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1 LEGO DR; ; AS980051; Permit
3/8/24, 12:09 PM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: AS980051 Permit Data City of Carlsbad AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER-COMM Permit No: AS980051 1 LEGO DR Status: ISSUED ASC Applied 4/7/1998 2110221600 Approved: 4/7/1998 0 Issued: 4/7/1998 Inspector: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD 3 SLOGS, SEC, TRASH, GARDEN Owner: GRINNELL FIRE PROTECTION CARLSBAD ESTATE HOLDING INC 4223 PON DEROSA AV STE D SAN DIEGO CA 619-279-1980 [ Fees($) 300 I -T Add'I Fees ($) r Total ($) 0 300 about:blank 1/1 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA: SUBMITTAL General Contractor: .. ,.card, lro1. Conllruotlo• Date: 3/19/98 Name of Reviewer: Name of Subcontractor: Grinnell Fire Protection Specification Section: 15020 Wet Pipe Sprinkler System Submittal Number: 15020.010 Component: A200 CONF ORMft,N CE REVIEW OF SUBM~TTAL Prime Consultar~ Action C 011;-i':lnent No. ''A" Approved -~q-:~~-:-~;',-.,-,o-n--n:111"".:"-:---=::-7"':=:--"--t "8" Approved a'.' 'J~\·,~-·r::::---:'. :=-:,-,.,,---------.,.---... ~,f" ... -_;;;-=---, --~ .... • .. "C" Revis e ~-· r --~ i .• ·;.;..:·_: ___ ......,~._.+--r-----, "O" Not Ar;r Sub-Cons•.J1t:-, ·• • .-···.;:;_·~ Discipline F •• • ;• •Refer to attached letter of explanation Notations do not authorize changes to contract sum or time. Submittals are reviewed, processed and executed per division one specifications. Review is for deS1gn conformity and general conformity with the contract documents only. It is the contractor's responsibility to coordinate with sub contractors and to coordinate dimensions at the job site for tolerances, clearances, quantities, fabrication process, _and_ technKjues of th_e construction. The contractor is solely responsible for the coord1nahon of his work with other trades and for full compliance with the contract documents. ~ Grinnell~ ~ FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS COMPANY 4223 Ponderosa Ave. lffiJff((1 l8; l{ \V ]BID) MAR\ 6 \998 Suite D San Diego, CA 92123 619-279-1980 Fax# 619-279-8662 Cal. Lie. # 280525 March 16, 1998 Bernards Brothers Construction 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn: Alex Re: Fire Pump Submittal Wrth reference to the above subject, we arc pleased to offi:r the following submittal. Item # l Fire Pump l 500 GPM @ 40 PSIG l each Peerless Model 8AEF13 UlJFM Approved horizontal fire pump standard construction basc-mountcd and coupled to a 50 HP 1760 RPM 460 Volt 3-phase TEFC motor. Aoccssorics include automatic air release valve, pressure relief valve and pressure gauge with protector. l each Firctrol Model FT A-1900 UlJFM Approved solid state reduced voltage controller suitable for a SO HP 460 Volt motor in combination with a FTA-900 automatic transfer switch for gcocrator set all housed in a Ncma 4 painted stcc1 outdoor enclosure. . l each Grundfos Model CR2-40 jockey pwnp with l .t, HP, 3500 RPM 460 Volt three phase TEFC motor and a Peerless Model SOOL jockey pwnp cootrollcr with transformer and minimum run timer housed in a Nana 4 painted steel enclosure. 1 each Firctrol Model FT A-200 Type A remote ;µarm panel in a N~ '2. enclosure. REFERENCE Peerless Pump Engineering Data Dimensional Data Perfonnancc Curve Accessories Firctrol Controller Data Gnmdfos Jockey Pump Data Peerless Jockey Pump Controller Data Firetrol Remote Alann Panel Data Bernards Bros. Const Thank you for the opportunity to present this submittal, if you have any questions please contact me. Sincerely, .£;J.£~ Rick Larsen, Design Manager ~ 1:qca INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY ·) PNrlea Pum~ Company A INlllbw«llelllflno Group HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMPS SINGLE STAGE DOUBLE SUCTION Type A, A~F, AEF SECTION l S30 Page 26.S January 29 .. 1990 DIRECTION OF ROTATION The rotation of a horizontal split case pump is determined by viewing the pump from the driver end in the direction of the arrow. The rotation fixes the pos- ition of the suction and discharge flanges. For pumps having dual drive such as engine and electric motor, the rotation is specified from the engine end of the unit. SUCTION I I DISCHAR I I I I LEFT HAND OR COUNTER.CLOCKWISE ROTATIOH I I I L DIESEL ENGINE I I I -.J RIGHT HANO OR CLOCKWISE ROTATION Subject to change without notice ➔ SECTION 1520 Page 2 January 25, 19!16 HORIZONTAL OR INLINE FIRE PUMPS PUMP DATA Peertess Pump Compan Indianapolis, IN 46207-7026 y Fire Pump Commercial Model Pump Shaft Suction Flange Size Discharge Flange Size Maximum Working Model Dia. At x ANSI Lb. standard x ANSI Lb. Standard Pressure Psi Cpla. Std.0 H <, 2½PVF8 None -2½ X 125 2½ X 125 175 -2½PVF8M PV2½x2½x8A -2½ X 125 2½x 125 175 .- 3PVF8 None -3 X 125 3 X 125 175 -3PVF8M PV3x3x8A -3 X 125 3 X 125 175 -3PVF11 None -3 X 125 3 X 250 © 175 250 3PVF11M PV3x3x11 -3 X 125 3 X 250 © 175 250 4PVF5G None -4 X 125 4 X 125 175 - 4PVF8GM PV4x4x8G -4 X 125 4 X 125 175 -5PVF7 None -sx·125 5 )( 125 .-175 -5PVF7M PV5x5x7 -5 X 125 5 X 125 175 - 5PVF11 None -5 X 125 5 X 250@ 175 250 5PVF11M PV5X5X11 -5 X 125 5 x250 © 175 250 2ADF8 2AD8 0.937 ~; X 125 2 X 125 175 275 3AEF9 3AE9 1.375 •I x250 © 3 x250 © 300 425 3AEF9G 3AE9G 1.375 4 x250 © 3 X 250 © 300 425 4AEF10 4AE10 1.375 5x250 © 4 X 250 © 275 450 4AEF10G 4AE10G 1.375 .5x250 © 4 X 250 © 275 450 4AEF11 4AE11 1.125 5x250 © 4 x 250 © 250 250 4AEF11G 4AE11G 1.125 5 x250 © 4 X 250 © 250 250 4AEF12 4AE12 Double Volute 1.375 5 x250 © 4 X 250@ 300 5i0 5AEF8 5AE8 1.375 6 X 125 5 X 125 © 300 300 5AEF8G None 1.375 6 X 125 5 X 125 © 300 300 5AEF8N 5AEF8N 1.375 6 X 125 5 X 125 © ' 300 300 5AEF11 5AE11 1.562 6x250 © 5 x250 © 300 510 5AEF11G 5AE11G 1.562 6 x250 © 5 x250 © 300 510 5AEF12 5AE12 Double Volute 1.562 6x250 © 5x250 © 250 510 5AEF14 5AE14 1.375 6x250 © 5 X 250 © 250 250 5AEF14N 5AE14N 1.375 6 x250 © 5 X 250 © 250 250 6AEF10 None 1.562 8 X 125 6x250 © 300 300 6AEF12 6AE12 Double Volute 1.875 8 x250 © 6x250 © 350 500 6AEF14 6AE14 1.562 8x250 © 6x250 © 250 250 6AEF14G 6AE14G 1.562 8 x250 © 6 X 250 © 250 250 6AEF14Q a> None 1.562 8 X 250 © 6x250 © 250 250 6AEF16 -6AE16 • ··1.562 8 X 125 6 x250 © 250 . 250 6AEF16N 6AE16N 1.562 Bx 125 6 x250 © 250 250 6AEF18 6AE18 1.875 8 X 125 6x250© 300 300 8AEF13 8AE13 1.562 10 x250 © 8x250 © 250 250 8AEF15A a> 8AE15 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 © 250 250 8AEF15G 8AE15G 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 © 250 250 8AEF17A BAE 17 A Double Volute 1.875 10 x250 ® 8 x250 ® 262 262 8AEF17Q 8AE17Q Double Volute 1.875 10x250 ® 8x250 ® 262 262 8AEF17W Double Volute I (None) 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 © 262 262 8AEF20 8AE20 2.250 10 X 125 8 x250 ® 300 300 8AEF20G 8AE20G 2.250 10 X 125 8x250 ® 300 300 10AEF16 1 OAE16 Double Volw 2.250 12 X 125 10 X 125 175 175 10AEF20 1 OAE20 Double VoUe 2.500 12 X 125 10 x250 © !50 250 12AF19G 12A19G 3.000 14 X 125 12 X 125 175 253 4TUF5 4TU14 1.875 5x 125 4x250 400 428 4TUF11 4TU11 1.750 6x 125 4x400 550 550 5TUF7 5TU15 2.000 ex 125 5 x250 400 420 6TUF108 6TU168 2.250 8 X 125 6x250 300 500 8TUF15 8TU16F 2.750 10 X 125 8 x250 335 335 4TUTF14 4TUT14 1.750 5x 125 4x250 428 428 5TUTF168 5TUT168 2.250 6x 125 5x250 400 510 . See following page 2. 1 for footnotes Subject to change wtthOut notiC8 I' \ ( Peer1ess Pump Company Indianapolis, IN 46207-7026 HORIZONTAL OR INLINE FIRE PUMPS PUMP DATA -Continued NOTES: (for page 2 of Section 1520) SECTION 1520 Page 2.1 July 15, 1994 CD (General) The fire pump dimensions are the same as the commercial pump shown. The fire pump's hydraulic performance is not the same as the commercial pump's due to internal change~ and on some fire pump models the internal parts are not interchangeable with the commercia model. Refer to Section 1550 for further details on ordering repair parts (pump serial number anc model number from nameplate is required). Q) The Std. (standard) constructed pump is limited to a suction pressure no greater than 75 ps and/or a maximum working pressure (pump shut-off pressure psi plus suction pressure psi) nc greater than value indicated in the Std. column. The fire pump model number built to standarc construction will be as indicated in the first column of table. UL listed pumps constructed withou waterseal piping and lantern rings, may use standard shaft sleeves and packing when the suctior pressure is at least 30 psi but no greater tha~ 150 psi. (3) The H (heavy) constructed pump is limited to a suction pressure no greater than 250 psi and/o a maximum working pressure (pump shut-off pressure psi plus suction pressure psi) no greate than value shown in H column. All H column pumps are not constructed to be applied at th£ maximum iimit shown in H column. The maximum working pressure of a pump beyond the Std value depends on the modifications used to meet the job's specifications. For example a 3AEF! ( specified to meet 325 psi maximum working pressure will have only the modifications necessar. for 325 psi maximum working pressure and would not be suitable for 400 psi maximum workini pressure. The pump model number having heavy construction for 325 psi mwp will include an "H suffix (example: 3AEF9H).Refer to the factory for the available "H" pump modifications. "® The flange will be drilled for either 125 Lb ANSI for 175 psi maximum working pressure or~ ,,,,,,., •. u, ANSI for a maximum working pressure shown in the Std. column. (3) The 6AEF14Q and 8AEF1 SA pump models have double row outboard bearing design. . ' Subject to change without noti --I ' ~, / cusTouER AreuJ..~u.. ~,~ ?~:n1;:,J JoeNAME -~ P.O. NO: --------------------ITEM NO.----------- S.O. NO. ----------· SERIAL NO.=--------------------- MOTOR MFR. -ENCL~ FRAME ~ ?,J.p H.P. 5 0 VOLTS 4'e0 PH. 3 HZ. -'::;(2 PUMP SIZE & TYPE 8 ~E:'£ \"!, RPM \71,pO G.P.M. \'Soc TOTAL HD. FT. __ qz..._,,.. ____ _ CERTIRED FOR cr'APPROVAL □ CONSTRUCTION BY _________ DATE ______ _ 13'UL i!J"FM LISTED • Subject to change unless certified for construction. ,· 0 WITH BASE MOUNTED CONTROL (i;h.ESS BASE MOUNTED CONTROL CONTROLLER WEIGHT __ LBS. t• DIA. 6 HOLES /,CONDUIT BOX / (APPROX. L0CATIO .. , / --t---•• l 40 v,·· DIA. I UP / / • I HOLE HP ,-,--HF1 _-I" ~~·TI • j • ·♦· ·♦· l 3• TYP GROUT~ L_ ! i I HE I -~LE -I I· ----' I f -,--,--Lr---HE t r1-... -1 HA I , I J -· ':.-----HF ~ t" DIA. 4 HOLES 3·0~ . _l_ .MIN. DOOR CLEARANCE. DOOR IS ON SAME SIDE * r------, Note 1: Customer must gout base and allow ror .75 to 1.50 Inch gout thickness between top of foundation and bottom of base Note 2: Unit Installation and final ~ling al~nt must be done by the Installing contractor per Peerless Pump Company Installation Bulletin 2880549. □CLOCKWISE ROTATION (RH) \AIR VENT -X ,t-YY VIEW A·A 0 COUNTER -CLOCKWISE ROTATION (LH) SUCTION FLANGE B 125 LB ANSI DRILLING 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING / AIR VENT 3:: 0 0 ... C ~ CD C =--0 a·· 5" (D C .~ CD CD UI UI HC*~** DRIP RIM . AS PUMP DISCH. CP W -~~=~N-C1 i ~--7 jl HT HM* 1 , ! U : 1 .. ~ I J r-., n 83 I • u MAX ·tL .,,j,_ : ~~--• : j -YY 1? X J I \ ~~-~·'-,··-~-----! I ~~ ~J ii ~ !:S j:JA l !!• !:S~: Ultn-co th I\) e-,,o.i,oc, f l'I I I I I __ J i _J I , \ t .:J ' ' ' ' ' -COUPLING GUARD 0 STEEL N0N•DRIP RIM BASE FURNISHED 0 STEEL DRIP RIM BASE FURNISHED (H SHOWN IN PHANTOM LINES-··-) DISCHARGE FLANGE 0 125 LB. ANSI DRILLING 0 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING ¾ NPT DRAIN TYP. "f'J DISCHARGE FLANGE ·· 0 125 LB. ANSI DRILLING 0 2~0 LB. ANSI DRILLING >.,, !Z Ir ::L ~ CD 2.: !.,, ~c }3 o'O ~o "0 3 '0 I» :, '< :I: u,0 -::D z-c:,N r-0 mZ (I)~ ~r- i -f C) ~ fflr-c-> 0-f me:~ .,, mu, lff m (I) "Tl C: :ii om ::! "U oc: z~ "U C/) ),, 11:Hll C I» trl ~~ Q en c,., ::l "coo ~ z -~ t..) -Cit C4) 0 Cl) C: 0--. CII !l 0 0 ::,, .. ::i IQ • ~ i ~ ~ ~ -.. •V ~ ,!V --=-- a,-a i ~: -':'· "'l,,,J' Pump Size • Type IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF1S.O IAEF1S.O IAEF1S.O IAD'17,N,V IAEF17.N,V IAEF17.N.V Pump Size• Type IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 8AEF13 IAEF15,G 8AEF15,G IAfF15,G IAEF15,0 8AEF1S.G 8AEF17,N,V, IAEF17,N,V, IAEF17,N,V, IAl!F17,N,V, IAl!F17,N,V, IAEF17.N.V, IAEF17,N.V, IAl!f17.N. v, 84'ctlon Dlacha,v. Ainge Ainge SlzeX SluX ANSI lb. ANSI lb. Alllng Retlng CP 10x 125 81125 31.75 10x 125 81250 31.75 10 X 125 lx125 33.75 10 X 125 81250 33.75 10x250 81250 33.75 10x 121 1•121 31.25 10x 121 Ix 2liO 3U5 101250 Ix 2liO 35.25 Motor F,- Siu c· OM HC• 324T 30 8 12.00 32tT 32 • &4.00 364TS 31 9 63.75 3451'S 32 ' &4.75 404TS 35 10 87.00 405TS 37 10 81.00 404TS 35 10 70.25 405TS 37 10 71.25 444T 44 11 71.00 444TS 41 11 75.25 445TS 43 11 n.25 404TS 35 10 87.50 405TS 37 10 IUD 444TS 41 11 73.50 445TS 43 11 75.50 447TS 47 11 78.50 4051' 31 10 71.50 4441' 44 11 7l.50 445T 41 11 1l.50 Pump Dlrnenllona In lnchea s YJ X yy z 10 17)5 11 17.00 10 10 17.75 11 17.00 10 I 11.00 11 17.19 10 I 11.00 11 17.19 10 I 11.00 11 17.19 10 10 11:n 15 11.00 12 10 11.71 15 11.00 12 10 11.71 15 11.00 12 Unit DlmenaloN In lnd!N HD . HM• HO HR HT 20 21.50 30.75 1.00 .25 20 28.50 30.75 1.00 .25 20 29.50 30.75 1.00 1.00 20 29.50 30.75 ,.oo 1.00 20 30.50 30.75 1.00 .25 20 30.50 30.75 1.00 .25 11 29.11 31.00 4.75 1.50 11 30.11 31.00 4.75 .50 20 30.75 32.00 4.75 .50 20 30.75 31.00 4.75 .50 20 30.75, 31.00 4.75 .50 21 31.50 34.18 5.50 .25 21 31.50 34.81 5.50 .25 22 33.50 35.88 5.50 .25 22 33.50 • 35.81 5.50 .25 22 33.50 35.88 5.50 .25 22 32.00 35.,11 5.50 .25 22 33.50 35.U 5.50 .25 22 33.50 35.18 5.60 .25 Pump Weight Lb,. 752 752 ISO ISO ISO 1010 1010 1010 HX MN 5 15.75 5 18.50 5 15.25 5 15.75 5 17.00 5 17.75 10 17.00 10 17.75 10 23.25 10 19.50 10 20.50 10 17.00 10 17.75 10 19.50 10 20.50 10 22.25 10 20.75 10 23.25 10 24.25 .. r NOTES: • MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS: MAY BE LESS WITH DIF• FERENT MAK£ MOTORS OR ENCLOSURES. # IMPORTANT: IF DIMENSION "HO" MINUS "OM" IS LESS THAN 12 INCHES, REFER TO THE 1983 EDI• TION OF NFPA PAMPHLET NO. 20 PARAGRAPH M .4 FOR MINIMUM FOUNDATION HEIGHT. SOME SUCTION OR DISCHARGE FLANGES WILL BE CAST 250 LB ANSI STANDARD AND DRILLED EITHER FOR 125 LB OR 250 LB ANSI STANDARD (AS INDICATED ABOVE MARKED lZ] ). 0 LESS CONTROLLER. e-Dlmenalona In Inches Weight-Lb,. Total HA HB HE HF HF1 HP Cplg. Motor Bue Unll 0 24 72 13.5 -30 5 15 475 315 1557 24 12 13.5 -30 8 15 525 315 1607 24 72 13.5 -30 6 16 630 315 1713 24 12 13.5 -30 6 16 690 315 1773 24 72 13.5 -30 8 23 830 315 1820 24 72 13.5 -30 8 31 915 315 2021 23 eo 13.0 -24 • 16 830 210 1806 23 eo 13.0 -24 8 23 915 210 1998 24 12 13.5 -30 6 39 1100 315 2304 24 72 13.5 -30 8 31 1100 315 2304 24 72 13.5 -30 6 39 1270 315 2474 23 eo 13.0 -24 8 18 830 210 2066 23 eo 13.0 -24 • 18 915 210 2151 24 72 13.0 -30 8 11 1100 315 2441 24 72 13.5 -30 • 28 1270 315 2823 24 72 13.5 -30 8 21 1320 315 2873 24 72 13.5 -30 8 31 915 315 2279 24 72 13.5 -30 8 31 1100 315 2484 2A 72 13.5 -30 8 31 1270 315 2134 ~ 0 0 ... 'Tl C I» 1 0": ic ~ =-CD -o.o Ch C fs -41 a, C QI -"' 3 CD Ill :, c.o 0 :, c.o --. 0~00 (') • tz.:I ~, ~ g-.,._ ., Po ~•z --cc ~ ~ 0 :r cnO -:lJ z-c;,N r-0 mZ (I)~ ~r- -f c;, en '< m "'0 -g cc > o-i mco "Tim> r-CJ) mm CJ) "T1 c-o~ ~ "'0 QC z~ "'0 CJ) ►-o 3 Cl) 3 Cl) i :l. ~ Cl) ;,: !!!"0 1c ,13 f'O of J ' . SECTION 1540 HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMPS Peerless Pump Company A member of the Sterling Group . . . ' ,.:..... Type 8AEF13 • ' . .,. ,I • ■ • I I . . , ... ... • I I It I 1 ' I • • I I I . . '. ' . ' '' .. ... . Impeller 2693445 , . " ... .. ' . ' '' I • '• I .... . I •II • I . . . : . . '' .. ' •-~ Ill Stze 8 X 10 X 13.00 . . . . ' . -( Pump Rating --GPM PSI ---1500 40 ::: 2000 63-74 =: -; I ••• ' . . ' '. ' ' . Page 44 . . . . . . ' . . . I t •I ' • t .. . . . .. I I I• , I I .. '. ' . Curve 3136017 .. ' ' . •· . . : . I I I • 1 I , : I • I ( .. Peert8N Pump Company A membet of the Stertlng Group ) Horizontal Spllt Case Fire Pumps Electric Motor or Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump Fitting, Outline SECTION 1530 Page 3 January 25, 1~ Q-2YzNpt Connectlo~;rf0. Q-2YzNpt ConnectlonwW _ Fig. '\ 0-2½ Npt Connections Hose Valve Head Item 9A Hose Valve Head Item 9B W Fl Two-2-1/2 NPT ,4 NPT Connections ✓ ~ Item 9D Hose Valve Head Wt. 20 Lbs. Item No. ✓ GPM 9A 81 ✓ GPM --250 ·~ 9B 500 750 9B 1500 2000 9C 3000 3500 90 500 -- 10 _Angle Hose Valve 12 Cao &Chain 16 Drain Valve Suction and Discharge 18 Gauge Set (Each Furnished with Gauge Cock) ANSI Std. Dimension ✓ Flange ✓ Olmen-250 slon 125 w 3 150 w 3 150 w - 250 w 3 300 w 3 300 w -Quantity Q 1 . ·~eight Lbs. (Maximum) 25 'I Item No. 9A Subject to change without notice Drain Valve Item 18 Wt .. 5 Lb. & f . 13 fp•n -l r-1 _ _.__ Sf.- Angle Hose Valve Item 10 Wt. 12 Lbs. Hose Valve Cap & Chain Item 12 Wt. 1.5 Lb. Hose Valve Head Item 9C -~_L 3.5 / .. 1/4 Npt Suction & Discharge Gaugea Item 18 Wt. 8 Lbs. Notes: 1. Only Items Mai1ced 0 wm be furnished 2. NI Olmensioc 1a are In lnchea 3. Hoee ValYe Threading _______ :-(Specify) ✓ GPM ✓ GPM ✓ GPM Desai)tion ✓ Maximum Wooona PresSU9 PSIG ------Hose Velve Head 175 1000 1250 --Hose Velve Head 175 2500 ----Hose Velve Head 175 4000 4500 5000 Hose Velve Head 150 ------Hose Valve Head 300 - Qty of I Wt. Lbs. 300 - Qty of I Wt. lbs. -- 400 ✓ Gauge Dial Gra<ilations Type Outer Scale V Suction -15 PSI to Oto 300 PSI v-DL.:--0 PSI to 300 PSI Qi_;_..., 0 to600 PSI Pump Rating GPM 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 --4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 -------12 14 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 --4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 -------12 14 2 3 4 6 6 6 8 12 12 50 84 84 150 150 150 255 360 360 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9C 9C 400 ----I 200 400 600 200 400 600 175 300 600 ---------. -. --- 600 ---. Inner Scale -1 BAR to Oto 20 BAR O to20 BAA 0 BAA to 41 BAR 4'000 4500 5000 --- 12 12 12 14 14 14 --- 12 12 12 14 14 14 16 16 20 360 360 360 9C 9C 9C DT48510 Rev 1-9 ( ( Description-Fi retro!"" FTA 1900 Solid State Start-• ing Fire Pump Controllers feature soft start, soft stop and system sensing capabilities that not only pro- vide for reduced voltage starting, but also offer an improved level of hydromechanical performance. When called to run, the motor will accelerate along a ramp beginning at 40% of normal starting current with 15% of full voltage torque. When stopping, the motor will ramp down to a preset level and allow for a restart, limiting stress in the piping system. If no additional starting causes are present, the motor will continue to ramp down to a full stop. This controller helps to reduce water hammer in the system. Approvals-Firetrol fire pump controllers are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers, CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, and approved by Factory Mutual. They are built to meet , or exceed the requirements of the approving authori- ties as well as NEMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. Standard Features-The following are included as standard with each controller: ■ Voltage surge protector ■ Main disconnect switch sized for connected mo- tor horsepower and voltage ■ Fire pump circuit breaker Product Description Solid State Starting Electric• FTA1900 Fire Pump Controllers ■ Firetrol FTA436 Power Monitor -Solid state cur- rent sensor/controller for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indi- cator for phase failure/phase reversal ■ Firetrol SS/3 Solid State SCA starter ■ Motor contactor ■ Power Available Pilot Light • indicates 3-phase power available and control power normal ■ Phase Reversal Pilot Light -one mounted inter- nally and one mounted externally ■ Control transformer with 120 volt secondary unfused fo·r controller operating logiq circuits, with fuse for possible external auxiliary devices ■ Circuitry for start by remote deluge valve or other fire protection equipment (requires normally closed, open to start remote contacts) ■ Remote shutdown interlock circuit (requires re- mote normally open contact which closes to op- erate) ■ Built-in Start and Stop pushbuttons to bypass automatic start circuits ■ Minimum Run Timer for automatic stop ■ Field connection remote alarm terminals {normally open-close to alarm and normally closed-open to alarm) for each of the following: Pump Operat- ing, Pump Power Failure, Phase Reversal ■ Emergency Manual Run Mechanism to mechani- cally close motor contactor contacts in an emer- gency condition--operation of emergency run mechanism results in a full voltage start of the motor . _ . __ 1 ■ NEMA Typ~ enclosure L{ po.,~cl. ~ Options-The following are available as options to the controllers: Timer Option -A With running period timer {auto/manual start with auto/manual shutdown, selectable) -B . Without running period timer {auto/manual start with manual shutdown only) -C Manual Start-Stop only Circuit Breaker Option -0 Standard withstand rating 200-240V -42,000 Amps, RMS Sym. 380-480V -30,000 Amps, RMS Sym. 550-600 V -22,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -E Intermediate withstand rating 200-600V -100,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -F High with~tand rating 200-600V -150,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -G Extra high withstand rating 200-600V -200,000 Amps RMS Sym. -K Current limiting withstand rating with Perma- nent Current Limiters (PCL •) 200-600V -200,000 Amps, RMS Sym. ( ( Descriptio~Firetro~ Power Transfer Switches are available completely assembled with Firetrol Elec- tric Fire Pump Controllers; full or reduced voltage types. The power transfer switches are built in two versions: FTA900 -For use when the normal power source is a utility and the emergency power source is a gen- erator set. FTA950 -For use when both the normal and emer- gency power sou rces are utilities. The entire package of power transfer switch and controller is completely factory assembled, wired, tested and shipped as a complete unit for easy field connection to the power sources and the fire pump motor. Approvals-Firetrol power transfer switches are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accor- dance with Ul21 a; Standard for Fire Pump Control- lers-, UL 1008, Automatic Transfer Switches; UL508, Industrial Control Equipment, CSA, Standard for In- dustrial Control Equipment; and approved by Fac- tory Mutual. They are built to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities as well as NEMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installa- tion of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, Na- tional Electrical Code. Standard Features-The following are included as standard with each transfer switch: Product Description Power Transfer Switches for • FTASO. Electric Fire Pump Controllers FTA95, ■ Emergency power source disconnect switch sized for connected motor horsepower and voltage ■ (FTA950 only) Fire pump circuit breaker ■ (FTA950 only) Firetrol FTA436 Power Monitor- Solid state current sensor/controller for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indicator for phase failure/ phase reversal ■ 3-pole, double throw transfer switch mechanism, electrically operated, mechanically held ■ Control module providing for the following: Differential°voltage·sensing on all phases of the normal power source Voltage sensing of the emergency power source Frequency sensing of the emergency power source Transfer time delay to compensate for momen- tary power outages of the normal source Retransfer from emergency to normal source is automatically delayed unless the emergency source fails Cool-down timer for unloaded running of the gen- erator set after retransfer to the normal power source Instantaneous retransfer to normal if the emer- gency source fails and the normal source is avail- able 3 second transfer restart delay to reduce current surges when transferring to or from the emergency source NO and NC engine control contacts to start the generator set when the normal power source fails ■ Transfer Switch Normal Pilot Light ■ Transfer Switch Emergency Pilot Light ■ Emergency lsolating Switch Open Pilot Light ■ Test Selector Switch ■ Transfer By-pass Switch ■ Silence Alarm Pushbutton ■ Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer Switch in Emergency Audible Alarms ■ Output contacts (NO and NC) for Generator Start, Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer Switch position indicators ■ Standard Withstand Rating, emergency side only FTA900 (Generator set equipped with molded case circuit breaker) 100-260A, 22,000A RMS Sym., 200-408V; 10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600V 400A, 35,000A RMS Sym ., 200-480 V; 10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600 V 600-S00A, 42,000A RMS Sym., 200-480V; 1 0,000A RMS Sym., 550-600V FTA950-See Publication PS-950-01, Options ■ NEMA Type., enclosure ~ ~wW?A. ~ Note: The withstand rating of the normal power source side of the transfer switch will be the same as the withstand rating of the fire pump controller ( ( l 61 5/11 (1565] AUXILIARY ENCLOSURE Dimensions and Shipping Weights ITA t 900 Solid State Reduced Voltage Fire Pump Controllers • ITA900 With Power Transfer Switch ITA950 f'IRE PUMP CONTROLLER POWER TRANSF'ER SWITCH ~ (1219] -I 12 (JOS) _I OOOR S'MNC r J4 1/2 (1176] 7 11• (J56J -t r--· TWO 1 1/2 (JS) DIA. HOLES rDR P1PE ENTRANCE 6 (152] _I_'--+---+-< t-------52 (IJ21)--------t -----------76 1/4 (19J6)-----------1 la (20JJ} 2 (51) 1/2 FNPT CONNECTION --------,-•-r--------- (6) MOUNTINC SLOTS P£R ENCLOSURE 9/16 x 1 (14 • 25) 12 [J05) 10 [254] 6 (152] ·! I ----1m.,t-------t1rtt+H UIT ENTRANCE 1 1 CONDUIT ENT at BOTTOt.l : : TOP & BOTTO 2 1/2 (64]] 1 (25) 2 (51) 22 (559) STAHOAR0 WITHST ANO RA TINCS 200-240Y -42,000 Amps RWS Sym. J80-~ -J0.000 Amps Sym. s:.o-eoov -22,000 Ampt RMS Sym. UH£ MOTOII VOlTAGC HOIISU'OWCR 200-2011 0 1$-IO 220-240 0 ,,_ 7$ 380-415 0 15-100 440-410 V 15-ISO ~-eoo 0 15-1,0 --------~---'--------- 111 [457] 1 (25) 111 [ 457) t---:---JO [762] -----t-M 1 [25] 4 [102) 2 (51) i---------50 (1270)-------1 INT(IIWCOIA TC WITHSTAND ltATINCS 200-ISOOV -100,000 A,,,ps RMS Syn,. HICH WITHSTAND RATINGS 200-ISOOV -150,000 Amps RWS Syn,. CXTII.\-HICH WITHSTAND ltATIHCS 200-600Y -200,000 ""'"" RMS s,,,,. MOTOlt H~l'OWtR 0 IS-IO 0 15-75 0 15-100 0 15-150 0 15-150. CURRCNT LIMmNG WITH PCL'S WITHSTAND RATINCS 200-600'1 -200,000 A,,,ps RMS Sym. MOTOR HOltSCPOWCR 0 15-110 0 15-7$ 0 15-100 0 15-1,0 0 15-1,0 APPROXIMATC SHIPPlHC WCICIIT 00 NOT IHST.AU. IN AWS,(HT TEWP[RATUR(S SCI.OW 41"F (S'C). .AU l)llol[HSIONS -IHCHCS (1o1M) SHIPPINC WEJGHT -P0UHOS (KG] Tl1tS OIM(NSION DRAWING C0';(RS nA1900 CONTROLLERS AT TH[ HOltSO'OWER. VOlTAC( loNO WITHSTAND AATIHCS AS UST(O IN THE T"81.E. fOR OTHER HORSEPOWER OR WITHSTAND AATlHCS, RUOI TO £01900-.01. SP(c,,,cATlOHS AHO 0IU(HSl()NS S\18.JECT TO QW4C( wmt0UT NOTICE. 00 HOT USE f0R C0NSTRUCTIOH, REOUEST CONSTIIIJCTIOH O,V.WIHGS rROlol YOUR lOCM. FIACTROL RCPRESCNTATIYC OR fROlol Tl€ f.lCTORT. lt£V.,ODCRIPtl0N: A Rl'GD ~ Ol'1ICC UXAll0lf i:l'E N"'f'O. /'llltf TIT FTA1900 SOUO STATE REDUCED VOLTAGE nRE PUMP (iJ) r~'i!lf;Jflfi CONTROL1.£R WfTH POWER TRAHSfER SWITCH OlnM. loa. DWG. MO. M:V. JMW RlW D01 900-42 ---DATE A 05/18/95 Cory, North Corofino 27512 r ( GRUN Series C Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pumps SECTION 1730 Page 1 March 29, 1991 Submittal Data 3450 RPM 60 CyclE JOB or CUSTOMER: l..E:-6,,-.., t ,..,_ ~ l 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: 6~,...iNE\.L S0BMITTED BY: DATE: APPROVED BY: DATE: ORDER NO.: DATE: SPECIFICATION REF.: QUANTTTY .. Dimensions ..__ID' ~ Base Dimensions Technical Data Allow Space ,. ___ ~-DlH for Motor ... I • , Vent Plug -., ~ C 1/4" NPT I Gauge Tap~g ii ! 1:1 6 1'!." Flanged n II ! ii J 1¼" Flanged 5"cliM -;: -;f--.: ~rri JU_~~_J' ~9•~- _ J,_Discharge ~ =:T I I .te .le ,J:e~E I ;,§,)" -0 Suction I I (4) 'h" Holes 13mm FLOW RANGE: 1.2 -15 US GPM MOTORS: ODP (Standard), TEFC (Optional) TEMPERATURE RANGE: 5• -250°F (-15• -121-c) FLANGES: 11/4", ANSI 250#, 4 Bolt MAX. WORKING PRESSURE: Models 20 -30: 230 PSI (16 Bars) 40-180: 300 PSI (20 Bars) • MAX. INLET PRESSURE: 175 PSI Electrical Data, Dimensions, and Weights <D NEMA DIMENSIONS IN INCHES NET SHIP. SHIP. PUMP MOTOR FRAME DISC. sue. MOTOR WT. WT. VOL TYPE HP S.F. PH. VOLTS SIZE SIZE SIZE HEIGHT A 8 C 0, Oz It.BS.) (LBS.) (CU. FT CA2·20U 0.5 1.25 1 11~230 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 •114 3 1<>-M 19-7/8 &-1/8 4-M 55 82 2 0.5 1.25 3 208-230f4e0 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 1>-318 3 10-M 20 &-1/8 4-112 54 111 2 CR2-30U 0.75 1.25 1 11&208-230 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-t/4 3 11-318 21-5/8 &-1/8 5-1/8 59 66 2 0.75 1.25 3 208-230/460 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 9-3/8 3 11-318 ~3/4 &-1/8 -4-112 56 63 2 CA2~ 1.0 1.25 1 115r.!08-230 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 12 23-1/4 &-1/8 5-1/8 70 -77 2.3 1.0 1.25 3 208-~ 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 1>-318 3 12 21-318 &-1/8 +112 158 115 2.3 CA2·50U 1.5 1.15 1 11~230 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 12-3/4 24 7•1/4 5-518 79 88 2.3 1.5 t.15 3 208-230/480 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 12-3/4 23 7-1/4 5-1/4 73 80 2.3 CR2-«>U 1.5 1.15 1 11~ 56C 1-1/4-1-114 11-1/4 3 13-1/2 24-314 7-1/4 5-618 81 88 2.3 1.5 1.15 3 20N3Clf4eO sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/<l 3 13-112 23-314 7-1/4 5-1/4 75 . 82 2.3 CR2-70U 2.0 1.15 1 11~230 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 1-4-1/8 25-318 7-1/4 5-518 83 90 3 2.0 1.15 3 ~230/480 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 1-4-1/8 2~ 7-1/'4 5-1/4 79 811 3 CR2-80U 2.0 1.15 1 115/20&-230 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/'4 3 1-4-7 .. 21-1/8 7-1/4 ~ ... 81 3 2.0 1.15 3 208-230/"4e0 eec 1-1/'4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 14-7/8 25-1/8 7-1/4 5-1/4 IO .., 3 CR2·100U 3.0 1.15 1 11~230 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 1&-1/4 30 &-1/2 &-1/4 118 1211 3 3.0 1.15 3 ~230/480 182TC 1-1/'4 1-1/4 12-318 3 1&-1/4 28-rw& &-1/2 5-7/8 88 811 3 CA2-120U 3.0 1.15 1 115/20&-230 112TC 1-1/4 1-1/'4 13-3/'4 3 17-31'4 31-1/2 e-112 &-1/4 122 128 4 3.0 1.15 3 20&-230(480 112TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 12·3"1 3 17-314 30-1/8 &-1/2 5-7/8 82 88 4 CA2·150U 5.0 1.15 1 208-230 213TCZ 1-1/4 1-1/4 15-318 3 20-1/4 35-!18 10-1/4 &-318 157 1&4 4.3 5.0 1.15 3 20&-230/4CIO 184TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 20-1/4 34 8-112 5-7/8 128 133 4.3 CA2·180U 5.0 t.15 1 20&-230 21ffl2 1-1/4 MJ.t 15-H 3 n-H 37-314 10-1/4 1-M 182 188 4.5 5.0 1.15 3 208-~ UMTC 1-1/'4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 22-311 36-MI 8-112 5-7/8 131 131 '4.5 NOTE: 0 Above data for Baldor OOP motors. ! (_ !PSI! 350 800 325 300 700 275 t-600 w 250 w LL C: 225 500 0 200 ~ :r: 175 ..J 400 g 150 ._ 300 125 100 I 200 75 50 100 .. t 25 0 0 Performance Curves SECTION 1740 Page 13 March 29, 1991 -LL : ' I : I I ._.,__ I i .... - I I CR 2-180 (5.0 HP) ! l I i CR2-U I I I I I 13450 I ' : : r i I : I I ,RPM -~ ' ' ---i I I ! i I I ' : ~ I ; ' / ' .. I I I , __ ...... ,J....-, I I 1 l EFF (%) I T" IOOST EFl',C<E,-1 OPUV,:IHG IW<CE I MS GI"' I =~•~:r·n *~:,.., 1 l ~ J.RE v:r .\V-'11.>8&.: ✓ re;..,;,_ I I ! I I I Ir.-..,. ~ . ! ' I : I I ~ i l I ) .... i i r,.. : CR2-150(5.0HP) ~ I/ I j',,. I I ! v--i-... I : r-..... ' . ' I I I ' V -i-,... : I ! I'-.. ! ; i / 1"'1-,.. ! ;"' i • CR2-120 (3.0 HP)~ ... i r--.. I : "t-,.... I : i r-,..;._ : " ' I 0 l 77't--i ......... ,1 I A --~-...... : f""",. I -t,....., I ...... I .... CR2-100(3.0HP) : .. I ~ .. ..... .. I i-,....._ r-.,. V --..... ... i-,... I'--. , -i-... .. ..... .. .. ... CR 2-80 (2.0 HP) --~ .. ~ I I I -.... r--..._ CR 2-70 (2.0 HP) 1 r--..... ~ i-... ..... ...... ----i-.... ...... I .... i-... .. -.. CR 2-60 (1 .5 HP) 1 -.... ~ -i-.. r--. ' . -,-~ .. -..... .. ... CR 2-50 (1 .5 HP) I --....._ -HP~TAGE -_....._ ~ .... CR 2-40 (1.0 HP) I ----.... ,_ -------....._ ... ~ .... --..... ~--CA2·30(0.75HP) 1 .. ---- CR 2-20 (0.5 HP) : I - i .. 50 45 -~ 40 ->-(.) 35 z w 30 (.) u: LL 25 w 20 15 10 0.25 w 0.2 C, ~ 0.15 Cl) a: 0.1 :r: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 CAPACITY -GPM Construction Materials NPSHCurve Stainless Steel: AISI Type 304: Impellers, Intermediate Chambers, Spacing Pipes, Outer Sleeve, Priming Valve, Coupling Guards AISIType316: SplineShaft Cast Iron: Suction/Discharge Chamber, Motor Stool, Motor Coupling Tungsten Carbide: Shaft Seal Faces, Intermediate Bearing Journals Aluminum Oxide Ceramic: EPOM: Teflon: OIi Paper: Intermediate Chamber Bearings 0-Rings Neck Rings Outer Sleeve Gaskets 20~. 18 16 ~ 14 :I: 12 u. O 10 ffi 8 u. 6 2 o 2 • e a 10 12 1, 11 U.S. GPM Grundfos Pumps Corp./ 2555 Clovis Ave./ Clovis. CA 93612 ! CA2U-T\.-001 i "9] SECTION 1730 Page8 April 15, 1985 Dlmenalona and Shipping Weights I FTA _Pee~ Jockey Pump c~:~~l~n _ _ _ sooL Peerless Pump Company A member of the Steftlng Group B .. I E t t All MOUNTING HOLES 11/3218.71 DIA. F 114 FNPT CONNECTION 1--------1 I • CONDUIT I S 1127) .<j>-I ENTRANCE 1 I I ----------+--.......... DOOR SWING L~~ I ------. I - - D DO NOT INSTALL IN AMBIENT TEMPERATURES BELOW 41•F (S•C) ALL DIMENSIONS -INCHES (MILLIMETERS) -.1 (25) SHIPPING WEIGHT -• POUNDS --10 (254>--~ ~-. ----G----1~1~ • • (KILOGRAMS) MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER DIMENSIONS • INCHES (MIWMETERS) APPROX SHIPPING 200-~ ~240 ~15 440-ffl) A B C D E F G H WEIGHT VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS WIDE HIGH DEEP LBS. (Kg) 18 22 7 ro¾ 18 1½D 17 25 40 15 20 ~ 40 (457) (559) (178} (527) (457) (38) (432) (635) (18) l) 20 l>½ t'h ~ Z1 21h 20 '2B½ 65 ~ 40 50 (500) (775) (191) (762) (686) (64) (~) (724) (29) DThis enclosure has only one mounting hole at the bottom. located on the center line. DRAWING NO ... DDSOOL-01 DATE January 5, 1985 ( B FT A200-F Alarm Panel Alarm Panels Description -Firetrol· FTA200 alarm panels are designed to meet the NFPA 20 specifications requiring a remote alarm panel when the pump house or pump room is not constantly attended. The alarm panel must be installed in a location that is under supervision at all times. These alarm panels are listed by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., certified by the Canadian Standards Association. approved by the New York City Bureau of Electrical Control and Board of Standards and Appeals and Factory Mutual. They are designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities listed above as well as NFPA 20. Four types of alarm panels are available. --. Type A -Type·A panels are for use with ele~tric motor driven fire pump controllers. They provide audible and visible alarm indication for the following conditions: 1. Supervisory Voltage Normal 2. Pump Operating 3. Pump Phase Failure 4. Pump Phase Reversal Type B -Type B panels are also for u e with ctric motor driven fire pump contr ers. They pro • e the same alarm indicatio as the Type A except t "Supervisory Pow ailure" does not have the a 'ble alarm fe re. Only a visible alarm indication is pr 'ded Type F -Type F. els are for use with dies~! engine driven • e pum ntrollers. They provide alarm ind' ion for the foll ·ng conditions: 1. pervisory Voltage Nor I (Visible Only) . Engine Trouble (Audible an isible) 2 • e Running (A • ible) • • and Visible) Typ so for use with die- sel e They provide alarm indic itions: 1 al (Visible Only) and Visible) isible) Switch Mis-S Visible) . ump Room Trouble ( Visible) Construction -FT A200 alarm panels make use of printed circuit boards which provide reliable and trouble free service. The enclosures are NEMA Type 2 drip-proof for indoor w_all mounting. The standard enclosure color Is red. Mounted on the enclosure door are the pilot lights for visible alarm indication, the audible device for audible alarm indication, the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton and the "Push-To-Test" push- button . Each pilot light will light to indicate its alarm condition and will remain lighted until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected. The audible alarm will sound when the alarm conditions occur and will continue to sound until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected or the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton has been pres~e~. Pressing the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton will silence the ,. audible alarm but will not extinguish the pilot light. If another alarm condition occurs the audi- ble alarm will again sound until silenced by the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton or until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected. The "Push-To-Test" pushbutton is supplied for manually testing the pilot lights, audible alarm and output circuits. FT A200-D Low Pressure Shutdown Panel I . \... , ( ( Wiring Diagram • Field Connections FTA200-A and FTA200-B Alarm Panels WIRING DIAGRAM FTA200 • A AND FTA200 • B AUDIBLE ALARM SUPERVISORY VOLTAGE NORMAL PUMP OPERATING PUMP PHASE FAILURE PUMP PHASE REVERSAL TEST SWITCH SILENCE ALARM FlELO CONNECTIONS FTA200-AAND FTA200-B TERMINALS IN ELECTRIC ARE PUMP----• CONTROLLER 19 18 17 16 15 1 I I I I I I X2 9 T 2 3 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 I I I I I I I I 6 I I I I 1.5A PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD I I 1 I I I I 1--' I I I 1-_ I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I ~ ~ 1' hs!20!11j1~2~26j H! N! ~ V .,. I FTA750, FTA1000, FTA1250, FTA1300, FTA1350, FTA1500, FTA1750, FTA1800, FTA1900, FTA2000 TERMINALS L SEPARATE RELIABLE HAND N NOT 110-120 VOLT, 50-60 HERlZ MINIMUM WIRE SIZE -LENGTH OF RUN FOR FIELD CONNECTIONS USED WITH SUPERVISORY POWER FTA 200 • B ALARM PANEL 112 AWG WIRE-7,000 FEET } (20 MWG WIRE -2134 MTS) 114 AWG WIRE-4,500 FEET ( 18MWGWIRE-1372MTS) 118 AWG WIRE-3,000 FEET ( 12 MWG WIRE-914 MTS) ORAWINONO. FTA 200 (j/) Firetrol; Inc. Fire. Pump Control Division 106 MacKenan Drive • P .0. Box 9000 Cary. North Carolina 27512 WS200-01 DATE April 1, 1993 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA: SUBMITTAL General Contractor: a.,acatd1 lro1. Coall,uotlo• Date: 3/19/98 Name of Reviewer: Name of Subcontractor: Grinnell Fire Protection Specification Section: 15020 Wet Pipe Sprinkler System Submittal Number: 15020.010 Component: A200 CONFORMANCE REVIEW OF SUBM,TTAL "D" Not Arr . • Sub-ConstJit,, -:• • ~;:.>;-~ D1sc1pline F-· • •·· *Refer to attached letter of explanation Notations do not authorize changes to contract sum or time. Su~ittals ar!' reviewed,_ processed and executed per division one specifications. Review 1s for design conformity and general conformity with the contract documents only. It is the contractor's responsibility to coordinate with sub contractors and to coordinate dimensions at the job site for tolerances, clearances, quantities, fabrication process, and techniques of th_e construction. The contractor is solely responsible for the coordination of his work with other trades and for full compliance with the contract documents. ~ GrinnellQD ~ FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS COMPANY 4223 Ponderosa Ave. ~({11~ I( W 1BlfD HAR 1 6 1998 Suite D San Diego, CA 92123 619-279-1980 Fax# 619-279-8662 Cal. lie. # 280525 March 16, 1998 Bernards Brothers Construction 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn: Alex Re: Fire Pump Submittal Wrth reference to the above subjoct, 'M: arc pleased to offer the following submittal. Item #1 Fire Pump 1500 GPM@40 PSIG 1 each Peerless Model 8AEF13 UUFM Approved boriz.ootal fire pump standard construction base-mounted and coupled to a 50 HP 1760 RPM 460 Volt 3-pbase TEFC motor. Ac:ccssorics include autanatic air release valve, pressure relief valve and pressure gauge with protector. 1 each Firctrol Model FT A-1900 UUFM Approved solid state reduced voltage controller suitable for a 50 HP 460 Volt motor in combination with a FTA-900 automatic transfer switch fur generator set all housed in a Nczna 4 painted steel outdoor enclosure. . 1 each Grundfos Model CR2-40 jockey pwnp with 1.0 HP, 3500 RPM 460 Volt three phase TEFC motor and a Peerless Model SOOL jockey pwnp cootrollcr with transfonncr and minimum run timer housed in a Ncrna 4 painted steel cnclOSW'C. 1 each Firetrol Model FT A-200 Type A remote~ panel in a N~ ~ cnclOSW'C. REFERENCE Peerless Pump Engineering Data Dimensional Data Performance Curve Accessories Firctrol Controller Data Grundfos Jockey Pump Data Peerless Jockey Pump Controller Data Firctrol Remote Alarm Panel Data Bernards Bros. Const Thank you for the opportunity to present this submittal, if you have any questions please contact me. Sincerely, .RJJ~ Rick Larsen, Design Manager ~ 1:qca INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY ) PNrteu Pump Company A"""-olllelllftno~ HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMPS SINGLE STAGE DOUBLE SUCTION Type A, A~F, AEF SECTION 1530 Page 26.5 January 29,-1990 DIRECTION OF ROTATION The rotation of a horizontal split case pump is determined b y viewing the pump from the driver end in the direction of the arrow. The rotation fixes the pos- ition of the suction and discharge flanges. For pumps having dual drive such as engine and electric motor, the rotation is specified from the engine end of the unit. SUCTION I I DISCHAfi I I I I LEFT HAND OR COUNTER-CLOCKWISE ROTATION I I I L DIESEL ENGINE I I I -_J RIGHT HANO OR CLOCKWISE ROTATION Subject 10 change without notice ➔ SECTION 1520 Page 2 January 25, 19!)6 HORIZONTAL OR INLINE FIRE PUMPS PUMP DATA Peertess Pump Compan Indianapolis, IN 46207-7028 y Fire Pump Commercial Modef Pump Shaft Suction Flange Sin Discharge Flange Size Maximum Wortdng Model Dia. At x ANSI Lb. standard x ANSI Lb. Standard Pressure Psi Cplg. Std. Ql H~ 2½PVF8 None -2½ X 125 2½ X 125 175 -2½PVF8M PV2½x2½x8A -2½x 125 2½ X 125 175 .- 3PVF8 None -3 X 125 3 X 125 175 -3PVF8M PV3x3x8A -3 X 125 3 X 125 175 -3PVF11 None -3 X 125 3 X 250 © 175 250 3PVF11M PV3x3x11 -3 X 125 3 X 250 © 175 250 4PVF5G None -4 X 125 4 X 125 175 -4PVFBGM PV4x4x8G -4 X 125 4 X 125 175 -5PVF7 None -sx·125 • 5 x 125 -175 -5PVF7M PV5x5x7 -5x 125 5 X 125 175 -5PVF11 None -5x 125 5 X 250 © 175 250 5PVF11M PV5X5X11 -5 X 125 5 X 250 © 175 250 2AOF8 2A08 0.937 :; X 125 2 X 125 175 275 3AEF9 3AE9 1.375 •I x250 © 3 X 250 © 300 425 3AEF9G 3AE9G 1.375 4 x250 © 3 X 250 © 300 425 4AEF10 4AE10 1.375 5x250 © 4 x250 © 275 450 4AEF10G 4AE10G 1.375 .5x250 © 4 x250 © 275 450 4AEF11 4AE11 1.125 5 x250 © 4x250 © 250 250 4AEF11G 4AE11G 1.125 5x250 © 4 X 250 © 250 250 4AEF12 4AE12 Double Volute 1.375 5 X 250 © 4 X 250 © 300 5i0 5AEF8 5AE8 1.375 6 X 125 5 X 125 © 300 300 5AEF8G None 1.375 6 X 125 5 X 125 © 300 300 5AEF8N 5AEF8N 1.375 6 X 125 5 X 125 © ' 300 300 5AEF11 5AE11 1.562 6x250 © 5 x250 © 300 510 5AEF11G 5AE11G 1.562 6 x250 © 5 x250 © 300 510 5AEF12 5AE12 Double Volute 1.562 6 x250 © 5x 250 © 250 510 5AEF14 5AE14 1.375 6 x250 © 5 X 250 © 250 250 5AEF14N 5AE14N 1.375 6 x250 © 5 x250 © 250 250 6AEF10 None 1.562 8 X 125 6x250 © 300 300 6AEF12 6AE12 Double Volute 1.875 8 x250 © 6x250 © 350 500 6AEF14 6AE14 1.562 8x250 © 6x250 © 250 250 6AEF14G 6AE14G 1.562 8 x250 © 6 X 250 © 250 250 6AEF14Q a> None 1.562 8 x250 © 6x250 © 250 250 6AEF16 -6AE16 • ··1.562 8 l< 125 6 x250 © 250 . ::l50 6AEF16N 6AE16N 1.562 8x 125 6 x250 © 250 250 6AEF18 6AE18 1.875 8 X 125 6x250 © 300 300 r BAEF13 8AE13 1.562 10 x250 © 8x 250 © 250 250 .... 8AEF15A <D 8AE15 1.875 10 x250 © 8 X 250 © 250 250 8AEF15G 8AE15G 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 © 250 250 BAEF17A BAE 17 A Double Volute 1.875 10 X 250 © B x250 © 262 262 8AEF17Q 8AE17Q Double Volute 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 © 262 262 8AEF 17W Double Volute I (None) 1.875 10 x250 © 8 X 250 © 262 262 8AEF20 BAE20 2.250 10 X 125 8 x250 © 300 300 8AEF20G 8AE20G 2.250 10 X 125 8 x250 © 300 300 10AEF16 1 0AE 16 Double VokM 2.250 12 X 125 10 X 125 175 175 10AEF20 10AE20 Double Value 2.500 12 X 125 10 X 250 © ?50 250 12AF19G 12A19G 3.000 14 X 125 12 X 125 175 253 4TUF5 4TU14 1.875 5 X 125 4x250 400 428 4TUF11 4TU11 1.750 6 X 125 4x400 550 550 5TUF7 5TU15 2.000 6x 125 5x250 400 420 6TUF108 6TU16B 2.250 8 X 125 6x250 300 500 8TUF15 8TU16F 2.750 10 X 125 8x250 335 335 4TUTF14 4TUT14 1.750 5x 125 4x250 428 428 5TUTF168 5TUT168 2.250 6x 125 5x250 400 510 \ . See following page 2. 1 for footnotes Subject to change wfthOut nottce ( Peer1ess Pump Company Indianapolis, IN 48207-7026 HORIZONTAL OR INLINE FIRE PUMPS PUMP DATA -Continued NOTES: (for page 2 of Section 1520) SECTION 1520 Page 2.1 July 15, 1994 <D (General) The fire pump dimensions are the same as the commercial pump shown. The fire pump's hydraulic performance is not the same as the commercial pump's due to internal change~ and on some fire pump models the internal parts are not interchangeable with the commercia model. Refer to Section 1550 for further details on ordering repair parts (pump serial number anc model number from nameplate is required). a) The Std. (standard) constructed pump is limited to a suction pressure no greater than 75 ps and/or a maximum working pressure (pump shut-off pressure psi plus suction pressure psi) nc greater than value indicated in the Std. column. The fire pump model number built to standarc construction will be as indicated in the first column of table. UL listed pumps constructed withou waterseal piping and lantern rings, may use standard shaft sleeves and packing when the suctior pressure is at least 30 psi but no greater tha~ 150 psi. (3) The H (heavy) constructed pump is limited to a suction pressure no greater than 250 psi and/o a maximum working pressure (pump shut-off pressure psi plus suction pressure psi) no greate than value shown in H column. All H column pumps are not constructed to be applied at the maximum iimit shown in H column. The maximum working pressure of a pump beyond the Std value depends on the modifications used to meet the job's specifications. For example a 3AEF! ( specified to meet 325 psi maximum working pressure will have only the modifications necessar. for 325 psi maximum working pressure and would not be suitable for 400 psi maximum workini pressure. The pump model number having heavy construction for 325 psi mwp will include an "H suffix (example: 3AEF9H).Refer to the factory for the available "H" pump modifications . ..,,. ® The flange will be drilled for either 125 Lb ANSI for 175 psi maximum working pressure or-z$ / • U:, Atd'J~ for a maximum working pressure shown in the Std. column. CS) The 6AEF14O and 8AEF1 SA pump models have double row outboard bearing design. . ' Subject to change without noti -/ -I ' CUSTOMER ~uJ.NELL ~'~ ?~:n"l;:)J JOBNAME-~ P.O. NO: ----------------------ITEM NO.------------- S.O. NO. ___________ SERIAL NO.------------------ MOTOR MFR. -ENCL~ FRAME ~ ?J,p H.P. 5 0 VOLTS 4-eD PH. 3 HZ. -'::£:2 PUMP SIZE & TYPE 8 P,..E;£ \~ RPM \7(p0 G.P.M. '15:00 TOTAL HD. FT. __ 9:Z....,,,._ ____ _ CERTJflED FOR C!""'APPROVAL □ CONSTRUCTION BY ---------DATE ______ _ ra'UL efFM LISTED . Subject to change unless certified for construction. ,· HE 0 WITH BASE MOUNTED CONTROL (;h.ESS BASE MOUNTED CONTROL CONTROLLER WEIGHT __ LBS. f 1• DIA. 6 HOLES /,CONDUIT BOX t-::: I (APPROX. LOCATION) H;.:;--HF1 ~,~e -;;1-1 • j" ' ~o ·♦· j •♦_-_ 3• TYP ~f-♦ - HA .-.,_-J I ' I GROUT~ HOLE ' ~ -1----- ~--~, HE J -· 30~ . _-1...::_ 0MIN. DOOR ·±· I" DIA. I HOLE ' HF --~ \_ 1 • DIA. 4 HOLES CLEARANCE. DOOR IS ON SAME SIDE Nole t: Custcmer must gout base and allow fOC' .75 to 1.50 Inch IJ'OUt thickness between top of foundation and bottom of base Note 2: Unit lnstanation and final ~ling aligvnent must be done by the Installing contractor per Peerless Pump Company lnstaUatlon Bulletin 2880549. □CLOCKWISE ROTATION (RH) \AIR VENT -x .+-vv VIEW A·A 0 COUNTER-CLOCKWISE ROTATION (LH) SUCTION FLANGE 8125 LB ANSI DRILLING 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING I AIR VENT ~ ~ 0 0 ~ C ~ $ C :!. -0 c ·. = 5' $ CP w _£' ~. 1· -r··· ~·~_::··~!lOISCH. HT HM* ,· l •• J l I , r-~~-L J 83 -41~~~'l1~ -+1· : r , • t JMAx •.... ' • OM I _.:.. I ~. j ,----I ......... -I-°,,,., I " I I I I ,---i ~ 0 t:~ en en -y y 1? X J .. --·-- ~-®-~rn'. r f \ ~ Z H 0 J J ~~ ~J ii ~~ g: g: "D --I &&· ~~~ "' c.n -co 0) ti) ,,,,,,,,, ' -COUPLING GUARD 0 STEEL NON-DRIP RIM BASE FURNISHED 0 STEEL DRIP RIM BASE FURNISHED (H SHOWN IN PHANTOM LINES -··-) DISCHARGE FLANGE 0 125 LB, ANSI DRILLING 0 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING ¾ NPT DRAIN TYP. HO ~ 1 ~L i~o .. ~ ....... DISCHARGE FLANGE .. 0 125 LB. ANSI DRILLING 0 2~0 LB. ANSI DRILLING \ >~ iz 31 f ct 2.,: !~ •c ~3 1-a fo 'O 0 3 "O I» :, '< :J: u,O -:u z-c,N ,o :~ ~- i -4 G) !g m, c-> 0 -4 me:~ '11CDu, 1nm Cl) "II c-o~ ::t "lJ oc: zi: .,, CJ) > •,:,en C: I» trl ~~ Q (I) (.,) ::3 ,.. <DO ~ z ---Cl1 ~ (.,) t-' 0 CJ) C: ~ 'a;· ~ 0 n ::,. .. => IQ • t ! .,I ---• v --=,a ai-a i ~: .,I V --:'· ~- Pump Sia • Type IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF15,0 IAEF15,0 IAEF1S.0 IAD'17,N,V IAEf17,N,V IAEF17,N,Y Pump Sin. Type IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 IIAEF15,G IIAEF15,G IAEF15,G IAEF15,0 IAEF15,G IAEF17,N,V, IAEF17,N,V, IAEF17,N,V, IAEF17,N,V, IIAEF17,N,V, IIAEF17,N, V, IAEF17,N,V, IA&17,N,V, 8uc:tlon Olecharge Flange F1enge SlzeX SlnX ANSI Lb. ANSILb. Rallng Rating 10Jl125 8x 125 10 x 125 8•250 10 x 125 8x 125 10 x 125 8Jl250 10Jl250 8•250 10• 121 la121 10. 121 1•250 101250 lll250 Motor Frame llie c· OM 324T 30 8 321T 32 • 354TS 31 t 3'51'S 32 9 404TS 35 10 405TS 37 10 404TS 35 10 405TS 37 10 444T 44 11 444TS 41 11 445TS 43 11 404TS 35 10 405TS 37 10 444TS 41 11 445TS 43 11 447TB 47 11 40IST 39 10 444T 44 11 445T 48 11 Pump Olmenalona In lnchH CP s Y! X yy z 31.75 10 11)5 18 17.00 10 31.75 10 17.75 18 17.00 10 33.75 I 11.00 18 17.81 10 33.75 I 11.GO 18 17.81 10 33.75 8 18.00 18 17.U 10 36.26 10 te:11 15 11.00 12 36.2.5 10 11.75 15 18.00 12 35.25 10 11.71 15 11.GO 12 Unit DlmenaloN In lnchH HC' HD . HM" HO HR HT 12.00 20 28.50 30.75 1.00 .25 54.00 20 24.50 30.75 9.00 .25 53.75 20 29.50 30.75 9.00 1.00 54.75 20 21.50 30.75 8.00 1.00 17.00 20 30.50 30.75 t.00 .25 18.00 20 30.50 30.75 t.00 .25 70.25 19 29.19 31.00 4.75 1.50 71.25 19 30.19 31.00 4.75 .50 71.00 20 30.75 32.00 4.75 .50 75.25 20 30.75 31.00 4.75 .50 n .25 20 30.75-31.00 4.75 .50 117.50 21 31.50 34.88 5.50 .25 18.50 21 31.50 34.U 5.50 .25 73.50 22 33.50 35.U 5.50 .25 75.50 22 33.50 ·35.u 5.50 .25 79.50 22 33.50 ·35.u 5.50 .25 71.50 22 32.00 35.11 5.50 .25 7UO 22 S3.50 35.88 5.50 .25 7UO 22 33.50 35.U 5.50 .25 Pump Weight Lba. 752 752 ISO ISO ISO 1010 1010 1010 HX MN 5 15.75 5 15.50 5 15.25 5 15.75 5 17.00 5 17.75 10 17.00 10 17.75 10 23.25 10 19.50 10 20.50 10 17.00 10 17.75 10 19.50 10 20.50 10 22.25 10 20.75 10 23.25 10 24.25 •• I NOTES: • MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS: MAY BE LESS WITH DIF- FERENT MAKE MOTORS OR ENCLOSURES. # IMPORTANT: IF DIMENSION "HD" MINUS "OM" IS LESS THAN 12 INCHES, REFER TO THE 1983 EDI• TION OF NFPA PAMPHLET NO. 20 PARAGRAPH 8-6.4 FOR MINIMUM FOUNDATION HEIGHT. SOME SUCTION OR DISCHARGE FLANGES WILL BE CAST 250 LB ANSI STANDARD AND DRILLED EITHER FOR 125 LB OR 250 LB ANSI STANDARD (AS INDICATED ABOVE MARKED IZ] ). 0 LESS CONTROLLER. B-Dlrnenalona In lnctwe w.tghl•Lba. Total HA HB HE HF HF1 HP Cplg. Motor ea .. Unll0 24 72 13.5 -30 5 15 475 315 1557 24 72 13.5 -30 8 15 525 315 1607 24 72 13.5 -30 6 18 630 315 1713 24 72 13.S -30 • 16 690 315 1773 24 n 13.5 -30 • 23 830 315 1920 24 n 13.5 -30 8 39 915 315 2021 23 80 13.0 -24 8 18 830 210 1906 23 80 13.0 -24 8 23 915 210 1998 24 72 13.5 -30 • 311 1100 315 2304 24 n 13.5 -30 • 3t 1100 315 2304 24 12 13.5 -30 6 39 1270 315 2474 23 80 13.0 -24 8 18 830 210 2068 23 80 13.0 -24 8 18 915 210 2151 24 12 13.0 -30 8 18 1100 315 2441 24 72 13.5 -30 II 24 1270 315 2823 24 72 13.5 -30 8 24 1320 315 2873 24 72 13.5 -30 8 39 915 315 2279 24 n 13.5 -30 • 39 1100 315 2464 24 72 13.5 -30 • 311 1270 315 2834 ~ 0 0 ~ '11 C I» i O" < 1 CD n C I» ::, i" ;:; a.o Cl) C is -(II CD 0 I» - CII 3 (II (II ::, CII 0 ::, c.o """' C'.:)'"l:Hn n • tzl g~ ~ g-,,. -., ~o ~,,. z ..... (.0 ~ ..... ~ 0 :r u,O -:o z-G') N ,o mZ (/)~ ~r- -t G') Cl) '< m .,, 'g CC ► 0-t mco .,, a, ► r-en mm en .,, c5i om ~ .,, oc z~ 'U en ►'U 3 tD 3 tD i:::!. 'tD ;: !!?~ !C 13 ,,, of J SECTION 1540 '. ''' . . • I I-! -,.;.... ... .... . . . ' . • I " 1ft Impeller 2693445 HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMPS Paer1ess Pump Company A member of !he Stelling Gr0l4) . ' ' ... ... ' Type8AEF13 '' ' . I •••I ' . . ' .... ' I o I I . . . ' Size 8 X 10 X 13.00 ' '' .. : ' 1 ••• ••I f" I ' I •• I I • I ••r I• •I,• 'I . ' ' . . I •• I ' ' ' .. ' . I • , I I . -- '.' '' ' . ' . ' -, -,,-_ Pump Rating -GPM PSI ---1500 40 ..__ -2000 63-74 ::: -; . ' ' . . . ' ' ' . ' ' . I I ' I ' .. . . : ' Curve 3136017 Page 44 ( ( Pearl ... Pump Company A mem~ of the Sterling Group Horizontal Spllt Case Fire Pumps Electrlc Motor or Dleael Engine Driven SECTION 163Q Page 3 ) Fire Pump Fitting• Outline Q-2Yi Npt :\in.,,,.,---w Connections T . Fig. Hose Valve Head Item 9A Q-2~Npt Connectlon~W _ Fig. '\ Q-2½ Npt Connection• January 25, 1~ W Fl Two-2-1/2 NPT ,4 NPT Hose Valve Head Item 98 Hose Valve Head Item 9C Connections ✓ .. '';;_ 10 Item 9D Hose Valve Head Wt. 20 Lbs. - 3.81 Item No. ✓ GPM ✓ GPM 9A 250 -- 9B 500 750 9B 1500 2000 9C 3000 3500 90 500 -- 10 Angle Hose Valve 12 Csc &Chain 16 Drain VaMJ Suction Md Discharge 18 Gauge Set (Each Furnished with Gauge Cock) ANSI std. Dimension ✓ Flange ✓ Dlmen-250 alon 125 w 3 150 w 3 150 w - 250 w 3 300 w 3 300 w - Quantity Q 1 • ~eight Lbs. (Maximum) 25 Item No. 9A Drain Valve Item 16 Wt .. 5 Lb. f . 13 fpen -I -1--'-- 51--- Angle Hose Valve Item 10 Wt. 12 Lbs. Hose Valve Cap & Chain Item 12 Wt. 1.5 Lb. -~J_ 3 .5 / .. 1/4 Npt Suction & Discharge Gauges ltsm 18 Wt. 6 Lbs. Notes: 1. Only Items Mart<ec:10 will be fumllhed 2. All Olmeoslooa are In lncha 3. Hoee ValYe Threading -------~Specify) ✓ GPM ✓ GPM ✓ GPM Oesai:>tion ✓ Maximum Wooona Pr8sSU'8 PSIG ------Hose Velve Head 175 400 ---- 1000 1250 --Hose Vrwe Head 175 200 400 600 2500 ----Hose Vakve Head 175 200 400 600 4000 4500 5000 Hose VBNe Head 150 175 300 600 ------Hose Valve Head 300 ------ Qtvof I Wt. Lbs. 300 ------ Qtvof I Wt. Lbs. ------- 400 600 ---- ✓ Gauge Dial Grad.Jations • • Tvoe Outer Scale lmerScale v Suction -15 PSI to Oto 300 PSI -1 BAR to Oto 20 BAR V Disa-~ 0 PSI to 300 PSI O to20 BAR Di---Oto600 PSI 0 BAR to 41 BAR Pump Rating GPM 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 ----- 4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 12 -------12 14 14 14 14 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 ----- 4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 12 -------12 14 14 14 14 2 3 4 6 6 6 8 12 12 16 16 20 50 84 84 150 150 150 255 360 360 360 360 360 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9C 9C 9C 9C 9C I Subject to change without notice DT48510 Rev 1·9 ( ( Descrlptio~Firetro~ FTA 1900 Solid State Start-. ing Fire Pump Controllers feature soft start, soft stop and system sensing capabilities that not only pro- vide for reduced voltage starting, but also offer an improved level of hydromechanical performance. When called to run, the motor will accelerate along a ramp beginning at 40% of normal starting current with 15% of full voltage torque. When stopping, the motor will ramp down to a preset level and allow for a restart, limiting stress in the piping system. If no additional starting causes are present, the motor will continue to ramp down to a full stop. This controller helps to reduce water hammer in the system. Approvals-Firetrol fire pump controllers are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers, CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, and approved by Factory Mutual. They are built to meet , or exceed the requirements of the approving authori- ties as well as NEMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. Standard Features-The following are included as standard with each controller: ■ Voltage surge protector ■ Main disconnect switch sized for connected mo- tor horsepower and voltage ■ Fire pump circuit breaker Product Description So/Id State Starting Electric• FTA1900 Fire Pump Controllers ■ Firetrol FTA436 Power Monitor· Solid state cur- rent sensor/controller for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indi- cator for phase failure/phase reversal ■ Firetrol SS/3 Solid State SCR starter ■ Motor contactor ■ Power Available Pilot Light • indicates 3-phase power available and control power normal ■ Phase Reversal Pilot Light • one mounted inter- nally and one mounted externally ■ Control transformer with 120 volt secondary unfused fo·r controller operating logic circuits, with fuse for possible external auxiliary devices ■ Circuitry for start by remote deluge valve or other fire protection equipment (requires normally closed, open to start remote contacts) ■ Remote shutdown interlock circuit (requires re- mote normally open contact which closes to op- erate) ■ Built-in Start and Stop pushbuttons to bypass automatic start circuits ■ Minimum Run Timer for automatic stop ■ Field connection remote alarm terminals (normally open-close to alarm and normally closed-open to alarm) for each of the following: Pump Operat- ing, Pump Power Failure, Phase Reversal ■ Emergency Manual Run Mechanism to mechani- cally close motor contactor contacts in an emer- gency condition--operation of emergency run mechanism results in a full voltage start of the mo~r . ■ NEMA Typ~ enclosure L{ P,.\Med. ~ Options-The following are available as options to the controllers: Timer Option -A With running period timer (auto/manual start with auto/manual shutdown, selectable) -8 . Without running period timer (auto/manual start with manual shutdown only) -C Manual Start-Stop only Circuit Breaker Option -0 Standard withstand rating 200-240V • 42,000 Amps, RMS Sym. 380-480V -30,000 Amps, RMS Sym. 550-600 V • 22,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -E Intermediate withstand rating 200-600V -100,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -F High withstand rating 200-S00V -150,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -G Extra high withstand rating 200-S00V • 200,000 Amps RMS Sym. -K Current limiting withstand rating with Perma- nent Current Limiters (PCL •) 200-S00V -200,000 Amps, RMS Sym. ( ( Description-Firetro~ Power Transfer Switches are available completely assembled with Firetrol Elec- tric Fire Pump Controllers; full or reduced voltage types. The power transfer switches are built in two versions: FTA900 -For use when the normal power source is a utility and the emergency power source is a gen- erator set. FTA950 -For use when both the normal and emer- gency power sources are utilities. The entire package of power transfer switch and controller is completely factory assembled, wired, tested and shipped as a complete unit for easy field connection to the power sources and the fire pump motor. Approvals-Firetrol power transfer switches are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accor- dance with Ul21 a; Standard for Fire Pump Control- lers. UL 1008, Automatic Transfer Switches, ULS0B, Industrial Control Equipment, CSA, Standard for In- dustrial Control Equipment; and approved by Fac- tory Mutual. They are built to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities as well as NEMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installa- tion of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, Na- tional Electrical Code. Standard Features-The following are included as standard with each transfer switch: Product Description Power Transfer Switches for • FTA90,. Electric Fire Pump Controllers FTA95< ■ Emergency power source disconnect switch sized for connected motor horsepower and voltage ■ (FTA950 only) Fire pump circuit breaker ■ (FTA950 only) Firetrol FTA436 Power Monitor- Solid state current sensor/controller for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indicator for phase failure/ phase reversal ■ 3-pole, double throw transfer switch mechanism, electrically operated, mechanically held ■ Control module providing for the following: Differential· voltage· sensing· on all phases of the normal power source Voltage sensing of the emergency power source Frequency sensing of the emergency power source Transfer time delay to compensate for momen- tary power outages of the normal source Retransfer from emergency to normal source is automatically delayed unless the emergency source fails Cool-down timer for unloaded running of the gen- erator set after retransfer to the normal power source Instantaneous retransfer to normal if the emer- gency source fails and the normal source is avail- able 3 second transfer restart delay to reduce current surges when transferring to or from the emergency source NO and NC engine control contacts to start the generator set when the normal power source fails ■ Transfer Switch Normal Pilot Light ■ Transfer Switch Emergency Pilot Light ■ Emerg~ncy tsolating Switch Open Pilot Light ■ Test Selector Switch ■ Transfer By-pass Switch ■ Silence Alarm Pushbutton ■ Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer Switch in Emergency Audible Alarms ■ Output contacts (NO and NC) for Generator Start, Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer Switch position indicators ■ Standard Withstand Rating, emergency side only FTA900 (Generator set equipped with molded case circuit breaker) 100-260A, 22,000A RMS Sym., 200-408V; 1 0,OO0A RMS Sym., 550-600V 400A, 35,000A RMS Sym ., 200-480 V; 10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600 V 600-B00A, 42,000A RMS Sym., 200-480V; 10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600V FTA950-See Publication PS-950-01, Options ■ NEMA Type.# enclosure ~ ~ ~ Note: The withstand rating of the normal power source side of the transfer switch will be the same as the withstand rating of the fire pump controller ( l 2 5/& [66) 61 5/& [1565) AUXILIARY ENCLOSURE Dimensions and Shipping Weights FTA 1900 Solid State Reduced Voltage Fire Pump Controllers • FTA900 With Power Transfer Switch FTA950 FIRE PUMP CONTROLLER POWER TRANSFER SWITCH 1-------52 [1321)-------1 -I 12 (305) _I OOOR SW1NC r3, 1/2 [&76)-J r 14 [356)-j r--- I y TWO I 1/2 [J8) DIA. HOLES FOR PIPE ENTRANCE .... ,-+<··} ---• 6 [152) _I_ '-+----+-' 1-----------76 1/4 [1936)-----------i la (203)} 2 [51 J 1/2 FNPT CONNECTION -------~-·-,---------IT ENTRANCE 1 1 CONDUIT EN'T (6) MOUNTINC SLOTS P(R ENCLOSURE 9/16 a I (14 a 25) 12 (305) 10 (254) 6 (152) ·! I ~ttt------+tttttt 2 1/2 [54) j .SC 80TTOt.l : : TOP & BOTTO --------J-·-~---------5 (127) 1 (25] 2 (SI) I (25] 1& [ 457] I---:---JO (762) ----t-H 1 (25] 4 ( 102] 2 (51) 22 (559] -------so (1270)-------i IHT[RMCOIAT[ WITHSTAND ltATIHCS STANDARD 200-1500V -100.000 WITHSTAND RATIHCS -P• RMS Sym. 200-240V -42.000 HICII Amps RMS Sym. WITH ST AHO RA TIHCS 380-~ -30.000 Amp• Sym. 200-600Y -150.000 -P• RMS Sym. 550-10011 -22,000 CXTRA-HIGH Amps RIIS Sym. WITHSTAND ltATIHCS 200-600Y -200,000 -ps RU$ Sym. UH[ MOTOR MOTOR VOLTAGE HOIISCl'OWCR HOastll'OWCR 200-201 o 1,-eo 0 IS-10 220-240 0 IS-75 0 IS-75 lll0-415 0 15-100 0 IS-100 440-410 V 15-ISO 0 15-150 550-100 0 15-150 0 15-150 , fill\ f;!!!;!~!:!f!f; \fl:)/ 106 Mocl<enon Drive • P.O. Box 9000 eo,y. North eororino 21512 CURR(HT LIM1TIHC WITH PCL'S WITHSTAND RATIHCS 200-500V -200.000 Amps RMS Sym. MOTOR HORSCPOW[R 0 IS-IO 0 IS-75 0 IS-100 0 IS-150 0 15-150 APPROXIMAT[ SHIPPIHC WEICHT US (29l) DO NOT INST~L IN .... BIEHT TE .... (RATUR(S enow 4n" (s·cJ. ~ O,t.l[HSIONS -INCHES (ww] SHIPPINC WOCHT -P0UN0S (KC) THIS O,W(NSION ORAWINC co,;cRS nAl900 CONTROlLERS AT THE HORSCPO'#'ER. VOi.TAC( ANO WITHSTAND AATIHCS AS USTE0 IN THE T*E-roR OTHER HORSEPOWER OR W!TliSTANO AATlHCS. REFER TO ED1900-_01• SPCCWICATIONS AHO 01Vf:NSIONS SUBJECT TO ()WI(;( WITHOUT HOTlCE. 00 HOT USE fOR CONSTRUCTION. REOUEST C0N$TRUCTl0N OAAWINCS F'ROU YOUR LOCM. FlRETROL. ll(PRESCNTATll/C OR rROM TH£ FACTOIIY. 10Alt ,PVO. RtV,,10€SCM"ll0H: A 11."'51DPUJDlWXLOemlN --... 1tr FTA1900 SOUD STATE REDUCED VOLTAGE f'JRE PUMP CONTROU£R WfTH POWER TRANSFER $WITCH 0«N. IDQ. owe. MO. f/1:'1, JMW RLW D01900~42 - OATt A 05/18/95 ( Series C Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pumps SECTION 1730 Page 1 March 29, 1991 Submittal Data 3450 RPM 60 CyclE \ --? l.. JOB or CUSTOMER: l...,E-1=,,f"'\, ,..,_ ~ID ENGINEER: SOBMITTED BY: D~R.RE. ( \ DATE: ,•· APPROVED BY: DATE: ORDER NO.: DATE: SPECIFICATION REF.: QUANTITY .. ··COMMENT . \ Dimensions l..._o,~ Allow Space ,. . __ ~_D1H for Motor -I • , Base Dimensions Technical Data FLOW RANGE: 1.2-15 US GPM Romo•" ' j in : I MOTORS: OOP (Standard). TEFC (Optional) TEMPERATURE RANGE: ¼"NPT tl _ J,_Discharge l =,- I I ,tE,IE 5• -250°F (-15• -121-ci FLANGES: 11/•", ANSI 250#, 4 Bott MAX. WORKING PRESSURE: Vent Plug l ~ C 1/4" NPT I Gauge Tap~g I ! II 8 1 ¼" Fl~nged 1 i I I J 1 ¼" Flanged Suction ~ )f Discharge -· --· . ·--'T l .... I -A l -~_j' :;:E~E ~ 8 ~!;; 1~---0 Suction I I (4) ½" Holes 13mm Models 20 -30: 230 PSI (16 Bars) 40-180: 300 PSI (20 Bars) • MAX. INLET PRESSURE: 175 PSI Electrical Data, Dimensions, and Weights© NEMA DIMENSIONS IN INCHES NET SHIP. PUMP MOTOR FRAME DISC. sue. MOTOR wr. wr. TYPE HP S.F. PH. VOLTS SIZE SIZE SIZE HEIGHT A 8 C 0, 0. flM.) (LBS.) CR2·20U 0.5 1.25 1 1151208-230 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 3 1~ 11-7/8 &-1/8 4-M 55 82 0.5 1.25 3 208,-230,14e0 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 9-318 3 10-M 20 11-1/8 4-1/2 54 81 CR2•30U 0.75 1.25 1 115120&-230 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 11-318 21-518 &-1/8 5-1'1S 59 66 0.75 1.25 3 206-230f4e0 5eC 1-1/4 1-1/4 9-318 3 11-319 20-314 ll-1'1l 4-1/2 58 63 CR2~ 1.0 1.25 1 115/20&.z,() 58C 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 12 23-1/4 &-1/8 &-118 70 -71 1.0 1.25 3 208,-231)14«) 58C 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-318 3 12 21-318 e-1/8 ...:112 158 85 CR2·50U 1.5 1.15 1 1151208-230 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 12-3/4 24 7-1/4 5-518 79 88 1.5 1.15 3 20e-230(4ec) sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 12-3/4 23 7-1/4 5-1/4 73 80 CR2-«>U 1.5 1.15 1 11~ 58C 1-1/4-1-114 11-1/4 3 13-112 24-314 7-1/4 MIS 11 88 1.5 1.15 3 20H9Cli4eO sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4. 3 13-1/2 ~4 7-1/4 5-1/4 75 . 12 CR2•70U 2.0 1.15 1 11 !51208-230 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 14-1/8 2$-318 7-1/4 5-518 83 90 2.0 1.15 3 206-230(480 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 14-1AS 24-318 7-1/4 5-1/4 79 88 CR2-80U 2.0 1.15 1 115fZOS-230 58C t-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 1+7.e 2&-1/1 7-1/4 5-M 14 91 2.0 1.15 3 20&-230(480 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 14-719 2$-1/8 7-1/4 5-1/4 80 ~ CR2·100U 3.0 1.15 1 1151201-230 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-314 3 1&-1/4 30 e-112 &-1/4 119 128 3.0 1.15 3 20&-230(480 1SZTC 1-1/4 1-1/4 12·3/8 3 18-1/4 28-M 8-1/2 5-7'1S 119 98 CR2-120U 3.0 1.15 1 11 &'2108-230 112TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-314 3 17-314 31-1/2 8-1/2 &-1/4 12.2 129 3.0 1.15 3 20&-230(480 112TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 12·3/8 3 17-3/ .. 30-119 8-112 5-7/8 92 118 CA2·150U 5.0 1.15 1 208-230 213TCZ 1-1/4 1-1/4 15-3/1 3 20-1/4 35-518 10-1/4 e-318 157 1M 5.0 1.15 3 208-230(4ec> 114TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 20-1/4 34 8-112 5-7AS 128 133 CR2·180U 5.0 1.15 1 20&-230 21STCZ t-1/4 1-1/4 15-n 3 22-3,11 37-3/ .. 10-1/4 1-3,'1 112 188 5.0 1.15 3 208,-231)14«) 114TC t-1/4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 22-M 38-1/1 8-1/2 5-7/8 131 138 NOTE: © Above data lo, Baldor OOP motors. SHIP. VOL (CU. FT 2 2 2 2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4.3 4.3 4.5 4.5 ! (_ (PSI! 350 800 325 300 700 275 tu 600 250 w LL C: 225 500 0 200 Lfi :I: 175 ..J 400 ~ 150 0 t-300 125 100 I 200 75 50 100 ~ 25 0 0 Performance Curves SECTION 1740 Page 13 March 29, 1991 I ... LL : I I I : I I i ... -- 7 CR 2· 180 (5.0 HP) ! ! I l-CR2-U I I I I I 13450 -' ! : I I : . 7 I ,RPM ----i i I ! ; I I I ~ ; ! I I ; I / ~ I I I ' --~ 'J...-I I r I 1 IEFF (%) Ii" \OOST[rF'Cl(.•TCffAA:i1oc;IWQ 12-15GN I ;,p.,;:ru 3£c:W , 1 ,;;,,,a »IE -.:r .. .,.,.Ill, L,.,, ~ i I ! 1 I I ' -"""L ' ' I ' I : I~ i I I ),,, ; i r-.. I : CR2-150(5.0HP) ~ !/ I 1"--.. I : L/r"'i,.. I : ~ I ' . ' I I : I ' !/ -,-... : l 1 , ........ ! ! : / ~ ! ;" i lCR2-120 (3.0 HP) r, I i r--. I .... I : i. I I r,..;._ : r-...... ' j '77" ~ ....... i .......... I 1 "' I A ,_ -,.__ ......... : ""' , ----I "i,. CR 2-100 (3.0 HP) ; .... I .-....._ ........ , I i,,...L r-...._ / .... -I-.. ..... r-,. ✓ --r--......_ ""' CR 2-80 (2.0 HP) ----i-.... I I I -lo.... ..... ~ CR 2-70 (2.0 HP): -lo.... ............ ----.... ,..__ .......... CR 2-60 (1.5 HP) 1 I --r--......._ -~ ---r-... I r---I-.. ----..... CR 2·50 (1.5 HP) I -.._ -HP/STAGEI --_,___ r-.... CR 2-40 (1 .0 HP) I ,_ -------~--L --'""' ~ ------... --CR 2-30 (0.75 HP) 1 ---..... CR 2-20 (0.5 HP) : ... -r -- i I .. 50 45 -cf- 40 ->-(.) 35 z w 30 (.) iI LL 25 w 20 15 10 0.25 w 0.2 ~ 0.15 ~ a: 0.1 :I: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 CAPACITY -GPM .Construction Materials NPSHCurve Stainless Steel: AISI Type 304: Impellers, Intermediate Chambers, Spacing Pipes. Outer Sleeve, Priming Valve, Coupling Guards AISIType316: SplineShaft Cast Iron: Suction/Discharge Chamber, Motor Stool, Motor Coupling Tungsten Carbide: Shaft Seal Faces, Intermediate Bearing Journals Aluminum Oxide Ceramic: EPDM: Teflon: OIi Paper: Intermediate Chamber Bearings O-Rings Neck Rings Outer Sleeve Gaskets 20 ._ 18 16 0 i'.5 14 :C 12 u. 0 10 iii 8 I.I.. 8 4 2 rt:t-" ......... ,__ . o 2 • e e 10 12 14 ,e U.S. GPM Grundfos Pumps Corp./ 2555 Clovis Ave./ Clovis, CA 93612 ( CR2U-lt-001 ! MS] SECTION 1730 Page8 April 15, 1985 D/mena/ona and Shipping Welghla I FTA _PH~ Jockey Pump C~~~~llera _ _ _SOOL Peerless Pump Company A member of the Stefflng Group B <!!iii!!) E i I -()-{)-('..i:--------t-....__ ALL MOUNTING HOLES 11/32111.7) DIA. 1/-4 FNPT CONNECTION 1--------1 I • CONDUIT I .?-I ENTRANCE I 5 (127) ------------ DOOR SWING L~~ : t------, ,. D DO NOT INSTALL IN AMBIENT TEMPERATURES BELOW 41•F (S•C) ALL DIMENSIONS -INCHES (MILLIMETERS) __ , (25) -----~==--=--,-0-(2-~-_-_-_-...... ~~f, ~' SHIPPING WEIGHT -• POUNDS .. ,~ .. --G--• , (KILOGRAMS) MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER DIMENSIONS • INCHES (MIWMETERS) APPROX SHIPPING 200-~ 220-240 :m-415 444}600 A 8 C D E F G H WEIGHT VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS WIDE HIGH DEEP LBS. (Kg) 18 22 7 'JS)¾ 18 1½11 17 25 40 15 20 l) 40 (457) (559) (178) (527) (457) (38) (432) (635) (18) 20 'SJ½ 7½ ~ 'O 2½ 20 28½ 65 l) l) 40 50 (~ (775) (191) (762) (686) (64} (sal) (724) (29) ■This enclosure has only one mounting hole at the bottom. located on the center line. DRAWING NO ... DDSOOL-01 DATE January 5, 1985 FT A200-F Alarm Panel Alarm Panels Description -Firetrol· FTA200 alarm panels are designed to meet the NFPA 20 specifications requiring a remote alarm panel when the pump house or pump room is not constantly attended. The alarm panel must be installed in a location that is under supervision at all times. These alarm panels are listed by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., certified by the Canadian Standards Association. approved by the New York City Bureau of Electrical Control and Board of Standards and Appeals and Factory Mutual. They are designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities listed above as well as NFPA 20. Four types of alarm panels are available. _.,. Type A -Type A panels are for use with ele<?tric motor driven fire pump controllers. They provide audible and visible alarm indication for the following conditions: 1. Supervisory Voltage Normal 2. Pump Operating 3. Pump Phase Failure 4. Pump Phase Reversal Type B -Type B panels are also for u e with ctric motor driven fire pump contr ers. They pro • e the same alarm indicatio as the Type A except t MSupervisory Pow ailure~ does not have the a "ble alarm fe re. Only a visible alarm indication is pr 'ded Type F -Type F. els are for use with dies~I engine driven • e pum ntrollers. They provide alarm ind' ion for the foll ·ng conditions: 1. pervisory Voltage Nor I (Visible Only) . Engine Trouble (Audible an isible) 2 ·ne Running (A • isible) • • and Visible) Typ so for use with die- sel e They provide alarm indic itions: 1 al (Visible Only) and Visible) isible) Switch Mis-S and Visible) . Pump Room Trouble ( nd Visible) Construction -FT A200 alarm panels make use of printed circuit boards which provide reliable and trouble free service. The enclosures are NEMA Type 2 drip-proof for indoor w_all mounting. The standard enclosure color 1s red. Mounted on the enclosure door are the pilot lights for visible alarm indication, the audible device for audible alarm indication, the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton and the "Push-To-Test" push- button. Each pilot light will light to indicate its alarm condition and will remain lighted until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected. The audible alarm will sound when the alarm conditions occur and will continue to sound until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected or the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton has been pres~e~. Pressing the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton will silence the .,, audible alarm but will not extinguish the pilot light. If another alarm condition occurs the audi- ble alarm will again sound until silenced by the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton or until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected. The "Push-To-Test" pushbutton is supplied for manually testing the pilot lights, audible alarm and output circuits. FT A200-D Low Pressure Shutdown Panel I , ( ( Wiring Diagram • Field Connections FTA200-A and FTA200-B Alarm Panels WIRING DIAGRAM FTA200 • A AND FTA200 • B AUDIBLE ALARM SUPERVISORY VOLTAGE NORMAL PUMP OPERATING PUMP PHASE FAILURE PUMP PHASE REVERSAL TEST SWITCH SILENCE ALARM FlELO CONNECTIONS FTA200 • A ANO FTA200 • B TERMINALS IN ELECTRIC FlRE PUMP----• CONTROLLER 19 18 17 16 15 I I I I X2 9 T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.SA PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD I I I I I I I I I ,--• I I 1 -_I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : : I' l19j2oj11j1aj2~26j Hj N! : V .,. I FTA750, FTA1000, FTA1250, FTA1300, FTA1350, FTA1500, TERMINALS L SEPARATE RELIABLE HAND N NOT 110-120VOLT, 50-60 HERTZ FTA1750, FTA1800, FTA1900, FTA2000 MINIMUM WIRE SIZE -LENGTH OF RUN FOR FIELD CONNECTIONS USED WITH SUPERVISORY POWER FTA200·B AL.ARM PANEL 112 AWG WIRE -7,fXYJ FEET } (20 MWG WIRE -2134 MTS) 114 AWG WIRE -4,500 FEET ( 16MWGWIRE-1372MTS) 118 AWG WIRE -3,fXYJ FEET ( 12 MWG WIRE -914 MTS) DRAWING NO. FTA 200 Iii!\. Firetro,: Inc. ~ Fire.Pump Control Division 106 MacKenan Drive • P .0 . Box 9000 Cary. North Carolina 27512 WS200-01 DATE April 1, 1993 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA: SUBMITTAL General Contractor: a.,aatd, lro1. Ooall,uclloa Date: 3/19/98 Name of Reviewer: Name of Subcontractor: Grinnell Fire Protection Specification Section: 15020 Wet Pipe Sprinkler System Submittal Number: 15020.010 Component: A200 CONFORMANCE RE.VIEW OF SUBM~TTAL "C" ?.evise ,;.· r. • : , "O" Not Arr· . 01sc1pline •Refer to attached letter of explanation -: -----+.-:.-+--------, Notations do not authorize changes to contract sum or time. Submittals ar~ reviewed,. processed and executed per division one specifications. Review is for design conformity and general conformi!)' with the contract documents only. It is the contractor's . responsibility to coordinate with sub contractors and to coordinate dimensions at the JOb site for to_lerances, clearances, quantities, fabrication process, .an~ techniques or th,e construct,on. The contractor is solely responsible for the coord1nat10n of his work with other trades and for full compliance with the contract documents. ~ Grinnell~ ~ FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS COMPANY 4223 Ponderosa Ave. lffiJP.<fl lA; 1{ W }EID) MAR 1 6 1998 Suite D San Diego, CA 92123 619-279-1980 Fax# 619-279-8662 Cal. Lie. # 280525 March 16, 1998 Bernards Brothers Construction 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn : Alex Re: Fire Pump Submittal Wrth reference to the above subject, we arc pleased to offer the following submittal. Item # I Fire Pump I 500 GPM @ 40 PSIG I ca.ch Peerless Model 8AEF13 UUFM Approved horizontal fire pump standard construction ba.sc-rnouotod and coupled to a 50 HP 1760 RPM 460 Volt 3-phasc TEFC motor. Acxx:ssories include automatic air release valve, pressure relief valve and pressure gauge with protector. l each Firctrol Model Ff A-1900 UUFM Approved solid state reduced voltage controller suitable for a SO HP 460 Volt motor in combination with a FfA-900 automatic transfer switch for generator set all housed in a Nana 4 painted steel outdoor enclosure. •. l each Grundfos Model CR2-40 jockey pwnp with I .t, HP, 3500 RPM 460 Volt three phase TEFC rnocor and a Peerless Model 500L jockey pwnp c:ootrollcr with transfonncr and minimwn run timer housed in a Nana 4 painted steel enclosurc. l ca.ch Firctrol Model Ff A-200 Type A remote ;uarm panel in a N~ ~ enclosure. REFERENCE Peerless Pump Engineering Data Dimensional Data Performance Curve Accessories Firctrol Controller Data Grundfos Jockey Pump Data Peerless Jockey Pump Controller Data Firctrol Remote Alarm Panel Data Thank you for the opportunity to present this submittal, if you have any questions please contact me. Sincerely, -RJJ~ Rick Larsen, Design Manager ~ 1:f/C:O INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY Bernards Bros. Const ). ·) Peertna Pum~ Company ,._..,ol .. ~Oroup HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMPS SINGLE STAGE DOU1-LE SUCTION Type A, A~F, AEF SECTION 1S30 Page 26.S January 29; 1990 DIRECTION OF ROTATION The rotation of a horizontal split case pump is determined by viewing the pump from the driver end in the direction of the arrow. The rotation fixes the pos- ition of the suction and discharge flanges. For pumps having dual drive such as engine and electric motor, the rotation is specified from the engine end of the unit. SUCTION I I DISCH.tu; I I I I LEFT HAND OR COUNTER.CLOCKWISE ROTATION I I I L DIESEL ENGINE I I I -_J RIGHT HAND OR CLOCKWISE ROTATION S11bjec1 to change without notice ➔ SECTION 1520 Page 2 January 25, 1900 HORIZONTAL OR INLINE FIRE PUMPS PUMP DATA Peertess Pump Compan Indianapolis, IN 46207-7026 y Are Pump Commercial Model Pump Shaft Suction Flange Size Discharge Flange Size Maximum Wortdng Model Dia. At x ANSI Lb. standard x ANSI Lb. Standard Pressure Psi C0la. Std. Q> H~ 2½PVF8 None -2½ X 125 2½ X 125 175 -2½PVF8M PV2½x2½x8A -2½ X 125 2½x 125 175 .-3PVF8 None -3 X 125 3 X 125 175 -3PVF8M PV3x3x8A -3 X 125 3 X 125 175 -3PVF11 None -3 X 125 3 x 250 © 175 250 3PVF11M PV3x3x11 -3 X 125 3 X 250 © 175 250 4PVF5G None -4 X 125 4 X 125 175 -4PVF8GM PV4x4x8G -4 X 125 4 X 125 175 -5PVF7 None -sx·125 • 5 x 125 -175 -5PVF7M PV5x5x7 -5 X 125 5 X 125 175 -5PVF11 None -5x 125 5 X 250 © 175 250 5PVF11M PV5X5X11 -5 X 125 5 X 250 © 175 250 2ADF8 2AD8 0.937 :; X 125 2 X 125 175 275 3AEF9 3AE9 1.375 •I X250 © 3 X 250 © 300 425 3AEF9G 3AE9G 1.375 4 x250 © 3 X 250 © 300 425 4AEF10 4AE10 1.375 5x250 © 4 X 250 © 275 450 4AEF10G 4AE10G 1.375 .5x250 © 4 X 250 © 275 450 4AEF11 4AE11 1.125 5x250 © 4 X 250 © 250 250 4AEF11G 4AE11G 1.125 5 x250 © 4 X 250 © 250 250 4AEF12 4AE12 Double Volute 1.375 5 x250 © 4 X 250 © 300 5i0 5AEF8 5AE8 1.375 6 X 125 5 X 125 © 300 300 5AEF8G None 1.375 6 X 125 5 X 125 © 300 300 5AEF8N 5AEF8N 1.375 6 X 125 5 X 125 © ' 300 300 5AEF11 5AE11 1.562 6x250 © 5 x250 © 300 510 5AEF11G 5AE11G 1.562 6 X 250 © 5x250 © 300 510 5AEF12 5AE12 Double Volute 1.562 6 x250 © 5x250 © 250 510 5AEF14 5AE14 1.375 6 x250 © 5 x250 © 250 250 5AEF14N 5AE14N 1.375 6 x250 © 5 x250 © 250 250 6AEF10 None 1.562 8 X 125 6x250 © 300 300 6AEF12 6AE12 Double Volute 1.875 8 x250 © 6x250 © 350 500 6AEF14 6AE14 1.562 8x250 © 6x250 © 250 250 6AEF14G 6AE14G 1.562 8 X 250 © 6x 250 © 250 250 6AEF14Q <S> None 1.562 8 x250 © 6x250 © 250 250 6AEF16 -6AE16 • ·1.562 8 X 125 6x250 © 250 . 250 6AEF16N 6AE16N 1.562 ax 125 6 x250 © 250 250 6AEF18 6AE18 1.875 8 X 125 6x250 © 300 300 8AEF13 8AE13 1.562 10 x250 © . 8x250 © 250 250 8AEF15A <S> 8AE15 1.875 10 x250 © 8x250 © 250 250 8AEF15G 8AE15G 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 © 250 250 8AEF17A SAE 17 A Double Volute 1.875 10 X 250 Q) 8 X 250 © 262 262 8AEF17Q 8AE17Q Ooub1e Volute 1.875 10x250 © 8 x250 © 262 262 SAEF 17W Double Volute I (None) 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 © 262 262 8AEF20 8AE20 2.250 10 X 125 8 x 250 © 300 300 8AEF20G 8AE20G 2.250 10 X 125 8 x250 © 300 300 10AEF16 1OAE16 Double Vok.M 2.250 12 X 125 10 X 125 175 175 10AEF20 1 0AE20 Double VoUe 2.500 12 X 125 10 x250 © !50 250 12AF19G 12A19G 3.000 14 X 125 12 X 125 175 253 4TUF5 4TU14 1.875 5x 125 4x250 400 428 4TUF11 4TU11 1.750 ex 125 4x400 550 550 5TUF7 5TU15 2.000 6x 125 5 x250 400 420 6TUF10B 6TU16B 2.250 8 X 125 6x250 300 500 8TUF15 8TU16F 2.750 10 X 125 8x250 335 335 4TUTF14 4TUT14 1.750 5x 125 4x250 428 428 5TUTF16B 5TUT168 2.250 6 X 125 5x250 400 510 See following page 2. 1 for footnotes Subject to change without notiC6 \ ( Peerless Pump Company Indianapolis, IN 48207-7026 HORIZONTAL OR INLINE FIRE PUMPS PUMP DATA -Continued NOTES: (for page 2 of Section 1520) SECTION 1520 Page 2.1 July 15, 1994 <D (General) The fire pump dimensions are the same as the commercial pump shown. The fire pump's hydraulic performance is not the same as the commercial pump's due to internal change~ and on some fire pump models the internal parts are not interchangeable with the commercia model. Refer to Section 1550 for further details on ordering repair parts (pump serial number anc model number from nameplate is required). a> The Std. (standard) constructed pump is limited to a suction pressure no greater than 75 ps and/or a maximum working pressure (pump shut-off pressure psi plus suction pressure psi) nc greater than value indicated in the Std. column. The fire pump model number built to standarc construction will be as indicated in the first column of table. UL listed pumps constructed withou waterseal piping and lantern rings, may use standard shaft sleeves and packing when the suctior pressure is at least 30 psi but no greater tha~ 150 psi. a> The H (heavy) constructed pump is limited to a suction pressure no greater than 250 psi and/o a maximum working pressure (pump shut-off pressure psi plus suction pressure psi) no greate than value shown in H column. All H column pumps are not constructed to be applied at the maximum iimit shown in H column. The maximum working pressure of a pump beyond the Std value depends on the modifications used to meet the job's specifications. For example a 3AEF~ specified to meet 325 psi maximum working pressure will have only the modifications necessar_ for 325 psi maximum working pressure and would not be suitable for 400 psi maximum workini pressure. The pump model number having heavy construction for 325 psi mwp will include an "H suffix (example: 3AEF9H).Refer to the factory for the available "H" pump modifications. ~@ The flange will be drilled for either 125 Lb ANSI for 175 psi maximum working pressure or-zS; /. lt· ANat for a maximum working pressure shown in the Std. column. <S> The 6AEF14Q and 8AEF15A pump models have double row outboard bearing design. • ' Subject to change without noti --I ' -----. / CUSTOMER .82uJ.~LL ~'~ £~:n"t;;)J JOBNAME-~ P.O. NO; ----------------------ITEM NO. ____________ _ S.O. NO. -----------SERIAL NO.=--------------------- MOTOR MFR. -ENCL~ FRAME ~ ?,k H.P. 5 C> VOL TS 4-eD PH. 3 HZ . .'=£2 PUMP SIZE a TYPE 8 ~Er: \~ RPM q(pO G.P.M. \Soc TOTAL HD. FT. __ 9'2..i..:s ____ _ CERTIFIED FOR C!""'APPROVAL □ CONSTRUCTION BY----------DATE------ ra'UL e'FM LISTED • Subject to change unless certified for construction. 0 WITH BASE MOUNTED CONTROL lirt.ESS BASE MOUNTED CONTROL CONTROLLER WEIGHT __ LBS. 1• DIA. 6 HOLES r,CONDUIT BOX / (APPROX. LOCATION) HP t-,LHF1 -:,:B -;;· 1-1 • 1 • ' ~o 1° DIA. I HOLE ,·f:=•· ·-+· r -•· I . ,k---, t ' GROUT~ ' ii H~LE ~-3 I· L_ __ __J -½------~ . I HA r--•-, I : HE HE J -· 30 _j_ ~MIN. DOOR -CLEARANCE. DOOR IS ON SAME SIDE ' HF ~ 1° DIA. 4 HOLES * • DRIP RIM . AS PUMP DISCH. Note 1: Custcmer must 11out base and allow for .75 lo 1.50 Inch gout thickness between lop of foundation and bollcm of base Note 2: Unit lnstanation and final ~ling aligment must be done by the lnslaWng contractor per Peerless Pump Company lnstaHallon Bulletin 2880549. □CLOCKWISE ROTATION (RH) \AIR VENT -X ,t-YY VIEW A·A 0 COUNTER -CLOCKWISE ROTATION (LH) SUCTION FLANGE 8125 LB ANSI DRILLING 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING /AIR VENT ·X ~ 0 0 ., C l C 2. -0 c · =· :i Cl> HC 11 ~ CP ~~---c• rrro-=--=r-1 W -j.-MN-1 I r• I HT HM*1 I I~) : I •Et, I J 83 ' r-•• a ·'"'·1 , ; 1! MAX • '•••• --'--I . l! -I~-' ~' ~. '~.=_ __ : J '.--,,,•+".c, I ~,' ' ' ' , J i -~ C ct~ en en ~~ -·YY V .. I ~~~. :-r-r Z HO HO J ~J se ~~ JlRJ 1~. en lii ...., ~~o cn cn -co 0, I',) ' ' ' ' ' -COUPLING GUARD 0 STEEL NON•DRIP RIM BASE FURNISHED 0 STEEL DRIP RIM BASE FURNISHED (H SHOWN IN PHANTOM LINES-··-) DISCHARGE FLANGE 0 125 LB. ANSI DRILLING 0 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING ¾ NPT DRAIN TYP. r .. DISCHARGE FLANGE.: 0 125 LB. ANSI DRILLING 0 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING \ >,, ;: i:1 ~ CD ;: ... ,, .r C 13 f' ,. ~ 3 "C I» ~ X 00 -::D z-c,N r-0 mZ (I) iJ iJr- i-.C>~ m r c-> 0 ... mcg -n m U> J;;m (I) "Tl c:ii om ::! "U oC z3: "O CJ) > "ti en C I» tr:I ~~ Q Ill GI) ::l ... coo l~ z -~ ,..,, -CJ1 (:<) 0 ~ ~ •V Cl) C a ~- !l 0 I') ~ .. ~ • ~ ! o-,, I ii 5 NN --.I 0 ~ V -. ~- Pump SID .. Type IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF15,G IAEF15,G 8AEF15,0 IAU17.,N,Y IAEF17.,N,V IAEF17.,N,V Pump SIDA Type IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF13 IAEF15,0 IAEF15,G IAEF15,G IAEF15,0 IAEF15,G IAEF17,N,V, IAEF17.N,V, IAEF17,N,V, IAl!F17,N,V, IAEF17.,N, V, IAl!F17.,N, V, IAEF17.,N,V, IAE'17.,N,V, 8udlon Olldlarge Flange Range SlleX SIHX ANSILb. ANSI lb. Rellng Rating 10x 125 Ix 125 10ll 125 h250 10 x 125 Ix 125 10 x 125 •• 250 1ox 250 11250 10a 121 la121 1011125 lx250 1011250 h250 Molor F.-- Siu c· OM 324T 30 I 32ST 32 a 364TS 31 9 365TS 32 I 404TS 35 10 405TS 37 10 404T8 35 10 405TS 37 10 444T 44 11 444TS 41 11 445TS 43 11 404TS 35 10 405TS 37 10 444TS 41 11 445TS 43 11 447TS 47 11 406T 31 10 444T 44 11 '41T ... 11 Pump Olmenalona In lnc:he1 CP s 'I! X yy z 31.75 10 11:15 11 17.00 10 31.75 10 17.75 18 17.00 10 33.75 I 11.00 18 17.U 10 33.75 I 11.00 11 17.U 10 33.75 I 11.00 11 17.11 10 36.26 10 11:11 11 11.00 12 36.25 10 11.75 15 11.00 12 35.25 10 11.75 115 11.00 12 Unit Olmenalona In lnd!N HC• HD . HM• HO HR HT 82.00 20 28.50 30.75 1.00 .25 114.00 20 28.50 30.75 1.00 .25 83.75 20 29.50 30.75 1.00 1.00 114.75 20 29.50 30.75 1.00 1.00 87.00 20 30.50 30.75 1.00 .25 89.00 20 30.50 30.75 9.00 .25 70.25 19 29.11 31.00 4.75 1.50 71.25 11 30.19 31.00 4.75 .so 71.00 20 30.75 32.00 4.75 .ISO 75.25 20 30.75 31.00 4.75 .50 n.25 20 30.75-31.00 4.75 .so 17.50 21 31.50 34.18 5.50 .25 811.50 21 31.50 34.18 5.50 .25 73.50 22 33.50 35.86 5.50 .25 75.50 22 33.50 • 35.86 5.50 .25 711.50 22 33.50 35.88 5.50 .25 71.50 22 32.00 35.88 5.50 .25 78.50 22 33.50 35.86 5.50 .25 7UO 22 33.50 35.18 5.50 .25 Pump Weight Lb1. 752 752 850 850 850 1010 1010 1010 HX MN 5 15.75 5 11.50 5 15.25 5 15.75 5 17.00 5 17.75 10 17.00 10 17.75 10 23.25 10 19.50 10 20.50 10 17.00 10 17.75 10 19.50 10 20.50 10 22.25 10 20.75 10 23.25 10 2A.25 .. r NOTES: • MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS: MAY BE LESS WITH DIF- FERENT MAKE MOTORS OR ENCLOSURES. # IMPORTANT: IF DIMENSION "HD" MINUS "OM" IS LESS THAN 12 INCHES, REFER TO THE 1983 EDI- TION OF NFPA PAMPHLET NO. 20 PARAGRAPH tH.4 FOR MINIMUM FOUNDATION HEIGHT. SOME SUCTION OR DISCHARGE FLANGES WILL BE CAST 250 LS ANSI STANDARD AND DRILLED EITHER FOR 125 LS OR 250 LB ANSI STANDARD (AS INDICATED ABOVE MARKED [Z) ). 0 LESS CONTROUER. e-Dlmenalona In lnchea W.lghl-lb1. Total HA HB HE HF HF1 HP Cplg. Motor e ... Unll 0 24 72 13.5 -30 8 15 475 315 1557 24 72 13.5 -30 8 15 525 315 1607 24 72 13.5 -30 6 18 630 315 1713 24 n 13.5 -30 I 16 690 315 1773 24 n 13.5 -30 8 23 830 315 1920 24 n 13.5 -30 8 39 915 315 2021 23 eo 13.0 -24 I 111 830 210 UIOI 23 eo 13.0 -24 IS 23 915 210 1998 24 72 13.5 -30 I 39 1100 315 2304 24 n 13.5 -30 I 39 1100 315 2304 24 n 13.5 -30 6 39 1270 315 2474 23 eo 13.0 -24 I 18 830 210 2061 23 eo 13.0 -24 I 16 915 210 2151 24 72 13.0 -30 I 11 1100 315 2441 24 72 13.5 -30 6 28 1270 315 21123 2.4 72 13.5 -30 8 28 1320 315 2173 2.4 n 13.5 -30 I 39 915 315 2279 2A 72 13.5 -30 IS 31 1100 315 2484 2A 72 13.5 -30 • 31 1270 315 2934 ~ 0 0 ... .,, 0 1111 :i. a: ii" C ~ :, ;;-;:; Q.o <nc i~ -111 aJ C ~ - C/1 3 II> II> :, C/1 0 :, c.o ...... O~Cll C, «; tzl f ... ~ ., !=> 0 ~•z -<I:) :g -~ 0 J: cnO -::::c z-G') N ,o mZ Cl)~ ~· -I G') U> '< m .,, 'g CC ),, 0 -I mcO "T'ICD),, r-u, mm u,~ C :ii om ~ "'O oc z~ ,, u, ► 'lJ ~~ 3~ i :::!. 0 ~ i= ~"O !C .23 f°o vf 1 • I SECTION 1540 HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMPS Type 8AEF13 Size 8 X 10 X 13.00 ~ ..... ..... 11111""'! '"'- ■1.• ~ I Ir n I ••.I ••I f' I Peer1ess Pump Company A member of lhe Slet1ing ~ Pump Rating GPM PSI 1500 40 2000 63-74 • I I • r"' 'I • '• I : t •• Impeller 2693445 • L II • I. .,, ,. _ Curve 3136017 ' •I• Page 44 -( -----.._ --_.., -+ ( Peer1-Pump Company A in.mt>« of the 51-rtlng Group ) Horizontal Split Case Fire Pumps Electric Motor or Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump Fitting• Outline SECTION 1630 Page3 January 25, lOC 0-2~ Npt :\rll.,,,,,--W Connections T . Fig. 0-2~Npt Connectlontr-W . Fig. '\ 0-2½ Npt Connection• Hose Valve Head Item 9A Ho•• Valve Head Item 98 W Fl Two-2-1/2 NPT ,4 NPT Connections ✓ ~,'.:_ 10 Item 9D Hose Valve Head Wt. 20 Lbs. - 3.81 Item No. ✓ GPM ✓ GPM 9A 250 -. 9B 500 750 9B 1500 2000 9C 3000 3500 90 500 --10 Anale Hose Velve 12 Cao &Chain 16 DrainVaMJ Suction and Discharge 18 Gauge Set (Each Furnished with Gauge Cock) ANSI Std. Dimension ✓ Flange ✓ Olmen-250 slon 125 w 3 150 w 3 150 w . 250 w 3 300 w 3 300 w - Quantity a 1 • ~eight Lbs. (Maximum) 25 Item No. 9A Subject to change without notice <'~_S_ ~ f . 13 fpen -l ,...I _ __.__ 5 1-- Ang I e Ho•• Hose Valve Head Item 9C -~_l_ 3 .5 / .. 1/4 Npt Suction & Discharge Gauge, Drain Valve Item 18 Wt .. 5 Lb. Valve Item 10 Wt. 12 Lb1. Notes: 1. Only bma Marked@ will be furnished 2. .IJI DlmCN l8lons are In lnchel Hose Valve Cap & Chain Item 12 Wt. 1.5 Lb. 3. Hoee ValYe Threading _______ -{Specify) Item 18 Wt. 8 Lbs. ✓ GPM ✓ GPM ✓ GPM Desaiotion ✓ Maximum Wooona PreSSll'8 PSIG I ------Hose VM Head 175 1000 1250 --HoseVBNeHead 175 2fiOO ----HoseVMHead 175 4000 4500 5000 Hose Valve Head 150 ------HoseVri-leHead 300 - Qty of I Wt. Lbs. 300 - Qty of I Wt. Lbs. -- 400 ✓ Gauge Dial Gra<i.Jations TYD8 Outer Scale v Suction . -15 PSI to Oto 300 PSI V LASci'--0 PSI to 300 PSI Di---.. O to600 PSI Pump Rating GPM 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 . . 4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 -------12 14 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 -- 4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 ---. ---12 14 2 3 4 6 6 6 8 12 12 50 84 84 150 150 150 255 360 360 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9C 9C 400 ----I 200 400 600 . 200 400 600 175 300 600 ------------. -- 600 -. -- lmerScale -1 BAR to Oto 20 BAR Oto20 BAR 0 BAR to 41 BAR 4000 4500 . . 12 12 14 14 --12 12 14 14 16 16 360 360 9C 9C 5000 . 12 14 -12 14 20 360 9C DT48510 Rev 1-9 ( ( Description-Firetro~ FTA 1900 Solid State Start-. ing Fire Pump Controllers feature soft start, soft stop and system sensing capabilities that not only pro- vide for reduced voltage starting, but also offer an improved level of hydromechanical performance. When called to run, the motor will accelerate along a ramp beginning at 40% of normal starting current with 15% of full voltage torque. When stopping, the motor will ramp down to a preset level and allow for a restart, limiting stress in the piping system. If no additional starting causes are present, the motor will continue to ramp down to a full stop. This controller helps to reduce water hammer in the system. Approvals-Firetrol fire pump controllers are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accord~nce with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers, CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, and approved by Factory Mutual. They are built to meet , or exceed the requirements of the approving authori- ties as well as N EMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. Standard Features-The following are included as standard with each controller: ■ Voltage surge protector ■ Main disconnect switch sized for connected mo- tor horsepower and voltage ■ Fire pump circuit breaker Product Description Solid State Starting Electric• FTA1900 Fire Pump Controllers ■ Firetrol FTA436 Power Monitor · Solid state cur- rent sensor/controller for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indi- cator for phase failure/phase reversal ■ Firetrol SS/3 Solid State SCR starter ■ Motor contactor ■ Power Available Pilot Light -indicates 3-phase power available and control power normal ■ Phase Reversal Pilot Light -one mounted inter- nally and one mounted externally ■ Control transformer with 120 volt secondary unfused fo'r controller operating logic circuits, with fuse for possible external auxiliary devices ■ Circuitry for start by remote deluge valve or other fire protection equipment (requires normally closed, open to start remote contacts) ■ Remote shutdown interlock circuit {requires re- mote normally open contact which closes to op- erate) ■ Built-in Start and. Stop pushbuttons to bypass automatic start circuits ■ Minimum Run Timer for automatic stop ■ Field connection remote alarm terminals (normally open-close to alarm and normally closed-open to alarm) for each of the following: Pump Operat- ing, Pump Power Failure, Phase Reversal ■ Emergency Manual Run Mechanism to mechani- cally close motor contactor cortacts in an emer- gency condition-operation of emergency run mechanism results in a full voltage start of the motor . _ . . _ 1 ■ NEMA Typ~ enclosure 1i fl'°-'*d.. ~ Options-The following are available as options to the controllers: Timer Option -A With running period timer (auto/manual start with auto/manual shutdown, selectable) -B . Without running period timer (auto/manual start with manual shutdown only) -C Manual Start-Stop only Circuit Breaker Option -0 Standard withstand rating 200-240V -42,000 Amps, RMS Sym. 380-480V -30,000 Amps, RMS Sym. 550-600 V -22,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -E Intermediate withstand rating 200-600V -100,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -F High with~tand rating 200-600V • 150,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -G Extra high withstand rating 200-600V -200,000 Amps RMS Sym. -K Current limiting withstand rating with Perma- nent Current Limiters (PCL-> 200-600V • 200,000 Amps, RMS Sym. ( ( (_ Description-Firetro~ Power Transfer Switches are available completely assembled with Firetrol Elec- tric Fire Pump Controllers; full or reduced voltage types. The power transfer switches are built in two versions: FTA900 -For use when the normal power source is a utility and the emergency power source is a gen- erator set. FTA950-For use when both the normal and emer- gency power sources are utilities. The entire package of power transfer switch and controller is completely factory assembled, wired, tested and shipped as a complete unit for easy field connection to the power sources and the fire pump motor. Approvals--Firetrol power transfer switches are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accor- dance with UL21 a; Standard for Fire Pump Control- lers; UL 1008, Automatic Transfer Switches-, UL50B, lndustria(Control Equipment, CSA, Standard for In- dustrial Control Equipment; and approved by Fac- tory Mutual. They are built to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities as well as NEMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installa- tion of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, Na- tional Electrical Code. Standard Features--The following are included as standard with each transfer switch: @<§>c@ (ffl Firetror, Inc. W:} Fire Pump Control Division Product Description Power Transfer Switches for • FTA90 Electric Fire Pump Controllers FTA95i ■ Emergency power source disconnect switch sized for connected motor horsepower and voltage ■ (FTA950 only) Fire pump circuit breaker ■ (FTA950 only) Firetrol FTA436 Power Monitor- Solid state current sensor/controller for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indicator for phase failure/ phase reversal ■ 3-pole, double throw transfer switch mechanism, electrically operated, mechanically held ■ Control module providing for the following: Differential" voltage· sensing· on all phases of the normal power source Voltage sensing of the emergency power source Frequency sensing of the emergency power source Transfer time delay to compensate for momen- tary power outages of the normal source Retransfer from emergency to normal source is automatically delayed unless the emergency source fails Cool-down timer for unloaded running of the gen- erator set after retransfer to the normal power source Instantaneous retransfer to normal if the emer- gency source fails and the normal source is avail- able 3 second transfer restart delay to reduce current surges when transferring to or from the emergency source NO and NC engine control contacts to start the generator set when the normal power source fails ■ Transfer Switch Normal Pilot Light ■ Transfer Switch Emergency Pilot Light ■ Emerg~ncy tsolating Switch Open Pilot Light ■ Test Selector Switch ■ Transfer By-pass Switch ■ Silence Alarm Pushbutton ■ Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer Switch in Emergency Audible Alarms ■ Output contacts (NO and NC) for Generator Start, Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer Switch position indicators ■ Standard Withstand Rating, emergency side only FTA900 (Generator set equipped with molded case circuit breaker) 100-260A, 22,000A RMS Sym., 200-408V; 1 0,OO0A RMS Sym., 550-600V 400A, 35,000A RMS Sym ., 200-480 V; 10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600 V 600-B00A, 42,000A RMS Sym., 200-480V; 1 0,000A RMS Sym., 550-600V FTA950--See Publication PS-950-01, O~~ ■ NEMA Type.# enclosure ¼ ~ Note: The withstand rating of the normal power source side of the transfer switch will be the same as the withstand rating of the fire pump controller ( ( l Dimensions and Shipping Weights FTA 1900 Solid State Reduced Voltage Fire Pump Controllers • FTA900 Wifh Power Transfer Switch FTA950 DOOR SW1NC 2 5/8 (66] 25 7/8 (681) I 47 (119•) • l--19 (48.l]--j C•)-9/16 (14) DIA. ..---+-, ... I I MouNT1Nc HOLEs r 1 c25J ~-§·~-~-~--~---~-~-~-~-~-~-=-~-~-§" §-~-~ r .l• 1/2 (876] 7 114 [.l56J--t 61 5/8 (1565] AUXILIARY ENCLOSURE FIRE PUMP CONTROLLER POWER TRANSFER SWITCH -------52 (1.l21]-------l -----------76 1/4 (19.l6)------------ • • • 1/2 fNPl CONNECTION -I r--- ' I I I y 1'#0 1 1/2 (38] 0~ HOLES FOR PIPE ENTRANCE 12 (Jo5] _I -,--··• ---• 6 (152) _,_ ....... __ __ (6) MOVNTINC SLOTS PER ENCLOSURE 9/16 • 1 (14 • 25] 5 (127) l!I [20.l)} 12 [.l05] 2 [51) I ·1 .. •I : CONOUIT ENTRANCE 1 : CONDUIT ENlRANCE 1 j. 10 (254 ] & [IS2] •, , , 1 TOP a, BOTTOlol 1 1 TOP & BOTTOt.l 1 , I ~-tt.tt::=------:::::t-ttttt1'-----------~----""-----------~ ! 5 (127) 2 1/2 [64]] 1 (25) 18 [457) 2 [SI} I [25} 18 ( 457] ----JO (762] ----++l 1 [25) 1 (25) 4 [102) 2 [51) 22 (559) -------so (127O)-------i INT(llll(OIA TC WITHSTA/10 RATIHCS STAHOAIIO 200-600Y -100,000 WITHST AHO RA TIHCS oArnps RIIS S,,,,. 200-240'/ -42,000 HICH Amps RMS Sym. WITHST ANO RA TIHCS JeO-~ -J0.000 Amps Sym. 200-600Y -150.000 Nnps RMS S,,,,. 550-60011 -22.000 CXTRA-HICH Amps RIIS Sym. WITHSTAMO RATINGS 200-600Y -200,000 NnP9 RMS Srn,. UHC MOTOR MOTOR VOLT.CC HOIISUOWCR HORSCPOWCR 200-201 0 15-IO 0 15-10 220-240 0 ,,_ 75 0 15-75 380-415 a 15-100 0 1$-100 440-4'0 fr 15-150 0 15-150 "°-too 0 15-1,0 0 15-150 , Iii\ f!t'!!~!:!~; '\fl;)/ 106 Mockenon Drive • P.O. Box 9000 Cory, North eororino 21512 CURRCHT LIMIT1NC WITH PCL'S WITHSTAND RATINCS 200-SOOV -200.000 Amps RMS Sym. MOTOR HORSCPOWCR a 15-IO 0 IS-75 0 15-100 0 15-150 0 15-150 APPROXIMATE SHIPPIHC WEICHT 645 [29.l) 00 HOT IHST-'U. 1H AMBl(NT T(WP(RATUR(S BCI.OW 41'f (S'C). AU. l)IM(NSIONS -INO!ES [1o11o1) SHtPP1NC W[JCHT -POUNOS (ICC) n11s DIMENSION l)AAWIHC CO\IERS nA1900 CONTROlL(RS AT THE ttO~R. VOLTAC( N10 WITHSTNID RATlHCS AS USTCO IN TH( T..at.E. fOR OlliCJt HOflSEl'OWO' OR WID1STAHD RATIHCS. RCrER TD £01900-.01. SPEClflCATIOHS NII) ~NSIONS SVBJECT TO Ow«:( WITHOUT NOTlCC. 00 NOT USC fOR CONSTRUCTIOH. REOUEST CONSTRUCTION ORAWIHCS f"ROM 'ICUR l~ FIIICTROt. REPRCSCHTATM Oft FROM THC fACTOf!Y. Rf.V.I DDCM'OON: A lll't150I Pl.Of DOU IJX.Ql0lf l:n: ""°· ,/f1l/t6 TU FTA1900 SOUD STATE REDUCED VOLTAGE FIRE PUMP CONTROU£R WITH POWER TRANSftR $WITCH o,ma. 10::w DWC. MO. ~- JMW 0D1900~42 ..-- MTt A 05/18/95 ( ' l.. Series C Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pumps SECTION 1730 Page 1 March 29, 199 I Submittal Data 3450 RPM 60 CyclE JOB or CUSTOMER: l....E-ft,,...., ,..,. ~ 1 D ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: 6~,..l~Et.L S0BMITTED BY: DATE: APPROVED BY: DATE: ORDER NO.: DATE: SPECIFICATION REF.: QUANTITY .. ··COMMENT . Dimensions Base Dimensions Technical Data l.__o,~ Allow Space ,. ... l:":'.°.!H for Motor .., 1·· -, FLOW RANGE: 1.2 -15 US GPM Remo,,o ' i \n ¼"NPT : tl I MOTORS: ODP (Standard), TEFC (Optional) TEMPERATURE RANGE: Vent Plug ""f ~ C _ 0_Discharge .;; =-,- I I ,te.le s· -2so-F c-15• -121-c) FLANGES: 1 ¼", ANSI 250#, 4 Bolt MAX. WORKING PRESSURE: 1/4" NPT I Gauge Tapping I II 1 ¼ • Flanged -.1 i J 1 ¼ • :langed Suction .. .l. Discharge -1.;: 1=:: , 1 1 1 • • Orw\P\,g I 9•,.·--1 i E ;i!-~ ~ 8 '°~ I!_[ ...... -0 Suction t I (4) 'h" Holes 13mm Models 20-30: 230 PSl(16 Bars) 40 -180: 300 PSI (20 Bars) • MAX. INLET PRESSURE: 175 PSI Electrical Data, Dimensions, and Weights© NEMA DIMENSIONS IN INCHES NET SHIP. PUMP MOTOR FRAME DISC. sue. MOTOR wr. wr. TYPE HP S.F. PH. VOLTS SIZE SIZE SIZE HEIGHT A B C 0, 0. n A..c;J CLBS.) CA2·20U 0.5 1.25 1 115/208-230 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 9-1/4 3 1~ 19-718 11-1/8 4-318 56 02 0.5 1.25 3 208-230i400 sec 1•1/4 1-1/4 9-318 3 10-M 20 11-1/8 4-1/2 54 111 CR2•30U 0.75 1.25 1 115120&-230 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 11-318 21-5,'8 11-1/8 S-1/8 59 66 0.75 1.25 3 208-230/480 ~ 1-1/4 H /4 9-318 3 11·318 20-3/4 11-1/8 4-1/2 56 63 CA2~ 1.0 1.25 1 11~ sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 12 23-1/4 11-1/8 ~1/8 70 -77 1.0 1.25 3 208-230i'4e0 sec M/4 H /4 ~ 3 12 21-3'11 11-118 ....-~12 58 t!5 CA2·50U 1.5 1.15 1 115/208-230 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 12-3/4 24 7-1/4 S-5/8 79 86 1.5 1.15 3 20&-230l4e0 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 12-3/4 23 7•1/4 S-1/4 73 80 CR2-«>U 1.5 1.15 1 11~ sec 1-1/4-1-1/4 11-1/4 3 13-1/2 24-314 7-1/4 5-6'8 11 88 1.5 1.15 3 20&.zsat480 sec M/4 M/4 10-1/4. 3 13-t/2 23-314 7-1/4 5-1/4 75 . 82 CA2•70U 2.0 1.15 1 115/208-230 sec 1-1/4 H/4 11-1/4 3 14-1/8 25-3,'8 7-1/4 5-518 113 90 2.0 1.15 3 20&-230l4e0 sec M/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 14-1/8 24-318 7-1/-4 5-1/4 79 ee CA2-80U 2.0 1.15 1 115'201-230 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 14-7 .. a-1 .. 7-1/4 5-6'8 84 91 2.0 1.15 3 208-ZI0,'480 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 14-7 .. ~1/8 7-1/4 5-1/4 eo r, CR2·100U 3.0 1.15 1 115/208-230 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 Ul-1/-4 30 11-1/2 &-1/4 119 128 3.0 1.15 3 20&-230l4e0 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 12-319 3 111-1/4 28-518 11-1/2 5-7/8 119 98 CA2·120U 3.0 1.15 1 1151208-230 112TC 1-1/4 M/4 13-3/-4 3 17~ 31-112 11-1/2 &-1/4 122 129 3.0 1.15 3 208-230(480 112TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 12-319 3 17-314 3().1/1 11-1/2 ~7,1J 92 118 CA2·150U 5.0 1.15 1 208-230 213TCZ M/4 1-1/4 15-318 3 20-1/4 35-&'9 10-1/4 &-319 157 184 5.0 1.15 3 208-230l480 184TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 2().1/4 34 11-1/2 5-7/8 129 133 CR2·180U 5.0 1.15 1 208-230 213TCZ M/4 1-1/4 15-H 3 22-M 37-314 10-1/4 ~ 1112 181 5.0 1.15 3 208-230i'4e0 184TC M/4 1-1/4 13-3/-4 3 22-3,W 3&-1/1 8-112 1Hi1J 131 138 NOTE: 0 Above data lo, Baldor ODP moCors. SHIP. VOL ICU. FT 2 2 2 2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4.3 ,4.3 -4.S -4.5 I (_ 350 800 325 300 700 275 t-w 250 600 w u. C: 225 500 Cl 200 <( w :c 175 ...J 400 <( 6 150 t- 125 300 100 I 200 75 50 ' ~ 100 25 0 0 Performance Curves ..,J_ CR 2· 180 (5.0 HP) I ! I i I --' : : r : ----i i I I ' ~ I I / I I : "°5T£mcl(NT~RA:ll(ifW,GE l l•ISGP0,1 : ; .. P.t~;J•(i 3£~:W I l~ .a.A( ~f -'VAU8'.: - ~ j I I ~,,, CR 2· 150 (5.0 HP) ~ ',;11" './ .......... I I I ! V I j / , CR-2· 120 (3.0 HP) r, I , ; T7" i---I 1./1 --- CR 2· 100 (3.0 HP) : I CR2-U I I ' I I ! i ; ; I I -....,J .~, I l I _.,.. r-,..._ i ! I ............ I ' I ' I i i ....... I N I I : I I"-,. -,...__ i I ! "',,,... i i ~ I ~ i ............ --,... ..... I .......... I I I I I l ' 1 iEFF (%) ! I I I I , ....... ! ., : ..... : ' I -.... ....... ..... SECTION 1740 Page 13 March 29, 1991 13450 !RPM I 50 45 I ,. I I : I j ........ ~ 0 40 ->-0 35 z w . ; i 30 0 u:: I : i u. 25 w "'I : ' I I .... 20 I' 15 V ----r,... ...... , --...... _ ....... CR 2-80 (2.0 HP) -.... --... r,... 10 I I -..... ....... CR 2· 70 (2.0 HP) : ------.... .......... -~ ...... .... ......... CR 2·60 (1.5 HP) 1 I ----r---~ ---r,... I ---.... _ .... CR 2·50 (1.5 HP) I ----...... 0.25 HP/ST AGEi -~ ...... ----.... CR 2-40 (1.0 HP) I ------..... -------I"" -~ ...... --r--,._ --CR 2·30 (0. 75 HP) 1 -----_,..... CR 2·20 (0.5 HP) : I - - i .. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 CAPACITY -GPM Construction Materials NPSHCurve Stainless Steel: AISIType304: Impellers, lntermediateChambers, Spacing Pipes, Outer Sleeve, Priming Valve, Coupling Guards AISI Type 316: Spline Shaft Cast Iron: Suction/Discharge Chamber, Motor Stool, Motor Coupling Tungsten Carbide: Shaft Seal Faces, Intermediate Bearing Journals Aluminum Oxide Ceramic: EPOM: Teflon: Oil Paper: Intermediate Chamber Bearings 0-Rings Neck Rings Outer Sleeve Gaskets 20 18 16 C ~ 1-4 :I: 12 u. 0 10 ffi 8 u. 8 2 ""' ~ ~. o 2 • e a 10 12 u te U.S. GPM Grundfos Pumps Corp. / 2555 Clovis Ave. / Clovis. CA 93612 ! CA2\J•Tt.()01 i &98] SECTION 1730 Page8 April 15, 1985 Dlmena/ona and Shipping Weights PHrlna Jockey Pump Control/era I. FTA 500L Peerless Pump Company A member of the Sterflng Group B --.. ·-·--·-... --·--· E t t ALL MOUNTING HOLES 11/3218.7) DIA. F 11-4 FNPT CONNECTION ,--------1 I • CONDUIT I .<j>-I ENTRANCE 1 I I ----------+---1.....L.. 5 (127) DOOR SWING L~~ D DO NOT INSTALL IN AMBIENT TEMPERATURES BELOW 41•F (S•C) ALL DIMENSIONS -INCHES (MILLIMETERS) SHIPPING WEIGHT -• POUNDS • • (KILOGRAMS) MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER DIMENSIONS • INCHES (MIWMETERS) APPROX SHIPPING 200-200 220-240 :m-415 440-f,00 A 8 C D E F G H WEIGHT VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS WIDE HIGH DEEP LBS. (Kg) 18 22 7 '11)¾ 18 1½D 17 25 40 15 20 l) 40 (457) (559) (178} (527) (457) (38) (432) (635) (18) 20 YJ½ 7½ 3) 'O 2½ 20 28½ 65 'SJ 3) 40 50 ~ (775) (191) (762) (686) (64) (~) (724) (29) UThis enclosure has only one mounting hole at the bottom. located on the center line. DRAWING NO ... DDSOOL-01 DATE January 5, 1985 B FT A200-F Alarm Panel Alarm Panels Description -Firetrol • FT A200 alarm panels are designed to meet the NFPA 20 specifications requiring a remote alarm panel when the pump house or pump room is not constantly attended. The alarm panel must be installed in a location that is under supervision at all times. These alarm panels are listed by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., certified by the Canadian Standards Association. approved by the New York City Bureau of Electrical Control and Board of Standards and Appeals and Factory Mutual. They are designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities listed above as well as NFPA 20. Four types of alarm panels are available. -. Type A -Type· A panels are for use with ele~tric motor driven fire pump controllers. They provide audible and visible alarm indication for the following conditions: 1. Supervisory Voltage Normal 2. Pump Operating 3. Pump Phase Failure 4. Pump Phase Reversal Type B -Type B panels are also for u e with ctric motor driven fire pump contr ers. They pro • e the same alarm indicatio as the Type A except t "Supervisory Pow ailure" does not have the a 'ble alarm fe re . Only a visible alarm indication is pr 'ded Type F -Type F. els are for use with dies~! engine driven • e pum ntrollers. They provide alarm ind· ion for the foll ·ng conditions: , . pervisory Voltage Nor I (Visible Only) . Engine Trouble (Audible an 2 ·ne Running (A • ible) • • and Visible) Typ so for use with die- sel e They provide alarm indic itions: 1 al (Visible Only) 2 and Visible) isible) Switch Mis-S Visible) . ump Room Trouble ( Visible) Construction -FT A200 alarm panels make use of printed circuit boards which provide reliable and trouble free service. The enclosures are NEMA Type 2 drip-proof for indoor wall mounting. The standard enclosure color is red. Mounted on the enclosure door are the pilot lights for visible alarm indication, the audible device for audible alarm indication, the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton and the "Push-To-Test" push- button. Each pilot light will light to indicate its alarm condition and will remain lighted until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected. The audible alarm will sound when the alarm conditions occur and will continue to sound until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected or the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton has been pressed. Pressing the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton will silence the , audible alarm but will not extinguish the pilot light. If another alarm condition occurs the audi- ble alarm will again sound until silenced by the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton or until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected. The "Push-To-Test" pu_shbutton is supplied for manually testing the pilot lights, audible alarm and output circuits. FTA200-D Low Pressure Shutdown Panel I ( ( Wiring Diagram • Field Connections FTA200-A and FTA200-B Alarm Panels I FTA 200 WIRING DIAGRAM FTA200 • A ANO FTA200 • B AUDIBLE ALARM SUPERVISORY VOLTAGE NORMAL PUMP OPERATING PUMP PHASE FAILURE PUMP PHASE REVERSAL TEST SWITCH SILENCE ALARM FlElD CONNECTIONS FTA200 • A AND FTA200 • B TERMINALS IN 19 18 17 16 15 I I I I X2 9 T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.SA PAINTED CIRCUIT BOARD I I I I I I ,--' I I I -_I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ '. I i' I 11912011111~2~26! HIN I I -ELECTRIC ARE PUMP----+ CONTROLLER FTA750, FTA1000, FTA1250, FTA1300, FTA1350, FTA1500, V TERMINALS HANDNNOT USEOWITH FTA200·B ALARM PANEL L SEPARATE RELIABLE 110-120VOLT, 50-60 HERTZ SUPERVISORY POWER FTA1750, FTA1800, FTA1900, FTA2000 MINIMUM WIRE SIZE -LENGTH OF RUN FOR FIELD CONNECTIONS rrii\ Firetro,: Inc. ~ Fire.Pump Control Division 106 MacKenan Drive • P .0. Box 9000 Cary, North Carolina 27512 112 AWG WIRE -7,000 FEET ] (20 MWG WIRE-2134 MTS) 114 AWG WIRE -4,500 FEET ( 18MWG WIRE -1372 MTS) 118 AWG WIRE -3,000 FEET ( 12 MWG WIRE -91<4 MTS) DRAWING NO. WS200-01 DATE April 1, 1993 ' LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA: SUBMITTAL General Contractor: a.,aatdl, lto1. Coall,uctloa Date: 3/19/98 Name of Reviewer: Name of Subcontractor: Grinnell Fire Protection Specification Section: 15020 Wet Pipe Sprinkler System Submittal Number: 15020.010 Component: A200 CONFORMANCE RE.VIEW OF SUBM~TTAL "C" P..ev1sr • "D" Not A.r , Sub-Consult D1sc1pl1ne ..,.;! •Refer to attached letter of explanation Notations do not authorize changes to contract sum or time. Submittals are reviewed, processed and executed per d1v1sion one specihcations. Review is for desegn conformity and general conformity with the contract documents only. It is the contractor's . responsibility to coordinate with sub contractors and to coordinate dimensions at the Job stte for tolerances, clearances, quantities, f11bnc11t1on process, and techniques of the constrvct10n. The contractor 1s solely responsible for the coordination of his work with other trades and for full compliance wrth the contract documents. ~ Grinnell® ~ FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS COMPANY 4223 Ponderosa Ave. Jl~JP.«1181( \\Y JBDID MAR 1 6 1998 Suite D San Diego, CA 92123 619-279-1980 Fax# 619-279-8662 Cal. Lie. # 280525 March 16, 1998 Bernards Brothers Construction 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn: Alex Re: Fire Pump Submittal With reference to the above subject, we are pleased to offer the following submittal. Item # l Fire Pwnp l 500 GPM @ 40 PSIG leach Peerless Model 8AEF13 UUFM Approvtd horizontal fire pump standard construction basc-mountcd and coupled to a 50 HP 1760 RPM 460 Volt 3-pbase TEFC motor. Accessories include automatic air release valve, pressure relief valve and pressure gauge with protector. leach Firetrol Model FfA-1900 UUFM Approvtd solid state reduced voltage controller suitable for a 50 HP 460 Volt motor in combination with a FfA-900 automatic transfer switch for generator set all housed in a Nerna 4 painted stoel outdoor enclosure. 1 each Grundfos Model CR2-40 jockey pump with U HP, 3500 RPM 460 Volt three phase TEFC motor and a Peerless Model 500L jockey pump cootroller with transformer and minimwn run timer housed in a Nana 4 painted steel enclosure. I each Firetrol Model Ff A-200 Type A remote ;µarm panel in a N~ '2. enclosure. REFERENCE Peerless Pwnp Engineering Data Dimensional Data Perfonnancc Curve Accessories FiretrolControllerData Grundfos Jockey Pwnp Data Peerless Jockey Pwnp Controller Data Firetrol Remote Alarm Panel Data Thank you for the opportunity to present this submittal, if you have any questions please contact me. Sincerely, -£J£~ Rick Larsen, Design Manager ~ 1:qca INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY Bernards Bros. Const ) • Peertea Pums, Company A membw of tie llel1lng 0toup HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMPS SINGLE STAGE DOU~LE SUCTION Type A, ABF, AEF SECTION 1530 Page 26.S January 29,.1990 DIRECTION OF ROTATION The rotation of a horizontal split case pump is determined by viewing the pump from the driver end in the direction of the arrow. The rotation fixes the pos- ition of the suction and discharge flanges. For pumps having dual drive such as engine and electric motor, the rotation is specified from the engine end of the unit. SUCTION DISCHARGE I I DISCHAR I I I I LEFT HAND OR COUNTER-CLOCKWISE ROTATION I I I L DIESEL ENGINE I I I -_J RIGHT HANO OR CLOCKWISE ROTATION Subject 10 change without notice SECTION 1520 Page 2 • January 25, 1900 HORIZONTAL OR INLINE FIRE PUMPS PUMP DATA Peerless Pump Company Indianapolis, IN 48207-7026 Fire Pump Commercial Model Pump Shaft Suction Flange Size Discharge Flange Size Mulmum Working Model Ola.At x ANSI Lb. standvd x ANSI Lb. Standard Pressure Psi Cpla. Std. a> H () 2½PVF8 None -2½ X 125 2½ X 125 175 -2½PVF8M PV2½x2½x8A -2½x 125 2½ X 125 175 .-3PVF8 None -3 X 125 3 X 125 175 -3PVF8M PV3x3x8A -3 X 125 3 X 125 175 -3PVF11 None -3 X 125 3 X 250 © 175 250 3PVF11M PV3x3x11 -3 X 125 3 X 250 © 175 250 4PVF5G None -4 X 125 4 X 125 175 -4PVFBGM PV4x4x8G -4 X 125 4 X 125 175 -5PVF7 None -sx·125 • 5 x 125 -175 -5PVF7M PV5x5x7 -5 X 125 5 X 125 175 -5PVF11 None -5x 125 5 X 250 © 175 250 5PVF11M PV5X5X11 -5 X 125 5 X 250 © 175 250 2ADF8 2AD8 0.937 :; X 125 2 X 125 175 275 3AEF9 3AE9 1.375 •I x250 © 3 X 250 © 300 425 3AEF9G 3AE9G 1.375 4 X 250 © 3 X 250 ® 300 425 4AEF10 4AE10 1.375 5 X 250 © 4 X 250 © 275 450 4AEF10G 4AE10G 1.375 .5x250 © 4 x250 © 275 450 4AEF11 4AE11 1.125 5x250 © 4 X 250 © 250 250 4AEF11G 4AE11G 1.125 5 x250 © 4x250 © 250 250 4AEF12 4AE12 Double Volute 1.375 5 x250 © 4 X 250 ® 300 5i0 5AEF8 5AE8 1.375 6x 125 5 X 125 ® 300 300 5AEF8G None 1.375 6x 125 5 X 125 © 300 300 5AEF8N 5AEF8N 1.375 6x 125 5 X 125 © ' 300 300 5AEF11 5AE11 1.562 6x250 © 5 x250 © 300 510 5AEF11G 5AE11G 1.562 6 X 250 © 5 x250 © 300 510 5AEF12 5AE12 Double Volute 1.562 6 X 250 © 5 X 250 © 250 510 5AEF14 5AE14 1.375 6x250 © 5 X 250 ® 250 250 5AEF14N 5AE14N 1.375 6 X 250 © 5 X 250 © 250 250 6AEF10 None 1.562 ax 125 6x250 © 300 300 6AEF12 6AE12 Double Volute 1.875 8 x250 © 6x250 © 350 500 6AEF14 6AE14 1.562 8x250 © 6 x250 © 250 250 6AEF14G 6AE14G 1.562 8 x250 © 6x250 © 250 250 6AEF14Q a> None 1.562 8 x250 © 6x250 © 250 250 6AEF16 -6AE16 • ·1.562 8 l< 125 6x250 © 250 . 250 6AEF16N 6AE16N 1.562 8 X 125 6 X 250 © 250 250 6AEF18 6AE18 1.875 8 X 125 6x250© 300 300 ➔ 8AEF13 8AE13 1.562 10 x250 © . 8x250 © 250 250 8AEF15A a> 8AE15 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 ® 250 250 8AEF15G 8AE15G 1.875 10 X 250 © 8 x250 © 250 250 8AEF17A BAE 17 A Double Volute 1.875 10x250® 8 x250 © 262 262 8AEF17Q 8AE17Q Double Volute 1.875 10x250© 8x250 © 262 262 8AEF 17W Double Volute I (None) 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 ® 262 262 8AEF20 8AE20 2.250 10 X 125 8 x250 © 300 300 8AEF20G 8AE20G 2.250 10 X 125 8 x250 © 300 300 10AEF16 1 DAE 16 Double Vok.M 2.250 12 X 125 10 X 125 175 175 10AEF20 1 0AE20 Double Volwt 2.500 12 X 125 10 x250 © !50 250 12AF19G 12A19G 3.000 14 X 125 12 X 125 175 253 4TUF5 4TU14 1.875 5 X 125 4x250 400 428 4TUF11 4TU11 1.750 6x 125 4x400 550 550 5TUF7 5TU15 2.000 6x 125 5x250 400 420 6TUF10B 6TU16B 2.250 8 X 125 6x250 300 500 8TUF15 8TU16F 2.750 10 X 125 8x250 335 335 4TUTF14 4TUT14 1.750 5x 125 4x250 428 428 5TUTF16B 5TUT16B 2.250 6x 125 5x250 400 510 See following page 2. 1 for footnotes Subject to change without notiC6 \ ( Peerless Pump Company Indianapolis, IN 46207-7026 HORIZONTAL OR INLINE FIRE PUMPS PUMP DATA -Continued NOTES: (for page 2 of Section 1520) SECTION 1520 Page 2.1 July 15, 1994 <D (General) The fire pump dimensions are the same as the commercial pump shown. The fire pump's hydraulic performance is not the same as the commercial pump's due to internal change! and on some fire pump models the internal parts are not interchangeable with the commercia model. Refer to Section 1550 for further details on ordering repair parts (pump serial number anc model number from nameplate is required). a> The Std. (standard) constructed pump is limited to a suction pressure no greater than 75 ps and/or a maximum working pressure (pump shut-off pressure psi plus suction pressure psi) nc greater than value indicated in the Std. column. The fire pump model number built to standarc construction will be as indicated in the first column of table. UL listed pumps constructed withou waterseal piping and lantern rings, may use standard shaft sleeves and packing when the suctior pressure is at least 30 psi but no greater tha~ 150 psi. (3) The H (heavy) constructed pump is limited to a suction pressure no greater than 250 psi and/o a maximum working pressure (pump shut-off pressure psi plus suction pressure psi) no greate than value shown in H column. All H column pumps are not constructed to be applied at thE maximum iimit shown in H column. The maximum working pressure of a pump beyond the Std value depends on the modifications used to meet the job's specifications. For example a 3AEF! specified to meet 325 psi maximum working pressure will have only the modifications necessar. for 325 psi maximum working pressure and would not be suitable for 400 psi maximum workini pressure. The pump model number having heavy construction for 325 psi mwp will include an "H suffix (example: 3AEF9H).Refer to the factory for the available "H" pump modifications . ..,,. @ The flange will be drilled for either 125 Lb ANSI for 175 psi maximum working pressure or-zSi /' u, OM9f for a maximum working pressure shown in the Std. column. ~ The 6AEF14Q and 8AEF1 SA pump models have double row outboard bearing design. • ' Subject to change wffhout noti --I ' ~ / CUSTOMER ~uJ.llELL ~ ,~ '\?~:n'.t:)rJ JOBNAME -~ P.O. NO; ------------------------ITEM NO. ____________ _ S.O. NO. ------------SERIAL NO.------------------------ MOTOR MFR. -ENCL~ FRAME ~ '2.1,p H.P. 5 C> VOLTS 4-eD PH. 3 HZ. -':;O_ PUMP SIZE & TYPE 8 ~E:£ \~ RPM \7(p0 G.P.M. \'Soc TOTAL HD. FT. __ 9'2~~----- CEATIFIED FOR C!"'APPROVAL □ CONSTRUCTION BY __________ DATE ______ _ ia'UL '1(FM LISTED • • Subject to change unless certified for construction. 0 WITH BASE MOUNTED CONTROL Q-\.ESS BASE MOUNTED CONTROL CONTROLLER WEIGHT __ LBS. 11• DIA. 6 HOLES /,CONDUIT BOX r· t~ I (APPROX. LOCATION) +· rr"'• :1:· ~7lJl'0 ·+· ·♦· l 3• TYP t t -.--~-1 HA I ; HE I G~g~i~ ' t --tzs:j---- HE J -· -~--~, 30"-.: . _ _t_::_ .MIN. DOOR l"DIA. I HOLE !,----HF \_ 1 • DIA. 4 HOLES CLEARANCE. DOOR IS ON SAME SIDE Note 1: Customer must gout base and allow for .75 to 1.50 inch gout thickness between top of foundation and bottom of base Note 2: Unit Installation and final co~ling aligrvnent must be done by the Installing connctor per Peerless Pump Company Installation Bulletin 2880549. □CLOCKWISE ROTATION (RH) \AIR VENT --x ,+-vv VIEW A·A 0 COUNTER -CLOCKWISE ROTATION (LH) SUCTION FLANGE 8125 LB ANSI DRILLING 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING 3: 0 0 ~ C ~ ID C: 2. -0 c·. = :r ID C -t •• c» c» en en ~~ -~j! tt <•-;-~r ~-1 •rlP~·~_:-~-~!l • ·,:.44Hr _ _ct·..,.:__,._HMr* i L: ._; Ji' Ji, ,:~~~·•, n t, I r I I I J ~-J ,-------I ' ,...,_,..,.., I ~, I I I I ' --i -~ I \ hcc::-m-~ :-·! -r i JHO en CII ~~ g: m "' --tit t f:'f: en cii -A !!:!!!:lo CII CII -COO)N NOTE I ~ ~ -COUPLING GUARD 0 STEEL NON-DRIP RIM BASE FURNISHED 0 STEEL DRIP RIM BASE FURNISHED (H SHOWN IN PHANTOM LINES-··-) DISCHARGE FLANGE 0 125 LB. ANSI DRILLING 0 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING ~ NPT DRAIN 4 TYP. HD ~ I w ~_r .. , DISCHARGE FLANGE·· 0 125 LB. ANSI DRILLING 0 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING \ il i::1 , CD ;: Cl) 'tJ ac j3 ~,:, ~o "o 3 ,:, I» :::, "< % cnO -:i, z-c;,N rO mZ Cl) i! i!r i-tGl~ mr c-> 0-t me:~ "Tl m en J;im Cl) :!! C: ::u om :::! ,, oc: zi:: "'tJ en > '-cHn s:: I» trl ~~ Q en c., ::l "coo ~ z .... ~ r,-., .... C/1 c., 0 (/) C 0-~- Q 0 .... ~ .. ::i IQ QI ! 0 ~ ::i ~ ./ _. •V ---:;.. 01 it ?:l: ./ IV ---:,. ~ Pump SID & Type 8AEF13 8AEF13 IAEF15,G 8AEF15,G 8AEF15,G IA£F17,N,V IAEF17,N,V IAEF17,N,Y Pump Siu& Type 8AEF13 8AEF13 aAEF13 BAEF13 8AEF13 8AEF13 8AEF15,G IIAEF15,G IIAEF15,G IIAEF15,G IIAEF15,G 8AEF17,N,V, IIAEF17,N,V, IAEF17,N,V, IIAEF17,N,V, IIAEF17,N,V, IIAEF17,N,V, IAEF17,N,Y, IAEF17,N,Y, Suction Dlecha~ Flange Flange Size X SluX ANSI U>. ANSI lb. Rallng R•tlng 101125 81125 101125 81250 1011125 81125 101125 81250 101250 81250 10& 125 8 a 125 101125 81250 101250 81250 Mot« Frame 81u c· OM 324T 30 8 328T 32 8 364TS 31 9 3e5TS 32 9 404TS 35 10 405TS 37 10 404TS 35 10 405TS 37 10 444T 44 11 444TS 41 11 445TS 43 11 404TS 35 10 405TS 37 10 444TS 41 11 445TS 43 11 447TS 47 11 405T 311 10 444T 44 11 445T 48 11 Pump Dlmenalona In lnche1 CP s y,/ X yy z 31.75 10 17)5 18 17.00 10 31.75 10 17.75 18 17.00 10 33.75 I 18.00 18 17.81 10 33.75 I 11.00 18 17.U 10 33.75 I 11.00 18 17.81 10 311.25 10 11:n 15 11.00 12 35.25 10 11.75 15 11.00 12 35.25 10 11.71 15 11.00 12 UnllDlmenalonalnlnchn HC' HD , HM• HO HR HT 82.00 20 28.50 30.75 9.00 .25 84.00 20 28.50 30.75 9.00 .25 63.75 20 29.50 30.75 9.00 1.00 84.75 20 29.50 30.75 1.00 1.00 67.00 20 30.50 30.75 11.00 .25 611.00 20 30.50 30.75 11.00 .25 70.25 111 29.111 31.00 4.75 1.50 71.25 111 30.111 31.00 4.75 .50 78.00 20 30.75 32.00 4.75 .50 75.25 20 30.75 31.00 4.75 .50 n.25 20 30.75• 31.00 4.75 .50 87.50 21 31.50 34.88 5.50 .25 811.50 21 31.50 34.88 5.50 .25 73.50 22 33.50 35.88 5.50 .25 75.50 22 33.50 • 35.88 5.50 .25 79.50 22 33.50 35.88 5.50 .25 71.50 22 32.00 35.88 5.50 .25 78.50 22 33.50 • 35.88 5.50 .25 78.50 22 33.50 35.118 5.50 .25 Pump Weight u,,. 752 752 850 850 850 1010 1010 1010 HX MN 5 15.75 5 16.50 5 15.25 5 15.75 5 17.00 5 17.75 10 17.00 10 17.75 10 23.25 10 111.50 10 20.50 10 17.00 10 17.75 10 111.50 10 20.50 10 22.25 10 20.75 10 23.25 10 24.25 ... r NOTES: • MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS: MAY BE LESS WITH DIF- FERENT MAKE MOTORS OR ENCLOSURES. # IMPORTANT: IF DIMENSION "HD" MINUS "OM" IS LESS THAN 12 INCHES, REFER TO THE 1983 EDI- TION OF NFPA PAMPHLET NO. 20 PARAGRAPH 6-6.4 FOR MINIMUM FOUNDATION HEIGHT. SOME SUCTION OR DISCHARGE FLANGES WILL BE CAST 250 LB ANSI STANDARD AND DRILLED EITHER FOR 125 LB OR 250 LB ANSI STANDARD (AS INDICATED ABOVE MARKED fZj ). 0 LESS CONTROUER. a-Dlmenalona In lnchH Welght-Lbe. Total HA HB HE HF HF1 HP Cplg. Molor a ... Unlt0 24 72 13.5 -30 6 15 475 315 1557 24 72 13.5 -30 6 15 525 315 1607 24 72 13.5 -30 6 16 630 315 1713 24 72 13.5 -30 8 16 690 315 1773 24 72 13.5 -30 8 23 830 315 11120 24 72 13.5 -30 8 39 915 315 2021 23 80 13.0 -24 8 18 830 210 11108 23 80 13.0 -24 8 23 915 210 1998 24 72 13.5 -30 8 39 1100 315 2304 24 72 13.5 -30 8 39 1100 315 2304 24 72 13.5 -30 6 39 1270 315 2474 23 80 13.0 -24 8 18 830 210 2066 23 80 13.0 -24 8 18 915 210 2151 24 n 13.0 -30 8 18 1100 315 2441 24 72 13.5 -30 8 28 1270 315 2823 24 n 13.5 -30 8 28 1320 315 2873 24 72 13.5 -30 8 311 1115 315 22711 24 72 13.5 -30 8 311 1100 315 2464 24 n 13.5 -30 8 311 1270 315 2834 3:: 0 0 ... ,, 0 I» 1 O' < 1 CD n C: I» ::, ti ::; 0.0 C/J C i~ -111 mo Ill - (I) 3 Ill Ill ::, en 0 ::, Ill """\ 0 ii:, 00 (') ,., tzj ~, ~ g-,,,. -., ~o ~,,,. z .... .... (D ~ ~ 0 J: Cl) 0 -::z, z-c,N rO mZ (I) ~ ~r _.c,cn '< m "0 -g c!: )Ii, 0 -i mcO ,, m )Ii, ren mm en ,, c-o~ :::! "0 oc z~ "0 en > i:, 3 (II ~ CD i :::!. o CD i= !!! "0 !. C l3 c,"O ig J '< SECTION 1540 - .. '. 'I Impeller 2693445 HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMPS Type8AEF13 . 'I , I • • •, I Size 8 X 10 X 13.00 I ' I' Page 44 ' I''• 'I. '. Peer1ess Pump Company A member of the Sterling Gr~ -., ---Pump Rating = GPM PSI ::: 1500 40 := 2000 63-74 :: -+ I••· ..... , I I , ! I • I Curve 3136017 . '. ' . ' I . 'I ( ( Peerl-Pump Company A m«nber of the Stier11ng Group ) Horizontal Spltt Case Fire Pumps Electric Motor or Dlesel Engine Driven Fire Pump Flttlnga Outline SECTION 1530 Page 3 January 25, 1~ 1 Q-2>i Npt :\rll.,,,,,--W Connections T . Fig. _ Fig. Q-2~Npt Connectlon~W Q-2½ Npt Connections '\ Hose Valve Head Item 9A Hose Valve Head Item 9B W Fl Two-2-1/2 NPT ,4 NPT Connections ✓ .. ;:: .. 10 Item 90 Hose Valve Head Wt. 20 Lbs. - 3.81 Item No. ✓ GPM ✓ GPM 9A 250 -- 9B 500 750 9B 1500 2000 9C 3000 3500 9D 500 -- 10 Angle Hose VBlve 12 Cao &Chain 16 Drain Valve Suction im Discharge 18 Gauge Set (Each Furnished with Gauge Cock) ANSI std. Dimension ✓ Flange ✓ Dimen-250 slon 125 w 3 150 w 3 150 w - 250 w 3 300 w 3 300 w -Quantitv a 1 ·VJelght Lbs. (Maximum) 25 Item No. 9A Drain Valve Item 16 Wt .. 5 Lb. & f . 13 fpen -l .,...I _ ___.__ 5 1-- Ang I e Hose Valve Item 10 Wt. 12 Lbs. Hoae Valve Cap & Chain Item 12 Wt. 1.5 Lb. Hose Valve Head Item 9C -~_L 3.5 / .. 1/4 Npt Suction & Discharge Gauges Item 18 Wt. 6 Lbs. Notes: 1. Only Items Marlced ~ wlD be furnished 2. All Olmeoliooa an1 In Inches 3. Hoee ~ Threading -------~Specify) ✓ GPM ✓ GPM ✓ GPM Desaiption ✓ Maximum Wooong PresSl.18 PSIG ------Hose Velve Head 175 400 ---- 1000 1250 --Hose Velve Head 175 200 400 600 2500 ----Hose Velve Head 175 200 400 600 4000 4500 5000 Hose Valve Head 150 175 300 600 -----. Hose Valve Head 300 --. . -- Qty of I Wt. Lbs. 300 ---. -- Qty of I Wt. Lbs. ---. . . . 400 600 --. - ✓ Gauge Dial GradJations Type Outer Scale lmerScale v Suction -15 PSI to Oto 300 PSI -1 BAR to O to 20 BAR v -· 0 PSI to 300 PSI 0 to 20 BAR l.Jl8Cr .... - Di....: .... _ 0 to600 PSI 0 BAR to 41 BAR Pump Rating GPM 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 ----- 4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 12 -------12 14 14 14 14 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 ----- 4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 12 -------12 14 14 14 14 2 3 4 6 6 6 8 12 12 16 16 20 50 84 84 150 150 150 255 360 360 360 360 360 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9C 9C 9C 9C 9C I Subject to change without notice DT48510 Rev 1-9 ( ( Descrlption-Firetro~ FTA 1900 Solid State Start-. ing Fire Pump Controllers feature soft start, soft stop and system sensing capabilities that not only pro- vide for reduced voltage starting, but also offer an improved level of hydromechanical performance. When called to run, the motor will accelerate along a ramp beginning at 40% of normal starting current with 15% of full voltage torque. When stopping, the motor will ramp down to a preset level and allow for a restart, limiting stress in the piping system. If no additional starting causes are present, the motor will continue to ramp down to a full stop. This controller helps to reduce water hammer in the system. Approvals-Firetrol fire pump controlle rs are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers, CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, and approved by Factory Mutual. They are built to meet , or exceed the requirements of the approving authori- ties as well as NEMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. Standard Features-The following are included as standard with each controller: ■ Voltage surge protector ■ Main disconnect switch sized for connected mo- tor horsepower and voltage ■ Fire pump circuit breaker Product Description Solid State Starting Electric • FTA 190o Fire Pump Controllers ■ Firetrol FTA436 Power Monitor -Solid state cur- rent sensor/controller for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indi- cator for phase failure/phase reversal ■ Firetrol SS/3 Solid State SCA starter ■ Motor contactor ■ Power Available Pilot Light -indicates 3-phase power available and control power normal ■ Phase Reversal Pilot Light -one mounted inter- nally and one mounted externally ■ Control transformer with 120 volt secondary unfused for controller operating logic circuits, with fuse for possible external auxiliary devices ■ Circuitry for start by remote deluge valve or other fire protection equipment (requires normally closed, open to start remote contacts) ■ Remote shutdown interlock circuit (requires re- mote normally open contact which closes to op- erate) ■ Built-in Start and Stop pushbuttons to bypass automatic start circuits ■ Minimum Run Timer for automatic stop ■ Field connection remote alarm terminals (normally open-close to alarm and normally closed-open to alarm) for each of the following: Pump Operat- ing, Pump Power Failure, Phase Reversal ■ Emergency Manual Run Mechanism to mechani- cally close motor contactor contacts in an emer- gency condition-operation of emergency run mechanism results in a full voltage start of the motor . ■ NEMA Typ~ enclosure L{ po.,~d.. ~ Options-The following are available as options to the controllers: Timer Option -A With running period timer (auto/manual start with auto/manual shutdown, selectable) -B • Without running period timer (auto/manual start with manual shutdown only) -C Manual Start-Stop only Circuit Breaker Option -0 Standard withstand rating 200-240V -42,000 Amps, RMS Sym. 380-480V -30,000 Amps, RMS Sym. 550-600 V -22,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -E Intermediate withstand rating 200-600V -100,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -F High withstand rating 200-600V -150,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -G Extra high withstand rating 200-600V -200,000 Amps RMS Sym. -K Current limiting withstand rating with Perma- nent Current Limiters (PCL•) 200-600V -200,000 Amps, RMS Sym. ( ( Description-Firetrof1J Power Transfer Switches are available completely assembled with Firetrol Elec- tric Fire Pump Controllers; full or reduced voltage types. The power transfer switches are built in two versions: FTA900 -For use when the normal power source is a utility and the emergency power source is a gen- erator set. FTA950-For use when both the normal and emer- gency power sources are utilities. The entire package of power transfer switch and controller is completely factory assembled, wired, tested and shipped as a complete unit for easy field connection to the power sources and the fire pump motor. Approvals--Firetrol power transfer switches are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accor- dance with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Control- /ea;, UL 1008, Automatic Transfer Switches-, Ul508, Industrial Control Equipment, CSA, Standard for In- dustrial Control Equipment; and approved by Fac- tory Mutual. They are built to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities as well as NEMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installa- tion of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, Na- tional Electrical Code. Standard Features--The following are included as standard with each transfer switch: Product Description Power Transfer Switches for • FTAS<>. Electric Fire Pump Controllers FTA95l ■ Emergency power source disconnect switch sized for connected motor horsepower and voltage ■ (FTA950 only) Fire pump circuit breaker ■ (FTA950 only) Firetrol FTA436 Power Monitor- Solid state current sensor/controller for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indicator for phase failure/ phase reversal ■ 3-pole, double throw transfer switch mechanism, electrically operated, mechanically held ■ Control module providing for the following: Differentiarvoltage·sensing on all phases of the normal power source Voltage sensing of the emergency power source Frequency sensing of the emergency power source Transfer time delay to compensate for momen- tary power outages of the normal source Retransfer from emergency to normal source is automatically delayed unless the emergency source fails Cool-down timer for unloaded running of the gen- erator set after retransfer to the normal power source Instantaneous retransfer to normal if the emer- gency source fails and the normal source is avail- able 3 second transfer restart delay to reduce current surges when transferring to or from the emergency source NO and NC engine control contacts to start the generator set when the normal power source fails ■ Transfer Switch Normal Pilot light ■ Transfer Switch Emergency Pilot light ■ Emergency Lsolating Switch Open Pilot light ■ Test Selector Switch ■ Transfer By-pass Switch ■ Silence Alarm Pushbutton ■ Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer Switch in Emergency Audible Alarms ■ Output contacts (NO and NC) for Generator Start, Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer Switch position indicators ■ Standard Withstand Rating, emergency side only FTA900 (Generator set equipped with molded case circuit breaker) 100-260A, 22,000A RMS Sym., 200-408V; 1 0,0O0A RMS Sym., 550-600V 400A, 35,000A RMS Sym ., 200-480 V; 10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600 V 600-800A, 42,000A RMS Sym., 200-480V; 1 0,000A RMS Sym., 550-600V FTA950-See Publication PS-950-01, Options ■ NEMA Type., enclosure ~ {l:l.~ ~ Note: The withstand rating of the normal power source side of the transfer switch will be the same as the withstand rating of the fire pump controller ( ( l 2 V8 [66] 61 5/8 [1565] Dimensions and Shipping Weights FT A 1900 Solid State Reduced Voltage Fire Pump Controllers • FTA900 With Power Transfer Switch FTA950 26 7/8 [681)---+-------47 [1194)-------l AUXILIARY ENCLOSURE FIRE PUMP CONTROLLER (4)-9/16 [14) DIA. MOUNTING HOLES POWER TRANSFER SWITCH 1--------52 [ IJ21)--------, 1------------76 1/4 [19J6)------------1 t= 29 3/4 (755) .. CD C> 1/2 FNPT CONNECTION DOOR SWINC r I (25) r J4 1/2 (876] 7 1 '· (J56)-j -I 12 [J05] r --- 1 I I I y TWO I 1/2 [38) DIA. HOLES fOR PIPE ENTRANCE I _I 6 [ I 52) _I_'-+---+-' (6) MOUNTING SLOTS PER ENCLOSURE 9/16 • 1 (1" • 25) 5 (127) l 8 [20J)} 12 [J05] 2 [51) I •,., oj [ CONDUIT ENTRANCE 1 f CONDUIT ENTRANCE 1 j., 10 [25"] 6 [i52J •, , , 1 TOP & BOTTOM 1 1 TOP & BOTTOl,I 1 , I ~_,.tt .. ~------t-t-tt-t-t-1 .., ___________ J -·-.. ___________ J i 5 ( 127) 2 1/2 (64] j 1 (25) 1 (25) HI ( 457) 18 [.-57) _. (102) 2 (51) 2 (51] --~-JO (762] ---ttl I (25) 1 (25) 22 [559) t--------50 (1270)--------, INTCRWCDIA TC WITHSTAIIO RATINCS STANDARD 200-600Y -100.000 WITHST ANO RA TINCS M"ps RWS Sym. 200-240\I -42,000 HICH Afflps RMS Sym. WITHSTAND RATINGS J80-4!0V -JD .000 Afflps RMS Sym. 200-500\I -I 50,000 M"PS R~ Sy,,,. 550-&0CN -22,000 CXTRA-HICH Afflps RIIS Sym. WITHST ANO RA TINCS 200-1500Y -200,000 M"PI RMS Sm,. UH£ MOTOR MOTOR VOLTACt HOltStPOWtR HOltSEl'OWEA 200-208 0 15-60 0 IS-IO 220-240 0 15-75 0 15-75 380-415 0 15-100 0 15-100 440-410 f¥ 15-150 0 15-150 S50-IOO 0 15-150 0 tS-150 . Ill\ !:!!!!'!!£ !fJ!?.; ~ 106 MocKtnon Drive • P.O. Box 9000 Cory, North Corolino 27512 CURRENT LIMITING WITH PCL'S WITHSTAND RATINCS 200-600V -200.000 Afflps RMS Sym. MOTOR HORSEPOWER 0 15-60 0 IS-75 0 15-100 0 15-150 0 15-150 APPROXllolA TE SHIPPING WEICHT 645 (29J) 00 NOT INST.AU IN A.MBl[NT TEo.d'[AATUR£S BCLOW 4t'f' (S'CJ. AU 0,M[NSIONS -INCH[$ (MM) SHIPPING WEJCHT -POUNDS (KC) n<rS DIMENSION OAAwtNC C0",l£RS nAt900 CONTROLLERS AT TH( HORSEPOWER. 1/0LTAGE ANO WITHSTAND RATINGS AS USTEO IN THC TABLE. fOR OTHER HORSEPOWER OR WITHSTANO RATlNCS. REftR T10 £01900-_01. SPEC111CATIOHS ANO OOMENSIOHS SUBJECT TO C>WICE WITHOUT NOTICE. DO NOT USE roil CONSTRUCTION. R£0VCST CONSTRVCTION ORAWIHCS fROl,I YOVR LOC<l. FlRET~ RtPRES(NTATrvE OIi fR()l,I THC FACTORY. R£V.IOCSCAIPTlOH: A ~ l'I.Df DlWX UXAJl0H k:TE ~. /rll/96 1U rTA1900 SOUD STATE REDUCED VOLTAGE FIRE PUMP CONTROLl.ER WTTH POWER TRANSFER SWITCH ORN. loa. OWC. HO. rtf:i, JMW RLW D01900-42 - Do\lt A 05/18/95 r ( \ Series C Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pumps SECTION 1730 Page 1 March 29, 1991 Submittal Data 3450 RPM 60 CyclE JOB or CUSTOMER: l..E-fttf"i 1 "-~ l 0 II" •• _JI ,I ENGINEER: ' llo-. _ ... CONTRACTOR: 6.~,..i~B.L S0BMITTED BY: DATE: APPROVED BY: DATE: ORDER NO.: DATE: SPECIFICATION REF.: QUANTITY \ Dimensions Base Dimensions Technical Data .._I D,--;:;+j Allow Space ,. ___ i:-:-_D3 H FLOW RANGE: 1.2 -15 US GPM for Motor -•~:;~-l:r~=-_::=1• MOTORS: ODP (Standard), TEFC (Optional) TEMPERATURE RANGE: Vent Plug --y ~;;; C 1/4" NPT --, . II B Gauge Tapping 11 I 1 ¼ • Flanged ~ ! J 1 ¼ • Flanged Suction ::I Discharge -· :-~--~ 1.T l l JU_ ~~__j ~9'-'" _ 4>_Discharge :: ~ I I ,tE,IE ~E~E '!! 8 n,~ I !I ...... -@ Suction I I (4) ½" Holes 13mm 5• -250°F c-15° -121-c) Fl.ANGE$: 1¼", ANSI 250#, 4 Bolt MAX. WORKING PRESSURE: Models 20-30: 230 PSI (16 Bars) 40 -180: 300 PSI (20 Bars) • MAX. INLET PRESSURE: 175 PSI Electrical Data, Dimensions, and Weights© NEMA DIMENSIONS IN INCHES NET SHIP. PUMP MOTOR FRAME DISC. sue. MOTOR WT. WT. TYPE HP S.F. PH. VOLTS SIZE SIZE SIZE HEIGHT A B C o, Oz .(lBS.) (lBS.) CA2·20U 0.5 1.2:S 1 11512C8-230 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 9-1/4 3 1~ HH/8 &-1/8 ~ 55 82 0.5 1.2:S 3 20&-23nl4«> sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 s.-318 3 10-&'8 20 ll-1/8 4-1/2 54 81 CA2-30U 0.75 1.25 1 115120&-230 S6C 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 11-318 21-518 6-1/8 5-1/8 59 66 0.75 1.25 3 206-230/460 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 9-318 3 11·3/S ~3/4 6-1/8 4-1/2 56 63 CR2~ 1.0 1.2:S 1 11~ sec 1·1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 12 23-1/4 ll-1/8 5-1/8 70 n 1.0 1.2:S 3 208-23G/4e0 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 t--318 3 12 21-318 &-1/8 +112 68 85 CR2·50U 1.5 1.15 1 11512C8-230 S6C 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 12-3/4 24 7-1/4 5-518 79 86 1.5 1.15 3 206-230/480 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 12-3/4 23 7-1/4 5-1/4 73 80 CR2-eou 1.5 1.15 1 11~ sec M/4-1-114 11-1/4 3 13-112 2,4-314 7-1/4 5-518 81 88 1.5 1.15 3 20W3Clt'4e0 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 1~1/-t 3 13-112 23-314 7-1/4 S-1/4 75 82 CA2·70U 2.0 1.15 1 11512C8-230 S6C 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 14-1/8 2$-318 7-1/4 5-5/8 83 90 2.0 1.15 3 208-230/480 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 14-1/8 24-318 7-1/4 S-1/4 79 86 CA2-80U 2.0 1.15 1 115120&-230 sec 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 14-7/8 2&-1/8 7•1/4 5-518 84 91 2.0 1.15 3 208-230>'480 5eC 1-1/4 1-1/4 1~1/4 3 14-7/8 &1/8 7-1/4 5-1/4 ao IJ7 CR2·100U 3.0 1.15 1 11512C8-230 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-314 3 1&-1/4 30 8-1/2 &-1/4 119 126 3.0 1.15 3 208-230(4«) 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 12·3/S 3 1&-1/4 28-MI 8-1/2 S-7/8 89 98 CR2·120U 3.0 1.15 1 115120&-230 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-314 3 17~ 31-1/2 &-1/2 &-1/4 122 129 3.0 1.15 3 20&-230/480 182TC M/4 1-1/4 12•:W 3 17-3/4 31)-1/8 &-1/2 5-7/8 92 98 CR2·150U 5.0 1.15 1 208-230 213TCZ 1-1/4 t-1/4 1S-:W 3 20-1/4 36-518 1()-1/4 &-318 157 184 5.0 1.15 3 208-230/4e0 11MTC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-314 3 20-1/4 34 8-1/2 S-7/8 128 133 CR2·180U 5.0 1.15 1 20&-230 213TCZ 1-1/4 1-1/4 15-318 3 22-3,11 37-314 1()-1/4 1-318 1112 1118 5.0 1.15 3 208-230/4«> 184TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-314 3 22-M 3&-1/1 &-1/2 5-7/8 131 138 NOTE: 0 Above dala for Baldor ODP mc,t()(s. SHIP. VOL (CU. FT 2 2 2 2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4.3 4.3 4.5 4.5 I t-w w u. C Cl <( w :c ...I <( t-0 t- I (_ !PSI! 350 325 300 275 250 800 700 600 Performance Curves I ... LL CR 2· 180 (5.0 HP) ! ! I i I ' I : r , I -' ! -----i I I ' ' :--.._ I ' I / ~ I I ; ll()ST EFflCIENT ()P(RA:IHG RANGE t 2·1S GI"' : ' ;-'P•~;r-E5 3£.'..:W I l ~ ,a.AE 'f':f "'VAl.>81.~ -,~ i ,v CR2·150(5.0HP) ~ !/ 1/ ..... i-... ' ' ' I : I ' I/ i ' / CR2-U ' I ; I ' i,..._I ' -~. I.,, ~ i r,..,i_ ; i r-.. l I : I ..... ~ i I ~ ; I I I I I l I I l i ' -I l I 1 IEFF (%) I ! I : I .. I 1' .. I ~ I ! I "'1o.. , ..... I ' I I ! SECTION 1740 Page 13 March 29, 1991 13450 ,RPM ... 50 i ! 45 -Ii"' I ~ 0 40 ->- I : u 35 z w ! ; i 30 u u. CR2-120 (3.0 HP) r '. I i "" I : ~ I : j' u. I r-,.;._ : f",. 225 """' '"77'° --i ......... ~ 500 .II .... ...,..__ ..... ..... : f",. 200 CR 2· 100 (3.0 HP) : -i-,.._ .... lo,. I I ,..~ '~ I ~ ..__ r-,., 175 400 V ,_ -~ -"" ~ , -i-... r--. .. CR 2-80 (2.0 HP) .... i-,.._ ..... 150 I I I ~ ...._ ~~ CR 2-70 (2.0 HP) 1 ---~ ...._ , ............. --..;._ .... i-... 125 300 CR 2·60 (1 .5 HP) 1 I -.... ..___ -.... ---i-... ..___ r-.... ,._ .... -i--~ 100 CR 2·50 (1 .5 HP) I -i---. --HP/STAGEI ---..... 200 CR 2-40 (1 .0 HP) I -.... ~ -~ 75 -------.... I -CR 2-30 (0. 75 HP) 1 .. 50 't 100 ........ CR 2-20 (0.5 HP) : .... I 25 i 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 CAPACITY -GPM Construction Materials NPSHCurve Stainless Steel: AISI Type 304: Impellers, Intermediate Chambers, Spacing Pipes, Outer Sleeve, Priming Valve, Coupling Guards AISI Type 316: Spline Shaft Cast Iron: Suction/Discharge Chamber, Motor Stool, Motor Coupling Tungsten Carbide: Shaft Seal Faces, Intermediate Bearing Journals Aluminum Oxide Ceramic: EPDM: Teflon: Oil Paper: Intermediate Chamber Bearings O-Rings Neck Rings Outer Sleeve Gaskets 20 18 16 0 L.5 14 :C 12 u. 0 10 lli 8 u. 6 2 -------- 12 14 ""' 25 ....... 20 15 .... ... 10 , .... ~ "" 0.25 "-- ... ........ - 16 0 2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 U.S. GPM w Grundfos Pumps Corp. / 2555 Clovis Ave. / Clovis, CA 93612 l CR2U-lU)01 i &18] SECTION 1730 Page8 April 15, 1985 Dimensions and Shipping Weights Peerle88 Jockey Pump Controllers I FTA 500L Peerless Pump Company A member of the Sterling Group 1 • B ,EEIUSS IIOMP A --·-----·-.. --·--· F • 1 ~ E ALL MOUNTING HOLES 11/3218.71 DIA. 114 FNPT CONNECTION ,--------, I • CONDUIT 1 <j>-I ENTRANCE 1 I I 5 (127) --------------- DOOR SWING L~~ I I D ~ DO NOT INSTALL IN AMBIENT TEMPERATURES BELOW 41•F (S•C) ALL DIMENSIONS -INCHES (MILLIMETERS) ... 1 (25} SHIPPING WEIGHT -• POUNDS I a-o _____ ::~G--10_(2_541_-_-_--=_:t, ~' • (KILOGRAMS) MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER DIMENSIONS • INCHES (MIWMETERS) APPROX SHIPPING 200-~ 220-240 :m-415 ~ A B C D E F G H WEIGHT VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS WIDE HIGH OEEP LBS. (Kg) 18 22 7 ro¾ 18 11/211 17 25 40 15 20 l) 40 (457) (559) (178) (527) (457) (38) (432) (635) (18) 20 ll½ 7½ 3) 27 2½ 20 28½ 65 3l 3l 40 50 (500) (775) (191) (762) (686) (64) (~) (n4) (29) II This enclosure has only one mounting hole at the bottom. located on the center line. DRAWING NO. DDSOOL-01 DATE January 5, 1985 B FT A200-F Alarm Panel Alarm Panels Description -Firetrol • FT A200 alarm panels are designed to meet the NFPA 20 specifications requiring a remote alarm panel when the pump house or pump room is not constantly attended. The alarm panel must be installed in a location that is under supervision at all times. These alarm panels are listed by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., certified by the Canadian Standards Association. approved by the New York City Bureau of Electrical Control and Board of Standards and Appeals and Factory Mutual. They are designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities listed above as well as NFPA 20. Four types of alarm panels are available. -. Type A -Type·A panels are for use with ele~tric motor driven fire pump controllers. They provide audible and visible alarm indication for the following conditions: 1. Supervisory Voltage Normal 2. Pump Operating 3. Pump Phase Failure 4. Pump Phase Reversal Type 8 -Type B panels are also for u e with ctric motor driven fire pump contr ers. They pro • e the same alarm indicatio as the Type A except t "Supervisory Pow ailure" does not have the a ·ble alarm fe re. Only a visible alarm indication is pr 'ded Type F -Type F. els are for use with dies~I engine driven • e pum ntrollers. They provide alarm ind· ion for the foll ·ng conditions: 1. pervisory Voltage Nor I (Visible Only) . Engine Trouble (Audible an 2 • e Running (A • ible) • • and Visible) Typ so for use with die- sel e They provide alarm indic itions: 1 al (Visible Only) and Visible) isible) Switch Mis-S Visible) 5. Pump Room Trouble ( Visible) Construction -FT A200 alarm panels make use of printed circuit boards which provide reliable and trouble free service. The enclosures are NEMA Type 2 drip-proof for indoor wall mounting. The standard enclosure color is red. Mounted on the enclosure door are the pilot lights for visible alarm indication, the audible device for audible alarm indication, the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton and the "Push-To-Test" push- button . Each pilot light will light to indicate its alarm condition and· will remain lighted until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected. The audible alarm will sound when the alarm conditions occur and will continue to sound until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected or the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton has been pressed. Pressing the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton will silence the , audible alarm but will not extinguish the pilot light. If another alarm condition occurs the audi- ble alarm will again sound until silenced by the "Silence Alarm" pushbutton or until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected. The "Push-To-Test" pushbutton is supplied for manually testing the pilot lights, audible alarm and output circuits. FTA200-D Low Pressure Shutdown Panel I . \.... ( ( Wiring Diagram • Field Connections FTA200-A and FTA200-B Alarm Panels I WIRING DIAGRAM FTA200 • A AND FTA200. B AUDIBLE ALARM SUPERVISORY VOLTAGE NORMAL PUMP OPERATING PUMP PHASE FAILURE PUMP PHASE REVERSAL TEST SWITCH SILENCE ALARM FIELD CONNECTIONS FTA200 • A AND FTA200-B TERMINALS IN ELECTRIC FIRE PUMP ____ _. 19 18 17 16 15 1 I I I I X2 9 T 2 3 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.SA PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD I I I I I I I I I I I ,--' I I I -_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '. '. j19j2oj11j1aj2s!26! H! N! I ,, I I --CONTROLLER FTA750, FTA1000, FTA1250, FTA1300, FTA1350, FTA1500, FTA1750, FTA1800, FTA1900, FTA2000 V TERMINALS HANDNNOT USED WITH FTA200 • B ALARM PANEL L SEPARATE RELIABLE 110-120 VOLT, 50-60 HERTZ SUPERVISORY POWER MINIMUM WIRE SIZE -LENGTH OF RUN FOR FIELD CONNECTIONS (j/) Firetror: Inc. Fire. Pump Control Division 106 MacKenan Drive• P.O. Box 9000 Cary, North Carolina 27512 112 AWG WIRE-7,000 FEET } (20 MWG WIRE -2134 MTS) #14 AWG WIRE -4,500 FEET ( 16MWG WIRE-13n MTS) 116 AWG WIRE -3,000 FEET ( 12 MWG WIRE -914 MTS) DRAWING NO. WS200-01 DATE April 1, 1993 FTA 200 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA: SUBMITTAL General Contractor: leraard, lro,. Con,tructlon Date: 3/19/98 Name of Reviewer: Name of Subcontractor: Grinnell Fire Protection Specification Section: 15020 Wet Pipe Sprinkler System Submittal Number: 15020.010 Component: A200 REVIE ED SEE LETTER DATED 0~'k:, .. 4 c;; FOR COMMENTS CCh1t Cii-H~iA NC' E REVIEW OF SUBMlTTAL ------------------------t •Refer to attached letter of explanation Notations do not authorize chan~es to contract sum or time. Submittals are reviewed, processed and executed per division one specil1cahons. Review is for design conformity and general conformity with the contract documents only. It is the contractor's responsibility to coordinate wrth sub contractors and to coordinate dimensions at the job site for to!erances, clearances, quantities, fabrication process, and techniques of th_e construct10n. The contractor is solely responsible for the coordination of his work with other trades and for full compliance with the contract documents. Grinnell® lffiJl'1a'1 lR 1l \V1B]]) MAR 1 6 1998 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS COMPANY 4223 Ponderosa Ave. Suite D San Diego, CA 92123 619-279-1980 Fax# 619-279-8662 Cal. Lie. # 280525 March 16, 1998 Bernards Brothers Construction 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn: Alex Re: Fire Pump Submittal With reference to the above subject, we are pleased to offer the following submittal. Item #1 Fire Pump 1500 GPM@40 PSlG 1 each Peerless Model 8AEF13 UlJFM Approved boriz.ontal fire pwnp standard construction base-mounted aod coupled to a 50 HP 1760 RPM 460 Volt 3-pbase TEFC motor. Accessories include automatic air release valve, pressure relief valve and pressure gauge with protector. 1 each Firetrol Model Ff A-1900 UIJFM Approved solid state reduced voltage controller suitable for a 50 HP 460 Volt motor in combination with a Ff A-900 automatic transfer switch for generator set all housed in a Nana 4 painted stoel outdoor enclosure. 1 each Grundfos Model CR2-40 jockey pwnp with l .~ HP, 3500 RPM 460 Volt three phase TEFC motor and a Peerless Model 500L jockey pwnp cootroller with transformer and minimum run timer housed in a Nana 4 painted steel enclosure. 1 each Firetrol Model Ff A-200 Type A remote alann panel in a N~ '2. enclosure. REFERENCE Peerless Pump Engineering Data Dimensional Data Perfonnance Curve Accessories Firetrol Controller Data Grundfos Jockey Pump Data Peerless Jockey Pump Controller Data Firetrol Remote Alarm Panel Data Thank you for the opportunity to present this submittal, if you have any questions please contact me. Sincerely, -RJ£~ Rick Larsen, Design Manager ~ tqca INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY Bernards Bros. Const ' ) PNrtea Pump Company A ffilfllber of lie lllrflng Otoup HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMPS SINGLE STAGE DOUBLE SUCTION Type A, A~F, AEF SECTION l 530 Page 26.5 January 29,-1990 DIRECTION OF ROTATION The rotation of a horizontal split case pump is determined by viewing the pump from the driver end in the direction of the arrow. The rotation fixes the pos- ition of the suction and discharge flanges. For pumps having dual drive such as engine and electric motor, the rotation is specified from the engine end of the unit. SUCTION I I DISCHAFl I I I I LEFT HAND OR COUNTER-CLOCKWISE ROTATION I I I L DIESEL ENGINE I I I -_J RIGHT HANO OR CLOCKWISE ROTATION Suhject 10 change without notice ➔ SECTION 1520 Page 2 January 25, 19!)6 HORIZONTAL OR INLINE FIRE PUMPS PUMP DATA Peerless Pump Company Indianapolis, IN 46207-7026 Flre Pump Commerclal Model Pump Shaft Suction Flange Size Discharge Flange Size Maximum Wortdng Model Dia. At x ANSI Lb. standard x ANSI Lb. Standard Pressure Psi Cplg. Std. (1) H~ 2½PVF8 None -2½ X 125 2½ X 125 175 -2½PVF8M PV2½x2½x8A -2½ X 125 2½x 125 175 .- 3PVF8 None -3 X 125 3 X 125 175 -3PVF8M PV3x3x8A -3 X 125 3 X 125 175 -3PVF11 None -3 X 125 3 x250 © 175 250 3PVF11M PV3x3x11 -3 X 125 3 X 250@ 175 250 4PVF5G None -4 X 125 4 X 125 175 -4PVF8GM PV4x4x8G -4 X 125 4 X 125 175 -5PVF7 None -sx·125 • 5 X 125 .. 175 -5PVF7M PV5x5x7 -5 X 125 5 X 125 175 -5PVF11 None -5 X 125 5 X 250@ 175 250 5PVF11M PV5X5X11 -5 X 125 5 X 250@ 175 250 2ADF8 2AD8 0.937 ~; X 125 2 X 125 175 275 3AEF9 3AE9 1.375 •lx250 © 3 X 250@ 300 425 3AEF9G 3AE9G 1.375 4 x250 © 3 X 250 ® 300 425 4AEF10 4AE10 1.375 5 X 250 © 4 x250 © 275 450 4AEF10G 4AE10G 1.375 5x250 © 4x250 © 275 450 4AEF11 4AE11 1.125 5x250 © 4 x250 © 250 250 4AEF11G 4AE11G 1.125 5 X 250 ® 4 x250 ® 250 250 4AEF12 4AE12 Double Volute 1.375 5 x250 © 4 X 250 ® 300 5i0 5AEF8 5AE8 1.375 6x 125 5 X 125@ 300 300 5AEF8G None 1.375 6 X 125 5x 125 © 300 300 5AEF8N 5AEF8N 1.375 6 X 125 5 X 125 © ' 300 300 5AEF11 5AE11 1.562 6x250 © 5 x250 © 300 510 5AEF11G 5AE11G 1.562 6x250 © 5x250 © 300 510 5AEF12 5AE12 Double Volute 1.562 6 x250 © 5 x250 © 250 510 5AEF14 5AE14 1.375 6 x250 © 5 x250 © 250 250 5AEF14N 5AE14N 1.375 6 X 250@ 5x250 © 250 250 6AEF10 None 1.562 8 X 125 6x250 © 300 300 6AEF12 6AE12 Double Volute 1.875 8 x250 © 6x250 © 350 500 6AEF14 6AE14 1.562 8 X 250 © 6 x250 © 250 250 6AEF14G 6AE14G 1.562 8 x250 © 6 x250 © 250 250 6AEF14Q a> None 1.562 8 x250 ® 6x250 © 250 250 6AEF16 -6AE16 • 1.562 8 )( 125 6x250 © 250 . 250 6AEF16N 6AE16N 1.562 ax 125 6x250 © 250 250 6AEF18 6AE18 1.875 8 X 125 6x250 © 300 300 8AEF13 8AE13 1.562 10 x250 © 8x250 © 250 250 8AEF15A a> 8AE15 1.875 10x250® 8 x250 ® 250 250 8AEF15G 8AE15G 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 © 250 250 8AEF17A SAE 1 7 A Double Volute 1.875 10 X 250 © 8x250 © 262 262 8AEF17Q 8AE17Q Double Volute 1.875 10 x250 © 8 x250 © 262 262 8AEF 17W Double Volute I (None) 1.875 10 X 250 ® 8 X 250@ 262 262 8AEF20 8AE20 2.250 10 X 125 8 x250 © 300 300 8AEF20G 8AE20G 2.250 10 X 125 8x250 © 300 300 10AEF16 10AE16 DoubleVolw 2.250 12 X 125 10 X 125 175 175 10AEF20 1 OAE20 Double Volue 2.500 12 X 125 10x250© !50 250 12AF19G 12A19G 3.000 14 X 125 12 X 125 175 253 4TUF5 4TU14 1.875 5x 125 4x250 400 428 4TUF11 4TU11 1.750 6 X 125 4x400 550 550 5TUF7 5TU15 2.000 6x 125 5x250 400 420 6TUF10B 6TU16B 2.250 8 X 125 6x250 300 500 8TUF15 8TU16F 2.750 10 X 125 8x250 335 335 4TUTF14 4TUT14 1.750 5x 125 4x250 428 428 5TUTF16B 5TUT168 2.250 6 X 125 5x250 400 510 See following page 2. 1 for footnotes Subject to change without notiC6 - \ ( Peerless Pump Company Indianapolis, IN 46207•7026 HORIZONTAL OR INLINE FIRE PUMPS PUMP DATA -Continued NOTES: (for page 2 of Section 1520) SECTION 1520 Page 2.1 July 15, 1994 <D (General) The fire pump dimensions are the same as the commercial pump shown. The fire pump's hydraulic performance is not the same as the commercial pump's due to internal change~ and on some fire pump models the internal parts are not interchangeable with the commercia model. Refer to Section 1550 for further details on ordering repair parts (pump serial number anc model number from nameplate is required). Q) The Std. (standard) constructed pump is limited to a suction pressure no greater than 75 ps and/or a maximum working pressure (pump shut-off pressure psi plus suction pressure psi) nc greater than value indicated in the Std. column. The fire pump model number built to standarc construction will be as indicated in the first column of table. UL listed pumps constructed withou waterseal piping and lantern rings, may use standard shaft sleeves and packing when the suctior pressure is at least 30 psi but no greater tha~ 150 psi. <3> The H (heavy) constructed pump is limited to a suction pressure no greater than 250 psi and/a a maximum working pressure (pump shut-off pressure psi plus suction pressure psi) no greate than value shown in H column. All H column pumps are not constructed to be applied at the maximum iimit shown in H column. The maximum working pressure of a pump beyond the Std value depends on the modifications used to meet the job's specifications. For example a 3AEF! ( specified to meet 325 psi maximum working pressure will have only the modifications necessar. for 325 psi maximum working pressure and would not be suitable for 400 psi maximum workin! pressure. The pump model number having heavy construction for 325 psi mwp will include an "H suffix (example: 3AEF9H).Refer to the factory for the available "H" pump modifications. ~®The flange will be drilled for either 125 Lb ANSI for 175 psi maximum working pressure or-zSi / • tt, OM9i for a maximum working pressure shown in the Std. column. ill The 6AEF14Q and 8AEF1 SA pump models have double row outboard bearing design. • ' Subject to change without noti -/ CUSTOMER ~uJ..ilELL ~'~ ?~:n"t:)rJ P.O. NO'. ---------------------- -I' ' JOBNAME -~ ITEM NO. ____________ _ ......... S.O. NO. ______________ SERIAL NO.=------------·---------- MOTOR MFR. -ENCL~ FRAME ~ ?./.p H.P. 5 0 VOL TS 4-ec> PH. _Q HZ.~ PUMP SIZE & TYPE 8 A..E:'£ \~ RPM \7k0 G.P.M. \'Seo TOTAL HD. FT. __ 9'2-'-""'------ CERTIFIED FOR IY"APPROVAL D CONSTRUCTION BY _________ _ DATE ______ _ 0"UL ef"FM LISTED Subject to change unless certified for construction. ,· HE HE j -· 0 WITH BASE MOUNTED CONTROL lirt.ESS BASE MOUNTED CONTROL CONTROLLER WEIGHT __ LBS. 1• DIA. 6 HOLES /,CONDUIT BOX / (APPROX. LOCATIO - 1 --HB -··--r--40 HP~-,-••· .,. ~~·n. , , . ·+· .A-. l • GROUT~ ! jl ~OLE -i I· I_ __ __J -'-r--- 30~ 1•01A. I HOLE -CLEARANCE. DOOR , HF __ 7 . _ __j__::_ .MIN. DOOR \_ 1 • DIA. 4 HOLES IS ON SAME SIDE • r--------, C ~ AA c» CD c.n c.n He•~•• DRIP RIM . AS PUMP DISCH. cP -;,--=1~=MN-1c l r,:--711 HT HM* 1 , ! U : I I 1 r-•• 83 ;,i ,-un•i _ _J_ r : L ' J~ MAX 711 .,,!-M ,f-, f I J OM I _;_ I ~-,----I ~~ ~J ii ~~ 8:~'V --. t 11 ~~~ CA c,n -(00)1\) , c'-•.j,'-b ' ~, I I I I 1 _J i -~ ' ' ' ' ' -COUPLING GUARD 0 STEEL NON-DRIP RIM BASE FURNISHED 0 STEEL DRIP RIM BASE FURNISHED (H SHOWN IN PHANTOM LINES-·--) Note 1: Customer must i,out base and allow fOf .75 to 1.50 Inch i,out thickness between top of foundation and bottom of base Nole 2: Unit lnslaUation and final coupling alignment must be done by the Installing conlractor per Peerless Pump Company Installation Bulletin 2880549. □CLOCKWISE ROTATION (RH) \AIR VENT VIEW A·A 0 COUNTER -CLOCKWISE ROTATION (LH) SUCTION FLANGE 8125 LB ANSI DRILLING 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING ~ 0 0 ... C l C 2. -0 a·· s-CII -X ,t-YY / AIR VENT -·YY +,-X 7 ~~-~::-:-. -r Z f HO DISCHARGE FLANGE 0 125 LB. ANSI DRILLING 0 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING ¾ NPT DRAIN TYP. HO J r .. ~SCHARGE FLANGE·: 0 125 LB. ANSI DRILLING 0 250 LB. ANSI DRILLING \ ►-u ii i:1. ~ CD ;: ,.,, ::i.C 13 c,'a ~o "O 3 'a I» :, "< :I: u,O -:u z-c,N r-0 mZ (/)~ ~r- i -1 C) !g m r-c-> 0-1 m c: g -nmu, J;im (I) 'Tl c:$ om ::! .,, oc: z~ .,, en > "d (/) s:: I» t:l ~~ Q (I)~~ ... co 0 ~ z .... ~ ts:> .... C/1 ~ Pump Suetlon DlachatVe Sia Aa,ge Aa,ge Pump Dlrnenalona In lnchff .,I " SlzeX SluX Type ANSI Lb. ANSI Lb. Rating Rating CP s Y! X yy z ~ ·v 8Aff13 10JI 125 111125 31.75 10 11:15 11 17.00 10 8Aff13 1011125 111250 31.75 10 17.75 11 17.00 10 IAEF15,G 10 JI 125 I 11125 33.75 • 11.00 18 17.lt 10 8Aff15,G 1011125 811250 33.75 t 11.00 11 17.lt 10 IAEF15,0 10JI 250 lx250 33.75 • 11.00 18 17.U 10 IA£Ft7,N,V 1011121 Ix 121 36.26 10 11:11 15 11.00 12 IAEF17,N,V 10 JI 125 811250 35.25 10 11.75 15 11.00 12 IAEF17,N,Y 101250 lll250 35.25 10 11.75 15 11.00 12 Pump Motor Unit Dlmenalona In lncfle8 .,I Slz■6 Frame Type Ila c· OM HC' HD , HM' HO HR HT 8Aff13 324T 30 8 82.00 20 21.50 30.75 9.00 .25 ~ V aAEF13 321T 32 8 114.00 20 2.1.50 30.75 1.00 .25 8Aff13 314TS 31 9 63.75 20 211.50 30.75 1.00 1.00 aAEF13 3151'S 32 I 114.75 20 211.50 30.75 1.00 1.00 8Aff13 404TS 35 10 87.00 20 30.50 30.75 1.00 .25 8AEF13 405TS 37 10 89.00 20 30.50 30.75 9.00 .25 8AEF15,G 404TS 35 10 70.25 11 211.19 31.00 4.75 1.50 8AEF15,G 405TS 37 10 71.25 11 30.11 31.00 4.75 .50 IAEF15,G 444T 44 11 78.00 20 30.75 32.00 4.75 .50 IAEF15,Q 444TS 41 11 75.25 20 30.75 31.00 4.75 .50 8AEF15,G 445TS 43 11 n.25 20 30.75• 31.00 4.75 .50 8AEF17,N,V, 404TS 35 10 87.50 21 31.50 34.81 5.50 .25 Cl) C: c-~-~ 0 8AEF17,N,V, 405TS 37 10 89.50 21 31.50 34.81 5.50 .25 IAEF17,N,V, 444TS 41 11 73.50 22 33.50 35.81 5.50 .25 IAEF17,N,Y, 446TS 43 11 75.50 22 33.50 '35.81 5.50 .25 0 ~ IAEF17,N,V, 44TT'S 47 11 79.50 22 33.50 35.81 5.50 .25 Ill => CC) ca 8AEF17,N,V, 40$1' 39 10 71.50 22 32.00 35.81 5.50 .25 IAEF17,N,V, 444T 44 11 71.50 22 SUD 35.81 5.50 .25 ~ 0.,, s 0 i' ~ => a ~: IAEF17,N, v, 445T 48 11 71.50 22 33.50 35.81 5.50 .25 -. y Pump Weight Lba. 752 752 150 150 150 1010 1010 1010 HX MN 5 15.75 5 18.50 5 15.25 5 15.75 5 17.00 5 17.75 10 17.00 10 17.75 10 23.25 10 11.50 10 20.50 10 17.00 10 17.75 10 111.50 10 20.50 10 22.25 10 20.75 10 23.25 10 24.25 ..• r NOTES: • MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS: MAY BE LESS WITH DIF• FERENT MAKE MOTORS OR ENCLOSURES. # IMPORTANT: IF DIMENSION "HD" MINUS "OM" IS LESS THAN 12 INCHES, REFER TO THE 1983 EDI· TION OF NFPA PAMPHLET NO. 20 PARAGRAPH 8-6.4 FOR MINIMUM FOUNDATION HEIGHT. SOME SUCTION OR DISCHARGE FLANGES WILL BE CAST 250 LB ANSI STANDARD AND DRILLED EITHER FOR 125 LB OR 250 LB ANSI STANDARD (AS INDICATED ABOVE MARKED [?.) ). 0 LESS CONTROLLER. e ... DlmenaloN In lnchff Welghl•Lba. Tot■I HA HB HE HF HF1 HP Cplg. Molor a ... Unll 0 24 72 13.5 -30 6 15 475 315 1557 24 72 13.5 -30 8 15 525 315 1607 24 n 13.5 -30 6 16 630 315 1713 24 n 13.5 -30 8 16 690 315 1773 24 72 13.5 -30 6 23 830 315 1120 24 72 13.5 -30 8 39 915 315 2021 23 eo 13.0 -24 8 18 830 210 1908 23 60 13.0 -24 8 23 915 210 1998 24 72 13.5 -30 8 39 1100 315 2304 24 72 13.5 -30 6 39 1100 315 2304 24 72 13.5 -30 6 39 1270 315 2474 23 eo 13.0 -24 8 16 830 210 2068 23 eo 13.0 -24 8 18 915 210 2151 24 72 13.0 -30 8 18 1100 315 2441 24 72 13.5 -30 8 28 1270 315 2823 24 72 13.5 -30 8 21 1320 315 2673 24 72 13.5 -30 6 39 915 315 2279 24 72 13.5 -30 8 39 1100 315 24114 24 72 13.5 -30 8 3t 1270 315 2834 3::: 0 0 .. -n C QI ::i a< ::l. CD nc !!. =-11' -a.a V, C {~ -n, OJ C I» -(I) 3 11' 11' :, co 0 :, co ...... ~ "tl en s-i tzl g-.a .., ?o ~•z .... .... CD ~ ~ 0 :r Cl) 0 -::0 z-G') N ,o mZ Cl) ~ ~r- -1 G') Cl) '< m "'0 'g C !: )lo O -I mcO "Tl a, )lo ,en mm Cl) "Tl c:u om ~ "'0 oc z =' ,, Cl) ►,, 3 (D ~ (D i ::l. 0 (D ii: !a ,, !. C ,2·3 '1-0 'f J SECTION 1540 . ' '' ' 11 • , ..... ■ Impeller 2693445 I'•• •I • I • HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMPS Type8AEF13 Size 8 X 10 X 13.00 ,., ''I I ' I '•• I I • I t' ♦•I 'fl . '. • I • • I • • i '• I I , , , , I Page 44 Peerless Pump Company f.. member of the Stelling Gr~ -( Pump Rating = GPM PSI :: 1500 40 ::: 2000 63-74 ::: -+ ' . ' .. . . I ' I •• ( Curve 3136017 Peer1N8 Pump Company A member of the Stiertlng Group ) Horizontal Spllt Case Fire Pumps Electric Motor or Dlesel Engine Driven Fire Pump Fittings Outline SECTION 1630 Page 3 January 25, 1~ Q-2½Npt :\nl~W Connections --irr-· Fig. Q-2~Npt ConnectlonwW _ Fig. "\ Q-2½ Npt Connection• Hose Valve Head Item 9A Hose Valve Head Item 9B W Fl Two-2-1/2 NPT ,4 NPT Conne~lons ~- -~7 ✓ .. ,'-- [,.] 3.81 Item 9D Hose Valve Head Wt. 20 Lbs. Item No. ✓ GPM ✓ GPM 9A 250 . - 9B 500 750 9B 1500 2000 9C 3000 3500 9D 500 . . 10 Anale Hose Vakve 12 C8D & Chain 16 DrainV-atve Suction and Discharge 18 Gauge Set (Each Furnished with Gauge Cock) ANSI std. Dimension ✓ Flange ✓ Olmen-250 slon 125 w 3 150 w 3 150 w - 250 w 3 300 w 3 300 w - Quantity a 1 ·~eight Lbs. (Maximum) 25 Item No. 9A Subject to change without notice <)~~ ~ Drain Valve Item 18 Wt .. 5 Lb. Q 13 bpen ~ i -.,5f.- Angle Hose Valve Item 10 Wt. 12 Lbs. Notes: 1. Only Items Mar1ced 0 win be furnished 2. All Dlme11siocia are In Inches Hose Valve Cap & Chain Item 12 Wt. 1.5 Lb. 3. Hoee ValYe Threading ________ -{Specify) Hose Valve Head Item 9C -~_L 3.5 / __ 1/4 Npt Suction & Discharge Gauges Item 18 Wt. 8 Lbs. ✓ GPM ✓ GPM ✓ GPM Desai)tion ✓ Maximum Woridng PresSU8 PSIG --. . . -Hose Vslve Head 175 1000 1250 --Hose Vslve Head 175 2500 . . --Hose Vslve Head 175 4000 4500 5000 Hose Vakve Head 150 . . . --. Hose Vakve Head 300 - Qty of I Wt lbs. 300 . Qty of I Wt lbs. . . 400 ✓ Gauge Dial GraciJations T'r1)8 Outer Scale v' Suction -15 PSI to Oto 300 PSI v -· 0 PSI to 300 PSI UISQ"-- Di ............ 0 to600 PSI Pump Rating GPM 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 -- 4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 -------12 14 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 -- 4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 -------12 14 2 3 4 6 6 6 8 12 12 50 84 84 150 150 150 255 360 360 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 98 9C 9C 400 . . . . 200 400 600 200 400 600 175 300 600 . -. . . . . . . . . --. - 600 . . -. IME!(Scale -1 BAR to Oto 20 BAR 0 to20 BAR 0 BAR to 41 BAR 4000 4500 -- 12 12 14 14 -- 12 12 14 14 16 16 360 360 9C 9C 5000 - 12 14 - 12 14 20 360 9C DT48510 Rev 1-9 ( ( Description-Firetrofl'J FT A 1900 Solid State Start-• ing Fire Pump Controllers feature soft start, soft stop and system sensing capabilities that not only pro- vide for reduced voltage starting, but also offer an improved level of hydromechanical performance. When called to run, the motor will accelerate along a ramp beginning at 40% of normal starting current with 15% of full voltage torque. When stopping, the motor will ramp down to a preset level and allow for a restart, limiting stress in the piping system. If no additional starting causes are present, the motor will continue to ramp down to a full stop. This controller helps to reduce water hammer in the system. Approvals-Firetrol fire pump controllers are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers, CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, and approved by Factory Mutual. They are built to meet· or exceed the requirements of the approving authori- ties as well as NEMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. Standard Features-The following are included as standard with each controller: ■ Voltage surge protector ■ Main disconnect switch sized for connected mo- tor horsepower and voltage ■ Fire pump circuit breaker Product Description Solid State Starting Electric• FTA190o Fire Pump Controllers ■ Firetrol FTA436 Power Monitor -Solid state cur- rent sensor/controller for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indi- cator for phase failure/phase reversal ■ Firetrol SS/3 Solid State SCA starter ■ Motor contactor ■ Power Available Pilot Light -indicates 3-phase power available and control power normal ■ Phase Reversal Pilot Light -one mounted inter- nally and one mounted externally ■ Control transformer with 120 volt secondary unfused for controller operating logic circuits, with fuse for possible external auxiliary devices ■ Circuitry for start by remote deluge valve or other fire protection equipment (requires normally closed, open to start remote contacts) ■ Remote shutdown interlock circuit (requires re- mote normally open contact which closes to op- erate) ■ Built-in Start and Stop pushbuttons to bypass automatic start circuits ■ Minimum Run Timer for automatic stop ■ Field connection remote alarm terminals (normally open-close to alarm and normally closed-open to alarm) for each of the following: Pump Operat- ing, Pump Power Failure, Phase Reversal ■ Emergency Manual Run Mechanism to mechani- cally close motor contactor contacts in an emer- gency condition-operation of emergency run mechanism results in a full voltage start of the motor . _ . __ 1 ■ NEMA Type4 enclosure L{ pa\~d... ~ Options-The following are available as options to the controllers: Timer Option -A With running period timer (auto/manual start with auto/manual shutdown, selectable) -8 . Without running period timer (auto/manual start with manual shutdown only) -C Manual Start-Stop only Circuit Breaker Option -0 Standard withstand rating 200-240V -42,000 Amps, RMS Sym. 380-480V -30,000 Amps, RMS Sym. 550-600 V -22,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -E Intermediate withstand rating 200-600V -100,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -F High withstand rating 200-600V -150,000 Amps, RMS Sym. -G Extra high withstand rating 200-600V -200,000 Amps RMS Sym. -K Current limiting withstand rating with Perma- nent Current Limiters (PCL •) 200-G00V -200,000 Amps, RMS Sym. ( ( Description-FiretroftJ Power Transfer Switches are available completely assembled with Firetrol Elec- tric Fire Pump Controllers: full or reduced voltage types. The power transfer switches are built in two versions: FTA900 -For use when the normal power source is a utility and the emergency power source is a gen- erator set. FTA950 -For use when both the normal and emer- gency power sources are utilities. The entire package of power transfer switch and controller is completely factory assembled, wired, tested and shipped as a complete unit for easy field connection to the power sources and the fire pump motor. Approvals--Firetrol power transfer switches are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accor- dance with Ul218, Standard for Fire Pump Control- lers; UL 1008, Automatic Transfer Switches; UL508, Industrial Control Equipment, CSA, Standard for In- dustrial Control Equipment; and approved by Fac- tory Mutual. They are built to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities as well as NEMA and th e latest editions of NFPA 20, Installa- tion of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, Na- tional Electrical Code. Standard Features--The following are included as standard with each transfer switch: Product Description Power Transfer Switches for • FTA90,. Electric Fire Pump Controllers FTA95< ■ Emergency power source disconnect switch sized for connected motor horsepower and voltage ■ (FTA950 only) Fire pump circuit breaker ■ (FTA950 only) Firetrol FTA436 Power Monitor- Solid state current sensor/controller for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indicator for phase failure/ phase reversal ■ 3-pole, double throw transfer switch mechanism, electrically operated, mechanically held ■ Control module providing for the following: Differentiar voltage· sensing· on all phases of the normal power source Voltage sensing of the emergency power source Frequency sensing of the emergency power source Transfer time delay to compensate for momen- tary power outages of the normal source Retransfer from emergency to normal source is automatically delayed unless the emergency source fails Cool-down timer for unloaded running of the gen- erator set after retransfer to the normal power source Instantaneous retransfer to normal if the emer- gency source fails and the normal source is avail- able 3 second transfer restart delay to reduce current surges when transferring to or from the emergency source NO and NC engine control contacts to start the generator set when the normal power source fails ■ Transfer Switch Normal Pilot Light ■ Transfer Switch Emergency Pilot Light ■ Emerg~ncy lsolating Switch Open Pilot Light ■ Test Selector Switch ■ Transfer By-pass Switch ■ Silence Alarm Pushbutton ■ Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer Switch in Emergency Audible Alarms ■ Output contacts (NO and NC) for Generator Start, Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer Switch position indicators ■ Standard Withstand Rating, emergency side only FTA900 (Generator set equipped with molded case circuit breaker) 100-260A, 22,000A RMS Sym., 200-408V; 10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600V 400A, 35,000A RMS Sym ., 200-480 V; 10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600 V 600-800A, 42,000A RMS Sym., 200-480V; 10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600V FTA950-See Publication PS-950-01, Options ■ NEMA Type.# enclosure ~ ~~ ~ Note: The withstand rating of the normal power source side of the transfer switch will be the same as the withstand rating of the fire pump controller ( ( l Dimensions and Shipping Weights FTA1900 Solid State Reduced Voltage Fire Pump Controllers • FTA900 Wifh Power Transfer Switch FTA950 26 7/8 [681]---+-------47 [1194)--------l DOOR SWINC 2 5 ... /8-[6_6_) -~l§.~1~9-:§[~48=-=-J~)§I~_ -~-~-~·-~• ~~-~~-~~-~-~=·=( ·=~~;~i~~T~11~~~~(~~~~§L§rs~~~~£·~~=rr 1 [25) r J4 1/2 [876) -J 114 [J56)-j r--- 61 5/8 [1565) AUXILIARY ENCLOSURE FIRE PUMP CONTROLLER POWER TRANSFER SWITCH 1--------52 [1321)--------1 1------------76 1/4 [1936)----------- t=29 3/4 [755] .. .. 1/2 rNPT CONNECTION ~ [1219) -I 12 [J05] TWO 1 1/2 (38] DIA. HOLES FOR PIPE ENTRANCE 6 [152) _I -'-"-+---+-' (6) MOUNTINC SLOTS PER ENCLOSURE 9/16 • 1 [14 • 25] l 8 [203) } 12 [305) 2 [51 J I •1 ... 1 r CONDUIT ENTRANCE 1 r CONDUIT ENTRANCE 1 •1• 10 (254) 6 [152) •, , , 1 TOP & BOTTOM 1 1 TOP & BOTTOM I , I ~-H-t--------tt-t-t-i-H!o.-----------~-·-"-----------~ ! 5 (127) 2 1/2 [64) j 1 [25) 18 [457) 2 (51) 1 [25) 1-----JO (762) ----+H 1 (25) 4 (102) 2 [51) 22 [559) 1--------50 (1270)------- IHTERMEDIA TC WITHSTAND RA TIHCS STAHOARO 200-600Y -100.000 WITHST AHO RA TIHCS Amps RMS Sym. 200-240Y -42,000 HICl1 Amps RMS Sym. WITHSTAND RA TIHCS 380-48011 -30.000 Amps RMS Sym. 200-600Y -150,000 Amps RMS Sym. 550-600\I -22,000 CXTRA-HICH Amps RMS Sym. WITHSTAND RATINGS 200-600Y -200,000 Amps RMS Sym. UHC MOTOR MOTOR VOLTACC HOttSCPOWCR HORSEPOWER 200-20e 0 15-60 0 15-60 220-240 0 15-75 0 15-75 380-415 0 15-100 0 15-100 440-410 iii'" 15-150 0 15-150 550-600 0 15-150 0 15-150 ~ f!['!,!~!:!~~ ~ 106 t.locKenon Drive • P.O. Box 9000 Cory, North Corolino 27512 CURRENT LIMITIHC WITH PCL'S WITHSTAND RATIHCS 200-&00V -200,000 Amps RMS Sym. MOTOR HORSEPOWER 0 15-60 0 15-75 0 15-100 0 15-150 0 15-150 APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WCICHT 6'5 [29l] 00 HOT INSTM.L IN AM81(NT TEMP[AATUR(S BCLO'# 41·F (5"C]. AU [llM[NSIONS -INCHES (ww] SHIPPING WOCHT -POVNOS (t<C) Tl-1,S O<WENSION OAAWINC COVERS nA1900 CONTROLLERS AT THE HORSEJ>OWER. VOLTAGE ANO WITHSTAND RATINGS AS USTED IN THE TMN.E. roR OTHER HORSEPOWER OR WITHSTANO RATINGS, REFER TO EO 1900-01. SPCClllCATIOHS ANO OIW(HSl()HS SUBJECT TO 0-« WITHOUT NOTICE. 00 NOT USE fOR CONSTRUCTION. REOUCST CONSTRVCTlOH OIIAWINCS FROM YOUR LOCAL FIR(T~ RCPRESCHTATIIIC OR FROM THE rloCTORY. REV.locsaaPTlOH: ,. llt"'5lD "°' 0(\4C( I.DCA1lON ~ JE ~- /r1l/M TU FTA1900 SOUD STATE REDUCED VOLTAGE FIRE PUMP CONTROU£R WITH POWER TRANSFER SWITCH Olm(. l~w DWO. HO. lt(V. JMW 001900-42 - OATt A 05/18/95 ( \ ( GRUN Series C Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pumps SECTION 1730 Page 1 March 29, 1991 Submittal Data 3450 RPM 60 CyclE QUANTITY .. \ Dimensions '--1 o, --;:;1 Allow Space ,.---f.--0.!H tor Motor ... , ____ """, JOB or CUSTOMER: l.£6,f"\ 1 " •• J 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: <S_e_,l-lNE\.L DATE: APPROVED BY: DATE: ORDER NO.: DATE: SPECIFICATION REF.: Base Dimensions Technical Data FLOW RANGE: 1.2-15 US GPM R,mosal ' i 'r-7 J/,"NPT '7---r I MOTORS: ODP (Standard), TEFC (Optional) TEMPERATURE RANGE: Vent Plug ..., I!!!~ C 1/4" NPT I _ J>_Discharge 6 ~ I I .te.le ~ E ~ E s· -250°F c-15· -121-cJ Fl.ANGES: 1 ¼", ANSI 250#, 4 Bott MAX. WORKING PRESSURE: Gauge Tapping 11 I 111 1 ¼" Fl~nged....., 1 11 i 11 J 1 ¼" ~langed Suction -.. .l. Discharge I ;,§y -0 Suction I Models 20 -30: 230 PSI (16 Bars) 40 -180: 300 PSI (20 Bars) • MAX. INLET PRESSURE: 175 PSI _---~ -~ ·-,: I "T l l JU_ ~P\,g__j ~9W ' (4) ½" Holes 13mm Electrical Data, Dimensions, and Weights <D PUMP TYPE CR2-20U CR2-30U CR2~ CR2-50U CR2-«>U CR2-70U CR2-aou CA2-100U CR2-120U CR2-150U CR2·180U HP 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 MOTOA S.F. 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1..25 1.25 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 PH. 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 VOLTS 115/20&-230 20&-23n1-481> 115.'208-230 208-230/460 11~ 20&-23Gl480 1151208-230 208-2301480 11anoe:230 208-2»'480 1151208-230 208-2301480 115120&-230 208-2301480 115/20&-230 208-2301480 115/20&-230 206-230l-4e0 208-230 208-23014e0 208-230 20&-230f-4e0 NOTE: 0 Above data for Baldor ODP motO<s. NEMA t-::"'.-::"::--r--:.,.....,..~--:--"O_IM_E=N,-;S_IONS---'-rl_N-"INCH..;.;:_..;cErS---r----r--1 NET SHIP. SHIP. FRAME DISC. sue. MOTOA WT. WT. VOL SIZE SIZE SIZE HEIGHT A 8 C O, Dz (LBS.) (LBS.) (CU. FT 5eC 1-1/4 1-1/4 9-1/4 3 10-6,1J 19-7/8 6-118 4-318 sec 1-114 1-114 9-318 3 10-M 20 &-1/8 +112 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 11-318 21-518 6-1/8 S-1/8 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 9-318 3 11-318 20-3/4 6-1/8 4-1/2 sec 1-114 1-114 11-114 3 12 z,.11◄ &-1/8 &-1/8 sec 1-114 1-114 9-318 3 12 21-318 &-1/8 +·112 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/.4 3 12-314 24 7-1/4 S-518 56C 1-1/4 1-1/4 10-1/4 3 12-314 23 7-1/4 S-1/4 sec 1-1,._ ,.,,.. 11-114 3 13-112 2.4-314 1-114 5-518 sec 1-114 1-114 10-114. 3 13-t12 23-314 1-114 &-114 sec 1-114 1-114 11-114 3 1+1/8 25-318 1-114 &-518 sec 1-114 1-114 10-114 3 1+1/8 24-3111 1-114 s-114 5eC 1-1/4 1-1/4 11-1/4 3 14-719 26-1/4 7-1/4 5-&8 sec 1-114 1-114 10-114 3 1+1,a 25-1/8 1-114 5-114 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 16-1/4 30 8-112 6-1/4 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 12-318 3 16-1/4 28-518 8-112 S-7/8 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 17~ 31-1/2 8-1/2 6-1/4 182TC 1-1/4 1-1/4 12-318 3 17-314 30-118 8-112 &-7/8 213TCZ 1-1/4 1-1/4 1s-31'8 3 20-1/4 36-518 10-1/4 8-3/8 1MTC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 20-1/4 34 8-112 5-7/8 213TCZ 1-1/4 1-1/4 15-318 3 22-3,11 37-314 10-1/4 8-3/8 1MTC 1-1/4 1-1/4 13-3/4 3 22-34 36-1/4 8-112 5-7/8 55 62 54 51 59 66 56 63 10 n 58 S5 79 86 73 80 81 88 75 · 82 83 90 79 86 M 91 80 '" 119 126 89 96 122 129 92 99 157 1&4 126 133 182 1118 131 138 2 2 2 2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4.3 4.3 4.5 4.5 I (_ (PSI! 350 800 325 300 700 275 ~ 600 250 w u. C 225 500 0 200 <( w :c 175 _J 400 <( t-150 0 t-300 125 100 I 200 75 50 100 ' ~ 25 0 0 Performance Curves SECTION 1740 Page 13 March 29, 1991 ,JJ_ : ' I I : I ' I i ... - I 7 CR 2· 180 (5.0 HP) ! ! : i CR2-U I I I I 13450 -' : : r ' I I I I !RPM ---.. ... i I , I ' ' I I I i ' : ~ I ' ' ! / I I ' I ~ !-,.._I ~, I l I 1 JEFF (%) I ," \IOST EFF1CIE/IT QPEAA:IHG IW,GE I 2·15 GI"' ' -I ;.>.P•C:r ES 3Ec::W , l ~ >A£ ~T •v•ua.: I..,, ~ I I ! I I I -....... ' I ' ' ' ~ i I ,v I ~ I CR 2·150(5.0HP) ~ ..... 1' I I i I/-" I : "' . . ' I I I : I ' II' --: ! , ........ ! ' ; ' I / ~ I ' ~ i • CR2· 120 (3.0 HP) ' I r r-,.. I "-I : i ' r-,...,,. ; ' :1 '7" ,_ --i "-... l ,, I I I.II --"'"-~ , .... ... : f' I -"'"" ....... I I ... ... CR 2· 100 (3.0 HP) : 7'..._ ........ I ......... r,., , -"'"" ..... -i--... :-... ✓ -"'"-~ --~ ...... CR 2-80 (2.0 HP) -"'"" --~ I I I ~ --...... CR 2·70 (2.0 HP) -... .__ -,.___ ......... ----~ i-.... """"' CR 2·60 (1.5 HP) 1 I --"'"-~ ~ ...._ -------....._ ~ --I--. ~ ---r, CR 2·50 (1.5 HP) I -"'"" --C HP/STAGEI --..... --,.___ CR 2-40 (1 .0 HP) I --...... --,_ ----.... ~ --... .__ -.... --CR 2-30 (0. 75 HP) 1 .. ---- CR 2-20 (0.5 HP) : .... -- ~ i ' .. 50 45 -~ 0 40 ->-() 35 z w 30 () u:: LL 25 w 20 15 10 0.25 w 0.2 CJ ~ 0.15 CJ) a: 0.1 J: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 CAPACITY -GPM Construction Materials NPSHCurve Stainless Steel: AISI Type 304: Impellers, Intermediate Chambers, Spacing Pipes, Outer Sleeve, Priming Valve, Coupling Guards AISIType316: SplineShaft Cast Iron: Suction/Discharge Chamber, Motor Stool, Motor Coupling Tungsten Carbide: Shaft Seal Faces, Intermediate Bearing Journals Aluminum Oxide Ceramic: EPOM: Teflon: Oil Paper: Intermediate Chamber Bearings 0 -Rings Neck Rings Outer Sleeve Gaskets 20 ,..._ 18 16 ~ 14 ::r: 12 lL O 10 @ 8 lL 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 U.S. GPM Grundfos Pumps Corp./ 2555 Clovis Ave./ Clovis, CA 93612 ! CR2U•T\.-001 i &118] SECTION 1730 Page8 April 15, 1985 D/mena/ona and Shipping Welghta I FTA _Pee~ Jockey Pump C°.~~~l~rs _ _ _ SOOL Peerless Pump Company A member of the Sterling Group B ,rr1uss POMP E I I -()-{)-(.'~ -----+---'--- All MOUNTING HOLES 11/3218.71 DIA. 1/4 FNPT CONNECTION 1--------1 I • CONDUIT I )'-I ENTRANCE 1 I I 5 (127) ---------_ ___. .......... DOOR SWING L~~ I I D DO NOT INSTALL IN AMBIENT TEMPERATURES BELOW 41•F (S•C) ALL DIMENSIONS -INCHES (MILLIMETERS) __ , (25) SHIPPING WEIGHT -• POUNDS ... 1 •-----G-1o_C2_54l_-----=-~f, ~I (KILOGRAMS) MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER DIMENSIONS • INCHES (MIWMETERS) APPROX SHIPPING 200-200 22(}.240 :m-415 440-f,00 A B C D E F G H WEIGHT VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS WIDE HIGH DEEP LBS. (Kg) 18 22 1 ro¾ 18 1½D 17 25 40 15 20 3) 40 (457) (559) (178) (527) (457) (38) (432) (635) (18} 20 3l1h 7½ ~ 'll 2½ 20 28½ 65 3) ~ 40 50 (~) (775) (191) (762) (686) (64) (sal) (724) (29) II This enclosure has only one mounting hole at the bottom. located on the center line. DRAWING NO ... DDSOOL-01 DATE January 5, 1985 8 FT A200-F Alarm Panel Alarm Panels Description -Firetrol • FT A200 alarm panels are designed to meet th e NFPA 20 specifications requiring a remote alarm panel when the pump house or pump room is not constantly attended. The alarm panel must be installed in a location that is under supervision at all times. These alarm panels are listed by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., certified by the Canadian Standards Association. approved by the New York City Bureau of El ectrical Control and Board of Standards and Appeals and Factory Mutual. They are designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities listed above as well as NFPA 20. Four types of alarm panels are available. -. Type A -Type· A panels are for use with ele~tric motor driven fire pump controllers. They provide audible and visible alarm indication for the following conditions: 1. Supervisory Voltage Normal 2. Pump Operating 3. Pump Phase Failure 4. Pump Phase Reversal Type B -Type 8 panels are also for u e with ctric motor driven fire pump contr ers. They pro • e the same alarm indicatio as the Type A except t "Supervisory Pow ailure~ does not have the a 'ble alarm fe re. Only a visible alarm indication is pr 'ded Type F -Type F. els are for use with diesel engine driven • e pum ntrollers. They provide alarm ind· ion for the foll ·ng conditions: 1. pervisory Voltage Nor I (Visible Only) . Engine Trouble (Audible an isible) 2 • e Running (A • ible) • • and Visible) Typ so for use with die- sel e They provide alarm indic itions: 1 al (Visible Only) and Visible) isible) Switch Mis-S and Visible) . ump Room Trouble ( nd Visible) Construction -FT A200 alarm panels make use of printed circuit boards which provide reliable and trouble free service. The enclosures are NEMA Type 2 drip-proof for indoor w_all mounting. The standard enclosure color 1s red. Mounted on the enclosure door are the pilot lights for visible alarm indication, the audible device for audible alarm indication, the wSilence Alarm" pushbutton and the "Push-To-Test" push- button. Each pilot light will light to indicate its alarm condition and will remain lighted until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected. The audible alarm will sound when the alarm conditions occur and will continue to sound until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected or the wSilence Alarm" pushbutton has been pressed. Pressing the wSilence Alarm" pushbutton will silence the audible alarm but will not extinguish the pilot light. If another alarm condition occurs the audi- ble alarm will again sound until silenced by the wSilence Alarm" pushbutton or until the abnor- mal condition has been corrected. The wPush-To-Test" pushbutton is supplied for manually testing the pilot lights, audible alarm and output circuits. FTA200-D Low Pressure Shutdown Panel I ( ( Wiring Diagram • Field Connections I FTA200-A and FTA200-B Alarm Panels WIRING DIAGRAM FTA200 • A AND FTA200 • B AUDIBLE ALARM SUPERVISORY VOLTAGE NORMAL PUMP OPERATING PUMP PHASE FAILURE PUMP PHASE REVERSAL TEST SWITCH SILENCE ALARM FlEl.D CONNECTIONS FTA200 • A AND FTA200 • B TERMINALS IN 19 18 17 16 15 I I I I H1 X2 9 T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.5A PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD I I I I I I I I I 1--• I I I 1-_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I ,, I I j1sl2ol11!1aj2sj26! Hl Ni I • -ELECTRIC FIRE PUMP----+ CONTROLLER FTA750, FTA1000, FTA1250, FTA1300, FTA1350, FTA1500, FTA1750, FTA1800, FTA1900, FTA2000 V TERMINALS HAND N NOT USED WITH FTA200· B ALARM PANEL L SEPARATE RELIABLE 110-120VOLT, 50-60 HERTZ SUPERVISORY POWER MINIMUM WIRE SIZE -LENGTH OF RUN FOR FIELD CONNECTIONS 112 AWG WIRE -7,000 FEET } (20 MWG WIRE-2134 MTS) 114 AWG WIRE-4,500 FEET ( 16MWG WIRE-1372 MTS) 118 AWG WIRE -3,000 FEET ( 12 MWG WIRE-914 MTS) DRAWING NO. FTA 200 (j/) Firetror; Inc. Fire.Pump Control Division 106 MacKenan Drive• P.O. Box 9000 Cary, North Carolina 27512 WS200-01 DATE April 1, 1993 I REV. D