HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION July 13, 1998 5:30 PM City Council Conference Room Commissioner Jones called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Also Present Were: Commissioners Christiansen, Jones, Trejo. Commissioner Muth arriving at 5:38 p.m. Commissioner Bizieff Geoff Armour Ramona Finnila Bailey Noble APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held May 11, 1998 , were unanimously approved as amended. HISTORIC ROUTE 101 SIGNAGE: Geoff Armour reported that he had called the City Traffic Engineer, Bob Johnson, and asked him what would be involved in placing the historic signs within the City of Carlsbad. Mr. Johnson defined the two City permit requirements based on the proposed location of each sign. If a sign is to be placed in the public right of way, a right of way permit is required and application is made through the Engineering Department at Las Palmas. If the proposed sign is to be located on private property, a sign permit is required from the Planning Department. Other issues to be addressed are the possibility of sight distance blockage and responsibility for repair or replacement should the sign be vandalized or stolen. Should the commission wish to pursue this project, still to be decided are the number of signs and the actual prospective locations. Commissioner Jones pointed out that it would also be necessary to get permission from the property owner if the sign was to be located on private property. In the discussion that followed locations were suggested such as the entrance to the City near the Lagoon and along State Street which was the old 101 right of way. ,, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of July 13, 1998 Page 2 Commissioner Christiansen volunteered to drive around the City to identify potential locations for the signs. The next step would be to identify the property owners and to check with Las Palmas on the paperwork required for permits. Commissioner Muth offered to go with him and they would combine the trip to also identify some of the historic trees throughout the City. COLLECTION OF LETTERS FROM MAGEE HOUSE Geoff Armour reported that Ms. Sue Walwick called to offer for sale a unique collection of over 2,000 pieces of correspondence dating back to the 1890's. The asking price is $2,500.00. Mr. Armour has seen the collection and has contacted the City Attorney for advice on the potential purchase. The Commission was in support of the purchase and Geoff stated that the Library could probably make the purchase upon receipt of documentation that Ms. Walwick is the legal owner and has the authority to sell the collection. Several ideas were expressed as to where we could store the collection, whether it could be scanned into the data base similar to the historical photographs or possibly get the newspaper to publish some of them. PLANS FOR CEREMONY FOR HISTORIC STOVE Geoff Armour has been talking with the Hutflesz family who donated the stove, to ascertain dates they would be available for a dedication ceremony. He has also been working with Marilyn Strong to coordinate the date with the City Council as well. It is anticipated that the ceremony will be scheduled in early September. The stove has been completely restored but is not a working stove as it is not vented in its present location. Geoff reminded the Commission that we have the antique safe which weights two tons and is stored down at the Oak Street facility. He has talked with some restoration experts about that job and it will be somewhat more costly than the stove. The real issue is the final location of the item because of the weight. Possibilities are the barn at Magee Park or maybe at ConVis with the stove. THIRD GRADE ART CONTEST The contest has become a very successful program and although Susan Pines of the Arts Commission has chaired the committee in the past, it is really sponsored by this Commission and Geoff asked for a volunteer to chair the committee for the next year. Commissioner Trejo worked on the program this year and agreed to serve as co-chair with help from Susan Pines and Geoff as a joint effort. Councilmember Finnila suggested that she could recruit additional volunteers for the program. WALKING TOUR BROCHURE There is a draft list of key sites that should be covered in the tour. Geoff has met with Marge Howard Jones and her recommendation for organizing the tour is to have a quality map of the entire Northwest Quadrant of the City, possibly prepared by our GIS department. On the map itself would be photographs of the sites and a paragraph of ,. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of July 13, 1998 Page 3 text next to each photograph. The costs should be such that it could be mass produced and available to tourists at all the hotels in the area as well as the Chamber of Commerce and ConVis. ONGOING AND FUTURE PROJECT UPDATES: Historical Trees: Geoff and Commissioner Christiansen contacted Mark Wisniewski of Trees for People in Solana Beach, and took him on a tour of the historical areas of the City. Mr. Wisniewski is very knowledgeable in this field and is preparing a proposal for the inventory, mapping and study of the historic trees. The cost for this project is estimated between $2,000 and $3,000 and the final document would include photographs provided by the City. This would be the first step in asking Council to include the marker trees in the City's Habitat Management Plan. St. Michael's Garden: The plaque is ready and Father Mulquin is aware that we are waiting for the landscape architect and the garden to be finished. Commissioner Muth commented that she believed the church had made the decision to wait until the new Lutheran Home construction was completed before they completed the corner garden. ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMITTEE REPORTS: Haymar Street Adobe: Geoff reported that he had received a telephone call from Shelly Caron who is the current owner of the adobe off Haymar Street in Oceanside. CalTrans is planning to build an off ramp and overpass for access to Rancho del Oro Drive to the north. The off ramp will come within 12 feet of the back of the adobe and she is trying to get support from area preservationists to force CalTrans to change the location for the ramp. She has contacted several Historical Societies who have written her letters of support, and she is asking for similar support from this commission. The telephone call was too late to have this item added to the agenda and therefore the commission cannot vote on an action at this time. Lutheran Home Dedication: Comissioner Trejo was a guest at the Lutheran Home dedication. They included a historical plaque facing Carlsbad Village Drive and buried a time capsule. She and her husband were invited to the dedication representing the era when the building was a hotel and she and her husband attended her Junior Prom at the hotel. Jazz Concerts in the Park: Commissioner Trejo also reported that she had attended several of the concerts and they were doing very well again this year. Historical Property located behind Alt Karlsbad: Geoff Armour reported that several • people have expressed an interest in buying that piece of property, including the current owner of Alt Karlsbad. The society has an attorney who is responding to these offers but at the same time they are talking with Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director for the City, to see if the City would be interested in taking over this property. Possibly a deal could be made in which part of the process would be for the City to turn over to the Historical Society complete control of Magee House and the Barn. The Historical Society would then be responsible for the upkeep and the barn HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of July 13, 1998 Page4 could be repaired and used to house several other major artifacts. One issue driving the possibility of the sale of the property is the property tax which is due. The land is only tax exempt as a non-profit if there is a structure on it. • Barrio: Commissioner Trejo reported there is a lot of activity in the Barrio with a lot of refurbishing of homes in the area. The gardens are in good shape and the neighborhood continues to improve. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Bailey Noble addressed the Commission to express his admiration for the job this Commission is doing. The staff support being provided by the City and the overall accomplishments are very impressive. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: Commissioner Jones asked that we schedule election of new officers for the next meeting. Geoff Armour will check to see if there is a City ordinance regarding election of officers for the Boards and Commissions, length of term and rotation of offices. Geoff Armour listed the following as possible follow up items for the next meeting: Highway 101 Signs; Magee Letters; Third Grade Art Contest for next year; Walking Tour brochure; St Michael's garden plaque; Historical Trees; Tootsie K Ranch sign and the antique safe. Commissioners Trejo and Christiansen discussed the possibility of building a structure on the vacant land to house the safe and the Tootsie K Ranch sign. This would solve two problems, create a location for the two artifacts and give the land a tax exempt status. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~A-~ Cissielex::- Administrative Secretary