HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-27; Planning Commission; ; CUP 116A - VICTORY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOLSTAFF REPORT
DATE : August 27, 1980
TO : Planning Commission
FROM: Planning Department
SUBJECT: CUP-l16(A) - VICTORY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL - Request for an extension of the Conditional Use Permit to operate a private Christian Junior & Senior High School at the Carlsbad Union Church facilities
generally located on the north side of Pine Avenue, between Harding Street and Jefferson Street in the
R-3 zone.
The applicant is requesting approval for an extension of a
Conditional Use Permit, CUP-116, originally granted by the
Planning Commission on February 25, 1976. Under the provisions
of Planning Commission Resolution No. 1220, the applicant was permitted to operate the school, subject to certain conditions, for a period ending June 30, 1980. At that time, the applicant would be required to apply for an exten- sion of the Conditional Use Permit. This request would be
treated as a new application and public hearings held.
The applicant is now applying for an extension of the
Conditional Use Permit. No alterations or expansions of the
existing use or structures are proposed.
Plannina Issues
1. Is the requested use desirable for the development
of the community and consistent with the various
elements and objectives of the General Plan?
2. Is the site adequate in size and shape to accommo- date the intended use?
3. Are the features of the use such as yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and parking which are necessary to make the requested use compatible with existing and permitted future uses in the neighborhood being provided?
4. Is the street system adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use?
At the time the original Conditional Use Permit was approved, the Planning Commission found that this private educational
institution was desirable for the development of the community
and in harmony with the objectives of the General Plan by
providing additional educational opportunities. Staff feels
this finding is still applicable for the use at this time.
The school has operated at this location and in these facilities approximately four years. It does not appear that the use has been detrimental or incompatible with those uses existing or permitted in the zone in which it is located. The school is operated in the Union Church facilities, directly across Pine Avenue from the Carlsbad Unified School District Offices and the Pine Avenue Elementary School. The Carlsbad Montessori School operates directly south of Victory Christian High School. The zoning in the area is R-3. The neighborhood is in transition with a mixture of older single-family homes and some multiple family dwellings. The choice of location, in somewhat of an educational type environment, would seem appropriate.
The church site itself is 1.44 acres. The school is operated
in one 7200 sq. ft., building. At the time of the original
approval of the Conditional Use Permit, enrollment at the
school was 102 students. Using a figure of 25 sq.ft. per child
of useable classroom space, the Planning Commission, by condition
of resolution, set an upper limit of 288 students in the present
facility. Staff has since learned that a figure of 35 sq. ft.,
per child is utilized by the San Diego City Schools and followed
extensively throughout the state. If this figure were utilized,
it would limit enrollment to 205 in the existing building.
Staff is recommending a condition of approval calling for a
amendment of this CUP if the enrollment ever exceeds this
level. The applicant projects enrollment of 175 students in the coming school year.
The school utilizes off-site facilities for the majority of
recreational facilities. These include Chase field, the Boys and Girls Club, Pine Avenue School Field, and Lincoln Jr. High
School fields. One former concrete parking lot, onsite, is
used for basketball.
Approximately 33 parking spaces are provided on-site in a variety of locations. An auxilliary lot exists across Jeffer- son Street, presently striped for 23 spaces. These parking spaces are to accommodate both the church and the school. The church also operates a nursery and a thrift shop: neither would seem to create a demand on parking. Random visits to the project
site have revealed approximately half of the available spaces
to be unoccupied.
Section 21.44.130 of the Carlsbad Zoning Code calculates park-
ing requirements for schools solely on the number of employees
( 1 space for each two employees). As this is a junior and
senior high school, the assumption should be made that some students will drive. The City of San Diego uses the following standards:
Junior High Schools - 1% space/classroom
Senior High Schools - 1 space/8 students
Utilizing these standards and those for staff and employees by the Carlsbad Code, the total parking requirement would be approximately 28 spaces. Staff feels therefore, that the provided parking is sufficient to serve the private school.
At the time of approval of the original Conditional Use Permit,
concern was expressed over the auxilliary parking lot. The lot, as it exists, does not meet city standards. It lacks landscaping, parking stalls are substandard and does not have sufficient back-up space. The feeling of the Commission in 1976 was that the lot was temporary and the improvements should, therefore, not be required. As the parking lot is still being used and its continued use would seem to be indi- cated, staff feels the lot should be redesigned to city stan- dards. A condition to that effect is being recommended by
staff. The City Engineering Department has estimated that a revised design could accommodate 15 parking spaces.
Staff's final consideration was the street system serving the project. Harding Street, Jefferson Street and Pine Avenue are all residential streets with adequate right-of-way and low traffic counts. The expected traffic generated by this use appears minimal and, therefore, staff would not anticipate any adverse impact to surrounding streets.
Staff does not forsee any adverse effects from the continued
use of a school at this location that cannot be mitigated by
conditions of approval.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution
No. 1684, APPROVING CUP-llG(A), based on the findings and
subject to the. conditions contained herein. -
Background Data Sheet
Disclosure Form
Location Flap
PC Resolution No. 1684
Exhibit A
LF,X?& !X*TC(TFZ~I'~PJ: LOTS I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 23, 24, -- 25, 26, 27, ?-83
MAP 775, 800K 365, PAGZ 535.
Assessors Pdrct31 Pdrmker: 204 -- 032 - 04 & 11-
- -- I_
Surrourding Zoning and Tad Use:
sotlth OS
R-3 --- West
Schml DixtrS-ct
CITY OF CARLSBAD - Water District
Sewer Di.str: j .c t
Rhlic Facilities dated
\ '.
----- 3175 Hard9 .- -IC-- Street 1 .---.--_---- CarlsLad, CA __-_ 92008 - Bus ires s Addx e ss
Te 1 e p hon e N mibe r
729-iio5 - Tc 1 ephone Number
Lefty Iieiers, President, Board of Dir. /712 Trnll.ey Drive, Vista, CA 92083
--~-..----.-~-__._.____.___I_ - -._----._---_I__ - Name (individual, partner , joint. ' Home Address
venture, corporation, syndication)
510 S. Hill-, Oceanside, CA 92054
Business Add re ss
7 2 3,- G 7 8 7 (Gus ines s ) 726-1022 (home)
Telephone Kumber Telephone NumLcr - - -- ---- - -- - - -_ -__ - - - - ______-
Richard Carson, Treasurer , Board 3140 Yonroe, Carlsbad , CA 92008
-------___-I___ ~ 1L- . ______- __ __-__ K,mc Home IM~UI-css
(Attach ino;e sheets if necessary)
I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information coritaj.ned in this dis-
closure is true and ccxrect and that it will 1-cmain t.ruc-: and correct and inay be
rcl.iecl upon as being true and correct until. nmcindcxl.
----. Victorx Christian Hirh School
Appl i cd n t
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