HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-26; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; Robertson Ranch Park Preliminary Design Concepts Meeting Date: Feb. 26, 2024 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Todd Reese, Park Services Manager todd.reese@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-3968 Subject: Robertson Ranch Park Preliminary Design Concepts Recommended Action Receive an informational report on the preliminary design concepts for Robertson Ranch Park. Executive Summary The City of Carlsbad’s Parks & Recreation Department is charged with providing a variety of amenities to promote a healthy outdoor lifestyle and community connections, two important values in the Carlsbad Community Vision. Robertson Ranch Park is to be developed on a 11.2- acre site near the northeast corner of El Camino Real and Cannon Road, south of the Foothills neighborhood of the Robertson Ranch development. On April 11, 2023, the City Council approved a professional services agreement with Schmidt Design Group for the design services for Robertson Ranch Park. On April 20, 2023, the Communications & Engagement staff began work with the Parks & Recreation staff and the Schmidt Design Group representatives to build a community engagement approach. Over the subsequent 10 months, staff and its consultants have facilitated public workshops and received feedback through various channels to help inform the three preliminary design concepts. Explanation & Analysis Background Parks play an important role in meeting the community’s recreational needs. Carlsbad’s existing community parks and special use areas provide the community with a wide range of recreational opportunities such as athletic fields, playgrounds, sport courts and picnic areas, among other amenities. Carlsbad’s next park, known as Robertson Ranch Park, will be located on 11.2 acres near the intersection of El Camino Real and Cannon Road. Planning this new park is part of the City Council’s 5-Year Strategic Plan. • On Oct. 11, 2022, the City Council adopted the 2023-27 Carlsbad Strategic Plan, which includes the strategic goal of Community Character: Maintain Carlsbad’s unique character and connectedness. The Priority Projects section of the plan included completing the conceptual design, master plan and permitting for Robertson Ranch Community Park. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Staff Report Park Design Process The following are the customary phases of a park design process: • Develop Recommended Park Master Plan Staff and design consultants utilize input from the community to develop a recommended master plan, which includes the general uses and features of the park and approximately where they will be located within the park boundary. The recommended park master plan is presented to the city’s Parks & Recreation Commission, which makes an advisement to the City Council about its approval. The City Council ultimately votes to approve the recommended master plan. • Develop Detailed Park Design and Permitting Staff and design consultants use the recommended park master plan to fill in the details of the park’s design, including grading, drainage, electrical systems, irrigation and other important infrastructure. As the detailed designs progress, the project team completes environmental documents and applies for various permits required to build the park. Then, the Planning Commission reviews the park’s design and environmental documents and considers issuing the permits within its authority, to ensure city standards are met. After that, the Parks & Recreation Commission reviews the recommended master plan and advises the City Council about acceptance. The City Council ultimately votes to approve the park’s final master plan and authorizes city staff to complete the construction plans and specifications to put the project out to bid. • Develop Cost Estimate and Administer Bidding Once the construction plans and specifications have been completed, the project team can develop a more precise cost estimate. The City Council next approves the plans and specifications and authorizes the City Clerk to advertise the project for bids. After a few months, bids are received from contractors and staff identifies the lowest responsive and responsible bid. • Conduct Construction Activities Once the bidding process is complete, staff recommends the City Council award a contract for construction to build the park. The contractor develops a construction schedule, obtains concurrence from staff, and oversees the construction of the park. Community Engagement Approach The specific amenities of the park are determined after staff gathers input from the community through a variety of channels to better understand the ideas, needs, values and priorities for the site. The design of the park will also be informed by the adopted 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update, which is the guiding document for developing and maintaining the city’s parks. Staff developed a community engagement approach consisting of three main phases for input: • Phase 1 - Community needs, values and priorities: July – August 2023 The first phase helped to determine what community members would most like to see and experience in this new park and what concerns, if any, they would like the city to consider in the park’s design. • Phase 2 - Feedback on preliminary conceptual designs: January – February 2024 Based on the initial input, the project team developed a few preliminary design concepts for the new park. These concepts were shared with the community for feedback, with a focus on how well they reflected the community’s needs and priorities identified during the initial input gathering. • Phase 3 - Feedback on refined design: May – July 2024 The project team will develop a refined design concept based on community feedback. This will be shared with the community to identify any additional feedback they would like to provide. Any final revisions will be incorporated into the refined design concept which will become the park’s recommended master plan. During Phase 1, the project team heard from hundreds of Carlsbad residents at two community workshops held on August 8 and 9, 2023 (one in person, one virtual) about what they'd like to see included in the future park. The Communications & Engagement team offered two more ways for the public to give input, through an online survey and an ideas wall, between Aug. 17 and Sept. 7, 2023. The following specific amenities were listed among the top priorities in the Robertson Ranch Park Community Input Report (Exhibit 1): • Sports fields • Playground • Walking and jogging paths • Pickleball courts Certain amenities were not included in the park’s three preliminary design concepts: • Tennis courts were not as a high priority as other features, based on the community’s feedback and were not a significant need identified in the recently updated Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan. • A dog park was mentioned by some residents, but was not a high priority based on the community’s feedback, alternative existing dog park locations at Hidden Valley, Alga Norte, Poinsettia Community Parks, and a potential new dog park in the early stages of design at the nearby Village H South property. • A skate park was not identified as a high priority based on community’s feedback. Guiding Principles and other important comments heard from the community that the project team used to develop the three preliminary design concepts included: • Make the park something unique to Carlsbad, not generic • Emphasize safety in the park design, maintenance and operations • Be considerate of nearby residents (noise, lights, parking and traffic) • Create opportunities for social connections • Emphasize the community's love of nature, open space and wildlife • Design the park for multigenerational uses so it’s fun for all ages Phase 2 is in process, and includes the in-person workshop held on Feb. 10, 2024, the virtual workshop held on Feb. 15, 2024, the Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting held on Feb. 26, 2024, as well as an online survey that closes on Feb. 26, 2024. This additional feedback will be summarized and help to further inform the project team of the community’s preferences as it relates developing a refined design concept, which is typically a combination of elements from the three preliminary design concepts. Preliminary Design Concepts CONCEPT 1 - AGRARIAN TAPESTRY (Exhibit 2, page 4) The Agrarian Tapestry concept includes organic, irregular shapes and paths that reflect and honor the agricultural history of both the site and Carlsbad as a whole. The park is accessed from Trailblazer Way, with Cannon Road providing an additional right-in/right-out access opportunity. Residents entering the site from Trailblazer Way will come upon a central arrival plaza. Spaces around the plaza include a children’s play area for multiple age groups, picnic areas, an outdoor fitness hub, a splash pad and multiple open grassy areas. The plaza also includes a restroom/ concession building to support the nearby sports field. A rubberized track for walking and running surrounds the plaza area and provides a connection to the existing trails located along the western edge of the site. This collection of spaces, uses and connections creates opportunities for socialization, relaxation and a sense of community. This area then slopes down to the large multi-purpose field. The field is similar in size to those at Aviara and Poinsettia community parks, but also includes a single backstop and infield in the southeast corner. The lower terrace also includes a community garden (aligning with the design’s agrarian theme), nine pickleball courts and a natural area for drainage. A perimeter pathway encompasses the multi-purpose field providing opportunities to see and connect with the adjacent preserved open space. Low water use landscape is included throughout, including an ample buffer from the existing neighbors of the park and surrounding open space. CONCEPT 2 - COMMUNITY QUILT (Exhibit 2, page 7) The Community Quilt concept features linear and natural forms that intertwine along the park’s western edge. The linear geometry represents patches in a quilt, reflecting Carlsbad’s multigenerational community who will enjoy the park. The linear forms intersect with organic forms along the open space preserve, representing the connection between the residents of Carlsbad and the nature within their city. Like Concept 1, the park is accessed from Trailblazer Way, with Cannon Road providing an additional right in/right out access opportunity. Park visitors entering the site from Trailblazer Way will arrive at a linear community plaza and parking lot. The plaza houses a restroom/concession building and a series of picnic areas. This area of the park also includes a fitness hub and children’s playground, which interact with a rustic dry stream bed. This area also includes an open grass area for informal play and a series of pathways that lead to the adjacent trail system. This area slopes down to the large multipurpose field. The field is similar in size to those at Aviara and Poinsettia community parks but also includes a single backstop and infield in the southeast corner. The lower terrace also includes eight pickleball courts and a landscaped stormwater drainage area located at the site’s natural low point. A perimeter rubberized track is located adjacent to the open space, providing opportunities to see and connect with nature. Interior to the track is a series of passive sensory gardens for visitors to explore. Low water use landscape is included throughout, including an ample buffer from the existing neighbors of the park and surrounding open space. CONCEPT 3 - ROLLING HILLS (Exhibit 2, page 10) Rolling Hills draws inspiration from the soft and rolling topography found throughout Carlsbad. This concept seeks to blur the edge between the adjacent natural open space and the park limits by inviting the surrounding native landscape into the park and introducing subtle mounds to mimic rolling hills. The park is accessed from Trailblazer Way, with Cannon Road providing an additional right in/right out access opportunity. Residents entering the site from Trailblazer Way will come upon a central arrival plaza. Spaces around the plaza include a children’s play area and nature-based “discovery” playground, picnic areas, a large open grassy area and walking paths that provide access to the adjacent trail network. The plaza also includes a restroom/concession building to support the nearby sports field. Six pickleball courts and a spectator plaza are located near Fire Station 3. This collection of spaces, uses and connections creates opportunities for socialization, relaxation and a sense of community. This area then slopes down to the large multi- purpose field. The field is similar in size to those at Aviara and Poinsettia community parks, but also includes a single backstop and infield in the southeast corner. A rubberized track encompasses the multi-purpose field with a series of fitness areas along the path. The lower terrace features a boardwalk that crosses a landscaped stormwater drainage area at the site’s natural low point. Low water use landscape is included throughout, including an ample buffer from the park’s existing neighbors and surrounding open space. Project Costs and Timeframe At this time, the project team does not have a timeline for construction of the park. Once the park’s recommended master plan is approved, the City Council will provide direction on funding and next steps. Current anticipated cost of development of the park is approximately 2 million dollars per acre or 22.4 million dollars, not including design, construction management services and contingency. Next Steps The Communications & Engagement team will continue to review and analyze input gathered through February 26, 2024, at which time the on-line survey will close. This review and analysis process will take approximately 4 weeks to perform. The design team will utilize the feedback obtained during this round of public engagement to create a refined design concept. Exhibits 1. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report – November 2023 2. Robertson Ranch Preliminary Design Concepts 1, 2 and 3 Exhibit 1 Table of Contents Introduction Project background………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Parks and recreation priorities…………………………………………………………………………………3 Decisions already made……………………………………………………………………………………………4 Nearby amenities……………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Community engagement approach Level of engagement...................................................................................................... 5 How to consider the input ............................................................................................. 6 Phase 1: Community needs, values and priorities How we engaged ........................................................................................................... 7 Who participated ........................................................................................................... 10 What we heard…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 Next steps Next steps ...................................................................................................................... 17 Appendices A. Phase 1 input How opportunities were promoted In-person workshop feedback Virtual workshop breakout room notes Survey responses Verbatim survey comments Ideas wall comments Rancho Carlsbad HOA comments Emailed comments Social media comments Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 3 Introduction Carlsbad’s next park, known as Robertson Ranch Park, will be located on 11.2 acres near the intersection of El Camino Real and Cannon Road. Planning this new park is part of the City Council’s 5-Year Strategic Plan, focused on maintaining Carlsbad’s excellent quality of life and unique community character. At this time, the city does not have a timeline for construction. Once a park design is approved, the City Council will provide direction on funding and next steps. About the project Robertson Ranch Park will be smaller than a typical community park but larger than most neighborhood parks. In terms of planned uses, the Robertson Ranch Master Plan and the city’s General Plan have included references to amenities and uses of the park: • Sports field(s): The park site was added to the city’s plans in the 1990s to provide sports fields in the northeastern part of the city. Sports fields are also listed as a park use in the master plan for the Robertson Ranch community. The city is not required by previous plans to build sports fields at Robertson Ranch Park, but demand for fields exceeds what is currently available during peak times. • Concession stand: Sports leagues utilizing city fields also have a need for a concession stand to sell tickets, snacks and other items during games. • Playground/tot lot: Most city parks feature playgrounds, and playgrounds take up a relatively small footprint. • Parking: Depending on the park’s uses, the city will need ample space for off-street parking. • Restrooms: By city standards, a park this size will have a permanent restroom building. Parks and recreation priorities Over the past few years, the city has gathered community input on future parks and recreation needs to help inform an updated Parks & Recreation Master Plan. This input included a statistically valid survey of Carlsbad residents. Based on that survey, following are the highest priority park amenities that could be included in Robertson Ranch Park: • Pickleball courts • Dog park • Community gardens • Ornamental/interpretive gardens • Family picnic areas • Tennis courts Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 4 Decisions already made When asking for community input, the city first shares what decisions have already been made. For Robertson Ranch Park, these include: • To ensure the new park is a good neighbor, city staff have committed to: o Locating park amenities that typically generate more noise and feature taller lights farther away from the homes that border the north end of the park. o Locating the parking lot near sports fields, if they’re part of the park’s design, and farther away from the homes at the north end of the site. • The Robertson Ranch Master Plan, approved by the City Council in 2016, establishes one park entrance, on Trailblazer Way next to Fire Station 3. • The nature preserves bordering the park on the west and north sides are part of the city’s Habitat Management Plan, approved by the City Council in 2004. Protected habitat has certain restrictions, such as no direct lighting at night and no adjacent uses that could disturb the habitat. • Under the Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.18.110, a minimum of 1% of the budget to construct the park must be dedicated to public art. The public art planning process will also include community engagement. • The city’s General Plan and Climate Action Plan outline strategies, policies and goals to incorporate sustainable features in the design, planning and construction of new development, such as city parks. Nearby amenities Veterans Memorial Park, scheduled for completion in 2026, will include a bike park. The city is also working on design plans for an expansion of Monroe Street Pool. Because these projects are already underway, Robertson Ranch Park will not include a bike park or pool. The city is also not looking for ideas that would exceed a typical park construction and operation budget. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 5 Community engagement approach To ensure the park’s design and amenities reflect community needs, values and priorities, the city developed a community engagement approach consisting of three main opportunities for input: Phase 1: Community needs, values and priorities July – August 2023 The first phase will determine what community members would most like to see and experience in this new park and what concerns, if any, they would like the city to consider in the park’s design. Phase 2: Feedback on initial design ideas January – February 2024 Based on the initial input, the project team will develop a few initial design concepts for the new park. These concepts will be shared with the community for feedback, with a focus on how well they reflect the community’s needs and priorities identified during the initial input gathering. Phase 3: Feedback on refined design May – July 2024 The project team will develop a final draft design concept based on community feedback. This will be shared with the community to identify any additional feedback they would like to share. Other opportunities for community input are built into the park planning and approval process, including meetings of the Parks & Recreation Commission, Planning Commission and the City Council, when they consider the final design and park master plan, environmental review, funding and timing of the new park, and putting the project out to bid. Level of engagement The International Association of Public Participation’s spectrum of public participation illustrates a variety of approaches to involving the public in decision making. The Roberston Ranch Park input process falls between “consult” and “involve.” Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 6 How to consider the input The input in this report is qualitative in nature and was obtained through a convenience sample. This means the city focused on gaining an in-depth understanding of community member perspectives, and the results cannot be generalized to the entire population of the city within a defined margin of error. That’s why the input in this report should be considered with a similar weight as other forms of feedback that have always been part of the city’s decision-making process, such as comments made at City Council meetings or emails sent to the city expressing an opinion. The input in this report should be considered with a similar weight as comments made at a City Council meeting or those sent by email. International Association of Public Participation Spectrum of participation INFORM CONSUL T0 1NVOLVE COLLABORATE EMPOWER Provide balanced, Obtain input on Work directly with information so the analysis, the public public understands options or throughout the problem, options, decisions that process to ensure opportunities and have already been input is understood solutions made and considered We will keep you We will listen to We will ensure your informed and acknowledge concerns and ideas your concerns and are directly reflected ideas and let you in the options know how your developed and how input influenced input influenced the the decision final decision !vi Qualitative Focuses on understanding the "why" Identifies a range of perspectives Allows for discovery of new ideas Analyzed by themes !v! Convenience sample Only those who knew about the opportunity to provide input were able to do so Partner with the public Place final in each aspect of the decision making decision, including the in the hands of creation of options the public and identification of the preferred solution We will look to you for Wewill advice in creating implement what options and you decide incorporate your input into the decisions to the maximum extent possible Quantitative Focused on facts/absolutes Data focused on measuring Analysis includes numerical comparisons Allows for statistical analysis Random sample All members of the target population had an equal opportunity to participate Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 7 Phase 1: Community needs, values and priorities The first step in the park planning process was to gather broad community input to help inform design concepts, including general uses and park features. How we engaged In-person community workshop held Aug. 8, 2023 Virtual community workshop held Aug. 9, 2023 Online survey available Aug. 17 to Sept. 7, 2023 Online ideas wall available Aug. 17 to Sept. 7, 2023 ooo ~ Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 8 Robertson Ranch Pa rk Share your thoughts with the city about what you'd like to see included in the park's design. The City of Carlsbad is beginning the planning process for Robertson Ranch Park by seeking input from the community on the park's design and features. The new pa rk is part of the City council's 5-Year 5trateg[£ Plan. focused on maintaining Carlsbad's excellent quality of life and unique community character. Please share your input using t he tools below. Answer a few questions to share your priorities for the park. START 17 Aug 2023 Take the survey I'd really like to see another NChase FieldN built to accomodate the growing amounts of kids that play youth baseball in Carlsbad in both club and rec. There's already so many kids playing rec baseball the city is split into two ergs-Carlsbad Youth Baseball and La Costa Youth. CYB has Chase Field. but LCYO has never had a Nhome fieldN with different fields to support the different age groups of Pony Baseball. Nice fields can bring in a ton of money hosting tournaments throughout the year I •'liewthediscuss!on{2) I A nature element water feature for children/ adults to play in. Natural exploration that pulls in Carlsbad's beach and canyon heritage. I'd love to see an all abilities playground. Check END 7 Sep 2023 MORE BASEBALL FIELDS PLEASE! Youth baseball continues to be a growing sport. In North County there is over 1,000 seasonal players in addition to all the travel teams, and continues to grow. We currently have to share a lot of the fields with soccer, lacrosse, football, etc. We could realty use a great ballpark with seating. lighting. and shade. P Lnv•■commoint 1mi;in:h11:o Like .. •8 Oislik••-6 We need indoor and outdoor basketball courts for the kids! A dog park would be a great additional. A community pool would be great as well. O Lnv•■commo,n'; ■mi;,n<;h1i;o I.JK••-: Include some walking trails and native plants so that it fits into the surrounding preserve area. A water feature like a fountain or some streams safe for little ones to play in on hot days. Basketball courts. Hills rather than a flat area would also be nice OLe1ve■C0fflffllln'; 1mi;in:higo Share ideas about how the park's design can express what is unique about Carlsbad. START 17 Aug 2023 ii:iii!Hdi OLHv•■colT'IITIRnt 1mi;in:higo Soccer is likely the fastest growing youth sport in the US, and Carlsbad is a hotbed of talent. Let's support this growing passion and the health of our kids by providing a new home for soccer practices and games. O LH'ffl COIT'IITIRnt 1mon':h11:<:1 \.Jb .. •8 Oislike .. •1 An area for outdoor yoga/ pilates classes that is shaded and could double as a 'stage· for small bands/ concerts. I think we need more soccer fields as we are facing over crowding on the current school venues for this ever growing game! END 7 Sep 2023 I would like to see a youth/adult appropriate fitness/obstacle outdoor gym infrastructure. This will be useful for fitness and conditioning type group or individual workouts. OLnv•■colT'IITIRnt ■mon:has<:> I.JK••-i C.llil<I- Our youth need need more indoor Basketball courts (W/ A/C) to use daily after school and on weekends. It seems the one at Pine and Calavera are always booked by pickle ball and badminton. Families would love to use a community swim pool for swimming laps and playing. A dog park would be great as well. Thanks! This new park should include anything that promotes outdoor activities. Local soccer fields are already over crowded, forcing locals to drive our kids up to Norco or Temecula to play local teams, ridfculous. We should not be putting turf in any,.vhere, anymore. Our future generations are playing on these toxic fields day after day, so it defeats the purpose of keeping this community healthy. Lastly. parking needs to be a priority. so .. . .. ,. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 9 To encourage broad participation, the city provided a variety of options to participate, some requiring just five minutes and others requiring about two hours. All sought similar input, although questions were asked in different ways (see Appendix A for the list of questions). Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 10 Who participated 10,053 Times someone came to the project page 3,421 Unique people who looked at the page 1,974 How many unique stakeholders participated online 1,914 Took the survey 298 Ideas wall comments 185+ Community workshop participants (virtual and in person) Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 11 Where participants live Location* In-person workshop Virtual workshop Online survey Online ideas wall TOTALS 92008 23 13 419 54 509 92009 10 2 317 48 377 92010 (park location) 91 17 652 115 875 92011 9 5 257 33 304 I don’t live in Carlsbad 8 7 269 16 300 141 44 1,914 266 2,365 *Some participants did not provide their location. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 92008 92009 92010 (park location)92011 I don't live inCarlsbad Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 12 What we heard Each engagement opportunity included a combination of specific questions and opportunities for open ended comments. All were designed to identify community member needs, values and priorities to help inform the conceptual park design. Input from the two community workshops helped inform questions for the online survey and ideas wall. Comments and survey responses have been categorized into overall themes and topics. Readers are strongly encouraged to review the verbatim comments in Appendix A to get a better understanding of specific ideas, priorities and concerns expressed. Themes Create something that captures what is uniquely “Carlsbad.” Workshop participants expressed a desire to create a space that captures Carlsbad’s unique character or history, instead of a generic park that could be in any city. The city then asked community members to provide ideas about how to do this through the ideas wall feature of the public engagement online platform. “To make it represent Carlsbad, add some sculptures around the park of iconic Carlsbad features, Flower Fields, Carlsbad Water house, surfers, tennis and pickleball players, owner walking her dog, bike paths, etc.” “Art that represents the agricultural history of Carlsbad and the beach. Mosaics on walls and any other hard scape would be great as would sculptures.” “Dog friendly areas, quiet, shady areas, a running track, and a skating park would be so uniquely Carlsbad! What about an area for food vendors? We have so many awesome businesses in Carlsbad, it would be fun to have city-led events to support them.” “A nature element water feature for children/ adults to play in. Natural exploration that pulls in Carlsbad’s beach and canyon heritage.” Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 13 “Birdhouses and a rock garden with Carlsbad flowers.” “…Batiquitos Dr., Melrose Dr., Plaza Paseo Real, etc. have many jacaranda trees that bloom in the late spring/early summer, giving the environment a fantastically delightful vision. I suggest to spread this visual joy at each park by planting these jacarandas to signify the symbol of Carlsbad. As a resident, we can refer to this signature with our pride.” “Native plants, water features, walking path, benches, shade trees, hammocks, adirondacks and some cool local art sculptures. No more sports fields, too much already and we don’t need another parking lot either. Bring the beach, nature and small-town community vibe to the new park.” “Carlsbad was home to one of the worlds first skateparks, honor that history & start including small skateable spaces in our parks! Look at Olympus or the Vulcan street park in Leucadia to see how a small and simple skate-friendly spot is inclusive and fun for our parks.” Neighbors welcome a new park but have concerns about potential negative impacts to their quality of life. • Nearby residents would like the park’s design to respect neighbors by not locating bright lights and noisy activities next to homes. • Safety and security were concerns, with some suggesting lighting and other environmental design elements to reduce opportunities for crime at the park. • Residents in the surrounding neighborhoods are concerned that one entrance on Trailblazer way will cause traffic impacts, especially if sports leagues hold games at the park. • They are also concerned parking at peak times will spill out onto surrounding streets. • Concerns were also raised that one entrance at Trailblazer Way could interfere with emergency response vehicles leaving Fire Station 3. • Finally, some residents were concerned that people using the park might also utilize nearby playgrounds maintained by the HOA that are intended for neighborhood use. Sports leagues and their participants are vocal about their need for more fields in Carlsbad. • Sports league organizations serving Carlsbad and local residents who participate in sports leagues were very engaged in the input gathering process. They said the city needs more fields during peak times so that teams have a place to practice and games can be scheduled at convenient times. Specific amenities listed among the top three priorities for Robertson Ranch Park were sports fields, playground, walking and jogging paths, and pickleball courts. • Of the 1,914 people who took the online survey, about half said a multipurpose sports field was among their top three priorities for the park. (About 17% said a diamond field was in their top three.) Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 14 • About a third said a playground and walking paths were in their top three. • A little over a quarter had pickleball and a walking or jogging track in their top three choices. • Amenities and features among the lowest priorities for Robertson Ranch Park were dog parks (15%), community gardens (11%), basketball courts (10%) and tennis courts (6%). Design the park to encourage social connections among community members. • Would like spaces to gather with family, friends and community members. • Would like to see park features included that provide opportunities to gather for activities such as organized sports, city events, picnics, parties and more. • Suggestions include picnic areas, sports fields, and an area for food trucks or concessions. • Allow sports fields to be used by more than official sports leagues. Let families use them or groups of friends who want to play a game. Emphasize the community’s love of nature, open space and wildlife. • Consider natural elements of the park site, along with nearby habitat and wildlife. • Would like park features to tie into and reflect the local, natural environment. • Would like to see sustainable features incorporated into the park design. “A nice balance to allow for a shared space with the wildlife that inhabit the area.” “Consider the materials being used, less asphalt and hard surfaces.” “Most Carlsbad parks are really just athletic fields. Why not go back to the historical meaning of parks, and devote it to nature with lawns, gardens and peaceful areas.” “Natural playground materials vs plastic primary colors. Buena Vista playground and landscaping is beautiful example. Perhaps a water feature splash pad? One of those roller slides like at Bub Williamson Park.” “Space to focus on nature.” Design the park for multigenerational uses. • Make the park’s features accessible to older residents who may have limited mobility. • Create places for adults to play, not just kids. • Include features that can accommodate people with disabilities. • Create opportunities for multiple generations to interact. “Because I live in a senior community, don’t have a lot of kids. Going to a park where there are lots of kids playing is highly desirable.” Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 15 “Carlsbad parks are currently serving athletes – and if we’re going to be an inclusive community, then we need parks for everyone!” “Make it suitable and welcoming for all ages.” “Mom of two little girls, I am excited for more outdoor spaces. Need something for people of all generations, multiple uses. Community meeting space. Quiet spaces, loud spaces. We love doing everything outside.” “Should take into account all the age groups. Having places to walk and stay active, picnic tables for people to gather.” “Most walking paths are either hiking trails that are not inclusive for seniors or folks with disabilities or they are adjacent to busy city streets that are loud and smell of exhaust. We are clearly overlooking an unmet community need.” Emphasize safety in the park design, maintenance and operations. • Limit park hours from sunrise to sunset. • Lock restrooms when the park is closed. • Consider installing a gate to prevent after-hours access. • Concerns about attracting people experiencing homelessness where children are present. Utilize public art to reflect Carlsbad’s history or natural environment. “Art that represents the agricultural history of Carlsbad and the beach. Mosaics on walls and any other hard scape would be great as would sculptures.” “Artistic labyrinths with mosaics of different colors on the ground, Climbing walls, little tunnels, water elements that are interactive.” “Native plants, water features, walking path, benches, shade trees, hammocks, adirondacks and some cool local art sculptures.” Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 16 Topics Appendix A includes all of the verbatim comments related to these themes as well as comments categorized by the following topics: Accessibility Safety Neighborhood concerns Fields/courts Environment Other amenities Miscellaneous Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Fall 2023 17 Next steps The parks planning team will use the input gathered, in addition to feedback gathered through the Parks & Recreation Master Plan Update, to create a few initial design concepts, which will then be shared with the public for feedback in early 2024. A. Phase 1 input How opportunities were promoted In-person workshop feedback Virtual workshop breakout room notes Survey responses Verbatim survey comments Ideas wall comments Rancho Carlsbad HOA comments Emailed comments Social media comments Appendices Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 1 Promotion City staff notified community members about opportunities to get involved through a wide variety of print and digital channels. Direct mailer Sent to approximately 4,296 occupants and property owners who live near the park. The mailer was also made available at nearby city facilities and community centers. How opportunities were promoted Help the city plan your next park! Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 2 ROBERTSON RA NCH PARK What wourcl you lfketo see ·rnctuded in your next park1 Share yoo r ideas and priorities with tile city's parks planrning team. t!!!Iaf!lf COMMlJNIITYWO:RKSl-lOP .,.. T111esday, Aug. 8 6to7:30p.m. Joir1 us. attlhe future park s[te Parking available at fire Station Jc 3465 Trailblazer Waif VIRTUAL WORKSHOP WMnesday, Aug. 9 6 to 7:30 p.m. lhepa-rl:5.tte ii; undevetlped. Please wear aimfu.rtlble shoes. Zoom (reg;iste r: earl sbadca.gov/rrparlc) ii& ONILINE SURVEY Share your input onlin e Sign up for email updates a.t carlsbadca_.gov/rrparlc ~l'J~ -TD request reas:ooailf,e aa:ommodatloms ta etfecttloely participate In a wontsoop. please c:.all 442-'B!I-S.35-1 Cwtce). 71 1 (frae relay sen®efor TTY users► at least 71 hotm In adl'aooeto dlrol~5 acoesstillOty 11eetls. (._ City of Carlsbad 1100 Carlsbad VIiiage Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 3 E-newsletters Sent July 26, 2023 to 5,056 contacts PARKS & RECREATlON Updates Give input on Robertson Ranch Park Robc·rl~on Ranch Park The city is kicking off the planning process for Carlsbad's next park_ Known as Robertson Ranch Park, the pa rk wil I be Io cated on H .2 a ores near the corner of El Ca111ino Real and Cannon Road . Hern are three v;rays you can ,give input on what you'd lik,e to see included in the park at this early stage of planning: In-person workshop Tuesday, Aug. 8 6 to 7:30 p.m. Join us at the futum park site* Parking available at Fire Station 3: 3465 Trailblazer Way Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 4 Sent Aug. 18, 2023 to 5,413 contacts HAVE YOUR SAY 0 Carlsbad • •• ROBERTSON RANCH PARK Last week, we heard from hundreds of Carlsbad residents at two city workshops (one in person. one virtual) about what hey d like to see included in the future Robertson Ranch Park. The park is part of the City Council's 5-Year Strategic Plan. focused on maintaining Carlsbad's excellent quality of life and unique community charac er. Based on •mat we heard, we've created t\vo new wa s to keep the discussion going: • Online survey:: We've developed an online survey based on what we've heard so far. You can tell us what you think about the features and amenities you'd like to see in duded. • deas wall: One theme to emerge from the two workshops was a desire to make this new park uniquely Carlsbad. Share your ideas on how to incorporate features into the design that will reflect Carlsbad"s character. Visit the online survey and ideas wall through Sept 7 to weigh in. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 5 City Manager’s Update newsletter Sent July 13, 2023 to 10,324 contacts Help the city pla n a new park Seems fitting to announce during Parks & Recreation Month that we are kicking off the planning process for Carlsbad's next park. You have three ways to give input al this very early stage of planning: 1 Con e lo a meeting at the park si e Aug. 8 2 Parlicipa e in a virtual eeting ug. 9 3 Take an online survey la er this mon h Robertson Ranch Park will be at the comer of El Camtno Real and Cannon. The site • relatively at, and some of the potential uses men ioned in the Robertson Ranch Master Plan include ball fields, a playground and p·cnic areas. Please let us kno v your ideas and priorities. ~!!!!..UP for Qro eel emails to stay up to da e as the park lakes shape. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 6 Sent Aug. 17, 2023 to 10,307 contacts What makes a park feel like Carlsbad? Last wee we heard rom hundre<ls of Carlsbad residen s al two city worksh ops (one in person, one virtual) about Alai hey'd like to see included in the fu ure Robertson Ranch Park The new park is part of the City Council's 5-Year Strategic Pa , focused on aintaining Car1sbad's excellent quality o life and unique oommunily character. Base<! on what we heard, we've created two ne , ways to keep the d. cussion going· • Online survey We've develope<l an online survey based on what we've heard so ar. You can ell us ,mat you think about the eatures and amenities you'd like to see include<!. • Ideas vall One theme o e erge rom the two workshops •ras a desire to make lhis new park uniquely Carlsbad. Share your ideas on how to incorporate eatures into the design that '1ill reflect Car1sbacfs character Vi ii lhe QL.Oject we [@~ through Sep . 7 o weigh in. he park's planning ea will use your input to crea e a few i • ial design conoep s, which w, I be share<! with the public or fee<lback la er this year ~g up for emails to stay in the loop and receive updates about future ways to give inpul Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 7 NextDoor posts Sent Aug. 2, 2023, to nearby neighborhoods (17,925 recipients); 517 impressions City of Carlsbad 0 Cty of Car:sbad • 2 Aug Give input on Robertson anch Park What would you like to see included in Robertson Ranch Park? The future park will be located at he comer of El Camino Real and Cannon Road, Join us at a community workshop next week to s re your ideas; ♦ Tuesday, ug. 8 from 6 to :30 p.m~ Meet us at e future park • e* *Parking will be available next door at ire Sta ·on 3 (3465 Trailblazer Way). Wear comfortab e shoes for the works p, which will ta e place in he vacant lot where the park will be bui • Wednesday, ug. 9 from 6 to :30 p.m~ Virtual workshop via Zoom egister: https;//car1sbadca.zoom.us/meeting/register/t!wqce- oqzijG9--UsZkLY26DuFG70-fb_drV;::/registra on earn more about e parlc project and sign up for email updates at carisbadca.gov/rrparlc. ) Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Robertson Ranch ... <3rtsbadca.::oom_us Post€d o Subscribers of City of Carlsbad in 15 neighbomoods • 517 Impressions O like 0 Comment ~ Share Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 8 Sent Aug. 22, 2023, to nearby neighborhoods (17,925 recipients); 393 impressions City of Carlsbad 0 Gty of Cansbad • 22 Aug Give input o Ii e or Robe son anch Parle. Earlier this month, we heard from hundreds of Carlsbad reside sat two city workshops (one in person. one virtual) about what they'd like to see induded in e fu ure Robertson Ranch Park. If you missed e Robertson Ranch Park workshops last or want a ther opportunity ogive input about he ure park's de.sign, we have vo new ways to eep he discussion going: Online survey: We've developed an onli e based on what we've heard so far. You ca ell us wha you think abou he fea res and amenities you'd like o see included, Ideas wall: One theme o emerge rem e workshops was a desire o ma e th is new park uniquely Carlsbad. Share your· eas how to incorporate features into he esign ha will re lect Carlsbad's character. The park's planning earn will use y ur inpu to create a ew initial d~ ·gn concep s, which will be shared • h e public f r feedback la er his year. You can weigh in through Sep here: https://o yofcarlsbad.mysocialpinpo ntcom/robertson-ranch-park Sign up for emails o stay in the loop ere: https://lp.constantco tactpages.com/su/sCOMPmW/robertsonranch Robertson Rane h Park c,tyoforlslud.mysoc • pinpo1n com Posted to Subscribers of City of Carlsbad in 15 neighbomoods 393 Impressions 0 Like 0 Comment ~ Share Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 9 Facebook posts City of Carlsbad ... 2 atS 45 Reminder: Share your ideas at a community workshop next week! Whal \lould you like lo see included in the future Robertson Ranch Park? Join us • Tuesday, Aug. 8 rom 6 to 7:30 p.m.: In person workshop al the uture park site" •Parking wilf be available nex door at Fire S ation 3 (3465 ra il blazer Way). Wear comfortable shoes or the workshop. which will take place in the vacant lot ,here the park will be built. Wednesday, Aug. 9 fron 6 to 7:30 p.m.: Virtual workshop via Zoom Register: h ps //loom.ly/0 HRCw8 Learn more about the pa rk project and sign up for email updates a cartsbadca gov/rrpark. Robertson anch Park Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 10 City of Carlsbad r Give illput o ine or Robertson Ranch Park through Sepl 7! • Take a short survey to t us Whal you'd like to see included in lhe park.. ·ve developed he survey based on what ve've heard so far al two city workshops Add a commen o an "ideas wat lo share your ideas on how •lo incorporate eatures in o he design lhat wrll reflec Carlsbad's character_ https://1oom ly/8J-f5JA Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 11 X (previously Twitter) posts ug 02, 2023 -8:45 M POT ■ City social media calendar@cartsbadcagov • 1h ■ Reminder: Share your ideas for what you'd like lo see included in future Robertson Ranch Park • Tue. 8/8, 6-7:30 p.m.: In person workshop al lhe future park stte Wed. 819, 6-7 30 pm.: Virtual workshop via Zoom: hHps:/lloom ly/OTHRCw8 Learn more al cartsbadca govlrrpark Aug 21, 2023 -5:00 PM PDT City social media calendar@carlsbadcagov • 1h Share your thoughts in an onfine survey and add your ideas to an •ideas wall" to give input on Robertson Ranch Park. You can give input through 9f7! https:/iloorn ly/8J-f5JA #Carlsbad #ParkPlaMing Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 12 Instagram posts ug02 2023-8: 5 OT earls bad ca gov Corfob:!d CA, Untec SL:111:s OOr> Robertson Ranch P<Jrk .) ... car1sbadcagov Reminder: Sha e your idea_; 31 a cc r ity worksh =. week! INi at would you flkaa to see i eluded the f ~Jre '<o :rtso :;:a ch Pa• ? oin s: • uesda1. J1 8 from 5 10 7 .30 p.m : I person worksho a: the uture pa s :e· ·Par ; will be aYailab e nex: door at Fire Sta. 1d will take place in It. • ~ nesday,Aug. irom 810 7.30 p.m.: Virtual, rkshop ia Zoo pr _a-:: i the lin<, o r b,o. Aug -1 2:>2~ -5: PM PD carlsbadcagov Qirisb:,~ CA. \Jnted S1.:11"" OOr> car1sbadcagov G e inpJ1online or Robertso -a,ch Pa Sept. 7! ough a.ke a s ort surYEy to le us v, at yo 'd like to see tbded • the -rk. lt\'e ve deVe ed : survey ~s.eo o v,hat '"e"ve he~ d so ~a.r 0.1 two i:y works ps 1d Add -comment man ·ideas v,ar ~o =~are yo1 o:as c rw, to orpora:e tea Jres in:o e des gr :ha: w1 reflect Carlsbad's cha1ac1e . V. it o in our bio roug Sep1. :o we h • :Car· tad =Par'cPla r 1ng Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 13 City website {city of Carlsbad ~City of Carlsbad 1111.,,. . -· Robertson Ranch Park At a glance Known as Robertson Ranch Park, the next city park will be located on 11.2 acres near the 1ntcrscct1on of El Camino Real and Cannon Road rhc city ts beginning the plannmg process 10 summer 1023 by seeking input from the community on the park's design and features The new park 1s part of the C ty Council's~~ focused on mamtam ng Carlsbad's exec tent qua/ tyof i fc and unique community character Park planning process Past actions Robe rtson Ranch Park survey Post Date: 08/17/2023 Last week, the City of Carlsbad heard from hundreds of residents at two community workshops (one m person, one virtual) about what they'd like to sec included in the future Robertson Ranch Park The new park 1s part of the City Council's 5-Year $trateg,c Plan focused on ma1nta1mng Carlsbad's excellent quality of life and unique community character Based on what we heard, the city 1s offering two more ways for the pubhc to give mput on the future park: Online 5,urve~ We've developed an onhne survey based on what we've heard so far You can tell us what you thmk about the features and amenities you'd hke to sec included Ideas wall: One theme to emerge from the two workshops was a desire to make this new park uniquely Carlsbad. $hare your ideas on how to incorporate features mto the destgn that w1I reflect Carlsbad's character V1s1t the P-!Qfect webp~~ through $ept 7 to weigh m The park's plannmg team w,1 use your mput to create a few 1mt1al design concepts, wh1Ct1 will be shared with the public for feedback later this year. ~9.!!J!P.: for ema•ls to stay 1n the loop and receive updates about future ways to grve mput Rerumrof.uflhsr» lliilll •• ,'70!,._..,DCI D .,.,, •• ,..,""' ••-~ 41 ~ Get !'m;ul updrtn Ntck Stupm, F'arks Planning Manager !1!£.U!u-121n@car1sbadca.gsrt: 442-339-2527 hlat@dtoplu .t!1Y. ot Carlsbad General Pian Robertson Ranch Master Plan Robertson Ranch Master Plan Environmental l!!!QM!....Bs22tl..Ql:QJ Carlsbad Strategic Plan 20B 2027 Parks & Recreation Master P1an (lfil5l !>ft!<tL.lnguage • m:l.r.iil J:lllillll ,,,...,,,,.,.. •• & puot1c 1npu1 survey h,11 2023 h,itiat part design «incepush111ed Second commun,ty W'Oftshop & public input survey Wlnterl023-Springl024 Recommended part master plan Pfe~nte-d to Clry(OUl"t(1lforapprov11I Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report How Opportunities Were Promoted Fall 2023 14 Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 1 Participants were asked the following questions at the in-person workshop: • What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? • What are your hopes and expectations for this project? • How would you like to feel and what would you like to experience when you come to the park? • What is most important to you about the future park space? • How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for the site? • What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Q: What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? Safety Maintain safety for community. If restrooms are there, how do we keep it safe? Concern about access to trails. People parking her and using trails for illegal activities Safe place Neighborhood doesn't attract the homeless Crime Security and homeless – hanging around parks and schools Homeless – restrooms and showers attract them Q: What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? Neighborhood concerns Schools Live nearby, walk through often, noise, view of the park Concerned about traffic impact and noise Noise, parking concerns Neighborhood Bought in the neighborhood for the park Parking No concerts/lights How to accommodate parking Neighbors live near park "Our Park" Proximity Traffic considerations Speed control Property value - Quarry Creek - unhoused population, homeless In-person workshop feedback -Aug. 8, 2023 Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 2 Q: What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? Neighborhood concerns Parking challenges Volume - noise Fields need parking Fenced off schools can't use their fields Local resident plans to play, impacts of the park on local community Traffic impacts people Impact to residents - Stakeholders Parking Live close by – see what this is about Parking? Serves need of community; strikes the right balance Keep property values up, serve community Location is easy access, off El Camino Lives in Rancho Carlsbad – will this attract more short cut through their park Entrance? Off Cannon Minimize impacts to local community. Not attractive Nuances. No place around for parents and kids to play pick up sports. College Ave connection Lights not wanted Access off of El Camino Real No access by fire station Q: What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? Fields/courts More pickleball Pickleball, but also excited about open space Full on soccer park Adequate soccer facilities, ask soccer players, two designer soccer fields, two footprints, full size overlay, size for two soccer fields, four acres Invasion of tennis courts, Need more money to build pickleball courts. Where are the entrances going to bee? Owners are concerned Pickleball court interest. Visits brother. Nature woven into it. Sports Size of the land. Last significant piece of the land use for sports fields due to nature of size Originally intended for sports fields Soccer Pickleball courts Live in the row of houses against the park. Don't want pickleball courts, don't want sports, but organized sports help alleviate homeless. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 3 Q: What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? Fields/courts Are sports fields reserved? Can be used multi-generational, always available to the public Pickleball courts Q: What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? Neighborhood concerns Soccer fields - land proposal 2016, 2018. I field per 6000, we only have 2 fields, hope to fulfill it. Courts not by houses Small pickleball Soccer Sports Field - multi-use Tennis – separate from pickleball courts Baseball fields How close will the nearest baseball, tennis courts be; don’t build duplicates Outdoor exercise fitness equipment Bocce ball Fenced off schools can't use their fields Fields need correct lighting Q: What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? Environment Keeping open space Need open spaces and this represents that See it every day, walking trail, natural habitat, stay safe, shade trees. Similar to perimeter trees Interested in plans, community gardens, dog park, open space, flag football, quiet passive space, interested to hear about ideas Encourage perma-culture Owl box Commune with nature Natural/native landscape Open flexible space Nearby agua? (green space?) Considering nature/and the habitat Native trees Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 4 Q: What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? Other amenities Running rack - We need one. It would be safer for younger people and seniors Shaded areas Facilities are needed. Water fountain. Lighting Play area for siblings of sports Play/social for children Sandbox In favor of dog park Swimming pool for consideration Dog Park - brings people together Shade Large pond, walking trails, playgrounds Restrooms can be problems - positioning Walking path surface - path? Interested in maintained trail Adult pool & swimming pool Pavilions & picnic areas Will there be fences? Install lights – who will get brunt at night Walking trails Pavilion Running track because flat Solar Walking trails, Walk/bike trail side by side. Separate trails for everyone to keep people safe. Exercise station Running track, disc golf, frisbee court Skateboard facility, skate park Pump track Exercise area/trail What's the process about for a park? Interested in disc golf, an example of what we can do Water fountains South Carlsbad has bigger and better amenities. What about a skate park? Interested in plans, community gardens, dog park, open space, flag football, quiet passive space, interested to hear about ideas Picnic Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 5 Q: What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? Miscellaneous comments Curious to see planning process; see ideas about space Want something for every age group, retired folks want options. New park, new opportunities, ? What's going to happen here? Great way to know about it Strongly support parks open to people See what's happening Walk the park For children Leisure park instead of sports park Family neighborhood Opportunity for other activities Day care - run one, they heard plans for one in the master plan Kids recreation/multi-generational use Find something different here not in other parks – encourage different uses Curiosity – why this land chosen Surrounding adults – cater to different ages Geared toward kids Looking at bare land; park would be better. Sitting 7 years? Want to do something with that money; so close, want to make sure it stays open. No more buildings. Meditation Long term use for kids and parents Big - so much potential Will 5G towers be moved? Size opportunity Growth – will fire department have to expand Sustainable Q: What are your hopes and expectations for this project? Accessibility Movement is expected. Physical activity that is safe Seniors taking bus to area, other options away from home, enjoy green space Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 6 Q: What are your hopes and expectations for this project? Safety Place to come to walk/explore. Close to home. Flat. Concerned about safety. Run better than other parks in town. Volunteers helping keep park safe. Many parks have safety problems. Kids kicking the ball and there are no guards to ensure compliance. Keep it safe Homelessness is an issue in passive areas Movement is expected. Physical activity that is safe Increased police control Safe restrooms Security - a safe park Limited hours Proper park hours Q: What are your hopes and expectations for this project? Neighborhood concerns We don't develop something that is very busy and cause traffic Entrance and access through community Parking within the perimeter, not in neighborhood If you can't guarantee parking on site, no league sports Concerns - noise buffer, parking (depends on use, fields need more), lights especially at nigh La Costa Valley - pickleball noise, decibel level Parking for cars Parking - Perimeter of walking trail Parking overflow will be an issue Ample parking No neighborhood ingress/egress Noise and light consideration Separation from residential Impacts everyday life Be a voice for our neighborhood Buffer zone between houses and the park Enough parking Be mindful of the impacts of the park on the local street, residents Traffic, parking, noise for next door neighbors, materials used for fields Lighting – time of usage No access for cars from neighborhood, good parking, Buffer (not visible) for current residents Keep it contained – noise Parking in the area Spill over concern No lights, day time park only High school use Pickleball - more courts, make sure sound doesn't bother neighbors Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 7 Q: What are your hopes and expectations for this project? Neighborhood concerns Make sure the fire house works safely Lighting considerations Sports lighting is an issue during the time change Q: What are your hopes and expectations for this project? Fields/courts Pickleball court Just recreational, not teams Well rounded facility that caters to soccer and pickleball, and dog park Pitches for soccer, low water use facilities Bocce and Petanque? Lanes Pickleball - more courts, make sure sound doesn't bother neighbors Soccer Field space needed, what are future plans/ Multi-purpose spots complex - Hope we can make it what everyone wants but wants sports field - have to take smaller and smaller sections of field Basketball courts Multi-purpose field Pickleball/tennis courts No skatepark Soccer field-Multi purpose Pickleball courts Looks well suited for athletic fields Only six pickleball in all of the city, big social activity, multi-use courts save space Q: What are your hopes and expectations for this project? Environment Trees, natural landscape Seniors taking bus to area, other options away from home, enjoy green space Good examples - Kate sessions (passive green space), Poinsetta Park - Trees block noise, near baseball lights fields Trees, natural landscape Softening/trees, parks Green space Green/nature space Views in and out preservation Protect habitat Maintenance and landscaping owned by the city Butterfly garden Keep natural/trees Doesn't have to be flat. Topographic change Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 8 Q: What are your hopes and expectations for this project? Other amenities Walking perimeter trails Restrooms Passive pergolas Water features - ponds, lake Shaded areas, resting places, places to walk Maybe smaller Alga?? Feel similar to Alga Norte park; lots of amenities Community gardens Solar, electric chargers Walking paths, incorporates tie if in to here Well rounded facility that caters to soccer and pickleball, and dog park Biking or walking trails Butterfly garden Destination style playground Putting greens Frisbee course Well rounded facility Exercise stations, as a dad of a six year old, introduce them to more fitness Playground Walking paths Community center Alga Norte Dog Park, separate, big/small Don't want a pool Make sure the fire house works safely Would like a pool Multipurpose (track, something in between) shade, water fountains, toilets Don't want a dog park or problems with dogs Dog Park Walkable DG or concrete trail for connectivity Connection to trails Dog friendly for walking Running track around the perimeter (junior mavericks) Adult swings Splash pad for the kids and adults Adult waterfall feature (play with kids) Bathrooms Shade structure (overlapping sails) Kids to play, make sure something happens aesthetically pleasing, place for dogs, bathrooms and safe Structure to enclose the park? Wall or fence? Covered somehow with sun Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 9 Q: What are your hopes and expectations for this project? Neighborhood concerns Somewhere to walk, to hang out with community Loop walking path Place to picnic Splash pad Small sections for dog park Nice garden – but not overgrown Proximity - facility to exercise and enjoy the area, conveniently located. Q: What are your hopes and expectations for this project? Miscellaneous comments Health focus/free spaces for active all ages That's it; get it done What is passive vs. not passsive use? No more tot lots. We have enough Good for people to meet Curious to experience the planning process Develop something, anything since 2005 Programmed activities/sports help deter crime Connect to retail lot Convert into the park (spacious) Because we live here For our families Concerns with pet waste Multi-generational use Prettiness/aesthetics Curiosity about indoor or outdoor activities Replace cell tower Likes outdoor uses more than indoor What do other parks do? Indoor vs. outdoor What do we need? How can this offer something different Costs associated with indoor vs. AC Meet and hold relationships Space for adults, not exclusively for kids Snack bar/coffee shop, urban vibe, community park Community art/culture Coffee shop/food truck Phased approach? Adequate parking not impacting immediate neighbors Hope to spend a lot of time in park/community Central meeting point Range of uses for the park Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 10 Q: How would you like to feel and what would you like to experience when you come to the park? Accessibility Accessibility for local neighborhood Accesible features for all people to use (ADA) Passive - because senior walk, benches with shade. ADA compliant for wheelchairs. Q: How would you like to feel and what would you like to experience when you come to the park? Safety Everyone should feel safe Kids who don't play sports need a safe place Safety issue at Pine - restroom safety, parents hesitant to leave kids Concerns - bathroom safety, homeless issues, parking, ingress, egress, fire station, safety-safe place to run. Wi-Fi – safety Q: How would you like to feel and what would you like to experience when you come to the park? Neighborhood concerns Honoring someone or group See people use it - not to be niche, more inclusive Concerns about single entrance - traffic safety Quiet areas by the homes Lighting at night to discourage bad behavior Q: How would you like to feel and what would you like to experience when you come to the park? Fields/courts Flag football fields - any space is needed Pickleball courts - brings a diverse demographic of ages and abilities together. Fastest growing sport. Interim - expand joint user program with the high school - include high school fields. Soccer field - parents perspective, great for growth, team, active, good use, multi-use, big demand Track/field comb. Good, multi-purpose use. Skate park - not one in north corridor Pickleball - because only the courts in Carlsbad, brings everyone together, bonding, multi- generational Convert, more sports fields are needed Athletic field/track (sports important, Sage Creek not having enough field space) Little league help sponsor and watch play Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 11 Q: How would you like to feel and what would you like to experience when you come to the park? Environment Not many spaces with passive open space nearby Space to focus on nature Echoed focus on green space Butterfly garden-taking advantage of the natural habitat Enjoy space close Q: How would you like to feel and what would you like to experience when you come to the park? Other amenities Want to be able to walk dog to dog park Dog Park - because so many dogs walk to park Little library and garden for not sports kids Live in homes with limited outdoor space - extended gardening, limited opportunities nearby Passive - because senior walk, benches with shade. ADA compliant for wheelchairs. Dog park - because so many dogs walk to park Water feature Flat track – live close Walking trails (safe) removed from busy streets Good fence design – kids won’t get in lot control entrance/exit. Make sure people can’t drive onto park space and tear it up Welcome environment that has room for unprogrammed space Running track - nothing available. Safe environment, low cost, nice feature, everybody uses, synthetic surface, very resistent, durable Public art, sculpture garden Q: How would you like to feel and what would you like to experience when you come to the park? Miscellaneous comments What do you want to do here? Why here? Big enough for both active and passive use Low cost wedding venue Happy place. Some parks don't become that. Theme - us - more options in north This location doesn't have easy access to these types of facilities Because close and live nearby Nothing around El Camino Real Weather not concern Depends on what’s here Curiosity – concerts in the parks Carlsbad – spend money wisely Park – notch up Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 12 Q: What is most important to you about the future park space? Accessibility Having one entrance/exit - prefer an entrance and separate exit - a pedestrian walkway Q: What is most important to you about the future park space? Safety Safety because it's an accessible location - crime, homeless, secured bathrooms. Q: What is most important to you about the future park space? Neighborhood concerns Parking - take a look at big events, consider how parking impacts Park for the neighborhood Having one entrance/exit - prefer an entrance and separate exit - a pedestrian walkway Q: What is most important to you about the future park space? Environment Environment - Consider the materials being used, less asphalt and hard surfaces. Q: How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for the site? Neighborhood concerns Pickleball. Growing trend. Social sport. Works with demographic, more bang for your buck, Needs more shade - look at Poinsettia. Needs to be away from homes due to noise. Walking in nature. Very important to have extra access, egress points. Concern about the firehouse. Keep operations safe. Left turn by Cannon will be too dangerous. Q: How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for the site? Fields/courts Pickleball and swimming, no team sports, YMCA would be great. Safe walking space, Safe place to run. Tracks are not open to the public, Swimming pool for Sage Creek. Health joint technology for walking/running trails. Can't get on school's track to run. Active park for all ages. Pickleball. Growing trend. Social sport. Works with demographic, more bang for your buck, Needs more shade - look at Poinsettia. Needs to be away from homes due to noise. Pickleball builds good community for all ages. Brings people together. I'm very close. Many of the ideas already presented already exist. Baseball fields, etc. We don't have even one track for running. The only one that was open before was the one at CHS but they closed access to it since the reno Not enough pickleball courts in Carlsbad Bocce, usually four lanes, some were two + two Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 13 Q: How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for the site? Environment It needs a lot more trees, make it visually more interesting Embracing nature through the park, dog park or pet friendly section, pastoral open space - non- programmed space, sustainable materials. Walking in nature. Very important to have extra access, egress points. Q: How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for the site? Other amenities Solar canopy for parking. Provides shade and provides for community. Walking trails, dog friendly trails/walkways Walking trail here because close to home _ 2-3 mile trail A track, not having to go to a high school, walk, run, sprint, fitness walk Take walks So far, nothing in the new park won't serve me. It depends if it is something I'm interested in. Disc golf Arts/culture things to see Shade Pickleball and swimming, no team sports, YMCA would be great. Safe walking space, Safe place to run. Tracks are not open to the public, Swimming pool for Sage Creek. Health joint technology for walking/running trails. Can't get on school's track to run. Active park for all ages. Keep walkers/bikers on separate trails I'm very close. Many of the ideas already presented already exist. Baseball fields, etc. We don't have even one track for running. The only one that was open before was the one at CHS but they closed access to it since the reno Interested in walking. Looking at interesting water feature. Club house. Mosaics, activiites, Big concern about safety. Already issues with the local pool Regulation running tracks Q: How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for the site? Miscellaneous comments Grandkids - bring them around/bring here for entertainment Its about the kids, parks are run of the mill, currently go to Encinitas Why here? Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 14 Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Safety Permanent bathrooms are safety hazards Homelessness is a problem Homeless issue, large open space like this Security Bad examples - People jumping fence to swim, Homeless people sleeping in the pool area, not inviting people to hang out at night, dedicated investment for security currently PD parks nearby to file report, love sense of security Crime/homelessness in open space Safety/security Traffic safety Presentation of safe street Loss of safe street/cul-de-sac Parking lot in a lot of people use it – homeless attracts Gated? Consider park open times Attract wrong type of people - homeless, vandalism, drugs When pickleball is open/closed, they lock the bathrooms. Lights in passive for safety/security Low impact lighting for safety and security Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Neighborhood concerns Parking Don't like the entrance on Trail Blazer Way. Too many kids. Not the right entrance. Too close to the intersection. Already too much traffic. One exit is a showstopper, any emergency, fire going on, one road, one stop Access issue, traffic alone Current street entrance is too narrow. Concern about access through neighborhood Can ingress be moved to Cannon Road? Want access elsewhere, Cannon, El Camino Real Neighborhood/residental access on Trailblazer Way Access locations - flow through the community, impact to fire station. Traffic from high school, safety Traffic; One way in and one way out. Fire station. Light pollution Parking & size Value of homes How is parking determined? How this is designed will increase or decrease headaches for years? Close to parking lot and restrooms Concerns about neighborhood only access Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 15 Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Neighborhood concerns Concerts/noise Concern about people accessing HOAs and other residential communities beyond the trails via the trails Aviara is a great example for parking and safety due to sports programming Attraction of bad behavior Impact to existing playground at Trailblazer Way Roundabout After school – high school nearby, come to park and be careful Half park becomes parking lot; overflow into community, no parking signs in community Appropriate lighting and pedestrian lighting Lights in passive for safety/security Low impact lighting for safety and security Fire access Shield lighting Lights out time Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Fields/courts When pickleball is open/closed, they lock the bathrooms. Tennis courts aren't being used at other parks. They should be used for pickleball. Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Environment More shade, places to watch birds, trees are good places Rodent control/prevention Nature/coyotes Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Other amenities E-bikes used in the park Drainage concerns Consist direction of sports lighting Possibility to light some fields & not others Electric bikes running through Bike lockers – no bikes on track Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Miscellaneous comments Fire access Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 16 Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Facllltator name:~ ~\c.J.~ Number of participants: 1 at interests you about the park> Wh t d · a ma e you want to c • Lc.,0\1.,'1 (? baLL\a.d.. I pCAt ~ ~ k~. w<Ak -!-0 ~Ju(\)~ vJj~ St (lcre ~ l<,""1co. hi<t i' ~. ~~·r u,,o . ~ 50~;.., ~<\..,-~ C4-<--~~-~- (l)n~ IJ o J' -l\fu.~ ~ ~CJ\, ~~--(: ltl)m.d}Q-, \yt)u.., ~ u..$..., ~ '"' ..s+, -I l~l'"')L-·, ""f(lQ)-&' k> ( l)(.,__Q_ fuvl~~~ ~c/1 C0 . \Jo Q \,tu OO,OJ(ld 1dl... f {A1J\,J f ,!, ~ I UC.. ~ S"~ot.11" ~~we.., NJ-0 C(/P()1,91.,~1 ~1 d.Pf.ef' -Sa \t ~ ~a . v~ ~A~)n ~ ~c.¥-· ~~ ¥u.&. '-t,"; \t.vL.., k -\NoJ=tf\-~ v"-~ -~Ou-M 0Ai~<..t,J) 'n~ '?,5~.l.. ~ \-a ~ o,>J-t t<t.Jl--. Robartson lbrlctt P.irlCommunnv Wo,bhop Pubk lnjJ9t I A11g-1 ,an What are your hopes and expectations for this project? ~ fl, d£J.L ½ c.filL C,o..J/LJJ ~ u::,~ ~~ -~6-1-\ ~ ~ d-,.)\Q., '. -~-~~1~/t,~ -r®c,;~ w/it') ~~~ )!¼\-\(\ ~~01.h ..,,.. R .. P:f.-,u.::~:f'\r -"J:<c .'F-"C9Jl''1-~ ruJI.{~ ~~i\6, M) Sp~. -WM.X ~ vo..(<,\v<... ~ vS.. l'\O\-6'~~ 1..,.4-Q_, ~ [)v..>'t-,c.~~ > M\-tub".( • -~ ""-<>le.... l,,, t-l c, ~ • ~ ~ er, °"tS e,____ -~~~~ ~u.. f"\oUc..~\-lo -~ I f)c,._h,~ \~,CO-f<-.. -S:,\cA-1~e.t-tll-i0 ~ Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 17 How would you like to feel and what would you hke to experience when you come to the park" ~ ~~ei.9. <"-f<- \-\'-(vi ~\'LCJ.. ~ y~s .:liJl'' 1-\ ec.o<'<__ ~ What needs, concerns or challenges would you llke the future design to address? .:r-~ it, . O"l. ~ ;.I'\ -1-0~ ~Ch..\-. fi~ <;lt,,-;,<Y) Ocm't 1iJU. ~-eJt.'\TO/IQ_ Qr\ "1r-«.&..,li)\.,_~~- -\Oa ~ '4clS. ~~Xu..~ e,ma14 ---\-oo ~e....t-o ~,<\.tOUaj,tY) -Q_Q_<t1..o_~ ~o l"l\.u..U'-~--41.~ -pe_~r-.r boJ><1=5 GJ¼-,~ ¼:3al\ds _ l,.>\..u'\ \''cJ~..s& i~ cy<JUd /ue(a:iJ ½ c= 1<:df ~\oc.,L 't,~S -\.,_,,.,..&S'S~ k I<..~ fOl,,u_"' • -\'~~ qol\u...,,;on ---\c-""'S Co.><t,t,, C\.~-\-~e..0 ~@ ~!L~~- ~ ,~ lac... ~f"'-()1<.lW.l.o..Q.e How are you hoping to use the park m the future or what types. of uses do you think will work best for thts site" Sc:1.dv e.~ "fe!L--~l(__.1· <fro,_,;,,__,, Th<>d..,__.._ ,~ i01-~ ._Q}~~~ ~ Q,-,""~~ .. 1~~ p I~ l>,c.,Qg_ ~ ~ ~~ 'fc,\..-v-00 ~.<::. -~"a' f'--'Df l..Q.._ ~ Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Facilitator name:---'fo f) Ho f./i\ Number of particl~ts: f,. t y. What rnterests you about the park? What made you want to come tonight" (1/\o,.,__ ~•0ce I l111 I [I,{, ,o .. d i-a ~e__ ~l,w,,?-fr~4i • St.e. 1.le .. i 1"b<,11-Sf~~ p.c 1:t:/b•1 I/ t~~ ~~ (:'k:,'<'d a,,..,,,-Df<-, 5Jl,e., f.,11 ""'5•caf ~r,,-1~1/c',H ~I)",, ... ~~ eR--f,,.,.,J--c- 1\it~ <-,,a1, Wll..l<'S. ~ k-->-,,.,,, ;1.,,w1 4-v= £~-,-~•cc</' t , I'{ '"'>-1.J G l;;oer1-fr,-../5 /rul' 5<@_ ~Ovr?""ly' er-,wjh ~,ce_. .. (.,, f..,Q s~, r..,1Js, s;:.,,_,,. o,t..Je< "'"' ..,,,ia V.,,,,. { ~ +•n,JLt< i<e-ef•o o ~n ~~ .. ~ / (..,..,,+-'>iiv•ol ~ (,Je.L1 Cl~ >f~s a--ti,..f rarr:~ fc...L Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 18 What are your hopes and expectations for this project? ~\\ (c:;w.,,.\eJ ~l;'t<) ~C.,A+«"~ ,t.,. Sacr:e,,,. +~•e,J--~,,l) r c\-0~ r"rl----- doc! ~r-{fl -+, t'-f.-,e.t.- \rJ t?',lk1/ ~~t(,, 7 1 mC<( p,,r~1 _.\-, e.. ,.\ 0'\ .\; d ~ e_1-.e,c, Je.. ~• 011 i, ci i "' b-,,.J, u-f "'-S,Y. Ye,., od , iYJ+-n, J~ ~"" --t-,, /IA--,e...--f-,.e 1 5 (v,1-0--e.{ ~ t,ocel1 lov/ W<s-s+lf 'ltr.e_ \.t,(./-"J ~~ Z f e_,,<tv/1 i-e.-,, f '111? 5 \1,,1.e:,'1 "' v.,k:o --j'\n,,I I ~{-h"-"tl-"n 5+Yre... ~(~:fUr"~"U p""ce., (?,Lk;;':/(,.fl _ /YVI~ c-~s,,,._,.._ ,~ ,_, J"',_.,,.....,.... J n..,)"""' -1 l "'""' ,_ ,1 t)CX:G€r- \l,{, \ \ I o"-"'\e..l ~l \ 1;+; fi) I 01y~ r • ...,n,r __ \.,r.,,\b<,o~i (_,Wi'-<-<; -1,, f:1$.fitvr:IL '\!,-. fl<l.,,o,~ fo"'-CO' What needs, concerns or challenges would you hke the future design to address"> Ore_ e-i<.il-1~ C\ G¼,.,.,-<F-of~, {¼;t.'f ~If,,.,__ 8"•'29..,.., Ove_ 1 c:Joj I o..e..-) .J..{' • k=k1f ,,1"(__... I o-r,L of<,vl S'f11 <e..-/.k.. --\z, , , Aar..Af ;sS'-e,...-,-, t-1~.q:-c. 41.,,..-c... , f-'1,o,.._ 5'4,k / frc.ae, +e )<)ttt-0. {;r Jf ~.-U.f o-f)oo J f'~"', • Co_,,+-~ (:'~Z.V E~,'(J.,,.,,,..+-''7 ,s f'i:TS <5 '7,,f-/~oSS,/,...___ n; 0t<'.'.ro5~ er [)a --h:> e I c,..,..,,~u. {,w,r-Vt+--'>~ eV1+r&ra=--1\ +c.o How are you hopmg to use the park In the future or what types of uses do you thmk will work best for this s1te7 '\JJ~ Vo>vt J 'j""'--r Ii-'/r,.,-h 1,,,.,,-.J ""> )'\,~+-~"'bh ~1~/(,1111 C::v~.-t-r,~ c~,rf('\! u ~L,J I / {..,-, 0 tz-,,..-,. l\-V<,......, J t~ ~ ~~-.£-+,,.•_,,~,_ ~ \,J'J0¼ -ha. I ~ {p;q.,(e, C /092--h,. l~ l..-> 1"1 · /-e~ +,--,, ,·1 H\ d<,,.l,+1-k.-lrJ)1 f'un ,,J; -f(e.. f'!il( [w,-ev,+1 Y ~ -lo l'.J i;,C(:L; l.t) ½qf I Y 0-.,,, +vo c/-+..,., (\--'<~~Cc-J "-.,t-l.,,_."j vJa,k, .,.-.... ,._a>,,~+- -t ~i,,L'n 1.-A 1-k_-- Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Facilitator name: j_r<V:..J. k.A Number of participa~~: i~ e,,.,c,,.,,,t,,f lei<-<"> r:: .......,,.,-1 •~..e ~')~ 'x::J..,r What rnterests you about the park? What made you want to come tonight? llabnt""' ~•net, ParkC"""""""'Worbloop "'bklnp<>I I qu,i :Nill Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 19 What are your hopes and expectations for this project? ~\\ (c:;w.,,.\eJ ~l;'t<) ~C.,A+«"~ ,t.,. Sacr:e,,,. +~•e,J--~,,l) r c\-0~ r"rl----- doc! ~r-{fl -+, t'-f.-,e.t.- \rJ t?',lk1/ ~~t(,, 7 1 mC<( p,,r~1 _.\-, e.. ,.\ 0'\ .\; d ~ e_1-.e,c, Je.. ~• 011 i, ci i "' b-,,.J, u-f "'-S,Y. Ye,., od , iYJ+-n, J~ ~"" --t-,, /IA--,e...--f-,.e 1 5 (v,1-0--e.{ ~ t,ocel1 lov/ W<s-s+lf 'ltr.e_ \.t,(./-"J ~~ Z f e_,,<tv/1 i-e.-,, f '111? 5 \1,,1.e:,'1 "' v.,k:o --j'\n,,I I ~{-h"-"tl-"n 5+Yre... ~(~:fUr"~"U p""ce., (?,Lk;;':/(,.fl _ /YVI~ c-~s,,,._,.._ ,~ ,_, J"',_.,,.....,.... J n..,)"""' -1 l "'""' ,_ ,1 t)CX:G€r- \l,{, \ \ I o"-"'\e..l ~l \ 1;+; fi) I 01y~ r • ...,n,r __ \.,r.,,\b<,o~i (_,Wi'-<-<; -1,, f:1$.fitvr:IL '\!,-. fl<l.,,o,~ fo"'-CO' What needs, concerns or challenges would you hke the future design to address"> Ore_ e-i<.il-1~ C\ G¼,.,.,-<F-of~, {¼;t.'f ~If,,.,__ 8"•'29..,.., Ove_ 1 c:Joj I o..e..-) .J..{' • k=k1f ,,1"(__... I o-r,L of<,vl S'f11 <e..-/.k.. --\z, , , Aar..Af ;sS'-e,...-,-, t-1~.q:-c. 41.,,..-c... , f-'1,o,.._ 5'4,k / frc.ae, +e )<)ttt-0. {;r Jf ~.-U.f o-f)oo J f'~"', • Co_,,+-~ (:'~Z.V E~,'(J.,,.,,,..+-''7 ,s f'i:TS <5 '7,,f-/~oSS,/,...___ n; 0t<'.'.ro5~ er [)a --h:> e I c,..,..,,~u. {,w,r-Vt+--'>~ eV1+r&ra=--1\ +c.o How are you hopmg to use the park In the future or what types of uses do you thmk will work best for this s1te7 '\JJ~ Vo>vt J 'j""'--r Ii-'/r,.,-h 1,,,.,,-.J ""> )'\,~+-~"'bh ~1~/(,1111 C::v~.-t-r,~ c~,rf('\! u ~L,J I / {..,-, 0 tz-,,..-,. l\-V<,......, J t~ ~ ~~-.£-+,,.•_,,~,_ ~ \,J'J0¼ -ha. I ~ {p;q.,(e, C /092--h,. l~ l..-> 1"1 · /-e~ +,--,, ,·1 H\ d<,,.l,+1-k.-lrJ)1 f'un ,,J; -f(e.. f'!il( [w,-ev,+1 Y ~ -lo l'.J i;,C(:L; l.t) ½qf I Y 0-.,,, +vo c/-+..,., (\--'<~~Cc-J "-.,t-l.,,_."j vJa,k, .,.-.... ,._a>,,~+- -t ~i,,L'n 1.-A 1-k_-- Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Facilitator name: j_r<V:..J. k.A Number of participa~~: i~ e,,.,c,,.,,,t,,f lei<-<"> r:: .......,,.,-1 •~..e ~')~ 'x::J..,r What rnterests you about the park? What made you want to come tonight? llabnt""' ~•net, ParkC"""""""'Worbloop "'bklnp<>I I qu,i :Nill Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 20 What are your hopes and expectations for this proJect? • -r11<1n-P.tCMM,unltfW.,b110pPublt1r,pu1 I ""'tu.tMlll ,. What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? How would you ltke to feel and what would you hke to expertence when you come to the park1 Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Facilitator name: /)/J) bt}t,,-N~t.~ :~ ~rticipants: JP Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 21 What are your hopes and expectations for this project? ~w c,..<La.S. l'f-Y'" "'j p ia_<-M . ~ laL~ -1-o (.v-cl!I< "(Joni-w(L,,,1,.\-0-(1()0 '- l,Ua\C..t S'(.)<12. t--v¼ f,'rt kou K '1.J o-..,..~ ~ "l.J-t--l"' l-i'",~<.J le,,ur,. 'J--. Wo<>\d l i'\Ce. a r,,d ,Of'<.<"'J, (,Pf. ~r <f'voocJ1 '"'"•"-'-{trul>.u._) MvLfi r"•f<>U. C fv«.c '<-. C , <J'\t,,.J, • / D\.w:._/-\,,;"'-1 1"1 -t.)<.,{_,'2.<.vi) e., "'"1-e.~ tv""""·~ s/ t,,,-:.._tt-. ~'i\., bu+t_,r ~..... G,;-'n.t.,v-po...<1<<;.. ,~ t-oLA.JV"I _ V otu ..... ~-<-v..S M,(f >-U, il<e)'? ~<d"'-<>~. ryv'.'~o p«rl<..>. ~ l,u,,,c_ )._rt-~ )".,-.,blL.,,.,...:. /:.,is ,.:,c.,t..i"-3 tw... 1.,4 ti o.~ ./_ t- o .. fe.. l,\,,.O ,.,.o,._rJ.s h:, ,t.'r'l,5(.)r--t.. LO.-r'L'f)liai,.AL.(_. l>o~'f-""'.'-~f--o-t<>j pttrlt.. ov v>to~l~W>.S .,_,1H,... d,,~~ Co f'l'\M.O,J\,1h:) t.-t..A-\-(_f" ,. /:-e.e.p l' j-&<0'< - Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Facilitator name: Number of participants: hat mterests you about the park? What made you want to come tonight? .{;,r :,,/,/,~,; or s,-~ /Ve,r ~!.,.r f,,,,J S= wi,, .. t-~ l,,'11..+,~j /!,ow.ftJ-1n ~ S110r/.s. w"' 1~ .f--L ;,---1::.. f"'-r ),._,_..,, ho (o~t•ufs /I;~/. Siz_,. of .f.t., /,._0 J. /c..!:I ,,,.~(;,.,_, r •<u \A~l {:,.-S;orl< +,cidJ ".,/-re ,~ s,u 0,,7;0.lt..., .• 1<.,d.,,,I .(;.r ---•a,1e--11y-.... ~ ...... , ......... 211U i u}\L Wo..l~ /'eds/ Cu ltvn ..... ti,.;~ t, ~(1_ (}oVW. o-,-<. r<.p~.c .. +d tuu.p W<Ll[c.,_.,j; h,Jl..t...d ~ )," j--t-/i (A.o+~-~ ,::.,,, ~ "V\..,(..,<,\) r a.lJl v..,o..,( J-- 5QN11. =e. i./-~"-"'J., ;J-tr JS soWLLT¼'\") (..._ ,'.,,,H .... <<-rec..J... ;,,. P1Sc ':}"Ir ~ IIU::J c)O".l-€. -f'\A-~ o )-)-~ \ d.L~J @../«.,._ Jj pv <.ei<~kJ. e,,.,si-; b <1-.>-<.b«A,l p tAcLJ,, ~re. Wt <i..o,,'+- t; ./\...t.. \-rn-c-lL -i!-u r ,rv,i\n\ ~ 1 ""'-(!lo,, 'J wcao o {)ILi<; )i~'O(L l)Jw:> -t-l----4... lDAt u~ .j-1,.J....J -~"rd .. e,_~cv:., ~ n-~"'Le +w... c-,..h•tft-6 i.uLV,(_ 6''-"' O"'l • ~ Cl-\-.S 6-.i,J- y <...v\...O , Wa.»',\Y\.":) '"' "'4-fure VIJ'j ,""-)?O(l-d....,)-)-o l,\Av<.. e,i<<-C"-\ "1-UU.5,) .e.1ou.s poi~ U. Lwkf~/-e,I i-'\ v,<>11c.·"":,· L=l<1'~ o,r '""'"fLJJ.n'"'-'J .µ,..~s . W<d-u J'.-Ul.rurt.,' [!vi:> V\.()u<-(_ • \¼o.<&c,W. ~Ii .,,·t,·.v:,_ 8 ~ c.~"'-'-'-r vl c1,,bo-'r i ~~. Q.lv-<=-1.,, J~fu'V) wHi,, )ll:lca.-\ p ool, r t-1/\..0.d.J a.. ''I)· 1/lAA..,. <.. +-r-t.t.S r Yl'\A ll.L i r-v f l.:.,..i,..,.,_IA,. LL'a- ~ J" '-. ii\ \-(Jti t-'1:'::) • ,____(o"' ..... u A (l,,Oov \- S,o..~ -L.,i.,\..-1' :V,C<..IA.su 1-(. 6";)--C&c. .... v\.0..t\ 0~•;;-)b(\..5 1 h, -/-co c:k-<..y,"'IJJ , ~-===~~~- What are your hopes and expectations for this pro1ect? 1"., /-/, -s,.,,, c..o,.,..r l c.,,A.- ,.,,i.j o -1vfl~.,., u;(l l,,~ "-" 1SJJt. Spo I~ /,9hl;,J ,.so,.-, /S~V(. d..-1/rj"'j f{.,..fl~ e,h""Je.. f<d~sf.r,A.,, bc4I<.. /,74+>-; I,, JL..f,,,. V•"t>1 ~- FNL /)07 ,,.,k_ .5.,f+, ,:. J / {-r.,s, 1,4,-//4.aJ.l-<.. oc. "'" (o.._G,.,, ~ Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 22 B~s1..,Jt~tl Covrfs l»k /li-,IA-rf ,fr f;,,,Jj p1,,.kl, /,,Jj / +,,,;, c-,,,r +, Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Facilitator name: N f" ~· 1 Number of participants: ,,. What Interests you about the park? What made you want to come tonight? , \wy, tv1 -, ~rw ,(••.J,1(_ ,;JJ • I•\£'.{'-( \tw", "iJ.< i'i1I \~1wl'n , . 1~:..,, 1 "'" ()_).j,.,""{ et·-')-,,..,/, Y\1""'1 .'i. \!,;I-<' • \7tM 111>~ 'f,tm,,, ~'.,,l:.f'., "'V/<:f- W\·;.vi,o+,.0--- "1\>"'< ;v"f ~~ ,vi \\..-,7,.:{ t"l,,W!:1 a,i1 ,'-y' r.:' t'· I What needs, concerns or challenges would you hkc the future design to address? ..) e,1,« +l... p-L,; __,, s .. (.J, /srn • .,.,+:; -, F,re-A('(f'S I -) f,Jl,,<J~~.r /r._r,,l,.,J,~f g ,f-L.,,. ,,.,,,h,A.J +l.. +,-._, if VI-~ " j,u,.t ~X"'"'r/, f..-f"•-rf.. "J '"/'.,\..; ,A-,\.,. 5,,,.-H f'• ,, __ ,_ What are your hopes and expectations for this proJect? 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Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Facilitator name: Number of participants: IIJ/-ara.re,. yM ho/X's .t e~prbid)s. hat interests you about the park7 What made you want to come tonight"> Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Facilitator name: I Number of participants: What interests you about the park"> What made you want to come tonight"> /' ',)fh 1-r,~y \:i /..,..f"'d-r O ,C-1-,,. /7J1/ k_ on /-"-. 1,,,J c""o/ ~ 'I{._ g-r,/f.,, ' ... ,,,,, fJ fa,;'{, Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 26 What are your hopes and expectat,ons for this proJect' f'/ffP' p, rr,,·11,11-,f ol-H>.c ,',.,f"'7 rJ. ~ p,,.1:_ ,,,1 /1,,_ l,w( :,lr,t-H1 r""(,,, .. ,,-i'( What is MOST Important to you about the future park space' . C,,,.,,.,{v i-f.... ~h.,J,, ••7 »rcei ~ R. ~r Clf ,,,,,,,U "',.,J h,.,,A r ~ How would you hke to feel and what would you like to expenence when you come to the park? W•f.7 e.,v,,~ {--,..,,.,f-le,,,-r,.,., -r.~ t.11(/"/ ":i/J""-<' How are you hopmg to use the park ln the future or what types of uses do you thmk will work best for this site) GM~ ,v,.f-,....,., r/1,.,,..,µr'IL/"'rt.. '-J-,../--1•~ f/v;J-p.,;._ • ,.. p,1-,£;.,.A~ s~.hM f,µ;/.,,J. op-~ Sf,..,u -iv.,,, -f"'.Y"'ml Jp,~ Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 27 Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Facilitator name: ~ Y7,l Number of partlcipan s: What interests you about the park? What made you want to come tomght1 -\ALA-h«I \('.. ug"!' cu ll&S I off e-1 tllW\\Vl a -0~,o,1\-t1 --1CY ~ t1-N1v.tvs -\ ntvrt-s+-ui i" "'-Y\A t'lt~t"-'--"" ¼ l I -\),"\CAI-<., -YW\ or\Q., ,~ wvr' \pl,,,,~-fov 6\1\l., I"> MIJ!.-tw V'l 1/' -\4k rtCA-0!11""/vfl•\1:\-~"-l""'"' t.l~ -1_ivly,,et-to v-.ffil~ -S'-l"A\<,fa~ -\'Al\<.~ -·S'f'6Y1'"& fU,V\ -11ot,1l+i-l,(~ -Ci,n~1,I,""") Y\khJ.1-<-/ IN/ -f\l'-l, IAA\,<-\-Ai- How would you like to feel and what would you like to e>eperience when you come to the park? -1\',1Holl\h(V\ ~v,'\ 11\.•vt,-t,-.~ MlL~-h t1,v«., ~~ oH,cn,.., Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 28 What 1s MOST important to you about the future park space' -~~Wllr Ml. -l/\111'(\11,/-tf..i.t- -f\-,1-<v O..V\ 't!Y\"tm'\ll MJ/1 9l\oNH<--txtt -t,trJ-,..8tr\tv1 -~&tuA.'-{ \1<1.\)1.(A, -1'~1'\:'\"i -\Vl,/¥11., 'NA -o -1•1:l o., loo\:. ~ t kl,a t~, /Pl\sitlt,,-\'\M \<Mv~ IWl\'>bt!. -~JQ.-111' .\W, l'\L\~l-lli<lY'1.o,11~ -S4~ \c,(tALl',< 1-h MAWGSL\ou, \ol,tt\M -C.vwM 1 -1-1~~ -~.,-c.l'\11H\,,~ Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 29 - ' ~,~ ~ -.2) .. l:s-c fk 'v!>-~< • -1.> I:-// ,;.o~•/ ~, ~ "' Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 30 , , r ... --¥r kT/2.,~1,-b /1-if ::~ ~~ J,. , ,- / 1re~ ·na..bil ~ Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 31 Ra. "1 ':)d -I{, Ri,f"'I -A·t,.,_ -P Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 32 * ~-P,££Arrt:::. Preti t..-e. tS,,a_ ~u~ ~ .... , ~-t<-1 ;..Ji ."c-Gu.r1-tr _______ .,;_ ~a-c f ct":nr::75 #6-_,_ ,·' R'-·---'---- Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 33 {city of Public Comment Carlsbad ~~~10,g~ ( fuffe(/JdJ'~) Comments! f} / ~ -P lt 1h' tv0/{ ra k, w /' mt g 10 • ~((A-L Pf±¢ { /YIM iv, Lfik-) I, J;Z(l~.l>) (ljU£ ~/Gt{) tuRJ!IG-iWl7l1/;'- Hett~·, m~IM~ (om~ fiWre, Af(fA!lB'f -,v \t~t--wet.-) N1r( tRm£/.v, fa(bA{~ lvt£/J,, ~Cl --£tAJv rntG &Jrff11 continue on back If needed (orL.- ~' Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report In-person workshop feedback Fall 2023 34 P, c/d£ 6J.lt !}11 ~ o"f 6.eeRUlJJt,;#Jretv. {!yec-i) ~ I<> ':JWZf ;1£:1.iE,";£ Mi? ~ Me,.JT ~ C,8;-S~ ~tJt:f I Nl)1S~ t:ilui 'if)//Jfr/~//Jt. ~ -rJ..,j po&'?-h-f/Jo/ {JJ)cltD fL65o&r.J'IJ-/J'i://J/4>UVG- ~lw -rtlk,, !UfJ~#S' 6(0(2,,r! D ofA-l{ !?Jr um r[(d}-/Jouru {1 f,.f'O l,(U6/J1 lttillr.t@ N/7E_ tf ~rr</ Gn-re~f' JtJ f lAtE-,.. Ale; €:.-!WU ~1 w f£:.-M &v.rll(2kL1, /off oeu 6<dP ~ ~~ {Vt£,, :JPif'Z6m &NTW-·• 11-I (S ·, s (Af f/&2-L s UK PurU/ltlf-fil. --~ X a,,-h-A/ef,D- k-Me,, (Uid0Z£...---rllJt(' /;c.rdl. C.f:.. fr ~Etv t>t'L- IN I/& /;-co/ 70 ;Z£ --,f'i:.lj,. rn 1 ~ ~- Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 9, 2023 Group 1 What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? What are your hopes and expectations for this project? What interests you: Concerns are in red Rep SC Soccer club- last large parcel wants athletic fields. We only have 2 fields at Poinsettia and Aviara and wants more. Largest last piece of land the smaller uses should be in smaller parks. Kids in the new housing want to play sports. Wants athletic fields meet the demand. Aaron: Teacher in R.Pen. Doesn’t live here. Also wants athletic fields. Fields space should be provided for the number of people who need it. Population has grown and this would be best use of the space. Natural grass is cost prohibited. Gary: Running track. All of the schools are locked and unavailable. City should decide and not be influenced by groups. Multi use facility. As many uses as we don’t currently have on other parks. Multi use fields. Bocce ball with artificial turf would be preferred. White background for artificial turf makes it cooler. The green infield also makes it cooler. Fan of Laguna Riveria tennis courts – not enough courts in the city. Tennis court tournaments or baseball tournaments could use a stadium type space. Dawn: I would like a running track but I really want lighted multi use/sports fields. Putting the lighting closer to ECR and not by the homes. As many sports fields as we can get. Sharing field right now. I don’t like community garden and that brings homeless people sleeping. Lisa: Community gardens in the neighborhood so able to walk to the garden, trail connections and use of native plants. Multiuse fields– Soccer, striped for baseball, la crosse , rugby, flag football, bad mitten, volleyball Virtual workshop breakout room notes -Aug. 9, 2023 Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 2 How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for this site? (10 minutes) Let time go, then: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? How to use the park, what types of uses will work best: Dropping my grandkids off and running around track and then picking them up after. They are safe and I am happy. Using the soccer fields for group sports and but also using the space to work on individual skills as a family. Using it for family time. Is the ingress off of Trail Blazer Way the only ingress? Can it be changed? Better would be left turn lane off of Cannon for ingress and parking Parking in the neighborhood is a concern. Happens now at Poinsettia. Community building where you can take classes. Not available at poinsettia park – no community building. Soccer coach wants more athletic skills. The more people that could use out of the space the better. Open space is crucial. Concessions at the park where we can pick up snacks, drinks. Chasing small children who are tripping and falling. Parking structures that have basketball courts or tennis courts on top of structure. Helps make it pretty and better use. We have a great soccer club but no tournament space. Could make money. Stadium style seating with bleachers. Lighted field with track but away from homes. Outdoor community facility. Shady area that could double and be used as a community space or for a class. A lot of the space is going to be done as a parking.-Half for parking and half for basketball courts. Double up the parking with basketball courts. Lighting technology (flagging off) so it doesn’t spill into other areas. Parking closer to homes and lighted fields further away. Parking lot with electricity/infrastructure so we can have food trucks. Don’t use trees around the park so people could look at the natural habitat. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 3 Concern – oil from cars on parking lot and trying to multiuse it with something like basketball court What is MOST important to you about the future park space? V -Resurfacing and restriping Reducing car lanes ( Notto Sa• Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 4 Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 9, 2023 Group 2 What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come tonight? What are your hopes and expectations for this project? What interests you about this new park? Excited about project, love the community Curious about what park will turn into Want to part of the process Appreciate being part of discussion Robertson Ranch resident with 4 children What made you want to come tonight? Resident at Robertson Ranch, want to be part of planning process Avid soccer fan and coach for city FC, see what can be available for kids in the community Interested in hearing what all the options are Found the process very interesting and see plan evolve Make sure talk about safety, with homelessness What are your hopes and expectations for this project? Hope to do something multi-dimensional, sports fields, exercise track feature, smart approach to maximize space and satisfy a bunch of needs at the same time Very interested in seeing a lot of different sports activities, little league, soccer fields, places to congregate, things for kids to have activities. Fell in love with pickleball, great stress relief. Poinsettia too crowded. Would like to find out of pickleball courts are a possibility. Tennis courts as well, perhaps dual with pickleball. Always looking for good quality sports fields, so having good resources close by would be great. A real need for it. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 5 More options for soccer. A clubhouse or infrastructure as gathering place, mixed use area, good hangout place, potential events, not just an open air, but a space people can come to and have events. Beautiful trees to complement neighborhood. See something on corner as entrance to neighborhood. Picnic area. How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for this site? By then, if it’s a few years, my kids will likely be out of the house. I hope to have a park that will be usable for people not playing soccer, so some non-sports activities, gardens, playgrounds, walking and running track to complement what we have. Space that can be used for soccer, exercise, used for picnic, etc. Something that can grow and change with your family A dog park or a pet park, doesn’t need to be a huge part of it. Take example from Poinsettia Park. Multi use sports fields is key, city’s done a great job designing poinsettia with multiple uses but it’s not that big of a space, so have to be multi use with baseball soccer football lacrosse use same space and a track on outside or parents to be walking around with trail, make it multi generational use along that path. A little playground for kids to be entertained Sports in Carlsbad a great advertisement for city itself. Sports big even as my kids leave the home. What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Concerns about the park. Mixed feelings on lights. Good for sports at night when it’s cool but concerns over light disturbing neighborhood Pickleball and tennis. The noise pollution from that is huge. Could do it on 11 acre parcel but tuck in corner near Cannon and El Camino near traffic noise. Don’t want it close to home. Can control noise and lights for time of use. Need to be considered. E-bikers using the park as a bike park jumping over hills and using the walkways for that, has been an issue in parks Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 6 On soccer field, prefer natural grass due to artificial because of links to cancer. Other cities have banned it because of this issue. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 7 Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 9, 2023 Group 3 What interests you about the park? What made you want to come to tonight? • More sports facilities, especially soccer. I’m a board member with City SC Carlsbad. There is a demand for soccer fields due to increased demand for fields and facilities with adequate parking, safe. Need structure to meet needs/new housing. • Board member with community gardens collaborative. Need for more community gardens in the city. Huge wait list. • Mom of two little girls, I am excited for more outdoor spaces. Need something for people of all generations, multiple uses. Community meeting space. Quiet spaces, loud spaces. We love doing everything outside. Multigenerational uses. • Girls Academy Director at City SC. Multisport, multi activity uses. Advocate for those things. Opportunity for everyone. • Looking for multi activities. Picnics. Shaded tree areas to hang out. Pickleball courts have a huge demand. Do we know when the park will be open? • Credentialed teacher in Carlsbad with two kids. Multi-faceted is important, but trying to fit too many uses in one space is a problem. A full size soccer field is important for kids growing older. We don’t have one sports location in Carlsbad. This park will be centrally located for high schoolers so a dedicated sports field would be ideal for kids coming of age. • I came tonight because I forgot about the meeting last night. • Came tonight to advocate for our club. Opportunities for our club. Kids need opportunities for grow. • I live in the neighborhood, so very interested about what’s being developed in the neighborhood. Appreciate the city seeking input from citizens. • Live locally here. Big park enthusiast. Leader in Tamarack Point. Noticed things broken in need of repair in the community. When you speak up, you can affect change. When we get the most diverse opinions, we can get the best ideas. • Grew up in Carlsbad. What I’ve seen in the last 10 years, I’ve seen people my age have to leave Carlsbad. I think we want to get back on younger families living in Carlsbad. Where we’re going as a community has a lot to do with older generations, which is important, but I want young families coming back. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 8 Use only a couple of words to describe how you would like to feel and what you would like to experience when you come to the park. • One of the last large spaces in Carlsbad. It’s hard to encompass everything, but this is a good opportunity to have a multi sports use to support children. • Outdoor spaces that really meet the needs of the community. Sustainability is key. Respect of nature. Restroom facilities. With rising temperature, water relief is important. Restful quiet spaces, lots of green. Restful quiet spaces. How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for this site? • An area for walking, picnics, trees for solitude/serenity. How will there be restrictions about e-bikes? Kids at Poinsettia scoot by on grassy areas. It’s important for safety for the kids and the people around. They often aren’t in designating riding areas. • Love the idea of walking paths – soft surface and hard surface. Safe place for kids to learn to ride a bike. Family exercise park. Water creek feature similar to the botanical garden. Unique, enticing spin to pull people outside and emmerse in the community. Kids play area – one for big kids, one for little. Sunshades. • Going to watch my kids play sports and train. We are at Poinsettia three to five days a week for soccer. I drop my daughter off and take my dogs for walks around. Love the greenery. A scenic area. A place where families can enjoy while kids are playing sports. Picnic area. Areas for youth sports team bonding and have the space for it. Poinsettia is super crowded. • I would love to be able to watch my six year old take on activities. A running track. Opportunity to take in all this feedback and create something for the entire community. Opportunity for the design group to come up with something special. I see myself as a participant and kids doing sports. • There are a few existing paths in the neighborhood, so may not be a good use of park space. Sports facilities, shade, pickleball courts. • In Irvine, there was a food park. You could bring edible foods/fruits and people could just take them. Creativity and fun. Add elements of delight to bring people outside. Boulder turned into stairs along a trail. What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? • The safety issue at the intersection (El Camino) is critical. A pedestrian bridge. • A lot of shaded areas/trees are needed. • An outdoor oasis. Cleanliness, safety and care are key. • Parking lot flow. At Poinsettia, there is only one way in and out. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 9 • With regard to access to park, the intersection is very busy. When the fire trucks come out, there can be a lot of congestion. Accessing the park will be tricky. • For anyone who has been to Calavera, they built the solar system on a walking path. Build in some educational elements about Carlsbad – learn about the history of the city while being outside. Knowing the history of the place you live. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 10 Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 8, 2023 Group 4 What interests you about this new park? What made you want to come to tonight? What are your hopes and expectations Terraces gated community – retail section. Promised a Bressi Ranch feel. Would like retail. Would like to include pickleball courts, grassy area, soccer fields, softball, baseball fields, parking – how that would impact homeowners. Would like an Agua Norte without the pool complex. Pickleball would like to see it also. Would like professional grade pickleball courts. Pickleball player – would like more pickleball courts in the area. His home court is Innovation park in San Marcos and Poinsettia, Vista. Would like more courts to relieve more. Running – would love to have a running track for people of all ages. Put a soccer field in the middle of it. Resident that lives within half a mile of the park, would also love a running track, ball fields, small child facilities where kids can play. Walking Trails connected with other Carlsbad trails. Fully in support of this project. Third vote for a public running track. Huge running community in Carlsbad. Would like a synthetic 400 meter running track around a soccer field. If soccer fields or ball fields are planned, must have an adequate parking ratio for the uses, especially with soccer, you will need a lot of parking. Hopes and expectations for the project: Would like to see a walk through for the site. Adding retail and restaurants around the park. Continual meetings. Would like to have lighting on the track. Would like it to mirror the lighting on Highland Drive. Would like restrooms and water fountains. The new plan for restaurant row in San Marcos will be multiuse. Would like to see something like that. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 11 How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for this site? Envisioning – would like to make sure that one activity doesn’t preclude using others. It would be open for everyone, so that everyone can co-recreate at the same time. Would like tree line separation from some areas to others. Would like a visual break with shaded areas separating space. Would like to have a flat, multi-use area to do yoga, stretching. It’s tough to do it on the rubber stuff, but it’s something to consider having a soft surface and grass area dedicated to that. Would like to see a splash pad near a play structure. Would be nice to have one splash pad not near a pool. Should take into account all the age groups. Having places to walk and stay active, picnic tables for people to gather. Do not want to see a skate park here. Would like to see adult fitness areas. This is something they have in Denver. Exercise stations. Little league fields are used less than multiuse fields at Pine Park. Rubberized mountains that you climb, jungle gyms designed for adults. Lighting – careful placement due to protected areas. Would like to have low-voltage lighting. Would like to see picnic areas. Envisioning – would like to make sure that one activity doesn’t preclude using others. It would be open for everyone, so that everyone can co-recreate at the same time. Would like tree line separation from some areas to others. Would like a visual break with shaded areas separating space. Would love to see soccer fields. What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Concerns: lighting, parking, urge against skate or bike park. Let’s not forget the older folks that like to get out and walk. Place a dog park off to the side. Have proper fencing around the outer line of the complex to separation from coyotes, snakes and wildlife. Do not want to see a bike or skate park. Ball fields with running or walking. Parking needs to be representative of all the use on the site, including overflow needed when games change out. A concession stand could be nice to include, especially if we will hold soccer, little league, lacrosse or football tournaments. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 12 Could charge a couple of dollars. Progressive thinking about traffic for parking for folks that live in the area if the park will be used for tournaments. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 13 Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Aug. 9, 2023 Group 5 What interests you about the park? What made you want to come to tonight? What are your hopes and expectations for this project? • Interested in what the plans are, wondering if it will be a destination park for him and grandchild • Has grandchildren down the street from the project, wondered what it would be like for them • They swim for Sage Creek High School. Wanted a swimming pool just like Monroe Street, saying it would be an ideal location for Sage Creek to have a pool. • Wondering, how much open space will there be? o How much park space will be available? • Interested in running, would like to have distance runner tracks. • Hoping we could get a rolling skating rink here in Carlsbad. • Have a home across the street on El Camino Real that faces the park. • Concerned about lighting and its impact on the huge habitat corridor along the side of the property • Live in Encinitas, own a racquet shop there. Came to be informed about the new park and what it might have. Could like to have an outdoor table tennis, a concrete one, which is not offered in other parks in the area. • Live in Carlsbad. Would like more soccer fields – Like Aviara, or Poinsettia, along with places to walk • More tennis courts, not so much pickleball Hopes and expectations for the project: • That the city and the designers listen to the community input, to make a park that is amenable to the neighbors, and that promotes more active lifestyle activities in the area • Consider parking at high school with shuttle or drop off. Parking will eat up a lot of space Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 14 • Would like to incorporate area into open space (I think she meant so park and surrounding open space blend in together) • Plan for lots of e-bikes • Parking is a big issue. Live on a nearby street and would not want to see the park having an impact on parking in the neighborhood • Nice to have a walking trail • Can you do something now? In the interim? A DG (decomposed granite?) trail, plant something out there in meantime • What are the conditions for people using it now? What are temporary uses that might be allowed? • Can it be a ball field? Can people walk dogs there? Why did they kick baseball players out? • Will telecom antennas there temporary or will they stay with the park? Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 15 How are you hoping to use the park in the future or what types of uses do you think will work best for this site? • I envision a lovely garden and greenhouses. A place to raise flowers. (Like Sugar House Park in Salt Lake City.) With vegetable gardens. • A swimming pool • Outdoor and indoor gyms • A walking trail • Envisions, in between the playing fields, having walking trails, grass and trees and picnic tables. Not sports fields. • Likes to walk and run so prefers features for walking and jogging over sports fields • Would like it to be a destination for kids with unique things that they could play on – mentioned what they in parks in Encinitas -- to make it a destination, that would attract people from other parts of the city • Like the idea of the track for running • Cool-down area for stretching after yoga and other exercise • The new Children’s Museum downtown has a playground that might be worth modeling. • A walking trail with trees, with a walking trail in between the fields • Some kind of sports fields with trees and a nice place to walk is going to be nice for our neighborhood Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Virtual workshop breakout room notes Fall 2023 16 What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? • Concerned about mobility, (design it) so access is good for everyone, and for all modes of transportation • Concerns about homeless spilling into the park • What do people think about pickleball? (This led to a discussion about the noise of pickleball.) o Annoyed at the sound o New pickleball quiet options, quieter paddles, but they might be safe if you can’t hear your partner hit it o It is the No. 1 growing sport right now, but not the No. 1 sport, but doesn’t mean Carlsbad needs to be the place where people come for pickleball o We want a mix of activities • Concerned lighting could affect habitat areas (mentioned earlier) Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Survey responses Fall 2023 1 How often survey participants visit parks 1% 27% 72% I rarely go to parks I go to parks sometimes I go to parks all the time Survey responses ■ ■ ■ Age group of survey participants Survey participants with children under 18 in their household 4% 65% 19% 11% 18 - 29 30 - 49 50 - 64 65 or older 73% 27% Yes No ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ When it comes to parks, here are some things community members have told us they’d like more of in Carlsbad. Select 3 you would like to see included in the new park: 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Multi-purpose sports field Playground Walking paths Pickleball courts Running/walking track Picnic areas Diamond field for baseball, softball, etc. Dog park Community garden Basketball courts Ornamental gardens Bocce ball Tennis courts Game tables (chess, checkers, etc.)I -I -I -1 __ What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 1 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Accessibility The city needs nice soccer fields with accessibility for all. There are so many kids and adults who want to play soccer in this community and simply not enough spaces for them to do so. Parking and Accessibility If a playground is installed it would be amazing to have a completely covered/shaded playground! Also something considering accessibility similar to Courtney’s Sandcastle in San Clemente. Senior friendly Accessibility for all children. Accessibility for those with movement disabilities. Parking. Water fountain with reusable water bottle filler. Restroom suited for parents with small children. Ada accessibility for all Parker users include if toddlers/wheelchair use around skateparks ect Handicap friendly playgrounds/paths Fencing around playgrounds, hard surface for accessibility to play structure, inclusive swingsets Make is accessible for the disable ! Maybe a sand box for our autistic kids Ada Wheelchair accessible!! Fun bike path for kids within certain age maybe 5-16 yrs and if there is a playground please make it handicap accessible for special needs children. The city of Ventura just put a cute accessible playground at Arroyo Verde Park. shade structures, easy mobility for disabled or seniors, parks need to include all demographics, not just youth playing fieldss handicap friendly access I would love to see the park have a playground that is accessible for kids with disabilities. Too often, our playgrounds fail to accommodate kids with physical disabilities and those that are neuro-diverse (i.e., autism). It would be great to have a playground that was not only accessible to those in wheelchairs but also for older kids that are on the spectrum whose emotional age does not match their physical age. Make this more accessible for teenagers, given the high school near by. Many kids will start to hang out their after school. Verbatim survey comments Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 2 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Safety No Light/Noise pollution/Added Emissions. Natural Park (Man made lake) & trails, a place for kids during Daytime hours. Homeless (Drug abuse nearby to mitagate) are not welcome. Police already overwhelmed, don't need soci-economic burden for them. Pickleball has been on Broadcast news (NBC7) recently as many residents are angry about the constant "popping" noise caused by the game. The Topography would resonate around near all residents. Sports is okay but limited hours and no bright lights at night and security gates in place. Noise level needs to be measured by decibels before sports are implemented. This is where i just purchased . . . so I don't need somewhere that will be a burden or inability to re- sell my nearby property. Restrooms, parking, safety Safety for children Musco lighting on fields. Safety grade turf to prevent injury in young athletes or really nice grass. Top notch viewing of multipurpose fields (bleachers, etc). Nice restrooms and facilities. With how involved Carlsbad is with youth sports it is important to include all sports fields to support our youth. Picnic and eating areas would be great, as well as a safe walking area for families and the elderly. Safety - lights, ease of getting in and out for families or kids that walk there. No more dogs off leash places - a big dog park would be nice - be fair to all the sports and not choose just one - and pleasePreserve some nature! The homeless population in our community seems to be worsening and our parks have become their home, making it difficult for our kids and families to feel safe. How can we help our homeless population while also creating a community space that is safe and clean for all? Safety— well lit, open space visibility, focus on young families Good lightning for safety and evening use Constant 24/7 visual monitoring Areas for organized sports and proper lighting. Ingress/egress to support patrol for public safety. Open areas that minimize shelter for homeless population. Safety for kids playing night sports, lighting, and safe bathroom use A safe clean environment for kids and families. A safe and secure place where families feel comfortable Safety after dark and not allowing alcohol like they do at Pine Park. Safety and sufficient parking Please consider the families and children. The kids need to get outside, have safe places to play sports, ride their bikes around. The children are our future! Safe and eco friendly environment with parking, restrooms, drinking fountains As a mom of 3 young kids, I love a park that only has one way in and one way out. It helps us to keep our kids safe Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 3 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Safety Park recreation for 12-15 year olds is needed. Skate and bike ramps, and basketball courts, like Alga Norte would be good. This age group is severely under served and they too need outlets and a place that is lit and safe for them to play. We own a home in Robertson Ranch and our parks are for small children and toddlers. Prior to living here we were in the Foothills neighborhood. Both are boring for preteen and teens, they have to bike way too far for outdoor activities, this area would be best utilized serving the surrounding homes and communities who live here and pay the Mello Roos. Small kids grow, let’s keep them close to home and in safe environments. Our kids ages are 8,12, and 14. Safer crossing at El Camino and Canon. Safety for children of all ages Trash clean-up, safety, access for people coming to enjoy the part from outside the Robertson Ranch neighborhood Safety with busy streets nearby No sand, keep the playground clean. Easy parking. Have the kids area set back from the road and parking lot. As a mother my mind is always at ease when I know the cars are a safe distance from where my kids are playing. Hidden Canyon park is a great park. Structured wilderness play: manmade streams, large rocks to climb/play/sit on. Play areas for older kids. Safe walking trails with kid friendly scavenger hunt posts. Shade. Exploration areas A safe place to run, our city is full of runners with no safe dedicated track to run on. Well. Kids, kids, kids! A safe place for kids of all ages to congregate, eat, communicate, socialize and feel safe. Positive themes and artwork. Drinking fountains of course. Lots of benches and tables and native California flora. The Wild Animal Park has a wonderful new native California fauna trail for examples, and there are various businesses that specialize in that kind of design. Although our local schools are said to be high caliber, it's also crucial to have as much public commons available as well for the youth. Probably some kind of performance stage as well. Perhaps an area devoted to activities like Tai Chi, yoga, meditation, etc. There's record low morale in high schools among pupils and teachers as well. Could set aside a place for a free community library of sorts. A fountain with lights would be super nice and elegant as well, probably requiring low upkeep? Safe bike paths to get to the park Residents live extremely close to this park, which does not make it an ideal space for organized sports. Please consider the neighbors and their right to a quiet space, safe place to spend time in their yards with minimal noise. Plus, there is little room to park. Shaded areas to sit and play; Adequate parking; safety features; Community center building for small events. Putt Putt course. Make sure homelessness deterrents are being addressed SAFE (day & night) gathering areas for people of all ages babies to older and their pets. Traffic patterns and park safety. I could not get photo to download. Check out pictures of the Oval at Colorado State University Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 4 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Safety Parking, shade, safety, benches restrooms Please consider a splash pad area. Many city parks have small (or large!) splash pads where kids can push a button for water to spray for aFew minutes then it turns off automatically. In our hot climate this is a great way to cool off amd for little kids to have safe fun with water. Parking, safety, entrance for cars Safety, parking, outdoor yoga area, outdoor fitness equipment for adults I would love to see a designated space for safe rollerblading. Roller skating rink or walking paths designed in a way that makes roller skating safe and enjoyable Can there be a safer way to cross from the kitty corner Cannon side of the street? The Cannon/El Caminio instersection is terrible for kids to cross. An overpass or underpass? Passive uses to ease traffic. The current intersection is constantly having accidents and red light violations. It’s a very unsafe corner of town with Sage Creek student bikers and drivers speeding. A park with active use will just make the intersection more dangerous. (1) Adequate parking (2)Security to prevent vandalism, drug use, etc (3) Adverse effect on neighbors due to noise levels, lighting, etc. It seems unfair that the parks around me are unsafe due to homeless individuals. Why not make existing parks safe before creating new ones. Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Neighborhood concerns Adequate access and parking Convenient parking & more water fountains Thank you for facilitating this public outreach. I would request that the City include a 400 meter, multi-lane synthetic running track in the design as there are no running tracks that are open to the public in Carlsbad. The City has a huge running community and a track would be a welcome addition for many youth and adult events. I would also request that the City carefully consider the need for passive and active recreation for ALL ages and not over- program the site as a youth sports complex. The single entrance is a limiting factor relative to how many fields / how much program / how many vehicles this site can safely accommodate. There is a very real issue of delaying first responders from the fire station exiting out to Cannon Road if Trailblazer and Wind Trail are full of cars leaving if the site is programmed with 2-3 soccer fields (1 very high quality, full-size soccer/multisport field would be great!) If pickleball courts are included, please locate them as far as possible from the homes – as much as I like the sport, it is not a good neighbor due to the noise. Thank you for your consideration on these matters. Safety - lights, ease of getting in and out for families or kids that walk there. No more dogs off leash places - a big dog park would be nice - be fair to all the sports and not choose just one - and pleasePreserve some nature! Please consider being good Neighbor’s to the community next to the park.soft light, too small for ball parks. Serene environment for all to enjoy. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 5 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Neighborhood concerns Areas for organized sports and proper lighting. Ingress/egress to support patrol for public safety. Open areas that minimize shelter for homeless population. No sand, keep the playground clean. Easy parking. Have the kids area set back from the road and parking lot. As a mother my mind is always at ease when I know the cars are a safe distance from where my kids are playing. Hidden Canyon park is a great park. Our city does not have enough youth baseball and softball fields to meet the demand of residents. Availability of parking and the increased traffic through residential streets of the neighborhood. Make it timeless. Families that want sports fields for their kids…these kids will age out and then will have dead space. Please reconsider the entrance for the park. I think that was the one unanimous concern!!! As a mom of 3 young kids, I love a park that only has one way in and one way out. It helps us to keep our kids safe reconsider changing the main entrance by the fire station to elsewhere. No park entrance off of Trailblazer Way Traffic patterns and park safety. I could not get photo to download. Check out pictures of the Oval at Colorado State University Having a separate entrance into the park and not using the neighborhood as the entrance for the park. Be able to get there on foot from surrounding neighborhoods. Parking and Accessibility It would be great to have dedicated softball fields and adequate parking Two athletic fields, one baseball diamond, and passive use features (playground, picnic tables, walking/running trail, etc.) would be and ideal mix that would balance the high demand for field usage with the property value concerns of the Foothills and Robertson Ranch neighborhoods. The site is already well set up for baseball and soccer. The lighting, parking, necessary infrastructure, and ingress/egress should be designed for the least negative impact to the immediate Foothills neighbors--they should be consulted and have some approval. Thoughtful design can blend the fields, infrastructure, and passive use elements into a Robertson Ranch Park that works for everyone. Parking! And please put bathrooms, but lock them at night. Parking Sufficient parking and shaded picnic areas Parking Family friendly- ample parking Plenty of parking, shade over sports bleachers parking Parking is going to be the main thing if you use it for soccer or football Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 6 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Neighborhood concerns shaded areas and parking Entrance and exits to the park, low impact lighting to surrounding residents, buffer zones between protected habitats and adjacent residents, the age group surrounding the park, traffic study for addition of entrances/exits off El Camino or Cannon. I would say consider that this area is full of soccer, families and families that show up every weekend to games and tournaments. It would be nice to have an additional field and a field that can help expand parking situation’s and traffic situation in certain the neighborhoods. Parking spaces Adequate parking; refillable water fountains for water bottles Provide plenty of parking, shade for baseball fields, and evening lights! Parking Quiet areas Parking, vehicle access points (not through The Foothills neighborhood), adequate shade, bathrooms The entrance being off of Cannon or El Camino so it does not disrupt the residents on Trailblazer Way or the Fire Station 3z Making the park entrance of Cannon or El Camino to avoid blocking the firehouse entrance, and preventing neighborhood disruption. Making sure there is enough parking to avoid overflow into neighborhood. Being considerate of noise around housing. We need a dog park and a playground, since most residents have dogs and kids Consider parking Parking is one of the biggest complaint I hear from local residents. With the density of this area, parking should be the most important aspect of a park. Adding parking areas for the park Good parking for larger events we already have plenty of soccer fields and dog parks nearby. We need to do something different especially for the kids in the area that are allergic to dogs as well. No pickle ball courts are in the area. There are no tracks to really just run. Most people just walk to neighborhoods. You can plant gardens along those trails which would be beautiful. A couple of tennis courts here would also be helpful since those who live nearby can only go to kelly park or use the ones by carlsbad high which often are already full with the students. Something geared to more adults and quieter may be helpful with the very close vicinity of Robertson Ranch. bike trail,track to run,enough parking spaces and beautiful landscaping,shade from the sun That the park be available most of the time to residents versus renting it out all the time rendering it unusable for the locals Traffic. No lights. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 7 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Neighborhood concerns Respect the habitat next to it. Integrate solar where possible. Keep traffic down. Park is too small for a lot of cars and plugging up the neighborhood. No lights. Be nice to my neighbors bordering the park. My dogs love to run there. Integrate RR trails. Carlsbad has a major shortage of pickleball courts for their residents. Poinsettia Park has only 6 courts and is usually very crowded from when it opens at 8am until it closes. Parking Parking and restroom available ebike friendly and parking for cars Consider the impact baseball fields with lights, announcers, extra traffic will have on the community you will be encroaching on.i wonder who's brilliant idea this is. Qe have a quiet lifestyle and now you are going to ruin it. We have been here for 50 years. Do we really need all thus noise? As long as you don't have to live with the inconvenience you probably don't care. Don't take our peace and quiet away. Secondary access, buffers to existing homes, no lights, no public restrooms, food trucks would be great. ample parking shade, seating area, quiet enjoyment Shade and parking Make baseball fields legit with outfield walls, lots of trees for shade in the park and a logical amount of parking, there never seems to be enough Ease of access through efficient parking. Keep it family/kids friendly, easy parking. Significant very fast-moving traffic on both El Camino Real & Cannon Road bordering the site. Sports fields & pet parks may result in accidents from runaway balls & pets. shade, trees, traffic plan Enough parking Light and noise level for neighbors. Noise impacts on the neighborhood Not a huge parking lot Parking, Lighting, Shade and Restrooms Carlsbad definitely could use another community pool. With SCHS not having access to their own pool and swim clubs booking so much time at both Monroe and Alga Norte, I think another community pool would be beneficial to residents as well as swim clubs in the area Plenty of parking Sufficient parking. Playground, easy parking, walking paths, SHADE, restrooms Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 8 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Neighborhood concerns Parking Huge fields that are grass only. A water feature stocked with fish. Walking trails. Nature habitats. Barbecues for picnics. Benches and tables for sitting and eating - not sleeping. A dedicated police officer protecting the citizens from vagrants and criminals. For all public use - not for local sports businesses, not anymore -these sports entities have all worn out their welcome as advocates and stewards of our community of Carlsbad. These organizations charge extravagant fees with little to no relief for the tax paying citizens of Carlsbad. These organizations cater to out of town residents from Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos & Encinitas- for more revenue at the expense of our local community, putting an unnecessary strain upon our limited resources. They can purchase their own land for use. Sports organizations seem to have exclusivity everywhere in Carlsbad and the people whose resources are used to fund and maintain the facilities are excluded all the time. Especially soccer, it’s beyond ridiculous the racket they have in this city. Yet they will come ‘hat in hand’ for more property in our city with limited public space - thanks to them. Robertson Ranch - once a beautiful farm - must be dedicated to our community and the people who live here - not the special interest groups that feign gratitude, massage political egos & amplify credulity using well placed media sources. The park must be for the real people who aren’t heard but live here and love Carlsbad - in perpetuity. Parking and restrooms Parking!! Plenty of parking Traffic congestion relief PArking Parking and flow of traffic into park, shade plantings parking Lights and noise. I do not think Carlsbad needs another Sports Complex. I think we need more "green spaces" for children and dogs and not more lights and parking problems. Consider best and highest need and incorporating sports field features along with the parking and restroom facilities to support events. Our youth field space is bursting at the seams. We need more fields and courts and parking to accommodate our growing community. Parking and open spaces parking space Soccer fields are so needed! There are so many kids playing soccer and they are squished on fields or playing on less than ideal school fields! parking, clean bathrooms enough parking, a little bit of something for everyone Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 9 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Neighborhood concerns Traffic & parking lot size I would like to see this space for multipurpose sports fields, mainly soccer. Almost every field my kids have had to play in has been a school field and or softball fields. There are only two dedicated soccer areas at poinsettia and aviara. We desperately need more. The planned park on faraday is already going to cover a lot of other park aspects and it’s just around the corner from this one. Good parking lot (more than one exit and entrance, lots of spaces) great park in irvine is good example The city of Carlsbad is in need of soccer fields with adequate parking. Ample parking for the park as well Parking Please make sure available parking is reasonably aligned with organized events like Friday Night Lights. Parking Lights!!! We go to pine often. The lights shut off WAY TOO EARLY! Why not let the lights be activated by a button residents can use??? It's our money, our fields. We shouldn't be confined to "business hours". We have jobs too. There are only TWO dedicated soccer fields in Carlsbad (Poinsettia Park and Aviara Park) The City of Carlsbad does not have a multi-field soccer complex. This would make Robertson Ranch unique to every other park in the City. Participation in youth soccer is at an all time high. City SC alone has over 4,300 kids in our program. There is a critical need for more soccer fields in the City of Carlsbad to accommodate the growing number of kids playing soccer, rugby, lacrosse, flag football, etc.-- all of these sports can be played on a regulation sized 11v11 soccer field. As the City continues to build more housing, we need infrastructure to support the growing number of families in our community. Soccer fields that are regularly used for programmed activities will help ensure the park is geared towards family use and will help promote a safe environment for the surrounding community. Robertson Ranch is the last large parcel of land available within the City that is suited for a multi-field soccer complex with adequate parking. There are other smaller parcels of land that would be well suited for dog parks, community gardens, passive spaces, playgrounds, etc Parking Make sure there is adequate parking. Plenty of parking Need adequate parking and easy access. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 10 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Neighborhood concerns Site more active recreation uses at Veteran's Park that has the size and noise attenuation location to mitigate the impact, this is not as small as a neighborhood park but is definitely NOT a community park, a hybrid park if you will and should consider the 55 and above communities concentrated in the area around it, , Prefer no lights, sensitive to HCP lands, Needs Secondary access, buffer zone to existing residences, NO public bathrooms, less active recreational uses makes the park site less costly and actually possible to improve, need to evaluate noise, traffic, circulation, light, biological impacts. I walk this area many times per week as it’s in my neighborhood. It is obvious that many people, including myself, walk the exterior perimeter given the now permanent pathway. I honestly hope that this area is not developed but if it is, please maintain a walking path around the field so that we can all continue to use this space as we are now. Sufficient parking, EV charging stations, bathrooms, water fountain The city needs to think about the overall community concerns like parking, access, etc. The pickleball players have been clamoring for additional courts for five years, but the city did nothing to include pickleball in the Veteran's Park plan. There is no reason that happened. Now, the pickleball players are trying to get two tennis courts at Poinsettia Park retrofitted as pickleball courts. Those are needed tennis courts. I feel like the city is refusing to plan and then making "knee jerk" reactions. If the pickleball community is vocal, appease them with new courts at Veteran's Park. Don't pit neighbor against neighbor and feed into the turf war between pickleballers and tennis players. Ease andcenough parking Natural areas, including areas the are peacefu and quiet. Parking space The park should definitely NOT include sports fields -- baseball, soccer, etc) because access is limited to one one-lane street (Wind Trail Way off Cannon) with an adjacent Fire Station. The Foothills is already limited to two entrance/exits. Adding venues that draw crowds would significantly impact the residents especially during work and school commute hours when Cannon gets congested. Ample parking. Flow of traffic. Please do not put in ball fields with lights. The area is 100% residential and residents do NOT want to have games at night with noise and lights. The city had over 10 years to plan Veteran's Park and chose not to include pickleball courts, even though it was clear people wanted more pickleball courts. Now, the city is looking to take away two tennis courts at Poinsettia Park because it's an easy fix to appease pickleball players. What it does is rob from Peter to pay Paul. The city is creating a turf war where none needs to exist. Instead, the Veteran's Park plans should be revised to include pickleball. Pickleball and tennis courts should be considered for Robertson Ranch, as well, if the residents in the high value homes can tolerate the noise of a pickleball game. Traffic patterns and vehicle access Sufficient parking, native planting, more creative play structures than average school like slides etc (example like mesh climber at the Forum Shops Carlsbad), sail sunshades Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 11 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Neighborhood concerns Parking Multipurpose fields/ tennis courts, and adequate parking Clean up Pine Park and enforce the ordinances set by the city. Shame on Priya for voting in Windsor Pointe into the area where federal drug trafficking has inundated the whole area, including Pine Park. Shame on her and D4. Park hours sunrise to sunset Good parking Parking How to incorporate art and small businesses into the park. How does the park bring the community together. I would love to see a place where locals and local business owners could come to see shows, watch movies, see performances. my idea would be a few snack shack buildings with some kitchen areas which would allow local restaurants to come and rent or lease kitchen space to serve lunch dinner during events or even for family evenings in the park. I would also love a stage for concerts, movies and graduations. Our area needs walking and running trials without bikes, a playground and a splash pad or wading pool. shaded area/trees and parking so the foothills neighborhood does not become overrun with street parking Having adequate parking for all the planned events Parking Water features, tranquility, keep the sports park away from the “quiet” area… Adequate parking The traffic and parking issues that are creating when putting sports fields in a park Noise levels/ parking. Not to cause too much of a crowd or disturbance for those of us who live in Robertson ranch. Provide enough parking a so it doesn’t impact the adjacent residents Sufficient parking lot space so the neighborhood does not become congested by visitors in vehicles Please avoid parks that would create noise or light pollution considering proximity to housing. Traffic, noise, and consideration for the closest neighborhood. Good parking, entry and exits that are easily accessible so that it doesn’t cause any traffic concerns, play structures that meet multiple age groups, beach volleyball courts, good shaded areas, grass areas, if a dog area - make it enclosed like at Poinsettia, soft flooring not sand at playground areas, pool area with large water park for kids of all age groups Please, NO PICKLEBALL! The noise can be intolerable for locals. It will carry up the canyons and have a serious negative impact on nearby homes. We play pickleball but it must, must, must be INDOORS due to sound. Cities have been SUED over installing pickleball courts in residential areas like this. I fully expect the city to face a similar suit if pickleball is added near these homes. Enough parking for sports fields Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 12 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Neighborhood concerns We would like the city to consider the entrance be moved and not to disturb the current fire station and the current residents that live here. Trailblazer way is a very quiet cul de sac and by adding the entrance to the park it will create more traffic and more parking on our quiet street. Please consider the lifestyle of the current residents and how this will disturb the neighborhood. adequate prking Parking and Bike racks-And Restrooms Adequate parking. Avoid sport park lighting for surrounding neighborhoods as well as take in consideration parking and crowd overflow into surrounding neighborhoods. ping pong table in partial shade, badminton, walking running trails, NO bikes or dogs, NO SPORTS apart from those I mentioned. There are so many sports and pickle ball courts already, we need something quiet and serene for families. And a large water fountain with seating A quiet green space with trees, shrubs and some water features. Must be self sustaining and eco friendly. No soccer field for sure. Would not want a park that brings a loud noise level or large crowds Enough parking and good lighting Please do not put parking entrance in neighborhood/blocking entrance to fire station. Please make access via El Camino or Cannon. Noise barriers for pickleball courts Adequate parking so neighboring homes aren’t impacted noise levels and traffic Traffic impact for the community. Canon already is very heavy and gets backed up during peak hours. Parking needs to be taken into consideration. Parking Quiet, tree areas that have picnic tables Parking should be off el Camino and not near the fire station. If possible, Parking away from neighborhood. Preferably parking off El Camino. Thank you NO PARK. Gas Station and or Tony house village. Road access. Worried about traffic back up entering and leaving the community. Parking/traffic/encroachment on adjacent neighborhoods Parking availability Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 13 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Neighborhood concerns The City is opening itself up to litigation if they install noisy sports courts like PickleBall, or an auditorium. Residents’ back yards are RIGHT THERE. Would the Mayor like his peaceful cul- de-sac existence ruined by a noisy park?! Think about the folks who live by the park and consider whether or not yet another soccer field is worth the lawsuits that would occur by seriously impacting these folks with noise and lights. How about a true park - green space, picnic areas, walking trails, shade. Every other park in Carlsbad is really a sports court. The City seems to discriminate against those who aren’t into sports by spending tax dollars on parks that only support sports and athletics. Think about the kids who don’t do sports, or the elderly who just want a quiet space to sit. Develop a park that is actually a park, for the people who don’t want to play soccer and baseball and pickle Ball 24/7. We pay taxes, too. With so many "activity based" amenities at City parks, I would very much appreciate a quiet, passive environment with plenty of trees and shrubs, a water feature and walking paths. Buffer zones for surrounding residents and multiple vehicle & pedestrian entrances and exits. Ease and availability of parking No Pickleball. It is noise pollution. Plenty of parking. Our parks don’t have enough spots when big events happen. FNL is a mess because of it. We’ve stopped going to concerts in the park at alga Norte Parking Easy Walking and biking access including plenty of bike parking Quiet spaces. Alternative light options to replace the very high, very bright light poles for ball fields which interrupt the landscape and our ability to see the night skies Using trees and other natural sound barriers to reduce the noise from El Camino Real. It would be nice if the walking trails connected to the trails going through Robertson Ranch. parking, shade, landscaping Parking Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Soccer fields please :) More softball fields! More softball fields More soccer fields Soccer fields and walking paths can be enjoyed by many, and a formal walk path would be safer for those that use the space for running / walking now. We bought in Robertson Ranch in 2012 and were promised soccer fields by the builder. Our Carlsbad kids are in DESPERATE need of more space to play and practice. Please build this much needed park for the kids. Another dog park? Seriously? No thanks. Pickle ball courts? Last time I checked we weren't worried about America's adults and keeping them off their devices. Build sports fields for the kids and be done with it. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 14 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Thank you for facilitating this public outreach. I would request that the City include a 400 meter, multi-lane synthetic running track in the design as there are no running tracks that are open to the public in Carlsbad. The City has a huge running community and a track would be a welcome addition for many youth and adult events. I would also request that the City carefully consider the need for passive and active recreation for ALL ages and not over- program the site as a youth sports complex. The single entrance is a limiting factor relative to how many fields / how much program / how many vehicles this site can safely accommodate. There is a very real issue of delaying first responders from the fire station exiting out to Cannon Road if Trailblazer and Wind Trail are full of cars leaving if the site is programmed with 2-3 soccer fields (1 very high quality, full-size soccer/multisport field would be great!) If pickleball courts are included, please locate them as far as possible from the homes – as much as I like the sport, it is not a good neighbor due to the noise. Thank you for your consideration on these matters. Areas for organized sports and proper lighting. Ingress/egress to support patrol for public safety. Open areas that minimize shelter for homeless population. The city is in great need for more fields for soccer/lacrosse/football. The fields are always crowded during practice times. The kids do not have enough space to practice on even half of a 7v7 field sometimes. There have been times that my kids’ team has to practice on a little sliver of a field bc there are too many teams. There have been times when there are ppl from the community who want to come play soccer, but there is no space for them to play bc the fields are taken by rec and competitive teams. Please consider making more fields for these sports and spaces for their families to walk, play, and spend some down time (picnic benches). There are several reasons I picked the 3 items above but the number one reason for all 3 is a simple lack of availability/waiting lists for them. The community garden waiting list in Carlsbad is several years. We have been on it on for 3 years already. The tennis situation in the city is dire - many courts have been converted to pickleball, the city operates several (valuable) tennis programs that occupy courts at peak times, and the 30 minute courtesy limit when others are waiting is rarely adhered to and impossible to enforce. On any given Saturday (or weekday afternoon), I have driven to 3 city parks with courts looking for a place to play with my young teens. It's frequently impossible. I've been told to join private clubs - those have waiting lists also or are cost-prohibitive with no guarantee of court time. Lastly, there is no official soccer complex in Carlsbad that I am aware of. Although Pine and Aviara offer some nice options, they are crowded as tons of kids are play soccer and it feels like the clubs are running soccer games/tournaments 24/7 to keep up. We moved here 3 years ago and had no idea how amazing the parks are here and how much they offer residents! In addition, they appear clean and feel safe. It makes Carlsbad a special place to live and we are excited to see what this new park will bring. But please bring more tennis and soccer! Softball fields and good shade for spectators The multi-use sport fields seem good in concept but the limitation is that only one sport can seem to take field at a time. I’m out city, we have dedicated rectangular fields for soccer. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 15 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Baseball cannot ever use these fields. But for the so called multi-use field with a diamond, baseball does not receive exclusive use and we lose space to soccer/lacrosse for them to use outfield. Dedicated baseball is needed in south cbad. Turf Soccer fields I have two boys who love baseball and we always struggle to find cages where they can practice hitting. I’m addition to a baseball field it would be nice to have baseball cages to practice batting safely without the fear of accidentally hitting someone on the field. Thank you for taking our opinion into consideration. We desperately need soccer fields that are in a safe location unlike pine park Soccer, soccer, and more soccer!! I would like to see more baseball / softball and sports in general. Disc golf course Turf Soccer Fields Soccer fields Running trail, soccer fields We love baseball and play in a number of leagues and would like to see more fields- thanks! Dedicated soccer fields Baseball fields If more softball/baseball fields are added there’s potential for Carlsbad to host more tournaments which in turn will generate more revenue for the city Please make more soccer fields. I live in Robertson Ranch and I have four kids who all play soccer. inline skate park, ice rink Softball fields dedicated only to youth softball. The fields are shared with multiple sports at the same time. We need more softball fields please!! We have so many girls that want to play softball but are turned away because the Carlsbad softball association does not have enough softball space. Fair and equally disturbed field allocation for all sports leagues for girls and boys. So please take a look at how much field space CYB and CITY Soccer already have compared to Carlsbad Softball Association does. Please help us Just a soccer feild We need soccer fields in this area pleaseeeee, I hate having to travel an hour every single day to train. Tennis! Soccer fields specifically. We truly need more Baseball/Softball and/or Multipurpose fields to accommodate the ever growing Soccer & Baseball/Softball sports in the area. Field availability is at a premium and it truly need to increase, specifically for our youth sports programs! Baseball Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 16 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Would love more baseball fields that are based on age groups like Chase Field and Mission Sports Park have multiple fields for various age groups. Please also keep the baseball fields separate from the multi purpose fields. The Alga Norte baseball fields are over taken with lacrosse and soccer making it tough to go up there to hit balls. Also, consider including batting cages like you have at Alga Norte, it is very nice to be able to have those available when the fields are in use. Baseball fields Baseball for youth sports Soccer stadium field. Will bring in more revenue with tourism when hosting tournaments in our city. An exciting new venue for soccer in San Diego. Eapeically with the MLS teammin 2025 & 2026 Fifa world Cup in USA. There are limited dedicated baseball and softball diamonds in the Rancho Carillo and Calavera Hills areas, specifically Calavera Hills. The fields that do exist near Rancho Carrillo are often "shared" by other leagues (kickball, soccer especially at Alga Norte) which means limited time for the community to enjoy on weekends. My son and I can't even play catch on the weekends because the fields are always being used (unless we want to get up at 6 am on a weekend). Good luck having a group of boys from the neighborhood try to play some pick- up baseball...the field is never available. My son plays travel ball and I'm amazed what other communities are able to provide compared to Carlsbad. It's even embarrassing in some cases. Soccer specific parks. You’ve listed baseball/softball as a separate line item but have grouped soccer with other sports. Soccer represents the singles largest group of participants within the city and should have its own consideration. Thank you. To be able to have something like Oceanside has for youth sports. Softball fields would allow larger tournaments and service our growing need for ball fields. Soccer uses ball fields to practice and play. Leaving bat and ball sports out. Can’t share a bat ball sport because of the flight of the ball More baseball fields we need more access to baseball/softball fields in Carlsbad. It would be great if the city could re-imagine field use for sports- the existing methodology seems to be trying to meet the needs of all sports at each park. Why not have specific parks for specific sports?. It would be AMAZING if the City of Carlsbad could designate one park solely for baseball/softball similar to San Marcos' Mission Sports Park. This way most, if not all baseball/softball could use one park and then soccer, lacrosse, football, etc. could have the mixed sports fields, since those fields and spaces are more adaptable. If we had a designated baseball/softabll facility the City could also host tournaments and bring in revenue to the surropunding community. For such an affluent community, it blows my mind that we don't have something similar to Mission Sports Park. Also, when it comes to a snack shack- it doesn't seem that leagues ever have access to the snack shack at Alga Norte. Why is that? Why build something that is never used or that leagues cannot easily (stress the easily) access? It is wasteful of funds to build something that cannot be used. City is woefully short on softball/baseball fields compared to other locales in SD. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 17 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts the kids need more baseball fields. My two kids have enjoyed the LCYO baseball organization their entire lives. Pickleball is a must too. Enjoyment for ALL ages and the fastest growing sport around. We NEED more softball fields. We have teams formed and no fields to practice on. It’s terrible. We can’t compete when other teams are practicing one to two times a week and we can’t have practices at all. Our current parks are over crowded with youth sports. We definietly need additional field space for kids to practice and have games. Indoor basketball gym The city should not be building soccer fields for so called “non profit soccer clubs”. The community can benefit from more open space but not if CitySC is going to use it for their profit Soccer / baseball fields Okay structure- skate park More fields for kids practices Mostly baseball diamonds. High demand for more space Baseball fields Please, please, please! Build baseball fields! We need them so terribly badly in this community! We would love more soccer fields! Baseball fields The main focus would be as many baseball and softball fields as possible as the leagues continue to grow Soccer fields with goal posts and build out lines associated for the teams that could play there as it would be useful for the practice of this very inclusive sport that is becoming very popular across San Diego. Please consider space for baseball and fields sports! I am the President of Carlsbad Softball Association. in 2022 and 2023, we have had to turn away players because we do not have enough field allocations to form more teams. The city is in desperate need of more rec sports field space. Soccer fields Kids love being able to play sports year round out on the fields! More baseball and multi- sport fields please! More baseball fields for the kids soccer fields More baseball fields and a pool The Carlsbad softball association has closed within a week of opening every season for the past few years due to reached registration capacity. We are limited on field space and would like to be able to allow more girls to sign up. Full size soccer fields with goals Baseball/Softball is steadily growing in popularity. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 18 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Baseball fields My family participates in and are big supporters of LCYO baseball. We sincerely hope this new park can be part of growing baseball in our community. Thank you! A small disc golf course like Sunset Park If adding baseball field include batting cages and area for pitchers to warm up Soccer fields. When creating soccer fields, to add bigger fences/nets behind the goals so that balls don't fly to far away. Soccer fields soccer (sport) fields with walking path around perimeter would be amazing pickle ball! Futsal court or a multi purpose hard court. Reality is that more multipurpose sports fields are needed the most. You can build a walking/running track around those fields. Those fields would serve the community best. Indoor soccer arena Soccer fields. Baseball fields. Both sports are majorly unserved with field allotment. We are always getting our practices cancelled because another team is taking the field time - we lost 2 baseball practices last month because soccer held practice on the baseball fields at poinsettia. This should not have to happen in carlsbad. A arena park More soccer fields Soccer Field Handball court. There aren’t ANY in the public parks in Carlsbad, and it’s a game that so many kids love to play. Having a multi purpose sports complex fills an empty gap within the city and the funds from events held here would benefit the city Soccer field/ tennis and pickle ball Other sports Basketball courts We are missing a pump track here for our older kids :) Please take this opportunity to address the distinct lack of soccer fields in our city relative to the number of Carlsbad kids who play soccer year round at one of the largest community soccer clubs in the country. A couple multipurpose fields for soccer/FNL/lacrosse/ultimate frisbee etc. Soccer fields Soccer fields! I would love for them to consider the potential for providing more opportunities for the youth of the community to play organized and unorganized sports. ONLY SOCCER AND PICKLE BALL Multiple mutli-sport fields, especially soccer as the sport continues to grow rapidly. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 19 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts There are not enough soccer fields to support the children of north county. These were supposed to be soccer fields back when this park was planned and I hope you will honor that. skate park Multisport is needed - more housing means more kids means more sports! Skateboard park, pump track Soccer fields if sports fields are needed with removable goals (grass areas are beautiful and functional). Pretty walking paths, relaxation gardens, “natural type” water feature/splash pad Turf Field and Soccer Goals Baseball We would love to see more soccer fields! We've got three kids playing soccer, and there is such a need for fields in this area. The City of Carlsbad does not have a multi-field soccer complex. This would make Robertson Ranch unique to every other park in the City. Participation in youth soccer is at an all time high. City SC alone has over 4,300 kids in our program. There is a critical need for more soccer fields in the City of Carlsbad. turf fields are a must There is a great need for more sports facilities, especially soccer! We need more baseball fields We need more baseball fields Baseball fields Pickle ball courts shaded with a snack bar, bathrooms, water fountains More pickleball courts please. So crowded at poinsettia- possibly designated courts for beginners and intermediate and challenge courts Carlsbad is a huge baseball community and the fields at chase don’t cut it for our needs. Dedicated soccer fields!!!!!! Carlsbad is in desperate need of turf fields for soccer. City SC Carlsbad shares fields with too many other sports. Competitive soccer is year round and we need more fields! Thank you. Space for soccer fields soccer fields! Carlsbad has very few turf fields and none of the fields are dedicated to lacrosse. Lacrosse has grown so much in this city and is where my son and daughter plan to grow, learn and make many friends throughout the years to come! I would love to see a dedicated turf lacrosse field with sewn-in permanent lines. I think it would bring so much use to the city and its kids for years to come. City parks are completely stretched for sports activities. Please add sports fields to allow people from all ages to participate and allow the city to hosting bigger and better events. How few pickleball courts are available in city for number of people wanting to play We need baseball fields!! Full soccer fields More soccer fields More multi fields is very important. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 20 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts baseball fields More baseball and multi-use fields are needed. Put in a baseball park like San Marcos has. Multiple fields in one location so Carlsbad can host tournaments and bring in extra hotel and restaurant revenue. Dirt RC track perhaps? This does not consume a large amount of space and can help with STEM-related development, as RC cars involve being worked on and modified. Like at Poinsettia Park, another arena indoor soccer field or two would be nice to have for non club soccer players and adults to use. Perhaps start adult indoor soccer leagues like they have at the Encinitas YMCA. Please consider putting 𝗣𝗔𝗗𝗗𝗟 courts in adjacent to Pickleball With over 1500 competitive youth players in Carlsbad, our city desperately needs dedicated soccer fields. The upcoming 2026 World Cup spotlight on soccer is the perfect time to unveil new pitches at the planned park. Fields would finally give our local soccer leagues an advantageous home field, keeping sports tourism dollars in Carlsbad. Currently, teams travel to other cities to play. Lighted, multi-use fields would also allow adult leagues to host evening games and tournaments that attract out-of-town dollars. Soccer promotes exercise and community bonds. Let's meet the growing demand and support the next generation's physical and social health by building top-notch soccer fields at the new park. I believe updated youth baseball fields would be awesome. More soccer fields If there is a playground area, a separate area with workout/gym-like equipment for adults would be nice. More parks need accessible and free areas to workout in! EV chargers and Bike racks that also have outlets to charge e-bikes. And pickleball courts please! We really need more soccer fields! I think that in general, Carlsbad has plenty of wonderful parks and playgrounds throughout the city. My family and I reside in Calavera Hills and go to Calavera, Hidden Canyon, and Laguna Riviera parks frequently, so I'm thinking mainly of what those three parks lack when filling out this survey. The Robertson Ranch park will be relatively close to us and I think the one thing we could use more of in this area are more open spaces for team sports, particularly since the baseball diamonds and multi-purpose sports fields are already heavily used at Calavera and Hidden Canyon and Laguna Riviera do not have a lot of open space to play sports, although both of these parks are also often used for team sports. It would be nice to have other amenities too such as a playground, community gardens, walking paths, and picnic areas, but I think these are not as crucial as sports fields since they are also available at the other three closest community parks. Frisbee Golf, fishing pond Please consider including shade structures (sails, etc...) over playgrounds. Shade structures allow kids and caregivers to use the playgrounds more (at the height of the sun) and also protect from high temps. Thank you. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 21 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Currently the City of Carlsbad doesn NOT have a multi-field soccer park. Our kids are having to travel long distance to go to practices and soccer tournaments. We would love the city to consider adding soccer fields so our kids can properly practice for competitions and run tournaments. Soccer fields More fields for kids to play organized soccer and other team sports My kids all play soccer with City Soccer Club and we are constantly trying to have enough field space for practices and games. Having soccer fields in this new park would be such an asset! soccer fields There is a lack of baseball fields in Carlsbad compared with soccer. It would be nice to have a complex that accommodates multiple sized baseball fields. Chase has fields for up to age 9 then pointsettia accommodates the older players. It would be great to have a complexThat accommodates all ages for tournaments. Multi purpose sport field We don’t have enough sports fields for our youth and adults to play on. Kids are playing more video games and aren’t outside as often as they used to be. Please use this land to build a sports park. Carlsbad has a huge soccer program, and we need more fields to accomodate. We need more field space for youth sports. Actually, sports of all ages. Basketball, football, soccer, baseball. More places for kids to play soccer City SC, which is the soccer club in Carlsbad, is very underserved when it comes to the fields to play. As the club continues to grow there is more demand for appropriate fields - that not only can be used for soccer but for other sports as well. I think the City should consider at least one nice grass field for soccer. Artificial turf is good, but having a grass field not only for soccer but for other sports too, can elevate Carlsbad as hub for athletes. This city is in dire need of more baseball diamonds, basketball courts and football fields. A new baseball field. Chase park is going to be too small with all the new housing coming in. Stop building more housing. This should be done in the big cities Baseball fields for youth sports. We'll landscaped paths. Native plants. More space for competitive youth sports like baseball and volleyball If there is truly a multi-purpose field, we would love if it had sewn in lacrosse lines to support the lacrosse community which is rapidly growing in Carlsbad and surrounding areas. PLACE FOR KIDS TO ENJOY AND PLAY SPORTS Lighted areas for multi-use sports fields Skate park!!! Pump track!! I'd like the city to consider the future of youth sports in Carlsbad. It should be a top priority for the city to keep our youth active and able to stay within the city for their sports and not have to seek out other field options in neighboring cities/towns. Ball fields (baseball, softball, soccer, football, etc.) Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 22 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts More softball/baseball facilities Skate board/ bike area/park including a pump track More soccer fields would be ideal Softball/baseball fields are in great demand! We need them!! My 3 boys play sports and it some like we are in dire need of more baseball fields and soccer fields in carlsbad. We lose practice times every fall because lacrosse and football start practicing in soccer fields, and now our baseball team has nowhere to practice since our scheduled field time at poinsettia has been taken by soccer teams. Soccer practice should not be happening on baseball fields. So, we need more soccer fields and baseball fields. And I would LOVE a dog park with grass. Poinsettia had grass for a hot minute, now the dogs just romp in a dusty dirt field. I think Holiday Park just needs to put a fence around some of the unused grass they have and allow dogs. The first priority for this area would be the addition of full size (11v11) soccer fields. This would allow for the growth of City SC within the area. The second would be indoor basketball courts to allow for competitive basketball to come to Carlsbad. Shade at the playground. Also please consider sand volleyball courts. See attached photo example. I wish the city would maintain some courts at the beach for public use. It's time consuming to setup personal volleyball nets. Many would utilize courts like they have at Moonlight Beach. The courts we have you need to bring a net and most of them are reserved by clubs that you need to be in for popular times. I know a lot of the beach is State Beach, but I'm sure the State would allow the City to maintain a few courts and keep a few nets up at all times for public use. Grass, not turf. Outdoor basketball courts would be good too. Pull up bar, dip bar, and row bars or rings. Small outdoor gym uses minimal space. Lacrosse is a strong and growing sport in the community. It would be nice to have a couple of dedicated lacrosse fields. 1 Multipurpose room with kitchen. 1 Concession stand. 2 Picnic Shelters with adjacent Barbecues for rent. 11 Picnic Tables first come basis. 1 Restroom structure. 2 Drinking Fountains. 2 Children Play Areas. 1 Open Play Area. 1 Lighted Soccer Field. 1 Lighted Basketball Court. 2 Unlit Ball Diamonds. 1 Walk Path loop. Baseball Football fields to play on. Carlsbad needs more baseball fields for the growth of cyb Carlsbad is a family community; Kids athletics should be at the forefront. Skate park We have a community filled with active kids, but not enough space to practice or play games. All of the fields in the city are over crowded, yet you can drive 10 minutes south to Encinitas and jump on any field without having to compete for space all of the time. We need more space/fields for get to be more active and be able to run around. I am a resident of Robertson ranch and when I was making the decision to buy my house I was attracted about the possibility of having baseball and sports field close to the Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 23 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts neighborhood. In the master plan Toll brothers showed us they said it will be a park with some sports fields on it. Kids already are playing there as their "Sandlot" location. Please do not take away a play field from Multiple baseball fields like every other surrounding city has in spades. Southern California is baseball/softball country and we could take advantage of a multiple field park that can host tournaments, benefitting hotels and local restaurants. People pay to stay in places like the Imperial Valley and Yuma. They would love to stay in a coastal community like ours. Skate Park for kids There should be a limit to how many fields a club can reserve. City SC seems to control many of the fields in the area and that seems unfair. As I’m sure you’re aware Poinsettia Park has Pickleball and it’s crowded with sometimes 20 to 30 people Wegmans to get in there national Pickleball would help is out and help the community. Stay healthy. Enjoy a fun game. Lacrosse specific turf field with permanent lines for lacrosse only It is a shame that Carlsbad doesn't have a facility that compares to Oceanside's SoCal complex or Irvine's Great Park sports complex. Having something in the city would be more than convenient...it could be an asset to show off the city. More football fields Huge lack of free outdoor pickleball courts in Carlsbad compared to other north county cities. It’s sad We have no areas for football and I do think football should have somewhere to have a place to practice and not get taken over by soccer Given the popularity and participation in youth sports in the city of Carlsbad, more specifically soccer, the need for more dedicated field space in this city is a must. There are sooo many kids playing soccer I think that is priority, or multi use! Soccer/lacrosse fields are needed to support the strong interest in these sports - team practices with local leagues are often crammed or shortened, which hurts development of youth players. Pickleball courts with online scheduling Lots of pickleball courts with a scheduling option. So we can go play with our families for an hour. There’s no park in Carlsbad that we can do that. Pickleball is overwhelmingly congested at other carlsbad sites. We NEED more courts. Tennis courts are under utilized and some can easily be converted at Poinsettia. Pickleball courts Please build at least 8 pickleball courts. Poinsettia Park’s 6-courts are not enough - it’s always so busy there. Pickleball is too popular now. Demand for more courts is higher than supply! Pickleball courts with shade would be an incredible asset for Carlsbad residents and visitors. Soccer fields The city desperately needs multi purpose fields. It sounds like more multipurpose field are needed, for things like soccer, flag football, youth baseball (t-ball), I think these things are needed as well. Personally I like basketball but Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 24 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts nearby courts at Calavera as well as Cannon Rd provide this opportunity. While building multipurpose fields, I also think they should have a playground area for sibilings to play at while their older siblings are playing sports. This makes it where parents can bring their young kids to the area as well. Soccer fields are most important Dedicated soccer fields!! Our kids have no where to play and practice!! We have young boys who play youth sports (baseball, soccer, flag football, etc.) -- and field space is often difficult to find. A new park with baseball fields and also a multi-purpose field for soccer, lacrosse, football, etc. would be a fantastic addition to the Carlsbad network of parks. Baseball fields To put in a park that meets the needs of the community. We need more sports fields. Period. Not more workout machines (like at Calavera). Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America and Carlsbad needs more places for residents and visitors to play. More pickleball courts. The City of Carlsbad is SORELY short on softball fields. For any sports field that is added, please include trees at the spectator areas - this provides far better shade and cooling than the fabric shade sails - like the large tree behind the field #3 backstop at Calavera Hills vs. the large areas of pavement at Alga Norte. Soccer fields for all the kids playing throughout the city. We need more pickleball courts. It’s ridiculous you have not converted tennis courts at Poinsettia. Multi purpose soccer fields I live right on the border but I spend lots of time playing pickleball and spending time with my family in Carlsbad. Multi-Field soccer complex The only dedicated soccer fields in Carlsbad are at Poinsettia and Aviara. We need more. A multi-field soccer complex would be great for all sports BMX/Skateboard park Soccer, multi-purpose uses. trails. bike paths Soccer games We need more soccer fields or multi-sport fields that can accommodate soccer, lacrosse, football, etc. The Irvine Sports Plex is a great design of space use and accommodations for many sports. Soccer fields soccer players especially, but also the abundance of young athletes that would benefit from a multi-use field. Multipurpose to make more inviting for the community Soccer Soccer fields for City SC Carlsbad Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 25 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts soccer fields with concession stands to raise money Soccer fields!! We desperately need soccer fields. We need more soccer fields Pls put on lit Pickleball courts. I go to poinsettia for Pickleball four times a week and the wait times are over 40 minutes to play one game More fields for soccer etc Soccer fields Soccer fields We need more soccer fields in Carlsbad!!!! We need a multi-field soccer complex. Soccer has huge participation numbers in Carlsbad and there are very few soccer specific facilities in town. Additionally soccer fields work great for other sports like lacrosse or flag football. Youth sports is very important to growing up. From friends, sportsmanship, learning, just getting out and off devices, and just getting exercise. Sports are important to a well rounded youth. Carlsbad needs more multi purpose fields for kids sports!!!! The city of Carlsbad does not have a multi field Soccer complex, this would make Robertson ranch unique. more soccer fields Multi field soccer complex with areas for shade and spectating More soccer fields Turf soccer fields We really need a multi-field sports complex where Soccer, Lacrosse and flag football can be practiced and played. Carlsbad needs dedicated soccer fields! Fields that can also be used for other sports such a la crosse. There are only TWO dedicated soccer fields in Carlsbad (Poinsettia Park and Aviara Park) The City of Carlsbad does not have a multi-field soccer complex I like the big soccer field and arena soccer area at Poinsettia Park, but the viewing area is not good. If soccer fields are added to the new park, please also consider a suitable area for viewing the soccer games, thanks. Soccer fields Soccer Soccer fields! More soccer fields We have some of the best soccer teams in the country but we don’t have a quality sports complex to keep developing them and keep up with our competition. Plus soccer field can be used as multi purpose with other sports. Consider having multiple multi purpose fields so that there can be multiple games going simultaneously. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 26 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Soccer fields for Rec and competitive teams. Our girls are crammed onto field at Poinsettia, Aviara and Stagecoach and it’s preventing them from developing their skills because there isn’t enough space for all teams to play. Turf fields fewer turf fields and more grass fields The City of Carlsbad has a significant need for additional soccer fields. Other surrounding cities have multi-field facilities, which accommodate the growth in youth sports. It would be wonderful and benficial for Carlsbad to add a multi soccer field facility to Robertson Ranch Park to support the youth in our community. There is a huge need for more soccer fields in the area. Soccer. Arena soccer too Soccer fields Multipurpose fields would be ideal - soccer is increasing in popularity and in order to be able to compete at an elite level, our kids needs elite resources - this park would offer them that Soccer complex Soccer and sports fields We really need more soccer fields. My kids both play soccer and their practices are squished on small parts of fields. More soccer fields, and walking trails This would be great for youth soccer! There are only TWO dedicated soccer fields in Carlsbad (Poinsettia Park and Aviara Park) The City of Carlsbad does not have a multi-field soccer complex. This would make Robertson Ranch unique to every other park in the City. Participation in youth soccer is at an all time high. Soccer fields - not multi use fields that cannot accommodate an 11 versus 11 soccer game. Carlsbad is such an emerging hub for youth sports which has a major influence on high school, college, and career success. We desperately need more multi-use fields for the sports that keep our kids active, engaged, and building incredibly import life skills to be successful and contributing members of the community Soccer fields Soccer We need more soccer fields. Soccer is such a growing sport for our youth. We are in desperate need of quality fields. Soccer fields please Soccer fields! More soccer fields It seems like there are a million kids in Carlsbad that play soccer and baseball, and pickleball is the fasted growing sport in the country. Just food for thought;) soccer field Dedicated soccer fields Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 27 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Please add at least one full sized soccer field. Poinsettia is way too packed with FNL and soccer and our community needs another large turf field. We are a sports oriented city! Soccer fields Our county is in desperate need of additional soccer fields. That should be the priority for this park. Baseball and soccer fields There’s a need for a soccer complex in Carlsbad. The interest in youth soccer has grown significantly over the years and with that increased interest there’s very little dedicated soccer space to support the interest at its current size and even more so at the expected future size of youth soccer participants. Soccer field More soccer fields please Soccer fields Walking running tracks, soccer fields dog parks The kids desperately need soccer fields as well as space for flag football and other sports Please add soccer fields. We already have dedicated baseball fields at Chase. plus, soccer fields can be multiuse with lacross and football More athletic fields Outdoor Rollerhockey / Rollerskates rink I would like to see a real sports park like the vista sports park with stadium seating/bleachers. Poinsettia hosts many events and the seating is awful. If you don’t go with a sports park please at least turn the horrible hill at poinsettia into concrete seeting people are constantly sliding down the hill and the trees block the views. Parents want to enjoy watching their children play. Soccer fields to accommodate the substantial number of kids in the area who play both club and rec and do not have access to enough fields. Soccer fields More fields for youth sports leagues like soccer and lacrosse Carlsbad has thousands of soccer players and only two dedicated soccer fileds (small). We need a deicated multi-filed soccer park. Soccer complex Carlsbad needs more SOCCER fields..we do not have enough fields for the demand. This Soccer fields Please create soccer fields! We are driving 25 minutes each way to soccer practice twice a week and about 15 minutes each way on two other days. It was be so wonderful to have soccer fields closer to home. For free time, my kids constantly ask if we can go to a local school to play on the fields but gates are always locked. Please consider the progression of our youth sports. The number of outdoor youth sports; soccer, baseball, flag football, has greatly increased year over year and we don’t have an efficient amount of space to accommodate the growth. Youth sports are great for kids and Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 28 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts keep them out of trouble, as well as, helping them develop friendships and introducing them to a team environment. We really really need more open space for soccer and flag football. This site would be perfect The City of Carlsbad desperately needs a multi-field soccer/sports park to accomodate the growing number of kids playing these sports. Great for local businesses, family friendly Well. Kids, kids, kids! A safe place for kids of all ages to congregate, eat, communicate, socialize and feel safe. Positive themes and artwork. Drinking fountains of course. Lots of benches and tables and native California flora. The Wild Animal Park has a wonderful new native California fauna trail for examples, and there are various businesses that specialize in that kind of design. Although our local schools are said to be high caliber, it's also crucial to have as much public commons available as well for the youth. Probably some kind of performance stage as well. Perhaps an area devoted to activities like Tai Chi, yoga, meditation, etc. There's record low morale in high schools among pupils and teachers as well. Could set aside a place for a free community library of sorts. A fountain with lights would be super nice and elegant as well, probably requiring low upkeep? Soccer fields Soccer fields is so important for kids Soccer stadium with lights Lacrosse fields for boys and girls Turf fields for lacrosse and soccer Carlsbad has everything, this place should have everything. Baseball/soccer/football field+basketball/pickle ball court+open area for events and playground. Include a stage that can be used performances and people can use to sit. Bike pump track We live in the Foot Hills neighborhood and we bought our home new from Brookfield at a sales office where the fire station now is. The sales lady told us that they were going to put in soccer fields there and that is one of the main reasons we purchased our house. A permanent Lacrosse field would be awesome. There arent enough in San Diego and its a growing sport in North County! Pump track and large scale climbing structure dedicated lacrosse field Lacrosse is a top growing sport in this area, outdoor arena's are great for both lacrosse and soccer. Also, having an epic "destination" playground would be sooo cool for Carlsbad. A dedicated lacrosse field. My kids play lacrosse and it has a lot of future growth potential. Will ultimately surpass soccer for youth participation and would be great for Carlsbad to be ready to accommodate the growth. Turf Lacrosse field with permanent lines A dedicated turf lacrosse field. Be the first city to support the growing lacrosse sport for youth sports Seriously need more soccer and athletic fields in this city. We want kids to get outside and participate in activities, but we have to drive to other cities in order to play soccer. A multi Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 29 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts sport facility would address this for all of our recreational leagues…soccer, lacrosse, flag football, rugby. We’ve needed this for decades. Need more soccer fields There are no publicly available tracks in the entire Carlsbad area. Makes it difficult for anyone trying to train for specific races. Also, dedicated soccer spaces are needed in much higher quantity, there’s rarely available field space at any reasonable hour of the day. Soccer fields Soccer Adult interactive fitness equipment Roller Hockey Arena, "Mini"/Soccer Arena. Frisbee Golf. Similar to Kit Carson Park in Escondido (See Attached Picture) Lacrosse is a very fast growing sport in Carlsbad and our community could benefit from a new park with a proper lacrosse field to meet the needs of the community. We need more field space and lacrosse goals for local youth teams. We also need more Pickleball courts. All ages play Pickleball and our courts in pointsettia are completely overcrowded Lighting, well maintained sports fields. Make sure the fields are flat and cared for. Lighting for evening practices. Top golf Driving range Dedicating fields to lacrosse. My daughter was introduced to the sport a few years ago and ast year my 9yr old son started playing. With a sport that is growing so quickly it would be nice to see fields dedicated to lacrosse instead of just soccer everywhere I look. (My kids also play soccer, but it would be nice to give another sport some field space too) I’d love to see a dedicated lacrosse turf field. We’ve been to many neighboring towns that put Carlsbad lacrosse fields to shame. My son is very active in lacrosse and would love to see more lacrosse fields in the city I live (Carlsbad) Dedicated youth baseball field. Turf fields for lacrosse Turf field suitable for lacrosse The City should invest in a permanent lacrosse field dedicated for that purpose with sewn in lines. LAX has grown immensely and 3 of my 4 children have taken up the sport as a means of personal and physical growth and exercise.The city would greatly benefit from a designated lacrosse field, a playground, a walking running track with picnic space for families to enjoy, especially during a jamboree. Fast growing shade trees would be amazing. I would love to see a dedicated turf lacrosse field with sewn-in permanent lines. It's the fastest growing sport and all 3 of my kids play it. The biggest complaint is that there's no place for them to practice or play with their friends. Thank you! Lacrosse field with sewn in lines a pump park, roller hockey rink Lacrosse Fields. Lacrosse is quickly growing in San Diego and Carlsbad is the Hub of up and coming players and teams. Please consider lacrosse fields and / or wall ball areas to practice. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 30 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Also ensure that the balls dont get thrown outside the area, into the lots or into the vegetation. My son has been playing La crosse. We would love a dedicated turf lacrosse field with sewn- in permanent lines Carlsbad does not have a dedicated turf lacrosse field yet. I would love to see a lacrosse field with sewn-in lines as the Carlsbad kids are always playing. Lacrosse fields that have good facilities for tournaments meaning parking, bathrooms and ares for vendors. We have club lacrosse teams that play in Carlsbad regularly and we do not have good facilities to support the tournaments. Lacrosse is groing fast in this city! It is for grils and boys, all ages. Please consider a dedicated turf for lacrosse field with sewn-in permanent lines. It would be really helpful for the lacrosse teams In Carlsbad Lacrosse is a sport growing in popularity in SoCal, with more participants, including my child. Thanks to the sport, my child has made new friends, has dramitically increased his hand-eye coordination and increased in confidence. Please consider the sport of lacrosse in your decisions. We need more Lacrosse fields dedicated to this sport as it is the fastest growing youth sport in America right now. A dedicated La crosse field with sewn-in permanent lines. Needs for lacrosse fields Turf fields with lacrosse fields Lacrosse is a growing sport in Carlsbad and we are lacking turf fields with lights for our kids to practice My kids play lacrosse and the sport continues to grow massively. We really need turf fields designated for lacrosse. Please, please consider. Lacrosse turn field with permanent lines for youth lacrosse Turf lacrosse fields!! dedicated turf lacrosse field with sewn-in permanent lines. With the growth of Lacrosse and the talent in North Carlsbad, it would be wonderful to have a dedicated Lacrosse field with sewn in turf lines. Indoor/out door soccer field Please consider a dedicated lacrosse field. Lacrosse is a huge local sport and we often find ourselves driving far and wide for games, clinics and practice. We need a community park that gives our lacrosse players and families a place to play in our own community. Seen in lines and dedicated lacrosse turf field is my hope for this park. Thank you! LACROSSE!!! Lacrosse is a growing sport in Southern California. As a military family, we feel lucky to be included as part of Carlsbad’s youth lacrosse program. We would love to see a turf field to be dedicated to this growing sport so that these could play and practice no nagger the weather dedicated turf lacrosse field with sewn-in permanent lines Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 31 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts There are no turf lacrosse fields in the North County Area. This would be an excellent addition to this park and the community. Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sports in the area for ages K-5. I recommend checking out the Irvine Sports complex for recommendation on well designed community sports parks. North county does not have adequate turf fields for lacrosse specifically, we’d love to see a designated turf lacrosse field. Even space enough to host tournaments! We travel for tournaments and would love if our city could host. Carlsbad needs a lacrosse field! There are tons of players and the sport is growing. Please add this so our kids can easily practice and play this awesome sport. As an adult runner, I would love access to a track that isn't at a school and unavailable during school hours. Lacrosse parks. This sport has become really popular and dedicated lacrosse parks are needed. Pull up bars 12 dedicated outdoor pickleball courts. I have been a Carlsbad resident for 15 years. Since the last park was developed over 10 years ago we have seen many things added, pool, parks, basketball courts, pickleball courts, dog parks, walking trails etc. Alga Norte was designed with only 2 very small soccer fields for U11- 12 on the outfield of the baseball diamonds. There are over 4,500 children playing soccer in Carlsbad. There are only 2 soccer specific fields, 1 at Aviara and 1 at Poinsettia. The City master plan calls specifically for “one soccer field per 4,000 residents”. By that logic we should have over 20 soccer fields. In the past 10 years the cities of Oceanside (22 fields SoCal Sports Complex), Encinitas (4 fields Enc. Comm. Park), Vista (4 fields Vista Sports Park), have all addressed this trend. Escondido also has Ryan Park (6 fields). Carlsbad remains the only local City without a much needed multi field soccer complex to meet the needs of its residents. The fields are used from sun up to 10pm by all manner of groups including general public, resident non profits, private schools, local colleges, adult teams, plus camps and everything in between. More and more housing is being built with families moving into the area who are continuing to grow the number of soccer players in the area, with no new fields to accommodate them. One only need to look at the deterioration of all the turf fields in the city to see how much they are used each day. We need more soccer fields and there is a huge support for this Pickleball is such a great sport for ALL ages! It is great exercise and is very social. One can show up by themselves, put their paddle up on the rack and join in with other eager players and make new friends while improving physical and mental health! Pump track and soccer fields!!! Pickleball will bring people of all ages and demographics. Would be great to have more soccer fields for the kids! I would like to suggest a baseball diamond for LCYO families. All the LCYO fields are shared spaces with other sports which means we do not have dedicated fields like CYB gets Chase Field. We would love something like that for our league that comprises of MANY Carlsbad residents! Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 32 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts We need more soccer fields for the various soccer programs. Carlsbad has too few. Playgrounds that include more natural materials (wood, etc.) and include space for older kids as well (like Olympic Park in Encinitas). Also, consider putting in a pump track for bikes. We really need more soccer fields in Carlsbad with ample parking!!! PLEASE consider the fact that there is a lack of fields for the number of kids playing field sports! Main concern is high output field lighting at night. Hundreds of families live very close to the new park and large lighting infrastructure for night sports would be very detrimental to the surrounding neighborhoods. Lacrosse fields Lacrosse fields! Very interested in multi sport fields, with sewn in lines for Lacrosse, specifically. We need a good skate park More pickleball courts, like mites access in crlsbad to public, look how crowed Poinsietta is! More than one soccer field and have it be grass not turf. Carlsbad lacks high quality grass playing fields for competitive soccer and it’s one of our most popular sports Multiple baseball fields for tournaments, we travel to other towns for baseball tournaments yet don’t have enough fields in one place to have tournaments here. You can charge to park as well as tournament fees. The City SC Carlsbad Soccer Club, and people who love playing soccer would love to have a soccer sports complex. An example of this is the Oceanside SoCal sports complex. A sports complex would give the city more opportunities and a bigger pathway for soccer in the city. The city needs way more soccer fields. I am an avid soccer player who is always having a hard time being able to find an open spot in a field to play soccer in. So, a large soccer field would give more people such as I a chance to be able to play soccer. I hope you consider this when planning what to do for this project. WE NEED SOCCER FIELDS!!! Lacrosse fields for the counties best lacrosse program! How many kids play sports and how LIMITED field availability is due to WAY TOO MANY homes being built Sand volleyball courts I would love to see a park similar to Poinsettia Park and Aviara in the area of robertson. I grew up having gathers, parties, soccer events, class hangouts at Aviara and poinsettia and I think another one would be amazing to have for my children growing up. As our community grows i think we need more of these areas for our kids to grow and enjoy at all ages! I work and live close to this area. It will be a great spot for lunch activities as well as daily use. In addition to the veterans park nearby we need additional areas with bike related features. One area will not be enough. Many skate parks exist it would be great to have a couple complimentary bike areas. Please, more lacrosse fields! We have nationally ranked teams in Carlsbad that don’t have proper turf fields to play at! Please grow this sport that is so popular in Carlsbad and support the best teams we have! Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 33 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Soccer I truly believe our youth need more fields to accommodate the massive demand for multiple sports. Currently soccer Dominates field time and other sports are left with no options. I think a pump track would be nice for bikes and skateboards. Lacrosse fields. Huge growth sports and more fields are needed. Allow Carlsbad USTA tennis to use the tennis courts. Soccer fields that aren’t rented out exclusively but available to the public Youth sports complex We need more space for baseball, the fields are always taken by soccer We need more tennis courts. Pickleball courts are taking over our current tennis courts. Would like to see more tennis courts please. Allow womens tennis leagues to reserve courts for league use There is a severe shortage of pickleball courts that are designated for the beginning and intermediate players. Pine is a great place to play but sometimes the competitive and aggressive players will make other players feel unwelcome. Multiple courts that are designated for the beginner and intermediate players would be ideal. Recreational play should be the priority and not challenge courts. A place where families could play together. The size of the piece of land and availability of similar sized pieces of land. There is limited soccer field space across the city and this feels like one of the last remaining sites to add capacity. Soccer A sewn in lacrosse field that would be the first in Carlsbad for youth K-8. No Bocce ball courts near home residences More pickleball courts for just PB ... Melba Bishop (O'side) has 11 dedicated PB courts. Carlsbad definitely needs more than just at Poinsettia Park. Pickleball courts are of the most desperate neeed. Lighted sand volleyball courts Multiple pickleball courts. All pickleball courts are VERY busy all the time with long wait times. Pickleball courts! Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America and Carlsbad is in need of more courts for residents and visitors. Having the courts reserved for league tennis. Would love to have an option for USTA league teams so we don't have to join a private ($$$$) club! Carlsbad lacks field space for youth sports. A state of the art baseball/softball field would be great! Teams are constantly fighting over field time. I would love a park where we could have a USTA tennis teams represented for scheduled play. Aviara is currently pricing any local tennis teams off of their courts and their are no public courts where Carlsbad teams are represented Backboards for tennis practice. Closest one is La Jolla. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 34 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Our current City parks are over crowded and we are in need of more fields. Carlsbad youth sports have expanded tremendously and additional local parks will help working parents get their kids to sports a lot easier. Indoor Basketball courts, skatepark, workout gym, Pickle ball please!!!! Soccer fields How about a park catered to 50 and older. Most of the homeowners are now 50 and over. Need pickleball courts, bocce balls and game tables. Calavera is close by and already have baseball courts, tennis etc. Outdoor Fitness / Exercise stations like pull-up bars, sit-up stations, monkey bars, etc Pointsettia Picklball courts are so crowded. Need many more for a city the size of Carlsbad. They create a positive and fun environment. Hitting wall so a person can practice hitting pickleballs and tennis balls. Get expert advice re: building pickleball courts 1 field for sports, preferably on the north El Camino side Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in North America and Southern California is an ideal location. However, when considering the location to build courts it should be in an area that is farthest away from residential. In my opinion it should be located in an area where there is ample open space as a buffer. Tennis and/or racquet ball courts would be nice. Pickleball courts with evening lighting. Good bike trails to get there. Please have open space for free use, and a plug for pickle ball - the ones at Poinsettia are used nonstop! Pickle ball courts I play at Poinsettia and have to wait to get on with more than half of the tennis courts empty. Being able to host pro pickleball tournaments that bring in hundreds of high end tourists to support the local economy; similar to the fantastically lucrative and prestigious tournaments that San Clemente hosts every year. This would entail at least 16 pickleball courts be established in a setting with ample parking, and would differentiate Carlsbad from San Diego as a destination resort for pickleball enthusiasts from all over the country. Carlsbad has the perfect climate and infrastructure to support such and initiative, as Pickleball is THE future of participatory sport in California and the world. Skateboard park for beginners and advanced More pickleball courts please. I am constantly leaving the city to play because there are not enough public courts. San volleyball courts Please consider how popular pickle all has become, what a great sport it is for every age group and also what a great social activity it is. Pickle ball helps the community get out and connect while getting a great workout. Having another location for pickle ball other than the one spot at Poinsettia Park would be so fantastic. PICKLEBALL!!! Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 35 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts Inline hockey rink Please, please, please put in pickleball courts! And a bathroom is so nice, I have four small children and it is so hard when we go to Buena Vista Park or Olympus park in Encinitas bc there are no bathrooms Basketball courts and paved path for walking, scootering We need more public pickleball courts in north Carlsbad. They would no doubt be a popular draw When you make the pickleball court keep it open from the side but have high ceilings to protect from the sun. There are companies that help build that It would be wonderful to have access to more and better grass soccer fields Table-Tennis in an indoor facility. Ideally - a great playground (don’t forget the older kids! We love Olympus Park in Encinitas). Also multipurpose fields, Pickleball & dog park. More sports fields would be great including additional options for adult leagues. Theres also nothing wrong with just big, green, open space. Something along the lines of Encinitas Community Park, but with basketball courts instead of skateboard Pickleball courts Dedicated soccer fields please. We don’t have enough soccer field space in Carlsbad. Myself, my husband and our 4 school aged children live in the Foothills community. This park will directly affect our lives. All 4 of our kids play soccer and use the Carlsbad parks and fields everyday. We purchased our home just over 10 years ago and at the time we were told the city would be building soccer fields on the Robertson Ranch open space. As a family who travels up and down El Camino Blvd multiple times a day driving our children to their practices we would love to see this promise fulfilled. The City of Carlsbad is in desperate need of more field space for our young athletes and the last thing that we need is another dog park or passive space. We are fortunate enough to live across the street from the amazing trails of Calavera Hills for anyone looking to enjoy nature or get some fresh air. Please make the correct decision and put the children of Carlsbad first. Must have restrooms, large natural grass areas with large shade trees . More pickleball courts. No pickleball. Fun play park for kids maybe a skate park too. It’d be great if there was a trail / workout station aspect to the park. There are very few in the area and that would be a great feature to have. SOFTBALL FIELDS PLEASE Outdoor dedicated pickleball venue Regular size grass soccer fields (could be used for lacrosse or football too). But would be better if they don''t contain a dirt portion that's part of a baseball or softball field). Surf skateboard park features Restroom and parental facilities for changing young children. A community gym and / or pool. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 36 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Fields/courts A wall to practice hitting pickleballs against. Shaded playground areas so the playground does not get too hot for the kids. Indoor gymnasiums are nice too for basketball courts. A fitness park, similar to the AARP FitLot parks: https://fitlot.org/plan-a-fitlot/ Please consider quality of equipment/space and cost. The new fitness equipment installed at Calavera Park (corner of Glasgow and Carlsbad Village Dr) does not work well and is rarely used. This was a huge investment for the city. Soccer fields would be great! Both of our sons play soccer and it’s so hard to get field space. Bicycle Pump Track. Kids love bikes and this is a great place to learn, practice and progress. Soccer field More soccer fields are needed Soccer fields. Appropriate shaded seating for pickleball spectators and participants. Bathroom facilities. Lifetime Sports/Recreation for all ages We have a dedicated soccer community here in Carlsbad and we are in need of more field space, particularly for our hometown club City SC. In my opinion, it would be great to have access to well-kept grass fields as opposed to artificial turf. Thank you for your time, signed a resident of the Robertson Ranch community. Shaded areas for pickleball and picnic area Workout stations: chin ups, et. Al Shaded bleachers for pickleball try to make a path that goes around the park for people who want to exercise Sand volleyball courts More soccer fields that can be used as multi purpose sports fields. Carlsbad is known for its outdoor sports culture, and with the population growth in the last 20 years the number of sports parks are not sufficient. Please keep our culture alive with areas for our kids to learn how to compete, make friends, and become great Carlsbadians. Multi sports natural grass fields. NOT TURF. Its dangerous and not suitable for soccer Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Environment Sustainable landscapes, wildlife habitat Botanical areas focused on meditative spaces and nature education and conservation. More trees please, we need all the shade we can get especially on hot days when you want to go to the park and around children's playgrounds Water feature play area for kids (similar to Sunset Park in San Marcos) I’d love to see a nice green space with walking paths, grassy lawns for picnics, beautiful gardens and community gardens. Some place that young kids and senior citizens can enjoy alike. We have plenty of ball fields and sports parks that only a select few use. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 37 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Environment There are plenty of places to play sports. Especially underutilized school grounds. Not enough great family gathering places or places for adults to just enjoy a natural park. Only families with young kids typically enjoy sports parks (and the occasional adult sport park leagues), but everyone can enjoy a leisure park. Not sure why only sports fanatics get parks specifically for them. Not everyone enjoy loud and crowded sporting events. Shade! Lighting for evening play when daylight hours are short in the fall/winter/early spring, distanced swings from play structure for safety, sandbox, water features, changing tables, low toilets/sinks for toddlers, merry-go-round, Native plant/animal edu & historical city/land info signs. Observation decks w/geographical lookout points and signage re: viewpoints on the horizon, Natural playing areas i.e. large rocks/logs/trees/dirt lots of flowers Safety - lights, ease of getting in and out for families or kids that walk there. No more dogs off leash places - a big dog park would be nice - be fair to all the sports and not choose just one - and pleasePreserve some nature! Lots of open space with grass/fields for kids to run and play. Olympus Park in Encinitas has some unique and “exciting” play features: a zip line, a slide down a hill, etc— something different than every other park. Real grass not turf. If turf is necessary please use cork instead of tire tread. Duck Pond Open spaces, dog friendly, big trees Keeping it open space and most natural to the environment Native plants and gardens with a botanical theme Native plants and minimalNight lighting Pond Please consider a designated butterfly garden with a pond and bridge. I raise monarchs every year to help their numbers prosper as they are on the brink of extinction. Having our own butterfly sanctuary-so to speak-would make this park and Carlsbad unique and more loved. We can have volunteers help run the area like myself. So much good will come out of this for our community and especially our children. We can all enjoy this little sanctuary and at the same time bring awareness to nature. A nice balance to allow for a shared space with the wildlife that inhabit the area Natural plantings and shade trees Good sized shade trees Lots of trees with shade areas for family get togethers. A small pond Plenty of trees for shade Trees/Shade Water feature, bathroom, meditation area, flower gardens Water feature Lots of trees /shade options Open space. Make it feel like nature. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 38 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Environment splash pad Trees that give a lot of shade (mulberry trees). Garden for community Close enough, strong trees so people can bring a hammock Flower garden No ponds to attract duck or other birds that poop everywhere It would be nice to have a park to simply enjoy nature and not have excessive playgrounds and sports fields. Maybe a few water features, native plants, benches and some shade trees. Simple but rewarding in this central location would be a nice change! A pond Green/environmentally conscious design Open space for people to enjoy Lots of trees planted Nice open space! lots of trees for shade Water fountain with seating and picnic areas Continued sustainability and care for environmental concerns I’d like to the city be as forward thinking as possible when it comes to sustainability and the environment Like lots of trees Plant trees for shade, design a healing garden area. It'll give residents an option to have a place for destressing/recuperation/meditation. Example: https://myk-d.com/projects/ripple/ Trees, Trees and more Trees Trees for shade Native plants natural creeks from flooding seating and covered playgrounds Water feature for beauty & sound since the intersection of Cannon & El Camino Real is very busy & noisy. A water feature near the corner would help make the park more peaceful. A landscape architect could probably make some great design suggestions. Botanical gardens like The Huntington Library in San Marino, CA A park with swings and no sand. Also nothing like poinsettias playground is it a terrible design for kids. To make it look not so “new”- mature, big trees, knolls, big beautiful fountains or pond. Some water feature. Make it look natural, sort of like a smaller scale Central Park with little places all along it. See also Lincoln park in Chicago, balboa park, liberty park in salt lake, Forsyth park in savannah plant more trees. less concrete. keep the world natural and clean like it should be. we dont need anymore unnecessary concrete. Trees, flowers, picnic areas, walking paths, small amphitheater Beautiful landscaping It’s value for ecosystem services and general health of the planet Unique design that encompasses nature and is natural Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 39 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Environment Open natural places. Ball fields, golf courses, and other sports complexes are already well established throughout the city. A place for wildlife Most CB 'parks' are really just athletic fields. Why not go back to the historical meaning of parks, and devote it to nature . . . . trees, lawns, gardens, peaceful areas. Lots of trees to provide shady areas Open area Shade Trees Native plants/butterfly garden. Shady areas Shade trees for walking trail make sure to plant enough trees to provide shades along the walking tracks and play areas shade areas, open space give the new park an "open space" feeling, feeling that you are in nature even though you're close to the city A sensory garden similar to the one at Gathering Place in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They have different sections of the park that were sponsored by different corporations. Take advantage of views to adjacent open spaces Please eliminate anything artificial/fake in our parks. Examples of artificial/fake things &gt; faux trees and bushes and vines, faux cellular transmission light poles .. such as what's at Calavera Park or any cellular transmission equipment Trees, grass, art Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities Something like Olympus park in Encinitas but with bathrooms! The kids love the zip line swing and hill for box sliding. Maybe even a small rock climbing wall. skate park Please consider planting large canopy shade trees, such as the tipuwana trees already mature outside the adjoing fence on Cannon Rd. There are already plenty of trails for bikes and dogs in the area. it would be very nice to have a walking/running trail without bikes and having to dodge dog poop. Even with all the dog waste receptacles and plastic bags provides, some dog owners don't pick up and claim it is coyote droppings, which is very different and also is environmentally friendly, as it disintegrates quickly and has no odor. A mini town for scooters/bikes. Was a big hit in Austin and local businesses sponsored the different buildings (picture included) great way to reinforce traffic safety. (Picture included) Good bathrooms Skate park or pump track suitable for kids ages 10-15 Skate Park since the other Skate Parks in Carlsbad are more South and the Skate Parks we do have are limited Disc golf Pump Track Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 40 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities Disc Golf course water feature Skate park areas Skate park Shade! Lighting for evening play when daylight hours are short in the fall/winter/early spring, distanced swings from play structure for safety, sandbox, water features, changing tables, low toilets/sinks for toddlers, merry-go-round, Native plant/animal edu & historical city/land info signs. Observation decks w/geographical lookout points and signage re: viewpoints on the horizon, Natural playing areas i.e. large rocks/logs/trees/dirt Whatever facilities are ultimately chosen, there needs to be a sustainable maintenance budget to ensure the park is kept up well for the long term. Municipal recreation facilities in Carlsbad are excellent, in general, but the condition of some of the synthetic sports fields is deteriorating. Artificial playing surfaces require routine maintenance to ensure their long term durability, as well as protect player safety. The large turf field at Poinsettia showing wear from lack of upkeep, and is now rock hard. It looks like it has never been maintained since installation. For such a great facility to be in that state of disrepair reflects poorly on our city, and should not be an acceptable standard for the Parks Department. Thank you for facilitating this public outreach. I would request that the City include a 400 meter, multi-lane synthetic running track in the design as there are no running tracks that are open to the public in Carlsbad. The City has a huge running community and a track would be a welcome addition for many youth and adult events. I would also request that the City carefully consider the need for passive and active recreation for ALL ages and not over- program the site as a youth sports complex. The single entrance is a limiting factor relative to how many fields / how much program / how many vehicles this site can safely accommodate. There is a very real issue of delaying first responders from the fire station exiting out to Cannon Road if Trailblazer and Wind Trail are full of cars leaving if the site is programmed with 2-3 soccer fields (1 very high quality, full-size soccer/multisport field would be great!) If pickleball courts are included, please locate them as far as possible from the homes – as much as I like the sport, it is not a good neighbor due to the noise. Thank you for your consideration on these matters. Skate Park A pump track or skate park. Adding a skate park Bike Pump Track A pump track for mountain bikes like this one in Whistler Canada. The town is all about outdoor fun and fitness and know there would be a lot of interest with calavera near by. skate park, fake grass kids can slide down Skate park Pump track for biking Community workout stations - pull up bars etc Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 41 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities Skate parks, pump tracks and concrete walls for playing wall ball or racquetball or just to bounce balls off of. Disc golf (9 or 18) hole. Trees, grass, shade. Mini golf or public artificial putting green. Bike track and/or pump track would be fun Pool, rec center A fitness trail. A skateboard / bike pump track similar to the Pacific Highlands pump track in Carmel Valley Disc golf course, even a short one Gym equipment Adult exercise elements, Like the old Par Courses. I would put more photos but you would only accept 1 photo :(. A Skatepark or small pump track. Look at the parks in leucadia on Olympus & on Vulcan for inspiration on what can be done with a small space. Water feature Pump track and mountain bike trails Fitness park equipment Skate park No sand, keep the playground clean. Easy parking. Have the kids area set back from the road and parking lot. As a mother my mind is always at ease when I know the cars are a safe distance from where my kids are playing. Hidden Canyon park is a great park. A safe place to run, our city is full of runners with no safe dedicated track to run on. Well. Kids, kids, kids! A safe place for kids of all ages to congregate, eat, communicate, socialize and feel safe. Positive themes and artwork. Drinking fountains of course. Lots of benches and tables and native California flora. The Wild Animal Park has a wonderful new native California fauna trail for examples, and there are various businesses that specialize in that kind of design. Although our local schools are said to be high caliber, it's also crucial to have as much public commons available as well for the youth. Probably some kind of performance stage as well. Perhaps an area devoted to activities like Tai Chi, yoga, meditation, etc. There's record low morale in high schools among pupils and teachers as well. Could set aside a place for a free community library of sorts. A fountain with lights would be super nice and elegant as well, probably requiring low upkeep? Bike skills parks for kids - as our roads become more crowded, it’d harder to teach kids to ride bikes safely on roads. A bike skills park for young kids is a definite need! Similarly, a mountain biking skills park for younger kids is a great way to introduce kids to another sport, through a controlled and safe way, and get our kids out and exercising instead of indoors on screens. The Wyatt Ave Bike Park in Sydney, Australia, is a great mode for a beginner mountain biking park! Fencing around the park or organized so kids can’t escape. Love Olympus park or Encinitas community parks shade and activities that require kids to move and climb. I have two boys who love baseball and we always struggle to find cages where they can practice hitting. I’m addition to a baseball field it would be nice to have baseball cages to Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 42 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities practice batting safely without the fear of accidentally hitting someone on the field. Thank you for taking our opinion into consideration. Soccer fields and walking paths can be enjoyed by many, and a formal walk path would be safer for those that use the space for running / walking now. It would be great if the space is available for usage by all age groups. My mother lives near the park and she enjoys walks in beautiful gardens. I visit her fairly often and slow meandering walks in safe areas is one of the main things we enjoy doing together. We love seeing the neighborhood kids out with their families as well. Please consider a safe bike path for younger kids to ride around the perimeter of the park. This would be a location that bike safety courses could be taught to young children. If a playground is installed it would be amazing to have a completely covered/shaded playground! Also something considering accessibility similar to Courtney’s Sandcastle in San Clemente. Fence or some kind of barrier between the park and the Main Street Fenced area where children are Multi generational use It would be wonderful to have some shady areas to picnic . Baby area separate from the older kids playground Sensory-heavy playground that would be appealing for autistic/neurodivergent children Covered shaded areas Bathrooms Shade!!! Lights at night! Walking/running paths Trees for shade! Zipline Ample Shad for the playground and picnic areas Pedestrian access/walkability Bathrooms Sculptures/art from local artists, lots of trees/grass Restrooms A splash pad No turf please, no more plastic playgrounds, be innovative Splash pad Skatepark skatepark Shade areas, trees overhead Path/area for roller skating Splash pad skatepark Olympus park in Encinitas has a very fun and unique set of structures with the zip line, grass slide (with cardboard boxes), and tire swing. Splash pads are usually a fun thing too. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 43 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities A single unique feature that can entertain kids for a few hours - like a climbing wall. Pool Space usage to people ratio to avoid crowding in places within the park. Walking paths, jogging trail, pool Pool North Carlsbad pool complex Unique play ground equipment making it fun for all ages of kids. Roller slides and splash pad Lights Lots of shade - fountain to sit at Filtered water fountains No lights. Paths connect with existing trail system. No bathrooms. Rock climbing wall Something for older kids like the sledding hill at Olympus park in Encinitas, adventure course, and a zip line Playgrounds with all the families around here would be amazing. As well as a nice place to walk. Extra restrooms Bathrooms close by Shade structure over the playground. Shaded areas and restrooms Shaded areas No public bathrooms, no lights That allows for bike paths, lots of space for picnic tables, something that is useful for everyone. Dog friendly Make it a chill place. No lights. Integrate existing walking trail. Everyone uses to walk and take thier dogs. Don't wreck it. No lights. No bathrooms. Food trucks-Yes Park too small for big fields. No good way in and out. No lights, no bathrooms Trails for walking and running Bike Trails Sitting benches everywhere walking and bike path Dog park with separate sides for large and small dogs . Lot's of sitting,running, and shaded areas , for socializing human and dogs. Shade & Seating areas Splash pads, open space for community movie nights and farmers markets/events Walking path for LEASHED dogs Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 44 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities Natural playground materials vs plastic primary colors. Buena vista playground and landscaping is beautiful example. Perhaps a water feature splash pad? One of those roller slides like at bub williamson park Shade over playground, splash pad SWIMMING pool Field lighting, shaded spectator spaces, youth sports walk-in storage Restroom. A water rinse-off station with great drainage forfor dogs/people. Shaded areas If there are picnic tables they should be shaded Climbing area. Cottonwood park in Encinitas built a neat climbing (faux) boulder. When planning playground features, strive to make it unique, like the landscape architect did at Olympus Park in Encinitas. Provide adequate shade and drinking fountains/water bottle filling stations. Allow dogs to be in the park on a lease picnic tables too Allow dogs in parks or build add another dog park. We also need more baseball fields for older kids. Splash pad Bbq areas , garden Enclosed playground Shaded areas or maybe even a splash pad Playground areas for 5 and under, 5-12 yrs old and 12 yrs and above Playground equipment for older kids Please consider not adding a dog park as there are 3 within a few miles of this location. A track would be helpful for all age groups, as well as multi use sports fields. SHADE is needed. Lastly, if a playground is built, make it different than the generic slides/swings (ropes, more climbing features, etc) so it isn't the same old. Clean bathrooms Shade Shade Water splash pad/swimming No 5g towers, clean bathrooms, Be able to host future summer Concerts in the Park events. picinic area Clean Restrooms and Big Playground Mountain Biking Shaded areas, bathrooms, filtered water fountains Bikes! Paths for mountain bikes are great, but would especially like to see a pump track for those interested in BMX biking. Currently we have to travel to 4S Ranch area or Temecula. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 45 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities We would like a pool at this site. If there is a playground it would be great to have unique options for older kids like the zip line at Olympus park in leucadia. Snack bar and centralized gathering area, similar to Chase fields Tall slides, splash area, grass area Shade Shade Is there a way to get their by walking or biking without having to go on El Camino? proper lighting and clean and accessible restrooms Nicer Bathrooms. A space for food trucks. Mountain bike trails, trails that connect for more than a half mile. Trails not made of concrete. Do you need to make sure that it has proper son and not in a shaded area and it would also help if the street access is close to where the gardens are out as well Amphitheater for night summer shows Bathrooms and drinking fountains Swimming pool. There’s only 2 in Carlsbad and they are always busy. There’s such a need for more soccer fields. Now that Messi has joined the MLS this will increase soccer popularity and Carlsbad lacks soccer fields. There’s not enough skating rink We NEED more pools!! Shade & tables Shade for parents Shade. Lots of bathroom stalls for the women’s bathroom Create rollerskating track. Splash pad or swimming pool Splash pad for kids to play A clubhouse for local classes and social events. Shaded waiting area? Connect to adjacent trails. Bathrooms Art in the hard scape, like mosaics, sculptures, etc. Bathrooms Living on the east coast many parks had very nice lacrosse facilities. Given that lately lacrosse is becoming a popular west coast sport it would be nice to see some dedicated lacrosse fields. Thank you Splash pad, zip line like Encinitas, unique challenging play structures like in Carmel valley, large slide hill like Encinitas for sliding down on a plastic sled or even box, rubber bottom matting for the playground! No sand! More shade over play equipment! Especially shade for the swings as is parents stand in the sun for so long just pushing our babes and sweat to death! The new features at the community park in Carmel valley (the one with the bike Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 46 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities track/pump track) is amazing! All of the play equipment and the way it is structured is top notch and we’d like to see that kind of thing here in cbad too! Walking area/track Swimming pool Zipline! Water splash pad Dog park. Edible landscape. Native landscape Slack line posts, slack line practice area. It's a sport that helps streghten your body and mind. It's hard to find two trees with the right distance across and on even ground. It'd be so great to have at least one designated slack line area...consisting of two post atleast 60 feet across. Big dog and small dog park Connect to hiking trails for running. Public bathrooms. Shade covers Please, please, please have shade at the playground- for parents as well as kids A running walking track would be amazing, water or splash play feature and fields for lacrosse. Shaded areas. Check out bub williams park in vista! If putting in a playground, please consider adding shade sails. So many of the playgrounds in our area are too hot to use by midday. Please also consider cooling turf. A lot of kids like to run barefoot. A playground for older kids and one for tots would be ideal. We don't live in Carlsbad but are in Henie Hills and frequent Carlsbad parks.. Poured in place rubber flooring. Shade above playground. Splash pad. Musical instruments. Gated playground. Include a water element like a small pond with ducks if possible. Tranquil to represent the quite community along that stretch yet appealing to all ages and demographics. I grew up in Upland and we had a beautiful rose garden at Upland Memorial. Get the community involved to help plant it. Kids loved running through it and older folks loved walking. One of my fondest memories. No more tennis courts. I live above the courts at La Costa Greens and they are primarily used for pickle ball. The noise of the ball hitting the paddle carries and can be annoying to those who live close. The early morning pickleball tournaments can get really loud too. Pickleballers will find a place to play. There are articles being written about this. Pit in basketball courts so kids and parents can play. Thank you for this opportunity. I am a married 54 yr old woman with a 16 yr old for reference. I have yet to see kid friendly bathrooms at our parks, examples include shorter toilets and sinks to encourage use of bathrooms. I understand the use of mulch/wood chips on the playgrounds but it also causes many splinter fiascos! I’ve seen parks in other cities that have a community ball storage case, with a set of multi-use balls. It would be interesting to see if our community can handle this, I believe we could take good care and not steal, break, etc Shade over the playground Shade over playground, natural walking trails, shaded grass areas. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 47 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities Shade and heat tolerant features, access from south/west corner, tie in to walking trails, more interactive play area (touch, feel, sound, caves, rocks) Splash pad Shaded areas, bathrooms, party rental space, innovative playground concepts like the Encinitas zip line park We want a really dynamic space forKids of multiple ages to play coffee kiosk and food trucks fully fenced in playground for younger kids No sand for the playground - also that the playground is accessible Kids exploration, edible vegetation, and easy access for strollers Add a splash pad. Ensure there are picnic tables in a gazebo or shaded area. A water play area for dogs Pretend road track for kids, bikes, scooters Playground options for multiple age ranges Adventure playground Adventure-style playground. See Fox Hills Park in Las Vegas/Summerlin, Nevada. Playground away from parking lot A splash pad Wild play is amazing. Playgrounds that's are interesting and different draw in people from all over the county. Children deserve wide open green spaces. Also doubleswings are amazing. Large climbing structure on playground For playgrounds inspire kids like Leucadia Oaks. Pool is in high demand as Alga Norte is overcrowded and hard to get lanes. Add features that make this a park for Carlsbad residents. Calavera Hills is 90% traveling teams from other cities. While nice, it doesn’t serve the residents of the local community. Veteran's Park is very nearby, but isolated from most residential areas - put sports elements there (especially pickleball, etc.) This is a beautiful parcel I enjoy walking with my dog, and would love for it to be a natural park for the community (as it connects to nearby Robertson/Calavera)trails). There is so much development surrounding this corner, its design should offset the residential sprawl surrounding it. Allow this space to be a communal area to escape to (think NY's Central Park - on a much smaller scale) Gate around playground area! We need more parks in north county that are gated for the young ones. Active adults/Seniors need projects - bocce ball, tracks, picnic tables Indoor / outdoor hall to rent for parties and community gatherings away from the public Splash pad Shaded areas, lots of seating/tables, bathrooms with changing stations Shady areas, fountain/splash pad Bathrooms, shade splash pad bathrooms Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 48 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities Children water park, restrooms Please please please make the paths concrete or hard surface, whether they be for walking/running - and make it continguous. Im a upper 50s female and roller skating is my exercise - finding a flat hard surface to skate around is near impossible and can be easily incorporated into a walking/bike path ( add striping!) or a bball court (make the surface big enough to skate on when not being used for bball, or add a track with trak surface and then the bball courts hard surace in the middle of the track, which can be also used for roller skating. I know from personal experience in the last few years that roller skating surfaces are in demand - the roller hockey rink at MLK parl in O'side is booked and competitive to reserve, same with the space in 4S Ranch. Escondido is only available to skate on Sun and Wed - the rest is reserved for roller hockey. There are skaters all over Carlsbad area who travel all over to skate - so many of us woudl LOVE to be able to skate closer to home. Skate parks are a different animal - a flat oval or a flat contiguous hard surface would get used for so many different purposes. There isn't an outdoor skating area in any park in Carlsbad, so this would be a good new add to a new park. Shade over playgrounds. Baby Swings at playground Bathrooms and shade A splash pad and fenced in playground would be amazing Accessible and gated playgrounds Small playground for under 5 years, water play, shaded areas for summer time, gated playgrounds Gaga pit for the kids with shade over top!!! All the schools have them, and is the most popular thing with all the kids and and yet none of the community playgrounds have them. Every kid and Carlsbad would think you! A splash pad Playground that is visible from seating area. So parents can sit and watch and not have to worry about their kid not being seen from certain spots of the park Include the soft playground topping instead of sand. As well as toddler swings. Would love more plots for a community garden too! Dog friendly good gathering spaces, good sports fields, proximity of bathrooms to fields and gathering spaces, good birthday spaces near basketball and grass areas The play ground to have the soft squishy ground. And some shaded areas. A splash pad area Splash pad, better play areas for kids Splash pad for kids Bathrooms Include shade for playground/picnic areas. how about a gaga put? Gated playground, good shade, splash pad would be amazing, walking path, trees Make walking paths shaded with trees Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 49 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities no sand or limited sand. splash pad Lighting, security Smart park - outlets to charge, WiFi access. Water play (splash pad). More advanced playground for older kids. For the dog park have grass like the Encinitas dog park Splash pad. Food trucks Big clean bathrooms. Splash pad for kids A decorative fountain/water feature that kids can also play in. Splash pad for kids Shade! I used to live in San Jose and they have the most amazing parks, look there for inspiration. Out door picnic areas A shaded playground Large trees to create shady areas for picnicking. Parking area large enough to invite. Food trucks. Consider food trucks Sundays! Bocce ball courts. Ornamental gardens with educational component. I walking paths. Separate toddler playground and shade! Swings and shade Bathrooms Restrooms Playground not next to parking lot Art gallery Walkability from neighboring neighborhoods Running track for the community! (We do not have one) :( Water features / splash pad A water play area for kids Clean bathrooms, shade for spectators of the sports fields. Water features. Meditation area Water play area Fenced in play area for kids Splash pad for kids with a playground Bathrooms! Shelter and community building perhaps with concessions for youth sports and fundraisers Water features kids would love. Splash pad Take advantage of any changes in topography that the site has to make it a more interesting, memorable park. Create a theme-based playground that provides a destination and sense of place for the kids. Swings and monkey bars please! Integrate educational opportunities about Carlsbad's unique history. Add as much shade as possible so that the park can be used during even the hottest months. It would be awesome to Integrate some kind of water-wise park element since were so close to the ocean. Provide one of a kind seating opportunities for Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 50 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities parents and kids to just hang out and talk, perhaps adult sized swings next to kid sized ones. Please make sure you get feedback from local kids - they often have the most innovative ideas!. Splash pad!! Shade structure. a larger dog park, make it bigger than one acre Water feature like pond or lake A pool That we have many sports parks already, but not too many walking path friendly (especially stroller friendly!) options. Also it’s important to have ample shade and water features, especially in this heat! Make it unique. Not in new features but do features differently. Different kind of playground or picnic area. Please add a public pool in the north part of Carlsbad. Synthetic putting (golf) green EV charging good public restrooms Swimming pool long perimeter walking path Splash pad Splash pad or interactive play areas as well as lots of space for e- bike parking Restrooms. Group gathering place that could be used as an entertainment facility like for TGIF concerts. Merry-go-round. Snack Bar. Dog park to have grass on it please, just like Encinas Lg dog park. And just large grassy areas as well. An all-weather running track (400 meters) would be ideal. Given the lack of a public pool at Sage Creek High School and the low number of public pools in Carlsbad it would be great to add here. I would also advocate to use the entire land area to develop usable receation spaces and not leave any as untouched open space. High density living and lack of personal green space creates more demand for public green space with shaded lawns and gardens. The area should include alot of trees to create shade. A dedicated tennis and pickleball facility run by a vendor with a small 'clubhouse' to create community would be welcome. The City of Mountain View in the Bay Area has successfully run a similar center at their Cuesta Park. It would be great to create a swim and tennis facility run by the City at affordable rates so residents didn't have to be wealthy to join a country club. https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community- services/recreation/sports-fitness/tennis?locale=en . I would also advocate for all parking access should be provided from Cannon Dog friendly throughout Interactive water features or splash pads, historical markers, art sculptures and installation (interactive) Shade and additional housing near by Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 51 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities A lot of dog people in the area. We need a big dog park like Alga norte A grocery store/farm fresh food was promised to us when Shea Homes built this tract Canterbury. We’ve never gotten it and we don’t really want a park. It would be better if a farm fresh produce store was built. Bike trail Swimming pool A park where older adults can go and enjoy some community with others. Shady, grassy, flat places where we can have outdoor classes like yoga or tai chi. Pretty walking path all the way around park next to a stream. Playground with nature in mind and a water feature where grandkids can splash. Multi purpose field if room but no bright lights.. splash pads Currently this field is used for dogs to run around. The neighbors love taking their dogs here to exercise. It would be great to designate a space (dog park) for dogs to run around to keep this opportunity available once the land is developed! Enough space for TGIF concerts Filtered water fountains and water bottle fill spigots Grass dog park Monkey bars Bike racks shaded areas with seating, disc golf, meeting area splash pad playground and walking paths Horse shoe pits No dog park SHADED PLAYGROUND PLEASE, not just a couple random sail cloth A swimming pool that Sage Creek HS could access. It would be amazing if the "playground" could be geared toward older kids (tweens/teens). All of the playgrounds in our area are for kids ages 0-12. Big kids like to climb and play, too! See this article for the benefits: https://mrcrec.com/blog/playgrounds-for-teens-and-adults- are-here-with-challenge-course. Some kids aren't into sports, so this type of playground is great for them (and their parents!) to get some active time. I've lived in Carlsbad since 2014 (prior to that Cardiff for 9 years), and I think this could be something really unique for our city - I've never seen anything like it in our area. Things like obstacle courses or fitness-based items would be so cool. Thanks for considering! clean bathrooms Lots of picnic areas Look to have multiuse trails and walkways. Lots of shade, grass/mature trees, nature Meditative areas. Concert areas. Roller skating ribbon, like seen in Chicago at Maggie Daly park. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 52 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities Incorporate having shade with trees in grass areas that may be for picnic areas. Not just gazebos. Carlsbad NEEDS more public pools!!!! A wave pool for beginner surfers - not a huge one. Just big enough to get our young kids comfortable with riding. Bike park This would be a wonderful opportunity for ADULTS: small stage or platform that the community can use for concerts, plays, city events. There are plenty of sports fields around, let’s make Robertson Park something different! Multiple bathrooms; splash pad My kids favorite parks all have one thing in common, somewhere to ride their bikes. Their favorite things are bike pump tracks or simple mountain bike skills courses. Due to the hills it’s hard to find places to ride bikes for kids so we’d love somewhere to do so. Another thing that my kids love at parks is a splash pad. There also aren’t many skate parks in Carlsbad and I think it would be a good addition, especially one catered to smaller kids. A turf grass hill that kids can slide down on cardboard in the playground area that is similar to Olympus Park in Encinitas. Whenever able, please do grass and not turf sports fields. And perhaps, consider full grass fields and not baseball fields and baseball fields take up so much space for only one field. Connectivity with multi use trails in the area. Quality over quantity of amenities Concession Stand to sell food during games Dog friendly is a plus Shade! Trees and shelter Art works, either on permanent or time-limited exhibition Making it turf and beautiful Bathrooms and drinking fountain Sound Walkways Water park The main thing I'd like to see is a dog park. The city needs another pool. We are at capacity at Monroe and I feel this is overdue. Drinking fountain, running track, shaded picnic area. Please add shady areas. I would love to spend more time in parks, but I can't be in the sun for long. There's not much shade in public spaces around here. // I'd also love to see a ping-pong table. It is near impossible to find a ping-pong table in San Diego County. Such a fun game. // I'd also appreciate an interactive art project, something along the lines of Queen Califia's Magical Circle in Escondido or a walkable labyrinth. Or maybe an obstacle course? I don't play team sports, and it feels like a lot of public space is given over to team sports already. This is great but we need one by the ocean! A bike track would be so cool. There’s on in Irvine in Woodbridge that’s so awesome for kids A playground with lots of equipment line swings and monkey bars. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 53 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities Please put in walking path/trail that can easily connect to paths in the Foothills and Robertson ranch communities. Please have lots of bike racks and limit off street parking (roads into the park by the fire station can't handle heavy traffic). An outdoor gym would be really nice, as well. There are a lot of apartments and condos within walking distance. This park is these residents' primary outdoor space, so having a design that covers many age demographics (12yrs+) would be nice. There are already lots of tot lot and playgrounds for young kids in this area of Carlsbad. shade & water feature Shade and kid friendly design. Hidden park is a great layout and playground. Reservoir is not. Please install a good quality play structure with unique features that are well designed. The playground should be tucked back from the road (like hidden cannon park) I think a splash zone for kids would be a great addition, like the one in Simi Valley called Rancho Tapo Community Park. Dog park I really like the paths at Poinsettia and Alga Norte Parksthat weave throughout for walking. At Alga Norte the paths are also wide enough to accomodate a decent number of pedestrians, children on scooters, etc. Bathrooms Bicycle and walking paths are always a welcome addition!! A small area with designated skateboarding/roller skating/scootering features just like Olympus park in Leucadia. That park is really well done and has something for everyone. Bike paths! Amphitheater A place for food and drink trucks to go. Would love to have it be a small gathering small for adults too, especially with food available Please add a splash pad. Carlsbad parks don’t have splash pads for the kids. Interior trail with connection to adjacent habitat area trails Please consider plenty of walking paths where dogs are allowed on leash. Restrooms! Shaded areas, Splash pads Filtered drinking water Trails connected to existing trails Have a community center as well as a park. Clean bathrooms with regular maintenance Lights for the park Need shade structures Natural landscape with walking and running paths. No stadium lighting More pools! Tables for picnics, shaded by trees, much shade area, splash pad for kids to play Splash pads Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 54 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Other amenities Food stands Single user and "family" restrooms, shade, water fountains, bike racks, plenty of trash, green and recycle bins, clear signage as to where dogs are allowed. Need to have bathrooms Shade Benches for sitting and enjoying nature. Rest room An area for outdoor roller skating. Accessible walking paths that take you around the park to see all the things that are going on so we can learn to appreciate the diversity of the way people play Swimming pool another community swimming pool Playground are a must. Swings and slides always win with my kids. some nice running/walking trails Water bottle filling station/drinking fountain Space for older children and younger children. Plenty of space for parents to sit and watch. Paths to walk on Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Miscellaneous comments Make it suitable and welcoming for all ages. Recognition of indigenous peoples incorporated in any form. Water features The people and not what’s going to financially going to benefit the city Weather changes so winter to summer (shade, water, etc) Consider the kids! The activities of the community Making sure it’s a welcoming place for people of all, not just families with kids. If you’re planning on making it a TGIF location I beg you to create a dedicated space that’s less dusty than a baseball diamond. How it could be utilized for classes for seniors and children (during summer for the kids). Please don’t duplicate what you have planned for Veterans Park. The location of this new park is quite close to Calavera Hills, which has so many of the suggested features in the previous question. It’s also close to the dog park on Carlsbad Village Dr. I feel like this should have something to give it its own “identity” but I’m not entirely sure how. The idea of an ornamental garden is interesting- maybe there could be a small botanical garden that is accessible via a walking trail. Model after Olympus or Poinsettia Park Carlsbad Community events, ie Music, Movies, Yoga. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Verbatim survey comments Fall 2023 55 Q: What else would you like the city to consider when planning this new park? Miscellaneous comments This message is actually a request to be forwarded to the city dept in charge of the round about at tamarack. Please have them contact the city of Encintas who recently put in same round about, and because of accidents and pedestrian safety shortly thereafter voted to remove it. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 1 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Accessibility I am an active wheelchair user and love when I can explore parks and they have accessibility features like walkways along flowered gardens or through the grass and trees. Make it easy for anyone to enjoy nature! Also I play wheelchair tennis and would love to see more tennis courts in Carlsbad! We have some at Kelly and Calavera but they’re busy and another set of courts that are close-by and accessible would be awesome! I think there should be more Wheelchair Accessible Tennis courts in North Carlsbad. There are Calavera and Laguna Rivera aka Kelly courts but those are the only accessible ones. They are normally busy and would be great to have more wheelchair accessible courts. If you guys were add to pickleball courts add them far away as they are annoying to play next to and it’s annoying to the neighbors. Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Safety Park should first of all be secure and absolutely forbid the homeless and riffraffs. Should not contribute to noise or light pollution. Carlsbad is a quiet, contemplative, clean, green, eco friendly, self sustaining, low key town. We are a secret jewel in SoCal. Please keep it that way. There are enough sport fields around, how many parks are there where you can sit quietly under a tree and calm down? The park space is not big- only about 11 acres and not big enough for noisy sport fields. abundant shade trees with a fitness course compact dirt paths throughout (asphalt only for parking) drought tolerant and native plantings only with info signage concrete picnic benches and barbeques splashing fountain area dog park carefully placed lighting minimal grass, but some innovative material for picnicking ranger security 24/7 Security. It is important to make sure that this park is secure. That there are no areas that would allow for hidden illicit activities to take place. Trees and bushes should be placed in a way to allows a clear line of sight with no dark spaces during the day and evening. Another idea would be to have a gate that is closed at the entrance to prevent any use of the park during closed hours. Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Neighborhood concerns Enough PARKING to support the various sports programs. Good LIGHTING will allow the park to get so much more use! From younger generations that play sports in fall/winter as well as older kids/adults that can benefit from it, enabling programs at a later hour. Ideas wall comments Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 2 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Neighborhood concerns Consider the park entrance/parking lot behind the Fire Station (SW end) keeping it furthest from the homes on Trailblazer and the natural habitat. Lights will be less obtrusive to both in this location and allows for entrances/exits off of both Canon and El Camino. However, the 5G Towers will need to be moved, they have 2 years left on a 3 yr agreement (temporarily moved here). This needs to be addressed irrespective of the parking lot location. I hope this is also part of the planning process?? At the community event, it was stated that there is only going to be one (1) entrance/exit off Trailblazer to the park. There needs to be multiple entrances or exits or traffic will become an issue off of Wind Trail Way and Trailblazer Way. I would like to see the city look into alternative entrances/exits from/to Cannon and El Camino into the park site. Additionally, there needs to be some sort of traffic study done on current traffic patterns with future models of expected traffic. Move the entrance to the park to El Camino Real, NOT Trailblazer Way. This will be an obstruction to the fire station and will cause issues for the Robertson Ranch and Foothills Communities, there are already traffic challenges being addressed with both the City of CB and the Police Dpt. There is NO Parking prohibited within 15 feet of a fire station so Trailblazer entrance would violate that law. Lastly, consider the homeowners that live on Trailblazer/back up to the park when planning layout. Please consider moving the entrance to the park somewhere other than Trailblazer way. There is only 1 way in and 1 way out and this could be an obstruction to the fire station. There should be no parking on Trailblazer way at all. There is so much traffic already getting out of the neighborhood and this will definitely make it worse. Parking is prohibited within 15 feet of a fire station driveway. Off road biking is inappropriate for an established quiet neighborhood All this amounts to is more noise in our quiet community. Please take it away from here. Just remember when election time comes around. This sounds like a great way to tell the folks of Robertson Ranch who live right next to the park, “Hey, we want to ruin the quality of your community with a very noisy sports wall!” Park is too small to be a Community Park and thus those more active uses would not be suitable. Incorporate those uses into Veteran's Park which will come on line much sooner than this site. The vacant site is currently used as a de facto dog park, running / walking trail and is enjoyed by all. Consider the traffic impacts that more active uses will generate.This site clearly cannot clearly mitigate for that. Also, HCP lands are adjacent to this property and do not need to be stressed. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 3 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts We need multiple natural grass fields. Not baseball diamonds or turf. Carlsbad does not have a single grass field for soccer in a city park. There are several hundred recreational soccer players that use substandard baseball or turf fields every single day of the year. Dog parks have better grass. Encinitas and Oceanside have multiple natural grass fields. We have none. Only few old school fields at Las Flores, Magnolia, Aviara Oaks and Valley with very restrictive or no access. Sand VB courts for the public. And Sage Creek Beach VB could rent space because it’s so close. They don’t have home space of their own. Birdhouses and a rock garden with Carlsbad flowers Shade trees and permanent fun beach umbrellas to offer shade Maybe even a fun little snack shack Trail or labyrinth I'd like to see a bocce ball court with a rake, where people can bring their own balls. If not this, then something equivalent that people of a certain age could enjoy regularly. Add a walking path around and through the perimeter of the park. Sand volleyball courts. Tennis &amp; pickleball courts. Tables/benches for picnics. A fitness park-something similar to the AARP FitLots: https://fitlot.org/plan-a-fitlot/ There are photos at this link. Perhaps approach one or more of Carlsbad's largest companies to explore sponsorship or other funding for the park (Viasat, Thermo Fisher Scientific, etc.). Trees for natural shade. A meandering natural surface walking/running path that goes through and around various areas of the park. I would like to see Pickle-ball courts that have beginner, intermediate and challenger sections along with proper shading and seating (unlike the one at Poinsettia Park. There are plenty of pb courts. We don't need more. Poinsettia Park pickleball was a good start. Unfortunately in terms of design and functionality it is a failure in my eyes. There are plenty of skilled players who need their own courts away from the enthusiasts. Higher skilled games generally take longer to play. There should be a greater emphasis to provide these courts. Having plenty of covered seating for those waiting to play games is needed. Entrance / exit should be noninvasive to to playing courts. Use player input for design. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 4 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts Poinsettia Park pickleball was a good start. Unfortunately in terms of design and functionality it is a failure in my eyes. There are plenty of skilled players who need their own courts away from the enthusiasts. Higher skilled games generally take longer to play. There should be a greater emphasis to provide these courts. Having plenty of covered seating for those waiting to play games is needed. Entrance / exit should be noninvasive to to playing courts. Player input for designs. Do it right. In addition to a couple real grass multi-sports fields I would love to see a portion of the space modeled like Olympus park in Encinitas. They successfully packed so many cool features into a small footprint. A modern metro park style play structure with zip line, small concrete bowl and flow course for skateboards/roller skates/scooters (unlit so not disruptive to neighbors after dark), and maybe a few pickle ball courts. Carlsbad was home to one of the worlds first skateparks, honor that history & start including small skateable spaces in our parks! Look at Olympus or the Vulcan street park in Leucadia to see how a small and simple skate-friendly spot is inclusive and fun for our parks. Grass fields for sports would be a nice addition and alternative to turf fields. Sand volleyball courts and regular volleyball courts, lots of grassy areas with shade trees. To make it represent Carlsbad, add some sculptures around the park of iconic Carlsbad features, Flower Fields, Carlsbad Water house, surfers, tennis and pickleball players, owner walking her dog, bike paths, etc. Please add more pickleball courts. I am leaving the city daily to play and that should not be the case. Even when they built the dog park at Poinsettia it is just used for more pickleball parking. Please partner with the groups in Carlsbad for proper design and lighting to at least alleviate some of the overcrowding at local courts. This is the fastest growing sport in the country and there is no reason to not add more public courts for the people of your city to play. How exactly do you plan to only have the more skilled players go to these courts? It's public. There was another post here suggesting courts with beginner intermediate and advanced. Let's just try to push for more courts and if you don't like rec play then I'll meet you over at Riggs for 7$ lol Definitely additional Pickle-ball courts. Suggest looking at how other cities, i.e. Palm Springs and Albuquerque NM, have added courts. Of course this involves shade, parking and bathrooms. A beautiful place for families to enjoy, play structures, splash pad, Pickleball, multi-use sports field, baseball. Thank you for keeping families with young kids in mind as space in backyards are limited. We love enjoying the outside to play and have family time. If pickle ball courts were to be implimented, then they need to be indoor and completely sound-proofed. This area echos from roaring car engines to people yelling at El Cam/Cannon bridge. The natural Acoustics of this park will be a problem for noisy sports (pickle ball, tennis and other active "popping, Dribbling" sound sports). Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 5 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts I can see a running track/nature reserve/hiking trail/duck pond and possible small playground being enjoyed. Circular entrance/exit off Cannon may help traffic flows. I would prefer outdoor pickleball courts. They are very popular, it's a great outdoor social sport that brings our community together and is great exercise. Absolutely agree with adding pickleball courts! Pickleball Courts - Outdoor pickleball courts would be great! Preferably at least 6 courts. Pickleball is extremely popular, it's a great outdoor social sport that brings our community together and it is great exercise for ALL AGES. I have met so many people through playing pickleball. It's been said it's America's fastest growing sport. The Foothills HOA has a pickle ball court and it does not get that much use. Go ahead and use that court if you want pickleball and lets put this park to use for fitness and other activities. Would love something that suited Adults and Seniors and was a multipurpose surface. Some shade in this area would be good. It would be nice to have a dual use park that incorporates a couple leisure activity options such as a pickleball court and putt putt course similar to http://popstroke.com that also has a small community center and space for HOA meetings and other small events. Pickleball would be a perfect addition. It's a great sport for all ages and its popularity is growing quickly (as shown by how busy Pointsettia's courts are). My husband and I, in our 70’s would love to see more Pickleball courts, but perhaps not here. They belong near sports fields where the noise is expected. They would be great additions in every school yard, used whenever school is not in session. Makes for great exercise for kids during physical Ed. Too. Multi use sports fields. Kids are practicing until 10:00 pm because we have no field space for football, soccer, Lacrosse, softball and baseball. Need more pickleball courts, not enough public courts in Carlsbad! Sand Volleyball, running track, open nature concept, nature center, swings. Only open from sunrise to sunset and if there is a restroom and parking lot they should also be locked at sunset. The parks in Poway have these hours and it seems to abate the homeless problem. Bocce ball courts, running and walking trail around the entire perimeter, playground and picnic/bbq areas, a lot of trees and shade, large multi-use field (no large outdoor lights) as that would be a nightmare for all the homes nearby. A great place to host Friday night concerts in the park type of field. Love the food truck idea and music, etc. Water features would be great. Pickle ball and tennis would be too loud unfortunately next to and across from all those homes. Zone 5 is a grass soccer field. That might be what you’re looking for. Fields/ Sports complex. There aren’t nearly enough for all the kids who play sports here. Enough parking for everyone. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 6 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts Lacrosse is growing so fast throughout SoCal and the country. Our local rec league, Carlsbad Youth Lacrosse, has grown by over 20% every year in the last few years! I would love to see the first San Diego dedicated turf lacrosse field here in Carlsbad!!! Lacrosse fields, roller hockey rink, pickle ball, pump track! The park should be a place that the public can enjoy. In no way, should you build soccer fields and have them rented out every day of the week to a club. There's no where for families to use fields without being kicked off because so and so has them rented from 4 to 9 during the week. It's fine to let them use them occasionally on Saturday's for games but this is a public park and should be available to the public at all times. We would love to see a athletic "great park" with multiple use fields for lacrosse and have goals available for practice, as well as a track for walk/run since schools don't allow public use , pickle ball courts, . Dog field that is not wood chips and large enough. parking should be furthest from homes A dedicated lacrosse field. Lacrosse is fast growing and I would like to see Carlsbad embrace the sport by dedicating a turf field to the sport. Yes to more pickleball courts and smarter design and more shade. You should not have to walk across other courts where people are playing to get to your court. A dedicated space for a lacrosse wall for players to do "wall ball." It would take up very little space and could be used by more than one player at a time. This is an integral part of lacrosse training. Baseball fields Soccer fields please. We need a soccer complex. City SC just sent a communication to all club members asking them to comment on this site and ask for a soccer complex. DO NOT LET MONEY TALK! This space is small and tucked into a very small residential community with limited access points. It is not fit for a soccer complex or the traffic involved in such. Carlsbad needs a dedicated soccer/sports complex to support the large number of youth athletes throughout the city that need a place to practice and play tournaments/games. There are only TWO dedicated soccer fields in Carlsbad (Poinsettia Park and Aviara Park) The City of Carlsbad does not have a multi-field soccer complex. This makes Robertson Ranch unique to every other park in the City. Participation in youth soccer is at an all time high. There is a critical need for more soccer fields in the City of Carlsbad to accommodate the growing number of kids. As the City continues to build more housing, we need infrastructure to support the growing number of families. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 7 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts Carlsbad desperately needs a SOCCER field! Soccer is on the rise and we do not have adequate fields for our youth to play on. This space can accommodate the fields, the parking, and is safe for our kids! Soccer ! soccer! Soccer! Soccer field(s) would be nice. Maybe hybrid grass. Kids are less free range than they used to be. Organized sports is a common way to compensate for that change. With that said, youth soccer is way too expensive. Maybe require clubs that lease the fields to increase their percentage of families on scholarship or adopt changes that make soccer less of a “pay to play” arrangement. An adult 11v11 coed rec soccer league would be awesome. This is literally a copy/paste from City SCs email communication. More soccer fields please Definitely more soccer fields are needed. Practices go very late into the evening because of lack of space. Thank you This space is 11.2 acres. The average soccer field is 2 acres. The average size for a decent community garden is 1 acre. Seems like there could be room to accommodate both, with restrooms and parking. Also looks like this was already meant to be designated as a sports field complex based on the growing number of families and need for additional fields since 1990 - https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/parks-recreation/parks-community- centers/parks/future-park-planning/robertson-ranch-park More SOCCER fields!! More kids play soccer than any other sport so we need fields to support these players development. We don’t have enough soccer fields to accommodate the growing number of kids playing soccer. We need more natural grass soccer fields. You can use them for multiple sports and incorporate walking paths, nature features and water features for people to enjoy as a walk or run path. We have some of the best youth teams in the country yet they don’t play on a natural grass field that all respected youth academies around the world play on. Soccer fields!! Carlsbad desperately needs dedicated grass soccer fields and a multiport complex. Carlsbad is growing along with youth soccer participation. Soccer and other sports that could be played on these fields helps keep our kids mentally and physically healthy, and brings families and community together. Please, please develop these fields for our community. More soccer fields and sports complex. Our kids are out to late for practices because of lack of fields. Robertson Ranch provides the space to help improve Carlsbad youth sports. A really awesome set of soccer fields!! A multi-field soccer complex would be amazing. Maybe with some shade and spectating areas and restrooms. It’s a beautiful sport with huge benefits for kids and Carlsbad is home to high level nationally ranked soccer clubs with not enough field options for training and games. Make sure there is great viewing options for the sports fields. Opposite of Poinsettia which is horrible for spectators around the Soccer fields. If someone could fix the Poinsettia soccer Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 8 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts field viewing area by putting cement sitting platforms into the grass hills (to pit lawn chairs etc). A youth sports complex for soccer, lx, and other sports. No need for grass, just turf would be great since you don't have to restripe the fields. Plus grass needs lots of maintenance, can't play in the rain, etc. Soccer fields and pickleball courts!!!!!!! Soccer fields and sports complex, fields with lights. A central concession stand the teams can run and make money. A shaded playground to promote motor development in our young children. Robertson Ranch provides the perfect space to help improve Carlsbad youth sports and development. Soccer fields! There are so many kids loving youth soccer with not enough fields to play on! They are squished for practice and often at school fields which isn't great for helping the school maintain their fields. A multi-field complex is so so needed! A pool for all the waterpolo and swim teams and clubs would be awesome as well! Thanks! Carlsbad needs more SOCCER fields!! Please support youth sports and kids in our wonderful community. Soccer fields that are sized 11 v 11 can accommodate multiple sports, including soccer, rugby, lacrosse, flag football, etc. Carlsbad needs soccer fields at Robertson Ranch Park! Hi all, I hope all is well, we need to do the best for the community and the kids that will be the future of our community and country. Carlsbad needs more Soccer Fields! When kids are in sports, they are out of trouble. Our community needs more multi-purpose fields. I am talking as a father, soccer lover, and soccer Coach. 11v11 multi-purpose fields can be used for a lot of different sports. Sports are life! Thank you! Carlsbad is definitely in need of more fields that can be used for multi sports, like soccer, lacrosse, football and can be built to field baseball, softball. There are far too many children that lack the proper space for practicing and playing games. Youth sports is a great way to keep kids healthy, mentally and physically and Carlsbad should be catering to this. If the fields could be built with walking trails around them, it would be useful for physical activity for those visiting the park. More soccer fields needed. A multi-sports complex would be a much needed solution to the lack of available fields for teams and leagues. Prefer a MULTI FIELD SOCCER COMPLEX Looking for more soccer fields A multi-sport complex with multiple turf soccer fields and ample space for parents to sit and watch the games. We NEED more SOCCER fields in Carlsbad. Please consider how many kids and adults would love to be involved in a soccer league, but the field availability is limiting the opportunities. I won't speak for the original post, but City SC is a business and their interest is financial. They are rallying their extensive base of parents to comment on a local development project because it would benefit their business model. I believe the residents of Robertson Ranch Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 9 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts should have the largest say in this development and not be "swarmed" by posts and votes from folks outside the neighborhood with no impact to their own neighborhood. There are only TWO dedicated soccer fields in Carlsbad (Poinsettia Park and Aviara Park) The City of Carlsbad does not have a multi-field soccer complex. This would make Robertson Ranch unique to every other park in the City. Participation in youth soccer is at an all time high. City SC alone has over 4,300 kids in our program. There is a critical need for more soccer fields in the City of Carlsbad to accommodate the growing number of kids playing soccer, rugby, lacrosse, flag football, etc.-- Soccer , pickle ball, baseball fields. We need more soccer fields!!!! Please add a multi-sport complex that we can also leverage for events like summer concerts and spectacles. Also please consider adding a permanent store for beverages, snacks, fast-food, etc. Surf Ranch and Soccer Fields SOCCER fields please! Pickleball courts with some shade coverings with a playground and layout similar to Encinitas Community Park would be amazing. More pickleball courts please! 8 more is ideal. MULTI SPORT SOCCER FIELD - There is a critical need for more soccer fields in the City of Carlsbad to accommodate the growing number of kids playing soccer, rugby, lacrosse, flag football, etc.-- all of these sports can be played on a regulation sized 11v11 soccer field. MULTI SPORT SOCCER FIELD - There is a critical need for more soccer fields in the City of Carlsbad to accommodate the growing number of kids playing soccer, rugby, lacrosse, flag football, etc.-- all of these sports can be played on a regulation sized 11v11 soccer field. The popularity and number of participants of youth sports in the city of Carlsbad far outweigh the need for any dog or pickle ball courts. Our City could be hosting bigger tournaments and drawing more tourism money this way. Pickleball Courts would help relieve the over crowded courts at Poinsettia park. The courts there have long wait times to play, additional courts would not only relieve the pressure, but serve the community well in getting people out in the fresh air, enjoying a healthy lifestyle. It seems like if there’s such a big need, the soccer clubs should build the soccer fields themselves. Just like volleyball clubs pay for their facilities. The tax payer should not pay the bill to build facilities for privately run clubs. A multipurpose sports park would be ideal. I think there should be more indoor pickle ball courts somewhere else in warehouses that aren’t being used. You can hold concerts, fairs, carnival’s at a multi purpose sports park with adequate parking and a kids area and dog park. People can even walk their pets or just go for a walk around the park. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 10 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts MULTI SPORT + SOCCER FIELD - There is a critical need for more soccer fields in the City of Carlsbad to accommodate the growing number of kids playing soccer, rugby, lacrosse, flag football, etc.-- all of these sports can be played on a regulation sized 11v11 soccer field. The popularity and number of participants of youth sports in the city of Carlsbad support a sports field project of this scope and size. We drive for competitive soccer games to all possible cities. 4300 kids deserve to have more soccer fields in their community. Carlsbad has many community parks for recreational needs but only 2 parks has designated soccer fields. BASEBALL FIELDS! LIGHTED BALL FIELDS. SOCCER HAS TAKEN OVER EVERY INCH OF SPACE AT EVERY FIELD AROUND TOWN. LEAVES OTHER SPORTS LEFT WITH NOTHING. I LIVE ACROSS THE STREET FROM THIS FUTURE COMMUNITY PARK AND WE NEED MORE BALL FIELDS. When you look at the amount and size of flat land still available around Carlsbad, the current availability of sports fields as well as the demographics of the city (i.e., growing young families) it seems the best option for this parcel of land is multi-sport / soccer type sports fields. While there are some options in south Carlsbad, this part of Carlsbad in particular is underserved. We love the multi use fields in Carlsbad, but there are not enough for soccer and baseball. And once there, never enough parking! Multi use sports fields and playground!! I love poinsettia for the reason that families with multiple kids can take them to practice while the youngest play. Much needed for young families. Soccer fields!! Carlsbad youth needs more fields to play. Would love to see some shaded areas for spectators and a playground for younger children to enjoy. There seems to be enough space for a baseball field and at least one soccer field. Natural grass fields, please, no more turf in Carlsbad! Poinsettia is a great park with great paths, walks, and views. Duplicate that, but add integrated spectator seating and more shade, and you could have a perfect park. Also, I think we have enough dog parks. The new one at Poinsettia is an eyesore at the entrance and really changed the whole park's dynamic. Soccer fields please!! There is so much youth in Carlsbad and Soccer Field space is so limited. Would love to see more soccer fields! Grass, not turf, would be even better! Thank you! Pickleball courts and a leash free dog park 1) grass field 2) baseball diamond 3) pickleball 4) playground Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 11 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts 5) small outdoor gym w/ the essentials (pull ups, dips, rows) 6) outdoor basketball Other thoughts/ideas: lots of foliage, lacrosse wall ball, Turf Soccer fields! Playground… concessions…. A baseball field with a lot of lighting/lots of shade, next to a playground and a multi sports field with must needed bathrooms… would be awesome! We desperately need more soccer fields to support our youth clubs. With more and more young athletes getting into this sport, we need safe fields where they can practice year round with bathrooms available. Thank you! Please more soccer fields with lighting. I also love the idea of a walkable/runnable area. We really need more soccer fields in Carlsbad! There are so many youth getting into soccer and there’s just not enough fields in the area to support the numbers. There seems to be a deluge of comments about soccer fields (and other youth sports related suggestions) with similar wording &amp; phrases. Can it be that this is due to organized efforts among sports teams/leagues/families to flood the idea wall with posts? I am concerned that this crowding out other ideas will skew the results and leave us other park- loving constituents and demographic groups on the sidelines. I agrée. There are not enough pickle ball courts and a dog park would be great Have you ever seen a Carlsbad soccer field not in use? It's impossible to get field space &amp; teams are crowded on our existing fields day &amp; night. Carlsbad = Soccer More soccer fields &amp; more playgrounds keeps everyone outside, happy &amp; healthy! Pickleball and shade! All ages are playing and Poinsettia Park wait times are long and hot with only partial shade. I do see the EV parking slots are always in use, so more of those too. If you want soccer field rent them from the schools. I don't want our quiet neighborhood turned into noise lights and confusion. The city of Carlsbad is in desperately need of additional soccer fields. Our kids are practicing on top of each other in a space not suitable for their development. The number of kids playing rugby, lacrosse, flag football, soccer, etc. is at all time high, we need the space for practices and tournaments. Hi, Neighbors. I've attached ChatGPT's suggested layout for multi-purpose sports fields at Robertson Ranch Park. Go, Carlsbad! Thanks, Tom I would like to see Baseball and soccer fields to take the traffic from the business park recreational Facility (zone 5). This park has never been completed. Parking area not used and people off roading on the hill. More baseball and multi-purpose turf fields Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 12 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts Basketball courts, multi-purpose fields for practices! The Chase Baseball fields that are managed by the city need repairing &amp; not more fields. Parking is my biggest concern living in RR already. We don't need any additional kids play structures as there are already 8 within Robertson Ranch &amp; Foothills. It would be great to have 𝗣𝗔𝗗𝗗𝗟 (fast growing sport in the world) and Pickleball courts added. Soccer is such a huge part of our community in Carlsbad. For many kids, it's the primary form of outdoor time including recreation and fitness. Soccer is so critical to the mental and physical health of our kids and they need more space and options. My son wants to play soccer with his friends and practice more frequently with me but options are painfully limited. Many if not most people in Carlsbad have very small backyard spaces that are not suitable so public space for is desperately needed. Venue for music concerts Multi-use sports fields (soccer) Investing in kids' soccer fields is an investment in the health, well-being, and future of the community. It promotes physical activity, fosters social interaction, strengthens community bonds, and offers economic and educational benefits. By planning for more soccer fields, a city demonstrates its commitment to the holistic development of its youth and the overall improvement of residents' quality of life. And hosting youth soccer events and tournaments generates revenue for the city (tourism). I fully agree with the Padel suggestion and open to Pickleball if indoor. My main concerns are noise and the stadium lighting. It's only a matter of time before Padel takes hold and it would be nice to have a non-private club for folks to try it out and be on the front end. Much quieter than Pickleball, but would still recommend the majority of courts be indoor. That is exactly what City SC did. They email blasted all of their parents (many of whom don't live near RR) and asked them to advocate for soccer fields. "Flooding the zone" if you will. I'm fine if folks are advocating for "kids health" as a focus, which I agree with, but I'm lost when someone says Soccer is more beneficial to a child's health than Flag Football or Water Polo. I think we need more soccer fields as we are facing over crowding on the current school venues for this ever growing game! NEED MORE SOCCER FIELDS AND PICKLE-BALL COURTS AS EVERY CITY IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY HAS OR ARE IN PROCESS OF ADDRESSING THESE MOST POPULAR 2 SPORTS AND NOTHING HAS GROWN MORE THAN THESE 2 SPORTS IN THE LAST 10 YEARS. SO LET CARLSBAD BE A VISIONARY CITY AND LOOK AT OCEANSIDE THAT HAVE THE SOCAL SOCCER COMPLEX WITH AS MUCH AS 22 FIELDS THAT GENERATES TON OF MONEY FOR TOURISM AND LOCAL FUSSINESS, PLUS ARE KIDS GET TO PLAY SOMEWHERE LOCALLY AND SAFE. This new park should include anything that promotes outdoor activities. Local soccer fields are already over crowded, forcing locals to drive our kids up to Norco or Temecula to play local teams, ridiculous. We should not be putting turf in anywhere, anymore. Our future generations are playing on these toxic fields day after day, so it defeats the purpose of Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 13 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts keeping this community healthy. Lastly, parking needs to be a priority, so the parking doesn't overflow into surrounding neighborhoods. Kids/parents from all over San Diego County are choosing to play on sports teams (soccer etc) in Carlsbad. With so many kids/teams we need more multi-sport fields to support the community demand. We need indoor and outdoor basketball courts for the kids! A dog park would be a great additional. A community pool would be great as well. Our youth need need more indoor Basketball courts (w/ A/C) to use daily after school and on weekends. It seems the one at Pine and Calavera are always booked by pickle ball and badminton. Families would love to use a community swim pool for swimming laps and playing. A dog park would be great as well. Thanks! A soccer field because there is a huge number of kids playing soccer in our community. Soccer is likely the fastest growing youth sport in the US, and Carlsbad is a hotbed of talent. Let's support this growing passion and the health of our kids by providing a new home for soccer practices and games. I'd really like to see another "Chase Field" built to accomodate the growing amounts of kids that play youth baseball in Carlsbad in both club and rec. There's already so many kids playing rec baseball the city is split into two orgs- Carlsbad Youth Baseball and La Costa Youth. CYB has Chase Field, but LCYO has never had a "home field" with different fields to support the different age groups of Pony Baseball. Nice fields can bring in a ton of money hosting tournaments throughout the year MORE BASEBALL FIELDS PLEASE! Youth baseball continues to be a growing sport. In North County there is over 1,000 seasonal players in addition to all the travel teams, and continues to grow. We currently have to share a lot of the fields with soccer, lacrosse, football, etc. We could really use a great ballpark with seating, lighting, and shade. More baseball fields please. Would love to see more baseball fields and kids playground areas! Southern California is the mecca for youth baseball talent development; the more we can do to facilitate and grow that, the better opportunities they will have to compete in High School Sports, College athletics, and beyond! For the past four seasons, Carlsbad Softball Association had to close registration within days of being open due to lack of field space. There are so many girls that want to play softball but unfortunately, there aren't enough fields to accommodate all of them. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 14 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts I believe that the City of Carlsbad should consider its park design to allocate more space for baseball fields, which will benefit not only our league but also the entire North County community. No baseball fields due to limited available space to properly separate any rouge baseballs from going into the adjacent busy road (El Camino), protected habitat reserve (can impact animals and vegetation) and residential homes. Baseball fields will cause more issues in the long run. Soccer fields. This is a hotbed city for talent. Let the kids develop. Can double as flag football which is big too. Sports/recreational complex, baseball/softball fields. Similar to mission sports park potentially. Multi purpose sports outdoor activities. Yes! I 1000% agree. We could then host tournaments and bring revenue to the community. Yes! I couldn't agree more. We need a dedicated baseball/softball facility- whether it is this location or repurposing a different park. What would make Carlsbad unique is to not add more fuel to the sports factory mentality and, instead, create a multi-discipline sports facility for youth AND adults which could include an aquatics center (water polo, swimming/diving), indoor Pickleball/Padel (takes stadium lights out of play and noise under control), indoor bouldering/climbing, and surround the facility with dog parks, bike trails to reduce need for parking and mass traffic impacts every hour on the hour. Hi, Would you consider adding more softball fields for youth and adult softball. LCYO keeps getting squeezed out of fields and practice time do to soccer and lacrosse year round. This is unfair to our end of the community that doesn’t have equal access to softball fields and batting cages etc. It also puts Carlsbad at a competitive disadvantage to other surrounding cities that have exclusive use softball facilities where they can practice year around and host tournaments etc. thank you. A nice park like the one Encinitas put in off the freeway with soccer fields would be great. Families keep coming and soccer is huge in Carlsbad and yet we do not have any quality grass soccer fields, especially in north county where the city wants to add the most high density housing. This location is good being close to the freeway. If not here than build it on the old smokestack with ocean view and great freeway access…that would be my first choice! Why should it “not be the case” that you leave the city daily to play Pickleball? And you don’t even need to leave - there’s a Pickleball club at the Carlsbad mall. The City of Carlsbad should consider its park design to allocate more space for baseball fields, which will benefit the entire North County community. LCYO has over 1000 players alone. More baseball/softball fields for LCYO please! More multi-sport turf fields please! Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 15 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts Any consideration of building pickleball courts should only include indoor, soundproof courts. The noise nuisance created by this game is off the chart for anyone living within earshot. We are living proof of what happens when this is not done. A series of softball fields that can be used for a growing need for young girls and young ladies. The need for youth sports will help our youth combat obesity and screen time. Baseball/Softball has 1,000 players and Soccer has 4,000 players yet Baseball/Softball has 18 diamonds: (3 diamonds at Stagecoach, 3 at Alga Norte, 3 at Poinsettia, 1 at Aviara, 1 at Zone 5, 3 at Chase, 1 at Pine, 3 at Calavera). Soccer has 2 fields: Aviara and Poinsettia. Please build facilities in line with your constituent’s needs. Thank you. Soccer fields don’t benefit the entire community. They only benefit those who play soccer. It’s clear that baseball, softball and soccer parents were told to overwhelm this message board with requests for even more sports fields in Carlsbad. The City of Carlsbad doesn’t have a single park devoted to passive recreation. To be a truly diverse, non discriminating city, we need at least one passive park for kids and adults who don’t play soccer, baseball, or other club sports. It’s clear that baseball, softball and soccer parents were told to overwhelm this message board with requests for even more sports fields in Carlsbad. The City of Carlsbad doesn’t have a single park devoted to passive recreation. To be a truly diverse city that supports all tax payers’ interests, we need at least one passive park for kids and adults who don’t play soccer, baseball, or other club sports. Agreed. If folks want to play Pickleball, there’s a great club right up the road at the Carlsbad Shopps. There’s a Pickleball club just up the street at the mall and a dog park at Agua Norte. Ideas like these only ruin the quality of life for those homes and families right by the park. I agree with this statement. The size of this park is not conducive to one or multiple baseball diamond(s). I feel that this park should be geared to multi-generational passive use with rolling hills that blend in with the surrounding nature preserve. I want to point out that there is a large aging generation here in Carlsbad and I feel that a passive park with amenities will be beneficial to the surrounding community and neighboring senior housing at Rancho Carlsbad &amp; Casa Aldea. This type of baseball diamond use is way too large for the acreage available at the proposed park site. There would be little to no space for other types of uses serving different types of people. This would also cause major traffic/parking issues on El Camino, Cannon, and within the adjacent community. The lights would impact the surrounding protected habitat migration patterns and neighboring homes. I do not feel that baseball would be the best choice for this park. Soccer/multi-use field would be preferable over baseball. If there is a need regionally in North County for more baseball fields, it should be done somewhere else. Carlsbad does not Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 16 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Fields/courts have to sacrifice this small park to please the needs of other adjacent city, non-carsbad residents. No baseball diamonds. Both City SC and CYB email blasted EVERYONE in their database with links to this site to request their specific activity. That should not be allowed as they reach players outside to Carlsbad. 4000 soccer players? Seems super high. I see that there are a lot of sports participants on this forum, but most of Carlsbad residents don’t play sports or have kids that play sports, so saying that a sports facility meets the needs of all constituents seems disingenuous. But I do understand that people are just looking after their own needs. This is a bad location for a baseball field due to its proximity to busy streets (El Camino &amp; Cannon) and residential homes. Baseball with lots of lighting will negatively affect the adjacent protected preserve and quiet neighborhood. No large field lights, please. Carlsbad is in desperate need of more pools and soccer fields! Our kids practice their sports so late into the evening because of the lack of space and high demand of these spaces! Stop turf fields! They are toxic to our environment and children. Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Environment Agree, open green space to be enjoyed by those who do not play sports are desperately needed in our parks. This can be done without adding light pollution or noise. For those already near the firehouse and the apartments let’s not add to the issues. Rusty Keeler is an amazing outdoor education expert who works not only for preschools and schools, but in public places as well. He has amazing unique ideas and his books are terrific. However, if you invested in his expertise even for a day or so, you could really get some amazing ide Important to famliles: 1. Space for infants and toddlers 2. Natural elements like water, mud, trees, gardens, places to sit and dream 3. Places where kids can take a risk and learn how to do it 5. Musical space Open freeform natural space, where people can walk, play, gather, and rest, and enjoy our unique coastal climate, flora and fauna. A community commons that is not dedicated to any one sport, where one can go any time to take a break, exercise, and pursue well-being. Just do NOT plant carrotwood trees. It is a messy tree. We have a mature tree in our front yard and have sent tons of seeds in the compost. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 17 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Environment Park is too small to be a Community Park and thus those more active uses would not be suitable. Incorporate those uses into Veteran's Park which will come on line much sooner than this site. The vacant site is currently used as a de facto dog park, running / walking trail and is enjoyed by all. Consider the traffic impacts that more active uses will generate.This site clearly cannot clearly mitigate for that. Also, HCP lands are adjacent to this property and do not need to be stressed. I'd like the park to be a large green space with plenty of shade trees, walking paths, picnic tables, playground area, workout path... NO athletic/sports fields, skate park or dog park. Vehicle entrance/parking to be off El Camino Real, not thru the Foothills neighborhood. Be mindful of neighbors bordering the property with regards to lighting. Would love to see some nature/wilderness inspired play areas. A small manmade stream with clean water &amp; small bridges for kids to play in, large rocks to climb and play on, maybe even some sort of hut/village for kids to play make believe games? (Like the children’s play village at wild animal park by petting zoo area). Would love a safe park to come explore nature and play with my daughter. Walking paths. Benches in beautiful spaces to sit &amp; ponder or read a book. Bathrooms. Shade Native plant landscaping, please no pickleball-it’s way too loud. Maybe a dog area, and some nice walking paths through local flora. Extra tennis courts would certainly get used a lot as well. Food truck area for local businesses would be nice as well. Lots of trees, a kids dream! Artistic labyrinths with mosaics of different colors on the ground, Climbing walls, little tunnels, water elements that are interactive. Wooden bridges that lead to learning areas that speak to the ecosystem and fun facts about our local wildlife. Circle tables and seating areas. Lots of shade, love the Jacaranda idea the violet flowers are very inspiring. Playground that doesn't use sand... I feel animals/cats appreciate it more than moms do. Would love to see seating that’s actually comfortable so you can spend a relaxing time enjoying nature or reading a book without ruining your back. Trails for walking lined with native plants would be great and a dog park would be wonderful. There absolutely needs to be a public restroom. Habitats that attract birds and butterflies would be a great touch, so everyone young and old can enjoy nature. So many parks are focused only on sports or kids, we could use more spaces welcoming to everyone. Keep it open space with a pathway around the perimeter. This is how the neighboring residents have already been using it. Carlsbad is becoming overly developed and we lack natural habitats and space. I walk this area a few times a week and enjoy seeing the birds, bunnies and wildlife. Please DO NOT add sports field. We already have enough around Carlsbad, and that’s coming from me, a soccer mom. I’m also worried about traffic on this small street right in front of a major fire station. Native plants, water features, walking path, benches, shade trees, hammocks, adirondacks and some cool local art sculptures. No more sports fields, too much already and we don’t Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 18 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Environment need another parking lot either. Bring the beach, nature and small town community vibe to the new park. As little concrete as possible; as many trees as possible. Perhaps a tiny forest with winding walking path - https://www.tinyecohomelife.com/what-is-tiny-forest No sports complex. Simple games such as bocce ball. No pickle ball courts - put those somewhere w/ enough capacity &amp; where noise won't be a problem for everyone else. Keep the no dog park plan. A community garden designed where people can garden together and many more people could garden not just a few plot owners. Nature and art. No more turf. It's terrible in nearly every way. I agree that grass would be nice instead of turf. This park should have nature featured as a main theme and be low impact to our environment. Walking paths, parcourse for exercise, trees, use of native plants, and areas for picnicking. NO artificial turf. Artificial lighting kept minimal. Walkability and biking to this park should be a priority. Needs to be compliant with our Climate Action Plan. As a relatively small park, large footprint activities such as a dog park, baseball diamonds and soccer fields should not be included. A nature element water feature for children/ adults to play in. Natural exploration that pulls in Carlsbad’s beach and canyon heritage. Would love to see protected habitat & residential home buffers along with limited or no field lights. The surrounding protected habitat &amp; adjacent residential homes should have some sort of buffers. Any tall field lights will impact the protected environment & possible migration/ breeding patterns of animals directly adjacent to the new park site. Additionally, bright tall field lighting could impact/impair drivers on El Camino directly west of the park site. Maybe a part of the park can become a refuge like you can see at Swamis Encinitas with beautiful trees and shrubs, a koi pond, seating in quiet corners. It would take some time to grow in, but it would become a peaceful haven for those seeking it. Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Other amenities Carlsbad was home to one of the worlds first skateparks, honor that history & start including small skateable spaces in our parks! Look at Olympus or the Vulcan street park in Leucadia to see how a small and simple skate-friendly spot is inclusive and fun for our parks. Grass fields for sports would be a nice addition and alternative to turf fields. I’d love to see shaded areas with trees for picnicking. How about an area for local food, vendors or food trucks to come in? Water features and fountains. Ornamental gardens. Bocce ball courts. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 19 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Other amenities abundant shade trees with a fitness course compact dirt paths throughout (asphalt only for parking) drought tolerant and native plantings only with info signage concrete picnic benches and barbeques splashing fountain area dog park carefully placed lighting minimal grass, but some innovative material for picnicking ranger security 24/7 Park is too small to be a Community Park and thus those more active uses would not be suitable. Incorporate those uses into Veteran's Park which will come on line much sooner than this site. The vacant site is currently used as a de facto dog park, running / walking trail and is enjoyed by all. Consider the traffic impacts that more active uses will generate.This site clearly cannot clearly mitigate for that. Also, HCP lands are adjacent to this property and do not need to be stressed. Community Gardens are in short supply...I've been on the list for a few years and am currently number 280. I'm not very optimistic about getting a garden plot in my lifetime. Community Gardens are a place where families with children can learn important lessons and are a venue where community members can socialize and exchange ideas. In the city which is building so many condos that have no land, it would be a good idea to offer a place to grow things. This is part of Carlsbad's heritage. There are so many sports parks around, but I find it hard to find peaceful parks focused on casual walking paths through beautiful landscape and grassy areas for picnics. Places that people of all ages can enjoy. Most walking paths are either hiking trails that are not inclusive for seniors or folks with disabilities or they are adjacent to busy city streets that are loud and smell of exhaust. We are clearly overlooking an unmet community need. I agree! A pump track like the one at Ronald Reagan Sports Park in Temecula would be great (the Pacific Highland Ranch one is really small). Surrounded by mature trees and lots of shade, it will be an area for our older kiddos to hang out and use their skateboards and regular bikes again. It was a space where I saw older kiddos helping the younger ones have fun on their bikes. It was heartwarming to see! A skate/scooter park for little kids separate from big kids. My little one loves the skate park, but it be nice to have something dedicated to little kids separate from the big kids. Dogs get parks separated by size why not kids. Haha. Also a garden with a path for kids/family’s/seniors to walk through full of native plants. Where kids can learn and explore. A bonus would be to add some native milkweed for monarchs, and other host plants for pollinators. we would like to see ping pong tables, badminton, bocce ball, quiet sports instead of large noisy athletic sports as is everywhere in North County. We are looking for a peaceful, Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 20 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Other amenities beautiful space, grass, trees, flowers, picnic tables, walking paths, water fountain, NO dogs or bikes. lots of shade and sun Love the idea. An outdoor gym was something I wanted to propose. Imperial Beach has several outdoor gyms at their parks, as well. Lots of opportunities to see how this has been done on other local communities. A really cool bike track would be awesome with a cement track with road signs and bridges, just like a real roadway for kids. Another idea is a big pirate ship or treehouse or cool feature that kids can play in. This is a picture of Echo Run Park in Woodbridge Irvine I'd love to see a ping pong table. Such a fun game, easy to learn. There are basically no public ping pong tables in San Diego County. The Forum has one which appears to be temporary and is very popular with visitors. Carlsbad needs a place for inline hockey and roller skating. This would be an ideal place to create an outdoor roller hockey rink like the one in MLK park in Oceanside. Or a covered one like Kit Carson in Escondido. Veterans park just down the street is already set to be a bike park with pump track, and will be developed in advance of this park. So your wish has been granted! We have skateparks in Carlsbad though… and often the ones we have the kids have no supervision. The kids often bully kids, say inappropriate things etc. Let’s have something that more kids can enjoy without those negatives ping pong tables in partial shade, badminton, bocce ball, picnic tables, water fountain with seating, walking running trails...NO DOGS OR BIKES OR SPORTS that bring in loud groups. Beautiful ornamental grounds, flowers, trees etc. Bressie ranch is beautiful A bike/scooter trac for different levels of ability. There’s a great one in Temecula at Ronald Regan park. A disc golf course would be incredible. It could 9 or 18 hole. It’s an inexpensive addition and a great way to walk and exercise. Mini golf course. A place for food trucks and beer garden. Trees trees tress! Bike pump track would be great for kids and families. We would love a pump track like the Pacific Highlands Ranch Pump Track they have in San Diego! and we would also welcome a skate park :) What about some rudimentary outdoor fitness equipment? Does anyone think this would be used? I was impressed at how many people use the fitness areas in Mission Bay (San Diego) and wondered whether this would be attractive for Carlsbad. Great suggestion. I support a fitness course as well I have spoken to many Carlsbad friends and neighbors about it, and we all agree that there are almost no places with flat land that allow roller skating or rollerblading in our city. One may argue that you can use skate parks, but unless you are learning tricks, skate parks are not a good fit for beginners or roller skaters who want to safely glide on flat surfaces. I have Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 21 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Other amenities moved to Carlsbad from Europe and I was shocked to discover that there are no safe places to rollerblade in town. I love walking past that take you all around the park so you can see and appreciate the diversity in the way people play and have fun with each other. This is better than a walking path that just stays in one part of the park. I would welcome a disc golf course and outdoor amphitheater. I would like to see an area that could be used for outdoor rollerskating. Please build an actual park, a space for everyone - not just athletes! Every other park in Carlsbad is for sports. A green space would support all citizens - with trees, picnic areas, walking paths, gardens. A space where kids who don’t do sports can go hang out, a place for seniors who may have limited backyard space can enjoy our perfect weather. Please be respectful of the folks whose backyards back up to the new park by not building a park that creates noise and light pollution. Trails!!! SPLASH PAD or water play area. Our grandkids in St. George, Ut, have lots of great splash pads to play in at their parks, and they love it!… and so do the parents! That would be awesome here, too!! I wish we could replace the little commercial tract that was torn down Life’s Rad in Carlsbad. Pottery, garden supply. Quick stop. M ini mart Gas station. I know this is not popular but others have mentioned the need. Olympus park is awesome however they fail in my book by not having restrooms. Encinitas Community Park is a favorite for our family because the whole playground is in shade, is surrounded with benches for parents, has large expanses of open real grass areas that aren’t fields for sports and has restrooms with ample parking. We love Alga Norte but the play equipment gets WAY too hot. A splash pad similar to Sunset Park in San Marcos would be a great add as well. Already have this nearby at Calavera Hills Park. It was completed recently on corner of Carlsbad Village Drive. I would love to see a playground that is an inclusive space and designed to accommodate the needs of our neuro-diverse population (i.e., autism) as well as kids with physical limitations (i.e., in a wheel chair). Too often, these groups are unable to enjoy our playgrounds because they were not designed to take their needs into consideration. Designing an inclusive playground would meet the needs of all of Carlsbad's kids and give an opportunity for everyone to enjoy the outdoors. How about a Rainbow Bridge where pet owners can attach a momento (like a collar, harness, leash) to the rails of the bridge? I saw that there is one in North Carolina. Just google a real life Rainbow Bridge. Rainbow Bridge is the famous poem of saying goodbye and honoring our furry loved ones. I attached a picture from the one in North Carolina. I think something like this, could be a good addition to Carlsbad, especially if it included equipment that could be used by our senior population, and people with physical challenges. I think that would be a great way to bring the community together as well. That said, I think Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 22 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Other amenities the photo of the facility in Mission Bay is pretty ugly actually. I would hope that Carlsbad could focus on something that blends in with a natural environment better. I second your suggestion of an inclusive playground. Here's a spectacular example of what is possible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGasFrDHSvg Along the same lines but not as water/care intensive: how about a restorative space like a walkable labyrinth (either a tiled mosaic or perhaps simply sand &amp; rock). Or a sand Zen garden with benches to relax. Check out "A playground for everyone, no matter your age or ability" on Youtube. It shows a playground in Palo Alto that is truly world class. Carlsbad's new park could be a magnet for the entire region! Mural wall I’d like to see a wave pool just big enough to get beginning kids comfortable and confident they can ride. It doesn’t have to be large to accommodate skilled surfers, just something to train beginning kids. I’m Would love part of the park to be a fun outdoor adventure park like Adventure Playground in Irvine. It’s designed for all ages with tons of things to do, areas for kids of all abilities to play, get dirty, connect and be outside in nature. Or a fun park like Olympus Park in Encinitas (love the grass hill and the zip line) just WITH bathrooms. In the other part add Pickleball courts &amp; an open grass space with benches &amp; covered space for people to gather and connect, especially seniors. It is important to continue to have an area for kids to play and be outdoors. Adventure playground would be awesome. A place for everyone to bring their dogs. Most importantly more Pickleball courts. It is great for all ages to gather together and build new relationships and enjoy the outdoors. There should be courts for different levels. I travel for work and every city I go to has long looping trails to run. This city has none. Not one trail that is safe /out and back/ long trail. Hello! I don't really have enough space here, but here's my main feedback. I really want this park to be UNIQUE. We have enough playgrounds/play structures and sports fields. I want a park that...well... actually looks like a park. Rolling hills, tree-covered (maybe redwood ) DG paths, boulders placed to give the feel you're out in nature. maybe even Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 23 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Other amenities 1) a small meditation garden 2) a creek running through it with a small bridge 3) a small (4 row) amphitheater email me for more! A dog park. There are so many new homes going up and so many of us have dogs we need to socialize and exercise. Its a great way to meet neighbors and let our dogs mingle and exercise at the end of a day or anytime. The recent Encinitas park that was constructed does have a dog Park in it and it is very popular with the neighborhood. We currently take our dogs there but to have one right here in Carlsbad would be fantastic. Please include a running track and a fitness area with pull-up bars, monkey bars, TRX, etc. A soccer field would be nice as well. Would like to see an all weather running track with low level lights that could service all ages. The Trails are fabulous in Carlsbad but you frequently have to share with bikes and it is not safe when this happens. The area could also include some fun creative fitness equipment built for adults. The County has some very fun equipment down at the county building on harbor drive. Dog park with areas for small dogs and large dogs. Benches to sit on also.. shade trees in those areas would be beneficial. Just as people want places for their kids in the park, dog owners would like to have places for their pets. No noisy sports fields...there are plenty here in Carlsbad and it would be nice to have a quiet park.... keep the pickleball courts far away from residential areas and quiet places in the park. Dog friendly areas, quiet, shady areas, a running track, and a skating park would be so uniquely Carlsbad! What about an area for food vendors? We have so many awesome businesses in Carlsbad, it would be fun to have city-led events to support them. The small skateable spaces (especially bowls and flow courses) don’t draw the same riffraff and bullying you find at Alga Norte. Quite the opposite actually. The key is in designating a small but fun space rather than a huge skatepark. It would literally require less than an acre of space and little to no maintenance. The only other Carlsbad skatepark (Orion near the police station) is poorly designed and not a functional space. If ever there was something we don’t need; please consider speaking to someone at out pools or beaches who might offer you good recommendations Dog friendly walking paths and plenty of trees and sitting areas with water features. Pickle ball or tennis courts . Someplace relaxing that won’t be too noisy for neighbors. And please please please keep it well maintained and safe without risk of homeless. Shade trees, walking path, Pickleball. Draw it into the community with a place for a food truck, lots of shade (which is rare for the city), chairs and benches positioned for quiet conversation, some gardening plots near the Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 24 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Other amenities perimeter, a walking path with physical challenges appropriate for seniors and those with disabilities, drought tolerant floral display that takes minimal care rather than more succulents (think lavender, milkweed, sunflower, etc.), trees to sit under, a bocce court and Art that’s not hidden away behind a library Well, simple, peaceful and elegant. Low stimulation. I have in mind a small park I came across a few months ago in Frankfurt, Germany. Walking paths, shade trees, a fountain and some nice artwork. Some place safe for kids to socialize at minus the noisy sports. Maybe some orange trees? Otherwise native California fauna. Drinking fountains and maybe a small amphitheater, kiosk, plenty of benches and tables. Gardens, Art of some kind. Emergency phone? Large, securely locking, clean restrooms. A safe place to run. An all weather track would be a fantastic addition to Carlsbad parks and useable for all ages and abilities. As a mom to two girls I would love for them to be able to run in an open, unsecluded area that is not along the roadway. Separate dog parks for large and small/old dogs with shade, water, natural landscaping. Strategies to keep the area clean (frequent trash pick-up, etc.) Running track Live music events with food truck vendors and picnic lawn area Pagodas for shade, picnic benches, activities, gathering spaces, areas that can be reserved for events Basketball courts (not double-rim) Please include a space for outdoor roller skating. This is something that doesn't already exist in any Carlsbad park. Design shade and heat tolerance into it (water features, trees, shade sails). More than the usual playground stuff (places to hide/climb/interact/pretend/engage/water features). Make park accessible from El Camino/Canon side. Incorporate trails that connects to existing trails on the north side. We have a dog park right here in Carlsbad - Agua Norte. The Pacific is a great alternative to splash parks! activities for smaller children {climbing areas, bridges, etc.). native plants, if there are sports fields, daylight use only, no lights park closes at sunset (many games for the younger set are daytime anyway i.e., pop warner, little league, soccer). bathrooms get locked at sunset. This, in addition to rethinking the access/egress, would be preferable for the neighborhood. Trees and or pagodas for shade, drinking fountains, picnic tables and a nice water feature. That’s interesting about the 5G towers, I thought they were permanent. Do you know where they’re meant to be once they’re moved? Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 25 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Other amenities To me, Carlsbad does not have a DISTINCTIVE AESTHETICS as its signature. I implore the city to consider this factor in any construction. Batiquitos Dr., Melrose Dr., Plaza Paseo Real, etc. have many jacaranda trees that bloom in the late spring/early summer, giving the environment a fantastically delightful vision. I suggest to spread this visual joy at each park by planting these jacarandas to signify the symbol of Carlsbad. As a resident, we can refer to this signature with our pride. please add a public swimming pool to the mix. Thank You. PLEASE add shade near the playground for parents/caregivers. Not just one table with a pergola, but shade we can actually use while supervising the kiddos. I'm talking multiple benches or tables with shade. Agree with all except that dog parks are necessary - kids aren't entitled to all the fun!! Dog Parks only require a fenced , shaded grass area and less costly than the equipment needed for the kids section. Give our furry friends a break!! Dog Parks are needed in all areas of Carlsbad- residents have dogs just as some have kids. What is the difference ? The park should be a public space for all people to enjoy, not just rec sports leagues. I don’t see a problem with having a soccer field there, but there should also be open spaces or walking paths for people and pets to enjoy. Also as a dog owner, I would like to see another dog park in Carlsbad. I am against having any form of hostile architecture in this park, such as benches with armrests in the middle or excluding bathrooms just to inconvenience the most vulnerable members of our community Art that represents the agricultural history of Carlsbad and the beach. Mosaics on walls and any other hard scape would be great as would sculptures. Lots of pickleball. Walking and biking paths. There’s literally a new dog park at Poinsettia. 1) Covered Roller Hockey Arena. Roof top of structure could be used to support solar panels to power other aspects of the park. 2) Running path/trail. Decomposited granite or other natural materials, not concrete. Surrounding area is has extensive hills so a flat area for runners/walks would be beneficial. Does not need to be a track "loop" but can wind itself through fields/structures or even skirt the border of the park area. Can be blanket with natural foliage as well as unique rest benches. Rollerskating track as a perimeter around the park. We need more pools. There is a shortage of pools for sports like waterpolo and swim teams. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 26 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Other amenities I agree with this. Mixing up the uses and getting creative with the design would be a nice, solid addition to the city. It would improve the attractiveness and attraction of the sports park, improving it overall. We need an all weather running track in this park. There are currently no tracks accessible to the public in Carlsbad. MORE OFF ROAD BIKING PATHS PLUS A PUMP TRACK WE NEED TRAILS AS THE E BIKES HAVE TAKEN OVER THE ROADS Carlsbad is a leading area for biotechnology. Creating a biotechnology visitor center and museum would highlight the importance of Carlsbad in America's future. A standard 400 meter running track, that is open to the public, is badly needed in Carlsbad. The future Robertson Ranch park could provide this facility to the running community. Carlsbad is so family friendly and active. A splash pad would be an awesome add-on to the playground. As well as plenty of picnic space for birthday parties (Hap Magee park, Danville,CA) I also think having a large open space for community movie nights and farmers markets/fundraising events with GOOD parking would be a great use of space. Not trying to steal the current farmers markets scheduled days but have you tried to park for any of the markets lately? ! More intricate and unique playground structures with adequate shade and a splash pad would be wonderful for our kids! Inspiration like: Maruta Gardner Playground, Olympus Park, Mast Park, and Rancho Mission Canyon Park Ample. If a sports complex or fields are implemented, please consider ample parking as there is often not enough for tournament visitors and locals. Carlsbad is cool and unique. An outdoor parcourse for exercise would also be cool and unique. They typically have ten to twelve stations that you race walk or run between and then perform an exercise at each station. Sometimes one station supports multiple exercises. This could be a very classy amenity to offer our residents. A beautiful fountain! And maybe a spray ground. Also shade areas / benches / tables for picnicking. Check out San Elijo park - beautiful fountain and tables. (The one in town center across from Starbucks and Sourdough Company). I'd love to see an all abilities playground. Check out All Together Playground in Orem, Utah https://orem.org/atp/. Also in favor of running/walking paths with exercise stations. Include some walking trails and native plants so that it fits into the surrounding preserve area. A water feature like a fountain or some streams safe for little ones to play in on hot days. Basketball courts. Hills rather than a flat area would also be nice Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 27 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Other amenities An area for outdoor yoga/ pilates classes that is shaded and could double as a ‘stage’ for small bands/ concerts. Would love to see a heated community swimming pool/ splash pad, a bike and hiking trail around the park and places to exercise. A shaded park for kids would be awesome. Shaded a bit like the one in Encinitas off Santa fe with some fun play areas like Poinsettia. We would love a community pool the most though- indoor or outdoor so long as heated. I would like to see a youth/adult appropriate fitness/obstacle outdoor gym infrastructure. This will be useful for fitness and conditioning type group or individual workouts. I would like to see amenities that are targeted to multi-generational use. Seniors, 30-40 year old, teens and children. We need to be cognizant of the aging population in Carlsbad. With the elimination of the multi-generational facility at Poinsettia Park, this would serve as an opportunity to implement elements at Robertson Ranch Park. Additionally, the millennial generation is opting for more fur babies rather than children. I think that a dog park element would be fantastic. Something like Olympus Park in Encinitas with a zipline swing for the kids and the hill for them to slide down on cardboard. An active playground for the kids. Bathrooms included!!! A place the community can come and enjoy with their family. Open spaces with picnic tables, a sidewalk around the entire perimeter, tennis court, a small clubhouse with a couple of rooms available for event rental, ping pong would be a nice affordable community activity to connect with others, and community garden Bathrooms, trees and foliage It would be great to have multigenerational amenities including a clubhouse with restrooms, trails, community garden, a small dog park, sports fields, trees and of course, bird of paradise flowering plants. Multiple entrances. Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Miscellaneous comments I second your idea. There's a YouTube video titled "Madison's Place - Woodbury, MN - Visit a Playground - Landscape Structures" that shows how well such a space could serve our community. Awesome suggestions. Love your ideas! I absolutely agree with your comments. Carlsbad parks are currently serving athletes - and if we’re going to be an inclusive community, then we need parks for everyone! They are loud and annoying. There is a place for them and it is not in a quiet park- leave them on the sports field parks. No dogs? how about NO KIDS?? those little brats make too much noise and leave their cookie crumbs and sticky fingers on things everywhere!!! Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 28 Q: What ideas do you have to make this park really feel like Carlsbad? Miscellaneous comments Rusty Keeler is an amazing outdoor education expert who works not only for preschools and schools, but in public places as well. He has amazing unique ideas and his books are terrific. However, if you invested in his expertise even for a day or so, you could really get some amazing ide Important to famliles: 1. Space for infants and toddlers 2. Natural elements like water, mud, trees, gardens, places to sit and dream 3. Places where kids can take a risk and learn how to do it 5. Musical space We would love a kid-friendly activity that is interactive and / or a "special" ride or seasonal event, without the financial investment of Legoland. This could add opportunities for summer/part time jobs for local teens, themed birthday parties, family events, etc. Some ideas are interactive sand/water play features, splash pads, ride on train with education about the area/history/habitat or "fishing", dam-building or other imaginative play structures that are tied to local culture/history. Totally agree! Agreed! I'm in the same boat. No just no. You are ruining our quality of life Yes! I couldn't agree more and I love this design! Please also buy the empty lot at College and El Camino... it's an excellent location and you could accomodate more of the great ideas on this board for the same neighborhood. Great ideas that would truly serve our entire community! With a population of around 115,000, that means there are 110,000 other constituents’ needs to consider. i love this, but not sure there's enough space. also, i heard a wave park going in in oceanside in a few years Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 29 Idea wall images Something like Olympus Park in Encinitas with a zipline swing for the kids and the hill for them to slide down on cardboard. An active playground for the kids. Bathrooms included!!! A place the community can come and enjoy with their family. MORE BASEBALL FIELDS PLEASE! Youth baseball continues to be a growing sport. In North County there is over 1,000 seasonal players in addition to all the travel teams, and continues to grow. We currently have to share a lot of the fields with soccer, lacrosse, football, etc. We could really use a great ballpark with seating, lighting, and shade. I would like to see a youth/adult appropriate fitness/obstacle outdoor gym infrastructure. This will be useful for fitness and conditioning type group or individual workouts. An area for outdoor yoga/ pilates classes that is shaded and could double as a ‘stage’ for small bands/ concerts. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 30 A nature element water feature for children/ adults to play in. Natural exploration that pulls in Carlsbad’s beach and canyon heritage. Hi, Neighbors. I've attached ChatGPT's suggested layout for multi-purpose sports fields at Robertson Ranch Park. Go, Carlsbad! Rusty Keeler is an amazing outdoor education expert who works not only for preschools and schools, but in public places as well. He has amazing unique ideas and his books are terrific. However, if you invested in his expertise even for a day or so, you could really get some amazing ide Important to famliles: 1. Space for infants and toddlers 2. Natural elements like water, mud, trees, gardens, places to sit and dream 3. Places where kids can take a risk and learn how to do it 5. Musical space NATURE PUYSCAPES RISKY PLAY & LOOSE PARTS! H-OnflM.e,M11rMt1ad10'I.,_,_.. IMl~ .. .,..,,.. ... ,cM' ....... ___ ,..,......._,_,..dM.i ,_ ........................ .__. .. __ ... _JO __ ....... _,._...,._ ...................... ,,,,...,.. ......... ,_,-... ... __ .,_....,..__ .... _ .. ........ _ ... _.,..._ .... ,,., Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 31 Lots of trees, a kids dream! Artistic labyrinths with mosaics of different colors on the ground, Climbing walls, little tunnels, water elements that are interactive. Wooden bridges that lead to learning areas that speak to the ecosystem and fun facts about our local wildlife. Circle tables and seating areas. Lots of shade, love the Jacaranda idea the violet flowers are very inspiring. Playground that doesn't use sand... I feel animals/cats appreciate it more than moms do. It would be nice to have a dual use park that incorporates a couple leisure activity options such as a pickleball court and putt putt course similar to http://popstroke.com that also has a small community center and space for HOA meetings and other small events. Please include a running track and a fitness area with pull-up bars, monkey bars, TRX, etc. A soccer field would be nice as well. Would like to see an all weather running track with low level lights that could service all ages. The Trails are fabulous in Carlsbad but you frequently have to share with bikes and it is not safe when this happens. The area could also include some fun creative fitness equipment built for adults. The County has some very fun equipment down at the county building on harbor drive. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 32 Hello! I don't really have enough space here, but here's my main feedback. I really want this park to be UNIQUE. We have enough playgrounds/play structures and sports fields. I want a park that...well... actually looks like a park. Rolling hills, tree-covered (maybe redwood ) DG paths, boulders placed to give the feel you're out in nature. maybe even 1) a small meditation garden 2) a creek running through it with a small bridge 3) a small (4 row) amphitheater email me for more! Would love part of the park to be a fun outdoor adventure park like Adventure Playground in Irvine. It’s designed for all ages with tons of things to do, areas for kids of all abilities to play, get dirty, connect and be outside in nature. Or a fun park like Olympus Park in Encinitas (love the grass hill and the zip line) just WITH bathrooms. In the other part add Pickleball courts & an open grass space with benches & covered space for people to gather and connect, especially seniors. How about a Rainbow Bridge where pet owners can attach a momento (like a collar, harness, leash) to the rails of the bridge? I saw that there is one in North Carolina. Just google a real life Rainbow Bridge. Rainbow Bridge is the famous poem of saying goodbye and honoring our furry loved ones. I attached a picture from the one in North Carolina. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 33 A really cool bike track would be awesome with a cement track with road signs and bridges, just like a real roadway for kids. Another idea is a big pirate ship or treehouse or cool feature that kids can play in. This is a picture of Echo Run Park in Woodbridge Irvine SPLASH PAD or water play area. Our grandkids in St. George, Ut, have lots of great splash pads to play in at their parks, and they love it!… and so do the parents! That would be awesome here, too!! Bike pump track would be great for kids and families. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Ideas wall comments Fall 2023 34 What about some rudimentary outdoor fitness equipment? Does anyone think this would be used? I was impressed at how many people use the fitness areas in Mission Bay (San Diego) and wondered whether this would be attractive for Carlsbad. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Rancho Carlsbad HOA comments Fall 2023 1 Q: What is most important to you about the future park space? Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Q: What is most important to you about the future park space? Accessibility Would like an easier access point for those who would like to walk there from the Rancho Carlsbad community so they don’t have to walk all the way around to Trailblazer Way. Q: What is most important to you about the future park space? Fields/courts Tennis courts – would prefer designated courts instead of shared with Pickleball Know some others are interested in Pickleball Would love a basketball hoop to shoot. Had to go to Kelly Elementary for basketball hoop. Just to shoot, not play full game. Basketball courts Q: What is most important to you about the future park space? Other amenities Would like to see venue for concerts, like concerts in the park. Those are nice to see and one in their neighborhood would be great. Don’t want nighttime lighting (also didn’t want with the golf course nearby). Do like the idea of rental facilities that could provide other opportunities to use the space. Ping pong tables Shade is really important. Flying sails and pergolas are great options that can look nice. Place for whole families to come and connect together. Equipment and picnic tables to have fun and have a truly integrated and diverse. Love the bern made of fake grass at Olympus Park in Encinitas – can bring your own piece of cardboard to slide down that hill with my grandkid. Want things where kids can learn and families can connect. Dog park Outdoor fitness stations Q: What is most important to you about the future park space? Miscellaneous comments Because in Senior community, don’t have a lot of kids. Going to a park where there are lots of kids playing is highly desirable. A space where community of all ages can get together. Volunteer opportunities A place where 55+ can come and play a role with volunteer opportunities. Thrilled to have a park closer to bring grandkids good. Love Legoland play area for children for ideas. Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association meeting -Aug. 10, 2023 Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Rancho Carlsbad HOA comments Fall 2023 2 Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Safety Security. Who would be in charge? Concerned about homeless. Concerned that Police Department is already understaffed and won’t have time to provide park security. Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Neighborhood concerns Traffic is already an issue and more development is planned. Feel Rancho Carlsbad is in the “middle of the oreo.” Hours of operations. What will those be? Noise. Wish you had more already planned to share with us. Know that during recess with kids nearby at Kelly Elementary it can be noisy. Lighting and noise Traffic. El Camino Real from 2:30 to 6 p.m. is like a stopped freeway. Noise. Already get noise from the elementary school and Kelly houses? when then have parties. Light and noise most common concerns they hear from residents. Also have Casa el Dia apartments next to them which is also seniors. Consider how the actual ball fields are placed to be more considerate of the noise impacts on the surrounding neighbors. Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Environment Environment and climate issues. There are more climate issues we’re facing now. Can you speak to environmental impact studies done so far? Water use and heat retention. What thinking goes into whether to do natural or artificial turf for an athletic field? Environment for critters. Already overrun by coyotes. Sustainability features Q: What needs, concerns or challenges would you like the future design to address? Other amenities Thought this at one point was a flood mitigated area. Thought the area was designed to be an extra overrun at one point? How will that be handled? -----Original Message----- From: Alex <alexandtroy@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2023 10:16 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch This makes sense - put something healthy and truly useable that has an inter-generational function in the available space - a dozen or more pickleball courts. Carlsbad is sorely lacking in public pickleball courts. Be smart AND provide fun for the taxpaying citizens! Alex Hamner From: Sunrise School <sunrise_childcare@yahoo.com> Sent on: Monday, August 7, 2023 3:51:59 AM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Inquiry About Robertson Ranch Park Project To Whom it may concern, Hi, This is a family based business operating a licensed child care in Carlsbad(92010). we have founded Sunrise School LLC and are planning to expand to a childcare center (Pre-school, learning center from birth to 5 years old’s) in the City of Carlsbad and offer our services in order to provide support to the local community. We heard about the Robertson Ranch Park project and read the master plan amendment, it seems there are plans considered to have a childcare center in the park. If yes, we are very interested to know more details about it and how we can connect to the developer or relevant department in order to secure the place. If needed we are also open to having a meeting in order to discuss our plans and project. Your support to open a childcare center (Pre-school) is highly appreciated and it will help us to continue creating a safe and effective learning environment in Carlsbad. Sincerely yours, Ben And Mary Talachi Phone:(760)783-3187 Emailed comments Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 2 E-mail: sunrise_childcare@yahoo.com https://sunrisechildcare.net From: andy vick <andrewjvick@gmail.com> Sent on: Monday, August 7, 2023 2:59:39 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: More pickleball courts needed at Robertson ranch in carlsbad Nick, more pickleball courts are desperately needed in carlsbad. The demand is way higher than supply. Robertson ranch park should have many new pickleball courts. I used to attempt to play at poinsettia park in carlsbad. The wait is just so long because it is so crowded. Thank you for your careful consideration. Andy & Michelle Vick. Homeowners at 3214 avenida del alba, carlsbad. From: Josh Underwood <j12underwood@gmail.com> Sent on: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 9:40:26 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: New Park Please just add Pickleball. It is unbelievable the city only has 6 dedicated courts with lights at Poinsettia Park. Thank you, Josh Underwood Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 3 From: Monica Gill <avalon5195@sbcglobal.net> Sent on: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 9:02:15 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Park suggestion PICKLEBALL COURTS AS MANY AS POSSIBLE!!! From: Darlene Gillis <darlenegillis@msn.com> Sent on: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 8:43:33 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Pickleball Courts Please have pickleball courts incorporated into the new design. Warmest regards Darlene From: Jeff <jdgould44@gmail.com> Sent on: Monday, August 7, 2023 2:37:37 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch Park Hi Nick, It would be great to plan several Pickleball courts as you design the Robertson Ranch Park. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 4 From: Heath Squier <hsquier@gmail.com> Sent on: Monday, August 7, 2023 1:23:25 AM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch Park We need more pickleball courts in Carlsbad! Thank you, Heath Squier Carlsbad Resident -- Thank You, Heath Squier From: Lisa Beveridge <lisamariebeveridge@gmail.com> Sent on: Thursday, July 27, 2023 10:06:05 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch Park Good Afternoon, Mr. Stupin, Considering that I will be unavailable to participate in the upcoming workshops regarding the planning stages of Robertson Ranch Park; I wanted to take the opportunity to offer some input here at this time. I will also complete the survey, once available. I did attend planning meetings and city council meetings too, pertaining to the off- leash dog area at Village Trail H - which a lot of us residents did as well; only to find out that the finalized project has been put on hold to “prioritize” areas like Robertson Ranch Park. Although many of us find that just recently planned (and very lengthy delay), to be a rather disingenuous maneuver by the City of Carlsbad - the hope is that there will be a large (grassy!) dog park area at the new Robertson Ranch Park. That may help with some very ruffled feathers amongst us all, at this point! Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 5 Many, if not most of us who live in Carlsbad, have canine family members. There are very few and far between places to take them to exercise off-leash in Carlsbad. In fact, sadly - Carlsbad is one of the least progressive cities in California in that regard! There is even a nice grassy tree-lined huge off-leash dog park in Lodi, as one example -among many many others. The dog park located on Carlsbad Village Drive is small, poorly maintained, smelly, and covered in bark chips - which cause severe paw damage. The other new park is quite a hike, and the wrong grass-type was installed to boot. One look at the Laguna Beach Dog Park, and one will witness a lovely, grassy, very large, and well- maintained play area for furry family members. All of this being said; my sincere hope, along with many other residents, is to see Carlsbad take a much more progressive and inclusive stance when it comes to our sentient canine family members - and their need to run, play, and socialize as well. Thank you for taking the time to read my concerns; and my sincere desire is that you take heed of what I’ve mentioned to you in this correspondence. Many other residents share my sentiments and viewpoint as well. Have a lovely rest of your day! Sincerely, Lisa Beveridge - Carlsbad resident/homeowner From: Gayle Ades <lgtades3@sbcglobal.net> Sent on: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 10:59:54 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch Park online surveys Please email online surveys to me as I am a resident in the neighborhood where this park will be located! Thank you! J. Gayle Ades Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 6 From: <scott.mcferran@gmail.com> Sent on: Friday, August 18, 2023 2:03:36 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch Park suggestions Hi Nick, I am a Carlsbad homeowner and my wife and I are thankful to call it home. May I suggest 2 items for consideration: 1. A running track 2. A football goal post in a location where it might possibly be used to play a “half-court” version of football, as well as a location in Carlsbad for place kickers to practice their craft. In my searching around, there seem to be no football fields/goal posts or running tracks open for public use in Carlsbad. The schools have them but are not available freely as one might have thought they would be. Thank you! Scott McFerran From: Jackie Lyon <jackiesayward@gmail.com> Sent on: Thursday, July 27, 2023 5:43:49 AM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson ranch park suggestions. Can you please put in pickle ball courts, a pump track like the one in pacific highlands, plenty of seating and shade over the playgrounds? My kids love the scavenger hunt wheels on the play equipment. The zip line at Olympus park was a big hit. Thanks, Jackie -- Best Wishes, Jackie Lyon Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 7 From: Jason Jacobson <jjacobson6000@gmail.com> Sent on: Saturday, July 29, 2023 5:29:50 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch Park! Hi Nick, I coach at Sage Creek High School Track and Cross Country. I would LOVE to see a dirt/gravel path around the park for running. A soft type trail. There are NONE of these in the entire city of Carlsbad. Piper Park in Larkspur, CA has this type of walking trail around the park and helps a lot. High schools and middle schools need a place to run safely. Thank you! --Jason Jacobson From: Mike Demko <mikedemko@gmail.com> Sent on: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 5:53:35 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch Park Hi Nick, I can't make the online or in-person event. Can you please send me the survey gathering community input.. thank you. Mike From: Jim Kay <jelitkay@gmail.com> Sent on: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 6:16:30 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch Planning Meeting Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 8 Hello: First I would like to thank you for the opportunity to comment and suggest activities for the planned Robertson Ranch Park. Second: I have a question? Where were the kids? The park will provide much needed recreation for the neighborhood children. They were noticeably absent from the group that assembled to provide input. A suggestion. In the future include an invitation to neighborhood children when announcing public meetings that will address the needs of children. The invitation could include language that would limit the invitation to children at or above a certain age based on the anticipated activities planned for a specific park. Geraldine Kay From: Mary Real <anewday4me2020@gmail.com> Sent on: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 10:11:01 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov>; Mary Real <anewday4Me2020@gmail.com> Subject: Robinson Ranch Park Project Outdoor Senior Fitness Equipment and shady areas! And any shade along walking paths is always nice???? Thanks so much for giving Seniors in the areas some outdoor fitness equipment! Mary Lucid From: Gretchen Vurbeff <gvurbeff@gmail.com> Sent on: Friday, September 8, 2023 10:53:02 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: survey for Robertson Ranch Park Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 9 Hi Nick, I neglected to fill out the survey in time, but basically I would have said that I live in 92008 and have a child under 18 in my household, as well as one who grew up on the fields of our parks, playing sports indoor and outdoor throughout Carlsbad. I am an advocate for more baseball fields, because we have a shortage. Carlsbad HS freshman have to drive all the way to Poinsettia, which is a challenge to start practices in a timely manner. It would be great to move that to Robertson Ranch, at the least. We also need more soccer fields and pickle ball courts. Thank you, Gretchen (Canterbury neighborhood) From: Deneen <deneencosby@gmail.com> Sent on: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 11:53:11 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Hello I'm part of Carlsbad community. a playground is always wonderful in a park. But what about giving it some water toys and water sprinklers for kids & families. With a modern style!! The climate here has changed so much in Carlsbad its been getting hotter here, I think that would be amazing here @ Robertson Ranch park!!😁 Just an input. Thank you for hearing me out🌞 From: lauren freure <lmfreure@yahoo.com> Sent on: Thursday, August 10, 2023 6:47:58 PM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Updates I live in Robertson Ranch, and requesting emails about the future Robertson Ranch park. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 10 Thank you!!!! Lauren Freure From: Lizanne Clark <lizanne4@twc.com> Sent on: Thursday, July 27, 2023 1:10:21 AM To: Nick Stupin <Nick.Stupin@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Web capture - Harmful website blocked Attachments: Web capture_26-7-2023_18728_cpikpibllpjmpnchjajlibnmmomnnhnm.jpeg (32.71 KB) Hi, Why do I get a warning to not use the above site, which I am directed to if I want to sign up for updates to the new park in City of Carlsbad? Lizanne Clark From: steveg00@gmail.com <steveg00@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 6:02 PM To: Guardian Support <Support@Guardian4hoa.com> Subject: RE: City of Carlsbad Robertson Ranch Park public input opportunities Guardian, Following are some ideas for inclusion in a Robertson Ranch Park. 1. Include A public swimming pool 2. Include well marked exercise stations 3. Provide Safe crossing over El Camino Real Thank you for your consideration, Steve Greenspan From: Jodi Squires <j4squires@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2023 4:26 PM Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 11 To: Michael Calderwood <Michael.Calderwood@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Fwd: Future Robertson Ranch Park by Station 3 Hi Michael, My name is Jodi Squires, I am a resident on Trailblazer way which is located across the street from Fire Station #3. I am sure you are aware of this future Robertson Ranch park that the city is working on. It has been brought to our attention that the entrance to this Master Plan park will be next to the Fire Station 3 and will enter on Trailblazer way. This has alot of the neighbors upset because we love the Fire Station on our street and we love how private and quiet the street is. We are wondering if the Fire Station wants this to be the entrance or not. It seems like you would not want all the excess traffic right in front of the fire station as they need to enter and exit for emergencies. Could you possibly take a look at this and you can voice your concerns to: Nick Stupin, Parks Planning Manager 442-339-2527 nick.stupin@carlsbadca.gov We would love your input on this planning in hopes that the entrance to this can be somewhere else. Please review the City of Carlsbad plans: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/parks-recreation/parks-community-centers/parks/future- park-planning/robertson-ranch-park Park entrance location The Robertson Ranch Master Plan shows the entrance to the park on Trailblazer Way (at the traffic circle), next to Fire Station 3. Moving the entrance to a different location has not been studied or designed from a traffic engineering perspective and would likely be cost prohibitive due to property acquisition prerequisites and roadway modification needs. https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/parks-recreation/parks-community-centers/parks/future- park-planning/robertson-ranch-park Thank you so much!! Jodi Squires Certified Real Estate Appraiser www.lci-network.com From: Sharon Huston (LCYO CO-VP of Baseball) <lcyosharon@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 2:44 PM Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 12 To: Lori Swenck <Lori.Swenck@carlsbadca.gov>; Field Allocations <fieldallocations@carlsbadca.gov>; Brian Buchholtz <Brian.Buchholtz@carlsbadca.gov>; Kevin Gohres <Kevin.Gohres@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Donelle Anderson <donellebaseball@gmail.com>; Drew Lieberman <drewlieberman@gmail.com>; Kerry Vara <lcyoteamparentdirector@gmail.com>; Adam Tepper <atepper001@gmail.com>; Cassidy Lewis <lcyocassidy@gmail.com>; Brook Barnes <brooktbarnes@gmail.com> Subject: Input regarding Robertson Ranch Hi Kevin, Brian, and Lori: Thank for your your work on the Robertson Ranch project and for sharing the opportunity for us to contribute our opinion on the initial stages of this project. Please accept the letter below on behalf of the 1,000 + members of our league. We would like to formally include this letter in the Robertson Ranch public comment files. As you know our league has been a fixture in the Carlsbad community for over 40 years and we are excited by the potential opportunities ahead. Sharon Sharon M. Huston Volunteer Co-Vice President of Baseball La Costa Youth Organization (LCYO) - a non-profit 501c3 100% volunteer organization! www.lcyo.org The number one rule at LCYO is to "Have Fun!" Dear City of Carlsbad, We write to you today as representatives of the Board of the non-profit, all volunteer La Costa Youth Organization (LCYO). Our community prioritizes low-cost, open access softball and baseball to boys and girls, including a thriving special-needs division. We are excited to hear that the City of Carlsbad is planning to build a new park near Robertson Ranch, and we appreciate the opportunity to have a voice in that process. We look forward to continuing our long history of partnership with the city to ensure a great experience for the children of our community by promoting physical fitness, developing character through social interaction, teamwork, and sportsmanship, and having fun. In addition to playing baseball/softball, we also provide an opportunity for our youth to give back to the community through volunteer work and other experiences such as starting their first job as umpires, learning valuable life skills along the way. We therefore kindly request that the City allocate space at Robertson Ranch dedicated specifically to baseball/softball activities. As you know, along with our partners and friends at Carlsbad Youth Baseball, the City of Carlsbad provides over 2,250 youth in Carlsbad and surrounding communities the opportunity to play baseball/softball. La Costa Youth Organization’s annual participation exceeds 1,000 players (and thousands of additional family members) per season, and the interest in baseball continues to grow. However, non-profit youth baseball/softball continues to compete with larger and sometimes expensive sports organizations for field space, including for-profit organizations which we cannot compete with in terms of paying for fields and other non-profit organizations that have paid staff and more dedicated field space for their sport. Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 13 The result is that demand for our sport in our community has outpaced our capacity. Simply put, there is a lack of adequate facilities for our sport in the city, and many players and families have either had to miss out, or join neighboring organizations to enjoy the sport because we simply do not have enough fields to support our local families' interest. We believe that the new park would be a great opportunity to address this issue and provide more space for baseball/softball in Carlsbad. It would not only serve the existing community, but also encourage more youth to participate in the sport and enjoy the lifelong lessons baseball/softball can teach our youth. The LCYO Board therefore kindly reiterates our request for the City of Carlsbad to allocate specific field space for baseball/softball in the new park. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter, and we sincerely thank you for listening to your families and youth sports leaders in the Community. With great appreciation on behalf of LCYO's 1,000+ families, The La Costa Youth Organization From: Jim Barnhill <jim@ourcitysc.com> Sent: Monday, August 7, 2023 3:33 PM To: Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch workshops and survey Hi Kyle- Hope you are doing well. Your Robertson Ranch workshop email was well received by our membership. I wanted to give you a heads-up that many families have asked us how they can help in their desire for fields to be part of the plan at Robertson Ranch. We've directed them back to your email and asked them to participate in one of the three ways you provide. We are excited for the opportunity to give our feedback and to continue our discussion about field space and how it aligns with the number of Carlsbad youth participating in sports. See you tomorrow. All the best- Jim Barnhill President City SC Carlsbad t. (714) 350-5096 e. jim@ourcitysc.com -----Original Message----- From: Alex <alexandtroy@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2023 10:16 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 14 Subject: Robertson Ranch This makes sense - put something healthy and truly useable that has an inter-generational function in the available space - a dozen or more pickleball courts. Carlsbad is sorely lacking in public pickleball courts. Be smart AND provide fun for the taxpaying citizens! Alex Hamner From: Denise Pauly-Hovey <denisepauly@mac.com> Sent on: Thursday, August 10, 2023 11:15:03 PM To: Mick Calarco <Mick.Calarco@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Public park at Robertson Ranch It was nice speaking with you the other night at the Park-To-Be! I just wanted to mention again some things we would love to have in this park... 1) Ping Pong tables in a shaded area 2) Badminton courts outside 3) Groomed walking trails 4). Picnic tables 5) Lovely are water fountain with seating 6) lots of grass and trees for shade 7) chess or checker tables and benches There are already so many pickle ball courts and soccer fields and other parks for youngsters and sports that it would be lovely to have something more calm, serene, quiet. That you for your help and concern! Denise Hovey From: Tessy Kessler <tessykessler1@gmail.com> Sent on: Saturday, August 19, 2023 1:44:45 AM To: Communications <Communications@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Re: Have your say: Robertson Ranch Park Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 15 Dear people at the City of Carlsbad, Yes, you came to our Rancho Carlsbad Community a few days ago, and many expressed their ideas about the new park that you plan to make across from our community.. I did not go forward during that meeting, because my idea may not be as grand as some others. But I talked briefly to the one in charge at the end. I said then and say it again: keep it simple. Plant some native trees, some green leafy trees, some pines; make some trails and put some benches here and there to rest and hear the birds sing. That is it. Keep it open and 'see through' as much as possible, to prevent mischief or the homeless from making it a mess.. That is my input. Does it make sense? I bless you in the name of Jesus, that He may prosper the work you do and give you good success in the many endeavors you do to make Carlsbad one of the best places on planet earth to live in. And I thank you for all you do from the bottom of my heart, I am stunned every time I take the car to drive somewhere, and I see how beautiful you made this city. No matter what street I am in, I am touched by the beauty you created all around, in every street ,and on so many street corners. That takes planning, organization , work and money to achieve this. And I say, "CONGRATULATIONS" you did an excellent job for decades to have this lovely result. Also, I like to emphasize the cleanliness of this city. You truly keep it as clean as possible. Besides that, you also repair and repave the street surfaces as needed. My car likes that! It doesn't bounce like it does in other places where the maintenance is not as good as in Carlsbad, California. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Have a wonderful day. Marie Kessler. From: Janis Bandich <jbandich3456@gmail.com> Sent on: Thursday, August 10, 2023 2:47:30 AM To: Natalie Reed <Natalie.Reed@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Re: Robertson Ranch Park Community Workshop Confirmation I really liked the suggestion of senior workout areas with a variety of work-out equipment as i have seen in Europe and Asia for years, there are always people there, and it seems to be very social. This would be something unique to introduce to Carlsbad and not the same old thing at each park, and, as someone pointed out Carlsbad is an aging community and Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 16 healthy work out activities in the fresh air, and as a social connection is very important for those of us in our 70’s, 80’s, etc. Walking trails are great, too, but building other muscles in the body is critical when aging. Health and Longevity is the hot topic now and Carlsbad would be smart to get ahead of the game on this. Maybe Senior Centers could sponsor activities or introductions to different levels of activity and even provide transportation for those who do not live close by. This could be another area in which Carlsbad could take the lead and get lots of press and interest from other cities - probably there are even grants available, as the aging population is increasing and Carlsbad has the perfect weather for year-round use! I would be very happy to volunteer to help if this becomes a possibility as I enjoy outdoor activities and fit the aging category and I live close by the planned park.🥰 Jan Bandich From: Paige White <paige@paigewhite.net> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 4:27 PM To: Todd Reese <Todd.Reese@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Robertson Ranch Park Hi Todd, Thank you for the postcard regarding the new park. The card refers to a survey, but I don't see where, or how, to access the survey? I'd like to see pickleball courts reserved via an online digital system with a very nominal fee via a credit card, debit card or zelle and maybe some sort of clubhouse that can be rented to teach classes or hold community events, etc. Thank you!!! Best! Paige White Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 17 United Realty Group Commercial and Residential Real Estate Sales Everything I Touch Turns to Sold CITY OF FOOTI-IIL alk.inj psth Pi IC Teno.is Cou:ru.. Bench or To v,n,om 11 mo!)! cooee SBADPA ' p JECT: Ji tcd.. Hi, Tnis Is a f.aml sed tiusiness ~ ei lliceR.ed chi1dcaM • Cst1Sbad (92010). We have fol.lllded Sunnse .Sdl(idl U.C 811111 are ~ • to r4 to a ct!il.Qoare oentar (Pr&Sd'l.ool, milg Qa'1! • frOm • 10 5 ~ old'~) ·n !he~ otCartsbad d offer our~lces in order m provide suppOi"I.IIOthe ~ aimmlW!y. we !Ularo ebou tile R'obetlSOfl Randli Pal. pmjedl end read nw ma:s.\er plan amen.dmem: • 5ei!IIIS u,ere ptans. ~ a. dilclca.re oe ter in. the pelt<.. If -yes, we are very • _ eteSted -know 1110M aboffl ·, hOw we can 00111led to the de,..eloper or N!leva de~ im onlief" secure th8 plaoa. llf needed, we are a so o;pan ~ a trl!9l!D1g in ~ _ dJSWS$ oor plans and pt"ojed. Ywr SU?pl011 lo open a ctiildcare 08i1l8f ~ is~ appr-ecia aflll i wi ~ kl cxi ·we • a ~'fe ard effeC:iNe etmroornefll In Car1$bad. Sirlc elyyam Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Emailed comments Fall 2023 18 Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Social media comments Fall 2023 1 Social media comments iridiy.palle.ale SKATEPARK / PUMP TRACK 20h 10 l1i:Jces Reply Hide rep Ires 0 theg:oldenwe-st @indy.pa1,e.ale I second t is motion. 0 20h 1 I ike Reply lu~e_b:ricke:r @indy.pa1e.ale YES! 18h 1 I ike Reply 0 wrappedinatortilla How about don't do anything a all • . Or 0 make a huge park ins ead of blowin,g up ,ev,ery open piece of land in o lame overprice d track ho1Uses,, Eno1Ugh is e ough .... the own my parents grew up in, hat i have called home for y 41 years of lif,e and t he• own I'm raisi g my 3 kids in is ot a village a, ymore . It's worst han the OC now a d nobody see ,s. o care because halfth e people that live here 1110 w are trali1splant s. Doesn't matter wh a • anyone sug,gests. on t h i,s o pie, he city v.ril I put so ,e ther,e Ii ke a Trader .Joe's. .... 20h n Ii Ices Reply Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Social media comments Fall 2023 2 krlbendixobnien I vote do nothing. Please !,ea ve as it is. Open 111a ural sp ace. Why do we have to !RUIN everything? 17h 7 likes Reply ,giindyg1irl Can we pleasej us !,eave a lit le bit of open sp aoe? 20h 8 likes Reply richtlhestitch Low I COME H0 USI G SO SUM LOCALS CAN STAY ~· 21 h 3 likes Reply View repl1ies (1) _richthestitch @ rsstephanieg rirffin Well Keep U1e Coming, It's Li erally A Jloke 18h Reply linda-'dimatteo @_richthestitch There putting low 0 inoome apartments alrea dy off of co llege and Palomar!! We, don't n,eed an,,more ! ! 11h Reply richthestitJCh @linda-'di 1atteo Clueless. 11h Reply Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Social media comments Fall 2023 3 truecu rent Comm ni y garden • 19h 5 llilk:es Reply Hide replies Q flyungmik,eO @tru ecurrent sounds eco friendly a d 0 productive. Le· 's hope · happens . 17h 2 likes Reply true.current @flyingmikeO f ingers crossed! l..ooking 0 orward o mee i g so we can p,ush oward so et ing more sust.ai able! 17h Reply ambernoelle90 Playground a, d splash pad ~ 20h 6 likes Reply ,cocopia Leave it just like it is 19h 8 Iii kes Reply Q Q stevencooper Make it an amphi he.ater with a state of he art 0 audio viisual sys e . Allow Sage Cree k to use i too . .J ustify the costs by · he addi ional revenue created by t e incr,eased property values in the area as a res I of a beautiful com unity spaoe in proximi y to he I o ,es,. 17h 2 likes Reply Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Social media comments Fall 2023 4 kimchi_ttne_ramen_pomen After Bhat Patal awepted all t hocSJe 0 cas h dona ions, w y doesn't affir edhousing put in another homeless sh elter fo r the serio1Usly me tally ill like t ey did off Harding in 0 1? 20h 3 Ii Ices Reply leztalkabout_it Native plant ,garden 20h 3 likes Reply Hide repHes Q flyiingmi~eO @leztalkabout_it t hat's what I'm alking 0 about ••• 18h 1 II ike Reply ,casertamen Gosh all those animals and willd lif,e were pushing 0 out ,ev,en furth er j IUS for our own 'wa t s' for a park. 1 his ma kies. me sad. Leave some la d for the Wild life, w,e've locked them out o' • eno gh of their homes for structures th.a still re • ain !U noccupied 15h 1 like Reply 1Iblueoceian Ma~e a huge park Ii e you sho uld have done o n 0 Avenu,e Enci nas a d Ca rlsbad Blvd. tha • was a maj or mistake but his city is greedy beyond belief and contirmally wants tax dollars 5h Reply luke_b:ricke:r +1 on he pu p rack •· 18h Reply happymermaidsara Wheelc hair friendly ple,as.e. Plenty of HC parking. 16h Reply Robertson Ranch Park Public Input Report Social media comments Fall 2023 5 Most relevant • Patricia Mulholland Mitchel l Wha happened o ne Veterans Park "Ice Reply 6h ~ Autllor City of Carlsbad G Patricia Mulholland Mi chell The city is preparing t he detailed design and construe ion plans for Vetera ns Memorial Park an d co ns ruction is expected to begin next year. With Veterans Park well underway, we're now sta1ting he planning process fo r Robertson Ranc h Park an d first gathering input on what the cornm un ity would li ke o see included in he new park. Like Reply 4h Henry Manzola linda Knox "ke Reply 20h Robertson Ranch Park 3 CONCEPTS AT A GLANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Exhibit 2 AIII designs include Multi-use sports field (football, soccer, lacrosse, baseball, softball) Restroom1s and concession stand Pickleball courts Buffer for nearby homes Wa lkingi/jogging track 115 space parking lot Multipurpose field direction Walking/jogging path Splash Pad F'itness ar,ea(s) Playground Com 1munity gard ,en Pickleball courts Picnic areas Northwest-Southeast 1/3 mi lle Yes One location 12 and under 10,000 square feet 9 4 Inclu des 1 large area East-W est Northeast-Southwest 1/4 mile 1 /3 mile No No One location Spread along track 12 and under 12 and under 12+ age group pllayground + 11discovery" I creative play area No No 8 6 5 5 4 at t he main plaza Includes 1 at a lookout location 1 be tween pickleball and field C O N C EP T 1: “A G R A R I A N T A PE ST RY ” Robertson Ranch Park The Agrarian Tapestry concept includes organic, irregular shapes and paths that reflect and honor the agricultural history of both the site and Carlsbad as a whole. The park is accessed from Trailblazer Way, with Cannon Road providing an additional right-in/right-out access opportunity. Residents entering the site from Trailblazer Way will come upon a central arrival plaza. Spaces around the plaza include a children’s play area for multiple age groups, picnic areas, an outdoor fitness hub, a splash pad and multiple open grassy areas. The plaza also includes a restroom/ concession building to support the nearby sports field. A rubberized track for walking and running surrounds the plaza area and provides a connection to the existing trails located along the western edge of the site. This collection of spaces, uses and connections creates opportunities for socialization, relaxation and a sense of community. This area then slopes down to the large multi-purpose field. The field is similar in size to those at Aviara and Poinsettia community parks, but also includes a single backstop and infield in the southeast corner. The lower terrace also includes a community garden (aligning with the design’s agrarian theme), nine pickleball courts and a natural area for drainage. A perimeter pathway encompasses the multi-purpose field providing opportunities to see and connect with the adjacent preserved open space. Low water use landscape is included throughout, including an ample buffer from the existing neighbors of the park and surrounding open space. C I T Y O F C A R L S B A D P A RK S & R E C R E A T I O N D EP A RT M E N T R RFitness station Splash pad Community garden Rubberized track Restrooms, concession stand 9 Pickleball courts Perimeter path Cannon Road CONCEPT 1: “AGRARIAN TAPESTRY” Robertson Ranch Park Organic, irregular shapes and paths reflect and honor the agricultural history of both the site and Carlsbad as a whole. '> I ' CONCEPT 1: “AGRARIAN TAPESTRY” Robertson Ranch Park RUB!BERIZED __ ___;__...:..,__--+1,-!H,,-;:,,,.;,,,..4" WALKING TRACK (~D.33 ML ) Pl . IC Pl./QA ---~~~r=:-::;,g,.1,------.....;J,:_~ ACCESSTO ---___:___:~--a1~ EXI ST~NG TRAIL SPlASH PAO --------'--::::--;-~N+.:::¥ti~------J.+--...:....__-~-& Fil · ESS AREA ----~--\--Ft-k--,l,,!~ PLAYGROUND ____ ____;;____:_..!..-4--4-~~~ · [)Sc.APE UFFEJR ROP-OFF AR EA El"if,'w'------f--+----#--POTENTIALS ECO DARY ACCESS POINl ,r-------f-1r'Tl-r-!r-+:lf-----tL....,I----J.J+..-COMMU ITY GARDEN ( ~10,00□ SF) ,-----4;;;~~;i;;::::::::::=:5~=tif-mfP-l41-Hf--MULTI-PURPOSE SPORTS f l ELD ~-r.-:J--rH-t--1:1-+-Jl=,l-,....L-___:__ P C BBALL 9 COURTS) BLEACHERS AND BACKSTOP C O N C EP T 2: “C O M M U N I T Y Q U I L T ” Robertson Ranch Park The Community Quilt concept features linear and natural forms that intertwine along the park’s western edge. The linear geometry represents patches in a quilt, reflecting Carlsbad’s multigenerational community who will enjoy the park. The linear forms intersect with organic forms along the open space preserve, representing the connection between the residents of Carlsbad and the nature within their city. Like Concept 1, the park is accessed from Trailblazer Way, with Cannon Road providing an additional right in/right out access opportunity. Park visitors entering the site from Trailblazer Way will arrive at a linear community plaza and parking lot. The plaza houses a restroom/concession building and a series of picnic areas. This area of the park also includes a fitness hub and children’s playground, which interact with a rustic dry stream bed. This area also includes an open grass area for informal play and a series of pathways that lead to the adjacent trail system. This area slopes down to the large multi- purpose field. The field is similar in size to those at Aviara and Poinsettia community parks but also includes a single backstop and infield in the southeast corner. The lower terrace also includes eight pickleball courts and a landscaped stormwater drainage area located at the site’s natural low point. A perimeter rubberized track is located adjacent to the open space, providing opportunities to see and connect with nature. Interior to the track is a series of passive sensory gardens for visitors to explore. Low water use landscape is included throughout, including an ample buffer from the existing neighbors of the park and surrounding open space. C I T Y O F C A R L S B A D P A RK S & R E C R E A T I O N D EP A RT M E N T R RFitness area Native gardens Cannon Road Lookout point Rubberized track Restrooms, concession stand 8 Pickleball courts Promenade CONCEPT 2: “COMMUNITY QUILT” Robertson Ranch Park The Community Quilt concept features linear and natural forms that intertwine along the park’s western edge. The linear geometry represents patches in a quilt, reflecting Carlsbad’s multigenerational community who will enjoy the park. Native garden Tree-lined plaza 0 0 CONCEPT 2: “COMMUNITY QUILT” Robertson Ranch Park OP E GRASS -_::::~i1;:]4J;:~~~]~~~~ii~g;~i~~;~;;;1~~~~~~~~~iJt$~}•~ ITM ESSAREA NDSCAPE ---...,;..--+H~~ BU FER A · GESS TO ---~~-U4c:~~:.;. EXISTI NG RAIL .. , • .-~--!"- 0 D I AG E REA ---___:,.....:....:...---lil-!,--....m..~~1-1---_.(,,,£......._.....J-~ RESTROOMS I --------~~~~~~ ..... ~~--~-.! CONCESSION UILD IN Fl ESSCO RSE ---------~---.~iilrl~-PN+-1--~~--~ R IERIZED ---------+-,1----,,........,•ir JALKI G CK ( ... IJi .. 25 I .. ) 4--__ ...:....;:_........:...___J;____ EXISTI G r l E ' I J l ~ I STAT~O •scAPE KIN: 0 5 SPACES ) OTEN I;· . SECO ARY A . C SS 0 1 T LEAG ERSANIO ACKSTOP ·ROM ADE ICKLEBA.U (SCOURT'S) 0 1 T. C O N C EP T 3: “R O L LI N G H IL L S ” Robertson Ranch Park Rolling Hills draws inspiration from the soft and rolling topography found throughout Carlsbad. This concept seeks to blur the edge between the adjacent natural open space and the park limits by inviting the surrounding native landscape into the park and introducing subtle mounds to mimic rolling hills. The park is accessed from Trailblazer Way, with Cannon Road providing an additional right in/right out access opportunity. Residents entering the site from Trailblazer Way will come upon a central arrival plaza. Spaces around the plaza include a children’s play area and nature-based “discovery” playground, picnic areas, a large open grassy area and walking paths that provide access to the adjacent trail network. The plaza also includes a restroom/concession building to support the nearby sports field. Six pickleball courts and a spectator plaza are located near Fire Station 3. This collection of spaces, uses and connections creates opportunities for socialization, relaxation and a sense of community. This area then slopes down to the large multi-purpose field. The field is similar in size to those at Aviara and Poinsettia community parks, but also includes a single backstop and infield in the southeast corner. A rubberized track encompasses the multi-purpose field with a series of fitness areas along the path. The lower terrace features a boardwalk that crosses a landscaped stormwater drainage area at the site’s natural low point. Low water use landscape is included throughout, including an ample buffer from the park’s existing neighbors and surrounding open space. C I T Y O F C A R L S B A D P A RK S & R E C R E A T I O N D EP A RT M E N T R R Cannon Road CONCEPT 3: “ROLLING HILLS” Robertson Ranch Park Fitness areaCreative playground Rubberized track Restrooms, concession stand 6 Pickleball courts Boardwalk Rolling Hills draws inspiration from the soft and rolling topography found throughout Carlsbad. This concept seeks to blur the edge between the adjacent natural open space and the park limits by inviting the surrounding native landscape into the park and introducing subtle mounds to mimic rolling hills. Creative playground Boardwalk 0 " - ( .... J • l 0 CONCEPT 3: “ROLLING HILLS” Robertson Ranch Park ·N□SCAPE ------~· BU FER ACC ESS O ------~ EXIS ING RAIL D I . AG E AREA -------:-----:--'l:'t-t~~r-'::::'11~ JJi. RE ----___;,_,...:._--1~---+.i:+-____;i...,__+-~ PLAYGROU D PLAYGROU D """"""""""""'""""""'""""""""""""'"""""'""""'"'...i,,,ii~--~;;;;,,,.+-..,.,._,.~"""""""'~"""'F"' R ERIZED ----------++---+-..,,...,..,,..._,.., . ALKI G CK (""0.l3 I.} ---------EXISTI · G li=IRIE S :A:T~O · #---4--+,_.;:.....,::µ.;.:.-=--......,_----.4'!---+J.IL...+--.~-1--PARKI G LO -I I-1 SPACES) GESS :,rn 1" RIV D RPOS E I LD LEAC ERS • NI EA OARD JALK ARY Robertson Ranch Park Preliminary Design Concepts Todd Reese, Parks Services Manager Nick Stupin, Parks Planning Manager Natalie Reed, Community Relations Manager Parks & Recreation Department Feb. 26, 2024 {_city of Carlsbad TODAY’S PRESENTATION •Background •Park design process •Community engagement •Preliminary design concepts •Next steps 2 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS {_city of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION 3 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS Receive an informational report on the preliminary design concepts for Robertson Ranch Park 3 BACKGROUND •The planning of this new park is part of the City Council’s 5-Year Strategic Plan •11.2 acres; smaller than a typical community park, but larger than most neighborhood parks •Located near El Camino Real and Cannon Road 4 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS {_city of Carlsbad BACKGROUND •The 2023-27 Carlsbad Strategic Plan includes the strategic goal of Community Character, to: •Maintain Carlsbad’s unique character and connectedness •Complete the conceptual design, master plan and permitting for Robertson Ranch as a “priority project” 5 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS {_city of Carlsbad PARK DESIGN PROCESS Phase 1 Develop recommended master plan Phase 2 Develop detailed park design Phase 3 Develop final master plan/permitting 6 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS {_city of Carlsbad PARK DESIGN PROCESS 7 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS ~~ How Carlsbad ~ );!:.J Designs a Park (!2® ® 0 Learn about community ideas, needs and priorities .... ,,.. , .. llllt.■I • Project team develops ~== a few concepts based on community input .. ., «■• ,_ Public gives feedback on @ © concepts, may suggest (la'\. mixing and matching ~ 4' ).,..V elements ~ ~ • Public gives feedback on proposed master plan before approval. 0 Project team uses feedback to create a proposed park master plan. l1fi PARK DESIGN PROCESS Develop detailed park design and permitting: •Grading •Drainage •Electrical systems •Irrigation •Complete environmental documents 8 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS PARK DESIGN PROCESS Develop final master plan and permitting: •Planning Commission reviews plan and environmental docs; considers permit issuance •Parks & Recreation Commission advises the City Council about its acceptance of the plan •City Council approves final master plan and authorizes staff to complete plans and specs 9 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Determine park amenities: •Staff gathers input from the community through a variety of channels to understand ideas, needs and values •Project team also informed by the 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Update 10 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS S1pr11ng 21023 City Cou rH: i I ap,prov,es design c,ontract Summer2023 IF irst co m1m u n~ . y works.hop & public input survey W1 nter 20241 II n~tia I parrlk des.ig n concepts. sha red Second comm un irty. w·orksho p &· public input survey Summer2024 Recommended pa1rk rm aster p I an pre sen • d to City C,ouncil for a1pprov 11 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Summer 2023 Understanding the community’s needs, values and priorities Helped determine what the community would: •Most like to see •Most like to experience •Be concerned about •Like the city to consider 11 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS 12 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTCOMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Public engagement opportunities: •Aug. 8, 2024 – In person workshop •Aug. 9, 2024 – Virtual workshop •Aug. 10, 2024 – HOA meeting •Online survey and ideas wallAns" r a rew qu'1>ti0nS o re you, pno,1,i,~ (O<thepa IND 7 Sep 2023 SlART 17 Aug 2023 C D7~p 2023 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Top priority amenities identified: •Sports fields •Playgrounds •Walking and jogging paths •Pickleball courts 13 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS WHAT WE HEARD •Make the park something unique to Carlsbad, not generic •Emphasize safety in the park design, maintenance and operations •Be considerate of nearby residents (noise, lights, parking and traffic) •Create opportunities for social connections •Emphasize the community's love of nature, open space and wildlife •Design the park for multigenerational uses so it’s fun for all ages 14 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Based on initial input, the team: •Developed a few preliminary concepts •Shared the concepts with the community •Asked for feedback on the design concepts to help design team narrow the options Winter 2024 •Gathering input on design concepts15 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Public engagement opportunities: •Feb. 10, 2024 – In person workshop •Feb. 15, 2024 – Virtual workshop •Feb. 22, 2024 – HOA Meeting •Online survey open through Feb. 26, 2024 16 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS 17 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS Summer 2024 Sharing the recommended park master plan Promote opportunities for public input on the recommended master plan •Parks & Recreation Commission meeting •City Council meeting COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT {city of Carlsbad 18 PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS CONCEPT 1: AGRARIAN TAPESTRY FRUITTREE GROVE AGRARIAN FORMS COMMUNITY GAROcN WHIMSICAL NATURE PLAY STRUCTURES 20 LANDSCAPE BUFFER OPEN GRASS RUBBERIZED WALKING TRACK (-0.33 Ml.) PICNIC PLAZA ACCESS TO EXISTING TRAIL SPLASH PAD FITNESS AREA PLAYGROUND PICNIC AREA ARRIVAL PLAZA RESTROOMS I CONCESSION BUILDING PERIMETER PATHWAY > ,___ _____ EXISTING FIRE STATION g.::~-----e~'-'f----r,-7T,"fl/LANDSCAPE 1 UFFER fL_ _____ ---=:===~~~~~f--/l//;7f/ DROP-OFF AREA +-----H-+-,fftitt'Tt1, PARKING LOT (+/-115 SPACES) ~~~~'r";::::::::::-------fif-t;f1/t;f,-;,r.-OPEN GRASS 'l--l'-lriff--'-ttt'7-DRAINAGE AREA 1114#--+-+-,,.-POTENTIAL SECONDARY ACCESS POINT +----l+HYf+ttJ-f-H-+fi!r---COMM UNITY GARDEN (~10,000 SF) ~~~~~==~-iffff-H-m---MULTI-PURPOSE SPORTS FIELD ...U..----t-f-1ffit-,t-t,"i/'----::-PICNIC AREA L--------=7 tt·r'--l -BLEACHERSAND BACKSTOP Sc•lo:1"•40'~" ,--;. ,;-;----.. CONCEPT 2: COMMUNITY QUILT TREE-LINED PLAZA AND ARRIVAL SPACE SENSORY GARDENS STRUCTURED PATHWAYS AND GATI-iERING SPACES OPPORTUNITIES FOR NATURE PLAY WITHIN COBBLE SWALE 23 OPEN GRASS FITNESS AREA LANDSCAPE BUFFER ACCESS TO EXISTING TRAIL OPEN GRASS DRAINAGE AREA PLAYGROUND DRY CREEK PICNIC AREA RESTROOMS/ CONCESSION BUILDING FITNESS COURSE COMMUNITY PLAZA RUBBERIZED WALKING TRACK (-0.25 Ml.) NATIVE GARDENS ..------. +-------+---EXISTING FIRE STATION +--------1"="'--H-.'ff-l-+++~ PARKING LOT (+/-115 SPACES) ~~~,----~',#J.-IV-.J.1.1-...J-+...,....JJ.-MULTI-PURPOSE SPORTS FIELD l.::IJ.!-i-+t--+-4~--POTENTIAL SECONDARY ACCESS POINT ,-.---..-..f-1,--BLEACHERSAND BACKSTOP ~.;,,c..-----+.,_;:;..ffi--r-+-+,--H---pROMENADE +t+-i'++-Ml--lr--il---1.,__ __ OPEN GRASS ------...,.+,'1-+fl!-+-+--1-1--------"'---PICKLEBALL (8 COURTS) LOOKOUT POINT Scale: 1" • 40'.0" ---~ ,,, 2' .. " CONCEPT 3: ROLLING HILLS 'M-IIMSICAL MOUND PLAY DISCOVERY PLAY BOARDWALK OVER BASIN 26 DROP-OFF AREA LANDSCAPE BUFFER OPEN GRASS ACCESS TO EXISTING TRAIL DRAINAGE AREA NATURE PLAYGROUND PLAYGROUND FITNESS AREA OPEN GRASS PICNIC AREA RUBBERIZED WALKING TRACK (~0.33 Ml.) ___. . __ .,...._...----:-__ .,___ EXISTING FIRE STATION ~~~..ld:::J.ffl-rr--.::::::--t-----,1----;tt1J~; ANDSCAPE UFFER ~~~~=;;=_....::'....::t-+<=--r-1<---,lfl"ffl-~1-t-t PIC KLEBALL (6 COURTS) ::=:r.3=:1~1/H-tr-t-t,--POTENTIAL SECONDARY ACCESS POINT +--~t=:1rffl--tH--+-t-tt-PARKING LOT (+/-115 SPACES) '------!'--+-___i~-¥.~--~it"l~H==um-ARRIVAL AND PICNIC PLAZA ~--1--~~~----:---+Ff--tf-Ht-~Ht--MULTI-PURPOSE SPORTS FIELD ._i...iu...;.:.u...---Hr+--IIHi:-t--t--tt---PICNIC AREA +-¼-.....,,.4,~~~;-tt~i---.:~---:-_:___ BLEACHERS AND BACKSTOP ~~r--tt-::tt.-----:----.---DRAINAGE AREA Scale: 1" • 40'-01• ___ _j .,.,. .... NEXT STEPS 28 •Communication & Engagement staff to analyze additional input and inform project team •Project team to develop a refined design concept based on additional feedback •Commission to advise City Council of acceptance 28 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS RECOMMENDED ACTION 29 Receive an informational report on the preliminary design concepts for Robertson Ranch Park 29 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS QUESTIONS / COMMENTS 30 Thank you! 30 ITEM 2: ROBERTSON RANCH CONCEPTS Robertson Ranch Park CONCEPT 1: "AGRARIAN TAPESTRY" Organic, irregular shapes and paths reflect and honor the agricultural history of both the site and Carlsbad as a whole. Robertson Ranch Park CONCEPT 2: "COMMUNITY QUILT" The Community Quilt concept features linear and natural forms that intertwine along the park's western edge. The linear geometry represents patches in a quilt, reflecting Carlsbad's multigenerational community who will enjoy the park. Robertson Ranch Park CONCEPT 3: "ROLLING HI LLS " Rolling Hills draws inspiration from the soft and rolling topography found throughout Carlsbad . This concept seeks to blur the edge between the adjacent natural open space and the park limits by inviting the surrounding native landscape into the park and introducing subtle mounds to mimic rolling hills. Creative playground Boardwalk Robertson Ranch Park 3 CONCEPTS AT A GLANCE All designs include Multi-use sports field (football, soccer, lacrosse, baseball, softball) Restrooms and concession stand Pickleball courts Buffer for nearby homes Walking/jogging track 115 space parking lot Multipurpose field direction Walking/jogging path Splash Pad Fitness area(s) Playground Community garden Pickleball courts Picnic areas Northwest-Southeast 1 /3 mile Yes One location 12 and under 10,000 squa re feet 9 4 Includes 1 large area CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT East-West Northeast-Southwest 1/4 mile 1/3 mile No No One location Spread along track 12 and under 12 and under 12+ age group playground + "discovery"/ creative play area No No 8 6 5 5 4 at the main plaza Includes 1 at a lookout location 1 between pickleball and field