HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-13; Planning Commission; ; CUP 136|SP 146C - MCDONALD'S RESTAURANTSTAFF REPORT
DATE: APRIL 13, 1977
a) Approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a
McDonald's fast-food restaurant, subject to
Specific Plan approval.
b) Approval of an amendment to an existing Specific
Plan to incorporate site plan modifications and
the fast-food restaurant.
c) Approval of architectural elevations for the
McDonalds restaurant.
a) Conditional Use Permit
Staff recommends that CUP-136 be DENIED based on the following
1) The requested use not necessary or desirable for the development
of the community, is not in harmony with the various elements
and objecti~es of the general plan, and is detrimental to
existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in
which the proposed use is to be located because;
a) The increased traffic and parking congestion generated by
the amendment conflicts with the Circulation Element guide-
line of coordinating "the distribution, character and inten-
sity of all land uses with the Land Use Element to preclude
the increased levels of traffic which would be generated
beyond the capacity of the existing or planned street system
until such time as adequate facilities can be provided".
b) The increased traffic and parking congestion generated by
the amendment conflicts with the Land Use Element Utility
and Public Service Development guideline of ensuring "the
capacity of major street linkage to provide for the needs
of the proposed development without substantially altering
existing traffic patterns or overloading the existing street
system .... "
2) The site for the intended use is not adequate in size and
shape to accommodate the use, because:
The location of the site in relation to the adjacent
service station, center main entrance and parking lot
traffic lane creates negative traffic impacts that
cannot be mitigated.
The shape of the site, incorporating the proposed design,
creates numerous traffic conflict points that cannot be
The size of site, incorporating the size of proposed
restaurant, dictates parking and circ~lation design that
will negatively impact the existing circulation facilities
and the visual character of the area.
3) The street system serving the proposed use is not adequate
to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use,
a) Traffic generated by the proposed use will compound the
traffic congestion now experienced on El Camino Real; and
b) The traffic generated by the proposed uses when combined
with traffic generated by the expansion of the Plaza Camino
Real Center, the remainder of the Carlsbad Plaza Center,
and the Center to be constructed on the south side of Marron-
Road, will create excessive congestion on El Camino Real in
the area.
b) Specific Plan Amendment
It is recommended that SP-146(C), be DENIED based on the
following findings:
1) The requested amendment is detrimental to the existing Specific
Plan because:
a) The location of the site in relation to the adjacent
service station, center main entrance and parking lot
traffic lane creates negative traffic impacts that cannot
be mitigated.
b) The shape of the site, incorporating the proposed design
creates numerous traffic conflict points that cannot be
c) The size of site, incorporating the size of proposed
restaurant, dictates parking and circulation design that
will negatively impact the existing circulation facilities
and the visual character of the area .
. 2
2) The street system serving the proposed center is inadequate to
properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed center
because: •
a) Traffic generated by the proposed restaurant will compound
the traffic congestion now experienced on El Camino Real;
b) The traffic generated by the proposed use when combined
with traffic generated by the expansion of the Plaza Camino
Real Center, the remainder of the Carlsbad Plaza Center, and
the Center to be constructed on the outh side of Marron
Road, will create excessive congestion on El Camino Real
in the future, despite improvements to the street system in
the area.
3) The requested amendment does not conform to the City's adopted
General Plan because:
a) The increased traffic and parking congestion generated by
the amendment conflicts with the Circulation Element guide-
line of coordinating "the distribution, character and in-
tensity of all land uses with the Land Use Element to pre-
clude the increased levels of traffic which would be gener-
ated beyond the capacity of the existing or planned street
system until such time as adequate facilities can be provided~
b) The increased traffic and parking congestions generated by
the amendment conflicts with the Land Use Element Utility
and Public Service Development Guideline fo ensuring "the
capacity of major street linkage to provide for the needs
of the proposed development without substantially altering
existing traffic patterns or overloading the existing street
system ... 11
c. Architectural Elevations
It is recommended that the Architectural Elevations for the
fast-food restaurant as proposed be DENIED, since it has been
recommended that the Conditional Use Permit be denied.
Location and Description of Property:
The fast-food restaurant site (approximately 21000 Sq.Ft.)
northwest corner of the Carlsbad Shopping Center North,
adjacent to El Camino Real (across from the Plaza Camino Real).
The main entrance to the Carlsbad Shopping Center is located
directly to the south of the proposed site.
The main tennants of the center have, for the most part been
constructed i.e., Vons, Payless, Security Pacific Bank, Gibraltar
Savings, Home Federal Savings and Bank of America. The parking
lot and access roads have been constructed. There are three major
access points to the center; Haymar Drive, the access south of
the proposed McDonalds site and Marron Road. Marron Road is a
signalized intersection at El Camino Real .
. 3
Existing Zoning:
Subject Property:
Existing Land Use:
Subject Property:
Past History and Related Cases:
Carlsbad Shopping Center
Buena Vista Creek & Hwy 78
Vacant (current SDP & CUP request)
Plaza Camino Real
A Specific Plan for a shopping center (SP-146) on the subject
property was approved by the City Council on December 18, 1973
(City Council Resolution 3304). SP-146(A), approved by Council
on March 4, 1975 (Ordinance 9419), separated the project into
five phases.
The Planning Director approved minor changes to the site plan on
February 6, 1976, modifying building sites at the north end of the
site. He subsequently approved minor deviations to allow a drive-
thru bank. The Planning Commission approved building elevations
for the Shopping Center on February 26, 1976 and June 23, 1976.
On August 25, 1976 the Planning Commission agenda contained a
request for a CUP Sepecific Plan Amendment and approval of arch-
itectural elevations to accommodate a McDonalds drive-thru rest-
aurant on the subject site. On August 20, 1976 the applicant
requested the items to be withdrawn from consideration. At a
previous meeting the requests had been continued to provide add-
itional time for applicant and staff to work out problems. Staffs
recommendation at both rreetings was denial.
Environmental Impact Information:
The Planning Director had determined that the project had complied
with the City's Environmental Protection Ordinance through Prior
Compliance (Section 19.04.153). An Environmental Impact Report (Nos.
219 and 220) was approved for the Shopping Center and certified in
connection with the original Specific Plan.
General Plan Information:
The project site is designated for Community Commercial Land Use.
The proposed amendment is in conformance with this designation. As
pointed out in the recommended findings, the present proposal does
not conform with guidelines of the Land Use and Circulation Elements .
. 4
Public Facilities
At this time, all necessary public facilities, including
sewer service, are available to serve the subject project
as proposed. However, sewer facilities may not be available
when applications are made for building permits. If sewer
facilitie~ are not available at the time of building permit
application, building permits will not be issued until
arrangements satisfactory to the City Council can be made
to guarantee that all necessary sewer facilities will be
available prior to occupancy.
Major Planning Considerations:
Is the proposed use appropriate for the site and the surrounding
specific plan area?
Will the proposed use cause adverse impacts on the adjacent street&?
Staff does not feel that the proposed location is appropriate for
an extremely high volume use such as a fast food restaurant. The
size and shape of the parcel and its relationship to other existing
or planned uses create an undesirable location for a high volume
use of the design proposed. The approved Specific Plan designates
the site for commercial use. Many commercial uses do not have the
high traffic volume characteristics that characterize a fast food
Staff has concern a.bout ma.ny aspects of the p~e,po~en ":t~'r..w:craTr'c
(See Exhibit C). They generally fall into three categories;
1) Vehicular circulation on site and off-site, 2) pedestrian
circulation on site, and 3) landscaping adequacy along the main
1) Major Impact:
Vehfcular Circulation On-Site/Off-Site
a) Staff feels that the access easement through the service
station will be frequently used for ingress and egress to
the site and the shopping center. It essentially, provides
another entrance and exit for the restaurant and center. ,
This is not necessarily a positive result because of the
high traffic volume on El Camino Real. The number of con-
flict points (areas where turning, stopping, backing, etc.,
take place) should be minimized along a high volume street,
particularly in this location on El Camino Real. For example,
if a patron entered the easement from El Camino Real, then
waited for someone to vacate a parking space in the western
parking area, stacking would result on El Camino Real.
b) The relationship of the centers main entrance/exit to the
east McDonalds entrance/exit will create many problems.
The immediate area around the center access incorporates
extensive manuvering activities .. It is a decision point for
motorists entering the center and a "funnel" for those
exiting the center. Because of the high traffic volumes
generated by the McDonalds, staff feels that the entrance/
exit as shown on Exhibit C, is too close to the center
entrance/ exit, eg; if two cars were stacked to the north
of the center exit, they would block the McDonalds access~
The more difficult the McDonalds access/center access are
to use, the more patrons will be inclined to use the service
station easement, which has its own inherent problems.
c) The site Plan Exhibit c, shows a walkway along the east side
of the restaurant. This walkway encroaches approximately
6 feet into a traffic lane. The walkway affords a motorist
the opportunity to stop and drop off pasengers. Staff feels
that in addition to the walkway encroachment, a parked
vehicle would signif~cantly impare traffic movement.
sec·ond·ary ·Im ·act:
Ped·e·s·trlan· clrculation· on 'S'ite
The parking areas are designed with no wheel stops. This
is to eliminate the maintenance/clean up problems created
in the "dead" areas between the curb and wheel stop. Under
the proposed design, automobiles are able to park with •
wheel stopped at the curb. This eliminates the maintenance/
clean up problems, however, it effectively eliminates
between 2.5 and 3 feet of walkway (from automobile over~ang).
The walkways, as shown on Exhibit C, are about 8 feet wide
which, in effect, provides a 5 foot walkway. Staff suggests
a wider walkway for a high volume restaurant.
Staff is concerned about the possibility of McDonalds
patrons parking in the service station easement. Walkways
are shown along this easement. The combination of service
station uses, pedestrian activity, through vehicle access
and possible parked cars would result in many conflicts .
. 6
.. . . I
Secondary Impact:
3) Landscaping Adequacy
a) In the previous discussion staff explained, the parking
design eliminating wheel stops. Along the main entrance
to the center, vehicle overhang will eliminate approximately
2.5 to 3 feet of landscaping as shown. The landscaping
shown on Exhibit C is approximately 6 feet wide. A 3 foot
automobile overhang into the landscaped area would not
leave a space wide enough to accommodate the trees,. shown
on the plan. A 3 foot space would not sufficiently accom-
modate any substantial landscaping. Staff is concerned
about the visual impacts of the McDonald's parking lot on
the main center entrance with little or no landscape buffer.
.. Location Map
Exhibit A, dated 2/9/77
Exhibit B, dated 2/9/77
Exhibit C, dated 3/23/77
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