HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-09; Planning Commission; ; CUP 110- BATIQUITOS SUBSTATIONCITY OF CARLSBAD
February 9, 1976
I. Request: The applicant requests approval of a Conditional
Use Permit to allow construction operation and maintenance
of a 12/138 KU electrical substation.
II. Recommendation: Staff recommends the CUP 110 be APPROVED
based on the following findings and subject to the following
l) That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the
development of the community, is essentially in harmony
with the various Elements and objectives of the General
Plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses
specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed
use is to be located.
a) The General Plan designates the site for Public
Utility use.
b) The facility will allow service availability to meet
increasing demand in the La Costa area.
c) The project location is adjacent to an established
CMWD facility.
2) That the site for the intended use is adequate in size
and shape to accomodate the use:
a) The site is adjacent to existing transmission lines.
b) The project will be centrally located to its service
c) The surrounding topography aids in separating the
site from residential uses.
3) That all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, land-
scaping and other features necessary to adjust the request-
ed use to existing or permitted future uses in the neigh-
borhood will be provided and maintained.
a) The project will be reviewed prior to building permit
issuance to insure the above.
4) That the street system serving the proposed use is ade-
quate to properly handle all traffic generated by the
proposed use.
a) Only occasional maintenance will be required to
maintain the facility and site.
b) Alga Road is sufficient to accomodate the minimally
increased traffic flow.
5) The subject application has complied with the requirements
of the City of Carlsbad "Environmental Protection Ordinance
of 1972 11 because:
a} The project is located in an urbanized area in
which the natural environment has been irretrivably
b) The degree of visual impact is a matter of subjective
judgement, major impacts have already been made by over-
head power lines and the neighboring water tank.
1) The approval is granted for the land described in the application,
and as shown on the Plot Plan submitted labeled Exhibit A, dated
December 30, 1975. The location of the buildings, roadways, and
parking areas shall be located substantially as shown on the plot
plan labeled Exhibit B, unless indicated otherwise herein.
2) Any minor change may be approved by the Planning Director. Any
substantial change will require the filing of an application for
an amendment to be considered by the Planning Commission.
3) All appropriate requirements of any law, ordinance or regulation of
the State of California, City of Carlsbad, and any other govern-
mental entity shall be complied with.
4) A detailed automatic irrigation, fencing and landscape plan will
-be sublllitted for approval to the Parks and Recreation Director and
·Planning Director prior to building permit issuance.
All slopes shown on the preliminary 1 andscape plan labeled Exhfbit
C will be hydroseeded in a manner acceptable to the Parks and
Recreation Director.
The site landscaping will incorporate and be compatible with the
neighboring CMWD landscaping.
The site fencing will incorporate and be compatible with the
neighboring CMWD fencing and will utilize 81 chain link with red-
wood obscuring slats.
In addition to hydroseeding on the slope areas {~s nallon trees
will be planted in the locations shown on ExhibitDcI'a'ted !--~-71,,
Prior to final building inspection clearance, all irrigation
facilities, landscaping and fencing shall be installed.
All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from adjoining
properties and streets.
I. ~ocation and Description 8' Property: The project site
1s located on the south side of Alga Road between Alicante
Road and Alisma Street.
The site abuts property owned by CMWD, on which a water tank
is located. The water tank site has been fenced and land-
scaped. The subject property is generally flat, and was
graded prior to annexation to the City.
The building pad has been graded back into a hill on the
north east and concrete drainage culverts installed. There
are residential lots on top of the hill to the northeast.
No significant vegetation exists on the site.
II. Existing Zoning:
Subject Parcel:
III. Existing Land Use:
Subject Parcel:
Vacant graded
Single family residences and vacant
Single family residences and vacant •
CMWD storage tank
·JV. Past History and Related Cases: The subject parcel was
split from the CMWD parcel prior to annexation to the City.
Access to the SDG&E parcel is provided from a paved gated
roadway through the CMWD parcel.
The subject parcel was annexed to the City as part of the
La Costa annexation unzoned and therefore was automatically
designated L-C (Limited Control).
Because of recent changes in the L-C zone, th~ substatt6n
could not be accomodated under that desi_gnation.
Zone Change 171 approved by Planning Com"fssion Rese-lution
No. 1218, January 28, 1976, changed the zoning on the sub-
ject parcel and the CMWD parcel to R-1-15,000.
The project can now proceed with a request for a conditional
use permit to allow the sub-station on the R-1-15,000 zone.
An Environmental Impact Assessment of the project was con-
ducted and a negative declaration of nonsignificant impact
tssued for the following reasons:
1) The project is located in an urbanized area in
which the natural environment has been irretrivably
distrubed; and
2) The degree of visual impact is a matter of subjective
judgment, major impacts have already been made by
overhead power lines and the neighboring water tank.
Both the Carlsbad Municipal Water District facility and the
subject site are designated for "U" (Public Utilities) use.
l )
Is the use necessary or desirable for the develop-
ment of the community?
Is the project consistent with the General Plan?
Will the use be detrimental to the existing uses or
to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which
the proposed use is to be located?
Is the size and shape of the site of tre project ade-
quate to accommodate the use.
Will the project be adequately separated from surround-
ing residential uses.
Is the street system adequate to handle traffic
generated by the use.
The applicant states the following in regard to the subject project:
"1) SUCH a permit is warranted because of increasing electrical
load ~emands in the surrounding area. The present growth
rate 1s approximately 20% per year. We now find it neces-
sary to construct this substation to adequately meet the
electric requiruents to better serwe our·customers & re-
duce the possibility of low voltage or outage problems in the. area.
2) SUCH a ~ermit will be in the interest of furtherance of
publfc welfare because the station will correct a low
voltage problem that will occur due to the above mentioned
growth. Our substation will have no detrimentaleffect
• on existing or future community or general plans and will
not be detrimental to the health, safety & welfare of the
public now or in the future. The substation will, in fact,
provide a necessary and desirable service to our customers
& neighbors in this area of Carlsbad.
3) THE proposed use will not be detrimental in any way to
other neighboring properties, i.e. (noise, smoke, dust,
fumes, bivration, ordors & hazards) because the station
will be a low-profile type, landscpated for dust abatement
and eye appeal, automatically irrigated, and fenced for
safety with 8 1 view-obscuring slats. Ample setbacks have
been provided between property lines & fence surrounding
the substation equipment.
4) The property is more suitable for the proposed use because
it is immediately adjacent to existing transmission lines,
thus eliminating the need for additional rights of way and
unnecessary line extensions. It is centrally located in
relation to the area it will serve, thereby saving the
voltage loss that exists because of the large distances
between this area and the present serving substations.
5) The traffic generating capacity of the proposed use will
not place an extreme demand for, or burden upon, other
utilities, municipal improvements, or services because
only occasional routine maintenance will be required;
e.g., one trip per week by pick-up truck to check instru-
■entation of substation equipment & three to four trips
per month to adequately maintain landscaping."
This project is consistant with the General Plan and in a location
co•itted to public utility services.
Staff feels that the site is adequately separated from existing and
future residential development.
The power line easement to the southwest and the bluff to east, com-
bined with landscaping will provide visual and topographic buffers
around the project. •
Exhibits A, B, C & D
ZC-171 Resolution
Copy of easements on property by CMWD