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2014-04-16; Planning Commission; ; CUP 13-08 - ALGA HILLS SPRINT SD54XC92
The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION ltemNo. 0 P.C. AGENDA OF:April 16, 2014 Application complete date: January 23, 2014 Project Planner: Greg Fisher Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT: CUP 13-08 -ALGA HILLS SPRINT SD54XC920-Request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation, operation, and maintenance of an unmanned Wireless Communication Facility (WCF) consisting of nine (9) panel antennas with associated equipment mounted to an existing SDG&E lattice transmission tower and a 143 square foot above ground equipment shelter upon property owned by the Alga Hills Home Owners Association. The project site is generally located north of Altisma Way, south of Via Villegas, and east of Alicante Road within an SDG&E utility easement and in Local Facilities Management Zone 6. The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Sections 15303 (Construction and installation of small new equipment facilities or structures) of the state CEQA Guidelines. I.RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7043 APPROVING CUP 13- 08 for a period of 10 years, based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II.PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The proposed unmanned WCF, operated by Sprint PCS, is generally located north of Altisma Way, south of Via Villegas, and east of Alicante Road within an SDG&E utility easement. The 100 foot wide easement, which contains SDG&E transmission towers and lines, is located upon the Alga Hills Home Owners Association property, and is bordered by residential development in all directions. The nine panel antennas are proposed to be affixed to a lattice style transmission tower located just south of Via Villegas which is one of the internal streets within the Alga Hills development. The 143 square foot equipment shelter is proposed at the base of the SDG&E lattice tower within the SDG&E easement. The WCF proposal consists of nine panel antennas and associated equipment mounted to a 106.4 foot tall SDG&E lattice transmission tower together with an unmanned above ground equipment shelter. The nine panel antennas will be located within three separate sectors. Each sector will consist of three panel antennas. The nine panel antennas are a low-profile design approximately 1 foot wide by 6 feet long and will be attached to the existing SDG&E lattice transmission tower by a universal mounting bracket. The antennas will not mount directly to the lattice tower pole based on the requirements of SDG&E but will be mounted as close as possible to the tower so they are less visible. Directly behind the antennas are stack mounted remote Radio Units (RRUs), two per antenna, which are part of Sprint's wireless system technology. The RRUs are 25 inches long and 11 inches wide and will be attached to the SDG&E lattice tower similar to the antennas. The antennas are mounted to the lattice tower at a minimum height of 28 feet from grade to the bottom of the antennas and a maximum height of 33.5 feet to the top of the antennas. The antennas are mounted at this height range to meet the Radio t" 4.... I I CUP 13-08 -ALGA HILLS SPRINT SD54XC920 April 16, 2014 Page 2 Frequency (RF) calculations of clearance from solid interference (obstructions) and FCC standards. The panel antennas will be painted grey to match the existing lattice tower. The radio and power supplies will be located within an above ground equipment shelter. The shelter will contain the support equipment consisting of a self-contained Base Transceiver Station (BTS), equipment cabinets, control power panel, and a GPS antenna. The 6 foot tall, 11 foot by 13 foot (143 square feet) dimensioned equipment shelter is located within the base of the lattice tower. The equipment will be mounted unto a concrete pad and enclosed by a six foot tall vinyl coated chain link fence with green slats and entry gate. A combination of existing and proposed landscaping will help screen the equipment shelter to the extent feasible from the common grounds and adjacent residences. No permanent backup generator or air cooling system is being proposed as part of this project. The WCF operator, Sprint PCS, has been authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to construct and operate a wireless network throughout California. Sprint's PCS operating license from the FCC requires that its market area receive ubiquitous coverage, residential areas not excepting. Currently, Sprint PCS has six WCF sites located within the southeast portion of the City. Although no additional sites are being proposed in this part of the City of Carlsbad, new sites may be necessary in the future to provide additional capacity if warranted by customer demand or if the industry technology changes. The present state of wireless network development involves, to a large degree, the filling of smaller coverage gaps. The primary transportation corridors, commercial areas, and most residential areas have for the most part been covered. What generally remains, are smaller gaps in coverage within residential areas. The proposed WCF site was chosen by the applicant because of its location which will enable Sprint PCS to meet the capacity and coverage needs in this area. Currently, there is limited coverage across the La Costa community which is approximately bounded by La Costa Avenue to the south, El Camino Real to the west, Alga Road to the north, and the valley to the east. The proposed site located at a high point within the neighborhood, provides the necessary height for unobstructed line-of-site transmission to these communities improving capacity for customers and increasing Sprint PCS coverage in this area. Existing and Future Collocation: Pursuant to City Council Policy Statement No. 64 -Wireless Communication Facilities Policy, whenever feasible and appropriate, WCFs' design and placement should promote and enable collocation. The applicant evaluated the potential to collocate at other wireless facilities and determined that collocating was not a viable option. All preferred locations within the search ring were evaluated for existing wireless communication facilities that presented a collocation opportunity. However, Sprint PCS's consultant identified none. There are currently no WCFs located at this site. Each request for a WCF is required to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis taking into account several standards necessary for approval including compliance with City Council Policy Statement No. 64. Any subsequent proposal by another wireless communication carrier to co-locate at this property will undergo the same review process as the proposed project. Table A below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. CUP 13-08-ALGA HILLS SPRINT SD54XC920 April 16, 2014 Page 3 Location General Plan Designation Site OS North RM South RMH East RMH West RMH Ill. ANALYSIS TABLE A Zoning Current Land Use O-S SDG&E Transmission Lines RD-M Residential RD-M Residential RD-M Residential RD-M Residential The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards, and policies: A. Open Space(OS) General Plan Land Use Designation; B. Open Space(O-S) Zone (Chapter 21.33 of the Zoning Ordinance); C. Conditional Use Permit regulations (Chapter 21.42 of the Zoning Ordinance); D. Wireless Communication Facilities Policy (City Council Policy Statement No. 64);and E. Growth Management. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in the sections below. A. OS, Open Space General Plan Land Use Designation The project site is designated Open Space (OS) on the City's General Plan Land Use Map. The proposed WCF project is consistent with the OS General Plan Land Use designation in that the Open Space Land Use designation does not preclude the provision of WCF uses, it is located within an existing utility corridor, it is conditionally allowed by the implementing Open Space Zone, and it will not impact sensitive habitat. The proposed WCF project is also consistent with the OS General Plan Land Use designation in that the proposed use will serve the residential and business community and region as a whole, including emergency services. Therefore, the proposed WCF use is consistent with the OS General Plan Land Use designation. B. Open Space (O-S) Zone, Chapter 21.33 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code The proposed WCF is located within an SDG&E transmission utility easement and within the Open Space Zone. Wireless Communication Facilities, such as the proposed project, are allowed in all zones including the Open Space Zone with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The required CUP findings (discussed in Section C below) can be made for the proposed WCF as it is a desirable public convenience and is compatible with its surroundings. The nine panel antennas will be mounted to an existing 106.4 foot tall lattice transmission tower at a maximum height of 33.6 feet which exceeds the maximum 25 foot height limit permitted by the OS Zone. However, the Open Space Zone development standards allow heights over 25 feet by Conditional Use Permit. In addition, the RD-M Zone development standards for the adjacent single family and multi- CUP 13-08 -ALGA HILLS SPRINT SD54XC920 April 16, 2014 Page 4 family residences currently allow heights up to 35 feet. The proposed location and height of the panel antennas at this site is lower than the RD-M height limits of the surrounding residential properties and is considered acceptable to insure compatibility of the proposed use with the surrounding existing and planned uses. The proposed equipment shelter complies with the height limit requirements of the O-S Zone in that the equipment shelter is located at the base of the lattice transmission tower at a height of six feet. Although the O-S Zone has no setback standard, the equipment shelter is setback a minimum of 50 feet from the nearest residential property line and 100 feet from the nearest residence. C. Conditional Use Permit Regulations, Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code The proposed project is a use which is allowed in the Open Space Zone (O-S) subject to the approval of a CUP. Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that four findings be made in order to approve a conditional use permit. All of these findings can be made for this project as discussed below: Conditional uses such as WCF possess unique and special characteristics that make it impractical to include them as permitted uses "by right" in any of the various zoning classifications (i.e. residential, commercial, office, industrial, and open space). The authority for the location and operation of these uses is subject to City Council Policy Statement No. 64 -Wireless Communication Facilities Policy (see discussion D below), Planning Commission review, and the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. Staff has reviewed the proposed project and found that all of the necessary findings can be made to approve the CUP. The required findings and satisfaction of these findings are provided below. 1. That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, and is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, including, if applicable, the certified local coastal program, specific plan or master plan, in that the proposed WCF use is necessary and desirable for the development of the community because of the benefit and demand for digital communications and data transmissions for businesses, individuals, public agencies and emergency service systems. The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan in that the Open Space Land Use designation does not preclude the provision of WCF uses, nor is it detrimental to existing permitted uses in the vicinity in that the WCF exhibits stealth design and only minor alterations to the existing site are proposed. 2. That the requested use is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located in that the proposed WCF visual impacts will be minimized as the equipment shelter has been designed at the base of the lattice transmission tower and is surrounded by a six foot tall vinyl coated chain link fence with green slats. The equipment shelter is located approximately 100 feet from the nearest residential building and Is partially screened by existing and proposed landscaping to soften its appearance and further reduce its visibility from the residences and general public. An acoustical analysis complying with the City's Noise Guidelines Manual was submitted to ensure that the proposed WCF noise sources comply with City requirements and its compatibility with the existing residences. The panel antennas are not considered detrimental to the existing uses in that the nine panel antennas are mounted to an existing 106.4 foot tall transmission tower and will be painted grey to blend in with the existing structure. The panel antennas will be mounted as close as possible to the tower so they are less visible. The collocation of panels on the existing transmission tower also minimizes the visual impacts of the project by eliminating the need to install a new pole structure to achieve the needed height to provide coverage. CUP 13-08 -ALGA HILLS SPRINT SD54XC920 April 16, 2014 Page 5 3. That the site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, parking, loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping and other development features prescribed in this code and required by the city planner, planning commission or city council, in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood in that the above ground equipment shelter complies with the O-S Zone development standards, exhibits stealth design, and is partially screened by landscaping to further reduce its visibility from public view. The location of the panel antennas as close as possible to the existing transmission tower will reduce the visual impact of the wireless communication facility and will eliminate the need to install a new pole structure to achieve the needed height to provide coverage. The antenna panels will be painted grey to match and blend in with the existing transmission pole. 4. That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use in that the use generates very little traffic, requiring only routine monthly maintenance visits and occasional visits in response to operational problems. Murillo Lane and Via Villegas will be used to access the site. The existing street system is adequate to property handle any traffic generated by the use. D. City Council Policy Statement No. 64 -Wireless Communication Facilities Pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.42.140(165)b, a WCF Conditional Use Permit application that does not comply with the preferred location and the stealth design review and approval guidelines of City Council Policy Statement No. 64 shall be conditionally approved or denied by the Planning Commission. The WCF project is proposed in a discouraged residential location as listed in Location Guideline A.2.c. of City Council Policy Statement No. 64. Specifically, a WCF should not locate within a major power transmission tower corridor in/or next to a residential zone or area unless the applicant demonstrates no feasible alternative exists that can accommodate the applicant's proposed facility. After analyzing four other potential sites, the applicant has demonstrated that no location in a preferred zone or area as listed in Location Guideline A.l. can accommodate the proposed facility, therefore, staff is recommending support of the proposed WCF at this location (See attachment No.5 -Justification letter). The WCF has been designed using "stealth" design techniques to the extent feasible and is consistent with the Design Guidelines listed in City Council Policy Statement No. 64. The proposed equipment shelter is located within the base of the transmission tower and will be enclosed by a six foot tall vinyl coated chain link fence with green slats, and is partially screened by existing and proposed landscaping to help soften its appearance and further reduce its visibility from the residences and general public. The nine panel antennas are small in scale in relationship to the lattice tower, mounted as closely to the lattice tower as possible reducing an outward noticeable appearance, and will be painted grey to match the color of the existing transmission pole, thereby minimizing any visual impacts. Locating the WCF on the existing SDG&E transmission tower as opposed to installing a new monopole is also encouraged and consistent with City Council Policy Statement No. 64 Design Guidelines. E. Growth Management The proposed WCF is located in Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 6. Installation of the facility on the existing site and monthly facility maintenance visits will not result in increased public facilities demands; therefore, the proposal will not exceed performance standards for public facilities. CUP 13-08 -ALGA HILLS SPRINT SD54XC920 April 16, 2014 Page 6 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15303 (Construction and installation of small new equipment facilities or structures) of the state CEQA Guidelines. Additionally, as Sprint PCS must comply with FCC regulations, radio frequency emissions from the proposed facility are below levels established as acceptable by the FCC, and are therefore not considered a health hazard. In making this determination, the City Planner has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the state CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7043 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Reduced Exhibits 5. Justification letter 6. Exhibits "A" -"I" dated April 16, 2014 SITE MAP • N NOT TO SCALE Alga Hills Sprint SD54XC920 CUP 13-08 .~ «•: ~ CITY Of DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) Development Services Planning Division 163S Faraday Avenue (760} 602-4610 www.carlsbadca-1ov CARLSBAD Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership Interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board. Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as •Any individual, firm, co-partnership, Joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of & persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, titles. addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Tim Henion Corp/Part. __________ _ Title Proiect Manager Address 1264 Basswood Ave Title ·---Address. __________ _ 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1(A) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, tlUes, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses ~.~~~~ce~. (A s~parate page may be attached if necessary.) Person C::: ~/~ Corp/Part _____________ _ Title 6/4,4 ;MlC-5<4 w I Title ____________ _ Address qt'.2.u -::r11r1<J~-~ Address. __________ _ {?4/6&~/, (!fi9~t10"/ Page 1 of2 Re"8od07110 ~ 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, fist the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust_________ Non Profit/Trust __________ _ Title___________ Title ____________ _ Address _________ _ Address ___________ _ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes [8J No If yes, please indicate person(s): __________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I ce"."i' Iha! •;e abo.ve information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. _,,/ J ---C --~ ---' \ -~ (~ ~[c3;f 3 __, \_i...--_ -Signature of owner/date Signature of applicanVdate Iiro Henion Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P·1(A) Page2of2 Revised 07/10 SD54XC920 Murillo Lane Site Justification: This ring was identified to fill a gap in Sprint coverage to the residential area and golf courses roughly bounded by La Costa Ave to the south, El Camino to the west, Alga Road to the north, and the valley to the east. Several alternatives were reviewed as possible replacement candidates for the proposed wireless communications facility. The candidates reviewed were residential in character; given the search area is residential and open space. Viewing the aerial, the SDG&E corridor is natural ridge and provides line of site to the area with a gap. Primary Candidate: SDG&E tower, 33.097244°, -117.257210° located inside a SDG&E easement on ridgeline that cuts thru a large residential area, the ridgeline provides ideal coverage 360 degrees around and does the best Job of covering the surrounding residential and the La Costa golf course. The City in the past requested why the following alternative sites did not work to cover the gaps: -Carlsbad Municipal Water District Water Tank located at roughly 2400 Alga Rd. This location is a 0.5 mile north and provided limited coverage due to the surround terrain blocking the signal. See included coverage map of this location " Coverage of SD54XC920 at Water Tank -Elizabeth Seton Church, this site is located over 1 mile to the northeast, much too far from the search area and at the edge of the coverage area. The elevation change to the south would block the majority of the coverage objective, also the church had no interest in a Sprint site on their property -A ROW site alone Alga Road. The SDG&E ridgeline would block line of site from Alga Road. Candidates along Alga Road would not be able to see to the coverage area south of the ridgeline. Row sites are very limited to covering larger areas away from main corridors and the nearby residential -SDG&E transmission tower at Corte Casitas-this site is over 0.5 miles from the proposed location to the northeast and is too far to provide coverage to the area south and west of the proposed location. Coverage of the second best option at the Carlsbad Municipal Water tower • In Building Coverage Q In Vehicle Coverage Q On Street Coverage 'iT,C,VCH,111lt # Z!t97110 ZONING OCiCNATI()N OS 'fiE-UHE I U0''/2JOO• ZONlt-lC AP~At'. CUP 1J-08 Sprint" •t• ,. 554--L•t i1r: i 1221 •6200 YOt,I 11,.ajllu&aol &\IOU£.. ~11: 100 '"''W'IL C-<IU~(ll"NI& •Z612 .... , '21$-240-0 s • p r1 n t · 'i~TURC 0,.1[ SDG&E LEGEND SDG&E LATTICE TOWER#Z51979 0 ::PROJE.Ct '!Kf'OFhAA1'0til SD54XC92DA SDC&E LA mer TOWER j/251979D .-u; 1,11.,n.1.o lJ,N[ CAAlSBAD, ~ lil2009 SMl O£GO COONTY ::cuff.RENT ~( D,t.rt- I 12-10-13 II :is'i\lrJ>roo L =n,1c zo,~:~o•==e,~ SD54XC920A ' 12-10 ... J!i RtVl'StD ZO,: Pc,t "" Ctl'Y COMlif(NfS 4639 MURILLO LANE . 10-JO-rl stC.Vl&.DZO,PCR "" CJl'YC.:C)t,11~ ' o.e-12·-•J A:l"nS(O lO. i,,cR '" SOC&£ 00,U,(S i CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009 ' oe;.<,,-12 ft[VfS.(C ZO. PER ARC SOC4C_ ~ES I 03-211-,2 100~ ZONING •SC 0 03-1~12 90~ zo. rOI' .. c R(VIO>' ::Pl.ANS PACPAA(D 8Y j . . . ~OT$NJtllfOJfl)OOllfC\~tCHS 1iU •Qlll!o.#i/J..UOlilttSIWIU..IIOl'Oh(O""°~h&.i..(lt., """ -""· J ' • ~ ~QIN (Ot,C;'lltT("" M'n,to, ... "~ ~tlT!Nfl'IQ,,lltlOrnlOIJ0,60,IIC'lJU°"""COOCS ) . 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'lll)ri~ 001,,C110 co•,JU ACCS181!1.J!YEXBf"TlON n,,,,rio.c.D"To,a-on C,lt,,OIOIO ~n,fl:,I IIIQff OOf)Q.,in:Alil'"'l-""'-:r,...IIIQorf ..:CUI IIIOl lll(DUlll[l:t. ...,... .......... MSA .A.rc.lllr~ .& PlnuJia6 ~-~ ~0:--m~· ci ,._., ... ..:2~11177 ,_ 11••~1.1120 .__,,, .... - ::COP'Sl.l\..TAtfl; )Ppratti ) ..,..,._,,,, 1~Llli.J..CIU[fll0~ J1W111...ca.,1u, =>lll>.WH sv.=<-=-.,D I AAC 1 ..... 1 .... ,1 ~ ONTO C.U.IIOI 011",1[. t..:( -..,.P "'!)IT J'Olt 1•3' $OU'IM IOW,IICI $,II,. O(CO &1 .,.._.......,,.. \C[S,tll'SUtt,l(.Y0,,,·1,S~1 ""O"it:CN,IO)•o-421> 'IIOJN & ~.....,"'°'"DI -""""',.. ~ olC'CtS'5 on •••'.frl(("""""' lte,,,!MolQ'OUO#SIC-fd. 'OIi r.,.C:OS'-'"°""' MNU,, ~lNT'I ~~IC>.. .. ~ oo'l,W (.llllt)bi1, lf,U( ~lllfl;aJM ! CWT0 lJ, CO'Sf& '"lOl/l ~ l.llT (lllfO n CA,l,IN(I IQU'tflSII J,(1111'. --.,...,_ SOG&E FIELD CONSUL TANT: QXll.l' ... 1l,IT1U7',,Ul;l'IOJiltlQlll O'(;fPTIOtfl t\#il,..._.,,,.Cllf'IO~c;&liOli0, tl.M'illlOB c,,;,o,,._1(:M,111: ll0lO. T\lllfo w, oi,10 ~Q C&IIO(IDO, TIJIJI -oi, Ol,ltG QU,00 ...,,.,_~ T\,lltJII ollQIJ ONro --"" um·""l!IM' 00I.Qll($IUl()IIWIU.("l'CCltolAt..uil11, lillJlllll.oVt,Jr,l(1tllA',lliilc),l!A"t1CW.'ll.l(W,0Ro(<''\lrt -•0101:11• t'llt(.~&1.-.o.i, ,,T ID, .n...1,11• 00..0IICS,. CO 11.!U ' ...... C:0,,,1At'1.l(lllilllJ "°~ DO NOT ec.-..E OAAWINQII :=::,.~,;:,s QD,,1~0111 ~i,,t_lln"'-'. II\NIIINiltlo~~'f$.IO'IS ""C)Cl)ICJIT06CN,1 not ~ .M srrt olllllO 111-Wj. ., .. '°"",a. ... Jo01'111"'1' t1"C CNI. ~ .. _.,_ ~1,iKf'QIIC-..oc(~WJT!,1~90lll(Olllff~'Ol$.WC ~ DAMNG DIRECTIONS PROJECT SUMMARY PROJECT TEAM GENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTES 1 /-, , I / ~t/ I ~lj I "'~ I f1, I .} /, :j " ..._______ (E) UTIUlY POLE PROPOSED SPRINT JOINT UNDERGROUND UTILITY TRENCH (APPROX JSB'L F RUN) (E) UTILITY POL£ ..._______ ..._______ ..._______ '-----'----- ..._______ ' '-----..._______ '----- '----- ----------'-----'----- ------- ..._______ ..._______ ............ o' ,~· JO' ... Sprint" 18200 V00t KARMAN AY£NU£. S1..,1f[ 100 IRVINE. CAUFORN!A 92612 ~ ROJECT INFORMATION SD54XC92DA SDG&E LATTICE TOWER #2519790 4639 MURIU..O LANE CARL.58AO, CAUF'ORNIA 92009 SAN DIEGO COUNTY rRRENT •;s~,~~ -1 3 I I SSUEO FOR 1 EV•=DATE•~~:,~,o•=BY~ 5 12-10-1.3 ~;;rgo~~:~R RU 4 10-30-u ~,;;Eg0~~E:JR Ru 08-12-13 ;~c'!:Ef iE°;u:i; RU 2 06-04-12 ~~1~0 J~1::; ARC 1 OJ-29-12 100,; ZONING ARC 0 03-15-12 SOXRiDsF:f#FOR ARC ~ IANS PREPARED BY MSA A.rclliu,crure Jt ~ 3194 1..-port loop Drift. Suite Cl ea.to Meso. Colifomill 92626 ~: M9.251.1177 fox: 949.251.1120 ., __ m!IO-qp.com, ONSULTANT OC-TillNCORPORATED 13948 CAU.E 8UENO ~ JolMU\.,C...9193$ ---------- ~(E) UTllm' POLE ENLARGED SITE PLAN ---------- ---------- ---------- PROPOSED SDG&E DISCONNECT SWITCH ---------- ---------- ---------- SECTOR'B' AZIMUTH 160° \ _,, SECTOR'A' AZIMUTH70° ....________ PROPOSED SPRINT OUTDOOR EOUIPM[NT CABINETS MOUNTED ON CONCRETE PAO ENCLOSED WITHIN A 6'W HIGH CHAIN-UNI< FENCE ENCLOSURE ~ (£) 106'-4M H,CH SDG&:E ---........._ LATTICE TOWER #Z519790 PROPOSED SPRINT PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED ON (E) LAmc[ TOWER (TYP.)@ ~ {E) OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES ....________ ~ 0"1' :}' 7· Sprint" 16200 V001 K-'-AA All(NU£. SU•TE 100 1A111N(. C.UFOANIA 92612 !PROJECT INFORMATION• SD54XC920A SDG&E LATTICE TOWER #2519790 4639 IIURIU.D LANE CNU.SBM>, c.AL.JfORN~ 92009 SAN DIEGO COUNTY CURRENT ISSUE DATE: I 12-10-13 II j::ISSUED FOR: l~.•=oATE•~:~,:ON•=BY·~ 5 12-10-lJ REVISED ZDs PER RU CITY COMMENTS . 10-30-13 REVtSED ZDs PER RU CITY CQt,,1M[NTS ' 08-12-1.3 REVISED ZDs PER RU SDG&:E REDLINES 2 06-04-12 REVISED ZOs PER ARC SDC&E REDUNES 1 03-29-12 100" ZONING ARC 0 03-15-12 90~ ZDs FOR ARC REV>EW :::PLANS PREPARED BY: MSA Arcbir«:nzre ... PJ,,uuJjzw 31 94 Arport Loop Orlwe, Suite C1 ea.to Veeo. Collfomia 926:M Phone: 9411.251.11TT '= 9451.251.1120 •-.m=-cp.com =cONSULTANT )Ppra:ti ) ~~QA:=~ ~C#l9193S :=,,RAWN ev=cHK.,=APV.•~ I ARC I "-JS I MJS I "=:] SHEET TITLE I """''° srrc ""' SHEET NUMBER ========:REVISION,.,_ - A2 5 -S054XC920A PROPOSED RF SIGNAGE ~ PROPOSED SPRINT PANEL ANT[NNA (3) ANTENNAS PER SECTOR MOUNTED ON "VALMONTM CROSS ARM &: ADJUSTABLE NOTICE ~ Rt<lo ~Em,ay s.-, N.rt,y ~ .. llQOled ""1nlda,$ Cml)iy""1$Jlelypoiiclo5_ AV/SO r-•-..•.-.... enb&t8'Ullla. 5ga-.ia,-- CJ1'fll>=11<;,:,ilioosilo~ SLOPE PIPE MOUNT WIT\-; TOWER DIAGONAL TYP 3 PLACES@ PROPOSED ANTENNA LAYOUT .,,,,, SECTOR'A' AZIMUTH70° 3 ,· 2 PROPOSED EQUIPMENT LAYOUT ------(E) 106'-4• HIGH SDC&:E L.AmCE TOWER #2519790 ------PROPOSED SPR!NT EMERGENCY GENERATOR RECEPTACLE -----PROPOSED SPRINT PPC CABINETS MOUNITD ON AN H-FRAME RACK WITH SERVICE LIGHT _____ PROPOSED SPRINT CPS ANTENNA MOUNTED ()N A H-FRAME RACK POST -----PROPOSED SPRINT PVC-COATED CHAIN-UNK FENCE WITH GREEN PVC SLATS -=0 ---\ / ~(E) lATTICE TOWER I I I I I I / CLIMBING LEG O BASE / PROPOSED SPRINT EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON A PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD I ~~isigNiirN;,i;~PS AT BASE Of/EQUIPMENT \ CABINET (r ) \ I I {E) LATTICE TOWER CONCRETE FOUNDATION (TYP.) Sprint" 18200 \ION l(ARtr,1,t,.N .e.VENU(. sv,rr 100 IRVIN(. CAUFORNI ... 92612 llPROJECT INFORMATION SD54XC920A SDG&E LATTICE TOWER #Z519790 4639 MURILLO LANE CARlSIWl, CM.JFORNl,t. 92009 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ~ CURRENT ISSUE DATE: 1 12-10-13 ii SSUED fOR: I EV=oATE~~~:,;,oN=BY~ 3 08-12-1.3 ~~~\D R2e:~~1::: RU 06-04-12 ~~l\0 R~~~1::: ARC 1 03-29-12 100% ZONING ARC 0 03-l 5-1 2 goxR~°;"EWFQR ARC tANS PREPARED BY MSA Arcbiteerun, 4 Plluu::l.izW 319-4 ;..,,ort Loop Ori.._ Suite Cl C:O.to MNa. Cotifornlo 92626 PhoM: MQ.2s,.11n Fax: 9-49.251.1120 ONSULTANT: )epratli) DEP'RATTI INCORPOR,UtD 13Q-48CAU£9U£MOCANOII JjliMIJl.C,0919J5 c~ ~ PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ~ & ANTENNA LAYOUT SHEET NUMBER:~EV!SJON: I A3 W \---------- \---------- r--- oo--------Mffl-0..l&I)--------ll0UNIEJ 0N H_,_Ma< SOUTHWEST B..EVATION --------➔ --------➔ -,_-OF m ~ ,,----PIIOPOE> SPRlff IRJ EDUPIEff STM::K MDUN1UJ BEHN> fWIEL -0N Pl'E 110111T (rtP.) ~----------(3AN1DINIISPEISECll)R,3 lEIORS TUTM) ,-----~.=,~ ND ,....-----F.._""'"'-uocsa, -==~ GREEN PW: s.A'IS ,------"'CCINDlll'~~RIM":t~~ CML£ COVER UP I FT. 10 - / . ~ 2 NORTh'WEST a.EVATION TOP OF PIIOPOSED SPRlff #fltMMS ~----PROPOSED SPIIN1' FWEL ANIENM (3 AN1DINIIS PEI sa:roR, 3 !EIORS'IUllllJ ...._ ___ __,5"""'~'0-IICUNIEJ""I? SPRINT a::.,~ -0N Pl'E 110111T (rtP.) ~--------,s ll0UNIEJ 0N 00NCAEtt ND ~ ____ _..,,,......., _ - awtH.N< FENCE 6 Q\1E wnH GREEN PIie SIAIS / Sprint" 18200 VOfll kAMIAN A\'U«JIE, SUITE 100 IRWOIL CAUF011NA 92112 PROJECT:""~' 2QA SOGIIE LATTICE 10WER ,ZS111790 --WK ~--- f'""ENT~:,~-13 II r Fllf!ZONING ~ :::RFV.:~TE:==oESCRIPTlON:===B'Y:- S 12-1Cr13 __ ..,. "" cm C01111EN1S 4 10-30-13 __ ..,. "" cm COIIIIENIS 3 Ol-12-13 __ ..,. RU SDOM: IEUIES 2..-..,a __ ..,. -SDOM:REDIHS I 03-21-12 ·---0 03-15-12 -----~BY, ;~--I ===-...,.. ----~~-)rpratll ) • --... OIi.Li __ ~- rWN e: I ":;_T~ I A4 ~ \---------- \---------- I---- ---°'"' ---ON --'IOIJEDll.3/AJ NOffflEAST B..EVATION ---------l ---------l -------------<• MlENfMS PER SECRJR. 3 SECIORS 101NJ ~----=-=..=.i---------- ~----PROPOSEDSDG&E / 't::gi,:-.-FINCEIWIH -PIICSIA1S DISCONNECT SWITCH •a~+ El.!Y, O'-(f' r 2 80U11-EAST B..EVATION ~---PROPOSED ~ NNEL NOu. (3 -PER sa:roR. 3 SECIORS 10INJ ~---PROPOSED SPMIT PPC CMa£r ll0UNIED ON -""" ~-----1:'0WNlll?"'Ol_._lll!N<':;~ -Pw:SWS / ·~· El.!Y,O'-(f' Sprinr 18200 \IQril KNWAH A'l£NUE, SUITE 100 WlwtE, CAL.IFONU, 9211512 ~•ECT ~E]-20A SDCaE LATllCE TOWER ,ZS111790 --Ula ------=rtlRR£NT r5SUE DATE: 1 12-10-13 11 ,~ FOR·ZONING ~ Rnl.:=:n.t.TE:~PTION:~:- 5 12-10-13 ~~ Ml 4 10-»-13~~ RU 3 08-12-13 = ::.= AU 2 ...--,2 :::.=IMC I 03-29-12 10ml ZCNIC IMC 0 03-1~12 f!fl1' ,l!/:,. FOR IMC (N) RAM ALU \Jl-',jN $UPPOIH 8RACJCCl P-AA:1 ~O 8'9U,7038 '.J,,/ STACKED RRH MOUNTING DETAIL ht!Wtt ®11h-il14iliiPI -' .,., Ffti I I if !rtl11iitt iltilMI PANEL ANTENNA MOUNTING KIT AI..U PIIPE MQIJNI BftACl(tl PART HO BA901J11J Alcatel •Lucent 0,' ~-•Onn't.p1ikM1 I KN'l-'lf,U-~lk~(KkUI ,-...n:..tNllQlo\,U :llf!C;-&nari.., ..1 (."-'111::M l.lltldC..'--ilC,ca,, ctieifip.llllllillllk~' ◄.:-,l~"'-.1of \.'11111('\A {l't.._,._... ~ 11.Jwl ht.I Clt»fi~mM ..,._bop ioJOuinlf'.1"\of bMA •• ltw l•,ll!JIOY.,tll:, ,.,p,t:'(lrunll _..I u t.n,,..'!lft'fftd)f.-t•h,4IT Ml\'lt){--1c,;;hn,,l._'t:..l) , 9"'««1t.: qt 'IQ II Cilltltf1. ofn)\tA it Jt-~,l .\1,.,,...,.,. 1sn $\1 UC NI) k" .-,..'<'ft'd f,uat, .A.k';111d.).atffl rablN.t. "'MM,.,n, u,bo,l\o: f~i ~t:abk:: ~ Ph1'\lul 0.~"'1)l,W1.D ,~•d~tl ' ri~r ....... K.., -,.tc ra;.-W<' I "'1!1,mn"' tMCJ(.ce rci,,r,-.atlllf,l,c,. ,_.Uf(M-.,,: 1~,AISO'ltJ ' t,$\IU~ Jo.Ill 7flf11 J)t~t-<:11rit _,,_--4iil· ... 5" 4 NEW RAH REMOTE RADIO SPECIFICATION l:1❖1?,J,t1'!1 Jt#N#? @li1'ii5 1 1 oil••·• ... ,. ' •,II I• "1,~,11 ,1 ,,1 ,-Hl 3 NEW PANEL ANTENNA SPECIACATION 2 i.w :::::::: Sprinr 1,0:t(IO YOH~ .... ._ ir,~ SlU>Tc; MlO 11111-....it. CN,,.lf'(lfU~ir, 92412 S '2-10-IJ ~E:~~:~R RU 4 10-50 • 1 l ~go!~(N~,r, Rl.l .'.! 0!•12•13 ~~ ~lljog RU 2 0fJ-Q.11-12 ~\O ~g ,t,RC i OJ-2'9-'2 100-X. l~G ARC 0 QJ-1$-\2 ~ ,J~;,,r:OH AR( to mu EQUIPMENT DETAILS ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ (E) '°""' .. °""""""' -........._ IMffl.E -([) PINE 1REES AL0NG mP OF SI.OP£ (TtP.) ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ...................... --=~ ........._ (lDrllN) SHRU8S ........._ ........._ -------------"~........._ (£)""" ~- ~ \ I ~ I I I ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ([)-........._ -=r~J ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ........._ ' Sprinf 18200 '«JIii KAMIAN AVENUE, SUITE 100 IIIWilE, CAUFOIINA 92112 ROJECT .,~~-20A SDGa£ lATllCE T0'l1ER fZ519790 --WK ~- URRENT ISSUE MlE: 'SSL<!) ~-2-10-13 II 1 EV.,-m~,=r,~ 5 12-10-IJ ~~ 11U 4 10-30-13 ~~ RU Title Report l'IIEPMEDB'f fllO.JTYNIIIOMl 1TI.£CQIIAIIT IADERNO. 9711115 RO'(lRfMIED: .U.Yl.2005 Legal Description LOI 2Sli0fGlll.li!WlllACTIIQ.M41. "I.Cl,IIU.SACCQIOIIC JOI!#' MJl[OFIIQ. IZ25. QTY 0f CARl.9IC. C0t.lll"l' Of SM DUO STAT[ Of CAl.f"QIIIA. IUD FEBIIUMT Z8, 1'199.11 CfflX OF 11t1: t(UITYIIECIRD!OF SM 1J£C0 <XUITY Assessor's Parcel No. llS-240-" Easements {DUSOIOII flJI IIM$IS!iOI IICI t1S118/IO IJ EI.It1IIOTY. IIEDJIDED liPla. 16. 1Zl INSlll,,IOI 110. 4111'-1. IIIOl "Slfll. ~,a 1'1. OF O!F1CW. fCCllADS. OOCUIOT[llnl\£0"CIWl1 OF o11)()(11(Jd,LIIC/ITSIIEDS1NC£.o\SOIDlr11CCORDED .lllC24.1196ASIISllUEIIIII01~Jl~IJ"OFfDM.ll[COll>S('UlllOl """"' ©CASDIOITFOIIP\8.ICllllMOPUIPOS(s..llJDIJEDII.IIICM~.1f10.W.iTNO<IO(l(l IJ"tJllQ.lil€COIJS.(PLOT11'.11+t'.ll£OI) @ll<!OIOIIFU Pl'(u,(JUFOS[S.ICCUltO.l.lllE J 1171 IIIS"IIUIIOlfM'.I 1111MOFOFfOALll[alllllS.(PL0111DHEIIECII) E. (ASOl(NIFOI S[11(RPl'EUII( tllPPO.INES, M#IHCl..£S. U.1ERAlSMO .-...iEWICCS PUl'OSE!i. IICCOllllO) OC1&II: 14. 1!~ IIS!llJIOT NO ~21S25£i0FO"RtW.ll£CXJIOS.(l;IOOJI01(Xf510IO(SCllll(E.lSOIOIT} 0•£.l'DOIIFQl!l'IPELll(PI.IF05[5.ll[CIJIIEltCMIIIEJ!10. m,,.11Sl!UIOII 110. ~$1...CB IT (Jlll,( IIECOIOS (l'LOTlfD >O[Oli) L M £.ASEIIDII FOIi IRMSPOHIIIG illlO ~~ SOil f'VRPOSO,. 11£IXIRIIE1l 5&10IElJl20.l!IIK.NSIRl,.110HNO&f-J510960F(mOAl.11£COROS(C-01 U:OlEFROIIIIC<lRl) i. ME,illl,IOIIR:IR~Pl'O..ll(Pl.llf'OS£S.lt[ctRIE)0Clt&Jl:i.1N4. IISlllLIOlllO.IM--D9B"l61Jl'la.1o.ll[COIOS. (DIUOCllNfECI) 1~ MEASOEJrlf.~MCICOIOIIClfS,IIECCADEDIIAl1J,19'1ASIISIRUMOIT 110. 1991-(122:S,~ Of ~ ll[aJRDS. (CMINQI tDa1E Fl!(lll llt:CORD) Utility Route l<S1lll'OFI.MO:,.COl't[IWG£ IIIULUGS•-LOI 2Sli 0f"IIUC1NO ~1. ~lt!J.SIW'NO \Z32'iH£l2.l,ll[aJID(D~l9.191!1lMOAI.SO L"!N; •M IJ, COSTA Yl<U.[l lJIII NO. 5_ IIAP 110. 6730, 11 omCf: Of TH[ COUIIYIICt0ADOIOFSMIOl£00CQ.111Y,Lftl(;2~fE(l.{l<CHS0£fF K ftl.LCMN&PC"SCMIEllCOl!Ol.llE. CUIIIIOICN,I.T111:!i0t!llEASTtll.ll'[-,s0f,wjNC,CQNCl,11[(.AS1[Jll.l 11,.-.;1,UDIJ50f21l.OOIUI.HAWIC1<COllbLMIQ(Of.u'>"OS°.IIICl H,.Wl(;M#IC.OISIMC{0f ll.10. IIOIC[.IIUIJiC MSlll1Mf.AS"l[llll.H0fLOT 2Sli.~fm"C.ll-UOf"[[l.lllfff'Oljl0faa-;flf)C[SN4lWll'250 !'{ET: TIEtCE smiJ116t. UJ rrrt: fl(JIC[ fll'"ll~. :,.oo Flll. SE~Tll!il, 285.~f"Ett. IHl'.NC£"2'-S."20't.65.91 FEl;1T()Tl(000f"SII0ST9' Geographic Coordinates at Existing Tower 112JDAIIM:LA11NIIC .5l'01!"4U( LCIIGl\lll1171SZ211" 111J DAI\III: (.AUi.a: .53" ~• 41.M" LDNOMIE 11r 1~• ,n_~• Basis of Beartngs 11(STA"lt:l'LAIECIIJICll1,U(S'l51810f1al(IICll,5), ~ZNI. Sench Mark IG5IIJUIIIITNe.DISZl1El.£W,'IION.)114~T{lot,al) Date cf Survey ,1111[11,tcm zo•· ""°-OO 2200" :!II0.00 ,':.! 370.00 ' ' ' ' ' /~ / -i -~' c:, /,/ 'J -\ ',, x..-,, ' ,,...,, E---':::::.,. -"~,, --~ . .., wtID"QIIU 11711F1 '.._ X a.J •m- GRAPHIC Seu.£ 30 0 IS 30 FEET Boundary Detail SU,1£1"-ao' Overall Site Plan SCAl.[_l"•JO" Tower Profile ♦Sprint. Sprint PCS• 468J CHABOT ORN'E. 500 100 PlEASN,iTOf,i. CA.. 94522 !PROJECT >NF(ll™"T,ON SDG&E LATTICE TOWER SD55XC920A MURILLO LANE CARLSBAD CA SAN OIECO COUNTY 06/24/05 PRELIMINARY 1 09/05/12 UTIUTY ROUTE 2 10/10/IJ UPDATED TR J 10/22/13 CLE:NTS COIIW(HTS □ [~~ I TOPOGRAPHIC SHEET NU•B£~::::"1Sl0Nc LS1 3 SHEET 1 Of 1 SHEETS