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Info@CivilLandworks.com • 760 908-8745 110 Copperwood Way Suite P, Oceanside CA, 92058 Web Site: www.civillandworks.com Structural Calculations Report Toyota Carlsbad Retaining Wall Design 5434 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, CA 92008 Prepared For: Ms. Peggy Kelcher, Stellar Properties, LLC. 6030 Avenida Encinas, Suite 220 Carlsbad, CA 92011 760-438-2000 Date: January 2, 2024 Prepared By: Civil Landworks Corporation 110 Copperwood Way Suite P, Oceanside CA, USA 92058 760-908-8745 CLW No. 1312-D TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 1 2. DESIGN CRITERIA AND ASSUMPTIONS ........................................................................ 1 A. SOILS REPORT ................................................................................................................. 1 B. CODES ............................................................................................................................... 1 C. LOADS ............................................................................................................................... 1 i. SOIL LOADS ................................................................................................................. 1 ii. SEISMIC PARAMETERS ............................................................................................. 2 D. MATERIALS ...................................................................................................................... 3 i. CONCRETE ................................................................................................................... 3 ii. MASONRY..................................................................................................................... 3 iii. REINFORCING STEEL ............................................................................................. 3 3. RETAINING WALL DESIGN ............................................................................................... 3 4. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE ................................................................. 4 5. ENGINEER OF WORK: ........................................................................................................ 4 6. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 5 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 – LOCATION MAP ATTACHMENT 2 – ASCE 7 HAZARDS REPORT AND SEISMIC PARAMETERS ATTACHMENT 3 – RETAINING WALL 1: ENERCALC RETAINPRO CALCULATIONS ATTACHMENT 4 – RETAINING WALL 2: ENERCALC RETAINPRO CALCULATIONS ATTACHMENT 5 – RETAINING WALL 3: ENERCALC RETAINPRO CALCULATIONS Structural Calculations Toyota Carlsbad CLW No. 1312-D Carlsbad, CA Page 1 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The purpose of this report is to design 2 types of CMU retaining walls on 682 Vale View Drive, Vista, CA 92081. All proposed retaining walls on the site above 4’ will be accounted for in this report. See Attachment 1 for project Location and Vicinity Maps. 2. DESIGN CRITERIA AND ASSUMPTIONS A. SOILS REPORT Soils report by: Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. Date: 8/2/2019 Project No.: 10-15029G B. CODES 1. 2022 California Building Code (CBC 2022) 2. American Society of Civil Engineers Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-22) 3. Structural retaining wall calculations were performed using ENERCALC RetainPro Engineering Software Build, per methods as outlined within the California Building Code (CBC 2022) and ASCE 7-22. The calculations for the proposed retaining walls may be found within Attachment 3 through 4 in this report. C. LOADS i. SOIL LOADS Table 1: Footing Design Parameters Footing Min. Footing Width Min. Footing Embedment Allowable Bearing Pressure, 𝒒𝒂 Continuous Footing 15 Inches 24” below grade 2,500 psf Allowable bearing increase with temporary loads (Wind/Seismic):825 psf Active soil pressure: 35 pcf Additional active soil pressure for 2:1 (H:V) sloping backfill: 20 pcf Passive soil pressure: 250 psf/ft of depth Coefficient of friction for concrete to soil: 0.3 Structural Calculations Toyota Carlsbad CLW No. 1312-D Carlsbad, CA Page 2 Seismic soil pressure: Equivalent to fluid weighing 15 pcf ii. SEISMIC PARAMETERS Table 2: Seismic Design Parameters Risk Category II Methods Non-building Structures Latitude 33.1329 degrees Longitude -117.3255 degrees 𝑠௦ 1.151 g 𝑠ଵ 0.442 g Site Class C Seismic Design Category D 𝑆ௌ 0.767 g 𝑆ଵ 0.400 g See Attachment 2 for ASCE 7 Hazards Report and Seismic Parameters. Table 3: Earth Pressure Seismic Load Calculation: Earth Pressure Seismic Load (Triangular Distribution) 𝑞௦௦ 𝑝𝑠𝑓 ൌ ሺ15 𝑝𝑐𝑓ሻ ∗𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑆𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝐹𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ 0.7 Retaining Wall 1: 𝑞௦௦ ሺ𝑝𝑠𝑓ሻ ൌ ሺ15 𝑝𝑐𝑓ሻ ∗6.62ᇱ 1.5ᇱ 0.7 ൌ 174 𝑝𝑠𝑓 Retaining Wall 2: 𝑞௦௦ ሺ𝑝𝑠𝑓ሻ ൌ ሺ15 𝑝𝑐𝑓ሻ ∗7.12ᇱ 1.5ᇱ 0.7 ൌ 185 𝑝𝑠𝑓 Retaining Wall 3: 𝑞௦௦ ሺ𝑝𝑠𝑓ሻ ൌ ሺ15 𝑝𝑐𝑓ሻ ∗7.92ᇱ 1.5ᇱ 0.7 ൌ 202 𝑝𝑠𝑓 Seismic Base Shear Coefficient of Cantilevered Wall Stem Calculations: 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑅 ൌ 1.25,Ω ൌ2,𝐶ௗ ൌ2.5,𝐶௦ ൌ 𝐹 𝑊൘ ൌ 𝑆ௌ ሺ𝑅 𝐼⁄ሻ൘ ൌ ሺ0.871ሻ ሺ1.25/1ሻ൘ ൌ 0.697 Refer to ASCE 7-16, Table 15.4-2, and sections 15.6.1, 15.6.8, 15.1.3 and 12.8 for more information. Structural Calculations Toyota Carlsbad CLW No. 1312-D Carlsbad, CA Page 3 D. MATERIALS i. CONCRETE Design compressive strength at 28 days shall be as follows: Footings: 𝑓ᇱ = 3,000 psi ii. MASONRY 8” Medium-weight CMU 𝑓ᇱ = 1,900 psi 12” Medium-weight CMU 𝑓ᇱ = 1,900 psi 16” Medium-weight CMU 𝑓ᇱ = 1,900 psi iii. REINFORCING STEEL (ASTM A615 Grade 60) 𝑓௬= 60 ksi 3. RETAINING WALL DESIGN 2 types of Retaining Walls are designed based on different ranges of retaining heights available. Each retaining wall is analyzed twice. a) With Live Loading (250 psf toe live load per CBC 2022 Table 1607.1). b) With Seismic Loading. Notes: Errors reported for sliding and overturning F.O.S. being less than 1.5 are ignored when the seismic design is included. As per CBC section 1807.2.3, the factor of safety acceptance criteria for sliding and overturning safety factors under seismic load is 1.1. Table 4: Span Range for each Retaining Wall designed in this report: Retaining Wall Height Range Comments 1 6’-7” to 5’-9” Basin Wall With Live Load 1 6’-7” to 5’-9” Basin Wall With Seismic 2 7’-2” to 6’-2” Basin Wall, Short Heel With Live Load 2 7’-2” to 6’-2” Basin Wall, Short Heel With Seismic 3 7’-11” to 6’-8” Basin Wall With Live Load 3 7’-11” to 6’-8” Basin Wall With Seismic Structural Calculations Toyota Carlsbad CLW No. 1312-D Carlsbad, CA Page 4 4. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I, hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for this project, that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in section 6703 of the business and professions code, and that the design is consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the County of San Diego is confined to a review only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of Work of my responsibility for project design. 5. ENGINEER OF WORK: Civil Landworks Corporation 110 Copperwood Way, Suite P Oceanside CA, USA 92058 ______________________________ 1/2/2024 David V. Caron Date R.C.E. 70066 Exp. 9-30-24 Structural Calculations Toyota Carlsbad CLW No. 1312-D Carlsbad, CA Page 5 6. REFERENCES 1. 2022 California Building Code (CBC 2022) 2. American Society of Civil Engineers Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-22) 3. ENERCALC RetainPro Engineering Software, © 1989-2023 Build ATTACHMENT 1 LOCATION MAP DA1£: 2-25-20 = AS SHOWN SITE LOCATION 5424 PASEO DEL NORTE MAP DRAIIIBV: J. SANTOS SITE VICINITY MAP DA1£: 2-25-20 SCALE: AS SHOWN 5424 PASEO DEL NORTE DRAIN BY: J. SANTOS ATTACHMENT 2 ASCE 7 HAZARDS REPORT AND SEISMIC PARAMETERS ASCE 7 Hazards Report Address: 5424 Paseo del Norte Carlsbad, California 92008 Standard:ASCE/SEI 7-22 Latitude:33.133021 Risk Category:III Longitude:-117.325906 Soil Class:BC Elevation:0 ft (NAVD 88) Page 1 of 4https://asce7hazardtool.online/Wed Mar 01 2023 ASCE. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CML ENGINEERS C211J&bad Pfem1um Oull@l'i OAP: lzod ,108ff BJrr .... "111 J V1s1a s ... ~ l Esc J~ PGA M : 0.49 SMS : 1.11 SM1 : 0.39 SDS : 0.74 SD1 : 0.26 TL : 8 SS : 1.23 S1 : 0.39 VS30 : 760 Seismic Design Category: BC D Multi-Period Design Spectrum S (g) vs T(s)a Multi-Period MCE SpectrumR S (g) vs T(s)a Two-Period Design Spectrum S (g) vs T(s)a Two-Period MCE SpectrumR S (g) vs T(s)a Design Vertical Response Spectrum Vertical ground motion data has not yet been made available by USGS. MCE Vertical Response SpectrumR Vertical ground motion data has not yet been made available by USGS. Seismic Site Soil Class: Results: Page 2 of 4https://asce7hazardtool.online/Wed Mar 01 2023 ASCE. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CML ENGINEERS 1.4 0.9 1.2 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 1.2 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 Data Accessed: Wed Mar 01 2023 Date Source: USGS Seismic Design Maps based on ASCE/SEI 7-22 and ASCE/SEI 7-22 Table 1.5-2. Additional data for site-specific ground motion procedures in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-22 Ch. 21 are available from USGS. Page 3 of 4https://asce7hazardtool.online/Wed Mar 01 2023 ASCE. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CML ENGINEERS The ASCE 7 Hazard Tool is provided for your convenience, for informational purposes only, and is provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind. The location data included herein has been obtained from information developed, produced, and maintained by third party providers; or has been extrapolated from maps incorporated in the ASCE 7 standard. While ASCE has made every effort to use data obtained from reliable sources or methodologies, ASCE does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, currency, or quality of any data provided herein. Any third-party links provided by this Tool should not be construed as an endorsement, affiliation, relationship, or sponsorship of such third-party content by or from ASCE. ASCE does not intend, nor should anyone interpret, the results provided by this Tool to replace the sound judgment of a competent professional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s) of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the contents of this Tool or the ASCE 7 standard. In using this Tool, you expressly assume all risks associated with your use. Under no circumstances shall ASCE or its officers, directors, employees, members, affiliates, or agents be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from or related to your use of, or reliance on, the Tool or any information obtained therein. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to release and hold harmless ASCE from any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from any use of data provided by the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool. Page 4 of 4https://asce7hazardtool.online/Wed Mar 01 2023 ASCE. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS ATTACHMENT 3 RETAINING WALL 1: ENERCALC RETAINPRO CALCULATIONS Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Code References Calculations per IBC 2012 1807.3, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 6.62 0.00 0.00 12.00 2,500.0 35.0 0.0 250.0 Criteria Soil Data Retained Height =ft Wall height above soil =ft Active Heel Pressure =psf/ftSlope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe in Water table above =ft = = 135.00=pcf = Soil Density, Heel =Passive Pressure =psf/ft Allow Soil Bearing =psf Soil Density, Toe 135.00 pcf Footing||Soil Friction =0.300 Soil height to ignorefor passive pressure =0.00 in Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method bottom of footing Surcharge Loads Adjacent Footing Load Load Type 250.0 Lateral Load =0.0 #/ft 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 Axial Load Applied to Stem Wall to Ftg CL Dist =0.00 ft Wind on Exposed Stem psf0.0= Lateral Load Applied to Stem Surcharge Over Heel =psf Adjacent Footing Load =0.0 lbs Axial Dead Load (Service Level) =lbs Footing Type Spread Footing Surcharge Over Toe psf Footing Width =0.00 ft...Height to Top =0.00 ft Eccentricity =0.00 in...Height to Bottom =0.00 ft Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning ==0.0 ft Axial Live Load = Base Above/Below Soil lbs = Axial Load Eccentricity ==Poisson's Ratio 0.300 at Back of Wall in (Strength Level) Wind (W)= w Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Design Summary Wall Stability RatiosOverturning =3.02 Global Stability =2.83 OK Sliding =1.77 OK Total Bearing Load =4,867 lbs...resultant ecc.=5.28 in Eccentricity within middle thirdSoil Pressure @ Toe =1,393 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel =461 psf OK Allowable =2,500 psfSoil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe =1,950 psf ACI Factored @ Heel =646 psf Footing Shear @ Toe =15.3 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel =9.7 psi OK Allowable =82.2 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force =1,680.1 lbs less 100% Passive Force less 67% Friction Force Added Force Req'd ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0= 978.3 2,000.0 == 0.0 - lbs lbs lbs OK lbs OK - Masonry Block Type = Stem Construction 2nd Bottom Stem OK Stem OK Shear.....Actual Design Height Above Ftg =4.00ft 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht"=Masonry Masonry Thickness =8.00 12.00 Rebar Size =##7 7 Rebar Spacing =16.00 8.00 Rebar Placed at =Edge EdgeDesign Data fb/FB + fa/Fa =0.105 0.300 Total Force @ Section =289.9 1,196.0lbs Moment....Actual =327.4 3,112.6ft-# Moment.....Allowable =3,101.8 10,371.1ft-# =3.2 8.6psi Shear.....Allowable =44.3 45.6psi Wall Weight =84.0 133.0psf Rebar Depth 'd'=5.00in 9.00 Masonry Data f'm =1,500 1,500psiFs=psi 20,000 20,000Solid Grouting =Yes Yes Modular Ratio 'n'=21.48 21.48 Equiv. Solid Thick.=7.63 11.63in Concrete Dataf'c =psi Fy = Masonry Design Method ASD= Load Factors Building Code Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 psi Service Level =lbsStrength Level Service Level Strength Level =ft-# Service Level Strength Level =psi Design Method =ASD ASD SDSD Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Anet (Masonry)=91.50 139.50in2 Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking 2.25 3.00 18.00 Footing Torsion, Tu = = ft-lbs0.00 Min. As % Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu 0.0018 =ft-lbs Footing Data If torsion exceeds allowable, provide f'c 0.00 =3,000psi Toe Width =ft Heel Width = Key Distance from Toe Key Depth Key Width =in =in = 12.00 18.00 1.00 ft Footing Thickness =in 5.25= Cover @ Top =3.00 in@ Btm.=3.00 in Total Footing Width =150.00 pcfFooting Concrete DensityFy =60,000 psi Footing Design Results Key: = #4@ 9.25 in, #5@ 14.35 in, #6@ 18 in, #7@ 18 Factored Pressure Mu' : Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe:#4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in #4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in =# 7 @ 16.00 in = = = = = 1,950 4,465 1,337 3,128 15.32 82.16 Heel: 646 1,623 4,356 2,733 9.75 82.16 HeelToe psf ft-# ft-# ft-# psi psi Heel Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Key Reinforcing Toe Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Min footing T&S reinf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: 2.04 0.39 #4@ 6.17 in #5@ 9.57 in #6@ 13.58 in in2 in2 /ft If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 12.35 in #5@ 19.14 in #6@ 27.16 in supplemental design for footing torsion. phiMn 28,59628,596=ft-# OKOK Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....RESISTING..........OVERTURNING.....Force Distance Moment Distance Moment Item Force ft-#lbs ftft ft-#lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel 2,136.84.06526.3=Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = 500.0 4.25 2,125.0= Adjacent Footing Load =Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = =* Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Load @ Stem Above Soil = = = 303.8 1.13 341.7= = = Stem Weight(s) = 752.1 2.70 2,031.5 Earth @ Stem Transitions = 117.9 3.08 363.5 Footing Weight = 1,181.3 2.63 3,100.8 Key Weight = 225.0 1.50 337.5 Added Lateral Load lbs =5,259.9 Vert. Component Total = 4,867.4 15,896.5 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturningresistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Total =R.M. =1,680.1 O.T.M. = Resisting/Overturning Ratio =3.02 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure =4,867.4 lbs Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 1,787.4 4.25 4.25 7,596.5 7,596.5 Water Table Buoyant Force = HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 1,153.9 2.71 3,123.1 Hydrostatic Force Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 130.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only)0.094 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil bearing pressure exceeds that of the toe, because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Rebar Lap & Embedment Lengths Information Stem Design Segment: 2nd Stem Design Height: 4.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 2037.26 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =12.00 in ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem Design Segment: Bottom Stem Design Height: 0.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 5415.52 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =12.00 in Hooked embedment length into footing for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =8.95 in As Provided =0.9000 in2/ft As Required =0.2325 in2/ft Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Solid Grout Solid Grout 1'-0"-'--t ----- #7@16in @Toe #7@16in @ Center On Key #7@16" @Heel • • 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-3" 5'-3" 2'-7" 6'-7'' Clear Cover : 241.§7 " 3" 1'-6" • 3" 1'-6" 3'-3" 3'-0" Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking 250.00psf [O Pp= 2000.00# 1680# ■ Lateral earth pressure due to the soil BELOW water table Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Code References Calculations per IBC 2012 1807.3, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 6.62 0.00 0.00 12.00 2,500.0 35.0 0.0 250.0 Criteria Soil Data Retained Height =ft Wall height above soil =ft Active Heel Pressure =psf/ftSlope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe in Water table above =ft = = 135.00=pcf = Soil Density, Heel =Passive Pressure =psf/ft Allow Soil Bearing =psf Soil Density, Toe 135.00 pcf Footing||Soil Friction =0.300 Soil height to ignorefor passive pressure =0.00 in Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method bottom of footing Surcharge Loads Adjacent Footing Load Load Type 250.0 Lateral Load =0.0 #/ft 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 Axial Load Applied to Stem Wall to Ftg CL Dist =0.00 ft Wind on Exposed Stem psf0.0= Lateral Load Applied to Stem Surcharge Over Heel =psf Adjacent Footing Load =0.0 lbs Axial Dead Load (Strength Level) =lbs Footing Type Spread Footing Surcharge Over Toe psf Footing Width =0.00 ft...Height to Top =0.00 ft Eccentricity =0.00 in...Height to Bottom =0.00 ft NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning ==0.0 ft Axial Live Load = Base Above/Below Soil lbs = Axial Load Eccentricity ==Poisson's Ratio 0.300 at Back of Wall in (Strength Level) Seismic (E)= Earth Pressure Seismic Load Load at bottom of Triangular Distribution . . . . . . .=185.000 (Strength) Total Strength-Level Seismic Load. . . . .= 525.770Total Service-Level Seismic Load. . . . .= 751.100 lbs lbspsf Method : Triangular Stem Weight Seismic Load F lbs=Added seismic base force 335.1/ Wpp 0.697 gWeight Multiplier w Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Design Summary Wall Stability RatiosOverturning =1.68 Global Stability =2.83 OK Sliding =1.13 Ratio < 1.5! Total Bearing Load =4,362 lbs...resultant ecc.=16.12 in Eccentricity outside middle thirdSoil Pressure @ Toe =2,270 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel =0 psf OK Allowable =2,500 psfSoil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe =3,542 psf ACI Factored @ Heel =0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe =26.1 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel =19.1 psi OK Allowable =82.2 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force =2,541.1 lbs less 100% Passive Force less 67% Friction Force Added Force Req'd ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0= 876.8 2,000.0 == 934.8 - lbs lbs lbs OK lbs NG - Masonry Block Type = Stem Construction 2nd Bottom Stem OK Stem OK Shear.....Actual Design Height Above Ftg =2.67ft 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht"=Masonry Masonry Thickness =8.00 12.00 Rebar Size =##7 7 Rebar Spacing =16.00 8.00 Rebar Placed at =Edge EdgeDesign Data fb/FB + fa/Fa =0.457 0.501 Total Force @ Section =868.7 2,030.4lbs Moment....Actual =1,418.9 5,197.5ft-# Moment.....Allowable =3,101.8 10,371.1ft-# =9.5 14.6psi Shear.....Allowable =44.7 45.3psi Wall Weight =84.0 133.0psf Rebar Depth 'd'=5.00in 9.00 Masonry Data f'm =1,500 1,500psiFs=psi 20,000 20,000Solid Grouting =Yes Yes Modular Ratio 'n'=21.48 21.48 Equiv. Solid Thick.=7.63 11.63in Concrete Dataf'c =psi Fy = Masonry Design Method ASD= Load Factors Building Code Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 psi Service Level =lbsStrength Level Service Level Strength Level =ft-# Service Level Strength Level =psi Design Method =ASD ASD SDSD Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Anet (Masonry)=91.50 139.50in2 Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking 2.25 3.00 18.00 Footing Torsion, Tu = = ft-lbs0.00 Min. As % Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu 0.0018 =ft-lbs Footing Data If torsion exceeds allowable, provide f'c 0.00 =3,000psi Toe Width =ft Heel Width = Key Distance from Toe Key Depth Key Width =in =in = 12.00 18.00 1.00 ft Footing Thickness =in 5.25= Cover @ Top =3.00 in@ Btm.=3.00 in Total Footing Width =150.00 pcfFooting Concrete DensityFy =60,000 psi Footing Design Results Key: = #4@ 9.25 in, #5@ 14.35 in, #6@ 18 in, #7@ 18 Factored Pressure Mu' : Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe:#4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in #4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in =# 7 @ 16.00 in = = = = = 3,542 7,215 1,337 5,879 26.11 82.16 Heel: 0 32 4,356 4,324 19.09 82.16 HeelToe psf ft-# ft-# ft-# psi psi Heel Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Key Reinforcing Toe Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Min footing T&S reinf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: 2.04 0.39 #4@ 6.17 in #5@ 9.57 in #6@ 13.58 in in2 in2 /ft If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 12.35 in #5@ 19.14 in #6@ 27.16 in supplemental design for footing torsion. phiMn 28,59628,596=ft-# OKOK Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....RESISTING..........OVERTURNING.....Force Distance Moment Distance Moment Item Force ft-#lbs ftft ft-#lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel 2,136.84.06526.3=Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = = Adjacent Footing Load =Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = =* Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Load @ Stem Above Soil =525.8 335.1 = = 303.8 1.13 341.7= = =Seismic Earth Load = 2.71 1,423.1 Stem Weight(s)4.43 1,486.0Seismic Stem Self Wt = 686.9 2.67 1,833.7 Earth @ Stem Transitions = 177.8 3.08 548.1 Footing Weight = 1,181.3 2.63 3,100.8 Key Weight = 225.0 1.50 337.5 Added Lateral Load lbs =8,168.9 Vert. Component Total = 4,362.1 13,758.2 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturningresistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Total =R.M. =2,541.1 O.T.M. = Resisting/Overturning Ratio =1.68 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure =4,362.1 lbs If seismic is included, the OTM and sliding ratiosmay be 1.1 per section 1807.2.3 of IBC. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 1,787.4 4.25 4.25 7,596.5 7,596.5 Water Table Buoyant Force = HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 1,153.9 2.71 3,123.1 Hydrostatic Force Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 130.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only)0.153 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil bearing pressure exceeds that of the toe, because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Rebar Lap & Embedment Lengths Information Stem Design Segment: 2nd Stem Design Height: 2.67 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 8829.96 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =15.45 in ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem Design Segment: Bottom Stem Design Height: 0.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 9042.99 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =15.83 in Hooked embedment length into footing for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =8.95 in As Provided =0.9000 in2/ft As Required =0.3905 in2/ft Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Solid Grout Solid Grout 1'-0"~t ____ _ #7@16in @Toe #7@16in @ Center On Key #7@16" @Heel 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-3" 5'-3" 3'-11" 6'-7'' Clear Cover : 2;2'1.§7 " 3" 1'-6" • 3" 1'-6" 3'-3" 3'-0" Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6.62' TO 5.72' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Pp= 2000.00# -(/) a. N LO en CD N N 250.00psf [D ■ Lateral earth pressure due to the soil BELOW water table ■ Seismic lateral earth pressure Seismic due to stem self weight ATTACHMENT 4 RETAINING WALL 2: ENERCALC RETAINPRO CALCULATIONS Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Code References Calculations per IBC 2012 1807.3, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 7.12 0.00 0.00 12.00 2,500.0 35.0 0.0 250.0 Criteria Soil Data Retained Height =ft Wall height above soil =ft Active Heel Pressure =psf/ftSlope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe in Water table above =ft = = 135.00=pcf = Soil Density, Heel =Passive Pressure =psf/ft Allow Soil Bearing =psf Soil Density, Toe 135.00 pcf Footing||Soil Friction =0.300 Soil height to ignorefor passive pressure =0.00 in Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method bottom of footing Surcharge Loads Adjacent Footing Load Load Type 250.0 Lateral Load =0.0 #/ft 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 Axial Load Applied to Stem Wall to Ftg CL Dist =0.00 ft Wind on Exposed Stem psf0.0= Lateral Load Applied to Stem Surcharge Over Heel =psf Adjacent Footing Load =0.0 lbs Axial Dead Load (Service Level) =lbs Footing Type Spread Footing Surcharge Over Toe psf Footing Width =0.00 ft...Height to Top =0.00 ft Eccentricity =0.00 in...Height to Bottom =0.00 ft Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning ==0.0 ft Axial Live Load = Base Above/Below Soil lbs = Axial Load Eccentricity ==Poisson's Ratio 0.300 at Back of Wall in (Strength Level) Wind (W)= Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Design Summary Wall Stability RatiosOverturning =2.35 Global Stability =2.21 OK Sliding =1.57 OK Total Bearing Load =3,748 lbs...resultant ecc.=9.41 in Eccentricity within middle thirdSoil Pressure @ Toe =1,114 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel =135 psf OK Allowable =2,500 psfSoil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe =1,560 psf ACI Factored @ Heel =189 psf Footing Shear @ Toe =14.5 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel =4.5 psi OK Allowable =82.2 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force =1,859.0 lbs less 100% Passive Force less 67% Friction Force Added Force Req'd ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0= 753.3 2,170.1 == 0.0 - lbs lbs lbs OK lbs OK - Masonry Block Type = Stem Construction 2nd Bottom Stem OK Stem OK Shear.....Actual Design Height Above Ftg =4.00ft 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht"=Masonry Masonry Thickness =8.00 12.00 Rebar Size =##7 7 Rebar Spacing =16.00 8.00 Rebar Placed at =Edge EdgeDesign Data fb/FB + fa/Fa =0.158 0.361 Total Force @ Section =372.6 1,348.6lbs Moment....Actual =492.6 3,748.4ft-# Moment.....Allowable =3,101.8 10,371.1ft-# =4.1 9.7psi Shear.....Allowable =44.4 45.7psi Wall Weight =84.0 133.0psf Rebar Depth 'd'=5.00in 9.00 Masonry Data f'm =1,500 1,500psiFs=psi 20,000 20,000Solid Grouting =Yes Yes Modular Ratio 'n'=21.48 21.48 Equiv. Solid Thick.=7.63 11.63in Concrete Dataf'c =psi Fy = Masonry Design Method ASD= Load Factors Building Code Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 psi Service Level =lbsStrength Level Service Level Strength Level =ft-# Service Level Strength Level =psi Design Method =ASD ASD SDSD Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Anet (Masonry)=91.50 139.50in2 Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking 4.50 1.50 18.00 Footing Torsion, Tu = = ft-lbs0.00 Min. As % Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu 0.0018 =ft-lbs Footing Data If torsion exceeds allowable, provide f'c 0.00 =3,000psi Toe Width =ft Heel Width = Key Distance from Toe Key Depth Key Width =in =in = 12.00 20.00 3.00 ft Footing Thickness =in 6.00= Cover @ Top =3.00 in@ Btm.=3.00 in Total Footing Width =150.00 pcfFooting Concrete DensityFy =60,000 psi Footing Design Results Key: = #4@ 9.25 in, #5@ 14.35 in, #6@ 18 in, #7@ 18 Factored Pressure Mu' : Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe:#4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in #4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in =# 7 @ 16.00 in = = = = = 1,560 12,323 4,860 7,463 14.48 82.16 Heel: 189 28 456 427 4.53 82.16 HeelToe psf ft-# ft-# ft-# psi psi Heel Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Key Reinforcing Toe Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Min footing T&S reinf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: 2.33 0.39 #4@ 6.17 in #5@ 9.57 in #6@ 13.58 in in2 in2 /ft If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 12.35 in #5@ 19.14 in #6@ 27.16 in supplemental design for footing torsion. phiMn 28,59628,596=ft-# OKOK Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....RESISTING..........OVERTURNING.....Force Distance Moment Distance Moment Item Force ft-#lbs ftft ft-#lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel 2,408.04.31558.7=Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = 125.0 5.75 718.8= Adjacent Footing Load =Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = =* Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Load @ Stem Above Soil = = = 607.5 2.25 1,366.9= = = Stem Weight(s) = 794.1 4.94 3,926.7 Earth @ Stem Transitions = 140.4 5.33 748.8 Footing Weight = 1,350.0 3.00 4,050.0 Key Weight = 250.0 3.50 875.0 Added Lateral Load lbs =6,144.3 Vert. Component Total = 3,747.6 14,449.6 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturningresistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Total =R.M. =1,859.0 O.T.M. = Resisting/Overturning Ratio =2.35 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure =3,747.6 lbs Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 480.6 5.75 5.75 2,763.5 2,763.5 Water Table Buoyant Force = HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 1,300.3 2.87 3,736.3 Hydrostatic Force Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 130.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only)0.071 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil bearing pressure exceeds that of the toe, because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Rebar Lap & Embedment Lengths Information Stem Design Segment: 2nd Stem Design Height: 4.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 3065.73 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =12.00 in ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem Design Segment: Bottom Stem Design Height: 0.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 6521.73 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =12.00 in Hooked embedment length into footing for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =8.95 in As Provided =0.9000 in2/ft As Required =0.2805 in2/ft Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking 1'-0" Solid Grout Solid Grout #7@16in @Toe #7@16in @ Center On Key #7@16" @Heel 3'-0" 1'-0" 4'-6" 6'-0" 7'-1" lear Cover 2.1875" T 3" 3" 1' 8" 2'-0" 1'-6" Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Pp= 2170.14# '1n a. ,.._ st' 250.00psf IT] 1859# ■ Lateral earth pressure due to the soil BELOW water table '1n a. N 0 i.n (") Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Code References Calculations per IBC 2012 1807.3, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 7.12 0.00 0.00 12.00 2,500.0 35.0 0.0 250.0 Criteria Soil Data Retained Height =ft Wall height above soil =ft Active Heel Pressure =psf/ftSlope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe in Water table above =ft = = 135.00=pcf = Soil Density, Heel =Passive Pressure =psf/ft Allow Soil Bearing =psf Soil Density, Toe 135.00 pcf Footing||Soil Friction =0.300 Soil height to ignorefor passive pressure =0.00 in Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method bottom of footing Surcharge Loads Adjacent Footing Load Load Type 250.0 Lateral Load =0.0 #/ft 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 Axial Load Applied to Stem Wall to Ftg CL Dist =0.00 ft Wind on Exposed Stem psf0.0= Lateral Load Applied to Stem Surcharge Over Heel =psf Adjacent Footing Load =0.0 lbs Axial Dead Load (Service Level) =lbs Footing Type Spread Footing Surcharge Over Toe psf Footing Width =0.00 ft...Height to Top =0.00 ft Eccentricity =0.00 in...Height to Bottom =0.00 ft NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning ==0.0 ft Axial Live Load = Base Above/Below Soil lbs = Axial Load Eccentricity ==Poisson's Ratio 0.300 at Back of Wall in (Strength Level) Wind (W)= Earth Pressure Seismic Load Load at bottom of Triangular Distribution . . . . . . .=185.000 (Strength) Total Strength-Level Seismic Load. . . . .= 558.145Total Service-Level Seismic Load. . . . .= 797.350 lbs lbspsf Method : Triangular Stem Weight Seismic Load F lbs=Added seismic base force 387.4/ Wpp 0.697 gWeight Multiplier Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Design Summary Wall Stability RatiosOverturning =1.44 Global Stability =2.21 Ratio < 1.5! Sliding =1.03 Ratio < 1.5! Total Bearing Load =3,623 lbs...resultant ecc.=22.18 in Eccentricity outside middle thirdSoil Pressure @ Toe =2,097 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel =0 psf OK Allowable =2,500 psfSoil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe =3,037 psf ACI Factored @ Heel =0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe =17.6 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel =5.2 psi OK Allowable =82.2 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force =2,804.6 lbs less 100% Passive Force less 67% Friction Force Added Force Req'd ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0= 728.1 2,170.1 == 1,308.6 - lbs lbs lbs OK lbs NG - Masonry Block Type = Stem Construction 2nd Bottom Stem OK Stem OK Shear.....Actual Design Height Above Ftg =4.00ft 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht"=Masonry Masonry Thickness =8.00 12.00 Rebar Size =##7 7 Rebar Spacing =16.00 8.00 Rebar Placed at =Edge EdgeDesign Data fb/FB + fa/Fa =0.258 0.604 Total Force @ Section =604.9 2,280.1lbs Moment....Actual =800.7 6,269.5ft-# Moment.....Allowable =3,101.8 10,371.1ft-# =6.6 16.3psi Shear.....Allowable =44.4 45.7psi Wall Weight =84.0 133.0psf Rebar Depth 'd'=5.00in 9.00 Masonry Data f'm =1,500 1,500psiFs=psi 20,000 20,000Solid Grouting =Yes Yes Modular Ratio 'n'=21.48 21.48 Equiv. Solid Thick.=7.63 11.63in Concrete Dataf'c =psi Fy = Masonry Design Method ASD= Load Factors Building Code Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 psi Service Level =lbsStrength Level Service Level Strength Level =ft-# Service Level Strength Level =psi Design Method =ASD ASD SDSD Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Anet (Masonry)=91.50 139.50in2 Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking 4.50 1.50 18.00 Footing Torsion, Tu = = ft-lbs0.00 Min. As % Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu 0.0018 =ft-lbs Footing Data If torsion exceeds allowable, provide f'c 0.00 =3,000psi Toe Width =ft Heel Width = Key Distance from Toe Key Depth Key Width =in =in = 12.00 20.00 3.00 ft Footing Thickness =in 6.00= Cover @ Top =3.00 in@ Btm.=3.00 in Total Footing Width =150.00 pcfFooting Concrete DensityFy =60,000 psi Footing Design Results Key: = #4@ 9.25 in, #5@ 14.35 in, #6@ 18 in, #7@ 18 Factored Pressure Mu' : Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe:#4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in #4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in =# 7 @ 16.00 in = = = = = 3,037 17,568 4,860 12,708 17.58 82.16 Heel: 0 0 456 456 5.24 82.16 HeelToe psf ft-# ft-# ft-# psi psi Heel Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Key Reinforcing Toe Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Min footing T&S reinf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: 2.33 0.39 #4@ 6.17 in #5@ 9.57 in #6@ 13.58 in in2 in2 /ft If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 12.35 in #5@ 19.14 in #6@ 27.16 in supplemental design for footing torsion. phiMn 28,59628,596=ft-# OKOK Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....RESISTING..........OVERTURNING.....Force Distance Moment Distance Moment Item Force ft-#lbs ftft ft-#lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel 2,408.04.31558.7=Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = = Adjacent Footing Load =Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = =* Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Load @ Stem Above Soil =558.1 387.4 = = 607.5 2.25 1,366.9= = =Seismic Earth Load = 2.87 1,603.7 Stem Weight(s)4.67 1,811.2Seismic Stem Self Wt = 794.1 4.94 3,926.7 Earth @ Stem Transitions = 140.4 5.33 748.8 Footing Weight = 1,350.0 3.00 4,050.0 Key Weight = 250.0 3.50 875.0 Added Lateral Load lbs =9,559.2 Vert. Component Total = 3,622.6 13,730.8 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturningresistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Total =R.M. =2,804.6 O.T.M. = Resisting/Overturning Ratio =1.44 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure =3,622.6 lbs If seismic is included, the OTM and sliding ratiosmay be 1.1 per section 1807.2.3 of IBC. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 480.6 5.75 5.75 2,763.5 2,763.5 Water Table Buoyant Force = HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 1,300.3 2.87 3,736.3 Hydrostatic Force Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 130.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only)0.133 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil bearing pressure exceeds that of the toe, because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Rebar Lap & Embedment Lengths Information Stem Design Segment: 2nd Stem Design Height: 4.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 4983.16 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =12.00 in ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem Design Segment: Bottom Stem Design Height: 0.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 10908.24 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =19.09 in Hooked embedment length into footing for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =8.95 in As Provided =0.9000 in2/ft As Required =0.4725 in2/ft Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking 1'-0" Solid Grout Solid Grout #7@16in @Toe #7@16in @ Center On Key #7@16" @Heel 3'-0" 1'-0" 4'-6" 6'-0" 7'-1" lear Cover 2.1875" T 3" 3" 1' 8" 2'-0" 1'-6" Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.12' TO 6.11' BASIN Retaining Wall - Short Heel (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Pp= 2170.14# 't; a. N ,-...: a, 0 N 250.00psf 2246# 55837# ■ Lateral earth pressure due to the soil BELOW water table ■ Seismic lateral earth pressure Seismic due to stem self weight ATTACHMENT 5 RETAINING WALL 3: ENERCALC RETAINPRO CALCULATIONS Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Code References Calculations per IBC 2012 1807.3, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 7.92 0.00 0.00 12.00 2,500.0 35.0 0.0 250.0 Criteria Soil Data Retained Height =ft Wall height above soil =ft Active Heel Pressure =psf/ftSlope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe in Water table above =ft = = 135.00=pcf = Soil Density, Heel =Passive Pressure =psf/ft Allow Soil Bearing =psf Soil Density, Toe 135.00 pcf Footing||Soil Friction =0.300 Soil height to ignorefor passive pressure =0.00 in Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method bottom of footing Surcharge Loads Adjacent Footing Load Load Type 250.0 Lateral Load =0.0 #/ft 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 Axial Load Applied to Stem Wall to Ftg CL Dist =0.00 ft Wind on Exposed Stem psf0.0= Lateral Load Applied to Stem Surcharge Over Heel =psf Adjacent Footing Load =0.0 lbs Axial Dead Load (Service Level) =lbs Footing Type Spread Footing Surcharge Over Toe psf Footing Width =0.00 ft...Height to Top =0.00 ft Eccentricity =0.00 in...Height to Bottom =0.00 ft Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning ==0.0 ft Axial Live Load = Base Above/Below Soil lbs = Axial Load Eccentricity ==Poisson's Ratio 0.300 at Back of Wall in (Strength Level) Wind (W)= LJ Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Design Summary Wall Stability RatiosOverturning =3.29 Global Stability =2.64 OK Sliding =1.81 OK Total Bearing Load =6,915 lbs...resultant ecc.=5.24 in Eccentricity within middle thirdSoil Pressure @ Toe =1,656 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel =649 psf OK Allowable =2,500 psfSoil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe =2,318 psf ACI Factored @ Heel =909 psf Footing Shear @ Toe =18.4 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel =11.9 psi OK Allowable =82.2 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force =2,163.4 lbs less 100% Passive Force less 67% Friction Force Added Force Req'd ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0= 1,390.0 2,531.3 == 0.0 - lbs lbs lbs OK lbs OK - Masonry Block Type = Stem Construction 2nd Bottom Stem OK Stem OK Shear.....Actual Design Height Above Ftg =4.00ft 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht"=Masonry Masonry Thickness =8.00 12.00 Rebar Size =##7 7 Rebar Spacing =16.00 8.00 Rebar Placed at =Edge EdgeDesign Data fb/FB + fa/Fa =0.273 0.475 Total Force @ Section =523.0 1,611.0lbs Moment....Actual =849.4 4,930.8ft-# Moment.....Allowable =3,101.8 10,371.1ft-# =5.7 11.5psi Shear.....Allowable =44.7 45.8psi Wall Weight =84.0 133.0psf Rebar Depth 'd'=5.00in 9.00 Masonry Data f'm =1,500 1,500psiFs=psi 20,000 20,000Solid Grouting =Yes Yes Modular Ratio 'n'=21.48 21.48 Equiv. Solid Thick.=7.63 11.63in Concrete Dataf'c =psi Fy = Masonry Design Method ASD= Load Factors Building Code Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 psi Service Level =lbsStrength Level Service Level Strength Level =ft-# Service Level Strength Level =psi Design Method =ASD ASD SDSD Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Anet (Masonry)=91.50 139.50in2 Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking 2.00 4.00 18.00 Footing Torsion, Tu = = ft-lbs0.00 Min. As % Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu 0.0018 =ft-lbs Footing Data If torsion exceeds allowable, provide f'c 0.00 =3,000psi Toe Width =ft Heel Width = Key Distance from Toe Key Depth Key Width =in =in = 12.00 24.00 2.00 ft Footing Thickness =in 6.00= Cover @ Top =3.00 in@ Btm.=3.00 in Total Footing Width =150.00 pcfFooting Concrete DensityFy =60,000 psi Footing Design Results Key: = #4@ 9.25 in, #5@ 14.35 in, #6@ 18 in, #7@ 18 Factored Pressure Mu' : Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe:#4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in #4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in =# 7 @ 16.00 in = = = = = 2,318 4,323 1,080 3,243 18.36 82.16 Heel: 909 5,147 10,253 5,107 11.93 82.16 HeelToe psf ft-# ft-# ft-# psi psi Heel Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Key Reinforcing Toe Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Min footing T&S reinf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: 2.33 0.39 #4@ 6.17 in #5@ 9.57 in #6@ 13.58 in in2 in2 /ft If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 12.35 in #5@ 19.14 in #6@ 27.16 in supplemental design for footing torsion. phiMn 28,59628,596=ft-# OKOK Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....RESISTING..........OVERTURNING.....Force Distance Moment Distance Moment Item Force ft-#lbs ftft ft-#lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel 2,875.74.71610.6=Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = 750.0 4.50 3,375.0= Adjacent Footing Load =Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = =* Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Load @ Stem Above Soil = = = 270.0 1.00 270.0= = = Stem Weight(s) = 861.3 2.44 2,098.3 Earth @ Stem Transitions = 176.4 2.83 499.8 Footing Weight = 1,350.0 3.00 4,050.0 Key Weight = 300.0 2.50 750.0 Added Lateral Load lbs =7,751.8 Vert. Component Total = 6,915.3 25,477.3 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturningresistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Total =R.M. =2,163.4 O.T.M. = Resisting/Overturning Ratio =3.29 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure =6,915.3 lbs Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 3,207.6 4.50 4.50 14,434.2 14,434.2 Water Table Buoyant Force = HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 1,552.9 3.14 4,876.1 Hydrostatic Force Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 130.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only)0.117 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil bearing pressure exceeds that of the toe, because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Rebar Lap & Embedment Lengths Information Stem Design Segment: 2nd Stem Design Height: 4.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 5285.72 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =12.00 in ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem Design Segment: Bottom Stem Design Height: 0.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 8578.92 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =15.01 in Hooked embedment length into footing for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =8.95 in As Provided =0.9000 in2/ft As Required =0.3702 in2/ft Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Solid Grout Solid Grout 1'-0" t ~------- #7@16in @Toe #7@16in @ Center On Key #7@16" @Heel 2'-0" 2'-0" 3'-11" 7'-11" Clear Cover : 2.1875" 4,_0., • 3" 2'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" 6'-0" Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (LIVE LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Pp= 2531 .25# -1/) 0. "' 0) I.() I.() <D 250.00psf [D 2163# ■ Lateral earth pressure due to the soil BELOW water table Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Code References Calculations per IBC 2012 1807.3, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 7.92 0.00 0.00 12.00 2,500.0 35.0 0.0 250.0 Criteria Soil Data Retained Height =ft Wall height above soil =ft Active Heel Pressure =psf/ftSlope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe in Water table above =ft = = 135.00=pcf = Soil Density, Heel =Passive Pressure =psf/ft Allow Soil Bearing =psf Soil Density, Toe 135.00 pcf Footing||Soil Friction =0.300 Soil height to ignorefor passive pressure =0.00 in Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method bottom of footing Surcharge Loads Adjacent Footing Load Load Type 250.0 Lateral Load =0.0 #/ft 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 Axial Load Applied to Stem Wall to Ftg CL Dist =0.00 ft Wind on Exposed Stem psf0.0= Lateral Load Applied to Stem Surcharge Over Heel =psf Adjacent Footing Load =0.0 lbs Axial Dead Load (Service Level) =lbs Footing Type Spread Footing Surcharge Over Toe psf Footing Width =0.00 ft...Height to Top =0.00 ft Eccentricity =0.00 in...Height to Bottom =0.00 ft NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning ==0.0 ft Axial Live Load = Base Above/Below Soil lbs = Axial Load Eccentricity ==Poisson's Ratio 0.300 at Back of Wall in (Strength Level) Wind (W)= Earth Pressure Seismic Load Load at bottom of Triangular Distribution . . . . . . .=202.000 (Strength) Total Strength-Level Seismic Load. . . . .= 665.994Total Service-Level Seismic Load. . . . .= 951.420 lbs lbspsf Method : Triangular Stem Weight Seismic Load F lbs=Added seismic base force 420.2/ Wpp 0.697 gWeight Multiplier LJ Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Design Summary Wall Stability RatiosOverturning =1.85 Global Stability =2.64 OK Sliding =1.16 Ratio < 1.5! Total Bearing Load =6,165 lbs...resultant ecc.=16.24 in Eccentricity outside middle thirdSoil Pressure @ Toe =2,496 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel =0 psf OK Allowable =2,500 psfSoil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe =3,920 psf ACI Factored @ Heel =0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe =30.3 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel =25.1 psi OK Allowable =82.2 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force =3,249.7 lbs less 100% Passive Force less 67% Friction Force Added Force Req'd ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0= 1,239.2 2,531.3 == 1,104.0 - lbs lbs lbs OK lbs NG - Masonry Block Type = Stem Construction 2nd Bottom Stem OK Stem OK Shear.....Actual Design Height Above Ftg =4.00ft 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht"=Masonry Masonry Thickness =8.00 12.00 Rebar Size =##7 7 Rebar Spacing =16.00 8.00 Rebar Placed at =Edge EdgeDesign Data fb/FB + fa/Fa =0.444 0.789 Total Force @ Section =848.4 2,703.8lbs Moment....Actual =1,379.5 8,182.9ft-# Moment.....Allowable =3,101.8 10,371.1ft-# =9.3 19.4psi Shear.....Allowable =44.7 45.8psi Wall Weight =84.0 133.0psf Rebar Depth 'd'=5.00in 9.00 Masonry Data f'm =1,500 1,500psiFs=psi 20,000 20,000Solid Grouting =Yes Yes Modular Ratio 'n'=21.48 21.48 Equiv. Solid Thick.=7.63 11.63in Concrete Dataf'c =psi Fy = Masonry Design Method ASD= Load Factors Building Code Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 psi Service Level =lbsStrength Level Service Level Strength Level =ft-# Service Level Strength Level =psi Design Method =ASD ASD SDSD Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Anet (Masonry)=91.50 139.50in2 Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking 2.00 4.00 18.00 Footing Torsion, Tu = = ft-lbs0.00 Min. As % Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu 0.0018 =ft-lbs Footing Data If torsion exceeds allowable, provide f'c 0.00 =3,000psi Toe Width =ft Heel Width = Key Distance from Toe Key Depth Key Width =in =in = 12.00 24.00 2.00 ft Footing Thickness =in 6.00= Cover @ Top =3.00 in@ Btm.=3.00 in Total Footing Width =150.00 pcfFooting Concrete DensityFy =60,000 psi Footing Design Results Key: = #4@ 9.25 in, #5@ 14.35 in, #6@ 18 in, #7@ 18 Factored Pressure Mu' : Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe:#4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in #4@ 6.17 in, #5@ 9.56 in, #6@ 13.58 in, #7@ 18.51 in, #8@ 24.38 in, #9@ 30.86 in, #10@ 39.19 in =# 7 @ 16.00 in = = = = = 3,920 6,781 1,080 5,701 30.35 82.16 Heel: 0 966 10,253 9,288 25.09 82.16 HeelToe psf ft-# ft-# ft-# psi psi Heel Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Key Reinforcing Toe Reinforcing =# 7 @ 16.00 in Min footing T&S reinf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: 2.33 0.39 #4@ 6.17 in #5@ 9.57 in #6@ 13.58 in in2 in2 /ft If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 12.35 in #5@ 19.14 in #6@ 27.16 in supplemental design for footing torsion. phiMn 28,59628,596=ft-# OKOK Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....RESISTING..........OVERTURNING.....Force Distance Moment Distance Moment Item Force ft-#lbs ftft ft-#lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel 2,875.74.71610.6=Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = = Adjacent Footing Load =Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = =* Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Load @ Stem Above Soil =666.0 420.2 = = 270.0 1.00 270.0= = =Seismic Earth Load = 3.14 2,091.2 Stem Weight(s)5.01 2,107.0Seismic Stem Self Wt = 861.3 2.44 2,098.3 Earth @ Stem Transitions = 176.4 2.83 499.8 Footing Weight = 1,350.0 3.00 4,050.0 Key Weight = 300.0 2.50 750.0 Added Lateral Load lbs =11,950.0 Vert. Component Total = 6,165.3 22,102.3 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturningresistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Total =R.M. =3,249.7 O.T.M. = Resisting/Overturning Ratio =1.85 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure =6,165.3 lbs If seismic is included, the OTM and sliding ratiosmay be 1.1 per section 1807.2.3 of IBC. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 3,207.6 4.50 4.50 14,434.2 14,434.2 Water Table Buoyant Force = HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 1,552.9 3.14 4,876.1 Hydrostatic Force Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 130.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only)0.176 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil bearing pressure exceeds that of the toe, because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Rebar Lap & Embedment Lengths Information Stem Design Segment: 2nd Stem Design Height: 4.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 8585.03 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =15.02 in ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem Design Segment: Bottom Stem Design Height: 0.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 14237.27 psi Lap Splice length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =35.00 in Development length for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =24.92 in Hooked embedment length into footing for #7 bar specified in this stem design segment =8.95 in As Provided =0.9000 in2/ft As Required =0.6201 in2/ft Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking Solid Grout Solid Grout 1'-0" t ~------- #7@16in @Toe #7@16in @ Center On Key #7@16" @Heel 2'-0" 2'-0" 3'-11" 7'-11" Clear Cover : 2.1875" 4,_0., • 3" 2'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" 6'-0" Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06018224, Build: Civil Landworks (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7.92' TO 6.62' BASIN Retaining Wall (SEISMIC LOAD) Project File: TOYOTA_10-17-23.ec6 Project Title:Toyota of CarlsbadEngineer:David V. Caron, PEProject ID:1312DProject Descr:Contruction of New Office Buildings and Parking 250.00psf OJ Pp= 2531 .25# 2584# 660'0# 4'-11" ■ Lateral earth pressure due to the soil BELOW water table ■ Seismic lateral earth pressure Seismic due to stem self weight