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1990-09-19; Planning Commission; ; CUP 190A - SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION
DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: I. SfAFF REPORT SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENT co APPLICJL£ON COMPLETE DATE: July 2. 1990 © CUP-190(A) -SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION -Request for an amendment to an existing Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a 560 square foot maintenance/utility building at 1400 Flame Tree Lane. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 3105 APPROVING CUP-l 90(A) based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND On December 17, 1980, the Planning Commission adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 17 41 approving a Conditional Use Permit allowing the creation of a religiously-oriented retirement village on the west side of Laurel Tree Road, south of Palomar Aiiport Road. The original village consisted of 11 new duplex units and a pre-existing single family residence that was converted into a fellowship hall and manager's living quarters. In March, 1983, the Planning Commission allowed an additional single-family dwelling to be constructed on the southeast portion of the site. In October, 1988, the property lines of the parcel were adjusted by Adjustment Plat No. 367 to facilitate the future alignment of College Boulevard southward from Palomar Aiiport Road. These changes are reflected in Exhibit "A", dated September 19, 1990. The applicant is now requesting an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit to accommodate a 560 square foot building for maintenance and storage purposes as shown on Exhl"bit "B", dated September 19, 1990. The building is proposed to be located approximately 27 feet to the west of the fellowship hall as shown on Exhibit "A", dated September 19, 1990. III. ANALYSIS Planning Issues Does the proposed amendment still allow the required findings of a Conditional Use Permit to be made, namely: - CUP l 90(A) -SUDAN INTERIOt1. MISSION SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE2 1) ls the proposed expansion desirable for the development of the community, essentially in harmony with the various elements of the general plan, and not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in this zone? The proposed maintenance building is desirable for the retirement village since it will allow a storage area and workshop needed for the physical maintenance of the village. The minor expansion to the site layout is still in harmony with the various elements of the general plan and is not detrimental to existing or proposed uses as it does not reflect a substantial change in the site and facilitates the continued operation of an existing facility. 2) ls the property adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed maintenance building? The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the maintenance building without any grading or adjustment of site boundaries, as shown on Exhibit "A", dated September 19, 1990. 3) Can all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and other features necessary to adjust the requested maintenance building to existing and future uses in the neighborhood be provided and maintained? As shown on Exhibit "B", dated September 19, 1990, the maintenance building will be architecturally consistent with the surrounding buildings and as such no walls, fences, landscaping or any other features are required to adjust the proposed building to existing or future uses. 4) ls the street system serving the property adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed amendment? The existing street system is currently adequate to serve the retirement village. Since the maintenance building will not increase traffic to the site, this finding can still be made. SUMMARY Considering that all findings required for a Conditional Use Permit can still be made with the proposed 560 square foot maintenance building, staff recommends approval of CUP 190(A). IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW According to Section 15301(1)(e) of the California Environmental Quality Act, a minor expansion of an existing facility is exempt from environmental review and as such, the Planning Director has issued a Notice of Exemption, dated August 28, 1990. CUP 190(A) -SUDAN INTERIOtl MISSION SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE3 ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3105 2. Location Map 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1741 4. Notice of Exemption 5. Background Data Sheet 6. Disclosure Statement 7. Exhibits "A" and "B", dated September 19, 1990 August 24, 1990 MG:rvo City of Carlsbad SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION CUP 190(A) Cit of Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE OF CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS ON ALL APPLICATIONS WHICH WILL REQUIRE DISCRETIONARY ACTION ON THE PART OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OR ANY APPOINTED BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE. (Please Print) The following information must be disclosed: 1 . 2. 3. 4. Applicant List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. ~11£l~e Owner List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest In the property involved. SIM-us Ii If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names and addresses of all Individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the trust. (Over) Disclosure Statement Page2 s. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards Commissions, Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes_ No ..p.. If yes, please indicate person(s) ___________________ _ Person is defined as: "Any individual, firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision, or any other group or combination acting as a unit.• (NOTE: Attach additional pages as necessary.) 5 f Nl-USft It--, ')..'7,J'f?O •. Signature of Owner/date );/.........JU) ~ DL,.P· 7,1m, sii,iaiure of appiinticiaie 61/111 -U5A - Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant ! I ·------ '. I' I I ---L ___ _ I I \J/_, ":•~ < I I\. \ \ ,\ \ \ \ \ -I. '1 l 9 I •I/'.'\\ ,, --\ \ -r !\' \\\ \\\,\ '-.._ '•, ' \ ' ' . w -I l()f. !J ..J 103 J • <; I Ta ~ : · 12. oe, A<-i'E,; -----,-~ • E;<i9"tt,Js :zc,..,i,N~ : -R-1-/o '· _. ,';X,".Tt,Jc, /..Ai"f• ~ : · ~"-tr;Ei,rri"l--/ , ·,== L4,;; u-..e. -~l];>;;;..-;,A(_, :?i'i ;ei,:' ---- !.'e<!'i\-.,J INTEl".ici".. N'i5,ioN I IJ~ 1 /Ne,, , • 'o. '£½.(' 7,x:, , ~c'$r,e.1r-; .c. .tb.117 ,.oc;l ~; '= '~"' ~1::. 1.A'sle ',l,?l~ , CA. 9ta,e, '~! -~--4'.,u, ~'Gi!N/52¢: ---~~ ~ccfi18''T E.N~11NC. ~N v!':.d-JC!--( "~. / ~ • 72'1'.Al. ~-50, fi.;c>Jh•:,:-;,,?ax, 91"-:e.x~.,T '--' -1<>,zv <SI" I~~ • ,Avi;>i., 0 iO)"AL 1"'a>G,. C~: -0,Z.7Y,, E';><q • "17':> 7-"I AJ;:p ITI<>N;I(., l/Nrr; r'a<'.cai, ~r-/ai : • :2'3. o-;. E/($T • ':12, I '/4 1"F;o~"'97 • ~NT I.~ ifs! NATu/v'.L. 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