HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-11; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes( ( MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: Approved: MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION JANUARY 11, 1999 5:30 PM City Council Conference Room Chairman Bizieff ca lled the me eting to order at 5:35 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Also Present Were: Commissioners Bizieff, Christiansen, Jones, Muth, and Trejo. Assistant Library Director. Geoff Armour Councilmember Ramona Finnila Bailey Noble APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ,t/-/:l-99 The minutes of the meeting held November 9, 1998, were approved as presented. HISTORIC TREE INVENTORY: Mr. Wisniewski had an emergency arise which prevented him from attending this meeting and giving his proposal for the tree inventory. The Item was postponed until the next available date. Commissioner Christiansen reported that he had called the City Planning Department in Del Mar as Mr. Wisniewski has been working on a similar project for that City. They reported that they were well satisfied with the work being done. Assistant Library Director Armour reiterated that the purpose of the inventory of historic marker trees was not to produce an ordinance but merely to record and identify their historic significance and possibly tie them into the .Historical Society walking tour. ( ( ' HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISS ION Page 2 Minutes of January 11, 1999 Councilmember Finnila suggested that the comm ission either run this proposal past one of the arbo ri sts in the city, either Do ug Dun ca nso n or Fred Burnell, or invite them to attend the next meeting when Mr. Wisniewski will be present. Chair Bizieff asked if we would need to iss ue a Request for Proposa l (RFP) for th e project and Ass istant Library Director Armour said he would need to check wi th the Purchasing Department. Councilmember Finnila asked if funding for th e project would be with Commission money and Assistant Library Director Armour responded that the money had been set aside in last year's budget but possibly wou ld need to be augmented with Library funds. HISTORIC ROUTE 101: Assistant Library Director, Geoff Armour, had a samp le of the actual signs proposed. Chair Bizieff asked how much each sign would cost an.d it was estimated that each sign woul d cost approximately $1 00. Comm issioner Muth commented that she fe lt the subcommittee had identified the proper places fo r place ment of the signs. They chose locations more th an 10 feet off th e ground to prevent vandalism, on existing poles and not ob structing any other signage or views. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the location photos and map were shown to th e City's Traffic Engineer, Robert Johnson . Mr. Johnson felt there should be no problem with any of the locations and, with City Council approval, City employees could install the signs at th e designated location s. Councilmember Finnila asked for the total number of signs proposed and reminded the commission to take into consideration the probable realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard when determining th e final locations. Assistant Library Director Armour re sponded that th ere would be four signs at three locations: one vi sibl e to northbound traffic just north of La Costa Avenue; 2 back-to-back in the median along the newest portion of the sea wall; and on e visible to southbound traffic at the Army-Navy Academy. The commission had been in favor of a sign at th e intersection of Carlsbad Villag e Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard . It would appear that a sign at that intersection would need to be suspended rather than mounted vertically on the pole. It was also obvious that the intersection is already crowded with signage. Commissioner Christiansen asked if the Commission was ready to abandon the idea of placing one there. After some discussion it was decided to move forward with the three locations at this time. Commissioner Muth moved to approve the three locations and Commissioner Christiansen provided the second. The motion carried unanimously to request permission from the City Council to purchase and install the Historic 101 Signs. ( HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of January 11, 1999 Page 3 Assistant Library Director Armour will draft the agenda bill and reso lution for Council approval. ST. MICHAEL'S: Bailey Nobel reported that he had spo ken with the vestry and Father Moquin regarding the corner location for the marker. Assistant Library Director Armour wi ll meet with the landscape architect to discuss the design. The plans are to start the garden in one month and once completed, the site will be included in the walking tour. 3D GRADE ART CONTEST: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the schools will be contacted next month, February, and the packets del ivered. The Historical Society will host tours of the various sites for the classes. HISTORICAL SOCIETY ACTIVITIES UPDATE: New Becket book -Susan Gutierrez, current President of th e Historica l Society and Ann L'Heureux, recent appointee to the Planning Commiss ion , are co-authors of the second installment, titled Becket Explores Carlsbad's Past. The book is written at the third grade level and covers the Mineral Springs hotel and Carrillo Ranch through the World War II period . The first book has been very popular at the schools and they have purchased over 200 copies. The new book is also available in both libraries. Shipley-Magee Letters -There was a long article in the paper about the letters and there is a large display of some of the letters in th e Main Library. Some of the facts as reported in the news article were inaccurate but a press release has bee n prepared to make corrections. Sale of Property behind Alt Karlsbad -The property has been sold to Ludvik Gregoris who plans to expand the spa and build a mineral springs pool. The money from the sale will be used to create an endowment. The Historical Society has hired a part-time archivist who will work at the Magee House to index the collection of documents and other donations to th e society. Commissioner Bizieff asked if the maintenance had been completed on the porch. Assistant Library Director reported that he is working very closely with the city to get the repairs completed. There has been some piecemeal work to make the porch safe but the majority of the work will need to be contracted out. There was some discussion about whether the site would need to be ADA compliant. ( ( HiSTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of January 11 , 1999 ANN OUNCE MENTS : Page 4 Assistant Library Director spoke to the Media Special ist, Bill Richmond, regarding the photograph documentation of parts of the City that are chang ing. The plans are to document any significant changes. Currently the Media staff has scanned into the data base, between 8,000 and 9,000 slid es, over 2,000 of which are histori c photograp hs. These will be availab le to the pub li c over the Internet through the City's web page. The Historica l Society has decided not to participate this year in the Ca lifornia State Library project, "Shades of Ca li fornia". The purpose of the project was a public relations effort to get people to come to a central facility, usually the library, and brin g their historic photographs. The photographs are cop ies and oral histories recorded for an exhibition . The project was very successfu l in Escondido but there was no time to do it this year. Assistant Library Director Armour had spoken with the California State Library and they had suggested that we not apply for the grant this year, as it will be availab le aga in next year. Co uncilmemb er Finnila asked if an yone had heard any concerns out in the community with regard to the demolition of Jefferson School or its possible histo rical significance. None of the commissioners had heard anything and Assistant Library Director Armour reported that to his knowledge it had never been considered a historic building. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Commissioner Christiansen asked if Library Assistant Director Armour had any further information on a play based on the Sh ipley letters. He responded that the play outline has been written by Pat & Jim Hansen and will be part of the week long series of events being planned to mark the grand opening of the new library. ITEM FOR NEXT AGENDA: Historic Tree Inventory Update on other projects ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary