HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-26; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; Parks & Recreation Department Report Meeting Date: Feb. 26, 2024 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager mick.calarco@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2859 Subject: Parks & Recreation Department Report Recommended Action Receive a report on recently completed and upcoming Parks & Recreation Department activities, donations and grants, as well as other topics of interest. Executive Summary Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager and Todd Reese, Parks Services Manager will report on recently completed and upcoming parks and recreation activities, and other topics of local interest. Exhibits 1. Department report PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Staff Report Exhibit 1 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT Feb. 26, 2024 GENERAL & RECREATION Carlsbad Marathon Each year, thousands of people descend on the Village for the annual Carlsbad Marathon, an event that understandably leads to road closures. The marathon course heads down Carlsbad Boulevard and passes St. Michael’s by the Sea Episcopal Church around the same time as the 9:30 Sunday morning service. While the city has worked each year to help parishioners get to the service, this year, the church contacted the city to say the prior efforts could be improved. Parks & Recreation staff and Police worked with St. Michaels and the marathon organizer to formulate a new plan. On the marathon day, staff and volunteers assisted parishioners at predesignated sites at set times along the route. They cleared the way for people to cross Carlsbad Boulevard – and success – parishioners got to church on time! The day after the race, a reverend from the church told us that Sunday went off almost without a hitch. Attendance was much stronger than in recent years during the marathon, and he thanked our staff for their care and attentiveness. Monroe Street Pool Reopening Monroe Street Pool officially reopened to the public at 6 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2024. While the temporary shutdown of Monroe Street Pool was unfortunate, it should be noted that Recreation Supervisor Mike Anderson and Recreation Area Manager Ashlee Benson worked tirelessly to get the pool back open and serving the community as soon as backordered parts became available. Praise for Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park Maintenance Team The city recently received high praise for parks maintenance staff Juan Ojeda and Rene Zepeda. Longtime volunteer and Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc. Board member, Lin Ball wrote to the city manager to express her appreciation for how beautiful the park looks (and looked after recent rainstorm repairs). She wrote: “Dear Mr. Chadwick, I would like to compliment the city landscape team that works on maintaining Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park. I have been a volunteer there for 10 years and am on the Friends of Carrillo Ranch Board, so I spend a fair bit of time at the Ranch. I am so impressed by how it always looks so manicured and clean. I was especially impressed when I visited yesterday (after that horrendous rainstorm) that the Ranch was walkable, safe, and beautifully manicured. The landscape staff (Juan and Renee) as well as Park staff showed me pictures of the Ranch before they worked on it; what a difference when I saw it. Thank you to the city and its staff for taking care of this hidden gem in Carlsbad.” California History & Art Program Kicks Off its 33rd Year Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park staff and volunteers kicked off its annual California History & Art Program. Each year, staff and volunteers invite 4th-grade students from accredited schools located within the City of Carlsbad to attend a free, half-day program to learn about local history, particularly life on an old rancho. Title I schools in Carlsbad can arrange for a school bus to bring them to the Ranch at no cost, thanks to the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc., who host a fundraiser each spring to raise money to support this award- winning program. {city of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation This year, approximately 1100 students will join us for the California History & Art Program, and tour the historic adobe buildings, participate in a hands-on activity related to the Ranch – such as grinding corn with a mano and metate, pressing masa into tortillas and savoring freshly made tortillas hot off the grill– and express their creativity through an art project inspired by their experience in the park. The California History & Art Program is a cooperative endeavor between the Parks & Recreation and the Library & Cultural Arts departments, and the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc. The community can support this beloved program by attending the annual Fiesta at the Rancho fundraiser. Set beneath the stars of the historic Hacienda on Saturday, May 11, the event promises an enchanting evening featuring a delicious catered dinner, drinks, live entertainment, and a silent auction. Tickets will be available beginning in March at www.carlsbadca.gov/carlsbadconnect. Spring Break Camps, Classes, and Programs Registration has opened for spring break camps, classes and programs. The Parks & Recreation Department offers a variety of options for your kids to stay active and engaged, from April 1 to 5, 2024. Aquatics Camp invites swimmers of all levels for a week of aquatics fun at Alga Norte Aquatic Center. Campers ages 7 to 11 will participate in group instruction, sports, games and get time on our giant inflatables. Master Sports Basketball camp teaches campers ages 6 to 12 the key fundamentals of basketball. Our instructors will help them increase their ball skills and knowledge of the sport through fun drills and games. Suited for beginners and intermediate players. Kidz camp is for kids 5 to 10 years old and includes a fun field trip to Skyzone. Explorer camp is for kids 10 to 13. The full day program offers activities and crafts. Participants can select their own group activities and explore the Carlsbad Village. Summer Camp Registration Registration opens on March 13 for summer camps and classes. The full list and schedule will be posted on the city’s website soon. Parents are encouraged to sign up kids early for camps since many sell out. Upcoming “Tween” Event: Shamrock Social Saturday, March 9, 2024 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Pine Avenue Community Center Admission $15 Join us on Saturday, March 9 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Pine Avenue Community Center to celebrate spring at the inaugural Shamrock Social. Wear your best green attire for a night of games and activities. Experience laser tag, explore the video game truck and navigate inflatable obstacle courses and bounce houses. There will be carnival-style games with the chance to win prizes. Admission is $15 for access to all activities. Snacks, drinks, and catered food will be available for purchase. See you there! Upcoming Event: EGGstravaganza Spring Festival Saturday, March 30, 2024 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Poinsettia Community Park Free Admission. FunZone wristbands and activity cards $5 each This Eggstravaganza Spring Festival annual spring event features Carlsbad’s largest egg hunt, an ongoing egg scramble where kids race to collect candy-filled eggs, face-painting, crafts, cookie decorating, a fun zone, soak the bunny and more. Food and beverages are available for purchase. Activity cards can be purchased in advance or at the event. No registration is required to attend. PARKS Monroe Street Pool Renovation/Replacement Project The project team completed review of the 50% construction plans and returned comments to the design consultant (LPA) on Dec. 6, 2023. Staff met with LPA staff on Dec. 12, 2023 and Jan. 12, 2024, to review the comments and address questions. LPA will complete the construction plans and specifications by early Spring 2024. Staff anticipates returning to the City Council with the 100% construction plans and specifications, and an updated cost estimate, by late Spring 2024 for further direction. Veterans Memorial Park Project The 100% construction plans and specifications were received from the design consultant (RJM) in December 2023 and were submitted for various agency permits and interdepartmental reviews. The construction plans, specifications and draft standard public works contract are anticipated to be initially reviewed by all applicable departments by the end of Winter 2024. Stagecoach Park Community Garden Project The 100% construction plans and specifications were received from the prime consultant (Rick Engineering) in December 2023 and submitted for interdepartmental reviews. On March 19, 2024 the City Council will review staff’s request for approval of plans, specifications and contract documents and authorization to advertise for the project for bids. Pending approval, the final construction documents are anticipated to be bid in Spring 2024. Construction commencement is targeted for Summer 2024. Options for Construction of New Pickleball Courts at Existing Parks Staff explored numerous existing park sites throughout the city in all four park districts. Staff then narrowed the assessment to 10 options, ranging from four courts to eight courts each, at five different community parks. Staff final recommendations to the City Council included approving a Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Capital Improvement Program Project Charter for the scoping, Initial Design and Final Design of four new pickleball courts at Calavera Hills Community Park and four new pickleball courts at Stagecoach Community Park. The addition of these eight new pickleball courts will be responsive to the public’s current demand for this amenity and would substantially broaden the service area coverage. The Parks & Recreation Commission and the Senior Commission voted to support staff’s recommendation previously. The City Council approved staff’s recommendation on Feb. 13, 2024. The described Capital Improvement Program Project has an estimated total cost of 2 to 2.4 million dollars and anticipated schedule of 24 to 28 months to design, permit, bid and construct. Once the final designs and cost estimates are completed, staff will return to the City Council for further direction with regard to funding and construction. Upcoming Trails Volunteers Event Staff is working on details for two upcoming trail volunteer events. The first event is planned for the Kelly Drive Trail on Feb. 24, 2024, and the second event is planned for the Village H North Trail on March 20, 2024. All trails events, held either on the weekends or midweek, are open to the public. The midweek events are generally supported by Trails Captains and a core group of trails volunteers; they are traditionally smaller events that provide direct staff support to targeted areas. Department Report Mick Calarco, Recreation Services Manager Todd Reese, Parks Services Manager Parks & Recreation Department Feb. 26, 2024 1 {city of Carlsbad CARLSBAD MARATHON & ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 2 MONROE STREET POOL RE-OPENED, JAN. 22 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 3 PRAISE FOR PARKS MAINTENANCE TEAM ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 4 CALIFORNIA HISTORY & ART PROGRAM ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 5 SPRING BREAK CAMPS, CLASSES & PROGRAMS •Registration has opened for spring break camps – April 1 to 5, 2024 •Aquatics camps •Master sports basketball camps •Kidz Camps •Explorer camp ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 6 SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION •Registration opens March 13, 2024 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 7 UPCOMING EVENT: SHAMROCK SOCIAL •Saturday, March 9, 2024, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. •10 to 14-year-olds •$15 admission •Laser tag •Video game truck •Inflatable obstacle course •Carnival-style games with prizes ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 8 UPCOMING EVENT: EGGSTRAVAGANZA •Saturday, March 30, 2024, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. •Poinsettia Community Park •Free admission •Funzone and activity cards $5 each •Egg hunt, face painting, crafts •Cookie decorating •Food and beverage available for purchase ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 9 MONROE STREET POOL RENOVATION •The project team developed consensus on priority facility needs and refined the schematic design ➢90% plan comments returned in February 2024 ➢Next step is for LPA to complet full construction plans and specifications by end of Spring 2024 ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT Concept 3 10 Optlon3 Construction cost S 1 S.8 M -S 16.S M Net annual operating cost SSSS,989 12-lSyrspool Expectedllfe 15-20yrsbuUdlng 1 S -20 parking lot Construcdontime 12·18months VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 11 '"' 0, -7 I I r""i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '--- PARK A@IA'-1 1 C,fNI) 0 ~~~ ® ~TYe,,t,,l1Clt!N5JJ#llY,, © ~~~,.:=+~ ®l"L,\Y~ ® IMGl.lMVl!l"L,\Ye!tCMC) 811119U.N,t,l\.-r:~l"L,\T"M0.14D 8 YCM40 ,aos l"L,\Y.-.cMO ©,.~, .. ~~TICl'INe.A 0 """TM!...«00e @~~ 0 NJAl",._Y 0~~~~ 01"111,tetc:au,lt,L.IT'!'~n-ieff...,.,,.. 0NI.IC,_,. 0~~ 0~T'IOCJl,l(I~/ 0 f'AMILT.QltlOffm91KEI",.,_ @ ~u.:n~T!OfW..OITDOOll~~ 0 OJTDO(lllllm.ic;Af\CIHNflU,, @~~~>o,t,J @m,,asGl,,o,,e @~MM 0~~TODil'Cel",t,IIUI; @on,,,,..~~ 0 =r.=::J~-~ @~Nlll!A 0 ~ NfU,, 0 9t!(2 f'HO< ~T•tOII NllZ,f, © f'NVD,.Y A',IOU! ~ 0~,. ... .,,,.....,.~ 0~~~!t,ii,:c,1 @mteM~(-•l'CC'e,~ 0 Dl!c;Q!tATM:~ ® Dl:GQIIVI~ ,. ... ,.,.. 0 ~~Jtre.(NO~ 0 ~~TCl'tl'Vl!A'9l.D ® ~ .. ::-HALU 0="~,'0GI! @¢r4IN!Nltlt'W.U 0~~T}1Nal ® ~1;~~~J ®MA.'n-lAl:~'""""'- e~~o«:,,,t-~ 1)01.JNPARY f I (;I NU -----20'~,.tll,n'D'l EXHIBIT A -SITE PLAN ___ ~VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN A I tr.I t~T O ?n?? STAGECOACH COMMUNITY GARDEN ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT •Refinement of garden details and construction documents 12 r-r---tr;,-H-~-~~____,::;1,:1=,-, .. ~ r·t;~3:~~ft:~~~~ l: ~=~~-==~-=---Olllllo~o---=a--••OC 0~======.:o~-..... ,1,•--lllliC,-11:ur<.iT :J,· ,~·-----.----- ® ~----cv=.~.,..~---..__- ®=~OG.----.:r-.- --.t0fol!INO-N)--.i.---~~ .'!)_lilllt __ _ -)::,:--------· ~:'-:;:~~::::-:- '\i-l,C.;!----->~----1nl--<"?:.. ---• ,..-..... oc: •l'l•~ .... a.c ~n..-....-.. ,,,,,,~---{,) {city of Carlsbad STAGECOACH COMMUNITY GARDEN •Fall 2023: 100% construction documents finished •Fall 2023: Received early assessment finding and now in the process of a consistency determination •Spring 2024: Project to be advertised for bids •Summer 2024: Target for commencing construction ITEM NO.3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 13 {city of Carlsbad OPTIONS FOR NEW PICKLEBALL COURTS ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 14 •Staff explored numerous park sites and narrowed the assessment to 10 options at five different locations •On Feb. 13, 2024, the City Council approved the creation of a FY 2023-24 CIP Charter for: Scoping, and Design of four pickleball courts each at Calavera Hills Community Park and Stagecoach Community Park ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 15 •Funding for construction is not yet approved, but request will be included in FY 2024-25 CIP Budget •The project is expected to cost between 2 and 2.4 million dollars; and take approximately 24 to 28 months to design, permit, bid and construct OPTIONS FOR NEW PICKLEBALL COURTS TRAILS VOLUNTEERS EVENTS •February 24, 2024 - Kelly Trail •20 volunteers •Filled low spots on trail surface, cleared debris near trailhead and abated weeds •March 20, 2024 – Village H North Trail ITEM NO. 3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 16 QUESTIONS / COMMENTS Thank you ITEM NO.3 - DEPARTMENT REPORT 17 {city of Carlsbad