HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-01-09; Planning Commission; ; CUP 173 - CIRCUS VARGASSTAFF REPORT
DATE: January 9, 1979
Planning Commission
Planning Department
Location and Description of Property
The subject property consists of 7.6 acres located on the
east side of Paseo del Norte in the area commonly known as
Car Country. The site is presently vacant and level, as
it has been graded in the past. No significant landform
alteration is proposed in conjunction with the circus.
Existing Zoning
Subject Property: C-2
North: C-2
South: C-2
East: E-A
West: C-2
Existing Land Use
Subject Property:
Automobile dealership (Lincoln-Mercury)
Automobile dealership (Volkswagen)
General Plan Information
Land Use: Tbe land use element of the City's General Plan
designates the subject property for extensive regional
retail. The circus would be consistent with this designa-
Public Facilities:
Sewer Service: The applicant has indicated that nine men
and nine women portable toilets will be placed on the
site for the duration of the circus; these portable
toilets will be cleaned daily.
Water Service: The circus will be trucking in their own
water to serve the three day event.
Electric Service: Electric service will be provided to
the site through the use of generators provided by the
Other Public Facilities: Due to the temporary nature of
the circus, no other public facilities would be affected
by this project.
Other Elements of the General Plan: The circus is consis-
tent with all other elements of the City's current General
Environmental Im;eact Information: The circus is exempt from the
requirements of the city's Environmental Protection Ordinance
as per Section 19.04.090(C)3. This section exempts temporary
uses of land including carnivals, etc.
Histor~ and Related cases
CUP-160 (Circus Vargas} on January 10, 1979, the Planning
Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit for a circus,
located on the parking lot at Plaza Camino Real. The CUP was
approved with conditions which included the following:
limitations on the days and hours of operation; ~equired fire,
police and engineering department approvals; santtary facilities
and traffic control; and equipment dismanteling ~nd site
restoration deadlines.
Major Planning Considerations
1. Can the subject property adequately handle tlie proposed
circus with a minimal impact on adjacent properties?
2. Should any conditions of approval be applied to the
proposed CUP?
Circus Vargas is proposing their annual circus event on two
adjacent vacant parcels in Car country. The 7.6 acre site
is located between two automobile agencies, on the northeast
corner of Paseo Del Norte and a small side street.
The circus will be held on three consecutive days, January
29th, 30th and 31st. On the first evening, the circus will
have only one show, from 8 to 10 P.M. On January 30th and 31st,
the circus will have a number of shows, running from noon to
10:00 P.M.
The applicant has indicated that they have a seating capacity
for up to 3,000 people. However, they are anticipating only
approximately 1,000 to 1,500 per show.
The plans delineate a total of 406 parking spaces with
access to this parking acrea directly from Paseo Del Norte.
Minimum 24 feet wide aisles will facilitate on-site circulation.
In addition, the plans designate a 20 foot wide fire lane
encircling the Big Top Tent. The applicant has also indicated
that 15 people w1ll be employed by the circus to provide
traffic control.
Staff believes that the size and location of the subject
property can adequately accommodate the circus event without
any significant impacts on adjacent properties. In addition,
since both Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road provide
convenient freeway access to the site, no adverse affects to
existing traffic circulation is anticipated. In order to
ensure that the circus event runs smoothly and to protect
City interests, staff has included a number of conditions of
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission APPROVE CUP-
173, based on the following findings and subject to the
following conditions:
1. The proposed Conditional Use Permit is consistent with
the City's current general plan designation, Extensive
Regional Retail, which applies to this property.
2. • The proposed Conditional Use will not result in any
significant environmental impacts since the circus is
categorically exempt from the Carlsbad Environmental
Protection Ordinance as per Section 19.04.090(c)3.
3. The subject property can adequately accommodate the
circus since sufficient area is available for the
circus, parking, and all necessary appurtenances, and
since the site is relatively level requiring no significant
site modifications or alteration.
4. All of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping
and other features necessary to adjust the requested
use to existing uses in the neighborhood will be provided
and maintained.
5) Adequate public facilities necessary to serve the
proposed circus will be available since:
a) The subject site is served by a public street with
a generally low volume of traffic;
b) The site is conveniently accessible from the
c) The applicant will be providing adequate sanitary,
electric and water service to the property for
duration of the circus.
1. Approval is granted for CUP-173 as shown on Planning
Commission Exhibit "A" to CUP-173, dated 12/19/79 on
file in the Planning Department and incorporated by
reference. Development shall occur substantially as
shown on this exhibit unless otherwise noted in these
2. This CUP approval shall apply only to the following
dates and times: January 29th, 1980, (8 P.M. to 10
P.M.), January 30th and 31st, 1980 (noon to 10 P.M.).
3. The subject property shall be cleared of all equipment
and improvements and returned to its pre-existing state
no later than noon on February 1, 1980.
4. All parking spaces, aisles, entrances, and exists shall
clearly designated with signs and chalk striping.
5. The applicant shall obtain the approval and comply with
all requirements and recorr.mendations of the Police,
Fire and any other affected City Departments.
6. A minimum of 9 male and 9 female portable toilets shall
be located on the site and cleaned daily.
7. A certificate of liability insurance in an amount not
less than $1,000,000 personal injury and $500,000
property damage shall be approved by the City Manager
prior to the commencement of the circus.
8. The applicant shall obtain a special event business
license from the City Clerk prior to commencement of
the circus.
9. All portions of the street adjacent to the south and
west of the subject property shall be clearly posted
"No Parking -Fire Access Lane" at all times for the
duration of the circus.
10. The applicant shall provide traffic control people as
required by the City Police Department.
11. The applicant shall fix and/or replace any City or
privately owned items damaged by the proposed use. The
applicant shall post a $1,000 bond with the City Engineer
prior to commencement of the circus to secure this condition.
BM: jd
1/3/80 4.
CUP-173 ~Je:J
If af::rsr. t lie inf~,nnation you have submj tted has been reviewed, it is determined
thdt .L\.'r1_f1er juf<)rmat.ion js required! you will be:! so advised.
joint venture, corporation, syndication)
~/So ~>&t:L -~ S ~ ~ 9o:t-,:J-
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_cU_ 3-'f-io -7G, t/ 8
Telephone Number
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Busine3s Address
Telephone Number
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Business Address
Telephone Number Telephone Number
Name Home Address
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(Attach more sheets if necessary)
I/We declare under penalty of perjury t.hat the information contained in this dis-
closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be
relied upon as being true and correct until amended.
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