HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-08; Planning Commission; ; CUP 128 - ST PATRICKS CHURCHSTAFF REPORT
Oecemb~r. 8, 1976 •
Conditional Use Permit to allow the utilization
of the old St. Patricks Church site for recreational
activities and meeti~gs.
Staff recommends that CUP-128 be APPROVED because of the followinq
findinas and subject to the following conditions:
1) The requested use is necessary and desirable for the development
of the Community, is essentially in harmony with the various
elements and objectives of the ~eneral Plan and is not detri-
mental to existina uses or to uses soecificallv oermitted in the
zone in which the proposed use to be· located b~cause:
a) The activities planned to take place at the subiect location
will utilize the facilities in a similar way to the pre-
viously established activities.
b) Some of the activities previously established will be con-
c) The subject site has been used for civic activities for
many years and is an established land use.
d) The intensity of facility and site use will not increase
at this time.
2) The site for the intended use is adequate in size and shaoe to
accommodate the use because:
a) Expansion of existinq facilities or intensification of use
are not planned at this time.
b) Expansion of facilities or intensification of use will re-
quire an amendment to this Conditional Use Permit.
3) All of the yards, ~etbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and
other features necessary to adiust the requested use to existinq
or permitted future uses in the neiahborhood will be provided
and maintained.
a) All necessary facilities are existing.
4) The Street system servinq the proposed use is adeauate to propertly handle
all traffic generated by the proposed use because:
1) No new construction is prooosed-therefore disruption to the physical
environment will be negligible.
2) The Community Center will provide social and recreational services to
Inner City residents.
3) Traffic is not expected to increase as a result of the oroject.
1) The aoproval is granted for the land described in the appl'ication
and attachments hereto, and as shown on the plot plan submitted
labeled Exhibit A, dated October 29, 1976. Buildinqs, parking
areas and landscaping shall be located substantially as shown on
the olot plan Exhibit A, exceot or unless indicated otherwise
2) Any modification to or exoansion of the existing facilities on
site will require an amendment to this Conditional Use Permit.
Location and description of orooerty:
The site is located on the East and West sic"! of uc1.r1inri ~treet be-
tween Oak Street and Elm Avenue.
The existinq structures are now vacant and previously comprised the
St. Patricks Church facilities.
Existing Zoning:
Subject Property: R-P
North: C-2
South: R-3
East: C-2
West: R-P
Existing Land Use:
Subject Property: Church Rrounds Vacant
SFR'S North:
South: Apartments
East: Shopping Center
West: SFR'S
Past History and Related Cases:
A Conditional Use Permit has been issued for the use of the Magee
House as a public building (PC Reso. ~o. 1241, CUP 118).
r Environmental 1.,..-..~ct Information:
An Environmental Im,-,act Assessment Form has been ev: .t.1ated b.v staff and a negative
declaration issued based on the following findings:
1) No new construction is proposed-therefore disruption to the ohysical environment
will be negligible.
2) The Community Center will provide social and recreational services to Inner City
3) Traffic is not expected to increase as a result of the project.
~eneral Plan Information:
The Land Use Plan Map desiqnates the subject site for Professional
and Related Commercial (0) uses.
Public Facilities:
Water and sewer service are orovided by the City of Carlsbad. All
street improvements are existinq.
Major Planning Considerations:
Is the project in a desirable location for the prooosed uses?
Will the oroposed activities intensify the use of the site?
If so, can the existing facilities accommodate this increased act-
ivitv, and will the surrounding area be neqatively affected?
Staff feels that because the site has been used extensively in the
past for community functions and because the site has been established
as a community activity center, that it is an excellent location for
a continuation of similar kinds of uses.
Staff has been informed by the Parks and Recreation Director, that
there will be no intensification of activities on the site at this
time. Similar kinds of activities to those previously established
will be provided. Also some of the previously established uses will
be continued.
~ny increase in intensification of activities or modification of
facilities will require an amendment to the CUP. At this time, the
impact of the expansion will be evaluated and additional conditions
imposed if necessary.