HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 2018-0005; VILLAGE WALK; MEMORANDUM RESPONSE, THIRD PARTY REVIEW; 2018-10-15717 7 G E 0 C 0 N S U L T A N T S 310. 968. 2999 stratatech(ED yahoo. corn October 15, 2018 W.O. 284018 TMS Highland Investments 8, LLC Tony Sfreddo 29250 Paseo Sedano San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 tsfreddo(iicloud.com Subject: Memorandum Response , Third Party Review (Sept 11, 201 8),Proposed 8 Townhouse Development, "Village Walk", 341-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California. Ref: 1. STRATA-TECH, Inc.; Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, Proposed 8 Townhouse Developments, 341-347 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California. January 18, 2018 2. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC.; Third Party Review, Proposed 8 Townhouse House Development, 341-3-47 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California, September 11, 2018 Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request and authorization, Strata-Tech, Inc., has prepared this response to reference (2). The comments will be presented in numerical sequence followed by our response: 1. The Consultant should review the project grading, improvement, and foundation plans, provide any additional geotecimical recommendations considered necessary, and confirm that the plans have been prepared in accordance with the geotecimicat recommendations. 1920 Pacific Avenue, #16060, Long Beach, CA 90806 STRATA-TECH,INC. U EDCDN S U LTANTS TMS Highland Investments, LLC 2 W. 0. 284018 GRS Response October 15, 2018 Response; Strata-tech, Inc. has reviewed the grading plans provided by the Civil for the project on 10-10- 2018. The grading plan is used here to plot geotechnical data from reference (1). It appears the plans are consistent with the geoteclmical recommendations from Strata-Tech, inc. The Consultant should provide a more detailed description of proposed development including grading, 3tru0ture5firnpr0verneat3, drainage, use, foundation type, estimated structural loads, etc. Response; The proposed development is an 8-unit townhouse project on a single lot. The approach is to grade the site after demolition of the existing structures and clearing the land. Grading will for the most part consist of excavation for the building pad and semi-subterranean parking (see grading plans) Scarification and compaction of the exposed excavation bottom shall be performed due to disturbances caused by the excavation process. Retaining walls are planned and shoring will be employec where adjacent structures are potentially undermined. Existing property line masonry walls not being removed shall be surveyed and a photo log made before any excavation or demolition commences. Attached find shoring design parameter calculations. The building will be supported on continuous footings as described in reference(1) structural loads are anticipated to to be on the order of 3kips/lineal ft for wall loads and 30kips for columns. The Consultant should provide a geotechnicaI map/plot plan utilizing the latest grading plan for the project to clearly show (at a minimum) a) existing site topography, b) proposed stmoth Wimprowernents c) proposed finished grades, and d) locations of The subsuthice exploration. STRATA - TECH,INC. ED C ON S U LTA NT S TMS Highland Investments, LLC 3 W. 0. 284018 GRS Response October 15, 2018 Response; See response one and attached geotechnical plot plan. 4. The Consultant should provide a discussion of regional geologic conditions and a general description of regional and local fhultin& Response; Regional Geology of San Diego County is divided into three distinct geologic areas: the Coastal Plain region, Peninsular Ranges region, and Salton Trough region. "The Coastal Plain region includes most of western San Diego County and consists primarily of Mesozoic crystalline rocks underlain by marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks. In this region, drastic land and sea fluctuations have preserved ancient marine rocks up to elevations around 900 feet and ancient river deposits up to 1,200 feet. The Peninsular Ranges region includes much of eastern San Diego County and consists primarily of plutonic rocks that formed from the cooling of molten magmas deep within the Earth's crust between 140 and 90 million years ago. Other sediments are now preserved in this region as marbles, slates, schist, quartzites, and gneiss deposits. The Salton Trough or Colorado Desert region includes the eastern third of San Diego County and is characterized by late Miocene-aged marine sedimentary rocks and Pleistocene- aged stream and playa lake deposits (Demérd n.d.). Locally Carlsbad is within the coastal portion of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province, a region characterized by northwest-trending structural blocks and intervening fault zones. Typical lithologies in the Peninsular Ranges include a variety of igneous, intrusive rocks associated with the Cretaceous-age (between approximately 65 and 135 million years old) Southern California Batholith (a large igneous intrusive body). In western San Diego County, batholithic rocks are often intruded into Jurassic-age (between approximately 135 and 195 million years old) metavolcanic and/or metasedimentary units, with these basement rocks locally overlain by Tertiary-age (between approximately 2 and 65 million years old) marine and non-marine sedimentary strata. Tertiary rocks in the western portion of the county are associated primarily with a number of sea level advance and retreat cycles over approximately the last 55 million years, including sedimentary units in Carlsbad and vicinity as described below. Topographically, the Peninsular Ranges Province is composed of generally parallel ranges of steep-sloping hills and mountains separated by alluvial valleys. More recent uplift and erosion has produced the characteristic canyon and mesa topography present today in western San Diego County, as well as the deposition of surficial materials including Quaternary-age (less S STRATA - TECH,INC. GE DC ON S U LTA NT S TIvIS Highland Investments, LLC 4 W. 0. 284018 GRS Response October 15, 2018 than approximately two million years old) alluvium, colluvium and topsoil. The geology in the Oceanside Quadrangle, in which the city is located. There are no active faults that run directly through Carlsbad. Additionally, the California Geological Survey does not include Carlsbad on its list of cities affected by Alquist—Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones. The nearest fault to the city is the Newport—Inglewood—Rose Canyon Fault, which runs offshore of the western edge of the city and is considered active .2 Other faults in the region include the Coronado Bank, La Nacion, Elsinore, Agua Caliente, and San Jacinto. Fault activity has the potential to result in ground shaking, which can be of varying intensity depending on the intensity of earthquake activity, proximity to that activity, and local soils and geology conditions. Carlsbad is located within a seismically active region, and earthquakes have the potential to cause ground shaking of significant magnitude. Although located near fault lines, Carlsbad lies within a medium-low probabilistic peak ground acceleration zone. Historic documents record that an earthquake centered either on the Rose Canyon or Coronado Bank faults struck San Diego on May 27, 1862, damaging buildings in Old Town and causing ground rupture near the San Diego River mouth. This earthquake is believed to have had a magnitude of about 6.0 based on descriptions of the damage it caused. The strongest recorded earthquake in the San Diego area was a magnitude of 5.3 on the Richter scale that struck on July 13, 1986, on the Coronado Bank fault, 25 miles offshore of Solana Beach. There have been several moderate earthquakes recorded within the Rose Canyon Fault Zone as well. On June 17, 1985, three earthquakes hit San Diego measuring 3.9, 4.0, and 3.9, respectively, and on October 28, 1986, a stronger earthquake with a magnitude of 4.7 occurred. 5. The Consultant should address the potential for site geologic hazards including: liquefaction, fault rupture, and tsunami potential. Response; Liquefaction, fault rupture and tsunami potential for this site are considered improbable. The site is located about 46' above sea level and separated from the ocean by a sea cliff and approximately a quarter mile inland from the sea cliff. A tsunami however credibly large is not likely to affect the site. Fault rupture for the site is also extremely remote given the absence of active faulting in City of Carlsbad. STRATA - TECH,INC. GE DC ON S U LTA NT S TMS Highland Investments, LLC 5 W. 0. 284018 GRS Response October 15, 2018 Liquefaction is also of very low potential. The site is underlain by shallow beach/dune sands resting on bedrock. The local gradient is east toward the railroad line and the tributary area between the sea bluff and project is small so the likelihood of a freatic surface developing beneath the site is very low so, liquefaction is not a significant concern. Historically, seismic shaking levels in the San Diego region, including Carlsbad, have not been sufficient enough to trigger liquefaction. The city has a low liquefaction risk; however, there are areas of the city that have a higher risk of liquefaction due to the presence of hydraulic soils or soils that are often saturated or characteristic of wetlands. These areas are limited to the immediate vicinity of the Buena Vista, Agua Hedionda, and Batiquitos lagoons. 6, The Consultant should provide the soil/bedrock descriptions (fill, teiace deposits, bedrock) and contact depths on the Record of Subsurface Exploration logs. Response; Refer to the attached revised test-pit logs. The Consultant should claiy the total depth of TP-2 (124eet stated in the text; IS. feet stated on the Record of Subsurface Exploration). Response; The actual depth explored is 15 feet. The Consultant should provide the appropriate laboratory test standards used for the shear strength and moisture-density testing reported. Response; Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture (ASTM: D-1557) Expansion Index (ASTM: D-4829) STRATA - TEC H,I NC. GE DC ON SULTAN TB TMS Highland Investments, LLC 6 W. 0. 284018 GRS Response October 15, 2018 Direct Shear (ASTM: D-3080) Soluble Sulfates per (CT.4 17) Soluble chlorides per (CT.422) Mm. Resistivity. per (CT.642) The Consultant should provide the results of the expansion testing discussed in the report. Response; TP-1 @3'; El = 12 Tp-2@7'; El= 2 The Consultant should provide zcoinmendaiions for temporary excavations from a geotechnical standpoint. Response; Section F-F, sheet 3of grading plan identifies a condition requiring temporary support of an adjacent property line wall retaining a small amount of fill. Attached please find temporary stability, shoring design parameters. Soldier pile calculations are presented here. The Consultant should provide a statement as to the impact of The proposed grading and construction on adjacent properties. Response; It is the opinion of the undersigned, a duly registered engineer, based upon our work as outlined in the referenced report and in those referenced by it, that if constructed in accordance with our recommendations and properly maintained, (1) the proposed structure(s) will be safe against hazard from landslide, settlement, or slippage, and that (2) the proposed building or grading construction will have no adverse effect on the geologic stability of property outside of the building site. The nature and extent of tests conducted for purposes of this declaration are, in the opinion of the undersigned, in S STRATA - TECH,IN. GE DCC N S LTA NT S TMS Highland Investments, LLC 7 W. 0. 284018 GRS Response OctoDer 15, 2018 conformance with generally accepted practice in the area. Test findings and statements of professional opinion do not constitute a guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied. 12. The Consultant should ipdate/niodify the 8ei3mic design cxitia to reflect the 2016 California Building Code and 1nc.ude the Seismic Design Category. Response; Oak Ave Latitude 33i57°N, Longitude 117.349°W Location eDr La€unD ( ° > ' .. -41 . Reference Document 2015 NEHRP Provisions Site Class D (defauLt): Stiff Soil Risk Category 1 o II or III Leaflet 5s =1.090g 5MS = 1.308g SDS = 0.872g Si = 0.394 g SM1 = 0.750 g' SD1 = 0.500 g1 PGA O.482g PGAM = FPGAPGA = 1.200 x 0.482 = 0.578 g STRATA - TECH,INC. O ED CONS U LTA NT S TMS Highland Investments, LLC 8 W. 0. 284018 GRS Response October 15, 2018 The Consultant should provide building slab thickness, minimum reinforcement and stab undarlayment recommendations from a geotechnical standpoint. Response; A 4 inch slab shall be cast on 2" inches of clean sand (no fines) over lOmil visqueen over Min of 3" clean Y4 gravel washed no fines. The Consultant should provide a statement as to whet the foundation and slab recommendations are consistent with the requirements of Section 1808,6 (expansive soils) of the 2016 California Building Code. Response; The onsite soils are non plastic granular and Very low expansive. The foundations as contemplated are consistent with the requirements of sec. 1808.6 of the 2016 CBC. The Consultant should pro'vidc it list of recommen3ed geotechnical observations and testing during grading and construction. Response; SUPPLEMENTAL CONSULTING During construction, a number of reviews by this office are recommended to verify site geotechnical conditions and conformance with the intentions of the recommendations for construction. Although not all possible geotechnical observation and testing services are required by the City of Los Angeles. The following site reviews are advised, some of which will probably be required by the City: Foundation excavation review for retaining walls Required Reinforcement placement for all foundations Advised Pre-saturation checks for all concrete flatwork Required Drainage and rock placement behind retaining walls Required Backfill compaction behind retaining walls Required STRATA - TECH,INC. G £0 CON S U LTA NT S TMS Highland Investments, LLC W. 0. 284018 GRS Response October 15, 2018 16. The Consultant should provide the results of soluble sulfate testing and provide reeommendations for concrete soluble sulfate eqosure mitigation, if necessary, or assume severe soluble sulfates. Response; See attached test results. Site soils are moderately corrosive to metals which should be wrapped. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the Architects and Engineers for the project and incorporated into the plans and that the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractors and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. This report is subject to review by the controlling authorities for this project. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Respectfully submitted, STRATA-TECH, INC. Roland Acuña, PG Larry Finley, PE CEG 2113 RCE 46606 President STRATA - TEC H,INC. U ED C ON SULTAN TB TMS Highland Investments, LLC 10 W. 0. 284018 GRS Response October 15, 2018 Enclosures: Plate 2: Site Plan and Boring Location Map Test Boring Logs Shoring and soldier pile calculation jaw-- rdwI 1C,y I?tt 703-700001uzaw.uooi col t L. 1. vc. 7e5/ I' V IL, I 2-IUP 00 00 PC= 006t1 RL 00403 M MM LCM T 001 440 000T 4 f I MhT 1.0 I067 6(00.00 IOTEIl P WC104& 0(104.501 0041 66010 Mall $0LY 44 M AdjW 4 _ EEEE RIF -- -- -- ,A. j$•. 1 •• - 1 L - .•,....•.•• .-1 441400il4 04.44 4$J.J .• Y 60040 MET OEM QRAPHW SCA Ini,o 07003 ou krIJLJL..J l0&IWOIoz I I FME XUPS 00g. EE 400J60D J 0 0 WASHINGTON ST PF two', H I I I I - 4 I - 1 111 r •f'i H1 I Hi II. 15 I- - UT i.r Al 0 • I I.....'t-- I. Z[.!-I L) 4.' •- 'IlPI ..... r - . ErS 0001 1044 .1 RmDa RU. 703-260 fl 7L 7.40 alL 1*00 aa tw nTnit-n) 00.4r -c-1 \ D'- WT -I TGRAGES IIl2 I WWA----- I14, 12 ' f LOT 1 I I IP4c4.4. V -/' uNIT 2 -ma-.4 L UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNII 8 ,. I F1 FLOOR LE5L .1 6I.WT I i7IP Q€R C44RAS I III49flI 4o • .o r-4 t GEOTECHNICAL PLAN °\ r MP 1 FOR" u1 PLO VEW 0 6100061 K- BOTTOMLMS ThDH DRAM w.o. 284018 RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION — - Date Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Co . A CL 341-347 Oak ave CL Carlsbad, California Work Order 284018 Test Pit No. 1 U B Description of Earth Materials 0— Fill: Orange-Brown, fn sand - Residual Soil/Terrace: Orange-brown , fn-med Sand ,w/trace of clay, dry I 2 3.2 113 - 6 - Orange-tan, fn-med , silty sand, dry 8- Bottom at 8 Feet. No Ground Water. No Cavino - RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Date 1/0/1900 Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Co !E. CL 341-347 Oak ave cc Carlsbad, California Work Order 284018 Test Pit No. 2 U — B — Description of Earth Materials Fill: - Brown, Silty Sand w/ Roots Terrace: Orange-Brown, fn-med, Sand , dry 7.2 114.1 - • 9.1 113.9 10 Yellow-Tan Sand, Dense, damp • 15 Bottom at 15 Feet. No Ground Water. No Caving. STRATA - TECH, INC. ANAHEIM TEST LAB, INC 196 Technology Drive, Unit D Irvine, CA 92618 PHONE (949)336-6544 Strata-Tech, Inc. 1920 Pacific Ave., #16060 Long Beach, CA 90806 DATE: 10/15/18 P.O. NO: Verbal LAB NO: C-2327 SPECIFICATION: CTM-41 7/422/643 MATERIAL: Sand Project: Oak Street Carlsbad, CA ANALYTICAL REPORT CORROSION SERIES SUMMARY OF DATA pH SOLUBLE SULFATES SOLUBLE CHLORIDES MIN. RESISTIVITY per CT. 417 per CT. 422 per CT. 643 ppm ppm ohm-cm 7.1 37 24 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED WES BRIDGER CHEMIST EARTHWORK QUANTITIES REF. DRAWINGS DOG 150-5. 05,) 002-1, (0(0 030-7 ABBREVIATION TU I. 07 71(70 11 07.06 USC IN - OF NEIANANO w.1 IF TENR OF FOOING 11 ((1801(0 1(000 (0 7(1970 50200 CF Cull (576 RAA __ NET 0 PSI ANGlO FOOT BENCH MARK j 070607 TO 60 0050 CITY OF OCEANSIDE 100*5002 4502 0*070 0005170 00 00S(017001 U" *LL 9(6 AND 7176 007001 700001 'S *070170 0*1 4001(08001008000 0601606.61.9070 00011 SF0500.0 0. - 0I02009I04*7* 0*0000(000 1,07(0000570000011600*00 551%00 2 0601010909 .t. 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AS BUILT" 2(066 ONO/UCIELRKO : 7050 01-74.7)00 0 7*8. IMS HIGHLAND INVESTMENTS 8. LLC C.P.-51107 SCE 7(105 51)173 65 so. .900 C00570057 CA 02575 0(9)10(0 00 66* 0,701. 900170 705 LI. 1774 lOST) 007-0000 7610(7100 SATE ICITY OFCARBADr17 SEE ECTIL WET 3 .'s - -21 I II __ - - - :onoonc P0.0110 *0(0 VILLAGE WALK - I j - 100.07000(5 341-341 007 *00 009507. CARLSBAD. CA 52 __16"_____ 71000090:0101,09 I NEENK-a 06(5/10/1_0117 I ' __CT2070-ON 60040210 I0C7.YSOOS OESCOIPUOI* 0570 40060 WASHINGTON ST LET FE HYCRANT Ii t I E- coccpnIccN Em II (llloltcr F IF) I • II FIAT IEEE 9I•' FFA1 . 'Ht I iU IF FE FE 1FF LIT 11111 F-I rI-._- H I, K IT I1IEOEO IAF1\ -UK FM 1 PLAN VIEW EXIST. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE FF10111 IAPN: 203-260-06 IEIC 111011111 11110-JOT FE 434100"k *,aiol 209.98. 2.14 61); 1~ LEVEL GARAGES DRIVEWAY LOT '11- ç L_' 1th9 _ 1 UNIT 4 !J5 I UNIT 6 1;c I UNIT 8 E1" 1*1 _C1 J 4&&V. ELEVATOR 11421 4X LEVEL 55.50 F 41r: 4. _ I /TO - B 75 E.P. RE 2PIXT "OT 8' 10 4'— DRIVE WOnLE 4Ii F100XII YARD DRAWINLETDETAIL I GRAPHIC SCALE SNLFSK\ LINCOLN AVE LL EESL WLEXNG j (011011 FIRE SPRINKLERS WILL BE REQUIRED I I 110 - 0 I 11(111 CITY OF CARlSBAD WALK —I-- - —4— 100IFREIOF.TES DIF VILLAGE 301-347 001 ATIUE. CUIN11810. CA 02008 DIMS _______________________ 1101100110 UFSW 0117051 CON1JIFANTS._VKC _._ 1100002FF000301511211111 Ff55/11 00111 L:i.Ls. SIll iJ 011 1111 JU. FF00101 SO [2WSISI600 SEIUSION DESCRIPTION FLIT 0112101 011 Sl01 Ii - __CT 2018-05 __- -----a 111 lU :. ij 'JI BASIN DETAL PA : .' 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ISSOA 007470,7118 00*019 55.15005118 0*05104051 0.850501 50005 0,0 00. Is 9154y 595 10 045410(007. 0414 1 200-200-0 (859010*5 7710121 10 57000 64 IV? 01104111 (5510 450,0 001075 008914 9000000007199 7501004570050 070 000547151051 157)0097 (1)4204(05717 9(09 025055545? 990(0095(84070) 04?lS5'015191115110. A-- AM 10 04007/5 (57(501 0020116541 100/150 7150 44075009840E 904070950/OS 45 910701? 000 10A- 770, 44080- ._ 9' 7900145790(7051(1.0710 P0.45110740) 0IS0(2)0007P0 Al 010 414* 00(4) 0.004107115 0050110500090 94501005 1551004 5741cr 00590)0)1 0*0000559 90, (?44910?IE5012flI4905 1415 7577 00502(00 4015 0905(I( 009 99150 941 Or St OIl A,(2157049. 595? SF50009 ____ 04056505(/ 0,9405 51001507(1 (19557) PAIr 019051/ 5710(0'5 5901059(1*01001) 0211 ICI 119ADj 194529005 19040010'ON (1750 5110???) 0(42 VILLAGE WALK 0004991409 50(0401. CO.OLSSMD. CA 92500 DIM - ....... 9(7001(5 1001 91000S OJSTJITANTS. INC. 05 _______ - 0,1501100 DESCRIPTION 710190 50S9 455099) - 4907) ...... 00590 575 400545 005)) 15505577141104070 (907435145/70 V35] #0O*007f10O 05090000. CT 2058-05 - 0/010000 WASHINGTON ST N Tj AL04S A7- I EB fl IXIXNC( 4( #4.UI STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL 9 \\ J I EXIST SINGLE FAMLY RESIDENCE 049 203-260-06 - LS I 46(046 • 0IO06r uza 3001j (446 ,-06r ~Tl 4I1WST IIIII t7 ij 111 - 4 r - - 06049X06I90C5I91 • *1 TIL G$5 Tin OJ I.-.--. •TH LoT 1RLA j1 I I ONWf 4 lixoV' 6 z V7N77 ;ALA UNIT 8 S' : 114 LEVEL LIBRAL ( 9S __b. __ (TWI 09 _ S II 0oIoXI60 J.06IT1t I - II0900046I6CDopC II 601 LWJJ_F033:4ry_ -' 0N0W06I DITSTING - _____ -- - - ,-• -• -, F. EM. w 00909iI1IJIi00WAI - I TYPICAL ITRAVFI RAG DETAIl SECTION_D-D ®_iEMORARY_ACRAMP NQ SILT —E 000 UaLIG SILT FENCE DETAIL fi - - COO 100)01 V_ALIGNMENTDETAIL 010 GRAVELBAG AT STORM DRAIN INLET DETAIL rN69iX49O5NX #4 SECTION A-A 0049 CXIX (60909 SECTION B-B 4900(496(04 (409 WAll I CONSTRUCTION NOTES 09(0009(4-&(4-IO( \\ 06140001(RACE. 49000101 (OS 00001 (COCOA SO-1) I LINCOLN AVE () (0091099590000960909(000(6009 #600000944000060949#DE1OIIOSYCEOI GRAPHIC SCALE A,WA1I tLA • CITY OF CARLSBAD 1- (00)50(60046 (4946146(1 ____________________________ —1— 69068 UMB 4940809 P0000IITTOO 90A4 ISYPPP VILLAGE WALK rowsolo,IGS 341-347 0400 0106600E. C4005.5800. CA 42000 -- CO4SU1.TAN1S._IJC. - - - ___________________ 901019)06 DESCRIFCIOIO __- 0(00 - - I 006908000 040000000WAOCS 9/COAl (000 00000 _Ai 960400100 CT2008-05