HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-26; City Council; ; Mayoral Appointment of One Member to the Library Board of TrusteesCA Review CKM Meeting Date: March 26, 2024 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Tammy McMinn, Senior Deputy City Clerk tammy.mcminn@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2953 Subject: Mayoral Appointment of One Member to the Library Board of Trustees Districts: All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution appointing one member to the Library Board of Trustees. Executive Summary The City Council is being asked to appoint one member to the Library Board of Trustees, which makes recommendations to the City Council and advises the City Council in matters pertaining to the duties and powers of the librarian and other library employees; the number of employees; the purchase of equipment, real estate and buildings; the advisability and desirability of facilities of the city library; the amounts of moneys required to operate the library; and policies related to the administration of the city library. The board consists of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Members must be residents of Carlsbad and normally serve four-year terms, unless appointed to fill an unexpired term. Explanation & Analysis Trustee Stan Schatt was appointed to the Library Board of Trustees in July 2021, to fill the expired term of Trustee Sandy Parsons for a term ending in June 2025. Trustee Schatt resigned in January 2024. There is currently an unscheduled vacancy on the Library Board of Trustees for a term ending in June 2025. The City Clerk’s Office received five applications from residents wishing to serve on the Library Board of Trustees. In keeping with City Council Policy No. 88, Mayor Blackburn has recommended the following resident wishing to serve on the Library Board of Trustees to advance in the process and interview with the full City Council: March 26, 2024 Item #8 Page 1 of 5 Mayoral recommendation: • Katrina Waidelich – District 2 Exhibit 2 contains the application of the applicant moving forward in the interview process. The Maddy Act (California Government Code Sections 54970-54974) requires that on or before December 31 of each year the legislative body shall prepare a Local Appointments List, which contains the appointive terms of Board and Commission members that will expire in the next calendar year. The name of the incumbent appointee, the date of appointment and the term expiration date is also included on the list. Based on the prepared list, the City Clerk’s Office accepts applications (available on the city’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office) for any upcoming vacancies. The current members of the Library Board of Trustees are: Commission member District Sherman DeForest 2 Gina Payne McBride 4 Laurel Moran 3 William Sheffler 1 Members of the Library Board of Trustees are subject to the provisions of California’s Political Reform Act of 1974 and must file statements of economic interest each year and complete two hours of ethics training every two years. Fiscal Analysis This action has no financial impact. Next Steps Following the appointment of one member to the Library Board of Trustees, the City Clerk’s Office will update the commission roster and coordinate the oath of office and the filing of the appointee’s statement of economic interest and ethics training certificate. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. Application received from resident advancing to the interview process March 26, 2024 Item #8 Page 2 of 5 Exhibit 2 March 26, 2024 Item #8 Page 4 of 5 March 26, 2024 Item #8 Page 5 of 5