HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-10; Planning Commission; ; CUP 200 - RIX-TIX INC.STAFF REPORT
DATE : June 10, 1981
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Planning Department
SUBJECT: CUP-200, RIX-TEX, INC. - Request for a Conditional Use Permit t o allow a coin-operated arcade in an existing
building located on the south side of Oak Avenue between Lincoln and Washington Streets and addressed as 325 Oak Avenue.
The proposed project involves a request to use an existing 1100 sq.ft. building located on property as described above for a coin-operated amusement center with video games and a few pinball machines. Existing parking will be utilized which is located behind the building at the rear of the property.
The subject property is located within the City's Redevelopment Area. On May 21, 1981, the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed use of the property as a coin- operated arcade and determined that the use was acceptable at this location and recommended that it be approved for a maximum period of one year. Also, the Advisory Committee indicated that if any modifications are made to the exterior of the building or the lot, all provisions of the Village Design Manual shall be complied with.
1) Is the requested use appropriate and desirable at this location?
2) Does the proposed project meet the required findings for a Conditional Use Permit which are as follows:
A) That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located;
B) That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use;
That all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and main- tained;
That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use.
Staff had several concerns regarding the requested use at this proposed location. The primary concern related to compatibility with surrounding properties and uses. A large apartment project is located immediately adjacent to the south of the subject pro- perty, a condominium project is located to the north across Oak Avenue, a single family residence is located immediately adjacent to the east, and a combination single-family residence/commercial use is located to the west. Surrounding zoning to the north, south and east is residential (R-3) and the General Plan desig- nates this area for Residential High Density (R-H).
Another major concern of staff related to the existing layout of the project site. The parking area and a large lawn area are located to the rear of the site behind the building which will be used for the arcade. This portion of the site could develop into a loitering and congregating area and because this area lacks good visibility from the street, it could become a security and policing problem.
Upon indicating these concerns to the applicant, staff was'in- formed that the applicant intends to use the building as an arcade for only a short, temporary period of time and that a re- quest to use the building as a day care center will be made in the very near future. Acknowledging staff's concerns, the appli- cant agreed to only have the conditional use permit granted for a six-month period of time and to only operate the arcade during day1 ight hours. The applicant also operates the 7-11 market located to the west of the project site' and he has indicated that either he or another adult supervisor would be at the center dur- ing all hours of operation.
Earlier this year, a request for the same type of operation was denied at another location because of compatibility problems. At that time, staff indicated that a larger shopping center, a shop- ping mall or similar commercially oriented site might be the most
appropriate for this type of use since surrounding uses would all be commercial, there would be similar hours of operation and policing and security problems would be easier to handle. Staff still feels this way, however, given the temporary nature of the requested use and the applicant's willingness to restrict the hours of operation, staff can support a temporary conditional use permit for the requested use at this location.
Because of the temporary nature of the requested use and the con- ditions of operation (hours and supervision) which the applicant has indicated a willingness to comply with, staff believes that the required findings for a conditional use permit can be made. It should be noted, however, that if the use was proposed to be permanent and the hours of operation increased, staff would not recommend approval.
The Planning Director has determined that this project is cate- gorical ly exempt from environmental review according to Section 19.04.070(e) of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution
No. 1818, APPROVING CUP-200, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
1) PC Resolution No. 1818 2) Location Map 3) Background Data Sheet
4) Disclosure Form
5) Floor Plan
6) Reduced Site Plan - Exhibit "A"
A. T. f +, I=, PR.
REI;X.ST AND ILXXT’UIP:: Coin-operated arcade located on the south side -
of Oak between Lincoln and Washington Streets.
--I _.----
r ?r-- r is;,.-. DESCRIPTION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Nap 11077 in city of Carlsbad -
according to map filed in March 10, 1981.
~~sessors parcel tim+-r :
- 260 - 01 -- -.- 2 0 3
General Plan Lard Use Designation R-H
Density Allowed N/A Density Proposed N/A
Surrounding Zoning and Land Use:
Zoning Land Use
Earth R-3 Residential -
Residential -- ,south R-3 -
East R-3
c-2 -- West
Sd?Xl Distrist -- Carlsbad Unified
,*xf after the informatic-’-Qu have submitted has been rel-ved, it is detemhed
tlrat further informatic .s required, you will be so ad
Business Address
Hephone Number
MEMBERS : R )CK EY J. RY BERG 3459 DQ/Y NR DE me Addr s CRRLSSFS~A, cu. 6$ms Name -GdividuaD partner, joint
venture, corporation, syndication)
FwWc I?? I ’0 FF \C Ea (Attach more sheets if necessary)
I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis-
closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be
relied upon as being true and correct until anended.
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