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E‐35 REV 12/22 CITY OF CARLSBAD PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) STORM WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWQMP) FOR Toyota Carlsbad PROJECT ID: CDP 2020-0024 (DEV 2020-0130), GR2023-0019, ROW2023-0240 DWG: 543-1, 543-1A ENGINEER OF WORK: ___________________________________ 1/2/2024_____ Dan Math, RCE No. 61013 Date PREPARED FOR: Stellar Properties, LLC 6030 Avenida Encinas, Ste. 220 Carlsbad, CA 92011 (760) 496-2931 PREPARED BY: UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES 1441 MONTIEL RD, STE. 115 ESCONDIDO, 92026 760.746.4955 DATE: October 28, 2020 Revised: January 2, 2024 o.61013 P.12/31/ mUNIVERSAL® C!:] ENGINEERING SCIENCES TABLE OF CONTENTS Certification Page Project Vicinity Map FORM E-34 Storm Water Standard Questionnaire Site Information FORM E-36 Standard Project Requirement Checklist Summary of PDP Structural BMPs Attachment 1: Backup for PDP Pollutant Control BMPs Attachment 1a: DMA Exhibit Attachment 1b: Tabular Summary of DMAs and Design Capture Volume Calculations Attachment 1c: Harvest and Use Feasibility Screening (when applicable) Attachment 1d: Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition (when applicable) Attachment 1e: Pollutant Control BMP Design Worksheets / Calculations Attachment 1f: Trash Capture BMP Requirements Attachment 2: Backup for PDP Hydromodification Control Measures Attachment 2a: Hydromodification Management Exhibit Attachment 2b: Management of Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas Attachment 2c: Geomorphic Assessment of Receiving Channels Attachment 2d: Flow Control Facility Design Attachment 3: Structural BMP Maintenance Thresholds and Actions Attachment 4: Single Sheet BMP (SSBMP) Exhibit CERTIFICATION PAGE Project Name: Toyota Carlsbad Project ID: CDP 2020-0024 (DEV 2020-0130) I hereby declare that I am the Engineer in Responsible Charge of design of storm water BMPs for this project, and that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with the requirements of the BMP Design Manual, which is based on the requirements of SDRWQCB Order No. R9-2013-0001 (MS4 Permit) or the current Order. I have read and understand that the City Engineer has adopted minimum requirements for managing urban runoff, including storm water, from land development activities, as described in the BMP Design Manual. I certify that this SWQMP has been completed to the best of my ability and accurately reflects the project being proposed and the applicable source control and site design BMPs proposed to minimize the potentially negative impacts of this project's land development activities on water quality. I understand and acknowledge that the plan check review of this SWQMP by the City Engineer is confined to a review and does not relieve me, as the Engineer in Responsible Charge of design of storm water BMPs for this project, of my responsibilities for project design. ________________________________________________________ Engineer of Work's Signature, RCE No. 61013 SLI, Exp. 12/31/24 Dan Math ________________________________________________ Print Name Universal Engineering Sciences_______________________________ Company 1/2/2024____________________________ Date respons1011mes ror pro ect ae: Engin PROJECT VICINITY MAP 1)11.lt 2-•20 -ASSIIOIN S ITE V ICI N IT Y MAP 6424 PASEO DEL NORTE City’s Storm Water Standard Questionnaire (Form E-34) Page 1 of 4 REV 07/22 E-34 To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the city requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) into the project design per Carlsbad BMP Design Manual (BMP Manual). To view the BMP Manual, refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 5). This questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ requirements, “PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) requirements or not considered a development project. This questionnaire will also determine if the project is subject to TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS. Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the city. If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff. A completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted with each development project application. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently. PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NAME: APN: ADDRESS: The project is (check one): New Development Redevelopment The total proposed disturbed area is: ft2 ( ) acres The total proposed newly created and/or replaced impervious area is: ft2 ( ) acres If your project is covered by an approved SWQMP as part of a larger development project, provide the project ID and the SWQMP # of the larger development project: Project ID SWQMP #: Then, go to Step 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your application to the city. This Box for City Use Only City Concurrence: YES NO Date: Project ID: By: Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 442-339-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 INSTRUCTIONS: Toyota Carlsbad 5424 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, CA 92008 211-060-16 125,104 2.872 100,294 2.302 DocuSign Envelope ID: 52F69B72-62AF-4202-8267-B80D47F23E19 C cityof Carlsbad □ □ Iii □ E-34 Page 2 of 4 REV 07/22 STEP 1 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL PROJECTS To determine if your project is a “development project”, please answer the following question: YES NO Is your project LIMITED TO routine maintenance activity and/or repair/improvements to an existing building or structure that do not alter the size (See Section 1.3 of the BMP Design Manual for guidance)? If you answered “yes” to the above question, provide justification below then go to Step 6, mark the box stating “my project is not a ‘development project’ and not subject to the requirements of the BMP manual” and complete applicant information. Justification/discussion: (e.g. the project includes only interior remodels within an existing building): If you answered “no” to the above question, the project is a ‘development project’, go to Step 2. STEP 2 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS To determine if your project is exempt from PDP requirements pursuant to MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(3), please answer the following questions: Is your project LIMITED to one or more of the following: YES NO 1. Constructing new or retrofitting paved sidewalks, bicycle lanes or trails that meet the following criteria: a) Designed and constructed to direct storm water runoff to adjacent vegetated areas, or other non- erodible permeable areas; OR b) Designed and constructed to be hydraulically disconnected from paved streets or roads; OR c) Designed and constructed with permeable pavements or surfaces in accordance with USEPA Green Streets guidance? 2. Retrofitting or redeveloping existing paved alleys, streets, or roads that are designed and constructed in accordance with the USEPA Green Streets guidance? 3. Ground Mounted Solar Array that meets the criteria provided in section 1.4.2 of the BMP manual? If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, provide discussion/justification below, then go to Step 6, mark the second box stating “my project is EXEMPT from PDP …” and complete applicant information. Discussion to justify exemption (e.g. the project redeveloping existing road designed and constructed in accordance with the USEPA Green Street guidance): If you answered “no” to the above questions, your project is not exempt from PDP, go to Step 3. 4 4 4 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 52F69B72-62AF-4202-8267-B80D47F23E19 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ E-34 Page 3 of 4 REV 07/22 * Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; Habitat Management Plan; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the City. STEP 3 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL NEW OR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS To determine if your project is a PDP, please answer the following questions (MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(1)): YES NO 1. Is your project a new development that creates 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surfaces collectively over the entire project site? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or private land. 2. Is your project a redevelopment project creating and/or replacing 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site on an existing site of 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surface? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or private land. 3. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a restaurant? A restaurant is a facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption (Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 5812). 4. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a hillside development project? A hillside development project includes development on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent or greater. 5. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a parking lot? A parking lot is a land area or facility for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles used personally for business or for commerce. 6. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious street, road, highway, freeway or driveway surface collectively over the entire project site? A street, road, highway, freeway or driveway is any paved impervious surface used for the transportation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles. 7. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire site, and discharges directly to an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)? “Discharging Directly to” includes flow that is conveyed overland a distance of 200 feet or less from the project to the ESA, or conveyed in a pipe or open channel any distance as an isolated flow from the project to the ESA (i.e. not commingled with flows from adjacent lands).* 8. Is your project a new development or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface that supports an automotive repair shop? An automotive repair shop is a facility that is categorized in any one of the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes: 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, or 7536-7539. 9. Is your project a new development or redevelopment project that creates and/or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious area that supports a retail gasoline outlet (RGO)? This category includes RGO’s that meet the following criteria: (a) 5,000 square feet or more or (b) a project Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 100 or more vehicles per day. 10. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that results in the disturbance of one or more acres of land and are expected to generate pollutants post construction? 11. Is your project located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%? (CMC 21.203.040) If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, your project is a PDP. If your project is a redevelopment project, go to step 4. If your project is a new project, go to step 5, complete the trash capture question. If you answered “no” to all of the above questions, your project is a ‘STANDARD PROJECT’. Go to step 5, complete the trash capture question. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 52F69B72-62AF-4202-8267-B80D47F23E19 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ E-34 Page 4 of 4 REV 07/22 STEP 4 TO BE COMPLETED FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS THAT ARE PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (PDP) ONLY Complete the questions below regarding your redevelopment project (MS4 Permit Provision E.3.b.(2)): YES NO Does the redevelopment project result in the creation or replacement of impervious surface in an amount of less than 50% of the surface area of the previously existing development? Complete the percent impervious calculation below: Existing impervious area (A) = sq. ft. Total proposed newly created or replaced impervious area (B) = sq. ft. Percent impervious area created or replaced (B/A)*100 = % If you answered “yes”, the structural BMPs required for PDP apply only to the creation or replacement of impervious surface and not the entire development. Go to step 5, complete the trash capture question. If you answered “no,” the structural BMP’s required for PDP apply to the entire development. Go to step 5, complete the trash capture question. STEP 5 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Complete the question below regarding your Project (SDRWQCB Order No. 2017-0077): YES NO Is the Project within any of the following Priority Land Use (PLU) categories? R-23 (15-23 du/ac), R-30 (23-30 du/ac), PI (Planned Industrial), CF (Community Facilities), GC (General Commercial), L (Local Shopping Center), R (Regional Commercial), V-B (Village-Barrio), VC (Visitor Commercial), O (Office), VC/OS (Visitor Commercial/Open Space), PI/O (Planned Industrial/Office), or Public Transportation Station If you answered “yes”, the ‘PROJECT’ is subject to TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS. Go to step 6, check the first box stating, “My project is subject to TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS …” and the second or third box as determined in step 3. If you answered “no”, Go to step 6, check the second or third box as determined in step 3. STEP 6 CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX(ES) AND COMPLETE APPLICANT INFORMATION My project is subject to TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS and must comply with TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS of the BMP Manual. I understand I must prepare a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP). My project is a ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ OR EXEMPT from PDP and must only comply with ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ stormwater requirements of the BMP Manual. As part of these requirements, I will submit a “Standard Project Requirement Checklist Form E-36” and incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project. If my project is subject to TRASH CAPTURE REQUIREMENTS, I will submit a TRASH CAPTURE Storm Water Quality Management Plan (TCSWQMP) per E-35A. My project is a PDP and must comply with PDP stormwater requirements of the BMP Manual. I understand I must prepare a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) per E-35 template for submittal at time of application. Note: For projects that are close to meeting the PDP threshold, staff may require detailed impervious area calculations and exhibits to verify if ‘STANDARD PROJECT’ stormwater requirements apply. My project is NOT a ‘development project’ and is not subject to the requirements of the BMP Manual. Applicant Information and Signature Box Applicant Name: Applicant Title: Applicant Signature: Date: 119,436 100,294 84.0 4 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 52F69B72-62AF-4202-8267-B80D47F23E19 Vice President / GM Lexus DivisionKevin Carroll 6/27/2023 □ □ □ □ Iii □ Iii □ k»ilA, (m¢Ll, ~ ,~"'""'" "" -::405272B84F8 ... SITE INFORMATION CHECKLIST Project Summary Information Project Name Toyota Carlsbad Project ID CDP 2020-0024 (DEV 2020-0130) Project Address 5424 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, CA 92008 Assessor's Parcel Number(s) (APN(s))211-060-16 Project Watershed (Hydrologic Unit) Carlsbad 904 – Agua Hedionda, Los Monos 904.31 Parcel Area _2.995___ Acres (_130,450_____ Square Feet) Existing Impervious Area (subset of Parcel Area) _2.742___ Acres (_119,436_____ Square Feet) Area to be disturbed by the project (Project Area) _2.872___ Acres (_125,104_____ Square Feet) Project Proposed Impervious Area (subset of Project Area) _2.302___ Acres (_100,294_____ Square Feet) Project Proposed Pervious Area (subset of Project Area) _0.570___ Acres (_24,810______ Square Feet) Note: Proposed Impervious Area + Proposed Pervious Area = Area to be Disturbed by the Project. This may be less than the Parcel Area. Description of Existing Site Condition and Drainage Patterns Current Status of the Site (select all that apply): ☒ Existing development Previously graded but not built out Agricultural or other non-impervious use Vacant, undeveloped/natural Description / Additional Information: Existing site contains an auto dealership. Existing Land Cover Includes (select all that apply): ☒ Vegetative Cover ☐ Non-Vegetated Pervious Areas ☒ Impervious Areas Description / Additional Information: Existing site’s pervious area is covered with landscaping. Impervious area consists of building footprint and AC parking lot. Underlying Soil belongs to Hydrologic Soil Group (select all that apply): NRCS Type A ☒ NRCS Type B NRCS Type C ☐ NRCS Type D Approximate Depth to Groundwater (GW): GW Depth < 5 feet 5 feet < GW Depth < 10 feet ☒ 10 feet < GW Depth < 20 feet ☐ GW Depth > 20 feet Per Geotechnical Report titled Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Sales Building, Toyota Carlsbad” by CTE, dated August 2, 2019 Existing Natural Hydrologic Features (select all that apply): Watercourses Seeps Springs Wetlands ☒ None Description / Additional Information: Description of Existing Site Topography and Drainage [How is storm water runoff conveyed from the site? At a minimum, this description should answer (1) whether existing drainage conveyance is natural or urban; (2) describe existing constructed storm water conveyance systems, if applicable; and (3) is runoff from offsite conveyed through the site? if so, describe]: The existing site consists an auto dealership. There are currently no onsite storm drain conveyance systems. All drainage is conveyed overland and discharged onto Paseo Del Norte. There looks to be a series of D-27 sidewalk underdrains discharging from the site in question to Paseo Del Norte. We are unaware of the origin and the flows they may or may not convey. Ultimately, all the stormwater, whether it be captured and conveyed with underdrains or sheet flow overland, will discharge onto Paseo Del Norte. From there, all flows enter the public right of way and the public storm drain system. Storm water flows south on Paseo Del Norte in an underground 18” RCP pipe. The storm water from the project site enters into this existing storm drain system through a proposed storm drain cleanout proposed in the ROW on the southern end of the lot frontage. The existing storm system empties into Agua Hedionda Lagoon which outlets to the Pacific Ocean. Runoff from a slope to the east of the site is to be captured and conveyed through the sites proposed storm water system, but will not be treated or stored in the proposed site BMP’s. The storm water will be collected by catch basins, and piped through a proposed storm drain cleanout, and into the existing storm drain infrastructure in Paseo Del Norte. Description of Proposed Site Development and Drainage Patterns Project Description / Proposed Land Use and/or Activities: The proposed construction is the demolition of the existing auto dealership and construction of a new one. The land use will remain the same. List/describe proposed impervious features of the project (e.g., buildings, roadways, parking lots, courtyards, athletic courts, other impervious features): The proposed impervious areas include building footprints and hardscape. List/describe proposed pervious features of the project (e.g., landscape areas): The proposed pervious areas include landscape areas, pervious pavement and a biofiltration basins. Does the project include grading and changes to site topography? ☒ Yes No Description / Additional Information: The project will change the existing grades to create a new building footprint and create more landscaped areas onsite. The proposed site will minimize grading to the maximum extent possible to maintain similar topography and drainage as the existing condition. Does the project include changes to site drainage (e.g., installation of new storm water conveyance systems)? ☒ Yes No Description / Additional Information: The proposed development will maintain the same drainage pattern as the existing to the maximum extent possible. Biofiltration basins are proposed. The only storm drain onsite will be the overflow for the 100-year storm. This riser will connect to existing storm drain system in Paseo Del Norte. Identify whether any of the following features, activities, and/or pollutant source areas will be present (select all that apply): ☒ On-site storm drain inlets Interior floor drains and elevator shaft sump pumps ☐ Interior parking garages ☒ Need for future indoor & structural pest control ☒ Landscape/Outdoor Pesticide Use ☐ Pools, spas, ponds, decorative fountains, and other water features ☐ Food service ☒ Refuse areas Industrial processes Outdoor storage of equipment or materials ☒ Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning ☒ Vehicle/Equipment Repair and Maintenance ☐ Fuel Dispensing Areas Loading Docks ☒ Fire Sprinkler Test Water ☒ Miscellaneous Drain or Wash Water ☒ Plazas, sidewalks, and parking lots Identification of Receiving Water Pollutants of Concern Describe path of storm water from the project site to the Pacific Ocean (or bay, lagoon, lake or reservoir, as applicable): The storm water from the site and offsite runons will be captured via onsite basin inlet, then discharge to the existing public storm system on Paseo Del Norte. The public storm system will discharge the storm water into Agua Hedionda Lagoon which outlet to the Pacific Ocean. List any 303(d) impaired water bodies within the path of storm water from the project site to the Pacific Ocean (or bay, lagoon, lake or reservoir, as applicable), identify the pollutant(s)/stressor(s) causing impairment, and identify any TMDLs for the impaired water bodies: 303(d) Impaired Water Body Pollutant(s)/Stressor(s) TMDLs Agua Hedionda Creek Benthic Community Effects, Bifenthrin, Chlorpyrifos, Cyfluthrin, Cyhalothrin, Lambda, Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Indicator Bacteria, Malathion, Manganese, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Pyrethroids, Selenium, TDS, Toxicity, Turbidity TMDL Required Agua Hedionda Lagoon Toxicity TMDL Required Pacific Ocean Shoreline Trash Being addressed with action other than TMDL Identification of Project Site Pollutants Identify pollutants anticipated from the project site based on all proposed use(s) of the site (see BMP Design Manual Appendix B.6): Pollutant Not Applicable to the Project Site Anticipated from the Project Site Also a Receiving Water Pollutant of Concern Sediment X Nutrients X X Heavy Metals X X Organic Compounds X Trash & Debris X X Oxygen Demanding Substances X Oil & Grease X Bacteria & Viruses X Pesticides X Hydromodification Management Requirements Do hydromodification management requirements apply (see Section 1.6 of the BMP Design Manual)? ☒ Yes, hydromodification management flow control structural BMPs required. ☐ No, the project will discharge runoff directly to existing underground storm drains discharging directly to water storage reservoirs, lakes, enclosed embayments, or the Pacific Ocean. No, the project will discharge runoff directly to conveyance channels whose bed and bank are concrete-lined all the way from the point of discharge to water storage reservoirs, lakes, enclosed embayments, or the Pacific Ocean. ☐ No, the project will discharge runoff directly to an area identified as appropriate for an exemption by the WMAA for the watershed in which the project resides. Description / Additional Information (to be provided if a 'No' answer has been selected above): Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas* *This Section only required if hydromodification management requirements apply Based on the maps provided within the WMAA, do potential critical coarse sediment yield areas exist within the project drainage boundaries? Yes ☒ No, No critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected based on WMAA maps If yes, have any of the optional analyses presented in Section 6.2 of the BMP Design Manual been performed? 6.2.1 Verification of Geomorphic Landscape Units (GLUs) Onsite 6.2.2 Downstream Systems Sensitivity to Coarse Sediment 6.2.3 Optional Additional Analysis of Potential Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas Onsite No optional analyses performed, the project will avoid critical coarse sediment yield areas identified based on WMAA maps If optional analyses were performed, what is the final result? No critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected based on verification of GLUs onsite Critical coarse sediment yield areas exist but additional analysis has determined that protection is not required. Documentation attached in Attachment 8 of the SWQMP. Critical coarse sediment yield areas exist and require protection. The project will implement management measures described in Sections 6.2.4 and 6.2.5 as applicable, and the areas are identified on the SWQMP Exhibit. Discussion / Additional Information: Flow Control for Post-Project Runoff* *This Section only required if hydromodification management requirements apply List and describe point(s) of compliance (POCs) for flow control for hydromodification management (see Section 6.3.1). For each POC, provide a POC identification name or number correlating to the project's HMP Exhibit and a receiving channel identification name or number correlating to the project's HMP Exhibit. The proposed project has one point of compliance. All hydromodification flows will be infiltrated. The proposed BMP, INF-2, will have a riser for the 100-year overflow. This riser will connect to the existing offsite storm drain system. All flow will be directed west to detention basins, where all the hydromodification flows will be infiltrated. Has a geomorphic assessment been performed for the receiving channel(s)? ☒ No, the low flow threshold is 0.1Q2 (default low flow threshold) Yes, the result is the low flow threshold is 0.1Q2 Yes, the result is the low flow threshold is 0.3Q2 Yes, the result is the low flow threshold is 0.5Q2 If a geomorphic assessment has been performed, provide title, date, and preparer: Discussion / Additional Information: (optional) Other Site Requirements and Constraints When applicable, list other site requirements or constraints that will influence storm water management design, such as zoning requirements including setbacks and open space, or City codes governing minimum street width, sidewalk construction, allowable pavement types, and drainage requirements. N/A Optional Additional Information or Continuation of Previous Sections As Needed This space provided for additional information or continuation of information from previous sections as needed. N/A City’s Standard Project Requirement Checklist Form E-36 E-36 Page 1 of 4 Revised 0 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 442-339-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STANDARD PROJECT REQUIREMENT CHECKLIST E-36 Project Information Project Name: Project ID: DWG No. or Building Permit No.: Baseline BMPs for Existing and Proposed Site Features Complete the Table 1 - Site Design Requirement to document existing and proposed site features and the BMPs to be implemented for them. All BMPs must be implemented where applicable and feasible. Applicability is generally assumed if a feature exists or is proposed. BMPs must be implemented for site design features where feasible. Leaving the box for a BMP unchecked means it will not be implemented (either partially or fully) either because it is inapplicable or infeasible. Explanations must be provided in the area below. The table provides specific instructions on when explanations are required. Table 1 - Site Design Requirement A.Existing Natural Site Features (see Fact Sheet BL-1) 1. Check the boxes below for each existing feature on the site. 1.Select the BMPs to be implemented for each identified feature. Explain why any BMP not selected is infeasible in the area below. SD-G Conserve natural features SD-H Provide buffers around waterbodies Natural waterbodies Natural storage reservoirs & drainage corridors -- Natural areas, soils, & vegetation (incl. trees)-- B.BMPs for Common Impervious Outdoor Site Features (see Fact Sheet BL-2) 1. Check the boxes below for each proposed feature. 2. Select the BMPs to be implemented for each proposed feature. If neither BMP SD-B nor SD-I is selected for a feature, explain why both BMPs are infeasible in the area below. SD-B Direct runoff to pervious areas SD-I Construct surfaces from permeable materials Minimize size of impervious areas Streets and roads Check this box to confirm that all impervious areas on the site will be minimized where feasible. If this box is not checked, identify the surfaces that cannot be minimized in area below, and explain why it is Sidewalks & walkways Parking areas & lots Driveways Patios, decks, & courtyards Hardcourt recreation areas Toyota Carlsbad CDP 2020-0024 (DEV 2020-0130), GR2023-0019, ROW2023-0240 543-1, 543-1A ■■ ■ ■■ ■ □ □ □ Iii Iii Iii □ □ □ {'city of Carlsbad □ □ □ □ □ □ □ LI □ LI □ □ □ □ □ □ □ E-36 Page 2 of 4 Revised 0 Other: _______________infeasible to do so. C. BMPs for Rooftop Areas:Check this box if rooftop areas are proposed and select at least one BMP below. If no BMPs are selected, explain why they are infeasible in the area below. (see Fact Sheet BL-3) SD-B Direct runoff to pervious areas SD-C Install green roofs SD-E Install rain barrels D. BMPs for Landscaped Areas: Check this box if landscaping is proposed and select the BMP below SD-K Sustainable Landscaping If SD-K is not selected, explain why it is infeasible in the area below. (see Fact Sheet BL-4) Provide discussion/justification for site design BMPs that will not be implemented (either partially or fully): Baseline BMPs for Pollutant-generating Sources All development projects must complete Table 2 - Source Control Requirement to identify applicable requirements for documenting pollutant-generating sources/ features and source control BMPs. BMPs must be implemented for source control features where feasible. Leaving the box for a BMP unchecked means it will not be implemented (either partially or fully) either because it is inapplicable or infeasible. Explanations must be provided in the area below. The table provides specific instructions on when explanations are required. Table 2 - Source Control Requirement A. Management of Storm Water Discharges 1. Identify all proposed outdoor work areas below Check here if none are proposed 2. Which BMPs will be used to prevent materials from contacting rainfall or runoff? (See Fact Sheet BL-5) Select all feasible BMPs for each work area 3. Where will runoff from the work area be routed? (See Fact Sheet BL-6) Select one or more option for each work area SC-A Overhead covering SC-B Separation flows from adjacent areas SC-C Wind protection SC-D Sanitary sewer SC-E Containment system Other Trash & Refuse Storage Materials & Equipment Storage ■■■■ □ □ □ Iii Iii □ □ Iii Iii □ Iii □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ E-36 Page 3 of 4 Revised 0 Loading & Unloading Fueling Maintenance & Repair Vehicle & Equipment Cleaning Other: _________________ B. Management of Storm Water Discharges (see Fact Sheet BL-7) Select one option for each feature below: x Storm drain inlets and catch basins …are not proposed will be labeled with stenciling or signage to discourage dumping (SC-F) x Interior work surfaces, floor drains & sumps … are not proposed will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4 or receiving waters x Drain lines (e.g. air conditioning, boiler, etc.) … are not proposed will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4 or receiving waters x Fire sprinkler test water …are not proposed will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4 or receiving waters Provide discussion/justification for source control BMPs that will not be implemented (either partially or fully): All inlets on the site are equipped with ADS Flexstorm inlet filters so no trash or debris enters the storm system. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □ Ii i Iii □ Ii i □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Ii i Ii i Ii i Ii i □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ E-36 Page 4 of 4 Revised 0 Form Certification This E-36 Form is intended to comply with applicable requirements of the city’s BMP Design Manual. I certify that it has been completed to the best of my ability and accurately reflects the project being proposed and the applicable BMPs proposed to minimize the potentially negative impacts of this project's land development activities on water quality. I understand and acknowledge that the review of this form by City staff is confined to a review and does not relieve me as the person in charge of overseeing the selection and design of storm water BMPs for this project, of my responsibilities for project design. Preparer Signature: Date: Print preparer name: 9/15/2023 Dan T. Math ~ I SUMMARY OF PDP STRUCTURAL BMPS PDP Structural BMPs All PDPs must implement structural BMPs for storm water pollutant control (see Chapter 5 of the BMP Design Manual). Selection of PDP structural BMPs for storm water pollutant control must be based on the selection process described in Chapter 5. PDPs subject to hydromodification management requirements must also implement structural BMPs for flow control for hydromodification management (see Chapter 6 of the BMP Design Manual). Both storm water pollutant control and flow control for hydromodification management can be achieved within the same structural BMP(s). PDP structural BMPs must be verified by the City at the completion of construction. This may include requiring the project owner or project owner's representative to certify construction of the structural BMPs (see Section 1.12 of the BMP Design Manual). PDP structural BMPs must be maintained into perpetuity, and the City must confirm the maintenance (see Section 7 of the BMP Design Manual). Use this form to provide narrative description of the general strategy for structural BMP implementation at the project site in the box below. Then complete the PDP structural BMP summary information sheet for each structural BMP within the project (copy the BMP summary information page as many times as needed to provide summary information for each individual structural BMP). Describe the general strategy for structural BMP implementation at the site. This information must describe how the steps for selecting and designing storm water pollutant control BMPs presented in Section 5.1 of the BMP Design Manual were followed, and the results (type of BMPs selected). For projects requiring hydromodification flow control BMPs, indicate whether pollutant control and flow control BMPs are integrated together or separate. Harvest and use BMPs demand calculation are as follows: The estimate anticipated average wet season demand over a period of 36 hours. 30 (employees) x 7 (gallons/employee) = 210 gal or 28.1 cf. 2.7 (avg. evapotranspiration) x [(0.5 plant factor x 8,611 SF landscape area) / 90% irrigation efficiency] x 0.015 = 194 cf DCV per Worksheet B.2-1 = 4,937 cf. Is the 36-hour demand greater than or equal to the DCV? NO Is the 36-hour demand greater than 0.25DCV but less than the full DCV? NO Is the 36-hour demand less than 0.25DCV? YES Harvest and use is considered to be infeasible. The following are factors when considering retention or infiltration. According to the USGS web survey, the proposed development resides on soil Type “B”. Type “B” soil have moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wet. Per the Geotechnical Investigation performed by CTE Inc. dated August 2, 2019 the infiltration rates are 1.05, 1.11, 0.42 and 2.22 inches per hour from the four testing locations. Additional infiltration testing was performed by CTE Inc. dated March 8, 2021. The site existing soil condition and proposed location added a factor of safety of 2, per from I-9. Since BMP 1 sits between 1.05 and 0.42 in/hr, 0.42 in/hr was used for the entire BMP area. No testing data were collected for the locations for BMP 2 and BMP 3. However, per the geotechnical letter dated January 19, 2021, it states that the soil at the project site location is uniform and therefore the BMP 2 and BMP 3 could simply use the data from the given four testing locations. BMP 2 is closer to 2.22 in/hr location, while BMP 3 is closer to 0.42 in/hr location. Since no data have been collected for the location of BMP 2 and BMP 3, a conservative approach is taken to apply an infiltration rate of 0.21 in/hr with factor safety of 2 included to all BMP 2 and BMP 3. BMP 2 proposes the use of underground stormtanks, in addition to the biofiltration basin, in the nearby drive aisle of where infiltration testing indicates a 2.22 in/hr. The stormtanks will be using the higher infiltration rate, since the data is relevant to the location. Given that the site is using an infiltration rate of 0.21 in/hr for all three biofiltration basins, full infiltration BMP is no feasible. Biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1) has been chosen for this development. The proposed onsite biofiltration basins will be unlined and have a storm control riser to allow for treatment for all small storm events and a bypass system for larger storm events. This overflow riser will connect to the existing storm drain system in Paseo Del Norte. Two biofiltration basins will connect to a stormtank to meet hydromodification volume requirements. Structural BMP Summary Information [Copy this page as needed to provide information for each individual proposed structural BMP] Structural BMP ID No. BMP-1 DWG _543-1A_ Sheet No. ___3 - 6____ Type of structural BMP: Retention by harvest and use (HU-1) Retention by infiltration basin (INF-1) ☐ Retention by bioretention (INF-2) Retention by permeable pavement (INF-3) ☒ Partial retention by biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1) ☐ Biofiltration (BF-1) Flow-thru treatment control included as pre-treatment/forebay for an onsite retention or biofiltration BMP (provide BMP type/description and indicate which onsite retention or biofiltration BMP it serves in discussion section below) ☐ Detention pond or vault for hydromodification management Other (describe in discussion section below) Purpose: ☐ Pollutant control only Hydromodification control only ☒ Combined pollutant control and hydromodification control Pre-treatment/forebay for another structural BMP Other (describe in discussion section below) Discussion (as needed): The biofiltration basin will be use for both pollutant control and hydromodification control. Since hydromod requires a higher volume of water, a stormtank will be connected to the biofiltration basin. The stormtank will be for hydromodification control purpose only. Per BMP spreadsheet, the drawdown time of the surface has been met to comply with the DEH drawdown guidelines for vector control. Structural BMP Summary Information [Copy this page as needed to provide information for each individual proposed structural BMP] Structural BMP ID No. BMP-1 Stormtank DWG _543-1A_ Sheet No. ___3 - 6____ Type of structural BMP: Retention by harvest and use (HU-1) Retention by infiltration basin (INF-1) ☐ Retention by bioretention (INF-2) Retention by permeable pavement (INF-3) ☐ Partial retention by biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1) ☐ Biofiltration (BF-1) Flow-thru treatment control included as pre-treatment/forebay for an onsite retention or biofiltration BMP (provide BMP type/description and indicate which onsite retention or biofiltration BMP it serves in discussion section below) ☒ Detention pond or vault for hydromodification management Other (describe in discussion section below) Purpose: ☐ Pollutant control only ☒ Hydromodification control only ☐ Combined pollutant control and hydromodification control ☐ Pre-treatment/forebay for another structural BMP Other (describe in discussion section below) Discussion (as needed): The stormtank will be used for hydromodification control only. Since hydromod requires a higher volume of water, the stormtank will be connected to the biofiltration basin. Per BMP spreadsheet, the drawdown time in the tank has been met to comply with the DEH drawdown guidelines for vector control. Structural BMP Summary Information [Copy this page as needed to provide information for each individual proposed structural BMP] Structural BMP ID No. BMP-2 DWG _543-1A_ Sheet No. ___3 - 6____ Type of structural BMP: Retention by harvest and use (HU-1) Retention by infiltration basin (INF-1) ☐ Retention by bioretention (INF-2) Retention by permeable pavement (INF-3) ☒ Partial retention by biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1) ☐ Biofiltration (BF-1) Flow-thru treatment control included as pre-treatment/forebay for an onsite retention or biofiltration BMP (provide BMP type/description and indicate which onsite retention or biofiltration BMP it serves in discussion section below) ☐ Detention pond or vault for hydromodification management Other (describe in discussion section below) Purpose: ☐ Pollutant control only Hydromodification control only ☒ Combined pollutant control and hydromodification control Pre-treatment/forebay for another structural BMP Other (describe in discussion section below) Discussion (as needed): The biofiltration basin will be use for both pollutant control and hydromodification control. Since hydromod requires a higher volume of water, a stormtank will be connected to the biofiltration basin. The stormtank will be for hydromodification control purpose only. Per BMP spreadsheet, the drawdown time of the surface has been met to comply with the DEH drawdown guidelines for vector control. Structural BMP Summary Information [Copy this page as needed to provide information for each individual proposed structural BMP] Structural BMP ID No. BMP-2 Stormtank DWG _543-1A_ Sheet No. ___3 - 6____ Type of structural BMP: Retention by harvest and use (HU-1) Retention by infiltration basin (INF-1) ☐ Retention by bioretention (INF-2) Retention by permeable pavement (INF-3) ☐ Partial retention by biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1) ☐ Biofiltration (BF-1) Flow-thru treatment control included as pre-treatment/forebay for an onsite retention or biofiltration BMP (provide BMP type/description and indicate which onsite retention or biofiltration BMP it serves in discussion section below) ☒ Detention pond or vault for hydromodification management Other (describe in discussion section below) Purpose: ☐ Pollutant control only ☒ Hydromodification control only ☐ Combined pollutant control and hydromodification control ☐ Pre-treatment/forebay for another structural BMP Other (describe in discussion section below) Discussion (as needed): The stormtank will be used for hydromodification control only. Since hydromod requires a higher volume of water, the stormtank will be connected to the biofiltration basin. Per BMP spreadsheet, the drawdown time in the tank has been met to comply with the DEH drawdown guidelines for vector control. Structural BMP Summary Information [Copy this page as needed to provide information for each individual proposed structural BMP] Structural BMP ID No. BMP-3 DWG _543-1A_ Sheet No. ___3 - 6____ Type of structural BMP: Retention by harvest and use (HU-1) Retention by infiltration basin (INF-1) ☐ Retention by bioretention (INF-2) Retention by permeable pavement (INF-3) ☒ Partial retention by biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1) ☐ Biofiltration (BF-1) Flow-thru treatment control included as pre-treatment/forebay for an onsite retention or biofiltration BMP (provide BMP type/description and indicate which onsite retention or biofiltration BMP it serves in discussion section below) ☐ Detention pond or vault for hydromodification management Other (describe in discussion section below) Purpose: ☐ Pollutant control only Hydromodification control only ☒ Combined pollutant control and hydromodification control Pre-treatment/forebay for another structural BMP Other (describe in discussion section below) Discussion (as needed): Per BMP spreadsheet, the drawdown time of the surface has been met to comply with the DEH drawdown guidelines for vector control. ATTACHMENT 1 BACKUP FOR PDP POLLUTANT CONTROL BMPS This is the cover sheet for Attachment 1. Check which Items are Included behind this cover sheet: Attachment Sequence Contents Checklist Attachment 1a DMA Exhibit (Required) See DMA Exhibit Checklist on the back of this Attachment cover sheet. (24”x36” Exhibit typically required) ☒ Included Attachment 1b Tabular Summary of DMAs Showing DMA ID matching DMA Exhibit, DMA Area, and DMA Type (Required)* *Provide table in this Attachment OR on DMA Exhibit in Attachment 1a ☒ Included on DMA Exhibit in Attachment 1a Included as Attachment 1b, separate from DMA Exhibit Attachment 1c Form I-7, Harvest and Use Feasibility Screening Checklist (Required unless the entire project will use infiltration BMPs) Refer to Appendix B of the BMP Design Manual to complete Form K-7. ☐ Included ☒ Not included because the entire project will use infiltration BMPs Attachment 1d Form I-8, Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition (Required unless the project will use harvest and use BMPs) Refer to Appendix D of the BMP Design Manual. ☒ Included Not included because the entire project will use harvest and use BMPs Attachment 1e Pollutant Control BMP Design Worksheets / Calculations (Required) Refer to Appendices B, E, and I of the BMP Design Manual for structural pollutant control and significant site design BMP design guidelines. ☒ Included Attachment 1f Trash Capture BMP Design Calculations Refer to Appendices J of the BMP Design Manual for Trash Capture BMP design guidelines ☒ Included Not included because the entire project is not subject to trash capture requirements Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included on the DMA Exhibit: The DMA Exhibit must identify: ☒ Underlying hydrologic soil group ☒ Approximate depth to groundwater ☒ Existing natural hydrologic features (watercourses, seeps, springs, wetlands) ☒ Critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected (if present) ☒ Existing topography and impervious areas ☒ Existing and proposed site drainage network and connections to drainage offsite ☒ Proposed grading ☒ Proposed impervious features ☒ Proposed design features and surface treatments used to minimize imperviousness ☒ Drainage management area (DMA) boundaries, DMA ID numbers, and DMA areas (square footage or acreage), and DMA type (i.e., drains to BMP, self-retaining, or self-mitigating) ☒ Structural BMPs (identify location and type of BMP) Attachment 1a DMA Exhibit I ( SC-D) SANITARY SEWER ( SC-E) CONTAINMENT SYSTEM ( SC-F) STORM DRAIN STENCILING OR SIGNAGE SITE DESIGN BMPS ( SD-B) DIRECT RUNOFF TO PERVIOUS AREAS (sD-D) PERMEABLE PAVEMENT ( SD-F) AMENDED SOIL SD- SD- ( _______ J \ NOTES: ---------------',-------- 1. NO GROUNDWATER WAS ENCOUNTERED 'MTHIN THE BORING DEPTH OF 16.5 FEET. GROUNDWATER WAS FOUND ON AN ADJACENT SITE AT AROUND 19 TO 20 FEET DEEP. 2. EXISTING HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP ONSITE PER THE USGS SOIL SURVEY IS "TYPE B". 3. THERE ARE NO CRITICAL COARSE SEDIMENT YIELD AREAS TO BE PROTECTED ONSITE. 4. ALL DMA'S DRAIN TO ONSITE BMP'S. BMP NOTES: 1. ENGINEERED SOIL LAYER SHALL BE MINIMUM 18" DEEP NUTRIENT SENSITIVE MEDIA, CONSISTING OF A SANDY LOAM SOIL MIX WITH BETWEEN 1 % -5% CLAY (CLEAN, NON-DREDGE) CONTENT. THE MIX SHALL CONTAIN 50-60% SAND, 20-30% COMPOST OR HARDWOOD MULCH, AND 20-30% TOPSOIL, . 2. NO COMPACTION OF NATIVE SOILS SHALL OCCUR DIRECTLY BENEATH BMP FACILITY. 3. STORMTANK MODULE 20 SERIES OR EQUIVALENT TO BE INSTALLED PER PLAN AND MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 4. BMP 1 AND BMP 2 WILL INCLUDE A 6" PIPE CONNECTING THE BIOFILTRATION BASINS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE STORMTANK. BOTH THE BIOLFILTRATION BASINS AND STORMTANK WILL BE USED FOR HYDROMODIFICATION. A 12" PIPE WILL CONNECT EACH STORMTANK ~ TO A STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT THEN TO THE PUBLIC STORM SYSTEM. DMA-1.3 DMA-1.3 211-060\17 qll ~ -,., __J " -,.,-, " PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT I I 0 I I I I I ~U -s::, --SD -c;1J I I I l ~ -PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT I I I DMA-2.1 I I PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT ---- I I I I F, ')-(' I / PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT I I I I \ \ I PR. ROOF DO\\NSPOUT d _J_ I I I I PR. ROOF DO1\NSPOUT \ vH j I i i I I V I I I I k,1 Iv " I <I <I \ "" V \ \ ~- I I I "I '1 I <I LEGEND ITEM SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY DMA-AREA HARDSCAPE/ROOF LANDSCAPE DMA BOUNDARY BIOFILTRATION BASIN PERVIOUS PAVEMENT VISIBILITY TRIANGLE FLOW DIRECTION STORM TANK LIMIT TRASH CAPTIJRE DEVICE OMA SUMMARY DMA 1 DMA ID DMA-1.1 DMA-1.2 DMA-1.3 DMA-1.4 TOTAL DMA2 DMA ID DMA-2.1 DMA-2.2 DMA-2.3 DMA-2.4 TOTAL DMA3 DMA ID DMA-3.1 DMA-3.2 DMA-3.3 DMA-3.4 TOTAL Type Roof Pavement Landscape Pervious Concrete Type Roof Pa\€ment Landscape Pervious Concrete Type Roof Pavement Landscape Per\'ious Concrete ATTACHMENT 1A OMA EXHIBIT SYMBOL DIIA-X □ Total Area Total Area SF Acres 2,436 0.056 42,696 0.980 4,960 0.114 13,868 0.318 63,959 1.468 Total Area Total Area SF Acres 26,409 0.606 24,804 0.569 2,831 0.065 2,394 0.055 56,438 1.296 Total Area Total Area SF Acres 0 0.000 3,949 0.091 757 0.017 0 0.000 4,706 0.108 ~ ---,, -- " /v I \I 1 i " <I t I I 0 20 0 20 40 GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1"= 20' UNIVERSAL® ENGINEERING SCIENCES ~ ;::L_ ________________________________________________________ ______..___ __ ~ ATTACHMENT 1A OMA EXHIBIT 1' RISER HEIGHT WATER QUALITY WSE BASIN ELEV = K' 4" PVC PERFORATED PIPE WALL DRAIN TW = A" I----PR. 3' SAFETY I FENCE EXISTING UNCOMPACTED L _,___. SOILS 24"X 24" (INSIDE DIM.) PCC. BOX TO BE BUILT FOR 100-YEAR STORM OVERFLOW W/ ADS TRASH CAPlURE DEVICE INSERT, MODEL 6HD24FTC-VC TG=SEE PLAN 3" WELL-AGED, SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH TW = B" I" SD FROM BIOFIL TRA TION BASIN TO STORM TANK FOR HYDROMODIFICA TION & 0100 FLOWS ~-• 24" MIN. COVER 0 Q 1 OOYR WSE STORM -1----i--r TANK ELEV = M' PR. BRENTWOOD STORM TANK MODULES PER DETAIL THIS SHEET i-+-+---3'-6.125---+-+-l GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR DETENTION SYSTEM 15 ML MIRAFI 140N OR EQUIVALENT TANK DIMENSIONS 3.5" AC OVER 5" BASE \ PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS •• •• -4 • • .•• r PR. ACCESS MANHOLE FOR MAINTENANCE 4' 1.25' INSTALL ORIFICE PLATE DIAMETER PER TABLE HEREON i----------------UMA-1 W = 28' (16 UNITS), L = 68' (20 UNITS) TOTAL = 320 UNITS--------------1 DMA-2 W = 24' (14 UNITS), L = 52' (15 UNITS) TOTAL = 210 UNITS BIOFILTRATION BASIN W / PARTIAL RETENTION WITH RETAINING WALL (BMP-1&2) BRENTWOOD STORM TANK DETAIL N.T.S. 10· LANDSCAPE, UTILITY, AND SIDEWALK EAS MENT I----PR. 3' SAFETY I FENCE X DIMENSION PER PLAN R/W i----3'--~ TW = A" NTS INSTALL 24"X24" STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN FOR 100-YEAR STORM OVERFLOW W/ ADS TRASH CAPlURE DEVICE INSERT, MODEL 6HD24FTC-VC TW = B" LANDSCAPING PER NOlES: 1. 3" OF MULCH ON TOP OF THE FILTRATION MEDIA IN THE BASINS IS ACCOUNTED FOR WITHIN THE X" RISER HEIGHT DIMENSION. 2. THE 4" OF WASHED PEA GRAVEL LAYER IN THE BASINS IS ACCOUNTED FOR WITHIN THE 18" OF FILTRATION MEDIA DIMENSION. BMP TABLE l__~d 7'<.i' •""T-!77:.' / .,, ',' "'~¼~ t • FINAL LANDSCAPE RISER GRAVEL UNDERGOUND STORMTANK TOP OF TOP OF RISER RISER PIPE IE STORM TANK EXISTING ' ", /, 1/, NATIVE SUBGRADE '-.{.·;, • ~TG=C" ' ' 3.5' ', I ---:>j 4" WASHED PEA GRAVEL I I b I •I RETAINING WALL --+-i,I.... IQ.;~t.,--:] .•. ARCHITEClURAL PLANS COMPACTED SUBGRADE 3" NON-FLOATING MULCH 8" BIO-FILTRATION SOIL MEDIA INSTALLED PER MANUFAClURES RECOMMENDATIONS (MIN 5 IN/HR INFILTRATION RATE) Y" STORAGE LA YER CLASS 2 OR 3/8" WASHED GRAVEL 12" PER NOTE ,.....~-----.-~ 8 ON SHEET 3 6" PERFORATED PIPE UNCOMPACTED °\_ 4" PVC PERFORATED PIPE WALL DRAIN INSTALL ORIFICE PLATE DIAMETER PER TABLE HEREON NATIVE SUBGRADE NOTES: 6" PVC STORM DRAIN FOR 100-YEAR OVERFLOW CONNECT TO EXISTING PUBLIC STORM DRAIN SYSTEM BIOFIL TRA TION BASIN W / PARTIAL RETENTION j WITH RETAINING WALL (BMP-3) NTS 1. NO GROUNDWATER WAS ENCOUNTERED WITHIN THE BORING DEPTH OF 16.5 FEET. GROUNDWATER WAS FOUND ON AN ADJACENT SITE AT AROUND 19 TO 20 FEET DEEP. 2. EXISTING HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP ONSITE PER THE USGS SOIL SURVEY IS "TYPE B". 3. THERE ARE NO CRITICAL COARSE SEDIMENT YIELD AREAS TO BE PROTECTED ONSITE. 4. ALL DMA'S DRAIN TO ONSITE BMP'S. BMP NOTES: 1. ENGINEERED SOIL LAYER SHALL BE MINIMUM 18" DEEP NUTRIENT SENSITIVE MEDIA, CONSISTING OF A SANDY LOAM SOIL MIX WITH BETWEEN 1 % -5% CLAY (CLEAN, NON-DREDGE) CONTENT. THE MIX SHALL CONTAIN 50-60% SAND, 20-30% COMPOST OR HARDWOOD MULCH, AND 20-30% TOPSOIL, . 2. NO COMPACTION OF NATIVE SOILS SHALL OCCUR DIRECTLY BENEATH BMP FACILITY. 3. STORMTANK MODULE 20 SERIES OR EQUIVALENT TO BE INSTALLED PER PLAN AND MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 4. BMP 1 AND BMP 2 WILL INCLUDE A 6" PIPE CONNECTING THE BIOFILTRATION BASINS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE STORMTANK. BOTH THE BIOLFILTRATION BASINS AND STORMTANK WILL BE USED FOR HYDROMODIFICATION. A 12" PIPE WILL CONNECT EACH STORMTANK TO A STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT THEN TO THE PUBLIC STORM SYSTEM. AREA(SF) ORIFIC~ HEIGHT DEPTH STORMTANK ID# TYPE DIA (IN "X" (IN) "y" (IN) AREA (SF) BMP-1 BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) 1,451 0.5 12 18 1,850 BMP-2 BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) 1,660 2.0 12 18 1,338 BMP-3 BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) 380 0.12 12 30 N/A PONDING ELEVATION TABLE WQ WSE WSE HMP *100YR WSE FREEBOARD FREEBOARD BASIN STORM TANK STORM TANI BASIN $TORM TANK ID# TYPE K' (FT) L' (FT) M' (FT) (FT) (FT) BMP-1 BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) 66.53 63.55 64.30 0.5 1.0 BMP-2 BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) 67.83 65.89 65.95 0.5 1.0 BMP-3 BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) 64.13 N/A N/A 0.5 N/A *THE BIOFILTRATION BASIN IS FOR WATER QUALITY, AND THE STORM TANK FOR HYDROMODIFICATION CONTROL. THERE IS NO PEAK INCREASE IN 100 YIEAR STORM ON THE SITE, THUS THE BIOFILTRATION BASIN AND STORM TANK DO NOT DETAIN THE 100 YEAR STORM. MIN. 18" MEDIA l't1TH MIN. 5 IN/HR FILTRATION RATE *SEE BMP NOTES & TABLE RETAINING WALL __ :sz _____ _ PR. PAVEMENT < PR. 6" HDPE STORM PIPE -< _;<>:: 1/ :;< ORIFICE WALL MAX WALL MIN ELEV. TG OUTLET IE DIA (IN) A" (FT) B" (FT) c· (FT) D" (FT) 0.48 68.50 67.49 66.63 62.30 0.4 70.50 68.30 67.83 63.58 N/A 67.50 67.50 66.13 61.13 :.->,:: " 1/, ~ ,__,...._-k-1---.,-:ks1'~~,/,¥,'-Y" STORAGE LAYER CLASS ' ~ " "-/ /- 4" PVC PERFORATED PIPE WALL DRAIN ~ RETAINING WALL EXISTING UNCOMPACTED SOILS BIOFILTRATION BASIN W/ RETAINING WALL HYDRAULIC CONNECTION (BMP-1) NTS 2 OR 3/8" WASHED GRAVEL THROUGH RW INLET IE E" (FT) F" (FT) 62.22 62.17 65.37 63.31 N/A N/A STORM TANK ELEV. G" (FT) 64.50 66.18 N/A STORM TANK STORM STORM TANK OUTLET IE DRAIN SIZE RISER HEIGHT H" (FT) I" (IN) J" (FT) 61.50 10· 2.7 63.18 12· 2.6 N/A N/A N/A LEGEND ITEM ATTACHMENT 1A OMA EXHIBIT SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY OMA-AREA HARDSCAPE/ROOF LANDSCAPE OMA BOUNDARY BIOFILTRATION BASIN PERVIOUS PAVEMENT FLOW DIRECTION STORM TANK LIMIT DMA SUMMARY DMA 1 DMAID DMA-1.1 DMA-1.2 DMA-1.3 DMA-1.4 TOTAL DMA2 DMAID DMA-2.1 DMA-2.2 DMA-2.3 DMA-2.4 TOTAL DMA3 DMAID DMA-3.1 DMA-3.2 DMA-3.3 DMA-3.4 TOTAL Type Roof Pa...ement Landscape Pervious Concrete Type Roof Pa...ement Landscape Pervious Concrete Type Roof Pavement Landscape Pervious Concrete SYMBOL DIIA-X I I ............. . .. ........ .. --) Total Area Total Area SF Acres 2,436 0.056 42,696 0.980 4,960 0.114 13,868 0.318 63,959 1.468 Total Area Total Area SF Acres 26,409 0.606 24,804 0.569 2,831 0.065 2,394 0.055 56,438 1.296 Total Area Total Area SF Acres 0 0.000 3,949 0.091 757 0.017 0 0.000 4,706 0.108 EDGE OF PAVEMENT (PER PLAN) PERWlUS CONCRETE 3.5· c ,• ~.A.Y PERVIOUS CONCRETE SECTION N.T.S. UNIVERSAL® ENGINEERING SCIENCES ATTACHMENT 1A DMA EXHIBIT Attachment 1b Tabular Summary of DMAs and Design Capture Volume Calculations DMA SUMMARY EX DMA ID Type Total Area Total Area Runoff Factor C*A C Factor SF Acres EX Natural (B Soil) 5,668 0.130 0.14 793.4993 EX Impervious 119,436 2.742 0.9 107492.5 TOTAL 125,104 2.872 108,286 0.87 DMA 1 DMA ID Type Total Area Total Area Runoff Factor C*A C Factor SF Acres DMA-1.1 Roof 2,436 0.056 0.9 2192.4 DMA-1.2 Pavement 42,696 0.980 0.9 38426.6 DMA-1.3 Landscape 4,960 0.114 0.14 694.3 DMA-1.4 Pervious Concrete 13,868 0.318 0.14 1941.5 TOTAL 63,959 1.468 C=43,255 0.68 DMA 2 DMA ID Type Total Area Total Area Runoff Factor C*A C Factor SF Acres DMA-2.1 Roof 24,625 0.565 0.9 22162.5 DMA-2.2 Pavement 26,588 0.610 0.9 23929.2 DMA-2.3 Landscape 2,831 0.065 0.14 396.3 DMA-2.4 Pervious Concrete 2,394 0.055 0.14 335.2 TOTAL 56,438 1.296 C=46,823 0.83 DMA 3 DMA ID Type Total Area Total Area Runoff Factor C*A C Factor SF Acres DMA-3.1 Roof 0 0.000 0.9 0.0 DMA-3.2 Pavement 3,949 0.091 0.9 3554.1 DMA-3.3 Landscape 757 0.017 0.14 106.0 DMA-3.4 Pervious Concrete 0 0.000 0.14 0.0 TOTAL 4,706 0.108 C=3,660 0.78 Attachment 1c Harvest and Use Feasibility Screening Attachment 1d Form I-8, Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition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orksheet : Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition Worksheet Part 1 -Full Infiltration Feasibility Screening Criteria Would infiltration of the full design volume be feasible from a physical perspective without any undesirable consequences that cannot be reasonably mitigated? Criteria Screening Question 1 Is the estimated reliable infiltration rate below proposed facility locations greater than 0.5 inches per hour? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2 and Appendix D . Provide basis: Yes No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability. 2 Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without increasing risk of geotechnical hazards (slope stability, groundwater mounding, utilities, or other factors) that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2. Provide basis: Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability. C-11 I-8 I-8 ; $FFRUGLQJ WR *HRWUDFNHU WKH QHDUHVW NQRZQ 2SHQ /867 FOHDQXS VLWH LV RYHU IHHW DZD\ IURP WKH VLWH ; 7KH QHDUHVW GRZQ JUDGLHQW VXUIDFH ZDWHUV DUH WKH $JXD +HGLRQD /DJRRQ ZKLFK LV RYHU IHHW IURP WKH VLWH 'XH WR WKH VLJQLILFDQW GLVWDQFH WR WKH ODJRRQ LW LV XQOLNHO\ WR EH LPSDFWHG E\ LQILOWUDWLQJ VLWH ZDWHU 1R )XOO Worksheet Page 2 of 4 Criteria Screening Question 3 Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without increasing risk of groundwater contamination (shallow water table, storm water pollutants or other factors) that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: Yes No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability. 4 Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without causing potential water balance issues such as change of seasonality of ephemeral streams or increased discharge of contaminated groundwater to surface waters? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability. Part 1 If all answers to rows 1 - 4 are "Yes" a full infiltration design is potentially feasible. The feasibility screening category is Full Infiltration Result* If any answer from row 1-4 is "No", infiltration may be possible to some extent but would not generally be feasible or desirable to achieve a "full infiltration" design. Proceed to Part 2 *To be completed using gathered site information and best professional judgment considering the definition of MEP in the MS4 Permit. Additional testing and/ or studies may be required by City Engineer to substantiate findings. C-12 I-8 ; 6LWH VRLOV DUH FRQVLGHUHG VXLWDEOH WR VXSSRUW SDUWLDO LQILOWUDWLRQ ; 3URYLGHG WKH EDVLQV DUH FRQVWUXFWHG LQ WKH DUHDV ZLWK DGHTXDWH VHW EDFN IURP SURSRVHG VWUXFWXUDO LPSURYHPHQWV ULVN RI JHRWHFKQLFDO KD]DUGV ZLOO QRW EH VLJQLILFDQWO\ LQFUHDVHG Worksheet Page 3 of 4 Part 2 -Partial Infiltration vs. No Infiltration Feasibility Screening Criteria Would infiltration of water in any appreciable amount be physically feasible without any negative consequences that cannot be reasonably mitigated? Criteria Screening Question 5 Do soil and geologic conditions allow for infiltration in any appreciable rate or volume? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2 and AppendixD. Provide basis: Yes No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. 6 Can Infiltration in any appreciable quantity be allowed without increasing risk of geotechnical hazards (slope stability, groundwater mounding, utilities, or other factors) that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2. Provide basis: Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. C-13 I-8 ; $FFRUGLQJ WR *HRWUDFNHU WKH QHDUHVW NQRZQ 2SHQ /867 FOHDQXS VLWH LV RYHU IHHW DZD\ IURP WKH VLWH ; 7KH QHDUHVW GRZQ JUDGLHQW VXUIDFH ZDWHUV DUH WKH $JXD +HGLRQD /DJRRQ ZKLFK LV RYHU IHHW IURP WKH VLWH 'XH WR WKH VLJQLILFDQW GLVWDQFH WR WKH ODJRRQ LW LV XQOLNHO\ WR EH LPSDFWHG E\ LQILOWUDWLQJ VLWH ZDWHU 3DUWLDO Dan T. Math, GE #2665 Principal Engineer Worksheet Page 4 of 4 Criteria Screening Question 7 Can Infiltration in any appreciable quantity be allowed without posing significant risk for groundwater related concerns (shallow water table, storm water pollutants or other factors)? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: Yes No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. 8 Can infiltration be allowed without violating downstream water rights? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. If all answers from row 1-4 are yes then partial infiltration design is potentially feasible. Part 2 The feasibility screening category is Partial Infiltration. Result* If any answer from row 5-8 is no, then infiltration of any volume is considered to be infeasible within the drainage area. The feasibility screening category is No Infiltration. *To be completed using gathered site information and best professional judgment considering the definition of MEP in the MS4 Permit. Additional testing and/ or studies may be required by City Engineer to substantiate findings C-14 January 19, 2021 CTE Job No. 10-15029G Stellar Properties, LLC Attention: Ms. Judy Jones-Cone 6030 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, California Telephone: (760) 496-2931 Via Email: jjones-cone@toyotacarlsbad.com Subject: Response to: The City of Carlsbad 1st Review for CDP 2020-0024 (DEV2020-0130) Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad 5434 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, California Reference: Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc., 2019, Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Sales Building, Toyota Carlsbad, California, Job No. 10-15029G, dated August 2. Ms. Jones-Cone: As requested, Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. (CTE) provides the following response to the City of Carlsbad 1st review comments. The responses provided below and are numbered based on the Issue Numbers. A copy of the City Comments (6/23/20) is provided as Attachment 1. Issue No. 11: The project is proposing to use full infiltration BMP, INF2 (Bioretention Basin). Additional infiltration rate evaluation is required at the proposed infiltration BMP locations to determine if full infiltration BMPs are feasible. Note that full infiltration BMP requires entire DCV to infiltrate into the ground within 36 hours. Section B.4 of the City of Carlsbad BMP Manual provides sizing methodology for full infiltration BMP. Use Worksheet B.4-1 Simple Sizing Method if Infiltration BMP is Feasible as determined by infiltration evaluation. Response to Issue No. 11: The previously performed percolation testing was performed within and adjacent to the revised basin locations. These basin locations will all be underlain by the same geologic unit that was evaluated with previous testing. Therefore, it is CTE’s professional opinion that the infiltration rates calculated during the previous testing can be applied to the revised basin locations. An updated I-8 Worksheet is attached that presents a more conservative condition due to one of the tests not meeting the minimum rate for full infiltration. Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. Inspection I Testing I Geotechnical I Environmental & Construction Engineering I Civil Engineering I Surveying 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 I Escondido, CA 92026 I Ph (760) 746-4955 I Fax (760) 746-9806 I www.cte-inc.net Response to: The City of Carlsbad 1st Review for CDP 2020-0024 (DEV2020-0130) Page 2 Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad 5434 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California January 19, 2021 CTE Job No. 10-15029G S:\Projects\10-15029G\Partial Infiltration\Ltr_Response to Review Comments (1-21).doc This letter is subject to the same limitations as the previously prepared geotechnical documents. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have any questions or need further information please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. Dan T. Math, GE #2665 Aaron J. Beeby, CEG #2603 Principal Engineer Senior Geologist AJB/JFL/DTM:ach FIGURE Figure 2 Geologic /Exploration Location Map ATTACHMENT: Attachment 1 The City of Carlsbad 1st Review for CDP 2020-0024 (DEV2020-0130) Attachment 2 I-8 Worksheet March 8, 2021 CTE Job No. 10-15029G Stellar Properties, LLC Attention: Ms. Judy Jones-Cone 6030 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, California Telephone: (760) 496-2931 Via Email: jjones-cone@toyotacarlsbad.com Subject: Additional Percolation Testing and Limited Infiltration Evaluation Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad 5434 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, California Reference: Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc., 2019, Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Sales Building, Toyota Carlsbad, California, Job No. 10-15029G, dated August 2. Ms. Judy Jones-Cone: As requested, Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc. (CTE) provides additional percolation and calculated infiltration rates pertinent to the proposed stormwater BMP’s for the revised retention basin locations. This testing was performed in general accordance with the San Diego Region Model BMP (Best Management Practice) Design Manual”, Appendix C and Appendix D, dated February 2016. The work included test hole excavation, percolation testing, and preparation of this summary report. The attached Figure 1 shows the layout and approximate percolation test locations. References are included in Appendix A. 1.0 PERCOLATION TESTING The test locations and associated depths were determined by the civil engineer and from evaluation of project plans provided by the general contractor. The test holes were excavated with manually operated auger equipment to depths ranging from approximately 5.1 to 5.3 feet below the ground surface. The evaluation was performed in accordance with Appendix C of the San Diego Region Model BMP Design Manual “Geotechnical and Groundwater Investigation Requirements”, dated February 2016. 1.1 Field Exploration The two recent percolation test holes were excavated with a manually advanced six-inch diameter auger on March 5, 2021. The test holes were excavated such that the percolation testing was performed in the areas of proposed BMP’s and to characterize representative infiltration conditions at the site. Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. Inspection I Testing I Geotechnical I Environmental & Construction Engineering I Civil Engineering I Surveying 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 I Escondido, CA 92026 I Ph (760) 746-4955 I Fax (760) 746-9806 I www.cte-inc.net Additional Percolation Testing and Limited Infiltration Evaluation Page 2 Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad 5434 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, California March 8, 2021 CTE Job No. 10-15029G \\file01\CTE Share\Projects\10-15000 to 10-15999 Projects\10-15029G\Ltr_Infiltration Evaluation Results (3-8-21).doc 1.2 Soil Materials According to geologic mapping by Kennedy and Tan (2008), and as observed and described in the referenced soils report, the site is generally underlain by Quaternary Undocumented Fill and Old Paralic Deposits, Unit 6. The percolation tests were performed in Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits-Unit 6 (Qop6). This unit generally consisted of silty fine to medium grained sand to poorly graded fine to medium grained sand. 1.3 Percolation Test Methods The percolation tests were performed in accordance with methods approved by the San Diego BMP Design Manual approximately 18 to 21 hours after the four-hour presoak period. Percolation test results and calculated infiltration rates are presented below in Table 2.0. Field Data and percolation to infiltration calculations are included in Appendix B. 2.0 CALCULATED INFILTRATION RATE As per the San Diego Region BMP design documents (2016) infiltration rates are to be evaluated using the Porchet Method. San Diego BMP design documents utilize the Porchet Method through guidance of the County of Riverside (2011). The intent of calculating the infiltration rate is to take into account bias inherent in percolation test borehole sidewall infiltration that would not occur at a basin bottom where such sidewalls are not present. The infiltration rate (It) is derived by the equation: It = ΔH πr2 60 = ΔH 60 r Δt(πr2 +2πrHavg) Δt(r+2Havg) Where: It = tested infiltration rate, inches/hour ΔH = change in head over the time interval, inches Δt = time interval, minutes * r = effective radius of test hole Havg = average head over the time interval, inches Given the measured percolation rates, the calculated infiltration rates are presented with and without a Factor of Safety applied in Table 2.0 below. The civil engineer of record completed Form I-9 of the San Diego Region Best Management Practice Design Manual, Appendix D and determined that a factor of safety of 2.81 is appropriate for the site. Additional Percolation Testing and Limited Infiltration Evaluation Page 3 Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad 5434 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, California March 8, 2021 CTE Job No. 10-15029G \\file01\CTE Share\Projects\10-15000 to 10-15999 Projects\10-15029G\Ltr_Infiltration Evaluation Results (3-8-21).doc TABLE 2.0 RESULTS OF PERCOLATION TESTING WITH FACTOR OF SAFETY APPLIED Test Location Test Depth Soil Type* Percolation Rate (inches per hour) Infiltration Rate (inches per hour) Infiltration Rate with FOS of 2.81 Applied (inches per hour) (inches) Case (USCS Classification) P-5 63 III Qop 4.750 0.857 0.429 P-6 61 III Qop 1.500 0.247 0.123 NOTES: Water level was measured from a fixed point at the top of the hole. Weather was clear during the percolation testing. Qop = Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits The test holes were six inches in diameter. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS The percolation test results were obtained in general accordance with regional standards. However, it should be noted that percolation test results can significantly vary laterally and vertically due to slight changes in soil type, degree of weathering, secondary mineralization, and other physical and chemical variabilities. As such, the test results are considered to be an estimate of percolation and converted infiltration rates for design purposes. No guarantee is made based on the percolation testing related to the actual functionality or longevity of associated infiltration basins or other BMP devices designed from the presented infiltration rates. 4.0 LIMITATIONS This letter is subject to the same limitations as previous CTE geotechnical documents issued for the subject project. CTE’s conclusions and recommendations are based on an analysis of the observed conditions. If conditions different from those described in this report are encountered during construction, this office should be notified and additional recommendations, if required, will be provided. Additional Percolation Testing and Limited Infiltration Evaluation Page 4 Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad 5434 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, California March 8, 2021 CTE Job No. 10-15029G \\file01\CTE Share\Projects\10-15000 to 10-15999 Projects\10-15029G\Ltr_Infiltration Evaluation Results (3-8-21).doc The opportunity to be of service on this project is appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. Dan T. Math, GE #2665 Aaron J. Beeby, CEG #2603 Principal Engineer Senior Geologist Attachments: Figure 1 Percolation Test Location Map Appendix A References Appendix B Percolation to Infiltration Calculations and Field Data P-1 P-2 P-4 Qop Tsa P-3 P-6 P-5 LEGEND Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits overQop Tsa P-6 Approximate Percolation Test Location Tertiary Santiago Formation CJ'I ~ "C ,.....:.. N I 00 I I"") ........, Q) I,_ ::J CJ'I ii: / c., 0) N 0 I{) ...... I 0 ;;, "' +-' u .5!; 0 I,_ a.. 0) 0) 0) I{) ...... I 0 0 +-' 0 0 0 I{) ...... I 0 ;;, 211-060-17 5444 PASEO DEL NORTE -·--·- ---.- " I ( I f1:ll"--t~~~:I_/ SD - / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I! 8 l tr-/ 1:o- , I P~OPOSED BUll!DING I SD /SD 1-;~1 ) / I / / / I / 137.3' i I I I I _"]-(OS -\ ) \ _r I \I I I I I I 6 ( I/ :1 I I 1::· " I:: S67' 28' 48"W 494.59' 50' 0 25' 50' I r "' +-' a.. -~•-----:~~;::--------------.---PE_R_c_o_T_ •1TI_O_N_TE_ST_L_o_c•-1TI_o_N_"l .. -.n----.1'11111""'1111""'111111'!'-...J C~E'P 2\\\ Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. ~ a mAC / I ~ L 7\ Tr' PROPOSED TOYOTA CARISBAD SALES BUILDING en "---~)'·}-;• 1441 Montiel Rd Ste 115, Escondido, CA 92026 Ph (760) 746-4955 5434 PASEO DEL NORTE ~ CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPENDIX A REFERENCES 1. Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc., 2019, Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Sales Building, Toyota Carlsbad, California, Job No. 10-15029G, dated August 2. 2. __________, 2020, Update to Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad, 5434 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 10-15029G, dated January 30. APPENDIX B PERCOLATION TO INFILTRATION CALCULATIONS AND FIELD DATA P‐5 Total Depth: 63 inches Time Test Interval Time Test Refill Water Level Initial/Start Water Level End/Final Incremental Water Level Change Percolation Rate Percolation Rate (minutes) Depth /Inches Depth /Inches Depth /Inches (inches) inches/minutes inches/hour 8:30:00 Initial None 0.00 initial ‐ 9:00:00 30 55 0.00 59.00 59.00 1.97 118.00 9:30:00 30 55 55.00 57.50 2.50 0.08 5.00 10:00:00 30 55 55.00 57.50 2.50 0.08 5.00 10:30:00 30 54.5 55.00 57.38 2.38 0.08 4.75 11:00:00 30 55 54.50 57.00 2.50 0.08 5.00 11:30:00 30 54.5 55.00 57.38 2.38 0.08 4.75 12:00:00 30 55 54.50 56.88 2.38 0.08 4.75 12:30:00 30 NO 55.00 57.38 2.38 0.08 4.75 P‐6 Total Depth: 61 inches Time Test Interval Time Test Refill Water Level Initial/Start Water Level End/Final Incremental Water Level Change Percolation Rate Percolation Rate (minutes) Depth /Inches Depth /Inches Depth /Inches (inches) inches/minutes inches/hour 8:32:00 Initial None 0.00 initial ‐ 9:02:00 30 NO 0.00 54.13 54.125 1.804 108.250 9:32:00 30 53 54.13 54.25 0.125 0.004 0.250 10:02:00 30 NO 53.00 54.00 1.000 0.033 2.000 10:32:00 30 NO 54.00 53.75 ‐0.250 ‐0.008 ‐0.500 11:02:00 30 53 53.75 54.63 0.875 0.029 1.750 11:32:00 30 NO 53.00 53.75 0.750 0.025 1.500 12:02:00 30 53 53.75 54.63 0.875 0.029 1.750 12:32:00 30 NO 53.00 53.75 0.750 0.025 1.500 PERCOLATION TEST DATA Inches Inches ∆t =30 ∆t =30 Df =57.38 Df =53.75 r = 3 r = 3 D0 =55.00 D0 =53.00 DT =63 DT =61 Ho = 8in Ho = 8in Hf =5.625 in Hf =7.25 in ∆H = ∆D = 2.375 in ∆H = ∆D = 0.75 in Havg =6.8125 in Havg =7.625 in It =0.857 in/hr It =0.247 in/hr Test Hole Radius, Test Hole Radius, Initial Depth to Water, Initial Depth to Water, Total Depth of Test Hole, Total Depth of Test Hole, Percolation Rate Conversion P‐5 Percolation Rate Conversion P‐6 Time Interval,Time Interval, Final Depth of Water, Final Depth of Water, - - ATTACHMENT 1 The City of Carlsbad 1st Review for CDP 2020-0024 (DEV2020-0130) I-8 I-8 X The NRCS soils across the site are all Type B soils with medium surface runoff. The site soils are consistent with the NRCS mapped types based on site explorations and percolation testing. Three soil types were present in the area of the proposed development, Quaternary Previously Placed Fill, Old Paralic Deposits and Tertiary Santiago Formation. Four percolation tests were completed within the Old Paralic Deposits. The calculated infiltration rates (with an applied factor of safety of 2) ranged from approximately to 0.21 to 1.11 inch per hour. X Provided the basins are constructed in the areas with adequate set back from proposed structural improvements, risk of geotechnical hazards will not be significantly increased. Worksheet : Categorization of Imtltration Feasibility Condition 111 lfil■llln1■-.••••11 l~•t1lln.•n-n11uun 11 ... Part 1 -Full Infiltration Feasibility Screening Criteria Would infiltration of the full design volume be feasible from a physical perspective without any undesirable consequences that cannot be reasonably mitigated? Criteria Screening Question 1 Is the estimated reliable infiltration rate below proposed facility locations greater than 0.5 inches per hour? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2 and Appendix D. Provide basis: Yes No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability. 2 Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without increasing risk of geotechnical hazards (slope stability, groundwater mounding, utilities, or other factors) that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2. Provide basis: Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability. C-11 I-8 I-8 X According to Geotracker, the nearest known "Open" LUST cleanup site is over 4,000 feet away from the site. X The nearest down gradient surface waters are the Agua Hediona Lagoon which is over 2,200 feet from the site. Due to the significant distance to the lagoon it is unlikely to be impacted by infiltrating site water. No Full ---'-l.fljTiil""l~i Criteria Screening Question 3 Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without increasing risk of groundwater contamination (shallow water table, storm water pollutants or other factors) that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: Yes No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability. 4 Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without causing potential water balance issues such as change of seasonality of ephemeral streams or increased discharge of contaminated groundwater to surface waters? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability. Part 1 If all answers to rows 1 - 4 are "Yes" a full infiltration design is potentially feasible. The feasibility screening category is Full Infiltration Result* If any answer from row 1-4 is "No", infiltration may be possible to some extent but would not generally be feasible or desirable to achieve a "full infiltration" design. Proceed to Part 2 *To be completed using gathered site information and best professional judgment considering the definition of MEP in the MS4 Permit. Additional testing and/ or studies may be required by City Engineer to substantiate findings. C-12 I-8 X Site soils are considered suitable to support partial infiltration. X Provided the basins are constructed in the areas with adequate set back from proposed structural improvements, risk of geotechnical hazards will not be significantly increased. ---'-l.fljTiil""l~i ~ I ' .... Part 2 -Partial Infiltration vs. No Infiltration Feasibility Screening Criteria Would infiltration of water in any appreciable amount be physically feasible without any negative consequences that cannot be reasonably mitigated? Criteria Screening Question 5 Do soil and geologic conditions allow for infiltration in any appreciable rate or volume? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2 and AppendixD. Provide basis: Yes No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. 6 Can Infiltration in any appreciable quantity be allowed without increasing risk of geotechnical hazards (slope stability, groundwater mounding, utilities, or other factors) that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2. Provide basis: Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. C-13 I-8 X According to Geotracker, the nearest known "Open" LUST cleanup site is over 4,000 feet away from the site. X The nearest down gradient surface waters are the Agua Hediona Lagoon which is over 2,200 feet from the site. Due to the significant distance to the lagoon it is unlikely to be impacted by infiltrating site water. Partial ---'-l.fljTiil""l~i Criteria Screening Question 7 Can Infiltration in any appreciable quantity be allowed without posing significant risk for groundwater related concerns (shallow water table, storm water pollutants or other factors)? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: Yes No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. 8 Can infiltration be allowed without violating downstream water rights? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. If all answers from row 1-4 are yes then partial infiltration design is potentially feasible. Part 2 The feasibility screening category is Partial Infiltration. Result* If any answer from row 5-8 is no, then infiltration of any volume is considered to be infeasible within the drainage area. The feasibility screening category is No Infiltration. *To be completed using gathered site information and best professional judgment considering the definition of MEP in the MS4 Permit. Additional testing and/ or studies may be required by City Engineer to substantiate findings C-14 Attachment 1e Pollutant Control BMP Design Worksheets/Calculations Category # Description i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x Units 1 Drainage Basin ID or Name BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-3 unitless 2 85th Percentile 24-hr Storm Depth 0.58 0.58 0.58 inches 3 Impervious Surfaces Not Directed to Dispersion Area (C=0.90) 45,132 51,213 3,949 sq-ft 4 Semi-Pervious Surfaces Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.30)sq-ft 5 Engineered Pervious Surfaces Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.10)sq-ft 6 Natural Type A Soil Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.10)sq-ft 7 Natural Type B Soil Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.14) 18,828 5,225 757 sq-ft 8 Natural Type C Soil Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.23)sq-ft 9 Natural Type D Soil Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.30)sq-ft 10 Does Tributary Incorporate Dispersion, Tree Wells, and/or Rain Barrels? No No No No No No No No No No yes/no 11 Impervious Surfaces Directed to Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.90) sq-ft 12 Semi-Pervious Surfaces Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.30)sq-ft 13 Engineered Pervious Surfaces Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.10)sq-ft 14 Natural Type A Soil Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.10)sq-ft 15 Natural Type B Soil Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.14)sq-ft 16 Natural Type C Soil Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.23)sq-ft 17 Natural Type D Soil Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.30)sq-ft 18 Number of Tree Wells Proposed per SD-A # 19 Average Mature Tree Canopy Diameter ft 20 Number of Rain Barrels Proposed per SD-E # 21 Average Rain Barrel Size gal 22 Total Tributary Area 63,960 56,438 4,706 0000000sq-ft 23 Initial Runoff Factor for Standard Drainage Areas 0.68 0.83 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 unitless 24 Initial Runoff Factor for Dispersed & Dispersion Areas 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 unitless 25 Initial Weighted Runoff Factor 0.68 0.83 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 unitless 26 Initial Design Capture Volume 2,102 2,264 177 0000000cubic-feet 27 Total Impervious Area Dispersed to Pervious Surface 0000000000sq-ft 28 Total Pervious Dispersion Area 0000000000sq-ft 29 Ratio of Dispersed Impervious Area to Pervious Dispersion Area n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ratio 30 Adjustment Factor for Dispersed & Dispersion Areas 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ratio 31 Runoff Factor After Dispersion Techniques 0.68 0.83 0.78 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a unitless 32 Design Capture Volume After Dispersion Techniques 2,102 2,264 177 0000000cubic-feet 33 Total Tree Well Volume Reduction 0000000000cubic-feet 34 Total Rain Barrel Volume Reduction 0000000000cubic-feet 35 Final Adjusted Runoff Factor 0.68 0.83 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 unitless 36 Final Effective Tributary Area 43,493 46,844 3,671 0000000sq-ft 37 Initial Design Capture Volume Retained by Site Design Elements 0000000000cubic-feet 38 Final Design Capture Volume Tributary to BMP 2,102 2,264 177 0000000cubic-feet False False Automated Worksheet B.1: Calculation of Design Capture Volume (V2.0) Dispersion Area, Tree Well & Rain Barrel Inputs (Optional) Standard Drainage Basin Inputs Results Tree & Barrel Adjustments Initial Runoff Factor Calculation Dispersion Area Adjustments No Warning Messages Category # Description i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x Units 1 Drainage Basin ID or Name BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-3 -------unitless 2 85th Percentile Rainfall Depth 0.58 0.58 0.58 -------inches 3 Predominant NRCS Soil Type Within BMP Location B B B unitless 4 Is proposed BMP location Restricted or Unrestricted for Infiltration Activities? Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted unitless 5 Nature of Restriction n/a n/a n/a unitless 6 Do Minimum Retention Requirements Apply to this Project? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes/no 7 Are Habitable Structures Greater than 9 Stories Proposed? No No No yes/no 8 Has Geotechnical Engineer Performed an Infiltration Analysis? Yes Yes Yes yes/no 9 Design Infiltration Rate Recommended by Geotechnical Engineer 0.210 0.430 0.120 in/hr 10 Design Infiltration Rate Used To Determine Retention Requirements 0.210 0.430 0.120 -------in/hr 11 Percent of Average Annual Runoff that Must be Retained within DMA 38.5% 40.0% 25.2%-------percentage 12 Fraction of DCV Requiring Retention 0.31 0.32 0.18 -------ratio 13 Required Retention Volume 652 724 32 -------cubic-feet False False Automated Worksheet B.2: Retention Requirements (V2.0) Advanced Analysis Basic Analysis Result No Warning Messages Category # Description i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x Units 1 Drainage Basin ID or Name BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-3 -------sq-ft 2 Design Infiltration Rate Recommended 0.210 0.430 0.120 -------in/hr 3 Design Capture Volume Tributary to BMP 2,102 2,264 177 -------cubic-feet 4 Is BMP Vegetated or Unvegetated?Vegetated Vegetated Vegetated unitless 5 Is BMP Impermeably Lined or Unlined?Unlined Unlined Unlined unitless 6 Does BMP Have an Underdrain?Underdrain Underdrain Underdrain unitless 7 Does BMP Utilize Standard or Specialized Media?Standard Standard Standard unitless 8 Provided Surface Area 1,451 1,660 380 sq-ft 9 Provided Surface Ponding Depth 12 12 12 inches 10 Provided Soil Media Thickness 21 21 21 inches 11 Provided Gravel Thickness (Total Thickness)18 18 30 inches 12 Underdrain Offset 333 inches 13 Diameter of Underdrain or Hydromod Orifice (Select Smallest)0.50 2.00 0.12 inches 14 Specialized Soil Media Filtration Rate in/hr 15 Specialized Soil Media Pore Space for Retention unitless 16 Specialized Soil Media Pore Space for Biofiltration unitless 17 Specialized Gravel Media Pore Space unitless 18 Volume Infiltrated Over 6 Hour Storm 152357230000000cubic-feet 19 Ponding Pore Space Available for Retention 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 unitless 20 Soil Media Pore Space Available for Retention 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 unitless 21 Gravel Pore Space Available for Retention (Above Underdrain)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 unitless 22 Gravel Pore Space Available for Retention (Below Underdrain)0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 unitless 23 Effective Retention Depth 2.25 2.25 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 inches 24 Fraction of DCV Retained (Independent of Drawdown Time)0.20 0.30 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ratio 25 Calculated Retention Storage Drawdown Time 116190000000hours 26 Efficacy of Retention Processes 0.58 0.89 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ratio 27 Volume Retained by BMP (Considering Drawdown Time)1,218 2,008 155 0000000cubic-feet 28 Design Capture Volume Remaining for Biofiltration 884256220000000cubic-feet 29 Max Hydromod Flow Rate through Underdrain 0.0131 0.2079 0.0008 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 cfs 30 Max Soil Filtration Rate Allowed by Underdrain Orifice 0.39 5.41 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 in/hr 31 Soil Media Filtration Rate per Specifications 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 in/hr 32 Soil Media Filtration Rate to be used for Sizing 0.39 5.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 in/hr 33 Depth Biofiltered Over 6 Hour Storm 2.34 30.00 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 inches 34 Ponding Pore Space Available for Biofiltration 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 unitless 35 Soil Media Pore Space Available for Biofiltration 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 unitless 36 Gravel Pore Space Available for Biofiltration (Above Underdrain)0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 unitless 37 Effective Depth of Biofiltration Storage 22.20 22.20 27.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 inches 38 Drawdown Time for Surface Ponding 20 2 56 0000000hours 39 Drawdown Time for Effective Biofiltration Depth 3741250000000hours 40 Total Depth Biofiltered 24.54 52.20 27.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 inches 41 Option 1 - Biofilter 1.50 DCV: Target Volume 1,327 384 33 0000000cubic-feet 42 Option 1 - Provided Biofiltration Volume 1,327 384 33 0000000cubic-feet 43 Option 2 - Store 0.75 DCV: Target Volume 663192160000000cubic-feet 44 Option 2 - Provided Storage Volume 663192160000000cubic-feet 45 Portion of Biofiltration Performance Standard Satisfied 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ratio 46 Do Site Design Elements and BMPs Satisfy Annual Retention Requirements?YesYesYes-------yes/no 47 Overall Portion of Performance Standard Satisfied (BMP Efficacy Factor)1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ratio 48 Deficit of Effectively Treated Stormwater 000n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a cubic-feet Biofiltration Calculations False False -Vegetated BMPs with surface ponding drawdown times over 24 hours must be certified by a landscape architect or agronomist. All BMPs must have a surface ponding drawdown time of 96 hours or less. False Result False False Attention! Retention Calculations Automated Worksheet B.3: BMP Performance (V2.0) False False BMP Inputs S.R. CLARKE S.R. CLARKE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & DEVELOPMENT llO COPPERWOOD WAY, SUITEP OCEANSIDE CALIFORNIA 92058 TEL. 760-716-3100 LLA# 5299 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: CDP2020-0024, GR2023-0019 Toyota of Carlsbad Vegetated BMP Certification September 20, 2023 The surface ponding depth drawdown time for BMP-3 of the Toyota Carlsbad project exceeds the recommended 24 hour drawdown time, but does not exceed the 96 hour maximum drawdown time. I certify that a ponding depth drawdown time exceeding 24 hours, limited to 96 hours is acceptable and will not have any adverse or detrimental impacts to the proposed drought-tolerant landscaping in the proposed biofiltration basins. Per Appendix B, section B.3.3 Step 3C -Biofiltration Processes, County of San Diego BMP Design Manual, effective September 15, 2020. Sincerely, Sean R. Clarke S.R. Clarke Landscape Architecture & Development LLA#5299 Page 1 of 1 Attachment 1f Trash Capture BMP Design Calculations Q = C x i x A Where: Q = Design flow rate in cubic feet per second C = Runoff factor, area-weighted estimate using Table B.1-1 i = Rainfall intensity in inches per hour. (typical i=0.471 in/hr) A = Tributary area (acres) which includes the total area draining to the trash capture BMP, including any offsite or onsite areas that comingle with project runoff and drain to the trash capture BMP. Rainfall intensity of 0.471 in/hr for one-year, one-hour storm event which is based on the precipitation frequency data station at Oceanside Pumping Plant (Latitude: 33.1330°, Longitude: -117.3259°) BMP 1: Q = 0.72 x 0.471 x 1.468 = 0.498 cfs BMP 2: Q = 0.83 x 0.471 x 1.296 = 0.507 cfs BMP 3: Q = 0.78 x 0.471 x 0.108 = 0.040 cfs Inlets at all Biofiltration basin and drive aisle to include ADS Flexstorm pure full trash capture inserts or equivalent. March 17, 2021 Mr. Leo Cosentini California State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality P.O. Box 100 Sacramento, CA, 95812-100 Re: Trash Treatment Control Device Application for ADS PURE FTC Full Trash Capture Inserts Dear Mr. Cosentini, Thank you for the opportunity to submit our application for the ADS PURE FTC Full Trash Capture Inserts with Vector Control enhancements. Information is presented and organized in accordance with the Trash Treatment Control Device Application Requirements. Per the application guidelines the following document is broken into 8 sections and an appendix: 1. Cover Letter 2. Table of Contents 3. Physical Description 4. Installation Information 5. Operation and Maintenance Information 6. Vector Control Accessibilty 7. Reliability Information 8. Field/Lab Testing Information and Analysis Appendix Thank you for reviewing this application, if any additional information is required please contact us as needed. Jamie Ringenbach, General Manger Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc FLEXSTORM division ADS - FLEXSTORM 24137 111th Street Naperville, IL 60564 11/JJIJS. Fl~!IJ!ffl~ Page | 2 1. COVER LETTER 1.A. General description of the device. The ADS PURE FTC Full Trash Capture Insert, also referred to as the PURE FTC Insert, is an engineered, custom manufactured catch basin inlet filter manufactured by the FLEXSTORM division of Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS). It is placed directly under a catch basin drainage grate or suspended below a catch basin curb opening in order to collect trash and debris from surface storm water runoff. 1.B. The applicant’s contact information and location. Southern CA authorized ADS representative: Stephen Denny (stephen.denny@ads-pipe.com) ADS Allied Product Manager 2168 Scholarship Irvine, CA 92612 Ph. 949-304-3087 Northern CA authorized ADS representative: Scott Van Meter (scott.vanmeter@ads-pipe.com) ADS Allied Product Manager 762 Powers Ave. Clovis, CA 93619 Ph. 559-577-7545 ADS contact at the manufacturing facility: Jamie Ringenbach (james.ringenbach@ads-pipe.com) General Manager, ADS FLEXSTORM 24137 111th Street, unit A Naperville, IL, 60564 Ph. 630-355-3288 ADS executive contact at corporate headquarters: Brian King (brian.king@ads-pipe.com) ADS EVP, Product Management & Marketing 4640 Trueman Blvd Hilliard, OH 43026 Ph: 800 821-6710 1.C. The owner or manufacturer’s website where the device can be found on the internet. https://www.inletfilters.com/products/full-trash-capture-ftc 1.D. The device’s manufacturing location. All ADS PURE FTC Inserts are designed and manufactured at the ADS FLEXSTORM facility in Naperville, IL. They may be stocked locally at 5 ADS locations in CA and at any ADS - FLEXSTORM 24137 111th Street Naperville, IL 60564 Ill/OS Page | 3 number of over 5,000 distributors nationwide. ADS-FLEXSTORM 24137 111th Street Naperville, Il, 60564 1.E. A brief summary of any field/lab testing results that demonstrate Device’s functions as described within the application. Appendix A reviews the pilot study performed by Orange County, FL where PURE FTC Inserts were monitored for a period of two years showing near 100% removal of small and large particles. 1.F. A brief summary of Device limitations, operational sizing, and maintenance considerations. The ADS PURE FTC Inserts are designed for both below the grate installations and in wall mount applications suspended under an open throat curb opening. Units are designed to fit the CA market for all standard catch basin concrete openings and grate sizes with adjustable side flanges to take up gaps potentially larger than 5 mm. The ADS PURE FTC Insert uses 5mm 14GA perforated stainless steel as its filtration medium. Certain device limitations exist when presented with extremely shallow catch basins making installation difficult and reducing the storage capacity of the units. Rear bolt on deflectors are used for combination inlets to prevent trash from bypassing the filter resting below the grate. ADS also builds for custom sizes or unique situations with completed field dimensional forms. For curb inlets, the ADS PURE FTC Insert is dropped through the 20” dia. manhole opening, 2 mounting brackets are secured to the catch basin wall beneath the curb opening, and the unit is lifted onto the brackets with quick release features. Installation under grates usually take 2-5 minutes, while wall mount applications will take approximately 10 minutes per 4’ length. Maintenance is typically performed using an industrial vacuum with 3” hose or vactor truck when the units are half full. Alternatively, the units may be completely lifted from the drainage structure and dumped into a receptacle, rinsed, and replaced. Recommended maintenance is performed every 4 months depending on location, loading, and storage capacity. Maintenance should occur prior to the device losing its design hydraulic capacity. This is related to the trash generation within the drainage area. 1.G. Description or list of locations, if any, where Device has been installed. ADS has sold the PURE FTC Inserts into various markets including PA, CA, and FL with excellent results. The PURE FTC Inserts are being specified in CA where CPS installations are not possible- most recently in Contra Costa, Newark, and Camarillo. A large number of inserts may be found in areas of Lancaster, PA with extreme amounts of trash entering their 2 x 4 catch basins. ADS also has PURE FTC installations in Orange County, FL where they have been actively monitoring performance and have approved ADS PURE FTC Inserts for use in their storm water insert program. A write-up of this Orange County, FL pilot program can be found in Appendix A. FLEXSTORM has provided PURE Inlet Filters targeting various levels of particle size and pollutant removal since 2004 with well over 150,000 installations throughout the country. When ADS acquired FLEXSTORM in 2012, efforts to develop trash capture devices for the CA market began. The 5 mm 14GA perforated stainless steel became a stock item used for connector pipe screens CPS, an approved FTC device. ADS naturally transitioned this perforated steel into drop inserts replacing the traditional filter bags on the PURE framing Page | 4 where larger trash, not sediment, was targeted. The field results have been successful in capturing cigarette butts, leaves and trash without resuspension given the baskets high storage capacity. The larger FTC screen openings allow ample flow through and will not blind from sand and sediment loading off streets and parking lots. 1.H. Certification Clause. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons that manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Jamie Ringenbach, General Manger Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc FLEXSTORM division Page | 5 2. Table of Contents Page # Introduction 1 1. Cover Letter Section 1.A 2 Section 1.B 2 Section 1.C 2 Section 1.D 2 Section 1.E 3 Section 1.F 3 Section 1.G 3 Section 1.H 4 2. Table of Contents 5 3. Physical Description Section 3.A 7 Section 3.B 7 Section 3.C 7 Section 3.D 7 Section 3.E 8 Section 3.F 8 Section 3.G 8 Section 3.H 9 Section 3.I 9 Section 3.J 9 Section 3.K 9 Section 3.L 9 4. Installation Information Section 4.A 10 Section 4.B 10 Section 4.C 10 5. Operation and Maintenance Information Section 5.A 11 Section 5.B 11 Section 5.C 11 Section 5.D 11 Section 5.E 11 Section 5.F 11 6. Device maintenance and vector control accessibility Section 6.A 12 Section 6.B 12 Section 6.C 12 7. Reliability Information Section 7.A 12 Section 7.B 12 Section 7.C 12 Page | 6 8. Field/Lab Testing Information and Analysis Section 8.A 13 Section 8.B 13 Appendices Appendix A. Report from Orange County, FL pilot program Appendix B. Specification and Design Drawings Appendix C. Hydraulic calculations of Perforated Stainless-Steel Baskets Appendix D. Photo Gallery Appendix E. Hydraulic calculations of Ultimate Bypass Region Appendix F. Vector Control Accessibility - VC Framing Page | 7 3. Physical Description 3.A. Trash Capture The ADS PURE FTC Insert ensures that all particles greater than or equal to 5 mm are captured by constructing the filtering body of the FTC Inset from uniformly punched stainless steel with 4.8 mm openings. This ensures that no particles larger than 4.8 mm can pass by the filter. 3.B. Peak Flows/ Trash Volumes ADS PURE FTC Inserts are built to fit varying grate or curb inlet sizes. The size and volume of the basket are adjusted accordingly for the dimensions of the inlet having larger baskets in the larger inlets. An Engineer may specify higher flow requirements to a specific catch basin in which case ADS will increase the overall capacity of the basket and/or expand the bypass area. 3.C. Hydraulic Capacity Refer to Tables 1 & 2 for hydraulic capacity of standard ADS PURE FTC Inserts; hydraulic calculations for 36 x 18 ADS PURE FTC Insert are found in Appendix E. 3.D. Comparison Table Table 1: Part #s, Basin IDs, and performance specifications for standard ADS PURE FTC Full Trash Capture Inserts Storage Capacity (cubic ft) 6HD12FTC-VC 12 X 12 12 0.7 6.8 3.0 2.4 6HD18FTC-VC 18 X 18 12 1.7 12.2 4.5 3.7 6HD24FTC-VC 24 X 24 12 3.1 18.6 6.3 4.4 6HD3618FTC-VC 36 X 18 12 3.5 20.8 7.3 5.6 6HD3624FTC-VC 36 X 24 12 5 25.1 8.3 6.5 6HD36FTC-VC 36 X36 12 7.1 41.6 14.6 9.6 ADS FTC P/N with VECTOR CONTROL Flow Ratings Through FTC Basket When Empty Flow Ratings Through FTC Basket when 50% Full Basin Size (in) FTC Basket Depth (in) Bypass Flow Rate (CFS)* When FTC Basket is 100% Full * Calculated with 4” water depth above 2” grate. This bypass flow is activated with a completely full basket and is not included in the total Flow Rating through the FTC basket. Table 1: Product Selection and Performance Specifications of ADS FTC Inserts ADS PURE FTC Page | 8 Table 2: Part #s, Curb Opening Widths, and performance specifications for selected ADS PURE FTC Inserts for Open Throat Curb Inlets (Wall Mounted) FLEXSTORM PURE FRAME ref: Curb Opening Width (in) Basket Depth (in) Storage Volume (ft^3) Flow Ratings when empty Flow Ratings when 50% full 62HDWM36 36 12 2.7 17.8 6.7 62HDWM42 42 12 3.1 20.3 7.6 26HDWM48 48 12 3.6 22.8 8.5 62HDWM60 60 12 4.5 27.9 10.3 62HDWM72 72 12 5.4 33 12.1 62HDWM84 84 12 6.3 37.6 13.7 62HDWM96 96 12 7.2 42.7 15.5 62HDWM120 120 12 8.9 52.4 18.9 3.E. Design drawings for all standard Device sizes including dimensions, and alternative configurations. Refer to APPENDIX B for all design drawings. ADS has established a catalog of common sized inserts based on the standard drainage structures found throughout California and the United States. The Installer (Contactor) shall inspect the plans and/or worksite to determine the quantity of each drainage structure casting type. The catch basin design, casting number, or the exact grate and clear opening size will provide the information necessary to identify the required ADS PURE FTC Insert part number. Inserts are supplied to the field pre-configured to fit the specified drainage structure. 3.F. Alternative Configurations ADS PURE Inserts may be supplied with alternative filter bag options however these geotextile or mesh net bags are not included in this submittal for approval as a Full Capture device retaining particles 5 mm or larger. These filter bags typically target smaller particles and hydrocarbons. These alternative configurations may be submitted for consideration under separate applications once laboratory results are conclusive and acceptable to the Water Board. 3.G. If the Device is designed with an internal bypass, explain how the bypass only operates for volumes greater than the design storm. The bypass region of the ADS PURE FTC Insert is located above the perforated filter media. It only becomes active should the basket become completely filled with storm water, trash, and debris. In these cases, the water spills over the side of the perforated baskets and is deemed to have entered bypass mode. Hydraulic calculations for the bypass region of the ADS PURE FTC Inserts can be found in Appendix E. The engineer is responsible for confirming the ultimate bypass capacity of the insert exceeds the design flow to the catch basin for a chosen rain event. As mentioned in section 3.B. the bypass area may be expanded to meet the engineers design requirements for a specific catch basin if necessary. Page | 9 3.H. Conditions under which the device re-introduces previously trapped trash. The trash retention screen and storage basket will not reintroduce previously trapped trash unless there is a backflow in the storm conveyance system. If water is entering the filter normally through the drainage grate the previously trapped trash will continually compact into the ADS PURE FTC Insert. 3.I. Calibration Feature For ADS PURE FTC Inserts, side flanges may be adjusted to account for irregularities in the concrete catch basin walls or other obstructions. If there are gaps along the length of the concrete opening greater than 5 mm, loosen the adjustable flange bolt and slide the flange flush with the concrete wall. 3.J. Photographs, if any, of pre-and post-installation examples See Appendix D (Photos 1-5) 3.K. Each material and material grade used to construct the Device. The ADS PURE frame is constructed from 304 stainless steel of varying gauge thicknesses. The framing includes lifting handles to facilitate installation and removal of the basket into and out of the drainage structure. The top support flanges are 13GA 304 stainless steel and the long span adjustable side flanges are 14GA or 16GA 304 stainless steel. These side flanges are used to funnel all flow into the basket with the ultimate bypass beneath them. The ultimate bypass in the frame is designed to exceed that of the design flow into the drainage structure. The remaining framing is comprised of 11GA 304 stainless steel corner brackets and 12GA 304 stainless steel U-channels. The active FTC filtering component is 14GA perforated stainless steel. The steel basket is uniformly punched with 3/16” dia. holes (4.8 mm) in such a pattern that the basket has 50% open area and retains any particles 5 mm or larger. The center main body panel is a one-piece formation stretching across of the longest span making up the front, bottom, and rear of the basket. This single formation provides exceptional strength and stability of the basket. The two side panels are then secured to the main body panel with either spot welds or 316 stainless rivets. The basket is secured to the U-channel framing system with 5/16” diameter 316 stainless steel bolts then spot welded for additional strength. 3.L. Estimated design life of the Device. The ADS PURE FTC Inserts have a 25-year minimum design life when used in storm water applications exposed to moderate levels of salt and other naturally occurring roadway contaminants. The fabrication or Page | 10 bending may stress or expose certain surfaces slightly but not significantly reduce the design life of the stainless steel. The loading for each sized insert is considered and the support materials have been tested with considerable safety factor based on 125 lbs. per cubic ft. storage capacity. 4. Installation 4.A. Device installation procedures and considerations. Installation into Standard Grated Drainage Structures: Remove the grate from the casting or concrete drainage structure using a grate removal tool. Clean the ledge (lip) of the casting frame or drainage structure to ensure it is free of stone and dirt. Lower the insert through the clear opening and be sure the suspension hangers rest firmly on the support ledge of the structure. Replace the grate and confirm it is elevated no more than 1/8”, which is the thickness of the steel hangers. If there are gaps along the length of the concrete opening greater than 5 mm, loosen the adjustable flange bolt and slide the flange flush with the concrete wall. Replace the grate. Installation into Curb Inlets: For wall mount applications, the basket profile size is 12” x 12” with lengths up to 48”. Lower the PURE FTC Insert into the catch basin through the manhole opening. Mark the wall mount support bracket locations on the basin wall beneath the street/curb opening. Using a hammer drill install the provided wedge anchor bolts into the concrete wall and secure the support brackets. Lift the unit and engage the support brackets allowing the basket to hang cantilevered off the wall for quick installation and removal. For multiple lengths on longer curb openings, simply use the dual support brackets securing the baskets side by side to cover the entire curb span. See Appendix C Design Drawings for more wall mount installation detail. 4.B. Description of device installation limitations and/or non-standard device installation procedures. ADS PURE FTC Inserts are designed for easy installation such that there are no installation limitations or special instructions needed. 4.C. Methods for diagnosing and correcting installation errors. ADS offers standard sized configurations however there are instances where the catch basin drainage structure has been customized or varies from typical designs. This is not an issue as long as the dimensions are documented. ADS can build PURE FTC Inserts for any catch basin Configuration. Simply submit the proper field dimensional form: http://inletfilters.com/field-dimensional-order-forms Page | 11 5. Operation and Maintenance Information 5.A. Device inspection procedures and inspection frequency considerations. Upon inspection, the ADS PURE FTC Insert should be emptied if the basket is more than half filled with trash and debris, or as directed by the engineer, city, or municipal contract. Remove the grate and use a vactor truck or industrial vacuum to remove the trash and debris that has collected in the filter. Alternatively, the basket may be lifted out of the drainage structure and trash emptied into a receptacle to be hauled away. Remove any caked-on trash and debris from the steel basket to ensure proper flow. When the basket is cleaned the grate should be replaced onto the basin and maintenance logged. 5.B. Maintenance frequency considerations related to the device’s hydraulic capacity at various levels of trash capture volumes. As with all storm water BMPs, inspection and maintenance must occur on a regular basis or the filtering mechanism will be overloaded and rendered useless. In such a case, the filter baskets may become completely filled with trash lowering the flow rate capacity and debris until reaching the ultimate bypass which would still allow full water flow but without filtration. Any trash entering the drainage structure may possibly escape directly into the sewer system. Examples of overflowing trash in wall mounted curb inlets that were not maintained for several years can be found in Appendix D (photo 4,5). 5.C. Maintenance procedures, including procedures to clean the trash capture screen. ADS PURE FTC Insert maintenance should occur prior to the device losing its design hydraulic capacity. This is related to the trash generation within the drainage area. Suggested method is using a vacuum truck to clean out the baskets. Alternatively, maintenance guidelines per the awarded contract should be followed. 5.D. Essential equipment and materials for proper maintenance activities. Suggested method for maintenance is utilization of a vacuum truck combined with a power washer / high pressure hose to ensure all smaller sediment is cleared from the perforated steel openings. 5.E. Description of the effects of deferred maintenance on device structural integrity, performance, odors, etc. In the event of deferred maintenance, the filter baskets may become completely filled with trash and debris lowering the flow rate capacity until reaching the ultimate bypass which would still allow full water flow but without filtration. The device framing has been load tested to over 900 lbs, which is the weight of wet sand (125 lbs / ft 3 ) filling the largest available FTC Insert. The build-up of certain trash and debris could allow for odors to form and drift out of the catch basin. 5.F. Repair procedures for the device’s structural and screening components. If the perforated steel is damaged or dented, it will still function provided no opening exceeds 5 mm. In the event the steel framing system is damaged to the point where the support flanges do not sit flush on the catch basin frame, the contractor may attempt to straighten or flatten the damaged area. If the damage is beyond repair, it is recommended to replace the entire unit. Page | 12 6.0. Device maintenance and vector control accessibility. 6.A. The date the device application was submitted for vector control accessibility via email. ADS PURE FTC Insert’s Vector Control (VC) design details were submitted to MVCAC and the Trash Treatment Control Committee concurrent with this updated application dated Feb 10, 2021. 6.B. Description and/or video that demonstrates how mosquito vector control personnel can readily access the bottom of the storm water vault and/or device for visual observation and mosquito treatment. Personnel can administer vector control to the bottom of the catch basin through the 4” hinged bypass lid on the PURE “VC” framing. See Appendix F for VC details, callouts, and video link. Wall mounted units in curb inlets allow for visual inspection above the suspended filter through the curb opening. Curb inlets are typically inspected and serviced through the manhole entry. 6.C. The MVCAC Letter of Verification as an attachment to the application when it becomes available. 7.0 Reliability Information: 7.A. Estimated design life of device components before major overhaul. The ADS PURE FTC Inserts have a 25-year minimum design life when used in storm water applications exposed to moderate levels of salt and other naturally occurring roadway contaminants. The fabrication or bending may stress or expose certain surfaces slightly but not significantly reduce the design life of the stainless steel. The loading for each sized insert is considered and the support materials have been tested with considerable safety factor based on 125 lbs. per cubic ft. storage capacity. 7.B. Warranty information. The ADS PURE FTC 304 stainless steel framing and basket materials along with product construction are warranted for a period of 5 years from the date of installation. Replacement parts will be supplied at no charge provided the inserts were installed properly for their intended use as a full trash capture device. 7.C. Applicant’s customer support. ADS has a nationwide support team with local field representatives and product managers. The Product Managers are Stephen Denny (stephen.denny@ads-pipe.com) in southern CA and Scott Van Meter (scott.vanmeter@ads-pipe.com) in northern CA. The ADS FLEXSTORM division can address any engineering and design questions at 630 355-3288 or info@inletfilters.com. ADS website: www.ads-pipe.com/en ADS - FLEXSTORM website: www.inletfilters.com Page | 13 8. Field/Lab Testing Information and Analysis 8.A. For devices with 5mm screening, any available field/lab testing information that demonstrates the device functionality and performance. Appendix A reviews the pilot study performed by Orange County, Fl. Additional data regarding performance values for the ADS PURE FTC Inserts can be found in Appendix B and C. 8.B. If the Device does not include a 5 mm screen, adequate field/lab testing information that demonstrates the Device captures trash particles of 5 mm or greater. Page | 14 Appendix A: Summary of Orange County Florida pilot program A version of the ADS FTC insert in an open throat application in Orange County, FL installed in June 2015. These test results are used to verify the capture rate of the perforated steel screen in open throat curb inlets. Inserts located in residential areas with minimal trash but a lot of tree and sediment runoff; organic loading. Volume of inserts was 1.5 ft3. Orange County maintenance records are shown below over two years. Page | 15 Orange County, FL Maintenance Log of ADS FTC Inserts: Street Basket # Date of Maintenance Large Particle % Small Particle % % Full Debris Weight (LBS) 9220 South Bay Dr 92 11/6/2015 70% 30% 100% 57.6 9220 South Bay Dr 92 11/25/2015 70% 30% 100% 67.9 9220 South Bay Dr 92 1/11/2016 50% 50% 100% 63.9 9220 South Bay Dr 92 2/3/2016 70% 30% 100% 39.4 9220 South Bay Dr 92 2/29/2016 90% 10% 100% 39.4 9220 South Bay Dr 92 3/28/2016 70% 30% 100% 41.1 9220 South Bay Dr 92 5/25/2016 50% 50% 70% 48.6 9220 South Bay Dr 92 8/26/2016 70% 30% 60% 18.2 9220 South Bay Dr 92 9/27/2016 60% 40% 100% 28.1 9220 South Bay Dr 92 12/1/2016 70% 24.1 9220 South Bay Dr 92 1/30/2017 90% 10% 100% 42.9 9220 South Bay Dr 92 3/27/2017 100% 0% 100% 33.3 9220 South Bay Dr 92 4/27/2017 70% 30% 100% 25.3 9220 South Bay Dr 92 6/5/2017 50% 30% 100% 43.4 9220 South Bay Dr 92 6/30/2017 30% 70% 100% 33.9 9220 South Bay Dr 92 7/26/2017 0% 100% 100% 53.6 9220 South Bay Dr 92 9/27/2017 80% 20% 90% 43.4 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 11/6/2015 50% 50% 100% 95.4 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 11/25/2015 50% 50% 100% 73.1 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 1/11/2016 40% 10% 100% 54.1 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 2/3/2016 50% 50% 100% 24 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 2/29/2016 100% 0% 100% 46.9 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 3/28/2016 100% 0% 100% 32.7 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 5/25/2016 70% 30% 50% 34.9 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 8/26/2016 80% 20% 50% 16.4 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 9/27/2016 50% 50% 100% 37.4 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 12/1/2016 100% 41.6 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 1/30/2017 90% 10% 100% 45.6 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 3/27/2017 100% 0% 100% 22.9 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 4/27/2017 90% 10% 100% 13.6 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 6/5/2017 70% 30% 100% 27.6 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 6/30/2017 0% 100% 100% 41.5 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 7/26/2017 30% 70% 100% 37.5 9361 Cypress Cove Dr 91 9/27/2017 70% 30% 100% 65.5 Analysis: Average weight of debris for each service period was 41 lbs. with 65% large particles > 1” dia. The relatively small storage capacity of 1.5 ft3 required more frequent maintenance intervals. Average weight of debris is 27 lbs./ft3. Our design criteria are based on 125 lbs./ft3 resulting in a loading design safety factor of 4.6. Pa g e | 16 Ap p e n d i x B: D e s i g n D r a w i n g s ADS PURE FTC FULL CAPTURE INSERTS WITH VECTOR CONTROL {VC) ACCESS DOTTED LINE SHOWS BASIN WALL· y I H b 4" a.eARANCE FOR _/ i-I, ilP-j VECTOR CONTROL ACX:ESS FTC RJU. TRASH CAPTURE BASKET: 14GA PERFORATED STAINLESS STm wm-t SMM OPENINGS SUPPORT FRAMING: 12GA 30'! STAINLESS STm Table 1: Product Selection and Performance Si)ecifications of Catch Basin Drop Inserts ADS PURE FTC ADS VECTOR Basin Si2e FTC Baslcet Storage Capacit), Flow Ramgs Through Row Ratings Through CONTROL FTC P/N (in) Depth (in) (ft"l) FTC Basket When FTC Basket When Empty {CFS) 6HO12FTC-VC u x u 12 0.7 6.8 6HO18FTC·VC 18X 18 12 1.7 12..2 6HO24FTC·VC 24X 24 12 3.1 18.6 6HD3618FTC·VC 36X 18 12 3.5 20.8 6HD3624FTC-VC 36X 24 12 5 25.l 6HO36FTC·VC 36 X36 12 7.1 41.6 ·'\,,Clll~W.1a14t"W,n .... ,, ........ 4 Clate, INS vn,1 D;Jl-..;;;l'ffll>CIUl'fatea .. ,. ~ I\JI bosntard Is net lndu<led lri the lwl b Ralt'!j lhlOIJ!lh the FTC-. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. REMOVE GRATE FROM THE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE 2. CLEAN STONE AND DIRT FROM THE GRATE SUPPORT LEDGc (UP) 3. DROP THE FlEXSTORM INLET FILTER THROUGH THE CLEAR OPENING SUOi THAT THE FLANGES REST FIRMLY ON THE UP OF THE CATQI BASIN 4. REPLACE THE GRATE ON TOP OF THE FILTER FRAMING SO% Full (CFS) 3.0 4.5 6.3 7.3 8.3 14.6 Bypass Flow Rate (CFS)• When FTC Basket is 100% Ful 2.4 3.7 4.4 5.6 6.5 9.6 STAINLESS STEB. HINGE 11/0 . I:~ p129120211 ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS QA HR; ......,.,,,, = C ADS PURE FTC FULL CAPTURE INSERTS DWGNO Full Trash capture Inserts SCALE o.i: 11 SHm 1 Of 1 OfV Pa g e | 17 ADS PURE FTC Full Trash capture Inserts for Curb I nlets ADS Peifonnance Specifications -Full Trash Capture ADS P/N Curb Opening Basket storage Rlow Rate when Flow Rate when Wdith (in) Depth (in) Volume (ftA3) Empty (CFS)* 50% Full (CFS)* 62HDWM36FTC 36 12 2.7 17.8 6.7 62HDWM42FTC 42 12 3.1 20.3 7.6 62HDWM48FTC 48 12 3.6 22.8 8.5 62HDWM60FTC"'* 60 12 4.5 27.9 10.3 62HDWM72FTC** 72 12 5.4 33.0 12.1 62HDWM84FTC** 84 12 6.3 37.6 13.7 62HDWM96FTC** 96 12 7.2 42.7 15.5 62HDWM120FTC** 120 12 8.9 52.4 18.9 • Calculated with .5' flowing water above centroid of ultimate bypass area 0 Multiple filters of the same length placed side by side STAINLESS STEEL SUPPORT BRACKETS (ANCHORED TO CATCH BASIN WALL) 14 GA 5MM PERFORATED STAINLESS STEEL BASKET [NSTALLATION AND MAfNTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 1. ENTER MANHOLE OPENING WITH I NLET FILTER AND MOUNTING HARDWARE 2. AUGN FILTER FRAME WITH CURB OPENING AND MARK CENTERLINE OF EAOH FRAME HANGER BRACKET 3. USING SUPPLIED WALL MOUNT BRACKETS, MARK LOCATION OF BRACKET SCREW HOLES SPACED 1 • DOWN FROM TOP LEDGE OF OONCRETE. 4. USING HAMMER DRILL, DRILL HOLE TO RECOMMENDED DEPTH OF SPEOFIED FASTENER. 5. SECURE THE WALL MOUNT BRACKETS USING CONCR1ETE FASTENERS AND HANG THE FLEXSTORM INLET ASSEMBLY. 6. FOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE WITH TRUCK MOUNTED VACUUM. SIZE §CAl£ ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FULL TRASH CAPTURE FOR OPEN THROAT INLETS O'NGIIO '""' Page | 18 Appendix C: Hydraulic Calculations of Perforated Stainless-Steel Basket Example Flow Through calculation for 36 x 18 ADS PURE FTC (62HD3618FTC): Method for determining flow rate through 5mm perforated stainless steel baskets To determine the flow rate through a perforated basket we first determine the total number of 5 mm holes in the perforated steel basket. Then we determine a pressure difference in the water between the top of the basket and the perforated holes. Then that pressure difference is used to calculate the flow rate of water through a single 5 mm opening. That flow rate is multiplied by the total # of holes to give a flow rate for the entire basket. 1. Determine the # of holes in a 36 x 18 perforated steel basket (62HD3618FTC) The equation for the surface area of a rectangular prism with one open side: L=33”, W=15.5”, H=12” 𝑆𝐴=2 ∗𝐿∗𝐻+2 ∗𝐻∗𝑉+𝐿∗𝑉=1675.5 �ℎ𝑛2 From physical measurements it was determined that there are 18 holes/�ℎ𝑛2 in the perforated material. Therefore: 1675.5 �ℎ𝑛2 ∗18 �𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑠 �ℎ𝑛2 =30159 �𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑠 �ℎ𝑛 𝑠�𝑒 62𝐻𝐶3618𝐹𝑆𝐶 𝑎𝑎𝑠𝑘𝑒𝑠 2. Determine the flow rate of water through a 5 mm orifice: To determine the flow rate through a 5 mm opening we first Determine the pressure difference of water before and after it flow through the orifice. It is assumed that once the water exits the perforated opening it has a pressure equal to sea level (101.325 kPa). Before exiting the orifice, it is assumed the water has a pressure equal to depth of the basket opening beneath the curb line (102.857 kPa). Using the formula shown below we can convert that pressure difference into a flow rate. L H W Page | 19 Plugging those values into the formula yields a water flow rate per opening of .313648 GPM or .0006988 CFS/hole. Finally, we multiply the total # of holes in the 62HD3618FTC basket by the flow rate of water per hole: .0006988 CFS/hole*30159 holes = 20.8 CFS through the basket when empty. To determine the flow through of the basket when it is 50% full of material, we make a change to the surface area calculation. Since it is assumed that 50% of the side walls and the bottom of the basket is blocked with debris the surface area equation becomes: 𝑆𝐴=2 ∗𝐿∗𝐻/2 +2 ∗𝐻/2 ∗𝑉=588 �ℎ𝑛2 Multiplying that surface area by the # of openings per square inch and the flow rate through each hole yields: 588 �ℎ𝑛2 ∗18 �𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑠 �ℎ𝑛2 ∗.006988 𝐶𝐹𝑆 �𝑛𝑙𝑒= 7.3 CFS Therefore, when 50% filled or blocked with debris the 62HD3618FTC is expected to have a water flow through rate of 7.3 CFS. Equation(s) Pl -Pi < j , C. {p] -l · F. J>J ➔ Q,.. = fUl i.'.i • • (~)2 . r;;-; H•~ v~ P1 -11 ~ FL2 • (1)1 -f • Pl -+ -()I'' .~ ' ( d., )2 FL Ir -,Jo. ,d· • -. •' .r~, . J1•1 -t f'·I' "G @. pl : Primary Press ure (kPa abs) p2 : Secondary Pres.sure (kPa abs) do : Diameter of Orifi ce· (mm) C : Dischar,ge Coefficient Qw: Wat er Flow Rate (m3/h) FL : Pr,essur,e r,ecov-ery factor (=0.9) FIF : Critical pressure rat io factor P : Absolute va por press ure· of the water at in let temperature (kPa abs) SG : Specifiic Gravity Page | 20 Appendix D: Photo Gallery Photo 5: Philadelphia Water Dept. Wall Mount Filter where service was overdue Photo 4: Improperly maintained Open Throat Curb Inlet Filter in Pueblo, Colorado. Photo 1: PURE FTC inserts shown before installation into a catch basin Photos 2 and 3: PURE FTC inserts shown during installation into a catch basin Page | 21 Appendix E: Hydraulic Calculations of Ultimate Bypass Region Example Bypass calculation for 36 x 18 PURE FTC Stainless Steel Basket (62HD3618FTC): Flow through the Ultimate Bypass Area is calculated with the same equations as flow through an orifice. 𝑄�ℎ=𝐶∗𝐴∗𝑉 Q =Flow through an orifice in𝑒3 𝑠, C=Coefficient of discharge from opening (assumed to be .67 for bypass area), A= Area of the orifice (𝑒𝑠2), and V=Velocity of water as it passes through the orifice (𝑒𝑠/𝑠). Velocity can be expanded: V=√2 ∗𝑒∗� g=acceleration due to gravity (32.2𝑒𝑠/𝑠2), h=height of water above centroid of orifice’s opening (ft) (total height h with 5” frame drop to centroid is 11”, assuming 2” grate and 4” water over grate) Therefore, flow through the bypass area can be written as 𝑄=𝐶𝐴√2𝑒� Calculate Square Area of ultimate Bypass Area: A=2(𝐻1 ∗𝐿1)+2(𝐻2 ∗𝐿2) Where H is the height of the bypass opening and L is the Length of the Bypass Opening. For the 62HD3624FTC:𝐻1 =2",L1 =32",𝐻2 =1",𝐿2 =12". A=2*(2*34)+2*(1.5*16)=152 �ℎ𝑛2=>1.06 𝑒𝑠2 Calculate velocity of flow as it passes through the bypass area: 𝑉=𝐶√2𝑒�=.67√2 ∗32.2 𝑒𝑠 𝑠2 ∗.91 𝑒𝑠=5.3 𝑒𝑠/𝑠 Therefore, 𝑄=𝐶𝐴√2𝑒� = 1.06 𝑒𝑠2 ∗5.3 𝑒𝑠 𝑠=5.6 𝐶𝐹𝑆 Ultimate Bypass Capacity Based on the above calculation it can be shown that with 4” of water over the grate a 62HD3624FTC will bypass 5.6 CFS of water through the ultimate bypass of the framing. Bypass area Page | 22 Appendix F: Vector Control Accessibility - VC Framing Link to Dropbox Video demonstrating functionality of Vector Control (VC) framing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aoonkcsgwqa3jdh/Video%20Nov%2010%2C%202%2012%2050%20PM.mov?dl =0 ** All ADS PURE FTC Full Trash Capture Inserts specified in CA are supplied with the VC hinged flange design for vector control accessibility with a -VC part number suffix. Suppport flanges have a 4.5" drop for standard Rat bottom grates. If heavy duty traffic grate is specified then this Range would be dropped down another 1"-3" to allow for hinged lid clearance. ADS FULL CAPTURE INSERTS -VECTOR CONTROL (VC} VERSION 4" wide hinged flange for vector control access. This will run the entire length of any 12"-36" wide catch basin. The Range should be located over the outlet pipe when filter is installed. rear lift point Flange gle once flipped to all traction back down on services are complete. 00TTEO LINE SHOWS 6'SIN WAIL l i i I i i I i i I 4-QEARANCE FOR _/4 IIECTOR CION11WI. JoCCSS ~/ "" I = i I I ,. " I vc HIHGa) F\AHGE FlAHGElEIIER (ACCESSIIU lHltOUla>t GAATEOAcNlNG) ATTACHMENT 2 BACKUP FOR PDP HYDROMODIFICATION CONTROL MEASURES This is the cover sheet for Attachment 2. Indicate which Items are Included behind this cover sheet: Attachment Sequence Contents Checklist Attachment 2a Hydromodification Management Exhibit (Required) ☒ Included See Hydromodification Management Exhibit Checklist on the back of this Attachment cover sheet. Attachment 2b Management of Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas (WMAA Exhibit is required, additional analyses are optional) See Section 6.2 of the BMP Design Manual. ☒ Exhibit showing project drainage boundaries marked on WMAA Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Area Map (Required) Optional analyses for Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Area Determination 6.2.1 Verification of Geomorphic Landscape Units Onsite 6.2.2 Downstream Systems Sensitivity to Coarse Sediment 6.2.3 Optional Additional Analysis of Potential Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas Onsite Attachment 2c Geomorphic Assessment of Receiving Channels (Optional) See Section 6.3.4 of the BMP Design Manual. ☒ Not performed Included Attachment 2d Flow Control Facility Design and Structural BMP Drawdown Calculations (Required) See Chapter 6 and Appendix G of the BMP Design Manual ☒ Included Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included on the Hydromodification Management Exhibit: The Hydromodification Management Exhibit must identify: ☒ Underlying hydrologic soil group ☒ Approximate depth to groundwater ☒ Existing natural hydrologic features ( watercourses, seeps, springs, wetlands) ☒ Critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected (if present) ☒ Existing topography ☒ Existing and proposed site drainage network and connections to drainage offsite ☒ Proposed grading ☒ Proposed impervious features ☒ Proposed design features and surface treatments used to minimize imperviousness ☒ Point(s) of Compliance (POC) for Hydromodification Management ☒ Existing and proposed drainage boundary and drainage area to each POC (when necessary, create separate exhibits for pre-development and post-project conditions) ☒ Structural BMPs for hydromodification management (identify location, type of BMP, and size/detail) Attachment 2a Hydromodification Management Exhibit ; I ( SC-E) CONTAINMENT SYSTEM ( SC-F) STORM DRAIN STENCILING OR SIGNAGE SITE DESIGN BMPS ( SD-B) DIRECT RUNOFF TO PERVIOUS AREAS (sD-D) PERMEABLE PAVEMENT ( SD-F) AMENDED SOIL ( SD-G) CONSERVE NATURAL FEATURES I ' ! ' / / ·/! I : ./ ,/, . .. . BIIP- BIDFIL TRA Tl BASIN 1 380Sf :; / /// ' ,,,,_--.., / 1, SC ---"~ SD SD ' ! '-r,r;f /' ./ I SD- SD- -·]':,,>-- SO- SO-I ...... TORMTANK M 20 SERIES --- QUIVALENT Sf DIIA-1.4 ·.----,.-.,., CB ,P""i;rf-14·--~, ~~ ' DMA-1.4 • • ,......_::===:·-SD-® SO- SO- /!/ I!;/ t ;~f ·.; ( _______ J \ -----------~-------- NOTES: 1. NO GROUNDWATER WAS ENCOUNTERED WITHIN THE BORING DEPTH OF 16.5 FEET. GROUNDWATER WAS FOUND ON AN ADJACENT SITE AT AROUND 19 TO 20 FEET DEEP. 2. EXISTING HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP ONSITE PER THE USGS SOIL SURVEY IS "TYPE B". 3. THERE ARE NO CRITICAL COARSE SEDIMENT YIELD AREAS TO BE PROTECTED ONSITE. 4. ALL DMA'S DRAIN TO ONSITE BMP'S. ' 1' RISER HEIGHT TG=SEE PLAN ---<-. DMA-1.3 211-060\17 WSE HMP STORM -11-1-i---r TANK ELEV = L' DMA-1.2 . I 11" SD-K V '->:::-::<.. " . ., _., . ....... ·--.... \ .• •. • •.•. ·• .••. • . . . . ·.·k · .. · .. . ....:.. ~ : ...:.......:.:. : •' . . . . .. . . . . . ft -- 1 ....!... I I I PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT I I I <> I I cc -SJ -sr, - 1 '•" I I I I PR. RIBBON ----I GUTTER I PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT .. -- I I I I /y ')-<· I / PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT I I I I -i I DMA-2.1 I r,~ I ~ PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT 3.5" AC OVER 5" BASE PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS PR. ACCESS MANHOLE FOR MAINTENANCE \ \ ) PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT ID# BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-3 i.,.,---STORM CONTROL BOX 1.25' ID# BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-3 ~ vH j I i i I I I I I I k,1 \v " I TYPE <I I I ..1, 17 BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) BIOFILTRATION (PR-1) BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) BMP AREA(SF) 1,451 1,660 380 J---fi' 11 , ··· · r' · ~ 11 ' ' . ' TABLE RISER GRAVEL ORIFIC~ HEIGHT DEPTH DIA (IN •x• (IN) "y" (IN) 0.5 12 18 2.0 12 18 0.12 12 30 PONDING ELEVATION TABLE UNDERGOUND STORMTANK AREA SF 1,850 1,338 N/A LEGEND ITEM SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY OMA-AREA HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP LINE HARD SCAPE/ROOF LANDSCAPE OMA BOUNDARY BIOFIL TRA 110N BASIN PERVIOUS PAVEMENT FLOW DIRECTION TRASH CAPTURE DEVICE EDGE OF PAVEMENT (PER PLAN) ATTACHMENT 2A HMP EXHIBIT SYMBOL DIIA-X 1 · .......... I ............ : ........... . --) □ PERVIOUS CONCRETE PERVIOUS CONCRETE SECTION STORl,ffANK ORIFICE DIA IN 0.48 0.4 N/A N.T.S. I __.-PR. 3' SAFETY I FENCE STORM STORM TANK DRAIN SIZE RISER HEIGHT 1• (IN) J" (FT) 10" 2.7 12· 2.6 N/A N/A WO WSE WSE HMP •lOOYR WSE FREEBOARD FREEBOARD •THE BIOFIL TRA TION BASIN IS FOR WATER QUALITY, AND THE STORM TANK FOR HYDROMOOIFICATION CONTROL. THERE IS NO PEAK INCREASE IN 100 YIEAR STORM ON THE SITE, THUS THE BIOFILTRATION BASIN AND STORM TANK DO NOT DETAIN THE 100 YEAR STORM. BASIN STORM TANK STORM TANI BASIN STORM TANK TYPE K' (FT) L' (FT) M' (FT) (FT) (FD BIOFILTRATION (PR-1) 66.53 63.55 64.30 0.5 1.0 BIOFILTRATION (PR-1) 67.83 65.89 65.95 0.5 1.0 BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) 64.13 N/A N/A 0.5 N/A Attachment 2b Management of Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas 22 11 88 1616 101044 2525 2727 2323 2222 99 55 1212 1515 1414 33 2424 66 2626 1313 2121 2020 77 1717 1818 1919 1111 RedMountainReservoir LAKEHENSHAWTURNERLAKE LAKEWOHLFORD BUENAVISTALAGOON DIXONRESERVOIR AQUAHEDIONDALAGOON SAN MARCOSLAKE SUTHERLANDRESERVOIRBATIQUITOSLAGOON SANDIEGUITORESERVOIR RESERVOIR LAKEPOWAY SAN ELIJOLAGOON EL CAPITANRESERVOIR SAN VICENTERESERVOIR MIRAMARRESERVOIR SANTEERECREATIONALLAKES MISSIONBAY LOVELANDRESERVOIRLAKEMURRAYMOUNTHELIXLAKE SAN DIEGOBAY CHOLLASHEIGHTSRESERVOIR HANSENRESERVOIR MORENARESERVOIRSWEETWATERRESERVOIRBARRETTLAKE LOWER OTAYRESERVOIOR LOSPENASQUITOSLAGOON LAKERAMONA UPPER OTAYRESERVOIR SANDIEGUITOLAGOON LAKEHODGES SAN VICENTERESERVOIR LAKE LINDO CARLSBADCARLSBAD CHULACHULAVISTAVISTA EL CAJONEL CAJON LA MESALA MESA NATIONALNATIONALCITYCITY OCEANSIDEOCEANSIDE POWAYPOWAY S.D.S.D.COUNTYCOUNTY S.D.S.D.COUNTYCOUNTY SANSANDIEGODIEGO SANSANMARCOSMARCOS SANTEESANTEE VISTAVISTA San D i e g o R i ver Chollas Creek San Dieguit oR ive rSanMarcosCreek Rattle s n akeCre e k DulzuraCreek San M a r cos C r e ek Escondido Creek T i juanaR i ver Jamul Cr ee k S y c a m o r e Creek C ottonwoo d Creek B u ena V is ta C r e e k Poway C r ee k O tay R i v er Ca r r o l C a nyon Lusardi Cr e ek Lo sP e nasq u i t o s C ree k E n cinita s C re ek Woodglen V i staCreek A gua H e d iondaC r eek Sant a Margarita Riv er S weetwater R iver R ose C r e e k S a n L ui s R e yRive r Ot a y R i v er S ant aYs a bel C reek Potential Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas Exhibit Date: Sept. 8, 2014Regional San Diego County Watersheds Aerial Imagery Source: DigitalGlobe, 06/2012 Legend Regional WMAA Streams Watershed Boundaries Municipal Boundaries Rivers & Streams Potential Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas NORTH 0 5 10 15Miles REACH ID NAME 1 Santa Margarita River 2 San Luis Rey River 3 Buena Vista Creek 4 Agua Hedionda Creek 5 San Marcos Creek 6 Encinitas Creek 7 Cottonwood Creek (Carlsbad WMA) 8 Escondido Creek 9 San Dieguito Creek - Reach 1 10 San Dieguito Creek - Reach 2 11 Lusardi Creek 12 Los Penasquitos / Poway Creek 13 Rattlesnake Creek 14 Carroll Canyon Creek 15 Rose Creek 16 San Diego River 17 Sycamore Creek 18 Woodglen Vista Creek 19 San Vicente Creek 20 Forester Creek 21 Chollas Creek 22 Sweetwater River - Reach 1 23 Sweetwater River - Reach 2 24 Otay River 25 Jamul / Dulzura Creek 26 Tijuana River 27 Cottonwood Creek (Tijuana WMA) ~ ) ,,.,.. ( ! ~, _)"'-.~• ~l!e JI'., , 1)1 , i~ ! ' _/" II ..: r ,---- ' 7 _j L Geosyntec C> RICK 0 consultants ENGJNEERJNG C OMPANY Attachment 2c Geomorphic Assessment of Receiving Channels Attachment 2d Flow Control Facility Design Hydromodification Management Plan Toyota Carlsbad 5424 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, CA 92008 APN: 211-060-16 Prepared For: Steller Properties, LLC 6030 Avenida Encinas, Suite 220 Carlsbad, CA 92009 760-438-2000 Prepared By: Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. Dan Math 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 Escondido, CA 92026 November 14, 2023 mUNIVERSAL® [:!l ENGINEERING SCIENCES TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... 1 2. SITE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 Geotechnical Conditions ....................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Drainage Patterns .................................................................................................................. 1 2.3 Design Assumptions ............................................................................................................. 2 3. CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS .......................................................................................... 4 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................... 4 APPENDICES 1 Location Map 2 Soil Map 3 Hydromodification Exhibit 4 SDHM Output Hydromodification Management Study Toyota Carlsbad 11/14/2023 Carlsbad, CA Page 1 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed site development consists of demoing and removing the existing buildings and pavement to prepare the site for construction of new office buildings and paving of the entire site. Additionally, storm water conveyance system, storm water treatment system and detention system will be implemented. Incidental underground utilities, hardscape, and site landscaping are also proposed with this development. The site is located in a commercial area with site elevations ranging from approximately 78 to 68 feet above mean sea level (msl). See Attachment 1 for the site location and vicinity maps. 2. SITE ANALYSIS 2.1 Geotechnical Conditions According to the USDA soils map, the site has soil Type “B.” Group B. These soils have a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. A review of the infiltration study of the infiltration test by Construction, Testing, & Engineering on March 8, 2021 indicates that infiltration is allowable. Varying rates will be used dependent on the BMP location. The project will be using biofiltration basins with a Stormtank detention system for treatment and hydromodification management. See Attachment 2 for USDA Soils Map and for the infiltration study provided by CTE. 2.2 Drainage Patterns OFFSITE CONDITION The project site does receive some runons from the slopes to the east. The runons are captured via existing brow ditches and convey to discharge onto Paseo Del Norte. PRE-DEVELOPED CONDITION The project site is currently a developed car dealership. The site consists of office buildings, and pavement on the entire site. There are a few vegetated islands located around the property. The surrounding properties are predominantly developed car dealership as well. POST-DEVELOPED CONDITION The site will be divided into three drainage management areas. DMA-1 will take most of the pavement runoff and a small portion of the building area to be conveyed by ribbon gutter directing the flow toward a biofiltration basin. DMA-2 will consist of the building structure and some pavement runoff where it will sheet flow towards the second biofiltration basin. DMA-3 Hydromodification Management Study Toyota Carlsbad 11/14/2023 Carlsbad, CA Page 2 will consist of a small area of pavement sheet flowing into the third biofiltration basin. The project location has good infiltration rate, therefore, in smaller storm events, storm water runoff will be collected in the biofiltration basin and detain while it infiltrates or evaporates. However, in larger storm events, higher flows will overflow into raised basin inlet overflow structures where it will direct the storm water offsite. 2.3 Design Assumptions The following are design criteria and assumption for the hydromodification calculations. SDHM 3.1 used for hydromodification analysis by Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 2005-2022 Hydrologic Soil Type “B” The existing area was modelled as prior to development. No impervious area used in the existing condition. 2.4 Biofiltration Basins and Stormtanks There are 3 biofiltration basins and 2 underground 36” tall detention Stormtanks are proposed to satisfy the water quality and hydromodification requirements of the project. The underground storm tanks will only receive flows from the biofiltration basins. The storm tanks function to satisfy hydromodification compliance, whereas the biofiltration basins function to satisfy the water quality requirements of the project. The basins each have a 1.0’, 24”x24” storm control riser with 0.5’ of freeboard. In addition, an orifice (0.5” for BMP-1, 2.0” for BMP-2, and 0.12” for BMP-3) is included at the bottom of the riser and a weir will be added 0.1’ from the top and be 1’ wide. For BMP-1 and BMP-2, the weir is only included in the Stormtank detention system and is not included in the basin riser. BMP-3 does not include a weir. The orifices are included on both the basin and Stormtank. Details of the biofiltration basin and storm tank can be found on DWG 543-1A. The storm tank will then drain into the existing storm drain infrastructure on Paseo Del Norte, through a proposed storm drain cleanout in the ROW (see DWG 543-1). See overflow riser details for the biofiltration basins and storm tanks below: Hydromodification Management Study Toyota Carlsbad 11/14/2023 Carlsbad, CA Page 3 1· RISER HEIGHT E ERGY DISS! A Tl I, I . 18" MEDIA \'illli M 5 I /HR Fil ATION RA 'SEE BVP OTES & TA 4" YASIHEO PEA GRAI/El --'~!!l'f:tt,~ 6° PERFORAlEO PIPE --~➔~~:JI ST AGE LA '!ER 1SEE BYP OTES _/ & TABLE EXISTI G COMPACID) SOILS 24"X 24" (INSIDE DIM.) PCC. BOX TO BE BUil T F 100-'1'E STORM OVERFLOW Vi/ ADS TRASH CAPTURE DEVICE INSERT, MODEL 6HD24nC-VC lC•SfE Pl.AN EEP ROOTED. DENSE, DROUGHT TOI.ER T Pl' TING SUITABLE FOR 'l,El..L DRAINED SOIL STORA GE LA YER CLASS 2 O, 3/8" WASHED GRAVEL SO FROv BIOFIL A TI BASIN TO STORM TANK FOR HYO OMODIFICATI & 0100 FLO~ I STALL ORIFICE PLATE 01 ' JETER PER TABLE H EREOI BIOFlL TRA TION BASIN OVERFLOW RISER J.5" AC OVER 5° BASE PER GEOTECHNICAL REC IIE DATI S .T.S. ~~7 ~~r:1~~~:::::l==::E~~~ 24"X24" RISER FOR I 0100 0\/ERFLOW h CWllFlCE PER TABLE BELO~ STORM TANK OUTLET IE STORM TANK OVERFLOW RISER .T.S. CONTROL BOX SO OUTLET TO CONNECT TO PUBLIC SO SYSTEM (18" fOR B\!P-1, 12" FOR BMP-2) Hydromodification Management Study Toyota Carlsbad 11/14/2023 Carlsbad, CA Page 4 3. CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS The calculations resulted in biofiltration basins is included in Appendix 4. Draw down calculations were also included in the report with the minimum drawdown times complying with the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) guidelines is 96 hours. This project complies with the DEH guidelines, therefore a separate vector control maintenance plan is not required. See Attachment 4 for drawdown time. Per the water quality spreadsheets, the surface BMP-3 will not drain within 24 hours. However, a letter from the landscape archtitect has been included in Attachment 2 that allows for the increased surface ponding time. 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This Hydromodification Management report shows the proposed project design complies with the hydromodification requirements, as outlined in the County requirements. Also, the treatment facilities meet the DEH drawdown guidelines for vector control. The calculations and results in this report indicated that run-off rates and time of concentration are controlled to reduce project downstream flows, mitigating downstream erosion possibility and protect downstream habitat. ATTACHMENT 1 Location Map DA1£: 2-25-20 = AS SHOWN SITE LOCATION 5424 PASEO DEL NORTE MAP DRAIIIBV: J. SANTOS SITE VICINITY MAP DA1£: 2-25-20 SCALE: AS SHOWN 5424 PASEO DEL NORTE DRAIN BY: J. SANTOS ATTACHMENT 2 SOIL MAP Hydrologic Soil Group—San Diego County Area, California (Toyota Carlsbad) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 2/19/2020 Page 1 of 4 36 6 5 9 7 0 36 6 6 0 0 0 36 6 6 0 3 0 36 6 6 0 6 0 36 6 6 0 9 0 36 6 6 1 2 0 36 6 6 1 5 0 36 6 5 9 7 0 36 6 6 0 0 0 36 6 6 0 3 0 36 6 6 0 6 0 36 6 6 0 9 0 36 6 6 1 2 0 36 6 6 1 5 0 469460 469490 469520 469550 469580 469610 469640 469670 469700 469730 469760 469460 469490 469520 469550 469580 469610 469640 469670 469700 469730 469760 33° 8' 1'' N 11 7 ° 1 9 ' 3 9 ' ' W 33° 8' 1'' N 11 7 ° 1 9 ' 2 6 ' ' W 33° 7' 54'' N 11 7 ° 1 9 ' 3 9 ' ' W 33° 7' 54'' N 11 7 ° 1 9 ' 2 6 ' ' W N Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 11N WGS84 0 50 100 200 300Feet 0 20 40 80 120Meters Map Scale: 1:1,490 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. USDA = MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: San Diego County Area, California Survey Area Data: Version 14, Sep 16, 2019 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Nov 3, 2014—Nov 22, 2014 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Hydrologic Soil Group—San Diego County Area, California (Toyota Carlsbad) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 2/19/2020 Page 2 of 4USDA = □ D D D D D D D D ,,..,,,. ,,..,,,. □ ■ ■ □ □ ,,..._., t-+-t ~ tllWI ,..,,. ~ • Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI MlC Marina loamy coarse sand, 2 to 9 percent slopes B 11.5 100.0% Totals for Area of Interest 11.5 100.0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Hydrologic Soil Group—San Diego County Area, California Toyota Carlsbad Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 2/19/2020 Page 3 of 4USDA = Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher Hydrologic Soil Group—San Diego County Area, California Toyota Carlsbad Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 2/19/2020 Page 4 of 4~ S.R. CLARKE S.R. CLARKE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & DEVELOPMENT llO COPPERWOOD WAY, SUITEP OCEANSIDE CALIFORNIA 92058 TEL. 760-716-3100 LLA# 5299 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: CDP2020-0024, GR2023-0019 Toyota of Carlsbad Vegetated BMP Certification September 20, 2023 The surface ponding depth drawdown time for BMP-3 of the Toyota Carlsbad project exceeds the recommended 24 hour drawdown time, but does not exceed the 96 hour maximum drawdown time. I certify that a ponding depth drawdown time exceeding 24 hours, limited to 96 hours is acceptable and will not have any adverse or detrimental impacts to the proposed drought-tolerant landscaping in the proposed biofiltration basins. Per Appendix B, section B.3.3 Step 3C -Biofiltration Processes, County of San Diego BMP Design Manual, effective September 15, 2020. Sincerely, Sean R. Clarke S.R. Clarke Landscape Architecture & Development LLA#5299 Page 1 of 1 March 8, 2021 CTE Job No. 10-15029G Stellar Properties, LLC Attention: Ms. Judy Jones-Cone 6030 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, California Telephone: (760) 496-2931 Via Email: jjones-cone@toyotacarlsbad.com Subject: Additional Percolation Testing and Limited Infiltration Evaluation Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad 5434 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, California Reference: Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc., 2019, Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Sales Building, Toyota Carlsbad, California, Job No. 10-15029G, dated August 2. Ms. Judy Jones-Cone: As requested, Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc. (CTE) provides additional percolation and calculated infiltration rates pertinent to the proposed stormwater BMP’s for the revised retention basin locations. This testing was performed in general accordance with the San Diego Region Model BMP (Best Management Practice) Design Manual”, Appendix C and Appendix D, dated February 2016. The work included test hole excavation, percolation testing, and preparation of this summary report. The attached Figure 1 shows the layout and approximate percolation test locations. References are included in Appendix A. 1.0 PERCOLATION TESTING The test locations and associated depths were determined by the civil engineer and from evaluation of project plans provided by the general contractor. The test holes were excavated with manually operated auger equipment to depths ranging from approximately 5.1 to 5.3 feet below the ground surface. The evaluation was performed in accordance with Appendix C of the San Diego Region Model BMP Design Manual “Geotechnical and Groundwater Investigation Requirements”, dated February 2016. 1.1 Field Exploration The two recent percolation test holes were excavated with a manually advanced six-inch diameter auger on March 5, 2021. The test holes were excavated such that the percolation testing was performed in the areas of proposed BMP’s and to characterize representative infiltration conditions at the site. Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. Inspection I Testing I Geotechnical I Environmental & Construction Engineering I Civil Engineering I Surveying 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 I Escondido, CA 92026 I Ph (760) 746-4955 I Fax (760) 746-9806 I www.cte-inc.net Additional Percolation Testing and Limited Infiltration Evaluation Page 2 Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad 5434 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, California March 8, 2021 CTE Job No. 10-15029G \\file01\CTE Share\Projects\10-15000 to 10-15999 Projects\10-15029G\Ltr_Infiltration Evaluation Results (3-8-21).doc 1.2 Soil Materials According to geologic mapping by Kennedy and Tan (2008), and as observed and described in the referenced soils report, the site is generally underlain by Quaternary Undocumented Fill and Old Paralic Deposits, Unit 6. The percolation tests were performed in Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits-Unit 6 (Qop6). This unit generally consisted of silty fine to medium grained sand to poorly graded fine to medium grained sand. 1.3 Percolation Test Methods The percolation tests were performed in accordance with methods approved by the San Diego BMP Design Manual approximately 18 to 21 hours after the four-hour presoak period. Percolation test results and calculated infiltration rates are presented below in Table 2.0. Field Data and percolation to infiltration calculations are included in Appendix B. 2.0 CALCULATED INFILTRATION RATE As per the San Diego Region BMP design documents (2016) infiltration rates are to be evaluated using the Porchet Method. San Diego BMP design documents utilize the Porchet Method through guidance of the County of Riverside (2011). The intent of calculating the infiltration rate is to take into account bias inherent in percolation test borehole sidewall infiltration that would not occur at a basin bottom where such sidewalls are not present. The infiltration rate (It) is derived by the equation: It = ΔH πr2 60 = ΔH 60 r Δt(πr2 +2πrHavg) Δt(r+2Havg) Where: It = tested infiltration rate, inches/hour ΔH = change in head over the time interval, inches Δt = time interval, minutes * r = effective radius of test hole Havg = average head over the time interval, inches Given the measured percolation rates, the calculated infiltration rates are presented with and without a Factor of Safety applied in Table 2.0 below. The civil engineer of record completed Form I-9 of the San Diego Region Best Management Practice Design Manual, Appendix D and determined that a factor of safety of 2.81 is appropriate for the site. Additional Percolation Testing and Limited Infiltration Evaluation Page 3 Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad 5434 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, California March 8, 2021 CTE Job No. 10-15029G \\file01\CTE Share\Projects\10-15000 to 10-15999 Projects\10-15029G\Ltr_Infiltration Evaluation Results (3-8-21).doc TABLE 2.0 RESULTS OF PERCOLATION TESTING WITH FACTOR OF SAFETY APPLIED Test Location Test Depth Soil Type* Percolation Rate (inches per hour) Infiltration Rate (inches per hour) Infiltration Rate with FOS of 2.81 Applied (inches per hour) (inches) Case (USCS Classification) P-5 63 III Qop 4.750 0.857 0.429 P-6 61 III Qop 1.500 0.247 0.123 NOTES: Water level was measured from a fixed point at the top of the hole. Weather was clear during the percolation testing. Qop = Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits The test holes were six inches in diameter. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS The percolation test results were obtained in general accordance with regional standards. However, it should be noted that percolation test results can significantly vary laterally and vertically due to slight changes in soil type, degree of weathering, secondary mineralization, and other physical and chemical variabilities. As such, the test results are considered to be an estimate of percolation and converted infiltration rates for design purposes. No guarantee is made based on the percolation testing related to the actual functionality or longevity of associated infiltration basins or other BMP devices designed from the presented infiltration rates. 4.0 LIMITATIONS This letter is subject to the same limitations as previous CTE geotechnical documents issued for the subject project. CTE’s conclusions and recommendations are based on an analysis of the observed conditions. If conditions different from those described in this report are encountered during construction, this office should be notified and additional recommendations, if required, will be provided. Additional Percolation Testing and Limited Infiltration Evaluation Page 4 Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad 5434 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, California March 8, 2021 CTE Job No. 10-15029G \\file01\CTE Share\Projects\10-15000 to 10-15999 Projects\10-15029G\Ltr_Infiltration Evaluation Results (3-8-21).doc The opportunity to be of service on this project is appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. Dan T. Math, GE #2665 Aaron J. Beeby, CEG #2603 Principal Engineer Senior Geologist Attachments: Figure 1 Percolation Test Location Map Appendix A References Appendix B Percolation to Infiltration Calculations and Field Data P-1 P-2 P-4 Qop Tsa P-3 P-6 P-5 LEGEND Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits overQop Tsa P-6 Approximate Percolation Test Location Tertiary Santiago Formation CJ'I ~ "C ,.....:.. N I 00 I I"") ........, Q) I,_ ::J CJ'I ii: / c., 0) N 0 I{) ...... I 0 ;;, "' +-' u .5!; 0 I,_ a.. 0) 0) 0) I{) ...... I 0 0 +-' 0 0 0 I{) ...... I 0 ;;, 211-060-17 5444 PASEO DEL NORTE -·--·- ---.- " I ( I f1:ll"--t~~~:I_/ SD - / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I! 8 l tr-/ 1:o- , I P~OPOSED BUll!DING I SD /SD 1-;~1 ) / I / / / I / 137.3' i I I I I _"]-(OS -\ ) \ _r I \I I I I I I 6 ( I/ :1 I I 1::· " I:: S67' 28' 48"W 494.59' 50' 0 25' 50' I r "' +-' a.. -~•-----:~~;::--------------.---PE_R_c_o_T_ •1TI_O_N_TE_ST_L_o_c•-1TI_o_N_"l .. -.n----.1'11111""'1111""'111111'!'-...J C~E'P 2\\\ Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. ~ a mAC / I ~ L 7\ Tr' PROPOSED TOYOTA CARISBAD SALES BUILDING en "---~)'·}-;• 1441 Montiel Rd Ste 115, Escondido, CA 92026 Ph (760) 746-4955 5434 PASEO DEL NORTE ~ CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPENDIX A REFERENCES 1. Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc., 2019, Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Sales Building, Toyota Carlsbad, California, Job No. 10-15029G, dated August 2. 2. __________, 2020, Update to Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Sales Building at Toyota Carlsbad, 5434 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 10-15029G, dated January 30. APPENDIX B PERCOLATION TO INFILTRATION CALCULATIONS AND FIELD DATA P‐5 Total Depth: 63 inches Time Test Interval Time Test Refill Water Level Initial/Start Water Level End/Final Incremental Water Level Change Percolation Rate Percolation Rate (minutes) Depth /Inches Depth /Inches Depth /Inches (inches) inches/minutes inches/hour 8:30:00 Initial None 0.00 initial ‐ 9:00:00 30 55 0.00 59.00 59.00 1.97 118.00 9:30:00 30 55 55.00 57.50 2.50 0.08 5.00 10:00:00 30 55 55.00 57.50 2.50 0.08 5.00 10:30:00 30 54.5 55.00 57.38 2.38 0.08 4.75 11:00:00 30 55 54.50 57.00 2.50 0.08 5.00 11:30:00 30 54.5 55.00 57.38 2.38 0.08 4.75 12:00:00 30 55 54.50 56.88 2.38 0.08 4.75 12:30:00 30 NO 55.00 57.38 2.38 0.08 4.75 P‐6 Total Depth: 61 inches Time Test Interval Time Test Refill Water Level Initial/Start Water Level End/Final Incremental Water Level Change Percolation Rate Percolation Rate (minutes) Depth /Inches Depth /Inches Depth /Inches (inches) inches/minutes inches/hour 8:32:00 Initial None 0.00 initial ‐ 9:02:00 30 NO 0.00 54.13 54.125 1.804 108.250 9:32:00 30 53 54.13 54.25 0.125 0.004 0.250 10:02:00 30 NO 53.00 54.00 1.000 0.033 2.000 10:32:00 30 NO 54.00 53.75 ‐0.250 ‐0.008 ‐0.500 11:02:00 30 53 53.75 54.63 0.875 0.029 1.750 11:32:00 30 NO 53.00 53.75 0.750 0.025 1.500 12:02:00 30 53 53.75 54.63 0.875 0.029 1.750 12:32:00 30 NO 53.00 53.75 0.750 0.025 1.500 PERCOLATION TEST DATA Inches Inches ∆t =30 ∆t =30 Df =57.38 Df =53.75 r = 3 r = 3 D0 =55.00 D0 =53.00 DT =63 DT =61 Ho = 8in Ho = 8in Hf =5.625 in Hf =7.25 in ∆H = ∆D = 2.375 in ∆H = ∆D = 0.75 in Havg =6.8125 in Havg =7.625 in It =0.857 in/hr It =0.247 in/hr Test Hole Radius, Test Hole Radius, Initial Depth to Water, Initial Depth to Water, Total Depth of Test Hole, Total Depth of Test Hole, Percolation Rate Conversion P‐5 Percolation Rate Conversion P‐6 Time Interval,Time Interval, Final Depth of Water, Final Depth of Water, - - ATTACHMENT 3 Hydromodification Plan and POC Exhibit ; I ( SC-E) CONTAINMENT SYSTEM ( SC-F) STORM DRAIN STENCILING OR SIGNAGE SITE DESIGN BMPS ( SD-B) DIRECT RUNOFF TO PERVIOUS AREAS (sD-D) PERMEABLE PAVEMENT ( SD-F) AMENDED SOIL ( SD-G) CONSERVE NATURAL FEATURES I ' ! ' / / ·/! I : ./ ,/, . .. . BIIP- BIDFIL TRA Tl BASIN 1 380Sf :; / /// ' ,,,,_--.., / 1, SC ---"~ SD SD ' ! '-r,r;f /' ./ I SD- SD- -·]':,,>-- SO- SO-I ...... TORMTANK M 20 SERIES --- QUIVALENT Sf DIIA-1.4 ·.----,.-.,., CB ,P""i;rf-14·--~, ~~ ' DMA-1.4 • • ,......_::===:·-SD-® SO- SO- /!/ I!;/ t ;~f ·.; ( _______ J \ -----------~-------- NOTES: 1. NO GROUNDWATER WAS ENCOUNTERED WITHIN THE BORING DEPTH OF 16.5 FEET. GROUNDWATER WAS FOUND ON AN ADJACENT SITE AT AROUND 19 TO 20 FEET DEEP. 2. EXISTING HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP ONSITE PER THE USGS SOIL SURVEY IS "TYPE B". 3. THERE ARE NO CRITICAL COARSE SEDIMENT YIELD AREAS TO BE PROTECTED ONSITE. 4. ALL DMA'S DRAIN TO ONSITE BMP'S. ' 1' RISER HEIGHT TG=SEE PLAN ---<-. DMA-1.3 211-060\17 WSE HMP STORM -11-1-i---r TANK ELEV = L' DMA-1.2 . I 11" SD-K V '->:::-::<.. " . ., _., . ....... ·--.... \ .• •. • •.•. ·• .••. • . . . . ·.·k · .. · .. . ....:.. ~ : ...:.......:.:. : •' . . . . .. . . . . . ft -- 1 ....!... I I I PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT I I I <> I I cc -SJ -sr, - 1 '•" I I I I PR. RIBBON ----I GUTTER I PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT .. -- I I I I /y ')-<· I / PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT I I I I -i I DMA-2.1 I r,~ I ~ PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT 3.5" AC OVER 5" BASE PER GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS PR. ACCESS MANHOLE FOR MAINTENANCE \ \ ) PR. ROOF DOWNSPOUT ID# BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-3 i.,.,---STORM CONTROL BOX 1.25' ID# BMP-1 BMP-2 BMP-3 ~ vH j I i i I I I I I I k,1 \v " I TYPE <I I I ..1, 17 BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) BIOFILTRATION (PR-1) BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) BMP AREA(SF) 1,451 1,660 380 J---fi' 11 , ··· · r' · ~ 11 ' ' . ' TABLE RISER GRAVEL ORIFIC~ HEIGHT DEPTH DIA (IN •x• (IN) "y" (IN) 0.5 12 18 2.0 12 18 0.12 12 30 PONDING ELEVATION TABLE UNDERGOUND STORMTANK AREA SF 1,850 1,338 N/A LEGEND ITEM SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY OMA-AREA HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP LINE HARD SCAPE/ROOF LANDSCAPE OMA BOUNDARY BIOFIL TRA 110N BASIN PERVIOUS PAVEMENT FLOW DIRECTION TRASH CAPTURE DEVICE EDGE OF PAVEMENT (PER PLAN) ATTACHMENT 2A HMP EXHIBIT SYMBOL DIIA-X 1 · .......... I ............ : ........... . --) □ PERVIOUS CONCRETE PERVIOUS CONCRETE SECTION STORl,ffANK ORIFICE DIA IN 0.48 0.4 N/A N.T.S. I __.-PR. 3' SAFETY I FENCE STORM STORM TANK DRAIN SIZE RISER HEIGHT 1• (IN) J" (FT) 10" 2.7 12· 2.6 N/A N/A WO WSE WSE HMP •lOOYR WSE FREEBOARD FREEBOARD •THE BIOFIL TRA TION BASIN IS FOR WATER QUALITY, AND THE STORM TANK FOR HYDROMOOIFICATION CONTROL. THERE IS NO PEAK INCREASE IN 100 YIEAR STORM ON THE SITE, THUS THE BIOFILTRATION BASIN AND STORM TANK DO NOT DETAIN THE 100 YEAR STORM. BASIN STORM TANK STORM TANI BASIN STORM TANK TYPE K' (FT) L' (FT) M' (FT) (FT) (FD BIOFILTRATION (PR-1) 66.53 63.55 64.30 0.5 1.0 BIOFILTRATION (PR-1) 67.83 65.89 65.95 0.5 1.0 BIOFIL TRA TION (PR-1) 64.13 N/A N/A 0.5 N/A ATTACHMENT 4 SDHM Output SDHM 3.1 PROJECT REPORT DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 2 General Model Information TRUST Project Name:DMA - 1_11-14-23 Site Name:1312D - CTE - Toyota-COMBINED Site Address:5424 Paseo del Norte City:Carlsbad, CA 92008 Report Date:11/14/2023 Gage:ENCINITA Data Start:10/01/1963 Data End:09/30/2004 Timestep:Hourly Precip Scale:1.000 Version Date:2022/06/20 POC Thresholds Low Flow Threshold for POC1:10 Percent of the 2 Year High Flow Threshold for POC1:10 Year DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 3 Landuse Basin Data Predeveloped Land Use Basin 1 Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre B,NatVeg,Flat 1.468 Pervious Total 1.468 Impervious Land Use acre Impervious Total 0 Basin Total 1.468 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 4 Mitigated Land Use DMA 1 Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre B,UrbNoIrr,Flat 0.114 Pervious Total 0.114 Impervious Land Use acre IMPERVIOUS-FLAT 1.036 Impervious Total 1.036 Basin Total 1.15 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Surface BMP-1 Surface BMP-1 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 5 Routing Elements Predeveloped Routing DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 6 Mitigated Routing BMP-1 Bottom Length: 38.10 ft. Bottom Width: 38.10 ft. Material thickness of first layer: 0.25 Material type for first layer: Mulch Material thickness of second layer: 1.5 Material type for second layer: ESM Material thickness of third layer: 1.5 Material type for third layer: GRAVEL Infiltration On Infiltration rate:0.21 Infiltration safety factor:1 Total Volume Infiltrated (ac-ft.):15.067 Total Volume Through Riser (ac-ft.):4.645 Total Volume Through Facility (ac-ft.):26.981 Percent Infiltrated:55.84 Total Precip Applied to Facility:0.838 Total Evap From Facility:1.012 Underdrain used Underdrain Diameter (feet):0.5 Orifice Diameter (in.):0.5 Offset (in.):3 Flow Through Underdrain (ac-ft.):7.269 Total Outflow (ac-ft.):26.981 Percent Through Underdrain:26.94 Discharge Structure Riser Height:1 ft. Riser Diameter:30.5 in. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 STORMTANK MODULE 20 Biofilter Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 0.0000 0.0333 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0522 0.0333 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 0.1044 0.0333 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 0.1566 0.0333 0.0016 0.0000 0.0000 0.2088 0.0333 0.0021 0.0000 0.0000 0.2610 0.0333 0.0026 0.0000 0.0000 0.3132 0.0333 0.0031 0.0000 0.0000 0.3654 0.0333 0.0037 0.0000 0.0022 0.4176 0.0333 0.0042 0.0000 0.0032 0.4698 0.0333 0.0047 0.0000 0.0039 0.5220 0.0333 0.0052 0.0000 0.0054 0.5742 0.0333 0.0057 0.0000 0.0063 0.6264 0.0333 0.0063 0.0000 0.0071 0.6786 0.0333 0.0068 0.0000 0.0071 0.7308 0.0333 0.0073 0.0000 0.0071 0.7830 0.0333 0.0078 0.0000 0.0071 0.8352 0.0333 0.0083 0.0000 0.0071 0.8874 0.0333 0.0089 0.0000 0.0071 0.9396 0.0333 0.0094 0.0000 0.0071 0.9918 0.0333 0.0099 0.0000 0.0071 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 7 1.0440 0.0333 0.0104 0.0000 0.0071 1.0962 0.0333 0.0110 0.0000 0.0071 1.1484 0.0333 0.0115 0.0000 0.0071 1.2005 0.0333 0.0120 0.0000 0.0071 1.2527 0.0333 0.0125 0.0000 0.0071 1.3049 0.0333 0.0130 0.0000 0.0071 1.3571 0.0333 0.0136 0.0000 0.0071 1.4093 0.0333 0.0141 0.0005 0.0071 1.4615 0.0333 0.0146 0.0008 0.0071 1.5137 0.0333 0.0151 0.0012 0.0071 1.5659 0.0333 0.0157 0.0014 0.0071 1.6181 0.0333 0.0162 0.0016 0.0071 1.6703 0.0333 0.0167 0.0018 0.0071 1.7225 0.0333 0.0172 0.0020 0.0071 1.7747 0.0333 0.0179 0.0021 0.0071 1.8269 0.0333 0.0187 0.0023 0.0071 1.8791 0.0333 0.0194 0.0024 0.0071 1.9313 0.0333 0.0201 0.0025 0.0071 1.9835 0.0333 0.0208 0.0026 0.0071 2.0357 0.0333 0.0216 0.0028 0.0071 2.0879 0.0333 0.0223 0.0028 0.0071 2.1401 0.0333 0.0230 0.0030 0.0071 2.1923 0.0333 0.0237 0.0030 0.0071 2.2445 0.0333 0.0244 0.0031 0.0071 2.2967 0.0333 0.0252 0.0033 0.0071 2.3489 0.0333 0.0259 0.0035 0.0071 2.4011 0.0333 0.0266 0.0038 0.0071 2.4533 0.0333 0.0273 0.0041 0.0071 2.5055 0.0333 0.0280 0.0044 0.0071 2.5577 0.0333 0.0288 0.0047 0.0071 2.6099 0.0333 0.0295 0.0049 0.0071 2.6621 0.0333 0.0302 0.0051 0.0071 2.7143 0.0333 0.0309 0.0054 0.0071 2.7665 0.0333 0.0317 0.0056 0.0071 2.8187 0.0333 0.0324 0.0058 0.0071 2.8709 0.0333 0.0331 0.0060 0.0071 2.9231 0.0333 0.0338 0.0062 0.0071 2.9753 0.0333 0.0345 0.0064 0.0071 3.0275 0.0333 0.0353 0.0066 0.0071 3.0797 0.0333 0.0360 0.0068 0.0071 3.1319 0.0333 0.0367 0.0070 0.0071 3.1841 0.0333 0.0374 0.0071 0.0071 3.2363 0.0333 0.0382 0.0073 0.0071 3.2500 0.0333 0.0383 0.0118 0.0071 Biofilter Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)To Amended(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 3.2500 0.0333 0.0383 0.0000 0.1680 0.0000 3.3022 0.0333 0.0401 0.0000 0.1680 0.0000 3.3544 0.0333 0.0418 0.0000 0.2077 0.0000 3.4066 0.0333 0.0436 0.0000 0.2136 0.0000 3.4588 0.0333 0.0453 0.0000 0.2194 0.0000 3.5110 0.0333 0.0470 0.0000 0.2252 0.0000 3.5632 0.0333 0.0488 0.0000 0.2311 0.0000 3.6154 0.0333 0.0505 0.0000 0.2369 0.0000 3.6676 0.0333 0.0523 0.0000 0.2428 0.0000 3.7198 0.0333 0.0540 0.0000 0.2486 0.0000 3.7720 0.0333 0.0557 0.0000 0.2545 0.0000 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 8 3.8242 0.0333 0.0575 0.0000 0.2603 0.0000 3.8764 0.0333 0.0592 0.0000 0.2662 0.0000 3.9286 0.0333 0.0610 0.0000 0.2720 0.0000 3.9808 0.0333 0.0627 0.0000 0.2779 0.0000 4.0330 0.0333 0.0644 0.0000 0.2837 0.0000 4.0852 0.0333 0.0662 0.0000 0.2896 0.0000 4.1374 0.0333 0.0679 0.0000 0.2954 0.0000 4.1896 0.0333 0.0697 0.0000 0.3012 0.0000 4.2418 0.0333 0.0714 0.0000 0.3071 0.0000 4.2940 0.0333 0.0731 0.2486 0.3129 0.0000 4.3462 0.0333 0.0749 0.8035 0.3188 0.0000 4.3984 0.0333 0.0766 1.5384 0.3246 0.0000 4.4505 0.0333 0.0784 2.4141 0.3305 0.0000 4.5027 0.0333 0.0801 3.4065 0.3363 0.0000 4.5549 0.0333 0.0818 4.4963 0.3422 0.0000 4.6071 0.0333 0.0836 5.6662 0.3480 0.0000 4.6593 0.0333 0.0853 6.8989 0.3539 0.0000 4.7115 0.0333 0.0870 8.1775 0.3597 0.0000 4.7500 0.0333 0.0883 9.4842 0.3640 0.0000 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 9 Surface BMP-1 Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 STORMTANK MODULE 20BMP-1 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 10 PERVIOUS CONCRETE Pavement Area:0.3197 acre.Pavement Length: 118.00 ft. Pavement Width: 118.00 ft. Pavement slope 1:0 To 1 Pavement thickness: 0.2916 Pour Space of Pavement: 0.2 Material thickness of second layer: 0.5833 Pour Space of material for second layer: 0.4 Material thickness of third layer: 0 Pour Space of material for third layer: 0 Infiltration On Infiltration rate:0.21 Infiltration safety factor:1 Total Volume Infiltrated (ac-ft.):8.03 Total Volume Through Riser (ac-ft.):0 Total Volume Through Facility (ac-ft.):8.03 Percent Infiltrated:100 Total Precip Applied to Facility:0 Total Evap From Facility:0.297 Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Surface BMP-1 Porous Pavement Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 0.0000 0.319 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0097 0.319 0.001 0.000 0.067 0.0194 0.319 0.002 0.000 0.067 0.0292 0.319 0.003 0.000 0.067 0.0389 0.319 0.005 0.000 0.067 0.0486 0.319 0.006 0.000 0.067 0.0583 0.319 0.007 0.000 0.067 0.0681 0.319 0.008 0.000 0.067 0.0778 0.319 0.009 0.000 0.067 0.0875 0.319 0.011 0.000 0.067 0.0972 0.319 0.012 0.000 0.067 0.1069 0.319 0.013 0.000 0.067 0.1167 0.319 0.014 0.000 0.067 0.1264 0.319 0.016 0.000 0.067 0.1361 0.319 0.017 0.000 0.067 0.1458 0.319 0.018 0.000 0.067 0.1556 0.319 0.019 0.000 0.067 0.1653 0.319 0.021 0.000 0.067 0.1750 0.319 0.022 0.000 0.067 0.1847 0.319 0.023 0.000 0.067 0.1944 0.319 0.024 0.000 0.067 0.2042 0.319 0.026 0.000 0.067 0.2139 0.319 0.027 0.000 0.067 0.2236 0.319 0.028 0.000 0.067 0.2333 0.319 0.029 0.000 0.067 0.2431 0.319 0.031 0.000 0.067 0.2528 0.319 0.032 0.000 0.067 0.2625 0.319 0.033 0.000 0.067 0.2722 0.319 0.034 0.000 0.067 0.2819 0.319 0.036 0.000 0.067 0.2917 0.319 0.037 0.000 0.067 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 11 0.3014 0.319 0.038 0.000 0.067 0.3111 0.319 0.039 0.000 0.067 0.3208 0.319 0.041 0.000 0.067 0.3306 0.319 0.042 0.000 0.067 0.3403 0.319 0.043 0.000 0.067 0.3500 0.319 0.044 0.000 0.067 0.3597 0.319 0.046 0.000 0.067 0.3694 0.319 0.047 0.000 0.067 0.3792 0.319 0.048 0.000 0.067 0.3889 0.319 0.049 0.000 0.067 0.3986 0.319 0.051 0.000 0.067 0.4083 0.319 0.052 0.000 0.067 0.4181 0.319 0.053 0.000 0.067 0.4278 0.319 0.054 0.000 0.067 0.4375 0.319 0.055 0.000 0.067 0.4472 0.319 0.057 0.000 0.067 0.4569 0.319 0.058 0.000 0.067 0.4667 0.319 0.059 0.000 0.067 0.4764 0.319 0.060 0.000 0.067 0.4861 0.319 0.062 0.000 0.067 0.4958 0.319 0.063 0.000 0.067 0.5056 0.319 0.064 0.000 0.067 0.5153 0.319 0.065 0.000 0.067 0.5250 0.319 0.067 0.000 0.067 0.5347 0.319 0.068 0.000 0.067 0.5444 0.319 0.069 0.000 0.067 0.5542 0.319 0.070 0.000 0.067 0.5639 0.319 0.072 0.000 0.067 0.5736 0.319 0.073 0.000 0.067 0.5833 0.319 0.074 0.000 0.067 0.5931 0.319 0.074 0.000 0.067 0.6028 0.319 0.075 0.000 0.067 0.6125 0.319 0.075 0.000 0.067 0.6222 0.319 0.076 0.000 0.067 0.6319 0.319 0.077 0.000 0.067 0.6417 0.319 0.077 0.000 0.067 0.6514 0.319 0.078 0.000 0.067 0.6611 0.319 0.078 0.000 0.067 0.6708 0.319 0.079 0.000 0.067 0.6806 0.319 0.080 0.000 0.067 0.6903 0.319 0.080 0.000 0.067 0.7000 0.319 0.081 0.000 0.067 0.7097 0.319 0.082 0.000 0.067 0.7194 0.319 0.082 0.000 0.067 0.7292 0.319 0.083 0.000 0.067 0.7389 0.319 0.083 0.000 0.067 0.7486 0.319 0.084 0.000 0.067 0.7583 0.319 0.085 0.000 0.067 0.7681 0.319 0.085 0.000 0.067 0.7778 0.319 0.086 0.000 0.067 0.7875 0.319 0.087 0.000 0.067 0.7972 0.319 0.087 0.000 0.067 0.8069 0.319 0.088 0.000 0.067 0.8167 0.319 0.088 0.000 0.067 0.8264 0.319 0.089 0.000 0.067 0.8361 0.319 0.090 0.000 0.067 0.8458 0.319 0.090 0.000 0.067 0.8556 0.319 0.091 0.000 0.067 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 12 0.8653 0.319 0.092 0.000 0.067 0.8750 0.319 0.095 0.000 0.067 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 13 STORMTANK MODULE 20 Width:68 ft. Length:28 ft. Depth:3 ft. Infiltration On Infiltration rate:0.21 Infiltration safety factor:1 Total Volume Infiltrated (ac-ft.):8.395 Total Volume Through Riser (ac-ft.):3.522 Total Volume Through Facility (ac-ft.):11.917 Percent Infiltrated:70.45 Total Precip Applied to Facility:0 Total Evap From Facility:0 Discharge Structure Riser Height:2.7 ft. Riser Diameter:30.5 in. Notch Type:Rectangular Notch Width:1.250 ft. Notch Height:0.100 ft. Orifice 1 Diameter:0.480 in.Elevation:0 ft. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Vault Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 0.0000 0.043 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0333 0.043 0.001 0.001 0.009 0.0667 0.043 0.002 0.001 0.009 0.1000 0.043 0.004 0.002 0.009 0.1333 0.043 0.005 0.002 0.009 0.1667 0.043 0.007 0.002 0.009 0.2000 0.043 0.008 0.002 0.009 0.2333 0.043 0.010 0.003 0.009 0.2667 0.043 0.011 0.003 0.009 0.3000 0.043 0.013 0.003 0.009 0.3333 0.043 0.014 0.003 0.009 0.3667 0.043 0.016 0.003 0.009 0.4000 0.043 0.017 0.004 0.009 0.4333 0.043 0.018 0.004 0.009 0.4667 0.043 0.020 0.004 0.009 0.5000 0.043 0.021 0.004 0.009 0.5333 0.043 0.023 0.004 0.009 0.5667 0.043 0.024 0.004 0.009 0.6000 0.043 0.026 0.004 0.009 0.6333 0.043 0.027 0.005 0.009 0.6667 0.043 0.029 0.005 0.009 0.7000 0.043 0.030 0.005 0.009 0.7333 0.043 0.032 0.005 0.009 0.7667 0.043 0.033 0.005 0.009 0.8000 0.043 0.035 0.005 0.009 0.8333 0.043 0.036 0.005 0.009 0.8667 0.043 0.037 0.005 0.009 0.9000 0.043 0.039 0.005 0.009 0.9333 0.043 0.040 0.006 0.009 0.9667 0.043 0.042 0.006 0.009 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 14 1.0000 0.043 0.043 0.006 0.009 1.0333 0.043 0.045 0.006 0.009 1.0667 0.043 0.046 0.006 0.009 1.1000 0.043 0.048 0.006 0.009 1.1333 0.043 0.049 0.006 0.009 1.1667 0.043 0.051 0.006 0.009 1.2000 0.043 0.052 0.006 0.009 1.2333 0.043 0.053 0.006 0.009 1.2667 0.043 0.055 0.007 0.009 1.3000 0.043 0.056 0.007 0.009 1.3333 0.043 0.058 0.007 0.009 1.3667 0.043 0.059 0.007 0.009 1.4000 0.043 0.061 0.007 0.009 1.4333 0.043 0.062 0.007 0.009 1.4667 0.043 0.064 0.007 0.009 1.5000 0.043 0.065 0.007 0.009 1.5333 0.043 0.067 0.007 0.009 1.5667 0.043 0.068 0.007 0.009 1.6000 0.043 0.069 0.007 0.009 1.6333 0.043 0.071 0.008 0.009 1.6667 0.043 0.072 0.008 0.009 1.7000 0.043 0.074 0.008 0.009 1.7333 0.043 0.075 0.008 0.009 1.7667 0.043 0.077 0.008 0.009 1.8000 0.043 0.078 0.008 0.009 1.8333 0.043 0.080 0.008 0.009 1.8667 0.043 0.081 0.008 0.009 1.9000 0.043 0.083 0.008 0.009 1.9333 0.043 0.084 0.008 0.009 1.9667 0.043 0.086 0.008 0.009 2.0000 0.043 0.087 0.008 0.009 2.0333 0.043 0.088 0.008 0.009 2.0667 0.043 0.090 0.009 0.009 2.1000 0.043 0.091 0.009 0.009 2.1333 0.043 0.093 0.009 0.009 2.1667 0.043 0.094 0.009 0.009 2.2000 0.043 0.096 0.009 0.009 2.2333 0.043 0.097 0.009 0.009 2.2667 0.043 0.099 0.009 0.009 2.3000 0.043 0.100 0.009 0.009 2.3333 0.043 0.102 0.009 0.009 2.3667 0.043 0.103 0.009 0.009 2.4000 0.043 0.104 0.009 0.009 2.4333 0.043 0.106 0.009 0.009 2.4667 0.043 0.107 0.009 0.009 2.5000 0.043 0.109 0.009 0.009 2.5333 0.043 0.110 0.010 0.009 2.5667 0.043 0.112 0.010 0.009 2.6000 0.043 0.113 0.010 0.009 2.6333 0.043 0.115 0.035 0.009 2.6667 0.043 0.116 0.081 0.009 2.7000 0.043 0.118 0.141 0.009 2.7333 0.043 0.119 0.306 0.009 2.7667 0.043 0.120 0.606 0.009 2.8000 0.043 0.122 0.994 0.009 2.8333 0.043 0.123 1.453 0.009 2.8667 0.043 0.125 1.973 0.009 2.9000 0.043 0.126 2.546 0.009 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 15 2.9333 0.043 0.128 3.167 0.009 2.9667 0.043 0.129 3.830 0.009 3.0000 0.043 0.131 4.531 0.009 3.0333 0.043 0.132 5.266 0.009 3.0667 0.000 0.000 6.029 0.000 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:18 PM Page 16 Analysis Results POC 1 + Predeveloped x Mitigated Predeveloped Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:1.468 Total Impervious Area:0 Mitigated Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0.114 Total Impervious Area:1.355651 Flow Frequency Method:Cunnane Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.096979 5 year 0.207223 10 year 0.290946 25 year 0.554863 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.007026 5 year 0.087502 10 year 0.22026 25 year 0.369017 029 " • 0,22 .. £ " ~ 0 015 J u. 0.08 0.01 11:t-4 ltt-3 ltt-2 10E·1 10 100 P-ro-not: -W.m-Ex.c..--dfng 0.001 t--•. -, -,--,----,.,-,--,.--,.--.. --,.-.,--.. --.. ---.. --.. -,.-,--+, 0001 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:24 PM Page 17 Duration Flows The Facility PASSED Flow(cfs)Predev Mit Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0097 403 214 53 Pass 0.0125 296 81 27 Pass 0.0154 236 76 32 Pass 0.0182 204 71 34 Pass 0.0211 184 69 37 Pass 0.0239 166 63 37 Pass 0.0267 152 59 38 Pass 0.0296 139 56 40 Pass 0.0324 126 54 42 Pass 0.0353 117 53 45 Pass 0.0381 113 48 42 Pass 0.0409 106 46 43 Pass 0.0438 98 43 43 Pass 0.0466 96 43 44 Pass 0.0495 95 40 42 Pass 0.0523 94 40 42 Pass 0.0552 92 40 43 Pass 0.0580 86 39 45 Pass 0.0608 82 39 47 Pass 0.0637 77 39 50 Pass 0.0665 73 35 47 Pass 0.0694 70 34 48 Pass 0.0722 68 32 47 Pass 0.0750 66 30 45 Pass 0.0779 64 30 46 Pass 0.0807 61 25 40 Pass 0.0836 57 24 42 Pass 0.0864 56 23 41 Pass 0.0892 54 21 38 Pass 0.0921 50 20 40 Pass 0.0949 48 20 41 Pass 0.0978 45 20 44 Pass 0.1006 45 19 42 Pass 0.1034 43 19 44 Pass 0.1063 41 18 43 Pass 0.1091 40 18 45 Pass 0.1120 37 18 48 Pass 0.1148 34 14 41 Pass 0.1177 32 14 43 Pass 0.1205 31 14 45 Pass 0.1233 31 13 41 Pass 0.1262 29 13 44 Pass 0.1290 29 13 44 Pass 0.1319 28 13 46 Pass 0.1347 28 13 46 Pass 0.1375 28 13 46 Pass 0.1404 28 13 46 Pass 0.1432 28 13 46 Pass 0.1461 25 13 52 Pass 0.1489 25 13 52 Pass 0.1517 25 13 52 Pass 0.1546 23 11 47 Pass 0.1574 23 11 47 Pass DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:24 PM Page 18 0.1603 23 11 47 Pass 0.1631 23 11 47 Pass 0.1659 23 11 47 Pass 0.1688 22 11 50 Pass 0.1716 20 11 55 Pass 0.1745 20 11 55 Pass 0.1773 20 10 50 Pass 0.1802 17 10 58 Pass 0.1830 16 10 62 Pass 0.1858 15 10 66 Pass 0.1887 15 10 66 Pass 0.1915 14 10 71 Pass 0.1944 13 10 76 Pass 0.1972 13 10 76 Pass 0.2000 13 10 76 Pass 0.2029 13 10 76 Pass 0.2057 13 10 76 Pass 0.2086 12 9 75 Pass 0.2114 12 9 75 Pass 0.2142 12 9 75 Pass 0.2171 12 9 75 Pass 0.2199 12 9 75 Pass 0.2228 12 9 75 Pass 0.2256 10 9 90 Pass 0.2284 10 9 90 Pass 0.2313 9 9 100 Pass 0.2341 9 7 77 Pass 0.2370 9 7 77 Pass 0.2398 9 7 77 Pass 0.2427 9 7 77 Pass 0.2455 9 7 77 Pass 0.2483 9 7 77 Pass 0.2512 9 7 77 Pass 0.2540 8 7 87 Pass 0.2569 7 7 100 Pass 0.2597 7 7 100 Pass 0.2625 7 7 100 Pass 0.2654 7 7 100 Pass 0.2682 7 7 100 Pass 0.2711 7 7 100 Pass 0.2739 7 7 100 Pass 0.2767 7 7 100 Pass 0.2796 7 6 85 Pass 0.2824 7 6 85 Pass 0.2853 6 6 100 Pass 0.2881 6 6 100 Pass 0.2909 6 5 83 Pass DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:24 PM Page 19 Water Quality Drawdown Time Results Pond: STORMTANK MODULE 20 Days Stage(feet)Percent of Total Run Time 1 0.611 0.8021 2 1.312 0.3466 3 2.105 0.1382 4 0.000 N/A 5 0.000 N/A Maximum Stage:2.700 Drawdown Time:03 14:01:30 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:24 PM Page 20 Model Default Modifications Total of 0 changes have been made. PERLND Changes No PERLND changes have been made. IMPLND Changes No IMPLND changes have been made. DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:24 PM Page 21 Appendix Predeveloped Schematic wm Basin 1 1.47ac DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:25 PM Page 22 Mitigated Schematic ~!""" PERVIOUS ~~CONCRETE DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:25 PM Page 23 Predeveloped UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1963 10 01 END 2004 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 DMA - 1_11-14-23.wdm MESSU 25 PreDMA - 1_11-14-23.MES 27 PreDMA - 1_11-14-23.L61 28 PreDMA - 1_11-14-23.L62 30 POCDMA - 1_11-14-231.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:60 PERLND 10 COPY 501 DISPLY 1 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 Basin 1 MAX 1 2 30 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** END OPCODE PARM # # K *** END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 10 B,NatVeg,Flat 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:25 PM Page 24 PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 10 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 10 0 4 0.07 100 0.05 2.5 0.915 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 10 0 0 2 2 0 0.05 0.05 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 10 0 0.6 0.04 1 0.3 0 END PWAT-PARM4 MON-LZETPARM <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 10 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 END MON-LZETPARM MON-INTERCEP <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 10 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.1 0.1 0.1 END MON-INTERCEP PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 10 0 0 0.01 0 0.4 0.01 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC END IWAT-PARM2 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:25 PM Page 25 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS END IWAT-STATE1 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** Basin 1*** PERLND 10 1.468 COPY 501 12 PERLND 10 1.468 COPY 501 13 ******Routing****** END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:25 PM Page 26 SPEC-ACTIONS END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 WDM 501 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 12 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 12 MASS-LINK 13 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 13 END MASS-LINK END RUN DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 27 Mitigated UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1963 10 01 END 2004 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 DMA - 1_11-14-23.wdm MESSU 25 MitDMA - 1_11-14-23.MES 27 MitDMA - 1_11-14-23.L61 28 MitDMA - 1_11-14-23.L62 30 POCDMA - 1_11-14-231.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:60 PERLND 52 IMPLND 1 IMPLND 5 RCHRES 1 GENER 3 RCHRES 2 RCHRES 3 RCHRES 4 COPY 1 COPY 501 DISPLY 1 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 STORMTANK MODULE 20 MAX 1 2 30 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** 3 24 END OPCODE PARM # # K *** 3 0. END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 52 B,UrbNoIrr,Flat 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 28 # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 52 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 52 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 52 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 52 0 4 0.07 50 0.05 2.5 0.915 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 52 0 0 2 2 0 0.05 0.05 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 52 0 0.6 0.03 1 0.3 0 END PWAT-PARM4 MON-LZETPARM <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 52 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 END MON-LZETPARM MON-INTERCEP <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 52 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 END MON-INTERCEP PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 52 0 0 0.01 0 0.4 0.01 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 1 IMPERVIOUS-FLAT 1 1 1 27 0 5 Porous Pavement 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 29 <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* 1 0 0 4 0 0 4 1 9 5 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 1 END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC 1 100 0.05 0.011 0.1 5 100 0.01 0.011 0.1 END IWAT-PARM2 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN 1 0 0 5 0 0 END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS 1 0 0 5 0 0 END IWAT-STATE1 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** DMA 1*** PERLND 52 0.114 RCHRES 2 2 PERLND 52 0.114 RCHRES 2 3 IMPLND 1 1.036 RCHRES 2 5 IMPLND 5 0.3197 RCHRES 1 5 ******Routing****** RCHRES 3 1 RCHRES 4 7 RCHRES 3 COPY 1 17 RCHRES 2 1 RCHRES 4 7 RCHRES 2 COPY 1 17 RCHRES 2 1 RCHRES 3 8 RCHRES 1 1 RCHRES 2 7 RCHRES 4 1 COPY 501 17 END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 GENER 3 OUTPUT TIMSER .0002778 RCHRES 2 EXTNL OUTDGT 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 30 # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** 1 PERVIOUS CONCRET-008 2 1 1 1 28 0 1 2 Surface BMP-1 2 1 1 1 28 0 1 3 BMP-1 2 1 1 1 28 0 1 4 STORMTANK MODULE-009 2 1 1 1 28 0 1 END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** 1 0 1 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 0 1 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 4 0 1 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** 1 1 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 2 2 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 3 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 4 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> 1 0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES SPEC-ACTIONS *** User-Defined Variable Quantity Lines *** addr *** <------> *** kwd varnam optyp opn vari s1 s2 s3 tp multiply lc ls ac as agfn *** <****> <----> <----> <-> <----><-><-><-><-><--------> <><-> <><-> <--> *** UVQUAN vol3 RCHRES 3 VOL 4 UVQUAN v2m3 GLOBAL WORKSP 2 3 UVQUAN vpo3 GLOBAL WORKSP 3 3 UVQUAN v2d3 GENER 3 K 1 3 *** User-Defined Target Variable Names *** addr or addr or DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 31 *** <------> <------> *** kwd varnam ct vari s1 s2 s3 frac oper vari s1 s2 s3 frac oper <****> <----><-> <----><-><-><-> <---> <--> <----><-><-><-> <---> <--> UVNAME v2m3 1 WORKSP 2 1.0 QUAN UVNAME vpo3 1 WORKSP 3 1.0 QUAN UVNAME v2d3 1 K 1 1.0 QUAN *** opt foplop dcdts yr mo dy hr mn d t vnam s1 s2 s3 ac quantity tc ts rp <****><-><--><><-><--> <> <> <> <><><> <----><-><-><-><-><--------> <> <-><-> GENER 3 v2m3 = 1738.01 *** Compute remaining available pore space GENER 3 vpo3 = v2m3 GENER 3 vpo3 -= vol3 *** Check to see if VPORA goes negative; if so set VPORA = 0.0 IF (vpo3 < 0.0) THEN GENER 3 vpo3 = 0.0 END IF *** Infiltration volume GENER 3 v2d3 = vpo3 END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES FTABLE 3 64 5 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Outflow2 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** 0.000000 0.033324 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.052198 0.033324 0.000522 0.000000 0.000000 0.104396 0.033324 0.001044 0.000000 0.000000 0.156593 0.033324 0.001566 0.000000 0.000000 0.208791 0.033324 0.002087 0.000000 0.000000 0.260989 0.033324 0.002609 0.000000 0.000000 0.313187 0.033324 0.003131 0.000000 0.000000 0.365385 0.033324 0.003653 0.000000 0.002189 0.417582 0.033324 0.004175 0.000000 0.003246 0.469780 0.033324 0.004697 0.000000 0.003886 0.521978 0.033324 0.005218 0.000000 0.005411 0.574176 0.033324 0.005740 0.000000 0.006304 0.626374 0.033324 0.006262 0.000000 0.007056 0.678571 0.033324 0.006784 0.000000 0.007056 0.730769 0.033324 0.007306 0.000000 0.007056 0.782967 0.033324 0.007828 0.000000 0.007056 0.835165 0.033324 0.008349 0.000000 0.007056 0.887363 0.033324 0.008871 0.000000 0.007056 0.939560 0.033324 0.009393 0.000000 0.007056 0.991758 0.033324 0.009915 0.000000 0.007056 1.043956 0.033324 0.010437 0.000000 0.007056 1.096154 0.033324 0.010959 0.000000 0.007056 1.148352 0.033324 0.011480 0.000000 0.007056 1.200549 0.033324 0.012002 0.000000 0.007056 1.252747 0.033324 0.012524 0.000000 0.007056 1.304945 0.033324 0.013046 0.000000 0.007056 1.357143 0.033324 0.013568 0.000000 0.007056 1.409341 0.033324 0.014090 0.000535 0.007056 1.461538 0.033324 0.014611 0.000803 0.007056 1.513736 0.033324 0.015133 0.001170 0.007056 1.565934 0.033324 0.015655 0.001354 0.007056 1.618132 0.033324 0.016177 0.001624 0.007056 1.670330 0.033324 0.016699 0.001759 0.007056 1.722527 0.033324 0.017221 0.001975 0.007056 1.774725 0.033324 0.017943 0.002083 0.007056 1.826923 0.033324 0.018664 0.002268 0.007056 1.879121 0.033324 0.019386 0.002361 0.007056 1.931319 0.033324 0.020108 0.002526 0.007056 1.983516 0.033324 0.020830 0.002608 0.007056 2.035714 0.033324 0.021552 0.002758 0.007056 2.087912 0.033324 0.022274 0.002832 0.007056 2.140110 0.033324 0.022996 0.002971 0.007056 2.192308 0.033324 0.023718 0.003040 0.007056 2.244505 0.033324 0.024439 0.003115 0.007056 2.296703 0.033324 0.025161 0.003292 0.007056 2.348901 0.033324 0.025883 0.003547 0.007056 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 32 2.401099 0.033324 0.026605 0.003828 0.007056 2.453297 0.033324 0.027327 0.004111 0.007056 2.505495 0.033324 0.028049 0.004387 0.007056 2.557692 0.033324 0.028771 0.004651 0.007056 2.609890 0.033324 0.029493 0.004903 0.007056 2.662088 0.033324 0.030214 0.005145 0.007056 2.714286 0.033324 0.030936 0.005376 0.007056 2.766484 0.033324 0.031658 0.005597 0.007056 2.818681 0.033324 0.032380 0.005810 0.007056 2.870879 0.033324 0.033102 0.006016 0.007056 2.923077 0.033324 0.033824 0.006215 0.007056 2.975275 0.033324 0.034546 0.006408 0.007056 3.027473 0.033324 0.035268 0.006595 0.007056 3.079670 0.033324 0.035989 0.006778 0.007056 3.131868 0.033324 0.036711 0.006956 0.007056 3.184066 0.033324 0.037433 0.007131 0.007056 3.236264 0.033324 0.038155 0.007305 0.007056 3.250000 0.033324 0.039899 0.011751 0.007056 END FTABLE 3 FTABLE 2 30 5 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Outflow2 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** 0.000000 0.033324 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.052198 0.033324 0.001739 0.000000 0.168011 0.104396 0.033324 0.003479 0.000000 0.207705 0.156593 0.033324 0.005218 0.000000 0.213552 0.208791 0.033324 0.006958 0.000000 0.219398 0.260989 0.033324 0.008697 0.000000 0.225245 0.313187 0.033324 0.010437 0.000000 0.231091 0.365385 0.033324 0.012176 0.000000 0.236938 0.417582 0.033324 0.013916 0.000000 0.242784 0.469780 0.033324 0.015655 0.000000 0.248631 0.521978 0.033324 0.017395 0.000000 0.254478 0.574176 0.033324 0.019134 0.000000 0.260324 0.626374 0.033324 0.020874 0.000000 0.266171 0.678571 0.033324 0.022613 0.000000 0.272017 0.730769 0.033324 0.024352 0.000000 0.277864 0.782967 0.033324 0.026092 0.000000 0.283710 0.835165 0.033324 0.027831 0.000000 0.289557 0.887363 0.033324 0.029571 0.000000 0.295403 0.939560 0.033324 0.031310 0.000000 0.301250 0.991758 0.033324 0.033050 0.000000 0.307096 1.043956 0.033324 0.034789 0.248565 0.312943 1.096154 0.033324 0.036529 0.803530 0.318789 1.148352 0.033324 0.038268 1.538376 0.324636 1.200549 0.033324 0.040008 2.414118 0.330482 1.252747 0.033324 0.041747 3.406511 0.336329 1.304945 0.033324 0.043486 4.496336 0.342175 1.357143 0.033324 0.045226 5.666154 0.348022 1.409341 0.033324 0.046965 6.898936 0.353868 1.461538 0.033324 0.048705 8.177482 0.359715 1.500000 0.033324 0.049987 9.484234 0.364023 END FTABLE 2 FTABLE 1 91 5 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Outflow2 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** 0.000000 0.319651 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.009722 0.319651 0.001243 0.000000 0.067686 0.019444 0.319651 0.002486 0.000000 0.067686 0.029167 0.319651 0.003729 0.000000 0.067686 0.038889 0.319651 0.004972 0.000000 0.067686 0.048611 0.319651 0.006215 0.000000 0.067686 0.058333 0.319651 0.007459 0.000000 0.067686 0.068056 0.319651 0.008702 0.000000 0.067686 0.077778 0.319651 0.009945 0.000000 0.067686 0.087500 0.319651 0.011188 0.000000 0.067686 0.097222 0.319651 0.012431 0.000000 0.067686 0.106944 0.319651 0.013674 0.000000 0.067686 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 33 0.116667 0.319651 0.014917 0.000000 0.067686 0.126389 0.319651 0.016160 0.000000 0.067686 0.136111 0.319651 0.017403 0.000000 0.067686 0.145833 0.319651 0.018646 0.000000 0.067686 0.155556 0.319651 0.019889 0.000000 0.067686 0.165278 0.319651 0.021132 0.000000 0.067686 0.175000 0.319651 0.022376 0.000000 0.067686 0.184722 0.319651 0.023619 0.000000 0.067686 0.194444 0.319651 0.024862 0.000000 0.067686 0.204167 0.319651 0.026105 0.000000 0.067686 0.213889 0.319651 0.027348 0.000000 0.067686 0.223611 0.319651 0.028591 0.000000 0.067686 0.233333 0.319651 0.029834 0.000000 0.067686 0.243056 0.319651 0.031077 0.000000 0.067686 0.252778 0.319651 0.032320 0.000000 0.067686 0.262500 0.319651 0.033563 0.000000 0.067686 0.272222 0.319651 0.034806 0.000000 0.067686 0.281944 0.319651 0.036050 0.000000 0.067686 0.291667 0.319651 0.037293 0.000000 0.067686 0.301389 0.319651 0.038536 0.000000 0.067686 0.311111 0.319651 0.039779 0.000000 0.067686 0.320833 0.319651 0.041022 0.000000 0.067686 0.330556 0.319651 0.042265 0.000000 0.067686 0.340278 0.319651 0.043508 0.000000 0.067686 0.350000 0.319651 0.044751 0.000000 0.067686 0.359722 0.319651 0.045994 0.000000 0.067686 0.369444 0.319651 0.047237 0.000000 0.067686 0.379167 0.319651 0.048480 0.000000 0.067686 0.388889 0.319651 0.049723 0.000000 0.067686 0.398611 0.319651 0.050967 0.000000 0.067686 0.408333 0.319651 0.052210 0.000000 0.067686 0.418056 0.319651 0.053453 0.000000 0.067686 0.427778 0.319651 0.054696 0.000000 0.067686 0.437500 0.319651 0.055939 0.000000 0.067686 0.447222 0.319651 0.057182 0.000000 0.067686 0.456944 0.319651 0.058425 0.000000 0.067686 0.466667 0.319651 0.059668 0.000000 0.067686 0.476389 0.319651 0.060911 0.000000 0.067686 0.486111 0.319651 0.062154 0.000000 0.067686 0.495833 0.319651 0.063397 0.000000 0.067686 0.505556 0.319651 0.064641 0.000000 0.067686 0.515278 0.319651 0.065884 0.000000 0.067686 0.525000 0.319651 0.067127 0.000000 0.067686 0.534722 0.319651 0.068370 0.000000 0.067686 0.544444 0.319651 0.069613 0.000000 0.067686 0.554167 0.319651 0.070856 0.000000 0.067686 0.563889 0.319651 0.072099 0.000000 0.067686 0.573611 0.319651 0.073342 0.000000 0.067686 0.583333 0.319651 0.073964 0.000000 0.067686 0.593056 0.319651 0.074585 0.000000 0.067686 0.602778 0.319651 0.075207 0.000000 0.067686 0.612500 0.319651 0.075828 0.000000 0.067686 0.622222 0.319651 0.076450 0.000000 0.067686 0.631944 0.319651 0.077071 0.000000 0.067686 0.641667 0.319651 0.077693 0.000000 0.067686 0.651389 0.319651 0.078315 0.000000 0.067686 0.661111 0.319651 0.078936 0.000000 0.067686 0.670833 0.319651 0.079558 0.000000 0.067686 0.680556 0.319651 0.080179 0.000000 0.067686 0.690278 0.319651 0.080801 0.000000 0.067686 0.700000 0.319651 0.081422 0.000000 0.067686 0.709722 0.319651 0.082044 0.000000 0.067686 0.719444 0.319651 0.082665 0.000000 0.067686 0.729167 0.319651 0.083287 0.000000 0.067686 0.738889 0.319651 0.083908 0.000000 0.067686 0.748611 0.319651 0.084530 0.000000 0.067686 0.758333 0.319651 0.085151 0.000000 0.067686 0.768056 0.319651 0.085773 0.000000 0.067686 0.777778 0.319651 0.086395 0.000000 0.067686 0.787500 0.319651 0.087016 0.000000 0.067686 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 34 0.797222 0.319651 0.087638 0.000000 0.067686 0.806944 0.319651 0.088259 0.000000 0.067686 0.816667 0.319651 0.088881 0.000000 0.067686 0.826389 0.319651 0.089502 0.000000 0.067686 0.836111 0.319651 0.090124 0.000000 0.067686 0.845833 0.319651 0.090745 0.000000 0.067686 0.855556 0.319651 0.091367 0.000000 0.067686 0.865278 0.319651 0.091988 0.000000 0.067686 0.875000 0.319651 0.095096 0.000039 0.067686 END FTABLE 1 FTABLE 4 92 5 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Outflow2 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** 0.000000 0.043710 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.033333 0.043710 0.001457 0.001142 0.009256 0.066667 0.043710 0.002914 0.001614 0.009256 0.100000 0.043710 0.004371 0.001977 0.009256 0.133333 0.043710 0.005828 0.002283 0.009256 0.166667 0.043710 0.007285 0.002552 0.009256 0.200000 0.043710 0.008742 0.002796 0.009256 0.233333 0.043710 0.010199 0.003020 0.009256 0.266667 0.043710 0.011656 0.003229 0.009256 0.300000 0.043710 0.013113 0.003425 0.009256 0.333333 0.043710 0.014570 0.003610 0.009256 0.366667 0.043710 0.016027 0.003786 0.009256 0.400000 0.043710 0.017484 0.003954 0.009256 0.433333 0.043710 0.018941 0.004116 0.009256 0.466667 0.043710 0.020398 0.004271 0.009256 0.500000 0.043710 0.021855 0.004421 0.009256 0.533333 0.043710 0.023312 0.004566 0.009256 0.566667 0.043710 0.024769 0.004707 0.009256 0.600000 0.043710 0.026226 0.004843 0.009256 0.633333 0.043710 0.027683 0.004976 0.009256 0.666667 0.043710 0.029140 0.005105 0.009256 0.700000 0.043710 0.030597 0.005231 0.009256 0.733333 0.043710 0.032054 0.005354 0.009256 0.766667 0.043710 0.033511 0.005475 0.009256 0.800000 0.043710 0.034968 0.005592 0.009256 0.833333 0.043710 0.036425 0.005708 0.009256 0.866667 0.043710 0.037882 0.005821 0.009256 0.900000 0.043710 0.039339 0.005931 0.009256 0.933333 0.043710 0.040796 0.006040 0.009256 0.966667 0.043710 0.042253 0.006147 0.009256 1.000000 0.043710 0.043710 0.006252 0.009256 1.033333 0.043710 0.045167 0.006356 0.009256 1.066667 0.043710 0.046624 0.006457 0.009256 1.100000 0.043710 0.048081 0.006557 0.009256 1.133333 0.043710 0.049538 0.006656 0.009256 1.166667 0.043710 0.050995 0.006753 0.009256 1.200000 0.043710 0.052452 0.006849 0.009256 1.233333 0.043710 0.053909 0.006944 0.009256 1.266667 0.043710 0.055366 0.007037 0.009256 1.300000 0.043710 0.056823 0.007129 0.009256 1.333333 0.043710 0.058280 0.007220 0.009256 1.366667 0.043710 0.059737 0.007309 0.009256 1.400000 0.043710 0.061194 0.007398 0.009256 1.433333 0.043710 0.062651 0.007485 0.009256 1.466667 0.043710 0.064108 0.007572 0.009256 1.500000 0.043710 0.065565 0.007657 0.009256 1.533333 0.043710 0.067022 0.007742 0.009256 1.566667 0.043710 0.068479 0.007826 0.009256 1.600000 0.043710 0.069936 0.007909 0.009256 1.633333 0.043710 0.071393 0.007991 0.009256 1.666667 0.043710 0.072850 0.008072 0.009256 1.700000 0.043710 0.074307 0.008152 0.009256 1.733333 0.043710 0.075764 0.008232 0.009256 1.766667 0.043710 0.077221 0.008310 0.009256 1.800000 0.043710 0.078678 0.008388 0.009256 1.833333 0.043710 0.080135 0.008466 0.009256 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 35 1.866667 0.043710 0.081592 0.008542 0.009256 1.900000 0.043710 0.083049 0.008618 0.009256 1.933333 0.043710 0.084506 0.008693 0.009256 1.966667 0.043710 0.085963 0.008768 0.009256 2.000000 0.043710 0.087420 0.008842 0.009256 2.033333 0.043710 0.088877 0.008915 0.009256 2.066667 0.043710 0.090334 0.008988 0.009256 2.100000 0.043710 0.091791 0.009060 0.009256 2.133333 0.043710 0.093248 0.009132 0.009256 2.166667 0.043710 0.094705 0.009203 0.009256 2.200000 0.043710 0.096162 0.009274 0.009256 2.233333 0.043710 0.097619 0.009344 0.009256 2.266667 0.043710 0.099076 0.009413 0.009256 2.300000 0.043710 0.100533 0.009482 0.009256 2.333333 0.043710 0.101990 0.009551 0.009256 2.366667 0.043710 0.103447 0.009619 0.009256 2.400000 0.043710 0.104904 0.009686 0.009256 2.433333 0.043710 0.106361 0.009753 0.009256 2.466667 0.043710 0.107818 0.009820 0.009256 2.500000 0.043710 0.109275 0.009886 0.009256 2.533333 0.043710 0.110732 0.009951 0.009256 2.566667 0.043710 0.112189 0.010017 0.009256 2.600000 0.043710 0.113646 0.010082 0.009256 2.633333 0.043710 0.115103 0.035478 0.009256 2.666667 0.043710 0.116560 0.081860 0.009256 2.700000 0.043710 0.118017 0.141903 0.009256 2.733333 0.043710 0.119474 0.306145 0.009256 2.766667 0.043710 0.120931 0.606131 0.009256 2.800000 0.043710 0.122388 0.994260 0.009256 2.833333 0.043710 0.123845 1.453370 0.009256 2.866667 0.043710 0.125301 1.973234 0.009256 2.900000 0.043710 0.126758 2.546533 0.009256 2.933333 0.043710 0.128215 3.167402 0.009256 2.966667 0.043710 0.129672 3.830739 0.009256 3.000000 0.043710 0.131129 4.531851 0.009256 3.033333 0.043710 0.132586 5.266237 0.009256 END FTABLE 4 END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 RCHRES 2 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 RCHRES 1 EXTNL POTEV WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.5 RCHRES 2 EXTNL POTEV WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.7 RCHRES 3 EXTNL POTEV END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** RCHRES 4 HYDR RO 1 1 1 WDM 1006 FLOW ENGL REPL RCHRES 4 HYDR O 1 1 1 WDM 1007 FLOW ENGL REPL RCHRES 4 HYDR O 2 1 1 WDM 1008 FLOW ENGL REPL RCHRES 4 HYDR STAGE 1 1 1 WDM 1009 STAG ENGL REPL COPY 1 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 WDM 701 FLOW ENGL REPL COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 WDM 801 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 2 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 2 DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 36 MASS-LINK 3 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 3 MASS-LINK 5 IMPLND IWATER SURO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 5 MASS-LINK 7 RCHRES OFLOW OVOL 1 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 7 MASS-LINK 8 RCHRES OFLOW OVOL 2 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 8 MASS-LINK 17 RCHRES OFLOW OVOL 1 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 17 END MASS-LINK END RUN DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 37 Predeveloped HSPF Message File DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 38 Mitigated HSPF Message File DMA - 1_11-14-23 11/14/2023 2:51:26 PM Page 39 Disclaimer Legal Notice This program and accompanying documentation are provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by End User. Clear Creek Solutions Inc. and the governmental licensee or sublicensees disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall Clear Creek Solutions Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the use of, or inability to use this program even if Clear Creek Solutions Inc. or their authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Software Copyright © by : Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 2005-2023; All Rights Reserved. Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 6200 Capitol Blvd. Ste F Olympia, WA. 98501 Toll Free 1(866)943-0304 Local (360)943-0304 www.clearcreeksolutions.com SDHM 3.1 PROJECT REPORT DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 2 General Model Information TRUST Project Name:DMA - 2_11-14-23 Site Name:1312D - CTE - Toyota-COMBINED Site Address:5424 Paseo del Norte City:Carlsbad, CA 92008 Report Date:11/14/2023 Gage:ENCINITA Data Start:10/01/1963 Data End:09/30/2004 Timestep:Hourly Precip Scale:1.000 Version Date:2022/06/20 POC Thresholds Low Flow Threshold for POC1:10 Percent of the 2 Year High Flow Threshold for POC1:10 Year DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 3 Landuse Basin Data Predeveloped Land Use Basin 2 Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre B,NatVeg,Flat 1.296 Pervious Total 1.296 Impervious Land Use acre Impervious Total 0 Basin Total 1.296 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 4 Mitigated Land Use DMA 2 Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre B,UrbNoIrr,Flat 0.065 Pervious Total 0.065 Impervious Land Use acre IMPERVIOUS-FLAT 1.176 Impervious Total 1.176 Basin Total 1.241 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Surface rtial Ret 2 Surface rtial Ret 2 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 5 Routing Elements Predeveloped Routing DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 6 Mitigated Routing Bio Partial Ret 2 Bottom Length: 40.70 ft. Bottom Width: 40.70 ft. Material thickness of first layer: 0.25 Material type for first layer: Mulch Material thickness of second layer: 1.5 Material type for second layer: ESM Material thickness of third layer: 1.5 Material type for third layer: GRAVEL Infiltration On Infiltration rate:0.43 Infiltration safety factor:1 Total Volume Infiltrated (ac-ft.):15.135 Total Volume Through Riser (ac-ft.):0.307 Total Volume Through Facility (ac-ft.):30.577 Percent Infiltrated:49.5 Total Precip Applied to Facility:0.944 Total Evap From Facility:1.099 Underdrain used Underdrain Diameter (feet):0.5 Orifice Diameter (in.):2 Offset (in.):3 Flow Through Underdrain (ac-ft.):15.135 Total Outflow (ac-ft.):30.577 Percent Through Underdrain:49.5 Discharge Structure Riser Height:1 ft. Riser Diameter:30.5 in. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 STORMTANK Biofilter Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 0.0000 0.0380 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0522 0.0380 0.0006 0.0000 0.0000 0.1044 0.0380 0.0012 0.0000 0.0000 0.1566 0.0380 0.0018 0.0000 0.0000 0.2088 0.0380 0.0024 0.0000 0.0000 0.2610 0.0380 0.0030 0.0000 0.0000 0.3132 0.0380 0.0036 0.0000 0.0000 0.3654 0.0380 0.0042 0.0000 0.0025 0.4176 0.0380 0.0048 0.0000 0.0037 0.4698 0.0380 0.0054 0.0000 0.0044 0.5220 0.0380 0.0060 0.0000 0.0062 0.5742 0.0380 0.0066 0.0000 0.0072 0.6264 0.0380 0.0071 0.0000 0.0095 0.6786 0.0380 0.0077 0.0000 0.0109 0.7308 0.0380 0.0083 0.0000 0.0139 0.7830 0.0380 0.0089 0.0000 0.0156 0.8352 0.0380 0.0095 0.0000 0.0165 0.8874 0.0380 0.0101 0.0000 0.0165 0.9396 0.0380 0.0107 0.0000 0.0165 0.9918 0.0380 0.0113 0.0000 0.0165 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 7 1.0440 0.0380 0.0119 0.0000 0.0165 1.0962 0.0380 0.0125 0.0000 0.0165 1.1484 0.0380 0.0131 0.0000 0.0165 1.2005 0.0380 0.0137 0.0000 0.0165 1.2527 0.0380 0.0143 0.0000 0.0165 1.3049 0.0380 0.0149 0.0000 0.0165 1.3571 0.0380 0.0155 0.0000 0.0165 1.4093 0.0380 0.0161 0.0086 0.0165 1.4615 0.0380 0.0167 0.0128 0.0165 1.5137 0.0380 0.0173 0.0187 0.0165 1.5659 0.0380 0.0179 0.0217 0.0165 1.6181 0.0380 0.0185 0.0260 0.0165 1.6703 0.0380 0.0191 0.0281 0.0165 1.7225 0.0380 0.0197 0.0316 0.0165 1.7747 0.0380 0.0205 0.0333 0.0165 1.8269 0.0380 0.0213 0.0363 0.0165 1.8791 0.0380 0.0221 0.0378 0.0165 1.9313 0.0380 0.0229 0.0404 0.0165 1.9835 0.0380 0.0238 0.0417 0.0165 2.0357 0.0380 0.0246 0.0441 0.0165 2.0879 0.0380 0.0254 0.0453 0.0165 2.1401 0.0380 0.0262 0.0475 0.0165 2.1923 0.0380 0.0271 0.0486 0.0165 2.2445 0.0380 0.0279 0.0498 0.0165 2.2967 0.0380 0.0287 0.0527 0.0165 2.3489 0.0380 0.0295 0.0568 0.0165 2.4011 0.0380 0.0304 0.0613 0.0165 2.4533 0.0380 0.0312 0.0658 0.0165 2.5055 0.0380 0.0320 0.0702 0.0165 2.5577 0.0380 0.0328 0.0744 0.0165 2.6099 0.0380 0.0337 0.0785 0.0165 2.6621 0.0380 0.0345 0.0823 0.0165 2.7143 0.0380 0.0353 0.0860 0.0165 2.7665 0.0380 0.0361 0.0896 0.0165 2.8187 0.0380 0.0370 0.0930 0.0165 2.8709 0.0380 0.0378 0.0963 0.0165 2.9231 0.0380 0.0386 0.0994 0.0165 2.9753 0.0380 0.0394 0.1025 0.0165 3.0275 0.0380 0.0402 0.1055 0.0165 3.0797 0.0380 0.0411 0.1084 0.0165 3.1319 0.0380 0.0419 0.1113 0.0165 3.1841 0.0380 0.0427 0.1141 0.0165 3.2363 0.0380 0.0435 0.1169 0.0165 3.2500 0.0380 0.0438 0.1880 0.0165 Biofilter Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)To Amended(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 3.2500 0.0380 0.0438 0.0000 0.1917 0.0000 3.3022 0.0380 0.0457 0.0000 0.1917 0.0000 3.3544 0.0380 0.0477 0.0000 0.2370 0.0000 3.4066 0.0380 0.0497 0.0000 0.2437 0.0000 3.4588 0.0380 0.0517 0.0000 0.2504 0.0000 3.5110 0.0380 0.0537 0.0000 0.2570 0.0000 3.5632 0.0380 0.0557 0.0000 0.2637 0.0000 3.6154 0.0380 0.0577 0.0000 0.2704 0.0000 3.6676 0.0380 0.0596 0.0000 0.2771 0.0000 3.7198 0.0380 0.0616 0.0000 0.2837 0.0000 3.7720 0.0380 0.0636 0.0000 0.2904 0.0000 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 8 3.8242 0.0380 0.0656 0.0000 0.2971 0.0000 3.8764 0.0380 0.0676 0.0000 0.3037 0.0000 3.9286 0.0380 0.0696 0.0000 0.3104 0.0000 3.9808 0.0380 0.0715 0.0000 0.3171 0.0000 4.0330 0.0380 0.0735 0.0000 0.3238 0.0000 4.0852 0.0380 0.0755 0.0000 0.3304 0.0000 4.1374 0.0380 0.0775 0.0000 0.3371 0.0000 4.1896 0.0380 0.0795 0.0000 0.3438 0.0000 4.2418 0.0380 0.0815 0.0000 0.3504 0.0000 4.2940 0.0380 0.0835 0.2486 0.3571 0.0000 4.3462 0.0380 0.0854 0.8035 0.3638 0.0000 4.3984 0.0380 0.0874 1.5384 0.3705 0.0000 4.4505 0.0380 0.0894 2.4141 0.3771 0.0000 4.5027 0.0380 0.0914 3.4065 0.3838 0.0000 4.5549 0.0380 0.0934 4.4963 0.3905 0.0000 4.6071 0.0380 0.0954 5.6662 0.3971 0.0000 4.6593 0.0380 0.0974 6.8989 0.4038 0.0000 4.7115 0.0380 0.0993 8.1775 0.4105 0.0000 4.7500 0.0380 0.1008 9.4842 0.4154 0.0000 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 9 Surface rtial Ret 2 Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 STORMTANK Bio Partial Ret 2 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 10 STORMTANK Width:52 ft. Length:24 ft. Depth:3 ft. Infiltration On Infiltration rate:1.11 Infiltration safety factor:1 Total Volume Infiltrated (ac-ft.):13.416 Total Volume Through Riser (ac-ft.):2.026 Total Volume Through Facility (ac-ft.):15.442 Percent Infiltrated:86.88 Total Precip Applied to Facility:0 Total Evap From Facility:0 Discharge Structure Riser Height:2.6 ft. Riser Diameter:30.5 in. Notch Type:Rectangular Notch Width:1.250 ft. Notch Height:0.100 ft. Orifice 1 Diameter:0.400 in.Elevation:0 ft. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Vault Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 0.0000 0.028 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0333 0.028 0.001 0.000 0.032 0.0667 0.028 0.001 0.001 0.032 0.1000 0.028 0.002 0.001 0.032 0.1333 0.028 0.003 0.001 0.032 0.1667 0.028 0.004 0.001 0.032 0.2000 0.028 0.005 0.001 0.032 0.2333 0.028 0.006 0.002 0.032 0.2667 0.028 0.007 0.002 0.032 0.3000 0.028 0.008 0.002 0.032 0.3333 0.028 0.009 0.002 0.032 0.3667 0.028 0.010 0.002 0.032 0.4000 0.028 0.011 0.002 0.032 0.4333 0.028 0.012 0.002 0.032 0.4667 0.028 0.013 0.003 0.032 0.5000 0.028 0.014 0.003 0.032 0.5333 0.028 0.015 0.003 0.032 0.5667 0.028 0.016 0.003 0.032 0.6000 0.028 0.017 0.003 0.032 0.6333 0.028 0.018 0.003 0.032 0.6667 0.028 0.019 0.003 0.032 0.7000 0.028 0.020 0.003 0.032 0.7333 0.028 0.021 0.003 0.032 0.7667 0.028 0.022 0.003 0.032 0.8000 0.028 0.022 0.003 0.032 0.8333 0.028 0.023 0.004 0.032 0.8667 0.028 0.024 0.004 0.032 0.9000 0.028 0.025 0.004 0.032 0.9333 0.028 0.026 0.004 0.032 0.9667 0.028 0.027 0.004 0.032 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 11 1.0000 0.028 0.028 0.004 0.032 1.0333 0.028 0.029 0.004 0.032 1.0667 0.028 0.030 0.004 0.032 1.1000 0.028 0.031 0.004 0.032 1.1333 0.028 0.032 0.004 0.032 1.1667 0.028 0.033 0.004 0.032 1.2000 0.028 0.034 0.004 0.032 1.2333 0.028 0.035 0.004 0.032 1.2667 0.028 0.036 0.004 0.032 1.3000 0.028 0.037 0.005 0.032 1.3333 0.028 0.038 0.005 0.032 1.3667 0.028 0.039 0.005 0.032 1.4000 0.028 0.040 0.005 0.032 1.4333 0.028 0.041 0.005 0.032 1.4667 0.028 0.042 0.005 0.032 1.5000 0.028 0.043 0.005 0.032 1.5333 0.028 0.043 0.005 0.032 1.5667 0.028 0.044 0.005 0.032 1.6000 0.028 0.045 0.005 0.032 1.6333 0.028 0.046 0.005 0.032 1.6667 0.028 0.047 0.005 0.032 1.7000 0.028 0.048 0.005 0.032 1.7333 0.028 0.049 0.005 0.032 1.7667 0.028 0.050 0.005 0.032 1.8000 0.028 0.051 0.005 0.032 1.8333 0.028 0.052 0.005 0.032 1.8667 0.028 0.053 0.005 0.032 1.9000 0.028 0.054 0.006 0.032 1.9333 0.028 0.055 0.006 0.032 1.9667 0.028 0.056 0.006 0.032 2.0000 0.028 0.057 0.006 0.032 2.0333 0.028 0.058 0.006 0.032 2.0667 0.028 0.059 0.006 0.032 2.1000 0.028 0.060 0.006 0.032 2.1333 0.028 0.061 0.006 0.032 2.1667 0.028 0.062 0.006 0.032 2.2000 0.028 0.063 0.006 0.032 2.2333 0.028 0.064 0.006 0.032 2.2667 0.028 0.064 0.006 0.032 2.3000 0.028 0.065 0.006 0.032 2.3333 0.028 0.066 0.006 0.032 2.3667 0.028 0.067 0.006 0.032 2.4000 0.028 0.068 0.006 0.032 2.4333 0.028 0.069 0.006 0.032 2.4667 0.028 0.070 0.006 0.032 2.5000 0.028 0.071 0.006 0.032 2.5333 0.028 0.072 0.032 0.032 2.5667 0.028 0.073 0.078 0.032 2.6000 0.028 0.074 0.138 0.032 2.6333 0.028 0.075 0.302 0.032 2.6667 0.028 0.076 0.602 0.032 2.7000 0.028 0.077 0.990 0.032 2.7333 0.028 0.078 1.450 0.032 2.7667 0.028 0.079 1.969 0.032 2.8000 0.028 0.080 2.543 0.032 2.8333 0.028 0.081 3.164 0.032 2.8667 0.028 0.082 3.827 0.032 2.9000 0.028 0.083 4.528 0.032 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 12 2.9333 0.028 0.084 5.262 0.032 2.9667 0.028 0.085 6.026 0.032 3.0000 0.028 0.086 6.813 0.032 3.0333 0.028 0.086 7.621 0.032 3.0667 0.000 0.000 8.444 0.000 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 13 PERVIOUS CONCRETE Pavement Area:0.0550 acre.Pavement Length: 19.00 ft. Pavement Width: 126.00 ft. Pavement slope 1:0 To 1 Pavement thickness: 0.2916 Pour Space of Pavement: 0.2 Material thickness of second layer: 0.5833 Pour Space of material for second layer: 0.4 Material thickness of third layer: 0 Pour Space of material for third layer: 0 Infiltration On Infiltration rate:1.11 Infiltration safety factor:1 Total Volume Infiltrated (ac-ft.):1.39 Total Volume Through Riser (ac-ft.):0 Total Volume Through Facility (ac-ft.):1.39 Percent Infiltrated:100 Total Precip Applied to Facility:0 Total Evap From Facility:0.041 Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Surface rtial Ret 2 Porous Pavement Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 0.0000 0.055 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0097 0.055 0.000 0.000 0.061 0.0194 0.055 0.000 0.000 0.061 0.0292 0.055 0.000 0.000 0.061 0.0389 0.055 0.000 0.000 0.061 0.0486 0.055 0.001 0.000 0.061 0.0583 0.055 0.001 0.000 0.061 0.0681 0.055 0.001 0.000 0.061 0.0778 0.055 0.001 0.000 0.061 0.0875 0.055 0.001 0.000 0.061 0.0972 0.055 0.002 0.000 0.061 0.1069 0.055 0.002 0.000 0.061 0.1167 0.055 0.002 0.000 0.061 0.1264 0.055 0.002 0.000 0.061 0.1361 0.055 0.003 0.000 0.061 0.1458 0.055 0.003 0.000 0.061 0.1556 0.055 0.003 0.000 0.061 0.1653 0.055 0.003 0.000 0.061 0.1750 0.055 0.003 0.000 0.061 0.1847 0.055 0.004 0.000 0.061 0.1944 0.055 0.004 0.000 0.061 0.2042 0.055 0.004 0.000 0.061 0.2139 0.055 0.004 0.000 0.061 0.2236 0.055 0.004 0.000 0.061 0.2333 0.055 0.005 0.000 0.061 0.2431 0.055 0.005 0.000 0.061 0.2528 0.055 0.005 0.000 0.061 0.2625 0.055 0.005 0.000 0.061 0.2722 0.055 0.006 0.000 0.061 0.2819 0.055 0.006 0.000 0.061 0.2917 0.055 0.006 0.000 0.061 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 14 0.3014 0.055 0.006 0.000 0.061 0.3111 0.055 0.006 0.000 0.061 0.3208 0.055 0.007 0.000 0.061 0.3306 0.055 0.007 0.000 0.061 0.3403 0.055 0.007 0.000 0.061 0.3500 0.055 0.007 0.000 0.061 0.3597 0.055 0.007 0.000 0.061 0.3694 0.055 0.008 0.000 0.061 0.3792 0.055 0.008 0.000 0.061 0.3889 0.055 0.008 0.000 0.061 0.3986 0.055 0.008 0.000 0.061 0.4083 0.055 0.009 0.000 0.061 0.4181 0.055 0.009 0.000 0.061 0.4278 0.055 0.009 0.000 0.061 0.4375 0.055 0.009 0.000 0.061 0.4472 0.055 0.009 0.000 0.061 0.4569 0.055 0.010 0.000 0.061 0.4667 0.055 0.010 0.000 0.061 0.4764 0.055 0.010 0.000 0.061 0.4861 0.055 0.010 0.000 0.061 0.4958 0.055 0.010 0.000 0.061 0.5056 0.055 0.011 0.000 0.061 0.5153 0.055 0.011 0.000 0.061 0.5250 0.055 0.011 0.000 0.061 0.5347 0.055 0.011 0.000 0.061 0.5444 0.055 0.012 0.000 0.061 0.5542 0.055 0.012 0.000 0.061 0.5639 0.055 0.012 0.000 0.061 0.5736 0.055 0.012 0.000 0.061 0.5833 0.055 0.012 0.000 0.061 0.5931 0.055 0.012 0.000 0.061 0.6028 0.055 0.012 0.000 0.061 0.6125 0.055 0.013 0.000 0.061 0.6222 0.055 0.013 0.000 0.061 0.6319 0.055 0.013 0.000 0.061 0.6417 0.055 0.013 0.000 0.061 0.6514 0.055 0.013 0.000 0.061 0.6611 0.055 0.013 0.000 0.061 0.6708 0.055 0.013 0.000 0.061 0.6806 0.055 0.013 0.000 0.061 0.6903 0.055 0.013 0.000 0.061 0.7000 0.055 0.014 0.000 0.061 0.7097 0.055 0.014 0.000 0.061 0.7194 0.055 0.014 0.000 0.061 0.7292 0.055 0.014 0.000 0.061 0.7389 0.055 0.014 0.000 0.061 0.7486 0.055 0.014 0.000 0.061 0.7583 0.055 0.014 0.000 0.061 0.7681 0.055 0.014 0.000 0.061 0.7778 0.055 0.014 0.000 0.061 0.7875 0.055 0.015 0.000 0.061 0.7972 0.055 0.015 0.000 0.061 0.8069 0.055 0.015 0.000 0.061 0.8167 0.055 0.015 0.000 0.061 0.8264 0.055 0.015 0.000 0.061 0.8361 0.055 0.015 0.000 0.061 0.8458 0.055 0.015 0.000 0.061 0.8556 0.055 0.015 0.000 0.061 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 15 0.8653 0.055 0.015 0.000 0.061 0.8750 0.055 0.016 0.000 0.061 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:33 PM Page 16 Analysis Results POC 1 + Predeveloped x Mitigated Predeveloped Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:1.296 Total Impervious Area:0 Mitigated Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0.065 Total Impervious Area:1.230959 Flow Frequency Method:Cunnane Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.085616 5 year 0.182944 10 year 0.256857 25 year 0.489852 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.006714 5 year 0.10346 10 year 0.111674 25 year 0.319826 026 • .. £ 0.19 ~ 0 013 J u. 0.07 0.01 11:t-4 11:t·J ltt-2 10E·1 10 P-ro-not: -W.m-Ex.c..--dfng 100 ++ + + ✓.,......·-·· ~· • / ✓ ., .......... ~, ---- IC ~ M••ic••·~ " " 0.001 t--•. -, -,--,----,.,-,--,.--,.--.. --,.-.,--.. --.. ---.. --.. -,.-,--+, 0001 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:39 PM Page 17 Duration Flows The Facility PASSED Flow(cfs)Predev Mit Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0086 403 180 44 Pass 0.0111 297 167 56 Pass 0.0136 236 150 63 Pass 0.0161 204 140 68 Pass 0.0186 184 134 72 Pass 0.0211 166 131 78 Pass 0.0236 152 123 80 Pass 0.0261 139 120 86 Pass 0.0286 126 113 89 Pass 0.0311 117 108 92 Pass 0.0336 113 106 93 Pass 0.0361 106 104 98 Pass 0.0387 98 100 102 Pass 0.0412 96 97 101 Pass 0.0437 95 93 97 Pass 0.0462 94 92 97 Pass 0.0487 92 86 93 Pass 0.0512 86 81 94 Pass 0.0537 82 80 97 Pass 0.0562 77 77 100 Pass 0.0587 73 73 100 Pass 0.0612 70 72 102 Pass 0.0637 68 69 101 Pass 0.0662 66 65 98 Pass 0.0688 64 65 101 Pass 0.0713 61 60 98 Pass 0.0738 57 58 101 Pass 0.0763 56 56 100 Pass 0.0788 54 51 94 Pass 0.0813 50 48 96 Pass 0.0838 48 45 93 Pass 0.0863 45 41 91 Pass 0.0888 45 37 82 Pass 0.0913 43 34 79 Pass 0.0938 41 31 75 Pass 0.0963 38 28 73 Pass 0.0989 37 26 70 Pass 0.1014 34 21 61 Pass 0.1039 32 16 50 Pass 0.1064 31 14 45 Pass 0.1089 31 11 35 Pass 0.1114 29 9 31 Pass 0.1139 29 7 24 Pass 0.1164 28 7 25 Pass 0.1189 28 7 25 Pass 0.1214 28 7 25 Pass 0.1239 28 7 25 Pass 0.1264 28 6 21 Pass 0.1289 25 6 24 Pass 0.1315 25 6 24 Pass 0.1340 25 5 20 Pass 0.1365 23 5 21 Pass 0.1390 23 5 21 Pass DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:39 PM Page 18 0.1415 23 5 21 Pass 0.1440 23 5 21 Pass 0.1465 23 5 21 Pass 0.1490 21 5 23 Pass 0.1515 20 5 25 Pass 0.1540 20 5 25 Pass 0.1565 20 4 20 Pass 0.1590 17 4 23 Pass 0.1616 16 4 25 Pass 0.1641 15 4 26 Pass 0.1666 15 4 26 Pass 0.1691 14 4 28 Pass 0.1716 13 4 30 Pass 0.1741 13 4 30 Pass 0.1766 13 4 30 Pass 0.1791 13 4 30 Pass 0.1816 13 4 30 Pass 0.1841 12 4 33 Pass 0.1866 12 4 33 Pass 0.1891 12 4 33 Pass 0.1916 12 4 33 Pass 0.1942 12 4 33 Pass 0.1967 12 4 33 Pass 0.1992 10 4 40 Pass 0.2017 10 4 40 Pass 0.2042 9 4 44 Pass 0.2067 9 4 44 Pass 0.2092 9 4 44 Pass 0.2117 9 4 44 Pass 0.2142 9 4 44 Pass 0.2167 9 4 44 Pass 0.2192 9 4 44 Pass 0.2217 9 4 44 Pass 0.2243 8 4 50 Pass 0.2268 7 4 57 Pass 0.2293 7 4 57 Pass 0.2318 7 4 57 Pass 0.2343 7 4 57 Pass 0.2368 7 3 42 Pass 0.2393 7 3 42 Pass 0.2418 7 3 42 Pass 0.2443 7 3 42 Pass 0.2468 7 3 42 Pass 0.2493 7 3 42 Pass 0.2518 6 3 50 Pass 0.2543 6 3 50 Pass 0.2569 6 3 50 Pass DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:39 PM Page 19 Water Quality Drawdown Time Results Pond: STORMTANK Days Stage(feet)Percent of Total Run Time 1 0.000 N/A 2 0.000 N/A 3 0.000 N/A 4 0.000 N/A 5 0.000 N/A Maximum Stage:2.600 Drawdown Time:00 23:08:20 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:39 PM Page 20 Model Default Modifications Total of 0 changes have been made. PERLND Changes No PERLND changes have been made. IMPLND Changes No IMPLND changes have been made. DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:39 PM Page 21 Appendix Predeveloped Schematic wm Basin2 1.30ac DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:39 PM Page 22 Mitigated Schematic ~!""" PERVIOUS ~~CONCRETE o Partial et 2 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 23 Predeveloped UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1963 10 01 END 2004 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 DMA - 2_11-14-23.wdm MESSU 25 PreDMA - 2_11-14-23.MES 27 PreDMA - 2_11-14-23.L61 28 PreDMA - 2_11-14-23.L62 30 POCDMA - 2_11-14-231.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:60 PERLND 10 COPY 501 DISPLY 1 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 Basin 2 MAX 1 2 30 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** END OPCODE PARM # # K *** END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 10 B,NatVeg,Flat 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 24 PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 10 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 10 0 4 0.07 100 0.05 2.5 0.915 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 10 0 0 2 2 0 0.05 0.05 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 10 0 0.6 0.04 1 0.3 0 END PWAT-PARM4 MON-LZETPARM <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 10 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 END MON-LZETPARM MON-INTERCEP <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 10 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.1 0.1 0.1 END MON-INTERCEP PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 10 0 0 0.01 0 0.4 0.01 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC END IWAT-PARM2 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 25 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS END IWAT-STATE1 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** Basin 2*** PERLND 10 1.296 COPY 501 12 PERLND 10 1.296 COPY 501 13 ******Routing****** END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 26 SPEC-ACTIONS END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 WDM 501 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 12 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 12 MASS-LINK 13 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 13 END MASS-LINK END RUN DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 27 Mitigated UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1963 10 01 END 2004 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 DMA - 2_11-14-23.wdm MESSU 25 MitDMA - 2_11-14-23.MES 27 MitDMA - 2_11-14-23.L61 28 MitDMA - 2_11-14-23.L62 30 POCDMA - 2_11-14-231.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:60 PERLND 52 IMPLND 1 IMPLND 6 RCHRES 1 GENER 3 RCHRES 2 RCHRES 3 RCHRES 4 COPY 1 COPY 501 DISPLY 1 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 STORMTANK MAX 1 2 30 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** 3 24 END OPCODE PARM # # K *** 3 0. END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 52 B,UrbNoIrr,Flat 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 28 # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 52 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 52 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 52 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 52 0 4 0.07 50 0.05 2.5 0.915 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 52 0 0 2 2 0 0.05 0.05 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 52 0 0.6 0.03 1 0.3 0 END PWAT-PARM4 MON-LZETPARM <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 52 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 END MON-LZETPARM MON-INTERCEP <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 52 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 END MON-INTERCEP PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 52 0 0 0.01 0 0.4 0.01 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 1 IMPERVIOUS-FLAT 1 1 1 27 0 6 Porous Pavement 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 29 <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* 1 0 0 4 0 0 4 1 9 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 1 END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC 1 100 0.05 0.011 0.1 6 100 0.01 0.011 0.1 END IWAT-PARM2 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN 1 0 0 6 0 0 END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS 1 0 0 6 0 0 END IWAT-STATE1 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** DMA 2*** PERLND 52 0.065 RCHRES 2 2 PERLND 52 0.065 RCHRES 2 3 IMPLND 1 1.176 RCHRES 2 5 IMPLND 6 0.055 RCHRES 1 5 ******Routing****** RCHRES 3 1 RCHRES 4 7 RCHRES 3 COPY 1 17 RCHRES 2 1 RCHRES 4 7 RCHRES 2 COPY 1 17 RCHRES 2 1 RCHRES 3 8 RCHRES 1 1 RCHRES 2 7 RCHRES 4 1 COPY 501 17 END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 GENER 3 OUTPUT TIMSER .0002778 RCHRES 2 EXTNL OUTDGT 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 30 # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** 1 PERVIOUS CONCRET-013 2 1 1 1 28 0 1 2 Surface rtial Re-004 2 1 1 1 28 0 1 3 Bio Partial Ret -003 2 1 1 1 28 0 1 4 STORMTANK 2 1 1 1 28 0 1 END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** 1 0 1 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 0 1 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 4 0 1 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** 1 1 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 2 2 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 3 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 4 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> 1 0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES SPEC-ACTIONS *** User-Defined Variable Quantity Lines *** addr *** <------> *** kwd varnam optyp opn vari s1 s2 s3 tp multiply lc ls ac as agfn *** <****> <----> <----> <-> <----><-><-><-><-><--------> <><-> <><-> <--> *** UVQUAN vol3 RCHRES 3 VOL 4 UVQUAN v2m3 GLOBAL WORKSP 2 3 UVQUAN vpo3 GLOBAL WORKSP 3 3 UVQUAN v2d3 GENER 3 K 1 3 *** User-Defined Target Variable Names *** addr or addr or DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 31 *** <------> <------> *** kwd varnam ct vari s1 s2 s3 frac oper vari s1 s2 s3 frac oper <****> <----><-> <----><-><-><-> <---> <--> <----><-><-><-> <---> <--> UVNAME v2m3 1 WORKSP 2 1.0 QUAN UVNAME vpo3 1 WORKSP 3 1.0 QUAN UVNAME v2d3 1 K 1 1.0 QUAN *** opt foplop dcdts yr mo dy hr mn d t vnam s1 s2 s3 ac quantity tc ts rp <****><-><--><><-><--> <> <> <> <><><> <----><-><-><-><-><--------> <> <-><-> GENER 3 v2m3 = 2642.25 *** Compute remaining available pore space GENER 3 vpo3 = v2m3 GENER 3 vpo3 -= vol3 *** Check to see if VPORA goes negative; if so set VPORA = 0.0 IF (vpo3 < 0.0) THEN GENER 3 vpo3 = 0.0 END IF *** Infiltration volume GENER 3 v2d3 = vpo3 END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES FTABLE 3 64 5 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Outflow2 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** 0.000000 0.038028 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.052198 0.038028 0.000595 0.000000 0.000000 0.104396 0.038028 0.001191 0.000000 0.000000 0.156593 0.038028 0.001786 0.000000 0.000000 0.208791 0.038028 0.002382 0.000000 0.000000 0.260989 0.038028 0.002977 0.000000 0.000000 0.313187 0.038028 0.003573 0.000000 0.000000 0.365385 0.038028 0.004168 0.000000 0.002498 0.417582 0.038028 0.004764 0.000000 0.003704 0.469780 0.038028 0.005359 0.000000 0.004434 0.521978 0.038028 0.005955 0.000000 0.006175 0.574176 0.038028 0.006550 0.000000 0.007193 0.626374 0.038028 0.007146 0.000000 0.009548 0.678571 0.038028 0.007741 0.000000 0.010891 0.730769 0.038028 0.008337 0.000000 0.013928 0.782967 0.038028 0.008932 0.000000 0.015628 0.835165 0.038028 0.009528 0.000000 0.016488 0.887363 0.038028 0.010123 0.000000 0.016488 0.939560 0.038028 0.010719 0.000000 0.016488 0.991758 0.038028 0.011314 0.000000 0.016488 1.043956 0.038028 0.011910 0.000000 0.016488 1.096154 0.038028 0.012505 0.000000 0.016488 1.148352 0.038028 0.013101 0.000000 0.016488 1.200549 0.038028 0.013696 0.000000 0.016488 1.252747 0.038028 0.014292 0.000000 0.016488 1.304945 0.038028 0.014887 0.000000 0.016488 1.357143 0.038028 0.015483 0.000000 0.016488 1.409341 0.038028 0.016078 0.008562 0.016488 1.461538 0.038028 0.016674 0.012843 0.016488 1.513736 0.038028 0.017269 0.018726 0.016488 1.565934 0.038028 0.017865 0.021668 0.016488 1.618132 0.038028 0.018460 0.025981 0.016488 1.670330 0.038028 0.019056 0.028137 0.016488 1.722527 0.038028 0.019651 0.031601 0.016488 1.774725 0.038028 0.020475 0.033333 0.016488 1.826923 0.038028 0.021299 0.036295 0.016488 1.879121 0.038028 0.022122 0.037776 0.016488 1.931319 0.038028 0.022946 0.040408 0.016488 1.983516 0.038028 0.023770 0.041724 0.016488 2.035714 0.038028 0.024594 0.044120 0.016488 2.087912 0.038028 0.025417 0.045318 0.016488 2.140110 0.038028 0.026241 0.047532 0.016488 2.192308 0.038028 0.027065 0.048640 0.016488 2.244505 0.038028 0.027889 0.049843 0.016488 2.296703 0.038028 0.028713 0.052671 0.016488 2.348901 0.038028 0.029536 0.056756 0.016488 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 32 2.401099 0.038028 0.030360 0.061251 0.016488 2.453297 0.038028 0.031184 0.065781 0.016488 2.505495 0.038028 0.032008 0.070187 0.016488 2.557692 0.038028 0.032831 0.074416 0.016488 2.609890 0.038028 0.033655 0.078455 0.016488 2.662088 0.038028 0.034479 0.082315 0.016488 2.714286 0.038028 0.035303 0.086009 0.016488 2.766484 0.038028 0.036126 0.089555 0.016488 2.818681 0.038028 0.036950 0.092966 0.016488 2.870879 0.038028 0.037774 0.096258 0.016488 2.923077 0.038028 0.038598 0.099441 0.016488 2.975275 0.038028 0.039421 0.102528 0.016488 3.027473 0.038028 0.040245 0.105527 0.016488 3.079670 0.038028 0.041069 0.108448 0.016488 3.131868 0.038028 0.041893 0.111300 0.016488 3.184066 0.038028 0.042716 0.114097 0.016488 3.236264 0.038028 0.043540 0.116885 0.016488 3.250000 0.038028 0.060658 0.188009 0.016488 END FTABLE 3 FTABLE 2 30 5 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Outflow2 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** 0.000000 0.038028 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.052198 0.038028 0.001985 0.000000 0.191724 0.104396 0.038028 0.003970 0.000000 0.237021 0.156593 0.038028 0.005955 0.000000 0.243693 0.208791 0.038028 0.007940 0.000000 0.250364 0.260989 0.038028 0.009925 0.000000 0.257036 0.313187 0.038028 0.011910 0.000000 0.263708 0.365385 0.038028 0.013895 0.000000 0.270379 0.417582 0.038028 0.015880 0.000000 0.277051 0.469780 0.038028 0.017865 0.000000 0.283723 0.521978 0.038028 0.019850 0.000000 0.290394 0.574176 0.038028 0.021835 0.000000 0.297066 0.626374 0.038028 0.023820 0.000000 0.303738 0.678571 0.038028 0.025805 0.000000 0.310410 0.730769 0.038028 0.027790 0.000000 0.317081 0.782967 0.038028 0.029774 0.000000 0.323753 0.835165 0.038028 0.031759 0.000000 0.330425 0.887363 0.038028 0.033744 0.000000 0.337096 0.939560 0.038028 0.035729 0.000000 0.343768 0.991758 0.038028 0.037714 0.000000 0.350440 1.043956 0.038028 0.039699 0.248565 0.357111 1.096154 0.038028 0.041684 0.803530 0.363783 1.148352 0.038028 0.043669 1.538376 0.370455 1.200549 0.038028 0.045654 2.414118 0.377127 1.252747 0.038028 0.047639 3.406511 0.383798 1.304945 0.038028 0.049624 4.496336 0.390470 1.357143 0.038028 0.051609 5.666154 0.397142 1.409341 0.038028 0.053594 6.898936 0.403813 1.461538 0.038028 0.055579 8.177482 0.410485 1.500000 0.038028 0.057042 9.484234 0.415401 END FTABLE 2 FTABLE 4 92 5 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Outflow2 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** 0.000000 0.028650 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.033333 0.028650 0.000955 0.000793 0.032067 0.066667 0.028650 0.001910 0.001121 0.032067 0.100000 0.028650 0.002865 0.001373 0.032067 0.133333 0.028650 0.003820 0.001585 0.032067 0.166667 0.028650 0.004775 0.001773 0.032067 0.200000 0.028650 0.005730 0.001942 0.032067 0.233333 0.028650 0.006685 0.002097 0.032067 0.266667 0.028650 0.007640 0.002242 0.032067 0.300000 0.028650 0.008595 0.002378 0.032067 0.333333 0.028650 0.009550 0.002507 0.032067 0.366667 0.028650 0.010505 0.002629 0.032067 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 33 0.400000 0.028650 0.011460 0.002746 0.032067 0.433333 0.028650 0.012415 0.002858 0.032067 0.466667 0.028650 0.013370 0.002966 0.032067 0.500000 0.028650 0.014325 0.003070 0.032067 0.533333 0.028650 0.015280 0.003171 0.032067 0.566667 0.028650 0.016235 0.003268 0.032067 0.600000 0.028650 0.017190 0.003363 0.032067 0.633333 0.028650 0.018145 0.003455 0.032067 0.666667 0.028650 0.019100 0.003545 0.032067 0.700000 0.028650 0.020055 0.003633 0.032067 0.733333 0.028650 0.021010 0.003718 0.032067 0.766667 0.028650 0.021965 0.003802 0.032067 0.800000 0.028650 0.022920 0.003884 0.032067 0.833333 0.028650 0.023875 0.003964 0.032067 0.866667 0.028650 0.024830 0.004042 0.032067 0.900000 0.028650 0.025785 0.004119 0.032067 0.933333 0.028650 0.026740 0.004195 0.032067 0.966667 0.028650 0.027695 0.004269 0.032067 1.000000 0.028650 0.028650 0.004342 0.032067 1.033333 0.028650 0.029605 0.004414 0.032067 1.066667 0.028650 0.030560 0.004484 0.032067 1.100000 0.028650 0.031515 0.004554 0.032067 1.133333 0.028650 0.032470 0.004622 0.032067 1.166667 0.028650 0.033425 0.004690 0.032067 1.200000 0.028650 0.034380 0.004756 0.032067 1.233333 0.028650 0.035335 0.004822 0.032067 1.266667 0.028650 0.036290 0.004887 0.032067 1.300000 0.028650 0.037245 0.004951 0.032067 1.333333 0.028650 0.038200 0.005014 0.032067 1.366667 0.028650 0.039155 0.005076 0.032067 1.400000 0.028650 0.040110 0.005137 0.032067 1.433333 0.028650 0.041065 0.005198 0.032067 1.466667 0.028650 0.042020 0.005258 0.032067 1.500000 0.028650 0.042975 0.005318 0.032067 1.533333 0.028650 0.043930 0.005376 0.032067 1.566667 0.028650 0.044885 0.005435 0.032067 1.600000 0.028650 0.045840 0.005492 0.032067 1.633333 0.028650 0.046795 0.005549 0.032067 1.666667 0.028650 0.047750 0.005605 0.032067 1.700000 0.028650 0.048705 0.005661 0.032067 1.733333 0.028650 0.049660 0.005716 0.032067 1.766667 0.028650 0.050615 0.005771 0.032067 1.800000 0.028650 0.051570 0.005825 0.032067 1.833333 0.028650 0.052525 0.005879 0.032067 1.866667 0.028650 0.053480 0.005932 0.032067 1.900000 0.028650 0.054435 0.005985 0.032067 1.933333 0.028650 0.055390 0.006037 0.032067 1.966667 0.028650 0.056345 0.006089 0.032067 2.000000 0.028650 0.057300 0.006140 0.032067 2.033333 0.028650 0.058255 0.006191 0.032067 2.066667 0.028650 0.059210 0.006242 0.032067 2.100000 0.028650 0.060165 0.006292 0.032067 2.133333 0.028650 0.061120 0.006342 0.032067 2.166667 0.028650 0.062075 0.006391 0.032067 2.200000 0.028650 0.063030 0.006440 0.032067 2.233333 0.028650 0.063985 0.006489 0.032067 2.266667 0.028650 0.064940 0.006537 0.032067 2.300000 0.028650 0.065895 0.006585 0.032067 2.333333 0.028650 0.066850 0.006632 0.032067 2.366667 0.028650 0.067805 0.006680 0.032067 2.400000 0.028650 0.068760 0.006726 0.032067 2.433333 0.028650 0.069715 0.006773 0.032067 2.466667 0.028650 0.070670 0.006819 0.032067 2.500000 0.028650 0.071625 0.006865 0.032067 2.533333 0.028650 0.072580 0.032243 0.032067 2.566667 0.028650 0.073535 0.078606 0.032067 2.600000 0.028650 0.074490 0.138631 0.032067 2.633333 0.028650 0.075445 0.302854 0.032067 2.666667 0.028650 0.076400 0.602822 0.032067 2.700000 0.028650 0.077355 0.990933 0.032067 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 34 2.733333 0.028650 0.078310 1.450025 0.032067 2.766667 0.028650 0.079265 1.969870 0.032067 2.800000 0.028650 0.080220 2.543151 0.032067 2.833333 0.028650 0.081175 3.164002 0.032067 2.866667 0.028650 0.082130 3.827322 0.032067 2.900000 0.028650 0.083085 4.528416 0.032067 2.933333 0.028650 0.084040 5.262784 0.032067 2.966667 0.028650 0.084995 6.025996 0.032067 3.000000 0.028650 0.085950 6.813620 0.032067 3.033333 0.028650 0.086905 7.621179 0.032067 END FTABLE 4 FTABLE 1 91 5 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Outflow2 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** 0.000000 0.054959 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.009722 0.054959 0.000214 0.000000 0.061513 0.019444 0.054959 0.000427 0.000000 0.061513 0.029167 0.054959 0.000641 0.000000 0.061513 0.038889 0.054959 0.000855 0.000000 0.061513 0.048611 0.054959 0.001069 0.000000 0.061513 0.058333 0.054959 0.001282 0.000000 0.061513 0.068056 0.054959 0.001496 0.000000 0.061513 0.077778 0.054959 0.001710 0.000000 0.061513 0.087500 0.054959 0.001924 0.000000 0.061513 0.097222 0.054959 0.002137 0.000000 0.061513 0.106944 0.054959 0.002351 0.000000 0.061513 0.116667 0.054959 0.002565 0.000000 0.061513 0.126389 0.054959 0.002778 0.000000 0.061513 0.136111 0.054959 0.002992 0.000000 0.061513 0.145833 0.054959 0.003206 0.000000 0.061513 0.155556 0.054959 0.003420 0.000000 0.061513 0.165278 0.054959 0.003633 0.000000 0.061513 0.175000 0.054959 0.003847 0.000000 0.061513 0.184722 0.054959 0.004061 0.000000 0.061513 0.194444 0.054959 0.004275 0.000000 0.061513 0.204167 0.054959 0.004488 0.000000 0.061513 0.213889 0.054959 0.004702 0.000000 0.061513 0.223611 0.054959 0.004916 0.000000 0.061513 0.233333 0.054959 0.005129 0.000000 0.061513 0.243056 0.054959 0.005343 0.000000 0.061513 0.252778 0.054959 0.005557 0.000000 0.061513 0.262500 0.054959 0.005771 0.000000 0.061513 0.272222 0.054959 0.005984 0.000000 0.061513 0.281944 0.054959 0.006198 0.000000 0.061513 0.291667 0.054959 0.006412 0.000000 0.061513 0.301389 0.054959 0.006626 0.000000 0.061513 0.311111 0.054959 0.006839 0.000000 0.061513 0.320833 0.054959 0.007053 0.000000 0.061513 0.330556 0.054959 0.007267 0.000000 0.061513 0.340278 0.054959 0.007480 0.000000 0.061513 0.350000 0.054959 0.007694 0.000000 0.061513 0.359722 0.054959 0.007908 0.000000 0.061513 0.369444 0.054959 0.008122 0.000000 0.061513 0.379167 0.054959 0.008335 0.000000 0.061513 0.388889 0.054959 0.008549 0.000000 0.061513 0.398611 0.054959 0.008763 0.000000 0.061513 0.408333 0.054959 0.008977 0.000000 0.061513 0.418056 0.054959 0.009190 0.000000 0.061513 0.427778 0.054959 0.009404 0.000000 0.061513 0.437500 0.054959 0.009618 0.000000 0.061513 0.447222 0.054959 0.009831 0.000000 0.061513 0.456944 0.054959 0.010045 0.000000 0.061513 0.466667 0.054959 0.010259 0.000000 0.061513 0.476389 0.054959 0.010473 0.000000 0.061513 0.486111 0.054959 0.010686 0.000000 0.061513 0.495833 0.054959 0.010900 0.000000 0.061513 0.505556 0.054959 0.011114 0.000000 0.061513 0.515278 0.054959 0.011328 0.000000 0.061513 0.525000 0.054959 0.011541 0.000000 0.061513 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 35 0.534722 0.054959 0.011755 0.000000 0.061513 0.544444 0.054959 0.011969 0.000000 0.061513 0.554167 0.054959 0.012183 0.000000 0.061513 0.563889 0.054959 0.012396 0.000000 0.061513 0.573611 0.054959 0.012610 0.000000 0.061513 0.583333 0.054959 0.012717 0.000000 0.061513 0.593056 0.054959 0.012824 0.000000 0.061513 0.602778 0.054959 0.012931 0.000000 0.061513 0.612500 0.054959 0.013037 0.000000 0.061513 0.622222 0.054959 0.013144 0.000000 0.061513 0.631944 0.054959 0.013251 0.000000 0.061513 0.641667 0.054959 0.013358 0.000000 0.061513 0.651389 0.054959 0.013465 0.000000 0.061513 0.661111 0.054959 0.013572 0.000000 0.061513 0.670833 0.054959 0.013679 0.000000 0.061513 0.680556 0.054959 0.013785 0.000000 0.061513 0.690278 0.054959 0.013892 0.000000 0.061513 0.700000 0.054959 0.013999 0.000000 0.061513 0.709722 0.054959 0.014106 0.000000 0.061513 0.719444 0.054959 0.014213 0.000000 0.061513 0.729167 0.054959 0.014320 0.000000 0.061513 0.738889 0.054959 0.014427 0.000000 0.061513 0.748611 0.054959 0.014534 0.000000 0.061513 0.758333 0.054959 0.014640 0.000000 0.061513 0.768056 0.054959 0.014747 0.000000 0.061513 0.777778 0.054959 0.014854 0.000000 0.061513 0.787500 0.054959 0.014961 0.000000 0.061513 0.797222 0.054959 0.015068 0.000000 0.061513 0.806944 0.054959 0.015175 0.000000 0.061513 0.816667 0.054959 0.015282 0.000000 0.061513 0.826389 0.054959 0.015388 0.000000 0.061513 0.836111 0.054959 0.015495 0.000000 0.061513 0.845833 0.054959 0.015602 0.000000 0.061513 0.855556 0.054959 0.015709 0.000000 0.061513 0.865278 0.054959 0.015816 0.000000 0.061513 0.875000 0.054959 0.016350 0.000000 0.061513 END FTABLE 1 END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 RCHRES 2 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 RCHRES 1 EXTNL POTEV WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.5 RCHRES 2 EXTNL POTEV WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.7 RCHRES 3 EXTNL POTEV END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** RCHRES 4 HYDR RO 1 1 1 WDM 1006 FLOW ENGL REPL RCHRES 4 HYDR O 1 1 1 WDM 1007 FLOW ENGL REPL RCHRES 4 HYDR O 2 1 1 WDM 1008 FLOW ENGL REPL RCHRES 4 HYDR STAGE 1 1 1 WDM 1009 STAG ENGL REPL COPY 1 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 WDM 701 FLOW ENGL REPL COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 WDM 801 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 2 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 2 DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 36 MASS-LINK 3 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 3 MASS-LINK 5 IMPLND IWATER SURO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 5 MASS-LINK 7 RCHRES OFLOW OVOL 1 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 7 MASS-LINK 8 RCHRES OFLOW OVOL 2 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 8 MASS-LINK 17 RCHRES OFLOW OVOL 1 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 17 END MASS-LINK END RUN DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 37 Predeveloped HSPF Message File DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 38 Mitigated HSPF Message File DMA - 2_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:02:40 PM Page 39 Disclaimer Legal Notice This program and accompanying documentation are provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by End User. Clear Creek Solutions Inc. and the governmental licensee or sublicensees disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall Clear Creek Solutions Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the use of, or inability to use this program even if Clear Creek Solutions Inc. or their authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Software Copyright © by : Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 2005-2023; All Rights Reserved. Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 6200 Capitol Blvd. Ste F Olympia, WA. 98501 Toll Free 1(866)943-0304 Local (360)943-0304 www.clearcreeksolutions.com SDHM 3.1 PROJECT REPORT DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:12 PM Page 2 General Model Information TRUST Project Name:DMA - 3_11-14-23 Site Name:1312D - CTE - Toyota-COMBINED Site Address:5424 Paseo del Norte City:Carlsbad, CA 92008 Report Date:11/14/2023 Gage:ENCINITA Data Start:10/01/1963 Data End:09/30/2004 Timestep:Hourly Precip Scale:1.000 Version Date:2022/06/20 POC Thresholds Low Flow Threshold for POC1:10 Percent of the 2 Year High Flow Threshold for POC1:10 Year DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:12 PM Page 3 Landuse Basin Data Predeveloped Land Use Basin 3 Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre B,NatVeg,Flat 0.108 Pervious Total 0.108 Impervious Land Use acre Impervious Total 0 Basin Total 0.108 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:12 PM Page 4 Mitigated Land Use DMA 3 Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre B,UrbNoIrr,Flat 0.017 Pervious Total 0.017 Impervious Land Use acre IMPERVIOUS-FLAT 0.091 Impervious Total 0.091 Basin Total 0.108 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Surface iltration 3 Surface iltration 3 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:12 PM Page 5 Routing Elements Predeveloped Routing DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:12 PM Page 6 Mitigated Routing Biofiltration 3 Bottom Length: 20.40 ft. Bottom Width: 20.40 ft. Material thickness of first layer: 0.25 Material type for first layer: Mulch Material thickness of second layer: 1.5 Material type for second layer: ESM Material thickness of third layer: 2.25 Material type for third layer: GRAVEL Infiltration On Infiltration rate:0.12 Infiltration safety factor:1 Total Volume Infiltrated (ac-ft.):2.095 Total Volume Through Riser (ac-ft.):0.035 Total Volume Through Facility (ac-ft.):2.357 Percent Infiltrated:88.88 Total Precip Applied to Facility:0.235 Total Evap From Facility:0.273 Underdrain used Underdrain Diameter (feet):0.5 Orifice Diameter (in.):0.12 Offset (in.):3 Flow Through Underdrain (ac-ft.):0.227 Total Outflow (ac-ft.):2.357 Percent Through Underdrain:9.63 Discharge Structure Riser Height:1 ft. Riser Diameter:24 in. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Biofilter Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 0.0000 0.0096 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0577 0.0096 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.1154 0.0096 0.0003 0.0000 0.0000 0.1731 0.0096 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 0.2308 0.0096 0.0007 0.0000 0.0000 0.2885 0.0096 0.0008 0.0000 0.0000 0.3462 0.0096 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 0.4038 0.0096 0.0012 0.0007 0.0007 0.4615 0.0096 0.0013 0.0009 0.0009 0.5192 0.0096 0.0015 0.0011 0.0011 0.5769 0.0096 0.0017 0.0012 0.0012 0.6346 0.0096 0.0018 0.0012 0.0012 0.6923 0.0096 0.0020 0.0012 0.0012 0.7500 0.0096 0.0021 0.0012 0.0012 0.8077 0.0096 0.0023 0.0012 0.0012 0.8654 0.0096 0.0025 0.0012 0.0012 0.9231 0.0096 0.0026 0.0012 0.0012 0.9808 0.0096 0.0028 0.0012 0.0012 1.0385 0.0096 0.0030 0.0012 0.0012 1.0962 0.0096 0.0031 0.0012 0.0012 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:12 PM Page 7 1.1538 0.0096 0.0033 0.0012 0.0012 1.2115 0.0096 0.0035 0.0012 0.0012 1.2692 0.0096 0.0036 0.0012 0.0012 1.3269 0.0096 0.0038 0.0012 0.0012 1.3846 0.0096 0.0040 0.0012 0.0012 1.4423 0.0096 0.0041 0.0012 0.0012 1.5000 0.0096 0.0043 0.0012 0.0012 1.5577 0.0096 0.0045 0.0012 0.0012 1.6154 0.0096 0.0046 0.0012 0.0012 1.6731 0.0096 0.0048 0.0012 0.0012 1.7308 0.0096 0.0050 0.0012 0.0012 1.7885 0.0096 0.0052 0.0012 0.0012 1.8462 0.0096 0.0054 0.0012 0.0012 1.9038 0.0096 0.0056 0.0012 0.0012 1.9615 0.0096 0.0059 0.0012 0.0012 2.0192 0.0096 0.0061 0.0012 0.0012 2.0769 0.0096 0.0063 0.0012 0.0012 2.1346 0.0096 0.0066 0.0012 0.0012 2.1923 0.0096 0.0068 0.0012 0.0012 2.2500 0.0096 0.0070 0.0012 0.0012 2.3077 0.0096 0.0072 0.0012 0.0012 2.3654 0.0096 0.0075 0.0012 0.0012 2.4231 0.0096 0.0077 0.0012 0.0012 2.4808 0.0096 0.0079 0.0012 0.0012 2.5385 0.0096 0.0082 0.0012 0.0012 2.5962 0.0096 0.0084 0.0012 0.0012 2.6538 0.0096 0.0086 0.0012 0.0012 2.7115 0.0096 0.0088 0.0012 0.0012 2.7692 0.0096 0.0091 0.0012 0.0012 2.8269 0.0096 0.0093 0.0012 0.0012 2.8846 0.0096 0.0095 0.0012 0.0012 2.9423 0.0096 0.0098 0.0012 0.0012 3.0000 0.0096 0.0100 0.0012 0.0012 3.0577 0.0096 0.0102 0.0012 0.0012 3.1154 0.0096 0.0105 0.0012 0.0012 3.1731 0.0096 0.0107 0.0012 0.0012 3.2308 0.0096 0.0109 0.0012 0.0012 3.2885 0.0096 0.0111 0.0012 0.0012 3.3462 0.0096 0.0114 0.0012 0.0012 3.4038 0.0096 0.0116 0.0012 0.0012 3.4615 0.0096 0.0118 0.0012 0.0012 3.5192 0.0096 0.0121 0.0012 0.0012 3.5769 0.0096 0.0123 0.0012 0.0012 3.6346 0.0096 0.0125 0.0012 0.0012 3.6923 0.0096 0.0127 0.0012 0.0012 3.7500 0.0096 0.0130 0.0012 0.0012 3.8077 0.0096 0.0132 0.0012 0.0012 3.8654 0.0096 0.0134 0.0012 0.0012 3.9231 0.0096 0.0137 0.0012 0.0012 3.9808 0.0096 0.0139 0.0012 0.0012 4.0000 0.0096 0.0140 0.0012 0.0012 Biofilter Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)To Amended(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 4.0000 0.0096 0.0140 0.0000 0.0482 0.0000 4.0577 0.0096 0.0145 0.0000 0.0482 0.0000 4.1154 0.0096 0.0151 0.0000 0.0599 0.0000 4.1731 0.0096 0.0156 0.0000 0.0618 0.0000 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:12 PM Page 8 4.2308 0.0096 0.0162 0.0000 0.0636 0.0000 4.2885 0.0096 0.0167 0.0000 0.0655 0.0000 4.3462 0.0096 0.0173 0.0000 0.0673 0.0000 4.4038 0.0096 0.0178 0.0000 0.0692 0.0000 4.4615 0.0096 0.0184 0.0000 0.0710 0.0000 4.5192 0.0096 0.0189 0.0000 0.0729 0.0000 4.5769 0.0096 0.0195 0.0000 0.0747 0.0000 4.6346 0.0096 0.0200 0.0000 0.0766 0.0000 4.6923 0.0096 0.0206 0.0000 0.0784 0.0000 4.7500 0.0096 0.0211 0.0000 0.0803 0.0000 4.8077 0.0096 0.0217 0.0000 0.0821 0.0000 4.8654 0.0096 0.0222 0.0000 0.0840 0.0000 4.9231 0.0096 0.0228 0.0000 0.0858 0.0000 4.9808 0.0096 0.0233 0.0000 0.0877 0.0000 5.0385 0.0096 0.0239 0.0000 0.0895 0.0000 5.0962 0.0096 0.0244 0.0000 0.0914 0.0000 5.1538 0.0096 0.0250 0.0000 0.0932 0.0000 5.2115 0.0096 0.0255 0.0000 0.0951 0.0000 5.2500 0.0096 0.0259 0.0000 0.0963 0.0000 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:12 PM Page 9 Surface iltration 3 Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Biofiltration 3 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:12 PM Page 10 Analysis Results POC 1 + Predeveloped x Mitigated Predeveloped Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0.108 Total Impervious Area:0 Mitigated Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0.017 Total Impervious Area:0.091 Flow Frequency Method:Cunnane Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.007135 5 year 0.015245 10 year 0.021405 25 year 0.040821 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.00052 5 year 0.000621 10 year 0.012466 25 year 0.044749 002 • ._ 0.02 f-----1>"1-----------------£ ~ 001 0 J IJ. 0.01 10C·2 10E·1 10 P-ro-not: -W.m-Ex.c..--d fn g " '" 0.0001 t--.,-,--,----,.--,.-,.--.. --,-.-.,--.,--.. --.. --.. -.. -,--+, 00001 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:18 PM Page 11 Duration Flows The Facility PASSED Flow(cfs)Predev Mit Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0007 403 42 10 Pass 0.0009 296 42 14 Pass 0.0011 236 42 17 Pass 0.0013 204 41 20 Pass 0.0015 184 40 21 Pass 0.0018 166 40 24 Pass 0.0020 152 39 25 Pass 0.0022 139 35 25 Pass 0.0024 126 34 26 Pass 0.0026 117 34 29 Pass 0.0028 113 34 30 Pass 0.0030 106 34 32 Pass 0.0032 98 31 31 Pass 0.0034 96 30 31 Pass 0.0036 95 30 31 Pass 0.0038 94 29 30 Pass 0.0041 92 29 31 Pass 0.0043 86 28 32 Pass 0.0045 82 27 32 Pass 0.0047 77 27 35 Pass 0.0049 73 25 34 Pass 0.0051 70 23 32 Pass 0.0053 68 23 33 Pass 0.0055 66 23 34 Pass 0.0057 64 23 35 Pass 0.0059 61 23 37 Pass 0.0061 57 23 40 Pass 0.0064 56 21 37 Pass 0.0066 54 20 37 Pass 0.0068 50 18 36 Pass 0.0070 48 17 35 Pass 0.0072 45 17 37 Pass 0.0074 45 17 37 Pass 0.0076 43 17 39 Pass 0.0078 41 17 41 Pass 0.0080 38 17 44 Pass 0.0082 37 17 45 Pass 0.0084 34 17 50 Pass 0.0087 32 17 53 Pass 0.0089 31 17 54 Pass 0.0091 31 17 54 Pass 0.0093 29 17 58 Pass 0.0095 29 17 58 Pass 0.0097 28 17 60 Pass 0.0099 28 17 60 Pass 0.0101 28 16 57 Pass 0.0103 28 15 53 Pass 0.0105 28 15 53 Pass 0.0107 25 14 56 Pass 0.0110 25 14 56 Pass 0.0112 25 13 52 Pass 0.0114 23 13 56 Pass 0.0116 23 13 56 Pass DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:18 PM Page 12 0.0118 23 13 56 Pass 0.0120 23 13 56 Pass 0.0122 23 13 56 Pass 0.0124 22 12 54 Pass 0.0126 20 12 60 Pass 0.0128 20 12 60 Pass 0.0130 20 12 60 Pass 0.0133 17 12 70 Pass 0.0135 16 12 75 Pass 0.0137 15 12 80 Pass 0.0139 15 12 80 Pass 0.0141 14 12 85 Pass 0.0143 13 11 84 Pass 0.0145 13 10 76 Pass 0.0147 13 9 69 Pass 0.0149 13 8 61 Pass 0.0151 13 8 61 Pass 0.0153 12 8 66 Pass 0.0156 12 8 66 Pass 0.0158 12 8 66 Pass 0.0160 12 8 66 Pass 0.0162 12 8 66 Pass 0.0164 12 8 66 Pass 0.0166 10 8 80 Pass 0.0168 10 8 80 Pass 0.0170 9 8 88 Pass 0.0172 9 8 88 Pass 0.0174 9 8 88 Pass 0.0176 9 8 88 Pass 0.0179 9 7 77 Pass 0.0181 9 7 77 Pass 0.0183 9 7 77 Pass 0.0185 9 7 77 Pass 0.0187 8 7 87 Pass 0.0189 7 7 100 Pass 0.0191 7 7 100 Pass 0.0193 7 6 85 Pass 0.0195 7 6 85 Pass 0.0197 7 6 85 Pass 0.0199 7 5 71 Pass 0.0202 7 5 71 Pass 0.0204 7 5 71 Pass 0.0206 7 5 71 Pass 0.0208 7 5 71 Pass 0.0210 6 5 83 Pass 0.0212 6 5 83 Pass 0.0214 6 5 83 Pass DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:18 PM Page 13 Water Quality Drawdown Time Results Pond: Surface iltration 3 Days Stage(feet)Percent of Total Run Time 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Maximum Stage:1.000 Drawdown Time:Less than 1 day Pond: Biofiltration 3 Days Stage(feet)Percent of Total Run Time 1 2.128 1.5878 2 2.835 0.8480 3 3.626 0.4301 4 0.000 N/A 5 0.000 N/A Maximum Stage:4.000 Drawdown Time:03 10:02:50 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:18 PM Page 14 Model Default Modifications Total of 0 changes have been made. PERLND Changes No PERLND changes have been made. IMPLND Changes No IMPLND changes have been made. DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:18 PM Page 15 Appendix Predeveloped Schematic wm Basin3 0.11 ac DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:18 PM Page 16 Mitigated Schematic Biofiltration DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 17 Predeveloped UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1963 10 01 END 2004 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 DMA - 3_11-14-23.wdm MESSU 25 PreDMA - 3_11-14-23.MES 27 PreDMA - 3_11-14-23.L61 28 PreDMA - 3_11-14-23.L62 30 POCDMA - 3_11-14-231.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:60 PERLND 10 COPY 501 DISPLY 1 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 Basin 3 MAX 1 2 30 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** END OPCODE PARM # # K *** END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 10 B,NatVeg,Flat 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 18 PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 10 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 10 0 4 0.07 100 0.05 2.5 0.915 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 10 0 0 2 2 0 0.05 0.05 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 10 0 0.6 0.04 1 0.3 0 END PWAT-PARM4 MON-LZETPARM <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 10 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 END MON-LZETPARM MON-INTERCEP <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 10 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.1 0.1 0.1 END MON-INTERCEP PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 10 0 0 0.01 0 0.4 0.01 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC END IWAT-PARM2 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 19 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS END IWAT-STATE1 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** Basin 3*** PERLND 10 0.108 COPY 501 12 PERLND 10 0.108 COPY 501 13 ******Routing****** END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 20 SPEC-ACTIONS END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 WDM 501 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 12 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 12 MASS-LINK 13 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 13 END MASS-LINK END RUN DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 21 Mitigated UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1963 10 01 END 2004 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 DMA - 3_11-14-23.wdm MESSU 25 MitDMA - 3_11-14-23.MES 27 MitDMA - 3_11-14-23.L61 28 MitDMA - 3_11-14-23.L62 30 POCDMA - 3_11-14-231.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:60 PERLND 52 IMPLND 1 GENER 2 RCHRES 1 RCHRES 2 COPY 1 COPY 501 DISPLY 1 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 Surface iltration 3 MAX 1 2 30 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** 2 24 END OPCODE PARM # # K *** 2 0. END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 52 B,UrbNoIrr,Flat 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 52 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 22 PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 52 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 52 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 52 0 4 0.07 50 0.05 2.5 0.915 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 52 0 0 2 2 0 0.05 0.05 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 52 0 0.6 0.03 1 0.3 0 END PWAT-PARM4 MON-LZETPARM <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 52 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 END MON-LZETPARM MON-INTERCEP <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *** 52 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 END MON-INTERCEP PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 52 0 0 0.01 0 0.4 0.01 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 1 IMPERVIOUS-FLAT 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* 1 0 0 4 0 0 4 1 9 END PRINT-INFO DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 23 IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** 1 0 0 0 0 1 END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC 1 100 0.05 0.011 0.1 END IWAT-PARM2 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN 1 0 0 END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS 1 0 0 END IWAT-STATE1 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** DMA 3*** PERLND 52 0.017 RCHRES 1 2 PERLND 52 0.017 RCHRES 1 3 IMPLND 1 0.091 RCHRES 1 5 ******Routing****** PERLND 52 0.017 COPY 1 12 IMPLND 1 0.091 COPY 1 15 PERLND 52 0.017 COPY 1 13 RCHRES 1 1 RCHRES 2 8 RCHRES 2 1 COPY 501 17 RCHRES 1 1 COPY 501 17 END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 GENER 2 OUTPUT TIMSER .0002778 RCHRES 1 EXTNL OUTDGT 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** 1 Surface iltratio-004 2 1 1 1 28 0 1 2 Biofiltration 3-003 2 1 1 1 28 0 1 END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 24 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** 1 0 1 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** 1 1 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 2 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> 1 0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES SPEC-ACTIONS *** User-Defined Variable Quantity Lines *** addr *** <------> *** kwd varnam optyp opn vari s1 s2 s3 tp multiply lc ls ac as agfn *** <****> <----> <----> <-> <----><-><-><-><-><--------> <><-> <><-> <--> *** UVQUAN vol2 RCHRES 2 VOL 4 UVQUAN v2m2 GLOBAL WORKSP 1 3 UVQUAN vpo2 GLOBAL WORKSP 2 3 UVQUAN v2d2 GENER 2 K 1 3 *** User-Defined Target Variable Names *** addr or addr or *** <------> <------> *** kwd varnam ct vari s1 s2 s3 frac oper vari s1 s2 s3 frac oper <****> <----><-> <----><-><-><-> <---> <--> <----><-><-><-> <---> <--> UVNAME v2m2 1 WORKSP 1 1.0 QUAN UVNAME vpo2 1 WORKSP 2 1.0 QUAN UVNAME v2d2 1 K 1 1.0 QUAN *** opt foplop dcdts yr mo dy hr mn d t vnam s1 s2 s3 ac quantity tc ts rp <****><-><--><><-><--> <> <> <> <><><> <----><-><-><-><-><--------> <> <-><-> GENER 2 v2m2 = 614.88 *** Compute remaining available pore space GENER 2 vpo2 = v2m2 GENER 2 vpo2 -= vol2 *** Check to see if VPORA goes negative; if so set VPORA = 0.0 IF (vpo2 < 0.0) THEN GENER 2 vpo2 = 0.0 END IF *** Infiltration volume GENER 2 v2d2 = vpo2 END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES FTABLE 2 71 5 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Outflow2 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 25 0.000000 0.009554 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.057692 0.009554 0.000165 0.000000 0.000000 0.115385 0.009554 0.000331 0.000000 0.000000 0.173077 0.009554 0.000496 0.000000 0.000000 0.230769 0.009554 0.000661 0.000000 0.000000 0.288462 0.009554 0.000827 0.000000 0.000000 0.346154 0.009554 0.000992 0.000000 0.000000 0.403846 0.009554 0.001157 0.000000 0.000745 0.461538 0.009554 0.001323 0.000000 0.000932 0.519231 0.009554 0.001488 0.000000 0.001124 0.576923 0.009554 0.001654 0.000000 0.001156 0.634615 0.009554 0.001819 0.000000 0.001156 0.692308 0.009554 0.001984 0.000000 0.001156 0.750000 0.009554 0.002150 0.000000 0.001156 0.807692 0.009554 0.002315 0.000000 0.001156 0.865385 0.009554 0.002480 0.000000 0.001156 0.923077 0.009554 0.002646 0.000000 0.001156 0.980769 0.009554 0.002811 0.000000 0.001156 1.038462 0.009554 0.002976 0.000000 0.001156 1.096154 0.009554 0.003142 0.000000 0.001156 1.153846 0.009554 0.003307 0.000000 0.001156 1.211538 0.009554 0.003472 0.000000 0.001156 1.269231 0.009554 0.003638 0.000000 0.001156 1.326923 0.009554 0.003803 0.000032 0.001156 1.384615 0.009554 0.003968 0.000048 0.001156 1.442308 0.009554 0.004134 0.000070 0.001156 1.500000 0.009554 0.004299 0.000082 0.001156 1.557692 0.009554 0.004465 0.000098 0.001156 1.615385 0.009554 0.004630 0.000106 0.001156 1.673077 0.009554 0.004795 0.000119 0.001156 1.730769 0.009554 0.004961 0.000126 0.001156 1.788462 0.009554 0.005189 0.000137 0.001156 1.846154 0.009554 0.005418 0.000143 0.001156 1.903846 0.009554 0.005647 0.000153 0.001156 1.961538 0.009554 0.005876 0.000158 0.001156 2.019231 0.009554 0.006104 0.000167 0.001156 2.076923 0.009554 0.006333 0.000171 0.001156 2.134615 0.009554 0.006562 0.000180 0.001156 2.192308 0.009554 0.006790 0.000184 0.001156 2.250000 0.009554 0.007019 0.000188 0.001156 2.307692 0.009554 0.007248 0.000196 0.001156 2.365385 0.009554 0.007477 0.000210 0.001156 2.423077 0.009554 0.007705 0.000226 0.001156 2.480769 0.009554 0.007934 0.000243 0.001156 2.538462 0.009554 0.008163 0.000260 0.001156 2.596154 0.009554 0.008392 0.000277 0.001156 2.653846 0.009554 0.008620 0.000292 0.001156 2.711538 0.009554 0.008849 0.000307 0.001156 2.769231 0.009554 0.009078 0.000321 0.001156 2.826923 0.009554 0.009307 0.000334 0.001156 2.884615 0.009554 0.009535 0.000348 0.001156 2.942308 0.009554 0.009764 0.000360 0.001156 3.000000 0.009554 0.009993 0.000372 0.001156 3.057692 0.009554 0.010222 0.000384 0.001156 3.115385 0.009554 0.010450 0.000395 0.001156 3.173077 0.009554 0.010679 0.000406 0.001156 3.230769 0.009554 0.010908 0.000417 0.001156 3.288462 0.009554 0.011137 0.000428 0.001156 3.346154 0.009554 0.011365 0.000438 0.001156 3.403846 0.009554 0.011594 0.000448 0.001156 3.461538 0.009554 0.011823 0.000458 0.001156 3.519231 0.009554 0.012051 0.000467 0.001156 3.576923 0.009554 0.012280 0.000477 0.001156 3.634615 0.009554 0.012509 0.000486 0.001156 3.692308 0.009554 0.012738 0.000495 0.001156 3.750000 0.009554 0.012966 0.000504 0.001156 3.807692 0.009554 0.013195 0.000513 0.001156 3.865385 0.009554 0.013424 0.000521 0.001156 3.923077 0.009554 0.013653 0.000530 0.001156 3.980769 0.009554 0.013881 0.000539 0.001156 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 26 4.000000 0.009554 0.014116 0.000757 0.001156 END FTABLE 2 FTABLE 1 23 5 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Outflow2 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** 0.000000 0.009554 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.057692 0.009554 0.000551 0.000000 0.048167 0.115385 0.009554 0.001102 0.000000 0.059900 0.173077 0.009554 0.001654 0.000000 0.061752 0.230769 0.009554 0.002205 0.000000 0.063605 0.288462 0.009554 0.002756 0.000000 0.065457 0.346154 0.009554 0.003307 0.000000 0.067310 0.403846 0.009554 0.003858 0.000000 0.069162 0.461538 0.009554 0.004409 0.000000 0.071015 0.519231 0.009554 0.004961 0.000000 0.072868 0.576923 0.009554 0.005512 0.000000 0.074720 0.634615 0.009554 0.006063 0.000000 0.076573 0.692308 0.009554 0.006614 0.000000 0.078425 0.750000 0.009554 0.007165 0.000000 0.080278 0.807692 0.009554 0.007716 0.000000 0.082130 0.865385 0.009554 0.008268 0.000000 0.083983 0.923077 0.009554 0.008819 0.000000 0.085836 0.980769 0.009554 0.009370 0.000000 0.087688 1.038462 0.009554 0.009921 0.160076 0.089541 1.096154 0.009554 0.010472 0.632006 0.091393 1.153846 0.009554 0.011024 1.276591 0.093246 1.211538 0.009554 0.011575 2.050250 0.095098 1.250000 0.009554 0.011942 2.923656 0.096333 END FTABLE 1 END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 RCHRES 1 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.5 RCHRES 1 EXTNL POTEV WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.7 RCHRES 2 EXTNL POTEV END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** RCHRES 2 HYDR RO 1 1 1 WDM 1000 FLOW ENGL REPL RCHRES 2 HYDR O 1 1 1 WDM 1001 FLOW ENGL REPL RCHRES 2 HYDR O 2 1 1 WDM 1002 FLOW ENGL REPL RCHRES 2 HYDR STAGE 1 1 1 WDM 1003 STAG ENGL REPL RCHRES 1 HYDR STAGE 1 1 1 WDM 1004 STAG ENGL REPL RCHRES 1 HYDR O 1 1 1 WDM 1005 FLOW ENGL REPL COPY 1 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 WDM 701 FLOW ENGL REPL COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 12.1 WDM 801 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 2 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 2 MASS-LINK 3 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 3 MASS-LINK 5 DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 27 IMPLND IWATER SURO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 5 MASS-LINK 8 RCHRES OFLOW OVOL 2 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 8 MASS-LINK 12 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 12 MASS-LINK 13 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 13 MASS-LINK 15 IMPLND IWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 15 MASS-LINK 17 RCHRES OFLOW OVOL 1 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 17 END MASS-LINK END RUN DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 28 Predeveloped HSPF Message File DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 29 Mitigated HSPF Message File DMA - 3_11-14-23 11/14/2023 3:09:19 PM Page 30 Disclaimer Legal Notice This program and accompanying documentation are provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by End User. Clear Creek Solutions Inc. and the governmental licensee or sublicensees disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall Clear Creek Solutions Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the use of, or inability to use this program even if Clear Creek Solutions Inc. or their authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Software Copyright © by : Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 2005-2023; All Rights Reserved. Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 6200 Capitol Blvd. Ste F Olympia, WA. 98501 Toll Free 1(866)943-0304 Local (360)943-0304 www.clearcreeksolutions.com ATTACHMENT 3 Structural BMP Maintenance Information Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included in the Structural BMP Maintenance Information Attachment: Preliminary Design/Planning/CEQA level submittal: Attachment 3 must identify: ☒ Typical maintenance indicators and actions for proposed structural BMP(s) based on Section 7.7 of the BMP Design Manual Final Design level submittal: Attachment 3 must identify: ☒ Specific maintenance indicators and actions for proposed structural BMP(s). This shall be based on Section 7.7 of the BMP Design Manual and enhanced to reflect actual proposed components of the structural BMP(s) ☒ How to access the structural BMP(s) to inspect and perform maintenance ☒ Features that are provided to facilitate inspection (e.g., observation ports, cleanouts, silt posts, or other features that allow the inspector to view necessary components of the structural BMP and compare to maintenance thresholds) ☒ Manufacturer and part number for proprietary parts of structural BMP(s) when applicable ☒ Maintenance thresholds for BMPs subject to siltation or heavy trash(e.g., silt level posts or other markings shall be included in all BMP components that will trap and store sediment, trash, and/or debris, so that the inspector may determine how full the BMP is, and the maintenance personnel may determine where the bottom of the BMP is . If required, posts or other markings shall be indicated and described on structural BMP plans.) ☒ Recommended equipment to perform maintenance ☒ When applicable, necessary special training or certification requirements for inspection and maintenance personnel such as confined space entry or hazardous waste management Page 1 Operation and Maintenance Plan for the Stormwater Quality BMP Facilities for TOYOTA CARLSBAD – SWQMP March 13, 2023 I. PURPOSE The primary purpose of this Operations & Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan) shall be to provide a routine maintenance program that maintains the treatment facilities effectiveness. II. COVERAGE AREA This project will utilize 1 primary treatment facility type and a secondary treatment structure located on-site: 1. Biofiltration Basin (with partial retention) – located along the western property line and southern property line. 2. Pervious pavement – located in several parking spots throughout DMA-1 & 2. 3. Storm tanks – an underground detention vault associated with DMA-1 & 2 to meet hydromodification requirements. The biofiltration basins will treat all onsite stormwater. The basin will be unlined to promote infiltration with an overflow riser to allow for stormwater bypass in case of larger storm events. Since the site will utilize partial infiltration, an underdrain will be placed at the bottom of the biofiltration basins. An orifice plate is placed in the overflow riser connecting the BMP basin to the outlet pipe. DMA-1 and 2 will connect stormwater discharging from the overflow riser to an underground storm tank for detention of storm water and infiltration. Proper maintenance of the BMP system to allow for the effectiveness of the BMP basin and storm tanks and to prevent storm pipes from clogging. III. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Primary maintenance activities include vegetation management, trash and sediment removal, irrigation maintenance and storm drain outlet inspections. The basins and swales are designed to fully drain within 24-72 hours and not include permanent pools or standing water. Routine maintenance activities, and the frequency at which they will be conducted, are shown in Table 1 below. NOTE: Landscape Maintenance Plan should also be reviewed for consistency with vegetation maintenance and any applicable needs for specific plants, shrubs or trees. Page 2 Table 1 Routine Maintenance Activities for Basins & Swales No. Maintenance Task Frequency of Task 1 Conduct annual vegetation management during the summer, removing weeds and harvesting vegetation. Remove all grass cuttings and other green waste. Once a year 2 Trim vegetation at beginning and end of wet season to prevent establishment of woody vegetation, and for aesthetics and mosquito control. Twice a year (spring and fall) 3 Evaluate health of vegetation and remove or replace any dead or dying plants. Remove all green waste and dispose of properly. Twice a year 4 Remove accumulated trash and debris from the middle and end of the wet season and dispose of trash and debris properly. Twice a year (January and April) 5 Irrigate during dry weather. Per Landscape Plans 6 Inspect basins and swales using the attached inspection checklists. Quarterly, or as needed Storm tanks are to follow operation and maintenance plan of the manufacturer. IV. PROHIBITIONS The use of pesticides and quick release fertilizers shall be minimized, and the principles of integrated pest management (IPM) followed: 1. Employ non-chemical controls (biological, physical and cultural controls) before using chemicals to treat a pest problem. 2. Prune plants properly and at the appropriate time of year. 3. Provide adequate irrigation for landscape plants. Do not over water. 4. Limit fertilizer use unless soil testing indicates a deficiency. Slow-release or organic fertilizer is preferable. Check with municipality for specific requirements. 5. Pest control should avoid harming non-target organisms, or negatively affecting air and water quality and public health. Apply chemical controls only when monitoring indicates that preventative and non-chemical methods are not keeping pests below acceptable levels. When pesticides are required, apply the least toxic and the least persistent pesticide that will provide adequate pest control. Do not apply pesticides on a prescheduled basis. 6. Sweep up spilled fertilizer and pesticides. Do not wash away or bury such spills. 7. Do not over apply pesticide. Spray only where the infestation exists. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing and applying materials. 8. Only licensed, trained pesticide applicators shall apply pesticides. Page 3 9. Apply pesticides at the appropriate time to maximize their effectiveness and minimize the likelihood of discharging pesticides into runoff. With the exception of pre-emergent pesticides, avoid application if rain is expected. 10. Unwanted/unused pesticides shall be disposed as hazardous waste. V. INSPECTIONS The attached Inspection and Maintenance Checklists shall be used to conduct inspections monthly (or as needed), identify needed maintenance, and record maintenance that is conducted. Page 4 Basin Inspection and Maintenance Checklist Property Address: Property Owner: Treatment Measure No.: Date of Inspection: Type of Inspection: Monthly Pre-Wet Season After heavy runoff End of Wet Season Inspector(s): Other: Defect Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Maintenance Needed? (Y/N) Comments (Describe maintenance completed and if any needed maintenance was not conducted, note when it will be done.) Results Expected When Maintenance Is Performed General Trash & Debris • Trash and debris accumulated in basin. • Visual evidence of dumping. Trash and debris cleared from site and disposed of properly. Poisonous Vegetation and noxious weeds Poisonous or nuisance vegetation or noxious weeds, e.g., morning glory, English ivy, reed canary grass, Japanese knotweed, purple loosestrife, blackberry, Scotch broom, poison oak, stinging nettles, or devil’s club. Use Integrated Pest Management techniques to control noxious weeds or invasive species. Contaminants and Pollution Any evidence of oil, gasoline, contaminants or other pollutants. No contaminants or pollutants present. Rodent Holes If facility acts as a dam or berm, any evidence of rodent holes, or any evidence of water piping through dam, berm or into slopes via rodent holes. The design specifications are not compromised by holes. Any rodent control activities are in accordance with applicable laws and do not affect any protected species. Insects Insects such as wasps and hornets interfere with maintenance activities. Insects do not interfere with maintenance activities. Basin & Swales Inspection and Maintenance Checklist Date of Inspection: Property Address: Treatment Measure No.: Page 5 Defect Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Maintenance Needed? (Y/N) Comments (Describe maintenance completed and if any needed maintenance was not conducted, note when it will be done.) Results Expected When Maintenance Is Performed Tree/Brush Growth and Hazard Trees • Growth does not allow maintenance access or interferes with maintenance activity. • Dead, diseased, or dying trees/shrubs. • Trees do not hinder maintenance activities. • Remove hazard trees as approved by the City. (Use a certified Arborist to determine health of tree or removal requirements). Drainage time Standing water remains in basin more than five days. Correct any circumstances that restrict the flow of water from the system. Restore drainage to design condition. If the problem cannot be corrected and problems with standing water recur, then mosquitoes should be controlled with larvicides, applied by a licensed pesticide applicator. Outfall structure Debris or silt build-up obstructs an outfall structure. Remove debris and/or silt build-up and dispose of properly. Side Slopes Erosion • Eroded over 2 in. deep where cause of damage is still present or where there is potential for continued erosion. • Any erosion on a compacted berm embankment. Cause of erosion is managed appropriately. Side slopes or berm are restored to design specifications, as needed. Storage Area Sediment Accumulated sediment >10% of designed basin depth or affects inletting or outletting condition of the facility. Sediment cleaned out to designed basin shape and depth; basin reseeded if necessary to control erosion. Sediment disposed of properly. Liner (If Applicable) Liner is visible and has more than three 1/4-inch holes in it. Liner repaired or replaced. Liner is fully covered. Emergency Overflow / Spillway and Berms Settlement Berm settlement 4 inches lower than the design elevation. Dike is built back to the design elevation. Basin & Swales Inspection and Maintenance Checklist Date of Inspection: Property Address: Treatment Measure No.: Page 6 Defect Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Maintenance Needed? (Y/N) Comments (Describe maintenance completed and if any needed maintenance was not conducted, note when it will be done.) Results Expected When Maintenance Is Performed Tree Growth Tree growth on berms or emergency spillway >4 ft in height or covering more than 10% of spillway. • Trees should be removed. If root system is small (base less than 4 inches) the root system may be left in place. Otherwise the roots should be removed and the berm restored. • A civil engineer should be consulted for proper berm/spillway restoration. Emergency Overflow/ Spillway Rock is missing and soil is exposed at top of spillway or outside slope. Rocks and pad depth are restored to design standards. Debris Barriers (e.g., Trash Racks) Trash and Debris Trash or debris is plugging openings in the barrier. Trash or debris is removed and disposed of properly. Damaged/ Missing Bars Bars are missing, loose, bent out of shape, or deteriorating due to excessive rust. Bars are repaired or replaced to allow proper functioning of trash rack. Inlet/Outlet Pipe Debris barrier is missing or not attached to pipe. Debris barrier is repaired or replaced to allow proper functioning of trash rack. Fencing and Gates Missing or broken parts Any defect in or damage to the fence or gate that permits easy entry to a facility. Fencing and gate are restored to design specifications. Deteriorating Paint or Protective Coating Part or parts that have a rusting or scaling condition that has affected structural adequacy. Paint or protective coating is sufficient to protect structural adequacy of fence or gate. Flow Duration Control Outlet (if included in design to meet Hydromodification Management Standard) Risers, orifices and screens Any debris or clogging Restore unobstructed flow through discharge structure; to meet original design; dispose of debris properly. Drawdown time Noticeable ponding exceeding 72-hours after a design storm event Restore infiltration and ponded waters permeate. Scarification should only be performed when there are signs of clogging rather than on a routine basis. Always remove deposited sediments before scarification and use a hand-guided rotary tiller. Swales (in addition to general items listed above) Basin & Swales Inspection and Maintenance Checklist Date of Inspection: Property Address: Treatment Measure No.: Page 7 Defect Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Maintenance Needed? (Y/N) Comments (Describe maintenance completed and if any needed maintenance was not conducted, note when it will be done.) Results Expected When Maintenance Is Performed Impeded Flow Twice annually at beginning and end of wet season. After heavy runoff. Visible blockage or impediments. Trash and debris cleared from swale and disposed of properly especially prior to mowing. Landscaping or Vegetative Overgrowth Twice annually at beginning and end of wet season or as needed for aesthetics. Maintained flow and healthy vegetation. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Any condition not covered above that needs attention to restore infiltration basin to design conditions. Meets the design specifications. INF-2 Bioretention BMP MAINTENANCE FACT SHEET FOR STRUCTURAL BMP INF-2 BIORETENTION Bioretention (bioretention without underdrain) facilities are vegetated surface water systems that filter water through vegetation and soil, or engineered media prior to infiltrating into native soils. Bioretention facilities are designed to infiltrate the full design capture volume (DCV) into native soils. They have no underdrain, and no impermeable liner. Typical bioretention components include: • Inflow distribution mechanisms (e.g., perimeter flow spreader or filter strips) • Energy dissipation mechanism for concentrated inflows (e.g., splash blocks or riprap) • Shallow surface ponding for captured flows • Side slope and basin bottom vegetation selected based on climate and ponding depth • Non-floating mulch layer • Media layer (planting mix or engineered media) capable of supporting vegetation growth • Filter course layer consisting of aggregate to prevent the migration of fines into uncompacted native soils or the optional aggregate storage layer • Optional aggregate storage layer for additional infiltration storage • Uncompacted native soils at the bottom of the facility • Overflow structure Normal Expected Maintenance Bioretention requires routine maintenance to: remove accumulated materials such as sediment, trash or debris; maintain vegetation health; maintain infiltration capacity of the media layer; replenish mulch; and maintain integrity of side slopes, inlets, energy dissipators, and outlets. A summary table of standard inspection and maintenance indicators is provided within this Fact Sheet. Non-Standard Maintenance or BMP Failure If any of the following scenarios are observed, the BMP is not performing as intended to protect downstream waterways from pollution and/or erosion. Corrective maintenance, increased inspection and maintenance, BMP replacement, or a different BMP type will be required. • The BMP is not drained between storm events. Surface ponding longer than approximately 24 hours following a storm event may be detrimental to vegetation health, and surface ponding longer than approximately 96 hours following a storm event poses a risk of vector (mosquito) breeding. Poor drainage can result from clogging of the media layer, filter course, aggregate storage layer, underlying native soils, or outlet structure. The specific cause of the drainage issue must be determined and corrected. If it is determined that the underlying native soils have been compacted or do not have the infiltration capacity expected, the [City Engineer] shall be contacted prior to any additional repairs or reconstruction. • Sediment, trash, or debris accumulation greater than 25% of the surface ponding volume within one month. This means the load from the tributary drainage area is too high, reducing BMP function or clogging the BMP. This would require pretreatment measures within the tributary area draining to the BMP to intercept the materials. Pretreatment components, especially for sediment, will extend the life of components that are more expensive to replace such as media, filter course, and aggregate layers. INF-2 Page 1 of 11 January 12, 2017 INF-2 Bioretention • Erosion due to concentrated storm water runoff flow that is not readily corrected by adding erosion control blankets, adding stone at flow entry points, or minor re-grading to restore proper drainage according to the original plan. If the issue is not corrected by restoring the BMP to the original plan and grade, the [City Engineer] shall be contacted prior to any additional repairs or reconstruction. Other Special Considerations Bioretention is a vegetated structural BMP. Vegetated structural BMPs that are constructed in the vicinity of, or connected to, an existing jurisdictional water or wetland could inadvertently result in creation of expanded waters or wetlands. As such, vegetated structural BMPs have the potential to come under the jurisdiction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, SDRWQCB, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. This could result in the need for specific resource agency permits and costly mitigation to perform maintenance of the structural BMP. Along with proper placement of a structural BMP, routine maintenance is key to preventing this scenario. INF-2 Page 2 of 11 January 12, 2017 INF-2 Bioretention SUMMARY OF STANDARD INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE FOR INF-2 BIORETENTION The property owner is responsible to ensure inspection, operation and maintenance of permanent BMPs on their property unless responsibility has been formally transferred to an agency, community facilities district, homeowners association, property owners association, or other special district. Maintenance frequencies listed in this table are average/typical frequencies. Actual maintenance needs are site-specific, and maintenance may be required more frequently. Maintenance must be performed whenever needed, based on maintenance indicators presented in this table. The BMP owner is responsible for conducting regular inspections to see when maintenance is needed based on the maintenance indicators. During the first year of operation of a structural BMP, inspection is recommended at least once prior to August 31 and then monthly from September through May. Inspection during a storm event is also recommended. After the initial period of frequent inspections, the minimum inspection and maintenance frequency can be determined based on the results of the first year inspections. Threshold/Indicator Maintenance Action Typical Maintenance Frequency Accumulation of sediment, litter, or debris Remove and properly dispose of accumulated materials, without damage to the vegetation or compaction of the media layer. • Inspect monthly. If the BMP is 25% full* or more in one month, increase inspection frequency to monthly plus after every 0.1-inch or larger storm event. • Remove any accumulated materials found at each inspection. Obstructed inlet or outlet structure Clear blockage. • Inspect monthly and after every 0.5-inch or larger storm event. • Remove any accumulated materials found at each inspection. Damage to structural components such as weirs, inlet or outlet structures Repair or replace as applicable. • Inspect annually. • Maintenance when needed. Poor vegetation establishment Re-seed, re-plant, or re-establish vegetation per original plans. • Inspect monthly. • Maintenance when needed. Dead or diseased vegetation Remove dead or diseased vegetation, re-seed, re-plant, or re-establish vegetation per original plans. • Inspect monthly. • Maintenance when needed. Overgrown vegetation Mow or trim as appropriate. • Inspect monthly. • Maintenance when needed. 2/3 of mulch has decomposed, or mulch has been removed Remove decomposed fraction and top off with fresh mulch to a total depth of 3 inches. • Inspect monthly. • Replenish mulch annually, or more frequently when needed based on inspection. *“25% full” is defined as ¼ of the depth from the design bottom elevation to the crest of the outflow structure (e.g., if the height to the outflow opening is 12 inches from the bottom elevation, then the materials must be removed when there is 3 inches of accumulation – this should be marked on the outflow structure). INF-2 Page 3 of 11 January 12, 2017 INF-2 Bioretention SUMMARY OF STANDARD INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE FOR INF-2 BIORETENTION (Continued from previous page) Threshold/Indicator Maintenance Action Typical Maintenance Frequency Erosion due to concentrated irrigation flow Repair/re-seed/re-plant eroded areas and adjust the irrigation system. • Inspect monthly. • Maintenance when needed. Erosion due to concentrated storm water runoff flow Repair/re-seed/re-plant eroded areas, and make appropriate corrective measures such as adding erosion control blankets, adding stone at flow entry points, or minor re-grading to restore proper drainage according to the original plan. If the issue is not corrected by restoring the BMP to the original plan and grade, the [City Engineer] shall be contacted prior to any additional repairs or reconstruction. • Inspect after every 0.5-inch or larger storm event. If erosion due to storm water flow has been observed, increase inspection frequency to after every 0.1-inch or larger storm event. • Maintenance when needed. If the issue is not corrected by restoring the BMP to the original plan and grade, the [City Engineer] shall be contacted prior to any additional repairs or reconstruction. Standing water in BMP for longer than 24 hours following a storm event Surface ponding longer than approximately 24 hours following a storm event may be detrimental to vegetation health Make appropriate corrective measures such as adjusting irrigation system, removing obstructions of debris or invasive vegetation, or repairing/replacing clogged or compacted soils. If it is determined that the underlying native soils have been compacted or do not have the infiltration capacity expected, the [City Engineer] shall be contacted prior to any additional repairs or reconstruction. • Inspect monthly and after every 0.5-inch or larger storm event. If standing water is observed, increase inspection frequency to after every 0.1-inch or larger storm event. • Maintenance when needed. Presence of mosquitos/larvae For images of egg rafts, larva, pupa, and adult mosquitos, see http://www.mosquito.org/biology If mosquitos/larvae are observed: first, immediately remove any standing water by dispersing to nearby landscaping; second, make corrective measures as applicable to restore BMP drainage to prevent standing water. If mosquitos persist following corrective measures to remove standing water, or if the BMP design does not meet the 96-hour drawdown criteria because the underlying native soils have been compacted or do not have the infiltration capacity expected, the [City Engineer] shall be contacted to determine a solution. A different BMP type, or a Vector Management Plan prepared with concurrence from the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health, may be required. • Inspect monthly and after every 0.5-inch or larger storm event. If mosquitos are observed, increase inspection frequency to after every 0.1-inch or larger storm event. • Maintenance when needed. INF-2 Page 4 of 11 January 12, 2017 INF-2 Bioretention References American Mosquito Control Association. http://www.mosquito.org/ California Storm Water Quality Association (CASQA). 2003. Municipal BMP Handbook. https://www.casqa.org/resources/bmp-handbooks/municipal-bmp-handbook County of San Diego. 2014. Low Impact Development Handbook. http://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/dpw/watersheds/susmp/lid.html San Diego County Copermittees. 2016. Model BMP Design Manual, Appendix E, Fact Sheet INF-2. http://www.projectcleanwater.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=250&Itemid=220 INF-2 Page 5 of 11 January 12, 2017 INF-2 Bioretention Page Intentionally Blank for Double-Sided Printing INF-2 Page 6 of 11 January 12, 2017 INF-2 Bioretention Date: Inspector: BMP ID No.: Permit No.: APN(s): Property / Development Name: Responsible Party Name and Phone Number: Property Address of BMP: Responsible Party Address: INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST FOR INF-2 BIORETENTION PAGE 1 of 5 Threshold/Indicator Maintenance Recommendation Date Description of Maintenance Conducted Accumulation of sediment, litter, or debris Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Remove and properly dispose of accumulated materials, without damage to the vegetation ☐ If sediment, litter, or debris accumulation exceeds 25% of the surface ponding volume within one month (25% full*), add a forebay or other pre-treatment measures within the tributary area draining to the BMP to intercept the materials. ☐ Other / Comments: Poor vegetation establishment Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Re-seed, re-plant, or re-establish vegetation per original plans ☐ Other / Comments: *“25% full” is defined as ¼ of the depth from the design bottom elevation to the crest of the outflow structure (e.g., if the height to the outflow opening is 12 inches from the bottom elevation, then the materials must be removed when there is 3 inches of accumulation – this should be marked on the outflow structure). INF-2 Page 7 of 11 January 12, 2017 I I I INF-2 Bioretention Date: Inspector: BMP ID No.: Permit No.: APN(s): INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST FOR INF-2 BIORETENTION PAGE 2 of 5 Threshold/Indicator Maintenance Recommendation Date Description of Maintenance Conducted Dead or diseased vegetation Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Remove dead or diseased vegetation, re-seed, re-plant, or re-establish vegetation per original plans ☐ Other / Comments: Overgrown vegetation Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Mow or trim as appropriate ☐ Other / Comments: 2/3 of mulch has decomposed, or mulch has been removed Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Remove decomposed fraction and top off with fresh mulch to a total depth of 3 inches ☐ Other / Comments: INF-2 Page 8 of 11 January 12, 2017 INF-2 Bioretention Date: Inspector: BMP ID No.: Permit No.: APN(s): INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST FOR INF-2 BIORETENTION PAGE 3 of 5 Threshold/Indicator Maintenance Recommendation Date Description of Maintenance Conducted Erosion due to concentrated irrigation flow Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Repair/re-seed/re-plant eroded areas and adjust the irrigation system ☐ Other / Comments: Erosion due to concentrated storm water runoff flow Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Repair/re-seed/re-plant eroded areas, and make appropriate corrective measures such as adding erosion control blankets, adding stone at flow entry points, or minor re-grading to restore proper drainage according to the original plan ☐ If the issue is not corrected by restoring the BMP to the original plan and grade, the [City Engineer] shall be contacted prior to any additional repairs or reconstruction ☐ Other / Comments: INF-2 Page 9 of 11 January 12, 2017 INF-2 Bioretention Date: Inspector: BMP ID No.: Permit No.: APN(s): INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST FOR INF-2 BIORETENTION PAGE 4 of 5 Threshold/Indicator Maintenance Recommendation Date Description of Maintenance Conducted Obstructed inlet or outlet structure Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Clear blockage ☐ Other / Comments: Damage to structural components such as weirs, inlet or outlet structures Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Repair or replace as applicable ☐ Other / Comments: INF-2 Page 10 of 11 January 12, 2017 INF-2 Bioretention Date: Inspector: BMP ID No.: Permit No.: APN(s): INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST FOR INF-2 BIORETENTION PAGE 5 of 5 Threshold/Indicator Maintenance Recommendation Date Description of Maintenance Conducted Standing water in BMP for longer than 24 hours following a storm event* Surface ponding longer than approximately 24 hours following a storm event may be detrimental to vegetation health Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Make appropriate corrective measures such as adjusting irrigation system, removing obstructions of debris or invasive vegetation, or repairing/replacing clogged or compacted soils. ☐ Other / Comments: Presence of mosquitos/larvae For images of egg rafts, larva, pupa, and adult mosquitos, see http://www.mosquito.org/biology Maintenance Needed? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A ☐ Apply corrective measures to remove standing water in BMP when standing water occurs for longer than 24-96 hours following a storm event.** ☐ Other / Comments: *Surface ponding longer than approximately 24 hours following a storm event may be detrimental to vegetation health, and surface ponding longer than approximately 96 hours following a storm event poses a risk of vector (mosquito) breeding. Poor drainage can result from clogging of the media layer, filter course, aggregate storage layer, underdrain, or outlet structure. The specific cause of the drainage issue must be determined and corrected. If it is determined that the underlying native soils have been compacted or do not have the infiltration capacity expected, the [City Engineer] shall be contacted prior to any additional repairs or reconstruction. **If mosquitos persist following corrective measures to remove standing water, or if the BMP design does not meet the 96-hour drawdown criteria because the underlying native soils have been compacted or do not have the infiltration capacity expected, the [City Engineer] shall be contacted to determine a solution. A different BMP type, or a Vector Management Plan prepared with concurrence from the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health, may be required. INF-2 Page 11 of 11 January 12, 2017 ATTACHMENT 4 City standard Single Sheet BMP (SSBMP) Exhibit ( SC-B) SEPARATION FLOWS FROM ADJACENT AREAS ( SC-C) WIND PROTECTION ( SC-D) SANITARY SEWER ( SC-E) CONTAINMENT SYSTEM ( SC-F) STORM DRAIN STENCILING OR SIGNAGE SITE DESIGN BMPS ( SD-B) DIRECT RUNOFF TO PERVIOUS AREAS (so-□) PERMEABLE PAVEMENT ( SD-F) AMENDED SOIL ( SD-G) CONSERVE NATURAL FEATURES /II /11 1/ !,'1//,_,- -1./-' PERVIOUS CONCRETE SD-G PERVIOUS CONCRETE SECTION N.T.S. UNIVERSAL® ENGINEERING SCIENCES SD-G SC-F / I ~:...:.,trfh'--"--( SC-F BMPID# BMPTYPE SYMBOL CASQA NO. TREATMENT CONTROL ® PERVIOUS I I TC-10 PAVEMENT ..---: v=._,,-_:::,/ 'V C ,--,,-=::,,/:___--,'1.l..- / I 1-,---/ ..J<1 • I l l I _/_ Li-----,=-c_· _-__ .Jc.......--=----,_ -:--f -r;.y ~----·,, ------I " --, 'i -<::11 t ;-.1f1 1'1,-- -------------, IE'=-SD-K ___ --------I---- 1 SD-G 4 I @,.. C,S -J SC -Sll I I I I I I <) \ I j I V sr., -s::, ~-/ i i I I V I I I BMP TABLE QUANTITY DRAWING NO. SHEET NO.(S) INSPECTION * MAINTENANCE * FREQUENCY FREQUENCY 161262 SF. 543-1A 3 SEMI-ANNUALLY ANNUALLY TG=SEE PLAN 1" RISER HEIGHT ENERGY DISSIPATION I I I I \ \ \ I I <I I PR. ACCESS MANHOLE FOR MAINTENANCE 24"X 24" (INSIDE DIM.) PCC. BOX • • TO BE BUILT FOR 100-YEAR 3.5 AC OVER 5 BASE STORM OVERFLOW W/ ADS TRASH CAPTURE PER GEOTECHNICAL DEv1CE INSERT, MODEL 6HD24FTC-VC RECOMMENDATIONS 3" WELL -AGED, SHREDDED LRDWOOD MULCH PR. STORMTANK PER PLAN ATTACHMENT 4A SINGLE SHEET BMP SITE PLAN PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE: NAME STELLAR PROPERTIES LLC ADDRESS 6030 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 200 CONTACT CARLSBAD CA 92011 PHONE NO /76Dl 496-2931 PLAN PREPARED BY: NAME_~D=AN=IE=L=MA~TH~-- COMPANY CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING ADDRESS 1441 MONTIEL ROAD. SUITE 115 ESCONDIDO CA 92026 PHONE NO. /760) 746-4955 JUST! N KNIGHT SIGNATURE BMPNOTES: CERTIFICATION ___ _ 1. THESE BMPS ARE MANDATORY TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS OR THESE PLANS. 2. NO CHANGES TO THE PROPOSED BMPS ON THIS SHEET WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. 3. NO SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE MATERIAL OR TYPES OR PLANTING TYPES WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. 4. NO OCCUPANCY WILL BE GRANTED UNTIL THE CITY INSPECTION STAFF HAS INSPECTED THIS PROJECT FOR APPROPRIATE BMP CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION. 5. REFER TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT DOCUMENT. 6. SEE PROJECT SWMP FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: (D CONSTRUCT BIORETENTION BASIN PER DETAIL 1. SHEET 3 OF DWG. 543-1A (i) INSTALL PERMEABLE PAYERS PER DETAIL 2. SHEET 3 OF DWG. 543-1A @ INSTALL BMP SIGN & DETAIL PER THIS SHEET G) INSTALL lRASH CAPTURE DEVICE INSERTS. MODEL 62HD24FTC 24"X24" INLET INSERT f?' CONSTRUCT STORMTANK MODULE 20 SERIES, 36" IN HEIGHT STORM WATER SYSTEM \:!.J OR EQUIVALENT PER MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDATIONS @ INSTALL "NO DUMPING" STENCIL PER SD-13 PERMANENT WATER QUALITY TREATMENT FACILITY KEEPING OUR WATER WAYS CLEAN MAINTAIN 1'11TH CARE -NO MODIFICATIONS 1'11THOUT AGENCY APPROVAL Y" STORAGE LA YER CLASS 2 OR 3/8" WASHED GRAVEL 6" PERFORATED PIPE RETAINING WALL ~---=CO~PACTED INSTALL ORIFICE PLATE DIAMETER PER TABLE HEREON NATIVE SUBGRADE PVC STORM DRAIN FOR 1 OD-YEAR OVERFLOW CONNECT TO EXISTING PUBLIC STORM DRAIN SYSTEM BIOFIL TRATION BASIN W / PARTIAL RETENTION 2 WITH RETAINING 1WALL (BMP-3) ~; NTS ~8 N HYDROMODIFICATION & TREATMENT CONTROL -DEEP ROOTED, DENSE, DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTING SUITABLE , ..--.-24"X24" RISER FOR Q100 OVERFLOW CD BIORETENTION Ill, I ,ll TC-32 3.283 SF. 543-1A AREA HYDROMODIFICATION ® STORMTANK r--1 I __ _, MP-50 3,188 SF. 543-1A SOURCE CONTROL ® BMPSIGN -u--8 EA. 543-1A © STENCIL □ SD-13 13 EA. 543-1A TRASH CAPTURE BMPs © TRASH CAPTURE □ MP-52 3 EA. 543-1A DEVICE 3 QUARTERLY SEMI-ANNUALLY 3 QUARTERLY SEMI-ANNUALLY 11 SEMI-ANNUALLY ANNUALLY 4 SEMI-ANNUALLY ANNUALLY 4 SEMI-ANNUALLY ANNUALLY MIN. 18" MEDIA 1'11TH MIN. 5 IN/HR FILTRATION RA TE *SEE BMP NOTES & TABLE 4• WASHED PEA GRAVEL 6° PERFORATED PIPE FOR WELL DRAINED SOIL Y" STORAGE LA YER CLASS 2 OR 3/8" WASHED GRAVEL PVC STORM DRAIN CONNECT TO STORMTANK FOR HYDROMODIFlCA TION & Q100 FLOWS ..., II ORIFICE PER TABLE BELOW 1.25' STORAGE LAYER EXISTING RETAINING WALL 12• SD OUTLET TO *SEE BMP NOTES UNCOMPACTED INSTALL ORIFICE PLATE CONNECT TO PUBLIC & TABLE SOILS DIAMETER PER TABLE HEREON SD SYSTEM ...... BIOFILTRATION BASIN W/ PARTIAL RETENTION WITH RETAINING WALL (BMP-1&2) NTS 20 GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1"= 20' ATTACHMENT 4A 4 SINGLE SHEET BMP SITE PLAN MADE IN THE USA A BRAND OF Subsurface Stormwater Storage Fewer units, faster installation. Introducing a new stormwater solution built around the contractor. EASY ASSEMBLY. The Module 20 Series’ simplified design can be assembled in under 90 seconds. FAST INSTALLATION. The Module 20 Series covers a larger footprint, resulting in fewer total Modules required to be assembled and installed. COST SAVINGS. With fewer total units needed, material and labor costs are lowered, while allowing more resources to finish the project. 8 STORM TJ\NK® MODULE 20 SERIES ~ BRENTWOOD SM023-1_02-20_EN The new StormTank Module 20 Series is a subsurface stormwater storage unit rated for use under standard load applications, such as parking lots and athletic fields. Created for project professionals to achieve quick turnaround, the Module 20 Series was designed with the contractor in mind. The Module 20 Series’ larger, simplified design allows for quick assembly and requires fewer total units without sacrificing storage capacity, reducing installation time and labor costs. Not Your Average Crate System • Extensively tested in a full-scale installation setting • Simple to assemble, install, and clean • Available in three heights: 18-, 24-, and 36-inch The Module 20 series The MODULE 25 SERIES The StormTank Module 25 Series’ flexible, stackable design easily conforms around existing structures and tight constraints. It is load-rated for extreme applications, like heavy truck or under fire access roads, offering maximum strength while allowing for utilization of valuable land. When extreme strength & flexibility are at the top of the list, use our Module 25 Series. © 2020 All Rights Reserved. Brentwood Industries, Inc. LAYFIELDGRDUP.CDM us 1.800.377.84084 CANADA 1.800.840.2884 1 DESIGN GUIDE "'61DUTIIIII/® ~IUBIII 1111111 Module ~ BRENTWOOD® 2 Contents General Notes 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Product Information 3.0 Manufacturing Standards 4.0 Structural Response 5.0 Foundation 6.0 System Materials 7.0 Connections 8.0 Pretreatment 9.0 Additional Considerations 10.0 Inspection & Maintenance 11.0 System Sizing 12.0 Detail Drawings 13.0 Specifications 14.0 Appendix – Bearing Capacity Tables 1. Brentwood recommends that the installing contractor contact either Brentwood or the local distributor prior to installation of the system to schedule a pre-construction meeting. This meeting will ensure that the installing contractor has a firm understanding of the installation instructions. 2. All systems must be designed and installed to meet or exceed Brentwood’s minimum requirements. Although Brentwood offers support during the design, review, and construction phases of the Module system, it is the ultimate responsibility of the Engineer of Record to design the system in full compliance with all applicable engineering practices, laws, and regulations. 3. Brentwood requires a minimum cover of 24” (610 mm) and/or a maximum Module invert of 11’ (3.35 m). Additionally, a minimum 6” (152 mm) leveling bed, 12” (305 mm) side backfill, and 12” (305 mm) top backfill are required on every system. 4. Brentwood recommends a minimum bearing capacity and subgrade compaction for all installations. If site conditions are found not to meet any design requirements during installation, the Engineer of Record must be contacted immediately. 5. All installations require a minimum two layers of geotextile fabric. One layer is to be installed around the Modules, and another layer is to be installed between the stone/soil interfaces. 6. Stone backfilling is to follow all requirements of the most current installation instructions. 7. The installing contractor must apply all protective measures to prevent sediment from entering the system during and after installation per local, state, and federal regulations. 8. The StormTank® Module carries a Limited Warranty, which can be accessed at www.brentwoodindustries.com. • 3 1.0 Introduction About Brentwood Brentwood is a global manufacturer of custom and proprietary products and systems for the construction, consumer, medical, power, transportation, and water industries. A focus on plastics innovation, coupled with diverse production capabilities and engineering expertise, has allowed Brentwood to build a strong reputation for thermoplastic molding and solutions development. Brentwood’s product and service offerings continue to grow with an ever-increasing manufacturing presence. By emphasizing customer service and working closely with clients throughout the design, engineering, and manufacturing phases of each project, Brentwood develops forward-thinking strategies to create targeted, tailored solutions. StormTank® Module The StormTank Module is a strong, yet lightweight, alternative to other subsurface systems and offers the largest void space (up to 97%) of any subsurface stormwater storage unit on the market. The Modules are simple to assemble on site, limiting shipping costs, installation time, and labor. Their structural PVC columns pressure fit into the polypropylene top/bottom platens, with side panels inserted around the perimeter of the system. This open design and lack of internal walls make the Module system easy to clean compared to other subsurface box structures. When properly designed, applied, installed, and maintained, the Module system has been engineered to achieve a 50-year lifespan. Technical Support Brentwood’s knowledgeable distributor network and in-house associates emphasize customer service and support by parterning with customers to extend the process beyond physical material supply. These trained specialists are available to assist in the review of proposed systems, conversions of alternatively designed systems, or to resolve any potential concerns before, during, and after the design process. To provide the best assistance, it is recommended that associates be provided with a site plan and cross-sections that include grading, drainage structures, dimensions, etc. • 4 2.0 Product Information Applications The Module system can be utilized for detention, infiltration, capture and reuse, and specialty applications across a wide range of industries, including the commercial, residential, and recreational segments. The product’s modular design allows the system to be configured in almost any shape (even around utilities) and to be located under almost any pervious or impervious surface. Module Selection Brentwood manufactures the Module in five different heights (Table 1) that can be stacked uniformly up to two Modules high. This allows for numerous height configurations up to 6’ (1.83 m) tall. The Modules can be buried up to a maximum invert of 11’ (3.35 m) and require a minimum cover of 24” (610 mm) for load rating. When selecting the proper Module, it is important to consider the minimum required cover, any groundwater or limiting zone restrictions, footprint requirements, and all local, state, and federal regulations. Table 1: Nominal StormTank® Module Specificiations *Min. Installed Capacity includes the leveling bed, Module, and top backfill storage capacity for one Module. Stone storage capacity is based on 40% void space. Side backfill storage is not included. ST-18 ST-24 ST-30 ST-33 ST-36 Height 18" (457 mm) 24” (610 mm) 30" (762 mm) 33” (838 mm) 36" (914 mm) Void Space 95.5%96.0%96.5%96.9%97.0% Module Storage Capacity 6.54 ft3 (0.18 m3) 8.64 ft3 (0.24 m3) 10.86 ft3 (0.31 m3) 11.99 ft3 (0.34 m3) 13.10 ft3 (0.37 m3) Min. Installed Capacity* 9.15 ft3 (0.26 m3) 11.34 ft3 (0.32 m3) 13.56 ft3 (0.38 m3) 14.69 ft3 (0.42 m3) 15.80 ft3 (0.45 m3) Weight 22.70 lbs (10.30 kg) 26.30 lbs (11.93 kg) 29.50 lbs (13.38 kg) 31.3 lbs (14.20 kg) 33.10 lbs (15.01 kg) • 5 3.0 Manufacturing Standards Brentwood selects material based on long-term performance needs. To ensure long- term performance and limit component deflection over time (creep), Brentwood selected polyvinyl chloride (PVC) for the Module’s structural columns and a virgin polypropylene (PP) blend for the top/bottom and side panels. PVC provides the largest creep resistance of commonly available plastics, and therefore, provides the best performance under loading conditions. Materials like polyethylene (HDPE) and recycled PP have lower creep resistance and are not recommended for load-bearing products and applications. Materials: Brentwood’s proprietary PVC and PP copolymer resins have been chosen specifically for utilization in the StormTank® Module. The PVC is blended in house by experts and is a 100% blend of post-manuacturing/pre-consumer recycled material. Both materials exhibit structural resilience and naturally resist the chemicals typically found in stormwater runoff. Methods: Injection Molding The Module’s top/bottom platens and side panels are injection molded, using proprietary molds and materials. This allows Brentwood to manufacture a product that meets structural requirements while maintaining dimensional control, molded-in traceability, and quality control. Extrusion Brentwood’s expertise in PVC extrusion allows the structural columns to be manufactured in house. The column extrusion includes the internal structural ribs required for lateral support. Quality Control Brentwood maintains strict quality control in order to ensure that materials and the final product meet design requirments. This quality assurance program includes full material property testing in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, full-part testing, and process testing in order to quantify product performance during manufacturing. Additionally, Brentwood conducts secondary finshed-part testing to verify that design requirements continue to be met post-manufacturing. All Module parts are marked with traceability information that allows for tracking of manufacturing. Brentwood maintains equipment at all manufacturing locations, as well as at its corporate testing lab, to ensure all materials and products meet all requirements. • 6 4.0 Structural Response Structural Design The Module has been designed to resist loads calculated in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official’s (AASHTO) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design manual. This fully factored load includes a multiple presence factor, dynamic load allowance, and live load factor to account for real-world situations. This loading was considered when Brentwood developed both the product and installation requirements. The developed minimum cover ensures the system maintains an adequate resistance factor for the design truck (HS-20) and HS-25 loads. Full-Scale Product Testing Engineers at Brentwood’s in-house testing facility have completed full-scale vertical and lateral tests on the Module to evaluate product response. To date, Brentwood continues in-house testing in order to evaluate long-term creep effects. Fully Installed System Testing Brentwood’s dedication to providing a premier product extends to fully installed testing. Through a partnership with Queen’s University’s GeoEngineering Centre in Kingston, Ontario, Brentwood has conducted full-scale installation tests of single- and double-stacked Module systems to analyze short- and long-term performance. Testing includes short-term ultimate limit state testing under fully factored AASHTO loads and minimum installation cover, lateral load testing, long-term performance and lifecycle testing utilizing time- temperature superposition, and load resistance development. Side backfill material tests were also performed to compare the usage of sand, compacted stone, and uncompacted stone. • 7 5.0 Foundation The foundation (subgrade) of the subsurface storage structure may be the most important part of the Module system installation as this is the location where the system applies the load generated at the surface. If the subgrade lacks adequate support or encounters potential settlement, the entire system could be adversely affected. Therefore, when implementing an underground storage solution, it is imperative that a geotechnical investigation be performed to ensure a strong foundation. Considerations & Requirements: Bearing Capacity The bearing capacity is the ability of the soil to resist settlement. In other words, it is the amount of weight the soil can support. This is important versus the native condition because the system is replacing earth, and even though the system weighs less than the earth, the additional load displacement of the earth is not offset by the difference in weight. Using the Loading and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) calculation for bearing capacity, Brentwood has developed a conservative minimum bearing capacity table (see Appendix). The Engineer of Record shall reference this table to assess actual cover versus the soil bearing required for each unit system. Limiting Zones Limiting zones are conditions in the underlying soils that can affect the maximum available depth for installation and can reduce the strength and stability of the underlying subgrade. The three main forms of limiting zones are water tables, bedrock, and karst topography. It is recommended that a system be offset a minimum of 12" (305 mm) from any limiting zones. Compaction Soil compaction occurs as the soil particles are pressed together and pore space is eliminated. By compacting the soils to 95% (as recommended by Brentwood), the subgrade strength will increase, in turn limiting both the potential for the soil to move once installed and for differential settlement to occur throughout the system. If designing the specific compaction requirement, settlement should be limited to less than 1” (25 mm) through the entire subgrade and should not exceed a 1/2” (13 mm) of differential settlement between any two adjacent units within the system over time. Mitigation If a minimum subgrade bearing capacity cannot be achieved because of weak soil, a suitable design will need to be completed by a Geotechnical Engineer. This design may include the over- excavation of the subgrade and an engineered fill or slurry being placed. Additional material such as geogrid or other products may also be required. Please contact a Geotechnical Engineer prior to selecting products or designing the subgrade. Soil Zone Capillary Fringe UnsaturatedZone Water Table Precipitation Recharge toWater Table Saturated Zone Water Table Zones Soil Profile • 8 6.0 System Materials Geotextile Fabric The 6-ounce geotextile fabric is recommended to be installed between the soil and stone interfaces around the Modules to prevent soil migration. Leveling Bed The leveling bed is constructed of 6”-thick (152 mm) angular stone (Table 2). The bed has not been designed as a structural element but is utilized to provide a level surface for the installation of the system and provide an even distribution of load to the subgrade. Stone Backfill The stone backfill is designed to limit the strain on the product through displacement of load and ensure the product’s longevity. Therefore, a minimum of 12”-wide (305 mm) angular stone must be placed around all sides of the system. In addition, a minimum layer of 12” (305 mm) angular stone is required on top of the system. All material is to be placed evenly in 12” (305 mm) lifts around and on top of the system and aligned with a vibratory plate compactor. Impermeable Liner In designs that prevent runoff from infiltrating into the surrounding soil (detention or reuse applications) or groundwater from entering the system, an impermeable liner is required. When incorporating a liner as part of the system, Brentwood recommends using a manufactured product such as a PVC liner. This can be installed around the Modules themselves or installed around the excavation (to gain the benefit of the void space in the stone) and should include an underdrain system to ensure the basin fully drains. This liner is installed with a layer of geotextile fabric on both sides to prevent puncture, in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. Material Location Description AASHTO M43 Designation ASTM D2321 Class Compaction/Density Finished Surface Topsoil, hardscape, stone, concrete, or asphalt per Engineer of Record N/A N/A Prepare per engineered plans Suitable Compactable Fill Well-graded granular soil/aggregate, typically road base or earthen fill (maximum 4" particle size) 56, 57, 6, 67, 68 I & II III (Earth Only) Place in maximum 12" lifts to a minimum 90% standard proctor density Top Backfill Crushed angular stone placed between Modules and road base or earthen fill 56, 57, 6, 67, 68 I & II Plate vibrate to provide evenly distributed layers Side Backfill Crushed angular stone placed between earthen wall and Modules 56, 57, 6, 67, 68 I & II Place and plate vibrate in uniform 12" lifts around the system Leveling Bed Crushed angular stone placed to provide level surface for installation of Modules 56, 57, 6, 67, 68 I & II Plate vibrate to achieve level surface Table 2: Approved Backfill Material • 9 7.0 Connections Stormwater runoff must be able to move readily in and out of the StormTank® Module system. Brentwood has developed numerous means of connecting to the system, including inlet/outlet ports and direct abutment to a catch basin or endwall. All methods of connection should be evaluated as each one may offer a different solution. Brentwood has developed drawings to assist with specific installation methods, and these are available at www.brentwoodindustries.com. Inlet/Outlet and Pipe Connections To facilitate easy connection to the system, Brentwood manufactures two inlet/outlet ports. They are 12” (305 mm) and 14” (356 mm), respectfully, and utilize a flexible coupling connection to the adjoining pipe. Another common installation method is to directly connect the pipe to the system. In order to do this, an opening is cut into the side panels, the pipe is inserted, and then the system is wrapped in geotextile fabric. When utilizing this connection method, the pipe must be located a minimum of 3” (76 mm) from the bottom of the system. This provides adequate clearance for the bottom platen and the required strength in the remaining side panel. To maintain the required clearances or reduce pipe size, it may be necessary to connect utilizing a manifold system. Direct Abutment The system can also be connected by directly abutting Modules to a concrete catch basin or endwall. This allows for a seamless connection of structures in close proximity to the system and eliminates the need for numerous pipe connections. When directly abutting one of these structures, remove any side panels that fully abut the structure, and make sure it is flush with the system to prevent material migration into the structure. Underdrain Underdrains are typically utilized in detention applications to ensure the system fully drains since infiltration is limited or prohibited. The incorporation of an underdrain in a detention application will require an impermeable liner between the stone-soil interface. Cleanout Ports Brentwood understands the necessity to inspect and clean a subsurface system and has designed the Module without any walls to allow full access. Brentwood offers three different cleanout/ observation ports for utilization with the system. The ports are made from PVC, provide an easy means of connection, and are available in 6” (152 mm), 8” (203 mm) and 10” (254 mm) diameters. The 10” (254 mm) port is sized to allow access to the system by a vacuum truck suction hose for easy debris removal. It is recommended that ports be located a maximum of 30’ (9.14 m) on center to provide adequate access, ensure proper airflow, and allow the system to completely fill. Rising Water Air Flow Ventilation and Air Flow • 10 8.0 Pretreatment Catch Basin Inlet Piping Pretreatment Storage Basin Outlet Structure Removing pollutants from stormwater runoff is an important component of any stormwater management plan. Pretreatment works to prevent water quality deterioration and also plays an integral part in allowing the system to maintain performance over time and increase longevity. Treatment products vary in complexity, design, and effectiveness, and therefore, should be selected based on specific project requirements. Typical Stormwater System StormTank® Shield Brentwood’s StormTank Shield provides a low-cost solution for stormwater pretreatment. Designed to improve sumped inlet treatment, the Shield reduces pollutant discharge through gross sediment removal and oil/water separation. For more information, please visit www.brentwoodindustries.com. Debris Row (Easy Cleanout) An essential step of designing, installing, and maintaining a subsurface system is preventing debris from entering the storage. This can be done by incorporating debris rows (or bays) at the inlets of the system to prevent debris from entering the rest of the system. The debris row is built into the system utilizing side panels with a 12” (305 mm) segment of geotextile fabric. This allows for the full basin capacity to be utilized while storing any debris in an easy-to-remove location. To calculate the number of side panels required to prevent backing up, the opening area of the side panels on the area above the geotextile fabric has been calculated and compared to the inflow pipe diameter. Debris row cleanout is made easy by including 10” (254 mm) suction ports, based on the length of the row, and a 6” (152 mm) saddle connection to the inflow pipe. If the system is directly abutting a catch basin, the saddle connection is not required, and the flush hose can be inserted through the catch basin. Debris is then flushed from the inlet toward the suction ports and removed. Brentwood has developed drawings and specifications that are available at www.brentwoodindustries.com to illustrate the debris row configuration and layouts. INFLUENT “WYE”CONNECTION INFLUENT PIPE CONCRETE COLLAR CONCRETE COLLAR STORMTANK MODULE COLLECTED DEBRIS BUILDUP (SHOWN FOR CLARITY) DEBRIS ROW PERIMETERSIDE PANELS 12" (305 mm) HIGH GEOTEXTILE DEBRIS FILTER (MIRAFI 135N OR APPROVED EQUAL) ACCESS BOX ACCESS BOX 6" (152 mm) RISER 10" (254 mm) RISER Debris Row Section Detail LIIIIDUT•DIT .,unm IHffllShield • LIIIIDUT•Dl/0 •1unm IHffllModule LIIIIDUT•Dl/0 ••unm IMII Pack 11 9.0 Additional Considerations Many variable factors, such as the examples below, must be taken into consideration when designing a StormTank® Module system. As these considerations require complex calculations and proper planning, please contact Brentwood or your local distributor to discuss project-specific requirements. Adaptability The Modules can be arranged in custom configurations to meet tight site constraints and to provide different horizontal and edge configurations. Modules can also be stacked, to a maximum 2 units tall, to meet capacity needs and can be buried to a maximum invert of 11’ (3.35 m) to allow for a stacked system or deeper burial. Adjacent Structures The location of adjacent structures, especially the location of footings and foundations, must be taken into consideration as part of system design. The foundation of a building or retaining wall produces a load that is transmitted to a footing and then applied to the surface below. The footing is intended to distribute the line load of the wall over a larger area without increasing the larger wall’s thickness. The reason this is important is because the load the footing is applying to the earth is distributed through the earth and could potentially affect a subsurface system as either a vertical load to the top of the Module or a lateral load to the side of the Module. Based on this increased loading, it is recommended that the subsurface system either maintain a distance away from the foundation, footing equal to the height between the Module invert and structure invert of the system, or the foundation or footing extend at a minimum to the invert of the subsurface system. By locating the foundation away from the system or equal to the invert, the loading generated by the structure does not get transferred onto the system. It is recommended that all adjacent structures be completed prior to the installation of the Modules to prevent construction loads from being imparted on the system. Adjacent Excavation The subsurface system must be protected before, during, and after the installation. Once a system is installed, it is important to remember that excavation adjacent to the system could potentially cause the system to become unstable. The uniform backfilling will evenly distribute the lateral loads to the system and prohibit the system from becoming unstable and racking from unequal loads. However, it is recommended that any excavation adjacent to a system remain a minimum distance away from the system equal to the invert. This will provide a soil load that is equal to the load applied by the opposite side of the installation. If the excavation is to exceed the invert of the system, additional analysis may be necessary. Sloped Finished Grade Much like adjacent excavation, a finished grade with a differential cover could potentially cause a subsurface system to become disproportionately loaded. For example, if one side of the system has 10’ (3.05 m) of cover and the adjacent side has 24” (610 mm) of cover, the taller side will generate a higher lateral load, and the opposite side may not have an equal amount of resistance to prevent a racking of the system. Additional evaluation may be required when working on sites where the final grade around a system exceeds 5%. Site Plan Module Layout Adaptability (StormTank Modules shown in blue) • 12 10.0 Inspection & Maintenance Description Proper inspection and maintenance of a subsurface stormwater storage system are vital to ensuring proper product functioning and system longevity. It is recommended that during construction the contractor takes the necessary steps to prevent sediment from entering the subsurface system. This may include the installation of a bypass pipe around the system until the site is stabilized. The contractor should install and maintain all site erosion and sediment per Best Management Practices (BMP) and local, state, and federal regulations. Once the site is stabilized, the contractor should remove and properly dispose of erosion and sediment per BMP and all local, state, and federal regulations. Care should be taken during removal to prevent collected sediment or debris from entering the stormwater system. Once the controls are removed, the system should be flushed to remove any sediment or construction debris by following the maintenance procedure outlined below. During the first service year, a visual inspection should be completed during and after each major rainfall event, in addition to semi- annual inspections, to establish a pattern of sediment and debris buildup. Each stormwater system is unique, and multiple criteria can affect maintenance frequency. For example, whether or not a system design includes inlet protection or a pretreatment device has a substantial effect on the system’s need for maintenance. Other factors include where the runoff is coming from (hardscape, gravel, soil, etc.) and seasonal changes like autumn leaves and winter salt. During and after the second year of service, an established annual inspection frequency, based on the information collected during the first year, should be followed. At a minimum, an inspection should be performed semi-annually. Additional inspections may be required at the change of seasons for regions that experience adverse conditions (leaves, cinders, salt, sand, etc). Maintenance Procedures Inspection: 1. Inspect all observation ports, inflow and outflow connections, and the discharge area. 2. Identify and log any sediment and debris accumulation, system backup, or discharge rate changes. 3. If there is a sufficient need for cleanout, contact a local cleaning company for assistance. Cleaning: 1. If a pretreatment device is installed, follow manufacturer recommendations. 2. Using a vacuum pump truck, evacuate debris from the inflow and outflow points. 3. Flush the system with clean water, forcing debris from the system. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until no debris is evident. • 13 11.0 System Sizing System Sizing Calculation This section provides a brief description of the process required to size the StormTank® Module system. If you need additional assistance in determining the required number of Modules or assistance with the proposed configuration, it is recommended that you contact Brentwood or your local distributor. Additionally, Brentwood’s volume calculator can help you to estimate the available storage volumes with and without stone storage. This tool is available at www.brentwoodindustries.com. 1. Determine the required storage volume (Vs): It is the sole responsibility of the Engineer of Record to calculate the storage volume in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations. 2. Determine the required number of Modules (N): If the storage volume does not include stone storage, take the total volume divided by the selected Module storage volume. If the stone storage is to be included, additional calculations will be required to determine the available stone storage for each configuration. 3. Determine the required volume of stone (Vstone): The system requires a minimum 6” (152 mm) leveling bed, 12” (305 mm) backfill around the system, and 12” (305 mm) top backfill utilizing 3/4” (19 mm) angular clean stone. Therefore, take the area of the system times the leveling bed and the top backfill. Once that value is determined, add the volume based on the side backfill width times the height from the invert of the Modules to the top of the Modules. 4. Determine the required excavation volume (Vexcv): Utilizing the area of the system, including the side backfill, multiply by the depth of the system including the leveling bed. It is noted that this calculation should also include any necessary side pitch or benching that is required for local, state, or federal safety standards. 5. Determine the required amount of geotextile (G): The system utilizes a multiple layer system of geotextile fabric. Therefore, two calculations are required to determine the necessary amount of geotextile. The first layer surrounds the entire system (including all backfill), and the second layer surrounds the Module system only. It is recommended that an additional 20% be included for waste and overlap. • 14 11.1 Storage Volume 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Sta g e E l e v a t i o n – ( I n c h e s ) Module Height 18" Module 24" Module 30" Module 33" Module 36" Module 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.284 0.344 0.370 0.284 0.344 0.284 0.344 0.284 0.344 0.284 0.344 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.344 0.284 0.344 0.284 0.344 0.284 0.344 0.284 0.344 0.284 Total 6.436 Total 8.656 Total 10.876 Total 11.986 Total 13.096------------------C I • 15 11.2 Material Quantity Worksheet Project Name: Required Storage Modules $$ Stone $$ Excavation $$ Geotextile $$ $ $ Number of Modules System Footprint w/ Stone Stone Volume of Excavation Area of Geotextile Module Storage Stone Storage Module Footprint ft3 (m3) ft3 (m3) ft3 (m3) X = X = X = X = Subtotal = Tons = Tons (kg) Tons (kg) yd3 (m3) yd3 (m3) yd2 (m2) yd2 (m2) Each ft2 (m2) Module Footprint + 1 ft (0.3048 m) to each edge Tons (kg) Leveling Bed + Side Backfill + Top Backfill yd3 (m3) System Footprint w/ Stone x Total Height yd2 (m2) Wrap around Modules + Wrap around Stone/Soil Interface Material costs may not include freight. Please contact Brentwood or your local distributor for this information. ft3 (m3) ft3 (m3) ft2 (m2) Number of Modules x 4.5 ft2 (0.42 m2) Location: System Requirements System Cost Quantity Unit Price Total By: Date: • 16 12.0 Detail Drawings Brentwood has developed numerous drawings for utilization when specifying a StormTank® Module system. Below are some examples of drawings available at www.brentwoodindustries.com. ,.. • 17 13.0 Specifications 1) General a) This specification shall govern the implementation, performance, material, and fabrication pertaining to the subsurface stormwater storage system. The subsurface stormwater storage system shall be manufactured by Brentwood Industries, Inc., 500 Spring Ridge Drive, Reading, PA 19610 (610.374.5109), and shall adhere to the following specification at the required storage capacities. b) All work is to be completed per the design requirements of the Engineer of Record and to meet or exceed the manufacturer’s design and installation requirements. 2) Subsurface Stormwater Storage System Modules a) The subsurface stormwater storage system shall be constructed from virgin polypropylene and 100% recycled PVC to meet the following requirements: i) High-Impact Polypropylene Copolymer Material (1) Injection molded, polypropylene, top/bottom platens and side panels formed to a dimension of 36” (914 mm) long by 18” (457 mm) wide [nominal]. ii) 100% Recycled PVC Material (1) PVC conforming to ASTM D-1784 Cell Classification 12344 b-12454 B. (2) Extruded, rigid, and 100% recycled PVC columns sized for applicable loads as defined by Section 3 of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and manufactured to the required length per engineer-approved drawings. iii) Platens and columns are assembled on site to create Modules, which can be uniformly stacked up to two Modules high, in vertical structures of variable height (custom for each project). iv) Modular stormwater storage units must have a minimum 95% void space and be continuously open in both length and width, with no internal walls or partitions. 3) Submittals a) Only systems that are approved by the engineer will be allowed. b) At least 10 days prior to bid, submit the following to the engineer to be considered for pre-qualification to bid: i) A list of materials to be provided for work under this article, including the name and address of the materials producer and the location from which the materials are to be obtained. ii) Three hard copies of the following: (1) Shop drawings. (2) Specification sheets. (3) Installation instructions. (4) Maintenance guidelines. c) Subsurface Stormwater Storage System Component Samples for review: i) Subsurface stormwater storage system Modules provide a single 36” (914 mm) long by 18” (457 mm) wide, height as specified, unit of the product for review. ii) Sample to be retained by owner. d) Manufacturers named as acceptable herein are not required to submit samples. 4) Structural Design a) The structural design, backfill, and installation requirements shall ensure the loads and load factors specified in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Section 3 are met. b) Product shall be tested under minimum installation criteria for short-duration live loads that are calculated to include a 20% increase over the AASHTO Design Truck standard with consideration for impact, multiple vehicle presences, and live load factor. c) Product shall be tested under maximum burial criteria for long-term dead loads. d) The engineer may require submission of third-party test data and results in accordance with items 4b and 4c to ensure adequate structural design and performance. • 18 14.0 Appendix - Bearing Capacity Tables Cover HS-25 (Unfactored) HS-25 (Factored) English (in) Metric (mm) English (ksf) Metric (kPa) English (ksf) Metric (kPa) 24 610 1.89 90.45 4.75 227.43 25 635 1.82 86.96 4.53 216.90 26 660 1.75 83.78 4.34 207.80 27 686 1.69 80.88 4.16 199.18 28 711 1.63 78.24 3.99 191.04 29 737 1.58 75.82 3.84 183.86 30 762 1.54 73.62 3.70 177.16 31 787 1.50 71.60 3.57 170.93 32 813 1.46 69.75 3.45 165.19 33 838 1.42 68.06 3.34 159.92 34 864 1.39 66.51 3.24 155.13 35 889 1.36 65.10 3.14 150.34 36 914 1.33 63.80 3.05 146.03 37 940 1.31 62.62 2.97 142.20 38 965 1.29 61.54 2.90 138.85 39 991 1.26 60.55 2.83 135.50 40 1,016 1.25 59.65 2.76 132.15 41 1,041 1.23 58.54 2.70 129.28 42 1,067 1.21 58.09 2.67 127.84 43 1,092 1.20 57.42 2.60 124.49 44 1,118 1.19 56.81 2.55 122.09 45 1,143 1.18 56.26 2.50 119.70 46 1,168 1.16 55.77 2.46 117.79 47 1,194 1.16 55.33 2.42 115.87 48 1,219 1.15 54.94 2.39 114.43 49 1,245 1.14 54.59 2.36 113.00 50 1,270 1.13 54.29 2.33 111.56 51 1,295 1.13 54.03 2.30 110.12 52 1,321 1.12 53.80 2.27 108.69 53 1,346 1.12 53.62 2.25 107.73 54 1,372 1.12 53.46 2.23 106.77 55 1,397 1.11 53.34 2.21 105.82 56 1,422 1.11 53.24 2.19 104.86 57 1,448 1.11 53.18 2.17 103.90 58 1,473 1.11 53.14 2.16 103.42 59 1,499 1.11 53.12 2.14 102.46 60 1,524 1.11 53.13 2.13 101.98 61 1,549 1.11 53.16 2.12 101.51 62 1,575 1.11 53.21 2.11 101.03 63 1,600 1.11 53.28 2.10 100.55 64 1,626 1.11 53.37 2.09 100.07 65 1,651 1.12 53.48 2.08 99.59 66 1,676 1.12 53.61 2.08 99.59 67 1,702 1.12 53.75 2.07 99.11 68 1,727 1.13 53.91 2.07 99.11 69 1,753 1.13 54.08 2.06 98.63 Cover HS-25 (Unfactored) HS-25 (Factored) English (in) Metric (mm) English (ksf) Metric (kPa) English (ksf) Metric (kPa) 70 1,778 1.13 54.26 2.06 98.63 71 1,803 1.14 54.46 2.06 98.63 72 1,829 1.14 54.67 2.06 98.63 73 1,854 1.15 54.90 2.06 98.63 74 1,880 1.15 55.13 2.06 98.63 75 1,905 1.16 55.38 2.06 98.63 76 1,930 1.16 55.64 2.06 98.63 77 1,956 1.17 55.90 2.06 98.63 78 1,981 1.17 56.18 2.06 98.63 79 2,007 1.18 56.46 2.07 99.11 80 2,032 1.19 56.76 2.07 99.11 81 2,057 1.19 57.06 2.07 99.11 82 2,083 1.20 57.37 2.08 99.59 83 2,108 1.20 57.69 2.08 99.59 84 2,134 1.21 58.02 2.09 100.07 85 2,159 1.22 58.35 2.09 100.07 86 2,184 1.23 58.69 2.10 100.55 87 2,210 1.23 59.04 2.11 101.03 88 2,235 1.24 59.39 2.11 101.03 89 2,261 1.25 59.75 2.12 101.51 90 2,286 1.26 60.11 2.13 101.98 91 2,311 1.26 60.48 2.13 101.98 92 2,337 1.27 60.86 2.14 102.46 93 2,362 1.28 61.24 2.15 102.94 94 2,388 1.29 61.62 2.16 103.42 95 2,413 1.30 62.01 2.17 103.90 96 2,438 1.30 62.41 2.18 104.38 97 2,464 1.31 62.81 2.19 104.86 98 2,489 1.32 63.21 2.20 105.34 99 2,515 1.33 63.62 2.21 105.82 100 2,540 1.34 64.03 2.22 106.29 101 2,565 1.35 64.45 2.23 106.77 102 2,591 1.35 64.87 2.24 107.25 103 2,616 1.36 65.29 2.25 107.73 104 2,642 1.37 65.72 2.27 108.69 105 2,667 1.38 66.15 2.28 109.17 106 2,692 1.39 66.58 2.29 109.65 107 2,718 1.40 67.02 2.30 110.12 108 2,743 1.41 67.45 2.31 110.60 109 2,769 1.42 67.90 2.33 111.56 110 2,794 1.43 68.34 2.34 112.04 111 2,819 1.44 68.79 2.35 112.52 112 2,845 1.45 69.24 2.36 113.00 113 2,870 1.46 69.69 2.38 113.96 114 2,896 1.47 70.15 2.39 114.43 t + + t t t + + t t t + + t t t + + t t t r r r + + t + t • t + + t t t + + t t t + + t t t + + t t t r r r + + t + t 19 SM002-1_09-14_ENAll Rights Reserved. © 2015 Brentwood Industries, Inc. BRENTWOOD INDUSTRIES, INC. brentwoodindustries.com stormtank@brentw.com +1.610.374.5109 ~ BRENTWOOD® 1 MODULEINSTALLATIONGUIDE A BRAND OF ~ BRENTWOOD ~ STORM T/\NK. Expect Resu Its'· 2 CONTENT General Notes 1.0 Module Assembly 2.0 Basin Excavation 3.0 Sub-grade Requirements 4.0 Leveling Bed Installation 5.0 Module Placement 6.0 Side Backfill 7.0 Top Backfill 8.0 Suitable Compactable Fill Appendix A - Bearing Capacity Calculation Appendix B - Load Ratings Appendix C - Acceptable Fill Materials Appendix D - Module 25 Series Debris Row 1. Review installation procedures and coordinate the installation with other construction activities, such as grading, excavation, utilities, construction access, erosion control, etc. 2. Engineered drawings supersede all provided documentation, as the information furnished in this document is based on a typical installation. 3. Coordinate the installation with manufacturer’s representative/distributor to be on-site to review installation instructions. 4. Components shall be unloaded, handled and stored in an area protected from traffic in a manner to prevent damage and UV degradation. 5. Assembled modules may be walked on, but vehicular traffic is prohibited until backfilled per Manufacturer’s requirements. 6. Ensure all construction occurs in accordance with Federal, State and Local Laws, Ordinances, Regulations and Safety Requirements. 7. Extra care and caution should be taken when temperatures are at or below 40° F (4.4° C). 8. Check for any damaged material, report damage to a StormTank® Representative. All plastic wrap should be removed to prevent damage from heat or UV. 9. The StormTank® Module carries a Limited Warranty, which can be accessed at www.stormtank.com. • 3 1.0 Module assembly Step 1: Prepare the material to be assembled. Required materials include (2) Platens, (8) Columns, (1) Side Panel. (1) 1lb. Rubber Mallet. Note: Side panels only required on perimeter modules, refer to your project's layout drawings for perimeter module locations. Step 2: Place a platen on a firm level surface and insert the (8) columns into the platen receiver cups. Firmly tap each column with a rubber mallet to ensure the column is seated. Step 3: Install the top platen by aligning the reciever cups with the columns, or flip the previously assembled components upside down onto the second platen, aligning the columns into the platen receiver cups. Step 4: Once aligned, seat the top assembly by alternating taps, with a rubber mallet at each structural column until all columns are firmly seated. Step 5: If side panels are required, Prior to seating the edge column into the recieveing cups, insert the side panel into the bottom platen. Step 6: Align the top of the side panel with the top platen and firmly seat the top platen utilizing a rubber mallet. Completed Module A completed module can support vehicular loading when installed per manufacturer recommendations. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Completed Module • 4 2.0 excavation 1. Stake out and excavate, in accordance with OSHA regulations, to elevations per approved plans. Excavation Requirements: a. Reccomended Sub-grade excavation is a minimum of 6” (152 mm) below designed Module invert. I. A 4” (102 mm) leveling bed may be acceptable, contact your StormTank Representative for further details. b. The excavation should extend a minimum of 12” (305 mm) beyond the module unit's dimensions in each length and width to allow for adequate placement of side backfill material. c. Remove objectionable material encountered within the excavation, including protruding material from the walls. 3.0 sub-grade preparation 1. Unstable, unsuitable and/or compromised areas should be brought to the Engineer’s attention and mitigating efforts determined. Sub-grade shall be unfrozen, free of lumps or debris and contain no standing water or mud. 2. Sub-grade must be prepared, per the Engineer of Record, to provide a minimum bearing capacity and prevent settlement. a. Maximum applicable settlements cannot exceed long-term 1/2” (12.7 mm) differential settlement between any two adjaent units within the system. b. Sub-grade must be designed to ensure soil bearing capacity is maintained throughout all soil saturation levels. • 5 4.0 leveling bed installation 1. OPTIONAL: A layer of geotextile fabric is recommended around the excavation to prevent material migration a. Geotextile fabric shall be placed per geotextile fabric manufacturer’s recommendations. b. An impermeable liner may be incorporated to prevent infiltration. If specified, the liner must be installed per liner manufacturer recommendations. 2. Place a Leveling Bed per engineer plans. a. Material should meet Appendix C – Acceptable Fill Material. b. Material should be free of voids, lumps, debris, sharp objects and compacted. • 6 5.0 STORMTANK® MODULE PLACEMENT 1. Install geotextile fabric and liner material (if required), as specified. a. Geotextile fabric shall be placed per geotextile fabric manufacturer’s recommendations. b. An impermeable liner may be incorporated to prevent infiltration. If specified, the liner must be installed per liner manufacturer recommendations. 2. Mark the footprint of the modules for placement. a. Ensure module starting point is square prior to Module placement, this will ensure proper layout of units. b. Care should be taken to note any connections, ports, debris rows or other irregular units to be placed. 3. Install the individual modules by hand, as detailed below. a. The modules should be installed as shown in the StormTank submittal drawings with the short side of perimeter modules facing outward, except as otherwise required. b. Make sure the top/bottom platens are in alignment in all directions. c. For double stack configurations (25 Series ONLY): I. Install the bottom module first. DO NOT INTERMIX VARIOUS MODULE HEIGHTS ACROSS LAYERS. II. Insert stacking pins (2 per module) into the top platen of the bottom module. III. Place the upper module directly on top of the bottom module in the same direction, making sure to engage the pins. 4. Install the modules to completion, taking care to avoid damage to the geotextile and/or liner material. 7 5.0 STORMTANK® MODULE PLACEMENT 5. Locate any ports or other penetration of the Modules. 5.1. For Observation Ports: a. Layout and cut opening into the top platen per standard Observation Port Detail. b. Place port into opening, (Module 25 Series Only: use stacking pins to locate flange plate). c. If port is along the perimeter, cut the flange plate flush with the edge of the end Module. 5.2. For Connections: a. Locate and mark the connection opening in the side panels. b. Remove side panels and cut opening. c. Reinstall side panels. d. Install pipe (slip fit) Note: When performing lateral connections to the Module system, the platens and columns are not to be modified/cut as to not compromise the integrity of the system. 6. Upon completion of module installation, wrap the modules in geotextile fabric and/or liner. 8 6.0 SIDE BACKFILL Incorrectly Backfilled Modules are to be backfilled evenly in 12" (305mm) lifts. Correctly Backfilled Modules unevenly backfilled can shift and compromise the overall installation of the system. 1. Inspect all geotextile, ensuring that no damage exists; which will allow sediment into the module system. 2. Once the geotextile is secured, begin to place the Side Backfill. a. Material should meet Appendix C - Acceptable Fill Material. b. Backfill sides "evenly" around the perimeter without exceeding single 12" (305 mm) lifts. c. Place material utilizing an excavator, dozer, or conveyor boom from the native soil surrounding the excavation, do not directly access the system during side backfilling. d. Compact the backfill material to settle the stone and provide a uniform distribution. • 9 1. Begin to place the top backfill. a. Material should meet Appendix C – Acceptable Fill Material. b. Place material utilizing a low ground pressure (LGP) equipment, dozer (Maximum D5 LGP or similar) or preferably a conveyor boom. DO NOT DRIVE OR DUMP FROM DUMP TRUCKS DIRECTLY ONTO THE MODULES. DO NOT DRIVE ON THE MODULES WITHOUT A MINIMUM 12” (305 mm) COVER. c. Compact as required by engineer of record. I. Utilize a static roller producing less than 10 psi per roller, unless otherwise approved, while ensuring a minimum 12” (305 mm) of cover. To do so, a minimum 15” (381 mm) layer of material may be required to account for compaction. II. Sheep foot rollers are not permitted. 2. Upon completion of top backfilling, if specified, wrap the system in geotextile fabric and/or liner per the material manufacturer’s recommendations. 3. OPTIONAL: Install metallic tape around the perimeter of the system to mark the area for future utility detection. 7.0 top backfill 10 Non-Vehicular Areas 1. The minimum total cover allowable is 12” (305 mm). a. This may decrease the depth of top backfill to allow for soil placement. b. By installing less cover, the system is not designed to support vehicular traffic. c. The maximum installation depth shall be based on lateral load calculations using the Rankine Theory and compared to StormTank Module testing results. 2. Finish to the surface and complete with vegetative cover. Vehicular Traffic Area 1. Place fill onto the geotextile. a. Maximum 12” (305 mm) lifts compacted to meet the Engineer of Record’s specification. b. Sub-base materials should be referenced by the approved Engineering Drawings. c. The minimum top cover to finished grade should not be less than 24” (610 mm) for the following load ratings. I. For fully factored HS-20 Loads (Module 20 Series) II. For fully factored HS-25 Loads (Module 25 Series) Note: Lower cover depths are acceptable depending on loading criteria. Contact your local StormTank representative for more information. d. The maximum installation depth shall be based on lateral load calculations using the Rankine Theory and compared to StormTank Module testing results. 2. Finish to the surface and complete with asphalt, concrete, etc. Material Location Placement Methods Tired Equiptment Limitations Tracked Equiptment Limitations Roller Limitations Finished Surface Material dumping onto system should be limited to paving materials in paver equipment. Equipment size is limited to ground pressure generated, most standard paving equipment is acceptable. Calculations must be performed to determine maximum allowable equipment. Suitable Compactable Fill Utilize LGP equipment or a conveyor, to place material. No tired equipment unless approved by the engineer of record. Low ground pressure equipment, larger equipment must be verified before use. Static rollers with a max- imum pressure of 15 psi, unless verified before use. Fill and Surface Material Placement 8.0 Suitable compactable fill Notes: 1. Storage of materials such as construction materials, equipment, soils, etc. over the module system is strictly prohibited. 2. Please contact a Brentwood representative prior to utilization of any equipment not listed above. • 11 Applicable bearing capacity calculations are per the AASHTO LRFD for Bridge Design. The calculation considers a dead load, based on cover, with a dead load factor of 1.95. In addition, it applies a live load, with a multiple presence factor of 1.2 and a live load factor of 1.75, which is distributed at a 1.15 factor (for aggregate) through the cover depth. If the cover material is soil, this factor is reduced to 1.00. The following are two examples of that calculation: 1. HS-25 with 24” aggregate and asphalt cover DL = Density * depth * DL Factor = 140.00 pcf * 2.00’ * 1.95 = 546.00 psf LL = P * DLA * MP * LL Factor = 20,000 lbs * 1 * 1.2 * 1.75 / ((20” + 24” * 1.15) * (10” + 24” * 1.15) / 144) LL = 3,379.22 psf TL = Required Bearing Capacity = 546.00 + 3,379.22 = 3,925.22 psf 2. HS-20 with 48” aggregate and asphalt cover DL = Density * depth * DL Factor = 140.00 pcf * 4.00’ * 1.95 = 1,092.00 psf LL = P * DLA * MP * LL Factor = 16,000 lbs * 1 * 1.2 * 1.75 / ((20” + 48” * 1.15) * (10” + 48” * 1.15) / 144) LL = 986.82 psf TL = Required Bearing Capacity = 1,092.00 + 986.82 = 2,078.82 psf Note: All depths of cover greater than 32" require a minimum bearing capacity of 3.0 ksf. appendix a - bearing capacity calculation Pressure Required / Required Bearing P PD DA D P PD DA DP/D = Tire Pressure Area • 12 The Module 20 Series has been designed to resist loads calculated in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official’s (AASHTO) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design manual. Below are examples of various load ratings the Module 20 Series can achieve with the appropriate cover. appendix B - module 20 series LOAD RATING Pedestrian Loads H-10 LoadsHS-20 Loads 12" Total Cover Model 2036 Model 2024 Model 2018 24" Total Cover • 13 The Module 25 Series has been designed to resist loads calculated in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official’s (AASHTO) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design manual. Below are examples of various load ratings the Module 25 Series can achieve with the appropriate cover. appendix B - Module 25 series LOAD RATING Pedestrian Loads HS-20 Loads H-10 Loads HS-25 Loads 12" Total Cover 15" Total Cover 24" Total Cover 21" Total Cover • 14 Notes: 1. All stone must be angular stone meeting ASTM D2321. Recycled concrete may be utilized when meeting acceptable gradation and ASTM standards. 2. Storage of materials such as construction materials, equipment, soils, etc. over the module system is strictly prohibited. 3. Please contact a Geotechnical Engineer and the Brentwood representative prior to utilization of any material not listed above. Material Location Description AASHTO M43 Designation ASTM D2321 Class Compaction/Density Finished Surface Topsoil, hardscape, stone, concrete, or asphalt per Engineer of Record N/A N/A Prepare per engineered plans Suitable Compactable Fill Well-graded granularsoil/aggregate, typicallyroad base or earthen fil(maximum 4" particle size) 56, 57, 6, 67, 68 I & IIIII (Earth Only) Place in maximum12" lifts to a minimum90% standard proctor density Top Backfill Crushed angular stoneplaced betweenModules and road baseor earthen fill 56, 57, 6, 67, 68 I & II Plate vibrate to provide evenly distributed layers Side Backfill Crushed angular stoneplaced between earthenwall and Modules 56, 57, 6, 67, 68 I & II Place and plate vibrate in uniform 12" lifts around the system Leveling Bed Crushed angular stoneplaced to provide levelsurface for installationof Modules 56, 57, 6, 67, 68 I & II Plate vibrate to achieve level surface appendix C - acceptable fill materials • 15 appendix D - Module 25 series DEBRIS ROW The optional StormTank Module Debris Row provides a solution to trapping sediment. Observation/cleanout ports are to be installed with a minimum of one port at the inflow pipe location. Based upon Debris Row size and shape, additonal ports may be required. See the approved submittals for debris row size and location. 1. Install Debris Row side panels in the modules adjacent to the Debris row, per the approved plans. 2. Install a layer of geotextile accross the bottom of the Debris Row, extending up the side panels of the adjacent modules. Geotextile Fabric is to be installed to the height specified by the hydrograph elevation of the selected storm (per the engineer of record's plans), or a minimum of 12" (304.8mm), whichever is greater. Secure the geotextile fabric to the side panels with zip ties. 3. Place and install the Debris Row Modules in the appropriate location per the approved StormTank submittal drawings 4. Finally, make any necessary connections and complete the system installation per the StormTank installation instructions. Note: For Module 20 Series contact a StormTank Representative • 16 SM021-07_20-20_EN All Rights Reserved. © 2020 Brentwood Industries, Inc. info@stormtank.com +1.610.374.5109stormtank.com brentwoodindustries.com :-~ STORM T/\NK er Expect Results A BRAND OF ~ BRENTWOOD I