HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-01-14; Planning Commission; ; CUP 103 - NAZARENE CHURCHTO:
January 14, 1975
Larry Rohloff (Agent) APPLICANT:
1300 Quail St. •
Newport Beach, CA 92660
I. REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of an Conditional
Use Permit to allow construction of a church and related facilities
on property located at 2675 Highland Drive. A similar proposal
was approved by the Planning Commission in March, 1973, but
expired one year later.
II. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of CUP 103 based
on the following justifications:
1) The use is necessary and desirable for the development of
the community, is in harmony with the General Plan and
is not detrimental to uses in the R-1 Zone because:
a) The General Plan and Zoning allow churches in the
R-1 Zone when it is proven they can be adjusted
to the neighborhood;
b) The use will provide a needed service to the
2) The site for the intended use is adequate in size and
shape to accommodate the use because:
a) The lot size for the church is 1.84 acres. This
is larger than all except one church existing
presently in Carlsbad; •
b) The lot is regularly shaped and can easily accomodate
the proposed use.
3) All of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping
and other features necessary to adjust the use to existing
or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be
provided and maintained as follows:
a) The project will be required to meet all setbacks of
the R-1 Zone;
b) A view obscuring fence or hedge is being required
along all property boundaries which abut dwelling units;
c) A landscape plan which wi11 buffer the use from
the surrounding neighborhood is being required.
4) The street system serving the proposed use is adequate
to handle all traffic generated by the use because:
a) The site is located at the intersection of two
residential collector streets.
b} The site has excellent access to I-5.
Recommended Conditions of Approval
1 )
The approval is granted for the land described in the
application and any attachments thereto, and as shown
on the plot plan submitted labeled Exhibit A, dated 12-2-74.
The location of all buildings, fences, signs, roadways,
parking areas, landscaping, and other facilities or
features shall be located substantially as shown on the
plot plan labeled Exhibit A, except or unless indicated
otherwise herein. All buildings and structures shall
be of the design as shown on the elevation plans labeled
Exhibit B, dated 12-2-74.
All requirements of any law, ordinance or regulation of
the State of California, City of Carlsbad, and any other
governmental entity shall be complied with.
No signs or advertising of any type whatsoever shall be
erected or installed until plans therefore have been
approved by the City of Carlsbad.
All areas shown as parking areas shall be surfaced with
asphaltic concrete and shall be visibly marked outlining
individual parking spaces and traffic flow. Said surfacing
and marking shall be completed prior to final inspection
of the structure or structures by the Building Department.
The surface shall be kept in a reasonably good state of
repair at all times.
All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from adjoin-
ing properties and streets.
All outside storage areas shall be screened from adjacent
property and streets.
An incombustible trash enclosure shall be provided of a
size and location acceptable to the Planning Director, and
said area shall be enclosed with a fence and/or wall of
sufficient height to adequately shield the area. Said
fence and/or wall shall include a solid gate.
8) Interior landscaping of parking areas shall be provided in
a manner acceptable to the Planning Director. Said
minimum area of landscaping shall be equivalent to 3% of
the ~rea of the lot excluding required perimeter land-scaping.
9) A detailed landscape and sprinkler plan prepared by a
landscape architect, shall be submitted to the Parks and
Recreation Director for consideration and approval. Said
landscape plan shall show effective screening of the use
from adjacent properties. Landscaping shall cover all
open areas shown on the plot plan, except those used for walkways.
10) All utilities including electrical, telephone and cable
television, shall be installed underground and/or shall
be completely concealed from view.
11) All public improvements shall be made in conformity with
the Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standards, to
the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to
the City of Carlsbad and free of all liens and encum-
12) Prior to any construction, the appiicant shall submit
plans to the appropriate entity providing domestic water.
to the proposed development, for its approval of the ·
location, type and adequacy of water lines, and to this
Fire Department for approval of the location of fire
13) Street trees, as required by the City, shall be installed
by the applicant at his expense. Trees shall be of a .
type approved by the Parks Department and shall be install-
ed to their specifications. If removal of any existing
trees is required by the City, said removal shall be at
the applicants• expense. It shall be the responsibility
of the applicant to make all arrangements with the Parks
Department concerning the requirements of this condition.
14) The applicant shall install all required fire hydrants -
and dry-stand pipes prior to framing construction, and
said fire appurtenances shall be functional prior to
commencing such work.
15) The project shall be phased as follows:
Phase IA January 1976
Phase 1B January 1977
Phase II January 1978
Phase III January 1980
The Planning Director may grant a one year extension for
each phase of development. If construction for a phase
does not commence by the appointed date, this Conditional
Use Permit will beco■e null and void.
16) Adequate parking shall be provided concurrent with each phase
of the development. Plans shall be reviewed by the City
Engineer and Fire Department to ensure that adequate turn
arounds and back up space are provided with each phase.
17) The applicant shall dedicate additional right of way to
provide for a 30 1 half street section on Highland Drive,
and shall enter into a future agreement with the City to
construct complete half-street improvements along Highland
18) Applicant shall construct the following improvements:
a) Curb, gutter and sidewalk along Las Flores Drive
per City of Carlsbad Drawing No. 133-4.
b) Cleanout at end of sewer stub in northerly extension
of Morning Glory Lane.
c) One fire hydrant at end of water line in northerly
extension of Morning Glory Lane, and one on-site
fire hydrant, centrally located~-The on-site hydrant
shall be served from a public water line extension
from Highland Drive, having an alignment and capacity
approved by the Fire Department and City Engineering
Department. These shall be installed prior to building
d) One 7000 Lumen ornamental street lights on Las
Flores, per City standards.
e) Curb outlets in Las Flores as needed to handle drainage,
per City Standards.
19) Approval of a final parcel map (PS 205) to consolidate lots
is required prior to issuance of building permits.·
20) Prior to occupancy, the applicant shall install a
view obscuring grapestake and masonry pillar fehce
along along all property boundaries abutting single
family residences.
Location: The project site is located northwest of the
intersection of Highland Drive and Las Flores Drive.
Legal Description: A portion of Tract 5, Laguna Mesa Tracts,
according to Map 1719 filed with the San~Diego Recorder,
in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of
Site Descrietion: The property has a gentle slope from
Highland Dr1ve west to Pio Pico. Buena Vista Elementary
School is immediately across Las Flores Drive to the South.
The rest of the area is developed with single family homes.
Project Description: The property fronts on Highland
Drive to the east and Las Flores Drive on the south.
Ingress and egress is proposed to be off Las Flores only.
There is existing single family house fronting on
Highland Drive which is proposed to be used as a
Parsonage. This house cannot be split off of the rest
of the lot because of setback requirements.
Subject Property: R-1
North: R-1
South: R-1
East: R-1
West: R-1
General Plan Recommendation: The Land Use Element of
the General Plan shows the subject property as low
density residential. The new Land Use text does not
contain any criteria for Churches. The Commission may
wish to instruct staff to prepare a General Plan
Amendment which would address standards for church
location (i.e., Standards for neighborhood compatibility,
distribution, etc.}
Environmental Impact Requirements: The applicant filed
an Environmental Impact Assessment for the earlier
submission of this project. The project at that time, was
declared to have a non-significant impact on the environ-
ment. This project has been determined to have met the
requirements of the Environmental Protection Ordinance for
reasons of prior compliance because it is substantially
the same as the earlier project proposal.
IV. MAJOR PLANNING CONSIDERATION: Can the noise and traffic
generated by the use be sustained without offense to the
surrounding neighborhood?
Does the use meet the same standards for churches as estab-
lished by existing churches?
The main concern with the project, in the past and with the
present proposal has been with neighborhood compatibility.
Virtually all of Carlsbad's churches are adjacent to residential
areas. The compatibility of these churches to the neighbor-
hood depends on the following factors:
1 )
Lot size -(the larger the lot, the more area to buffer
the use).
Street location -(Are the roads serving the project of
collector status or larger?} •
Setbacks, fences, and landscaping (do they successfully
separate the church from neighboring uses?)
Staff has attached a list of Carlsbad Churches with information
on lot size, street location and surrounding land use. On a
comparative basis, the proposed church has several desirable
characteristics: It is on a larger lot than almost all existing
Carlsbad churches and it has access from two collector streets.
Staff believes that with the required landscaping and fencing,
the church will be compatible with its neighborhood.
Plot Plan, Exhibit A, 12-2-74
Locational/Size Characteristics of Carlsbad Churches
Construction Materials list.
NOTE: Elevations will be available at the Planning Commission
Carlsbad Union
Gospel Tabernacle
Pilgrim Congregational
Beautiful Saviour Lutheran
St. Patrick's Catholic (old)
St. Patrick's Catholic (new)
St. Michael's Episcopal
First Baptist
Christian Science
.80 Ac
. 51 Ac
1.37 Ac
4.29 Ac
.67 Ac
1 . 89 Ac
1 . 3 7 Ac
1.6 Ac
1. 7 Ac
Corner/2 collectors
Corner/arterial & collector
Corner/2 tollectors
Corner/arterial & collector
Corner/ & collector
Co Hector
Commercial & Res4djritial.
Commercial & Residential
Commercial & Residential
Commercial & Residential
Concrete slab (except 2nd story unit)
Frame (wood) and Stucco except where rough sawn
cedar siding is used.
Wood arches and Decking on Sanctuary Chapel,
Trusses on others.
Reddish-Brown clay tile in a shingle type.
Spanish S-shaped)
Wood trim -dark brown-solid-color stain
Cedar -natural finish
Doors -Dark Brown solid-color stain
Stucco -Off white towards buff or creme
Multicolored random sized plexiglass or equal
except S.S. Rooms which use aluminum sliders with
clear glass.
Ag<.:nda Bill No. ___ .1'1.JiJ / Date: February 18. 1975
Referred to:
• Subject: Request for an Appeal of Planning Co11111issiQn Approval of Submitted
a Conditional Use Permit (103) -Nazarene Church Planning
~~~~¥i)t)l Appellant: Joe A. Martin
Statement of the Matter: The Planning Commission recommended approval of a Conditional
Use Permit (103) at their January 14, 1975 meeting for reasons outlined in.Planning
Co1m1ission Resolution 1125. :
The applicant is proposing to build a church and rela~ed facilities on property located
at 2675 Highland Drive. A similar proposal was approved by the Planning Commission in
March~ 1973, but expired one year later. The applicant has met all ordinances and policies,
including Public Facilities, of the City of Carlsbad.
A few residents spoke in opposition; their concern based primarily on lack of parking,
their feeling that a church was not compatible with the neighborhood and·the landlocked
lots behind the church site. However, the Commission felt that the applicant met all
requirements the City now requires; and since there are no definite requirements for
churches in the General Plan, the applicant should be granted the Conditional Use Permit.
Staff report dated January 14, 1975
Planning Commission Resolution 1125
Plat Ma~, Exhibit A, dated 12/2/74
Staff Recommendations to City Manager: The Planning Commission was of the opinion that
the facts as presented during the public hearing were satisfactory to grant the Conditional
Use Permit. The staff reco11TT1endation was based on provisions of the zoning ordinance which
would indicate that the Conditional Use Permit could be granted for reasons outlined in the
staff report to the Planning Commission dated January 14. If the City Council concurs
with Staff's recommendation, the Council should indicate its intent to deny the appeal and
·the City Attorney directed to prepare the necessary documents .
If the City Council is satisfied that the reasons outlined in the aopellant's letter merit
additional consideration, the appeal should be granted and the matter should be returned to
the Planning Co11TT1ission for report.
A-B No,. Date: February 18, 1975
City ~anager's Recommendation
Council Action
2-18-75 The City Attorney was instructed to prepare documents necessary for
denying the appeal.