HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-25; Community-Police Engagement Commission; ; Community-Police Engagement Commission Work PlanMeeting Date: March 25, 2024 To: Community-Police Engagement Commission From: Sheila Cobian, Legislative & Constituent Services Director Staff Contact: Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director Kristina.ray@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2957 Subject: Community-Police Engagement Commission Work Plan District: All Recommended Action Review and discuss the draft Community-Police Engagement Commission Annual Work Plan. Background The Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that each city board and commission submit an annual work plan and a subsequent report of the board or commissions activities to the City Council. The work plan should include the activities that the board or commission anticipates undertaking in the coming year. The City Council will review, amend if necessary and approve the work plan. Discussion The purpose of the Community-Police Engagement Commission is to provide a cooperative and collaborative forum for the community and police leadership to learn and discuss the challenges of modern-day policing and provide a community perspective about public safety challenges. The commission will work collaboratively with the police chief to provide advice, support, and recommendations relating to current or newly considered policies and programs with an overarching goal of building trust and fostering strong police-community relations. During this meeting, commissioners will have an opportunity to review and discuss the draft work plan that was created based on Commission input at the Feb. 26, 2024, special meeting. At that meeting the Commission identified goals and tasks it would like to work on for the next 12 months to support its mission. Fiscal Analysis This action has no fiscal impact. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1.Draft 2024-25 Community-Police Engagement Commission Work Plan COMMUNITY-POLICE ENGAGEMENT COMMISSION March 25, 2024 Item #2 Page 1 of 5 Staff Report 1 City of Carlsbad Community-Police Engagement Commission Work Plan March 2024 – June 2025 I. Mission Statement The mission of the City of Carlsbad Community-Police Engagement Commission is to help maintain a safe environment in Carlsbad by promoting mutual understanding and trust between the Police Department and those it serves through an inclusive and respectful forum that fosters informed dialogue. For reference (this will not appear in the final work plan) The purpose of the commission is to provide a cooperative and collaborative forum for the community and police leadership to learn and discuss the challenges of modern-day policing and provide a community perspective about public safety challenges. The commission will work collaboratively with the police chief to provide advice, support, and recommendations relating to current or newly considered policies and programs with an overarching goal of building trust and fostering strong police-community relations. Key themes for mission from commissioners Transparency / trust Community perspective Enhanced communication, outreach Equable treatment Compassion /empathy Professional / integrity Encourage community engagement Innovative Champion Carlsbad and its Police Department Informed Respect II. Composition Consistent with Chapters 2.30 and Section 2.15.050(A) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Community-Police Engagement Commission shall consist of five members. The Mayor and each City Council member shall nominate one individual to serve for a term coinciding with the term of the Council member making the appointment. All nominations shall be subject to ratification by a majority vote of the City Council. In addition, the City Council may consider the following additional criteria in appointing members to the commission: 1. A demonstrated ability to be open minded, impartial, objective, and unbiased 2. An absence of any real or perceived bias, prejudice, or conflict of interest 3. A record of community involvement 4. An ability to build constructive working relationships and communicate effectively with diverse groups 5. A demonstrated commitment to the purpose of the commission with an eye toward fostering positive police-community relationships 6. Attendance at the Carlsbad Citizens Police Academy Exhibit 1 March 25, 2024 Item #2 Page 2 of 5 2 Persons with ongoing litigation against the city related to police matters shall be ineligible to serve on the commission. In addition, current Carlsbad Police Department employees and their parents or children are ineligible to serve on the commission. (Ord. CS-441 § 3, 2022) III. March 2024 through June 2025 Goals & Tasks As a new commission the Community-Police Engagement Commission will focus on the following foundational goals and tasks during this first work plan period: Goal: Establish best practices for commission communication, deliberation and operations. Task 1: Commissioner preparation Identify any additional training and subject matter information that would benefit commission members, beyond what is identified in Section 2.30.040 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, which includes: A. Following appointment to the commission, members shall receive training on the following: 1. The authority and responsibilities associated with their role as a commission member; 2. City policies and legal requirements governing commission meetings; and 3. Carlsbad Police Department policies, procedures, and practices. B. In addition, as soon as reasonably practical, ideally within the first six months of their appointment, commission members shall attend or observe the following: 1. Police officer use of force training, including defensive tactics and scenario-based training; 2. Police officer implicit bias training; 3. Police officer training related to interaction with people in mental health crisis; 4. At least two ride-alongs with the Carlsbad Police Department, one of which should be with the Homeless Outreach Team; and 5. A presentation from the city’s homeless services coordinator. (Ord. CS-441 § 3, 2022) Among the ideas that could be considered are: • Overview of trends affecting law enforcement in Carlsbad • Understanding how the Police Department uses data and technology • Training to recognize implicit bias • Training in fostering civility at public meetings • Literature review of best practices from other commissions • Monitor City Council presentations involving the Police Department Task 2: Meeting topics Identify any regular or reoccurring agenda items that would help commissioners carry out their mission, beyond what is included in Section 2.30.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, which states: March 25, 2024 Item #2 Page 3 of 5 3 Each Regular Meeting shall include an item allowing the police chief or designee to provide a Police Department update, including a report on any notable past or upcoming events the Police Department is planning for and relevant data, such as crime analysis and police response data. (Ord. CS-441 § 3, 2022) Among the ideas that could be considered are: • Update on the Police Department’s recent and upcoming community engagement activities • New policies and policy changes under consideration • Divisions in depth: understanding how various department functions operate • Community input sharing (report on what community input commissioners have gathered since the last meeting) • Results of bi-annual resident survey • Critical incident reviews • Overview of new legislation affecting law enforcement in Carlsbad • Department success stories • Meet new and newly promoted department leaders Goal: Build deep understanding of community perspectives and interests Task 1: Community data review Review census data to learn about city demographics and their geographic distribution within the city. Task 2: Community group identification/gap analysis Review list of organizations the Police Department has engaged with over the past two years and identify any additional groups, formal or informal, that may reach new segments of the community or be under-represented. Task 3: Engagement ride-alongs Attend up to three community engagement events planned by the Police Department, such as school visits, presentations to business groups, Coffee with a Cop events and neighborhood meetings. Observe and report back to the commission on insights gathered. Task 4: Commission meetings Encourage groups and individuals to attend and provide input at commission meetings or to watch meeting videos to learn about the work of the Carlsbad Police Department. Task 5: Resident survey Provide input on questions for consideration and receive a comprehensive report on the results of the Department’s new resident survey, launching in 2024. March 25, 2024 Item #2 Page 4 of 5 4 Goal: Share information with the broader community. Task 1: Share meeting videos and city news summaries Identify topics and agenda items that would be most of interest to the community and request that city staff share a summary and video link through its communication channels, as time and resources permit. Share links within the commissioners’ own communication channels (emails to friends, posting on social media, etc.). March 25, 2024 Item #2 Page 5 of 5 Community-Police Engagement Commission Work Plan Kristina Ray, facilitator March 25, 2024 {city of Carlsbad Review and discuss the draft Community-Police Engagement Commission Annual Work Plan Recommended Action ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN Perwn> with 01111uinK litii!;~lion <ll!~in>I Lhe Cily ,.,l~t,:d lu ~i,e m~ller, ,h.,11 ti., im:liKil>le IO ,erve on tt,., commission. In addition, currMI Carlsbad Police D,,partrm,nt emplo~es and tt1..ir parMU or children are ineligible to serve on the commission. (Ord. CS-441 § 3, 2022) III.Much2024throughJune20lSGoals&Tasks As a new commission the Community-Police Engagement Commission will locus on the followingfoundatlonalgoalsandtasksdurlngthlsfirstworkplanperlod: Goal: Estilbl!sh best practices for commission communkatlon, dellbefatlon and operations. Taskl:Commlssionerpreparat!on Identify ;iny additional training and ,ubject matter Information that would benefit commission members, beyond what Is Identified In Section 2.30.040 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. which A. Following awointrm,nt to the commission, members shall receive training on the following: 1. Theauthorityandre,ponsibilltiesassociatedwithtt1..irrolea,acommission member; 2. City policil!'. and legal requirements gow,rningcommission meetings; and 3.carlsbadPoliceD,,partrTH!ntpolicles,procedures,andpractices. B. lnadditlon,assoonureas.onablypractlcal,ldeallywithlntheflrstsllmonthsoftl,.,ir appointment, commission members shall attend or observe the following 1. Pollceofficeruseofforcetralning,lndudingdefensivetacticsandscenario-based training: 2. Policeofficerimplicitblastraining; 3. Policeofficertrainingrelatedtointeractionwithpeo~elnmentalt,.,althcrisis; 4. At lent two ride-aiongs with the Carl~lld Police D,,partment, one of which should bewiththeHomelessOutreachTeam:and S. Apresentationfromthecity'shomelessservicescoordinator.(Ord.CS-441§3, 2022) Amongtt1..ideasthatcouldbecon,ideredare: OVervlewoftrendsaffectlnglawenforcementlncarlsbad UnderstandinghowthePoliceOepartrl"H!'ntusesdataandtechnologv Trainingtorecognileimplkitbias • Tralninglnfosteringcivilityatpubl;cmeet;ngs • Literature review of best practices from other commissions • MonitorCityCoundp,esentationsin110lvingthePoliceDl,partment Task2:Meetlnglopks Identify any regular or reoc,;urring agenda items that would help commissioners carryout their mi,sion,beyondwhatisincludedinSection2.30.0SOoftt,.,CarlsbadMunicipalCode,which March2S,2024 2 Page3ofS Task2:Meetlngtopks ldentifyanyregularorreoc,;urringagendaitemsthiltwouldhelpcommlssionersc.irryoutthelr mission, beyond what is included In Section 2.30.0SO oltt,., Carlsbad Municipal Code, which {city of Carlsbad •The Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that each city board and commission submit an annual work plan and a subsequent report of the board or commissions activities to the City Council. •The work plan should include the activities that the board or commission anticipates undertaking in the coming year. •The City Council will review, amend if necessary and approve the work plan. Background ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN {city of Carlsbad ~,-ss16n jAAt'\ 3~<:,~ / UuAJ- LOmrnu.n~ {Jfl~s.~~/aJuD ln hcvt ~~ CoMm~ [~~ ~mQttf Com{Yl-M~ /em{P--iJrd ~wiJ?}c_n~ • Corn rn ~ llf1 :J "-<y-m.,,_;1-/ R.Y1 c,,~ JnnoUGt.~ c_ ha..mp ~ ~6~ "--Po J(l~~ OuJ-~ RespQ£__,t j0-_ s Ks -8N2ruY1 ti~ t: _ Cl sK the.. 6AASS --&,ap a.n~~~/Carvnu.ri~~ --.s ta.J-w/ loa,ir.JJ. JY},un ' :s . ' --jQ.,(/ Chct,r,io,,,r th II., C&nmt bSlcrn -4<,oTu -Pt> Luo~ 1-<nl)W whN. m~~ l!o,,,,,i. a....__ _ l'.)d'to X~ow ll~'-' th~ -r1 C/4.tu~ bf:, Ct5w1~~ _ --PA-io~ ~-!; Cf> ~~Jin.is /~J.s -1-J~ rYlJut..n~::, rY)D.\.A., 06fcrJ ~ ~? _, -J-1 OlJ ~ ~ ~;u~? -Pnoc ~'t1~ .ens>·-~ _ P1U< u__~ ~ "&.o~w...ep -f!JIWf,~~t[""m i.n.L..u,~ Pl:::, &.w;stari-s •Embodies values and priorities •Broad overview of your purpose Mission Statement ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN {city of Carlsbad Purpose The purpose of the commission is to provide a cooperative and collaborative forum for the community and police leadership to learn and discuss the challenges of modern- day policing and provide a community perspective about public safety challenges. The commission will work collaboratively with the police chief to provide advice, support, and recommendations relating to current or newly considered policies and programs with an overarching goal of building trust and fostering strong police-community relations. ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN •Promote productive communication and interaction between the City of Carlsbad Police Department and community •Provide a forum for police leadership to inform the commission and public of police initiatives, challenges, and data relating to police activity •Educate the community and receive community feedback regarding policing standards and expectations •Create additional community access to public safety information •Recommend changes or improvements to Carlsbad Police Department policies, procedures or training •Review new or proposed Carlsbad Police Department programs to evaluate how those programs might impact the Carlsbad community, including disenfranchised and marginalized communities •Provide a forum for presentations by police leadership on matter that receive high media interest or come to the attention of the commission Duties ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN Your Mission ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN Transparency/ trust Community perspective Enhanced communication, outreach Equable treatment Compassion /empathy Professional / integrity Key Concepts/Themes Encourage community engagement Innovative Champion Carlsbad and its Police Department Informed Respect ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN The mission of the City of Carlsbad Community-Police Engagement Commission is to help maintain a safe environment in Carlsbad by promoting mutual understanding and trust between the Police Department and those it serves through an inclusive and respectful forum that fosters informed dialogue. Mission Statement The purpose of the commission is to provide a cooperative and collaborative forum for the community and police leadership to learn and discuss the challenges of modern-day policing and provide a community perspective about public safety challenges. The commission will work collaboratively with the police chief to provide advice, support, and recommendations relating to current or newly considered policies and programs with an overarching goal of building trust and fostering strong police-community relations. Purpose The mission of the City of Carlsbad Community-Police Engagement Commission is to promote mutual understanding and trust between the Police Department and community through an inclusive and respectful forum that fosters informed dialogue to carry out the duties delegated to the Commission by the Carlsbad City Council Mission Statement ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN Goals and Tasks What specifically would you like to do to carry out your duties in the next 15 months? ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN {city of Carlsbad •Promote productive communication and interaction between the City of Carlsbad Police Department and community •Provide a forum for police leadership to inform the commission and public of police initiatives, challenges, and data relating to police activity •Educate the community and receive community feedback regarding policing standards and expectations •Create additional community access to public safety information •Recommend changes or improvements to Carlsbad Police Department policies, procedures or training •Review new or proposed Carlsbad Police Department programs to evaluate how those programs might impact the Carlsbad community, including disenfranchised and marginalized communities •Provide a forum for presentations by police leadership on matters that receive high media interest or come to the attention of the commission Duties ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN Goal 1: Establish best practices for commission training, communication, deliberation and operations. Task 1: Complete mandated training Task 2: Identify any additional training and information that would benefit commission members Task 3: Identify other Commissions’ Best Practices for CPEC Review Task 4: Establish guidelines for the review of policy, procedures and practices Task 5: Develop and Maintain an Ongoing Prioritized List of Future Meeting Topics Task 6: Establish an Effective Forum for Information Exchange Between the Police Department and the Community ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN Goal 2: Raise Awareness in the Community of the Commission and the Opportunity it Provides to Engage and Learn Task 1: Share meeting videos and city news summaries Identify topics and agenda items that would be most of interest to the community and request that city staff share a summary and video link through its communication channels, as time and resources permit. Share links within the commissioners’ own communication channels (emails to friends, posting on social media, etc.) ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN Double Check …ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN ~1-ss16n j/ViJ'\ <:,~L'& / Ucc,J- l.,Omrn u_,n~ ,Pflt:~~~/ aJuD ln hcvt Q.R.J CoM/11~ [~e&_ ~mQrJ- Com(YiA-0~ /em~iJid ~wiJ?) <-n~ • Corn rn ~ ill1J "-'J'-"'<u/ ,m eo~ Jnnov~~ c_ ha.mp ~ ~bu» "--Po Jr1fJo1vn~ OuJ-~ Resp(£_,t j0-_sKs-k>N2o..rv1(i~c _ Cl 5,/;' the.. 6AD..SS ---&,apcvi~~~/um,na,,~f.D<JflS ---.s teu.J-w/ lc,t:JJl<Jl /Y],un . s . . __ j~(/ CJ,a.mk:.zr the., l&nmt i>Slon .i✓,w>Tu _ Pt) Luo<,.Qf /L,nz,w whu m~~ ~-~ _ _() U 1:7) /,{ /'I Ot..J /l 12,.:> CJi ~ -r1 CL~ b/J L6)y/~4,_ . --PA-io~ !M:it ~ °1'1-'1'2..o...~5 /~J.s -J.,{~ f'Y1u1vt':)~ rY!ll"-'..06'fcnt::h&i ~7 _, -l-1olJ ~0~,'U<l..°:' -Pnoc W6"t.,~ .en~/>'--~ -PtU< t<..~~ "~~w...ep _ 6~~~&-n,, i.n£..v,~ P~ &.w;s~ More public participation Tapping into connections Help w/ survey Stakeholders are satisfied w/ commission Forum for info. exchange Engagement Process for policies (existing or new) Less discomfort, increased PD trust Identify marginalized communities Understand vision for the commission Be curious about the potential barriers to trust Best practices for commission Celebrating positive outcomes PD community events Ask the Brass Gap analysis/ Community groups Tell Chamber the commission exists PD would know where marginalized communities are Get to know new Chief Nature of complaints Prioritize list of agenda items trends Hold meetings more often than quarterly? How aggressive? Pilot testing for engagement Pick a few things + do them wall Brief presentation from individual PA divisions Double Check …ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN Motion to approve work plan OR Request additional changes and consider at next meeting Present to the City Council Next Steps ITEM 2: COMMISSION WORK PLAN {city of Carlsbad