HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-11; Planning Commission; ; CUP 162A - HAWTHORNEDATE: TO: FROM: STAFF REPORT February 11, 1981 Planning Connnission Planning Department SUBJECT: CUP-162(A), HAWTHORNE -Request for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit (CUP-162) to allow an increase in retail area with a corresponding decrease in storage area and to allow an outside eating area on an existing patio for the Tip Top Meat Market and Deli located on the east side of Paseo Del Norte, south of Palomar Airport Road in the M Zone. I . PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project involves amending CUP-162, dated May 23, 1979, which allowed a retail market and delicatessen within the Tip Top meat processing and storage building. This previous Conditional Use Permit allowed for 2,620 square feet (approximately 25%) of the building to be utilized for retail uses and 6,999 square feet (approximately 68%) to be utilized for processing and storage. The remaining 7% of the building is the delicatessen for which no change is being requested. The present Conditional Use Permit request would increase the retail section of the building by approximately 650 square feet with a correspondence decrease in the processing and storage area. Also included in this request is permission to allow an outside eating area on the existing front patio to increase the seating capacity for the delicatessen. No physical additions to the building are proposed. It should be noted that the property is under the jurisdiction of a Specific Plan, (SP-23(A), which states, in part, that all potential uses shall comply with the same development standards applicable to P-M zoned property. Surrounding property is zoned P-M to the east and M to the north, south, andwest. II. ANALYSIS Planning Issues (J/1 1) Is the proposed expansion of retail area and delicatessen seating capacity consistent wi.th the intent of the existing Specific Plan (SP-23(A))? 2) Will the expanded project continue to meet the required findings for a Conditional Use Permit? Discussion In order to establish more stringent controls over building and site design within the subject M zone, a Specific Plan (SP-23(A) was adopted by the City Council which implemented the P-M zoning standards. A rezoning to P-M was not feasible due to the narrowness of the property involved (setback standards). While retail and delicatessen uses would normally be permitted· under the M zone, condition 4.(E) of SP-23 (A) states: "The following uses are permitted upon.the granting of a Conditional Use Permit .therefor; restaurants, and other retail uses limited to sales of goods and services required for the convenience of occupants of the subject zone." A major concern with the project relates to the consistency of expanding the retail and delicatessen seating area, with the Specific Plan. At the time the Planning Commission approved CUP-162, it was found that the proposed uses were compatible and consistent with the Specific Plan. Staff presently feels that the proposed expansions are not so major as to jeopardize this finding. In addition, the total project·provides an appropriate service for existing and future industrial development, limited to meat-related food products, produced within the subject building. Another concern with the proposed expansion is whether the project•will continue to meet the required findings for a Conditional Use Permit. Staff feels that the requested expansion of the uses continues to be desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, and is not detrimental to existing.uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone since: a) The uses are allowed by code and Specific Plan 23(A). b) The uses would continue to provide an appropriate service to existing and future industrial development. c) The retail area would continue to be limited to the sale of meat-related food products. d) The uses would continue to be reviewed on a recurring basis. e) Adequate off-street parking will be provided to service the .more-intensive expansion. -2- The required yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features will continue to be maintained. In addition, the expansion should have a very minimal effect on the street system. In general, staff feels that the uses permitted in CUP-162 are substantially in conformance with both present and future goals for development of the area and finds that the proposed expansion can meet the required findings of a Conditional Use Permit. III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will not have a significant impact on the environment and has issued a public notice of prior environmental compliance on January 5, 1981, based upon a negative declaration issued on April 11, 1979. IV. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the public notice of prior environmental compliance issued by the Planning Director, and adopt Resolution No. 1764, APPROVING CUP-162(A), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. ATTACHMENTS PC Resolution No. 1764 Exhibit "A" dated February 4, 1981 Reduced Elevations Background Data Sheet Location Map Environmental Documents Disclosure Forms Exhibit "B11 and C dated February 4, 1981 PK:ar 1/27/81 LOCATION ___ ___,J .• P.4LOAl.4H AIRPOKT RO. (ASE NO. CUP-lbl(A). APPLICANT HAWTHOR~-L MAP NO SCALE ·-· ~City of DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANTS STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE OF CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS ON ALL APPLICATIONS WHICH WILL REQUIRE DISCRETIONARY ACTION ON THE PART OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OR ANY APPOINTED BOARD. COMMISSION OR COMMJTTeE. (Please Printl The following Information must be disclosed: 1. Applicant Tenants , 2. Ust the names and addresses of all persons having a ftnanclal Interest In the application. Xip Tap Keats & ll~l!OpeNl ~elioe.teseen Inc. 6II8 Paseo De1 No;cte Joa,cbirn H. Haoortcb Pres. , Qwsbod ca. 92000 Car-lsbs.d. Ranah Market Patrica W. Beltol.'d Owner 6Il8 •sea De] Norte Car1sbe,d Ca. 92009 Ust Iha names and addresses of all persons .having any ownership Interest in the property involved. W1JJ 1ems Femn,-T:r:uat 4/8181 __.P ... e-..Pi.ae_.B_o...,x._..I .... ?7 _________ _ Rtcberd a. H:J U 1 ams Tn1etea . San Luis Bey Ca, 92068 3. If any person identified pur1uant to (1) or (2) above Is a corporation or partnership, 11st the names! addresses of all Individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partner in11re1t in the partnership. JnM1Jjrn H, Haedrich top 1i m,roer 4. If any person ldentlfted pursuant to (1) or (2) above Is a non-proftt organization or a trust, 11st the names addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or benefic of the trust. V:JJUerna Fern1J¥ Tn1st ~/8'81 Rtobe:n\ B 16111 mns T;cus,a' P,0-Box 177 Sen Ln1 a 11,w: Ca 92068 tOver) BACKGROUND DATA SHEEI' ~ ; CASE NO; CUP-162(A) Al?H:.ICANT: DOROTHY HAWTHORl'E Ri!aJEST AND LOCATION: AN INCREASE IN R~JAIL AREA AND GQl3-_RESPQNPit:G DECREASE TN STORAGE AREA, PLUS PERMISSION TO ALLOW AN OUTSIDE EATII\G AREA ON AN EXISTit,.X; PATIO ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PASEO DEi NORTE BETWEEN 12.Ab~ AIRPORT ROAD AND CAMINO DEL PARQUE. ~ DESCRIP.rION: PARCELS A AND B OF MAP 4279 Ell ED Ib1 s~, Dia(;() GOU►ITY Assessors Parcel 1'."umber: 211 040 19 • Acres 1.6 -----No. of Lots --=-1 ____ _ GENERAL PIAN AND ZONING General Plan Land Use Designation I-I (PI.AN'JED HOUSTRIAL) Density Allo.,..red __ N_/_A ___ _ Existing Zone __ ._M __________ _ SUr:rounding Zoning and Land Use: North -~M;,__ __ South Fast West M ----- M M Density P-.roposecl _.;..::N~/ A ______ _ Proposed Zone ___ N __ /A ____ _ Lam. Use LIGHT INDUSTRIAL VACANT· VACANT • VACANT/HADLEY'S ~KET PUBLIC FACil,I'l'IFS School District water District Sewer District CARLSBAD CARLSBAD CARLSBAD IDU' s _...;__.:;;.~~-------------------- Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated _...:D::..:E=-::C::::E::..;MB:;;E::.R~3:.,.., _.l:.9,u,81:,¥0:__ ________ _ (Other:--------------------------:-----'; ENVIroNMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ____ Negative Declaration, issued _______ Log No. ____ E.I.R. certified, dated _________ _ Other, PRIOR C~PLIANCE NOTICE, DATED JANUARY 51 19811 PURSUANT TO Nl;WlYE DECLARATION ISSUED APRIL 11, 1979. .._.;...... 4-.. ,-........ D.£L·I. ff<.OCESSIIJG - ' s)~ o .sq.. 1=r. \ ",,'J.}':•c;; ...... -· ...... s-ra AG-G .. ........ Ptto~D L.tNc .. ~.~~~$,..' l I ....... JI ----- '50 ~-F-r. ------------·--·-------------------------- • ) )