HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-25; Library Board of Trustees; ; Fiscal Year 2022-23 California Public Library SurveyMeeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: District: Oct. 25, 2023 Library Board of Trustees Suzanne Smithson, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Library & Cultural Arts Director suzanne.smithson@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2010 Debbie Jo McCool, Management Analyst debbiejo.mccool@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2012 Fiscal Year 2022-23 California Public Library Survey All Recommended Action Receive a report and approve the FY 2022-23 California Public Library Survey for submittal to the California State Library. Executive Summary/Discussion Per Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.16.090, the Library Board of Trustees annually approves statistical and other information deemed desirable by the state librarian for the previous fiscal year. The data provides the material for a comparative study of library conditions statewide. Next Steps Upon approval by the Library Board of Trustees, the Library & Cultural Arts Director will submit the data to the California State Library. Fiscal Analysis None Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.Draft California Public Library Survey for FY 2022-23 Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 1 of 14 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff Report FY 22-23 California Public Libraries Survey CY PY Section 1 Directory and Administrative Information Director Information (If position is not filled, enter "VACANT" in 1.6 and leave 1. 7 & 1.8 blank) 1.5 Courtesy Title 1.6 Director First Name 1.7 Director Middle Name 1.8 Director Last Name 1.9 Director Title 1.10 - 1.17 CSL only. Contact CSL with changes 1.10 Street Address 1.11 City 1.12 Zip 1.13 Zip +4 1.14 Mailing Address 1.15 Mailing City 1.16 Mailing Zip 1.17 Mailing Zip +4 1.18 Public Phone Number - Administration 1.19 Reference Phone Number 1.20 TDD for Deaf 1.21 Library Director's direct phone number (for use by State Library only) 1.22 Library Director's Email address 1.23 Include email in directory distributed to CA library directors? 1.24 Make email available to professional library orgs? 1.25 Make email available to public 1.26 Deputy Director Name 1.27 Deputy Director Email 1.28 Library's Public Email address or "Contact us" URL 1.29 Library's Web Address 1.30 Name of person completing this survey 1.31 Phone # of person completing this survey 1.32 Email address of person completing this survey 1.33 (Optional) Share a success story about your library staff, programming, services, community, partnerships, facilities, or collections. Section 2 Population and Outlets 2.1 Population of The Legal Service Area (CSL only) 2.2 Registered Users as of June 30 2.3 Children Borrowers 2.4 # of Central Libraries 2.5 # of Branch Libraries 2.6 # of Bookmobiles 2.7 Total # of Outlets (auto calculated) FY 2022-23 (CY)FY 2021-22 (PY) City of Carlsbad Key: CSL=California State Library, CY=Current Fiscal Year, PY=Prior Fiscal Year, -1=Unavailable data Fiscal Year = July 1 to June 30 EXHIBIT 1 Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 2 of 14 FY 22-23 California Public Libraries Survey CY PY 2.8 # of other library outreach vehicles or structures 2.9 Number of kiosks 2.10 Total Square Footage (auto calculated in LibPAS from entries in outlets section) 2.11 Is this library jurisdiction designated by local government as a supporting department in emergency operations? Section 3 Library Income Operating Income 3.1 Local Government (all sources) 3.2 State Funds (see definitions for examples) 3.3 Federal Funds (see definitions for examples) 3.4 All Other Operating Income 3.5 Total Operating Income (auto calculated) Capital Income 3.7 Local Government (taxes and allocations) 3.8 State Funds 3.9 Federal Funds 3.10 Other Income 3.11 Total Capital Outlay Income (auto calculated) Section 4 Library Expenditures Staff Expenditures 4.1 Salary & Wages Expenditures 4.2 Employee Benefits Expenditures 4.3 Total Staff Expenditures (auto calculated) Collection Expenditures 4.4 Print Materials Expenditures (except Serials) 4.5 Print Serial Subscription Expenditures 4.6 Total Print Materials Expenditures (auto calculated) 4.7 Electronic Materials Expenditures 4.8 Other Materials Expenditures 4.9 Total Collection Expenditures (auto calculated) Other Expenditures 4.10 All Other Operating Expenditures 4.11 Total Operating Expenditures (auto calculated) Capital Expenditures 4.12 Total Capital Expenditures Section 5 Library Staff Refer to instructions for guidance calculating FTE 5.1 Total number of full time employees (count heads, use library definition of "full time") Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 3 of 14 FY 22-23 California Public Libraries Survey CY PY 5.2 Total number of part time employees (count heads, use library definition of "part time") 5.3 Total number of persons employed, include all full and part time employees (autocalculated) 5.4 Total number of volunteers (count heads) 5.5 Total hours volunteered in the reporting year 5.6 Hours worked in reporting year by librarians with MLS degrees 5.7 Hours worked in reporting year by librarians without MLS degree 5.8 Hours worked in reporting year by all librarians 5.9 Hours worked in reporting year by all other paid staff 5.10 Total hours worked in reporting year by all staff (autocalculated) Section 6 Library Collections Print Materials and Physical Items 6.1 Books Children Held as of June 30 6.2 Books Young Adult Held as of June 30 6.3 Total Print Materials Held 6.4 Languages in print material collection (check all that apply) 6.5 # of Physical Audio Materials 6.6 # of Physical Video Materials 6.7a Do you loan internet enabled devices? Laptops, Chromebooks, etc.) 6.7b How many devices available for check-out and use outside the library? 6.8a Do you lend hot spots? y/n 6.8b How many hot spots available for check-out and use outside the library? 6.9 All other Physical Items (do not include hotspots and devices) 6.10 Total Physical Items (auto-calculated) 6.11 (Optional) Current Print Serial Subscriptions Electronic Items--Please refer to definitions for guidance on counting electronic resources 6.12 # of eBooks held by your library only 6.13 # of Electronic Books held by your consortium available to your patrons 6.14 # of Electronic Books held by Statewide Palace Project (pre- filled by CSL) 6.15 Total # eBooks available to your library users (auto calculated) Spanish CSL data Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 4 of 14 FY 22-23 California Public Libraries Survey CY PY 6.16 # of Downloadable Audio Materials 6.17 # of Downloadable Video Materials 6.18 Electronic Collections Locally-Funded 6.19 Electronic Collections State-Funded (autofilled by CSL) 6.20 Total Electronic Collections (auto calculated) Section 7 Library Services 7.1 Hours Open, All Outlets (automatically sums entries in branch and bookmobile section ) 7.2 Library Visits 7.3 Reporting method for visits: annual count or estimate based on weekly count? 7.4 Reference Transactions 7.5 Reference transactions reporting method Circulation Late fines 7.6 Do you charge any patrons late fines for physical materials? 7.7 Charge per day for Adults 7.8 For Young Adults 7.9 For Children Circulation of Physical Materials 7.10 Total Physical Item Circulation (include ALL physical items) 7.11 Circulation of Children's Materials (subset of total) 7.12 Circulation of Non English Materials (subset of total) 7.13 ILL loans to others 7.14 ILL loans received 7.15 Circulation of internet-enabled devices (laptops, Chrombooks, etc) 7.16 Circulation of hotspots 7.17 Circulation of "Other Physical Items" (library of things such as musical instruments, tools; not physical books, audio, videos, hotspots and laptops.) Electronic Content Use 7.18 Circulation of Electronic Materials (check-outs of items reported in 6.15, 6.16, 6.17) 7.19a Successful Retrieval of State-funded Electronic information (autofilled) 7.19b Successful Retrival of locally-funded electronic information CSL data Annual Count Annual Count 8 -1 CSL data Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 5 of 14 FY 22-23 California Public Libraries Survey CY PY 7.19c Successful Retrieval of Electronic Information (auto calculated) Circulation Totals 7.20 Total Annual Circulation (auto calculated: physical and electronic checkouts) 7.21 Total Electronic Content Use (auto calculated: electronic checkouts and database use) 7.22 Total Content Use (auto calculated: physical circ., elect. Circ., database use) Live Programming-Include ALL library programs, onsite and offsite, including summer & literacy Early learning: Ages 0-5 7.23a # of Live, In-person Children's Programs for Ages 0-5 7.23b # of Live, Virtual Children's Programs for Ages 0-5 7.24a Attendance at Live, In-person Children's Programs for Ages 0-5 7.24b Attendance at Live, Virtual Children's Programs for Ages 0- 5 Children's programs: Ages 6-11 7.25a # of Live, In-person programs for Children ages 6-11 7.25b # of Live, Virtual programs for Children ages 6-11 7.26a Attendance at Live, In-person programs for Children ages 6- 11 7.26b Attendance at Live, Virtual programs for Children ages 6-11 Young Adult Programs 7.27a # of Live, In-person Young Adult Programs for Ages 12-18 7.27b # of Live, Virtual Young Adult Programs for Ages 12-18 7.28a Attendance at Live, In-person Young Adult Programs for Ages 12-18 7.28b Attendance at Live, Virtual Young Adult Programs for Ages 12-18 Adult Programs 7.29a # of Live, In-person Adult Programs for Ages 19+ 7.29b # of Live, Virtual Adult Programs for Ages 19+ 7.30a Attendance at Live, In-person Adult Programs for Ages 19+ 7.30b Attendance at Live, Virtual Adult Programs for Ages 19+ XX 78 X 50 X 713 XXXX 3,675 Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 6 of 14 FY 22-23 California Public Libraries Survey CY PY 7.31a # of Live, In-person Programs for all ages 7.31b # of Live, Virtual Programs for all ages 7.32a Attendance at Live, In-person Programs for all ages 7.32b Attendance at Live, Virtual Programs for all ages Off-site programming count This is a sub set of all programming. Include live, offsite programs, NOT virtual programs 7.33 Of the above live, in-person programs, how many were offsite? 7.34 Attendance at all offsite programs Recorded Programming 7.35 # recordings of program content 7.36 # views of recorded program content Self-directed Activities 7.37 # of self-directed activities 7.38 # of participants 7.39 Describe activities (narrative) Electronic Services 7.40 CIPA Compliant (Y/N) 7.41 Annual Uses of Public Internet Computers 7.42 Reporting Method for Uses of Computers 7.43 Virtual Visits to the library website 7.44 Wireless Sessions Per Year 7.45 Reporting Method for Wifi Sessions 7.46 # of Internet Terminals (auto calculated from entries in Outlets sections) 7.47 ILS System (choose from dropdown or enter other) Section 8 Referenda Leave blank if no referendum occurred during the report year. Do not report referenda from prior years. 8.1 Referendum Election Date 8.2 ReferendumLocal Agency 8.3 Referendum Funding Purpose 8.4 Referendum Type of Tax 8.5 Referendum Percentage of Yes Votes 8.6 Referendum Vote Required 8.7 Referendum Vote Outcome 8.8 Referendum Notes No 22,029 Annual Count 388,153 94,311 Annual Count 122 Symphony (SirsiDynix) General Interest Programs Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 7 of 14 Annotations Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 8 of 14 Section 10 Library Outlets 10.1-10.14 are CSL only. Contact CSL with changes 10.1 FSCSKey 10.2 State assigned identification number 10.3 Library Code 10.4 Short Name 10.5 Legal Name 10.6 Physical Street Address 10.7 City 10.8 Zip Code 10.9 Zip+4 Code 10.10 Mailing Street Address 10.11 Mailing City 10.12 Mailing Zip Code 10.13 Mailing Zip +4 10.14 County Contact information 10.15 Phone 10.16 Outlet Type Code 10.17 Facility Owned By 10.18 Established Scheduled Hours for Public Service? 10.19 At least one paid staff works at facility? 10.20 Separate Quarters? Hours and Counts 10.21 Days typically open per week 10.22 Hours open in typical week 10.23 Total hours branch was actually open during reporting year 10.24 Weeks outlet was actually open during reporting year 10.25 Staff FTE 10.26 Population Served 10.27 Reader Seats 10.28 Volumes Held 10.29 Circulation 10.30 Total outlet operating expenditure Facility Information 10.31 Year Built 10.32 Year opened 10.33 Year remodeled 10.34 Adequacy of Facility 10.35 Estimated cost of deferred maintenance 10.36 Rate the accuracy of this estimate (ballpark vs calculated) 10.37 Facility Upgrade Needs 10.38 Estimated cost of this improvement 10.39 Rate the accuracy of this estimate (ballpark vs calculated) FY 2022-23 (CY)FY 2021-22 (PY) XXXXXXXXX 442-339-2038 52 -1 -1 Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 9 of 14 10.40 Gross square ft. 10.41 LEED Certification 10.42 In emergency situations, does this branch provide any of the following to the community? 10.43 Does this building have a back-up generator? 10.44 Does this building have a seed library? Electronic Information 10.45 Number of Internet Terminals for use by public 10.46 Internet connection speed 10.47 10.48 Increase in speed needed in five years? 10.49 Age of cabling 10.50 More than half of cabling older than five years? 10.51 10.52 Name of internet provider (e.g. AT&T) 10.53 Type of internet connection (choose from dropdown) 10.54 When current contract for Intenet service expires 10.55 Rate reliability of current Internet service (choose from dropdown) 10.56 Connected to Internet via CENIC/CalREN/State Library Broadband program? Y/N 10.57 Is Wifi available to patrons? 10.58 Available 24/7? 10.59 Hours available if not 24/7 10.60 Maximum users at one time Crown Castle/City of Carlsbad Fiber 2027 Very reliable No No Start Time End Time 2,000 Yes Yes Annotations 10.15, Dove Library - 442-339-2038 (0-2023-10-17)10.22, Effective 5/8/2023, Library open hours expanded one additional hour each day. (0-2023-10-17) 10.45, Dove Library - Effective, December 2022, reduced internet terminals from 50 to 38. (0-02023-10-17) Is more than half of network hardware in this branch older than three years? Does this branch need more bandwidth to avoid speed issues when patrons and staff are accessing the Internet? (CY)(PY) Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 10 of 14 Section 10 Library Outlets 10.1-10.14 are CSL only. Contact CSL with changes 10.1 FSCSKey 10.2 State assigned identification number 10.3 Library Code 10.4 Short Name 10.5 Legal Name 10.6 Physical Street Address 10.7 City 10.8 Zip Code 10.9 Zip+4 Code 10.10 Mailing Street Address 10.11 Mailing City 10.12 Mailing Zip Code 10.13 Mailing Zip +4 10.14 County Contact information 10.15 Phone 10.16 Outlet Type Code 10.17 Facility Owned By 10.18 Established Scheduled Hours for Public Service? 10.19 At least one paid staff works at facility? 10.20 Separate Quarters? Hours and Counts 10.21 Days typically open per week 10.22 Hours open in typical week 10.23 Total hours branch was actually open during reporting year 10.24 Weeks outlet was actually open during reporting year 10.25 Staff FTE 10.26 Population Served 10.27 Reader Seats 10.28 Volumes Held 10.29 Circulation 10.30 Total outlet operating expenditure Facility Information 10.31 Year Built 10.32 Year opened 10.33 Year remodeled 10.34 Adequacy of Facility 10.35 Estimated cost of deferred maintenance 10.36 Rate the accuracy of this estimate (ballpark vs calculated) 10.37 Facility Upgrade Needs 10.38 Estimated cost of this improvement 10.39 Rate the accuracy of this estimate (ballpark vs calculated) FY 2022-23 (CY)FY 2021-22 (PY) XXXXXXXXXX 442-339-2870 52 -1 -1 Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 11 of 14 10.40 Gross square ft. 10.41 LEED Certification 10.42 In emergency situations, does this branch provide any of the following to the community? 10.43 Does this building have a back-up generator? 10.44 Does this building have a seed library? Electronic Information 10.45 Number of Internet Terminals for use by public 10.46 Internet connection speed 10.47 10.48 Increase in speed needed in five years? 10.49 Age of cabling 10.50 More than half of cabling older than five years? 10.51 10.52 Name of internet provider (e.g. AT&T) 10.53 Type of internet connection (choose from dropdown) 10.54 When current contract for Intenet service expires 10.55 Rate reliability of current Internet service (choose from dropdown) 10.56 Connected to Internet via CENIC/CalREN/State Library Broadband program? Y/N 10.57 Is Wifi available to patrons? 10.58 Available 24/7? 10.59 Hours available if not 24/7 10.60 Maximum users at one time No Yes Crown Castle/City of CarlsbadFiber 2027 Very reliable No No 2,000 Annotations 10.15, Cole Library - 442-339-2870 (0-2023-10-17) 10.22, Effective 5/8/2023, Library open hours expanded one additional hour each day. (0-2023-10-17) 10.45, Cole Library - Effective, December 2022, reduced internet terminals from 37 to 31. (0-02023-10-17) Is more than half of network hardware in this branch older than three years? Does this branch need more bandwidth to avoid speed issues when patrons and staff are accessing the Internet? 2027 Start Time End Time Yes (CY)(PY) Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 12 of 14 Section 10 Library Outlets 10.1-10.14 are CSL only. Contact CSL with changes 10.1 FSCSKey 10.2 State assigned identification number 10.3 Library Code 10.4 Short Name 10.5 Legal Name 10.6 Physical Street Address 10.7 City 10.8 Zip Code 10.9 Zip+4 Code 10.10 Mailing Street Address 10.11 Mailing City 10.12 Mailing Zip Code 10.13 Mailing Zip +4 10.14 County Contact information 10.15 Phone 10.16 Outlet Type Code 10.17 Facility Owned By 10.18 Established Scheduled Hours for Public Service? 10.19 At least one paid staff works at facility? 10.20 Separate Quarters? Hours and Counts 10.21 Days typically open per week 10.22 Hours open in typical week 10.23 Total hours branch was actually open during reporting year 10.24 Weeks outlet was actually open during reporting year 10.25 Staff FTE 10.26 Population Served 10.27 Reader Seats 10.28 Volumes Held 10.29 Circulation 10.30 Total outlet operating expenditure Facility Information 10.31 Year Built 10.32 Year opened 10.33 Year remodeled 10.34 Adequacy of Facility 10.35 Estimated cost of deferred maintenance 10.36 Rate the accuracy of this estimate (ballpark vs calculated) 10.37 Facility Upgrade Needs 10.38 Estimated cost of this improvement 10.39 Rate the accuracy of this estimate (ballpark vs calculated) FY 2022-23 (CY)FY 2021-22 (PY) XXXXXXXXX 442-339-5500 52 -1 -1 Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 13 of 14 10.40 Gross square ft. 10.41 LEED Certification 10.42 In emergency situations, does this branch provide any of the following to the community? 10.43 Does this building have a back-up generator? 10.44 Does this building have a seed library? Electronic Information 10.45 Number of Internet Terminals for use by public 10.46 Internet connection speed 10.47 10.48 Increase in speed needed in five years? 10.49 Age of cabling 10.50 10.51 10.52 10.53 10.54 When current contract for Intenet service expires 10.55 Rate reliability of current Internet service (choose from dropdown) 10.56 Connected to Internet via CENIC/CalREN/State Library Broadband program? Y/N 10.57 Is Wifi available to patrons? 10.58 Available 24/7? 10.59 Hours available if not 24/7 10.60 Maximum users at one time Crown Castle/City of Carlsbad Fiber 2027 Very reliable No No Start Time End Time 2,000 Is more than half of network hardware in this branch older than three years? More than half of cabling older than five years? Name of internet provider (e.g. AT&T No Yes Annotations 10.15, Library Learning Center - 442-339-5500 (0-2023-10-17) 10.22, Effective 5/8/2023, Library open hours expanded one additional hour each day. (0-2023-10-17) 10.45, Library Learning Center - Effective, December 2022, reduced internet terminals from 35 to 34. (0-02023-10-17) Type of internet connection 2027 Does this branch need more bandwidth to avoid speed issues when patrons and staff are accessing the Internet? Yes (CY)(PY) Oct. 25, 2023 Item #3 Page 14 of 14 California Public Library Survey FY 2022-23 Suzanne Smithson, Library & Cultural Arts Director Debbie Jo McCool, Management Analyst October 25, 2023 1 CARLSBAD Cl 'TY LI RARY {city of Carlsbad TODAY’S PRESENTATION ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 •Recommended action •Survey background & changes •FY23 highlights •Questions & motion to receive and accept report 2 {city of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 By proper motion, receive and approve the FY23 California Public Library Survey for submittal to the California State Library 3 {city of Carlsbad SURVEY BACKGROUND ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 •Conducted annually since 1988 •Mission of the California State Library •Provide credible information services to all Californians •Lead and establish partnerships with California libraries •Preserve and provide access to California’s unique history 4 {city of Carlsbad SURVEY BACKGROUND •Data submitted to the CA State Library supports research •Guides discussions on current state of libraries •Demonstrates how libraries respond to changing community needs •By participating, the City can apply for state and federal grants •Library Services & Technology Act (LSTA) funds•California Library Literacy Services •Public Library Staff Education Program ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 5 . . . ·. . . <:•:= INSTITUTE of • • ··:.:\. Museumandllbrary • .••:: SERVICES . . . . . . . {city of Carlsbad SURVEY CHANGES ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 •Library staff & volunteer counting method •Library collection reporting of eBooks •Program counting 6 {city of Carlsbad EXPENDITURES (FY22 vs. FY23) ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 Operating expenditures Decreased by $58K (0.5%) from $11.65M to $11.59M Per Capita* spending Increased from $100.79 to $101.20 *Population: 115,585 FY22, 114,549 FY23 Source: California Dept. of Finance, Demographic Research Unit 7 {city of Carlsbad LIBRARY COLLECTIONS (FY22 vs. FY23) ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 Total print materials held – Decreased by 18,818 (7.4%) from 253,356 to 234,538 Number of electronic books in collection – Decreased by 926 (4.9%) from 18,843 to 17,917 8 {city of Carlsbad INSIDE LIBRARY VISITS (FY22 vs. FY23) ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 A B C 9 45000 40000 36,481 35000 30000 25000 23,.057 July August Sept Oct INov Dec --FY22 34,429 2,294 31J'216 Jan Feb --FY23 39,585 40,136 March Apri I May June {city of Carlsbad CIRCULATION – PHYSICAL MATERIALS (FY22 vs. FY23) ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 10 I I=============== I 7~7079 73,798 79,718 _..... __ 68,418 75,483 61,925 69,435 --711306 1 63,838 July August Sept Oct INov Dec Jan f=eb Mardi Apri I 79,760 751232 ~~ 79,848 73,004 May June {city of Carlsbad ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23CIRCULATION – EBOOKS, EAUDIO, EMAGAZINES, STREAMING FY23 11 12 000 I 111000 9,.936 101000 91294 91293 91194 9,487 91000 81155 8,559 81132 9,.791 8,.105 7,852 9,465 81000 8,.976 71000 7,784 7,952 71315 7,343 7,.590 7,.413 71538 61000 51000 41000 31000 11836 1,787 11858 1,851 1,.661 1,700 1,650 11734 1,.723 21000 112.47 1/169 1,235 11000 0 480 1,033 665 731 682 733 685 769 804 874 878 54 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 INov-22 De c-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 • eBook Downloads • eAudiobook Downloads • e Magazine Downloads • Streaming {:c:ity Of Carlsbad PROGRAMMING ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 Program Category Live, In Person Live, Virtual #Attendance #Attendance Early Learning, Ages 0-5 375 18,600 0 0 Children, Ages 6-11 265 9,818 22 87 Young Adult 37 1,623 15 94 Adult Program 164 9,388 90 1,715 General Interest 121 452 3 33 TOTAL 962 39,881 130 1,929 12 L'. □[!]□ {city of Carlsbad 843 119 130 FY23 Live In Person - On Site Live In Person - Off Site Live - Virtual 274 55 303 FY22 Live In Person - On Site Live In Person - Off Site Live - Virtual PROGRAMMING (FY22 vs. FY23) ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 52% 48% 12% 88% 13■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ELECTRONIC SERVICES (FY22 vs. FY23) ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 Wireless sessions per year Increased by 21,362 (22.7%) from 94,311 to 115,673 Annual uses of Public Internet Computers Increased by 9,933 (45.1%) from 22,029 sessions to 31,962 The City of Carlsbad offers public Wi-Fi at all three library locations during hours of operation, and at the Dove Library Wi-Fi is available in the Courtyard, West Patio and Children’s Garden. 14 {city of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 By proper motion, receive and approve the FY23 City of Carlsbad’s California Public Library Survey for submittal to the California State Library 15 {city of Carlsbad QUESTIONS ITEM 3: CPL SURVEY FY23 16 . ?---. . . . . • •