUMNCr TWE: R3 ML OF occunwft a PEOPIE MSMUnOH. 11. coNiwcRii m oeoii A PBIMT FROM WC smc BMBON OF MOIBIRW. BVEIY FOI THBOCS OR EXOMMDB g-4f OR DEEPER. 13. M MoiiEcr ami taam, w MPOwaBBBY FOR TW HCOmEIEMESS OF PUW RM RO PUVOSB PROR TD BSUMCE OF MUSO FDMIB. 14. THE KMEW OF SH3f OWBMMS BtT THE MCMTECT 3HU. NOT REUGC M MT MMNER THE SOCML ODNimCRM FROH HOPDHMRJIY FOR OEWnDHS FROM TIC DRMBIOi OR SPCMTOWRe. IB. Ml DMHWe SWU BE DMCCini MMT FROM STWCTIK AT 1£MT MOM aUUMG FWOniMl. At. am WMl BE FME iPRMHURU) RRH MD MRHED KSKOnW. FK BPRMHCR KBIBL 17. THB MBf SHU. IE OOBHEO FDR A SObW POBBt SnEV BDH MCX-UP wiKRr amy MD PRORK DOCRMOR. IB. THS CWM SHU K OEBHNED MS) F«l MRD EENOMm MM CONNECIED ID A tmatt WOMF BUFBur. IB. BUUMN NnCSi M1«B aMHl BE GMBJ SEEN FROM IW nREn. 10.3010 ERROR OFTHE CWFORHM FME CODE (d^OCm THE aOtO UMFDRH FME CODE (UF^>MI TIC Mil CIWaMM MBRWn. IDtO EDRDM OFTHE GMBOMI QERBfr EFFCBOf SDWDWOBl It. 1010 EHRCN CF TIC OUFDRWt PUIMO CODE {VGWCPfS UC 3001 tMfDRH PUHBO CODE (UK)MO THE MOI CWFOMU MEMICHIl. 22. aolo Eonm OF THE OWDM Bcnwacia. CDDEECMQ MOPIS TW iDOb UHFDM MECmiCM. OOOE (UR^NO THE MHO CMWRIIfc MCMWOnS. a. mo OHKM OF THE QWRW EUCHCN. ODDOBCQ ADCTO THE ma. nmm. EUEMCM. CODE (NEEVND TW loio cwfonaA Mcmein H. XnO EDmCN OF TW CWfOMI WUBM C0DE(C8Q JVOPIS DC 3010 CNmK auRiMa CODE {GOQMO TK MIO CAJTORMA MEMWENIS. VICINITY MAP t If 1 ^ r f 1 & ; = 2- ST— \r \ If IP 1 g[ If"" i life F mtx 1 1 1. » 1 EL- DESIGN TEAM MSMUnOH. 11. coNiwcRii m oeoii A PBIMT FROM WC smc BMBON OF MOIBIRW. BVEIY FOI THBOCS OR EXOMMDB g-4f OR DEEPER. 13. M MoiiEcr ami taam, w MPOwaBBBY FOR TW HCOmEIEMESS OF PUW RM RO PUVOSB PROR TD BSUMCE OF MUSO FDMIB. 14. THE KMEW OF SH3f OWBMMS BtT THE MCMTECT 3HU. NOT REUGC M MT MMNER THE SOCML ODNimCRM FROH HOPDHMRJIY FOR OEWnDHS FROM TIC DRMBIOi OR SPCMTOWRe. IB. Ml DMHWe SWU BE DMCCini MMT FROM STWCTIK AT 1£MT MOM aUUMG FWOniMl. At. am WMl BE FME iPRMHURU) RRH MD MRHED KSKOnW. FK BPRMHCR KBIBL 17. THB MBf SHU. IE OOBHEO FDR A SObW POBBt SnEV BDH MCX-UP wiKRr amy MD PRORK DOCRMOR. IB. THS CWM SHU K OEBHNED MS) F«l MRD EENOMm MM CONNECIED ID A tmatt WOMF BUFBur. IB. BUUMN NnCSi M1«B aMHl BE GMBJ SEEN FROM IW nREn. 10.3010 ERROR OFTHE CWFORHM FME CODE (d^OCm THE aOtO UMFDRH FME CODE (UF^>MI TIC Mil CIWaMM MBRWn. IDtO EDRDM OFTHE GMBOMI QERBfr EFFCBOf SDWDWOBl It. 1010 EHRCN CF TIC OUFDRWt PUIMO CODE {VGWCPfS UC 3001 tMfDRH PUHBO CODE (UK)MO THE MOI CWFOMU MEMICHIl. 22. aolo Eonm OF THE OWDM Bcnwacia. CDDEECMQ MOPIS TW iDOb UHFDM MECmiCM. OOOE (UR^NO THE MHO CMWRIIfc MCMWOnS. a. mo OHKM OF THE QWRW EUCHCN. ODDOBCQ ADCTO THE ma. nmm. EUEMCM. CODE (NEEVND TW loio cwfonaA Mcmein H. XnO EDmCN OF TW CWfOMI WUBM C0DE(C8Q JVOPIS DC 3010 CNmK auRiMa CODE {GOQMO TK MIO CAJTORMA MEMWENIS. MAP NOT TO SCALE t If 1 ^ r f 1 & ; = 2- ST— \r \ If IP 1 g[ If"" i life F mtx 1 1 1. » 1 EL- ARCHITECT' PHOGRESaVE IMAGES IN ABCHITECTUS AND PIMSIHG 21.211 SARGEANT ROAD RAMONA. CA. 9!06S 7M-)M-SZ69'FA» T60.7a9-?fltS IRUCE W. STEINCRABER 5JI FRONT STREET EL CAJON. CA Km Kt-Mt-a\9 STRUCTURAL ENG.: ZS»I CAMIMD VIDA ROBLE, SUTE-F CAALSBAD. CA 9m IbO-iii-tMZ CEU MSMUnOH. 11. coNiwcRii m oeoii A PBIMT FROM WC smc BMBON OF MOIBIRW. BVEIY FOI THBOCS OR EXOMMDB g-4f OR DEEPER. 13. M MoiiEcr ami taam, w MPOwaBBBY FOR TW HCOmEIEMESS OF PUW RM RO PUVOSB PROR TD BSUMCE OF MUSO FDMIB. 14. THE KMEW OF SH3f OWBMMS BtT THE MCMTECT 3HU. NOT REUGC M MT MMNER THE SOCML ODNimCRM FROH HOPDHMRJIY FOR OEWnDHS FROM TIC DRMBIOi OR SPCMTOWRe. IB. Ml DMHWe SWU BE DMCCini MMT FROM STWCTIK AT 1£MT MOM aUUMG FWOniMl. At. am WMl BE FME iPRMHURU) RRH MD MRHED KSKOnW. FK BPRMHCR KBIBL 17. THB MBf SHU. IE OOBHEO FDR A SObW POBBt SnEV BDH MCX-UP wiKRr amy MD PRORK DOCRMOR. IB. THS CWM SHU K OEBHNED MS) F«l MRD EENOMm MM CONNECIED ID A tmatt WOMF BUFBur. IB. BUUMN NnCSi M1«B aMHl BE GMBJ SEEN FROM IW nREn. 10.3010 ERROR OFTHE CWFORHM FME CODE (d^OCm THE aOtO UMFDRH FME CODE (UF^>MI TIC Mil CIWaMM MBRWn. IDtO EDRDM OFTHE GMBOMI QERBfr EFFCBOf SDWDWOBl It. 1010 EHRCN CF TIC OUFDRWt PUIMO CODE {VGWCPfS UC 3001 tMfDRH PUHBO CODE (UK)MO THE MOI CWFOMU MEMICHIl. 22. aolo Eonm OF THE OWDM Bcnwacia. CDDEECMQ MOPIS TW iDOb UHFDM MECmiCM. OOOE (UR^NO THE MHO CMWRIIfc MCMWOnS. a. mo OHKM OF THE QWRW EUCHCN. ODDOBCQ ADCTO THE ma. nmm. EUEMCM. CODE (NEEVND TW loio cwfonaA Mcmein H. XnO EDmCN OF TW CWfOMI WUBM C0DE(C8Q JVOPIS DC 3010 CNmK auRiMa CODE {GOQMO TK MIO CAJTORMA MEMWENIS. MAP NOT TO SCALE i If L 't .L .L m M u si i .In—L .LUrlt w ELEV. 566.55' SITE PLAN 1ST FLOOR AREA 1,867 SF. TOTAL * GARAGE 651= 2518 SF ZND FLOOR AREA 1.638 SF. TOTAL BASEMENT AREA l.67f, SF TOTAL AREA. 5.379 SF""+"GiRAGE AREA = 651 SF - 6.030 SF APN-2I5-070-5I FIRE SPRINKLERS ARE REOUIRED SCALE: l"=IO'-0" CDP 11-17 LEGEND BMP'S TO BE USED; |WM-I I j WM-J.| [wH-6[ I WM-9| U^-^ I |SC-5| MATERIAL DELIVERY AND STORAGE SPIL PREVENTION AND CONTROL CONCRETE WASTE MANGAEMENT FIBER ROLL - StTE NOTES 1. ALL YARDS USED FOR AREA INCREASES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY MAtNTAINED. 2. A GRADING PERMIT IS NOT REOUIERED FOR THIS PROJECT. S. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH 20\0 EDITION TITLE-Zt AND 2010 C.B.C.,?OIO C.H.CZOIO CP.C.AND THE 2010 CEC. t. AVERAGE LOT SLOPE W)TH-IN THE BUILDING ENVELOPE IS LESS THAN 10% 5 ALL PROPERTY LINE, EASEMENTS AND BUILDINGS, BOTH EXISTING AND PROPOSED. ARE SHOWN ON THIS SITE PLAN, fi. ALL DRAINAGE SHALL BE DIRECTED A MINIMUM OF 5' FEET AWAY FROM THE STRUCTURE TYPICAL 7 /U_L DRAINAGE FROM THE ROOF SHALL BE DIRECTED TO LANDSCAPE AREAS AWAY FROM THE STRUCTURE AND PAVED AREAS TYPICAL. B OUTDOOR LIGHTING SHALL BE HIGH EFFICACY LUMiNAIRES OR SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY A PHOTO CONTROL/MOTION SENSOR COMBINATION PERMIT CALIFDRNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD. SAN DIEGO REGION.OflDEB NUMBER ;Ot)I.OI NF NOTES l-fl 8ELQW REFffESENT KEY MIN REOl I. SUFFICIENT BMP'S MUST BE INSTALLED TO DEBRIS FROM BEING TRACKED INTO ADJACEh SYSTEMS DUE TO CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES ( THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE F MAYBE IN THE STREET A N THE INSTALLED CONSTHUCTION BI CODE S FDR CONSTRUCTION BMP'S T SILT.MUD OR OTHER CONSTR TS OR STORM WATER CONVEYAN R CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. • -•'H DEBRIES THAT A STORM EVENT 3K PILES OF UNCOMPACTED SOIL! TO BE LEFT UNFROTCTED FOR A ID OR BUILDING MATERIALS THAT ARE E TO BE PROVIDED W lY CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE TO BE POURED INPLACE IENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN WORKING ORDEI DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY MUST BE _ __ AGAINST EROSION AND SEOIMI I THE STORAGE Of ALL CONSTRUCDON MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT M Y POTENTAL RELEASE 0 m LLJL LU O Z ' LU 9§; UJ ^ UJ Al L L.3L LJ>]I-L L L IL L |L ^L L JL m m u m Mb -V--V- 1^ 9 36' 7' 19'-4" -1,'- SPORTS a WORKOUT " ir-ir GAME ROOM i2'-iir O 16'-8" STAIRS UP 19'-0" 22'-6r -7' 27'-5r 50'-0}" FIRE SPRINKLERS ARE REQUIRED BASEMENT PLAN CDP 11-17 -V- NORTH scALE:i/i.-=r-o- APN-2I5-070-5I 1 A BE LU O z • LU 9§^ COS LU ^ LU NO, REMSOG DOE LUJL Lt^L jIL it » M tat I I^L 59-04" ->' 22-10,1" ->'-20-1 ir 7' —INSIAM/WATER HESTER ^ •SERVICE COUNTER 19'-0tt" 11-OA" FIRE SPRINKLERS ARE REOUIRED 1ST FLOOR PLAN 2,518 S.F.-(651) GARAGE=l,e67 S.F. NORTH SCALE:I/V=I>-O- APN-2I5-070-5I CDP 11-17 81 1 s r 2J,S alt LU Z ' LU a. LU A5 IL L L LH^ L L-^L jL LferCL ,,L IL II IL L JL fl-L LML -^N—V 60' CDP 11-17 —V FIRE SPRINKLERS ARE REOUIRED 2ND FLOOR PLAN NORTH SCALE:l/f=r-0* APN-2I5-070-5I 9 00 £8 si LU^ = Q:5 .1 LU a: o o A6 LLT^L pi i-^L m m m m m m L L L L L L L L L L L CDP 11-17 7^ SETBACK LINE-' ROOF PLAN NORTH scALE:l/A-=r-o- APN-2I6-070-5I <-> I Z ' UJ " Qsii S li LU 0^ R out A A7 M Q=5L i i p IL L JL m m L CDP 11-17 ARCHITECTURAL STYLE IS A CALIFORNIA CRAFTSMEN WITH SOME CAPE CODE DETAILING FIRE SPRINKLERS ARE REOUIRED WEST ELEVATION APN-2I5-O7O-5I SCALE:l/i.-=r-0- DESIGN BY PROGRESSIVE IMAGES IN ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING If Z ' LU ^ 9§i| CO 00 32 LU ^ s < > m u L L L L m m L m ft ai i3ft CDP 11-17 COASTAL BEACH ROCK ELDORADO STONE BY RCP -V- EAST ELEVATION APN-2I5-070-5I SCALE:l/4-=l'-0- DESIGN BY PROGRESSIVE IMAGES IN ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING — « Is! LLJL mi ill UJ o z LU 9§ 00 S? LU ^ LU z o I-< > UJ gi L3L C>]L ,L L; LferCL i IL L NO. REVISIONS WTE L L L F!I- L \Sl IM AlO -"iL L^L LML CDP 11-17 ELEV 39t.9 FIRE SPRINKLERS ARE REQUIRED —« sag II O I Z " LU " OOE^s LU ^ •;5. LU o t- All LU^L LH L m suit m hc=ih 3L I