HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-09-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 14, 1998 5:30 PM City Council Conference Room Chairman Bizieff called the meeting to order at 5:34 PM. ROLL CALL: ( item #2 I Present: Commissioners Bizieff, Christiansen, Jones, Muth, and Trejo. Also Present Were: Geoff Armour Bailey Noble Susan Gutierrez, President of Carlsbad Historical Society APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held July 13, 1998, were unanimously approved as presented. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Commissioner Jones expressed his desire to give someone else the opportunity to serve as an officer for the Commission. Chairman Bizieff also volunteered to vacate his position if it was the desire of the Commission. Commissioner Muth made the motion that Commissioner Bizieff continue as the Chairman. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Commissioner Jones nominated Commissioner Christiansen to serve as the Vice Chairman. Commissioner Muth provided the second. The Commission voted unanimously in favor. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Library Assistant Director, Geoff Armour, reported that the Library had purchased for the sum of $2,500, the Shipley/Magee letters from Ms. Walwick. Currently the Carlsbad Historical Society is assisting in the reading and cataloging of the letters as well as investigating the best methods and locations for storing the documents. Possibilities include scanning them into the data base or providing copies for the local history room to be included in the remodeled Cole Library. Geoff then introduced Susan Gutierrez, I HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of September 14, 1998 Page 2 President of the Carlsbad Historical Society, who had brought with her some of the artifacts the Society had received in a steamer trunk which was donated by Ms. Walwick. Ms. Gutierrez spoke at length about the significance of the letter collection and information contained therein, some of which changes the recorded history of the Shipley/Magee family and Carlsbad. Ms. Gutierrez recounted a brief oral history of Florence Shipley and pointed out some of the discrepancies found in previous accounts of her family life. Ms. Gutierrez also reported on the current state of disrepair at Magee House and the barn in Magee Park as well as the old train depot. As City property the properties are scheduled for regular maintenance but the Historical Society sees a need to possibly speed up that schedule for these properties. The barn has been surrounded by a chain- link fence rather than repair it. In Magee house, the porch has considerable dry rot and the railing was recently removed prior to the jazz concert in the park because it was in such bad shape. The Society anticipates an increase in visitors especially with the opening of Legoland. Only last November they held a three day quilt show and had more than three hundred people visit the facility. The Society is afraid that there is a serious liability issue unless the repairs are made soon. The train depot is the last one in the area and is listed on the National Historic Register. Commissioner Muth asked if the Historical Society could provide a list of the needed repairs for each of the building. Commissioner Trejo asked if Steve Link of ConVis was involved in defining repairs that needed to be made to the depot. Commissioner Muth asked that Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour together with Ms. Gutierrez, draft a letter from this commission to the City Council asking for the immediate attention to these historical properties. The draft letter to be provided to the members of the commission for their approval and signature. Commissioner Muth felt it was important to address the issue prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting, as this commission only meets every other month. Chairman Bizieff suggested that the commission discuss the matter more fully before any decision was made. Commissioner Christiansen asked for an update on the status of the Historical Society property located behind the Alt Karlsbad building. Ms. Gutierrez explained in detail the restrictions on the use of the property and the difficulty the Society has in trying to deal with the property tax issue. At this time the Society is considering selling the property either to a private party or possibly the City. Chairman Bizieff, on behalf of the Commission, thanked Ms. Gutierrez for her presentation. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of September 14, 1998 Page 3 Chairman Bizieff asked for further discussion on the maintenance issues for the properties. Commissioner Trejo asked about the leaking roof and was told it had been patched. There were also questions about the possibility of money for the repairs coming from revenue from the transient occupancy taxes (TOT) or some other tourist generated revenue. Assistant Library Director Armour proposed that he prepare a letter documenting the problems, identifying those that are just unsightly and those that are dangerous, pointing out the potential liability issues. He suggested also pointing out the value of enhancing the public accessibility to these historic sites. The information could then be addressed with the City. Commissioner Muth suggested a special meeting to finalize the document as she felt it advisable to move quickly on the matter. Chairman Bizieff suggested that they be sent the draft document through the mail or have it made available at the Assistant Library Director's office. Each of the commissioners could then review it and get back to Geoff with editorial comment. The commissioners would then stop by the Library to sign the original letter. PRITCHARD BARN: Assistant Library Director Armour had received a telephone call from Carol Stewart who was requesting that this structure be documented by the city photographer before it is destroyed. The structure is located on the Kelly property currently under development. Apparently the barn at one time had been converted into a residence. This project has been completed. HISTORICAL ROUTE 101: Commissioner Christiansen reported that he had been up to Oceanside to look at the historical signage and in many places the signs were mounted on existing light poles, about ten feet from the ground which would provide some deterrence from vandalism. With that option in mind, Commissioner Christiansen then drove the historical route through Carlsbad to look for potential locations for these signs within the City. Heading South he sited possibilities as: -the existing light pole to the right of the entry gate to the Army Navy Academy -on the light pole at Magee Park -at the Split Pavilion -possibly sharing the speed limit sign down by Palomar Airport Road -down by the State Beach area Heading north, possible locations are: -at Palomar Airport Road -on the light poles in the median by the new sea wall -1-5 Freeway exit at Carlsbad Village Drive l HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of September 14, 1998 Page4 Discussion then followed on the advisability of marking the short stretch of State Street that was originally a part of Highway 101. Commissioner Christiansen also suggested that one of the historic markers could be added to the sign suspended over the street at Carlsbad Village Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard intersection. Chairman Bizieff questioned whether the size and shape of a sign for this location would have to be different from the others. Assistant Library Director Armour provided copies of the proposed legislation which is asking for uniform signage standards for the historic route. Chairman Bizieff commented that probably three signs would be sufficient to mark the route, one at each end and one somewhere in the middle. He further commented that ideal locations would be where the signs could be back to back and visible by both north and south bound traffic. Commissioners Christiansen and Muth will take some photographs of the signs in Oceanside and then the locations suggested for placement in Carlsbad, and bring them to the next meeting in preparation to take the recommendation forward. ONGOING AND FUTURE PROJECTS UPDATE: Marron Adobe -Assistant Library Director Armour reported he had not heard anything further about CalTrans plans for the off ramp to be located near the adobe. Third Grade Art Contest -Commissioner Trejo will co-chair the event and the actual planning has not been initiated yet. Tootsie K Ranch Sign -No action has been taken since the last meeting. Most desirable location for the sign would be in Magee Park adjacent to the barn. Commissioner Jones reported that he recently was down on the Grosse property and noticed that the sign is leaning significantly. Antique Stove -Chairman Bizieff reported that the dedication for the stove went very well. There were between fifty and sixty people in attendance for the ceremony. Assistant Library Director commended the crew from Facilities Maintenance who came down and moved the stove to the outside for the dedication and also provided a canopy for shade. ANNOUNCEMENT & COMMITTEE REPORTS: Members of the Commission were reminded to respond to the invitation to the annual Boards and Commissions dinner to be held October 8, 1998. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of September 14, 1998 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Page 5 Bailey Noble had suggestions regarding the Historical Society property. He suggested that the commission investigate the possibility of recreation funds or possibly support from a developer who is looking for a community project. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: Historic Highway 101 Signage Maintenance for the historic buildings Report on Pritchard Barn photographs ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully s bmitted, Cissie S ton Administrative Secretary