HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-17; Planning Commission; Resolution 7506PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7506
The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad hereby resolves as follows:
Exhibit 1
The Planning Commission is charged with reviewing for conformance with law and city policy all
land use developments, elements of the general plan, city ordinances, local facilities management plans, and
other plans and programs requiring discretionary approval within the City of Carlsbad. Projects are reviewed for
consistency with the general plan, zoning, the growth management plan, local facilities management plans, and
the local coastal program, among other things.
In reaching its decisions, the Commission must at all times be sensitive to citizen concerns as
expressed in public hearings and public correspondence, while at the same time ensuring the long-term welfare
of the city and acting with consistency and continuity in its application of the law and city policies. In the same
manner, the Commission must weigh the needs and desires of applicants who come before it.
To assist them in reaching their decisions, the Commissioners will receive ongoing technical and
background information and guidance from the staff, including instruction on matters of policy, city standards
and procedures, City Council decisions and staff's recommendations as to what provides the greatest benefit to
the citizens of Carlsbad. The Commissioners are also expected, on their own initiative, to take such additional
steps as they feel necessary to discharge their duties in a well-informed and conscientious manner.
The Commission's actions are final in some instances, and in matters reserved by the Council,
advisory only. The goal of the Commission in all matters is to act in the best interests of the City of Carlsbad and
its citizens as a whole.
Planning Commission Resolution No. 7442 is hereby rescinded and replaced in its entirety by
this resolution.
Chapter 1.20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code contains procedures applicable to the conduct of
Planning Commission Meetings. In regard to the application of Chapter 1.20 to the conduct of business by the
Planning Commission references in Chapter 1.20 to "City Council" should be replaced with "Planning
Commission", the word "Mayor'' should be replaced with "Chairperson", the word "Council Member" with
"Planning Commissioner'', and "City Manager" with "City Planner''.
The following procedures and rules for the conduct of Planning Commission Meetings are
adopted to supplement the requirements contained in Chapter 1.20 and 2.15 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code:
I. Officers:
.A. Powers and duties of Chairperson
II. Meetings of the Planning Commission
A. Types of meetings:
1. Regular
2. Study sessions or workshops
B. Voting:
1. Disqualification for conflict of interest
2. Failure to vote
C. Meeting Agenda:
1. How and when prepared
2. Preparation of resolutions
D. Correspondence:
1. Available at meeting
2. Authority of City Planner
E. Conduct of business: readiness for meeting
F. Call to order
G. Roll call
H. Order of business
Ill. Public Hearings:
A. When held
B. Procedure and order of business
C. Continuation
D. Termination of public testimony
E. Decision
F. Closing
G. Reopening
IV. Resolutions:
A. Commission action
B. Adoption
V. Correction of documents
VI. Failure to observe procedures
VII. Ralph M. Brown Act
1. The Chairperson of the Commission shall be the Presiding Officer at all meetings of the
Planning Commission.
2. The Chairperson may move, second debate, and vote from the Chair. The Chairperson shall
not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Commissioner by reason of acting as Chairperson.
3. The Chairperson, or such person as the Chairperson may designate, may verbally restate
each motion immediately prior to calling for the vote. Following the vote, the Chairperson shall announce
whether the motion carried or was defeated.
4. The Chairperson shall be responsible for the maintenance of order and decorum at all
meetings, and shall decide all questions of order and procedure, subject, however, to an appeal to a quorum of
the Commission, in which case the matter shall be determined by majority vote of the quorum.
5. The Chairperson shall sign all resolutions and other documents requiring their signature
which were adopted in their presence unless he or she is unavailable, in which case an alternate Chairperson
may sign such documents.
1. Regular Meetings: The Planning Commission shall hold regular meetings on the first and
third Wednesday of each month at the hour of 5:00 PM, in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad
Village Drive, Carlsbad, or such other place as shall be duly noticed. If, by reason of fire, flood or other
emergency, it shall be unsafe to meet in the Council Chambers, the meetings may be held for the duration of
the emergency at such other place as designated by the Chairperson of the Commission, or if the Chairperson
fails to act, by a majority of the quorum of the Commission. When the day for any regular meeting falls on a
legal holiday, such meeting shall be held at the same hour and place on the next succeeding day not a holiday
or such other time as designated by the Planning Commission. At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the
agenda of the meeting shall be posted in a location that is freely accessible to members of the public. No action
shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda.
2. Study Session or Workshop: The Commission may from time to time adjourn to meet in
study sessions. The purpose of such sessions shall be for hearing reports from the staff and reviewing, discussing
and debating matters of interest to the Planning Commission . No official action shall be taken at a study session.
Study sessions shall be considered public meetings, in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, and shall be
open to the public. However, the comments of the public in such session shall be subject to the discretion of
the Chairperson.
1. Disqualification for conflict of interest: If a Commissioner has reason to think a conflict of
interest may exist, he/she shall give the facts of the matter to the City Attorney and request advice thereon prior
to the meeting.
Any Commissioner who is disqualified from voting on a particular matter by reason of a
conflict of interest shall publicly state or have the Chairperson state the nature of such disqualification in the
open Commission meeting. A Commissioner who is disqualified by reason of a conflict of interest in any matter
shall request and be given the permission of the Chairperson to step down from the Commission seat and leave
the chamber. A Commissioner stating such disqualification shall not be counted as a part of a quorum and shall
be considered absent for the purpose of determining the outcome of any vote on such matter.
2. Failure to vote: Every Commissioner should vote unless disqualified by reason of conflict of
interest. A Commissioner who abstains from voting acknowledges that a majority of the quorum
may decide the question voted upon.
1. How and when prepared: In order to facilitate the orderly conduct of the business of the
Commission, an agenda shall be prepared for each regular meeting containing the specific items of business to
be transacted and the order thereof. Items of business may be placed on the agenda by the majority vote of the
members of the Commission, the City Planner or the City Attorney. Whenever feasible, each item on the agenda
shall contain the project name and case number, location (within the city), brief description, the specific
Commission action requested and a staff recommendation. At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the
agenda of the meeting shall be posted in a location that is freely accessible to members of the public.
2. Preparation of Resolutions: All resolutions shall be prepared by the City Planner o~ City
Attorney. No resolution shall be presented to the Commission unless its form has been approved by the City
Attorney. This approval need not be indicated on the resolution.
1. Available at meeting:
a. Correspondence received specific to an agenda item shall become a part of the
record for that agenda item and be filed with the Minutes Clerk of the Commission . Correspondence shall not
be read aloud at a Commission meeting unless requested by a majority vote of the Commission.
b. Sufficient copies of each item of correspondence shall be provided so that each
Commissioner, City Planner and City Attorney will have a copy in a timely manner. In addition, three additional
copies for public inspection at the meeting shall be provided.
2. Authority of City Planner:
The City Planner is authorized to open and examine all mail or other written
communications addressed to the Planning Commission, except correspondence addressed
to individual Planning Commission members, and to give it warranted attention to the end
that all administrative business referred to in said communications and not requiring
Planning Commission action may be acted upon between Commission meetings provided
that all communications and any action taken pursuant thereto shall be reported to the
Planning Commission.
a. Correspondence deemed to be of an important or urgent nature may be submitted
for Commission consideration at a Planning Commission meeting.
E. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS: READINESS FOR MEETING: At the time set for each regular meeting, each
member of the Commission, the City Planner, Minutes Clerk, City Attorney and such department heads or others
as have been requested to be present shall take their regular places in the Council Chambers. The business of
the Commission shall be conducted in substantially the order and in the manner herein provided.
F. CALL TO ORDER: The Chairperson, or in their absence the Vice-Chairperson, shall take the chair at the
hour appointed for the meeting and shall call the Commission to order. In the absence of the Chairperson and
the Vice-Chairperson, the City Planner shall call the Commission to order, whereupon a temporary Chairperson
shall be elected by the Commission members present. Upon the arrival of the Chairperson or the Vice-
Chairperson, the temporary Chairperson shall relinquish the chair at the conclusion of the business then before
the Commission. Whenever the term 'Chairperson' is used in these rules, and the Chairperson is absent, it shall
apply equally to the Vice-Chairperson, and if they are also absent, to the Chairperson elected pursuant to this
G. ROLL CALL: Before proceeding with the business of the Commission, the Minutes Clerk or Chairperson
shall call the roll of the Commission Members and the names of those present shall be entered in the minutes.
H. ORDER OF BUSINESS: The order of business established on the agenda shall be followed unless the
Chairperson, with the consent of a majority of the Commission, permits a matter to be taken out of the
regular agenda order:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Comments from the pubiic on items not listed in the Agenda
6. Statement of Planning Commission Procedures
7. Continued Items
8. Public Hearing(s)
9. Non-public Hearing(s)
10. Planning Commission Member Comments
11. City Planner Comments
12. City Attorney Comments
13. Adjournment
1. Whenever by law the Commission is required to hold a public hearing on any matter before
it, such hearing will be held in accordance with the rules contained in the Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.20
and procedures set forth in this resolution. Nothing herein shall prohibit or limit the Commission from holding
a publk hearing on the matter before it, whether required by law or not. Nothing herein shall prohibit or limit
any member of the public from addressing the Commission in accordance with the procedures provided for in
these rules irrespective of whether or not a public hearing is held.
2. All public hearings shall be scheduled to begin at a time certain which shall be the hour the
Commission convenes. The Commission shall hold such hearings in order, in accordance with the schedule on
the agenda at that time or as soon thereafter as practicable.
1. The Chairperson shall announce that it is the time and place for a public hearing scheduled
on the agenda.
2. Prior to all Commission public hearings copies of the Commission's agenda with
attachments, including the staff report, if any, shall be available at the Office of the City Planner at least twenty-
four hours prior to commencement of the hearing; provided, however, the Commission may allow in its
discretion the filing of supplemental materials which shall be made public at the commencement of the hearing.
Any materials presented to the Commission which have not previously been made available for public inspection
shall be made available as soon after the meeting as practicable.
3. The order of the hearing shall be as follows unless otherwise required by law:
a. Presentation of Staff Report
b. Questions from the Commission to Staff
c. Presentation, if any, by the Applicant
d. Questions from the Commission to the Applicant
e. Testimony of Public
f. Response of Applicant
g. Termination of public testimony
h. Discussion by Commission -Further Questions of Staff
i. Planning Commission Vote
j. Public Hearing Closed
4. The Commissioners should raise issues or concerns during the course of a public hearing so
that the applicant or the public has an opportunity to address those issues. If a proposed condition is discussed
for the first time after the public testimony is closed, the Chairperson shall allow sufficient time to the applicant
to address the change or addition. Members of the general public may also be allowed to address the change if
directly impacted by the proposed condition.
C. CONTINUATION: At any time that it appears to the Chairperson or a majority of the Commission
through the Chairperson, that inadequate evidence has been presented to afford judicious consideration of any
matter before the Commission at the time of a public hearing, or for other just cause, a continuation of said
hearing may be ordered to afford the applicant, the public, or the city staff adequate time to assemble additional
evidence for the Commission's consideration. Any continuation ordered by the Commission through its
Chairperson may be to a date certain, which said date shall be publicly announced in the Council Chambers and
shall constitute notice to the public of the time and place that further evidence will be taken. No further notice
is necessary; however, the continuation may be to a date uncertain, in which case it shall be announced that the
matter will be re-noticed. If the hearing is continued to a time less than 24 hours after the time specified in the
notice of hearing, a copy of the notice of continuance of hearing shall be posted immediately following the
meeting at which the order of continuance was made. The public announcements provided for herein shall
constitute notice to the applicant and public of time and place when further evidence will be taken by the
Commission. The Commission shall also have the option to set the matter to a new hearing.
D. TERMINATION OF PUBLIC TESTIMONY: When the public has no further evidence to present, when in
the opinion of the Chairperson no new public evidence is being presented or when in the opinion of the
Chairperson the evidence is not substantive, the Chair may close the presentation of evidence.
1. When neither the applicant, the public, nor the city Staff have further evidence to produce,
or when in the opinion of the Chairperson sufficient evidence has been presented, no further evidence either
oral or written will be accepted by the Commission; provided, however, that this rule may be relaxed by the
Chairperson or the majority of the Commission through the Chairperson when it appears that good cause exists
to hear further evidence concerning the matter which is the subject of the public hearing. The Commission shall
consider all evidence properly before it in accordance with these procedures. The Commission shall then act
upon the item. The Commission may instruct the City Planner to return with the documents necessary to affect
the decision, including findings as may be appropriate to the matter. Upon return of such documents, the
Commission shall determine if the findings are supported by the evidence before it at the hearing and if the
decision is supported by the findings and, after making any changes, render its decision by taking action on the
documents. The Commission's decision is not final until adoption of the documents.
2. A Commissioner who was absent from all or a part of a public hearing shall not participate
in a decision on the matter unless they have examined all the evidence including listening to a recording of the
oral testimony, if a recording is made, or listening to a recording of the minutes or reading a transcription of
same and can represent that they have a full understanding of the matter.
F. CLOSING: Following a vote by the Commission, the Chairperson shall close the public hearing.
G. REOPENING : A public hearing on any matter once closed cannot be reopened on the date set for
hearing unless the Chairperson determines that all persons who were present when the hearing closed are still
present. Nothing herein, however, is intended to prevent or prohibit the reopening of a public hearing at any
subsequent regular or special meeting of the Commission. No public hearing may be reopened without due and
proper notice being given to the applicant and the public designating the time and place of said opening.
A. COMMISSION ACTION: Formal Commission action on all items before it shall be made by resolution.
When necessary, the resolution shall contain appropriate findings and declarations.
1. Where a particular resolution has been prepared and is before the Commission, it shall be
adopted by motion, second, discussion and vote. It is not necessary to read the resolution by title or in full
provided it is identified by the Chairperson. Upon request of any member of the Commission, the resolution
shall be read by title or in full.
2. Where a particular resolution has not been prepared, a motion to direct the City Planner to
prepare the document and return it to the Commission is in order.
3. Where necessary, a resolution may be presented verbally in motion form together with
instructions for written preparation. Upon execution of such a resolution, it shall become an official action of
the Commission.
VI. CORRECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS: Upon occasion, resolutions or other documents are submitted in draft
form or on-the-spot amendments occur, or typographical or other technical errors are found which necessitate
retyping of the document. Such redraft, when properly executed, shall become the original document.
VII. FAILURE TO OBSERVE PROCEDURES: These rules are adopted to expedite the transaction of the business
of the Commission in an orderly fashion and are deemed to be procedural only. The failure to strictly observe
such rules shall not affect the jurisdiction of the Commission or invalidate any action taken at a meeting if it is
otherwise held in conformity with law.
VIII. RALPH M. BROWN ACT: The provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act as may be amended from time to time
are incorporated herein by reference.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission the City of
Carlsbad on the 17th day of Jan. 2024 by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Merz, Hubinger, Kamenjarin Lafferty, Meenes, Sabellico and Stine
ERIC LARDY, City Planner