HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-31; Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee Ad Hoc; ; Grant UpdatesMeeting Date: Jan. 31, 2024
To: Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Citizens Advisory Committee
From: Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior Program Manager
Staff Contact: Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior Program Manager
nicole.pianojones@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2191
Subject: Grant Updates
District: All
Recommended Action
Receive an update regarding ongoing Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF) projects.
Executive Summary
This agenda item summarizes projects that were previously deemed eligible and approved by
the ACMF Committee and City Council that remain ongoing. This agenda item is meant to
provide a high-level status update and there are no recommended actions, unless directed by
the Committee.
Explanation & Analysis
The Carlsbad Municipal Code 21.202.060 regulates the conversion of coastal agricultural
property to urban uses. The municipal code allows the conversion of specific parcels located
within the Coastal Zone only upon payment of a mitigation fee. Over time, the mitigation fees
accumulate and are then made available as grants to organizations proposing coastal-focused
improvement and restoration projects.
Per Carlsbad Municipal Code 21.202.060.D.2., Agricultural Conversion Mitigation fees collected
may be used to fund projects meeting one of four eligibility criteria:
•Restoration of the coastal and lagoon environment including but not limited to
acquisition, management and/or restoration involving wildlife habitat or open space
•Purchase and improvement of agricultural lands for continued agricultural production,
or for the provision of research activities or ancillary uses necessary for the continued
production of agriculture and/or aquaculture in the city’s coastal zone, including but not
limited to farm worker housing
•Restoration of beaches for public use including, but not limited to local and regional
sand replenishment programs, vertical and lateral beach access improvements, trails
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Staff Report
and other beach related improvements that enhance accessibility and/or public use of
•Improvements to existing or proposed nature centers
The purpose of this agenda item is to provide an overview of five projects that were approved
in prior years. Below is a general description of the projects with funding detail, followed by a
more detailed discussion of each project.
AGP 22-
Agua Hedionda
Lagoon Foundation
Discovery Center
$62,000 $62,000 Project completed
–January 2024
AGP 22-
Buena Vista
Audubon Society
Nature Center
Improvements $30,687 $14,385
completion: Early
AGP 22-
Flower Fields at
Carlsbad Ranch
Recycled Water
Trial $50,000 $14,136
December 2024
AGP 22-
Aquafarms, Inc.
Living Shoreline
Project $230,000 $28,090 Expected
completion: 2025
RSBP III San Diego Regional
Association of
Regional Beach
Sand Project $64,677 $0
completion: Phase
1 through 2025
TOTALS $437,364 $118,611
At its last meeting on Dec. 14, 2022, the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF) Citizens
Advisory Committee recommended that the City Council approve the appropriation of
$372,687 for four new projects. On March 7, 2023, the City Council adopted Resolution No.
2023-068, approving the appropriation of $372,687 in ACMF funds. The city entered into
agreements with each organization for use of funds, and status reports are discussed further in
this report.
Additionally, on May 9, 2023, the City Council approved Resolution No. 2023-126 which
approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the city and the San Diego
Association of Governments (SANDAG) for an appropriation of $64,677 in ACMF funds. The
funds are for the third iteration of the Regional Beach Sand Project III – Phase I. The Regional
Beach Sand Project began in 2001 to initially place 2.1 million cubic yards of clean sand onto 12
beaches from Imperial Beach to Oceanside. The second iteration of this project was in 2012,
which placed 1.5 million cubic yards of sand to Imperial Beach, Oceanside, Encinitas and
Carlsbad beaches. For both prior iterations, the City of Carlsbad entered an MOU with SANDAG
and ACMF funds were used for the city’s contribution. The third project iteration is being
completed in three phases: I) preliminary planning, II) engineering and environmental, and III)
construction and monitoring. The MOU with SANDAG for $64,677 covers Carlsbad’s share in the
regional planning activities. The City Council resolution authorized the remaining $162,875 in
prior unused ACMF project funds, to be available for further phases of the project.
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Grant: AGP 22-01
Organization: Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation (AHLF)
Project: Discovery Center Doors and Flooring
ACMF funds: $62,000 Appropriated / $62,000 Expended
Project category: Improvements to existing lagoon nature centers
Project description: This project replaces the exterior and internal doors as well as in
the internal flooring of the Discovery Center. This project began in
April 2023 and was implemented in three phases, with final work
completed in December 2023. AHLF secured $15,000 from the
County of San Diego to leverage the ACMF funding. The total
project cost was $77,000, including the $62,000 in ACMF funds.
Grant: AGP 22-02
Organization: Buena Vista Audubon Society
Project: Nature Center Improvements
ACMF funds: $30,687 Appropriated / $14,385 Expended
Project category: Improvements to existing lagoon nature centers
Project description: This project is making several improvements to the visitor center
to address energy efficiency and improve overall comfort,
sustainability, and functionality of the space. The project consists
of four smaller projects; replace lighting, install sliding glass door,
install HVAC system, and interior paint. The total project cost is
estimated at $30,687, all of which is being requested to be funded
from ACMF funds. As of January 2024, three of the four projects
have been completed. The final project is estimated to be
completed in early 2024.
Grant: AGP 22-03
Organization: CB Ranch dba The Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch
Project: Recycled Water Trial
ACMF funds: $50,000 Appropriated / $14,136 Expended
Project category: Purchase & improvement of agricultural land
Project description: This project is testing the viability of recycled water for flower
production. The project will mixing potable water with recycled
water in a controlled area to determine if the salinity from
recycled water can be reduced. Total project cost is estimated at
$105,000, of which $50,000 is from ACMF funds, and CB Ranch
covering the remaining $55,000. It is anticipated that trials will
begin in the spring of 2024 and project is expected to be
completed in December 2025.
Grant: AGP 22-04
Organization: Carlsbad Aquafarms
Title: Living Shoreline Restoration
ACMF funds: $230,000 Appropriated / $28,090 Expended
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Project category: Restoration of the coastal & lagoon environment
Project description: This project aims to restore and preserve approximately 3,500
square meters of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon shoreline. Specifically,
the project involves a community-stakeholder supported living
shoreline restoration project, in which native Olympia oyster reefs
and Eelgrass meadows are installed and monitored. The total
project cost is estimated at $265,132.50, of which $230,000 is
from ACMF funds and $33,407.50 is being provided through other
sources. The project timeline is delineated into three categories,
project planning, restoration, and post-restoration monitoring. All
total, the estimated project timeline is approximately three years,
through 2025.
Organization: San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
Project: Regional Beach Sand Project (RSBP) III
ACMF funds: $64,677 Appropriated / $0 Expended
Project category: Restoration of beaches for public use
Project description: This project is the third iteration of the Regional Beach Sand
Project. The first two iterations were completed in 2001 and
2012. The third iteration is comprised of three phases: I)
preliminary planning, II) Engineering and environmental, and III)
construction and monitoring. The MOU with SANDAG for $64,677
in ACMF represents the City of Carlsbad’s contribution towards
Phase I of the project. During Phase I, SANDAG will update a
feasibility study and economic analysis, which was originally
completed in 2007, and estimate the total cost for the remaining
two phases of RBSP III. The estimated completion for Phase I is
through 2025. The City Council resolution authorized the
remaining $162,875 in prior unused ACMF project funds, to be
available for further phases of the project.
Fiscal Analysis
The ACMF program is a fully funded through mitigation fees and there is no fiscal impact on the
city’s General Fund. The ACMF grant program operates on a reimbursement basis; therefore,
grant recipients expend funds first and then submit reimbursement requests to the city.
Funding for the projects described in this report have all been included and appropriated in the
approved budget for the ACMF Fund.
Environmental Evaluation
Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a “project”
within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in that it has no
potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably
foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require
environmental review.
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Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior Program Manager
Housing & Homeless Services
Oct. 17, 2023
Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior Program Manager
Housing & Homeless Services
Jan. 31, 2024
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•High level update on five existing projects
•Q & A with organizations, if requested
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AGP 22-01 Agua Hedionda
Lagoon Foundation
Discovery Center
$62,000 $62,000 Project completed –
January 2024
AGP 22-02 Buena Vista
Audubon Society
Nature Center
Improvements $30,687 $14,385 Expected completion:
Early 2024
AGP 22-03 Flower Fields at
Carlsbad Ranch
Recycled Water
Trial $50,000 $14,136 Expected completion:
December 2024
AGP 22-04 Carlsbad
Aquafarms, Inc.
Living Shoreline
Project $230,000 $28,090 Expected completion:
RSBP III SANDAG Regional Beach
Sand Project $64,677 $0 Expected completion:
Phase 1 through 2025
TOTALS $437,364 $118,611
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