HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-30; Economic Development Subcommittee; ; Economic Development Strategic Plan - FY 2024-25 Economic Development Strategic ActionsECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE
Staff Report
Meeting Date:
Staff Contact:
Recommended Action
Economic Development Subcommittee
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
david.graham@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5992
Economic Development Strategic Plan -FY 2024-25 Economic Development
Strategic Actions
Receive an update on the implementation of the Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP) and
the proposed fiscal year 2024-25 Economic Development Strategic Actions plan. Discuss and
provide input on the actions and the resources necessary for implementation.
Executive Summary
The EDSP is a roadmap that guides the City's economic development activities over the five-year
period beginning in 2023. The Economic Development Strategic Actions accompanies the EDSP 1:1nd
outlines the tactical actions that are taken to achieve the goals and objectives set forth. The
strategic actions are updated annually and presented to the Economic Development Subcommittee
for their input and recommendation to the City Council. This item provides th~ subcommittee with
proposed strategic actions for fiscal year 2024-25. The subcommittee can make a recommendation
regarding the actions and resources necessary to accomplish the City Council-approved EDSP.
Explanation & Analysis
Carlsbad has a history of making strategic decisions to support a vibrant economy. The COVID-19
global pandemic had a significant impact on the economy and many business sectors. The City
Council moved quickly to create an ad hoc subcommittee and COVID-19 economic response. By any
measure, the city's response to the COVID-19 pandemic helped many businesses survive and
recover. It also brought into clear focus the need to continue to make strategic investments in the
economy. The City Council built upon the economic response to the pandemic with a series of
actions that created a long-term strategic approach to a sustainable and vibrant economy and
elevated the importance of economic development in the city.
On June 23, 2020, the Carlsbad City Council approved the creation of a department with a focus on
economic development. Around a dozen new programs and partnerships have been piloted in the
three-and-a-half years since the City Council created the department. The city has expanded its
collaboration with industry groups, educational institutions, and business organizations like the
Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, Carlsbad Village Association, and Visit Carlsbad.
The City Council also took steps to have a significant role in economic development and create a
Jan.30,2024 Item #2 Page 1 of 12
public forum for focused discussion and direction to support the economy. On May 11, 2021, the
City Council received a report on the city's economic response to COVID-19 and directed staff to
return with an action to create a standing City Council Economic Development Subcommittee. On
June 15, 2021, the City Council unanimously approved the creation of a standing Economic
Development Subcommittee to guide the city's support for business and the economy. In addition
to hearing from businesses, guiding the development of new programs, and engaging with the city's
business organizations and key industry organizations, the subcommittee spent significant time
developing a five-year strategic plan for economic development.
On October 11, 2022, the City Council approved the Carlsbad Strategic Plan 2023-2027. The annual
budget serves as the work plan for the citywide strategic plan. One of the goals of the plan is
economic vitality. A strategic objective under this goal was to create a strategic approach for a
vibrant economy that includes talent & workforce strategies, small business assistance, inclusive
• growth & diverse business support, key industry cluster development, and fostering an ecosystem
for startups & entrepreneurs to thrive. On January 10, 2023, the City Counci l accomplished this goal
by adopting the EDSP.
Core to the EDSP is setting long•term goals that support economic vitality while maintaining
flexibility to address economic uncertainty as it may arise. To achieve this, the plan has two parts.
1he first part is the strategy itself, which sets long-term goals mea"nt to last three to five years with
overarching economic development goals that include:
1. Support Small Businesses, Startups & Entrepreneurs
2. Develop Workfc;>rce and Attract Talent
3. Grow and Support Key Industries
4. Encourage Placemaking and Engagement
The second part is the Economic Development Strategic Actions, which contains numerous tc;1ctics
that can be pursued by the city to achieve the four goals contained in the strategy. The strategic
actions also contain factors such as prioritization, cost, estimated timeline, departments engaged,
and key performance indicators (KPls) to measure success.
The strategic actions are reviewed annually by the Economic Development Subcommittee for their
recommendation to the City Council. The actions are updated each year to correspond with
changing market conditions, economic needs, and future challenges." As conditions change, certain
actions may be elevated in priority, timelines updated, or KP ls adjusted to respond to future needs
more accurately.
The EDSP and the fiscal year 2024-25 Economic Development Strategic Actions will be implemented
through a combination of city staff, professional services contracts, partnerships with local business
organizations, and collaboration with industry cluster organizations. City staff across multiple
departments have a role in implementing the strategic plan.
The city has one-and-a-half staff dedicated to supporting Carlsbad businesses and the economy,
which is fewer than peer cities with smaller economies in the region. The number of programs,
activities, and pilot projects has grown tremendously since the City Council created a department
focused on economic development. In 2023, staff began implementation of the actions defined in
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the strategic actions for year 1, yielding a further expansion of programs and services being
provided to Carlsbad businesses. Staff have leveraged partnerships, executed process
improvements, created efficiencies, and used data to support effective economic development.
The draft Economic Development Strategic Actions for fiscal year 2024-25 (Exhibit 1) contains both
actions proposed to be continued from fiscal year 2023-24 into fiscal year 2024-25, as well as new
actions that would be appropriate to start in fiscal year 2024-25. The combination of actions that
were implemented in the first year and new actions proposed for the second year amount to 39
separate actions that are proposed to be implemented in fiscal year 2024-25. This includes 22
actions that are being continued from year 1, and 17 new actions are being proposed to start in
year 2. There are an additional 24 actions proposed to commence in subsequent years.
The City Council decisions over the past four years have significantly supported Carlsbad businesses
and laid a strategy for a vibrant economy into the future. The Economic Development
Subcommittee continues to be an important resource for businesses and business organizations to
engage with the city. After one year of implementation of the EDSP it is clear tlie city is on the right
track and should continue investing in its implementation.
Fiscal Analysis
For fiscal year 2023-24, the Economic Development Subcommittee recommended-that $185,000 in
funding be dedicated to the implementation of the EDSP. The City Council approved that
recommendation in its entirety. For fiscal year 2024-25, staff is proposing to execute the proposed
actions with a consistent level of funding from the previous fiscal year. Should the Economic-
Development Subcommittee recommend changes to the proposed actions that would necessitate
additional funding, staff would return with an updated estimate of funding required to implement
the plan for fiscal year 2024-2025.
Next Steps
Based on the subcommittee discussion and direction staff will either take the recommendation to
the City Council or return to the subcommittee with an updated fiscal year 2024-25 Economic ••
Development Strategic Actions.
1. Economic Development Strategic Actions -FY 2024-45
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Jan. 30, 2024
Exhibit 1
{city of
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The Economic Development Strategic Plan is a roadmap that will guide the city's economic development activities
for the next five years. The Strategy comes at a critical time for the city and the community. Given the economic
uncertainty of the past few years, changing market pressures, International conflict, and shortage of available
workers, it is more important than ever to identify Carlsbad's economic development strategies and to prepare for
future challenges. The Strategic Plan provides flexible and agile guidance for Carlsbad to address City Council's goal
of economic vitality: fostering a vibrant community.
This Economic Development Strategic Actions matrix accompanies the Strategic Plan as a guide for the
tactical actions that will build toward achieving the overarching goals and objectives in the Strategic
Plan. The Strategic Actions will allow the city to re-prioritize or realign strategies as economic conditions
change or if priorities shift throughout the tenure of the Strategic Plan.
While the Innovation and Economic Development Department (l&ED) is the lead on these efforts. eco_nomic
development is collaborative, and is not limited to one department, group, or organization. The Strategic
Actions document thoughtfully involve multiple city departments, local and regional partners, workforce
and talent, residents, and the broad and diverse businesses that support the community.
As such, the Strategic Actions are intended to assist the city in aligning its program priorities to match the
market opportunities identified in the Strategic Plan. While the Strategic Actions document assigns time
frames to each tactic, it does not make staffing recommendations regarding the implementation of these
programs. l&ED is a small, but mighty department, however, with its limited economic development staff,
it may not be possible to implement all of the proposed actions without additional staff and resources.
The Strategic Actions document assumes that new activities and programs would ?e phased in over
several years and acknowledges that many of the proposed tactics involve activities that" the1:ity is already
unclertaking. It also provides an estimate of cost. The cost estimates provided are updated for each fiscal
year, and projected forward for future years. The estimate provided for future years will be updated on
an annual basis to ensure accuracy and adaptability to the current budget conditions, as the specific
implementation time frame approaches.
The City of Carlsbad believes in transparency and accountability, and as such, staff will regularly update
the Economic Development Subcommittee on the progress made on the goals and objectives in the
Strategic Plan and Strategic Actions document.
City of Carlsbad Economic Development
Strategic Plan Goals
GOAL 1: Support Small Businesses,
Startups & Entrepreneurs
Support Small Businesses, Startups &
Ent repreneurs in partnership with local and
regional collaborators, supporting the long-term
viability of entrepreneurs and small businesses in
GOAL 2: Develop Workforce
and Attract Talent
Develop and attract workers and talent by
providing skills, resources, and support for current
and future jobs.
GOAL 3: Grow and Support
Key Industries
Grow and support key industries by providing and
creating resources for these indust ries to thrive in
Carlsbad's economy.
GOAL 4: Encourage Placemaking
and Engagement
Encourage a sense of connection in our community
by building upon our successes and promoting
access to economic development resources and
Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget Considerations
The proposed activities for fiscal year 2024-25 are achievable utilizing t he department's fiscal year
2023-24 budget level.
Due to the current budget mandate, items that were originally slated for fiscal year 2024-25 that
necessitated additional budget beyond fiscal year 2023-24 funding levels were moved to subsequent
years for consideration. As such, the proposed Year 2 Strategic Actions do not contain a funding request
above the department's fiscal year 2023-24 levels.
Updates to the Strategic Actions Matrix
The five-year implementation timeline means that new actions will be started during each year of t he
strategy. Over time, these actions w ill accumulate to demonstrate expanded impact and programming.
On the matrix presented on the following pages, actions that are "In Progress" or "Ongoing" from previous
years are shown in GREEN. New actions that will commence in fiscal year 2024-25 are shown in YELLOW.
When combined, between actions that were implemented in the first year, and new actions proposed for
the second year, there are 39 actions t hat are proposed to be implemented in fiscal year 2024-25.
Goal 1: Support Small Businesses, Startups & Entrepreneurs in partnership with local and regional collaborators, supporting the
long-term viability of entrepreneurs and small businesses in Carlsbad.
Objective Strategic Action Resourcing Deliverable Status
Objective 1.1: Educate the Celebrate staffs role in economic Priority: High Work across City Departments Complete (ongoing)
public on the permitting development of Carlsbad and continue Start Year: FY23-24 to ensure staff understands Communications between internal
and entitlement process to educate on how their work can lead Cost: Funded how their work impacts departments that interact with
and provide City staff with to success and economic health in the Lead: l&ED Economic Develooment businesses to convey economic impact
the knowledge and Continually review the planning Priority: High Continuous audit of procedures Complete (ongoing)
resources they need to application and permitting procedures Start Year: FY23-24 System in place. Recent examples
provide such information to identify process improvements. Cost: Funded include ADU by-right process,
Lead: CD comprehensive form updates
Objective 1.2: Provide a Continue the implementation of the Priority: High Building, planning, and other In Progress {10% complete)
positive customer service Customer Self Service program within Start Year: FY23-24 permits available online 12 permits now available, goal to have
experience during the the permitting application system, Cost: Funded 200 permits available online
permitting process. Energov, to increase the number of Lead: CD&IT
Increase the ability for customers to Priority: High Permit submittal statuses In Progress {25% complete)
track the status of their projects Start Year: FY23-24 available to check online Building permits now available, other
online. Cost: Funded permits in development
Lead: CD
Promote the pre-application program Priority: High Pre-application process Complete (ongoing)
to help identify major issues early in Start Year: FY23-24 becomes a primary tool for Information included in discussioAS with
the entitlement process. Cost: Funded developers with questions developers and new companies
Lead: l&ED& CD regarding development projects
Enhance the Welcome to Carlsbad Priority: Medium Ensure new businesses have Complete
Program for new businesses by Start Year: FY23-24 access to resources and Available on the city's business page of
providing information and resources Cost: Funded information needed to grow the website
on the pre-application program, Lead: l&ED their business
permitting process, and business
Utilizing Energov, track turnaround Priority: Medium Track turnaround times of Complete (ongoing)
times for planning applications and Start Year: FY23-24 permit applications CD staff tracks turnaround times.
permits to identify areas to increase Cost: Funded . Example includes e11abl;d str~amlined
efficiency. Lead: CD signage application
Creation of a one stop shop permit Priority: High Customer Self Service Portal Complete
center that allows customers to access Start Year: FY23-24 Roll out of Energov self service portal
resources related to the permitting Cost: Funded
process in one location. Lead: l&ED& CD
Create an option for applicants to Priority: Medium Creation of a project resolution Complete
request project resolution issue Start Year: FY23-24 process
meetings to resolve high priority, time-Cost: Funded
sensitive issues with senior level Lead: l&ED
Development Services staff.
Evaluate a potential economic Priority: Medium Create priority project criteria; Not Started
development priority project Start Year: FY25-26 Identify options to expedite
designation for planning and Cost: $100,000
permitting review that could included Lead: l&ED & CD
expedited review, enhanced
communication and/or other
Create a program to give planning and Priority: Low Industry workshops with staff Not Started
building staff better insight into Start Vear: FY25-26
operations in key industries, thereby Cost: $5,000
giving a better understanding of Lead: l&ED
development need.
Jan. 30,2024 CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVEL<~~rWsrnArle3'1&~2-R6~-YEAR 2 14 I
Goal 1: Support Small Businesses, Startups & Entrepreneurs in partnership with local and regional collaborators, supporting the
long-term viability of entrepreneurs and small businesses in Carlsbad.
Objective Strategic Action Resourcing Deliverable Status
Objective 1.2: continued Evaluate potential solutions to give a Priority: Medium Implement a solution to make Not Started
clearer understanding of zoning prior Start Year: FY25-26 zoning and planning
to submittal. {OpenCounter) Cost: Funded information more accessible
Lead: l&ED
Objective 1.3: Empower Create Small Business and Priority: Medium Position libraries as resource In Progress (33% complete)
small businesses and Entrepreneur Symposium on basic and Start Year: FY23-24 centers for small businesses to Partnership with SBOC and Carlsbad
entrepreneurs with critical issues for small business Cost: Funded gain skills and information Libraries
resources they need to be owners. Topics could include Lead: l&ED & needed to run or grow their
successful in Carlsbad marketing, social media, finance, Libraries operations
human resources, access to capital,
technology, and more.
Partner with business organizations to Priority: Low A resource and marketing kit In Progress (75% complete)
develop a shop loca l initiative to Start Year: FY23-24 for businesses to demonstrate Program being built in conjunction with
encourage patronage at Carlsbad Cost: Funded the importance and impact of Chamber, CVA and Visit Carlsbad
businesses. Lead: l&ED shopping local
Expand partnerships with Priority: Medium Partner with entrepreneur Complete (ongoing)
entrepreneur support organizations Start Year:· FY23-24 support organizations for Partnered with Connect, Startup San
and regional business partners to Cost: Funded services ,Diego, and San Diego Sport Innovators
connect entrepreneurs with resources, Lead: l&ED to support entrepreneurs and startups
networks, and capital.
In partnership with the local business Priority: Medium Host or support an open-house Not Started
organizations, hold a Carlsbad Start Year: FY25-26 event of Carlsbad employers
Employer Open House to showcase Cost: $10,000
local businesses and connect them Lead: l&ED
with potential employees.
Develop a Small Business Liaison Priority: Low Identify / add staff person to Not Started
Program that includes a dedicated Start Year: l"Y25-26 manage program
liaison to resolve issues with the small Cost: $100,000
business and entrepreneur -Lead: l&ED
Continue to host a day of San Diego Priority: Low Host a day of startup week Not Started
Startup Week in Carlsbad to Start Year: FY24-25
demonstrate the city's importance to Cost: Funded
the startup ecosystem in North County Lead: l&ED -
and the region as a whole.
Objective 1.4: Embrace Evaluate signage requirements for Priority: Low Right-sized signage Not Started
the changing nature of businesses. Start Year: FY24-25 requirements for businesses
work and what that may Cost: Funded
look like for Carlsbad Lead: CD
businesses Through a data driven approach, Priority: Low Identify outdated planning Not Started
consider additional flexibility in the Start Year: FY26-27 practices and codes
development code to allow for more Cost: Funded
agility as business trends change Lead: CD
Objective 1.5: Increase Partner with the Employer Assistance Priority: Medium Establish Partnership{s) Not Started
engagement and support and Resource Network on Disability Start Year: FY25-26
for women, minority, Inclusion {EARN) to create resources Cost: $10,000 veteran, disabled-owned for disabled-owned businesses. I n~A• ll>,1'0
businesses In conjunction with regional partners Priority: Medium Establish Partnership{s) Not Started
such as SBA, SCORE, and SBDC, offer Start Year: FY25-26
trainings specifically geared towards Cost: $25,000
supporting women, minority, veteran, Lead: l&ED
and disabled-owned businesses.
Celebrate women, minority, veteran, Priority: Medium Creation of events that Not Started
and disabled-owned businesses by Start Year: FY25-26 promote inclusivity
acknowledging and creating events Cost: $25,000
around: Women's Small Business Lead: l&ED
Month, Veterans Small Business Week,
Black Business Month, Hispanic
Heritage Month, etc.
Goal 2: Develop and attract workers and talent by providing skills, resources, and support for current and future jobs.
Objective Strategic Action Resourcing Deliverable Status
Objective 2.1: Enhance Enhance Life In Action tools to assist Priority: High Update interface to be more useful In Progress {90% complete)
workforce training and in talent attraction for Carlsbad Start Vear: FY23-24 and intuitive for businesses, allows Work being done internally with other
talent attraction businesses in key industries -Cost: Funded for better data gathering on usage departments that interface with
resources to support transitioning Life in Action Recruiter Lead: l&ED businesses
Carlsbad's key industries tool from a pilot to an ongoing
by partnering with K-12 Enhance and promote educational Priority: High Delivery of skills-based training for Complete (ongoing)
school districts, regional workshops provided by the Library, Start Year: FY23-24 Carlsbad residents Piloted the Job-Readiness Room
higher educational Parks and Recreation and other Cost: Funded program and learned key insights into
institutions, and regional resources that provide skill Lead: Libraries how to better support skills training.
cities to support talent development to Carlsbad's
development and linkages workforce.
with key industries Collaborate with regional partners Priority: Medium Create and maintain partnerships Not Started
such as SOCAL, Mira Costa College, Start Vear: FY25-26
TCI, and local businesses for Cost: $5,000
workforce training for middle school, Lead: l&ED&
high school, post-secondary Libraries
students, and transitioning adults.
Partner with K-12, school districts, Medium Create and maintain partnerships Not Started
and higher education institutions to Start Year: FY25-26
enhance their existing programs that Cost: Funded
provide technical and soft skills to Lead: l&ED
entry level employees.
Facilitate partnerships between Priority: Medium A better-informed higher In Progress (50% complete)
Carlsbad's businesses and education Start Year: FY25-26 educational system as to the needs Staff regularly conveys skills demand to
partners to identify skills necessary for skills in the workforce higher education partners
to obtain employment in high wage Cost: Funded
industries. Lead: l&ED
Support the formation of internship Priority: Medium Support and facilitate resources to Not Started
programs for Carlsbad employers Start Year: FY24-25 expand internship programs
and reduce the barrier for interns to Cost: Funded
participate Lead: l&ED
Objective 2.2: Create a Promote the City's existing digital Priority: High Added messaging to outbound Complete
more connected City and tools to connect residents, Start Year: FY23-24 communications Resources promoted in economic
capitalize on existing businesses, and tourists to resources Cost: Funded development newsletters and social
digital tools to promote the city offers. Lead: l&ED media communications
digital equity Conduct an initial study for outdoor Priority: Medium Ensure adequate wi-fi access is In Progress (50% complete)
Wi-Fi at city facilities and other Start Year: FY23-24 available at appropriate city Data gathering, research, and cost
critical areas for the public. Cost: Funded facilities estimation have been completed
Lead: IT
Objective 2.3: Through the Evaluate partnership with local Priority: Medium Position libraries as resource Not Started
implementation of the businesses to enhance the current Start Year: FY25-26 centers for small businesses to gain
Housing Element programs, Down Payment Assistance Program. skills and information needed to address housing issues while Cost: $100,000 run or grow their operations promoting economic vitality Lead: l&ED by providing the workforce H&HS additional housing
opportunities to be able to
both live and work in
Objective 2.4: Through the Evaluate Priority: Low Increased ridership on public Complete
implementation of the micro-mobility options to make Start Year: FY23-24 transit and other multi-modal Feasibility analysis and report Sustainable Mobility Plan Carlsbad more connected and Cost: $1M-3M options completed. Recommendations deemed programs, mindfully create accessible. Lead: Trans unfeasible to implement at this time opportunities to promote
economic vitality by
providing the carlsbad
workforce with additional
mobility options
Goal 3: Grow and support key industries by providing and creating resources for these Industries to thrive In Carlsbad's
Objective Strategic Action Resourcing Deliverable Status
Objective 3.1: Evaluate Evaluate micro-mobility options in Priority: High Provide analysis of mobility options In Progress (75% complete)
opportunities to improve the Village and coastline to make Start Year: FY23-24 that enhance connectivity Potential collaboration with the City of
mobility for visitors, Carlsbad more connected and Cost: Funded Encinitas
residents, and the accessible. Lead: Trans
workforce. Use data to identify specific Priority: High Not Started
mobility issues and select projects Start Year: FY25-26
from the City's Sustainable Cost: Funded
Mobility Plan that will result in a Lead: Trans
higher quality of life for Carlsbad
residents and workers.
Objective 3.2: Connect Use business data and recent Priority: High Survey businesses biannually and In Progress (5096 ~omplete)
businesses in key sectors business survey to assess and Start Year: FY23-24 use data to engage with key Business survey is live, results will be
with data and resources engage with industry clusters to Cost: Funded industries compiled to capture meaningful data
they need to thrive in develop support for their expansion, Lead: l&ED on key industries
Carlsbad. attraction, and retention.
Utilize partnership with Innovate 78 Priority: High Cohesive economic development Complete (ongoing)
to connect Carlsbad businesses with Start Year: FY23-24 and collaboration across North Regional collaboration pivoting in 2024
regional resources. Cost: Funded County to be more resource-driven
lead: l&ED
Objective 3.3: Assist Promote the city's business locator Priority: Medium Increased awareness of tools to Complete (ongoing)
businesses in growing website to businesses looking to Start Year: FY23-24 support businesses moving to Messaging included in Economic
industries or sectors, such move to Carlsbad, developers, Cost: Funded Carlsbad Development in newsletter and social
as health care, life brokers, and investors. Lead: l&ED media
sciences, and the Host industry advisory groups with Priority: Medium Create an ongoing series of Complete (ongoing)
innovation economy, leaders in key business clusters, with Start Year: FY23-24 industry roundtable discussions Roundtable series captures all key
which are looking to a specific emphasis on the Cost: Funded industries
relocate or expand in innovation economy. lead: l&ED
Carlsbad. Host commercial Priority: Medium Recurring forum with commercial Not Sta~ed
real estate forums to create Start Year: FY24-25 brokers
connections with resources. Cost: Funded
Lead: l&ED
Support regional innovation Priority: High Support innovation showcases like Not Started
showcases, like "Innovation Day" to Start Year: FY24-25 "Innovation Day"
demonstrate Carlsbad's commitment Cost: Funded -
to fostering innovative firms and Lead: l&ED
Create a form to better track BEAR Priority: High Develop an intake form and Not Started
projects and their impact on the city. ·start Year: FY24-25 tracking sheet
Cost: Funded
lead: l&ED
Create a site-selection tool to Priority: High Develop a site-selection tool Not Started
position Carlsbad for inbound Start Year: FY25-26
investment. Cost: $25,000
Lead: l&ED
Update information and mapping of Priority: High Updated key industry cluster and Not Started
Carlsbad's key industry clusters and Start Year: FY25-26 patent information
patent intensity. Cost: $25,000
lead: l&ED
Objective 3.4: Support Continue to support Carlsbad Priority: Low Support for Carlsbad's tourism Complete (ongoing)
the needs of our residents business organizations that maintain Start Year: FY23-24 sector Regular meetings with Visit Carlsbad
while balancing the needs the tourism economy in Carlsbad. Cost: Funded and hoteliers, re-establishment of the
of our businesses in Lead: l&ED CTBID under '94 law
tourism, hospitality, and Partner with local universities and Priority: Medium A more robust pipeline of workers Not Started
entertainment. colleges to create workforce Start Year: FY25-26 for hospitality and tourism jobs
development opportunities in the
hospitality, tourism, and Cost: Funded
entertainment sectors. Lead: l&ED
Jan.30,2024 Item #2 Page 10 of 12
Goal 4: Encourage a sense of connection in our community by building upon our successes and promoting access to economic
development resources and opportunities.
Objective Strategic Action Resourcing Deliverable Status
Objective 4.1: Build upon Develop a communications plan Priority: Medium Updated communications plan Not Started
the successes of the specific towards economic Start Year: FY25-26
communication efforts in development efforts and celebrating Cost: $10,000
the City to promote the the business community with lead: l&ED&
City's economic Incorporate business and economic Priority: High Complete (ongoing)
development programs. development activities into the Start Year: FY23-24 14 business related items featured in
weekly City Manager newsletter, City Cost: Funded the city managers update 11 articles
calendar, and social media to foster a lead: l&ED& published, 11 newsletters distributed
sense of pride in local businesses. Comms
Develop a separate economic Priority: Low Stand-alone Complete (ongoing)
development newsletter focused on Start Year: FY23-24
business and workforce development Cost: Funded .
resources. lead: l&ED
Update Economic Development Priority: High Updates to business-facing web In Progress (20% complete)
website and Doing Business in Start Year: FY24-25 resources Initial maP.ping of business resource
Carlsbad website to include links to Cost: Funded pages and data dashboards complete
programs and regional partners and lead: l&ED
Develop a business spotlight program Priority: High Development of a spotlight tool for Complete (ongoing)
to highlight local businesses Start Year: FY23-24 digital outlets Small business spotlight in newsletter
Cost: Funded and social media
lead: l&ED .. ,_! .... .,
Expand the opt-in text messaging Priority: Low Citywide platform available to In Progress (20% complete)
system related to economic Start Year: FY26-27 community members Piloting a new platform that could
development and other City Cost: Funded present an option for this type of
activities. lead: l&ED & IT program
Develop and promote bulletins and Priority: High Develop bulletins and flow charts Complete (ongoing)
flow charts for common permitting Start Year: FY23-24
application types. Cost: Funded
lead: CD
Develop and promote "how to" Priority: High Creation of videos Not Started
videos for select permitting Start Year: FY25-26
processes. Cost: $5,000
lead: Comms
Create a digital library of free Priority: Low Creation of digital library Not Started
business resources. Start Year: FY24-25
Cost: Funded
lead: l&ED
Create a How to do Business Gulde to Priority: High Creation of resource guide Complete (ongoing)
assist small businesses and Start Year: FY23-24 Available on business page of the city's
entrepreneurs in opening a business Cost: Funded website
in Carlsbad. Lead: l&ED
Goal 4: Encourage a sense of connection in our community by building upon our successes and promoting access to economic
development resources and opportunities.
Objective Strategic Action Resourcing Deliverable Status
Objective 4.2: Enhance Partner with local businesses to Priority: Medium Increased awareness of tools to Not Started
placemaking opportunities participate in and promote the City's Start Year: FY26-27 support businesses moving to
to strengthen the volunteer program to activate public Carlsbad
connection between spaces and foster a sense of Cost: Funded
people and the places connection. lead: l&ED&
they share. Comms
Provide a digital platform for local Priority: low Citywide platform available to In Progress (20% complete)
businesses to promote their Start Year: FY26-27 community members Piloting a new platform that could
volunteer opportunities, such as Cost: $10,000 present an option for this type of
beach cleanups. lead: l&ED& program
Utilize the City's social media Priority: High Increased engagement on social Complete (ongoing)
platforms to showcase Carlsbad's Start Year: FY23-24 media platforms that showcase the Leverage Life in Action and city-owned
sense of place and community. Cost: Funded city as a desirable destination channels to enhance perception of
lead: l&ED& Carlsbad
Consider expanding the City's social Priority: Medium Recurring forum with commercial Not Started
media footprint into additional Start Year: FY24-25 brokers
platforms to target different Cost: Funded
segments of the Carlsbad population. Lead: Comms
Objective 4.3: Leverage Continue to celebrate local artists by Priority: Low Enhanced public art displays Not Started
city-owned assets and enhancing the City's Public Art Start Year: FY25-26
right of way to create a Collection. Cost: unknown
sense of place Lead: Libraries
Expand the City's parklet program to Priority: Medium Enhanced green space that is open Not Started
create additional green space and Start Year: FY25-26 and usable to the public
community gathering .opportunities. Cost: unknown
Lead: CD
Partner with local business Priority: High Robust and well maintained banner Complete (ongoing)
organizations to implement Start Year: FY23-24 program Banner program efectively managed by
placemaking strategies such as Cost: unknown CVA
holiday lighting and a banner lead: l&ED
program to enhance the sense of
place and community.
Jan.30,2024 CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELd~U!NfsrnATEg~~c1ifo9fs1=.4rEAR 2 I 9 I
Christine Davis <chris@carlsbad-village.com> All Receive -Agenda Item# 2-
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 7:16 AM For the Information of the:
City Clerk {,,O tJ.-('A l "'TT~
Scott Chadwick; Melanie Burkholder Date l(?;OP>f Cft. ✓ cc J
Agenda Item #2 -Economic Development Strategic Plac:M _~_ACM _.J_ DCM (3) .J
Agenda Item #2_Economic Development Strategic Plan FY 2024-25.pdf
Thank you so much for allowing me to submit a letter for the record prior to today's Economic Development
Subcommittee special meeting. This is for Agenda Item #2 -Economic Development Strategic Plan.
I am hoping that both Mayor Blackburn and Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel will have a chance to read it before the item is
presented this morning at the subcommittee meeting.
Thank you!
CHRISTINE DAVIS I Executive Director
Carlsbad Village Association
p: 760.644.2121
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Zachary Markham
Heidi Willes
Vice Chair
Kenneth Reyes
Jenna Dotson
Fumi Matsubara
Board Member
Samantha Dean Fauce
Board Member
Chanel Bennett
Board Member
Carrie Moore
Board Member
Anna Howard
Board Member
Rosemary Eshelman
Board Member
The Carlsbad Village
Association (CVA) is a
non-profit organization
whose core purpose is to
lead the continual
improvement of Carlsbad
Village by promoting and
enhancing its business,
cultural, and community
vitality, making it a premier
300 Carlsbad Village Dr.
Suite 108A #135
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Carltbad Villa\ie Rnociation~
experience tbe village
January 30, 2024
Re: Economic Development Strategic Plan -FY 2024-25 Economic Development
Strategic Options
Dear Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Mayor Pro Tern Priya Bhat-Patel,
On April 7, 2020 the Carlsbad City Council formed the Ad Hoc City Council Economic
Revitalization Subcommittee to provide direction on response, recovery, and
revitalization programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was so successful and so
impactful that on May 11, 2021, the City Council passed a motion to form a standing
Economic Development Subcommittee. I want to thank the City Council for its
commitment to our business community and say that has been both a pleasure and
an honor to serve alongside the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and Visit Carlsbad
on both subcommittees for nearly four years, working directly with David Graham and
Matt Sanford, the economic development engine behind our business recovery and
Just one year ago, the City Council went on to approve the Economic Development
Strategic Plan, a significant roadmap designed to guide the city's economic
development activities for five years. Small business owners were encouraged to
know that the City of Carlsbad prioritized supporting small businesses, startups and
entrepreneurs. As a business owner myself in Carlsbad, and now the Executive
Director of the Carlsbad Village Association, it felt like small businesses were finally
getting the public recognition and support they so needed. The five-year plan and its
leadership provided encouragement to the businesses in Carlsbad.
However, here we are just one year later, feeling like the wind has been taken out of
our sails with a recommendation to cut a key position July 1, 2024, to stave off an
anticipated budget deficit in fiscal year 2028/29. I have spoken with business leaders
in Carlsbad, including Bret Schanzenbach, President & CEO of the Carlsbad
Chamber of Commerce, and Kristianne Kurner, the Executive Artistic Director of New
Village Arts, and others, and we all agree that the possibility of losing David Graham,
the head of the city's Innovation & Economic Development Department, is of great
Economic Vitality is one of the city council's five strategic goals. Economic Vitality
can only be achieved with a strong commitment to economic development. As it
stands now, Carlsbad's Economic Development Department employs only 1.5
people and is less than half the size of nearby cities. At a time when we should
double down on our future and bolster our economic vitality, and even grow our
Economic Development Department to make our businesses stronger, we should not
be considering the elimination of a key leader.
The council memorandum asks that staff incorporate opportunities to do business
more efficiently. I do not know how economic development can happen more
efficiently without the experience and bold solutions that David Graham brings to the
table. The memorandum also said it will focus on spending areas that can be
reduced with "little to no impact" on the community. Eliminating David Graham's
position as the leader of economic development for the city will most definitely have a negative impact on
the business community. Not only will the department be understaffed, but it will lose years of innovation,
years of strategic implementation, and years of meeting goals that have directly contributed to a more
successful business community. David's expertise in economic development is exactly what the City of
Carlsbad needs to weather future uncertain times just as he helped us survive the pandemic and weather
its lasting effects on our small businesses.
Among other things, the current economic development team brought to fruition the Carlsbad Business
Loan Program that was instrumental in keeping businesses open during and after the pandemic; a
program that has had zero defaults. They also helped create the innovative Gift Carlsbad program that
infused much-needed cash directly into the cash registers of participating businesses when they needed it
the most. They helped to significantly expand the city's creative placemaking banner program, and
elevated Carlsbad to a No. 1 ranking in the 2023 Digital Cities Survey (the third year that Carlsbad placed
in the top 10 cities.) And they developed the city's Economic Development Strategic Plan that is just
starting its second of five years. This and so much more has all been for the betterment of our business
community and our city, and it has been led by David Graham.
Mayor Blackburn and Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel, this team is dedicated to keeping Economic Vitality a
strategic goal for the City of Carlsbad. Our business community has never been stronger. I am respectfully
asking that this subcommittee continue to show strong support for Carlsbad's business community by
recommending to the full council that this critical economic development position not be considered for
elimination. We still have so much work to do together.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Christine Davis
Executive Director