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2013-12-04; Planning Commission; ; CUP 13-09 – ICETOWN SKATEOPLEX
The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. Application complete date: October 1, 2013 P.C. AGENDA OF: December 4, 2013 Project Planner: Austin Silva Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT: CUP 13-09 – ICETOWN SKATEOPLEX – Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an ice skating training facility in an existing vacant building with proposed minor improvements on property located at 2283 Cosmos Court, in the P-M Zone and in Local Facilities Management Zone 5. The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15301, “Existing Facilities,” of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7021 APPROVING CUP 13- 09 for a period of 10 years, based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The application is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an ice skating training facility to operate in a vacant building on property located at 2283 Cosmos Court. The General Plan Land Use designation for the site is Planned Industrial (PI) and the zoning designation for the site is Planned Industrial (P-M). The total floor area of the building will decrease in size from 31,847 square feet to 31,272 square feet as a result from proposed improvements to the building. The proposed improvements include a 609 square foot entry area addition, a 725 square foot addition for a melting pit and to store a Zamboni, and the removal of 1,909 square feet from the existing mezzanine area. Improvements to the remainder of the property include the addition of nine parking stalls for a total of 96 and a 565 square foot outdoor equipment area enclosed by a 12 foot tall block wall. The Skateoplex Sports Center will consist of a regulation ice surface with dasher boards and tempered glass surrounding the rink, changing rooms, classroom for video and instructional training, coaches room, referee room, storage rooms, party rooms, a full service pro shop, a snack bar, and restrooms. The facility will be used for training and education on skills and techniques in figure skating, hockey, and individual team practices. The schedule allows for multiple separate full ice sheet training sessions to members for both figure skaters and hockey players. There will also be open skating times for the casual ice skaters. Classes will be offered for figure skaters and hockey players will be offered either training on their own, or with a coach during puck play time, as well as being able to practice with a competitive team. Table A below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. 4 0 CUP 13-09 – ICETOWN SKATEOPLEX December 4, 2013 Page 2 TABLE A Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site Planned Industrial – PI Planned Industrial – PM Vacant North Planned Industrial – PI Planned Industrial – PM Manufacturing/Warehouse South Planned Industrial – PI Planned Industrial – PM Vacant East Planned Industrial – PI Planned Industrial – PM Manufacturing West Planned Industrial – PI Planned Industrial – PM Manufacturing III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards, and policies: A. Planned Industrial (PI) General Plan Land Use Designation; B. Planned Industrial (P-M) Zone (C.M.C. Chapter 21.34); C. Parking Ordinance (C.M.C. Chapter 21.44); D. Conditional Use Permit Regulations (C.M.C. Chapter 21.42); and E. Growth Management Ordinance (C.M.C. Chapter 21.90). The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in the sections below. A. General Plan Compliance (Planned Industrial Land Use Designation) The site has a General plan Land Use designation of Planned Industrial (PI) and the project complies with the General Plan. Carlsbad General Plan Land Use Element, Industrial Implementing Policy C.9, states the following: “Include provisions in the Planned Industrial (P-M) zone for ancillary commercial/retail, office, places of worship, recreational, and other service uses. These include, but are not limited to, commercial/retail services which are accessory to the primary use, conference facilities, churches, daycare centers, recreational facilities, educational facilities and short-term lodging.” The proposed ice training facility is considered a recreational facility/athletic training facility and is allowed by a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in the Planned Industrial zone. B. Planned Industrial (P-M) zone (C.M.C. Chapter 21.34) The proposed project site is located within the Planned Industrial (P-M) zone and is subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.34 of the zoning ordinance. Recreational facilities and athletic clubs (i.e. training facilities) are permitted in the P-M zone subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The proposed building additions and exterior equipment area complies with all required front, side and rear setbacks. Compliance with the parking requirements is discussed in section C below. C. Parking Ordinance (C.M.C. Chapter 21.44) Pursuant to Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the parking requirement for an athletic club (training facility) is one space per 200 square feet of floor area. By locating in the 31,272 square foot building, the proposed use would require 157 parking spaces. The parking lot at the project site will have 96 spaces after the addition of nine spaces. Chapter 21.44.040 (Waiver or modification of parking standards) allows for: CUP 13-09 – ICETOWN SKATEOPLEX December 4, 2013 Page 3 “The City Planner to modify the required parking standards where it can be demonstrated that adequate parking will be provided and the modification will not adversely affect the neighborhood or the site design and circulation. The modification shall be based on the results of a parking study prepared by a registered traffic engineer or other qualified parking consultant, or other evidence satisfactory to the City Planner.” The City Planner has approved a modification to the required parking standards based upon a parking analysis performed by RK Engineering group on January 5, 2011 for a similar facility of approximately the same size in Lake Forest, California. The parking analysis indicates that the proposed ice skating training facility will have a lower parking demand than a typical gym because of the limited amount of people allowed on the ice and the facility has been conditioned to not allow hockey tournaments or competitions with outside entrants who are not members of the facility. The 30,826 square foot facility in Lake Forest has a peak parking demand of 76 parking spaces. The proposed training center which is 446 square feet larger than the Lake Forest facility, will have 96 parking spaces on site. D. Conditional Use Permit Regulations (C.M.C. Chapter 21.42) The proposed project is a use which is allowed in the Planned Industrial Zone (P-M) subject to the approval of a CUP. Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that four findings be made in order to approve a conditional use permit. All of these findings can be made for this project as discussed below: 1. That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, and is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, including, if applicable, the certified local coastal program, specific plan or master plan, in that the proposed ice skating training facility will provide a specialty athletic training service that currently does not exist within the City of Carlsbad. Employees and residents in the city will benefit from the facility being within a closer proximity than the closest existing ice rink in the City of Escondido. Furthermore, per Industrial Implementing Policy C.9 of the General Plan Land Use Element, athletic clubs (i.e. training facilities/recreational facilities) are a compatible land use in the PI land use designation and are conditionally permitted in the implementing P-M zone. 2. That the requested use is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located in that the proposed ice skating training facility is compatible with the surrounding industrial park including businesses that manufacture medical equipment and glass tiles. Fire Prevention has found that there is not a potential public safety hazard created by locating the proposed use in proximity to the surrounding manufacturing uses. The existing site has been designed to accommodate all required parking on-site and provides for adequate traffic circulation. Furthermore the ice skating training facility is proposed to be located within an existing building and only minor improvements are proposed to the exterior of the building. The building additions (entry area and Zamboni storage) will be constructed of similar materials as the existing building and the 565 square foot outdoor equipment area will be enclosed by a 12 foot tall block wall that is compatible with the external materials of the existing building. 3. That the site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, parking, loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping and other development features prescribed in this code and required by the city planner, planning commission or city council, in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood in CUP 13-09 – ICETOWN SKATEOPLEX December 4, 2013 Page 4 that the ice skating training facility will occupy 31,272 square feet of an existing modified building with existing onsite landscaping and minor improvements (additions) to the exterior of the building. The exterior improvements comply with the required front, side, and rear setbacks. Furthermore, the existing warehouse building complies with all of the required development standards of the P-M zone and the proposed 31,272 square foot lease space is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed ice skating training facility operations including the required parking, as shown on Exhibits “A” –“E.” 4. That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use in that the project is provided access from Cosmos Court, an industrial street which is currently operating at an acceptable levels of service. The 336 average daily trips associated with this proposed ice skating training facility can be accommodated by the existing street system. E. Growth Management Ordinance (C.M.C. Chapter 21.90) The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 5 in the southwest quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table B below: TABLE B – GROWTH MANAGEMENT STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration N/A N/A Library N/A N/A Waste Water Treatment 3,821 GPD Yes Parks N/A N/A Drainage N/A N/A Circulation 336 ADT Yes Fire Station No. 2 Yes Open Space N/A N/A Schools N/A N/A Water 7,191 GPD Yes IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15301, “Existing Facilities,” of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. A Notice of Exemption shall be filed with the County Clerk upon approval of this project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7021 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Reduced Exhibits 5. Exhibits “A” – “E” dated December 4, 2013 EL C A M I N O R E A L CORTE DE LA PINACO R T E D E L C E D R O COSMOS CT YA R R O W D R CAMINO VID A R O B L E CUP 13-09 Icetown Skateoplex SITE MAP EL CAM REAL C A R L S B AD VILL AGE DR C A R L S B A D B L L A COSTA AV MELR O S E DR AVI ARA PY RANCHO S ANTA FE RD C OLL E GE BL EL CAMINO RE A L SITE • N NOT TO SCALE ( ~. «(iPf: -~Ct1YOF DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P~ 1{A) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov CARLSBAD Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applicirt1ons which will require dil,cretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The fol1owing information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please pnnt. 1. 2. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corpor:ation nr partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of al! individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-o,:yned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate Officers. (A separate page may b.e. attached if necessary.).· ~ Person~---"-• • ~~· Title_________ Title. A~ ~ Address._______ Ad!J,resi0. iiii,p • = . 1£ ,:;II ,,1 PV~¥ c.,,f1--9~s OWNER (Not the owner's agent} 'i' Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of AU persons having any ownership intereilt in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenantS in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.}. If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, ti1les, addresses of all individuals owning mora than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person._ _____ ~_ Corp/Partb-fw S(ddn. t/tµJJ# -£'-~ TIiie • Trtle PJ;s.;1,j.l;W' ' ' Address.________ Address J ~l ol l/4;v ~ Al:!{.. , * 3s!J fe VI~ c,._ · ', L.k>J2.. Page 1 .of2 Revised 07110 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profrt organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non ProfitrTrust________ Non Profit/Trust. _________ _ Title ___________ _ TIiie. _____________ _ Address __________ _ Address. ____________ _ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards. Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? Oves If yes, please indicate person(s): ___________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signaturof owner/date 7-l'l-13 c#/4.~ Signature of applicant/date I ; Print or ty~ name of owner &«Mt£v Print or type name of applicant plicant s agent if applicable/date Print or type riame of owner/applicant's agent P•1(A) Page 2of 2 Revised07/10 Se p t e m b e r 9 t h , 2 0 1 3 22 8 3 C o s m o s C o u r t , C a r l s b a d , C A Sk a t e o p l e x jo h n @ d e f r e n z a . c o m TE L : 9 4 9 . 2 6 1 . 8 8 0 5 MO B I L E : 7 1 4 . 8 7 8 . 0 5 5 6 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Suite A-203 2900 Bristol St. E- M A I L : JDA (949)683-8656 Riverside, CA 92505 10540 Magnolia AvenueAlex DunaevAPPLICANT: ASSOCIATES CUP No. 13-09 SC A L E : 1/1 6 " = 1 ' MO D I F I C A T I O N S P R O P O S E D T O E X I S T I N G S I T E C O N D I T I O N S 0' 8'-0" 12'-0" 16'-0" 32'-0" 112'-0" 128' 14'-0" 14 ' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 0' 12 ' - 0 " 16 ' - 0 " 32 ' - 0 " I I I I I I I l-a: :::::::, 0 c..:> CJ') 0 ~ CJ') 0 c..:> ('I') 00 C\J C\J ,.,., I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I EASEMENT LEGEND (A) SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, FDR PUBLIC UTILITIES, RECORDED OCTOBER 8,1981 AS DOCUMENT ND, 81-320417, NOT PL□TTABLE. (B) COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL 'w'ATER DISTRICT, FDR PIPELINES, RECORDED OCTOBER 25, 1982 AS DOCUMENT ND, 82-327844, CCl SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, FDR PUBLIC UTILITIES, RECORDED MAY 'Jt,1989 AS DOCUMENT ND, 89-257816, (D') CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL 'w'ATER DISTRICT, FDR PIPELINES AND PUMPING FACitfTIES, RECORDED JULY 5, 1990 AS DOCUMENT ND, 90-364864, (E) AXI □M AIRPORT PARTNERS, L.P., FDR PRIVATE DRAINAGE, RECORDED MARCH 13, 19§1 AS DOCUMENT ND. 1991-0111513. --EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING 2" WATER BELOW GRADE ( REMOVE EXISTI G DISABLED "' TRANS ORMER STALL ---------EXISTING SEWER YARD CLEAN-OUT -------- "' • "' I -24' E 24' E ISTING E 18' ---i 't.vJ.\. <.) EXISTING -0 11/2" WATER -----~ w METER I ti,"S -a. • 0 "' ! £1-\J'I'~ I EXISTI G 1,o 4"SE ER --------c POC I.E=237.0' ;:::: VJ il 4" SEWER LATERAL "' "' "' P/L (BEHIN CURB) EXISTING MANHOLE STING URB "' c ~ 0, . v ~~ = I I I I i® ~---- E 15' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' II <.) 0 lo I "co @ --------~ 00 -w -------- @ s 1,o ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ (EXST'G SLOPE ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' @s\ I, 1, i\ \ I \ 1,o \ I \ - \ I \ w ' I \ ' ' ' I ' ' ' / ' -,:._ EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ~-~!No E 24' w w • "' I ~ REMOVED LANDSCAP <316 SF> w - -------- CDs : (Do 1,o I I w I (E) 81-6" EXISTING LANDSCAPE 53 SF I I I ~ (E) l's.,._, .JV 81-611 ~ i RE LANDSCAPE <283 SF> W 2' HIGH RETAI 8" SPLIT-FACE BLO 42" HIGH GUARDRAIL -SHIFT DRIVE TOWARD BUILDING 2'-6' TO ALLOW FOR (2) NEW COMPACT / STALLS & RETAINING WALL- il: 0 i i ~ EXISTI E 23 STND. 0 8'-6' 0 C=195'-6" N Od35'45" E 341.42' HATCH PATTERN LEGEND $;;:]LANDSCAPE AREAS ......_ ........... ____ .................... REMOVED LANDSCAPE AREAS I !EXISTING BUILDING AREA I I I I I I I I PROPOSED NEW / REMOVED BUILDING AREAS 11111111 EXISTING LANDSCAPE FINGER COMPACT COMPACT STALL STALL DRIVE AISLE STANDARD STALL -----~~-"'~~---!__-----~---IJ WALK J NEW ENTRY) APR OX. 18"T ALL RETAINING WALL ® SECTION AT ENTRY RETAINING WALLS & PARKING STALLS E 240' OVERALL ~ j--.. wN w I ®; I I ;,, I w I I I - - - EXISTING TRASH ENCL. (EXSl'G SLOPE - +2" EL. 19'-2" E 14 COMP. 0 8'-0' 0 C=112' I @l - -- -- CONC. CURB AND GUTTER SHEET INDEX CDTITLE SHEET / PROPOSED TO SITE CONDITIONS & SITE SECTION @1 ST FLOOR PLAN @2ND FLOOR PLAN @EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS @PERSPECTIVE VIEWS ISTING 2' WIDE ONC.GUTIER STATISTICAL INFORMATION EXISTING TILT-UP CONCRETE BUILDING: SITE AREA: EXISITNG BUILDING FOOTPRINT: GROUND FLOOR AREA TO BE ADDED: EXTERIOR REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT AREA: TOTAL PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT: PAVING/SIDEWALK AREA: LANDSCAPE TOTAL AFTER REVISIONS: {Z.O.SEC. 21.53.230 DOES NOT APPLY) TOTAL LOT AREA{COVERAGE: PROPOSED TOTA FLOOR AREA: FLOOR TO LOT AREA RATIO: LANDSCAPE AREA CALCULATION: EXISTING LANDSCAPE GROSS AREA: LANDSCAPE TO BE REMOVED: LANDSCAPE TO BE ADDED: LANDSCAPE TOTAL AFTER REVISIONS: BUILDING FLOOR AREA CALCULATION: EXISTING FIRST FLOOR AREA: EXISTING MEZZANINE AREA: PROPOSED MEZZANINE REMOVAL AREA: REMAINING MEZZANINE AREA: PROPOSED FLOOR ADDITIONS: ENTRY AREA: ZAMBONI & MELTING PIT: TOTAL OF ADDITIONAL AREA: PROPOSED TOTAL FLOOR AREA: EXISTING TOTAL FLOOR AREA: RESULTING DECREASE OF FLOOR AREA: 75,702 SF 27,003 SF 1,331 SF 565 SF 28,334 SF 34,356 SF 12,650 SF (1.74 AC) (36%) 1.5% 0.5% 37% 45% 16% 75,702 SF 100% 32,346 SF 32,346/75,702 43% 13,097 SF <761> SF 314 SF 12,650 SF 27,003 SF 4,844 SF <1,909> SF 2,935 SF 609 SF 722 SF 2,408 SF 31,269 SF 31,847 SF <-578> SF SKATING RINK ADT: 336 (REFER TO TRAFFIC STUDY) EXISTING PARKING: EXISTING STANDARD STALLS {8' -6"x20' -0"): EXISTING COMPACT STALLS (8' -0"x15' -0"): DISABLED STALLS (8' -6"x20 -0"): TOTAL EXISTING PARKING: PROPOSED PARKING: "S" STANDARD STALLS (8' -6"x20' -0"): "W" STANDARD STALLS {9' -6"x18' -0"): "C" COMPACT STALLS (8' -O"x15' -0"): "D" DISABLED STALLS {9' -O"x20' -0"): TOTAL PROPOSED PARKING: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: EXISTING OCCUPANCY TYPE: SPRINKLERED BUILDING PROJECT INFORMATION 65 STALLS 19 STALLS 3 STALLS 87 STALLS 65 STALLS 6 STALLS 21 STALLS 4 STALLS 96 STALLS V-N B / S2 (1985 CODE) LOCATION: OWNER: 2283 COSMOS COURT CARLSBAD, CALIFORIA SKATEOPLEX APN: 213-050-43 GENERAL PLAN: PLANNED INDUSTRIAL (Pl) ZONING: PLANNED INDUSTRIAL (P-M) PROPOSED USE: RECREATIONAL USE THROUGH A MAJOR CUP. VICINITY-AERIAL MAP 8 Se p t e m b e r 9 t h , 2 0 1 3 22 8 3 C o s m o s C o u r t , C a r l s b a d , C A Sk a t e o p l e x jo h n @ d e f r e n z a . c o m TE L : 9 4 9 . 2 6 1 . 8 8 0 5 MO B I L E : 7 1 4 . 8 7 8 . 0 5 5 6 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Suite A-203 2900 Bristol St E- M A I L : JDA (949)683-8656 Riverside, CA 92505 10540 Magnolia AvenueAlex DunaevAPPLICANT: ASSOCIATES CUP No. 13-09 1S T F L O O R P L A N SC A L E : 1' " = 3 32" / 0 - 0' 5'-4" 9'-4" 10-8" 21'-4" 74-'8" 128' 11'-4" 11 ' - 4 " 5' - 4 " 0' 9' - 4 " 10 - 8 " 21 ' - 4 " 74 - ' 8 " 12 8 ' 0 , MEETING ROOM / =====' ]~OCKEY J COACH L 2 )----+--+-----Jaa;;;;;;;;;;;;~a SKATE \._ COACH PRO- SHOP . ---1.Y_I/\I==!=~ "'-2.5>------+---+-------f--- 0-- SKATE/ HOCKEY SALES ?, OPEN FLOOR AREA SKATE RENTAL ' • < @-- • r--1 ~ 4 l------+-----1------- ., . I, ,, 0 © ADDED1ST FLOOR AREA 609 SF (E} 67'-7" B.5 B.5 @ 11 11 . ' ,, 0 © OPEN FLOOR AREA \J I& LJ PARTY ROOM#2 LOCKER = '\ LOCKER ROOM #1 '---ROOM #2 @) (E} 240' O.A. - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARTY ROOM#3 (E} 104'-5" (E) 240' O.A. ® @) 190' ICE SURFACE REFEREE TEAM/PENAL TY BOXES \._ I& LJ PARTY ROOM#4 LOCKER = '\ LOCKER ROOM #3 '---ROOM #4 § E 0 ------------ LJ I, . E E.3 SNACK ROOM (E} 1 O' ,, 4' • I, • ,, . E.4 , 10· , 6'-611 i.. • • • 33' @ 1 o· 0 @ G 11 11 11 11 .11 11 11 I, ,. • , . , (E} 58' 0 - • -------,,-.;-------j--------t--t----1 2 ,1 1--t-6tt "' 0, < fl ~ _ _,11,-.+r 1----1 _______ +-'--_ +--__, 3 EXISTING RAMP TO REMAIN --+--+------<3.2 --+--+------<3.6 0, "' ----+------+--+--__,4 \12• HIGH CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS -+------''l.--,--+------<-4.5 2'-6" ,· , 25' I, • I, , I, • @ G Se p t e m b e r 9 t h , 2 0 1 3 22 8 3 C o s m o s C o u r t , C a r l s b a d , C A Sk a t e o p l e x jo h n @ d e f r e n z a . c o m TE L : 9 4 9 . 2 6 1 . 8 8 0 5 MO B I L E 7 1 4 7 0 5 5 6 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Suite A-203 2900 Bristol St E- M A I L : JDA (949)683-8656 Riverside, CA 92505 10540 Magnolia AvenueAlex DunaevAPPLICANT: ASSOCIATES CUP No. 13-09 SE C O N D F L O O R P L A N SC A L E : 1' " = 3 32" / 0 - 0' 5'-4" 9'-4" 10-8" 21'-4" 74-'8" 128' 11'-4" 11 ' - 4 " 5' - 4 " 0' 9' - 4 " 10 - 8 " 21 ' - 4 " 74 - ' 8 " 12 8 ' 0 0 C E F © E 240' O.A. 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