HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-24; Library Board of Trustees; ; Semi-Annual Donation Report Jan. 24, 2024 Item #4 1 of 2 Meeting Date: Jan. 24, 2024 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Debbie Jo McCool, Management Analyst Staff Contact: Debbie Jo McCool, Management Analyst debbiejo.mccool@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2012 Subject: Semi-Annual Donation Report District: All Recommended Action Receive the Semi-Annual Donation Report for the first six months of FY 2023-24. Executive Summary Management Analyst Debbie Jo McCool will present the library’s semi-annual donation report for the first half of FY 2023-24 (July to December 2023). The report identifies monetary donations deposited into the library’s gifts & bequests special revenue fund and general fund, designated donation requests, and donation activity over time. Explanation & Analysis None. Fiscal Analysis The donations for this reported period augment the Library & Cultural Arts department's operating budget, allowing the purchase of library materials and the continuation of library programs and services for the community that otherwise might not be possible. Next Steps None. Environmental Evaluation This item does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. Semi-Annual Library Donation Report LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff Report Donations Received - July 1 to Dec. 31, 2023 Value Category Amount Contributors $.01 - $99 $46.84 10 $100 - $249 $550.00 4 $250 - $499 -- $500 - $999 -- $1000 - $4,999 $3,999.00 3 > $5,000 $70,000.00 1 Totals: $74,595.84 18 Donation Designations Non-Specified:$1,246.84 Specified:$150.00 Children's library programs & services $70,000.00 Dove Library services - New library seating & large-print books $1,599.00 Genealogy - Support annual Find My Past subscription $1,400.00 Genealogy related subscriptions $200.00 Purchase books and Exploration HUB supplies $73,349.00 Total $74,595.84 1st Half of Fiscal Year FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 July $83.05 $141.24 $1,070.00 $555.00 $53.25 $0.00 August $343.27 $60.87 $50.00 $95.00 $105.00 $70,010.40 September $54.69 $269.16 $50.00 $55.00 $5,140.13 $100.00 October $861,735.16 $5,065.52 $250.00 $50.00 $51.00 $119.00 November $74.66 $131.63 $1,250.00 $51.00 $1,056.00 $3,002.00 December $2,883.92 $3,003.26 $3,350.00 $2,774.00 $5,189.00 $1,364.44 Total $865,174.75 $8,671.68 $6,020.00 $3,580.00 $11,594.38 $74,595.84 2nd Half of Fiscal Year Jan. to June 30 Totals $15,866.99 $50,460.22 $4,632.83 $3,471.09 $29,265.05 Annual Donation Totals $881,041.74 $59,131.90 $10,652.83 $7,051.09 $40,859.43 $74,595.84 Source: Finance Enterprise - L&CA (General Fund) & (Special Revenue - Library Gifts & Bequests) e.g. Friends of the Library, special trusts and endowments managed by Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation, and Cultural Arts special revenue accounts. Notes: FY 2018-19, Oct. 2018, Received one-time trust donation of $861,163.01 from the Rosemary Falkenstein Estate FY 2019-20, May 2020, Received one-time trust donation of $50,000 from the Frank S. Sutton Revocable Living Trust FY 2022-23, June 2023, Received final disbursement of $25,016.35 from the Rosemary Falkenstein Estate FY 2023-24, August 2023, Received one-time donation of $70,000 from George & Constance Krell 1/2/2024 Support agency donations are reported during budget period. City of Carlsbad Library Semi-Annual Library Donation Report Totals Fiscal Activity Exhibit 1 Jan. 24, 2024 Item #4 Page 2 of 2 (: City of Carlsbad Semi-Annual Library Donation Report Debbie Jo McCool, Management Analyst Library & Cultural Arts Department Jan. 24, 2024 1 CARLSBAD Cl 'TY LI RARY {city of Carlsbad PRESENTATION OVERVIEW •Report Specifics •Donations Received •Donation Designations •Comparison Over Time •Donation Recognition •Questions 2 ITEM 4: Library Donations {city of Carlsbad REPORT SPECIFICS •Includes monetary gifts with or without specific designations •Excludes annual donations from support organizations 3 ITEM 4: Library Donations {city of Carlsbad DONATIONS RECEIVED Value Ranges Range Totals # Contributors $.01 -$99 $ 46.84 10 $100 -$249 $ 550.00 4 $250 -$499 -- $500 -$999 -- $1,000 -$4,999 $ 3,999.00 3 >$5,000 $ 70,000.00 1 TOTALS $ 74,595.84 18 4 ITEM 4: Library Donations ( City of Carlsbad .00 DONATION DESIGNATIONS $ 1,246.84 – Non-Specified $73,349.00 – Specified 5 $74,595.84 ITEM 4: Library Donations $ 1,246.84 – Non-Specified $ 150.00 – Children’s programs & services $ 200.00 – Books & Exploration HUB supplies $ 2,999.00 – Genealogy services $70,000.00 – Seating & large-print books ~-- A ~---~ ®:____ --- 1 =-1 -(_-rcityof Carlsbad 6 ITEM 4: Library Donations Non-Specified DONATION DESIGNATIONS Tactile wall panels Portable sound system {city of Carlsbad 7 ITEM 4: Library Donations Specified DONATION DESIGNATIONS +29 Periodicals• • • find mypa~;.: by George and Constance Krell {city of Carlsbad COMPARISON OVER TIME Note: FY 2018-19, Oct. 2018, First installment of $861,163 of one-time donation of $886,179 from Rosemary Falkenstein Estate FY 2023-24, Aug. 2023, One-time $70,000 donation, George & Constance Krell 8 ITEM 4: Library Donations $867,500 $865,000 $865,175 $862,500 $860,000 $75,000 $72,500 $70,000 $67,500 $65,000 $12,500 $10,000 $7,500 $5,000 $2,500 0 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 July to December Yea r vs. Year Activity $6,020 $3,580 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $74,596 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 $0 July FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 July to December 2023 Monthly Activity $70,010 $100 $119 $3,002 -$1,364 August September October November December {city of Carlsbad DONATION RECOGNITION Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.08.100 “Delegation of authority to accept donations” <$5,000 •City Manager accepts donations on behalf of the city •Department staff will acknowledge and recognize the donors for their gifts •Donors will receive a thank you letter from department director •If requested, a bookplate will be placed in items purchased with a donation to celebrate a special occasion or remember a loved one •Donors can be recognized on the department’s webpage for donations >$250 (Bronze, Silver & Gold levels) >$5,000 •Includes all recognition as listed in above category •City Council acceptance through staff report/resolution •Optional –donor may receive public recognition at a City Council meeting 9 ITEM 4: Library Donations { City of Carlsbad LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS DONORS 10 ITEM 4: Library Donations Visit: https://library.carlsbadca.gov/our-library/support-us/library-donors Gold Level > $5,000 Silver Level = $1,000 - $4,999 Bronze Level = $250 - $999 {city of Carlsbad QUESTIONS Thank You 11 ITEM 4: Library Donations { City of Carlsbad SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS FY 2023-24 ANNUAL DONATIONS Organization Donation Amount Friends of the Carlsbad Library $65,000 Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation $105,000 Carlsbad Friends of the Arts $35,000 TOTAL $ 205,000 12 ITEM 4: Library Donations ( City of Carlsbad 13 WAYS TO SUPPORT THE LIBRARY Visit: https://library.carlsbadca.gov/our-library/support-us 14 (carlsbad c.,ry L1b1 a11 Our Library Read-Listen-View Programs Services En Espanol Q + Library Account + Using Our Library + Library Administration -Support Us & Volunteer Carlsbad Friends of the Arts Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation Friends of the Carlsbad Library North San Diego County Genealogical Society Library & Cultural Arts Donors Library Volunteer Program Our Library» Support Us & Volunteer Font Size: D ■ D Share & Bookmark .. Feedback ~ Print There are many ways you can support yo ur library and become involved with the library's mission: Support Organizations + Volunteer + Donate Materials + Donate Money + Special Gifts + Donations from Authors + CASH DONATIONS https://library.carlsbadca.gov/our-library/support-us 15 Donate Money - The lib rary accepts tax deduct ible donations to support li brary progra ms and se rv ices or pu rchase library ma terials. Donations may be made in t he foll owing ways : • PayPa l: The City of Carlsbad accepts cred it and debit ca rd donat ions through Pa yPa l's secu red website donation service. PayPa l wil l deduct 30c plus a 2.9% se rvice fee from eac h tra nsaction. • By cash: Cash donations ca n be made at any li brary facility. • By check: Donatiio ns made by check ca n be dropped off at any li brary facility or maiil ed d irect ly to t he Ca rlsbad City Liib rary at 1775 Dove Lane, Carl sbad, CA 92011. To make a gift through yo ur do nor advised fund or t rust, please contact you r fina ncial adviso r or trust ad miniistrator directly for details. Ca rlsbad City Lib rary is recog ni zed as a qualified cha ritable organiza t ion u nde r IRS Code Section 170(c)(1). All gifts are tax deduct ible to t he extent all owed by law. The city's tax ide nt ificat ion num be r fo r tax pu rposes is 95-6004793. Ca rlsbad City Lib rary accepts donations pe r City of Carllsbad Gift AcceP-ta nce and Recog ni tion Policy.._ SPECIAL GIFTS DONATIONS https://library.carlsbadca.gov/our-library/support-us 16 Specia I Gifts - Monetary donations may a lso be used to ce lebrate a specia l occasiion or re member a loved one. If req uested, a spec ial boo kplate wil l be placed i1n all items purchased with you r donation. (Pav.Pa l donors: t here is a smal l text box if yo u wou ld liike to direct your donation or be co ntacted for additional detaiil.) Let t he library know: • A general description of what to buy such as children's books, fiction, nonfiction, CDs, DVDs o r audiobooks, e-books, etc. • If the donated item(s) shou Id go to Dove Library, Cole Lib rary or the Library Learning Ce nter • If the donation iis in memory or in celebration of so meone • Donor co ntact information inc luding name, add ress a nd phone numbe r {or email address if throug h PayPal). Car lsbad City Library accepts donations per City: of Ca rll sbad Gift AcceP-ta nce and Recog ni tion Po licy_.