HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: -Mfl<7 fC,'Te'b - MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MARCH 9, 1998 5:30 PM City Council Conference Room Chairman Bizieff called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Also Present Were: Commissioners Bizieff, Christiansen, Jones, Muth, and Trejo. Geoff Armour Bailey Noble ( APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ( The minutes of the meeting held January 12, 1998 were unanimously approved as presented. HERITAGE TREES: Commissioner Christiansen reported that he and Commissioner Muth met with Don Rideout this morning to discuss the possibility of including the Heritage Trees within the Habitat Management Plan also known as the Wildlife Habitat and Open Space Plan. Commissioner Christiansen suggested that the Commission needed to establish a criteria for the selection of the trees as he felt the public would not be comfortable with a blanket proposal. Commissioner Muth asked about tree ordinances in other cities and Assistant Library Director Geoff Armour pointed out that there were several cities that had tree ordinances. Many are very specific with regard to what could and could not be done with trees in accordance with size, or species or shape or age. Bailey Noble pointed out that the City of Carlsbad has a landscape ordinance but that it deals with drought- resistant plants and some restrictions and limitations on canopy trees. .I I Historical Commission Minutes March 9, 1998 Mr. Rideout requested that the Commission gather information and identify trees with a living history and then he could add the wildlife component. He was especially interested in the identification of monument trees which were possibly used for demarcation purposes in the original layout of the City. Discussion followed on the origin of the Habitat Management Plan for the City of Carlsbad as well as the County Plan. Commissioner Christiansen presented the following motion: "Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission recommends to the City Council that Council direct staff to investigate including living history trees within the Habitat Management Plan." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Trejo and the vote was 5-0, unanimous. RESTORATION OF DEPOT STOVE Assistant Library Director reported on the status of the restoration of the original stove from the old Santa Fe depot. We have an estimate of $750.00 from Delmar Joyce to restore the stove. Steve Link from ConVis has agreed that we can place the restored stove into the depot building. Commissioner Christiansen asked if we had an estimate of the time frame for completion of the project . Assistant Director Armour said we did not. Commissioner Muth made the motion that the commission expend the $750 to repair the stove. Commissioner Christianson seconded and the vote was unanimous. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST Commissioner Trejo reported that the informational packets have been delivered to the schools and that judging will take place on May 2 at the Senior Center. The formal award ceremony will be held at the City Council meeting of May 12. HISTORIC ROUTE 101 Assistant Library Director Armour had been contacted by John Daley from the Oceanside Historic Preservation Commission requesting to appear before this commission to talk about designating highway 101 with historical markers. Mr. Daley proposes to bring with him, Kathryn Flannigan, author of "The Role of Transportation in the Growth of the City of Oceanside", and Oceanside Senior Planner Rita Baker. The City of Encinitas has renamed their portion of the highway as "Coast Highway 101" utilizing the old tan and white shield as the marker. Mr. Daley and the Historical Page 2 Historical Commission Minutes March 9, 1998 Society of Oceanside are spearheading a move to get CalTrans to cooperate with \ placement of the old shields on highway 101 statewide. Assistant Library Director Armour stated that this would not involve renaming Carlsbad Boulevard or Coast Highway but would involve the placement of the old classic highway markers along the route for informational purposes. Commissioner Muth asked whether each city would be expected to pay for the markers/signs on the section of the highway within their city. Commissioner Jones asked about the portion of the highway that runs through Camp Pendleton. Other questions included the number of signs and their placement along the route. Geoff Armour will confirm Mr. Daley on the agenda for the next meeting with the Commission's approval. WALKING TOUR BROCHURE Assistant Library Director Armour reported that at the recent Historical Society Board Meeting, they agreed to participate in the walking tour project. Margie Monroy and Dee Morning will represent the Historical Society and Commissioner Muth and Assistant Library Director Armour will represent this Commission. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 11, 1998. Their goal is to have a draft ready by this summer sometime. The plan is to include other areas of the city in addition to downtown. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Bizieff received a letter from Mark Steyaert, Carlsbad Parks and Recreation, regarding the award the City received for the Master Plan for Carrillo Ranch. The formal acknowledgment of the award and recognition of all the staff and citizens involved with its development will take place at the City Council Meeting on March 1.0, 1998. Commissioner Jones will be at the meeting and will represent this Commission to voice their approval of the final project and to thank everyone involved . WORKSHOP FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Assistant Library Director Armour reminded the commissioners of the workshop sponsored by the city for "Effective Media Management." Geoff also asked if the commissioners would like to be sent copies of the meeting summaries from all the other commissions. Chairman Bizieff suggested that both the Arts Commission as well as the Parks and Recreation Commission are two that possibly have cross interests with this commission. He requested that summaries of those meetings be included in the packets. It was suggested that possibly Beach Erosion and the Library Board of Trustee meetings would also be of interest. Page 3 I Historical Commission Minutes March 9, 1998 Assistant Director Armour said that as a starter, he would include those summaries in the packets if the subject matter might be of interest to this commission. CHURCH PLAQUE The landscaper is still working on the garden at St. Michael's by the Sea Episcopal Church. Bailey Noble asked Assistant Director Armour to talk with the landscaper regarding the placement of the historical plaque. Mr. Noble reports that the current plans for placement will leave it hidden by the plants. The landscaper has chosen a position which is not out in front and which stands the danger of being concealed by the foliage. Mr. Noble is presently working with the vestry on relocating the plaque and Assistant Director Armour will contact the landscaper. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mr. Noble reported that at the recent State Planning Commission convention, he heard a gentleman from Spain address the attendees with regard to historical buildings. The speaker contended that a 100 year old building was just an old building unless its historical significance was documented. The point being that you should start to collect information on the buildings that will have historical significance before they become historical. ( TOOTSIE K RANCH SIGN: t \ Assistant Director Armour spoke to Chuck Walden regarding the removal, restoration and relocation of the sign. Mr. Walden is of the opinion that Rotary Park would be the best location for the restored sign. The Commissioners were of the opinion that the size of the sign would make it too overpowering if located in Rotary Park. The issue of past experiences with vandalism and theft of items on display at Rotary Park are also of concern to the commission. Assistant Director Armour stated that it is unclear how the final decision on placement will be made, but that he is most in favor of it being located in the Magee Park, possibly in conjunction with the restoration of the old barn on that property. HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWS: Assistant Director Armour reported that the Historical Society is again considering the sale of the property located behind Alt Carlsbad. They are planning to start a historical reading and discussion group, and the Annual membership tea is scheduled for April 26, 1998, at Magee House from 2:00 until 4:00 PM. Page 4 ( Hisiorical Commission Minutes March 9, 1998 ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: Habitat Management Plan Historic Route 101 3rd Grade Art Contest ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of March 9, 1998, was adjourned at 6:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~__jv/~ Cissie Se~tl Administrative Secretary Page 5