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1981-01-14; Planning Commission; ; CUP 178A - BANK OF AMERICA
- STAFF REPORT DATE: January 14, 1981 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: CUP-178(A), BANK OF AMERICA, Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the establishment of a branch bank on the southwest corner of El Camino Real and Camino Vida Roble within Palomar Airport Business Park in the P-M zone. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to develop a 12,438 square foot branch bank for the Bank of America on a 2.84 acre parcel located as described above. This site was previously graded as part of Carlsbad Tract 79-1 and has a pad slope of 2%, except for some existing l½:l slopes along the northeasterly edge of the site. El Camino Real is located to the east of the site, while the property to the south and west is vacant. The property to the north of the subject property is occupied by light industrial buildings. The property is zoned P-M (Planned Industrial), requiring a conditional use Permit for" ... uses limited to the sales of goods and services required for the convenience of occupants of the P-M zone." A Conditional use Permit therefore is necessary for a bank in this zone. At the Planning Commission meeting of May 14, 1980, the Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit to allow a temporary bank building to be established on this site. The proposed temporary building has not been built and the applicant is now prepared and is requesting to construct a permanent structure. II. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1. Is the proposed bank limited to a service required for the convenience of occupants of the P-M zone? 2. Can the four findings required for the granting of a Conditional Use Permit be made which are as follows: a) That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not 6) - detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is .to be located; b) That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use; c) That all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained; d) That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use. III. DISCUSSION The city's zoning ordinance is fairly restrictive with regard to both permitted and conditional uses in the P-M zone. As previously discussed, retail and service businesses are permitted by Conditional Use Permit, only if limited to goods and services required £or occupants of the zone. The proposed bank complies with this requirement since it provides a two-fold service for the occupants of the Palomar Airport Industrial Park. Spec- ifically, the bank would provide convenient personal banking service for employees of the park, in addition to serving the financial needs of many businesses also in the park. As proposed, this project meets all of the requirements necessary for granting a Conditional Use Permit. The proposed bank is in harmony with the goals of the general plan and will not be detrimental to the existing or future uses within the area. As shown on Exhibit "B", the proposed site is adequate in size and shape to handle the proposed use and with some minor modifications, on-site pedestrian and vehicular circulation appears well designed. The proposed project also meets all of the requirements of the P-M zone for setbacks, height, parking, etc. Further, the existing street system is adequate to handle the proposed bank and, as shown on Exhibit B, the bank will be designed to take access from Camino Vida Roble rather than El Camino Real, a prime arterial. As conditioned, the project will provide a necessary service in this area, in addition to maintaining the high quality of design which has been established in the Palomar Airport Business Park. Overall, staff is satisfied that all required findings for a Conditional Use Permit can be made. -2- IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will not have a significant impact on the environment and therefore has issued a negative declaration on December 18, 1980. V. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the negative declaration issued by the Planning Director and adopt Resolution No. 1746 APPROVING CUP-178(A} based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. ATTACHMENTS PC Resolution No. 1746 Background Data Sheet Location Map Disclosure Form Environmental Documents Exhibits "A" and "B" dated November 14, 1980 MH:ar 12/24/80 -3- BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CUP-178(A) APPLICANT: HENRY WORLEY REQUEST AND ux::ATION: CONSTRUCT BANK OF AMERICA S/S OF CAMINO VIDA ROBLE BETWEEN EL CAMINO REAL & LAS PALMAS DRIVE LEGAL DESCRIPI'ION: LOT 1 OF CARLSBAD TRACT 79-1 OF M,li,P 9389 FILED 9/26/79 Assessors Parcel Number: 213 050 026 Acres 2 -48 No. of Lots N/A ------- GENERAL PIAN AND ZONING General Plan Land Use Designation _..;.P_-.;...M _______ _ Density Alla,.,ed N/ A --------Density Proposed ---"N.,_./..._A~--- Existing Zone P-M -------------Proposed Zone ____ N-/_A ___ _ Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning North P-M South P-M ----- Fast P-M West P-C Land Use Industrial Vacant Vacant ·vacant PUBLIC FACILI'l'IES School District Water District Sewer District CARLSBAD Costa Real CARLSBAD EDU's N/A ----------~------------- Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated M,li,RCH 10? 1980 ----------------- (Other: ) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT' ASSESSMENT Negative Declaration, issued DEC. 18? 1980 Log No. CUP-178(A) ----X E.I.R. Certified, dated -------------- Other, LOCATION PALOMAR AIR?ORT BUSINESS PARI( UNIT NO, I CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73·49 MAP NO. 8054 -G. l''-"CIL" ¼ P.M. NO. 10061 ", ,,,. . . l ./ ·•.\ • /ll(:).~/ ... 1/'":.• •• ,·.,"' / ,•., • ? "· ' / ·. :: •• \OT z CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 79·1 MAP NO. 9;,69 , .. Q # ~ o..; I :..J KALt 1°• IIO' SITE PLAN CASE NO. cu P -I 88. en c:i APP l IC AN T----t:IJ~o-..e-...L....::=E=--Y1------ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ••. BANK OF AMERICA• PALOMAR AIRPORT BRANCH. ·.:_; < 0. z 0 i5 1,,1 :x: 0 :x: u ~ 0: t.tc.c.1 oe:sce·0~1?H ••ac:C1o. • or ,.11,"' •"" ,.a IC09' C-.COUoll ....--,,..1' a.;1'1U1i ..UU.I a 11111 Cll"f a. ~ ..... Y.tl 1M --.c.a AS$C:,s?ft"! J'ABCO NP '° ....... . ) . •. at1' UlAt L•4 •cwte . "9"011•a:Jk-.::'Mtt1 ...... MIA, 11,,Nn.,.TNlllli an,'°" irtu,..: CIIHIQ.n1'0'U4. . ,..,.,,..,11o1 tHCH4.-a'ttln'"'caua ~1....,..IIIW1CD-111Diit .... ~. ll'Orlll Mii 111tffiMil 1r.'C.... ...... • 111& .._.,._. • l•!l'4 C.'f. aM.a.cll ' r -...u-. . ,Sr,;nc:, lrA PFTDSMI •.· W£lll) : . l I I • I .. / 1t af.t1:r Lhe / that f\lrthe,: I • inforaat1on--;1c,u bavo subait.tcll bas been rf. h-ed, it ia cleter.i.neca infon1o11tion ia cequiccd, you will be HO •dv1aed. APPJ..ICANT, BANK OF AMERICA N.T. & S.A. NiUM U.ndividul, p.1,:tnei:■hi1>, joint. ventw:e, corporat.i~, ayndicat.ion) MDIB£11S1 1130 South Figueroa Ave .. , Los Angeles z CA 90015 683-3238 . T•l•pbQne Mt•eber Thomas Blaskiewicz .... • 1130 South Figueroa Ave .• Los Angeles. CA 90015 683-3238 H... (indi vid\loill, p.rtner. joint. venture, CGl'po.r&tion, syndication) N/A ·• • . .. . Telepbone llllllbK CAt.taab we aheet.a if necewry) l"'9 deolue under peMlt.y of perjury that the infonatioa ccmt.ained in thia c1ia- o1o■1&r• ia tru ~ aorrec:t and tb&t-.lt will reuin true and correct aod MJ be • •• • I ~el.led upaa • .be.lat uue ud correct 11ntil &mended. • . . . BANK OF AMERICA N.T. 6 5,4, ' . \ZOO EV.1 AVf..i'iUE: Tl!LEPHONE: CIAHi.SOAO. CAL!FOhNIA 92008 C71◄J 729-1181 PW.SE TAKE NOTICE: <!titp of <lCarls{ntlJ PUBLIC NOTICE OF PREPARATION The Plmming Department cf the City of Carlsbad. intends to prepare a X Negative Declaration, ___ Conditional Negative Declaration., .. Environmental Impact Report for the following .project: • ----- Project Description: Conditional Use Permit to develop a 12,438 sq. ft. • branch ban.'< for the Bank of America· on a 2. 84 acre parcel • • ' ....... ......... · ........ . Project ~-.::'Hress/Location: Sout.'1-iwest· corne.r of El Camino Real and • • • ca.'llir.o Vida P.oble Anticipated significant impacts : ____ No_n_e ___________ _ Wo need. to l-.now your ideas about the eff cct this project might have on tho environment and your .suggestions for ways the project could be rc- vli;cd to reduce or avoid any significant environmental darnagc. Your ideas will help us decide what issues to analyze in the environmental review of this project. Your corriJn(mts on the environmental impact of the proposed project may be submitted in writing to the Planning Department, 1200 1nm Avenue, Cnrlsbnd., CA 92008, no later than Dc...>Ccrnbcw•::21j, ... 1980 YA,,.-,---.-: I ~'7~ ~ • ..-,h ~_,-,. Jwmn:.Jk<~.b-~ J1fk?_ ~'--L-~~U-c? L w4 • t• • -. . Ayr ,.,_,,._.......,.. .. ,. r C:A0h NO: ~~UJ:....:.,J88 S • ~ : . _ /X__ • . ~n':sc.71Af;!\;\t,\~ T i\l'Pt.,tCAr-n: HJltLl'.!Y Planning ni l'C'ctor • .._....__ ________ _ • City of Cnrlsbad l'UHL1SII bi\'l'E: Dc:,•c(!lnber 10, 1980 ND 3 " .I ! ' 1200 fLM ,\VENllf CARLSBAD, CAUfOHNIA 92008 . Citp of <£:arl.shab . ... "·· NEGATIVE DECLARATIO.\J TELE?HONE:. (714> 438-5&21 PROJECT ADDRESS/LOO\TIO..'l: Southwest corner of El· Camino Real and cam:i.no Vida Rob~-·----------------------~------------------------------ PROJECT DESCRIPT_I0N:-~tional use-permit to develop.a 12,438 sq. ft. branch bank for Bank of America on a 2.84 acre parcel. 111c City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the abt·!c described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environn!ental Quality Act and the -Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declarrttion that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hc1·cby issued for the subject nroject. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Depdrtment. ~ • • • • . . • • • A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the -Planning Department, City Hall, 1200 Elm A\'cnue, Carlsbad, CJ\. 92008 .. Comments • from the publjc are invited. Please submit comments inJt:1·iting to tlc1c £1~-7 Department within ten (10) days of date of publicatioQ:' / _ l //_. DATED: Decenber 18, 1980 • • SIGNHll: '; .'..·C.:. ~-;;:~.;.-::7 y.:;;Z.t:.~~ CASE NO: COP-188 ----·---------- • AJ>PLlO\NT: WORLEY _tor tr mg . ._ of Carlsbad··JS ------------ PUBI.JS!l DATE: December 20, 1980 ~----- Mn A • ·• . • • ,. . ' .. ' • r,: • SIi. 00 Receipt No. __ _ EIA NO. __ _ ·cuP-178"CA) Date: U-J.o -Bo • Name of· Appl t cant: __ s_·t,. __ p_g_g_· ,.._,_s_c_~ __ c: ___ oa. __ Po ........ 12A __ T_IO_A-1 _____ _ Address: //So ~. Ft.t;,oc;LOA • 49.T • Los Awc;n,e;s Qc,, 9<»1S: Per■1t Applied For: ])Mt.c.aL MAt.p ,\ND ~0,AJpr[IOt.lA.!,, us« Pe_R.tlllTS Ca$• Nos:: __________________________ _ Location of Proposed Actt vt ty: bor I oF <:+,1,y llbl> J)u,c.T 7Cf-f )If a.,p No 9'.:,89 AI Q;11111>0 v10a.. &oi,c,;e 1 ec., c•m•~o &!i-'L •• BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1.·. Gtve a brief description of the proposed activity (attach any preliminary development plans). · TM• Pl,p,os•o· AG.TIVIT'J' c.u1L1.. C:OAIII sT op J _ !i is lill: ta .a PU 1;l • pc ' 5 I I ; fa 4 • ---5 ... , , a . SJ •• ~---• •• ., JI • Tl-I-. J)au ea.oPAt &AIT •F' l)A.&C•'-a Fol. C.OAaSTII.UC.1"&0~ OF-.. 8121..1-acH OFFIC.S, .-11. •• ,.,,k • F hMuii-.lc.~ . FH.JNt, oF .,,. t:o,-a1)rTJcu,a•1.. use Pe&1•11T ,-., t ~ -. •• I] 6 J2 Fi I a.!f .ft ... I /II. P&R.Jf .... ,_,!:NT &CJ1t..l)IA1{.. Aitae-/Itta '"ILT 011' -nl-iS . A.PP LLC.~Tl O AJ • • · 2. Describe the actfvfty area. fncludfng dtst1ng~tshfng natural and manmade characteristfcs; also provide precise slop• analysis when approprfata. • . . TH Ac-TJv1-iy J1,,JiURJ,. ,s ~~ -~~;.,,.'° LOT Peeu100.si..v '1e~c,eo As A 1)~2.-1' 0~ C.T 79-1 w1m Ila~ ._,ISTJAaC. p,1.~ St.oP• oaa· z•/4 . T'2of>o-:>et> ~ft.ADIAJ~ WJLL SE ~IA.115~ 6~0INCQ t=eR. &u"1t...D'IA.t't Fou~O,i..T 10,j f ~IC-f~G ~7' p.,:\J u,". 3. Describe energy conservation measures incorporated fnto the design and/or operation of the project. ~f'f&(:.TJUe GC.' iZ 1.S U *IT T)¼8 IAJDU1T Rl,\1.. VS &11.S To oPETU.TIOAIS f.Clwtl,. Lt,11J To '910Dlfa.\Te" IIAl&R.-' 'f D.,.,A.MPS -; CoAtrl!4L.S .. ,.. A&GKLT .. CTIAt& • IWC, ... 11.JC.all.POUTlOU OF ,..,.. ~TeST' Oas lf,AJ 7ec.ltAJ I 9c.,as ~II. • CcJNSaav~T&o_u. o F eA11w1,.• t' ; ~v~1 LA. !UUTV otir ~l)C-9 u•Te PIIP.S«:ic 'TRA1JSP08.TATIO~ a&l)c,c.•.s 12tKJ•U t.. O#,a T>l• ;Rlvl.Tli AUTO Auo ITS ~TTCAJ t>~~T .,__.•et.Cf C.""'Su lll'PTION,1 • PORN 44, Page 1 of 4 PLADING .. • • ' . I • I I i : j I • I • ' ! I j/ I : I I I I . ,., ., . . ___ _._ ... ·-···~-........... ~-. .,. . . . ------- • .. • . . • ·-·)'-----: . 15. Will the activity require.a variance froaa established envfrornental • standards (air. water. noise. etc)? • • . •. • . . . . . . 18. V111 the activity require certification. authorization or issuance Qf a pennit by any. locar. State or Federal envfronnental control agency? • • • 17. Will.the activity require issuance of a vartanc=e or conditional use permit by the City? • • . 18. Will the activity involve the application. use, or disposal of potentially hazardous-materials? . 19, Wtll the activity involve construction of facflitfes fn a flood ·s,lafn? 20. Will the activity involve construction of facilities on a slope of 25 percent or gr.eater? 21. Will the activity involve construction of faciliti~s fa the area of an active fault? 22. Could the activity result in the generation of significant amounts of noise? • . . 23. Could the activity result in the generation of significant amounts of dust? • • 24. Will the activity involve the burning of• brush. trees. or other materials? . • . • • . . 25. 26_. Could the activity result fn a significant change.in the . ·quality·of any portion of the region's air or-water resourc~s7 (Should note s~rface, ground water. ~ff-shore). . • . ... . . Will there be a significant change to existing land-fona! . . . • ' (a) • indicate estimated grading to be done in cubic yards. /{poo:· ... • (b) percentage of alteration to the present la!l(I foi:a . ._-'2...,o ...... ~~•-- (c) maxin.am hefg_ht of cut or fill slopes. N /A. X x . ' • • .27. Will the activity result fn substantial increases in the use of utilities. sewers, drains or streets? g. tll. State of No Sfqnfffcant Envfromaental Effects . . x . • x x X X x • )( x . . If you have answered yes to one or more of° the questions tn Section II but you thtnk the activity will have no significant environmental effects. fndfcate your re1sons below: . ~ . . Tl¼fP i>Pe~••D l.)OT111tT1" 1$ • N0'2-W4\. Ptec:eS5 IIJ THE b•v•c..oP•e~r. ~C u1"01L•2..4T10~ oF·-lf'l<~~T.J._,~ lo1'"~ IN -,c.c;,a1t.0t.,.c~ ~rrM YU• O,M<itJ.1/A-t.•. DtP11•t.oP•&NT Pc.AA).$• AND Tide' '2e"tp"12•1t•A1TS O,-r:7Hlt c.,T" t!J,. c:J),a.&.. 'S llA D . • • . .. • . • • , . : ... . . . . . . .. . . --' • I ! i i , . r • • .. f'. l ' I ' . •' .V1 Comment■ or Elaboration■ to Any of t.he Que■tion■ in Section II. '(If additional apace 1• needed for answering any que■tion•, attach additional aheeta •• JUY. be needed.) Data Signed: _ _.I_J_-_,l,..Q-.· _-_e,_o ______________ _ Conclusions (To be completed by the Planning Director). check in the appropriate box. ( ) Further information is required. Place a (><.) It has been determined that the project will not have significant environmental effects. ( ) You must submit a preliminary environmental impact statement by the following date._·,,_... ___ _ ( ) You should make an appointment with the Planning Director to discuss further processing of your project, in accordance with Chapter 19.04 of the Municipal Code. DATE RECEIVED:_~/~2_-_4_-_t-o _____ _ or, ; I I I I I I• I'. ! . , •• ENVlkbn!~AL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM -s?art II (To Be Completed By The PIA~ING DEPARTMENT) c:ASE NO. cue 12e (A) DATE: I. BACKGROUND 1. .APPLICANr:_\-\_c._~_~_'<_-__ w_· _oiu-___ e __ ·v ____ A_S> .. :. ..... c ... 4_.__Ps:n§-......._ ..... s __________ _ 2. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF APPLICANT: ------------- 3. DATE CHECKLIST SUBMITTED: PAe::r ):. • $""'6.i.,ittcJ • tl -18 .:.9,0 • II. • ENVIRO!i\1ENTAL -IMPACTS .,. -- (EXPl.fu\JATIONS OF ALL AFFIRMATIVE At\JSWERS ARE TO BE WRITIEN UNDER Section III -DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION) 1. • Earth Will the proposal have signi - ficar~i:. results in: • a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? b. Disruptions, displacements, com- paction or overcovering of the soil? c. Change in topography or grotmd surface relief features? d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? f. Changes in deposition or ero- sion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? ·ves • ·Maybe ND 2 2. Air: Will the proposal have sign:ikic~~.~-,,,-- results in: a. Air-emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? b .. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteration of air movement, niositure or tempeI:"ature, or any • change in climate, either locally or regionally? 3~ Water: Will the proposal have sigi- ficant results in: a. Changes in rurrents, or the course -or direction of water move- ments, in either marine or fresh waters? b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amomit of surface water nmoff? c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of sur.- face water in any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface .water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? £. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow 0£ ground waters? g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through • direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Yes Maybe No X .- X .. 'f... -» ~ X 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal have signi.;. ficant results in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of plants (including. trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants)? b. Reduction of the numbers of _any llllique, rare or endangered species of plants? c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the nonnal replenish- ment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? S. ·Animal Life. Will the proposal have signi- ficant results in: a. Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of an:unals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms, insects or microfauna)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? d. Deterioration_ to existing fish or wildlife habitat? 6. • ·Noise. Will the proposal signi- ficantly increase existing noise levels? 7. Light and Glare. Will the pro- posal significantly produce new light or glare? 8. Land Use. Will the proposal have significant results in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? -3- ·yes Maybe No )( ___ CF· •• )( X ' X .,,,. ...... 9. Natural Resources.. Will the pro- posal have significant results in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? b. Depletion of any nonrenewable • natural resource? 10. Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a significant risk of an explosion or the release of haz- ardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? 11. Population. Will the proposal significantly alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? 12. Housing. Will the proposal signi- ficantly affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? 13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal have significant re-· sults in: • • a. Generation of additional vehicular movement? b, Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c, Impact upon existing trans- portation systems? d, Alterations to pr~sent patterns of circulation or move- ment of people and/or goods? e, Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f, Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? ·-4- Yes Maybe • No X 14. Public Services. Will the pro- posal have a sfgnificant effect upon, or have significant results in the need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. School~? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facili- ties, including roads? f. Other governmental services? 15. Energy. Will the ·proposal have significant results in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the develop- ment of new sources of energy? _.., .. -. 16. Utilities. Wil.l the proposal have~ significant results in the need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas7 b, Communications systems? c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e, Storm water drainage7 f. Solid waste and disposal? 17, • Hummi Health. Will the proposal have sign:igTcant results in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (9xcluding mental health)? -s- Yes Maybe No .- .. ·x ... ·y.. 'I- ... 'b. ····i ····i -- 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal· have • significant results in the obstruc- tion of any scenic vista or view Yes Maybe No open to the public, or will the pro- posal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? .-x 19. Recreation. Will-the proposal have significant results in the impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Archeological/Historical. Will the .. proposal7iave significant results. in the alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? 21. ANALYZE ·vJABLE ALTFJt'lATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT SUCH AS: a) PHASED DEVELOJ?ME\!7' OP IBE PROJECT; b) AL1ERNATE SITE DESIGNS; c) . AI.TEP.NA.TE SCALE OF DEVELOPMf:NT; d) ALTERNATE USES FOR Th'E SITE; e) DEVELOPMENT AT Sav.E FlfTIJRE TIME RATE.ER UJA.'1 NOW; f) ALTERNATE SITES FOR TIIE. PROPOSED USE; g) • NO PROJECT ALTERNATIVE. ~.,..e.J 41.A.l ,u.c,zss~ s,,c.0. (JAAti"c.ip~J. fr,ov>". ~ ~F· .. -6- X .. ----Yes Maybe No 22. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) DOES TIIE PROJECT HA VE TI-IE POTEN- TIAL TO DEGRADE THE QUALI'IY OF TI-IE ENVIRONMENT, OR CURTAIL TI-IE DIVERSI1Y IN TIIE ENVIRONMENT? 'A b) DOES TI-IE.PROJECT HAVE TI-IE POTEN- TIAL TO ACHIEVE SHORT-TERM, TO TI-IE DISADVANTAGE OF LONG-TERM, ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS? (A SHORT- TERM IMPACT ON TI-IE ENVIRONMENT IS ONE \liHICH OCCURS IN A RE- LATIVELY BRIEF, DEFINITIVE PERIOD OF TIME WHILE LONG-TERM IMPACTS WILL ENDURE llJELL IN1U TI-IE FU1URE.) i c) DOES TI-IE PROJECT HAVE IMPACTS WHICH ARE INDIVIDUALLY LIMITED, BUT CUMULATIVELY CONSIDERABLE? (A PROJECT MA.Y IMPACT ON TWO OR MORE SEPARATE RESOURCES WHERE 1HE IMPACT ON EACH RE- SOURCE IS RELATIVELY SMALL, BUT WHERE Tiffi EFFECT OF TI-IE TOTAL OF TI-IOSE IMPACTS ON TI-IE ... ENVIRONMENT IS SIGNIFICANT.) '{.._ d) DOES TI-IE PROJECT HAVE ENVIRON- MENTAL EFFECTS WHICH WILL __ ... CAUSE SUBSTA1'i'TIAL ADVERSE EFFECTS ON HUMt\N BEINGS, EITI-IER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY? " . III.· LISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUI'ION (Jo ocu~ -<--(Av1f'ct~~· ;~qJ.s • ~ 0 "_,J·iu p~ ~ ~ ~ d -' -7- DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL -EVALUATION (Continued) .. __ .,. -' -8-. IV. DETERMINATION. (TO BE COMPLETED BY TI-IE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the envirorunent, and a NEGATIVE DECIARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A conditional negative declaration will will be prepared. • J find the proposed project ~fAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. Date: _____ , 'l __ ·._-__ 4_· ·_-__.S ..... o ___ • __ _ V. MITIGATING MEASURES (IF APPLICABLE) __ .... -9- .. . !HTIGATING :MEASURES t,:,-.Jntinued) VI Al'PLICANT.CONCURRENCE ½111-I MITIGATING MEASURES nus IS TO CERTirY 1HAT I HAVE REVIEWED TI-IE ABOVE MITIGATIONG MEA- SURES AND CONCUR lvl:IB TI-IE ADDITION OF TI-IESE MEASURES TO TI-IE PROJECT. Date: ------------Signature of Applicant -10- ----I'>~'! E ) -tt~ • i ( {ff L i / ' \) \ t() -~ \) UI, __ , :.\~ $ l -· • I\ l{ \'i ~ i ~ -~ i'"t>f' o= "" ~ ~¥'-! . • -. Jt ~ '~ -t IO~ ' <..:; ..,;_:c;/ . ' a:,fZN~ ~r1 :];'' •. _·/ -\-\ 11(:, ~~ $ --I ce.e OJ!!"!'" .t,,a ._ / I I ~ -I "() 11 - \\ ~ . I\ ' ' l:i ' ~ \\ ".'.'1 ~ p,-i~ ~-r _, -. • -~·· -h:>' . ,,..:_ , ... ~p-1'1,c:,c....a Ll J \) \J ~ N "" ~ ~ ~ i -.i:i " ~ \'I ~ "'' " $:-j ~ :r~, \ \. l·-•. ' , ="' J ~ l\\ +--* _, I:) ~t-!'(\',. ., \) l \'.~ \) l -· t----t i <ct " ci) -st"'. '\I \\ I l " ~ t-~a- jp6=~bo=f,=====it->'~~~ ....._=.,,.,"_-_-_-:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.-:::.-:::.-_-'F9F=¼Afa.==ir--~/ J..10~0-1 • '-:::Y j • ' • 1 : i ' : j ! 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DONAL[ GOLDW ASSOCI, ARCHITEC1 3604 FOUR~ SAN DIEGO LL<C _ou ~a: zW <t::e1 CC<C REVISIONS SHEET TITLE exn::'<! ~ Ce 1-"\!L..S DRAWN DATE ARCHITECT SHEET CHE r • • -~I ___________ _______;__ _________ ~-7 - • , • I PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK 73-49 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. MAP N0.8054 EXISTING A.C. PAVEMENT-"""' -r I ,..-PROPOSED -~ 25'DRIVEWAY EXISTING / CURB 8. GUTTER I PARCEL /A PM. I I NO. 10061 ff q; LOT 2 ' CARLS BAD TRACT N 0. 79-1 MAP NO. 9389 SCALE 111 = 501 SITE PLAN ... ' ...... ( /' ... . ', --✓ ' I I I UNIT , NO. 1 405'±. A EXISTING ~-+-CURB S. GUTTER C\I ....J Lu u a:: <! Cl. 0 --- • 0 z © I.() "1"" I.() . (f) . 0 . 0:: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. __ CITY OF CARLSBAD BANK OF AMERICA • PALOMAR AIRPORT BRANCH r<) (\J CX) • 0 z Q_ <( ~ <( 0 z 0 -0 w I 0 I u z <( 0:: LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL B OF PAREL MAP NO. 10061 ( PALOMAR AIRPORT BUS~ESS PARK) IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, CALIF. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 213 -o5o·o26 GENERAL NOTES PROPOSED USE: COMMERCIAL ( BANK) SITE AREA: 2. 84 ACRES PROPOSED STRUCTURE: FLOOR AREA: 9,267 SQ.FT. FIRST FLOOR 3,171 SQ. FT. MEZZANINE 12,438 SQ. FT. TOTAL PARKING: 84 SPACES ( 9' X 20' TYPICAL) 2 SPACES (HANDICAP) 86 SPACES TOTAL GRADES SHOWN ARE EXISTING SITE ROUGH GRADING SITE GRADING = 1600 C.Y. BALANCED OWNER /DEVELOPER ENGINEERS BA. PREMISES CORPORATION 1130 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 9001!5 (213) 683-3238 HENRY WORLEY ASSOCIATES 7875 CONVOY COURT SUITE A·2 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 ( 714) 571-7728 It 1 • 2% SECTION A-A NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ---··· INDICATES A.C. PAVEMENT HENRY WORLEY ASSOCIATES : • CIVIL ENGINEERING D SURVEYING O PLANNING . . . 'm1~ CONVO"i'COURT, SUITE A-2 51\N DIEGO, CA 92111 7141 571-7728 .. vJo~l•y l~73 (fl) ' • ' I lit • • _. ?-~-~ ___ ;1-iLz' ... ~-~--+'.!'f~~ ~-...,..~+l~~,:.11 ._1,,:,#~ ♦l""'I -•---· .,,,,_pi,,~ •l"l~Zu ♦ ~~""""'® .. ',.,.,,, ~.t!.-♦~!,:,' --♦ '' .., ...... ...-.. ~L.:J!!..__..__ l'!tl!H~ • ...a.======.b:IF=====•~====='t=======~~~=======:l::i~~======-~-.-..-~~ ±42~1 ♦ EAST ,...1-:,t<_ "'1-1.,.. i-1,....,..._ _..,.,1.d----+- ,....,ett.....,,. WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS GENERAL NOTES 178 (A) BANK OF AMERICA I . ALL GRADING SHALL BE DONE UIID'R TI-IE DIRECTION OF A QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER. .ALL AREAS TO BE GRADED SHALL BE PREPARED AND ALL EARTHWORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WlTH THE RECOM- MENDATIONS AS OUTLINED IN THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PREPARED C.U.P NO. PARCEL 11 8 11 PARCEL. MAP NO. 10061 2. BRUSH AND TREE REMOVAL: BRUSH AND TREES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN THE AREA TO BE GRADED. WHEN TREES ARE REMOVED THE ROOT SYSTEM SHALL ALSO BE REMOVED AND THE RESULTING El<CAVATION FILLED WITH PROPERLY COMPACTIED SOIL. PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK 3. · ANISH GRADING : CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE TRIMMED TO THE FINISH GRADE TO PRODUCE A SMOOTH AND UNI- FORM SUFACE OR CROSS SECTION. THE SLOPES OF EXCAVATIONS OR EMBANl<MENTS SHALL BE SHAPED . AND TRIMMED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER OF WORK AND LEFT IN A NEAT AND OR- DERLY CONDITION. ALL STONES, ROOTS, OR OTHER WASTE MATTER EXPOSED ON EXCAVATION OR EMBANKMENT SLOPES SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF. 4. BACKFILL NOTE : WHERE TRENCHES ARE WITHIN EASMENTS SOILS REPORlS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER OF WORK BY A QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER \NHICH CERTIFY THAT TRENCH BACKFILL WAS COM- PACTED AS DIRECTED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER IN ACCORDANCE WITH ON SITE EARTHWORK SPEC. , 5. PIPE REMOVAL : ~ERE AN EXISTING ABANDONED PIPE LINE IS NOT REMO)IED BY THE GRADINIG OPERJtl'ION, IT SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 20 FEET OF BUILDING OR STREET AREAS AND REPLACED WITH ARE PROPERLY COMPACTED SOILS. IN OTHER AREAS THE PIPE SHOULD BE COMPLETE PLUGGED WITH CONCRETIE OR REMOVED. 6 EXPANSIVE MATERIALS ENCOUNTERED IN NEW CUT AREAS OR PREVIOUSLY FILLED AREAS; ~ICH ' PROPOSED TO BE CUT. AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN, SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM COVER OF 2 FEET OF NON-EXPANSIVE MATERIALS. POTENTIALLY EXPANSIVE SOILS MAY BE • SPREAD THROUGHOUT THE LOWER PORTION OF THE PROPOSED FILL AREAS. IT WILL· BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PLAN HIS GRADING OPERATIONS AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE NON-EXPANSIVE OR SUITABLE MATERIAL WITHIN THE ABOVE REFERRED AREAS . 7. SLOPE PLANTING : I "'T 5 L..ll, ' ;•,:, A ,-. ;• I I I I-I ._, , tJO. OA/ -.~,r110 A/9'.:'JQR-,-I M._J..//Vil-11 1 . -t I , I I I I I I I I I I I I .·• I I I I I I I / I I I AS SOON AS GRADING IS COMPLETIED ALL SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED BY HYDROSEEDING, MULCHING AND FERTILIZATION. THE SEED MIX SHALL BE DESIGNED BY AN EXPERT IN THE FIELD AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR. THE MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED AT NOT LESS THAN 2000 POUNDS PER ACRE AND THE FERTILIZER AT NOT LESS THAN 1000 POUNDS PER ACRE OR ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATE. I I I I I 8. ALL DITCHES TO BE INSTALLED AT 2 % GRADE WHERE POSSIBLE. I% MINIMUM. 9. GRADING TO BE FINISHED WITHIN :t 0.1 FT. OF ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS. IQ NEITHER TIHE OWNER, NOR THE ENGINEER OF WORK WILL ENFORCE SAFETY MEASURES OR R~G ULATIONS. THE CONTIRACTOR SHALL DESIGN, CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN ALL SAFETY DEVICES, INCLUDING SHORING, AND SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBE FOR CONFORMING 11"0 ALL LOCAL, ~:::::::-~. STATE AND FEDERAL SAFETY AND HEAL TH STANDARD, LAWS AND REGULATIOJl'JS. 11. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY ENGINEER DOES NOT AUTHORIZE AN'II' WORK OR GRADING I I ? <c I I I I I I I PARyEL I I A TO BE PERFORMED UNllL THE PROPERTY OWNER's PERMISSION HAS BEEN OBTAINED AND A VALID " GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. I I AREA: 1.67 ACRES 12. A PERMIT FROM THE CITY ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED BY THE CONTRACTOIR FOR Ati( WORK WITHIN THE CITY RIGHT OF-WAY .• ~-A PERMIT FROM THE COUNTY ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY WORK WITHIN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO RIGHT-OF-WAY. 14. ROUND CORNERS OF ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES, 15. ALL GRADING AND DETAIL WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLAN, THE CURRENT CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARDS AN'O SPECIFICATIONS AND GRADING ORDINANCES 8032 AND 8063. 16. A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE IS REQUIRED WITH THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR. 17. NO PONDING TO REMAIN. ALL AREAS SHALL BE GRADED TO DRAIN. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES TO CONTROi... SOIL .. MOVEMENT SATISFAO- . TORY TO THE CITY ENGINEER IN THE EVENT THE SITE IS EXPOSEr TO EROSION DURING THE 2 PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER I TO APRIL 15. EROSION CONTROL MEASU!l1'3 SHALL INCWDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO SLOPE PROTECTION, STILLING BASINS, SAND BAGS AND ,rrORM IDRAINS. I"' /I r:JI t:.'/';I 11,-.., ;·o Al"'·r vi-I I I , __ .:, L'1/'-tL. 1 r1 /'-IV , /I I I I I I -_,r, I I :;'J" / 19. IMPORT MATERIAL SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM AND WASTIE MATERIAL SHALL BE DEPOSITED AT, A LEGAL SITE. 9389 OF WORK I . I I I 21. A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE SHALL BE HELD AT THE SITE PRIOR TO BEGINNING AND SHALL BE ATTENDED BY ALL REPRESENTATIVES, RESPONSIBLE FOR. CONSTRUCllON, SUPERVISION, TESTING AND ALL OTHER ASPECTS OF THE WORK • INSPECTION, Q("I CJ QA CJl-.1::t • l"')11 'j ~ ,r ,"v'("'l, -,..,t._.l=iQ I V/"l. I l"11"1'--"-'-Cl I. /Vi. ✓ I -UTILITIES I. EXPLORATION REQUIRED: CONTRACTOR WILL MAKE EXPLORATION EXCAVATIONS ANO LOCATE EXISTING UN01ERGROUND FACILITIES SUFFICIENTLY AHEAD OF CONSTRUCTION TO PERMIT REVISIONS TO. PLANS If REVISIONS ARE NEC·. ESSARY BECAUSE OF ACTUAL LOCATION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. 2. TIHE EXISTANCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY PIPES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED FROM A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE THERE ARE NO OTHER EXISTING UTILITIES EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. 3. SAN DIEGO GAS a ELECTRIC CO., PACIFIC TELEPHONE CO., COSTA REAL MUN. WATER DISTRICT AND BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT,. AND CITY OF CARLSBAD. A. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE SAN DIEGO GAS a ELECTRIC CO. PRIOR • TO STARTING W')RK NEAR COMPANY FACILITIES AND SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH COMPANY REP- RESENTATIVES. B. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE PACIFIC TELEA-IONE CO. PRIOR TO STAIRTING WORK NEAR . COMPANY FACILITIES AND SHALL COORDINATE Hill WORK WITH COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES. SAN DIEGO GAS El ELECTRIC CO. : PACIFIC TELEPHONE : COSTA REAL MUN. WATER DISTRICT, BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT : 4. PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES: 235-6323 800-422-4133 729-2348 565-5657 THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE PRECAUT:ONARY \1EASURES TO PRO)TECT THE UTILITY LINES SHOWN HEREON AND ANY OTHER LINES NOT OF RECCRD OR NOT SHOWIN ON THESE PLANS. ANY PAVEMENT OR OTHER EXISTING SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS DAMAG'::1) BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE Rl'PLACED AS REQUIRED' BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAC ENGINEERIING .DEPARTMENT. ' . t N ' VICINITY MAP NT. . I I I I I I ,• I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARCEL B ~REA: 2 .48 ACRE I I ·1 I I I I I I I I } I /l\ 'O· I ,J . I N w ..J ,c ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO c,1 ... J <"" lt..1 ~ t.) ..... 1)-('\' -... O::T ""> ri' c:;;. I.!... ...... 1111:"" O.: C( ('"\ ..... 0 ... • 'HENRY,':woRLEY ASsoclATEs - c;:,vrLENGINEERING □ SURVEYING □ PLANNING • •· 7875¢0NVOY'COIJRT,SUITEA•2 ••• . ¾" • l't) "I ~ 0.. !{ •t ~r ~ C"-("\ -... ... a::i ... ---.: .. , ... ..... :~ t') ~T .... ("'\ .. -.. ;:: t) '>-< ... o:~ o· -.. :'.!) .... C) .. J o-= ~ V 0 .. LEGEND THE IMPROVEMENTS CONSIST OF THE FOL.LOWING WORK TO BE DONE ACCORDING TO THESE PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS, THE CURRENT CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR THE IMPOVEMEblT OF SUBDIVISION STIREETS AND STANDARD REFERENCE DRAWINGS. GRADING SHALL CONSIST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL CUTS AND FILLS AS OUTLINED IN THE EARTHWORK SPECIFICATION. ALL GRADING DETAILS WILL BE PLANS AND THE CURRENT CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD DRAWINGS, AND ORDINANCE GRAf'~il SWALE-----------------------------------------------· STORM DRAIN -----------------------------------------------~ FINISH ELEVATION ------------------------------------------ NOTE: • ALL SLOPE IBANKS 2: I EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED. EROSION CONTROL BEIRM --------·---------------------------~- BROW DITCH ··-""------------CARLSBAD, G·I, DETAIL A------------ CUT SLOPES ______ , __________________________ ------------ FILL SLOPES ________________ _; _____ --------------------------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE No:s 8032 AND 8083. ========== ; ____ _...,... --------- ~ ti It i H PARCEL" B" OF PARCE:IJ_ MAP NO. 10061, IN_ THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CO,UNTY OF SAN DIEGO ,STATE OF CALIF., FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY MAY27; 1980 AS FILE NO. 80 71195 OF OFFICAL RECORDS. PAGE NO. 10.061 PERMITTEE BANK OF AMERICA PREMISES CORPORP no,N II 30 SOUTH Fl GUER )A S DEVELOPER LOS ANGELES , CA. 90015 C.() PHONE (213) 683-32138 l..; "i.j- l() BENCH MARK C.rj '.) DESCRIPTION: CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH STANDARD DISC STAMPED ECR 15. O: LOCATION: 500' SOUTH OF INTERSECTION OF EL CAMINO R.EAL. AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, EA.ST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL ALONG FENCE LINE. RECORD FROM : ELEVATIONS : DATUM: SAN DIEGO COUNTY PRECISE SURVEY LEVELS (R.S. 1800-11) 296.480' U. S.C. a G.S. THIS GRADING PLAN HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY THE UNDERSIGNED AND FOUND TO BE IN CONFOR- MANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS AS OUTLINED IN THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION DATED ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES BY R. C. E. 18121 DATE: EARTHWORK QUANTITIES CUT = 25001 CU. YARDS FILL = 25001 CU. YARDS ENGINEER OF WORK HENRY L. WORLEY IR. C. E .. NO. 18673 ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ISH3EETSI 1---+-+---------------+--~ LJ__j ENGINEERING DE PART MEN T -+-,-----------------+---~ GRADING PLANS FOR C.U. P NO. 178 (A) BANK OF AMER I CA PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PA~-=K::::: APPROVED: DATE RE. CITY ENGINEER SCALE VERT, ___ __. il:t1 DIEGO, CA 92111 (114) 571•11'28 "'· , "-. 80-.. -_-56~ •... --l~.~,-AN,....O_Y,....·,··-'<'--.. -. ....-n'-111-'-1w""'"'· ;-,,:'-_ '...;.......--:....;......,..............-...c...·· ~- JOS tto: ·• DRAWN CHEC.~O • ,DATE APPROVED,. . R.C.e.1$6 DATE BY DE SCRI PTION APP'O DWN.BY•----11 PROJECT N. 0.] CHKD.BY: ___ , FIELD BK, HORZ· DRAWING NO REVISIONS ..__ _____ ..., EL JOB NO. HENRY WORLEY ASSO CIVILENGINEERING D SURVEYING CIATES D PLANNING 7875 CONVOY COURT, SUITE A•2 SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 (714) 571•7728 11/17/M D WN CHECKED DAT£ APPROVED ------------ R.C.E. 18673 DATE BY IDESCRI PTION !REVISIONS - \ I I \ ------------------------- \ I \ \ \ --------------- APP'D [sITTfi7 CITY ~ ENGINEE~l~G CADERPLSBAO AR TM ENT GRADING PLAN FOR C.U.P N0.178 (A) • BANK OF AMERICA PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS °"RK APPROVED: rl-\ RE. OWN.BY, CHKD.BY: FIELD BK, CITY ENGINEER I PROJECT NO I DATE SCALE VERT, HORZ: DRAWING NO I 1 f I ' • .. .. .. j - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .\ \ \ \ . I \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ 1• ' ' t,, ,, "' / ~ . . --..,,, '\..._ >e. .. • ' ~.), 11 ' \ \ u • I • I • ----,,--·--